10urna l of Sc ientific & Industria l Research Vol. 59, March 2000, pp 225 -228 Blends of Polyvinyl Acetate and Low Density Poly Ethylene Nirm al K Pate l, Pras hant D Pand ya and Vij ay Kum ar Sinh a* De par tme nt of Indu stri al C hemi stry, V P and RPTP Sc ie nce Co ll ege,Vall ab h V idyan aga r 388 120, Ana nd , Gujarat, Ind ia Received: 1 1 August 1999; acce pted: 17 December 1999 The feas ibi lity of synthesing a seri es of po lyv in ylacetate( PV Ac): low densit y polyeth ylene (LOPE) blends of different weight ratio 0.25: 1,0.5: 1,0.75: I, I: I, I :0.75 , I :0.5 and I :0.25 respecti vely is stud ied by using so lution mi xi ng process. An improvement in phys ical properties of blends is observed in compariso n with those of blends of LOPE wi th Nit ril e Bu tad iene Ru bber(NBR) and Styrene Butadiene Rubbe r(S BR). It is fo un d th at these bl end s have superior mec hani cal properties as compared to those of ru bber blends Confi rmati on of blendi ng is done with the help of IR . Thermal stabb il ity of PV Ac: LOPE blends is determined by thermogravimetric analys is(TGA). Practica ll y no weight loss is observed up to 275 (lC and a high value of MFI provides ease of process ing within varyi ng temperatures. Introduction Syntheti c polymers have gained importance du e to the ir versatile nature and the ir products of tail or made properti es at reduced cost. The deve lopment in thi s fie ld has lowered the consumpti on of conventi onal and natura l products. Lo w density pol yeth ylene(LOPE) , one of the synthetic polyme rs, is be ing ex tensively used presentl y and di sposa l of its waste is causing a seri ous environment a l probl em due to its nonbi odegradability. It has been reported th at polysacc harides (starch, cellul ose, and its deri vatives) can be used in bl end I 6 compos iti on to improve bi odegradability of LOPE. But natural polysaccharides being hydrophili c in nature hampe r the e lectrica l and mechani ca l properti es of blends 7. Blending of polyethyle ne w ith other syntheti c polymers, such as po lypro pylene, po lyeste r, polystyrene, polyamide and modi fied polya mide, polyeth yle ne terph athl ate(PET ), polycarbonate, modifi ed EPOM and BR, polymeth ylmeth acrylate (PMM A), bl ock propylene-ethyle ne copo lymer,and LLOPE graft ma le ic anh ydri de copolymers,has been · So?, reporte d ear I ter -. . *Au th or for correspo ndence T o incorporate the bi odegrad ability al ong with improved mechani cal and e lectrical pro perties we blended PY Ac w ith LOPE . Blending of po lyethy lene with PY Ac was fo und to be difficult due to certa in limitati ons. M ec hanica l mi xin g was not poss ible at low te mperature and mi xin g at hi g h te mpe rature enh anced the poss ibility of ox idative degradati on. Thu s, so luti on mixin g was carri ed out for homogeneous ble nding of LOPE w ith PY Ac . Since, both PY Ac,and L OPE are so lubl e in xy lene, the ir bl ends we re prepared by so luti on mi xin g process and tested fo r me lt flow index(M FI), fl ex ura l strength , tensile strength, heat di storti on temperature(HOT),and duro me ter hard ness . IR spectroscopy confirmed the fo rmati on of polymeri c bl end . T herma l stability of blends was also stud ied by means of thermogravimetri c ana lys is(TGA) . Improveme nt of ph ys ical prope lti es is attributed to the reducti on of interfac ia l tension at the interface of the compone nt s as well as penetrati on of surface 24 molecul es int o the polymeri c phase . Material and Methods PY Ac from Nati onal C he mi ca l, Baroda, LOPE from Indi an Petroche mi cals Corporati on Lim ited (lPCL), Baroda, and laboratory grade xy le ne and meth anol were used. J SCI INO RES VOL 59 MARCH 2000 226 Blending Flexural Strength. (FS) A threenecked flask equipped with water condenser ,stirrer and, thermometer was charged with calculated amounts of PV Ac, LDPE, and xylene. The mixture was heated at 100 DC with co nstant stirring for 2 h. The blend cooled to room temperature and prec ipitated in methanol , It was filtered and dried in vacuum to constant mass 25 . 27 . The measurement of FS was done as per the procedure described in ASTM D790. A three poi nt loading system utili zing central load ing on a single supported beam was used for measurement. A crosshead speed of 2.5 cm/min was used for all specimens. Results given in Table I indicate that flexural strength increases with increasing amolln t of PV Ac in the blend compos ition. For example, fl exura l <;trength of 1:0.25 (PV Ac : LDPE) compos iti on is nearl y three times compared with th at of polyeth ylene. Preparation o./,polymer Sheet Sheets of specific thi ck ness were prepared by sand witching th e blend between mould plates of compress ion mac hine at ISOne fo r 10 min . The sheet was held under 60 kg/cm2 pressure at 150 °C for 5 min and then taken out of the mould for cooling at room ?8 temperature- . Results and Discussions Melt Flow Index (MFI The measurement of MFI was carried out as per the procedure described in ASTM D 1238-S3T. The weight of polymeric blend flowed in 10 min under a 2.1 6 kg load at 190°C was measured by a Melt Indexer. Results of MFI measurements are given in Table I. The MFI of blends increased with increase in the amount of PV Ac. Tensile Strength (TS) Tensi Ie strength measurements were co nducted by using a tensile tester at room temperature, foll ow ing the process described in ASTM D 638. A cross head speed of 10 em/min was use in all measurements. It is observed th at TS- of I: I PVAc: LDPE is optimum compared to other blends. On the other hand, per cent elongation (fl ex ibility) continued to increase with increasing contents of PVAc in blends (Tab le I). Heat Distortioll Temperature (HDT) HDT measurement was carried out following procedure described in ASTM D 648. HDT of the blends increased on increasing the amount of PV Ac in blend . For example, HDT of LDPE is 42De and that of I :0.25(PV Ac : LDPE) is 70° e (Tabl e I). Durometer Hardn ess Tabl e I Ratio Physical properti es of PV Ac: LOPE blcnd s MFI Fl ex ural Per ccnt strength elongati on PVAe: LOPE g/ IO min (mean ) kg/em 2 per ccnt Tcnsile HOT strength kg/e m" flC (mean) 0: 1 0.5 69.63 100 31 42 0.25: I 0.9 1 70.25 133 35 47 0.5: 1 1.3 73.87 166 38 50 0.75 : I 1. 67 78.50 200 40 52 2.01 86.92 266 55 55 I: 0.75 4.26 97. 17 300 54 5~ 1: 0.5 5.08 11 2.82 DJ 50 67 400 47 70 1: 0.25 6.67 197.43 Durometer hardness meas urements were done as per the procedure described in ASTM D 22407S .Hardness is measured in terms of shore A and shore D. They represent the hardness of a materi al when it is subj ected to a certain force through a penetrating object of well defined dimensions. The hardness of blends decreases gradually with the increas ing content of PV Ac because of its relatively fl exible nature (Table 2). Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Different Polymeric Blends The mechani ca l properties of blends synthesi zed in our laboratory are compared with th at of LDPE29 Rubber hlends reported by Mohamad et al. It is observed that tensile properties (tensile strength and per cent elongati on) of PV Ac: LDPE blends are bet ter thall those or NBR: LDPE and SBR: LDPE blends . PATEL el al.: BLENDS OF POLYVINYL ACETATE & POLY ETHYLENE Table 2 - Dlirometer hardness Tabl e 3 - 227 Compar ison of PV Ac:LDPE blends with ru bber - Rati o Dli rometer hard ness PVAc:LDPE Shore A Shore 0 Type of blend LOPE Tensi le 0: 1 90 40 Content strength elongati on 0.25:1 88 38 PVAe:LDPE 25 47 400 0.5:1 87 35 50 55 266 0.75: I 85 33 75 54 .100 1:1 84 29 25 21 :1 55 1:0.75 75 27 50 32 :140 1:0.5 72 23 75 35 2:1 0 :0.25 68 21 25 18 200 50 29 160 75 34 I HO LOPE blends NBR :LDPE SBR :LDPE Per cen t Infarred Spectroscopy T he IR spectra l analysis of blend s prepared by so lution mix ing process was carried out on DuPont 951 IR spectrometer. In IR spectra the sharp peak around 1752 cm' l confirms the presence of ester linkage present in PV Ac in a blend . A sharp absorpt ion band at 103 1cm' l i attri-buted to the aliphatic olefins(CH=CH)n- present in the bl end based on LOPE. C-O stretching band is observed at 1254 cm' l. Sharp band around 2925cm' l determines the vibrational stretchin g of -(C-H)- and -(CH2)- present in LDPE.The presence of above key peaks IR spectroscopy confirms the successful synthesis of LDPE:PV Ac blends. A series of compatib le blends of PV Ac and LOPE were success full y synthes ized by using solu ti on mixin g process. B lending of LOPE with PV Ac e nhances its phys ica l and the rmal stability. The cOtnparison indicates that PY Ac: LOPE blend s have better mechanical prope rti es than th ose of NBR : LOPE and SBR : LDPE blends. Th ermogravimatric Analysis ofLDPE:PVAc blend The authors are thankfu l to Dr H K Patel, Principal , Y P and RPTP Science Co ll ege and Mr K M Patel, Head of Industrial Chemi stry De partment for providin g necessa ry laboratory facilities. M easure ments were conducted UStng a DuPont 2000 the rmograv imetric ana lyzer unde r nitrogen atmosphe re at a heating rate of 20°Cimin up to 950 °C. From the percentage wei ght loss, thennal stability o f the ble nd was estimated . The bl e nd of LOPE with PV Ac showed two decompos ition stages, (Figure B). The first decompos ition occurs at 285 °C to 425 °c which is attributed to PV Ac deco mposition . The structure of PV Ac is branc hed, brownain move ment within the molecule occurs more rapidl y compared to the strai ght chain LOPE polymer. The second stage, appearing at about 5 10 DC was due to LOP E decomposition . The re was no weight loss up to 275 DC. Integral Procedure Decompos ition Temperature (IPDT) of the blend was found at 540 °C. Thus, blend offers wide ran ge of process in g temperatures . 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