inspiration in respiratory therapy UNIKO-TPEP® E PATENTED The natural solution for patients with chronic respiratory disease 0051 UNIKO-TPEP® E for effective secretion removal, targeted respiratory exercise and efficient medication distribution UNIKO-TPEP® E is a unique, gentle, non-invasive respiratory therapy device for airway clearance, exercise and nebulised medication delivery, developed for adult and paediatric patients who are able to breathe spontaneously and who fall into the following disease or patient types: COPD Pre- and post-surgical. Cystic fibrosis. Bronchiectasis How it works: UNIKO-TPEP® E operates at a very low expiratory pressure of 1cmH20 and does not require pressurised air or oxygen. There is no inspiratory pressure, therefore it is safe to use for patients who may be at risk of barotrauma. It is easy, comfortable and safe for the patient to use in complete autonomy, so that after brief training given by nursing or physiotherapy staff, the patient is able to effect the treatment without need of assistance, at home or in the hospital setting. The patient sits in a chair or in bed and breathes into a mouthpiece. A gentle but deep breathing pattern is required to trigger the sensor and a low pressure of 1cmH20 is provided at the beginning of the expiratory phase. This low pressure is halted just before the end of the expiratory phase (TPEP® temporary positive expiratory pressure) but the patient continues to breathe out and as a result is gently extending their lungs and recruiting pulmonary space which was previously less ventilated. Patients’ airways having been cleared of secretions during the therapy session with UNIKO-TPEP® E are more readily available to absorb medication. Moreover, using the FASTERJET® aerosol chamber for drug administration, the medication is delivered in particle size MMAD 2,44μn, which means that it can reach the peripheral airways faster and potentially penetrate deeper. The mouthpiece design incorporates a one-way valve so that there is little or no escape of medication into the atmosphere, ensuring that the patient receives the optimum supply. Depending upon the patient’s age and the state and type of respiratory illness, the level of improvement can be seen after just a few days of therapy using UNIKO-TPEP® E two to three times a day for 30 minutes. Inspiratory phase: The patient inspires at atmospheric pressure without any additional pressure support. Insp/Exp pressure Exp pressure + TPEP® Expiratory phase: A sensor activates the resistance pump which delivers a flow resistance (=1cmH2O) against the patient’s expiratory flow. pump sensor UNIKO-TPEP® E at home: Patients can use UNIKO-TPEP® E at home whilst easily adapting it into their daily routines. The breathing technique is soon learnt as the combination of the sensitivity of the sensor and the easy–to-view feedback on the display results in an almost intuitive response from the patient as to the best breathing pattern for their own individual needs. Within 5 to 10 days of daily use, with drug therapy as appropriate, there is a noticeable improvement in the patient’s health which further helps to promote their well-being and compliance with their treatment regime. As lung health improves by the prescribed use of UNIKO-TPEP® E at home there may be the potential to reduce the risk of admission to hospital for respiratory management. UNIKO-TPEP® E in the hospital setting: Surgery: Patients affected by respiratory disease are at an elevated risk during anaesthesia compared to patients with healthy lungs. Preparing the patient for surgery is of particular concern for all surgical staff in trying to reduce hospitalisation time and avoiding the consequences of post-operative ventilation. As evidenced in a scientific study(1) UNIKO was used with a COPD patient with a BMI >30 who was to undergo major abdominal surgery, UNIKO was beneficial in all three areas of patient care: pre-operative preparation, reducing the length of stay (LOS) in intensive care and reducing the period of post-operative hospitalisation. In the ward: Patients benefit significantly as they can carry out their therapy regime in the comfort of their own hospital bed. Budget and cost considerations: UNIKO-TPEP® E helps to reduces recovery time which saves time and precious resources. UNIKO-TPEP® E