p o Re v. Filip v. A. Berto i Il Cinema Ritrovato. Piazza Maggiore Selm A. Za no lin i via F. ia Unione via S. Leonardo v. S. Apollon via dell’ v ia trec ento via C et ti via B Ma ggi ore ri zzi nio za da z t ro Ve cc Fo n Pe via San v. d e i Be rsa glie uerra via G vicolo Poste rla u ov ada hio Piazzetta Morandi lla ta rse Re mo lla ste Ca za via via da z i via ell eo viale G. Gozzadini no iulia via S i tier via d e’ But via G. Pascoli Or f ante an G olt ’C via D de via ngeli eg li A via d via ti The film which launches Bologna as an architectural set atPorta a national level is Hanno rubato un tram (They stole a v Maggiore M ia G. azz ini The comedy, directed by and starring in the tram) (1954). lead role Aldo Fabrizi, is shot in a black and white tonality which enhances the monumental scenery of the town. The assistant director is a young man with a promising future: Sergio Leone. A tracking shot on the town and its long porticoes accompanies the opening credits. Piazza Carducci Fo n ialto via R venella e rocca vicolo indoss o Bologn at to via o Str via Bologna and the Cinema Porta San Vitale via G. Mas saren Beg at t o Piazza Aldrovandi via Beg ni . Re via G gon Bor via ia ler r to Ca via o enic om Via S. D via S. Mamolo via Sa via Paglietta via d’Azeglio rca Petra loro o via F. loni ento la re l sca Ma via el B via Garibaldi via del Cane zeglio via d’A via Tagliapietre Cor te Is olan i via via dell’Archiginnasio via d’Azeglio Fusari o l Ricci via de via del Fossato v. de’ v. Val d’Aposa ella osad via N e via Nosadella er tuso Via Malp i elme an ef land via B rducci a ti St G ua o o G.C . co m nt ur uti Sa sc . Gia via via bet o an ef lle Tro m St via Senzanom ina via F. Malag viale G. Ca C ater to na Do vi o Va via S 9 nt v ia ni Sa via S. v. Volto Santo tisti via Cesare Bat mbruti via de’ Go via M. Piazz a Malpigh i Finzi via de’ Marchi go sina go bo via lione astig via C ento o otti l Risorgim an ef St . Guid e tiglion Fr a s o s via Ca ot oli udin . Pep R. A via A viale de ni lani nt via C viale Sa otti Castiglione za . aS via San Vitale 7 E. Panzacchi m via San Vitale via . Guid via via Orefici an B. Erco via A via F. Cavallotti Nettuno via Castiglione Porta S. Isaia o o Pietr di S. orgo Za ni Stra Piaz za i V. Caprarie The courtyard of the Cineteca of Piaz za da Roosevelt via Porta Nova Piazza della v. IV Novembre Mag 1 Mag gior Mercanzia Bologna (Bologna Film Library) is giore e via Clava via S. Isa ia Via dei Mu ture named after “Pier Paolo Pasolinisei via S. Isa Piaz za Galilei Poet”. Theia Cinema Lumière (with Piazza via S ant S. Stefano a v. S. Margherita its two movie theatres: Sala Ofe’ d i Piazza de’ viaepol ficinema/Mastroianni and Sala Corte Celestini P za az v ia Pi Galluzzi ti via Farini Ba Minghet via C Piaz za Scorsese) a’ Seand the library namedrber Piaz za lvati ia Galvani via Farini ca S. Giovanni de’ za Piaz in Monte after Renzo Renzi (journalist, Piaz za Calderini rbonesi Ca ur ’ de Cavo via writer, film critic, and one of the via d io e’ C eg via de’ Poeti hiar i founders of the Cineteca) over- via CSoplal gna di look this small square. Th e Renzo Porta za Piaz a o Cineteca of Bologna z enic z S. Dom via Urbana via Marsili Saragozza rago Renzi library also houses via Sa the a zz “Centro Studi-Archivio Pier Paolo Pasolini” (Pier Paolo Pasolini Rego ra via Sa gozza via Sara search Center and Archive). The Cineteca has become an international Via Ca pramoz viale za Piazza dei v. delle Tovaglie Tribunali point of reference in the field of filmA. Aconservation and restoration ldin i ardo www.bolognawelcome.it ello Via Castelfid el Cest via Va via D scelli thanks to its highly specialised film