CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE MICROPROCESSOR CONTROLLED WINDSHIELD WIPER A project subaitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering by DAVID D. WU May 1987 The project of David D. Wu is approved: Professor Richard Ehrgot~ Professor Mohamed Roosta Professbr ~bert California State University, Northridge ii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v ABSTRACT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • vi INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 2 2 HARDWARE DESGIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.3 3 Analog switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . control circuitry .................... . 8-Bit single-chip aicrocomputer ...... . Analog to digital (A/D) converter .... . THOS power switches .................. . Watch-Dog-Tiaer ...................... . 30 seconds power on/off switch ....... . Systea description ................... . 14 17 17 17 19 SOFTW.ARK DESGIN ••••••••••••••....••••••••...• 22 Syste• clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Memory organiztion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tiaer interrupt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ProgralllS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Controller operation suaaary ............ 22 37 PROGRAMMING AND DEBUGGING ........•........... 49 Debugging -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Programming firmware.................... Progr~ing steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:9 3. 1 3.2 3. 3 3. 4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4. 3 5 Conclusions 5 11 11 22 28 26 50 50 54 APPENDIX A FLOWCHARTS OF PROGRAMS 55 B ASSEMBLY PROGRAMS............................ 71 C PROORAM LISTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 iii LIST 01" FIGURES Figure No. 1.1 System Functional Diagraa ................ . 2 2.1 Systea Block Diagraa ..................... . 6 2.2 NO Command ............................... . 8 2.3 M/D Conuaand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.4: WASH CoiiiiiUllld ............................. . 9 2.5 OFF COIIUIUllld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.6 L/H Command 10 2.7 Systea Input/Output _....................•.. 13 2.8 Analog/Digital Converter ...•.............. 16 2.9 Ti•ing Diagra. ...............•............ 16 2.10 Power On/Off Swi tcb ..................•.... 18 2.11 Systea Scheaatic Diagraa 20 2.12 Processor Board Aasembly ...............•.. 21 3.1 Systea Control Flow ......... ~ ............ . 23 3.2 MCU MeJB()ry Map •..•••..•.•.•.........•••... 24 3.3 I/0 Ports and RAH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.4 RAM Assisments •................•.........• 27 3.5 Flag Register .....•.....•.........•......_. 31 3.6 Flagl Register ........................... . 32 4:.1 Programming Connection Schematic Diagraa .. 51 4.2 Firmware Programmer Board Assembly ....... . 52 iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 1. VLSI Very Large Scale lntegratiom 2. IGN Ignition 3. N/0 Normally Open 4. IW Innerwipe 5. M/D Mist/Delay 6. N/C Normally Close 7. MCU Microcomputer Unit 8. PCB Printed Circuit Board 9. TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic 10. RTI Return Fro• Interrupt 11. I/0 Input/Output 12. AID Analog To Digital 13. ROM Read-Only Memory 14. RAM Random-Acess Memory 15. WA Wash 16. LO Low 17. HI High 18. RTS Return From Subroutine 19. EPROM Erasable Programmable ROH 20. LED Lighted Emitter Diode v ABSTRACT MICROPROCESSOR CONTROLLED WINDSHIELD WIPER BY DAVID D. WU MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING The advent of microprocessors and VLSI supporting chips have made possible the development of low cost process controller that is smaller in size, reliable, and adaptable to different operation conditions. This project involved the use of these devices in the desgin and development of a programmable windshield wiper controller. The low cost single brush wiper motor is controlled by a single chip microcomputer and performs the same functions that a more costly multi-brush wiper motor does. In ·this report, system design requirements are specified. Hardware and software designed are described. A prototype of the system was constructed. Test results that the system performed as specified. vi indicated INTRODUCTION The microprocessor is one of the most exciting technological developments since the transistors appeared in 1948. It is predicted that the device will not only revolutionize the digital electronics field, but will also have a great influence on the way of life of present and future generations. Many designers investigated possible applications in new products and concluded that they can be used to improve product reliability by using microprocessor-based control in place of control by mechanical parts. A new low cost windshield wiper system was designed using a microprocessor to generate the ca.mand signal and a THOS power switch to replace the mechanical relay to drive the wiper motor and washer pump. With the electronics added to the windshield system, it will provide: 1. New features to the driver. 2. new opportunities for dash styling. 3. A reduction of bulkhead wiring. 4. Improve reliability. With this new advanced technology it is believed that the automobile design philosophy will start a new stage. 1 ,, . CHAPTER 1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Figure 1.1 shows the functional diagram of the system. The system consists of four aodes of operations. These are (1) LO/HI, (2) MIST/DELAY, (3)WASH, and (4) OFF operation. OFF MIST/ DELAY LO/BI WASH BUCKHEAD CONNECTION 1 1 l WIPER & ELECTRONICS ANALOG -- MULTIPLEX WIRE FIGURE 1.1 IGN B+ SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM Each of the four modes of operation is activated by a manual-control switch. Each switch is a momentary-contac·t, low-current, noraally-open switch. The switch information is conveyed to the electronics over an wire. "analog multiplex" At any instant there will be one of five (5) unique voltage levels appears on the multiplex wire. These five voltages are uniquely associated with: 1. A closure of any of the four (4) switches, or 2. A closure of none of the four (4) switches. 2 3 Functions activated by these four switches are: LO/HI-The first touch of the switch starts the wiper in low speed, the next touch changes the operation to high speed. The next commands low speed, Etc. MIST/DELAY-The first touch of tbis switch produces a single wipping. The wiper then remains at rest until a second touch of this switch. When the second touch occurs , the wiper again provides a single wipping. The time between the completion of the first wipe and the second touch of this switch defines the time delay interval for all subsequent wipes. Should the second touch of the switch not occur within 16 seconds, the wipping rate is set to the maximan value of 15 seconds. If the wiper is initially "off" when this switch is closed and held closed, the wiper will run in low speed and a "MIST'' operation is perforJDed. WASH- This switch commands two modes of operation depending on the length of time this switch is pressed. If the switch closure time is less than or equal to one second, the washer applies water for 4 seconds while the wiper runs at low speed, the glass is then dried by 4 wippings and the opereation prior to "WASH" switch closure is resumed. The mode of operation is referred to as "programmed wash". If the closure of the wash switch exceeds one second, then the wiper runs at low 4 speed and water is applied for as long as the switch is closed. followed by 4 wippings without water and a resumption .of the previous operation. This mode of operation is referred to as "demand wash". OFF - Except when the syste• is in one of the "WASH' modes, a touch of this switch causes the blades in a "PARK" the wiper to halt with position below the hoodline. If the switch is pressed during a wash cycle,the entire wash is completed before the wiper is parked. The intent is that normally the wiper will return to the .. PARK'' position both when the "OFF" switch is pressed and when the ignition is switched off. For blade maintanence, however, the blades should stop at whatever arbitrary position if the closure time of .. OFF'' swi t~ ch exceeds one second. "immediate off''. This mode is referred to as CHAPTER HARDWARE 2.1 Figure 2 DESGIN shows a block diagram of the system. The system consists of six components. They are:Analog switches Analog to digital (A/D) , 8-bit single-chip microcomputer, converter, TH0S power switches, Watch-dog-timer, and 30 seconds power on/off switch. 2.1 ANALOG SWITCHES ' The four switches are located on the dash-board. Each of which is a aomentary-contact, low-current, normally open switch. The four switches are connected to the power supply BAT+ through a resistive network. Voltage generated upon closing each of the switches can be computed as follows: (1) The "NO COMMAND" operation is achieved by let all five swi·tches remaind o:Pen. The equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 2.2. Vx = Vee ( Rref I Rref+R5 ) (2) The ''MIST/DELAY COMMAND"" operation closing the MIST/DELAY switch. (1) is achieved by The equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 2.3. Vx Where = Vee ( Rmd I Rmd+R5) Rmd = Rl II Rref = (Rl)(Rref) I (Rref+Rl) 5 (2) . BAT L/H ~ IGN r 7 Vx. R5 ~ - O::t> 0'-..., Zt:::::t ::3:: H () trl ,... :;d ' '- RUN :;d 0 (") 0 ::3:: 'l:J c t--3 R1 tx1 :;d l DASHBOARD SWITCH trl :;:o -o trl [ .Cl 0 :;o. ~C1 I 'l:J( PARK t--3 R2 ~ )~ <: ~-))--- R3 II v :;c R4 BAT . 