Strengthened Sobolev inequalities for a random subspace of functions Rachel Ward University of Texas at Austin April 2013 Discrete Sobolev inequalities Proposition (Sobolev inequality for discrete images) Let x ∈ RN×N be zero-mean. Then v u N N N X N h i X uX X 2 t xj,k ≤ |xj+1,k − xj,k | + |xj,k+1 − xj,k | j=1 k=1 j=1 k=1 or kxk2 ≤ kxkTV Theorem (New! Strengthened Sobolev inequality) With probability ≥ 1 − e −cm , the following holds for all images x ∈ RN×N in the null space of an m × N 2 random Gaussian matrix kxk2 . [log(N)]3/2 √ kxkTV m Discrete Sobolev inequalities Proposition (Sobolev inequality for discrete images) Let x ∈ RN×N be zero-mean. Then v u N N N X N h i X uX X 2 t xj,k ≤ |xj+1,k − xj,k | + |xj,k+1 − xj,k | j=1 k=1 j=1 k=1 or kxk2 ≤ kxkTV Theorem (New! Strengthened Sobolev inequality) With probability ≥ 1 − e −cm , the following holds for all images x ∈ RN×N in the null space of an m × N 2 random Gaussian matrix kxk2 . [log(N)]3/2 √ kxkTV m 4 Joint work with Deanna Needell Research supported in part by the ONR and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation 5 Motivation: Image processing Images are compressible in discrete gradient 6 7 Images are compressible in discrete gradient We define the discrete directional derivatives of an image x ∈ RN×N as xu : RN×N → R(N−1)×N , N×N xv : R N×(N−1) →R , (xu )j,k = xj,k − xj−1,k , (xv )j,k = xj,k − xj,k−1 , and discrete gradient operator ∇x = (xu , xv ) ∈ RN×N×2 Images are also compressible in wavelet bases Reconstruction of “Boats” from 10% of its Haar wavelet coefficients. H : RN×N → RN×N is bivariate Haar wavelet transform Figure: First few Haar basis functions 8 9 Notation The image `p -norm is kukp := P N j=1 PN k=1 |uj,k |p 1/p u is s-sparse if kuk0 := {#(j, k) : uj,k 6= 0} ≤ s us = arg min{z:kzk0 =s} ku − zk is the best s-sparse approximation to u σs (u)p = ku − us kp is the s-sparse approximation error Natural images are ’compressible’: σs (∇x) = k∇x − (∇x)s k2 decays quickly in s σs (Hx) = kHx − (Hx)s k2 decays quickly in s Notation The image `p -norm is kukp := P N j=1 PN k=1 |uj,k |p 1/p u is s-sparse if kuk0 := {#(j, k) : uj,k 6= 0} ≤ s us = arg min{z:kzk0 =s} ku − zk is the best s-sparse approximation to u σs (u)p = ku − us kp is the s-sparse approximation error Natural images are ’compressible’: σs (∇x) = k∇x − (∇x)s k2 decays quickly in s σs (Hx) = kHx − (Hx)s k2 decays quickly in s 10 11 Imaging via compressed sensing If images are so compressible (nearly low-dimensional), do we really need to know all of the pixel values for accurate reconstruction, or can we get away with taking a smaller number of linear measurements? 12 MRI imaging - speed up by exploiting sparsity? In Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), rotating magnetic field measurements are 2D Fourier transform measurements: 1 X yk1 ,k2 = F(x) k ,k = xj1 ,j2 e 2πi(k1 j1 +k2 j2 )/N , 1 2 N j1 ,j2 −N/2 + 1 ≤ k1 , k2 , ≤ N/2 Each measurement takes a certain amount of time — reduced number of samples m N 2 means reduced time of MRI scan. 13 Compressed sensing set-up 1. Signal (or image) of interest f ∈ Rd which is sparse: kf k0 ≤ s 2. Measurement operator A : Rd → Rm , m d y = A f 3. Problem: Using the sparsity of f , can we reconstruct f efficiently from y ? A sufficient condition: Restricted Isometry Property1 I A : Rd → Rm satisfies the Restricted Isometry Property (RIP) of order s if 5 3 kf k2 ≤ kAf k2 ≤ kf k2 4 4 I for all s-sparse f . Gaussian or Bernoulli measurement matrices satisfy the RIP with high probability when m & s log d. I 1 14 Random subsets of rows from Fourier and others with fast multiply have similar property: m & s log4 d. Candès-Romberg-Tao 2006 A sufficient condition: Restricted Isometry Property1 I A : Rd → Rm satisfies the Restricted Isometry Property (RIP) of order s if 5 3 kf k2 ≤ kAf k2 ≤ kf k2 4 4 I for all s-sparse f . Gaussian or Bernoulli measurement matrices satisfy the RIP with high probability when m & s log d. I 1 15 Random subsets of rows from Fourier and others with fast multiply have similar property: m & s log4 d. Candès-Romberg-Tao 2006 `1 -minimization for sparse recovery2 Let y = Af . Let A satisfy the Restricted Isometry Property of order s and set: fˆ = argmin kg k1 such that Ag = y g Then 1. Exact recovery: If f is s-sparse, then fˆ = f . 