Carclnogenesls vol.17 no.7 pp. 1533-1537, 1996 SHORT COMMUNICATION Persistent chemopreventive effect of 5-adenosyl-L-methionine on the development of liver putative preneoplastic lesions induced by thiobenzamide in diethylnitrosamine-initiated rats Maria M.Simile, Michela Saviozzi1, Maria R.De Miglio, Maria R.Muroni, Alessandra Nufris, Rosa M.Pascale, Gino Malvaldi1 and Francesco Feo2 Istituto di Patologia Generale e Centro di Ricerche Oncologiche, Universita di Sassari, Via P.Manzella 4, 07100, Sassari and 'Dipartimento di Biomedicina, Sezione di Patologia Generale, Universita di Pisa, Italy 2 To whom correspondence should be addressed 5-Adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) is a strong chemopreventive agent of rat liver carcinogenesis. Examination was made to determine whether inhibition by SAM of the development of preneoplastic liver lesions persists to SAM withdrawal in diethylnitrosamine-initiated F344 rats promoted with thiobenzamide (TB). The rats were subjected, 2 weeks after initiation, to 5 weeks feeding with a 0.1% TB diet followed by a TB-free diet for 6 weeks and then by a second TB treatment for 3 weeks. SAM (384 ujnol/ kg/day) was injected i.m. during the first TB cycle (treatment A) or for 6 weeks after the first TB cycle (treatment B). Many yglutamyltranspeptidase (GGT)-positive lesions developed in initiated rats after the first TB cycle. They decreased in number after TB withdrawal, while partial recovery of lesion number and a great increase in volume occurred after the second TB cycle. Liver ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity and c-myc and c-Ha-ras mRNAs increased during the TB cycles and returned to normal liver values after TB withdrawal. Number and size of GGT-positive lesions, DNA synthesis of GGT-positive cells, liver ODC activity and c-myc and c-Ha-ras mRNA levels decreased as a consequence of SAM treatment A. The recovery of these parameters, induced by a second TB cycle in rats not treated with SAM, was prevented by SAM treatment B. These results suggest that SAM causes a persistent decrease in growth capacity of preneoplastic liver lesions in rats subjected to a diethylnitrosamine/TB protocol. 5-Adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM*) and its precursors Lmethionine, choline and betaine strongly prevent experimental liver carcinogenesis (1). Chronic treatment of rats with SAM during the development of preneoplastic lesions inhibits growth and stimulates apoptosis and remodeling (2) of preneoplastic cells (3,4). This results in long-term tumor chemoprevention (5). SAM is a non-toxic compound which seems to enter liver cells (1). It reconstitutes the endogenous SAM pool in preneoplastic hepatocytes, which exhibit decreased SAM content (3,6). Its chemopreventive effect correlates with inhibition of polyamine synthesis, overall DNA methylation and methylation and decrease in expression of c-myc, c-Ha-ras and c-Ki-ras genes in preneoplastic liver lesions (6—8). It is not yet clear, however, if SAM induces a transient decrease •Abbreviations: SAM, s-adenosyl-L-methionine; TB, thiobenzamide; ODC, ornithine decarboxylase; LI, labeling index; GTT, y-glutamyltranspeptidase, BrdU, 2-bromo-3'-deoxyuridine. © Oxford University Press in the growth rate of preneoplastic cells resulting in a decreased probability of further evolution to malignancy. This effect could be reversed by additional promoting treatments after SAM withdrawal, while a persistent decrease in growth capacity of preneoplastic cells should result in a chemoprevention resistant to further mitogenic stimuli. A suitable experimental model to test these possibilities is represented by promotion of hepatocarcinogenesis with thiobenzamide (TB) in diethylnitrosamine-initiated rats (9,10). In this model preneoplastic lesions grow asynchronously and tend to disappear after TB cessation, but they recover after a second treatment (11). In this paper diethylnitrosamine-initiated rats were subjected to two TB cycles and SAM was given between these cycles to investigate the persistence of its effect at the cellular, biochemical and molecular levels. Male Fisher 344 rats (140-160 g) were housed three per suspended wire-bottomed cage in a room with constant temperature (22°C) and humidity (55%) and with a 12 h light (6 a.m.