Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 12, Number 3 (2016), pp. 2219–2241 © Research India Publications The inner limit process of slightly compressible multiphase equations1 Hyeonseong Jin2 Department of Mathematics, Jeju National University, Jeju, 63243, South Korea. Abstract We discuss the motion of the slightly compressible multiphase flow near the initial time. The formally uniformly valid inner limit expansions are derived for the solutions of compressible equations. Under the singular limit process the constitutive asymptotic expansions and conditions are examined as requirements for the derivation of asymptotic expansions for compressible solutions. AMS subject classification: 76Txx, 76F25, 76N99, 76Axx. Keywords: Multiphase flow models, Closure, Constitutive laws, Averaged equations. 1. Introduction In this paper we consider a hyperbolic system of the compressible isentropic two-pressure two-phase flow equations [2, 6, 7, 12, 13] in an appropriate nondimensional form βkλ βkλ ρkλ 1 ∂ρkλ ∂t ∂vkλ ∂t ∂β λ ∂βkλ + v ∗λ k = 0, ∂z ∂t λ λ λ λ ∂ρk λ λ ∂vk λ λ ∗λ ∂βk + vk + βk ρk + ρk (vk − v ) = 0, ∂z ∂z ∂z λ ∂β λ ∂v ∂pλ + vkλ k + λ2 βkλ k + λ2 (pkλ − p ∗λ ) k = βkλ ρkλ g(t), ∂z ∂z ∂z (1) (2) (3) This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (No. NRF2009-0069783). 2 Corresponding author. 2220 Hyeonseong Jin for the volume fraction βkλ , velocity vkλ , density ρkλ , and pressure pkλ of fluid k depending on a large dimensionless parameter λ. Here pkλ = pk (ρkλ ) and an equation of state γ pk (ρk ) = Ak ρk k , γk > 1 is given with ∂pk /∂ρk (ρk ) > 0 for ρk > 0 and the entropy Ak assumed to be constant within each fluid but A1 = A2 . The fluids are distinguished by a subscript k, where k = 1 and k = 2 denote the light and heavy fluids, respectively. Eqs. (1)–(3) have been nondimensionalized so that a typical mean fluid velocity, |vm |, has been chosen as the ratio of time units to space units. Accordingly, the parameter λ is essentially the reciprocal of the Mach number, M = |vm |(γp(ρm )/ρ)−1/2 , the ratio of fluid speed to sound speed, where ρm is the mean density. In fact, λ = M −1 (γ A)−1/2 . The interface quantities v ∗ and p∗ have been proposed [7,12,13] by closure relations q ∗ = µ1 q2 + µ2 q1 , q q q q q q = v, p, (4) q where µ1 + µ2 = 1, µk ≥ 0 and that µk /βk is continuous on 0 ≤ βk ≤ 1 and for all t. Here the primed index k denotes the fluid complementary to fluid k, i.e., k = 3 − k. The q q q µk thus depends on a single parameter dk . The closure for the constitutive law dk (t) has been proposed [12, 13] and compared in a validation study based on simulation data [1, 17]. For all the data sets of the 3D Rayleigh-Taylor and circular 2D RichtmyerMeshkov simulations, we have seen excellent validation agreement for the closures proposed. We denote Zk = Zk (t) as the position of the mixing zone edge k, defined as the location of vanishing βk and Vk = dZk /dt as the velocity of the edge k. At edge k, the following boundary data holds vk = Vk (t) at z = Zk (t). On the other hand, the incompressible flow equations are a distinctly different system of the equations ∂β ∞ ∂βk∞ + v ∗∞ k = 0, ∂t ∂z ∞ ∞ ∂β ∂v βk∞ k + (vk∞ − v ∗∞ ) k = 0, ∂z ∂z ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∂β ∂vk ∂v ∂p βk∞ ρk∞ + vk∞ k + βk∞ k + (pk∞ − p ∗∞ ) k = βk∞ ρk∞ g(t) ∂t ∂z ∂z ∂z (5) (6) (7) for the volume fraction βk∞ , velocity vk∞ , and scalar pressure pk∞ , where ρk∞ is the constant density of phase k. We assume that all state variables are piecewise C 1 functions with discontinuous derivatives at the mixing zone edges z = Zk∞ (t) of incompressible flow. Analytic solutions of the incompressible problem (5)–(7) have been obtained in closed form [5, 6, 7]. One expects, under appropriate conditions, that the compressible multiphase flow solutions βkλ , vkλ , pkλ converge to the incompressible solutions βk∞ , vk∞ , pk∞ as λ → ∞. The zero Mach limit of the compressible multiphase flow equations is a time-singular and layer-type problem which requires advanced techniques in asymptotics. Jin et al. [4, 11] discussed the outer limit process of the weakly compressible multiphase flow equations describing the fluid motions away from the initial time. The slow variables in the outer limit asymptotic expansions have a slow scale of motion and they have The inner limit process of slightly compressible multiphase equations 2221 been determined through second order in closed form. Information supplied from the weakly compressible theory resolves underdetermination of incompressible pressures. From a number of points of view [3, 8, 15, 16], the zero Mach limit of the single phase compressible Euler equations has been studied in higher space dimensions. In contrast, two-phase flow presents additional difficulties, so that even one dimensional two-phase flow is nontrivial. In this paper we discuss the limiting behavior of the solutions Ukλ ≡ (βkλ , vkλ , ρkλ , pkλ )tr of the compressible equations (1)–(3) near the initial time as λ → ∞. For simplicity, we suppress superscript λ’s of compressible variables from now on. We are concerned with the derivation of inner limit asymptotic expansions for the solutions of the compressible equations. In Sec. 4 the inner terms, uniformly valid in space, are evaluated in closed form through first order in the expansion of volume fraction and