2. Stable recovery: If f is approximately s-sparse, then fˆ ≈ f . Precisely, kf − fˆk1 . σs (f )1 1 kf − fˆk2 . √ σs (f )1 s 2 16 Candès-Romberg-Tao, Donoho `1 -minimization for sparse recovery Similarly, if B be an orthonormal basis in which f is assumed sparse, and AB ∗ = AB −1 satisfies the Restricted Isometry Property of order s and fˆ = argmin kBg k1 such that Ag = y g ⇔ B fˆ = argmin khk1 such that h Then kB(f − fˆ)k1 . σs (Bf )1 1 kf − fˆk2 . √ σs (Bf )1 s 17 AB −1 h = y Total variation minimization for sparse recovery For x ∈ RN×N , the total variation seminorm is kxkTV = k∇xk1 . If x has s-sparse gradient, from observations y = Ax one solves Total Variation minimization x̂ = argmin kzkTV subject to Az = Ax z Immediate guarantees: 1. k∇x̂ − ∇xk2 . √1 σs (∇x)1 , s 2. k∇x̂ − ∇xk1 . σs (∇x)1 Apply discrete Sobolev inequality ⇒ kx − x̂k2 . σs (∇x)1 Can we do better? Total variation minimization for sparse recovery For x ∈ RN×N , the total variation seminorm is kxkTV = k∇xk1 . If x has s-sparse gradient, from observations y = Ax one solves Total Variation minimization x̂ = argmin kzkTV subject to Az = Ax z Immediate guarantees: 1. k∇x̂ − ∇xk2 . √1 σs (∇x)1 , s 2. k∇x̂ − ∇xk1 . σs (∇x)1 Apply discrete Sobolev inequality ⇒ kx − x̂k2 . σs (∇x)1 Can we do better? Discrete Sobolev inequalities Proposition (Sobolev inequality ) Let x ∈ RN×N be zero-mean. Then kxk2 ≤ kxkTV Theorem (Strengthened Sobolev inequality) 2 For all images x ∈ RN in the null space of a matrix 2 A : RN → Rm which, when composed with the bivariate Haar 2 wavelet transform, AH−1 : RN → Rm has the Restricted Isometry Property of order 2s, the following holds: kxk2 . 20 log(N) √ kxkTV s Discrete Sobolev inequalities Proposition (Sobolev inequality ) Let x ∈ RN×N be zero-mean. Then kxk2 ≤ kxkTV Theorem (Strengthened Sobolev inequality) 2 For all images x ∈ RN in the null space of a matrix 2 A : RN → Rm which, when composed with the bivariate Haar 2 wavelet transform, AH−1 : RN → Rm has the Restricted Isometry Property of order 2s, the following holds: kxk2 . 21 log(N) √ kxkTV s Consequence for total variation minimization 2 Suppose that the matrix A : RN → Rm is such that, composed 2 with the bivariate Haar wavelet transform, AH∗ : RN → Rm has the Restricted Isometry Property of order 2s. From observations y = Ax, consider Total Variation minimization x̂ = argmin kzkTV z Then 1. k∇x̂ − ∇xk2 . √1 σs (∇x)1 s 2. kx̂ − xkTV . σs (∇x)1 3. kx − x̂k2 . 22 log(N 2 /s) √ σs (∇x)1 s subject to Az = y Consequence for total variation minimization 2 Suppose that the matrix A : RN → Rm is such that, composed 2 with the bivariate Haar wavelet transform, AH∗ : RN → Rm has the Restricted Isometry Property of order 2s. From observations y = Ax, consider Total Variation minimization x̂ = argmin kzkTV z Then 1. k∇x̂ − ∇xk2 . √1 σs (∇x)1 s 2. kx̂ − xkTV . σs (∇x)1 3. kx − x̂k2 . 23 log(N 2 /s) √ σs (∇x)1 s subject to Az = y Corollary (Sobolev inequality for random matrices) With probability ≥ 1 − e −cm , the following holds for all images x ∈ RN×N in the null space of an m × N 2 random Gaussian matrix: kxk2 . 