Guide - uceap

Bologna Guide
University of California
Centro Studi di Bologna
Via Grimaldi 3 I-40122 Bologna
tel./fax +39 051.231405
[email protected]
Map and Introduction.......................... 3
Suggestions for Housing ..................... 4
Documents ............................................. 4
Permesso di Soggiorno
Codice Fiscale
Banking ................................................... 5
Emergency Information ....................... 5
Safety ...................................................... 6
General Guidelines
Dealing with Theft
Dealing with Political Uncertainty
Medical Care .......................................... 7
List of Doctors
Transportation ....................................... 8
Rental Car
Communications ................................... 11
Sending Mail
Courier Services
Receiving Mail
E-mail and Internet
Shopping ................................................ 14
Store Hours
Fresh Food Markets
Bread Stores
Pastry Shops
Butcher Shops
Specialty Foodstuffs
Other Stores ........................................... 16
Travel Agencies
Stationery Stores
Photocopy Centers
Department Stores
Laundry/Dry Cleaners
Outdoor Markets (nonfood)
Furniture Stores
Hairdressers/Barbers/Beauty Salons
Tobacco Stores
Dining Out ............................................. 18
The Basics
Italian Restaurants
Ethnic Restaurants
Discotheques /Clubs
Jazz clubs
Sports ...................................................... 22
Canoeing & Rafting
Skiing (Downhill & Cross Country)
Spectator Sports
Art & Music ........................................... 24
Art Museums
Student & Cultural Organizations….25
Places of Worship ................................. 26
Hotels & Visitors .................................. 26-28
A brief orientation to the historic center
Old Bologna is surrounded by a ring-road which traces the old city wall. In fact, the old gateways are
mostly still intact (see the various porte on the map, e.g., Porta Saragozza, Porta Lame …). This road
changes names as it circles around the centro storico but is distinguished from others not only by its shape
but also because it is a viale (bigger street) and is often referred to simply as i viali. Piazza Maggiore, in the
very center of the historic center, is also the heartbeat of Bologna (the tourist office--with much better
maps—is also located here). The university buildings are found throughout the center but concentrate
along Via Zamboni.
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Suggestions for Housing
Housing in Bologna is very competitive because the city is home to 100,000 students. However since
most Italian students arrive in Bologna toward the end of September, UCEAP students have an early
advantage. For this reason, we work with you from your arrival to try to find housing.
One source for housing is through the returning UC students. We begin asking them about their housing
situations in May and whether their accommodations are available and suitable for a new student. If so,
we e-mail our incoming students the contact information (either the returning student or a contact
person at the apartment that student has indicated) so that those interested may make further
During orientation, specific sessions are dedicated to housing strategies and resources. Contracts,
housing vocabulary, ads, and resources are all addressed. The most common approach for students in
Bologna to find housing is to post and respond to ads online on one of the many housing websites (see
list below). Students also make small paper ads to post around the city for a room to rent or share in an
apartment with other students. Additionally, those with rooms or apartments to offer will post ads. Ads
are posted anywhere and everywhere possible, usually secured by tape (“scotch”) including lamp posts,
street signs, and on bulletin boards in various University of Bologna buildings. Critical in this process is
having a cell phone in order to be easily reached by those responding to your ad. These housing
arrangements are often not contractual but we strongly encourage all students to get the agreement in
writing nonetheless so that issues such as utilities and length of stay are clear to all involved. You can
request a sample contract from the Study Center along with a guide (in Italian) about housing in
Useful websites for House Hunting: ,,,,,, , and
There are also numerous facebook groups, such as
-Rooms / housing / affitti Affittasi Bologna by
-Affittasi!!!!!!!!! Offro/cerco casa a BOLOGNA (
La Bussola in Via Zamboni 62/B (051. 254423) provides free housing services to foreign students. They
have a vast database of postings. Please note that the Bussola Office is generally closed the first three
weeks of August for summer vacation. Once you have registered with SAIS you will receive a Student
Detail number which can use to check their website at for postings.
There are apartment hunting agencies, but these charge hefty fees and you are required to sign a lease
(which may run for a full year, making you responsible for finding a replacement for the last few months
when you may not be here).
Finally, every year we get inquiries from families looking for someone to live with them and provide
English conversation to their children. Each situation is unique in terms of your room, number of
children, etc. We distribute this information by e-mail. If you are interested in this housing possibility,
please contact the Study Center ASAP.
Permesso di Soggiorno. At the new student orientation session, the first and most urgent formality we
address is applying for your permesso di soggiorno (residence permit). This requires filling out an
application (with which we help you) and photocopying your passports. You will be assigned a time to
meet at the post office during orientation for turning in your application and supporting documents and
at the questura (police office) for fingerprinting. The permesso di soggiorno takes a minimum of 3 weeks
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
to process. In Italy you are required to carry your permesso di soggiorno with you at all times. We
advise you to carry a photocopy of it instead (which we can make for you) and keep the original at the
Study Center for safekeeping (you are allowed 2 days to produce the original).
-UCEAP Participation Letter (usually stamped by the Italian Consulate)
-Italian Consulate letter regarding UCEAP Health Insurance (if you receive one, these are given to
students at the discretion of the Consulate)
-University of Bologna Acceptance Letter (usually stamped on back by the Italian Consulate)
-Passport. You are also required to carry your passport with you, but again, we suggest carrying a
photocopy. Should you lose it, you will need to visit the American Consulate in Florence (Lungarno
Vespucci 38; landline 055.266.951) and take along a copy of the police report, 2 passport-sized photos,
and approximately US $135 (or equivilent in euro; forms of payment: cash/credit card/money order).
Consulate hours are 9:00-12:30 Monday through Friday or by appointment, visit the website at (see American Citizen Services)
-Codice Fiscale. Some apartment agencies or work positions require that you have a codice fiscale (Italian
social security number). The codice fiscale is a 16-character alphanumeric code composed of a
combination of your initials, d.o.b., and country of birth code. The University of Bologna student ID card
(which you will receive during orientation) lists your codice fiscale along with your name and student ID
number. However, in some cases you may be required to prove that you have applied for an official
codice fiscale. In this case you will need to go to a Ufficio Entrate with your passport and your permesso di
soggiorno. There you will be issued a codice fiscale. To find the Ufficio Entrate nearest you, see the Ufficio
Entrate website (or ask for info at the Study Center):
Banks are generally open Monday - Friday from 8:20 am to 13:20 pm and from 13:30/13:45 - 15:30/15:45
pm. The most convenient way to retrieve money from your home bank account is by using one of the
many Bancomats, or ATMs, scattered throughout the city. Many of the larger American networks (PLUS,
CIRRUS) are available, but not all are located at the same machine. Look around for the network signs
on each bancomat. Because most banks charge a service fee of at least a few dollars for each ATM
transaction, it makes sense to withdraw the largest amount available (approx. 250 euro) at a time rather
than more frequent withdrawals of lesser amounts. Shop around before departure to find a bank that
offers reimbursement for ATM withdrawals abroad. Current students suggest opening a“High Yield
Investor Checking Account”with Charles Schwab, which allows for unlimited reimbursement of ATM
withdrawal fees abroad and no minimum balance. Other students suggested Capital One. Generally UC
students have not opened personal bank accounts in Italy due to high fees connected to opening,
mantaining, and closing the account. However, some banks now offer special terms of agreement for
students with very low fees (no charge for withdrawals at the bancomats) and better access to your
money. Please contact the Study Center for more information . Personal checks are seldom used in Italy
and never sent through the mail. Bills are paid in cash at the post office, through bank transfer, by credit
card, and sometimes at tabaccherie and supermarkets.
If you lose your ATM card, notify the issuing bank immediately. It is a good idea to have a backup card
(either here or with a parent) or credit card with cash advance service so that you aren’t without money.
US banks as a general rule will not send a new ATM card by express mail to a foreign address, but make
sure to ask when you call to notify your bank of lost card. Since standard mail is often slow, it can take a
few weeks to receive a card, creating financial hardship. In this case we suggest you have the card
mailed to your U.S. home address, then sent by courier to the Study Center. Make sure that you have
any codes necessary for blocking your ATM and credit cards. (See section on Dealing with Theft for more
on missing credit and atm cards).
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Emergency Information
In case of emergency, dial 113 and ask for the appropriate service: ambulanza (ambulance);
polizia/carabinieri (police); vigili del fuoco (fire department).
OR, you may dial for direct emergency service:
113 polizia
112 carabinieri
115 vigili del fuoco
118 ambulanza
803.116 Automobile Club d'Italia (car breakdowns)
800-250101 gas or water problems.
803 500 (enel), 800.999.500 (hera) for electricity
By American standards, a city Bologna's size is a safe place to live and study. That said, there has been
an increase in petty theft in the past few years and you should be aware of your belongings at all times.
Last year several students discovered wallets missing from zippered backpacks or bags, and cellphones
were stolen from pockets and out of hands.
General guidelines:
• Use common sense when walking around the city, especially in the evening. Be aware of your
surroundings and do not venture where you do not feel comfortable. Parts of Bologna to avoid,
especially at night, are Piazza XX Settembre and the areas around the train station, Parco
Montagnola, and the Zona Fiera.
Be particularly careful on crowded buses and bus stops, and in the markets, as these are prime
locations for pickpocketing. It is best to carry your documents, money and cellphone on you rather
than in a bookbag or purse. If, for some reason, you have a lot of money on you, put it in a few
different places so that if you do get pick-pocketed at least you won’t lose everything.
Keep your cellphone easily accessible but don't hold it too obviously - there has been an increase in
thefts of iPhones and other smartphones.