pressure, and zero-th order in the expansion of velocity. They are determined uniformly by matching the inner limit in the exterior and the incompressible mixing zone and the fast transitionlayer expansions. The fast variables are defined as the inner expansion terms minus the common terms resulting from the outer expansion evaluated in the inner limit to each order. These variables oscillate on the fast time scale and are described by linear wave equations. They are also defined uniformly in space by matching. Specifically, in Sec. 4, the inner limit analysis is performed to show that there are no fast scale acoustical oscillations in the asymptotic expansions of βk , ρk , pk through first order and in the zero-th order of the expansion of vk . In Sec. 2 the constitutive asymptotic expansions and conditions are examined as requirements of the derivation of formal asymptotic expansions for compressible solutions. The fluids are distinguished by a subscript k, where k = 1 and k = 2 denote the light and heavy fluids, respectively. We assume existence of rigid wall at the top of a finite but large domain D for compressible and incompressible two-phase flow. Then velocity is zero and the pressure is unknown there. At the bottom of this domain, we have conceptually an open container. This fixes the pressure at some ambient value, but not the velocity at the bottom of D. This leads to the boundary conditions v1 (z+∞ ) = 0 , p2 (z−∞ ) = const, (8) where z = z+∞ (z = z−∞ ) denotes the position of the upper (lower) wall of the domain D. 2. Constitutive Asymptotic Assumptions We consider the limiting behavior of the solutions Uk ≡ (βk , vk , ρk , pk )tr of the compressible equations (1)–(3) as λ → ∞. The asymptotic expansions of compressible 2222 Hyeonseong Jin solutions are introduced in the form βk = βk(0,s) + λ−1 βk(1,s) +λ −2 βk(2,s) (2,f ) + βk + O(λ−3 ), (1,f ) vk = vk(0,s) + λ−1 vk(1,s) + vk + O(λ−2 ), (2,f ) ρk = ρk(0,s) + λ−1 ρk(1,s) + λ−2 ρk(2,s) + ρk + O(λ−3 ) (2,f ) (2,s) (0,s) −1 (1,s) −2 pk = pk + λ pk + λ + O(λ−3 ). pk + pk (9) The equation of state gives the relations pk(0,s) = pk (ρk(0,s) ), pk(2,s) pk(1,s) = ck2 (ρk(0,s) )ρk(1,s) 1 ∂ 2 pk (0,s) (1,s)2 (ρk )ρk + ck2 (ρk(0,s) )ρk(2,s) , = 2 2 ∂ρk where ck2 (ρ) = (2,f ) pk (2,f ) = ck2 (ρk(0,s) )ρk , (10) ∂pk (ρ). We assume the initial conditions ∂ρk βk (z, 0) = βk∞ (z, 0) + λ−1 βk(1,s) (z, 0) + λ−2 βk(2,s) (z, 0) , vk (z, 0) = vk∞ (z, 0) + λ−1 vk(1,s) (z, 0) + vk(1) (z) , ρk (z, 0) = ρk∞ (z, 0) + λ−2 ck−2 (ρk∞ )ρk∞ (z, 0) + ρk(2) (z) , (2) ∞ −2 ∞ pk (z, 0) = pk (ρk ) + λ pk (z, 0) + pk (z) (11) for the compressible solutions, where vk(1) (z), ρk(2) (z), and pk(2) (z) belong to C 1 on (−1)k z ≤ (−1)k Zk (0) and |vk(1) (z)| = O(1), |ρk(2) (z)| = O(1) and |pk(2) (z)| = O(1). tr The variables Uk(m,s) ≡ βk(m,s) , vk(m,s) , ρk(m,s) , pk(m,s) , m = 0, 1, 2, have a slow scale of motion and solve linearized incompressible problems. They have been deter(1,f ) (2,f ) (2,f ) mined in closed form through second order [11]. The variables vk , βk , ρk , (2,f ) contain fast scale acoustical oscillations on the fast time scale τ ≡ λt and they pk are solved in closed form in Sec. 4. We show by the inner limit analysis that there are no fast scale acoustical oscillations in the asymptotic expansions of βk , ρk , pk through first order and in the zero-th order of the expansion of vk . The two phase flow model depends on the motions Zk of the mixing zone edges and q closure for the interfacial averages with the constitutive law dk , q = v, p. Since the Zk are not well characterized for compressible flows, the velocities or trajectories of the edges of the mixing zone must be provided as data. The compressible constitutive factor q dk is asymptotically assumed with a specific limit term. The inner limit process of slightly compressible multiphase equations 2223 We assume a uniformly valid asymptotic expansion for the compressible mixing zone edge, (2,f ) Zk (t) = Zk(0,s) (t) + λ−1 Zk(1,s) (t) + λ−2 Zk(2,s) (t) + Zk (t, λ) + O(λ−3 ). (12) Here m λ−j Zk (j,s) , m = 0, 1, 2, denotes the location of vanishing βk(m,s) . Thus Zk and j =0 (2,f ) are input to the model equations. each of the expansion coefficients Zk(m,s) and Zk We assume that the compressible edge moves faster than the incompressible edge with no initial perturbation. A similar assumption is applied to any finite number of terms in the expansion (11). We assume that the zero-th order term in the expansion (11) equals to the incompressible edge trajectory Zk∞ (t). Thus we require Zk(0,s) (t) = Zk∞ (t), Zk (0) = Zk∞ (0), (−1)k Zk(m,t) (t) ≥ 0, m = 1, 2, t = s, f. (13) The variables Zk(m,s) , m = 0, 1, 2, are the slow variables with a slow scale of motion while (2,f ) (2,f ) is oscillatory on the fast time scale τ ≡ λt. We assume that the fast variable Zk Zk decays exponentially in τ away from the initial curve t = 0. We observe [9] that the fast variables can appear in the second or higher order of the asymptotic expansion (12). The formally uniformly valid expansion (12) leads to the outer and inner expansion under the corresponding limit process. The reduced expansion is assumed in the derivation of inner and outer expansions for compressible solutions in Sec. 4 and [11, 9], respectively. Under the outer limit process, λ → ∞ with t fixed = 0, (12) leads to the outer expansion (0,s) Zk (t) = Zk (t) + λ−1 Zk(1,s) (t) + λ−2 Zk(2,s) (t) + O(λ−3 ) (14) valid away from the initial curve t = 0. Specifically, following the inner limit process λ → ∞ with τ fixed = ∞, (12) leads to the inner limit expansion, valid near t = 0: Zk (τ ) = Ẑk(0) (τ ) + λ−1 Ẑk(1) (τ ) + λ−2 Ẑk(2) (τ ) + O(λ−3 ) = Zk(0,s) (0) + λ−1 τ Żk(0,s) (0) (15) 2 τ (2,f ) + λ−2 Z̈ (0,s) (0) + τ Żk(1,s) (0) + Zk(2,s) (0) + Zk (τ ) + O(λ−3 ). 