EFFECTS OF CHANGES IN CARBONATE CHEMISTRY ON NUTRIENT AND METAL SPECIATION Hein De Baar, Baar Loes Gerringa and Charles-Edouard Thuroczy Biological Elements in Seawater C N Al Si P Ge Ca Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ag Cd Ba La L Ce La C Nd S Eu Sm E Gd Tb Dy D Ho H Er E Tm T Yb Lu L Element in biochemical function (soft tissue) Element in skeletal part (hard shell, frustule) Apparent coupling with ocean biological cycle Metals Abundance & Biological Evolution Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn 9550 900000 2250 49300 522 1260 Ag Cd ? 0.49 1.61 H Hg Pb 0.34 315 numbers of atoms versus 1 million Si atoms Biological Evolution used abundant metals: essential L Low abundant b d t metals t l no bi bio-functions: f ti ttoxic i Case studies for Fe, Cu, Zn, Cd De Baar & La Roche (2003) Contents • Small changes in CO2 chemistry are significant – effects on underwater sound – effects on biology • Small changes in nutrient chemistry – Silicate • sidestep: Aluminium – Phosphate Ph h t • • • • Speciation of trace metals Zn, Cu, Cd S Speciation i ti off iiron F Fe Future work Summary What is Speciation • Different physical-chemical physical chemical states of a chemical element in seawater – truly t l di dissolved, l d colloids, ll id llarger particles ti l – oxidation state, Fe(II) versus Fe(III) – weak acid (H2CO3) or weak base (NH4OH) – inorganic complexation (e.g. NaHCO30) – organic complexation (e.g. Fe(III)Lorganic) DIC and Alkalinity at the Zero Meridian 50 0S station Steven van Heuven, unpubl. data, 2008 Zero Meridian Station 107 50 00 16.13’ 16 13’ S S, 01026.71’ 26 1’ W 2200.0 2300.0 7.8 2400.0 7.9 8.0 20.0 8.1 0 0 0 500 500 500 1000 1000 1500 1500 1000 pH Depth (m) Depth (m) Depth (m) 2100.0 2000 2000 DIC 2500 Alk 30.0 CO2 1500 2000 2500 2500 3000 3000 3000 3500 3500 3500 deep waters already are natural laboratory for low pH Steven van Heuven, unpubl. data, 2008 Today and future scenario at 49 m depth Station 107 (50 0S, S 01 0W) year y DIC ALK p pCO2 pH p 2008 2144 2287 360 8.07 2100 ? 2249 2287 800 7.76 2300 ? 2325 2287 1500 7.5 Future: DIC and ALK above units micromol per kg seawater these were converted to micromol per Liter for Mineql+ Version 4.6 (2007) simulations CO2 System Speciation with ith M Major j IIons iin S Seawater t CO2 System Speciation at pCO2=360 ppm and pH=8.07 CO3(2-) CaHCO3+ H2CO3 (aq) HCO3HCO3 MgHCO3+ NaHCO3 (aq) CaCO3 (aq) Mineql+ Version 4.6 (2007) MgCO3 g ((aq) q) NaCO3- Unanticipated Consequences of Ocean Acidification: A Noisier Ocean at Lower pH Keith Hester, Edward Peltzer, William Kirkwood and Peter Brewer Geophysical Research Letters (2008) Decrease in ocean sound absorption for frequencies lower than 10 kHz. kHz This effect is due to known pH-dependent chemical relaxations in the B(OH)3/B(OH)4- and HCO3-/CO32- systems. systems The pH change of 0.3 units anticipated by mid-century, results in a decrease of sound absorption by almost 40%. 