Always carry the Emergency Contact Card with you -it is also a good idea to save the emergency
contact numbers (study center numbers, police, and credit card numbers) in your cell phone
Try to walk in groups at night or, if walking alone, try to walk in well-lit areas and avoid open spaces
such as parks or parking lots. Do not retrieve money alone from a bancomat at night.
To avoid having to walk alone at night, always carry enough money for a taxi ride home. Taxi
stands are located at several key points around town, including Piazza Maggiore. Taxi phone
numbers are: 051.372727 or 051.534141 or. Hitch-hiking is strongly discouraged.
Dealing with Theft. If your wallet, cellphone or any other personal items are stolen you should
immediately do the following:
Cancel all check cards, credit cards, etc. immediately.
Credit Card numbers (check also the "polizia di stato" website:
American Express: 06 72900347 - Abroad 800 26392279
MasterCard: 800 870 866
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Visa: 800 819 014
Cartasì: 800 0151616
Bank Americard (Visa): 800.821001
ATM check cards:
Wells Fargo (Italy) 800.874531 (from landline), 800 761666 (cellphone), 800.876574 (payphone)
Bank of America/Nations Bank (U.S.) 001.880.6228731
Washington Mutual (U.S.) 001.880.788.7000
If your cellphone is stolen, call your service provider (Vodafone, Tim, Wind, 3) to block any outgoing
calls from your number. You can also maintain the same number even if your phone was stolen- just
ask the provider!
Go to the questura's Ufficio Denuncia and file a denuncia (report) immediately. The Ufficio Denuncia is
located in Via degli Agresti (off of Piazza Galileo) near Piazza Maggiore. You will need to make a list
of everything that was in your wallet/purse. An English denuncia form is available. If your wallet or
any of the items is found, you will be contacted by the questura.
If your University of Bologna plastic ID card is lost or stolen, you can get a new one at the Ufficio
Relazioni Internazionali in Palazzina della Viola, Via Filippo Re, 4 but will need to show the denuncia.
Your UCEAP insurance policy covers theft/loss of personal belongings. For details see the website
or ask the Study Center for more information.
Dealing with Periods of Political Uncertainty. After the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the war in Iraq and
Afghanistan, we have put into place various contingency plans for our students' safety. Soon after your
arrival we will give you a small emergency contact card to keep with you. This lists important phone
numbers. We ask that you keep your cell phone charged (both battery and money-wise) at all times as
this is the most efficient, and indeed possibly the only, way we can reach you. Make sure to inform the
study center if you change your phone number- although we prefer that you keep the same number! If
your phone is lost/stolen/you change carriers, you can usually keep your original phone number!
Finally, we recommend that you not congregate in large groups, speak English loudly, or otherwise
draw attention to yourselves as Americans.
Medical Care
Emergency Care: Local hospitals with 24-hour emergency rooms (Pronto Soccorso) are:
Ospedale Sant'Orsola (outside Porta San Vitale at Via Albertoni 15)
Ospedale Maggiore (on Largo Nigrisoli 2 off Via Saffi outside Porta San Felice)
Istituto Rizzoli (on the hills just above Porta S. Mamolo at Via Pupilli 1) for orthopedic emergencies
(sprains, broken bones, etc.)
General Care: Non-emergency medical care is generally obtained from a private doctor. Doctors and
specialists indicate their offices with signs marked Ambulatorio. They have office hours, and it is best to
call ahead for an appointment. Fees range from 30 euros upwards; for specialists fees can vary from
approximately 100-150 euro. Dentists’ fees for filling a cavity can also vary from 75 to 100 euro.
Insurance. The UCEAP Insurance coverage is explained in a booklet produced by the provider, Mercer
(ACE), and on the UCEAP website. It's a good idea to read this over with your family to understand
your coverage. Any questions you might have you can direct to the UCEAP contact person at the
insurance company (Alex Zeron, [email protected]). Note that dental insurance is only for repair
due to injury to a healthy, natural tooth or extreme pain. Most medical care here has to be paid out of
pocket. You then send in the insurance form (we have these in the office or you can download it from the
UCEAP website) along with any receipts for medicine, etc., to the insurance company for
reimbursement, making copies for your records. This can be done electronically by sending scanned docs
to [email protected]. Reimbursement should be sent to a domestic US address since you won't be able
to cash a US bank check in Italy. You can indicate this on the insurance form.
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Farmacia (Pharmacies). You can fill prescriptions here (ONLY those written by an Italian doctor) and
purchase aspirin, cough drops, band-aids, cold medicine and so forth. On Saturdays, Sundays, and
official holidays, one pharmacy in each area remains open. Information should be posted on the door of
your local neighborhood pharmacy indicating where to go during these days.
The Farmacia Comunale in Piazza Maggiore is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the pharmacy
within the main train station is also open longer hours.
The following are medical professionals we have worked with and can recommend personally. In
addition, word of mouth is an excellent way to find a good doctor. Don’t be afraid to ask around!
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
General Practitioner:
Dr. Stephen J. Williams, M.D. (American)
Via Barberia, 2
Cell: 347.8164535
Home/Office: 051.332204
Dott. Stefania Tabanelli (speaks English)
Via Libia, 20/6
Tel. 051.392314
Cobe Dental (2 Americans & 2 American-trained
Via Bazzanese 32/4 (Casalecchio di Reno)
(*10% discount for UC students)
Dr. Marina Anselmi
Via Marconi, 3
Dr. Leda Bertocchi
Via D’Azeglio, 63
Tel. 051.580901
Dr. Elisabetta Guermandi
via Podgora, 1
Dr. Liviani Gammi
Via Frassinago, 4/2
Dr. Stefano Valbonesi )
Studio Associato Nove Archi
Via Irnerio, 41
051 421 24 11
Dr. Nicola Venturo
Via Oberdan, 7
Dr. Giovanni Mori
Via E. Ponente, 127
Tel. 051.383363
Dr. M. Biondi
Via Zamboni, 8
Centro Dermatologico (Prof. Negosanti)
viale Ercolani, 8
Dr. Paul Caruso
Parco dei Cedri
Tel. 051.466987
Dr. Jon Cory (American)
Piazza dei Martiri 1943 - 1945, 1
Tel. 051.223984
Physical Therapist:
Marco Orsi
via Emilia Ponente, 34
Dipartimento Odontomastologia
(Univ. of Bologna-provides discount for registered
Via San Vitale 59 8.30-12.30
051 20 88111 Dental Emergency Clinic
Istituto Beretta
Largo Nigrisoli, 2
+39 051 3172721/ +39 051 6478111
Linda Moffa (American)- counselor
Via Massarenti, 61
Tel. 338.2735697
[email protected]
Virna Degli Esposti - Psychologist (speaks English)
393 9516644
Mary Ann Santoro Bellini (American)- psychologist
International Counseling Services
Lungarno Cellini 25, Firenze
Tel. 055.680721 or 339.5705988
Francesco Berti Ceroni- psychologist
Mood -Viale Aldini 222/4
Tel. 051.6447480
Dr. Sergio Cascione
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Poliambulatorio San Camillo
Via Marconi,44
Sandra Tonelli
Piazza San Francesco, 2
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Bus. You must have a ticket to ride the bus! Inspectors do come on and check passengers for tickets, and
they will fine you 65-87 euro if you do not have a properly validated ticket. A regular bus ticket costs
1,30 euro, 1.50 euro if you buy it on the bus. A daily ticket, good for 24 hours, costs 5 euro. A "city pass,"
good for 10 rides, costs 12 euro. A monthly pass for anyone under 27 costs 27 euro. Validate this once, at
the first of the month, and then carry it with you.
Tickets can be purchased on most buses from the red automatic vending machine (these accept 50 cent
or 1 euro coins). You can also buy them at any tabaccheria store (marked by a white “T” on a blue or black
background), at bars and newstands which display the Tper (local bus company) sign, at automatic
vending machines at major bus stops, or in Tper offices (one near the taxi stand at the train station, one
near Piazza Maggiore on Via IV Novembre, and booths on the corner of Via Marconi at Via Lame, and
Via Rizzoli at Piazza Maggiore). The daily and city pass can be purchased at most tabaccherie.
When you board the bus, validate your ticket in one of the yellow machines located at both the front and
rear. This original stamp is good for an hour (70 minutes after 8:30 pm) on any bus, so you need not
stamp the ticket again if you transfer to a new bus. Not the same goes for the city pass, that you must
stamp again everytime you transfer to a new bus. You can also use the city pass for more than one
person for the same trip. In other words, if there are 8 of you, you can stamp the ticket 8 times.
Most buses run until 12:30 am but some bus lines stop at 8:30 pm. There are also a few lines which run
after 12.30 am. Be sure to check the schedules, which are posted at most bus stops and online at
There is a separate bus service for the suburbs and other parts of Italy called the linee azzurre or “blue
lines.” The monthly student discount pass is not valid on these lines. Information and timetables are
available on the Tper website.
Airport Shuttle. There is also an airport shuttle called the "BLQ Aerobus" that runs on a regular schedule
with stops along Via Ugo Bassi, Indipendenza, and at the train station. Cost is 6 euro and tickets can be
bought on board. They generally run daily every 10-15 minutes. For exact stops and times, check the
website, or call Aerobus at
Taxi. To call a taxi, dial one of the two taxi collectives at or for which there is a
surcharge. It is less expensive to go to a taxi stand, these are locatedthroughout the city (including the
train station and Piazza Maggiore). Taxis typically cannot be hailed on the street. You should be aware
that there are surcharges on luggage, Sundays and holidays, and certain hours at night. Drivers are not
usually tipped.
A trip from the train station to the Study Center will cost approximately 5,00 euro. A trip to the airport
will cost roughly 20 euro.