2 k Refer to [9]. The initial conditions associated with (13) are Ẑk(0) (0) = Zk∞ (0), Ẑk(m) (0) = 0, m ≥ 1. (2,f ) (16) Notice that the fast variable Zk consist of the inner term Ẑk(2) minus common terms to order λ−2 . The assumptions (13) imply that (−1)k Ẑk(1) and (−1)k Ẑk(2) are nonnegative. 2224 Hyeonseong Jin The edge velocity of the compressible flow satisfies Vk = Żk = vk (Zk , t) and therefore, it must have an asymptotic expansion associated with the expansion (11) in the form (1,f ) (t, λ) Vk (t) =Vk(0,s) (t) + λ−1 Vk(1,s) (t) + Vk (17) (2,f ) (2,s) −2 +λ (t, λ) + O(λ−3 ). Vk (t) + Vk From the expansion of vk in (17), we see that the leading order term of the asymptotic expansion of Vk must be vk(0,s) (Zk(0,s) , t), where Zk(0,s) = Zk(0,s) (t) denotes the location of vanishing βk(0,s) (z, t). Thus Vk(0,s) (t) = vk(0,s) (Zk(0,s) , t). We obtain that the formal asymptotic expansion (17) leads to the outer limit expansion Vk (t) = Vk(0,s) (t) + λ−1 Vk(1,s) (t) + λ−2 Vk(2,s) (t) + O(λ−3 ) (18) which is valid away from the initial curve t = 0 under the limit process λ → ∞ with t fixed = 0, and to the inner limit expansion Vk (τ ) = V̂k(0) (τ ) + λ−1 V̂k(1) (τ ) + O(λ−2 ) (1,f ) (0,s) (0,s) (1,s) −1 (τ ) + O(λ−2 ). τ V̇k (0) + Vk (0) + Vk = Vk (0) + λ (19) which is valid near the initial curve t = 0 under the limit process λ → ∞ with τ fixed = ∞. Comparing (14), (15) with (18) and (19), we note that for m ≥ 0, dZk(m,s) (t) = Vk(m,s) (t), dt (m+2,f ) dZk (τ ) (m+1,f ) (τ ), = Vk dτ d Ẑk(0) (τ )) d Ẑk(m+1) (τ ) = 0, = V̂k(m) (τ ), dτ dτ (m+2,f ) dZk (t, λ) (m+1,f ) (t, λ). = Vk dτ (20) From (20) it is reasonable to assume that the fast variables can appear in the second or higher order of the asymptotic expansion (12). If the expansion (12) has a fast variable (0,f ) (1,f ) in the first order, it implies that a fast variable Vk exists in the zero-th order Zk of the asymptotic expansion (17). This contradicts the fact that the zero-th order fast (0,f ) is suppressed by the initialization (11), as discussed in Sec. 4. variable vk p We assume that the constitutive laws dkv (t) and dk (t) have a formally uniformly valid asymptotic expansion as follows q(0,s) q(1,s) q(1,f ) q (t) + λ−1 dk (t) + dk (t, λ) + O(λ−2 ), q = v, p, (21) dk (t, λ) = dk q(m,f ) q(m,s) q(0,s) q∞ (t), dk (τ ) ∈ ([0, ∞)), and we assume dk (t) = dk (t). Similarly, where dk we obtain [9] that the expansion (21) leads to the outer limit expansion q q(0,s) dk (t) = dk (t) + λ−1 dk q(1,s) (t) + λ−2 dk q(2,s) (t) + O(λ−3 ), q = v, p, (22) The inner limit process of slightly compressible multiphase equations 2225 and to the inner limit asymptotic expansion q (τ ) + λ−1 d̂k (τ ) + (λ−2 ) q dd (0, s) q(1,s) q(1,f ) q(0,s) (0) + dk (τ ) + O(λ−2 ). (0) + dk (0) + λ−1 τ k = dk dt (23) q(0) q(1) dk (τ ) = d̂k 3. Inner Expansions and Transitional Layers To understand the motion of the fast variables, we make the change of variables to the fast time scale τ ≡ λt. The The compressible equations (1)–(3) become ∂βk ∂βk = 0, + v∗ ∂z ∂τ ∂ρk ∂vk ∂βk + vk + βk ρk + ρk (vk − v ∗ ) = 0, ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂βk ∂vk ∂pk + vk + λ2 βk + λ2 (pk − p ∗ ) = βk ρk g(t), ∂z ∂z ∂z λ ∂ρk βk λ ∂τ ∂vk βk ρk λ ∂τ (24) (25) (26) for Uk (z, τ ). We assume the initial data (11) for the compressible solutions and the q inner limit asymptotic expansions (15), (19) and (23) for Zk , Vk and dk , q = v, p to derive the inner limit asymptotic expansions, valid near t = 0, of the solutions of the compressible equations (24)-(26), uniformly valid in z. We introduce inner limit asymptotic expansions associated with the inner limit λ → ∞ with τ fixed = ∞: Uk (z, τ ) = Ûk(0) (z, τ ) + λ−1 Ûk(1) (z, τ ) + λ−2 Ûk(2) (z, τ ) + · · · , Ûk(m) (z, τ ) (m) (m) (m) (m) tr β̂k , v̂k , ρ̂k , p̂k , where ≡ has the expansion relations p̂k(0) = pk (ρ̂k(0) ), p̂k(1) = ck2 (ρ̂k(0) )ρ̂k(1) , (27) m = 0, 1, 2, . . .. The equation of state p̂k(2) = 1 ∂ 2 pk (0) (1)2 (ρ̂k )ρ̂k + ck2 (ρ̂k(0) )ρ̂k(2) , 2 2 ∂ρk (28) 2226 Hyeonseong Jin between the terms in the expansions of ρk , pk . From (27) and (28), the inner limit q q expansion for the mixing coefficient µk (βk , dk ), q = v, p, q q q(0,s) µk (βk , dk ) =µ̂k + λ−1 µ̂k q(1,s) q + λ−2 µ̂k q(2,s) + O(λ−3 ) q(0,s) ) =µk (β̂k(0,s) , d̂k q ∂µk (0,s) q(0,s) (1,s) (β̂ , d̂k )β̂k + + λ−1 ∂βk k q ∂µk (0,s) q(0,s) (2,s) + λ−2 (β̂ , d̂k )β̂k + ∂βk k q ∂µk (0,s) q(0,s) q(1,s) , d̂k )d̂k q (β̂k ∂dk q 1 ∂ 2 µk (0,s) q(0,s) (1,s) 2 (β̂ , d̂k )β̂k 2 ∂βk2 k q q ∂ 2 µk 1 ∂ 2 µk (0,s) q(0,s) q(1,s) 2 (0,s) q(0,s) (1,s) q(1,s) , d̂k )d̂k ) β̂ + (β̂ d̂ + ( β̂ , d̂ q k k k 2 ∂d q 2 k ∂βk ∂dk k k q ∂µ q(0,s) q(2,s) + qk (β̂k(0,s) , d̂k )d̂k + O(λ−3 ). ∂dk (29) Ûk(m) (z, τ ) (m) (m) (m) (m) tr β̂k , v̂k , ρ̂k , p̂k , The equations for the inner limit terms ≡ m = 0, 1, are derived by repeated application of the inner limit expansions (27) to the compressible equations (24)–(26), and by equating terms of