laboratori espressivi6-gb - Trieste Iscrizioni online scuola

expressive workshops
parco di san Giovanni
The workshops will be held between 2.30 and 5.30 p.m., are free of charge and do
not require specific ability or skills.
Aimed at educators and teachers, the workshops are intended to give insights into
and test artistic languages.
Comfortable dress enabling free movement is recommended.
one-day workshops
Monday, 25 October 2010 – Direzione DSM 1
La risonanza del corpo e la sua espressione naturale
The resonance of the body and its natural expression
with Omar Meza, choreographer, Granada (Spain)
This workshop encourages non-verbal communication through body language.
The exercises proposed will seek to stimulate the properties, variety and diversity
and abilities every person has to express himself with movement. Calling oneself
into question personally, experimenting with sensations and discovering the
potential of one’s body will help to make one feel similar little experiences.
Monday, 25 October 2010 – Direzione DSM 2
Il corpo narrante
The narrating body
with Bruno Cappagli, actor and director, Bologna
An emotive gym for the body, in which we will try to abandon the stereotyped
movements into which we often fall. Immersing oneself into the mysterious world of
improvisation, making free movements, transported by the force of one’s own
narrative ability and fantasy. Making the body into a “narrating body”, which
seeks to convey the emotiveness it feels with purity.
A project on physicality and living one’s theatrical side instinctively.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010 - Direzione DSM 1
Guardare negli occhi
Looking square in the eyes
with Valeria Frabetti, actress and director, Bologna
In theatre, the look is important. Looking at the space and those who share that
space with us. Looking in every direction. Looking without looking. Narrating does
not mean only using words, but also the body that accompanies the word; it is a
look that conveys the emotion. Many times, this look is rapid, fleeting, snatching
the instant and going. Many times it hides, because it is hard to look oneself in the
eyes and have oneself look into the eyes of others.
But to create a rapport with another person, it is important to linger over what
surrounds us, to sense even small details apparently devoid of meaning, or to
discover new points of view through new points of vision.
A workshop, therefore, in which to learn about oneself but also to feel and speak
with the eyes. To speak with the eyes the way children do.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010 – Direzione DSM 1
Corpo, senso, creazione
Body, sense, creation
with Silvia Traversi, choreographer, Bologna
The body and physicality as a starting point to amplify the senses and emotions
through movement and its attentive perception to achieve the creation of the
form of thought.
An investigation into the expressiveness of movement when it arises from a precise
sensation, and into the potential of the body, of the use of weight, of individual
and collective space. Research into the form of thought.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010 – Direzione DSM 2
with Vincenzo Stera, Trieste
Breathing, blowing, voices, noises, sounds to explore, invent, create forms from the
body in balance and render them mobile and fluctuating in space and time. A
variety of motor and expressive games inspired by circus arts and the fantastic,
imaginary universe of the circus. The “acrobatic” element becomes a pretext to
learn about one’s body, explore its expressive potential and, at the same time,
acquire self-discipline and self-confidence. Concentration, collaboration,
cooperation, reciprocal trust and creativity are further objectives worked towards.
Thursday, 28 October 2010 – Direzione DSM 1
Sette paia di scarpe ho consumate…
I’ve worn out seven pairs of shoes...
with Milena Bernardi, researcher in children’s literature, Comune di Bologna
A workshop examining theatrical narration, dedicated to the enchantment of the
rite of a story. In order not to lose the profound bequest of the stories and fairy tales
that flow through the voices and bodies, they re-emerge from the pages and
verses like ancient traces of a need for narration, that can be passed down from
generation to generation. To create a narrative, lively and intense narrative in
which adults and children together can live.
Friday, 29 October 2010 – Direzione DSM 1
Geometrie di libertà
Geometries of freedom
with Alberto Masala, poet, Bologna
This workshop aims to encourage the expressive potential of poetry as an
instrument for inner awareness and communicative capacity.
What is poetry and what is it for? We will seek answers to these questions by
investigating poetry as an expressive and representative instrument. We will
explore poetry in its relationship with language, with voice, with rhythm and song.
We will try to understand its substance and relationship with form. And we will
tackle the theme of the social function of poetry and the relationship that binds it
to peoples and traditions.
Friday, 29 October 2010 – Direzione DSM 2 - from 2.30 to 6 p.m.
Segni, gesti e ombre. Teatro in laboratorio
Signs, gestures and shadows. Theatre in the workshop
Mini Mu – Gruppo Immagine, Trieste
In different times and ways, experience passes through gesture and movement to
sign; from the overall perception to the selection and transposition of a fragment;
from transparency to light and shade; from casual form to the attribution of
meaning and personal involvement in fragments of stories.
two-day workshops
Monday, 25 October and Tuesday, 26 October 2010 – Direzione DSM 3
Voce e corpo
Voice and body
with Barbara Trojani, singer and trainer, Paris
During the course of the workshop, participants are invited to explore the great
potential of the voice and the possible links between vocal expression and
corporeal expression. Through work in small groups, we will seek to explore a logic
of light narrative themes formed of images and sounds. Through the technique of
“Sound painting”, a sign language accessible to all, it will be possible to
investigate with the imagination and improvise. The stress will be placed on the
precision of the voice, on listening, on collective and individual sound.
Tuesday, 26 October and Thursday, 28 October 2010 – Direzione DSM 2
L’espressione attraverso il movimento di oggetti e burattini
Expression through the movement of objects and puppets
with Joana Clusellas and Jordi Pujol, actors – Sant Esteve de Palautordera,
This workshop is dedicated to exploring one’s expressive capacity and one’s
attitude to the manipulation of objects.
The word manipulation already contains an evident meaning: it is our will that
changes what we hold. Through manipulation and movement, we give life to the
objects and transform them. But to give expression to the object, we need be
aware of our own movement, our gestures and feeling that we must transmit to
the puppet; we need to know what we want to say through it. Whatever the
action, and however simple it might be, it must still have a drama underlying it.
five-day workshop with performance
25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 October 2010 – Spazio Villas
Saturday, 30 October 2010 - performance at the Teatrino Basaglia
Cornici – laboratorio per una performance
Frames - workshop for a performance
conducted by Omar Meza, Jordi Pujol and Roberto Frabetti
“Framing” in a performance moments of a workshop, the emotions, images, a
movement, a word, a song…
Working to realise a brief performance (5 - 10 minutes), without any need to be
“productive”, but trying to create a context in which to play and question oneself.
Work to encourage a look into one’s own theatricality, tackling the intriguing
theme of “composition”.
In a dimension in which the single signs come together: voice, movement, gaze. In
which we strive to find a common rhythm, moving between full and void, silence
and sound, action and pause, perception of the other and of oneself.
This year again, the process will begin with a poem, as in the case of the 2009
festival with Emily Dickinson’s “The wind”. Participation will be reserved as a priority
for members of the 0/6 Theatre Group.
venues - parco di san Giovanni - Trieste
Direzione DSM – via Weiss, 5
Teatrino Basaglia – via Weiss, 13
Officina Rosa - via …
Casa della Musica – via dei Capitelli, 3
[email protected]
Comune di Trieste – Area Educazione, Università e Ricerca
Ufficio Formazione, Progetti Pedagogici e Comunicazione
Tel. 040 675 8731, 8044, 8005
Fax 040 6754945