Taxi Rosa is a taxi discount for women taking a cab at night. The 3-euro discount applies between 10
p.m. and 6 a.m.with the Taxi Rosa coupon and is only applicable for women travelling alone or with
other women. Women can pick up a 4-coupon packet at the URP office, Piazza Maggiore, 6.
Group Taxi For groups of three to four people travelling to a single destination within the city limits, or to
the airport, you may request a group rate (“servizio taxi collettivo”). The reduced fare is divided in thirds
and each passenger is required to pay the price that appears on the meter.
There is also an Airport Shuttle, see above.
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Bicycle. Probably the most convenient way to travel in Bologna is by bicycle. Just be careful in traffic!
Find used bicycles in bicycle repair shops (including in Via delle Tovaglie, Strada Maggiore, Via Santo
Stefano, Via Massarenti, Via Sant' Isaia, Via Miramonte, Ciclista Piazza Grande under the Via Libia
overpass- 'Ponte Libia' (333-2800909), for approximately 20-50 euro. The questura also auctions used
bikes a few times during the year at the train station and look out for posters for L'Asta di Bici in Piazza
Puntoni/Piazza Maggiore, which takes place a few times a year and auctions used bikes for 15 euros. ( It
is worth going even just to watch as it is an interesting experience with bikes being sold to those wearing
the best costumes/attracting the most attention!) It's a better idea to buy a used bike to reduce the
possibility of theft. DO NOT buy bicycles from street vendors in Piazza Verdi, as they are stolen. DO
buy a strong lock and chain ( a 'U-lock' or 'kryptonite' lock is a good idea) and ALWAYS lock your bike,
and front wheel, to something stationary. Bike theft is especially high during the fall when new students
arrive and in spring when the weather gets nicer!
Train. There are three main types of trains in Italy: Regionale Veloce/Interegionale, Intercity and
Eurostar. Regionale Veloce/Interegionale trains are the cheapest, and slowest and Eurostar (and now the
Freccia Rossa/Bianca/Argento and Alta Velocità) the fastest, and most expensive. The most convenient way
to check train schedules and other train information is by checking the website for Ferrovia dello Stato
(“FS”) at Make sure to look for deals, a limited amount of significantly cheaper
tickets are sold ahead of time. For info see the Offerte/Servizi-Prezzi Speciali section of the site.
Complete schedules are also posted at the train station , and a list of departures from Bologna is posted
in front of URP next to the Farmacia Comunale in Piazza Maggiore.
Another option for travelling is the private high speed train line Italo which has great deals, in particular
to Milan, Rome, Venice, Florence and Salerno. Tickets are sold at the station or online at
BE AWARE that Trenitalia Freccia trains and some Italo trains now leave and arrive at the new
highspeed train station, which is an underground "continuation" of the regular station. To exit the station
in the city center, follow the signs for Centro città and Piazza Medaglie d'Oro.
Remember to validate your Regionale Veloce/Interegionale and Intercity train tickets in the yellow
boxes located en route to the platforms prior to boarding, both going and returning, or you will be fined.
For most Eurostar tickets no validation is required, and ticketless travel is now available by showing the
PNR code to the conductor when he checks tickets.
If your Eurostar (ES) train is more than 25 minutes late (or does not have functioning air conditioning),
you can request a credit towards your next trip online under Informazioni-Acquisti Online-Indennità per
Ritardo at the Eurostar office in the train station.. You will need to fill out a claim form and submit it
with your original train ticket or PNR code.
If you plan on travelling by train often, you should look into getting a Carta Verde Valid for travellers up
to 26 years old, it entitles the holder to a 10% discount on all regular train tickets/25% discount on
European train tickets. You can buy the card, valid for one year, for €40 at the station or in a travel
agency. Always carry your Carta Verde with you on trips as the ticket checker can request to see it with
proof of ID. The FS offers many other types of discounts and promotional programs. Check the website
(click on 'Promozioni e Offerte'), or an FS brochure or timetable booklet for more information.
Rental Car Agencies in Bologna. Please note that a current US driver's license is valid here for one year.
Aeroporto G. Marconi
Aeroporto G. Marconi
Via Via Boldrini, 22B
Aeroporto G. Marconi
Via Marco Polo, 91
Via F.lli Cairoli 4
051.587 0782
051 353665
051 382758
051 6341632
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Also look at for car rentals, charged to Visa the prices are often substantially lower
than the published rates (but make sure to read the fine print including 20% IVA tax, etc.). CTS offers
student deals on rental cars in all of Europe, visit the CTS office or the website (autonoleggio).
Phones. The most convenient way to have personal phone service (and for us to reach you!) is to
purchase a a cell phone (telefonino, cellulare). We highly recommend this. Cell phones typically require a
debit card (ricarica) that you can purchase at any tabaccheria that displays the phone company's sign
(TIM, Vodafone, Wind, 3), at supermarkets or online. Ricariche come in 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 euro values.
Expect to pay 80 euro or more for a new phone. Sometimes current students sell their phones to future
students after the program ends as well. The best way to buy a used cell phone is by word of mouth, but
as of 2013 you can purchase an old model (not smartphone) Nokia for 40 euro at the Comet store near
Piazza Maggiore (via IV novembre). Text messages to other Italian phones generally cost only 0,15 euro a
message or a certain amount areincluded in your plan-and this is a popular, less expensive way to
communicate. When you purchase your phone make sure to find out what kind of plan you have. All
companies now offer competitive plans. In Europe you are only charged when you make calls/send
texts, there is NO CHARGE FOR RECEIVING.
It works out much cheaper if, on arrival, you and your friends all purchase a SIM from the same operator
as the operators will often give you free calling to numbers on their network. The most used in Italy are
TIM, Wind,Vodafone and Tre. Check their websites before or upon arrival to see who has the best deal
for your needs. It is also a good idea to see if they have a special price that you can activate on calls to the
U.S. Often these special prices aren't advertised but if you inquire they can activate (for free!) a special
rate, for example TIM had a special rate of 20 cents a minute to the US.
Note: Students with unlocked U.S. cellphones can simply purchase an Italian SIM card with phone
number upon arrival.
Main cell phone providers:
The best way to call in Italy is by using your cell phone. Activating a land line is not recommended as it
is costly and time intensive to activate. Home phone bills arrive every two months and include a monthly
service fee and usage charges. Unless you request it, your calls will not be itemized on your bill (an
itemized bill is called a bolletta trasparente).
Public telephones can still be found in some bars and in outdoor booths. These phones require a prepaid
phone card (scheda telefonica) which you can buy from most tabaccherie in 5 and 10 euro denominations.
Tear off the corner of the phone card to activate it.
For calls within Bologna, as well as calls to other cities within Italy, you must dial the local area code
(including the initial 0!) followed by the number. For example, when calling Florence, you would dial 055
+ number. For Bologna you must dial 051 +.
For international calls from within Europe, the formula for dialing is: 00 + country code + local area
code + local phone number. For example, to call the United States, you would dial 001, then the local
area code followed by the phone number.
Alternatively, to call Italy from the USA, you dial 011 + country code + local area code + local phone
number. For example, to call the centro studi, you dial
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
You can find foreign country codes on the website under CAP e Prefissi
Toll-free numbers. Italian toll-free numbers begin with the prefix 800.
For U.S. 800 numbers substitute 880 for 800; for U.S. 880 numbers dial 881. These number must be
preceeded by the 001 and you are charged for the international portion of the call. The easiest (and
cheapest) way to call a US 800 number is through Skype.
Some students have found that prepaid international phone cards, which are getting cheaper all the time,
are good deals. These are typically available at tabaccherie. Competition is strong so check with the
tabaccaio for the newest and best deal. Unfortunately all calling cards now have a high surcharge for calls
made from cellphones as well as calls made to cellphones, thus for cheap rates you must use phone cards
from house phones or phone booths. Many international phone cards purchased in the U.S. do not work
here, despite advertising to the contrary, or if they do work, they are not as good a value as those
purchased here.
That said, there are some affordable options such as Rebtel:
However, the current most popular means of communication is through the internet.
Skype is a great option for international calling. There are several Skype options:
1. Skype to Skype: Have your family and friends download and register with Skype. Once you
have both registered and have a headset or external microphone, you can talk for FREE!
2. SkypeOut: A low cost way to make calls at a local rate to people that have traditional land lines
or mobile phones at local rates. In 2013 SkypeOut cost $0.02/minute to an Italian
landline,American landline, and American cellphone, and $0.30/minute to an Italian cellphone.
3. SkypeIn: For a monthly fee (approximately $13 USD), you can receive a local U.S. phone number
that your friends can call. When someone calls, you will receive the phone call on your computer
where you can communicate with your friend using a headset or an external microphone. This
option also has free voicemail.
For more information visit the website:
Faxes. Many copy shops, photo shops, and stationary stores provide fax service. Prices range from
approximately 1,50-2 euro per page for local faxes to 4 euro per page for faxes to the West Coast. Shop
around for best rates. For school-related business, you may ask the staff to fax something on your
behalf. You may also receive faxes at the Study Center. The number from the U.S. is
Sending Mail. Post offices are open from 08:20 to 13:30 Monday through Friday and from 08:20 to 12:30
on Saturday. The Main Post Office in Piazza Minghetti is very centrally located and is open from 08:20 to
19:00 Monday through Friday and 08:20 to 12:30 on Saturdays. The Post Office down the street from the
Study Center is also open afternoons. Stamps can be purchased at post offices or at tabaccherie.
