Torsion of dierentials on toric varieties Klaus Altmann Institut fur reine Mathematik, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin Ziegelstr. 13a, D-10099 Berlin, Germany. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract We introduce an invariant for semigroups with cancellation property. When the semigroup equals the set of lattice points in a rational, polyhedral cone, then this invariant describes the torsion of the dierential sheaf on the associated toric variety. Finally, as an example, we present the case of two-dimensional cones (corresponding to two-dimensional cyclic quotient singularities). 1 An invariant for semigroups (1.1) Let S be a commutative semigroup with 0 and cancellation property (i.e. a + s = b + s implies a = b for a; b; s 2 S ). In particular, S can be embedded into a group, and the notion a for a 2 S makes sense. Assume that (inside this group) S \ ( S ) = f0g; then via a b :() a b 2 S ; S turns also into a partially ordered set. For each ` 2 S we will dene a certain abelian group T` . Their direct sum T := `2S T` or the T`'s itself should be considered an invariant of the original semigroup. If S is nitely generated, then so will the T`'s. In case S equals the set of lattice points of some rational, polyhedral cone (i.e. generated by a nite set of rays through rational points) in IRn, we will show that T CI coincides with the torsion of the dierential sheaf Y of the ane toric variety Y = Spec CI [S ] (CI [S ] denotes the semigroup algebra of S over CI ). 1 This paper was written at M.I.T. and supported by a DAAD-fellowship. 1 (1.2) For any subset P S we denote by L(P ) the abelian group of integral relations between elements of P , i.e. L(P ) := ker ZZ P ! spanZZ P S S : For each q 2 L(P ) we dene its support as supp q := fs 2 P j qs 6= 0g ; it is a nite subset of P . Then, every q 2 L(P ) is uniquely representable as a dierence q = q q with q ; q 2 IN P and supp q \ supp q = ;. In particular, + + X s2S qs s = + + X s2S qs s 2 spanIN P S ; and we denote this element by q (the \bar-value" of q). Denition: For every ` 2 S let S` := fs 2 S j s `g. Then, we dene . . T` := L(S`) hq 2 L(S`) j q `i = hq 2 L(S ) j supp q `i hq 2 L(S ) j q `i : (hq 2 L(S`) j q `i means the subgroup generated by those q's, and \supp q `" is just an abbreviation for \s ` for all s 2 supp q".) (1.3) Proposition: Let E S be a subset that generates the semigroup S . Denoting E` := E \ S` = fs 2 E j s `g, we obtain for ` 2 S . . T` = L(E`) hq 2 L(E`) j q `i = hq 2 L(E ) j supp q `i hq 2 L(E ) j q `i : Proof: We regard the canonical map . . ' : L(E` ) hq 2 L(E` ) j q `i ! L(S`) hq 2 L(S`) j q `i : ' is surjective: Suppose a relation q 2 L(S`) involves s ; . . . ; sN 2 S` (i.e. supp q = fs ; . . . ; sN g). Each sv can be represented as a sum of elements from E providv v ing relation q(sv ) with P a special P q (s ) =v s `. Then, if q equals the relation v [ v qv s = 0], we obtain v qv q (s ) 2 L(E` ). P q v (By the way, q~ := q v qv q (s ) can be regarded as similar to q , but each occurrence of sv is replaced by an appropriate sum of elements from E . In particular, the bar-value of q~ is less or equal than that of q.) P ' is injective: Let q 2 L(E`) such that '(q) = 0, i.e. it splits into a sum q = i qi with qi 2 L(S`); qi `. Treating each of the summands as we did q previously, we obtain X qi = q~i + qvi q(sv ) with q~i 2 L(E`); q~i `; and sv 2 S`: 1 1 v 2 Hence, up to relations from hq 2 L(E`) j q `i, we may assume that q= X sv 2S` nE` gv q(sv ) 2 L(S` ) ZZ S ` for some integer coecients gv . However, since q is actually contained in L(E` ) ZZ E , evaluating this equation at each of the sv 2 S` n E` yields always gv = 0. 