30 SECONDS POWER SW. WATCH DOG TIMER FIG. 2.1 - TMOS POWER SWITCH DR I. ' I ------J SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM 0: (3) The NWASH COHHAND" the WASH switch. operation is achieved by closing The equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 2.4. Vx = Vee ( Rwa I Rwa+R5 ) Where Rwa = (Rl+R2) (3) II Rref - (Rl+R2)(Rref) I (Rl+R2+Rref) ( 4) The ""OFF COMMAND.. operation is achieved by closing the OFF switch. The equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 2.5. Vx Where Roff = Vee ( Roff = (Rl+R2+R3) I Roff+R6 ) (4) II Rref = (Rl+R2+R3)(Rref) I (Rl+R2+R3+Rref) ( 5) The ••t/H Co.-and" operation is achieved by closing the LIB switch. The equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 2.6. Vx Where Ro = Vee ( Ro I Ro+Rref ) (5) = (Rl+R2+R3+R4) // Rref = (Rl+R2+R3+R4)(Rref)/(Rl+R2+R3+R4+Rref) 7 8 SW. OPEN Vee R5 Vx Rref FIG. 2.2 ( NO COHMAND Vee R5 M/D SW. FIG. 2.3 Vx M/D COMMAND 9 Vee R5 Vx WASH SW. R2 Rl FIG. 2.4 WASH COMMAND Vee R5 Vx OFF SW. CLOSED R3 / RJr FIG. 2.5 OFF COMMAND 10 Vee R5 L/H SW. CLOSED Vx Rref v FIG. 2.6 L/H COMMAND . ' 11 2.2 CONTROL CIRCUITRY The control ·circuitry is mounted on a printed circuit board (PCB). It includes an 8-bit single-chip aicrocomputer (HCU), an analog to digital converter (A/D), the TMOS power switches, a 30 seconds power switch circuit, and a watch- dog-timer as shown in Figure 2.1. A prototype of the PCB is shown in Figure 2.12. 2.2.1 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER Choice of the appliable to 12V de microprocessor is dictated by cost, power supply of the automobile and a substantial amount of on-board memory. The Motorola device MC6805P2 is chosen because it satisfies the desgin requirements. Further.ore pin assignments of the device are compa·tible It with a simulator program available from Motorola. eliminates the efforts to develop a new proara. for in- circuit emulation. The low-cost single-chip HC6805P2 microcomputer contains a Centro! Processor Unit (CPU), Clock Generator, Timer /Counter with Interrupt, True Bit Manipulation, 20 TTL/CMOS compatible bi-directional Inputs/Outputs lines, 1k bytes of ROH, and 64 bytes of RAM. The interrupts are generated by a 8-bit timer. It can be loaded with an initial value and counts down. When the counter reaches zero, an interrupt is generated and an interrupt routine is executed. At the end of interrupt routine , a return from interrupt (RTI) is executed. The RTI execution is a sequence that restores the state of the CPU. 12 There are 8 I/0 ports used in the system as shown in the Figure 2.7. The input ports are : PAO, PBl, and PB2. PAl, PBO, PCO, PC2, and PC3 are used as output ports. INPUT SIGNALS (1) Ignition input (PAO) : The power (Vee) is connected to the system as soon as the Ignition switch is on. The MPU checks the Ignition input from PAO and turns the system power off 30 seconds after the Ignition input went to low (IGN turned off). (2) Wiper command input (PBl) : The MCU receives the wiper command from this port and tests it to decide which command has been issued. (3) Park/Run input (PB2): If the Ignition switch is turned off and the PB2 is in Run mode, the MCU runs the wiper in low speed and stops at Park position. OUTPUT SIGNALS (1) PAl : The HCU detects the position of the Ignition switch and turns the system power on or off from this port. (2) PBO The HCU uses this port to enable or inhibit the wiper command. (3) PCO The HCU controls the low/high speed of the wiper motor through this port. (4) PC2 The on and off operations of the Washer pump is controlled from this port. (5) PC3 The HCU starts Watch-Dog-Timer from this port. t XTAL ~ PAl ~ PBO H () IGNITION INPUT PAO POWER ON/OF CONTROL WIPER COMMAND ENABLE 0 PARK/RUN () MODE 0 PB2 ~ WIPER MOTOR CONTROL PCO ~ WIPER COMMAND INPUT PBl-i c ~ WASH PUMP CONTROl, PC2 ti1 ~ SYSTEM RESET RST FIG. 2.7 WATCH-DOG-TIMER ENABL E PC3 SYSTEM INPUT/OUTPUT ,.... w 14 2.2.2 ANALOG TO DIGITAL (A/D) CONVERTER The analog to digital converter is used to convert the voltage level of the wiper command signal to 8-bit digital word. Figure 2.8 shows the voltage levels which are conveyed to the HCU. In Figure 2.8, the voltage across the capacitor is zero . after the Q1 is turned on, the voltage across capacitor Vc charges toward Vee through R5. The variation between the initial and final values is exponential in character with the time constant Jr Vc = Vee ( 1 - e = R5 * Cl. -t /T Vc can be expression as: ) (6) During the charge of the capacitor, Q2 is turned on and outputs a low to HCU as soon as the capacitor voltage rises above the Vref level. as long as The capacitor voltage remains steady Ql is on and the output of Q2 stays on low. When Ql is switched from on to off, the capacitor voltage will discharge through the resistor Rref (R or Rref // R is the command resistance from the analog switch circuit) to zero. The differential equation is as follows: V = Vc e-t:/T (7) During the discharge of the capacitor, Q2 will be turned off as soon as the voltage drops below Vref and the output of Q2 will be logic 1 (high) to HCU. The MCO starts a counter from T as soon as Q1 is turned off,and stops the counter as soon as Q2 is switched to off. From the different counts accumulated in the counter, HCU decides which ca.mand is to be issued. the Vee < R6 I ANALOG SWITCHES (ON DASH-BOARD) _L_ QlR') R4< l R7 tV\, r--- I I -I I I ~ H a ~ 0 TTL INPUT I R2 > + Q2 I a 0 :t t'(j c 1-3 Rl <: .<«rei FIG. 2.8 Cl I ~D1 I l ttj' ~ ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER ,_. ()'I 16 I I u- I ....~I, - 1- r-----I I ; 1-1 Q ... ----- ~ c.!' zH X: 1-1 E-t . . c.!' 0) N 1-1 141. ~ 0 17 2.2.3 THOS POWER SWITCHES TMOS -power swi·tches in this system are used in place of mechanical relays to drive the wiper motor and washer puap. The THOS power switch consists of a N-channel FET driving a P-channel output FKT. THOS is so called because the structure splits the drain current into a "T" formation to reduce the amount of current needed to control the power HOSFETs. The device has a breakdown voltage as high as 1000v and a current handling capability up to 20A, and an on-resistance as low as 0.01 Ohm. 2.2.4 WATCH-DOG-TIHKR The Watch-dog-timer is used to restart the program when a malfunction is detected in the software. chosen for the design is a dual, The MC14528 re-triggerable monostable multivibrator. The MCU enables the one shot when the program starts. The MCU is programmed to retrigger the multivib- rator at a regular interval. If the trigger does not occur within the interval, the device resets the system and restarts the program from the beginning. 2.2.6 30 SECONDS POWER ON/OFF SWITCH Output of the battery is unregulated voltage is regulated system. As shown in 12 down to 5v to operate the volts. This windshield Fig. 2.10, when ignition switch IGN is closed, the MCU tests the input port PAO and if it is a "1" , then the MCU turns on Q9 and QlO. The battery power then goes through Q3 and the regulator converts it to 5 volts. BAT.(12V) 06 R27 R28 DB Q9 R26 R29 IGN )I • 5V 1 I REGULATOR • 5V ' 0 C2 Q10 IGN INPUT ~ a: PAO PAl... MCU I PWR ON/OFF ~PB2 RUN FIG. 2.10 POWER ON/OFF SWITCH CIRCUIT ..... CXl 19 It is so called ·· 30 Seconds on/off because the regulator continues to provide when the Ignition switch power switch .. 5V supply even This is because the HCU is off. tests input port PAO for a " 0 " and was programmed to wait for 30 seconds before switches the supply off through PAl. 2.3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The MCU (6806P2) turns on and off Ql periodically. As shown in Figure 2.11, when Ql is on (PBO =0), the capacitor Cl charges through resistor R6, and turns on Q2. The HCU receives a logic " 0 " fro• input port PBl. The HCO starts the counter at TO as shown in ¥ig.2.9 when Ql is turned off (PBO = 1), and the Cl capacitor discharged. After a certain time of the delay and Cl, 7 ( the delay time depends on = R * Cl) , Rc~m, Q2 will be turned off and PBl MCO stops the counter at time T when content of the counter, the HCO PBl = 1. = 1. The Based on the recognizes which switches (commands) has been pressed. Rref, of the ])% (z.?V) Ll!-1 PM 5Vo do-, ~ }fZJ,_ r~q , F_4. Qfll Imm PA!LK ....~ ~ ):> IF ~ ~ P61 r?_) ()_]_ 1 Q2 MC fr. ~ ~5 P.2 MULTIPLEX W.Irz.E D1fttj U7Vl ft~ vu ")7::;: PC! D5 LC.7V) FIG. 2.11 SYSTEM SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM N 0 ~l ' . FIG. 2.9 PROCESSOR BOARD ASSEMBLY CHAPTER 3 SOFTWARE DESIGN Microcomputer is an EPROM The HC68705P3 H6805 family of low-cost member of the single-chip microcomputers. programmable EPROM allows program changes. The EPROH The versi~ ons also reduce the development tt.e for prototype evaluat- EPROM, ion. This 8-bit microcomputer contains a CPU, RAM, bootstrap ROM, I/0, on-chip CLOCK, and a TIMER. 3.1 SYSTEM CLOCK The system runs with the internal clock at the speed of 1MHZ when the "XTAL'' pin as shown in Figure to Vee. A one-microsecond 2.11 is pulled clock is input to the prescaler and the prescaler is progra.aed to extend the clock to 32 microseconds to operate the counter. 3.2 MEMORY ORGAHIZTION As shown in Figures 3.2 and 3.3, addressing 2048 bytes of aeaory and program counter. The HC6805P2 These consist of: uses the HCU is capable of l/0 registers with its 1288 6 bytes of port l/0, of these bytes. 2 ti•er registers, 64 bytes of user RAM, 1100 bytes of user ROM, and 116 bytes of self-check ROH. The 31 bytes stack area is used during the processing of interrupt and subroutine call to save the processor state, which are 31 bytes maximum. The controlling software resides in the page zero ROH area and the main ROH area. The software is 1018 byte long; 22 23 START INITIALIZATION VES VES LOOP CHECJ< COMMAND ROUTINES NO VES FIG. 3.