Rates for letters and postcards under 20 grams are:
European Union countries
North America, South America, Africa, Asia and Oceania
Check the Poste website for rates for other letters and packages:
Beware of surcharges for nonstandard envelopes. Check the size of your envelope and make sure you
have enough postage on it or it will be returned (many a birthday card sent to the US has been returned,
the birthday missed, for this reason). You can buy stamps and check size and weight limits at the
tabaccherie.If you can fit your letter/small package into a mail box, you can put the stamps on yourself
and skip the post office lines! Mail boxes are located outside post offices, and often outside tabaccherie.
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Some have double boxes marked for ordinaria and prioritaria. In turn, each box has two slots, one Per la
città, while the other is Per tutte le altre destinazioni.
Courier Services
Despite the move to the prioritaria mail system, the Italian postal service sometimes experiences delivery
delays.This is especially true in December, January, and August. So if you need quick and guaranteed
delivery, consider a courier service. Allow at least 3 working days for delivery. Toll-free numbers for the
major international couriers are: Federal Express 800.833040; DHL 800.345345; UPS 800.822054. A FedEx
letter from Bologna to California will cost approximately 30 euro.
Posta Celere is the Post Office's courier service for within Italy. Delivery normally takes 2-3 days, but on
occasion can take up to 5-6 days. To send your parcel by Posta Celere/CAI, you need to take it to a post
office and fill out the appropriate form.
Mail Boxes Etc. locations include Via Amendola, tel. 051.302172/051.244902 and Via Massarenti 8, tel.
051.302172. They have packing supplies, courier services, can send boxes, etc.
Receiving Mail
You are welcome to have your mail and packages sent directly to the Study Center,where you have a
mailbox (by last name).
The correct mailing address needs to include all of the following:
University of California
Via Grimaldi, 3
40122 Bologna
Attn: student name
Ask the sender to use a padded envelope when mailing more than a card or letter as we have had
problems with mail being opened and items stolen before delivery. And remind your family and friends
NOTE FOR PACKAGES: ALL packages, regardless of method sent, should be marked as containing
USED ITEMS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY and insured at a minimal rate (25 Dollars). Otherwise
they will get snarled in Italian customs and incur lofty fees (from 30 up to 50 euro) that you will have to
pay before the package will be released to you. (For the same reason, it is better not to indicate that
medicine or food is enclosed.) We have also found that packages sent via the US Postal Service courier
service do not typically arrive any faster than their regular service from the US (though having a tracking
number is helpful).
To ensure fast delivery to Italy--whether package or letter--use a known courier service. The most
reliable service to Bologna is Federal Express or DHL.
E-mail and Internet
From the study center you can access the internet through a wireless connection with username and
password provided by the study center staff.
The city of Bologna and local businesses have created a widespread Wifi hot spot network. In order to
access it, all you need is your Italian cell phone number and a quick registration on the website: You can also find the map with all of the businesses taking
part and the Wifi spots offered by the city of Bologna.
Other locations providing free internet service include various departments at the University of Bologna
and the computer sala at Via Zamboni 25 (you will need your Università di Bologna ID). The Sala Borsa
in Piazza Nettuno has a large computer room in the basement available for those with a library card,
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
which is free with University of Bologna student ID.
Bologna also has many internet cafès, you'll find at least one in most neighborhoods.
Internet in your apartment
Most student apartments now have internet. The plans vary with different providers. If you opt for
setting up a new internet connection in your apartment, make sure to read the contract carefully, as there
is generally a fee for ending the service before the 24-month contract ends.
Another option for students who do not have internet in their apartments is to purchase a chiavetta or
USB key for internet from one of the cellphone providers. These generally cost a minimum of 30 euro,
and you can add a monthly ricarica for as low as 20 euro. However, make sure that you have service in
your apartment- this can vary by building and provider!
Most small stores in Bologna are closed on Thursday afternoons. Most public offices are open Thursday
afternoon, but closed on Monday morning. Some stores do not reopen on Saturday afternoons
(especially in the summer months), and almost everything is closed on Sundays and holidays. Most
shops are open from 9:00 to 12:30/13:00 and from 15:30 to 19:30.Some stores (including supermarkets
and department stores) have begun to adopt an uninterrupted workday (orario continuato). Be sure to
check the schedule posted outside each store for precise hours. Note that these hours will change
depending on the city, so keep this in mind when travelling.
Note: Museums also tend to have very particular opening hours so try to find out before visiting so as
not to be disappointed!
Supermercati. There are several large food stores in Bologna. Their hours of operation tend to differ from
those of standard stores (e.g., closed Monday mornings and open Thursday afternoons), so check their
schedules. The stores listed here are those in and around the center.
-Via Finelli 8
-Via Lame 39/A
-Via S. Isaia 67
-Viale Antonio Silvani 3
-Via Orfeo 38/E-F
-Via Oberdan 37
(organic & fair
-Via Montefiorino 2/d
(Bus 14/21/38/39/89)
-Via Po 3
(Bus 19/27/36A/36B/94)
-Via Massarenti 102
-Via Montebello 2/4
-Via S. Donato 87
-Via S. Vitale 4
-Via Montebello 2/3
-Via Nazario Sauro 4/4d
-Via del Pratello 98
-Via Oberdan 24
-Via Garibaldi 1
-Piazza di Porta Castiglione
-Via Sant'Isaia 6
-Via Luigi Calori 1/E
-Via Marconi 28/a
-Via Santo Stefano 29
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
-Via Borgo S. Pietro 143
-Via Sebastiano Serlio,35/a
-Via Saragozza 110
-Via Romolo Amaseo,5
-Via Murri 4
-Via Irnerio
-Via San Donato,2
There are also shopping centers outside Bologna: IperCoop on Via Zanardi (outside Porta Lame, bus 11,
18), Shopville Gran Reno near Casalecchio (with an IKEA furniture store nextdoor, IKEA bus) and
Pianeta Conad near the end of Via Massarenti on Via Larga (bus 14B, 14C) These centers are generally
open on Monday afternoon and from 09:00 through 21:00 non-stop Tuesday through Saturday (open
some Sundays). Many supermarkets are now open on Sundays but close for lunch.
Fresh Food Markets. You can find fresh food markets in nearly every neighborhood of Bologna, selling
fruits, vegetables, meat, cheese, and fish. Explore your neighborhood to see what you can find! An
excellent but pricey shopping area can be found on and around Via Pescherie Vecchie, just to the right of
Piazza Maggiore as you face Via Rizzoli. Another convenient food shopping area, probably the most
affordable in the town center, is the Mercato delle Erbe off Via Ugo Bassi near Via Marconi. The Mercato
delle Erbe is a covered marketplace with produce stands as well as bakeries, dairy shops, butchers, fish
stands, cafes and restaurants. It is now open through the lunch hour (many stands close but a few stay
open), and is closed all day Sunday. The cafes and restaurants are also open in the evenings.
Farmers' Markets/Local Organic Markets (Mercato Biologico, Mercatino dei Contadini).
Saturday mornings (year-round): 9.00-14.00 there is a local Slow Food market, Mercato della Terra, which
is held in the courtyard of the Cineteca on Via Azzo Gardino 65. This markets has produce, dairy
products, meat, fish, baked goods, jams, honey, wine, and gelato from local producers (most are organic).
There are tables and lunch options and often live music until 2 p.m.
There are currently three totally organic, local farmers' markets in Bologna. Each take place on different
week nights and all are located immediately outside of the city center. These markets sell products from
local farmers who follow organic guidelines.
Tuesday evenings (April-October): 6-9 p.m. at VAG61, Via Paolo Fabbri 110, bus lines 20, 28.
Thursday evenings (year-round): 6-9 p.m. at XM24, Via Fioravanti, bus line 11 (Rotonda Giardini) from
Via Rizzoli
Friday evenings (year-round): 5.30-8 p.m. Savena, on the corner of Via Lombardia and Via degli
Ortolani, bus line 11 (Rotonda Corelli) from Via Rizzoli
Panificio. A wide variety of breads and rolls can be found here, as well as fresh pasta (but typically not
pastry items). Varieties include German-type rye in packages and rolls similar to American "hard rolls"
(panini al latte and rosette). Those francophiles among you may also order French bread (filone francese).
Also available are pancarré, bakery-style white, sliced bread which is closest to American sandwich
bread, and pane di segale, a light form of rye. Look also for whole wheat bread (pane integrale) as well as
the many varieties of bread from southern Italy (pane pugliese, Altamura, napoletano,cafone…).
Canape on Via San Felice 48/A has many vegan baked goods.
Pasticceria. Here you may buy cakes, cookies and other sweet pastries (but typically not bread). Most
pasticcerie are open on Sunday.
Macelleria. Butcher shops sell most types of meat, although some do not sell pork or poultry. Some sell
only horse meat (macelleria equina).
Specialty Foodstuffs. Rice, soy sauce, and other Asian (and foreign) foodstuffs may be purchased at ASIA
Mach, on Via Mascarella, 81 A/B/C. Some of the market stands in Piazza Aldrovandi and in the Mercato
delle Erbe carry speciality herbs, spices, and vegetables, like cilantro (coriandolo). Scaramagli at Strada
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Maggiore 31 carries imported and "exotic" food products (peanut butter, taco kits, brownie mix, etc.). Try
Drogheria della Pioggia at Via Galliera 27 for other hard-to-find cooking items.
For a vast selection of gluten-free foods, try Kasi on Via Brugnoli, 8. Most supermarkets also have a good
variety of gluten-free and celiac-friendly foods.
Lidl supermarket also has a selection of foods you may not find at the other major supermarkets.
