User Manuals

Directorate B - Health systems and products
B4 - Medical Products : quality, safety, innovation
EU Coding Platform
User Manual
SEC LookUp
Version 1.0
EU Coding platform – SEC Lookup
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SEC LookUp
The Single European Code (SEC) is a standard fixed length alphanumeric code
comprising information concerning the donation (Donation Identification Sequence) and
the tissue or cell product (Product Identification Sequence). DI and PI SEC left menu link
stands for Donor Identification and Product Identification within Single European Code.
The format of the SEC has been established by the tissue and cell Competent Authorities
together with the European Commission. The structure comprises two elements, the first
containing donation specific information (a tissue establishment code, which is composed
of the ISO Country code and a tissue establishment identifier code, and a unique donation
number) and the second containing product specific information (coding system, product
code, split number and expiry date). Details of field lengths and character types are as
Donation Identification Sequence (SEC DI)
ISO Country Code
2 characters
TE Code
TE number
6 characters
Unique Donation Number
13 characters
Product Identification Sequence (SEC PI)
Product Coding
System Identifier
1 character
Product Number
Split Number
Expiry Date
7 characters
3 characters
8 characters
In the main page there are 3 options on how to search for a code/product.
The first tab is for searching with the full code consisted of DI and PI sequences and
search for full Tissue Establishment and Product Information details.
The second and third tabs are for searching with only Donor Identification Sequence or
Product Identification Sequence respectively.
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If a tissue establishment in Belgium is assigned a TE identifier code by its CA of “A317”,
then in the SEC the ISO Country Code will be “BE” and the TE number “00A317”. If
that facility assigns a donation number of “491276” to a donation event, then all tissue
or cell products prepared by the TE from that donation will be labelled with the following
donation identification sequence as part of the SEC: “BE00A3170000000491276”.
Once specified e.g. DI sequence
the user will obtain the full information based on the provided string about the TE and its
authorization status.
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If you provide only Product Identification Sequence, the searching result will be the
Product, coding system and product category details.
- A product identified using ISBT 128 (coding system “A”) with an ISBT 128 product
code of S1012 would have the first eight characters of the product identification sequence
of the SEC as “A00S1012”. - A product identified as “Glycerolised Skin” which maps to
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the EUTC system (coding system “E”) code of “Skin, Full” with EUTC number 62 (see
also 4.1. Structure of the Product Compendium) would have the first eight characters of
the product identification element of the SEC as “E0000062”.
In following example the full DI and PI SEC code has been provided. This will show the
full information about the TE, DI, PI, authorization status etc.
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From the left side menu you can also download a Sample SEC maker file:
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The purpose of this excel file is to show how the SEC is made.
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In the previous version in the next left menu option in LookUp module was a link to
Tissue Establishments Search. This has now been moved under Compendia section.
However the both user manuals are explaining this section:
A click on this option will show all the Tissue Establishment currently operating in EU.
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There are several search and filter criteria. You can search against EU TE Code, TE
Name, City, Country or anything via Global Search. You can also combine the Global
Search with other filters.
Once filtered you can also export TE list into several export formats. Currently available
export formats are .XLS, .PDF, .XML, .CSV.
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Again, any result from combined search can be exported in various formats.
After clicking on EU TE Code or TE Name, user will be presented with the Authorization
status of the selected Tissue Establishment see below.
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To get back to TE List, click on Overview Tissue Establishments link. Do not click on
browser button Back.
Sometimes the color, labels, headers and names of the fields in applications and this
manual might be slightly different, but the meaning and the functionality stays the same
as described in this manual.
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