2 ` Corollary: If S is a nitely generated semigroup, then the T` are nitely generated abelian groups. (1.4) We conclude this general section with a trivial, but important lemma. Lemma: Let ` 2 S , and dene S 0 S as the semigroup generated by S`. The relation \S 0 " associated to S 0 is not the restriction of that of S ; in general, \S0 " is stricter than \S ". However, (i) (S 0)` = S`, and (ii) the abelian groups T` coincide for S and S 0. Proof: For (i) assume that s 2 S fullls s S `. By denition, there is an t 2 S such that s + t = `. In particular, s; t 2 S` S 0, and we obtain s S0 `. The same trick works for (ii): If q 2 L(S`) is a relation with q S `, then there 2 exists a t 2 S such that q + t = `. In particular, t 2 S` S 0, hence q S0 `. Hence, to compute T`, we may always change the semigroup and assume that E = E`. 2 Rational, polyhedral cones (2.1) For this section we assume that S ZZ n equals the set of lattice points of some rational, polyhedral cone in IRn. In particular, it denes an ane toric variety Y := Spec CI [S ]. (For general facts about toric varieties see [Da] or [Od]). Denition: Let Y = Spec B be an arbitrary ane scheme over the complex num- bers, i.e. let B be an arbitrary (commutative) CI -algebra. Then, the B -module of Kahler dierentials Y together with the canonical dierential d : B ! Y are dened by the following universal property: (i) d is additive, kills the constants, and it fullls the rule 1 1 d(fg) = f d(g) + g d(f ) for f; g 2 B: 3 (ii) For each B -module Q all maps d0 : B ! Q meeting the properties similar to (i) factorize through d by a uniquely determined B -linear map Y ! Q. Indeed, the Kahler dierentials Y do exist, and they are uniquely determined by the previous denition. For a proof of these facts and basic properties (for instance the two fundamental exact sequences) see Chapter 10 of [Ma]. 1 1 Theorem: In the toric situation the CI [S ]-module of Kahler dierentials Y and its torsion submodule tors ( Y ) are ZZ n-graded. For ` 2 S we have tors ( Y )(`) = T` ZZ CI ; and tors ( Y ) vanishes in the remaining degrees. Moreover, if s 2 S , then the canonical map T` ! T` s describes the multiplication with xs 2 CI [S ]. 1 1 1 1 + (2.2) Proof: Step 1: Let E = fs ; . . . ; sw g be a generating set of the P semigroup w S ; in particular, we have a surjective map : IN ! S ; a 7! i ai si. Let m := f(a; b) j a; b 2 IN w ; (a) = (b) in S g. 0 +1 +1 Then, Y can be regarded as the closed subset of CI w dened by the ideal I = (z a zb j (a; b) 2 m) CI [z ; . . . ; zw ]. We obtain the standard exact sequence (cf. Theorem 58 in [Ma]) +1 0 d I=I ! CI 2 1 w +1 CI z0; [ ;z ... w ] inducing CI [S ] ! Y ! 0 ; 1 CI [S ]m ! CI [S ]w ! Y ! 0 via composing d with the canonical surjection CI [S ]m ! I=I . +1 1 2 The maps in the latter exact sequence could be described as follows: Denote by feab g and fei g the standard bases of CI [S ]m and CI [S ]w , respectively; and for an s 2 S denote by xs 2 CI [S ] the corresponding element in the semigroup algebra, e.g. xs zi (mod I ). Then,Pthe image of eab in I=I is the equation z a zb , and this maps onto d(za z b ) = wi (ai bi ) x a s d zi 2 CI +1 CI [S ]. In particular, +1 i 2 ( ) =0 (eab ) = w X i=0 i 1 (ai bi) x a ( ) si w ei : (At the rst glance, might not always map into CI [S ]w . However, if (a) si 2= S , then this would imply ai = bi = 0.) Finally, ei 2 CI [S ]w maps onto d xs 2 Y by the second map. Step 2: The CI -linear map CI [S ] ! ZZ n ZZ CI [ZZ n] ; xs 7! s xs is a CI -derivation: It kills the constants, and for s; t 2 S we have xs(t xt ) + xt (s xs) = (s + t) xs t. Hence, by denition of the Kahler dierentials, we obtain a CI [S ]-linear map Y ! ZZ n ZZ CI [ZZ n] ; d xs 7! s xs : +1 i +1 1 + 1 4 On the other hand, ZZ n ZZ CI [ZZ n ] can be identied with the module of Kahler dierentials on the torus (CI )n = Spec CI [ZZ n], and the previous map corresponds to the restriction of dierentials from Y onto the open subset (CI )n Y . Since CI is just a localisation of Y , we obtain that this map has exactly tors ( Y ) as its kernel. Putting this fact together with the information from the rst step, we obtain the sequence of CI [S ]-modules 1 ( 1 )n () 1 ! CI [S ]w CI [S ]m ! ZZ n ZZ CI [ZZ n] 7 ! si xs +1 ei i and, moreover, tors ( Y ) = ker =im . Step 3: Dening deg(eab ) := (a) = (b) 2 S for CI [S ]m , deg(ei ) := si 2 S for CI [S ]w , and deg(s xt ) := t 2 ZZ n for ZZ n ZZ CI [ZZ n], the sequence () turns out to be ZZ n-graded. In particular, to calculate ker =im , we can deal with each degree ` 2 S separately (degrees from ZZ n n S do not appear). P Claim: T` ZZ CI ! (ker =im )` ; q 7! s 2E qi x` s ei is an isomorphism of CI -vector spaces. P Proof: For q 2 L(E` ), the sum s 2E qi x` s ei denes an element of (CI [S ]w )` . Applying , we obtain 1 +1 i i i +1 i ( P P ` s ei ) = ` s (si xs ) s 2E qi x Ps 2E qi xi = ( s 2E qi s ) x` = 0: i i i i i i P Obviously, each element of (ker )` can be obtained that way: If s 2E qi (x) ei 2 CI [S ]w is of degree `, we obtain qi(x) = qi x` s (qi 2 CI with qi = 0Punless ` si). Moreover, we have just seen that kills this element if and only if s 2E qi si = 0, i.e. it comes from a relation q 2 L(E` ). On the other hand, q 2 L(E`) with q ` can be written as q = a b (a; b 2 IN w ; (a) = (b) `). Then, i i +1 i +1 X si 2E (ai bi) x` si ei = x` (a) (eab ) ; 2 and those elements generate (im )`. (2.3) Remark: We never used the fact that Y = Spec CI [S ] is a normal variety. Hence, Theorem (2.1) remains true, if S ZZ n is just supposed to be a nitely generated semigroup with S \ ( S ) = f0g. In particular, over IR, S generates a rational, polyhedral cone IRn, but there may exist nitely many points of \ ZZ n not belonging to S . 5 Example: If S IN , then Y is a curve singularity. For instance, S := IN n f1g is generated by the integers 2 and 3, and Y CI is the cusp given by the equation 2 y x = 0. Let us compute the torsion of Y in this case: With E = fs := 2; s := 3g we have the only relation q := [3s 2s = 0]. Since q 2 S , on the one hand, but q = 6, on the other hand, we obtain T = T = ZZ q, i.e. tors ( Y ) is a one-dimensional vector space concentrated in the singular point. 2 3 1 0 0 1 5 5 1 1 3 Two-dimensional, cyclic quotient singularities (3.1) Two-dimensional, cyclic quotient singularities coincide with the twodimensional, ane toric varieties; they were rst investigated by Riemenschneider, [Ri]. We want to compute our invariant for this special case. Let S be the set of lattice points in the two-dimensional cone spanned by some primitive vectors s ; sw 2 ZZ . Then, following x1.6 in [Od], E = fs ; . . . ; sw g is built from all lattice points of the compact part of the boundary of conv (S n f0g); in particular, @ (conv (S n f0g)) consists of w primitive edges (containing no interior lattice point). Every pair of adjacent elements si ; si (i = 1; . . . ; w) provides a ZZ -basis for the lattice ZZ , and there are relations 0 2 0 1 2 si + si = ai si (ai 2 IN; ai 2; i = 1; . . . ; w 1) : 1 +1 sw r This is a rough draft of S ; in fact it cannot exactly be shaped as shown in the gure. r E E E r s 4 E s E E E 3 r J r s J a 2 a a a a s 1 r h hh h h hh s 0 r hh Remark: (cf. Lemma 1.20 in [Od]) The coecients ai can be obtained from the continued fraction n =a n q a 1 2 6 1 a3 1 ... with n := det(s ; sw ) and q 2 f1; . . . ; n 1g such that nj(qs + sw ). 