Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm April 2013 (Preliminary and incomplete) Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Outline of the course Statistical inference of basic models in I. II. III. Collective risk theory Life insurance Non-life insurance Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview I. Collective risk theory The basic model of collective risk theory deals with a model of the risk business of an insurance company, and study the probability of ruin, i.e., the probability that the risk business ever will be below some specific negative value. Our goal is to do statistical inference of the ruin probability for ”discretely” observed risk business. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview A. The classical risk process Let (Ω, F, P) be a complete probability space carrying the following independent objects, among others: (i) a Poisson process N = {Nt , t ≥ 0} (N0 = 0) with intensity λ ≥ 0 i.e. E[Nt ] = λt, Nt is the number of claims on the company during (0, t]; (ii) a sequence {Uj }j=1,2,... of i.i.d. r.v. with common distribution function F , with F (0) = 0, supported by (0, +∞), with mean µ and finite variance. Uj is the size of the claim j. The risk process X is defined by Xt = ct − Nt X Uj . (1) j=1 where c > 0 is a constant called gross risk premium rate. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure: Classical risk process u + Xt : u = 100, c = 50, λ = 15, F (dy ) ∼ exp(10). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview In insurance terminology, the condition F (0) = 0, c > 0 is called positive risk sums. This includes most non-life branches and ordinary life products. The case F (0) = 1, c < 0 is called negative risk sum. A typical example of such a situation is the Life annuity or pension insurance, where −c is the life annuity rate paid from the company to the policyholder, and the claim (death of the policyholder) places an amount corresponding to the expected pension to be paid. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The process St := rate λ. PNt j=1 Uj is called a compound Poisson process with jump The Laplace transform of St reads E[e rSt ] = e λtg (z) , where Z (2) +∞ g (z) = (e zy − 1)dF (y ) (3) 0 is the associated cumulative function. Let Dg be the maximal open interval of elements a such that g (a) < ∞. Put, g (a) = +∞ if a 6∈ D̄g . Under Assumption 0 ∈ Dg , g is strictly convex, C ∞ , g (0) = 0 and g 0 (0) = µ. In particular, the Laplace exponent of −Xt is ϑ(z) := t −1 log E[e −zXt ] = −cz + λg (z). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (4) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The expected profit at time t is E[Xt ] = ct − E[St ] = ct − E[Nt ]E[U1 ] = (c − λµ)t. (5) The relative safety loading is the ratio of the expected profit to the expected total claims: c − λµ c ρ := = − 1. (6) λµ λµ The risk process X is said to have a positive safety loading if ρ > 0 (the business is solvent) or c > λµ (called the net profit condition). Theorem Under the net profit condition c > λµ, the equation ϑ(z) = 0 admits a unique nontrivial solution, R ∈ Dg called the Lundberg exponent (or local adjustment coefficient) : c g (R) = R. (7) λ Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Ruin probability The (infinite time horizon) ruin probability of a company facing the risk process (1) and having initial capital u is ψ(u) = P{u + Xt < 0 for some t > 0} = P{τ (u) < ∞}, (8) where, the stopping time τ (u) = inf{t ≥ 0, u + Xt < 0} (9) is the ruin time of the risk process X . We note that by the strong law of large numbers, limt→∞ Xt t = c − λµ a.s. Thus, in case of positive safety loading (c > λµ), ψ(∞) = 0. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview It can be shown that (see Cramér (1955) for a direct approach and Feller (1971) for an approach using a renewal argument) the probability of non-ruin, φ(u) := 1 − ψ(u) solves the equation Z λ u φ(u) = φ(0) + φ(u − y )(1 − F (y ))dy . (10) c 0 By monotone convergence, as u → +∞, we get φ(∞) = φ(0) + λµ φ(∞). c (11) Noting that φ(∞) = 1 − ψ(∞) = 1, we get that 1 − φ(∞) = ψ(0) = Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm λµ 1 = , c 1+ρ if ρ > 0. Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview In terms of the Lundberg exponent we have the following upper bound of the ruin probability Lundberg bound. For any initial capital u ≥ 0, ψ(u) ≤ e −Ru . (12) Furthermore, this upper bound is optimal: For any > 0, lim e (1+)Ru ψ(u) = +∞. u→+∞ More precisely, we have the Cramér-Lundberg approximation of the ruin probability ρµ c − λµ lim e Ru ψ(u) = 0 = . (13) u→+∞ g (R) − c/λ λg 0 (R) − c Relations (12) and (13) imply that statistical inference on the ruin probability boils down to statistical estimation of the Lundberg exponent. This is what we will do in the rest of this chapter. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Example: Exponentially distributed claims Assume F is an exponential distribution function with parameter µ: F̄ (x) = 1 − F (x) = e µx , x > 0. Then, the Lundberg exponent is R= ρ µ(1 + ρ) and the ruin probability is ψ(u) = 1 − ρ u − ρ u e µ(1+ρ) ≤ e µ(1+ρ) . 1+ρ Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview B. A jump-diffusion (Gerber) risk model The new risk process introduced by Gerber (1970) is defined by Xt = ct + σWt − Nt X Uj . (14) j=1 where, W is a standard Brownian motion independent of the compound Poisson process. It takes account of possible fluctuations of the gross premium rate. The main feature of this process is that ”the small” negative jumps in an interval are due to either a diffusion shock or to a jump of the compound Poisson process. In practice, it is very difficult to distinguish between these two types of jumps from a given sample of observations of the risk process X . Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Figure: Jump-diffusion risk process u + Xt : u = 100, c = 50, λ = 10, F (dy ) ∼ |N(0, 15)|, Wt ∼ N(0, 9t). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview For this process, the Laplace exponent of −Xt is ϑ(z) := t −1 log E[e −zXt ] = −cz + σ2 2 z + λg (z). 2 (15) Moreover, under the safety loading condition c > λµ, the Lundberg exponent is the unique nontrivial solution R ∈ Dg of the equation ϑ(R) = 0. The Lundberg upper bound (12 of the ruin probability remains valid and the Cramér-Lundberg approximation becomes lim e Ru ψ(u) = u→+∞ Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm c − λµ . λg 0 (R) − c + Rσ 2 (16) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Estimation of the Lundberg exponent Recall that the Lundberg exponent solves −cR + σ2 2 R + λg (R) = 0. 2 (17) We should estimate σ, λ and g from observations of the path X . I. Inference from complete observations (the classical approach) (based on work essentially by Grandell) If we observe the complete path of X over [0, t], we assume c known and set σ = 0. Then I I λ is estimated with Nt /t, since by the SLLN limt→∞ Ntt = λ a.s. R∞ g is estimated as follows. An estimator of G (z) = 0 e zy dF (y ) is Ĝ (z) := Nt 1 X zUj e . Nt j=1 An estimator R̂t of R is solution of −c R̂t + Nt (Ĝ (R̂t ) − 1) = 0. t Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (18) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Theorem Assume g (2R) < ∞. Then √ t(R̂t − R) →d Y , as t → ∞, (19) where Y is a normally distributed r.v. with E[Y ] = 0 and variance σY2 = Var (Y ) = g (2R) − 2cR/λ . λ(g 0 (R) − c/λ)2 In general σY is unknown and we have to replace it with its natural estimator q t Ĝ (2R̂t ) σ̂y = √ Ĝ 0 (R̂t ) Nt 1.6σ̂ A one-sided approximate 95%-confidence interval for R is (R̂t − √t y , +∞). An empirical Lundberg inequality which holds for all u in approximately 95% of all investigations is ψ(u) ≤ e 1.6σ̂ −(R̂t − √ y )u t . (20) Finer confidence intervals based on the Cramér-Lundberg approximation can also be obtained (see e.g. Grandell (1991)). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview II. Inference from discrete observations (based on the work by Shimizu and Yoshida) We assume that the risk process X Xt = ct + σWt − Nt X Uj j=1 is observed at (n + 1)-time points tin = ihn , i = 0, 1, . . . , n, and hn > 0 . The sampled observation is denoted by X n = {Xtin }i=0,...,n . When we consider asymptotics of the estimators we will assume that hn → 0 and nhn → ∞ as n → ∞. Under discrete sampling we do not know the exact Poisson process Nt , claims sizes Uj nor σ. Moreover, we cannot really tell whether a ”small” negative shock in an interval is due to a diffusion shock or to the occurrence of a claim. We only have to relay on detecting the occurrence and the likely size of a jumps of the risk process in a given interval. We briefly describe such a filter. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview n Denote the size of a jump that occurs in (ti−1 , tin ] by n ∆ni X := Xtin − Xti−1 . n and let Jin denote the number of jumps in (ti−1 , tin ]. Using Doob and Burkholder-Davis-Gundy type inequalities , it holds that for any p ≥ 0 p sup E sup Wt = O(hnp/2 ). (note that hn → 0, as n → ∞.) 1≤i≤n n ≤t≤t n ti−1 i This in turn implies that for any L > 0, q ∈ (0, 1/2) and any p ≥ 0, P{ sup n ≤t≤t n ti−1 i n |Xt − Xti−1 | > Lhnq , Jin = 0} ≤ Cp hnp . This inequality states that a jump occurs if |∆ni X | > Lhnq . Furthermore, |∆ni X | can be a good approximation of the jump size as hn → 0. In practice, the estimation of the thresholds L and q from the observations is critical. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Since our risk process has only negative jumps, we have the following refinement of the the above estimates: Lemma Assume that there is a constant C > 0 such that F () ≤ C for any > 0 small enough. Then, for any L > 0, any q ∈ (0, 1/2) and any p ≥ 0, P{∆ni X < −Lhnq , Jin = 0} = O(hnp ), P{∆ni X ≥ −Lhnq , Jin = 0} = e −λhn − O(hnp ), P{∆ni X < −Lhnq , Jin = 1} = O(hn ), P{∆ni X ≥ −Lhnq , Jin = 1} = O(hn1+q ), P{∆ni X < −Lhnq , Jin ≥ 2} = O(hn2 ), P{∆ni X ≥ −Lhnq , Jin ≥ 2} = O(hn2 ), as n → ∞. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Based on the previous lemma, we may introduce the following filters. For L > 0 and p ∈ [0, 1/2) Cin := {ω ∈ Ω, ∆ni X ≥ −Lhnp }, Din := {ω ∈ Ω, ∆ni X < −Lhnp }, (21) where, Cin is a filter to find an interval with no jumps, and Din is a filter to detect a jump. Estimation of the diffusion coefficient σ Theorem For p ∈ (0, 1/2), let Pn σn2 := n 2 1Cin i=1 (∆i X − chn ) 1 Pn hn i=1 11Cin . (22) Suppose that hn → 0 and nhn → ∞ as n → ∞. Then σ̂n2 →P σ 2 . If, in addition nhn2 → 0 as n → ∞, √ √ n(σ̂n2 − σ 2 ) →d 2σ 2 N(0, 1). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Estimation of the compound Poisson parameters We consider estimation of functionals of F of the form Z ∞ F [Mz ] := Mz (y )dF (y ), z ∈ (a, b) 0 An example includes Mz (y ) = e zy − 1 and its derivatives w.r.t. y . Here is a general result that includes all the cases we need in our setting Theorem For p ∈ (0, 1/2), consider the estimator n 1 X fˆn [Mz ] := Mz (|∆ni X |)11Din . nhn i=1 (23) Suppose that there exists a constant C > 0 such that |∂zj Mz (y )| ≤ C (1 + |y |)e by for j = 0, 1. Then as n → ∞ such that hn → 0 and nhn → ∞, fˆn [Mz ] →P λF [Mz ]. Moreover, if ∂y ∂z Mz (y ) exists and is such that |∂y ∂z Mz (y )| ≤ C (1 + |y |)e by . Then sup |fˆn [Mz ] − λF [Mz ]| →P 0, n → ∞. z∈(a,b) Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Setting Mz (y ) = 1 and Mz (y ) = y respectively, and choosing the compact interval [a, b] ⊂ Dg large enough to contain R, we obtain estimators of λ and λµ. n 1 X λ̂n := 11Din →P λ, (24) nhn i=1 n 1 X n |∆i X |11Din →P λµ. nhn i=1 (25) as n → ∞ such that hn → 0 and nhn → ∞. Hence, an empirical safety loading condition is: c> n 1 X n |∆i X |11Din . nhn i=1 (26) We also have asymptotic normality of these estimators: Theorem Suppose that as n → ∞, nhn → ∞ and nhn1+δ → 0 for some δ ∈ (0, 1). Then, for p ∈ (δ/2, 1/2), we have √ √ nhn (λ̂n − λ) →d λN(0, 1), n → ∞. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Estimation of the Lundberg exponent An estimator R̂n > 0 of R is solution of ϑ̂n (z) := −cz + n σ̂n2 2 1 X z|∆ni X | z + (e − 1)11Din = 0. 2 nhn i=1 (27) We have ϑ̂n (0) = 0, ϑ̂0n (z) = −c + σ̂n2 z + n 1 X z|∆ni X | n (e ∆i |11Din nhn i=1 increasingly tends to ∞ as z → ∞. ϑ̂00n (z) = σ̂n2 + n 1 X z|∆ni X | n 2 (e ∆i | 11Din > 0, nhn i=1 z > 0. Then, the equation ϑ̂n (R̂n ) = 0, R̂n > 0, admits a unique solution if ϑ̂00n (0) < 0, which is equivalent to the empirical safety loading condition (26): c> n 1 X n |∆i X |11Din . nhn i=1 Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Theorem Suppose that the safety loading condition c > λµ holds. Then R̂n →P R as n → ∞ such that hn → 0 and nhn → ∞. Suppose further that Z ∞ g (2R) := (e 2Ry − 1)dF (y ) < ∞. 0 Then, √ nhn (R̂n − R) →d ΣN(0, 1) as n → ∞ such that hn → 0 and nhn → ∞, where, Σ2 = λ(g (2R) − 2g (R) − 2) . (σ 2 R − c + λg 0 (R))2 We note that when σ = 0 we obtain the classical result obtained above. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Possible extensions Carry out a similar program for finite-time ruin probabilities ψ(T , u) := P(τ (u) ≤ T ) of the risk process with variable premium: t Z Xt = u + t Z σ(s, Xs )dWs − b(s, Xs )ds + 0 0 Nt X Uj , 0 ≤ t ≤ T. j=1 Tools: Large deviations techniques and Siegmund duality (see Djehiche (1993) or Asmussen (2000) for the case σ = 0). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview References- Incomplete list Aalen, Odd O.; Hoem, Jan M (1978): Random time changes for multivariate counting processes. Scand. Actuar. J. no. 2, 81101. Andersen, P.K:, Borgan, Ø., Gill, R.D., Keiding, N. (1993): Statistical models based on counting processes, Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg. Asmussen, S. (2000): Ruin Probabilities. World Scientific, Singapore. Cramér, H. (1930): On the Mathematical Theory of Risk. Skandia Jubilee Volume, Stockholm. Cramér, H. (1955): Collective Risk Theory. Skandia Jubilee Volume, Stockholm. Djehiche, B. (1993): A large deviations estimate of ruin probabilities. Scand. Actuarial J. (1), pp. 42-59. Feller, W. (1971): An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications. Wiley, New York. Grandell, J. (1991): Aspects of risk theory. Springer-Verlag, New York. Karr, Alan F. (1986): Point processes and their statistical inference. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York and Basel. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview References II Lundberg, F. (1903): I. Approximerad Framställning av Sannolikhetsfunktioner. II. Aterförsäkring av Kollektivrisker. Almqvist och Wiksell, Uppsala. Lundberg, F. (1926): Försäkringsteknisk Riskutjämning. F. Englunds boktryckeri, AB, Stockholm. Mancini, C. (2004): Estimation of the characteristics of the jump of a general Poisson-diffusion model. Scand. Actuar. J. 2004, no. 1, 42-52. Shimizu, Y. and Yoshida, N. (2006): Estimation of parameters for diffusion processes with jumps from discrete observations. Stat. Inference Stoch. Process. 9 (2006), no. 3, 227-277. Shimizu, Y. (2009): A new aspect of a risk process and its statistical inference. Insurance Math. Econom. 44(1), 70-77. Shimizu, Y. (2009): Functional estimation for Lvy measures of semimartingales with Poissonian jumps. J. Multivariate Anal. 100(6), 1073-1092. Shimizu, Y. (2008): A practical inference for discretely observed jump-diffusions from finite samples. J. Japan Statist. Soc. 38 (2008), no. 3, 391-413. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview II. Life Insurance By life insurance policy or contract we mean any form of person insurance contract over a (long) period of time such as life or pension and disability or sickness coverage. In such products, premiums and benefits are typically contingent to upon transitions of the policyholder between a number of states stated in the contract. Thereof the use of the powerful (semi)-Markov chain theory to carry out the valuation and estimation of the contracts. We first give a short introduction to the basic constituents of a life insurance contract and related reserving. Then we single out the main parameters that control the evolution of the life insurance contract and focus on their statistical estimation. These parameters are the mortality rate and disability inception and recovery rates. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview A Markov chain model of a life insurance contract Let E = {0, 1, 2, . . . , m} be the (finite) set of possible states of the policy. Starting at 0, the policy is assumed to be in one and only one state at each time. Let X (t) denote the state of the policy at time t ∈ [0, n]. We assume that the process X is right-continuous with a finite number of jumps, with transition probability pij (s, t) = P[X (t) = i|X (s) = j], i, j ∈ E , 0≤s≤t≤n (28) and transition intensity µij := lim h↓0 pij (t, t + h) , h i 6= j The total transition intensity from state i at time t is X µi· (t) = µik (t) (29) (30) k:k6=i so that pii (t, t + dt) = 1 − µi· (t)dt + o(t). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Basic Kolmogorov equations A. The Kolmogorov backward equation: for s ≤ t, ∂pij P ∂s (s, t) = µi· (s)pij (s, t) − k:k6=i µik (s)pkj (s, t), B. The Kolmogorov forward equation: for s ≤ t, ∂pij P ∂t (s, t) = −pij (s, t)µj· (t) + k:k6=i pik (s, t)µkj (t), (31) pij (t, t) = δij . (32) pij (s, s) = δij . C. The Chapman-Kolmogorov equation X pik (s, u) = pij (s, t)pjk (t, u), s ≤ t ≤ u. (33) j∈E The key parameter in this Markov chain framework is the transition intensity which is the object of our statistical inference study. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Examples 1. Single life with one cause of death (one absorbing state) Here E = {0, 1}, where state 0 = alive, state 1= dead (absorbing state). If T denotes the life length of a person with survival probability F̄ (t) = P(T > t), the Markov chain counts the number of deaths: X (t) = 11{T ≤t} , t ∈ [0, n], with transition probability p00 (s, t) = Rt F̄ (t) = e − s µ(u)du . F̄ (s) µ is called mortality intensity (rate, force). Its estimation from data is of central importance in Life Insurance. '$ '$ a &% Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm µ d &% Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview 2. Single life with m causes of death (m absorbing states) Here E = {0, 1, . . . , m}, where state 0 = alive, state j= dead with cause j (absorbing state). These absorbing states model different causes of death such as death by ”car accident”, ”normal death”, ”death caused by a disease” etc.. The total mortality intensity is µ0· (t) := µ(t) = r X µj (t), (34) j=1 where, µj (t) := µ0j (t) denotes the mortality rate for death with cause j. This is nothing but the transition intensity from state 0 (alive) to the absorbing state j. The probability that an s years old person will die from cause j before age t is then Z t Ru p0j (s, t) = e − s µ(τ )dτ µj (u)du. (35) s Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview '$ a &% @ @ @ @ @ µj @ µ1 µn @ @ @ @ @ '$ d1 &% ? '$ ... ... dj &% Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm @ R @ '$ dn &% Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview 3. Disability, recovery and death This model is widely used to analyze insurance contracts with payments depending on the state of the health of the insured. For example I Sickness insurance that provides an annuity benefit during disability periods; I Life insurance with premium waiver during disability; I Pension with additional benefits to other members of the family. Here the possible states are a = alive/active, i=invalid/unemployed, and d=dead/recovered or any other suitable labeling. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview '$ α(t) '$ β(t) i &% a A &% A A A A A A A µ(t) A A A ν(t) A U A '$ d &% Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Payment streams and reserving techniques Let X be the Markov chain with intensities µij associated with an insurance contract. Let Ij (t) = 11{X (t)=j} , t ∈ [0, T ] denote the indicator process of whether the policy is in state j or not, and Nij (t) = #{s : X (s − ) = i, X (s) = j, s ∈ (0, t]} denote the number of transitions from state i to state j during the time interval (0, t]. We have dIj (t) = dN·j (t) − dNj· (t), (36) where, N·j (t) := X Nkj (t), Nj· (t) := k;k6=j X Njk (t). k;k6=j We have, for t ≤ u E [Ij (u)|X (t) = i] = pij (t, u), (37) E [dNjk (u)|X (t) = i] = pij (t, u)µjk (u)du. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview A standard payment stream A (benefits less premiums) has usually the following form: X X Ij (t)dAj (t) + ajk (t)dNjk (t) , dA(t) := j (38) k;k6=j where, dAj (t) := aj (t)dt + (Aj (t) − Aj (t − )) = aj (t)dt + ∆Aj (t). (39) specifies the so-called general life annuity payment i.e. payments due during sojourn in state j. The payment aj (t) is the rate of a state-wise annuity payable continuously at time t, while the lump sum payment ∆Aj (t) is an endowment at time t. The annuity function Aj is usually assumed to have a finite number of discontinuity points {t1 , t2 , . . . , tq }. The payments ajk (t) specify the so-called general life assurance i.e. amounts that are payable immediately upon transition from state j to state k. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Expected present values and prospective reserves The liability at time t for which the insurer should provide a reserve (prospective reserve) is the present value of the payment streams (future benefits less premiums) A over the lifespan [t, n] of the insurance contract: Z n Rs (40) V (t) = e − t r (u)du dA(s). t When the policy is in state i at time t, then, in view of (37), the state-wise prospective reserve is Rs Rn Vi (t) := E [V (t)|X (t) = i] = t e − t r (u)du E [dA(s)|X (t) = i] (41) Rs Rn P P = t e − t r (u)du j pij (t, s) dAj (t) + k;k6=j ajk (s)µjk (s)ds , when r , aj , aik are all deterministic function. Written in differential form, Vj satisfies the following Feynman-Kac type formula: Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The Backward Thiele’s differential equation (Actuarial Black and Scholes formula!) dVi dt (t) = (r (t) + µi· (t))Vi (t) − t ∈ (tp−1 , tp ), ∆Vj (tp ) = −∆Aj (tp ), Vj (n) = 0. P j;j6=i µij (t)Vj (t) − ai (t) − P j;j6=i aij (t)µij (t), p = 1, . . . , q, p = 1, 2, . . . , q, i ∈ E , (42) This equation admits an explicit solution only for a few uninteresting/trivial insurance contracts. In most cases it is solved using a numerical integration recipe. A fourth order ”Runge-Kutta” procedure seems to work efficiently in almost all practical situations. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Thiele’s equation can be recast in the following form ”preferred by actuaries” X − ai (t)dt = dVi (t) − r (t)Vi (t)dt + Rij (t)µij (t)dt (43) j;j6=i where, Rij (t) = aij (t) + Vj (t) − Vi (t), (44) is the so-called ”Sum-at-Risk” associated with a possible transition from state i to state j. P The term j;j6=i Rij (t)µij (t)dt is called the ”risk premium” in (t, t + dt). The term dVi (t) − r (t)Vi (t)dt is called the ”savings premium” in (t, t + dt). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The equivalence principle (aka Fairness constraint) This principle means that V0 (0) = −A0 (0). (45) This condition imposes a constraint on the contractual payments aj , Aj and aij to design a premium level for given benefits. Noting that A0 (0− ) = 0, (45) is equivalent to Z V0 (0− ) := E n e− Rs t r (u)du dA(s) = 0. (46) 0− I The state-wise prospective reserve V (t) can be seen as the value function of a singular control problem where subject to the fairness constraint, where the control parameter is the process A(t). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview First and second order reserving bases The jump intensities µij (purely actuarial parameters or liability driving parameter) and the discounting rate r which constitute the ”expected return” of the investment portfolio (the main driver of the asset side) constitute the so-called reserving basis: I First order technical basis (Prudent or conservative): This is a set of assumptions about the portfolio return (or just an interest rate that reflects the market value of the cash flow), r , the transition rates µij (including mortality rates), costs and other relevant technical parameters etc.. These assumptions are meant to lead to premiums and reserves that include a high safety loading that hedges against worst case scenarios. The first order premiums and reserves are usually higher than experience based or historically observed values. This means that a systematic surplus is created by the company and, by law, it should be redistributed to the policyholder is terms of bonuses that are usually allocated but not distributed until the termination of the policy. Here we face a model risk. I Second order technical basis also called experience (or market) basis sets values of the parameters based on realistic scenarios collected based on the history of the policy. The company updates the reserves on a regular basis and adjusts for the parameters using the bonus fund created using the first order basis. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview A typical example of adjustments to be made under the experience (market) basis is compensation for a possible non-equivalence of the first order payments i.e. V0 (0− ) 6= 0, is . The insurance company compensates for this by adding dividend payments D to the first order payments. D has usually the following form: X X Ij (t)dDj (t) + dD(t) := δjk (t)dNjk (t) , (47) j k;k6=j dDj (t) := δj (t)dt + (Dj (t) − Dj (t − )) = δj (t)dt + ∆Dj (t). (48) The coefficients δj , ∆Dj and δij are stochastic processes adapted to the ”demographic-economic” history F with a more complex structure than the coefficients related to the payment processes A. The dividend process D is chosen (constrained) to attain the ultimate equivalence (fairness): Z n Rs e − t r (u)du d(A + D)(s) | Fn = 0. E (49) 0− Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview In the Black and Scholes world, the dividend payments are provided by an asset portfolio such as the following diffusion Y modulated by the jump process X : dY (t) = rY (t)dt + σ(t, X (t), Y (t))Y (t)dW (t) + d(C − D)(t), Y (0− ) = 0, (50) where, C is the usual income (or contribution) process usually of the following form (similar to A and D): X X Ij (t)dCj (t) + dC (t) := cjk (t)dNjk (t) , (51) j k;k6=j dCj (t) := cj (t)dt + (Cj (t) − Cj (t − )) = cj (t)dt + ∆Cj (t). (52) Assuming the coefficients δj (t), ∆Dj (t) and δij (t) are functions of (t, Y (t)), the state-wise prospective reserve is Vi (t, x) := E [V = i, Y (t) = x] i hR(t)|X (t) Rs n = E t e − t r (u)du d(A + D)(s)|X (t) = i, Y (t) = x (53) satisfies a more complex ”Thiele’s” PDE (cf. Steffensen (2006) and Fahrenwaldt (2013)). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Graduation techniques- Estimation of the mortality rates We start with statistical inference of the mortality rate µ which is the only jump intensity in the simplest life insurance contract: Single life with one cause of death (one absorbing state) i.e. E = {0, 1}, where state 0 = alive, state 1= dead (absorbing state). The underlying Markov chain counts the number of deaths: X (t) = 11{T ≤t} , t ∈ [0, n], where, T denotes the life length of a person with survival probability p00 (s, t) = Rt F̄ (t) = e − s µ(u)du , F̄ (s) 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ n. In actuarial practice one often considers the remaining life length Tx of an insured of age x. The corresponding survival probability over a time period of length t ≥ 0 is P(Tx > t) := P(T > x + t|T > x) = e − Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm R x+t x µ(u)du = e− Rt 0 µ(x+u)du . (54) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview In a more general framework where ’stochastic mortality’ modeling can be incorporated, consider (the possibly random) force (or rate) of mortality at t for individual aged x at time 0, µ(x, t). Then, the survival index is Z t S(x, t) := exp − µ(x + s, s)ds 0 the probability of survival of an individual aged x during the time interval [0, t], given the mortality force µ(x, s) i.e. P(Tx > t) = E [S(x, t)] In Eq.(54), µ(x, t) = µ(x + t). The main goal of this section is to estimate the mortality force µ(x, s), given historical mortality data of a population of insured individuals. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview I. An Age-specific model: Gompertz-Makeham graduation formula This model captures the evolution of mortality in mutually exclusive age cohorts but disregards a possible common risk factor that links all cohorts together. Consider an insured population of ages xi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n. Let Nx denote the exposure i.e. the number of individuals of the same age x and Dx denotes the number of individuals dead during the interval (x, x + 1). Assuming that the remaining survival lengths of all individuals are independent, and the insured population is homogeneous in the sense that the survival probability of all individuals is the same. A stochastic model based on a ”crude approximation” of the Binomial distribution by the Poisson distribution suggests that Dxi ∼ independent Poisson(µxi Nxi ). (55) Then mortality rate (or force) µxi for a population of age xi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n can be estimated by the so-called ”central or crude death rate” µ̂xi = Dxi , Nxi Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm i = 1, 2, . . . , n. (56) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Gompertz and later Makeham famous graduation formula suggests a mortality rate of the form µx := α + βe γx (57) where, the parameters α, β and γ which satisfy α + β > 0, β > 0 and γ ≥ 0 are estimated using the insured population data. When α = 0 we get Gompertz mortality law. A fairly standard way to perform the parameter estimation is to use a weighted least squares method: minimize Q= n X wxi (µ̂xi − α − βe γxi ) 2 (58) i=0 w.r.t. the parameters α, β and γ, where the weight is the inverse of the variance of µ̂xi : Nx2i Nx2i Nx wxi = = = i Var (Dxi ) Nxi µ̂xi µ̂xi (59) so that Q is approximately χ2 -distributed. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview In practice, one fixes a value for γ ’based on experience’ and finds the optimal values of α and β. In the Swedish life insurance business, there is a Central Mortality Committee that estimates these parameters to be used by insurance companies and pension funds. For example, in the so-called M90 investigation, the committee suggested that µx = α + βe γ(x−f ) where, the parameter f adjusts for mortality of females among the insured population. Values f = 4 or 5 years are used. For M90, α = 0, 001, β = 0, 000012 and γ = 0.044. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview II. Gompertz graduation formula with a view towards GLM Recall Gompertz’ graduation formula: µx := βe γx (60) or log µx , which is linear in age: log µx = log β + log e γx := a + γx. This can be extended to a quadratic or a polynomial form log µx = a + bx + cx 2 , log µx = a0 + a1 x + a2 x 2 + . . . + ap x p . GLM means that we perform a regression of log µx with respect to a basis {1, x}, {1, x, x 2 }, {1, x, . . . , x p }, or any other carefully chosen ’spline’ basis {B1 (x), B2 (x), . . . , Bp (x)} such that µx = p X Bj (x)aj j=1 Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview and estimate the coefficients a0 , a1 , . . . , ap which maximize the penalized log-likelihood function: 1 L(a) − λa0 B 0 Ba 2 where, L(a) is the log- likelihood of the model Dxi ∼ independent Poisson(µxi Nxi ), , i = 1, . . . , n, (61) (62) and λ > 0 is a smoothing parameter. A similar approach can be applied to obtain a smooth year (or period) specific mortality: maximize the penalized log-likelihood function L(θ) − 1 0 0 λθ P Pθ, 2 (63) where, L(θ) is the log- likelihood of the model Dti ∼ independent Poisson(µti Nti ), Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm t = tmin , . . . , tmax . (64) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The smoothing parameter λ can be estimated using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) (Akaike (1987)), the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) (Schwartz (1978)) or the Generalized Cross-Validation (GCV) (Craven and Wahba, 1979). Below, we will suggest another criterion (see the HP-filter section below). An age-period model: Lee-Carter graduation formula Lee and Carter (1992) suggest a Gompertz type graduation formula for the full mortality rate µ(x, t): log µ(x, t) := α(x) + β(x)κ(t), subject to the constraints X β(x) = 1, x X κ(t) = 0, (65) (66) t fitting X (log µobs (x, t) − α(x) + β(x)κ(t))2 . x,t Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview This model captures the evolution of mortality in mutually exclusive age cohorts while at the same time includes a possible common risk factor k(t) that links all cohorts together over time. The parameters a(x) and b(x) are age-specific while k(t) is time (period) dependent only and should capture the random period effect of the mortality rate. k(t) is usually modeled as a time series or a random walk with drift. Lee and Carter (1992) suggest an ARIMA (discretized diffusion process) for κ of the form k(t + 1) = k(t) + a1 + a2 ξ + σz(t) where, z(t) is white noise and ξ ∈ {0, 1} is a dummy variable that captures major outbreaks of disease leading to a huge mortality wave such as the 1918 worldwide flu outbreak or the 2008 earthquake in China etc.. Estimation is usually performed w.r.t. each dimension: x and time (period) t. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Here are some suggestions (see Lee and Carter (1992), Brouhns et al. (2002), Currie, Richards and co-authors (2003-2012), Samuelsson (2008) etc..). I Given κ(t) = κ̂(t), fit a GLM with regressor κ̂: log µ(x, t) := α(x) + β(x)κ̂(t) I Given α(x) = α̂(x), β(x) = β̂(x), fit a GLM with offset α̂(x) and regressor β̂(x): log µ(x, t) := α̂(x) + β̂(x)κ(t) I Perform a regression w.r.t. a 2-d spline basis Ba (x) ⊗ By (t) for age and time dimensions (x, t). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Building blocks of the MLE for the Lee-Carter model Following Brouhns et al. (2002), the MLE approach to the Lee-Carter model is based on the Poisson distribution assumption that Dx,t ∼ Poisson(µ(x, t)Nx,t ), with log µ(x, t) := α(x) + β(x)κ(t), (67) x = xmin , . . . , xmax , t = tmin , . . . , tmax . The parameters α(x), β(x) and κ(t) are estimated by maximizing the log-likelihood X L(α, β, κ) := (Dx,t (α(x) + β(x)κ(t)) − Nx,t exp (α(x) + β(x)κ(t))) + Cst. x,t The nonlinear term β(x)κ(t) does not allow for a closed form of the maximizing parameters. One instead uses an iterative method such as the Newton-Raphson updating scheme (or any more efficient numerical optimization algorithm): θ(n+1) = θ(n) − ∂L(n) /∂θ , ∂ 2 L(n) /∂θ2 which numerically solves ∂L(n) /∂θ = 0. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview (0) (0) (0) α̂x = 0, β̂x = 1, κ̂t = 0, (0) 1 tmax −tmin +1 alternatively α̂x = (0) κ̂t = P (0) x β̂x P (0) t log(µ̂(x, t)), β̂x = (0) log(µ̂(x, t)) − α̂x (n) (n) (n) (n) t (Dx,t −D̂x,t ) P (n) − t D̂x,t , 1 , tmax −tmin +1 , D̂x,t = Nx,t exp (α̂x + β̂ (n) κ̂t ), (n) P (n) P (n+1) = α̂x − (n+2) = κ̂t − α̂x κ̂t (n+3) β̂x (n+2) = β̂x (n+1) β̂x (n+1) (n+1) )β̂x t (Dx,t −D̂x,t P (n+1) (n+1) 2 D̂ (β̂x ) t x,t − − , (n+2) n+2 )κ̂ (t) t (Dx,t −D̂x,t P (n+2) − t D̂x,t (κ̂n+2 )2 t (n) = β̂x , (n+2) α̂x P Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm , (n+1) = α̂x (n+3) α̂x (n+1) κ̂t (n+2) , β̂x (n+2) = α̂x (n) = κ̂t , (n+3) , κ̂t (n+1) = β̂x , (n+2) = κ̂t , Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The parameters are standardized in each step of the iteration to satisfy the constraints X X β(x) = 1, κ(t) = 0, (68) x t by letting α̂x(n+1) = α̂x(n) + Aβ̂x(n) , (n) κ̂(n+1) = (κ̂t − A)B, x β̂x(n+1) = β̂x(n) /B, (69) where, A= X (n) 1 κ̂ , tmax − tmin t t B= X β̂x(n) . (70) x The estimated values of κ(t), t = tmin , . . . , tmax are used to fit it to a dynamical model (see HP-filter below). We mentioned above that Lee and Carter fit κ(t) to an ARIMA model of the form k(t + 1) = k(t) + a1 + a2 ξ + σz(t) where, z(t) is white noise and ξ ∈ {0, 1} is a dummy variable that captures major mortality changes. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Mortality among Swedish insured (cf. Swedish Research Board for Actuarial Science (Samuelsson (2008)) Alfa, kvinnor Alfa, män −1 −1 −2 −2 −3 −3 −4 −4 −5 −5 −6 −6 −7 −7 −8 −8 −9 30 40 50 60 Ålder 70 80 90 −9 30 40 50 60 Ålder 70 80 90 Figure: The αx parameter for ages 30-90 years (females and males). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Beta, kvinnor 0.04 Beta, män 0.04 Orginal Utjämnad Orginal Utjämnad 0.035 0.035 0.03 0.03 0.025 0.025 0.02 0.02 0.015 0.015 0.01 0.01 0.005 0.005 0 30 40 50 60 Ålder 70 80 90 0 30 40 50 60 Ålder 70 80 90 Figure: Estimated and smoothed βx parameter for ages 30-90 years (females and males). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Kappa, kvinnor 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 −5 −5 −10 −10 −15 −15 −20 1985 1990 1995 Year Kappa, män 15 2000 2005 −20 1985 1990 1995 År 2000 2005 Figure: Estimated and linearized κ(t) parameter for data 1985-2005 (females and males). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview κt, kvinnor 15 Kappa, kvinnor 15 Orginal Utjämnad Orginal Utjämnad 10 10 5 5 0 0 −5 −5 −10 −10 −15 −15 −20 1985 1990 1995 År 2000 2005 −20 1985 1990 1995 År 2000 2005 Figure: Estimated and smoothed κ(t) parameter for data 1985-2005 (females and males). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Mortality jumps, due to e.g. new life standards or medical development etc., are also important to capture in a mortality model, despite the serious difficulties to perform reliable estimation. Cox et al. (2010) suggest two types of mortality jump events to the Lee-Carter model: log µ(x, t) := α(x) + β(x)κ(t) − G (x, t) + H(x, t), where I G (x, t) captures a permanent longevity jump and takes the form G (x, t) := K (x, t) + D(x, t), with K (x, t) := ∞ X yj Aj (x)11{t≥ηj } = Jump reduction component, j=1 and D(x, t) := ∞ X ζi (t−νi )Fi (x)e −ξi (t−νi ) 11{t≥νi } = Trend reduction component. j=1 I K (x, t) captures temporary adverse mortality jumps and takes the form H(x, t) := ∞ X bj Bj (x)e −κi (t−τi ) 11{t≥τj } . j=0 Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview An age-period-cohort model: Extending Lee-Carter graduation formula The Lee-Carter model captures the age-period effect, but does not reflect the possible cohort effect (calender year-age = t − x). A simple model that would simultaneously capture the age-period-cohort effect would be log µ(x, t) := α(x) + κ(t) + γ(t − x). Renshaw and Haberman (2009) suggested the following extension of the Lee-Carter model to capture the cohort effect (calender year-age = t − x): log µ(x, t) := β1 (x) + β2 (x)κ(t) + β3 (x)γ(t − x). (71) A generalization of this mortality model for data divided into N components reads N X log µ(x, t) := βj (x)κj (t)γj (t − x). j=1 In a series of papers the Edinburgh teams including Currie, Richards and co-authors (2003-2012) and Cairns and co-authors (2006-2012) suggest other extensions and perform deep statistical analysis that seem tune the age-period-cohort effect when applied to mortality data from England and Wales, and USA. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview An infinite dimensional approach to mortality modeling The mortality rate can be viewed as an (infinite dimensional) curve of (x, t). To capture the high level of uncertainty in projections of future mortality one is tempted to translate the ”machinery” developed for ”forward” interest rate yields such as ”the HJM-model under the Musiela parametrization etc..” to mortality rates. One is tempted to translated the calibration techniques of interest rate yield curves, to perform hopefully more accurate projections of future mortality (though with limited data points). See e.g. Biffis (2005), Biffis and Millossovitch (2006), Biffis and Denuit (2006), Biffis, Denuit and Devolder (2010), and Tappe and Weber (2013) for further details. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview References- Incomplete list Aalen, Odd O.; Hoem, Jan M (1978): Random time changes for multivariate counting processes. Scand. Actuar. J. no. 2, 81101. Andersen, P.K:, Borgan, Ø., Gill, R.D., Keiding, N. 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A smooth trend ŷ = (ŷ1 , . . . , ŷT ) of a given a time series x = (x1 , . . . , xT ) is a minimizer of the following problem (Spoerl (1943), Leser (1961), Hodrick and Prescott (1980, 1997)) T −2 T X X ŷ (α, x) = arg min (xt − yt )2 + α (yt+2 − 2yt+1 + yt )2 y t=1 ! t=1 for a given α > 0, called the smoothing parameter. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview where, ŷ (α, x) = arg min kx − y k2 + αkPy k2 y Py (t) := (yt+2 − yt+1 ) − (yt+1 − yt ), P is the ((T − 2) × T -matrix) 1 0 P := 0 t = 1, 2, . . . , T − 2, shift operator −2 1 ··· ··· 1 −2 ··· ··· ··· 1 ··· 1 ··· ··· ··· −2 0 0 . 1 The unique solution ŷ (α, x) to the optimal problem is ŷ (α, x) = (IT + αP 0 P)−1 x, Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (72) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview A Gaussian random walk model of the trend To determine the value of the smoothing parameter α, Hodrick and Prescott suggest the time series x follows a linear mixed model: x = y + u, Py = v , where (the prior), u v ∼ N (0, Σuv ), with covariance matrix Σuv := σu2 IT 0 Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 0 σv2 IT −2 , Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Since P is of rank T − 2, the signal v := Py does not determine a unique y but rather the set of solutions y := {P 0 (PP 0 )−1 v + Z γ; γ ∈ R 2 } where the T × 2-matrix Z satisfies −1 PZ = 0, P 0 PP 0 P + ZZ 0 = IT , Z 0 Z = I2 . (Orthogonal Parametrization) Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview (x, y ) is normally distributed: x Z ∼N γ, Σxy , y Z with covariance matrix Σxy := σu2 IT + σv2 Q σv2 Q σv2 Q σv2 Q , where, Q := P 0 (PP 0 )−1 (PP 0 )−1 P, Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm QZ = 0, Z 0 Q = 0, Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview and Q[ σu2 σ2 I + Q]−1 = [ u2 IT + Q]−1 Q, 2 T σv σv which yields that Q[ σu2 IT + Q]−1 Z = 0. σv2 The maximum likelihood estimator of γ is argminγ (x − Z γ)0 [σu2 IT + σv2 Q]−1 (x − Z γ) = Z 0 x. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Noise-to-Signal Ratio Theorem 1 (Hodrick and Prescott (1997)) α = σu2 /σv2 . Hodrick and Prescott derived this equality using ŷ (α, x) ≈ E [y |x], from signal-extraction techniques which is widely used in Signal Processing. First to prove Theorem 1 is (Schlicht (2005): Theorem 2 (Schlicht (2005)) α = σu2 /σv2 and γ = Z 0 x (ML-estimator of γ) if and only if ŷ (α, x) = E [y |x]. 0 (Recall ŷ (α, x) := (IT + αP P)−1 x) Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Proposition (Dermoune-D-Rahmania(2009)) α∗ = σu2 /σv2 = arg min kE [ y | x] − y (α, x)k2 . α>0 Moreover, the error (optimal gap) E [ y | x] − y (α∗ , x) = Z γ − Z 0 x is a centered Gaussian vector with covariance matrix cov Z Z 0 x − γ = σu2 ZZ 0 . In particular, E [kE [ y | x] − y (α∗ , x)k2 ] = E [kZ (γ − Z 0 x) k2 ] = σu2 trace(ZZ 0 ) = 2σu2 . Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview For US real GNP time series, the smoothing parameter α is determined in two ways: I Hodrick and Prescott (1980, 1997) finds α∗ = 1600 using a prior view based on macroeconomics arguments: σu = 5% and σv = 1/8% in the rate of the growth in a quarter. I Schlicht (2005) finds α∗ = 2.40, using a complicated ML-estimator which is a fixed point of a highly nonlinear matrix equation. The consistency of the ML-estimator is still open. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview A consistent estimator of the noise-to-signal ratio α We use observations from the centered Gaussian and stationary (thanks to P) time series Px: Px = v + Pu ∼ N (0, σv2 IT −2 + σu2 PP 0 ). The elements of the covariance matrix are σv2 δij + σu2 (PP 0 )ij = r|i−j| , where, 2 σv + 6σu2 , −4σu2 , rk = σ2 , u 0, Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm if k = 0; if k = 1; if k = 2; otherwise. Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview A classical fact that (see e.g. Chapter 7 in Brockwell and Davis (1991)) r̂k = TX −2−k 1 Px(j)Px(j + k), (T − 2) − k j=1 k = 0, 1, 2, is an unbiased estimator of rk = E [Px(s)Px(s + k)] in the sense that E [r̂k ] = rk . Theorem The following statistics 1 α b=− 4 !−1 P −2 (T − 3) Tj=1 Px(j)2 3 + P −3 2 (T − 2) Tj=1 Px(j)Px(j + 1) (73) based on the time series of observation Px, is a consistent estimator of the smoothing parameter α. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Performance of different estimates of the statistics α̂ • α = 0.5 based on 5000 simulations. T-2 1000 2500 5000 mean(α̂) 0.512 0.503 0.501 standard deviation(α̂) 0.09 0.06 0.04 • α = 10 based on 5000 simulations. T-2 1000 7000 14000 percentage of (α̂ < 0) 0.255 0.044 0.010 standard deviation(α̂) 548 226 65 Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Estimating α for US real GNP time series under the period 01-01-1947–01-01-2006 For US real GNP time series, the smoothing parameter α is estimated as follows. • Using Eq. (1), α∗ = 0.41. • Hodrick and Prescott (1980, 1997) find α∗ = 1600. • Schlicht (2005) finds α∗ = 2.40. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview US Real GNP Estimated trend Trend using Schlicht estimator Hodrick−Prescott trend 4200 4000 3800 3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 65 70 75 Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 80 85 90 95 100 Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview 1 0.5 0 −0.5 Autocorrelation function of the noise component using alpha=1600. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 Autocorrelation function of the noise component using alpha=2.4028. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview 1 0.5 0 −0.5 Autocorrelation function of the noise component using alpha=0.4137. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Calibration Estimated values of the smoothing parameter α. The values of α̂ are based on the estimator given by Eq. (1) and α∗ are obtained using the Schlicht’s estimator. x US real GNP GBP Euro CHF JPY α̂ 0.4137 0.3734 0.3675 0.5896 0.4489 α∗ 2.4028 1.2998 0.67173 1.4592 1.8383 x S&P 500 Nasdaq Dow Jones FTSI Nikkei α̂ 0.4963 0.5152 0.6417 0.4125 0.4721 α∗ 8.1615 3.2756 1.1907 3.0841 2.4028 Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The Hodrick-Prescott Multivariate filter The Hordrick-Prescott Multivariate filter (HPMV) seeks to estimate the unobserved variable y as a solution to the following minimization problem arg min(||x − y ||2 + α1 ||Py ||2 + α2 ||z − βy ||2 ), y given the following dynamics: x = y + u, z := x ∗ − dX = βy + ξ, Py = v , (74) (75) where, xt∗ is another explanatory variable (the Phillips curve) that can be explained by the unobserved variable y , and X is an exogenous variable affected by the parameter d. with u ξ ∼ N (0, Σ), (76) v Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview σu2 IT Σ := 0 0 0 σξ2 IT 0 0 . 0 σv2 IT −2 the time series (x, z) can be represented in terms of (u, v , ξ) as x = u + P 0 (PP 0 )−1 v + Z γ, z = ξ + βP 0 (PP 0 )−1 v + βZ γ, (77) for some γ ∈ R2 . In view of (77), Σxyz x Z z ∼ N βZ γ, Σxzy , y Z 2 σu IT + σv2 Q βσv2 Q σv2 Q 2 2 2 2 βσ Q σ I + βσ Q βσ v v vQ ξ T = σv2 Q βσv2 Q σv2 Q (78) , where, Q := P 0 (PP 0 )−1 (PP 0 )−1 P Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The unique solution ŷ to Problem (74) is ŷ = a(IT + bP 0 P)−1 w , where, a := 1/(1 + α2 β 2 ), b := α1 /(1 + α2 β 2 ) and w := x + α2 βz. Proposition The best smoothing parameters of the HPMV filter according to Schilcht Criterion are those positive parameters α1∗ and α2∗ for which α1∗ /α1e = 1 + α2∗ β 2 (α2∗ /α2e − α1∗ /α1e ) , where, α1e = σu2 /σv2 and α2e = (79) σu2 /σξ2 . In particular, (1) α1∗ = α1e if and only if α2∗ = α2e . (2) If α1∗ /α1e < 1, then necessarily α2∗ /α2e < α1∗ /α1e . (3) If α1∗ /α1e > 1, then necessarily α2∗ /α2e > α1∗ /α1e . Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The following statistics α b1e 1 =− 4 !−1 P −2 (T − 3) Tj=1 Px(j)2 3 + , P −3 2 (T − 2) Tj=1 Px(j)Px(j + 1) PT −3 j=1 Px(j)Px(j + 1) j=1 Pz(j)Pz(j + 1) α b2e = PT −3 , and βb2 = 2(T − 3) PT −2 2(T − 3) PT −2 j=1 j=1 Pz(j)2 + 3(T − 2) PT −3 Pz(j)Pz(j + 1) + 3(T − 2) PT −3 Px(j)Px(j + 1) Px(j)2 j=1 j=1 , based on the time series of observations Px and Pz, are consistent estimators of the smoothing parameters α1e , α2e and the parameter β. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Calibration T-2 500 1000 5000 (mean(α̂e1 ), std(α̂e1 )) (1.13, 0.61) (1.05, 0.33) (1.00,0.11) (mean(α̂e2 ), std(α̂e2 )) (1.01, 0.16) (1.00, 0.11) (1.00, 0.05) (mean(β̂), std(β̂)) (0.47, 0.29) (0.47, 0.22) (0.49, 0.08) Table: Performance of different estimates of the statistics on αe1 = 1, αe2 = 1 and β = 0.5 based on 1000 simulations. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview T-2 500 1000 5000 (mean(α̂e1 ), std(α̂e1 )) (1.13, 0.61) (1.05, 0.33) (1.00,0.11) (mean(α̂e2 ), std(α̂e2 )) (0.50, 0.09) (0.50, 0.06) (0.50, 0.02) (mean(β̂), std(β̂)) (2.06, 0.43) (2.01, 0.23) (2.00, 0.10) Table: Performance of different estimates of the statistics on αe1 = 1, αe2 = 0.5 and β = 2 based on 1000 simulations. T-2 500 1000 5000 (mean(α̂e1 ), std(α̂e1 )) (1.13, 0.61) (1.05, 0.33) (1.00,0.11) (mean(α̂e2 ), std(α̂e2 )) (16.30, 2.73) (16.14, 1.84) (15.96, 0.84) (mean(β̂), std(β̂)) (0.19, 0.05) (0.20, 0.03) (0.19, 0.01) Table: Performance of different estimates of the statistics on αe1 = 1, αe2 = 16 and β = 0.2 based on 1000 simulations. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Multivariate HP filter Example Consider the following two-dimensional HP-filter: x i = y i + u i , Py i = v i , i = 1, 2, where, the noises u 1 and u 2 , respectively v 1 and v 2 , may be correlated. P 0 A := , 0 P we get the following two-dimensional HP-filter: x = y + u, Ay = v . Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview u v with covariance matrix ∼ N (0, Σuv ). Σuv := Σu 0 0 Σv . (x, y ) is normally distributed: x Z ∼N γ, Σxy , y Z with covariance matrix Σxy := Σu + Qv Qv Qv Qv , where, Qv := A0 (AA0 )−1 Σv (AA0 )−1 A E [ y | x] = Z γ + Qv [Σu + Qv ]−1 (x − Z γ). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The maximum likelihood estimator of γ is γ̂ = argminγ (x − Z γ)0 [Σu + Qv ]−1 (x − Z γ) = Z 0 Σu ZZ 0 [Σu + Qv ]−1 x. We suggest the following multivariate HP-filter. Definition A multivariate HP-trend minimizes the following weighted sum ŷ (Σ, Ω)) = argminy (x − y )0 Σ−1 (x − y ) + y 0 A0 Ω−1 Ay , where (Σ, Ω) is a pair of positive definite matrices with appropriate dimensions that acts as a smoothing parameter. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Multivariate noise-to-signal ’ratio’ We suggest to find the best smoothing parameter (Σ∗ , Ω∗ ) for which (Σ∗ , Ω∗ ) = argmin{(Σ,Ω)∈A} kE [ y | x] − y ((Σ, Ω), x) k2 . (80) in the following class A of admissible matrices. A = {(Σ, Ω) posi. def. s.t. ŷ − Z γ̂ is orthogonal to Z γ̂} = {(Σ, Ω) posi. def. s.t. ΣΠ = ΠΣ}. where, Π = A0 (AA0 )−1 A. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Proposition The pairs of invertible matrices (Σ∗ , Ω∗ ) ∈ A are optimal i.e. (Σ∗ , Ω∗ ) = argmin{(Σ,Ω)∈A} kE [ y | x] − y ((Σ, Ω), x) k2 . if and only if they are solutions of the following equation. −1 Σ∗ A0 Ω∗−1 Σv (AA0 )−1 A = Σu − Z Z 0 [Σu + Qv ]−1 Z Z 0. (81) (82) In particular, given Σ∗ , Ω∗−1 = 0 −1 (AA ) ∗−1 AΣ 0 Σu − Z Z [Σu + Qv ] Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm −1 Z −1 Z 0 A0 Σ−1 v . Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Moreover, the error (optimal gap) E [ y | x]−y ((Σ∗ , Ω∗ ), x) = −1 Z γ − Z 0 [Σu + Qv ]−1 Z Z 0 [Σu + Qv ]−1 x is a centered Gaussian vector with covariance matrix = cov Z Σu ZZ 0 [Σu + Qv ]−1 x − γ −1 Z Z 0 [Σu + Qv ]−1 Z Z 0. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Solvability of Eq. (82) Lemma Eq. (82) is solvable if and only if ΠΣu (IdT − Π) = 0, (if and only if ΠΣu = Σu Π.) (83) where, Π = A0 (AA0 )−1 A In this case, (82) reduces to ΣA0 Ω−1 Σv (AA0 )−1 A = Σu Π. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (84) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Theorem Assume ΠΣu = Σu Π. Then (Σ, Ω) ∈ A is optimal if and only if (Σ, Ω) satisfies 0 0 −1 Σ−1 u ΣA = A Σv Ω. In particular, y ((Σ, Ω) , x) = y ((Σu , Σv ) , x) , for all x ∈ R dT . Moreover, the covariance matrix of the error (optimal gap) is cov (E [ y | x] − y ((Σ, Ω), x)) = ZZ 0 Σu ZZ 0 . Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview A final remark (a) Using, ΠA0 = A0 also yields that −1 ŷ = IdT + ΠΣu ΠA0 Σ−1 x, v A We only need the variance of Πu which is ΠΣu Π and Σv , thus similar to α in the standard HP-filter. (b) (Σu , Σv ) is optimal i.e. it satisfies (82). In particular, if Ω = Σv = σv2 Id(T −k) , we have ŷ = IdT Σu + 2 A0 A σv −1 x, suggesting an optimal smoothing parameter α = Σu /σv2 which is a matrix. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview (c) The pair of matrices (Σ∗ , Σv ) is optimal, for any invertible matrix Σ∗ that satisfies Σ∗ Π = ΣΠ = ΠΣ, is equivalent to choosing Σ∗ of the form var (Πu) Σ∗ = 0 0 L . (85) written in the basis q √ A0 g1 / λ1 , . . . , A0 gd(T −k) / λd(T −k) , Z1 , . . . , Zkd , where λi are the eigenvalues of AA0 and g1 , . . . , gd(T −k) an orthonormal set of eigenvectors corresponding to λi , i = 1, . . . , λd(T −k) . The matrix L is any arbitrary dk × dk-matrix. When L = var ((I − Π)u), Σ∗ = Σu . Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Optimal Spline Smoothing of the Hodrick-Prescott Trend The HP-filter is of limited use for any analysis of the behavior of x in any of the time intervals (tj−1 , tj ) unless an appropriate smooth curve fit, such as polynomial splines, between the tj ’s is used. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Spline smoothing of the HP-trend We suggest a smooth curve fit which is consistent with the HP-filter: The chosen smooth curve y (t) is such that y (tj ) = ȳj , j = 1, . . . , n. That is, the chosen smooth curve y (t) should minimize the following cost functional Z tn 2 J(y ) = kx − ȳ k2 + λ y (2) (t) dt + ȳ T P T WP ȳ , t1 for some smoothing parameters (λ, W ), with λ > 0 and W positive definite matrix. Moreover, the smoothing parameters should be optimal: (λ∗ , W ∗ ) = arg min{λ>0,W positive definite} kE[ȳ | x] − ȳ (λ, W , x)k2 . Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview A smoothing cubic B-spline trend We suggest to look for a smoothing cubic spline curve y (t) which minimizes J of the form x = ȳ + u, P ȳ = v , y (t) = b(t)T τ, ȳ = B T τ, where, • b(t) is an (n × m) cubic smoothing B-spline, • B = (b(t1 ), . . . , b(tn )) ∈ Rn×m , • τ = (τ1 , . . . , τm )T ∈ Rm is the new control parameter, • ȳi := y (ti ), i = 1, . . . , n. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview With y (t) = b(t)T τ, Z tn (y (2) (t))2 dt = τ T G τ, t1 where, G ∈ Rm×m is the Gramian associated to b: Z tn 2 d b(t) d 2 b T (t) dt. G = dt 2 dt 2 t1 The cost functional J(y ) becomes J(τ ) = kx − ȳ k2 + λ tn Z 2 y (2) (t) dt + ȳ T P T WP ȳ t1 = x T x − 2τ T B T x + τ T Lτ, L := λG + B T (In + P T WP)B is positive definite (see Kono et al. (2005)). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The unique minimizer of J is τ̂ = L−1 B T x, which, in terms of (λ, W ) and x, reads τ̂ (λ, W , x) = (λG + B T (In + P T WP)B)−1 B T x. Hence, our cubic B-spline optimal trend is ŷ (t) = b(t)T (λG + B T (In + P T WP)B)−1 B T x, Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm t ∈ [t1 , tn ]. Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Using E[ ȳ | x] = ȳ ( σu2 , x) = σv2 In + σu2 T P P σv2 −1 x. (λ∗ , W ∗ ) = arg min{λ>0,W positive definite} kE[ȳ | x] − ȳ (λ, W , x)k2 . if and only if (λ∗ , W ∗ ) satisfy the following balance equation ∗ T T ∗ −1 B(λ G + B (In + P W P)B) T B x= σ2 In + u2 P T P σv !−1 x. or W∗ = σu2 In−2 − λ∗ (PP T )−1 P(BB T )−1 BGB T (BB T )−1 P T (PP T )−1 . σv2 Theorem (D., Marcus and Rahmania (2011)) • The balance equation has always has a feasible solution. • The cubic B-spline optimal trend is ŷ (t) = b(t)T B T (BB T )−1 (In + Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm σu2 T −1 P P) x. σv2 Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview A numerical example We use three different estimators of the noise-to-signal ratio σu2 /σv2 : 2 2 • αDDR = σ\ u /σv proposed in Dermoune et al. (2008), 2 2 σ\ u /σv n 1 = max 0, − 4 !−1 P 2 o (n − 3) n−2 3 j=1 ξj , + Pn−3 2 (n − 2) j=1 ξj ξj+1 (86) where, ξ = Px. • The Generalized Cross Validation (GCV) estimator as solved efficiently in Wienert (2007) and Weinert (2009). • The one proposed by Hodrick and Prescott (1997), αHP = 1600, for quarterly time series. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview αDDR αGCV αHP US GNP 0.321 0.240 1600 GBP/USD 0.446 0.198 1600 S&P500 0.267 3.65e-3 1600 Table: estimated values of the noise-to-signal ratio σu2 /σv2 . Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Figure: US quarterly GNP from 1947 Q1 to 2010 Q2. Index number 2005=100. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Figure: Daily GBP/USD close prices from 03/31/03 to 10/01/10. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Figure: Monthly close prices of S&P500 from Dec 1987 to Aug 2010. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Main References I Dermoune, A., Djehiche, B. and Rahmania, N. (2008): Consistent estimators of the smoothing parameter in the Hodrick-Prescott Filter. J. Japan Statist. Soc., Vol. 38 (No. 2), pp. 225-241. Dermoune, A., Djehiche, B. and Rahmania, N. (2009): Multivariate extension of the Hodrick-Prescott Filter- Optimality and characterization. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrtics., (13), pp. 1-33. Djehiche, B., Marcus, M., and Rahmania, N. (2011): On a Graduation Problem involving both the Hodrick-Prescott Filter and Optimal Spline Smoothing. Far East J. Theoretical Statistics, 36(1), 1-19. Djehiche, B. and H. Nassar, H. (2012): A Functional Hodrick-Prescott filter (preprint). Djehiche, B. and Rahmania, N. (2013): Modeling and estimating correlated growth and business cycles in a multivariate Hodrick-Prescott filter. Far East J. Theoretical Statistics, (42)1, 41-70. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Main References II Hoem, Jan M. (1972): On the statistical theory of analytic graduation Sixth Berkeley symposium, Proceedings of the Sixth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability (Univ. California, Berkeley, Calif., 1970/1971), Vol. I: Theory of statistics, pp. 569-600. Univ. California Press, Berkeley, Calif. Hoem, Jan M.(1984): A contribution to the statistical theory of linear graduation. Insurance Math. Econom. 3, no. 1, 1-17. Hodrick, R. and Prescott, E. C. (1997): Postwar U.S. business cycles: An empirical investigation. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 29(1), 1-16. Kano, H., Nakata, H. and Martin, C. (2005): Optimal curve fitting and smoothing using normalized uniform B-splines: A tool for studying complex systems. Appl. Math. and Comput. 169(1), 96-128. Schlicht, E. (2005): Estimating the smoothing parameter in the so-called Hodrick-Prescott filter. J. Japan Statist. Soc., Vol. 35 No. 1, 99-119. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Stochastic claims reserving in disability insurance Outline I Disability inception model I Recovery model I Stochastic claims reserving Based on I H. Aro, B. Djehiche and B. Löfdahl (2013): Stochastic modelling of disability insurance in a multi-period framework (to appear in Scandinavian Actuarial Journal). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Disability inception A plot of age vs. year vs. inception frequencies for females is displayed below. 60 60 50 2000 40 2005 30 2010 50 2000 40 2005 30 2010 Inception seems to be strongly time- and age-dependent. How can we model this behaviour? Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Disability inception I Let Ex,t denote the number of healthy individuals with age in [x, x + 1) at the beginning of time period t I Let Dx,t denote the number of individuals among Ex,t with disability inception in the interval [t, t + 1) I Goal: model inception over time, t = 0, 1, 2, . . . I Assume Dx,t is binomially distributed given Ex,t : Dx,t ∼ Bin(Ex,t , px,t ) where px,t is the inception probability of an x-year-old. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Disability inception I In order to reduce the dimensionality of the problem and achieve some level of smoothness, we employ logistic regression: px,t := log n px,t X i i = νt φ (x), 1 − px,t i=1 where φi (x) are age-dependent basis functions and νti time-varying stochastic risk factors. I Changing notation, pνt (x) = px,t , we invert the expression above, obtaining Pn i i exp i=1 νt φ (x) P pνt (x) = 1 + exp( ni=1 νti φi (x)) I This guarantees that the probabilities pνt (x) ∈ (0, 1). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Disability inception Given historical values of Dx,t and Ex,t , and a set of basis functions {φi }, the log-likelihood function for yearly values of νt ∈ Rn can be written l(νt ) = Xh x∈X Dx,t n X νti φi (x) − Ex,t log 1 + exp i=1 n X i νti φi (x) + ct . i=1 I If the basis functions are linearly independent, −l(νt ) is strictly convex. I Minimizing using methods from numerical optimization yields unique estimates of νt . I Question: How do we determine the basis functions? Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Disability inception I I The basis functions can be chosen by the user, according to some criteria Desired properties of pνt (·), e.g. continuity or smoothness w.r.t. x, is achieved by choosing continuous or smooth φi (·) I I I Population characteristics can be taken into account Suitable choices of basis functions gives the risk factors concrete interpretations Alternatively, an optimal basis can be extracted from the data using functional principal component analysis. I Yields better model fit, but harder to interpret results. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Disability inception I Consider the model pνt (x) = νt1 φ1 (x) + νt2 φ2 (x), where the basis functions are linear on x ∈ [25, 64]: 1 φ (x) = I 64 − x 39 , 2 φ (x) = x − 25 39 A linear combination of φ1 and φ2 is then also linear. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Disability inception 1 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 25 0.1 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Figure: Left: two basis functions. Centre: basis functions scaled with risk factor values 0.4 and 0.6. Right: the resulting linear combination. Note: φ1 (25) = φ2 (64) = 1, and φ1 (64) = φ2 (25) = 0. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Disability inception I Under this model, the logistic inception probability of a 25-year old is given by pνt (25) = νt1 φ1 (25) + νt2 φ2 (25) = νt1 . I Similarly, for a 64-year old we have pνt (64) = νt2 . I An x-year old can be seen as a convex combination of a 25-year old and a 64-year old. I Inception for the population described by only νt1 and νt2 . Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Disability inception 60 60 50 2000 40 2005 30 2010 50 2000 40 2005 30 2010 Figure: Left: Inception frequencies per 5-year age groups, females. Right: Model surface. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Recovery from disability I Recovery from disability is slightly more complicated I I I The probability of recovering from illness depends on the amount of time spent in the ’ill’ state. This is known as a semi-Markov property. We extend the disability inception model above to the semi-Markov case, and apply it to recovery modelling. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Recovery model I Let Ex,d,t denote the number of individuals with disability inception age in [x, x + 1) and disability duration d at some point in the time period [t, t + 1). I Let Rx,d,t denote the number of individuals among Ex,d,t that recover during [d, d + ∆d) and [t, t + 1). I Goal: model recovery over time, t = 0, 1, 2, . . . I Assume Rx,d,t is binomially distributed given Ex,d,t : Rx,d,t ∼ Bin(Ex,d,t , px,d,t ) where px,d,t is the probability that an individual, with disability inception age in [x, x + 1) and disability duration d at some point in [t, t + 1), recovers before duration d, d + ∆d. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Recovery model I We propose the following logistic regression model: pνt (x, d) = n X φi (x) i=1 k X νti,j ψ j (d), j=1 where φi and ψ j , are age and duration dependent basis functions, respectively, and νti,j are stochastic risk factors. I Compare with inception model: pνt (x) = n X νti φi (x). i=1 I Basically the same model, extended one dimension. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Recovery model I I Likelihood also has the same structure as before. Strict convexity if I I I {φi } lin. indep. {ψ i } lin. indep. Again, we estimate νt using numerical optimization. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Recovery model I Consider the model pνt (x, d) = φ1 (x) 3 X νt1,j ψ j (d) + φ2 (x) j=1 3 X νt2,j ψ j (d) j=1 where φ and ψ are given by: 64 − x , 39 x − 25 , 39 1 = 2 = 1 = 1, 2 = 3 = d, √ d. φ (x) φ (x) ψ (d) ψ (d) ψ (d) Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Recovery model I The recovery probabilities for a 25-year old are given by pνt (25, ·) = φ1 (25) 3 X νt1,j ψ j (·) + φ2 (25) j=1 = 3 X 3 X νt2,j ψ j (·) j=1 νt1,j ψ j (·), j=1 determined by νt1,1 , νt1,2 , νt1,3 . I Similarly, the recovery probabilities for a 64-year old determined by νt2,1 , νt2,2 , νt2,3 . I An x-year old can be seen as a convex combination of a 25-year old and a 64-year old. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Recovery model I Let an x-year old’s illness duration be the r.v. D. I The probability that the illness lasts longer than d years is given by d/∆d−1 λ(x, d) = Pνt (D > d) = Y (1 − pνt (x, n∆d)). n=0 I These are analogous to survival curves. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Recovery model 2006 0 0 60 5 60 5 55 55 50 50 45 10 40 45 10 40 35 35 30 15 25 30 15 25 Figure: Left: Conditional recovery probabilities. Right: Recovery surface, females, calendar year 2006. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Claims reserving Let Xt denote the state of an individual at time t, and let i denote the ’ill’ state. I Classical approach: estimate νt and use the measure Pνt for computing premiums and reserves. I The initial reserve is given by the expected value of the discounted monthly payments, i hX V = E I {Xtk = i}e −rtk X0 = i, ν = ν̂ k = X P(Xtk = i|X0 = i, ν = ν̂)e −rtk . k I Assuming independence, all systematic risk vanishes. I Let portfolio grow to infinity and be happy (LLN). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Stochastic claims reserving I New approach: model future probabilities of inception and recovery through the modelling of the risk factors νt . I Can be done by assuming a stochastic process form of ν. I Introduces systematic risk to the model. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Stochastic claims reserving I Let V denote the present value of all future cashflows from an infinitely large portfolio I Conditional on ν, V is the random variable hX i V = E I {Xtk = i}e −rtk X0 = i, ν k = X P(Xtk = i|X0 = i, ν)e −rtk . k I The distribution of V determined by the distribution of ν. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Stochastic claims reserving I A simple candidate for ν is the multidimensional random walk with drift. I Easy to simulate V by simulating ν. I Numerical example: I I I ν 6-dimensional Brownian Motion with drift. Drift and covariance matrix estimated from fitted values of ν for the years 2000-2011 10,000 trajectories for ν simulated over T time steps. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Stochastic claims reserving A histogram of the reserve is displayed below. The fitted curve is a Generalized Extreme Value Distribution (Frechet case). V fit 1 1.2 1 Density 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Data Figure: Reserve distribution and fitted GEV. E [V ] = 1.6V0 , EC0.005 (V ) = 10V0 , EC0.01 (V ) = 9V0 , V0 = BE. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Main References Aalen, Odd O.; Hoem, Jan M (1978): Random time changes for multivariate counting processes. Scand. Actuar. J. no. 2, 81-101. H. Aro, B. Djehiche and B. Löfdahl (2013): Stochastic modelling of disability insurance in a multi-period framework (to appear in Scand. Actuar. J.). Efron, B. (1988): Logistic regression survival analysis and the Kaplan-Meier curve. J. Amer. Stat. Assoc. 82(402), pp. 414-425. Hyndman, R. and Ullah, M.S. (2007): Robust forecasting of mortality and fertility rates: A functional data approach. Comput. Stat. Data Analys. 51, pp. 4842-4956. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview II. Non-life insurance We give a very short overview on claims reserving for a non-life insurance product. We will only focus on the Chain-Ladder techniques for claims reserving. Credibility theory and related topics are not covered in this short course. Non-life insurance (also called General insurance (UK) or Property and Casualty Insurance (USA) usually includes the following lines of business: I Motor insurance (motor third party liability, motor hull) I Property insurance (private and commercial property against fire, water, flooding etc..) I Liability insurance (private and commercial liability including director and officers (D & O) liability insurance). I Accident insurance (personal and collective accident incl. compulsory accident insurance and workmen’s compensation). I Health insurance I Marine insurance I Travel, legal protection, credit insurance, epidemic insurance etc.. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The history of a typical claim may look as follows: Reporting Closing Accident Claims payments Closing Reopening Payment ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? - time Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview A framework to the claim reserving problem We assume that the data are adjusted for inflation and exposure. Assume that we have N claims with reporting dates T1 ≤ T2 ≤ . . . ≤ TN . Fix the i-the claim. Then Ti = Ti,0 , Ti,0 , . . . , Ti,Ni is the sequence of dates where some action on the claim i is observed at time Ti,j , new information available at time Ti,j for claim i Ii,j = 0, else, payment at time Ti,j for claim i Xi,j = 0, else, (with Xi,j = 0, Ii,j = Ø if Ti,j = ∞.). Payment process of claim i. The settlement process of the claim i, (Ti,j , Ii,j , Xi,j )j≥0 , defines I The cumulative payment process X Ci (t) = Xi,j (87) j:Ti,j ≤t I The total ultimate claim amount Ci (∞) = Ci (Ti,Ni ) = X Xi,j , (88) j≥0 Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview I The outstanding claim at time t: total claims reserves for claim i at time t for the future liabilities: X Ri (t) = Ci (∞) − Ci (t) = Xi,j . (89) j:Ti,j >t I The aggregated processes of all claims are FtN = σ{(Tij , Ii,j , Xi,j )i≥1,j≥0 : Ti,j ≤ t}, Ft = σ(FtN ⊗t ), (if additional exogenous information is available), C (t) = PN i=1 Ci (t), P R(t) = C (∞) − C (t) = N i=1 Ri (t) X = Ri (t)11{Ti ≤t} + i X Ri (t)11{Ti >t} . i | {z } reserves for reported claims | {z } reserves for IBNR claims (90) where, IBNR claim stands for ”incurred but not yet reported” claim. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Consider the process that counts the number of reported claims: X Nt = 11{Ti ≤t} . i≥1 Then R rep (t) = E[ P i P t Ri (t)11{Ti ≤t} |Ft ] = E[ N i=1 Ri (t)|Ft ], P P R IBNR (t) = E[ i Ri (t)11{Ti >t} |Ft ] = E[ N i=Nt +1 Ri (t)|Ft ] are the best estimates of the expected future payments of the reported (at the individual claim’s level) respect. IBNR claims (available only at the collective (aggregated) level). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Best estimates of outstanding loss liabilities The claims reserving problem aims at estimating I the conditional distributions (very difficult!) µt (·) = P[C (∞) ∈ ·|Ft ], I the conditional expectation (which is a martingale) Mt := E[C (∞)|Ft ], I (91) (92) the conditional variance (which is a supermartingale) Vt := Var (C (∞)|Ft ) = E[C 2 (∞)|Ft ] − (E[C (∞)|Ft ])2 (93) At this level one could use the martingale representation theorem (or filter theory) to determine e.g. M, through an ”innovation gain process” (Malliavin derivative). But, we have scarce information and statistically few data points to characterize the gain process. Thus, we will use more ”adhoc” though intuitively sound and simpler models that we fit to data. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The Chain-ladder method We first introduce the so-called claims development triangles and some notation: i = accident year, year of occurrence, j = development year, development period. Let Xi,j denotes all payments in development period j for claims with accident year i i.e. payments for claims with accident year i done in accounting year i + j. The cumulative payments are Ci,j := j X Xi,k , (94) k=0 the payment in a single accounting year is (the (k+1)-st diagonal) X Xk = Xi,k , (95) i+j=k the outstanding loss liabilities (or claims reserve) for accident year i at time j we have to estimate are (lower triangle) Rij = ∞ X Xi,k = Ci,∞ − Ci,j . (96) k=j+1 Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Accident year i Development year j 1 2 3 ... j ... J 0 1 . . . I+1-J I+2-J Realizations of Ci,j , Xi,j . . . I+i-J . . . . . . I-2 Predicted Ci,j , Xi,j I-1 I Table: Development triangle Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview We assume that the last development period is J: Xi,j = 0 for j > J, and the last observed accident year is I (I ≥ J). We have observations in the upper triangle DI = {Xi,j , i + j ≤ I }, k = {Xi,j , i + j ≤ I , 0 ≤ j ≤ k} ⊆ DI , (J = DI ), and the payments in the lower triangle we need to estimate: DIc = {Xi,j , i + j > I }. There at least three models of claims reserves. Below, we will review the following models (preferred by actuaries). I The chain-ladder model (Mack) (distribution-free), I The Bornhuetter-Ferguson model, I The Poisson model. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The Chain-ladder model Model Assumptions I Different accident years i are independent. I (Ci,j )j is a Markov chain such that there exist factors (CL or age-to-age 2 factors) f0 , f1 , . . . , fJ−1 > 0 and variance parameters σ02 , σ12 , . . . , σJ−1 such that, for all 0 ≤ i ≤ I , 1 ≤ j ≤ J E[Ci,j |Ci,1 , . . . , Ci,j−1 ] = E[Ci,j |Ci,j−1 ] = fj−1 · Ci,j−1 , (97) 2 Var [Ci,j |Ci,1 , . . . , Ci,j−1 ] = Var [Ci,j |Ci,j−1 ] = σj−1 · Ci,j−1 . (98) From these assumptions it immediately follows that Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Lemma (a) The process (Ci,j · Πj−1 k=0 fk )j≥0 is a martingale. In particular −1 E[Ci,j ] = ΠJ−1 k=j fk E[Ci,J ], (99) −1 i.e. ΠJ−1 is the ”deflator” or ”discount factor” that describes the k=0 fk proportion already paid from E[Ci,J ] after j development periods. (b) For all I − J + 1 ≤ i ≤ I , E[Ci,J |DI ] = E[Ci,J |Ci,I −i ] = Ci,I −i · fI −i · · · fJ−1 . (100) and Var (Ci,J |DI ) = (E[Ci,J |Ci,I −i ])2 J−1 X k=I −i Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm σk2 /fk2 . E[Ci,k |Ci,I −i ] (101) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview For known factors fj , the best estimate of the expected claims reserves of accident year i based on DI is given by E[Ci,J |DI ] − Ci,I −i = Ci,I −i (fI −i · · · fJ−1 − 1). (102) Chain-ladder estimators • The CL factors fj−1 are estimated with PI −j k=0 Ck,j b . fj−1 = PI −j k=0 Ck,j−1 (103) • The CL estimator of E[Ci,J |DI ] is given by CL bi,j b i,J |DI ] = Ci,I −i · b C = E[C fI −i · · · b fj−1 . (104) • The CL estimator of the variance factor σj2 is σ bj2 = 2 I −j−1 X 1 Ci,j+1 b Ci,j − fj . I − j − 1 i=0 Ci,j Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (105) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Lemma (a) The estimator b fj of fj is j+1 . Given j , b fj is unbiased: E[b f j |j ] = f j . b b (b) The estimator fj for fj is unbiased: E[fj ] = fj , (c) b f0 , · · · b fJ−1 are uncorrelated (though dependent!): E[b f0 · · · b fJ−1 ] = E[b f0 ] · · · E[b fJ−1 ], for 1 ≤ j ≤ J − 1, b fj−1 and b fj are, given j−1 , negatively correlated: 2 Cov (b fj−1 ,b fj 2 |j−1 ) < 0; (d) Given j , the estimator b fj satisfies the following minimum conditional variance property: σj2 Var (b fj |j ) = PI −j−1 i=0 Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm I −j−1 Ci,j = min αi ∈R X i=0 αi Ci,j+1 , Ci,j (106) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Lemma (a) Given j , σ bj2 is an unbiased estimator of σj2 : E[b σj2 |j ] = σj2 . (b) σ bj2 is an unconditionally unbiased estimator of σj2 : E[b σj2 ] = σj2 . Lemma CL bi,j (a) The estimator C is an unbiased estimator for E[Ci,J |DI ] = E[Ci,J |Ci,I −i ]: CL bi,j E[C |CI −i ] = E[Ci,J |DI ], CL bi,j E[C ] = E[Ci,J ]. (b) An estimator of the conditional variance process for a single accident year i is J−1 2 X σ bk2 /b fk2 CL d (Ci,J |DI ) = C bi,j Var , (107) b CL C k=I −i i,k or, in a recursive form, CL 2 2 d (Ci,J |DI ) = Var d (Ci,J−1 |DI ) · b bi,J−1 Var fJ−1 +σ bJ−1 ·C . Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (108) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview A time series model (conditional resampling techniques) The Ci,j ’s follow an auto-regressive model: We assume that there exists fj > 0, σj > 0 and random variables i,j+1 such that for all i ∈ {0, . . . , I } and j ∈ {0, . . . , J − 1} we have p Ci,j+1 = fj · Ci,j + σj · Ci,j · i,j+1 , (109) where, given 0 , the random variables i,j+1 are independent with E[i,j+1 |0 ] = 0, for i ∈ {0, . . . , I }, E[2i,j+1 |0 ] = 1, P[Ci,j+1 > 0|0 ] = 1, j ∈ {0, . . . , J − 1}. This model have many nice properties that we leave to the reader to investigate (see e.g. Wüttrich and Merz (2008)). Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The Bornhuetter-Ferguson model This is a robust method that does not consider outliers in the observations. Many actuaries prefer this model. Model Assumptions I Different accident years i are independent. I There exist parameters µ0 , . . . µI > 0 and a pattern β0 , . . . βJ > 0 with βJ = 1 such that for all i ∈ {0, . . . , I }, j ∈ {0, . . . , J − 1} and k ∈ {0, . . . , J − j}, E[Ci,0 ] = µi · β0 , E[Ci,j+k |Ci,0 , . . . , Ci,j ] = Ci,j + µi · (βj+k − βj ). (110) In particular, we have E[Ci,J ] = µi , E[Ci,j ] = µi · βj = βj · E[Ci,J ]. (111) Compared with (99) in the Chain Ladder model, βj plays the role of the deflator −1 ΠJ−1 k=j fk . (112) Therefore, we can use the estimators b fj of fj to estimate βj : b−1 βbj := ΠJ−1 k=j fk . Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (113) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The Bornhuetter-Ferguson estimators The BF-estimator is given by BF bi,j b i,J |DI ] = Ci,I −i + (1 − βbI −i ) · µ C = E[C bi J−1 b−1 = Ci,I −i + 1 − Π f ·µ bi , (114) k=I −i k where, µ bi = is an a priori estimator of E[Ci,J ]. CL bi,j To compare this estimator with the CL-estimator C , we rewrite (104) in the form (114) as follows: CL bi,j b i,J |DI ] = Ci,I −i · ΠJ−1 b C = E[C k=I −i fk J−1 b = Ci,I −i + Ci,I −i · Πk=I −i fk − 1 b CL C b = Ci,I −i + J−1i,J b · ΠJ−1 k=I −i fk − 1 Πk=I −i fk CL b−1 · C bi,J = Ci,I −i + 1 − ΠJ−1 . k=I −i fk Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (115) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Hence, the difference lies in the fact that the BF-estimator relies on an a priori CL bi,J which is completely estimate of µi , whereas the CL estimator relies on C derived from observations. I Often an apriori estimate of µi is often a (subjective) plan value from a strategic business plan. I The ”still-to-come” factor 1 − βI −i is often estimated using (113) through the observations driven chain-ladder technique. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The Poisson model The Poisson model is mainly used to count claims. The remarkable thing with this model is that it leads to the same reserve as the chain-ladder model. Mack (1991) was first to prove that the chain-ladder reserves are obtained as maximum likelihood estimates of the reserves for the Poisson model. Model Assumptions I There exist parameters µ0 , . . . , µI > 0 and γ0 , . . . , γJ > 0 such that the incremental payments Xi,j are independent Poisson distributed with mean E[Xi,j ] = µi · γj , PJ for all i ≤ I and j ≤ J, and j=0 γj = 1. The cumulative payment in accident year i, Ci,J = distributed with mean E[Ci,J ] = µi . Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (116) PJ k=0 Xi,k is then Poisson (117) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview We have I µi stands for the expected number of claims in accident year i. I i,j γi = E[Ci,J defines an expected reporting/cash flow pattern over different ] development periods j. Moreover, E[X ] E[Xi,j ] γj = E[Ci,0 ] γ0 is independent of i. I The Poisson model satisfies the assumptions of the Bornhuetter-Ferguson model with pattern factors β0 = γ0 and βj = j X γk , k=0 where, P E[Ci,j+k |Ci,0 , . . . , Ci,j ] = Ci,j + kl=1 E[Xi,j+l |Ci,0 , . . . , Ci,j ] Pk = Ci,j + µi · l=1 γj+l = Ci,j + µi · (βj+k − βj ) (118) and E[Ci,0 ] = E[Xi,0 ] = µi · β0 . Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The Poisson estimators In view of (118), a way to estimate the parameters (µi )i and (γj )j is to use the BF-estimators. But, the Poisson distribution assumption makes it natural to use the maximum likelihood technique as follows. The likelihood function for random variables DI = {Ci,j ; i + j ≤ I , j ≤ J} is given by e −µi ·γj (µi γj )Xi,j LDI (µ0 , . . . , µI ; γ0 , . . . , γJ ) := Πi+j≤I Xi,j ! Maximizing this function w.r.t. the parameters (µi ) and (γj )j , we obtain the following system (which admits a unique solution) Pmin(I −i,J) Pmin(I −i,J) µbi · γbj = j=0 Xi,j = Ci,min(I −i,J) , j=0 PI −j bi · γbj = i=0 µ (119) PI −j i=0 Xi,j , for all 0 ≤ i ≤ I and 0 ≤ j ≤ J. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview We have the following Lemma The ML estimator of the Poisson model is given for i + j > I by Poi bi,j b i,j ] = µbi · γbj , X = E[X Poi bi,J b Poi b i,J |DI ] = Ci,I −i + P C = E[C −i+1 Xi,j j=IP P I −i = Ci,I −i + j=I −i+1 1 − j=0 γbj · µbi . Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (120) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview The log-normal distribution model and the GLM This model was suggested by Kremer (1982) and further discussed by Verall (1990) based on a subtle result by Finney (1941). Model Assumptions I The incremental payments Xi,j are independent and log-normally distributed, i.e. Yi,j := log Xi,j , Yi,j ∼ N (E[Yi,j ], Var (Yi,j )) . (121) We want to estimate the mean θi,j := E[Xi,j ] along with the corresponding standard errors. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Kremer (1982) suggested a so-called General Linear Model (GLM) for the mean θi,j when Yi,j := β0 + β1 xij1 + . . . + βp−1 xijp−1 + i , where, the matrix (xijk )i,k is called the design matrix and i are assumed to be white noise with mean zero and the same variance as Yi,j . We skip this framework and instead focus on a direct estimation of θi,j . The eventual estimator θbi,j should be unbiased. Since in claim reserving, the number of claims is generally not large and an asymptotically unbiased estimator (but is biased) may induce quite fatal estimates of the claims reserve. This problem arises also when calibrating the Geometric Brownian motion to observed returns of financial assets and contains some subtle details. We only look at the one-dimensional case. Extension to our set up is merely straightforward. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Parameter estimation of the log-normal distribution Suppose X1 , . . . , Xn are i.i.d. observations which are log-normally distributed. We want to find an unbiased estimator of the mean θ := E[Xi ]. Set Yi = log(Xi ) ∼ N(µ, σ 2 ), Then θ = exp (µ + i = 1, . . . , n. 1 2 σ ). 2 (122) The maximum likelihood estimates of µ and σ 2 are the independent r.v. P 2 µ̂n := n1 nj=1 Yi ∼ N(µ, σn ) σˆn 2 := 1 n Pn j=1 (Yi − µ̂)2 ∼ σ2 n · χ2n−1 , where, we know that σ̂n is a biased estimator of σ, but sn2 := n σ̂n2 n−1 is an unbiased estimator of σ. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview An estimator of θ would be θ̂n = exp (µ̂n + 1 2 σ̂n ). 2 (123) The moment generating functions of µ̂n and σ̂n2 are 1 σ2 t 2 n E[e µ̂n t ] = e µt+ 2 2 σ 2 − n−1 2 E[e σ̂n t ] = 1 − 2 t . n , Hence, 1 1 σ2 n 2 E[θ̂n ] = E[e µ̂n ] E[e 2 σ̂n ] = e (µ+ 2 1 2 = e (µ+ 2 σ ) e − 1 2 n−1 σ 2 n 2 → e (µ+ 2 σ ) e − σ2 2 e 1− σ2 2 ) 1− n−1 σ2 − 2 n = θ, n−1 σ2 − 2 n >θ n → ∞, i.e. θ̂ is only an asymptotically unbiased estimator of θ. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview To correct for the bias, Finny (1941) introduced the function gm (t), where gm (t) := ∞ X k=0 mk (m + 2k) tk . m(m + 2) · · · (m + 2k) k! (124) (Note that gm (t) → e t , m → ∞.) Finny (1941) showed that with m = n − 1, 1n−1 2 sn ) θ˜n := e µ̂n gn−1 ( 2 n (125) is an unbiased estimator of θ. Moreover, since gm (t) → e t , m → ∞, θ˜n is also asymptotically unbiased. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Analysis of the standard errors We would like to find an unbiased estimator of the variance of θ˜n : 2 en := Var (θ˜n ) = E[θ˜n ] − E[θ˜n ]2 . We have 2 2 1 2 E[θ˜n ]2 = θ2 = e (µ+ 2 σ ) = e (2µ+σ ) , whose unbiased estimator is e 2µ̂n gn−1 ( n−1 2 sn ). n Thus an unbiased estimator of en is 2 ( ên := e 2µ̂n [gn−1 1n−1 2 n−1 2 sn ) − gn−1 ( sn )]. 2 n n Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (126) Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview Main references Björkwall, S. (2011): Stochastic claims reserving in non-life insurance: Bootstrap and smoothing models. PhD. Stockholm University, Stockholm. Wüthrich, Mario V. and Merz, M. (2008): Stochastic Claims Reserving Methods in Insurance. John Wiley & Sons. Taylor, Creg C. (2000): Loss Reserving: An Actuarial Perspective. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Verrall, R.J. (1991): On the estimation of reserves from loglinear models. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. Vol. 10(1) pp. 75-80. Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Statistical estimation techniques in life and non-life insurance An overview
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