TWENTY-NINETH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME – OCTOBER 19TH, 2014 WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Today, World Mission Sunday, with Catholics throughout the world, we are called to offer our prayers and generous financial support, through the Propagation of the Faith, for the worldwide mission of Jesus. Your gift on World Mission Sunday helps… • People in remote villages, towns and cities through the witness and work of missionaries and local priests. • Children, the elderly, refugees, the sick, and orphans through the service of Religious Sisters and Brothers. • To bring the Gospel to the poorest of our human family • Catechists proclaim the message of hope and peace that only Christ can give. Please offer prayer for the work of the Church in the Missions today – Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands and Latin America. And please be as generous as you can today, World Mission Sunday. Oggi, è la Domenica Mondiale per le Missioni, ed insieme a altri Cattolici in tutto il mondo, siamo chiamati a pregare e a donare con generosità, attraverso la Propagazione della Fede, per l’azione missionaria di Gesù nel mondo. Il vostro contributo in occasione della Domenica Missionaria Mondiale aiuterà: • Gli abitanti di villaggi, paesi e città remoti tramite la testimonianza e le opere svolte dai missionari e dai sacerdoti del luogo • I bambini, gli anziani, i profughi, gli ammalati e gli orfani attraverso il servizio svolto dalle nostre Sorelle e Fratelli Religiosi • A portare il Vangelo ai membri più poveri della nostra famiglia umana • Ai catechisti nel diffondere il messaggio di speranza e pace che solo Gesù può donare Vi chiediamo di pregare per le opere Missionarie della Chiesa - in Africa, Asia, le Isole del Pacifico e nell’America Latina – e di essere generosi nel donare oggi, la Giornata Missionaria Mondiale. JOY OF THE GOSPEL – REFLECTION SERIES Join us for three Sundays to journey through the teaching and spirituality of Pope Francis through the document, Evangelii Gaudium, “The Joy of the Gospel.” Through presentation, reflection and discussion, we will understand more fully the invitation to deeper discipleship with Jesus through this ground-breaking text and joyful text by our remarkable new Pope. Sessions start: November 2: Proclaiming the Gospel December 7: The Social Dimension of Evangelization Sessions will follow the Sunday 12:10 p.m. Mass Neumann Hall, St. Patrick’s Church, 131 McCaul St., To register, contact the parish office at 416-598-3269 or [email protected] WEEKEND MASS ATTENDANCE COUNT This weekend and next weekend you will notice that an attendance count will be taken during the Mass. This count is done annually and is being done not only in our parish but in all the parishes of the Central Pastoral Region in order to prepare for the implementation of the Central Pastoral Region planning study. It is hoped that this study will assist in assessing and promoting the vitality of our parishes. ST MARY’S CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL St Mary’s Catholic Secondary School is now offering the internationally-recognized, International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, for highly-motivated students. An information session will be held on October 22nd at 6:30 pm, in the school library, just prior to the St Mary’s Open House which will commence at 7:00 pm. THE SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI CONF. FOOD DRIVE All non perishable food items as well as personal care items will continue to be collected during the month of October. These can be placed inside the church at the front of the statue of St Francis. Your generosity makes a difference! Thank you! I donazioni di cibi non deperibili, e anche prodotti per la cura personale continueranno ad essere raccolti nel corso del mese di ottobre. La vostra generosità può fare davvero una differenza. Grazie. USED BOOK SALE From October 28 to November 1, a Giant Used Book Sale is being held to raise funds for the Kelly Library at Saint Michael’s College at the University of Toronto. It will be held in the Reading Room of the Kelly Library at 113 St Joseph Street (closest major intersection is Bay and Bloor). There is convenient subway and bus access as well as nearby parking. Choose from the largest selection of Catholic books in the GTA and a full selection of other subjects such as French, Italian Art and books for