the same order of λ. Within a single power of λ, the inner terms are defined as a solution of simple differential equations. We first solve the inner term β̂k(0) , ρ̂k(0) , p̂k(0) equations in Sec. 4.1. The inner terms v̂k(0) , β̂k(1) , ρ̂k(1) , p̂k(1) , uniformly valid in z are found by solving a subsystem of hyperbolic differential equations and by matching at the outer and inner edges of regions in Sec. 4.2. In [10], we will completely determine the higher order terms v̂k(1) , β̂k(2) , ρ̂k(2) , p̂k(2) , uniformly valid in z. In higher order in λ−1 , there exist fast transitional layers in the inner expansion similarily to the transition regions in the outer asymptotic expansion. The first order inner expansion is defined by five regions, (1) (1) (1) Ê(1) k ∪ T̂k ∪ M̂ ∪ T̂k ∪ Êk , including two transition-layers through z = Ẑi(1,s) , i = k, k . The regions are defined by Ê(1) k Ẑk(1) = (z, t) : (−1) ≤ (−1) z , k (0) k k (1) T̂k(n) Ẑ Ẑ = (z, t) : (−1) ≤ (−1) z < (−1) , k k M̂ = (z, t) : Ẑ1(0) < z < Ẑ2(0) , k k (30) (31) (32) The inner limit process of slightly compressible multiphase equations where Ẑk(1) (t) ≡ 1 λ−j Ẑk (j,s) 2227 (33) . j =0 denotes the position of boundaries of the fast transition-layers. With the new inner spatial variables ζ̂i(1) = λn z − Ẑi(1) , i = k, k , (34) we make the change of variables from (z, τ ) to (ζ̂i(1) , τ ), reducing (24)-(26) to the equations ∂β ∂βk k = 0, (35) − λ V̂k(1) − v ∗ λ (1) ∂τ ∂ ζ̂i ∂ρ ∂ρk ∂vk k ∗ ∂βk ρ + λρ (v − v ) (1) = 0, (36) − λ V̂k(1) − vk + λβ βk λ k k k k ∂τ ∂ ζ̂i(1) ∂ ζ̂i(1) ∂ ζ̂i ∂v ∂vk ∂pk k 3 3 ∗ ∂βk β + λ (p − p ) (1) = βk ρk g. − λ V̂k(1) − vk + λ βk ρk λ k k ∂τ ∂ ζ̂i(1) ∂ ζ̂i(1) ∂ ζ̂i (37) Here the edge velocity of the transition-layers is defined by (1) V̂k(1) (t) d Ẑ k ≡ dt = 1 λ−j V̂k . (j ) (38) j =0 We assume fast transitional layer expansions of the form (ζ̂i(1) , τ ) + O(λ−3 ), (39) i+1 (1) i (1) in the region (−1) Ẑi ≤ (−1) ζ̂i ≤ 0. The fast transitional variables of each order of λ−1 in the expansions (39) satisfy simple differential equations and they are solved in closed form in Sec. 4.2.2. The fast variables are matched continuously order by order at the boundaries of these layers in Sec. 4.2.4. This matching process of inner limit and fast transitional expansions determines uniformly valid outer expansions in z. (0,f t) Uk (ζ̂i(1) , τ ) = Ûk 3.1. (ζ̂i(1) , τ ) + λ−1 Ûk (1,f t) (ζ̂i(1) , τ ) + λ−2 Ûk (2,f t) Transitional Effective Variable In this section we solve a simple system of ODEs to be used in the analysis of the fast (0,f t) (0,f t) , pk in Sec. 4.2.2. Let the effective transitional variable qk(t) transitional terms vk satisfy the system βk(t) ∂β (t) ∂qk(t) q(t) k + µk =0 qk(t) − qk(t) ∂ζi ∂ζi (40) 2228 Hyeonseong Jin n the region (−1)i+1 Zi(1) ≤ (−1)i ζi ≤ 0. Here βk(t) (ζi , t) is a given C 1 function in the region and q(t) q(0,s) ) µk (βk(t) , dk q(t) = βk(t) q(0,s) (t) βk βk(t) + dk (41) q(t) satisfying µk +µk = 1. This system can be decoupled and solved in closed form [11] by the introduction of two linear combinations of the effective transitional variables as follows Proposition 3.1. Let qk(t) (ζi , t) satisfy the system (40) in (−1)i+1 Zi(1) ≤ (−1)i ζi ≤ 0. Then the solution is q(t) qk(t) (ζi , t) 4. = µk (1) (t) (t) (1) βk(t) (−Z , t) − β i k qk (−Zi , t) βk(t) q(t) (t) (1) q (−Z , t) . + βk(t) (−Zi(1) , t) + dk βk(t) k i (42) Expansion Procedure of the Inner Limit We derive the inner terms in the inner limit asymptotic expansions (27) for the solutions of the compressible equations. The inner terms, uniformly valid in space, are determined by matching the inner limit in the exterior and the incompressible mixing zone and the fast transition-layer expansions. The fast variables are defined as the inner expansion terms minus the common terms resulting from the outer expansion evaluated in the inner limit to each order [14]. These variables oscillate on the fast time scale τ = λt and are described by linear wave equations. They are also defined uniformly in space by matching. We substitute the inner limit asymptotic expansions (3.4) into the compressible equations (24)–(26), and equate powers of λ. Since λ is arbitrary, the coefficient of λm for each order m must vanish, defining equations for the inner terms to each order. The zero-th order terms are determined by initial data of the incompressible flow. The inner terms of higher order in λ−1 satisfy simple differential equations. Specifically the (0,f ) (1,f ) fast variables satisfy linearized compressible equations. The variables vk and vk solve a hyperbolic IBVP. They are solved by the method of characteristics and a Picard (1,f ) iteration. The remaining equations can thus be viewed as equations for βk alone. The solutions are expressed in terms of the initial and the boundary data. The boundary data is provided by matching at the outer and inner edges of regions which exist in order λ−m expansions. The first order inner terms in the expansion (3.4) of βk and pk and the zero-th order inner term of vk have the fast transitional layers in the region T̂i(1) , i = k, k , introduced in Sec. 3. The fast transitional variables for each order in λ−1 satisfy simple differential equations. The inner terms are matched continuously order by order at the boundaries of these layers. This matching process for the inner limit and The inner limit