Firms’and Countries’Comparative advantage (Comparative Advantage and Within-Industry Firms Performance.) Matthieu Crozet and Federico Trionfettiy y Université Paris 1 and CEPII Aix-Marseille Université 1 Motivation and main result. 1. Factor intensities di¤er across …rms within any industry. In our data, for instance, 67% of total variance in …rm-level capital/labor ratios is within the same country-industry group. Yet, most models assume Hicks-neutral productivity di¤erences across …rms (identical factor intensites). 2. We build a HO model where factors RMP di¤er across …rms. Hence, heterogeneity in factor intensity. 3. The main result is that countries’comparative advantage gives rise to …rm’s comparative advantage. 2 Contribution to the literature. 1. First …rm-level veri…cation of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory. 2. We break the within/between dichotomy: countries’comparative advantage matters for within-industry relative performance …rms. 3. Provide evidence that factor intensity is an important source of heterogeneity across …rms. 3 Related literature. 1. Concerning veri…cations of HO theory: Leamer (1980), Tre‡er (1993, 1995), Davis and Weinstein (2001), Romalis (2004). 2. Concerning Firms Heterogeneity and Comparative Advantage: Bernard, Redding and Schott (2003), Acemoglu (2002, 2003); Burstein and Vogel, (2010); Costinot and Vogel, (2010). 4 The Model Two-by-two HO model with monopolistic competition and heterogenous …rms. Countries, c = H; F ; Goods, i = Y; Z ; Factors, j = K; L. Endowments cj > 0 of world’s endowments, K and L. H . To …x ideas, H > K L 4.1 Heterogeneity The marginal cost for a …rm in industry i of country c, mcci, is: mcci = Normalization tion, ci, is: c i = 2 14 ( i) = 1 and (! c ) w ! c 1 + (1 i) r ! c 1 2 (0; 1). The relative K ( i) ( ) 1 ; where !c wc=r c 3 1 1 5 (1) : intensity in produc- , i= 1 i i (2) c To …x ideas, let Y > Z . The average factor intensity, i , as c i = (! c ) wgere ec = i " 1 1 G i c h i ( i) e Z 1 i c 1g ( 1 (3) : )d # 1 1 ; Notes: (1) No restriction on K-int and productivity (Normalization). c (2) Independence from existence and direction of factor bias ( e i = 6 1). (4) 4.2 Demand Dixit-Stiglitz preferences yielding pH id PiH sH id ( ) = !1 & iI H; sH ix ( ) = pH ix PiF !1 & iI F (5) Note that for any two …rms with draws 0 and 00we have sci 0 sci 00 = " mcci mcci 0 00 #1 & ; = d; x: (6) 4.3 Supply. c c , a …xed entry cost F c m gcci g Firms pay a …xed production cost Ficm c i i ie c c gci and, if they export, a …x exporting cost Fixm i . The cut o¤ values of conditions: , by de…nition gcci ( i c) , scid ( i c) = Fim i c and c ix , i c satisfy the zero pro…t gcci ( i c) : scix ( ixc) = Fixm (7) 4.4 Equilibrium The model counts …fteen independent equilibrium conditions that, together with one normalization, determine sixteen endogenous variables. a) Four free-entry conditions, b) Any three out of the four goods market equilibrium conditions c) Four relationships between foreign and domestic sales d) Four factors market equilibrium conditions. c , Four zero The endogenous are: Four zero-pro…t productivity cut-o¤ i c c ; r c g, exporting pro…tsn productivity cut-o¤ , the four factors prices fw o ix c the four masses Mi . The equilibrium value of all other endogenous variables can be computed from these. 5 Comparative advantage and relative sales We de…ne c i, c i c i mcci mcci c i c i , De…nition: A …rm is K (L) intensive i¤ another …rm i¤ it has lower ci. sci sci RSic (8) > (<) 1 and it has a CA over Proposition 0: A …rm in industry i and country c has a comparative cost advantage over another …rm with same but in a di¤erent country and industry if it is intensive in the factor intensively used in i and of which c is relatively well endowed. Formally: for any 0 such that ci 0 = c i, H Y Q F Z as R 1. Proposition 1: For any two …rms with same the …rm in the industry and country of its comparative advantage has larger relative sales. For any 0 such that ci 0 = c H i , RSY F ( ) as ( ) R RSZ R 1. Intuition rests on two mechanisms: 1. Firm’s factor intensity ( ) and industry technology ( i): =) For any c c as such that ci 0 = i , RSYc R RSZ R 1, 8c. 0 2. Firm’s factor intensity ( ) and relative factors price ( c): =) For any 0 c such that ci 0 = i , RSiH R RSiF as R 1, 8i and for any 2 (0; 1). Proposition 2. When heterogeneity is Hicks-neutral relative sales are identical in all industries and countries. Formally, for any RS = ' 1; c = H; F ; 0 i = 'e such that 0 i i = Y; Z ; 8' > 0; i c we have: 8 2 [0; 1] : (9) 6 Relating theory to empirics. c Structural estimations [Tables 2 and 3] A …rm with draws 0 = ' e i and c 0 such that c 0 = i will have log of relative sales given by: i ln RSic ('; ) = (& aci c c 1 > i (! ) 1) ln ' + 1 1 & ln " # c 1 + ai ; c 1 + ai (10) 0. We estimate (10) and expect F aH > a Y Z (11) Equation (10) is log-linear in the …rst term but not in the second. We operate a Taylor expansion to obtain: ln RSic = (& 1 1) ln ' + 1 1 1 2 1 & & aci ( c 1 + ai aci 1 + aci !2 ( (12) 1) 1)2 1 + 1 & c "i ; where "ci, the remainder. We also estimate (12) and again expect F aH Y > aZ (13) Table 2: Impact of relative TFP and K intensity on relative sales: structural estimations of Taylor Expansion (Eq. 25) Dependant variable: ln …rms’relative sales (ln (sci =sci )) Countries All K abundant L abundant Industries All K intensive L intensive (1) (2) (3) a a (& 1) 1.123 1.201 1.129a (0.031) (0.039) (0.048) c 1 & ai a a 0.572 0.755 0.388a 1 1+aci (0.032) (0.048) (0.034) 11 & 21 aci 1+aci R2 Observations & aci 2 -0.132a (0.026) 0.315 372829 2.123 1.909 0.862 -0.181a (0.041) 0.329 1112015 2.201 1.763 0.921 -0.081a (0.014) 0.343 58045 2.129 2.22 0.721 Notes: Equation (??). Linear regressions with country-industry …xed effects. Regressions are weighted by the total production within countryindustry groups. Firms with a K intensity beyond their respective country-industry 5th and 95th percentile are excluded from the sample. Robust standard errors adjusted for country-industry clusters in parentheses. Signi…cance level: a p < 0:01. 34 Table 3: Impact of relative TFP and K intensity on relative sales: structural estimates of Eq. (24) Dependant variable: ln …rms’relative sales (ln (sci =sci )) Countries All K abundant L abundant Industries All K intensive L intensive = 1:91 (1) (2) (3) a a & 2.046 1.982 2.146a (0.029) (0.0413) (0.043) c a a ai 0.675 2.469 0.014a (0.079) (0.488) (0.007) a a Intercept -1.029 -1.002 -0.997a (0.034) (0.051) (0.025) R2 0.286 0.302 0.339 Observations 412386 123965 64102 1.91 1.76 2.22 (4) (5) (6) a a & 2.046 2.004 2.144a (0.029) (0.042) (0.043) c a a ai 0.675 1.236 0.032a (0.079) (0.205) (0.012) Intercept -1.029a -1.084a -0.997a (0.034) (0.053) (0.025) R2 0.286 0.291 0.339 Observations 412386 123965 64102 36 squared. Starting values: aci = 1 Notes: Equation (24). Non-linear least and & = 3. Regressions are weighted by the total production within countryindustry groups. Robust standard errors adjusted for country-industry clusters in parentheses. Signi…cance level: a p < 0:01. Non-structural estimations [Table 4] In two steps: The …rst step consists in estimating the following non-structural form of equation (10) separately for KK and LL group: ln sci sci ! =z+ ln c( 0) i c i ! + ln where z is an intercept and ci is an error term. KK LL We expect b > b . 