and the benefits for your patient All 3 key benefits are available to the patient in one unit: secretion removal, targeted airway exercise and efficient medication distribution. Enhanced detachment and removal of secretions TPEP® is the result of several years of research by combining various rehabilitation techniques and studying the effect of different pressures on the alveoli. TPEP® is a non-invasive, gentle but effective therapy which works with the low pressures naturally found in the alveoli and thus assists the airways’ own mechanisms to detach and remove secretions. TPEP® is provided with a light flutter in the air flow which further helps to promote removal of secretions. Targeted airway exercise ‘TPEP® causes a rapid improvement of pulmonary function, characterised by a reduction in the degree of pulmonary hyperinflation and a concurrent physiological redistribution of pulmonary volumes (reduction in residual volume and increase in relaxed vital capacity) and of ventilation distribution’.(2) Efficient medication distribution The improved distribution of nebulised medication and the potential to reach the peripheral airways makes pharmacological treatment more effective compared to normal aerosol use. Features: Large and clear display is easy to understand and visually logical : both patient and carer have immediate feedback on the patient’s breathing effort making the breathing technique easier to understand and follow further helping with patient compliance. A minute counter appears above the named therapy as the session starts: provides immediate information to both patient and clinician and removes any doubt as to the therapy time spent. Push button controls provide fast access to parameters measured: helps the clinician to monitor patient’s progress and compliance. Push button control to change the patient’s therapy effort level: helps the patient to use the therapy according to their individual needs and allows the physiotherapist to adjust the effort level as the patient’s condition improves. Lightweight and compact with an easy grip handle and supplied in a transport bag: makes UNIKO-TPEP® E easy to carry for the patient at home and for the carer in the hospital or clinic. Quiet operation: the patient can comfortably use UNIKO-TPEP® E in the home or hospital setting. Comfortable: the very low pressure on expiration only and the gentle breathing technique means that the therapy session can be comfortable and stress free. UNIKO-TPEP® E ‘at a glance’ •UNIKO-TPEP® E can be used in complete autonomy by any spontaneously breathing patient. •Does not require pressurised air or oxygen. •Due to the very low pressure of 1cmH₂0 on expiration only it can be used in complete safety for patients at risk of barotrauma. •The efficient removal of secretions is a direct result of the gentle exercise of the airways and recruitment of alveoli. •The improvement in the distribution of medication is due to the particle size generated by the aerosol and by medication being administered after treatment with TPEP® therapy. (1) Lung ventilation scintigraphy in the assessment of obstructive lung diseases Authors: P. Fazzi1 R. Albertelli1 M. Grana2 P.L. Paggiaro1 1 Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Dept and2 General Surgery and Transplantations, University of Pisa, Italy Breathe | March 2009 | Volume 5 | No 3 (2) Positive expiratory pressure techniques in respiratory patients: old evidence and new insights Author: E. Clini University of Modena(RE) – Italy Breathe | December 2009 | Volume 6 | No 2 UNIKO-TPEP® E CLINICAL EVIDENCE¤ Efficacy of temporary positive expiratory pressure to assist patients with chronic hypersecretion. a multicentre randomised trial Elena Venturelli1, Ernesto Crisafulli1, Bruno Balbi2, Luca Bianchi3, Guido Vagheggini4, Piergiorgio Schiavoni5, Michele Vitacca3, Michele Zaurino5, Nicolino Ambrosino4, Adrian Kendrick6 and Enrico M.Clini1 on behalf of the UNIKO study group 1 Ospedale Villa Pineta and University of Modena, Pavullo n/F; Fondazione Maugeri IRCCS, Centers of 2Veruno and 3 Lumezzane; 4Auxilium Vitae Rehabilitation Center, Volterra; 5Ospedale San Giuseppe, Milano; 6Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol. Italy and UK ERS 2010 Barcelona Intermittent Positive Pressure with TPEP® SpO2 % in TPEP® group