process of slightly compressible multiphase equations 2229 the fast transitional expansions determines uniformly valid inner expansions in z. The main result is summarized in the following theorem. Theorem 4.1. Assume (8), (15), (19), (23), and the initial data (11). Then the compressible solutions have the uniformly valid inner expansions in z to O(λ−1 ) for βk , ρk , pk and to O(1) for vk of the form βk = βk∞ (z, 0) + λ−1 β̂k(1) + O(λ−2 ), vk = vk∞ (z, 0) + O(λ−1 ), (43) ρk = ρk∞ + O(λ−2 ), pk = p(0) + O(λ−2 ), where p (0) = pk (ρk∞ ). The inner term β̂k(1) (z, τ ) satisfies 0 ∂βk∞ ∞ ∞ (0) (Zk (0) + (−1)k 0, 0) λ z − Z k ∂z ∞ (1) β̂k (z, τ ) = +τ ∂βk (Z ∞ (0) + (−1)k 0, 0) k ∂t ∂βk∞ (1,s) (z, 0) + τ (z, 0) β k ∂t (z, t) −βk(1,s) 4.1. (1) in Ê(1) 1 , Ê2 in T̂k(1) , (44) in M̂ in T̂k(1) The Zero-th Order Inner Terms We show that the inner limit terms β̂k(0) , ρ̂k(0) , p̂k(0) in the expansions (27) describing the incompressible limit process near the initial time are determined by the incompressible background solution. To this order, there is no transition zone, and no contribution from (m,f t) . Substituting the inner limit asymptotic expansions (3.4) fast transitional terms Uk into the compressible equations (24)–(26), we equate powers of λ. The coefficients of λ in the interface and mass equations and the order λ2 terms in the momentum equation define the equations ∂ β̂k(0) = 0, O(1) : ∂τ ∂ ρ̂ (0) O(1) : β̂k(0) k = 0, ∂τ (0) (0) p(0) (0) ∂ p̂k (0) (0) ∂ β̂k 2 + µ̂k =0 p̂k − p̂k O(λ ) : β̂k ∂z ∂z (45) (46) (47) for β̂k(0) , ρ̂k(0) , p̂k(0) . We note that v̂k(0) does not contribute here and it is found in Sec. 4.2. The initial conditions associated with (11) are given as β̂k(0) (z, 0) = βk∞ (z, 0), ρ̂k(0) (z, 0) = ρk∞ , p̂k(0) (z, 0) = p(0) . (48) 2230 Hyeonseong Jin Using the initial data (48), we solve Eqs. (45)–(47). Proposition 4.2. Assume (8), (15), (19), (23), and the initial data (11). Then the zero-th order terms in the expansions (27) satisfy ρ̂k(0) (z, 0) = ρk∞ , β̂k(0) (z, 0) = βk∞ (z, 0), p̂k(0) (z, 0) = p(0) , (49) where the universal constant p (0) = pk (ρk∞ ). 4.2. The First Order Inner Terms Using the zero-th order inner terms (49), we find the inner terms v̂k(0) , β̂k(1) , ρ̂k(1) , p̂k(1) in the expansions (27), uniformly valid in z. The initial conditions associated with (11) satisfy v̂k(0) (z, 0) = vk∞ (z, 0), β̂k(1) (z, 0) = βk(1,s) (z, 0), (0,f ) Let us define the variables vk and p̂k(1) as the following (1,f ) , βk (1,f ) , pk ρ̂k(1) (z, 0) = 0 = p̂k(1) (z, 0). (50) (0) which are oscillatory part of v̂k , β̂k(1) , (z, τ ) ≡ v̂k(0) − vk∞ (z, 0), ∂βk∞ (1,f ) (1) (1,s) βk (z, τ ) ≡ β̂k − βk (z, 0) + τ (z, 0) , ∂t (0,f ) vk (1,f ) pk (51) (z, τ ) ≡ p̂k(1) . (0,f ) (1,f ) and pk satisfy a subsystem of hyperbolic PDFs with no The fast variables vk (1,f ) source terms. The remaining equations are solved for βk . Using the method of (0,f ) and characteristics and the process of Picard iteration, we show that the variables vk (1,f ) are suppressed under the initial condition (50). pk We consider the transitional regions T̂i(1) , i = k, k , by discussion of the fast transitionlayers through z = Ẑi(1,s) in Sec. 4.2.2. The matching the inner edge of the inner limit expansions in the exterior with the outer edge of the transitional expansions and the inner edge of the transitional expansions with the edge of the incompressible mixing zone determines the first order inner terms uniformly in space in Sec. 4.2.4. Proposition 4.3. Assume (8), (15), (19), (23), and the initial data (11). Then β̂k(1) (z, τ ) satisfies (44) and the inner terms satisfy ∞ (1) vk (z, 0) in Ê(1) k , T̂k , M̂ (0) , (52) v̂k (z, τ ) = Vk∞ (0) in T̂k(1) p̂k(0) (z, τ ) = ρ̂k(0) (z, τ ) = 0 (1) (1) in Ê(1) k , T̂k , M̂, T̂k . (53) The inner limit process of slightly compressible multiphase equations 2231 4.2.1 The Inner Terms in the Exterior Domain In this section, we find the inner terms v̂k(0) and p̂k(1) in the single phase region Ê(1) k . We substitute the asymptotic expansions (27) into (24)–(26) and equate powers of λ. Using (49), we isolate the order zero terms in the mass equations and the order λ terms in the momentum equation. Since λ is arbitrary, the coefficient of λ must vanish, leading to the equations (1) (0) ∂ ρ̂k ∞ ∂ v̂k = 0, + ρk O(1) : ∂z ∂τ (0) ∂ p̂k(1) ∞ (0) ∂ ρ̂k + = 0, O(λ) : ρk v̂k ∂τ ∂z (54) (55) for v̂k(0) , ρ̂k(1) , p̂k(1) in Ê(1) k . We note that β̂k(1) = 0 in Ê(1) k i = 1, 2. (56) Substituting (51) into (54), (55), and multiplying (54) by ak2 ≡ dpk /dρk (ρk∞ ) and (55) by 1/ρk∞ , the equations reduce to the system of the wave equations, (1,f ) ∂uk ∂τ for (1,f ) uk = (1,f ) (0,f ) tr pk , vk , (1,f ) 0 ∂uk + Ak ∂z =0 (57) where A0k is the constant coefficient matrix A0k 0 ρk∞ ak2 = 0 1/ρk∞ From (50) the initial conditions follow tr (1,f ) (0,f ) (1,f ) uk (z, 0) = pk (z, 0), vk (z, 0) = 0. (58) (59) We discuss the IBVP (57)-(59) in Ê(1) k using the method of characteristics. The matrix ¥Ák0 has two distinct eigenvalues 0k,i ≡ (−1)i ak , i = 1, 2. We define k0 to be the nonsingular matrix whose column vectors consist of linearly independent eigenvectors of A0k , 1/2 1/2 0 (60) k = −1/(2ρk∞ ak ) 1/(2ρk∞ ak ). The characteristic curves Ck,i , i = 1, 2, satisfy Ck,i : dX = 0k,i . ds (61) 2232 Hyeonseong Jin Therefore the backward characteristics Ck,i , i = 1, 2, through a point (z, τ ) have equations for 0 ≤ s ≤ τ , (62) Ck,i : X(s) = αk,i (s, z, τ ) = (−1)i ak (s − τ ) + z. t (1,f ) (1,f ) (0,f ) (1,f ) = Uk,1 , Uk,2 ≡ (k0 )−1 uk Introducing a new unknown column vector Uk and multiplying (57) by (k0 )−1 , we obtain (1,f ) (1,f ) ∂Uk ∂U + 0k k =0 ∂τ ∂z (1,f ) (1,f ) Uk (z, 0) = (k0 )−1 uk (z, 0) = 0. (63) (64) By the method of characteristics we find the solution (1,f ) (1,f ) Uk,k (z, τ ) = Uk,k (αk,k (0, z, τ ), 0) (0,f ) (1,f ) k ∞ = pk (z + (−1)k ak τ, 0) = 0, + (−1) ρk ak vk (65) (1,f ) Uk,k (αk,k (0, z, τ ), 0) = 0 if (−1)k αk,k (0, z, τ ) ≥ Ẑk(0) (1,f ) , Uk,k (z, τ ) = (1,f ) (1) (1) Uk,k Ẑk(1) if (−1)k αk,k (0, z, τ ) ≤ Ẑk(0) (τk ), τk (66) (1) in Ê(1) k , where τk (1) = τk(1) (z, τ ) satisfies αk,k (τk(1) , z, τ ) = Ẑk(1) (τk ). From (65), we see (1,f ) that the solution Uk,k is completely determined by initial data along the incoming char (1,f ) acteristic αk,k . Furthermore, this solution provides the boundary data Uk,k Ẑk(1) , τ which will be used to solve the related inner term system in M̂ in Sec. 4.2.3 once the vari(1,f ) are determined in the fast transitional regions T̂i(1) , i = k, k . The solution ables uk (1,f ) Uk,k depends upon boundary data at the edge z = Ẑk(1) to be completely determined in the single phase region Ê(1) k along the outgoing characteristic αk,k . The boundary data (1,f ) (0,f ) (1,f ) (1) k ∞ Uk,k Ẑk(1) Ẑ , τ = p + (−1) ρ a v , τ =0 (67) k k k k k will be shown later by matching in Sec. 4.2.4. Lemma 4.4. Assume (8), (15), (19), (23), and the initial data (11). Assume the boundary data (67). Then the fast variables satisfy (0,f ) vk (1,f ) = pk =0 (68) in Ê(1) k . Thus, we obtain the inner terms v̂k(0) = vk∞ (z, 0), ρ̂k(1) = 0 = p̂k(1) . (69) The inner limit process of slightly compressible multiphase equations 2233 4.2.2 The Fast Transition-Layer Expansion We discuss the fast transition-layer extending through z = Ẑi(1) , i = k, k , which defines v̂k(0) , β̂k(1) , p̂k(1) , continuously in T̂i(1) . We substitute the fast transition-layer expansions (39) into the compressible equations (eq:comp-1-tran)–(eq:comp-3-tran) and equate powers of λ. Since λ is arbitrary, the coefficient of λn for each order n must vanish, defining differential equations for the fast transitional terms. We first determine (0,f t) in the expansions (3.14). We isolate the order the fast transitional limit solutions Uk λ terms in the interface and mass equation and the order λ3 terms in the momentum equation. Since the coefficients of λ and λ3 must vanish, the leading order terms satisfy the coupled ODEs (0,f t) ∂βk O(λ) : ∂τ O(λ) : (0,f t) βk + −V̂i(0) (0,f t) ∂ρk ∂τ + (0,f t) v(0,f t) +ρk µk O(λ ) : 3 (0,f t) for Uk v, p, (0,f t) (0,f t) ∂pk βk ∂ ζ̂i(1) +v ∗(0,f t) (0,f t) vk = 0, ∂ ζ̂i(1) ∂ρ (0,f t) (0,f t) − vk p(0,f t) + µk k (0,f t) + vk −V̂i(0) ∂β (0,f t) k ∂ ζ̂i(1) ∂β (0,f t) (0,f t) pk (0,f t) − pk (0,f t) (0,f t) (0,f t) ∂vk ρk + βk ∂ ζ̂i(1) = 0, k ∂ ζ̂i(1) (70) ∂β (0,f t) k ∂ ζ̂i(1) (71) =0 (72) (ζ̂i(1) , t) in the region (−1)i+1 Ẑi(1) ≤ (−1)i ζ̂i(1) ≤ 0. We note that for q = (0,f t) q(0,f t) µk = βk (0,f t) βk q∞ (0,f t) + d̂k βk . The matching conditions to O(1) are (0,f t) βk ζ̂i(1) = 0, τ = β̂k(0) Ẑi(1) , τ = δik , (0,f t) βk ζ̂i(1) = −Ẑi(1) , τ = β̂k(0) Ẑi(0) , τ = δik , (0,f t) (1) (0) (1) (0) ρk ζ̂i = −Ẑi , τ = ρ̂k Ẑi , τ = ρk∞ (0,f t) pk ζ̂i(1) = −Ẑi(1) , τ = p̂k(0) Ẑi(0) , τ = p(0) (0,f t) (73) (74) by use of (49). We note that the zero-th order terms v̂k(0) and vk are not discussed here. (0) We will see later that v̂k is coupled with the higher order term p̂k(1) and the boundary (0,f t) is found by matching in Sec. 4.2.4. data of v̂k(0) and vk 2234 Hyeonseong Jin Using (74), Eqs. (70)–(72) are solved as the following: Lemma 4.5. Assume (8), (15), (19), (23), and the initial data (11). Assume the boundary data (74). Then the fast transitional limit in the expansions (39) satisfies (0,f t) (1) (75) ζ̂i , τ = δik , βk (0,f t) ρk (76) ζ̂i(1) , τ = ρk∞ , (0,f t) pk (77) ζ̂i(1) , τ = p(0) , (0,f t) (0,f t) (0,f t) vk (78) ζ̂i(1) , τ = vk ζ̂i(1) = −Ẑi(1) , τ = vk ζ̂i(1) = 0, τ , where the universal constant p(0) = pk (ρk∞ ) and δik is the Kronecker symbol. (0,f t) (0,f t) Proof. We first solve Eq. (72) for pk by using Proposition 3.1 with qk(t) = pk and the boundary data (74). Then we obtain the solution (77). The equation of state (0,f t) implies (76). Substituting (76) into (71) and multiplying the equation by 1/ρk , it reduces to (0,f t) (0,f t) ∂vk ∂ ζ̂i(1) βk (0,f t) To decouple vk (0,f t) vk (0,f t) and βk v(0,f t) + µk (0,f t) vk (0,f t) − vk ∂β (0,f t) k ∂ ζ̂i(1) = 0. (0,f t) , we use Proposition 3.1 with qk(t) = vk (79) . Thus, µv(0,f t) (0,f t) (0,f t) (0,f t) (1) (1) (1) (−Ẑi , τ ) − βk (−Ẑi , τ ) ζ̂i , τ = k(0,f t) βk vk βk (0,f t) (0,f t) (0,f t) (1) (1) (−Ẑi , τ ) + d̂kv∞ βk (−Ẑi , τ ) vk + βk v(0,f t) (0,f t) (0,f t) (1) µk v∞ β (0,f t) v (0,f t) (−Ẑ (1) , τ ) v (− Ẑ , τ ) + 1 + d̂ −β k i i k k k k (0,f t) βk = µv(0,f t) v (0,f t) (−Ẑ (1) , τ ) + µv(0,f t) v (0,f t) (−Ẑ (1) , τ ) i i k k k k if i = k if i = k (80) by (74). Substituting (refeq:v(0,ft)-cal) into (70), we solve the quasilinear PDE for (0,f t) . The characteristic speed satisfies −V̂i(0) + v ∗(0,f t) . By the boundary condition βk (0,f t) (0,f t) is constant in space and time. Substitution of the βk into (74), the solution βk (0,f t) in (78 which is