0 0 (3.2) Since ai 2 (i = 1; . . . ; w 1), the sets E` E are \connected" (i.e. they are shaped as E` = fsp; sp ; . . . ; sp k g for some p; k) for every ` 2 S . Hence, to compute T`, we may assume that E` = fs ; . . . ; sw g (cf. Lemma (1.4)). +1 + 0 Lemma: Let ` 2 S such that E` = fs ; . . . ; sw g. Then, (i) ` s + sw , and 0 0 (ii) T` = 0 unless ` = s0 + sw . Proof: (i) The vectors s and sw form a IR-basis of IR , and, for an s 2 ZZ , the condition \s 2 S " is equivalent to having non-negative coordinates only. Hence, the inequalities ` s ; sw imply that both coordinates of ` are not smaller than 1, i.e. 0 2 2 0 ` s sw has non-negative coordinates. (ii) Let ` > s + sw be given; we will show that T` = 0. We distinguish two cases: Case 1: ` (s + sw ) s (or similarly ` (s + sw ) sw ). Then, since si s + sw , we know that s + si 2s + sw ` for i = 2; . . . ; w. Summing up the equations sj + sj = aj sj (1 j i 1) provides relations qi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (q i ) s 0 + si = (s 1 0 +1 + si 1 i 1 X )+ j =1 (aj 2) sj ( i = 2; . . . ; w ) having exactly s + si ` as their bar-values. In particular, they yield zero in T`. On the other hand, if we are given an arbitrary relation q 2 L(E ), then we can use qw ; . . . ; q to eliminate sw ; . . . ; s step by step from the support of q (without changing its value in T`). Since s and s are linearly independent, q has to be trivial then. Case 2: Not Case 1; in particular, ` (s + sw ) si for some i = 1; . . . ; w 1. Pw w Then, we have ` (s + s ) = j gj sj with non-negative integers gj and, moreover, gi 1. (There are no summands involving s or sw , because this would t in the rst case.) Again, we startPwith an arbitrary q 2 L(E ). First, we use the relation s + sw = (s + sw ) + jw (aj 2) sj (bar-value s + sw `) to eliminate s (if i = 1) or sw (if i 2) from supp q. If w = 2, then we are already done. Otherwise, we use the similar relations expressing si + sw (if i = 1) or s + si (if i 2) by the generators in between to eliminate sw or s , respectively. The result is a relation q with supp q fs ; . . . ; sw g. Finally, we know that 0 2 2 0 1 0 1 =1 0 0 0 1 1 1 =1 0 0 0 0 1 ` = (s + sw ) + 0 w 1 X j =1 gj sj = (s + sw ) + 1 7 1 w 1 X j =1 (gj + aj 2) sj : 1 Hence, the fact T` = 0 for the cone spanned by s and sw (induction by w) tells us that L(s ; . . . ; sw ) is spanned by relations with bar-value not greater than `. In particular, our q can be reduced to zero. 2 1 1 (3.3) 1 1 Lemma: Assume ` = s + sw (including E` = fs ; . . . ; sw g). Then, 8 for w 2 < 0 w = for a = . . . = aw = 2 T` = ZZ 0 [( : 0 1) 2] 1 ZZ 1 otherwise : (The second case (a = . . . = aw = 2) means that the points s ; . . . ; sw are sitting on an ane line; the corresponding cyclic quotient singularity equals the cone over the rational normal curve of degree w.) 1 0 1 Proof: The case w 2 is obvious. Assuming a = . . . = aw = 2, the entire col1 1 lection of relations with bar-value not greater than ` is given by the [w=2] equations s + sw = s + sw = . . . = s w= + sw 0 1 1 [ 2] w=2] ; [ and we obtain (w 1) [w=2] = [(w 1)=2] for the rank of T`. Finally, if w 3 and not a = . . . = aw = 2, then 1 `=s 0 + sw =s 1 1 + sw 1 + w 1 X (ai 2) si >hs1 ;s 1i s + sw w i=1 1 1 shows (cf. Lemma (3.2)) that L(s ; . . . ; sw ) hq 2 L(E ) j q `i. On the other hand, the only relations involving s or sw and having a bar-value ` are those representing s + sw as linear combination ofPs ; . . . ; sw . Pw (Indeed, if for instancePs + i gi si = wi hi si P is such a relation (gi; hi w i w 0; gi hi = 0), then s + i gi s ` = s + s implies i gi si sw . Hence gw = 0 or 1, and gi = 0 for i 6= w. Moreover, since s is not representable by other generators, this implies that s + sw forms the left hand side of the relation - and the right hand side has to be built from s ; . . . ; sw then.) 