pz 1 pz 2 pz 3 pz 4 pz 5 pz 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 days SpO2 % in C.G. pz 7 pz 8 pz 9 pz 10 pz 11 pz 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 days (a) Scintigraphic images of pulmonary ventilation taken in posterior/anterior projection after inhalation of albumin markers with Tc99m diluted in saline solution of 0,9%. COPD patient with a prevalence of emphysema, before and 5 days after treatment with UNIKO-TPEP®. (b) Improvement in SpO2 following abdominal surgery in COPD patients treated with UNIKO-TPEP® compared to a control group given standard therapy Effectiveness of the Temporary Positive Expiratory Pressure during aerosol therapy in the management of patients with tracheobronchial stent Marchese R* , Paglino G*, Gebbia V** *Department of Interventional Pulmonology,**Department of Medical Oncology, Oncologic Center La Maddalena, Palermo, Italy ERS 2010 Barcelona The effects of T-PEP on ventilation lung scan in patient with bronchiectasis: protocol for randomized controlled trial Authors: P.Fazzi1,A.D'Abrosca2,R. Cristofani3,S. Derlin1, G. De Cusatis1, S. Antonelli1, FL Dente1, PL Paggiaro1 1 Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Department, University of Pisa, 2 Experimental Pathology, Medical Biotechnology, Infection Disease and Epidemiology department, University of Pisa, Pisa Italy ERS 2010 Barcelona Positive expiratory pressure techniques in respiratory patients: old evidence and new insights E. Clini University of Modena(RE) – Italy Breathe | December 2009 | Volume 6 | No 2 A short term evaluation of temporary positive pressure (T-PEP) in airway clearance vs pep mask in cystic fibrosis patients Brivio A., Caverni E., Costantini D. Paediatric clinic de Marchi, cystic fibrosis centre, Milano XV CF Congress Italy 2009 Preliminary study of the efficacy of the respiratory rehabilitation system “T-PEP UNIKO”® versus pep mask in improving functional parameters of patients with severe hypersecretions in COPD and bronchiectasis Authors: A. Frijia1, M. Zingoni1, M. Solinas1, G. Borelli2, R. Albertelli1, M. Petrilli1 1 Fondazione Don Gnocchi Marina di Massa (MS), 2Cardio-Thoracic Dept University of Pisa Italy Italian journal of physiotherapy and respiratory rehabilitation – Anno VIII No 2 May-August 2009 Efficacy of temporary positive expiratory pressure (TPEP) device in chronic hypersecretion. The UNIKO project. Authors:Ernesto Crisafulli1, Bruno Balbi2, Luca Bianchi3, Guido Vagheggini4, Enrico Guffanti5, Michele Vitacca3, Nicolino Ambrosino4, Enrico M.Clini1 1 Villapineta (MO), 2FSM Veruno (NO), 3FSM Lumezzane (BS), 4Auxilium Vitae Volterra (PI), 5INRCA Casatenovo (LC) ERCA congress Stresa 2009 Efficacy of the respiratory rehabilitation system “T-PEP UNIKO”® versus pep mask in improving functional parameters of patients with severe copd and bronchiectasis Authors: 1A. Frijia, 1M. Zingoni, 1M. Solinas, 2G. Borelli, 1R. Albertelli, 1M. Petrilli 1 Fondazione Don Gnocchi Marina di Massa (MS), 2Cardio-Thoracic Dept University of Pisa Italy ERCA congress Stresa 2009 Respiratory physiotherapy in abdominal major surgery. Leading study of a rehabilitative protocol with UNIKO TPEP® Zeroli Francesca, D’Amanzio Erminia, Boni Luigi Università dell’ Insubria Varese Italy ERCA congress Stresa 2009 Chest physical therapy in chronic bronchitis. the effect of temporary positive expiratory pressure (TPEP) and eltgol. what is the best? the key is patient satisfaction G. Schiavoni, A. Pediconi, P. D’ Ambrosio,L. Fallarino, M.Iannì, F.Yaine, C. Cigolini, M. Zaurino Hospital San Giuseppe Milan, Italy ERCA congress Stresa 2009 Efficacy of pulmonary rehabilitation programme(PRP) with TPEP® (TEMPORARY POSITIVE EXPIRATORY PRESSURE) about removal bronchial secretions, pulmonary function test,dyspnoea and exercise tolerance in COPD patients Authors: Ferri L, Di Toro S., Dall’Armi V., Cardaci V. IRCCS San Raffaele la Pisana Rome, Italy ERCA congress Stresa 2009 Lung ventilation scintigraphy in the assessment of obstructive lung diseases Authors: P. Fazzi1 R. Albertelli1 M. Grana2 P.L. Paggiaro1 1 Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Dept and 2General Surgery and Transplantations, University of Pisa, Italy Breathe | March 2009 | Volume 5 | No 3 (c) Dynamic ventilation for 12 min (1 frame per 30”) during