Novel Node Distribution Strategies in CoronaBased Wireless Sensor Networks Speaker : Huei-Wen Ferng (馮輝⽂文) Ph.D. Wireless Communication and Network Engineering (WCANE) Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Outline Introduction § Introduction of WSN and its issue § Research contributions Related Work § Non-uniform initial energy distribution § Mobile sinks § Energy-aware routing protocols § Energy-aware node distributions § Etc. Network Model and Definitions Analysis on the Non-Uniform Node Distribution Strategy § Optimal sensor node placement § Lower bound on the number of sensor nodes deployed in a corona § Energy depletion analysis § Balanced energy depletion analysis WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 2 Outline Proposed Solutions § Strategy I (for the non-uniform model) § Strategy II (for the uniform model) - Sensor node arrangement - Switch scheduling Performance Evaluation and Discussions § Reference scheme § Evaluation arrangement § Results and Discussions - Residual energy of each sensor node - Network lifetime - Total number of sensor nodes Conclusions WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 3 Introduction WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 4 Introduction Introduction of WSN and its issue § Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) - A wireless network formed by a large number of autonomous sensor devices to monitor physical conditions of an area of interest. § Applications of WSNs - Disaster relief, environment control, bio-diversity mapping, security system, etc. § WSN issues - Sensor nodes power source, e.g., battery-driven one, is limited. - Sensor nodes near the sink tend to die faster than sensor nodes farther away. Hence, once sensor nodes around the sink die, residual energy from sensor nodes farther away will be left unused. This problem is wellknown as energy-hole problem in WSNs. Is it possible to let all sensor nodes die simultaneously in a WSN? WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 5 Introduction Research contributions § Analyzed and solved the coverage problem in a corona-based WSN, giving the optimal node position within a corona and a lower bound for the number of nodes that should be deployed within a corona, § Shown that completely balanced energy depletion in a corona-based WSN is achievable under a specific sensor node distribution strategy, § Addressing corona-based WSN coverage, efficiency, and durability issues to propose - Strategy I which can balance the energy depletion among sensor nodes in a corona-based WSN, - Strategy II which efficiently uses sensor nodes with a simple node scheduling, providing the longest lifetime as compared to the other strategies in the literature. WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 6 Related Work WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 7 Related Work Non-uniform initial energy distribution Mobile sinks Energy-aware routing protocols Energy-aware node distributions WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 8 Network Model and Definitions WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 9 Network Model and Definitions Network Model R s s s s R so su su su su su A sensor node consumes Eelec + eps ⋅ dist α and Eelec to transmit and reNon-uniform 5-corona model Uniform 5-corona model § Network assumptions: ceive 1 bit of data, respectively. - Homogeneous initial energy for all sensor nodes ε > 0, but an unlimited amount of energy for the sink, - Each active node is required to generate and send L bits of data per unit time to the sink via multi-hop communication (e.g., data logging application), - Ideal MAC layer with no collisions and retransmission is assumed, - No data aggregation is considered. WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 10 Network Model and Definitions Definitions (1) Corona lifetime (measured in unit time or rounds) - The ratio of the total initial energy in corona Ci and the energy consumption per unit time in corona Ci denoted by Ei. (2) Network lifetime (measured in unit time or rounds) - The time interval from the very beginning of the network operation until the instant that the first node depletes its energy. If the energy consumption within the same corona is uniform, the network lifetime can then be determined by the shortest corona lifetime. (3) Balanced energy depletion - All sensor nodes in the network deplete their