~ SVSTEM CONTROL FLOW 24 7 000 .1.27 .1.28 s 6 4 3 2 .1. 0 1/0 Por-t:s TiMer and RAM <.1.28 Byt:es> S99e $97F $989 Page Zero User ROM <.1.28 Byt:es) 255 256 $9FF $.1.99 Not: Used <794 Byt:es> 959 969 $3BF $3C9 Main User ROM (964 Bytes) .1.923 .1.924 $783 $784 Sel£" Check ROM <.1..1.6 Byt:es> 2939 2949 TiMer- Interrupt: 294.1. 2942 Tnt:errupt: Ext:. 2943 2944 SWI 2945 2946 RESET 2947 Fig. 3.2 MCU MeMory $7F7 $7F8 $7F9 $7FA $7FB $7FC $7FD $7FE $7FF Map 25 ". 7 4 3 2 009 Por-t. A $000 00~ Por-t B $90~ 002 6 ~ J. 5 J. ~I 993 Not 994 995 996 ~ ~ 997 ~ Port 9 c $992 Used $993 Port A DDR $994 Port B DDR $995 ~ ~I Not Port DDR c $996 $997 Used 998 TiMer Data. Reg $998 999 TiMer- Cont $999 Reg $99A 9~9 Not Used (54 Bytes> 963 964 $93F $949 RAM (64 Bytes) 996 997 ---------------- $969 $96~ Stack (3~ Bytes MaxiMuM> $97F ~27 Fig. 3.3 1/0 Ports TiMer & RAM 26 Q the first 120 bytes of the program are located from $080 to $3F7 in the page zero ROH area, and the other $898 bytes of the program are from $3CO to $741 in the main ROM area. Figure 3.4 shows meaory locations assigned as registers. 3.3 TIMER INTERRUPT The timer interrupt on-chip 8-bit is used for subroutine calls. The timer is initialized by software, timer mask bit in the timer control register is 0. interrupt is generated each time the provided that the interrupt register is also 0. current state of when the A timer counter reaches zero mask bit in the condition code When the interrupt is recognized, the ·the system is pushed onto the stack and the program counter is loaded with the tiaer interrupt vec·tor address. also set, The I-bit in the condition code register is which masks further interrupt. At the end of the execution of Timer Interrupt routine, a RTI is executed to restore the syste• and return to the aain prograa. 3. 4 PROGRAMS The software package Restart routine, Ti•e out routine, OFF command routine, comaand routine. consists of six LOIBl command routine, WASH command routine, Flow diagraas main routines; and the and MIST/DELAY listings of these programs are given in Appendices A, B and C. POWER UP When the "IGNITION" is switched to on, the Vee will be • 27 7 6 s 4 3 e 1 NOCOH NOCOM1 FRAC ~64 065 966 067 FRAC~ TIME1 TIME2 TIME3 TIME4 TIME5 068 069 070 07~ 072 073 074 075 T~~2 T59 T25 076 T3~ 077 T~2 078 T6 T3 079 989 T7~ 98~ T99 TEMP1 TEMP2 TEMP3 TEMP4 COUNT 082 083 984 085 986 087 COUNT~ FLAG FLAG1 MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 MD5 IGN1 IGN2 088 089 999 99~ 092 093 094 095 096 FIG. 2 3.4 ~ $40 $41 $42 $43 $44 $45 $46 $47 $48 $49 $4A $4B $4C $4D $4E $4F $59 $5~ $52 $53 $54 $55 $56 $57 $58 $59 $5A S5B $5C $5D S5E $5F $60 RAM ASSIGNMENTS 28 supplied to the controller. When the power is on, the controller is reset. When the reset orccurs, the vector, stored in .amory, is loaded into the prograa counter. During reset the 1-bit in the condition code register and the timer interrupt bit are both set. Also the stack pointer is reset to the beginning of the stack which is $07F in the memory. The timer and its prescaler are set to all l's and the Data Direction Registers are cleared on all 1/0 ports. RESTART ROUTINE Restart is the initialization routine activated by the controller when the power is up. The initialization routine begins at the address of $3CO in the •ain user ROM. When the controller first starts or the Watch-Dog-Timer resets it, the Restart routine initializes the syste•. The I/0 ports are defined, the windshield wiper motor and the washer pump are turned off, the is enabled, and all the registers in RAM as shown in Figure 3.4 are cleared. The controller enables the A/D converter to receive the wiper c01111D81ld. The counter starts to count when the AID converter is enabled. this moment, Since there is no switch pressed at the count of the counter stands for the " No comaand .. and is stored in the register Nocaa. The adjusted time of the No Command Both of these registers next command time is also stored in register will be used to in the command is received. compare Nocoml. with the Time Out routine to decide which 29 The program then loads timing counter with a specific number and starts the count down. Before the counter counts down to zero, the program goes into the loop to clear all the outputs, Stack pointer, and the TLDer Control Register. When the counter reaches zero, and the program jumps out the Timer Interrupt from the loop into occurs the Ti.a Out routine which is ·the main routine of deciding which command switch is pressed. TIME OUT ROUTINE When Timer Interrupt occurs during the initialization, the program goes to Time out routine to decide which command is received. Also the 30 seconds power off program is included in this routine. Before the program checks the input signal, the Ignition switch is detected to see if it is on or off. Ignition switch is off, the program goes to the power off routine instead of going to the In the 30 seconds power off routine, on for 30 seconds befor turning off the 30 seconds input check. If the comaand the MCU stays syste• power outputing a logic low to the output port PAl. by During these times, The MCU starts to load the counter with 30 seconds. The MCU then turns off the washer pump by outputing a logic low on the output port PC2, the flag register FRAGl. then checks Ignition mode from If it is in Immediate off mode, the MCU puts a logic low on the output port PCO to turn off the wiper motor. •ode, If Ignition off is not in the the controller turns on the wiper Immediate to park the wiper 30 at the Park position with low speed. counter counts down to 0, When the 30 the controller seconds turns the syste• power off by outputing a logic low on the output port PAl. If the Ignition is on, the controller starts to proceed through debounce logic. ir Once the command switch input data letermined to be good, th•:; command being received known command data. the by controller decides which is comparing this data to the The counts of these known comaands are as follows: (1) Cable broken T112 (2) No command T90 (3) T71 L/H co-and (4) OFF coiUiand (6) WASH : c~d {6) Circuit short T60 T31 T12 .. T.. is the received com.and data counts . la. T90 > T > T71 Jump to LHC subroutine-LO/HI command. 2a. T71 > T > T60 Jump to OFFC1 subroutine-OFF co-.and. 3a. T60 > T > T31 Jump to WASHC1 subroutine-WASH command. 4a. T31 > T > T12 Jwap to HISTC subroutine-MID coaaand. If T > T90 or T < Tl2, the controller tests the flag from the flag registers FLAG and FLAGl as shown in Fig. 3.6 and Fig. 3.6. From the proper flag set, the proper command routine will be executed. lb. If "WA" flag is set, jump to WASH subroutine. 2b. If "OFF" flag is set, jump to OLOW1 subroutine. 3b. If "LO" flag is set, jump to LOWl subroutine. 31 FIG. 3.5 7 6 FI.. AG REGISTER 5 L/H OFF BV PASS BIT9 ~ ~ BIT3 9 : . 9 ~ 9 BIT? ~ 9 M/D ~ST IMMEDIATE COMMAND NO COMMAND LOW SPEED COMMAND NO COMMAND ~ WA FIRST TOUCH OF THE L/H SWITCH SECOND TOUCH OF THE L/H SWITCH ~ BIT4 BIT6 IMED OFF WASH COMMAND NO COMMAND 9 BITS L/H : ~ - LO TOUCH OF THE MIST/DELAV SWITCH 2ND TOUCH OF THE MIST/DELAV SWITCH 9 BIT2 HI ~ : 9 BIT~ 2 4 . HIGH SPEED COMMAND NO COMMAND L/H SWITCH IS HELD NO COMMAND OFF COMMAND NO COMMAND 32 ,, . FIG. 7 3.6 6 REGISTER 5 4 IGN OFF IN I..MMED ODE CABLE BRO:KE BIT9 FLAG1 J. 9 BITJ. J. 9 BIT2 J. 9 BIT3 J. 9 BIT4 J. : . . . 3 2 J.. L/H WASH OFF IN B~ WASH B~ B~ MODE PASS PASS PASS MIST DELA~ OFF SWITCH IS HELD NO COMMAND WASH SWITCH NO COMMAND IS HELD L/H COMMAND IN WASH MODE NO COMMAND MIST SWITCH NO COMMAND IS HELD COMMAND NO COMMAND DELA~ 9 9 IGNITION OFF IN IMMEDIATE OFF MODE NO COMMAND BIT6 J. 9 NO USED HO USED BIT? J. CABLE BRO:KEN CABLE IS GOOD BITS J. 9 . 33 4b. If "HI'" flag is set, jump to HIGH subroutine. 5b. If "MIST" flag is set, jump to DKLAY subroutine. At the end of those subroutines, RTS (Return From Subroutine) instruction returns routine. The controller then the control back the Time Out loads the Timer Counter and returns the control to RESTART routine by inserting the RTI ( Return From Interrupt ) instruction. When Timer Counter counts down to 0, the Timer Interrupt is generated and Time Out routine re-enterred. LOW/HIGH COMMAND ROUTINE This routine controls the wiper motor in high low speed. speed or The first touch of the switch starts in low speed, the second touch of this the wiper in high speed. The third the wiper switch will control touch will be back to low speed and the fourth is high speed ..... . In Time Out routine, it tests the input and jumps to LHC (LOW/HIGH command) T90. comaamd data routine when T71 <T < The redundancy test is perforaed to be sure it is the correct command. It then tests the register to decide whether " L/H " flag from flag the switch is first touch or second touch. If it is first touch, the program branches to LOW command routine and executs it. touch, the program branches to If the flag HIGH is second command routine and executs it and the wiper runs in high speed by outputting a logic high on the output port PCO. When " L " flag in the flag register is set and tested in Time Out routine, the control jumps to "LOWl" routine. 