40% Simplified scheme is a coupled exchange reaction with ion-pairing: In fact the species CaCO3(aq) and CaHCO3+ as well as MgCO3(aq) and MgHCO3+ are involved Also Presentation by D. Browning at Wednesday morning Will marine mammals adapt ? Underwater U d t sound d is i already l d increasing due to human activity (ships, sonar, etc.) 59 oSouth, February 2008 The additional decrease of sound absorption is an extra concern Simplified CO2 System in Seawater CO2 System in Seaw ater at pCO2=360 ppm and pH=8.07 CO2 HCO3 HCO3CO32CO2 System Speciation at pCO2=360 ppm and pH=8.07 CO3(2-) CaHCO3+ H2CO3 (aq) HCO3 HCO3MgHCO3+ NaHCO3 (aq) CaCO3 (aq) MgCO3 (aq) NaCO3- Future changes CO2 system: changes of minor players can make a difference 2500 [Micromol] = [10-6 M] 2000 CO2 (aqueous) CO32- 1500 1000 HCO3500 0 8.07 1 360 7.76 2 800 7.5 3 1500 pH pCO2 Major M j player l HCO3- remains i quite it stable t bl Minor players CO2 and CO32- change more this is our concern for photosynthesis and calcification, respectively Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Mineql+4.6(2007) The thermodynamic equilibrium simulation only mimics the existing or predicted situation The rate or kinetics of any chemical reaction is not assessed Conversion between chemical species: H2O + CO2 = HCO3- + H+ This is a slow reaction Therefore chemical speciation is important (acceleration by enzyme Carbonic Anhydrase) When the rates of conversion reactions are fast, then chemical speciation in seawater may be less important Silicate Speciation [10-6 M] or Percent 15 Si(OH)4 [10-6M] [10 6M] H3SiO4- [10-6M] H3SiO4- [%] 10 5 pH 8.07 7.76 7.5 7.50 3 Si(OH)4 [10-66 M] 12 0 12.0 12 1 12.1 12 2 12.2 At tenfold expanded scale: H3SiO4- [10-6 M] 0.151 0.074 0.041 Total Si [10-6 M] 12.2 12.2 12.2 Percent H3SiO4- 1.2 % 0.6 % 0.3 % % % % 0 8.07 1 7.76 2 pH [1 0-6 M] or P Percent 1.5 % 1 % 0.5 % 0 8.07 1 7.76 2 pH 7.50 3 Si(OH)4 [10-6M] H3SiO4- [10-6M] H3SiO4- [%] Silicate speciation: does it matter ?? ((who cares ?)) Milligan et al (2004) Si uptake and dissolution by diatoms conditions pH = 8.5 and pH = 7.8 Si uptake rate not affected by pH Si dissolution rate is 6-7 fold higher at low pH at low pH more Si efflux from cell: lower Si/C ratio effect on Si stable isotope fractionation yet to be assessed Del Amo & Brzezinski (1999) 4 diatoms at pH 8.0 and pH 9.2 Si(OH)4 is by far the preferred Si species for diatom uptake one diatom P. tricornutum behaves different from other 3 diatoms Recommendation: assess conceivable effect on fractionation of stable isotopes of Si use more realistic pH value ranges in diatom studies With gratitude to Damien Cardinal for responding to my questions Biological Elements in Seawater C N Al Si P Ge Ca Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ag Cd Ba La L Ce La C Nd S Eu Sm E Gd Tb Dy D Ho H Er E Tm T Yb Lu L Element in biochemical function (soft tissue) Element in skeletal part (hard shell, frustule) Apparent coupling with ocean biological cycle Titanium ultraclean sampling system with Kevlar hydrowire for trace elements in seawater (De Baar et al., 2008, Marine Chemistry) Ultra Clean Sub-sampling s de cclean ea co container a e inside Al in high latitude Arctic Ocean Steady increase of dissolved Al with increasing depth Looks like silicate Rob Middag, unpublished data, Arctic Geotraces, Polarstern 2007 Aluminium: major shifts 70 60 53 Percentage [%] P 50 Al(OH)2+ Al(OH)3 (aq) Al(OH)4( ) 69 65 Aluminium Speciation p at pH = 8.07 and pCO2 = 360 ppm 44 Al(OH)2+ Al(OH)3 (aq) Al(OH)4- 40 27 30 15 20 10 3 16 8 0 1 8.07 2 7.76 3 7.5 pH pH = 8.07 pH = 7.76 pH = 7.5 Al(OH)2+ Al(OH)3 (aq) Al(OH)4- Major shifts Al speciation: does it matter ? Gehlen et al (2002); Al incorporation in growing diatoms Thalassiosira nordenskjioldii Al : Si = 1.3 1 3 : 1000 Al : Si = 3.8 : 1000 uptake ratio varies with Al/Si ratio in seawater t medium di Dissolution of opal diatom frustules decreases significantly with higher