-6 p.m.)/dark (6 p.m-6 a.m.) cycle. The rats were randomly divided into nine groups (Figure 1). Groups C, Cl and C2 (10 rats each) were normal rats, initiated rats without TB and TB-treated uninitiated rats respectively. TB treatment consisted of 5 weeks feeding with a standard diet containing 0.1% TB (11), followed by 6 weeks feeding with a standard diet without TB and then by a second TB cycle for 3 weeks. All other groups (10-15 rats) were initiated by a single i.p. dose of diethylnitrosamine (150 mg/kg). Two weeks later the animals were fed the TB diet for 5 weeks, followed in groups 3-6 by a 6 week period of TB-free diet and in groups 5 and 6 by a second 3 week TB cycle after a 6 week period of TBfree diet. The rats received four daily i.m. injections (96 mmol/ kg each) of SAM bisulfate p-toluene sulfonate (98.3% pure; BioResearch SpA, Liscate, Milano, Italy; 5) in 0.05 rrd/100 g body wt lysine buffer containing 25 (ig lidocaine-HCl (final pH 6.9) into the hind legs (Figure 1). Groups 1 and 3 received solvent alone. Surviving rats were killed by bleeding through the abdominal aorta under ether anesthesia and the livers were resected and used for histology/histochemistry and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity determination, or were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -170°C prior to use for molecular biological determinations. Five liver sections from each of five or six rats were used for stereological and labeling index (LJ) determinations. ODC activity was evaluated in one of these rats. Determination of ODC activity and RNA extraction were performed in another set of four or five rats. Acetone-fixed and paraffin-embedded 5 (im serial sections were processed for hematoxylin/eosin staining and y-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) histochemistry and subjected to morphometric analysis as published (8). Number of lesions per liver (lesions/cm3 X liver weight, since the density of liver is ~1 g/cm3), mean volume of lesions and volume fraction (percentage of liver volume occupied by glutathione S-transferase, placental form-positive lesions, calculated by the Delesse method) were determined according to Pugh et al. (19). 1533 M.M.Simile <•/ al Table I. Quanlilkation ol GGT-posiine lesions Rat group Treatment1" No/Lner [)hNA/TB [)ENA/TB(SAMl DENA/TB/BD l)ENA/TB/BD(SAMl DENA/TB/BD/TB l)ENA/TB/BD/TB(SAMi II SI2 4678 4982 4675 ± ± ± ± 1468 802" 1870"1022 11 202 1 28(K)d 6KX) ± 94(f' Volume (cnv'x KV4) Volume fraction ('/! ) 0416 0301 0 370 0 240 0 750 0 359 464 ± 7 0 ± i ± ± ± ± 0 12 0 02" 0 04 0 06d 0 I6d 0(W ' 11 3 14 0 12 2 79 0 213 ± I 21 + 2 6' 1 0 9'1 ± 18 8'1 + 2 ft1'1 J Thc r.ils were subletted lo the lollowing treatment gioups I anil 2 TB for 5 weeks, groups 3 and 4 TB + basal diet (BD) lor 6 weeks, groups 5 and 6 TB ' BD i TB lor ' weeks The rals were killed al the end ol treatments Group 2 was treated with SAM during the tirst TB cycle, and groups 4 and 6 received SAM during HD leeding. then group 6 was led TB up to killing Groups I. 3 and 5 received solvent alone during the same periods of time Data are means ' SI) ol live experiments Percentage ot luer volume occupied hs GGT-positixe lesions 'Different from group I al least P • 0 02 ''Diflerenl Irom group < al leasl P • 0(M)l "Different Irom group 4 at leasl P 0 01 'Different Irom group 5 at least P • 0 02 Group C Normal rats Standard dm • 0 IX JB Table 11. Labeling index ol preneoplastic hepatocytes in rals treated with TB and SAM DENA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rat group C2| DENA 1 1 I 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 [ 1 I I 5 ] 1 I 1 6 "j 1 I" I 1 Week i 8 9 SAM 10 11 12 i r "]" " T i r •••j-" T 13 14 15 16 