For FAIR TRADE food and products in the city center, try stores that sell AltroMercato products: Café de
la Paix (on Via Collegio di Spagna 5/B), Cooperativa ExAequeo (Via Altabella 7/B), stands at the Farmers'
Other Stores
Agenzia di Viaggi. Student travel agencies offering discount rates are: Centro Turistico Studentesco e
Giovanile (CTS)- Viale Filopanti 4/M. Also try Viaggi Salvadori, on Via Ugo Bassi 13, and Bononia Viaggi,
Piazza dei Martiri, 1 .
Cartoleria. For greeting cards, wrapping paper, ribbons, and paper napkins, as well as resume-quality
stationery, look for a cartoleria. Most also sell folders, pens and other school supplies. Buffetti is an office
supply chain with a store down the street from the Study Center and another on Via Marconi. Another
store with office supplies is CartaMarket on Via Goito, off Via dell'Indipendenza.
Casalinghi. For housewares such as pots, pans, dishes, tablecloths, laundry baskets, clothespins, etc, head
to Via Marconi for a couple of larger casalinghi, or to IKEA.
Computer. For computer technical assistance and purchases: for pcs try Ferrari Computer on Viale Angelo
Masini,18 (Tel. 051.248450, For all Apple products, the Apple Store is on Via
Rizzoli,16. A licensed dealer and repair shop is Datapiù on Via Giovanni Amendola, 8 (Tel. 051.6389565,, they also service computers covered by the Apple Care warranty.
Copisteria. There are several copy centers in the university district. Most are self-service. Copies cost
approximately 0,05 centesimi. Some will also bind copies for a few euro extra. Try one of the following:
Balduzzi, Piazza Aldrovandi 4
Bologna Copy, Via Oberdan 8
Harpo Copisteria, Via Barberia 9 (near the centro studi)
Elio 83, Via Marsala 13
Libreria Asterisco R&F, Via Belle Arti 31
Euro Copy, Via Marsala 27/b
Studio Eliografico S. Stefano, Via de' Coltelli 7
Bononia copisteria (Via Zamboni
84 b e 88 c)
Department stores. For linens, clothes, toiletries, and household goods check COIN (Via Rizzoli), OVS (Via
Ugo Bassi ,Via Irnerio).
Ferramenta. These are usually very small stores which sell hardware including nails, screws,hammers,
etc, as well as flower pots, shelves, locks , etc. They are sometimes joined with Casalinghi as a
combination hardware/houseware store. A well-furnished Ferramenta with friendly staff is located in
piazza Malpighi .
Fotografia. There are automatic photograph booths in several locations - 3-5€ for a set of passport-style
photos. There is one on Via Rizzoli, one on Via IV Novembre, one in the PAM supermarket on Via
Marconi, and one behind the Palazzo Poggi on Via Zamboni. For developing digital pictures, go to a
camera store, or an eyeglass shop (ottica). For developing black and white or other specialty films (as
well as digital), try Machiavelli on Via Irnerio, 20/A, or Arcobaleno on Via Righi, 32.
Foto Arfo, on via Indipendenza 27/A and also on via San Vitale 3/B, has special deals for students.
Lavanderia. Most laundry services are not self-service, though there are few laundromats on Via G.
Petroni 38/b, Via Irnerio 35, Via Saragozza (just inside the porta), and Via San Donato (just outside the
porta). Some of these require tokens for both washers and dryers while others will take bills.
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Lavasecco. Dry-cleaning services can be found in each neighborhood. Fast dry-cleaning service is
available at Il Pino, with locations at Piazza Malpighi 8, Via Santo Stefano 23, and Via Riva di Reno 53.
Another speedy option is Dagnini with locations at the shopping centers mentioned above and on Strada
Maggiore, 31. Most other dry-cleaners take at least 2-5 days.
Libreria. Ibs across from Piazza Maggiore on Via Rizzoli also has a good selection of Italian and English
books and is open on Sunday. Libraccio is Ibs's used store on Via Oberdan 7. Moreover, on Via dei Mille
12/a there is a Feltrinelli bookshop open until midnight almost everyday.
Mercati Open Air. On Fridays and Saturdays, head to La Montagnola in Piazza 8 Agosto (just off Via dell'
Indipendenza), also known as the La Piazzola. Here you will find stands selling everything from
antiques, housewares, and records to leather articles, flowers and every variety of used and new
clothing. There is a vast range of prices and quality. You can try to bargain, although you will generally
only receive a discount of 1 euro (known as "lasciare un caffè" because you can buy a coffee for 1 euro).
Every 2nd weekend of the month there is the Mercato di Antiquariato in Piazza Santo Stefano, and every
Thursday you will find a collectables market in Piazza 8 Agosto. Every Tuesday morning (until about 1
pm) there is an affordable flower/plant market in Piazza San Francesco offering everything from tulips
and geraniums to basil and sage plants.
Negozio di Mobili/Arredamento. If you'd like to buy furniture for your apartment, the best affordable place
to go is IKEA in Casalecchio (open Tues-Sunday 10:00-20:00, Mondays 14:00-22:00). An IKEA shuttle bus
leaves from Piazza Malpighi (check the bus stop sign for schedules or look online) and costs 5 euro
roundtrip. There are also two ATC buses, the 93 and 94 which leave from Piazza Malpighi as well, and
stop near IKEA. On these busses the IKEA bus stop is Riale di Zola. For used items, check:
 Padre Marella (051. 244345), a non-profit center operated by the Catholic church on Via del Lavoro
13 (between the S. Donato and Via. Stalingrado bridges). Along with the furniture there are used
electronics, books, clothes, etc. The shop is open 9-12.30 and 15.30-18.00 weekdays and Saturday
 ANT (051-7190111), a non-profit fundraising organization for oncological research. There is a
little store on Via Val d'Aposa and a bigger store for furniture and used electronics on Via Jacopo
di Paolo, 36 (Bus: 21-25-27 -direction: Aeroporto)
 Cose di Altre Case (, second hand store on Via della Beverara, 10 with a big
selection of vintage items.
 Mercatopoli (, a second-hand store selling everythying from clothing to
furniture. Locations: Via Zago, 16 (ponte Stalingrado), Via Pasubio, 39.
 Second Life: 320.8461975 , This is a project from the City of Bologna where used items of all kinds
from clothing to items for the house are collected. They have a "market" where you can take
items for free! Tuesday and Thursday from 14 to 18, Wednesday and Friday from 9 to 13 and
Saturday from 9 to 13 and from 14 to 18.
Parrucchiere/Barbiere. Barber shops seem to be a dying breed in Bologna, but many hairdressers do unisex
cutting and styling. Watch out for the exclusive ones, which can be expensive. Many hairdressers
(especially in the university area) offer student discounts. Hairdressers and barbers are closed on
Mondays. Call ahead for an appointment. A simple wash/set (piega) usually costs approximately 12-20
€, while a cut (taglio), which includes washing and styling, costs about 30 €, or 12-25 € for a simple cut in
a barber shop. A medium-priced permanent costs about 40-60 €.
Profumeria. Cosmetics, perfume, costume jewelry and various fashion accessories like handbags, scarves
and bathing caps can be purchased here. Though exclusive cosmetics and perfumes may only be
purchased in profumerie, the department stores COIN and UPIM carry a wide variety of more economical
brands (see the section immediately below).
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Tabaccheria. These shops can be recognized by a sign bearing a large white "T" on a blue or black
background. Here, you can buy bus tickets, postage stamps, Italian and international phone cards,
tobacco, matches, candy and gum and lighters,.
Università di Bologna
The University of Bologna has opened a new 'corner store' that sells t-shirts, bags, mugs, books, and an
array of items with the Unibo logo. It is located on Via Zamboni 32.
Dining Out
Bologna is one of the principle gastronomic centers of Italy, famous for its tortellini (meat-filled pasta)
and tortelloni (cheese-filled pasta). Lasagne and tagliatelle are also typical of Bolognese cuisine. A
traditional meal consists of an antipasto (appetizer), a primo piatto (usually a pasta or risotto dish), a
secondo piatto (usually meat), a contorno (vegetable) and dolce (dessert). Nowadays, most folks opt for
fewer courses. A service charge is included in the bill ('coperto') and so no tip is necessary; however, you
should consider leaving a small tip if the service is particularly good. In Italy, there are several types of
eating establishments
These are normal restaurants as you'd expect to find anywhere.
Serves pizzas of every conceivable variety. Most of them serve other dishes as well.
Many do take-out (da asporto) and some even have home delivery (consegna a domicilio).
Usually family-run and great deals. The food is good and basic and the prices are much
more reasonable than in a restaurant. Look for one in your neighborhood.
Most serve espresso, cappuccino, pastries, sandwiches, and drinks. Items consumed
standing at the bar generally have fixed prices. If you sit, you may be charged more.
The next best thing to a pub or tavern. Most serve wine, snack food, pasta, and a few
main courses. Some have music. Watch out for the exclusive ones, which can be cari!
The following is a list of some places to try--not exhaustive by any means. Do remember that all
restaurants have one day each week on which they are closed, but the day varies from restaurant to
restaurant so call to be sure. Also, reservations are often requested, as once you sit down to dinner, you
can stay all night. You may wander into a place that is empty and be told that there is no table available
as the restaurant will hold one table for each reservation regardless of what time the party arrives.