UNIKO-TPEP® treatment. Respiratory physiotherapy in major abdominal surgery. Pilot study of a rehabilitation protocol with the UNIKO TPEP system Thesis of student: Francesca Zeroli UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DELL’INSUBRIA - Corso di Laurea in Fisioterapia Varese 2008 Efficacy of T-PEP® (Temporary Positive Expiratory Pressure, model UNIKO) in clearing bronchial obstructions: design proposal of a study Master in phyiotherapy and respiratory rehabilitation : Antonella Cortelezzi UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO – 2008 Aerosol therapy using IPPB with TPEP: a future prospect to complete the treatment of bronchiolitis ? Authors:R. Startari, M. Pandolfi, R.M. Porzia, L. Notari, R. Ghilardi, L. Bernardo Azienda ospedaliera Fatebenefratelli ed Oftalmico - Paediatric department Milano MINERVA PEDIATRICA Vol. 60 - N. 5 - Pag. 1244 (October 2008) Abdominal surgery in COPD: utility of IPPB with temporary expiratory pressure (T-PEP) on distribution of ventilation and gas-exchange. Authors: P.Fazzi1, R.Albertelli1, M.S.Derlin1, G.Girolami1, M.Grana2, F.Mosca2, C.Giuntini1 1 Cardiothoracic Department, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; 2General Surgery and Transplantations, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy ERS annual congress Berlin 2008 (d) The overall stent complications rate was reduced with less infections and mucus obstructions requiring bronchoscopic clearence in patient treatment with UNIKO-TPEP®. (a) Abdominal surgery in COPD: utility of IPPB with temporary expiratory pressure (T-PEP) on distribution of ventilation and gas-exchange - ERS 2008 (b) ® Respiratory physiotherapy in abdominal major surgery. Leading study of a rehabilitative protocol with UNIKO TPEP - ERCA Stresa 2009 c) Positive expiratory pressure techniques in respiratory patients: old evidence and new insights - Breathe | December 2009 | Volume 6 | No 2 Effectiveness of the TPEP® during aerosol therapy in the management of patients with tracheobronchial stent - ERS 2010 Barcelona Ippb with temporary expiratory pressure (t-pep) in surgical patients with COPD Authors: P. Fazzi 1, G. Girolami2, R. Albertelli1, M. Grana2, F. Mosca2, C. Giuntini1 1 Cardiothoracic Department, University of Pisa Italy. 2General surgery and transplantation, University of Pisa Italy ERS annual congress Stockholm 2007 The use of a temporary positive pressure (T-PEP) in surgical patients with COPD Authors: p. fazzi(1), g. girolami(2), r. albertelli(1), m. grana(2), f. mosca(2), c. giuntini(1) affiliations: (1)dipartimento cardiotoracico, universita' degli studi di pisa pisa italy, (2)chirurgia generale e trapianti, universita' degli studi di pisa pisa italy 7° National Congress on Pulmonology SIMeR – Florence 2006 (b) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Model: UNIKO-TPEP® E Power supply: 220-230V AC – 50 Hz Absorption: 300VA Class, electrical protection: ll Applied Part Type B Fuse: T2A – 250V Dimensions and weight: 27 x 23 x 13 cm - 3,350 Kg Aerosol compressor maximum pressure : 300kPa TPEP® compressor maximum pressure: 200kPa Aerosol air flow: 15 l/min TPEP® air flow: 12 l/min Operating airflow from aerosol compressor: 7 l/min (at 90 kPa) Noise level: < 60 dBA (1m distance, frontal position) Norm : CEI EN 60601-1 - CEI EN 60601-1-2 – EN 13544 Conforms to: Medical Device Directive: 93/42/CEE (2007/47/EC) Warranty: 24 months The above information is correct at time of printing and maybe changed due to our policy of continuous improvement. © MPR Srl Preliminary evaluation in the use of a temporary positive pressure (T-PEP) in respiratory therapy in patients with Cystic Fibrosis. Authors: E. Rizza, M. Bernardi*, R. Bini*, E.G. Barlocco* Centro Regionale di Medicina Nucleare Università Pisa *Servizio per la Fibrosi Cistica - U.O. Pediatria e Neonatologia Ospedale Misericordia Grosseto XII Italian Congress on Cystic Fibrosis Florence 2006 The new system TPEP®(Temporary Positive Expiratory Pressure) Author: Roberto Albertelli - Dipartimento Cardiotoracico, Universita' degli studi di Pisa Italy pg. 22-23 PNEUMORAMA 41 / XI / 4-2005 ¤Please visit our web site for updates Medical Products Research Srl Via R. C, 43 20025 Legnano MI Tel. +39.0331.597992 Fax +39.0331.485089 [email protected]
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