Fig. I. Schematic representation ot the.' experimenta cxpe rimen tal mod el The arrows indicate the killing tunes DENA. diethylnilrosamme Transections with a radius > 3 5 (im were reliably identified and included in the analysis. To determine the LI rats of groups I, 2, 5 and 6 received, 2 h before killing, an i.p. injection of 5 mg/100 g body wt 2-bromo-3'-deoxyundine (BrdU). lmmunohistochemical staining of BrdU incorporated into nuclei was performed using a Cell Proliferation Kit (Amersham International). ODC activity was determined using 30 000 g supernatants of liver homogenates as described (12). Proteins were determined as in Lowry et al. (13). Total RNA was extracted by a guanidium thiocyanate/lithium chloride procedure (14). Poly(A) + RNAs were purified on an oligo(dT)— cellulose column (15). RNA was electrophoresed under denaturating conditions, transferred onto Highbond nylon membranes and fixed with a UV Stratalinker (12). Pre-hybridization, hybridization and autoradiography were performed according to Garcea et al. (6). Probes were 1.2, 0.46 and 1.15 kb fragments respectively of the following clones: pRYC 7.4 for c-myc (16); pBs9 for c-Ha-ra.v (17); 91 for a-actin (18). The probes were radiolabeled with 1 : P to a specific activity of 1.22X10'' d p.m./(ig DNA using a random primer DNA kit (Boehnnger Mannheim). Data are expressed as means ± SD. Differences between the means were evaluated by Student's Mest. Food intake and body and liver weights were not influenced by TB and SAM treatments throughout the experiment (data not presented). Table I shows the presence of many GGT- 1534 Labeling index.h DBNA/TB DBNA/TBlSAM) DBNA/TB/BDATB DENA/TB/BD/TB(SAM) 5 20 -1 I (•/• 14 3 1 J 3.V 7 62 -> I 3 d 8 12 - 22 J SAM I Treatment'1 The same treatments as in Table I BD. basal diel without TB SAM (384 (jmol/kg/day) was injected i m during TB feeding in rals ot group 2. or during BD leeding in rats ol group 6. The nits ol groups I and 5 received solvent alone LI of normal liver. 0 37 - 0 08 b 2(KX)-4()fK) preneoplastic hepatocytes per liver were counted "Different from group I for at least P < 0 05 d Difterent trom group 5 lor P < (MX) I Table HI. Etlect ot SAM on ODC activity of rat liver during hepatocarcinogenesis promotion by TB Rat group Treatment'1 ODC activity* Normal liver DENA/TB DENA/TB(SAMl DENAATB/BD DENAATB/BDtSAMl DENAyTB/BDn~B DENA/TB/BD/TB(SAM) 31 43 35 32 29 57 37 9 3 3 3 4 5 4 ± 10 ± 5 T ± 1 6'1 : 2 I'1 i 0 4l -n 3 Sl ± I ()' J The same treatments as in Table I BD. basal diet without TB SAM (384 nmol/kg/day) was ui|eeted i m dunng TB feeding in rats ot group 2. or dunng BD feeding in rats of groups 4 and 6 The rats of groups I 3 and 5 received solvent alone b Data are means ± SD ol 6 rats ODC activity is expressed as pmol ol 14 COi released trom | l- l4 C]ornithine per h. mg protein Normal rats were killed 7 weeks after initiation No significant variations in ODC activity occurred in these rats 13 and 16 weeks after initiation (data not included in the Table) ^Different from C for P < 0 001 d Different from group I lor P < 0 01 'Different from group 3 for P < (MX) I 'Different from group 4 for P < 0(X)l ^Different from group 5 for P < (MK)I positive lesions, occupying 46.4% of liver, in initiated rats, subjected to one TB cycle (group 1). A decrease in number/ liver of these lesions, leading apparently to a 59% decrease in volume fraction, occurred 6 weeks after arresting TB treatment S-Adenosyl-L-methionine chemoprcvcntlve effect kb 5 6 2.5 -c-myc c-Ha-ras co 1.4 *» V • -c-Ha-rat 3 4 CD OC 19 -» • • . « • « . _ -a-actin 1 1JJJ -jj Fig. 2. Autoradiograms from representative Northern blot of 2 u.g poly(A)+ RNA and densitometric analysis of four different experiments (mean ± SD) with: liver of normal rats (lane I); uninitiated rats subjected to two TB cycles (group C2, lane 2); initiated rats subjected to one TB cycle without (lane 3) or with (lane 4) SAM; initiated rats subjected to two TB cycles without (lane 5) or with SAM (lane 6). Densities of