Typical Bolognese:
Trattoria Annamaria
Osteria il 15
Osteria Cantina Bentivoglio
Trattoria Serghei
Trattoria dal Biassanot
Trattoria da Gianni
Ristorante Osteria La Traviata
Trattoria Fantoni
Trattoria del Rosso
Osteria dell'Orsa
Osteria delle Donzelle
Osteria Da Vito
Via Belle Arti, 17/A
Via Mirasole, 13
Via Mascarella, 4/b
Via Piella, 12
Via Piella, 16/a
Via Clavature, 18
Via Urbana, 5
Via del Pratello, 11/A
Via Augusto Righi, 30
Via Mentana,1
Via delle donzelle,4
Via Musolesi,9
(051) 266894
(051) 331806
(051) 265416 (live jazz)
(051) 233533
(051) 230644
(051) 229434
(051) 331298
(051) 236358 (affordable)
(051) 236730 (very affordable)
(051) 231576 (affordable)
(051) 264525 (affordable)
(051) 349809 (affordable)
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Other restaurants:
Bravo Caffè
Du Madon
Il Posto
Osteria Broccaindosso
Pizzeria Bella Napoli
Pizzeria La Scalinatella
Pizzeria Trattoria Belle Arti
Pizzeria La Mela
Pizzeria Regina Margherita
Pizzeria Pino
Trattoria da Maro
Trattoria La Spiga
Trattoria Trebbi
(inside Coop Ambasciatori)
Zenzero Bistrot
Ristorante MamBO
Via Mascarella, 1
Via San Vitale, 75
Via Massarenti, 37
Via Broccaindosso, 7/A
Via S. Felice, 40
Via Caduti di Cefalonia,5/E
Via Belle Arti, 14
Via Fusari, 5
Via Santo Stefano, 40/F
Via Goito, 2
Via Broccaindosso, 71/B
Via Broccaindosso, 79/A
Via Solferino 40/B
Via degli Orefici, 19
(051) 266112
(051) 226221
(051) 307852 (live music)
(051) 234153
(051) 555163
(051) 225581
(051) 234654
(051) 237851
(051) 227291
(051) 227304 (seafood)
(051) 230063
(051) 583713 (Veggie Friendly)
(051) 0952820
Via Fratelli Cairoli, 16
Via Don Minzoni, 14
(051) 5877026
(051) 6493896
Wine Bars with light food:
Tamburini Wine Bar
Via Caprarie, 1
(051) 234726
(cafeteria-style service at lunch)
Via Pescherie Vecchie, 3/E
Mortadella e Champagne
Via Garibaldi, 7
EATALY wine bar
Via degli Orefici, 19
(051) 0952820
Pescherie San Gervasio
Via Belvedere 13/D
(only seafood)
Banco 32
Via Belvedere/Via San Gervasio
(only seafood- inside Mercato delle Erbe, small plates at night, regular lunch)
When someone else is paying!
Buca San Pietro
Caminetto d'Oro
Casa Monica
Ristorante Teresina
Rosteria Luciano
All'Osteria Bottega
inside Mercato delle Erbe
Via Montegrappa, 3/C
Via Falegnami, 4
Via S. Rocco, 16
Via S. Stefano, 19
Via Oberdan, 4
Via della Zecca, 2/H
Via Nazario Sauro, 19
Via Broccaindosso, 63/3
Via Santa Caterina, 51
Regional Cuisine:
Antica Stuzzicheria (calabrese) Via Mascarella 60/c
Aroma de' Roma (romano)
Via Alessandrini, 19/d
La Cesoia (umbro)
Via Massarenti, 90
Ost. "Alle Due Porte" (pugliese) Via del Pratello, 62/A
L'Orsetto d'Abruzzo (abbruzzese)Via Pietralata, 42
Pane e Panelle (seafood-siciliano)Via S. Vitale, 71
Quanto Basta (romano)
Via del Pratello, 103/A
Regina Margherita (napoletano) Via S. Stefano, 40/F
(051) 224543
(051) 263494
(051) 522522 (nouvelle)
(051) 232037
(051) 228985
(051) 235536
(051) 231249/260948
(051) 263404
(051) 585111
(051) 242419
(051) 247410
(051) 342854
(051) 523565
(051) 295895
(051) 270440
(051) 522100
(051) 237851
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
You can also find several ethnic restaurants for those times when your taste buds tire of Italian cuisine:
Via Vasari, 7
Argentin Pampero
Via Marsala, 17
051. 226386
Brasilian Il Cangaseiro
Vicolo Sampieri,3
Chinese Chung Kuo
Via Oberdan, 24/2
Citta' Imperiale
Via dei Carbonesi, 16
Drago D'Oro
Via San Felice, 63/2
Fior di Ming
Via Galliera, 93
La Giunca
Via Garibaldi, 6
Perla d'Oriente
Vicolo Ranocchi, 4
051 227407
Paladar Café
Via de' Griffoni,5
Osteria del Mulino
Via delle Armi,3
Au Coq Qui Rit
Via Fondazza, 83/a
Tó Stéki
Largo Respighi, 4/E
El Greco
Via Dell'Arca, 51
Via Goito 9/b
Taverna Partenone
P.zza San Martino,
051 230185
Delhi Palace
Vicolo Facchini, 4/a
Via N. Sauro, 14/A
Kappa 2
Via dei Carbonesi,16
Via dell'Inferno 16/A
Taj Mahal
Via San Felice 92/D
Via Roncrio, 30
Piedra del Sol
Via Goito, 20
051. 227229
Palestinian Al Salaam
Via Centotrecento 24
Asian Fusion
*see Japanese above
Araba Fenice,
Via Albari, 6
Strada Maggiore,
Natura Si
Via Po, 3
051. 6241984
Via Emilia, 169 C
(San Lazzaro)
Via Stalingrado, 16
Sushi Café
P.zza Malpighi, 14,
Gelaterie (our selection of the best Italian ice cream parlors in Bologna):
Il Gelatauro
Stefino Bio
Galleria 49
La Sorbetteria Castiglione
Via San Vitale, 98/B
Via San Vitale,37/a
Via Galliera 49/b
Via Castiglione, 44
Via Belvedere, 10
Tel. 051-272078
(also take away)
Pasti Kaser
Via Gombruti, 9
Via Porrettana, 188
Caffe Caracol
Piazza Galileo, 6/C
Un Punto
Via Tiarini 1/E
Via Galliera, 93
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Cremeria San Francesco
Gelateria Gianni
Cremeria Mascarella
Cremeria Funivia
Delizie sulla Riva
Piazza San Francesco 1/B
-Via Montegrappa, 11
-Piazza Santo Stefano
-Via Zamboni, 1
Via Mascarella 30/B
Piazza Cavour, 1/D
Via Riva Di Reno,76
Takeout Food
There are some nights when you just don't want to go out. One of the best ways to order takeout food in
Bologna is to use the PizzaBo service. Instead of having to call a pizzeria, you can order your food online
with just four clicks; First go to the website (, where you are prompted to insert your
address; then PizzaBo offers you a list of all the ristoranti/pizzerie that offer takeout delivery as a service,
showing what food you can buy, how long the delivery will take, whether there are freebies available,
etc. You can also add (or remove) ingredients, or you can ask for specific pizza dough if you have
allergies. The first time you order, you're asked to register on the website by inserting your phone
number; it is a free registration, and required in order to avoid scams. The service will send you an SMS
containing a password, which you can then change on the website. Not only is the service free, but after
10 pizzas you also get a free one!
Night Life
Bologna night life is very busy and the locali di moda are constantly changing. In the summer, clubs and
bars tend to move to parks often a little outside of the city walls to escape the heat.
Some popular pubs/bars (note that this section needs constant updating!):
The Cluricaune Irish Pub, Via Zamboni
Birreria Mercanzie, delle Mercanzie
The Celtic Druid, Via Caduti Cefalonia
Corto Maltese, Via Borgo San Pietro
La Linea, Maggiore/Via Rizzoli
Soda Pops (hip-hop nights) Via del Tialto
Le Scuderie, P.zza Verdi
Spazio in Due ( Circolo Arci), Vicolo Broglio
Le Stanze, Via Borgo San Pietro
Green river, Via Petroni
Il Marsalino, Via Marsala
L'Ortica, Via Mascarella
Osteria del Sole, Vicolo Ranocchi
Moustache, Via Mascarella
English Empire, Via Zamboni
Irish Times, Via Paradiso
Kindergarten, Via Calzoni, 6
Cassero Salara (gay/lesbian), Via Don Minzoni
Circolo della Grada, Via della Grada, 11
Covo, Via Zagabria,1
Il QuBo, Via Sampieri, 3
Giardini Margherita, Chalet
Giardini del Baraccano (summer), Via Gozzadini
Kinki, Via Zamboni 3
Atlantide, Via Santo Stefano (close to the porta)
Lazzaretto, Via Lazzaretto, 47/2.
L’Arteria, third cross-street of Via San Vitale.
Lord Lister, Via Zamboni 56. Often has Erasmus
Millenium, Via Riva di Reno (each night has a
different type of music)
Link, Via Fantoni, 21
Livello 57, Via Battirame, 11
Hobby One, Via Mascarella 2/A
Matis, Via Rotta, 10
Ruvido, Via Maserati,9
TPO, Viale Lenin, 3
Villa Serena, Via della Barca, 1 (summer)
Estragon, Via Stalingrado, 83 (Parco Nord),
Bologna. Larger venue, usually 10-30 euros. Often
has bigger name groups. Will need to walk or take
bus/taxi to arrive.
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Jazz clubs:
Bravo Cafè, Via Mascarella 1
Doctor Dixie , Via Cesare Battisti 7/B (Every other
Friday night only, ring bell)
Giardini del Baraccano (summer), Via Gozzadini
Osteria del Moretto, Via S. Mamolo 5/A
Cantina Bentivoglio, Via Mascarella 4/B
Chet Baker Jazz Club, Via Polese 7/A
Bar Wolf, Via Massarenti 118
Gay Night Life:
Il Cassero, at the corner and Don Minzoni 18 and Viale Pietramellara is an Arci Gay/Lesbian Center.