children. Full details at VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY A non-profit organization the Society of Sharing: Inner-City Volunteers is a ShareLife member agency formed in 1981 by the parishes of Pastoral Zone One in downtown Toronto. This organisation provides volunteer services to seniors and adults with disabilities living alone through programs such as Friendly Visiting, Medical and Shopping Escorts etc. They need volunteers to keep the program running. If interested please call 416 413 0380 or email: [email protected] LA VENTINOVESIMA DOMENICA DI TEMPO ORDINARIO - ANNO A – 19 OTTOBRE 2014 FIRST MEETING FOR FHC CANDIDATES Parents and First Holy Communion Candidates have their first meeting for Unit 1 – Chapters 1 & 2 Sunday October 26th at 10.30 am OR Saturday November 1st FHC & CONFIRMATION: RITE OF ENROLMENT Once the registration is complete, our Enrolment Rite will be held at the following Masses (choose one): MASS SCHEDULE October 18th to October 26th 2014 12:00PM 9:00 AM THE SOURCE October 23 from 7 pm to 9 pm at St Paul’s Basilica, 83 Power Street, Toronto: The Office of Vocations are offering a “Come and See” weekend retreat October 31st to November 2nd 2014 at St Augustine’s Seminary, in Scarborough. 11:30 AM Jean Harripaul 8:00 AM 8:0o AM 9:30 AM OFM NYC School Mass – St Francis & St Luke schools Wednesday, October 22nd St John Paul II, Pope Bl. Josephine Leroux, Virgin and Martyr, Poor Clare This will be an opportunity for young men of 18 years and older to spend a weekend with time for prayer, reflection and information on the process of becoming one of Christ’s disciples through the Catholic priesthood. 8:00 AM OFM NYC Giovanni Orlando Buffone Thursday, October 23rd St John of Capistrano, Friar Priest OFM NYC Friday, October 24th St Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop St Anthony of St Anna Galvao, Friar Priest 8:00 AM For Parishioners’ Intentions Saturday, October 25th 5:00 PM Domenica De Caria Sunday, October 26 th 9:00 AM THANK YOU ! Last Sunday we had the pleasure of Fr. James Wells, O.F.M. joining us to say the 11:30 Mass. Some of you may recall Fr. James. He was assigned to the Parish as an Associate Pastor from 1995 to 1998 and usually celebrated the Sunday 9:00 a.m. English Mass. Many were surprised to see Fr. James and recalled many happy memories. Some of you also remembered Father's excellent singing ability. Father as a young man studied at Toronto's St. Michael’s Choir School. Antonio Fusillo e Pasquale Perfetto Tuesday, October 21st 8:00 AM 7:00 PM The administration and staff of St Joseph’s College School cordially invites Grade 8 female students and their parents/guardians to the Information Evening and Open House to be held on Wednesday, Oct 29th, at 7:00 pm. St Joseph’s College School, 74 Wellesley Street West. Giuseppina Froio e Teresina Gulli; Famiglia D’Ambrosio e Caggiano; Peter Gallo; Lucia e Carlo Tedesco; Pasquale e Maria Cioffi; Giuseppe, Carmela e Giorgio Nasso; Mariano e Fiorina e Franco Greco e Fam.; Salvatore Amato e Famiglia; Pasquale Gallippi; Salvatore Ceniti; Nicola e Civita Romano; Giuseppe Suriano; Monday, October 20th “ The Love of Christ urges us on” to radically respond to His call To follow Him whole-heartily. Jesus is inviting you to spend time with Him So that you may discover His call ST JOSEPH’S COLLEGE SCHOOL For Parishioners’ Intentions Sunday, October 19th rd COME AND SEE WEEKEND Wedding: Alessandro Sarcenco and Maria Nadia Ienco 5:o0 PM Sun Oct 26th at the 11:30 am Mass Sat Nov 1st at the 5:00 pm Mass Sun Nov 23rd at the 11:30 am Mass Sat Nov 29th at the 5:00 pm Mass Join us for an evening of prayer and fellowship, from 7 pm to 8 pm in the main chapel. We’ll have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with meditative music provided by the Sisters. Confessions will be available. From 8 to 9 pm we’ll have refreshments and fellowship in the hall downstairs. We hope to see you there! For more information, contact Sr. Cecilia Rose, SV at 416-4632722 or [email protected] Saturday, October 18th St Luke, Ebangelist 11:30 AM Per Tutti I Defunti; Giuseppe e Francesco Sisi; Carmine, Francesco e Margherita Amoroso; Famiglia Carnevale; Domenico Iannetta; Michele Caccamo, Gerarda Tersigni e Michele Tersigni; Antonio e Rina Gentile; Bruno e Teresa Malfara; Eugenio Deltufo; Agnese e Filomena Fierro; Graziella Tomaselli Caterina Rizzuto
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