Al:Si ratio of the biogenic opal (Van Bennekom) Speciation changes of Al in seawater likely affect the uptake ratio Al:Si by diatoms The 6-7 fold higher opal dissolution at l lower pH H (Milli (Milligan etal t l 2004) may well ll b be due to shifts in Al speciation affecting the Al:Si ratio of opal hence the dissolution Phosphate speciation Phosphate Speciation with Major Ions at pH = 8.07 MgHPO4 (aq) NaHPO4H2PO4HPO4-2 CaPO4- Phosphate Speciation at pH = 8.07 Simplified in 3 Categories H2PO4HPO42PO43 PO43- Phosphate speciation with ocean acidification 100 Percenttage [%] 80 H2PO4HPO42HPO42 PO43- 60 40 20 0 1 8.07 2 7.76 3 7.5 pH pH 8.07 7.76 7.5 H2PO4- 22% 2.2 44% 4.4 78% 7.8 HPO42- 96.2 % 94.8 % 91.7 % PO43- 1.6 % 0.8 % 0.4 % At tenfold expanded scale: 10 Percentage [% %] 8 H2PO4HPO42PO43- 6 4 2 0 1 8.07 2 7.76 pH 3 7.5 • • • • • • major shifts of two minor species (just like the CO2 system) does it matter ? probably not ? onl 1 stable isotope 31P only who cares ? Acidification effect on third major nutrient Nitrogen • Nitrate is strong ion – only one species NO3- and this will not be affected • Ammonia is weak ion – speciation obviously will be affected Zinc, Copper and Cadmium Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn 9550 900000 2250 49300 522 1260 Ag Cd 0.49 1.61 H Hg Pb 0.34 315 numbers of atoms versus 1 million Si atoms Zinc Inorganic Speciation Zn is key y element in enzyme y Carbonic Anhydrase y Zinc Inorganic Speciation at pH = 8.07 Total Zn = 0.4 nM Zn(2+) ZnHCO3+ Zn Inorganic Speciation ZnCO3 (aq) 100 Zn(2+) 90 Zn(SO4)2-2 ZnSO4 (aq) Percentage [% %] 80 ZnHCO3+ 70 60 ZnCO3 (aq) 50 Zn(SO4)2-2 40 30 ZnSO4 (aq) 20 10 0 1 2 3 pH decrease of ZnCO3(aq) species Zn Inorganic Speciation 15 P Percentag ge [%] Zn(2+) ZnHCO3+ 10 10 ZnCO3 ((aq) q) 6 Zn(SO4)2-2 5 3 0 1 8.07 2 7.76 ZnSO4 (aq) 3 7.5 pH ZnCO3(aq) would decrease from 10 % to 6% to 3 % with ocean acidification Zinc Speciation with Natural Organic Ligand Total T t lZ Zn = 0.4 0 4 nM M Total Ligand = 2.2 nM K(ZnL) = 10.8 Zinc-binding Ligand after Ellwood 2004; Lohan et al., 2005; Bruland 1989 Percentage [%] Assumption: L binding strength does not change h with ith pH H 100 Log scalle This Ligand also binds Cd and Cu at same time Sum (Zn+Cd+Cu)=1.2 nM Zinc Organic Speciation 96.6 97 97.2 10 1.6 1 81 07 8.07 1.6 7.76 7 276 1.6 7.5 7 35 pH Very strong organic complexation stabilizes everything No impact of ocean acidification on Zn speciation No tipping point manuscript to Nature/Science ZnL Zn(2+) ( ) Copper (Cu) Inorganic Speciation 90 Cu Inorganic Speciation at pH = 8.07 at pCO2 =360 ppm 80 70 Cu(2+) Cu(2+) Cu(OH)2 (aq) CuCl+ Pe ercentage [%] CuOH+ 60 CuOH+ Cu(OH)2 (aq) 50 CuCl+ 40 CuCO3 (aq) Cu(CO3)2-2 30 CuCO3 (aq) 20 Cu(CO3)2-2 10 Cu Inorganic Speciation mostly carbonates and also OH species Very promising for major changes ?? 0 1 8.07 2 7.76 3 7.5 pH pH 8.07 7.76 7.5 Free Cu(2+) 6% 11 % 17 % CuCO3 (aq) 81 % 80 % 72 % Cu(CO3)22- 7% 4% 2% Copper speciation with natural organic ligand Total Cu = 0.6 nM Total Ligand = 2.2 nM K(CuL) = 13.8 100 This Ligand also binds Cd and Cu at same time Sum (Zn+Cd+Cu)=1.2 (Zn+Cd+Cu)=1 2 nM Assumption: L binding strength does not change with pH Cu binding Ligand after Gerringa et al., al 1995; Laglera & Van Den Berg, 2003; Moffett, 2007 Percenttage [%] 80 60 CuL 40 20 0 8.071 7.76 2 3 7.5 pH H Full 100% organic complexation at every pH value No impact of ocean acidification on Cu speciation No