Open all day you can pick up flyers, listings and schedules for all of the Gay/Lesbian happenings in
Bologna. It turns into a discoteca on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. You will be asked
to buy a personal membership card for 15 Euro which will entitle you to enter any gay/lesbian event in
Italy for free. Wednesday night is very popular with all straight and gay students.
The site is a very helpful resource.
Other gay/lesbian nights and gay-friendly bars that past students have suggested include:
Piccolo e Sublime (Piazza Verdi)
Bar Casablanca (beg. of Via S. Felice)
gay/lesbian-friendly mix
gay/lesbian-friendly mix
There are lots of sporting facilities and activities in Bologna. In addition, an extensive list of various
sporting clubs can be found in the Yellow Pages under Associazioni e federazioni sportive.
You may also enroll at the University of Bologna's sports association, "C.U.S.B.",
( which allows you access to their many facilities and
lessons, as well as a discount at many gyms and pools. The CUSB office is at Via San Giacomo 9/2 (a
cross street of Via Zamboni). The office is open from Monday to Friday from 9.30 to 13.30. In order to
receive a membership card you will need:
Evidence of student status (if you don’t yet have a student ID card, ask us for a letter)
A passport-size photograph
A Health Certificate (a copy of your health certificate from your files may/may not
suffice). Or, get one from the doctor at the CUSB office (Tuesdays and Fridays 10:30 13:30. The earlier you get there, the less you have to wait (be sure to get a number). The
cost is about 15 euro.
A subscription fee of about 10 euro
One of the sports complexes nearest to the city (particularly to the Irnerio area) is the Dopolavoro della
Ferrovia, Sport and Culture Section, on Via S. Serlio 25/2 (Tel: 051/419.31.80). Property of the state train
company, these facilities are also open to the public at very competitive prices. They have a number of
tennis courts in clay and other surfaces, as well as other facilities. Group rates can be negotiated.
The Erasmus Student Association (ESN) organizes basketball, volleyball and soccer games for card holders,
at little or no cost. There are also Cuban salsa classes offered for Erasmus and Overseas students at low
AEGEE also organizes running, tennis and girls soccer with training and games, again for little or no
See the AEGEE and ESN websites for more details:
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Check the CUSB affiliated organizations for the best and the cheapest classes. Courses usually begin in
October and the first class is usually free so you can try out as many as you like until you find the best!
CUSB also has an extensive list of organizations teaching contemporary dance, modern jazz, hip-hop
style, belly-dancing, Indian dance, ballroom dancing, and finally break-dance.
Bowling Bologna
Vicolo Otto Colonne 8/a
Tel. 051. 268948
There is also a bowling alley in Via San Felice, just a few blocks off Via Marconi.
Gyms (Palestra) See the CUSB guide for a complete list of gyms offering CUSB discounts
Palestra Atlas*
Via Vezza 22
Tel. 051.251122
Performance Palestra*
Via N. Sauro 1/2
Tel. 051. 228832
Shotokan Karate Club
Via Signorini 16/d
Tel. 051. 6192353
Open G (women only)
Via de' Ruini 5/a
Tel. 051.581274
Via San Vitale 40/10
Tel. 051.235540
Palestra de’ Poeti*
Via de' Poeti 3
Tel. 051.237919
*Palestra the Gym
Via della Grada 13
Tel. 051. 551539
Health City
Via San Felice, 99
* These gyms may give a group discount, depending on how many join. In the past, Palestra de’ Poeti
has offered a nine-month discount.
Downhill Skiing
Two nearby skiing resorts are Abetone, and Corno alle Scale, the latter having more advanced slopes than
the former. These slopes are 1.5 hours from Bologna by car, and 3 hours by bus, though most winters a
"ski train" is organized by the railway company. For more information on bus schedules and programs,
inquire at Fini Sport on Via Indipendenza 52.
Bolzano: The area of Alto Pusteria is a great place to ski, especially for those preferring the pista rosso
(red slopes). Ostello Dobbiaco is a cheap and very nice hostel near the train station and also the Sesto sci
For inexpensive ski-clothes and accessories, go to Decathlon, Viale Carnacini Tito, 5/7. It is a little out of
the center so you will have to take the bus (20 Pilastro or 35 Facoltà di Veterinaria)
Cross-Country Skiing, Hiking, Rock-climbing, Spelunking
Check out the many programs, classes, and trips offered by the local chapter of the Club Alpino Italiano
(CAI). Their office is located at Via C. Battisti, 11/a and is open Mondays and Wednesdays 21:00 - 22:30,
and Tuesdays and Thursdays 17:00 - 19:00.
Trekking Italia is also a very popular organization. They organize trekking trips during the weekend
around different parts of Italy. Membership costs 15 euro and thereafter, trips generally cost nothing or
very little. See the website for more details, or go to their Bologna office on Via
dell'Inferno, 20/B.
Tel: 051222788
Open: Monday-Friday 16.30 - 19.30, Tuesday-Thursday 10.00 - 12.00
Email: [email protected]
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Canoeing and Rafting Canoa Club Bologna
Via Venezia 1 - Casalecchio di Reno
River Rafting
347.9784813 for information/booking
Federazione Ciclistica Italiana, Via Tibaldi 17, Tel. (051) 631.37.45.
Swimming Pools (piscine) - male or female, you must have a bathing cap! These can usually be
purchased on-site or in any of a variety of sports stores around town.
Piscina Comunale Record
Via del Pilastro, 8
Tel. (051) 50.32.87
Piscina dello Stadio
Via dello Sport
Tel. (051) 615.2520
Piscina Sterlino
Via Murri 113
Tel. (051) 623.70.34
Piscina Vandelli
Via di Corticella 180/4
Tel. (051) 37.51.30
Dopolavoro Ferrovieri
Via Serlio 25/2
Tel. (051) 419.31.80
Club Pontevecchio
Via Lenin, 7
Tel. (051) 54.73.67
La Raquette
Via delle Armi, 13
Tel. (051) 623.30.39
Record A.P.
Via Pilastro 8
Tel. (051) 50.32.87/50.22.84
Siro Tennis Club
Via Martelli, 33
Tel. (051) 53.03.48
Circolo Tennis Bologna
Viale Cristiani 2
Tel. (051) 33.31.17
Spectator Sports
To join in the truly Italian game of calcio (soccer), head to a Bologna (www. game at the stadio
outside of Porta Saragozza. AB Tabaccherie near the train station and Bar Otello on Via degli Orefici sells
tickets to the partite, as does the Banca di Bologna on Piazza Maggiore. You can also buy them at the
stadium Box Office. Beware of the ticket scalpers outside the stadium, they often sell seemingly real tickets
which are FAKE. For security reasons, you can only buy tickets for the visiting team's section if you hold
a card called "tessera del tifoso". (If you are a fan of the visiting team but are seated in the home team's
section, be careful of hotheaded home team fans!)
Here is the list of every ticket seller in Bologna:
For those of you who are basketball (basket) fans, Bologna also has two professional teams—Virtus
(, and, Fortitudo ( For game times, check the local newspaper,
Resto del Carlino, or the team websites. You can purchase tickets at agencies such as ABC on Via Brugnoli
7/A (a cross street of Via Riva di Reno), tel. 051. 555504.
Art and Music
The Pinacoteca, on Via delle Belle Arti, is the main art museum in the city. It highlights artists from the
Bolognese school from the 16th through the 18th centuries as well as other periods in Italian painting.
The collection includes works by Giotto, Raffaello, Perugino, Parmigiano, Caracci, Guido Reni, Guercino
and Tiziano. There are several other fine museums of interest in Bologna, including the new modern art
museum (MamBo), an archeological museum, medieval museum, and the Museo Morandi, dedicated to
world-renowned Bolognese artist Giorgio Morandi. Il Museo della Storia di Bologna is a new museum
dedicated to the history of the city of Bologna. It opened in 2012 in Palazzo Pepoli, a historic building on
Via Castiglione:
For a complete listing of Bologna museums, including their hours and admission prices, visit the Tourist
Office in Piazza Maggiore, or Bologna Welcome, the city's tourist information website:
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Cinema Chaplin, in Piazza Saragozza, 5 , 051. 585253 show original language films every Monday
evening. See
Cinema Lumiere is part of Bologna's Cineteca ( on Via Azzo
Gardino, 65 and shows numerous independent films from around the world, some in original language
or with English subtitles. The Cineteca also offers a limited number of discounted student cards.
Other cinemas:
Cinema Europa on Via Pietralata 55/a, shows a selection of italian and foreign films, sometimes subtitled
and sometimes in original language.
Schedules can be picked up at the movie theaters (we post them facebook as well). Check programs for
films and times. For movie listings, check
Most movie theaters offer university students discounts on Monday-Thursday nights.
Dvd Rentals:
Some original-language dvds and videos can be found at the Sala Borsa in Piazza Nettuno. There are
various Il Nano e La Mela and One Way video rental stores, that offer both in-store and automated
machine rentals.
Classical music in Bologna centers around the Teatro Comunale in Piazza Verdi. Its annual schedule is
divided into the Stagione Sinfonica, which features concerts by visiting symphony orchestras and guest
soloists; the Stagione Lirica, or opera season, the Spring chamber music season, and a fall dance season.
Anyone under the age of 26 can obtain a youth card, or carta giovane, which offers a 20% discount on all
seats at all performances. Poltrone, or orchestra seats, offer the best view, and Palchi, box seats, are best
for groups of 4-6. Center seating is better than the wings. Visit the Teatro Comunale’s ticket office at the
side entrance of Largo Respighi 1 for more information, or call 051.529011.
