1 Colorado Department of Transportation University of Denver The Future of State Government Strategic Issues Panel September 9, 2010 Oversight 23 000 lane miles of state highways 23,000 9,134 centerline miles of state highways including interstates 3,754 on-system bridges 28.7 billion vehicle miles traveled on state t t highways hi h and d iinterstate t t t highways/year hi h / 278 regularly monitored/controlled avalanche paths 6 000 miles 6,000 il off ditches dit h and much more! Responsibilities •Highways (Maintenance and Operations) •Transit (Planning & Grant Admin) •Aviation ((Interface with FAA)) •Local Roads (long range planning) •Outreach •Planning Pl i &B Budget d t 3 Transportation Commission (TC) 11-member CDOT governing body (appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate) • Serve four-year terms • Meet monthly • Responsible for policy y direction statewide via investment • Sets overall fiscal and p categories • System Quality, Safety, Program Delivery, and Mobility • Short term and long-term priorities • Approves A budget b d t & allocation ll ti off ffunds d 4 High Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE) • 7 Members ▫ Created in 2009 by SB 09-108 (FASTER) ▫ Made up of 3 members of the TC, and 4 (appointed by Governor) ▫ The HPTE operates as a government-owned business within the department and is a division of the department. • Responsible for ▫ Aggressively pursue innovative means of more efficiently financing g projects j ▫ Innovative means of include, but are not limited to, public-private partnerships, operating concession agreements, user fee-based project financing, availability payment and design-build contracting. Other Boards and Commissions • Bridge Enterprise x Created in 2009 by SB 09 09-108 108 (FASTER) x Comprised of the members of the TC x R Responsible ibl for f bridges b id identified id tifi d as structurally t t ll d deficient fi i t or functionally obsolete and rated poor • Colorado C l d A Aeronautics ti Di Division i i x Created in 1988 by HB 88-1205 x 7 Member Aeronautics Board (appointed by Governor, approved by Senate) x Represent both government and aviation-interest aviation interest constituencies x x x x Responsible for aviation development in Colorado Administration of the Aviation Fund Inclusion of aviation needs in statewide transportation plan Adopts budget for the Division of Aviation CDOT Engineering Regions Each region manages all activities within their geographic hi area. 8 Transportation Planning Planning Partners Working together for a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process per federal law Transportation Planning Regions (TPR) •Elected officials of urban and rural areas •Federal Partners •Meet periodically Elected Offi i l Officials Meetings Statewide Transportation Advisory Committee STAC •Representatives from all 15 TPR TPR’ss advise CDOT •Monthly meetings 9 •CDOT Representation County Hearing Process Public Involvement Transportation Commission Sources of Transportation Funding 18¢/gal. Gasoline 24.4¢/gal. + 22¢/gal. + Vehicle registration fees Including SB 09-108 FASTER Diesel + Other Fees & Tickets SB 09 09-228 228 2% excess General Fund Gasoline 20.5¢/gal. Diesel Year to Year Funding Actual CDOT funding (in millions o C of dollars) CDOT Funding Sources by Fiscal Year Year, 1990-2010 and Projected 2011-2017 1,800 1,600 1 400 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 State Highway Users Tax Fund (State Gas Tax) State General Fund Revenue (SB1, HB1310, SB228) Federal Highway Administration and Highway Safety (Federal Gas Tax) Senate Bill 09-108 ("FASTER") Revenue Inflation Adjusted j CDO OT funding (in millions of do ollars) CDOT Funding Sources by Fiscal Year, Actual 1990-2010 and Projected 2011-2017 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 State Highway g y Users Tax Fund ((State Gas Tax)) State General Fund Revenue (SB1, HB1310, SB228) Federal Highway Administration and Highway Safety (Federal Gas Tax) Senate Bill 09-108 ("FASTER") Revenue Other federal, state and local CDOT’S CDOT S Aging System 128 of Colorado Bridges are rated “Poor” 14 Some highways 70-100 70 100 years old 52.5 % of Colorado Highways are Rated “Poor” 33% of highways need d complete l t reconstruction Mobility ob ty 485 Centerline miles of CO roadway are congested Population over 65 will double by 2025 1.5 million more people by 2020 Truck traffic will ill double