c-myc and c-Ha-ras mRNAs were normalized to the density of a-actin mRNA. c-myc, one TB cycle and two TB cycles (lanes 3 and 5) versus normal liver (lane \), P < 0.001; versus uninitiated rats (lane 2), at least P < 0.01 (f-test). SAM-treated, lane 4 versus lane 3 and lane 6 versus lane 5, P < 0.001. c-Ha-ras, uninitiated (lane 2) versus normal liver (lane I). P < 0.01; one TB cycle and two TB cycles (lanes 3 and 5) versus normal liver (lane 1), P < 0.001, versus uninitiated rats (lane 2), P < 0.01. SAM-treated, lane 4 versus lane 3 and lane 6 versus lane 5, at least P < 0.001. (group 3). Partial recovery of lesion number and increases in volume and volume fraction apparently occurred after a second TB cycle (compare group 5 with group 3). However, since the rats of various groups were killed at different times after initiation, the decrease in lesion number (group 3 versus group 4) and the recovery after the second TB cycle could be underor overestimated. GGT-positive lesions were absent in normal rats (group C), whereas a few GGT-positive minifoci (6-10 cells each) developed in initiated rats without TB (group Cl) and in TB-treated uninitiated rats (group C2; not shown). SAM treatment during the first TB cycle (group 2, treatment A) caused 60, 27.6 and 75.6% decreases in number, volume and volume fraction of GGT-positive lesions respectively. SAM treatment after the first TB cycle (group 4, treatment B) caused a decrease in size of these lesions and prevented increases in number and size in rats again fed the TB diet either for 3 (compare group 6 with group 5) or 5 weeks (data not presented). To exclude the possibility that SAM merely affected GGT expression in preneoplastic cells, cytologically recognizable lesions were counted in serial sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Clear/eosinophilic, mixed and basophilic cell lesions represented 86.5, 11.7 and 0.8% of all lesions respectively in initiated rats subjected to one TB cycle. These percentages were not significantly affected by SAM treatments A and B, which, however, induced a decrease in lesion number/liver from 14 780 ± 2864 and 12 680 ± 1992 in groups 1 and 5 (untreated) to 3970 ± 724 and 5400 ± 862 in groups 2 and 6 (SAM-treated; mean ± SD, n = 5, P < 0.001). LI of preneoplastic hepatocytes (Table IT) was 76% higher in the rats subjected to two TB cycles than in those subjected to one cycle. SAM treatments A and B caused 36 and 48% inhibition respectively. As shown in Table UJ, ODC activity was 36 and 80% higher in the liver of initiated rats subjected to one and two TB cycles than in normal liver. No variations in ODC activity occurred in initiated controls without TB 7-16 weeks after initiation (not shown), while an 8-10% increase was found in uninitiated controls subjected to one or two TB cycles (ODC activity 34.5 ± 1.3 at the end of the first cycle and 35.1 ± 1.5 at the end of the second cycle; mean ± SD, n = 4, P < 0.01 versus normal liver). ODC activity returned to normal values after TB withdrawal. SAM treatment A caused an 18% decrease in ODC activity, while treatment B induced a small (9%) but significant inhibition of enzymatic activity (compare group 4 with group 3) and largely prevented the rise in ODC activity induced by the second TB cycle. Figure 2 shows a representative Northern blot hybridizing with c-myc, c-Ha-ras and a-actin probes, with the mean densitometric values of four experiments. It appears that c-myc and c-Ha-ras mRNAs increased in the liver of initiated rats at the end of the first TB cycle (lane 3) with respect to normal liver (lane 1) and uninitiated controls treated with two TB cycles (lane 2). A second TB cycle further increased c-myc and c-Ha-ras mRNA levels in initiated rats (lane 5). SAM treatment A (lane 4) strongly decreased c-myc and c-Ha-ras mRNA levels in these rats and treatment B (lane 6) prevented the rise in mRNA levels induced by the second TB cycle. TB, a non-necrogenic xenobiotic at the doses used in the present paper, induced the