34 In this routine, the program is used to control the wiper motor in low speed with 75% on duty cycle and 25% off duty cycle. At the end of L/H command, RTS (Return From Subroutine) is used to return the command back to Time Out routine. OFF ROUTINE The first touch of the " OFF " switch causes the wiper to halt with the blades in a "PARK" position. If the wiper is not in the Park position when the OFF switch is pressed, the wiper will be parked to the Park position in low speed. The second touch of the OFF switch causes the wiper to stop right way. The third touch of the OFF same function as the first touch, switch repeats the and the fourth will be the same as the second touch. The proaram jumps to OFFC ( OFF command routine ) by testing the recevied command data count routine and T is in this range first does the redundancy T in the T50 < T < T71. check and T~e Out The program determines it is the OFFC command. HCU stops the wiper right way by outputting a logic low on output port PCO when it tests the Off " flag in the flag register and is set. ·· Immediate this second touch flag If this " Immediate Flag " is not set and it's the first touch, the HCU tests the " Park " switch and halt the wiper blades at the Park position by tllrning off the wiper motor from the output port PCO when the park switch is open If the Park switch is closed, logic low · on the output port PC2 the controller outputs a to turn off the washer 35 pump and park the wiper at Park position in low speed. When the "OFF" flag is set and tested in the routine, the program jumps to In this routine, Time Out "OLOWl" command subroutine. low speed with 75% on duty cycle and 25% off duty cycle is generated to park the wiper blade if it's not in the Park position. The end of "OFF" command routine is the "RTS" instruction to return the command back to Time Out routine. WASH COMMAND ROU'fiNE In the routine, the pressed time of the Wash switch is checked, if the Wash switch is pressed or equals to one second, the pump to provide water for wipes. second, If Wash switch washer pump and held less than program will control washer 4 seconds and followed by is pressed 4 dry and held longer than 1 provides water as long as this switch is pressed and follwed by 4 dry wipes. When the received command data count T in the Time Out routin is T31 < T <T50, the "WASHC" subroutine is entered. Again the redundancy check is performed in the beginning of the routine. In " WASB1 " routine, calculated. the Wash switch pressed time is The Timer Counter and register Templ are used to memorize the held time of this switch. The following is the example of 1 second calculation: Time Time = {Contents = $D5 * $93 of Counter) *32 usee =1 * (Contents of Temp!) Second. * (32us) 36 The "WASH" routine is the program to generate 4 seconds wash and 4 dry wipes. the 4 The register Temp4 seconds dry wipes of the wiper, Temp2 is used to count the 4 with 25% 75~ duty cycle on and is used to count and the seconds washes. duty cycle register A low speed off is used to drive the wiper motor. MIST/DELAY ROUTINE The system required for the MIST/DELAY function is performed in this routine. It contains two main routines of MIST5 and DELAY. MIST function, The MIST5 routine is used to and the DELAY routine is used to define the time delay interval for the wipe. to set and perform the clear the proper The HISTC routine begins registers and flags and then return to Time Out routine to do the redundancy test of the received com.and data to determine if T is Tl2 < T < T31. Because the " Mist By Pass " flag in the flagl register is set and tested, the prograa branchs to MISTS routine to perform "MIST" function. The controller rechecks the input switch and stays in the routine switch is pressed and held. speed in the longer the Mist as long as the Mist/Delay Also the wiper will run in low mode. If the input switch pressed is no Mist command when the program is in the loop of this routine, the prograa tests it and clear all the proper register and return the command to the Time Out routine by RTS instruction. If the "Delay" flag is set and detected, the "Delay" routine is entered. the Park switch is tested and the wiper 37 moves to Park position in low speed if the Park switch is closed. If the wiper is already in Park position, the controller turns off the wiper motor and checks the "MID" flag. If this flag is set, it is the first touch of Mist/Delay, the program starts to wait for the second touch of the same switch, the time will be stored in the register HD5. If the controller waits longer than 15 seconds, 1·5 seconds will be loaded into register HD5, the time in HD5 is the time delay interval for all future wipes until the time delay is reprogrammed by two touches of the Mist/Delay switch. If "Delay" flag is zero in the Delay register during this routine, it is defined as the second touch of the Mist /Delay switch. The wiper will be turned on, wipe in low speed and then stops. make one more Because the pulse (Time delay) time is stored in MD5, the register HD4 is incremented by one in every second and ca.pares to HD5. two registers have the same number, and makes a single wipe in register HD2 then is cleared second again. have the If these the wiper is turned on low speed and then stops. The and incremented by 1 in every A wi~ will be made when these two registers same value. This operation continues until any switch is pressed or until Ignition is switched off. 3. 5 CONTROLLER OPERATION SUMMARY On power up, the program starts from the Restart rout- ine to initialize the system, the $3E then loaded into the Timer Counter and starts to count down, the Timer Interrupt 38 is generated when the value in counter reaches 0. Time Out routine is entered. In Time Out routine the input switch data is tested and the controller jumps to the and executes it. instuction determined At the end of each which is used to return command subroutine subroutine is the RTS the command from the subroutine back to Time Out routine. The end of the routine is the RTI ( Return From Interrupt ) used to return the command back instruction which is to the Restart The Time Out routine is reentered when the is again generated. command. Timer Interrupt The operation continues for 30 seconds after Ignition is switched off. Before taking data from the dashboard switches (in Time Out routine), the Ignition line is to be tested the Ignition is on. proceed through If the Ignition is off the logic as proceeds through the microseconds. debounce the controller if there were a pressed " condition. If the Ignition is on, logic of Once the data is determined to see if M no switch the controller approximately 30 to be good, the wiper systea is to respond in the following aanner: Case 1. System response when starting from Rest. Case 2. Systea response when starting froaa Low speed aode. Case 3. System response when starting from High speed mode. Case 4. System response when starting from Mist mode. Case 5. System response when starting from Delay mode. Case 6. System response when starting from Progranuard wash mode. 39 Case 7. System response when starting from Demand wash mode. Case 8. System response when starting from Immediate off mode. Case 9. System response when Ignition goes off. Case 1. System response when start from REST. Initial conditions: Ign on and wiper in Park position. A. Press "'OFF'' - System status does not change. B. Press "'LO/HI" - Wiper runs in low speed. C. Press "MIST/DELAY'' - For MIST aode. 1. MD2 first set to zero. 2. wiper runs in low speed. 3. The wiper will continue to run in low speed as long as the "MIST/DELAY" switch is held down. 4. Release the "MIST/DELAY" switch. 5. If "MIST/DELAY" switch is pressed a second time, system runs in low speed. If not, then continues. 6. Wiper stops at innerwipe position. 1. MD2 reaches 15 seconds. 8. Wiper runs in low speed. 9. Wiper goes to Park position. D. Pressed "'WASH" and release in 1 second or less - Enter program wash mode. 1. Wiper runs in low speed. 2. TEHP2 begins 4 seconds count until it is completed. 3. TEHP4 begins 4 dryWipe count until it is completed. 40 4. Wiper goes to Park position. 5. Wiper system is at rest - Program.ed wash mode is completed. E. Press "WASH" and hold more than 1 second. 1. Begin count for time "WASH'' is held down. 2. Wiper runs in low speed. 3. Washer on until "WASH" is released if time is greater than 1 second. 4. "WASH" released after 1 second. 5. Begin 4 drywipe and it is completed. 6. Wiper goes to Park position. 7. Wiper system is at rest- Demand wash mode is completed. Case 2. System response when starting from lo speed. Initial conditions: Ign on, wiper runs in low speed. A. Press "OFF" switch. 1. Wiper goes to Park position. 2. Wiper system is at rest. B. Press "LO/HI '' - Wiper runs in low speed. C. Press "MIST/DELAY" - System status changes as follows: 1. Wiper runs in low speed. 2. If "MIST/DELAY" switch is pressed a second time, systea runs in low speed. If not, then continue. 3. Wiper stops at Innerwipe position. 4. HD2 is incremented from 0 toward a max of 15 sees. 5. HD2 reaches 15 seconds. 6. HD5 is set equal to MD2. 41 D. Press "WASH" switch. 1. TEMP2 begins 4 seconds count until it is completed. 2. Begin 4 drywipe count until it is completed. 3. System runs in low speed. E. Press "WASH'' and hold the switch. 1. Begin counting when "WASH" is held down. 2. Wash on until "WASH" is released if hold tiae is greater than 1 sec. If less than 1 second, default to Case 2-D. 3. "WASH" is released after 1 second. 4. Begin 4 drywipes until it is completed. 5. System runs in low speed. Case 3. System rsponse when starting froa HI speed. Initial conditions: lgn on, wiper runs in high speed. A. Press "OFF" switch. 1. Wiper runs in low speed. 2. Wiper goes to Park position. B. Press "LO/HI" - Wiper runs in low speed. c. Press "MIST/DELAY" - Systea status changes as follows: 1. The system enters the set pulse mode. 2. Wiper runs in low speed. 