restoration laboratory “L’Immagine via So lferino touristoffi[email protected] Ritrovata”. One of the most important projects undertaken by the Civia Arienti neteca of Bologna is the “Chaplin Project” aimed at restoring all of Piazza Maggiore 1/e via Mirasole viale Aeroporto G. Marconi, via Triumvirato 84 Charlie Chaplin’s films and bringing them back to the big screen. Since v ia A. A le via O. Belluz zi ld XII via dell’Oro G iu 1986 the Cineteca of Bologna has organised a festival dedicated to the ini Porta San information Tourist gn o Mamolo rediscovery of rare and little-known films with a particular focus on tel. +39 051 239660 +39 051 6472201 Porta viale via A. Costa lingra d via Sta via d via el B Ma sca orgo re l la di S. e cca Pallon o di Lu via d na nt a v ia lar Piazz a G. Verdi o mb Za v ia .R Porta San Donato rti la Re rgo sp ig h i v. M e via de via dell’Inferno ’G iudei via G. Oberda n via Albiroli via Rizzoli Piazza Re Enzo via C ap via del rini cca ssand o di Lu via C ap via A le via Piel via G. Oberdan la Piaz za del Pietr o enza ra via Nazario Sauro via Galliera via Alt abella elle A v C ia viale G. via A. Testoni via dell’Indipend via Gallie via Avesella i Morgagn ni via via Monte Grappa 10 via Ugo Bassi via B ne Piaz za v S. Martino ia Mars ala piaz zetta i Biag o Marc Drapperie Pa r a via G.B. rvasio via G. via S. Ge diso rala zoni oli ni Piet via Man i via Goito eM ro via v. de’ Monari via Marsala ell et via Pietralata 11 .P o v. d via Ber tiera via S. Giorgio via Parig sto Rig hi aG Rocc via Augu vi e ta am le L del e Porta ti via Marco e via S. nami enza Piazza M. Azzarita via Graziano Lam i via S. Croc i Filopan lle alar Piaz za S. Francesco asin viale Q. oli de gn M. C ini via via de ia via Milaz zo via Riva di Reno via Bru via Battistelli via dello io G. G. Vic atello on via de’Faleg via Ugo Bassi l Pratello Piazzetta Pier Paolo Pasolini, 2b via del Pr rto ug g lla viale Mascare La banda Casaroli Montagnola is a film based on real life events concerning the C. B erti Pich criminal group led by Paolo Casaroli (Renato Salvatori) which kept at Bologna in check in the early fifties. Against the backdrop of crucial via de i Mille historical events, such as the fall of Fascism and the Second World War, the director reveals the poverty and anger of disoriented youth. Piazza Most of the film takes Bologna: in particular, via Irn dell’8 place in a fog-shrouded erio Agosto one of the final scenes shows a trolleybus wrapped in fog travelling via Irn across the square of the railway station. erio v ia viale e 10. Cineteca of Bologna via e l Po lo ni Marco no Largo l L. Calori The University Library is viaadjacent to the sixteenth-century Palazzo Caduti de Lavoro Poggi and has a monumental Aula Magna, also known as “Centochiodi Room” from the film Centochiodi (One Hundred Nails) by Ervia N. Nannetti Piaz za della via manno Olmi. It tells za story of a young professor at the University eno Resisten the A. S di R affi Riva via U. Lenzi one hundred rare manuscripts via of Bologna to Porta(Raz Degan) who nails via Riva di Re Felice the floorS. of the Aula Magna, thus expressing hisnodisappointment with ia S his desire to get back to nature. He leaves the world of culturevand an F eli e everything and moves to cthe quiet riverbed of the Po, where he a d a discovers an old farmhouse which he will make his new home, thus a Gr ll e via d via Sanand things. creating a new relationship with life, people, Feli c Sabotino via d se rdi via G. Ga via Pole zo A. M Piazza Medaglie d’Oro Parco della nt G m ra ra to n C ar Po r .M i via Gallie Piazza dei Martiri 1943-1945 via Sa del via F.lli Az aA via le A sc via dell’Indipend