d bl by 2030 I-70 congestion costs $700 million $ annually Solution •The need to fix and maintain our aging i f t t infrastructure will ill nott go away. •Colorado must p provide a p permanent,, dependable and sustainable revenue source provide a safe,, reliable,, and that will p convenient transportation system to support y and the needs of our citizens. our economy Transportation Finance and Implementation Panel • Key Ke Recommendations Recommendations: •“Fix-it-First” •Strategic mobility •Improve shoulders •Local L l share h •Urban and rural transit investments •Bike/Ped improvements •Environment investments Tolling •Tolling •Public private partnerships Mileage Based User Fee (MBUF) Study Next federal reauthorization will likely include funding for studies and/or a d/o p pilot o p programs og a s CDOT is preparing to explore the conceptual framework for a pilot project evaluating the feasibility and effectiveness of introducing MBUF in Colorado. Focus areas include: •what issues must be considered and dealt with •urban vs. rural dynamic •behavioral changes that may result Federal Update •For FY ’11, Federal Funds are expected to make up about 34% of CDOT’s budget. •Transportation expenditures have exceeded gas tax receipts in recentt years, but b t the th Trust T t Fund F d is i currently tl solvent l t thanks th k to t $19.5 billion in general fund transfers. •SAFETEA-LU •SAFETEA LU extension expires December 31 31. Federal program remains unstable and difficult to predict. Probability of b bl f payment to CDOT 30% $900 M $900 M $447 M FY ‘12 RA Probability of payment to CDOT 60% $413.3 M FY ’12 Collections Probability of payment to CDOT p y 90% $349.3 M Budget FY ’11 Budget FY 11 TC TC Probability of payment to CDOT 95% Probability of payment to CDOT 100% $223.8 M Worst Case S Scenario i $499.4 M FY’10 SAFETEA‐LU FY’12 FY’12 Federal Funds Barometer ARRA Update American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) $596 Million Milli Transportation T t ti Dollars D ll • Highway - $385 million • Transit - $120.7 $120 7 million • Aviation - $37 million • Transit - $40 million RTD New Starts Grant • Transit – $1.095 million RTD “TIGGER” Energy Grants • Multimodal - $10 TIGER TIFIA Challenge Grant • Rail – $1 million Interregional Connectivity Study Grant • Rail - $400,000 State Rail Plan Grant • J Job bT Training i i –$610,000 $610 000 CDOT construction t ti related l t d training and placement program (3 grants) ARRA Update: (Colorado - as of July 31, 2010) Transportation Spending - Highway and Transit • 127 Projects Put out to Bid worth $396,249,578 • 125 Projects Under Contract worth $395,161,988 • 119 Projects Under Construction or Starting Soon worth $381,737,234 • 38 Projects Complete worth $58 $58,073,363 073 363 Job Information - Highway and Transit • 32,530 Direct Jobs Created or Sustained • 1,721,635 Direct Job Hours Created or Sustained • $47,041,754 Payroll from Job Hours Created or Sustained State Update •For F FY ’11, ’11 St State t Funds F d are expected t d to t make up about 59% of CDOT’s budget, including 16% from FASTER. •FASTER receipts are providing a much needed infusion of funds into CDOT’s budget. •2010 state legislative actions reduce funding g for highway g yp projects j by y over $40 million for the next two years. Funding Advancements for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery (FASTER) • In 2009 the General Assembly passed Senate Bill 09-108 also known as FASTER: • This legislation changed the way that transportation funding works in Colorado Colorado. FASTER Safety y Monies collected under FASTER are used for construction, reconstruction, or maintenance projects that the Transportation p Commission, a county y or municipality determine are needed to enhance the safety of a state highway, county road, or city street. FY 1010 $83.2 $83 2 million illi CDOT R Road dS Safety f t surcharge/Vehicle Rental fee /Late Fee/ Supplemental OS/OW fee collections: FASTER Bridge FASTER Bridge Fund monies are to be used to repair or replace l poor rated d bridges b id on our highway hi h system. FY 10- $44.1 million= Bridge Safety fee Collections Web sites CDOT www.coloradodot.info FASTER /www.coloradodot.info/projects/faster ARRA eco e y go www.recovery.gov Questions? Russell George CDOT E Executive ti Director Di t 303-757-9201 [email protected] usse geo ge@dot state co us
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