3. If "MIST/DELAY" switch is pressed a second time, system runs in low speed. If not, then continues. 4. Wiper stops at Innerwipe position. 5. MD2 is incremented from 0 toward a max of 15 sees. 6. If "MIST/DELAY" is pressed a second time, MD5 is 42 not equal to HD2 and the system runs in run pulse mode. If not, then continues. 7. HD2 reaches 15 seconds. 8. HD5 is set equal to MD2. 9. System runs in run pulse mode. E. Press "WASH" & hold- System status changes as follows: 1 . Wiper runs in low speed. 2. Begin count for time "WASH" is held down. 3. Washer on until "WASH" is released if hold time is greater than 1 second. 4. ''WASH" released after 1 second. 5. Begin 4 drywipes until it is completed. 6. De.and wash is completed. 7. System runs in high speed. Case 4. System response when starting fro• MIST mode. Initial conditions: 1. Ignition on. 2. Wiper runs in low speed. 3. The wiper will continue to run in low speed as long as the "MIST/DELAY" switch is held down. 4. Release the "MIST/DELAY" switch. 5. If "MIST/DELAY'' switch is pressed a second time, wiper runs in low speed. If not, then continues. 6. HD2 is incremented from 0 toward a max of 15 sees. 7. If ''MIST/DELAY" switch is pressed a second time, system defaults to Case 4-C. If not,th en continue. 43 8. MD2 reaches to 15 seconds. 9. Wiper runs in low speed. 10. Wiper goes to Park position. 11. Wiper system is at rest-MIST mode is completed. A. Press "OFF" - System status changes as follows: 1. Wiper runs in low speed. 2. Wiper goes to Park position. 3. Wiper system is at rest. B. Press "LO/BI" - Wiper runs in low speed. C. Press "MIST/DELAY" - System status changes as follows: 1. If the switch is pressed before the wiper stopped at the Innerwipe position, the following occurs. A. MD2 is incremented from 0 toward max of 15 sees. B. Switch is pressed and released. C. The syste• now in the run pulse .ode. D. Set MD5 (memory location) equal to HD2. E. Wiper runs in low speed. F. Wiper stops at Innerwipe position. G. MD2 is decreaented to 0 . B. MD2 is set equal to MD5. I. Wiper runs in low speed. J. Wiper stops at Innerwipe poition. K. Item A-J repeat--The systea is operating in the run pulse mode. 3. If the switch is pressed after HD2 has been inremented to 15 sec, system defaults to Case 1-C. 44. D. Press "WASH'" - System status changes as follows: 1. Wiper runs in low speed. 2. TEMP2 begins 4 seconds count until it is completed. 3. Begin 4 drywipes until it is completed. 4. The system returns to the point of the MIST mode operation at which the "WASH" press interrupted the sequence, and completes the MIST mode cycle. E. Press "WASH" & hold- System status changes as follows: 1. Begin count for time "WASH" is held down. 2. Wiper runs in low speed. 3. Washer on until '"WASH'' is released if hold tiae is greater than 1 sec. If less than 1 second defaults to 4-D. 4. "WASH" released after 1 second. 5. Begin 4 drywipes until it is completed. 6. The system now runs to the point of the MIST mode operation at which the '"WASH'" press interrupted the sequence, and completes the MIST mode cycle. CASE 5. Syste• response when starting froa DELAY mode. Initial conditions: 1. Iginition on. 2. Wiper run in low speed. 3. Wiper stops at Innerwipe position. 4. MD2 is cleared to 0. 5. MD5 is set equal to MD5. 6. Items 2-5 repeat - The system is opearting in the run pulse mode. 45 A. Press "OFF" - Wiper goes to park position and system is at rest. B. Press "LO/HI" - Wiper runs in low speed. C. Press "MIST/DELAY" - System status changes as follows: 1. The system enters the set pulse mode. 2. Wiper runs in low speed. 3. If "MIST/DELAY" switch is pressed a second time, system runs in low speed. If not, then continues. 4. Wiper stops at Innerwipe position. 5. MD2 is incremented from 0 toward a max of 15 sees. 6. If "MIST/DELAY" is pressed a second time, MD5 is set equal to MD2 and the system runs in run pulse mode. If not, then continues. 7. MD2 reaches 15 seconds. 8. HD5 is set equal to MD2. 9. Systea runs in run pulse mode. D. Press "WASH" - System status changes as follows: 1 . Wiper runs in low speed. 2. Counter begins 4 sec count until it is completed. 3. Begin 4 drywipes until it is completed. 4. Counter is reset to fixed delay. 5. Wiper stops at Inne.rwipe position. 6. Stored count decrements to 0. 7. Counter is reset to fixed delay. 8. Wiper runs in low speed. 9. Items 5-8 repeat untill another function is called. 46 Q E. Press "WASH" & hold- System status changes as follows: 1. Begin count for time "WASH" is held down. 2. Wiper runs in low speed. 3. Washer on until "WASH'' is released if hold time is gteater than 1 second. If less than 1 second, defaults to Case 5-D. 4. "WASH" released after 1 second. 5. Begin 4 drywipes until it is completed. 6. Counter is reset to fixed delay. 7. Wiper stops at Innerwipe position. 8. Stored count decrements to 0. 9. Counter is reset to fixed delay. 10. Wiper runs in low speed. 11. Items 7-10 are repeated until another function is called. Case 6. System response when starting in programmed wash. Initial condition: See Case 1-D. A. Press "OFF" - System status does not change and system functions the sa.e as Case 1-D. B. Press "LO/HI" - System runs in low speed. C. Press "MIST/DELAY'' - Syste~a status does not change and system functions the same as Cae 1-D. D. Press "WASH'' - The prograauaed WASH aaode is reset and functions the same as Case 1-D. E. Press "WASH" and hold - prograJIIIIled WASH is interrupted and the demand WASH is initialized. System response is the same as Case 1-K. • 47 Case 7. System reponse when st,arting in demand WASH. Initial conditions: See Case 1-R. A. Press "OFF" - System status does not change and system functions the same as Case 1-R. B. Pres "LO/HI" - Wiper runs in low speed. C. Press "HIST/DKLAY"· - System status does not change and system functions the same as Case 1-E. D. Press "WASH" - Demand WASH is interrupted and programmed WASH is initialized. System response is same as Case 1-D. E. Press "WASH" and hold - Demand WASH is reset and systea will function the same as Case 1-R. Case 8. System response when starting in Immediate Off mode. This mode is to stop the wiper regardless of the operating mode of the wiper. When the wiper is running the Immediate Off is initialized by pressing "OFF" and holding it down for approximately 1 second. After 1 second all outputs are turned off. A. Press "OFF" - No status changes in the system. B. Press "L0/81" - Wiper runs in low speed. C. Press "MIST/DELAY" - System status changes as in Case 1-C. D. Press "WASH" - System status changes as in Case 1-D. E. Press "WASH" and hold - System status changes as in Case 1-E. 48 Case 9. System operation when Ignition goes off. A. If the system is operational and the Ignition goes off, the system status is retained for approximately 30 seconds. and the wiper, in low speed, goes to the Park position. B. If Ignition is reinstated in less than 30 seconds, the system will return to the mode of operation it was in prior to the Ignition going off. C. Items A and B are true for all modes of operarion except Immediate Off. In Immediate Off mode the wiper does not go to the Park position. CHAPTER 4 PROGRAMMING AND DEBUGGING The assembled codes are tested to purge all the defects. There are several methods available to do this. There are devices that help the designer to debug the design such as in circuit emulator. There are also software packages that allow software debugging. Whichever method is used the debugging process involves rewriting and assembling the source file repeately until the system performs as intended. 4.1 DEBUGGING The assembled program in this project is tested using Motorola Microsystea, debugged and which is a Motorola H6800 based development system. The programs are written on floppy disk EDITORM and editted using Resident Editor in the Motorola's M6800/M6809 KXORdisk II Floppy Disk Drive System. The Motorola's H6800/6805 Macro Assembler is also used to translate the source programs into object programs coapatible with the H6800/M6805 Linking Loader.The Linker links the object file to binary file. The binary data are loaded to the user memory in the development system and then programmed from user memory to EPROM through PROH Programaer. 4. 2 PROGRAMMING FIRMWARE The debugged programs are burned into MCM2716 UV EPROM using Motorola's development system. The data has to be copied (programmed) to the EPROM in the MC68705P3 microcom- 49 50 puter. Figure 4.1 is the schematic diagram of a circuit which is used to program the EPROM in the MC68705P3. In the ciucuit, +26V and +5V power supplies are needed. The MC68705P3 bootstrap has 115 bytes of mask ROM containing a program which is used to program the HC68705P3 KPROM. The vector is fetched when Vihtp is applied to pin 7 (TIMER pin) of the HC68705P3 and the RESET pin is allowed to rise above Vires+. 4. 3 PROGRAMMING STEPS The MCM2716 duplicate of UV KPROH is programmed the infor.ation that is with an exact to be transferred to the MC68705P3. Non-KPROH addresses are ignored by the bootstrap. Since the HC68705P3 and the MCM2716 are to be inserted and be removed from the circuit, they should be mounted in sockets. In addition, be sure Sl and S2 are closed, and Vee and +26 V are not applied when inserting the MC68705P3 and MCM2716 into their respective sockets.This ensures that the RESET is held low while inserting the devices. When ready to prograa the MC68705P3 it is only necessary to provide Vee AND +26V. Open switch 62 Vpp and the Vihtp ) , and then open ( to apply the S1 ( to remove Reset ) . Once the voltages are applied and both 62 and 61 are open, the CLEAR output control line (PB4) goes high and then low, then the 11-bit counter ( MC14040B ) is clocked by the output {COUNT). The counter selects the MCM2716 PB3 EPROM byte which is to load the equivalent MC68705P3 EPROM byte selected by the bootstrap prograa. Once the EPROH location is vee _LOI vee I 0 '-L -r- I' •16V IJI'"' ··J1 E ·:1: t3 II MrM7116 Sl 1161( EPROM! PR'E' PRO II ...