0 ec i ! + ci; (14) c The second step consists in testing whether these estimated coe¢ cients, b i , now speci…c to each country c and industry i, vary with the industry-level K intensity and the country-level K abundance. According to Proposition 1 c we expect b i to be signi…cantly larger in the KK-group than in the LL-group. According to Proposition 2 we expect b to be the same across countries and industries. Table 4: Impact of relative TFP and K-intensity on relative sales: nonstructural log-linear model (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) lrelSale lrelSale lrelSale lrelSale lrelSale Countries All All All K abundant L abundant Industries All All All K intensive L intensive (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Ln Rel. TFP 1.1189a 1.120a 1.184a 1.145a (0.028) (0.028) (0.031) (0.049) a a a Ln Rel. K-intensity 0.297 0.315 0.426 0.151a (0.017) (0.017) (0.020) (0.022) a Ln Rel. K-intensity 1 0.147 (0.020) Ln Rel. K-intensity 2 0.252a (0.011) Ln Rel. K-intensity 3 0.226a (0.014) Ln Rel. K-intensity 4 0.309a (0.024) Ln Rel. K-intensity 5 0.491a (0.025) a a Constant -1.250 -0.878 -0.874a -0.944a -0.845a (0.016) (0.022) (0.017) (0.024) (0.018) Observations 412386 412386 412386 123965 64102 2 R 0.062 0.342 0.349 0.368 0.359 Notes: Country-Industry …xed e¤ects for38all columns. Regressions are weighted by the total production within country-industry groups. Robust standard errors adjusted for country-industry clusters in parentheses. Within R2 are reported. Signi…cance levels: a p < 0:01 Testing the two mechanisms separately. [Table 5]. We regress b on industry K-intensity and, separately, on country K-abundance. We expect a positive coe¢ cient. Table 5: Veri…cation of Mechanism 1 and 2 of Proposition 1. c Dependant Variable: b i Test of mechanism 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) a a a Industry K-intensity 0.276 0.239 0.246 0.256a (0.024) (0.023) (0.015) (0.016) Observations 1471 1043 1471 1471 R2 0.172 0.199 0.389 0.378 Fixed e¤ects Country Test of mechanism 2 (5) (6) (7) (8) Country K-abundance 0.678a 0.616a 0.697a 0.740a (0.092) (0.084) (0.064) (0.066) Observations 1471 1043 1471 1471 R2 0.056 0.058 0.361 0.359 Fixed e¤ects Industry Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses. Signi…cance levels: b p < 0:05, a p < 0:01. Within R2 are reported. Regressions in columns (2) and c (6) only retain signi…cantly positive values of b i . Regressions in columns c (3) and (7) are performed with weight = 1/s.e.( b i ). Regressions in columns (4) and (8) are performed with weight = degree of freedom in the …rst step regression. 44 7 Data Firm level balance sheet data on K and L and sales from Bureau Van Dijk’s Amadeus database (2006 and 2007). We proxy capital intensity ( ) by the ratio of tangible …xed assets on total employment We measure sales as the turnover of the …rm. In Amadeus each company is assigned to a single 3-digit NACE-Rev2 code. We restrict our empirical analysis to manufacturing sectors (including agrofood). Capital abundance for each country, (K c=Lc), is built from ILO and UN. Industry-level capital intensity is computed directly with our data. For each country and industry, we compute the weighted average …rm-level capital-labor ratio. Then, K intensity for industry i, (Ki=Li), is the industry-level average of these values across all countries, weighted by countries’ output of good i. The …nal database is a panel of 445,853 …rms in 87 industries and 26 European countries.z. z Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom. 8 Conclusion 1. Theory: Countries comparative advantage =) …rms comparative advantage. 2. Empirics K-intensive (L-intensive) …rms in KK (LL) sectors have larger RS. Thanks for you attention.
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