tipping point manuscript to Nature/Science Cadmium Speciation without and with Organic Ligand 80 Cd Inorganic Speciation 64% 64% 64% Per centage [%] 40 Free Cd(2+) CdCl+ CdCl3CdCl2 (aq) 30 20 Percentage [[%] 50 60 Free Cd(2+) ( ) CdCl+ CdCl3CdCl2 (aq) CdL 40 20 10 0 0 1 8.07 2 7.76 3 7.5 pH 3 % free Cd2+ ion For the rest only Chlorine species No pH dependence at all 8.07 1 7.76 2 37.5 pH Total Cd = 0.2 nM Total Ligand = 2.2 nM K(CdL) = 10.8 after Ellwood, 2004 This Ligand also binds Zn and Cu at same time Sum (Zn+Cd+Cu)=1.2 nM 64 % Cd Cd-L L organic complex 1 % free Cd2+ ion For the rest only Chlorine species No pH dependence at all Gold is for the mistress Silver for the maid Copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade. “Good” Good said De Baaron sitting in this hall: “But iron – cold iron – is master of them all. all ” free after Rudyard Kipling (1910) Surface Ocean: Iron Speciation crucial for biological uptake by phytoplankton in the euphotic zone photoreduction colloids 0 [FeCO 3 ] [FeOH+ ] solids Fe2O3 Fe(OH)3 FeOOH + 2+ 3+ [Fe ] [[Fe(II)L]? ( ) ] [Fe ] ? ? [Fe(OH) 2 ] [Fe(OH)2+] cell photoreduction ? ? sidero siderophores [Fe(III)L] organic complexes Gerringa et al, 2000 Deep Ocean: Competition between Stabilization by Organic Complexation versus Removal via Colloids controls Residence Time of Fe in the Oceans removal stabilization stable dissolved [Fe3+]-organic complex dissolved [Fe3+] fine colloids Feparticles Feparticles > 0.2 micron sedimentation seafloor 40 000m de eep oce ean upper ocean Case 1: inorganic speciation, no light (dark ocean) photoreduction colloids 0 [FeCO 3 ] [FeOH+ ] solid FeOOH goethite + 2+ 3+ [Fe ] [[Fe(II)L]? ( ) ] [Fe ] ? ? [Fe(OH) 2 ] [Fe(OH)2+] cell photoreduction ? ? sidero siderophores [Fe(III)L] organic complexes Gerringa et al, 2000 Case 1: inorganic speciation, no light (dark ocean) Surface sample at 49 m depth: < 0.2 micron [Fe] = 0.096 nM = 96 pM Assume no Ligand Fe' GOETHITE 1.E-10 9.E-11 88 pM 82 pM 8.E-11 72 pM Dissolved Inorganic Iron Fe(OH)2+ Concentration 7.E-11 6.E-11 5.E-11 4.E-11 24 pM 3.E-11 Fe(OH)3 (aq) Fe(OH)4( ) 14 pM 2.E-11 1.E-11 8 pM 0.E+00 1 8.07 2 7.76 3 7.5 pH Sum off all S ll inorganic i i species: i Fe’ = Fe(OH)2+ + Fe(OH)3 + Fe(OH)4- 90 % of the dissolved Fe would precipitate Case 2: include organic ligand, delete solid FeOOH, no light (dark ocean) photoreduction colloids 0 [FeCO 3 ] [FeOH+ ] solid FeOOH goethite + 2+ 3+ [Fe ] [[Fe(II)L]? ( ) ] [Fe ] ? ? [Fe(OH) 2 ] [Fe(OH)2+] cell photoreduction ? ? sidero siderophores [Fe(III)L] organic complexes Gerringa et al, 2000 Case 2: include organic ligand, delete solid FeOOH, no light (dark ocean) Prediction of speciation model: Surface sample at 49 m depth: <0 0.2 2 micron [Fe] = 0.096 nM = 96 pM Ligand = 0.668 nM = 668 pM 100 FeL [pM] 80 96 pM 96 pM 96 pM 60 FeL 40 20 0 8.07 1 7.76 2 7.5 3 pH All the dissolved Fe is bound by the ligand, thus stable in seawater Case 2: Measure the organic complexation in real sample • deep water sample (2500m depth) – measurement onboard: Fe=0.95 Fe 0.95 nM, L=1.64 L 1.64 nM • adjusted to 3 different pH values 7.75, 8.05, 8.25 in laboratory • measure ligand concentration L and its stability constant K pH L [nM] error (L) logK error logK Onboard 8.05 7.75 8 05 8.05 8.25 1.638 0.110 22.42 0.18 1.686 1 734 1.734 1.694 0.067 0 081 0.081 0.065 22.52 22 82 22.82 22.84 0.11 0 15 0.15 0.10 Ligand concentration L does not change significantly Stability