• • 16 ~ PHIPH1 IN«<)I ~ 5.,. lfH7.lA •cc• FIG. 4.1 f)<j t6 r'J'n 1 1 IJ} ....• • '":" ClEAR Ill , 1'1~~--~~------------'-0u--~-'------~ t> .. f ... ' I' t i tE: :;•1 • 510 l)fi rn•~~~~~--------------~~~-------t~ ..!.!JreJ I ..Q I I} R·l (ounlr• vee P86 Ill PH.. 11.4CI4WIO vee· voo • • so v typoc., Vss•OV Vpp• • ll V t IV PROGRAMMING CONNECTION SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM C11 ~ 52 FIG . 4 . 2 PROGRAMMER BOARD ASSEMBLY 53 loaded, COUNT clocks the counter to the next EPROH location . This continues until the HC68705P3 is co•pletely prograamed at which time the programmed indicator LED is lit. counter is cleared programmed data. and the loop is The repeated to verify the The verified indicator LED lights if the prograaaing is correct. Once the MC68705P3 has been programmed and verified, close switch S2 (to remove Vpp and Vihtp) Sl ( to Reset ). Disconnect +26V and Vee; MC68705P3 from its socket. and close switch then remove the CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSSIONS The low cost 8-bit single chip microcomputer controlled windshield wiper system has been developed and tested. new system is capable of doing new features can The many functions reliably and be added through software. THOS power switch is more compact and easy to install with no spark or fire hazard. The required wirings are : +12V power and return line, and single wire carrying command signals. 54 APPENDIX A FLOWCHARTS OF PROGRAMS 55 56 RESTART S'rSTEI'1 INITIALIZE DEFINE RAM I/0 CLEAR OFF '"NO COMMAND" TIME COUNT CALCULATION TURN OFF POWER START COUNTER WITH $3E 'rES LOOP FLOJ..J CHART CHECH :1.. RESTART ROUTINE 57 TIME OUT OFF DEBOUNCING LOGIC TEST I GOFF RECEIVED COMMAND CALCULATE TIME=T DEFINE ALL THE COMMAND TIMES1 T1.1.2, T50 , T90, T31., T?1., T1.2 'z'ES CHECJ< FLOW CHART 2. TIME OUT ROUTINE A 58 I GOFF TURN OFF WASHER PUMP 'x'ES NO TURN OFF POWER TURN OFF WIPER LOAD TIMER WITH $D5 TURN ON WIPER IN LOW SPEED START TIMER RESTART FLOW CHART 3. TIME OUT ROUTINE B 59 LH9 'x'ES <T71.<T<T90) 'x'ES <T50<T<T7.1) 'x'ES <T31.<T<T50> 'x'ES <T1.2<T<T31.) SET LO FLAG LOAD TIMER WITH $3E CHECK FLOW CHART 4. TIME OUT ROUTINE C 60 CLEAR THE PROPER FLAG REGISTERS SET SET SET SET SET CLEAR AND SET PROPER FLAGS CLEAR OUTPUTS LOAD TIMER WITH $3E FLOW CHART 5. TIME OUT ROUTINE D 61 LHC =:1 REDUNDANC'%' CHECH SET PROPER FLAGS NO SET L FLAG CLEAR H FLAG TURN ON WIPER MOTOR TURN ON WIPER MOTOR SET H FLAG CLEAR L FLAG FLOW CHART 6. LO/HI ROUTINE A 62 LOW~ ~, TUF:N WIPEF: ON MOT OF: , WIPEF: ON ?5X DUT'x' C'x'CLE ,, TUF:N WIPER OFF MOTOR ,, WIPER OFF 25X DUT'x' C'x'CLE ,, SET L FLAG CLEAR H FLAG .... ,,. TUF:N WIPEF: ON MOT OF: ,, F:ETUF:N FF:OM SUBROUTINE FLOW CHAF:T ?. LO/HI :ROUTINE B 63 OFFC =:1 REDUNDANC~ CHECX ~ES TURN OFF WIPER MOTOR STOP WIPER· RIGHT AWA~ TURN OFF WASHER PUMP TURN WIPER ON MOTOR RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE FLOW CHART 8. OFF ROUTINE A 64 OLOW~ CLEAR PROPER WIPER DUT'i FLAG ON 75X C'iCLE 'rES WIPER OFF 25X DUT'i C'iCLE 'rES TURN WIPER OFF MOTOR TURN OFF WIPER MOTOR TURN ON WIPER MOTOR TURN OFF WASHER PUMP RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE FLOW O::::HART 9. OFF ROUTINE B 65 WASHC 'l:'ES REDUNDANC~ SET WASH CHECH FLAG ~ES TURN OFF WASHER PUMP SET AND CLEAR PROPER FLAGS TURN ON WASHER PUMP TURN ON WIPER IN LOW SPEED RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE FLOW CHART 1.12'1. WASH ROUTINE A 66 WASHJ. NO SET THE FLAG CLEAR THE FLA IN:REMENT TEMP1. B'i 1. COt1PA:RE $6F 'x'ES TURN OFF WASHER PUI'1P TURN ON WASHER PUMP 'x'ES CLEAR TEMP1. TURN ON WIPER IN LOW SPEED RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE FLOW CHART 1.1.. WASH :ROUTINE B 67 MISTC 'x'ES REDUNDANC'x' CHECX SET AND CLEAR PROPER FLAGS 'x'ES CLEAR REGISTERS MD:1.-MD5 RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE FLOW CHART :1.2. MIST5 MIST/DELA'x' ROUTINE A 68 MISTS WIPER IN ?5X DUT~ Cl.t'CLE LOW SPEED TURN WIPER OFF WIPER OFF IN DUTI.t' Cl.t'CLE TURN WIPER INCREMENT 25X ON COUNT liES MIST2 FLOW CHART :13. RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE MIST/DELAI.t' ROUTINE B 69 MIST2 TURN 1-J IPER ON DEBOUNCING CHECH RECEIVED COMMAND TIME CALCULATION 'x'ES 'x'ES CLEAR ALL OF THE M/D FLAG REGISTER RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE FLOW CHART·:14. MIST5 MIST/DELA'x' ROUTINE C 70 DELAV NO PARH WIPER IN LOW SPEED STOP THE WIPER RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE CHECH :1.5 SECONDS DELA'%' '%'ES CHECH 2ND TOUCH OF M/D COMMA IS LESS OR EQUAL TO :1.5 SECONDS MEMORIZE DELA'%' TIME IN ORDER TO PERFORM THE I NSTANT WIPES '%'ES LOAD :1.5 SECONDS INTO MD5 MIST2 FLOW CHART ADJUST DELA'%' TIME LOAD TIME DELA'%' INTO MD5 RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE :1.5. MIST/DELA'%' ROUTINE D APPENDIX B ASSEMBLY PROGRAMS 71 72 RESTART SET INTERRUPT MASH BIT $ 0:1--+-DDRB $FF-+-DDRC CLR PORTC BCLR0, PORTB BSET3, PORTC LDX #$40 CLR $0,X INX CPX #$80 'iES $02-+-DDRA 'iES BSET:1, PORTA PORTC BCLR:1,PORTA CL~AR BRANCH TO RESTART P R 0 GR A t1 :1 . RESTART A 73 $FF_,.... TDR BSETIZI,PORTB BSET3.z..PORTC INC CuUNT:1 LDA TDR NEGA STA NOCOM ADD #$06 STA NOCOM:1 BCLR0 PORTB CLR P 6 RTC LDA COUNT!!. CMP #$!1..5 'iES LDA +t$3E STA TDR CLR TCR CLI $02_,.... DDRA $ 0!1.__. DDRB $FF__. DDRC BSET3,PORTC RSP CLR TCR CL I LOOP PROGRAM 2. RESTART B 74 BCL.R 3,PO:RTC $FF_... TD.R CL.R I GN2 LDA TD.R NEGA STA TIME5 $FF-. TD.R BSET BSET 0,PO:RTB 3,PO:RTC LDA TD.R NEGA BCL:R 0,PO.RTB B C L R 3 l~ P 0 .R T C STA TinE1. SUB NOCOM P .R 0 G.R A M 3 • TIME OUT A 75 p ' LOWER CLC ADD STA LDA SUB CLC ADD STA FRAC FRAC NOCOM Tit1E:1 FRAC:1 FRAC:1 'x'ES 'x'ES INC NOCOM DEC PROCESS TO GET COMMAND TIMES: T:1:12~T:100 T90, T?:1 ~ T50, T3:1 T:12. LDA TIME:1 SUB T90 T<T90 PROGRAM 4. Tit1E OUT B NOCOM 76 CMP T?:1 T90>T>T?:1 CMP BRANCH TO NOACT:1 T50 T?:1>T>T50 :>--------IH CMP JSR LHC BCLR 4 .z.. F L A G :1 J:oR OFFC BRANCH TO NOACT1. T3:1 T50>T>T31. >-------... JSR CMP BRANCH TO NOACT1. T1.2 T31.>T>T1.2 ~------.... BSET JSR BRANCH TO CHECH 5. MISTC BRANCH TO NOACT1. 4,FRAG PROGRAM WASHC TIME OUT C ~ ' 77 BCLR 6 FLAG BCLR FLAG1. BCLR 1.,FLAG1. BCLR 3,FLAG1. 0: WA=1. OFF=1. --:1------...... J SR 0 L 0 W1. CLR TEMP1.,2,3 AND 4. L=1. MIST:1. CLR LDA AND STA CLR FLAG FLAG1. #$20 FLAG1. PORTC $3E-+-TDR CLR TCR PROGRAM 6. TIME OUT D 18 BCLR 2J..PORTC INC I"='N:1. LDA I GN:1. CMP #$92 CLR INC I GN :1. IGN2 BSET 0.PORTC $A0___..., TDR LDA I GN2 CMP #$:1.A LDA TDR PLUS BCLR :1.,PORTA BCLR 0,PO:RTC $35___..., TDR BCL:R LDA LDA 0,PORTC #$D5 STA CLR TDR TCR BSET LDA PROGRAM TDR 7. TIME OUT eJ.PORTC #$3E E 79 LHC 'x'ES LOWER BSET CLR LDA EOR STA 6z.FLAG T1ME4 FLAG #$08 FLAG 'x'ES BCLR 3,PORTC BSET BCLR BSET 4, FLAG 5 FLAG e:PORTC HIGH 0,PORTC 5,FLAG 4, FLAG BSET BSET BCLR RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE PROGRAM 8. LO/HI ROUTINE A 80 LOW.1 BSET LDA SUB SUB SUB STA 0LPO:RTC TIME:1. #$3E TIME5 TD:R ++~A€1 LD A TD:R PLUS LDA #$35 STA TD:R CL:R PO:RTC PR 0 G:R A tl LDA TD:R 9 . LO/HI ROUTINE B 81 OFFC LOJ..JER BSET CLR LDA EOR STA IZI~FLAG:1. T.1.ME8 FLAG #$04 FLAG BCLR 5~FLAG:1. BSET BSET BCLR ?,FLAG IZI. PORT(: 2,PORTC BCLR BCLR BCLR BSET 0,PORTC 2,PORTC ? FLAG s:FLAG:1. CLR FLAG CLR PORTC RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE P R 0 GR A M :1. IZI • OFF ROUTINE A 82 OLOW~ 3,FLAG 4,FLAG S,FLAG 0,PO:RTC BCL:R BCL:R BCL:R BSET LDA #$A0 SUB Tit1E1 SUB #$3E SUB TIMES STA TDR 'rES LDA TDR PLUS LDA #$35 STA TD:R CL:R PO:RTC LDA TD:R PLUS PROGRAM 11. OFF ROUTINE B ,, . 83 WASHC CLR 2 3 INC LDA CMP TEt1P:1. & 4 tit·1E3 TIME3 #$el2 LOWER BSET :1..FLAG:1. LDA #$Ael STA TDR LDA TEMP4 CMP #$eJ4 CLR FLAG =:1. 4, FLAG ?,FLAG BSET BCLR LDA CMP TEMP2 #$1214 BSET BCLR ?,FLAG 4, FLAG RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE P R 0 GR A M :1. 2 . 1.-JASH ROUTINE A ---- ~ --- -- - . 84 PLUS INC TEI'1P1. LDA TEMPi. CMP #$6F PLUS BCLR LDA CMP BSET BCLR 'rES 2.PORTC 2~PORTC CLR CLR 2,2-PORTC Tt:.MP1. #:$92 INC CL:R TEMP2 TEMP2 INC CLR TEMP4 TEMP3 TEMP3 TEMP4 INC TEMP3 LDA TEMP3 CMP #$93 'rES PROGRAM 1.3. J..JASH ROUTINE B 85 WASH~ LDA #$A0 STA TDR LDA FLAG AND #$30 'r.'ES BSET 2,FLAG.1 INC BSET LDA CMP TEMP.i .i,FLAG TEMP.i #$6F PLUS BCL.R 2,FLAG.1 BCLR LDA CMP 2,z..PO.RTC Tt:.MP.i #$92 NO LOWER CL.R P .R 0 GF: A M .1 4 . TEMP.i WASH .ROUTINE C 86 WASH5 BSET BSET LDA SUB SUB SUB STA IZI,PORTC 1...z. FLAG T.l)R TIME1. #$3E TIMES TDR LDA TDR PLUS B(:LR BCLR LDA STA 3, PORTC IZI,PORTC #$35 TDR LDA TDR PLUS BSET IZI,PORTC RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE P R 0 GR A M 1. 5 . WASH ROUTINE D 87 HISTC INC TIME2 LDA TIME2 CMP #$02 LOWER CL:R FLAG1. LDA FLAG AND #$ 01. STA FLAG BSET 3~FLAG1. CL:R COUNT CL:R T I t1E2 LDA FLAG EO:R #$ 01. STA FLAG BSET 4~FLAG1. CL:R CL:R CL:R CL:R CL:R MD1. 1"1D 2 MD3 MD4 MD5 :RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE P :R 0 G:R A M 1. 6 . MIST/DELA~ O:RUTINE A 88 $A0_.,.. TDR SUB Tit1E:1 SUB #$3E SUB TIMES STA TDR LDA TDR PLUS CLR PORTC $35_.,.. TDR LDA TDR PLUS BSET INC LDA CMP 0.z..POF:TC CuUNT COUNT #$40 LDA TDR RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE,. P R 0 GR A t·1 :1 ? • MIST/DELA~ ROUTINE B 89 BSET 0,PORTC $FF---.. TDR =:1. LDA TDR NEG A STA TIMES $FF___.. TDR BSET 0,PORTB =0 LDA NEG STA BSET TDR A TIME:1. 