Week 6

Lesson Plan
Spanish 3
Chapter 3
9/29 through 10/3
Teacher: Diana Lara
SO1.2: TS can use
proper preterit (past)
tense conjugations of
irregular and stem
changing verbs when
elaborating about own
outdoors activities,
competitions, people
and Hispanic cultures.
SO1.2: TS can use
proper preterit (past)
tense conjugations of
irregular and stem
changing verbs when
elaborating about own
outdoors activities,
competitions, people
and Hispanic cultures
SO1.2: TS can use
proper preterit (past)
tense conjugations of
irregular and stem
changing verbs when
elaborating about own
outdoors activities,
competitions, people
and Hispanic cultures.
Learning Activities:
Objective: TS learns conjugation for irregular preterit verbs.
Opening: Warm up. Explain how to conjugate verbs in preterite.
-Instructional-Review: Definition of irregular verbs
-Grammar notes for irregular verbs in preterit.
-Learn irregular verbs song.
Guided Practice: -Complete chart for irregular verbs
-Use guide to organize binder.
Closing:-Sing irregular preterit song.
Follow up -Memorize irregular preterit song, binder check on Wed.
Objective: TS can use irregular preterit verbs in context. TS learns
preterit for “ir” verbs with 2 vowels iy.
Opening: Warm up. Fill out irregular preterit song.
Guided Practice: Group sings irregular preterit song.
-Pairs practice oral conjugation of irregular preterit.
Instructional -Grammar notes for preterit for “ir” verbs with 2
vowels iy.
Follow up -Study preterit for irregular and iy..
Assessment: Conjugation quiz on Monday. Chapter test on Oct. 2/3
Objective: TS can use irregular preterit verbs in context. TS learns
conjugation for stem changing verbs in preterit.
Opening: Warm-up: Conjugate verbs in preterit.
Guided practice: Sections sing preterit song.
Assessment: Quiz preterit iy and irregular preterit
Instructional-Grammar notes for stem changing verbs.
Follow up : Study preterit for stem changing verbs. Conjugation chart
due on Monday
No School
* Maybe subject to change per Spanish 3 class