energy simultaneously. If the energy consumption within the same corona is uniform, then balanced energy depletion is achieved when all coronas have the same lifetime. WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 11 Analysis on the non-uniform node distribution strategy WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 12 Analysis on the non-uniform node distribution strategy Optimal sensor node placement Theorem 1: Assuming a corona model ( k , w1 ,K , wi ,K , wk ) with si , i = 1,K , k , denoting the sensor node sensing range in corona Ci and wi 2 ≤ si ≤ 2 (∑ i j =1 ) wj , the optimal position of a sensor node within corona Ci in order to have the maximum corona coverage is the position with distance biopt measured from the center of the corona, where biopt , i = 1,K , k satisfy the following conditions. opt 1 b opt i b WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 13 ⎧ w12 − s12 , ⎪ 3 = ⎨ ⎪⎩ s12 − w12 , = (∑ i −1 j =1 wj 2 ) (∑ + 2 w1 2 ≤ s1 ≤ w1 w1 < s1 ≤ 2 w1 i j =1 wj 2 ) −2 s 2 i , i = 2,K , k back Analysis on the non-uniform node distribution strategy Optimal sensor node placement bi + si y2 (bi ) ( 0, bi ) b1 + s1 y1 ( bi ) bi − si y1 ( b1 ) Ci ( 0, b1 ) C1 x1 (b1 ) w1 x1 (bi ) x2 ( bi ) (a) The innermost corona C1. WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 14 i −1 ∑ j =1 w j ∑ (b) Corona Ci , i = 2, K , k. i j =1 wj Analysis on the non-uniform node distribution strategy Lower bound on the number of sensor nodes deployed in a corona Corollary 1: The minimum number of sensor nodes that should be deployed in corona Ci in order to fully cover this corona is Nimin Ci ⎡ ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ 2π = ⎢ 2 ⎥ , 2 i opt 2 ⎢ 2 cos −1 ⎛⎜ (bi ) +(∑ j=1 w j ) − si ⎞⎟ ⎥ ⎢ ⎜ 2biopt ∑ ij=1 w j ⎟ ⎥ ⎝ ⎠ ⎥ ⎢ i = 1, ..., k ∑ θi i j =1 θi 2 opt i b si (a) Maximum angle of two adjacent nodes in corona Ci . WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 15 (1) wj si biopt (b) The representative triangle for Fig (a). back Analysis on the non-uniform node distribution strategy Energy depletion analysis Let N i , N ia and Ei denote the number of nodes, number of active nodes, and the energy consumed per unit time in corona Ci , respectively. In general, each corona energy consumption per unit time can be expressed as. ⎧ L ⎡ N a ( E + eps ⋅ d α ) + k N a ( 2 E + eps ⋅ d α )⎤ , i = 1, K , k − 1 ∑ j =i+1 j elec i elec i i ⎪ ⎦ Ei = ⎨ ⎣ i=k ⎪⎩ N ka L ( Eelec + eps ⋅ d kα ) , (2) The basic mode WSN operation sets all the nodes to be active; therefore, (2) can be rewritten as follows: ⎧ L ⎡ N ( E + eps ⋅ d α ) + k N ( 2 E + eps ⋅ d α )⎤ , i = 1, K , k − 1 ∑ i j elec i ⎪ ⎣ i elec j =i +1 B ⎦ Ei = ⎨ i=k ⎪⎩ N k L ( Eelec + eps ⋅ d kα ) , WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 16 (3) Analysis on the non-uniform node distribution strategy Energy depletion analysis In the case where only minimum number of nodes should be active to sense its surrounding area per round, then (2) can be rewritten as: ⎧ L ⎡ N min ( E + eps ⋅ d α ) + k N min ( 2 E + eps ⋅ d α )⎤ , i = 1, K , k − 1 ∑ elec i j elec i ⎪ ⎣ i j =i +1 M ⎦ (4) Ei = ⎨ i=k ⎪⎩ N kmin L ( Eelec + eps ⋅ d kα ) , where Nimin is calculated from Corollary 1 (see Corollary 1) WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 17 Analysis on the non-uniform node distribution strategy Balanced energy depletion analysis § Non-uniform model Theorem 2: If the number of active sensor nodes in coronas Ck −1 , K , C1 with transmission distance of d increases geometrically with a common ratio q (> 1) and there are N ka = N ka−1 ( q − 1) active sensor nodes in corona Ck with transmission distance of d o = ⎡ ⎣ coronas is achievable. 2 Eelec + qε d α ( q −1)ε 1 α ⎤ , balanced energy depletion among all ⎦ N5 N4 = ( q − 1) N5 do N3 = qN 4 d N 2 = qN3 N1 = qN 2 d d d Theorem 2 illustration. WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 18 Proof Analysis on the non-uniform node distribution strategy Balanced energy depletion analysis § Uniform model Corollary 2: The network can achieve balanced energy depletion if the number of sensor nodes in corona Ci ( i = 1, 2,…, k ) is set to i.e., Ni = ( ) Ei Ek ( )N Ei Ek min k N kmin , given Ei ( i = 1, 2, …, k ) and N kmin from (2) and (1), ( )N =( )N Ei Ek respectively, where Proof: Since N i Ei Ek min k min k is an integer. , we have N k = N kmin and i = 1, 2, K , k . Therefore, Ti = ε Ni Ei ε Ni Ei = εENkk , = εENjj = T