development of many GGT-positive lesions in initiated rats. Previous observations (11) and the data in the present paper indicate that TB withdrawal is followed by the disappearance of many preneoplastic lesions, probably dependent on phenotypic reversion (see 11), while most initiated cells acquire a preneoplastic phenotype and are stimulated to grow by a second TB cycle. In agreement with previous results (3,4), SAM treatment A (during the first TB cycle) induced a decrease in number and size Of preneoplastic lesions. However, our results clearly show that although SAM treatment B only slightly enhanced spontaneous disappearance of preneoplastic lesions after cessation of the first TB cycle, 1535 M.M.Simile ft al it largely prevented recovery of number and volume induced by the second TB cycle, after SAM withdrawal. This excludes a marked induction of cell death by SAM under the present experimental conditions. A persistent decrease in DNA synthesis after SAM withdrawal, probably associated with an inability of phenotypically reversed cells to re-express the preneoplastic phenotype. occurs in SAM-treated rats. One of the main features of fast growing cells is a high activity of ODC. a key enzyme of polyamine synthesis (20). This activity and polyamine synthesis are high in the liver during the development of preneoplastic lesions and correlate with growth rate of these lesions (21.22). TB induced a slight increase in ODC activity in the liver of uninitiated rats, whereas large increases occurred in initiated rats subjected to TB. This indicates a possible contribution of preneoplastic cells to the ODC increase, as is also suggested by the coincidence of the highest increase in ODC activity with maximum development of GGT-positive lesions SAM treatments A and B caused a decrease in ODC activity to near to normal liver values and SAM treatment B prevented the enhancement of this activity by a second TB cycle. Although ODC activity was determined in whole liver, the rough correspondence between this activity and the relative percentage of preneoplastic lesions suggests that the effect of SAM, at least in part, depends on a fall in the volume fraction of GGT-positive lesions and on a lowered ODC activity in the remaining lesions. Indeed, these lesions had a poor growth capacity, as indicated by a relatively low level of DNA synthesis and a slight size increase at the end of the second TB treatment. Analogous behavior was found on evaluating c-wyc and cHa-ra.v mRNA levels. These oncogenes are overexpressed in the liver during the development of preneoplastic lesions and immunohistochemically recognizable gene products have been found almost exclusively in these lesions (6.8.23,24). TBinduced overexpression of these oncogenes occurred only in initiated rats, suggesting that this effect was linked to the presence of growing preneoplastic lesions, while no evident increase in gene expression occurred in initiated rats receiving two TB cycles plus SAM Polyamines and c-myc and c-Ha-ra.v gene products play a role in the control of cell proliferation (20,25). Previous work showed inhibition by SAM of c-mvc and c-Ha-ra.v expression and ODC activity in preneoplastic liver lesions (6.8,22). The present results indicate that this inhibition persists on stimulation by a promoter This should lead to a decrease in growth signal transduction and cell cycle progression and could explain the persistently scarce tendency of initiated cells to respond to TB by enhancing DNA synthesis in SAM-treated rats. Since active growth is necessary for the evolution of initiated cells to malignancy, these cells should not be propelled by mitogenic stimuli to more advanced stages of the tumorigenesis process in SAM-treated rats, even after the cessation of SAM administration. Acknowledgement This work was supported by tunds Irom (he CNR (prog Mil ACRO) As.socia/ione Riccrca sul Cancro. M t ' R S T (progr 60'^ and 40'^f ) References 1 Pa.scale.R M . 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