0,PORTB CMP T3:1. LOWER CMP T90 NO BCLR BCLR BCLR 4, FLAG:1. 0 FLAG 3;FLAG:1. RETURN FR Ot1 SUBROUTINE P R 0 GR A M :1. 8 • MIST/DELA~ ROUTINE C 90 DELAY 'x'ES BC:L:R 0.PO:RTC C:L:R COUNT $D 5-+-TD:R INC LDA CMP MD3 MD3 #$93 'x'ES NO LDA CMP CL:R INC: MD3 MD4 MD5 #$02 'x'ES $03_.MD5 P :R 0 G:R A t·1 :1 9 • MIST/DELA'x' ROUTINE D Q ' 91 SD4 LDA CMP MD4 MDS LDA TDR SUB #$3E SUB TIME1. SUB TIMES STA TDR LDA CLR t1D4 TDR RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE PROGRAM 20. MIST/DELA~ ROUTINE E 92 DELAV~ INC MD1. LDA MD1. CMP #$93 'rES CLF: INC LDA C MP 1'1D :1. MD2 MD2 #$1ZJE PLUS LDA SUB SUB SUB STA BCLF: LDA $IZIF_.,MD5 CLR MD2 TDF: TIME:1. #$3E T I t1E5 TDF: 3~PORTC TDR 'rES PROGRAM 2:1.. LDA STA MIST/DELA~ MD2 MD5 ROUTINE F 93 STOP BSET IZI,PORTC LDA #$A0 SUB T I t1E:1 SUB #$3E SUB Tit·1E5 STA TDR LDA TDR PLUS C:LR PORTC $35_... TDR LDA TDR PLUS BSET 0,PORTC RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE PROGRAM 22. MIST/DELAV ROUTINE G APPENDIX PROGRAM 94 C LISTINGS 95 PI'IGE 001 00010 ooo:o 000'30 000·10 ooo:;o 00060 00070 OOOBO 00090 00!00 oo::o oo::o 00130 001·10 oo::;o 00160 oo:7o 00160 00190 oo:oo 00::!10 oo::o 00::!30 oo:-to OO::!:iO oo:6o 00::!70 oo:ao 00::!?0 00001 0000::! 00003 0000·1 OOOOj 00006 00007 00008 00009 00010 00011 oooz: 00013 0001·1 00~00 00310 oo::;:o 00330 00~·10 003~0 00360 00370 00~80 003?0 00·\00 00'\10 OO·t:O 00'\30 00·1·10 oo..,::;o 00·160 00'\70 00·180 OO..,'i'O oo:oo OO::i10 OOj:O oo:;:;o 00:3·l0 OOj:JO OO:i60 OO::i70 oo:so ooo:.~ 000~6 000~7 00018 000!.9 ooo:o 000::!1 ooo:: 000.:!3 ooo:·1 000::!~ 000:6 000::!7 ooo:s 0{)0:!9 00030 00031 ooo:;: 00033 000:!-1 ooo:;:; 00036 0()037 00038 00•:>39 000·10 000..,! OOO·l: 000..,3 OOOH 000..,~ 000·16 000'\7 000·18 000..,9 ooo:;o 000::;1 ooo:;: OOO::iJ 000:3·1 OOOj:i OOO::i6 OOO::i7 ooo:;a IJ!PER:O ~6BO::iP: .s~:l W!NDDH!ELD M6BO:i?::! W!HDSH!ELD U!PER CONTROL LLEN"79 CR!:: TT~ 11PT O?T N +t * * * * CONTROL ~!PER FOR ~!HDSH!~LD U!PR CONTROL DUTY CYCLE DRIVE WR!TTEN BY DAV:D D. WU GRADUI'ITE STUDENT C~~:FURH:A DT~TE UN!V~RSITY NORTHR!DG~ OCTOBER ~ 1986 **~**~*~"~~W~S~~*******~~~**~~·***~*~~~~~~ft~""* ~*-~*ftWW~WWWWWP.*~ftftP."*•Wft~W*•P.ft*ftWP.*~ftr.~P.~P.r.~ft~ tl *w ..* F'!N OUT OF' 680:i ~t-------------;t +::iV--: .!NT +::iV Ti-IR I * +::iV--: vee vss ..* !GN--: PAO Pl'll FOR 30 SEC CON. [IELflYl--: PBO PB: F'I'IRI{ SIJ!TCH ItCLI'I\'0--: F'Bl F'CO . ..* ;.; ... * *It * *It * • GROUND I I C:Of'--: PC:! • U!F'ER CONTROL IJMHER CONTr:OL Pr:: I ++-------------If Ri::s::::T L!HE COHNECT FROI1 THE COP OUTPUT 1 : OUTPUT PI1~, CO?HRIJL 0!· [ti:LftYO : !HF'UT PIN, CONmOLLEit ElY a: REST :=·ws NOT USED. r•::::..~., *"*~**~**~**~MWWP.~P.~*~*~*~W*MWft~**MP.*~P.r.P.~WP~~* ************~*~****~*****~**~**~**~***~~~****~* * ++ * * !+ !+ ++ * * !+ * INTRODUCTION Fm<CTION a PBO•=O, TURN ON a::.. f.IFTE'R : llSEC. NM.;~ F'f.!O"l, TURN O!='F' Cl, T:~U ::RC !S THE: I•E::..:H TIME. D!FFERENT R HAS DIFFERENT T!ME DELAY, SO NF'U CMI RE:COGil!:~ nrE COI'i•'lf\/W. NO tO"N~HD SITUATION; USUnLL\' NO COHMI'IND CONDITION IS THE MAIN CDmtAl-ID, T•iU"R(RE:FHC.,T<NOCOIO, !"r !S niE: PflS!C REFERENCE T!ME. ALL OTHER COMMAND HAS SOME RELATIONSHIP YITH THIS T. CONNI't11[1; ACT!VAT:WG THE I.J!F'ER FROi'! 1HE OrFCF·Af:l\) !+ STriTE MJ[t IJ!PER NA!\;;: U/1;;: OR 110::-<~ lJIF'E * CYCLES. !~ SEC LATER, MAKE THE OTHER W!PE ++ en:;_;;: IF NOT Na~l\E SEC0/1[1 TOUCH. £til r !F ii:"'KE * SECON[t TOUCH SHOF:TER THAN 1: SECmm, THE !+ riME INTERVAL OF 1ST AHD ~ND TOUCH ~r:..L BE * THE REFERENCE T!ME FOR NEXT IJ!PE CYr:LES. !+ IF THE: U!P~R !S !N LOU SPE~D OR HIGH SP~E:D, M WHEN 1ST M/[1 OCCURS, TEE WIPER PROCEEDS AT ++ ~I!ST/[t~LAY 96 P~GE 00: OO::i90 00600 00610 006:0 00630 006·10 006:i0 00660 00670 00680 00690 00700 00710 007:0 00730 007·10 007:i0 00760 00770 007EIO OOO:i9 00060 00061 0006: 00063 0006·1 0006:::i 00066 00067 00068 00069 00070 00071 0007: 00073 0007·1 0007:::i 00076 00077 00078 ~!PER:O M680:::iP::! .SA:l * * H * * COMM~ND:(.~OVCC) !F ANY CONDITION OF U!?C:R, RUM ** LO/H! COHMAHDac.7:VCC) 1ST TOUCH, LOU S?~ED. ::!HD TOUCH, HIGH ++ SPEED. 3RD TOUCH, L0~ ••• 4TH, HI ••••••• * ****************~**~******~****~R~ftR~~~~*~~W~ft* ***P-*****W*******P-****~r.****W*ftft¥.r.¥*P.ft* 00830 OOOR3 00840 OOOfH ~ * ooa:::;o oooa:::; 0000 00086 00087 00088 OOOB9 00090 0009! ooo: ooo: 000'1 ooo::; oo"·:o ooon 00930 00093 009·10 00094 009~0 0009:i 00960 000'76 00970 00097~ 00~0 00960 0009BA 0040 00990 00099A 00~1 0!000 00100A 001: 01010 00101A OO~J 010:0 OOlO:A 004~ 01030 OOlOJA 00~:::; 01040 00104A 0046 o:o:::;o oo:o:::;A oo~7 0!060 01070 01000 01090 01100 01110 011:0 01130 0048 0049 004A OO~B 004C OO~D 004E 00~~ 001:4~ oo:::;o 0011:in OO::i1 0!160 001!6A OO:::i::! 011~0 OFF FO~ LOU SF'EEir AIID GO TO F'I":RI< F'OSITION AIID STOi'·. BUT WASH t1011E: GOT TO BE: FINISH At'l[r Tfl::ll ++· STOP. IF THE OFF S~ITCH IS PRESSED TUICE * UIF'i::R WILL BE OFF, TH!S SO CALL~D THi:: * !HHED!ATE MODE. 3RD TOUCH ~ILL BE BnCK ;t TO NURNI!IL OFF COI1NMID. ~TH TOUCH AGn!il * IMMEDIATE OFF MODE •••••••••••••••••••• ~ ooe:o ooo8: 011~0 AND STOP. WMH COI1Nf.\IIIJ: c. ::!::iVCC:: l ~HEN f'USH THIS BUTTON, IJ!F'ER F'iJi1P FOi\ ·1 * SE:C M·!D T:i:: IJIF'C:RC Ill LOlJ Si='E:':Dl LJI?i:: ~ * CYCLES AFTER THE WASHER f'IJ~IP S TOF', TI-'EI~ GO *BACK TO TH~ OLD CONM~ND ••• PROGRf.\H WASH •••• H DEHnND ~ASH ••• HOLD THE S~ITCH •••••••••••• 00800 OOOBO 00810 00001 00106A 00107A 0010BA 00109A 00110A 00111A OOl!:A OO!l3A SP~~D UIPER CONTROL ++ oo79o ooon 00860 OOFJ70 008130 00890 00900 00910 LO~ ~:NDSHIELD 0001. 0008 0009 A A A A RE~: l'oCU680~?::! NE:l·IORY CONi- I GIJRAT :;:(Iii EQUATE TABLE * ....••••..•..••••••••..••••••••••............. F'ORlA F'llRTB F'ORTC [I[IRA A r•r•nB II [tDRC ELW EClU ErHI EOU , rnu ~ EOU 6 8 9 A TIIR El'IIJ II TCR EIJU * 0 1 T!HER T!M~R DAT~ REGISTER CONTRUL REGISTER RAH ASSIGNMENTS ++ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ORG 0001 000! 0001 0001 0001 0001 000! 0001 000! 0001 000! 0001 000! 0001 000! 0001 000! 0001 0001 A 1-!0COM R~\B A HOCONl RNB A FRf.IC FRAC1 RNB f.\ R~lB f.l T!I1El R~lB A THIE::! RNB A T!11E3 R~IB A TU1~1 RNB f.l T!I1E:i A T112 RNEc ,:, T:iO RMD T:!~ RIIB " r:. RMB A A R~IB R~IB A 1b R~IB A T3 (:) T71 A T90 A THIPl RNEc m1B R~IB RMB '5'10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NO COHI~AND FIJR A[tJUST· C!'IB!.E: BRO:\E:N IJI'ISH Cmii'JflH[I OT-F' Cmli'of:IHt LO/HI Cmi~IMID FOR 11/D T!l'IE 97 ~1680::iF'~ IJ!PE:R:o .51'1:1 F'I'%GE 003 01170 0!180 0!!90 01:00 01::!10 o1::o 01::!30 01:·t0 O!::!:iO 01:60 01::!70 01:80 01::!90 01300 01310 00l.17A 0011E!A 00!19:"1 001:0r. OO!::!U'l 001::r. 00:!.:!3•' OOl:·~tl OO:i3 OO::i·~ oo:::;:; OO::i6 OO:i7 OO::iB OO::i9 OO::il'l oo:;a oo:::;c OO::iD OO::iE 00:-j::' 0060 ooo: 0001 0001 0001 ooo: 0001 0001 0001 000! ooo:. 000! 0001 0001 0001 OO!::!:il'l 001:61'1 00!::!7(.'1 OOl:BA 001::!9(.'1 001301'1 00131 013:0 0013::! 01330 00133 013·10 0013·~(1 ooao 013::i0 0013:il'a 0080 00 ::i9 01360 00136 01370 00137 01390 001313 01390 00139 01·100 001·10 01.,10 001.111 0~.'1:0 001·1::! 01.1130 001.,3 O!HO 001-H 01.,::;0 0014:i 01•l60 OOH61'\ OOB~ ~c 46 01"170 00147 Ol·lBO 00148 01490 00149 O!::iOO 001::i0 o:::;:o 00!:'j1 01::;:0 001:;: 01:i30 00l::i31"1 0013J £!6 "16 01::i·10 001::i·1f.l 0087 f.\! 02 01~:i0 oo:. ~:i·~ 000? :!~ ::!1 O!::i60 001:';6(1 OOBB 10 :i9 0!~70 001 :i7tl OOBD 3::' 46 Ol::i80 001::iBI\ 008F Et6 :;a Ol::i90 001::i9 01600 00160 0:!.6:!.0 00161 o16:o 0016::! 01630 00163 0!6·10 0016-tA 0091 l'lB 0·1 016::i0 0016:iA 0093 97 ':jfJ 0:!.660 0016M 009~ 0~ ::;a 01670 00167 0:!.680 00:!.68 0:!.690 00169 0!700 00170A 0098 a :i9 017:!.0 00171 017::!0 00172 0:!.730 00173 01740 0017·1 (.\ n (.\ n T::NP::! lEI1F'3 TE:i-IF''1 CDUI·<T IJ!IWSH!ELD IJ!F'ER CIJI-IlRUL Rna FniB RNB R~iB A COUIITl RN£1 RMB A Flr.G FUlG1 r. 11II1 :"1 m•::! l'l 11113 (.'1 ~1[14 n 111J::i (.'1 IGiH n !GN: (.\ .. Ra'IB 1 1 1 1 1 WIB ! Ra'IB 1 R~i£1 ! RHB RMB Ra'IB 1 R~lll FCJR ra1::-. NOCCia'l I Hi::: 1 1 1 1 1 **HftftM**~"**~*~*~****~***~R~W~*~~*~*~*~"W~ft~~~" .., ~ ... OFF cmmMw ***************************************~~~**~~* .. .. 009::i OFFC Oi\G BR5=:r $80 O,FLf.IG1,Sl<!P1 IF Sr!LL HOLI• RF.:IIUNI'IIICY RIJU MID S I L!_ COUiH o;.;E 1 llUCII (';'' L .~t> YOU H!J'.. [I THE: 51Hl CH. * * * * .. * .. INC T:I1E3 * FOR R<::J:IWW:"'IIC Y * 3 l :.liES, CHECI: HiE * * +I OOfiC ~'..() A BSET CLR A L[ltl ..* ·!.-SO:! W:"'!T3 O,FLI'\Gl THIF.:3 FLt.G I•:T ::! Ui- r:;':: ,, FLfll3 I'"' o:·F 10 :s r:;;:n r * * TUUCH TDIJCH * oc EOR STI\ OOM SKIF'! l:.f\CLR l$0•\ FL:"IG :, FLf.:G, !J1UFF * ·- !r Oi\ :fill ::s ::!1W TOUCH, r:o TO +I * " It* ..* :'I T!l·IE:3 5"'::- t.t ·~ OFF com1fiJW. LDA CJ·iP A .. " :r [ISCH•=: (t A com; ... r-·,~ lH!S, li'EII liCU I+ tl r··:-a::. TH=:i·l Sl\ !F' * A TO 5!::E !S 5\JIT ST!!..!.. HUL.lJ lJ:'{ Hli·iE:LI I AI E: UFF BCLf\ :::i,FLf-1131 B!T ::; OF FOil FU~Gl J'.EiiO;-~y IJW<="F 11011:0 OF 98 PAGE 004 0!7~0 00170A 009A 00176 00177 00!79 00179 00180 00191 0019:! 00193 00!9•\ 01760 01770 0!780 01790 01900 01910 0!&::!0 01830 O!S·tO O!S:iO 01960 01870 01880 01890 01900 01910 019::!0 01930 0! 9•10 019:i0 01960 01970 01980 01990 0:!000 0:!010 020:0 0:!030 0::!0•10 O:!O:iO 0::!060 0:!070 0:%080 0:!090 02100 02110 o:1:o 0:!130 0:!!40 0:!1::i0 0:160 0:!170 02180 0:!190 o::oo 0:!210 o:::o 0:!:!30 o:z:-to .0:!:!~0 o::60 0:!:!70 o:z:so 02:!90 02300 02310 o:z3:o . il ~lPER20 M6BO~P2 .SAa1 0~ .. •.. ..• ..• 01 10 OOAD OFF 0019~ OOA4 11 02 OOA6 10 02 1F ~B 1A :i9 81 3F :a JF 02 81 II OLOU :a II SET iS:::T iCLR RTS ooa6 0081 OOBA 008C 00~:!1A OOBE oo:z::A ooco 00:!:!3A OOC:! oo::-tA ooc~ OO:!:!~A OOC7 00::!:6A OOC9 00227A OOCB OO:!:SA OOCD 00:!:!9A OOCF OO:JOA OOD1 00231A 0003 oo:J:!A oo~o ~J! F'ER 7,FLf.l0 O,PORTC · :l,PDRTC ....................................................................................... ~ .. IHOF'F ROUTINE 1 :!liD TOUCH OF TH£ Ol='F CmiH tt ~I!PER CMN STAY ON n;E UINDOIJ, :!RD TOUCH * YIP£R 81'1CK TO REGULAR OFF ROUT!M::, ~HZCH tt HEAHS USE LOU SPEED TO PI'IRK POSITION .............................................................................. A IHDFF ICLR O,PDRTC IHHEDIATE OFF 1-!0t•£, * HAK£ THE U!PER AHD ICLR :,PORTC UA&HER OFF ll1HEDIATEt..Y 7,FLI'\Il A· liCLR ~,Ft..AG1 BSET A IJAIT3 RTS FLflD A NOACT:! Ct.~ PDRTC CLR RTS • " ..................................................................................... US£ LOU SPE~D TO GO BACK PARK POStTIOH *********************************************** .• A Ot..Dw1 SCL~ 3,FLAD S!T .. 008~ THE PA~i< * II 0012 17 IF' !il POS!T:ON, Ti-;E::H MCK Ti-15: Nl'l!il ~uuTmE. srAY !II liOCOI11-I!Ii /LI 1-iODE ELSE S~T Jc!T 7 OF FLI'IG !il O~tl TO GO TO THE OLDio11 ~UT!il!, J::i'ICI\ ·TO F'Ml\ POS!TIOil II 00166 00187 001BBA 009D 1E ~B 0018911 009F 10 0~ 00190~ OOA1 1~ 0:! 00191A OOAJ &1 0019:! 00193 001 9•1 OOAI OOAA OOAC OOAD OOAF 0011 :!,PORTS,NOACT~ S~CL~ ..• .. 0018~ 00196 00197 0019SA 001" 00200A 00:!01 0020:!A OO:!OlA 00:0•1A OO:!O:iA 00:!06A 00:!07A 00::!08 00:!09 00::!10 oo211A 0021: 00:!13 0021-1 OO:!!:l OO:Z16A oo:Z17A OO::!!BA 00:!19A oo::OA UINDSHIELD U!PER CONTROL • 19 ~~ A 11 :;a A 10 02 A A6 AO A JO ~~ A AO 3E 10 •\8 A 17 08 o~ 01 E6 OOAD DI.DI.O:Z A 86 08 :n F9 OOC•1 1'16 ~~ A 17 08 JF 02 A ~6 OS A Di.DL.IJ 00[11 :!A FC 0091\ :o CJ " " " 3,·\,~ ALL FOR LO/H!, HAY HAVE ti::TTCR UA TO DO THIS • liCLR EICL.R II SET Lt•A SUB sua sua STf-1 llr<CI.R LllA IIPL I.N\ STA CL.~ l.[l;'i 8?t.. iRA 4,FLf.IIJ ::i,Ft..I'ID O,F'OitTC UI'IO T!KE1 DUT'f C"fC!..£ 0/i 7:i%, SUBTRA THOSE T!HE HAS USED. UJ£ T:HE~ TllR :,POnrt,NOACT:Z TI•R Oi..0'-1~ u:;:; Tl'R FORTC TI•R o:..ouJ OFF DUT'f CYCLE OFF 2~% 99 P~GE 00~ UIPER:!O 0:::!:330 00:::!33. o::HO oo::H 0:::!3~0 OO:!J:i o:J6o oo::J6 0:::!370 00:::!37 0::3BO oo::Ja 0:::!390 00::!391!1 0::!·\00 00:!401\ 0:::!1!.0 00:::!'11A o:·t:o 00:!·\:A 0::!'130 00:!'13A o::·\40 oo:·1·1A 0:::!<\:iO 00:::!<\:iA o:-t60 00:!·\6A 0:!470 00:!'17A O:HBO oo:4an 0:!<\90 002'191'1 o::::;oo oo::son o:!:ao 00:!~1A o:~:o oo:::;:A H6BO~P: .S~a1 ~I~I.ISH!ELD U!PER CONTROL MMMHMHHHHMH*H~HHHH*HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~HHHHH~HH~H "********************************************** * * ~ 0007 10 0:::! 00[19 00[18 OOI•D OODF OOE! 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T~E ~:PER **********************************"*~~·····~··· A LOU1 A BSET LDf.l O,?ORTC 151'10 OOEJ SUB SUB SUB STA LDA EIPL f.\ LIJA H3:i A STA CLR TN~ A A A n (.\ f.\ ~ L0~3 OOED ~ LOI.I A A LDI\ EI?L EISET BCLR SSET RTS TURN ON TH~ U:F~~ ffiOwJ:"-::i .1 115 T:N::1 U3E TUH::i TI•R Til~ LOIJ: tJ~~<J::!n1.7 f·i3 UHICH IS UIPER OFF PORTC TDR LOUl TitiE<::!:i%> ·1, F L~G ~,FLAG O,PORTC *********************************************** * * * IN!TI~LIZATION UHEH POI.IER UP, PROGRAtt START FROtl THIS FOil•T *********************************************** 91 A6 01 111 o:; A6 FF 17 06 JF 0:! 11 01 16 0::! AE 40 7F :;c Al 80 ::!6 FA 1\6 02 87 04 ORG RESTRT SEI tlCO L[l:'l U01 A A s·rA A LDA " CUt Srft A A A A EICLR BSiT LI•>: PORTC FOR OUTPUT IlUTIALIZE l$-\0 C?:c liNE Ll)l\ STA .uao 8RCLR O,PORTA,DUtl EISET 8RSET l,POilTA ! ,PORTB, TI11i 0301 • • 12 oo 0:! 01 FD OlEO TII'IE ~6 FF A 17 08 A 10 01 A 16 0:! 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I TIIR TCR LO~O no: '-'AIT FOR T!I1ER 87 o: o~ LOI\ STf.\ [r[IRA 040E A6 0~10 87 041: A6 0414 87 0~16 16 0418 9C 0419 ~F 04!8 9~ 041C :o 0! LDI'\ U01 042: FF 06 0::! ODRB UtA UFF STA BSET ODRC 3,POilTC CLR TCR £4RA WAIT c:..x EC INTERRUPT R~F~~SH *********************************************** A OUM CLR ~ &CLR 9C 03CO :o THir::R START T:I'IER RS~ 09 o: STA !3 00 041E JF 0~::!0 0~ DIFF- ?S~UirO-GRUUil!l 1!\il[r DD A6 !E 87 08 3F 09 9n ~! :!~ lH~ ERC:JiCE I<i: ft..' f. Eli L[r(.\ (.\ U:PER CONTROL BRA PORTC !,PORTA RESTRT !GHlT!ON OFF ' DO NOTHING *********************************************** *********************************************** * * * * * * * TIM~ OVERFLO~ ~OUTINE IH THIS HniH ROUT!HE<TIMOUT) THE ONLY AC IS CHECK THE IGNITIOH & PnRK SUITCH, :F IGNITION OFF, 9UT U!PER HOT IH PARK POSI TH£N USE LOU S?EED TO GO BACK P~RK POSI R~ST OF 111\II-l ROUT!I~E JUST LIO Cmii1MID & SONE INSTRUSTIOH FOR jUMP TO SUB~OUTIII~ 003:6 003:!7 003:8 003::!9 00330 **********************************"************ 8RSE'r O,FL.Ail!,IG:i 00331A 04:!._ OA :i9 3B 04:iF IG4 CliECI·: IS :Hi oo3~: INliOFF !10tiE? 00333 O,PORTC &SET 00334A 0427 10 02 !F NOT, TH:::14 0033~ TURN ON THE 00336 I.IIPER. 00337 LJ:tA uno A 0033BA 0429 A6 AO TDR ST~ OOJJ9A 04:!8 87 OS A TDR Ltlf.l 00340A 04~D 96 08 1'\ IGl IG1 &P'L 0~:!1:1 00311A O~::!F ::!A FC O,PORTC BCLR n 003421\ 0431 11 o: Ul~ LT!A A 00343A 0~33 A6 ~~ STf.l Tl•R n 00344A 043~ 87 oa TOR LOA ooJ4~A 0437 B6 oa A IG:! !G2 &F'L 003~6A 0~39 :A FC 0437 (\ O,?OiHC !:ISH 003~7A 0~38 10 0::! 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IGO ***********************************ft*******1*~* M UHEN IGNITION OFF, PROCESSOR STnr ON FO~ 30 SEC~~ UH~N OV~~ 30 SECS, PROC~SSO~ T THE POWER SUPPLY BY CLEAR 1,PO~Tn * * 0447 13 00 0149 CC OJCO 036~0 0036~1"4 0~4C 0039~ M680:::iP:! I.IIPER:ZO .SIIal PAGE 1:::i 3C 86 111 :7 86 O~:::i8 Al 04:::iA :!n 04:::iC 04 04:::ir 11 0461 ~6 0.,63 97 046:::i JF 0467 80 044E 04:::i0 Oll:::i2 04:::i4 0.,::;6 ********************************************~~- A OFFAl A 0:! :::;;: A ~F A A 1,PORTA R~STRT 92 II EB 0441 60 A IGO 1A A EB 0447 01 C:::i 0424 02 A IG:::i ~3 A 08 II IG6 09 A INC LDA CH? IGN1 IGN1 IDJ IGH2 U1ft OFFill TH~ TIHE srmE T:11F. OFF, flA IS GOOD ENOUGH. :,PO~Tt.IG4 BC~R L~n O,?ORTC t5D3 TOR TCR STf\ CLR RTI *********************************************** rHIS ~OUTIH~ FO~ DEBUO ON~Y *********************************************** 40 A REDO 44 A 43 43 38 A LDA SUB CLC ADD II ST~ 04AB 9CC ~0 II D~C FRAC1 FRAC1 TAU HOCOH 047~ 34 O.,A8 BRA T~U 0~77 0~79 COUHTIHO ~·92 BED LOA CtiP B?L BRSET 86 BO 98 81 0~6F 17 0~71 :4 0.,73 JA :o THIS IHSTRUCTIOif IS iiOT M REQUIRED. ************************************~*****w**** IGOFF ~CLR :!,~ORTC * 0468 046A 046C 046D BCLR JM? HOCOH TIKEl **********************************~**~********* M HAIN ROUTINE FOR TIMER OVERFLO~ ************~********************************** 17 0~ A TIHDUT BCLR 01 00 DO 044C B~CLR . J,PORTC O,PDRTA.IGOFr ..• • .. It 00396 00397 A 00398A 047C A6 FF 03990 OOJ99A 047E 87 08 A A 01000 00400A 0480 JF 60 04010 001101A 0~8~ 02 01 FD 0.118::! 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O::i090 OO":i09 * ~HD TOUCH• HIGH SP~ED. o:uoo 00~10 * 3RD TOUCHa LOU SPEED •••••••• 0~110 OO:i11 *********************************************** O::i1:0 OO:i1:A o:-tE OC ~B 1: o:63 LHC BRSET 6,FLAG,SKIP TH!S SRANCH ROUTINE 0~130 OO::i!J O":il-10 00:31-t ENABLE PROCESSOR o:a:;o oo::a::; NEGLECr THE TIME O:i160 oo:u M STnY ON THE S~IT O::i170 oo:a7 &UTTOH T!I'.E•1 o:aso OO::i!BI\ o:::a JC ·17 we A O:i190 OO:i19A O::i:iJ 86 o47 TII'IE" LI•:~ A o:;:oo oo::;:oA o:;~:; A! 0~ uo~ REIJUNOAI-ICY A Cl'iP ., 17 RTSl O:i~10 OO:i~!.A O":i:i7 O::i70 s:..o o~:~o OO::i::Z:!A O:i::i9 1C :iB 6,FLI'\G A &SET ..• • • ....... 104 010 o::Jo o::·tO o::;:::;o o::;:6o O::i:!70 o::;:zao O::i:!90 O::i300 O::i310 o:J:zo O::i330 O::il·\0 o::;J:;o O:S360 O:i370 oo::J:\ o::a J;:' OO::i::Z-11'\ oo:;:::;n oo::;:61\ OO::i:!7:\ oo::;:sA OO::i:!?A oo::;:o OO:illA O::i::iD o.. -o::;u o::;u O::i66 O::i68 ~~~ .,, 0:! ::;a :;a ~lWDSHIELD CL~ A 1\ P6 :iFJ A 11a OS A 117 :a 07 :;a 04 O:i6A SXIP 1\ 17 o:z A iC F1 O:iiiA 10 oo:s:;:u~ O::i6C 11\ OO::i33A O::i6E 19 OO:i3·11\ O:S70 B! oo:;:;::; OO::S36 OO::i37 0~380 OO::i38 o:;no oo:;J9 O::i•\00 OO::i·tO O::i .. 10 OO::iH O::i·1:0 OO::i·12 O:i430 OO:i43 O::i•\40 OO:i·1JtA O::i71 3F o:;•::;o oo:;":;A O::i7l 04 O:i-160 OO:io\6A O::i76 1E O:i470 OO:i47A O:i78 19 o:HBO OO:H8A O::i7A 81 O:i490 OO:i4fA O::i78 18 O~:SOO OO:S:SOA 0~7D 1F O:i010 OO:i::i1A O::i7F 11 o:;::;:o oo:;:;~A o:ao t:s O:i::i30 OO:i::iJA O::iB:! ~0 O::i::S-10 OO:i::io4A O::i84 1:S o~::;::;o oo::;::;:;., O:i86 16 O~:i60 00~~6A O::ill A1 O::i:i70 OO:i::i7A O::iiA ~~ o:;:sao oo:;:;aA o::;ac 3C O::i::i90 OO:i::i9A O::iBE :SF O:i600 OO::i60A O:i90 :o O:i610 OO:iUA O::i9:! 3C O::i6:ZO OO:S6:!A O::i9•\ 3F o:;no oo:nA O::i96 20 O::i6·10 OO::i6·1 O:i6::i0 OO::iil:i O::i660 OO::i66 O:i670 OO::iii7A O::i91 o:z O:i680 00j6SA O::S91 :SF O::i690 OO::i69A O:ifD 3r O::i700 OO::i70A O::i9F 3F O::i710 OO::i71A O::iA1 3r O::S7:!0 OO::i7:A O::i~3-3C O::i730 OO:i73A O:ifl::i 16 O:i7·\0 OO::i74A 0~1\7 n1 O::i7~0 OO::i7::iA O::ir"19 :!~ O::S7l.O OO::i761\ O::i/'18 1~ O::i770 OO::i77A O::ir"'D 116 O::i7BO OO::i7EIA O::ii\F 117 O::i7VO OO:i79A o:;u P6 o:;eoo oo::;eon O::iil A1 . ,, ti6SO::iP:Z l.llPER:O .SI\a1 PI'IGE L[ll'\ EO~ STI\ i~Ci..~ PCLR J~l? U:PER CONTROi.. T!~l!1 Fli'IG uoa TOOO:..~ IT FLI\Il J,rLI'IG,HIGH J,FOiHC LOY •..........•..........•..••.•..••.......... A HICiH I\ A RTS1 fj5ET fjSET f4CL.R RTS O,POiHC ::i,FLAO .. ,rLIID ~ ... · ·········································~--~-· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. YASH ROUTIIIE WHEN WIISH COHH~HD HAS RECEIVED, U!FER •.. 4 Dli LO SPEED, WASHER START A?PLY UHEH WASHER OFF, WIPER IS ON THE UlHeR •.. AF'PRO:<IHATEL'f 4 U::tPE CYCLES CL.O S? , SO CALL DRY Y!PE • •...................................................... 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