independent of space. (refeq:v(0,ft)-cal) implies the velocity vk (1,f t) Using (75)–(78), we now define the fast transitional variables Uk in the expansions (39). We isolate the order zero terms in the interface equation, the order zero terms and the order λ−1 terms in the continuity equation for i = k and i = k, and the order λ2 terms and the order λ terms in the momentum equation for i = k and i = k, The inner limit process of slightly compressible multiphase equations 2235 respectively. Since λ is arbitrary, the coefficients of λ2 , λ and λ−1 must vanish, leading to the equations (1,f t) ∂βk O(1) : ∂τ + (1,f t) ∂ρk O(1) : ∂τ O(λ−1 ) : O(λ2 ) : O(λ) : + −V̂i(1) −V̂i(1) +v ∗(1,f t) +v ∗(1,f t) ∂β (1,f t) k ∂ ζ̂i(1) = 0, (81) ∂ρ (1,f t) k ∂ ζ̂i(1) (1,f t) (1,f t) (0,f t) (0,f t) ∂βk ∞ ∂vk ∞ (82) +ρk + ρk vk − vk = 0, i = k , (1) (1) ∂ ζ̂i ∂ ζ̂i (1,f t) (1,f t) ∂ρ (1,f t) (1,f t) ∂ρk (1,f t) ∞ ∂vk (1) k ∗(1,f t) βk ρk + −V̂i + v + βk ∂τ ∂ ζ̂i(1) ∂ ζ̂i(1) (1,f t) (0,f t) (0,f t) ∂βk ∞ v(1,f t) − vk = 0, i = k, (83) +ρk µk vk ∂ ζ̂i(1) (1,f t) ∂pk = 0, i = k , (84) (1) ∂ ζ̂i (1,f t) (1,f t) ∂pk βk = 0, i = k (85) ∂ ζ̂i(1) (1,f t) (1,f t) (ζ̂i(1) , t) in (−1)i+1 Ẑi(1) ≤ (−1)i ζ̂i(1) ≤ 0. Here we may assume that βk for Uk is nontrivial. Solving (84) and (85), we obtain Lemma 4.6. Assume (8), (15), (19), (23), and the initial data (11). Then (1,f t) pk (1,f t) (ζ̂i(1) , τ ) = pk (1,f t) (ζ̂i(1) = −Ẑi(1,s) , τ ) = pk (0,f t) (ζ̂i(1) = 0, τ ). (86) (1,f t) From (78) and (86), the fast transitional terms vk and pk are constant in space (1) and depend on boundary data at the boundaries of the regions T̂i . By the matching (0,f t) and process in Sec. 4.2.4, the boundary data will be provided and therefore, vk (1,f t) (0,f t) (1,f t) (1,f t) will be determined completely. Using the vk and pk , the solution βk pk of (81)–(83) is found in Sec. 4.2.4. 4.2.3 The Inner Terms within the Mixing Zone We find the inner terms v̂k(0) , β̂k(1) , ρ̂k(1) , p̂k(1) in the mixing zone M̂. Using (49), we isolate the order zero terms in the interface and continuity equation and the order λ terms in the 2236 Hyeonseong Jin momentum equation, defining the equations (0) ∂ β̂k(1) ∗(0) ∂ β̂k O(1) : + v̂ = 0, (87) ∂τ ∂z (0) (1) (0) (0) v(0) (0) (0) ∂ β̂k (0) ∂ ρ̂k (0) (0) ∂ v̂k = 0, (88) + β̂k ρ̂k + ρ̂k µ̂k v̂k − v̂k O(1) : β̂k ∂z ∂τ ∂z ∂ β̂ (0) ∂ v̂ (0) ∂ p̂(1) p(0) k =0 (89) p̂k(1) − p̂k(1) O(λ) : β̂k(0) ρ̂k(0) k + β̂k(0) k + µ̂k ∂τ ∂z ∂z for v̂k(0) , β̂k(1) , ρ̂k(1) , p̂k(1) in M̂. Substitution of (51) into (87)-(89) reduces to the system (1,f ) (1,f ) ∂pk ∂τ (0,f ) for vk (0) ∂βk ∗(0,f ) ∂ β̂k +v = 0, ∂τ ∂z (0,f ) (0) ∂v (0,f ) (0,f ) ∂ β̂k − vk + ρk∞ ak2 k + ρk∞ ak2 fkv (z) vk = 0, ∂z ∂z (0,f ) (0,f ) p fk (z) (1,f ) ∂vk 1 ∂pk (1,f ) + ∞ + ∞ pk − pk =0 ∂τ ρk ∂z ρk . Here ak2 = c2 (ρk∞ ) and for q = í, p, q∞ q(0) (0) ∞ µ̂ µ ∂ β̂ ∂β q∞ q q k k k = (z, 0) = −dk (0)fk (z). fk (z) ≡ k(0) ∞ ∂z ∂z β β̂ k (1,f ) , βk (90) (91) (92) (1,f ) and pk (93) k (0,f ) vk (1,f ) and pk satisfy a subsystem of hyperbolic PDEs which are linObserve that (1,f ) (0,f ) depends on the solution vk . The initial earized compressible equations while βk condition (11) implies the trivial initial data (1,f ) βk (0,f ) (z, 0) = vk (1,f ) (z, 0) = pk (z, 0) = 0 (94) (1,f ) for the fast variables. We prove that this initialization suppresses the fast variables βk , (0,f ) (1,f ) and pk . In this section, we assume the boundary data vk = p̂k(1) + (−1)k ρk∞ ak v̂k(0) Ẑk(1) (95) p̂k(1) + (−1)k ρk∞ ak v̂k(0) Ẑk(0) ,τ ,τ , v̂k(0) Ẑk(0) , τ = v̂k(0) Ẑk(1) = V̂k(0) . (96) ,τ These data will be shown later by matching in Sec. 4.2.4. We see from (19) and (51) that the conditions (95), (96) are equivalent to the boundary data (1,f ) (0,f ) (1,f ) (0,f ) (1) k ∞ pk Ẑ + (−1)k ρk∞ ak vk , τ = p + (−1) ρ a v , τ = 0, Ẑk(0) k k k k k (0,f ) vk (0,f ) Ẑk(0) , τ = vk Ẑk(1) , τ = 0. (97) (98) The inner limit process of slightly compressible multiphase equations (1,f ) 2237 (0,f ) Let us first solve the IBVP (91), (92), (94), (97), (98) for pk and vk in M̂ by using the method of characteristics and by applying a Picard iteration. We can write (91), (92) (1,f ) (0,f ) (1,f ) (0,f ) for unknown column vector u(1,f ) = (p1 , v1 , p2 , v2 )t in the form ∂u(1,f ) ∂u(1,f ) + A0 + B 0 (z)u(1,f ) = 0 ∂τ ∂z (99) where A0k was defined in (58), 0 0 A1 0 B1 −B10 0 ρk∞ ak2 fkv (z) 0 0 0 A = , Bk (z) = , B (z) = . p −fk (z)/ρk∞ 0 −B20 B20 0 A02 (100) The constant coefficient matrix A0 has four distinct eigenvalues ±a1 , ±a2 . The nonsingular matrix 0 whose column vectors consist of linearly independent eigenvector of A0 has the form 0 0 1 0 = , (101) 0 20 where k0 was given in (60) and it satisfies A0 0 = 0 0 , 0 = 01 0 0 02 (102) with the diagonal matrix 0k defined in (63), whose diagonal entries are eigenvalues of A0 . The characteristics curves Ck,i , i = 1, 2, satisfy (61) and therefore, the backward characteristics Ck,i , i = 1, 2 through a point (z, τ ) have the equations (62). Introducing a new unknown vector U (1,f ) ≡ ( 0 )−1 u(1,f ) , we find that U (1,f ) satisfies semilinear hyperbolic system ∂U (1,f ) ∂U (1,f ) (0) + 0 + B (z)U (1,f ) = 0 ∂τ ∂z (103) with the initial condition U (1,f ) (z, 0) = 0. (104) (Ẑ2(0) , τ ) = U1,1 (Ẑ2(1) , τ ) = 0, (1,f ) (0,f ) (1,f ) (1,f ) U2 (Ẑ1(0) , τ ) = U1 + 2ρ1∞ a1 v1 (Ẑ1(0) , τ ) = U1 (Ẑ1(0) , τ ), (1,f ) (1,f ) (0,f ) (1,f ) (0) ∞ U3 (Ẑ2 , τ ) = U3 − 2ρ2 a2 v2 (Ẑ2(0) , τ ) = U4 (Ẑ2(0) , τ ), (105) and the boundary data (1,f ) U1 (1,f ) U4 (1,f ) (1,f ) (Ẑ1(0) , τ ) = U2,2 (Ẑ1(1) , τ ) = 0 (106) (107) (108) 2238 Hyeonseong Jin in M̂. Here B (1,f ) (0) = ( 0 )−1 B 0 0 , Uj (1,f ) denotes the j −th component of the vector (1,f ) Uk,k and was given in (65) By the method of characteristics, the IBVP for U (1,f ) is solved implicitly. In this case a Picard iteration converges to a solution in closed form. U Proposition 4.7. Assume (8), (15), (19), (23), and the initial data (11). Assume the boundary data (95) and (96). Then the fast variables are (0,f ) vk (1,f ) = pk = 0, (109) p̂k(1) = 0. (110) in M̂. Thus the inner terms satisfy v̂k(0) = vk∞ (z, 0), Proof. We solve the IBVP (103)-(108) for U (1,f ) in M̂. By the method of characteristics, the solution is determined implicitly, (1,f ) Uj =− τ 4 0 k=1 (1,f ) 0 αi,l (s, z, τ ), s ds, j = 1, 2, 3, 4. B j,k αi,l (s, z, τ ) Uk (111) Here denotes the (j, k) component of the matrix B , αi,l (s, z, τ ) was defined in (62) and (i, l) = (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2) corresponding to j = 1, 2, 3, 4. Notice that there is no contribution of the initial data (eq:sys-initial). The solution (111) can be written symbolically as (112) U (1,f ) = SU (1,f ) 0 B j,k 0 Here S is the integral operator taking a vector U (1,f ) into a vector SU (1,f ) and the j −th component of SU (1,f ) . Using the process of a Picard iteration U (1,f )[m+1] = SU (1,f )[m] , m ≥ 0, U (1,f )[0] = U (1,f ) (z, 0) = 0, (113) (114) we obtain the explicit solution U (1,f ) = ∞ U (1,f )[m] = 0. (115) m=0 Therefore the fast variables satisfy u(1,f ) = 0 U (1,f ) = 0. (1,f ) under the initial data (94). Thus the inner Using (109), Eq. (90) is solved for βk (1) term β̂k is determined in closed form. We note that v̂ ∗(0) = v ∗∞ (z, 0) from (49), (110). The inner limit process of slightly compressible multiphase equations 2239 Proposition 4.8. Assume (8), (15), (19), (23), and the initial data (11). Assume the boundary data (95) and (96). We obtain the fast variable (1,f ) βk = 0, (116) and therefore, the inner term satisfies β̂k(1) = βk∞ (z, 0) + τ 4.2.4 ∂βk∞ (z, 0) ∂t in M̂. (117) Matching Process We match the inner asymptotic in the exterior domain with the outer edge of the fast transition layer and we match the inner edge of the fast transition layer with the edge of the incompressible mixing zone M̂. The matching conditions determine the unknown boundary data of the inner terms in the exterior and the incompressible mixing zone and the fast transition-layer variables. The matching conditions to O(λ−1 ) for βk and pk and to O(1) for vk are (1,f t) (118) ζ̂i(1) = 0, τ = β̂k(1) Ẑi(1) , τ = 0, βk (0,f t) vk (119) ζ̂i(1) = 0, τ = v̂k(0) Ẑi(1) , τ = δik V̂k(0) , (1,f t) pk ζ̂i(1) = 0, τ = p̂k(1) Ẑi(1) , τ = 0, (120) (1,f t) βk (121) ζ̂i(1) = −Ẑi(1) , τ = β̂k(1) Ẑi(0) , τ , (0,f t) vk (122) ζ̂i(1) = −Ẑi(1) , τ = v̂k(0) Ẑi(0) , τ , (1,f t) pk (123) ζ̂i(1) = −Ẑi(1) , τ = p̂k(1) Ẑi(0) , τ . The conditions (118)–(120) match the inner limit expansions in the exterior domain and fast transition-layer expansions while (121)–(123) match the inner limit expansions in the mixing zone M̂ and the fast transition-layer expansions. These matching conditions give boundary data for the inner terms β̂k(1) , v̂k(0) , p̂k(1) and fast transition-layer variables (1,f t) (0,f t) (1,f t) , vk , pk . Using (78), (119) and (122), we obtain the boundary condition βk (0,f t) ζ̂i(1) = −Ẑi(1) , τ v̂k(0) Ẑi(0) , τ = vk (0,f t) (1) (0) (1) = vk (124) ζ̂i = 0, τ = v̂k Ẑi , τ = δik V̂k(0) . Also, (1,f t) (1,f t) ζ̂i(1) = −Ẑi(1) , τ = pk ζ̂i(1) = 0, τ = p̂k(1) Ẑi(1) , τ p̂k(1) Ẑi(0) , τ = pk (125) 2240 Hyeonseong Jin by use of (86), (120) and (123). Therefore the boundary data (95) and (96) are proved. So we can use Proposition 4.7 to evaluate v̂k(0) , p̂k(1) in M̂. Then the boundary data satisfy (0) (0) v̂k(0) Ẑk(1) , τ = vk∞ Zk∞ (0), 0 = 0, (126) , τ = v̂ Ẑ k k p̂k(1) Ẑi(1) , τ = p̂k(1) Ẑi(0) , τ = 0. (127) (0,f t) (1,f t) and pk These boundary data determine the fast transitional variables vk (1,f t) (1) (1) (ζ̂i , τ ). pletely in T̂i . Using (121) and (116), we solve Eq. (83) for βk com- Proposition 4.9. Assume (8), (15), (19), (23), and the initial data (11). Assume (118)– (123). Then the fast transitional variables are (0,f t) (ζ̂i(1) , τ ) = δik V̂k(0) , (128) (1,f t) (ζ̂i(1) , τ ) = 0, (129) vk pk (1,f t) βk (ζ̂i(1) , τ ) = ∞ (1) ∂βk ζ̂i (Zi∞ (0) + (−1)i+1 0, 0). ∂z (130) Proof. Since v ∗(0,f t) = V̂i(0) , Eq. (83) reduces to (1,f t) ∂βk ∂τ =0 (131) in (−1)i+1 Ẑi(1) ≤ (−1)i ζ̂i(1) ≤ 0. Using (121) and (116), evaluation of the boundary data yields ∂β ∞ (1,f t) ζ̂i(1) = −Ẑi(1) , τ = β̂k(1) Ẑi(0) , τ = −τ V̂i(0) k (Zi∞ (0) + (−1)i+1 0, 0) βk ∂z ∞ ∂β = −Ẑi(1) k (Zi∞ (0) + (−1)i+1 0, 0). ∂z (132) (1,f t) Therefore the solution βk satisfies (130). Proposition 4.3 is proved by summarizing Propositions 4.7-4.9 that determine the inner terms β̂k(1) , v̂k(0) , p̂k(1) uniformly in space. The proof of Theorem 4.1 is complete from Propositions 4.2 and 4.3. Thus the inner limit expansions of βk and pk up to O(λ−1 ) and of vk up to O(1) are nonoscillatory and depend on the initial data only. References [1] W. Bo, H. Jin, D. Kim, X. Liu, H. Lee, N. Pestieau, Y. Yan, J. 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