j , i, j ∈ {1, 2, K , k }. With the homogeneous property operation for each sensor node in the same corona, uniform energy consumption for each sensor node in the same corona is obviously achievable. By Definition (3), the proof is completed. WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 19 , Proposed Solutions WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 20 Proposed Solutions Strategy I (for the non-uniform model) In order to meet the requirement of network radius R, the following equation must hold: ( k −1) w + wo = R d = cw, do = cwo ( k −1) d + do = cR From Theorem 2, the above equation can be rewritten as 1 α ⎡ 2 Eelec + q ⋅ eps ⋅ d ⎤ ( k − 1) d + ⎢ ⎥ = cR ( q − 1) eps ⎦ ⎣ α The above equation can be solved heuristically using the Bisection Method. After the value of d is determined, then the proposed strategy is used to adjust the transmission range of sensor nodes and number of sensor nodes to be deployed, respectively: ⎧ d , i = 1, 2,K , k − 1 di = ⎨ ⎩d o , i = k WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 21 ⎧ qNi +1 , i = 1, 2,K , k - 2 ⎪ Ni = ⎨( q − 1) N k , i = k − 1 ⎪ N min , i=k ⎩ k Proposed Solutions Strategy I (for the non-uniform model) Illustration (5-corona model) Calculate d and do (for example, using Bisection Method) Calculate N k = N min k and Ni , i = 1,…, k -1 using the geometric ratio. d = 94.09 and do =123.64 N5 = N5min = 19 and N 4 = 19 → N3 = 38 → N 2 = 76 → N1 = 152 Deploy sensor nodes according to the optimal position or any scheme constructing the q-ary tree. WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 22 Proposed Solutions Strategy I (for the non-uniform model) N5 = 19 N 4 = 19 N3 = 38 N2 = 76 N1 = 152 C5 do C4 d C3 d d d d d C2 C1 Non-uniform 5-corona model WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 23 d dd d d 2-ary tree dd d Proposed Solutions Strategy II (for the uniform model) § Sensor node arrangement - Each sensor node is deployed according to Theorem 1, except for the innermost corona, with the number of sensor nodes to be deployed follows: ) ( ⎧ ⎡ EiM N min ⎤ − ⎡ EiM N min ⎤ mod N min + N min I , i = 1, 2,K , k − 1 ⎪ ⎢ EkM k ⎥ ⎢ EkM k ⎥ i i A (5) Ni = ⎨ i=k ⎪⎩ N kmin , where, ⎧0, if ⎪ I A = ⎨ ⎪1, if ⎩ M ⎡ EiM N kmin ⎤ mod Nimin = 0 ⎢ Ek ⎥ M ⎡ EiM N kmin ⎤ mod Nimin ≠ 0 ⎢ Ek ⎥ back WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 24 Proposed Solutions Strategy II (for the uniform model) § Switch scheduling - To determine which sensor nodes need to sense its surrounding area WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 25 Proposed Solutions Strategy II (for the uniform model) § Switch scheduling properties • Within corona Ci ( i = 2, …, k ) , sensor nodes are deployed at the optimal positions with uniform distance of 2π biopt N i to each other. For corona C1 , sensor nodes are deployed at w1 2 , with uniform distance of π w1 N1 . N1min are also calculated via replacing biopt with w1 2 . Each sensor node are grouped according to their counteri value ranging from 1 to counteri max = Ni Nimin . • During the network operation, if counteri mod counteri max = 0, then the corresponding sensor node will sense its surrounding area and forward data. In the next round, each sensor node in the network increases its counter value by 1 in a cyclic manner (if the current counter value is counteri max then the next counter value is 1) and the same condition is checked again. WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 26 Proposed Solutions Strategy II (for the uniform model) Illustration (5-corona model) opt i Calculate b Calculate N min i using Theorem 1 b1opt = 50, b2opt = 122.47, b3opt = 234.52, b4opt = 339.116, and b5opt = 441.59 using Corollary 1 Calculate EiM using Eq. (4) N1min = 3, N 2min = 8, N3min = 11, N 4min = 15, and N5min = 19 E1M = 0.0051, E2M = 0.0047, E3M = 0.0040, E4M = 0.0029, and E5M = 0.0014 Calculate Ni using Eq. (5) N5 = N5min = 19, N 4 = 45, N3 = 66, N 2 = 72, N1 = 72 Deploy sensor nodes according to the optimal position, except for the innermost corona, with their counter values pre-programmed prior to the deployment. WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 27 Proposed Solutions Strategy II (for the uniform model) § Switch scheduling illustration 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 Counter values 1 3 Sensing node Not-sensing node Sink node counter2max = 3 counter1max = 2 WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 