24 [log(N)]3/2 √ kxkTV m 50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250 Corollary (Sobolev inequality for Fourier constraints) Select m frequency pairs (k1 , k2 ) with replacement from the distribution 1 . pk1 ,k2 ∝ 2 (|k1 | + 1) + (|k2 | + 1)2 With probability ≥ 1 − e −cm , the following holds for all images x ∈ RN×N with vanishing Fourier transform F(x) k ,k = 0: 1 kxk2 . [log(N)]5 √ kxkTV m 2 50 Sobolev inequalities in action! 100 Original 150 MRI image 50 50 100 100 150 150 200 200 200 250 50 100 150 200 250 250 Equispaced radial lines Low frequencies only 50 50 150 200 250 50 250 100 100 50 150 100 150 200 200 250 250 50 26 100 100 150 200 (k1 , k2 ) ∼ (k12 + k22 )−1/2 250 50 100 150 (k1 , k2 ) ∼ (k12 + k22 )−1 200 250 Sketch of the proof Theorem (Strengthened Sobolev inequality) 2 For all images x ∈ RN in the null space of a matrix 2 A : RN → Rm which, when composed with the bivariate Haar 2 wavelet transform, AH−1 : RN → Rm has the Restricted Isometry Property of order 2s, the following holds: kxk2 . 27 log(N) √ kxkTV s Sketch of the proof Theorem (Strengthened Sobolev inequality) 2 For all images x ∈ RN in the null space of a matrix 2 A : RN → Rm which, when composed with the bivariate Haar 2 wavelet transform, AH−1 : RN → Rm has the Restricted Isometry Property of order 2s, the following holds: kxk2 . 28 log(N) √ kxkTV s Lemmas we use: 1. Denote the ordered bivariate Haar wavelet coefficients of 2 mean-zero x ∈ RN by c(1) ≥ c(2) ≥ · · · ≥ c(N 2 ) . Then3 |c(k) | . kxkTV k That is, the sequence is in weak-`1 . 2. If c = cS0 + cS1 + cS2 + . . . where cS0 = (c(1) , c(2) , . . . , c(s) , 0, . . . , 0), and cS1 = (0, . . . , 0, c(s+1) , . . . , c(2s) , 0, . . . , 0), and so on are s-sparse, then kcSj+1 k2 ≤ √1s kcSj k1 . 2 3. Recall that AH−1 : RN → Rm having the RIP of order s means that: 3 5 kxk2 ≤ kAH−1 xk2 ≤ kxk2 4 4 3 29 Cohen, Devore, Petrushev, Xu, 1999 ∀s-sparse x. 30 2 Suppose that Ψ = AH∗ : RN → Rm has the RIP of order 2s. Suppose Ax = 0 Decompose c = Hx into ordered s-sparse blocks c = cS0 + cS1 + cS2 + . . . Then Ψc = AH∗ Hx = Ax = 0 and 0 ≥ kΨ(cS0 + cS1 )k2 − X kΨcSj k2 j≥2 (RIP of Ψ) ≥ 3 5X kcS0 + cS1 k2 − kcSj k2 4 4 ≥ 3 5/4 X kcS0 k2 − √ kcSj k1 4 s j≥2 (block trick) j≥1 (c in weak `1 ) ≥ 3 5/4 kcS0 k2 − √ kxkTV log(N 2 /s) 4 s 2 Suppose that Ψ = AH∗ : RN → Rm has the RIP of order 2s. Suppose Ax = 0 Decompose c = Hx into ordered s-sparse blocks c = cS0 + cS1 + cS2 + . . . Then Ψc = AH∗ Hx = Ax = 0 and 0 ≥ kΨ(cS0 + cS1 )k2 − X kΨcSj k2 j≥2 (RIP of Ψ) ≥ 3 5X kcS0 + cS1 k2 − kcSj k2 4 4 ≥ 3 5/4 X kcS0 k2 − √ kcSj k1 4 s j≥2 (block trick) j≥1 (c in weak `1 ) ≥ 3 5/4 kcS0 k2 − √ kxkTV log(N 2 /s) 4 s 32 So √1 kxkTV log(N/s), s cS0 k2 ≤ √1s kxkTV (c is in 1. kcS0 k2 ≤ 2. kc − weak `1 ) Then kxk2 = kck2 ≤ kcS0 k2 + kc − cS0 k2 ≤ log(N 2 /s) √ kxkTV s Extensions 1. Strengthened Sobolev inequalities and total variation minimization guarantees can be extended to multidimensional signals. 2. Strengthened Sobolev inequalities and total variation minimization guarantees are robust to noisy measurements: y = Ax + ξ, with kξk2 ≤ ε. 3. Sobolev inequalities for random subspaces in dimension d = 1? Error guarantees for total variation minimization in dimension d = 1? 4. Can we remove the extra factor of log(N) in the derived Sobolev inequalities? 5. Deterministic constructions of subspaces satisfying strengthened Sobolev inequalities (warning: hard!!!) 6. ... 34 References Needell, Ward. “Stable image reconstruction using total variation minimization.” SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 6.2 (2013): 1035-1058. Needell, Ward. “Near-optimal compressed sensing guarantees for total variation minimization.” IEEE transactions on image processing 22.10 (2013): 3941. Krahmer, Ward, “Beyond incoherence: stable and robust sampling strategies for compressive imaging”. arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.2380 (2012).
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