sselli via F.lli Ro via Rossel v. del Ro ndone Scalo e Lam l via le del Scene from Centochiodi by .E.S Olmi eA via i an ilv via Malvasia v ia vi Minzoni li Porta Lame i via Ercolani ’ Crescenz li i via Don iro l via via Milaz zo via Autostazione Piazza XX Settembre via Boldrini via Am e Ca i ard an F. Z i .P eP a r lla m ra et i 11. La banda Casaroli by Florestano Vancini (1962) endola via Boldrini v ia via via L. Ciprian peg gi rleon tramellara via To viale P. Pie via C. Casarin via Pier de via G. Matteott i the cinema origins and the silent movie period: “Il Cinema Ritrovato”. This festival takes place every summer in several places of the historic centre of Bologna, including piazza Maggiore, thus keeping the relationship between Bologna and the cinema alive and vital. Stazione Centrale www.cinetecadibologna.it via I. Ba rozzi Via Zamboni, 35 via Bovi Cam Grafiche E. GASPARI - Cadriano di G. (BO) - tipografia metropolitana bologna - december 2016 9. Centochiodi by Ermanno Olmi (2007) Piazza del Baraccan Giardini Margherita o Porta S. Stefano v A. ia Mu 1. Edipo Re by Pier Paolo Pasolini (1967) Piazza Maggiore Scene from Edipo Re by Pasolini Edipo Re (Oedipus Rex) is a personal interpretation of Sophocles’s tragedy. The prologue is set in the Twenties, the central part in a barbarous Greece and the epilogue in a present-day Bologna: on the steps of the Basilica di San Petronio on Piazza Maggiore, a blind beggar, played by the same actor (Franco Citti) that lends his face to Oedipus, plays the flute. It’s the 1960s: the autobiographical connotation of the story is clear. Another epilogue scene is set in the portico of the Basilica of Santa Maria dei Servi (strada Maggiore, 43), along which the present-day blind Oedipus wanders together with his faithful beggar fellow Anghelos (Ninetto Davoli). The Theban high priest is played by Pasolini himself and Creon by a thirty-year-old Carmelo Bene. 2. Fatti di gente perbene by Mauro Bolognini (1974) Piazza Galvani, 1 Professor Augusto Murri, a well-known clinician and doctor of the Savoia Royal House, is giving a lecture in the Anatomical Theatre of the Archiginnasio Palace: it is a scene from Fatti di gente perbene by Mauro Bolognini. The film stars Giancarlo Giannini as Tullio Murri and Catherine Deneuve as Linda Murri. The film was internationally released as The Murri Affair and in fact it refers to an event involving the Murri family which upset public opinion in Italy in the early XXth century: on September 2, 1902, Count Francesco Bonmartini, the son-in-law of Augusto Murri, was found stabbed to death in an elegant building in via Mazzini (today strada Maggiore) in Bologna. At first, the motive appeared to be robbery, but nine days later, the renowned clinician reported to the police and declared that the person responsible for the murder was his son Tullio. The public prosecutor charged Tullio with premeditated murder at the instigation of his sister Linda and both of them were convicted. The dramatic intensity of the film is highlighted by the music soundtrack by the composer Ennio Morricone. Fatti di gente perbene also stars a four-year Kim Rossi Stuart and his sister Loretta as Deneuve’s children. 3. Gino Cervi Via Cartoleria, 3 – birthplace A plaque at the corner between via Cartoleria and via S. Stefano commemorates the birth of Gino Cervi on 3rd May 1901. Beside the roles of Maigret and Peppone, we remember him as the dubber of Laurence Olivier and Orson Welles. In 1954, Gino Cervi appears as the main character of a film entirely shot in BoBirthplace of Gino Cervi logna: Il Cardinale Lambertini, directed by Giorgio Pastina, inspired by the homonymous theatrical work by Alfredo Testoni of 1905, and focused on the charismatic figure of the cardinal, who was to become Pope Benedict XIV in 1740. 