constant logK does not change significantly This supports modeling assumption that K is independent of pH Case 3: include organic ligand, dissolve FeOOH as much as possible, no light (dark ocean) photoreduction colloids 0 [FeCO 3 ] [FeOH+ ] solid FeOOH goethite + 2+ 3+ [Fe ] [[Fe(II)L]? ( ) ] [Fe ] ? ? [Fe(OH) 2 ] [Fe(OH)2+] cell photoreduction ? ? sidero siderophores [Fe(III)L] organic complexes Gerringa et al, 2000 Case 3: include organic ligand, dissolve FeOOH as much as possible, no light (dark ocean) 800 Surface sample: 674 Original Fe = 96 pM Fe' or FeL or Total D Diss Fe [pM] 700 Ligand = 0.668 nM = 668 pM 688 522 712 Total Dissolved Fe = Fe’ + FeL 698 600 514 Fe' 500 FeL 400 Total Dissolved Fe 300 200 100 8 14 24 7.76 2 7.5 3 Original Fe = 96 pM 0 8.07 1 pH The Excess Ligand of Todays Ocean Can Accomodate more dissolved Fe By Ocean Acidification the dissolved Fe in Seawater can increase even more Dissolution of solid phase Fe and Mn is much more a function of low oxygen conditions than of pH Strong Fe and Mn maxima exist in subsurface oxygen minimum i i zones off Equatorial E t i l East E t Pacific, Northwest Indian Ocean (L di (Landing ett al. l 1987 1987, Saager S ett al. l 1989) ... however this meeting happens to be about pH not oxygen How about photoreduction to Fe(II) in open ocean ? How about the fine colloids in open ocean ? photoreduction colloids 0 [FeCO 3 ] [FeOH+ ] solids Fe2O3 Fe(OH)3 FeOOH + 2+ 3+ [Fe ] [[Fe(II)L]? ( ) ] [Fe ] ? ? [Fe(OH) 2 ] [Fe(OH)2+] cell photoreduction ? ? sidero siderophores [Fe(III)L] organic complexes Gerringa et al, 2000 Photochemistry in upper euphotic zone of the open ocean Photoreduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) only in upper euphotic zone beyond chemical thermodynamics prediction rapid re-oxidation but slower in cold polar waters small ll portion ti off th the d dominant i tF Fe(III)L (III)L species i di dissociates i t into free Fe(II) and free L the free Fe(II) likely is more available for uptake by algae Photochemical breakdown of organic ligand L yes but only of small labile portion of total L pool ligand L is very stable and uniform throughout world ocean this supports the notion of long term chemical stability new ligand li db being i fformed d iin surface f waters t from f biota bi t surface waters tend to have large excess of ligand versus Fe Future work in open ocean waters • response of Fe Fe-colloids colloids size class to acidification – – – – adjust 0.2 micron filtered seawater to different pH values wait some time ultrafiltration and then measure Fe and L in size fractions physical-chemical modeling ? • Acidification effects on other metals – Mn manganese – lanthanides series (dominated by CO32- species) • but who cares about the lanthanides ? Summary • shifts in Silicate speciation may affect fractionation of Si stable isotopes • major shifts f in Aluminium speciation may affect ff its uptake in diatom frustules, hence dissolution of biogenic Silicon • major shifts of two minor species of Phosphate Phosphate, any effects on biota unknown • Zn, Cu and Cd are strongly stabilized by organic complexation • excess organic ligand in modern ocean may accomodate more dissolved Fe than is currently present • if so so, then in the future more acidic ocean somewhat more Fe may dissolve • caveats: – in fact the open ocean ligand does not carry as much Fe as it could
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