28 Performance Evaluation and Discussions WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 29 Performance Evaluation and Discussions Reference schemes § Wu’s scheme: each sensor nodes are deployed on a uniform model, constructing the q-ary tree with the number of sensor nodes follows: ⎧ qNi +1 , i = 1, 2,K , k - 2 ⎪ Ni = ⎨( q − 1) N k , i = k − 1 ⎪ N min , i=k ⎩ k § Uniform scheme: each sensor nodes are uniformly distributed over the uniform corona model. WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 30 Performance Evaluation and Discussions Evaluation arrangement WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 31 Performance Evaluation and Discussions Network arrangement 500 500 sensor nodes sink 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 -100 -100 -200 -200 -300 -300 -400 -400 -500 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 sensor nodes sink 500 (a) Wu’s scheme model -500 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 (b) Strategy I model N5 = 19, N 4 = 19, N3 = 38, N 2 = 76, and N1 = 152 N5 = 15, N 4 = 15, N3 = 30, N 2 = 60, and N1 = 120 du = 100 d = 94.0904, do = 123.6383 WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 32 Performance Evaluation and Discussions Network arrangement 500 500 sensor nodes sink 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 -100 -100 -200 -200 -300 -300 -400 -400 -500 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 sensor nodes sink 500 (c) Strategy II model -500 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 (d) Uniform scheme model N5 = 19, N 4 = 45, N3 = 66, N 2 = 72, and N1 = 72 N5 = 120, N 4 = 84, N3 = 64, N 2 = 36, and N1 = 12 du = 100 du = 100, grid length = 50 Go to formula WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 33 Performance Evaluation and Discussions Residual energy of each sensor node 0.5 Residual energy (in Joules) Residual energy (in Joules) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.4 0.3 All sensor nodes energy level < 0.0005 J 0.2 0.1 50 100 150 Node ID 200 250 300 0 (a) Wu’s scheme 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Node ID 160 180 200 220 240 (b) Strategy I Wu’s scheme Strategy I Strategy II Uniform scheme Var (Eresidual) 0.0049 3.29 x 10-8 0.0031 0.2367 Residual energy ratio 3.56 % 0.06 % 9.20 % 86.24 % WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 34 Performance Evaluation and Discussions Residual energy of each sensor node 0.5 Residual energy (in Joules) Residual energy (in Joules) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 50 100 150 Node ID 200 250 0 (c) Strategy II 50 100 150 Node ID 200 250 300 (d) Uniform scheme Wu’s scheme Strategy I Strategy II Uniform scheme Var (Eresidual) 0.0049 3.29 x 10-8 0.0031 0.2367 Residual energy ratio 3.56 % 0.06 % 9.20 % 86.24 % WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 35 Performance Evaluation and Discussions Residual energy of each sensor node 0.2 90 0.18 Residual energy ratio (in percentage) 80 Wu's scheme Strategy I Strategy II Uniform scheme 70 60 50 40 30 20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 10 0 Residual energy ratio (in percentage) 100 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 Network radius (in meters) 900 (a) Residual energy ratio for the four strategies 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 Network radius (in meters) 900 1000 (b) Residual energy ratio for Strategy I § As the network size grows larger, the cumulative sum of sensor nodes residual energy can not be neglected and will become larger, explaining the increasing trend of residual energy ratio for Strategy I. WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 36 Performance Evaluation and Discussions Network lifetime 8000 Network lifetime (in minutes) 7000 6000 § Remark 1: Although Wu’s scheme shows a stable network lifetime over the various network radii and the network lifetime of Strategy I decreases as the network radius increases, Strategy I still always outperforms Wu’s scheme. Wu's scheme Strategy I Strategy II Uniform scheme 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 Network radius (in meters) 900 1000 (a) Network lifetime VS. network radius. 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Wu’s scheme 3048 3048 3047 3047 3046 3045 3045 3044 Strategy I 3902 3666 3532 3445 3384 3339 3305 3277 Strategy II 6944 6944 6944 6944 6943 6944 6944 6944 Uniform scheme 596 337 208 151 109 84 68 54 WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 37 Performance Evaluation and Discussions Network lifetime 140 Improvement ratio (in percentage) 120 Strategy I Strategy II 100 80 60 40 20 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 Network radius (in meters) 900 1000 (b) Network lifetime improvement ratio over Wu’s scheme. 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Strategy I 28.01 % 20.28 % 15.92 % 13.06 % 11.10 % 9.66 % 8.54 % 7.65 % Strategy II 127.82 % 127.82 % 127.9 % 127.9 % 127.94 % 128.04 % 128.04 % 128.12 % WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 38 Performance Evaluation and Discussions Total number of sensor nodes 4 2 x 10 Wu's scheme Strategy I Strategy II Uniform scheme 1.8 Total number of sensor nodes 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 Network radius (in meters) 900 1000 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Wu’s scheme 44 120 304 704 1664 3840 8448 18944 Strategy I 40 96 240 576 1344 3072 6656 14848 Strategy II 65 144 274 440 676 1008 1403 1878 Uniform scheme 112 196 316 440 612 796 1008 1256 WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 39 Conclusions WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 40 Conclusions § The coverage problem for corona-based WSN is analyzed and solved, producing the optimal sensor node position and lower bound on the number of sensor nodes to be deployed. § Incorporating the coverage solutions, we propose two novel node distribution strategies, namely Strategy I and Strategy II, which aim to provide full WSN coverage, durable network lifetime, and efficient use of sensor nodes. § The impossibility of balanced energy depletion among sensor nodes in a coronabased WSN has been disproven by our Strategy I. § Addressing the efficiency use of sensor nodes and durability of network lifetime, Strategy II has been shown to achieve the longest network lifetime using as few sensor nodes as possible. § Strategy I is recommended to be used for small WSN area to achieve balanced energy depletion among sensor nodes. However, for a large WSN area (over 600 meter of network radius), Strategy I is not recommended due to the enormous number of sensor nodes to be used. § Strategy II is recommended to be used over any network radius, providing competitive durable network lifetime although the energy depletion is not completely balanced among sensor nodes. WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 41 Thank you for listening! WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 42 Proof of Theorem 1 Since Wu's scheme guarantees sub-balanced energy depletion among coronas C1 , K , Ck -1 , we only need to show the balanced energy depletion among coronas Ck −1 and Ck . With the transmission distance of sensor nodes in the outermost corona d o = ⎡ ⎣ ( q − 1) eps ⋅ doα = 2 Eelec + q ⋅ eps ⋅ d α , 2 Eelec + q⋅eps⋅d α ( q −1)eps 1 α ⎤ , we have ⎦ ( q − 1) ( Eelec + eps ⋅ doα ) = ( 2 Eelec + eps ⋅ d α ) + ( q − 1) ( Eelec + eps ⋅ d α ) . Multiplying both sides with N ka and N ka L, respectively, and noting that N ka−1 = ( q − 1) N ka , Ek = N ka ( Eelec + eps ⋅ d oα ) and L ⎡⎣ N ka−1 ( Eelec + eps ⋅ d α ) + N ka ( 2Eelec + eps ⋅ d α )⎤⎦ , we have ( ) ( ) N ka−1 N ka L ( Eelec + eps ⋅ doα ) = N ka L N ka ( Eelec + eps ⋅ d α ) + N ka−1 ( Eelec + eps ⋅ d α ) , N ka−1 Ek = N ka Ek −1 Noting that the lifetime of corona Ci under the basic operation mode denoted by Ti is equal to ε Ni EiB , we have the following equation by multiplying both sides by ε and dividing it by Ek Ek −1 , and replacing Nia and Ei by Ni and EiB , respectively, WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 43 Proof of Theorem 1 ε N k −1 E B k −1 = ε Nk E B k , Tk −1 = Tk , Further combining the sub-balanced energy depletion obtained by Wu's scheme and the homogeneous property operation for each sensor node in the same corona, uniform energy consumption for each sensor node in the same corona is obviously achievable. By Definition (3), the proof of this theorem is completed. back WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 44 Reference Huei-Wen Ferng, Mardianto Soebagio Hadiputro, and Arief Kurniawan “Design of novel node distribution strategies in corona-based wireless sensor networks,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 1297-1311, Sept. 2011. WCANE Lab., NTUST ú Page 45
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