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 =0 =0 1 =1 0 0 0 1 1 (3.4) We are gathering our results and obtain the following description of the invariants T` for a two-dimensional cyclic quotient singularity: Theorem: Let S and a ; . . . ; aw as in (3.1); dene a := aw := 3. (1) Let sp; sp k 2 E (0 p < p + k w) be elements such that (i) k 3, and 1 1 0 + (ii) at least one of the numbers ap ; . . . ; ap+k is greater than two. 8 Then, ` := sp + sp+k uniquely determines p and k, and we have T` = ZZ ZZ k [( = 1) 2] for ap+1 = . . . = ap+k 1 = 2 otherwise : The abelian group T` vanishes in the remaining degrees. (2) For T = `T` we obtain T = ZZ (w 1)( w = 2) 2 . In particular, w 1 : dim (tors ( Y )) = 2 1 (w + 1 equals the embedding dimension of the cyclic quotient singularity Y ). Proof: For (1) assume that we are given some ` 2 S . Then, E` is shaped as E` = fsp; . . . ; sp kg, and by Lemma (3.2) we know that T` = 0 unless ` = sp + sp k . + + sp + sp+k , On the other hand, if ` = then Lemma (3.3) tells us about T` . The only thing being left is asking the other way around: What is the condition for an ` := sp + sp k to yield exactly E` = fsp; . . . ; sp k g? Obviously, E` does always contain fsp; . . . ; sp k g, and we show that it is exactly the condition ap = . . . = ap k = 2 saying that both sets are not equal: Assume E` = fsp i; . . . ; sp; . . . ; sp k ; . . . ; sp k j g (w.l.o.g. i j 0, i 6= 0), then we obtain a chain of inequalities + + + + + sp + sp k = ` sp i + sp + k j + + + + sp i+1 + sp+k+j 1 . . . sp i+j + sp+k : If i > j , this would imply that two dierent elements of E (sp and sp i j ) would be comparable in S . Hence, i = j , and all signs in the previous chain turn into equalities implying ap i = . . . = ap = . . . = ap k = . . . = ap k i = 2. The reversed direction is easy; the equalities ap = . . . = ap k = 2 imply ` = sp + sp k , hence sp ; sp k 2 E`. + +1 1 + +1 1 + + + 1 + + +1 To prove the second part of the theorem, we have to count dimensions. Assume that the compact part of the boundary @ (conv (S n f0g)) consists of P m edges, each containing wi 1 (i = 1; . . . ; m) interior lattice points. In particular, mi wi = w. Then, we have (a) w possibilities of choosing two dierent points sp and sp k from E ; (b) 2w 1 of those pairs with 1 k 2; (c) w possibilities of choosing two dierent points sp and sp k from the i-th edge; (d) 2wi 1 of those pairs with 1 k 2. =1 +1 2 + i +1 2 + 9 Hence, we obtain w+1 2 (2w 1) m X i=1 m wi + 1 + X (2wi 1) = w 1 2 2 i =1 m X i=1 wi 1 2 possibilities of choosing pairs sp; sp k 2 E with k 3 and such that at least one of the numbers ap ; . . . ; ap k is greater than two. Those pairs yield T` = ZZ . + +1 + 1 On the other hand, let fsq ; . . . ; sq w g form the i-th edge. Then, its only pairs (sp; sp k ) meeting the assumption that at least one of the numbers ap; . . . ; ap k is greater than two are (sq ; sq k ) and (sq w k ; sq w ) with 1 k wi. Each of them providing a contribution of ZZ k = (which is automatically zero if k = 1; 2), we obtain for the entire i-th edge + i + + + i [( 2 wX i 1 k=3 + + i 1) 2] k 1 + 1 wi 1 = wi 1 2 2 2 2 dimensions for T . Acknowledgement: I would like to thank the referee for many useful hints and suggestions. References [Da] Danilov, V.I.: The Geometry of Toric Varieties. Russian Math. Surveys 33/2 (1978), 97-154. [Ma] Matsumura, H.: Commutative Algebra. W.A.Benjamin, New York 1970. [Ri] Riemenschneider, O.: Deformationen von Quotientensingularitaten (nach zyklischen Gruppen). Math. Ann. 209 (1974), 211-248. [Od] Oda, T.: Convex bodies and algebraic geometry. Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (3/15), Springer-Verlag, 1988. 10
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