Some Bologna theaters offering musical/theatrical productions :
Arena del Sole
ITC Teatro*
Teatro Dehon
Teatro Delle Celebrazioni
Teatro Duse
Teatro San Martino
Via Indipendenza 44
Via delle Rimembranze 26
Via Libia 59
Via Saragozza 234
Via Cartolerie 42
Via Oberdan 25
*In San Lazzaro, 10 minutes outside of the center. If you go by bus (19, 94, 101), keep your ticket and you
will be reimbursed at the box office.
Big-name Concerts
Most large concerts are held at the Unipol Arena (051.758758) in Casalecchio-Via Gino Cervi 2 (buses from
the center run to and from concerts). Tickets are for sale at numerous tabaccherie, including Bar Otello
(Via de' Orefici), as well as at record stores. Concerts are also held at the Teatro Medica Palace (051.
232901) on Via Montegrappa 9, you can purchase tickets for the shows from the box office.
In the summer, concerts and music festivals are held at the Parco Nord in the Fiera (trade fair district).
Check the complete calendar on:
Smaller Concert Venues
See the Discotheche/Clubs/Concerts section in Night Life above
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Student and Cultural Organizations
Associazione Erasmus (ESN)
Via Ranzani 14/B
Tel. (051) 24.11.75
apertura: Mercoledì 10.30-12.00, 14.3018.00
Erasmus Association
Via Guerazzi 14
apertura: Martedì, giovedì, venerdì
University of Bologna association of Italian and foreign
students. The ERASMUS card costs 4 euro and entitles
holders to free entry to Erasmus parties at various clubs
as well as discounts on cultural events and everyday
needs, also organizes trips around Italy and Europe.
Similar to ESN. Organizes good value trips around Italy
and Europe , other cultural events and sporting
activities. Often organizes wine tasting and typical
Bologna food nights, giving away prizes and free trips.
The AEGEE card is free.
International Office
Via Zamboni 33
Tel. (051) 25.90.11/25.90.18
Oversees the matriculation of foreign students at the
University of Bologna and coordinates sending Italian
students abroad.
International Women’s Forum of
Open to all women who speak English. Monthly
meetings and social activities, the Study Center holds
an institutional membership which allows students to
attend meetings.
Places of Worship
Bologna has many Catholic churches, the principal one being the Cathedral of San Pietro on Via
dell’Indipendenza near Via Rizzoli, and of course the Basilica di San Petronio in Piazza Maggiore.
Chiesa San Sigismondo in Via San Sigismondo 7 near Via Zamboni has Sunday services in English, as
does Chiesa Santo Stefano in Piazza Santo Stefano, every Sunday at 9 a.m.
Many other religions are represented in Bologna, including the Jewish faith and several Protestant
denominations. Please contact the centers listed below for further information or consult the listing
“Chiese e Templi d’Altri Culti” in the front pages of the TuttoCittá available at the front desk.
Greek & Russian
Orthodox Church
(Father Marco)
Via St. Isaia 37
Anglican Services
call Pru Crane
Tel. (051) 58.28.91
Methodist Church
Via Venezian 3
Tel. (051) 23.92.27
Orthodox Jewish Community
(and dining facilities)
Via Gombruti 9
Tel. (051) 23.20.66
Reformed Jewish Community
Shir Hadesh Firenze
via Manzoni 19A Firenze
Ellen: +39 380 426 9979
Also, Pastor Hermat Casablanca and his wife, both from the Bay Area, lead an English speaking
international church ( They offer two meetings:
• Bologna Bible Church, International (BBCI) meets at the Nuova Vita Church facilities on via
Pasubio 11, (Bus 11A/B direction: lunetta gamberini)
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Hotels and Visitors
One word about visitors. If you are planning on having them stay in one of the city’s hotels, check first
to see whether their visit will coincide with any major conventions being held in Bologna. This makes
finding rooms a near impossibility. A listing of conventions (fiere) can be found by looking at the website
Below is a small list of hotels past students have recommended. Some offer special prices for University
of California students. Most hotels request that you check out by noon, but make sure you ask for the
check-out time in advance to avoid being charged for an additional day.
Corona d'Oro
**Delle Drapperie
San Vitale
Via Belle Arti 6
Via Galliera 46
Via della Zecca 2
Via de Pignattari 11
Via Oberdan 12
Via Drapperie 5
Galleria del Leone 1
Via Bertiera 13
Via Indipendenza 60
Piazza Galileo 4/3
Via IV Novembre 10
Via Montegrappa
Via Livraghi 1
Vicolo Cattani 7
Via D'Azeglio 9
Via San Vitale 94
Via De’ Mattuiani 1/2
Via Mentana 7
*Recommended for price/quality/location
051 231792
**Highly recommended for price/quality/location
RECOMMENDED: Foresteria San Giovanni in Monte, a university residence on Via de' Chiari 8, rents
rooms for guests at reasonable prices. As of 2014, a single room costs 45 euro, double 60 euro, triple 70
euro. Check the website at, then call
051.276777or e-mail [email protected] for reservations.
Hostel: Ostello della Gioventu' Due Torri, Via Viadagola, 14, 40127 Bologna. Tel./fax 051.501810
NOTE that the hostel is a 15-minute bus ride from the city! It is worth looking for more convenient
accommodations in the center, such as B&Bs or hotels.
Hotels and Visitors in Bologna - 2014
If you are planning on having visitors stay in one of the city’s hotels, check first to see whether their visit
will coincide with any major conventions/trade fairs being held in Bologna. This makes finding rooms
difficult and more expensive! A listing of trade fairs (fiere) can be found by looking at the website
Below is a small list of hotels past students have recommended. Most hotels request that you check out
by noon, but make sure you ask for the check-out time in advance to avoid being charged for an
additional day.
Some (like Hotel Touring) offer special prices for University of California students- be sure to ask!
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Corona d'Oro
**Delle Drapperie
San Vitale
Via Belle Arti 6
Via Galliera 46
Via della Zecca 2
Via de Pignattari 11
Via Oberdan 12
Via Drapperie 5
Galleria del Leone 1
Via Bertiera 13
Via Indipendenza 60
Piazza Galileo 4/3
Via IV Novembre 10
Via Montegrappa
Via Livraghi 1
Vicolo Cattani 7
Via D'Azeglio 9
Via San Vitale 94
Via De’ Mattuiani 1/2
051 231792
Via Mentana 7
*Recommended for price/quality/location
(amazing rooftop terrace!)
**Highly recommended for price/quality/location
RECOMMENDED: Foresteria San Giovanni in Monte, a university residence on Via de' Chiari 8, rents
rooms for guests at reasonable prices. As of 2014, a single room costs 45 euro, double 60 euro, triple 70
euro. Check the website at, then call
051.276777or e-mail [email protected] for reservations.
Hostel: Ostello della Gioventu' Due Torri, Via Viadagola, 14, 40127 Bologna. Tel./fax 051.501810
NOTE that the hostel is a 15-minute bus ride from the city! It is worth looking for more convenient
accommodations in the center, such as B&Bs or hotels.
New B&Bs that have dorm-style rooms (usually max 4-pax) are popping up around the city. Recently a
few students stayed here:
Il Nosadillo on Via Nosadella 19:
Residence delle Drapperie (run by the hotel) offers 10 mini apartments in Via Galliera, min. 2-nt. stay. Cost
as of 2012 for a 2-pax studio apartment: 60€/nt, with kitchenette: 65€/nt.
Residence Il Falcone offers apartments on Vicolo Falcone,
Residence da Ercole offers a range of apartments in the centro storico and right outside the city walls:
Francesca Lenzi (IWF member) rents a 1-bedroom apartment in centro on Via Savenella 19.
Contact: [email protected]
Alison Greenwood (IWF member) rents a recently renovated 1-bedroom apartment in centro on Via
Solferino (5-min. walk from Piazza Maggiore) with fast internet, washing machine, A/C and great views.
Rent as of 2012 is 350 €/week for 2 people (weekly rentals only).
Contact: [email protected]
Bologna Guide 2015 2016
Elena Casulli rents a nicely furnished apartment in the center with a view of the canal on Via Capo di
Lucca. Rent as of 2014 is 500 €/week.
See her airbnb ad or contact her directly (specify that you are a University of California student looking
for parents/relatives): [email protected], 335.8186952
Signora Giaquinto rents two large apartments with rooftop views in the center on a short-term basis.
Telephone is 051.6494236/ 333.4901777
CHECK AIR BNB BOLOGNA for apartment & room rentals in the center:
Bed & Breakfast: There are many B&Bs in Bologna, a few we know are:
AlbertaD Bed & Breakfast is on Via Sant'Isaia 58 and offers two double rooms as well as an apartment. See
Le Stanze del Carro is on Via del Carro in the Ghetto Ebraico.
Telephone is 051.7162926, website:
Bed & Breakfast Galileo in Piazza Galileo, 3 offers clean, simple singles, doubles and triples w/o private
bath. Telephone is 051.237452, website:
B&B La Piazzetta della Pioggia offers single/double/triple rooms as well as an apartment:
Casa Fachin on via Frassinago has three rooms (double, triple and quadruple):
Parkview B&B Near the Giardini Margherita and owned by an Irish woman. Check the website or call 051.585031
Silvia Rigato rents an affordable room in her apartment in the center:
Signora Giaquinto rents rooms (some with kitchenette) on Via Pietralata for 50-60€ as of 2011.
Telephone is 051.6494236/ 333.4901777
Elizabeth Garvey (IWF-member) an American woman who has made her home in Bologna, rents a room
with bath in her apartment on Via De' Griffoni, a few minutes from Piazza Maggiore: