AOT Lab Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione Università degli Studi di Parma Unifying MAS Meta-Models ADELFE, Gaia & PASSI Carole Bernon, Massimo Cossentino, Marie-Pierre Gleizes, Paola Turci and Franco Zambonelli Agent-Oriented vs. Object-Oriented Design a system Instantiate a meta-model OO context - design rely on a common denominator • Universally accepted concept of object and related meta-model of object-oriented systems AO context - to date, no common denominator • Each methodology has its own concepts and system structure In the agent world the meta-model is the critical element when applying the “method engineering” paradigm TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 2 Reasons to Unify Meta-model = means to unify concepts Unique meta-model, a way of unifying the different concepts Helping designer to build a meta-model depending on the system he needs Choice of useful elements • From the “omni-comprehensive” MAS meta-model Composition of process • “Method fragment” selection phase Model coherence checking by CASE tools Unification eases model transformation TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 3 MAS Meta-Model for ADELFE no predefined organization • local goal • cooperative • detect and remove NCS cognitive and behavioural representation TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 4 Gaia Methodology First version Designed to handle small-scale, closed agent-based systems Modelled agents, roles, interactions Missed in modelling explicitly the social aspects of a MAS Official extension of Gaia Thought for open agent systems Focused on the social organization of the system TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 5 MAS Meta-Model for Gaia TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 6 MAS Meta-Model for PASSI TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 7 Towards a Unifying MAS Meta-Model In order to define a unifying meta-model we will consider the following specific aspects: Agent structure Agent interactions Agent society and organizational structure Agent implementation TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 8 Agent Structure ADELFE: cooperative agents Gaia and PASSI: composition of roles TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 9 Agent Structure Considerations None imposes a specific classical agent architecture Seen as some kind of low level architectures that can be adopted during MAS implementation None explicitly deals with goals and plans ADELFE • Notion of goal is only used to determine skills • Plans are built at run-time by the system Gaia • The concept of “goal” is implicit in roles • Plans play no explicit role PASSI • Goals are considered as non functional requirements • Plans are modelled as algorithms (activity diagrams) TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 10 Agent Interactions No relevant differences Message -Comm_act : Performative Agent -Name : String Role -Name : String -Initiator/ Participant 1 * Communication -Name -Exchanged Knowledge : Ontology -Content Language 1..* 1 AIP -Name : String Performative TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 11 Agent Interactions No relevant differences ADELFE: agents can communicate indirectly using environment Gaia: communication mediated by the environment seen as a side effect TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 Message -Comm_act : Performative Agent Role -Name : String -Initiator/ Participant -Name : String 1 1..* 0..1 Representation 1..* * Communication -Name -Exchanged Knowledge : Ontology -Content Language Acts on/ Interacts with 1..* 1 AIP 1 Environment 0..* -Name : String Resource -Name : String Performative 12 Agent Interactions No relevant differences ADELFE: agents can communicate indirectly using environment Gaia: communication mediated by the environment seen as a side effect Concept Message -Comm_act : Performative Agent Role -Name : String -Initiator/ Participant -Name : String 1 1..* 0..1 1 Representation 1..* * Communication -Name -Exchanged Knowledge : Ontology -Content Language Acts on/ Interacts with 1..* 1 AIP 1 -Name : String 0..* 0..1 Ontology 1 1 Environment Resource -Name : String Describes Performative 1 Predicate Action -PermittedAction -Act 1 ADELFE: ontologies have not to be modelled; agents are able to adapt to the environment and other agents TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 13 Agent Society and Organizational Structure ADELFE: no predefined organization TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 14 Agent Society and Organizational Structure ADELFE: no predefined organization Organization Organizational Structure * -Control regime -Topology 0..1 1 -observes 0..* Gaia: organization = primary abstraction PASSI: services and scenarios Service Organizational Rule Belongs SafetyRule LivenessRule -Input -Output -Pre-conditions -Post-conditions 0..* 1..* Agent NCS Cooperation rules 0..* 0..* -Name : String 0..* Scenario 1..* 0..* Role -Name : String TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 15 Agent Implementation ADELFE The problem of the system implementation has not been treated yet; no platform has been imposed Gaia Totally abstract from implementation PASSI FIPA compliant systems • Direct map among the most important elements of the model and their implementation TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 16 Proposal for a Unifying Meta-model TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 17 Conclusion Societies with or without predefined organizations (open systems) Generic agent (cooperative or not) • Follows organizational or cooperation rules Possibility of identifying three domains Improvements: an agent has a representation of the environment expressed via an ontological model Step towards a unique meta-model A unifying framework for the systems produced with different approaches TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 18 Open Questions Can a unique meta-model exist? What description level has to be reached? How may designers choose meta-model elements? What kind of tools may ease their work? TFG AOSE, Rome, July 2004 19
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