4. Il cuore altrove by Pupi Avati (2003) Strada Maggiore, 44 In Il cuore altrove (Incantato) Nello (Neri Marcorè) is a professor of Latin literature during the Twenties. He is sent from Rome to Bologna by his father (Giancarlo Giannini) in order to overcome his shyness with women: he will lose his head for Angela, a young blind person (Vanessa InconPalazzo Davia Bargellini trada). In the seventeenthcentury palace Davia Bargellini, Pupi Avati sets the scenes of the circle of hunting, where Nello and Angela spend their first day together. 5. Pier Paolo Pasolini Via Borgonuovo, 4 – birthplace “What does Bologna have, which is so beautiful? Winter with the sun and the snow, the barbarically azure air on the cotto brick.” (Pier Paolo Pasolini). A plaque in via Borgonuovo 4 commemorates the birth of Pier Paolo Pasolini in Bologna on 5th March 1922. Pasolini attends the Liceo Galvani and at the age of seventeen he enrols at the University of Bologna. He also attends a film club, where he sees all of René Clair’s films, Renoir’s early works, and some films by Chaplin: “My love for the cinema started there”. 6. E allora Mambo! by Lucio Pellegrini (1999) Piazza S. Stefano In the film E allora Mambo! (screenplay by Fabio Bonifacci) Stefano (Luca Bizzarri) is an employee who feels unsatisfied with his work and is nostalgic for his carefree life as a student in Bologna. He is married and has a daughter. His life changes radically when a sum of six billion is credited by mistake into his account. He, therefore, decides to return to Bologna and resume his life as a student; this decision leads him to invent a double life and find himself married and father twice. In piazza Santo Stefano, Lisa (Luciana Littizzetto) and Antonia (Maddalena Maggi), Stefano’s two wives, meet for the first time: they will gang up on him. 7. AmeriQua by M. Bellone e G. Consonni (2013) Piazza di Porta Ravegnana AmeriQua is pervaded by the cliches about Italy and the Italians which are typical of many American films - mafia, spaghetti, tagliatelle, jealous boyfriends, American tourists robbed in Naples, punkabbestias stealing bikes - but it is, however, in its own peculiar way, a tender portrait: the film in fact comes from the memories of Robert Kennedy’s nephew, Bobby III, who lived in Bologna as a University student for a year. The soundtrack was composed by Lucio Dalla. The final scenes show a close up of the two Towers, from which banknotes are falling down, in tune with the playful spirit of the film. The idea of an everyday object falling from the medieval tower had already been used in the film E allora Mambo!, where Stefano picks up the pencil holding up Antonia’s hair which had fallen to the ground from the top of the tower. 8. Pupi Avati Via S. Vitale, 51 – birthplace “Bologna is my home. It’s the house of my childhood, my adolescence, and my youth. And it’s the house where everything was born…” In Il papà di Giovanna (Giovanna’s Father - 2008), Pupi Avati choses via S. Vitale 51 as the house of the main character Michele Casali (Silvio Orlando), his wife Delia (Francesca Neri) and his daughter Giovanna (Alba Rohrwacher), thus paying homage to his birthplace. The film is set in Bologna during the 1930s and 1940s and is a family drama which takes place during fascism first, and during World War II then. However, it is also, and above all, the story of a father-daughter relationship, which is so emotionally intense that it overshadows the brutal reality of war.
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