Difference in Temperature of between the Bhutan Shallow and Deep Valleys Himalaya Takashi EGUCHI*l and Pema M/ANGDA*2 Abstract The differences Lamperi, in thermal same in temperature located condition between temperature, are found between the shallow the annual between 丘om the valley diurnal range to the valley wind deep bottom, and Lumitsawa valleys, and as the altitudinal difference is found of large valley that invades the shallow I. Introduction and Himalaya falls along the eastern Himalayas climate is found and more than 4,000 foothills, while, basin located about causing dry between vegetation (Schweinfurth, montane along 70−80 km foothills, it is found bottom the regional (Ohsawa, along the is mainly the intra- between The contrasting the deep Dochula and the vegetation wallichiana deep shallow series and valleys of the the dry valley ecosystems & *IDepartment shallow observed of most Ohsawa, remarkable 2006). Along of Geography, Komazawa *2RNR-RDC-Yusipang, valleys. oxyodon, Department the and mal east while humid the from (2008) moisture and uercus east Dochula Fagaceae of west Dochula Himalayan from C?. east dry slope west dry of Dochula Himalayan lanata) Himalayan at ele- the lower elements ((?. C?. lamellosa, Castanopsis mid-altitudes the west slopes that slope of (Wangda clarifies & the conditions differentiates Dochula Ohsawa, from 2006). differences along the and the University, Tokyo of Forest and Park Services,Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Thimphu 1 − 7? semecarpifolia Punatsangchu valley. The altitudinal difference shallow shaldistin- of slope to the most m. transition both (east the humid west ぶa ぶα The valleys slope of 3000 as dumo 尽力泌(? mountain and the dumo from Dochula).The ca. C?・ glauca, Eguchi of to such Γoxbu vegetation Himalaya humid pass. deep formation showed hystrix)at characteristics in the Bhutan (/? other different of 77 1 972) ments altitudes series which the forest the Dochula corresponds to valley) is also between lanata into totally the type (deep around of the 2200 (Stainton, to Punatsangchu- Wangchu-Dochula is one (Wangda vegetation and was is valley) of vegetation basinけhe vegetation between of vegetation - different forest type the valley dominates (?μercμぶ lanata -(?. along characteristic (shallow bottom。 the intramontane slope on the up- according forest transits asl) (west Phj^to-geographically from the is due dry wallichiana m are valley) type largely valleys along valley into further foraied (deep The the altitude or the relative height P. Dochula) valley mesic 1987). mixed dominated while deep than like phenomena. changes m)and of guishing 957). Along fohn in is the rela- and valley cause which types slope the valley Lamperi the shallow (2800-3000 forest to 800 mm, along and in temperature of differences semecarpifolia -Picea spinulosa-Tsuga forest 600mm on the slope of valley changes In forms low by xeric type at the valley bottom, per slope of the valleyけhe mm annual the intramontane to occur 1 956,1 (?. diversity of causes minimum , Pinuswallichiana asl) (2500-2700 of north of the southern basin, the vegetation dominates part to be significantly large. The precipitation reaches southern the main variation along slopes m and is almost and the shallow valley and (2200 temperature the shallow of temperature valley Bhutan between Yusipang maximum Yusipang to be larger along diurnal range mean mean of the main and between between to clarify the dif!erence the diurnal valleys. One Lumitsawa annual the annual temperature deep and are analyzed valleys. The However, and and of temperature of the deep and in monthly the shallow of the causes different valleys. Khasadrupchu varies. The valley. One deep variation tive height deep Khasadrupchu the shallow and to differ between temperature between at a similar altitude along in slope therof Regional Views N0. 25 2012 between Bajo qualifying and other hand, along dinal difference around The Dochula 1000 condition thermal valley the the altitu- Dochula is valley・ focused on in (Wangchu) in the temperature and western the part Along (1720 and were (3120 valley, five such set at Bajo (1200 m), Lumitsawa Dochula set at hourly (2180 m), Lamperi m).The automated interval. The is presented automated m), Mendigang temperature in Table l and (2640 m), loggers are data for the Figures 2 and 3. the III. Difference in Temperature between the between deep the Punatsangchu thermometers year 2002 in the pres- the slope of the Wangchu difference ley (Punatsangchu) m on the slope of the Wangchu along valley 2000 the valley a shallow analysis is mainly the shallow and in detail. Therefore, condition and than valley. 0n the valley, the Thimphu m, making thermal as deep the Wangchu between valley is not shown ent paper, is more the Punatsangchu Shallowand Deep Valleys val- of Bhutan Himalaya. The annual mean temperature, seasonal change in monthly temperature, and diurnal range of ternperature are analyzed to clarify the difference in II. Data and Analysis Procedures temperature between the shallow and deep valleys・ In particular,the differences in temperature tween Khasadrupchu clarify the difference in temperature between Yusipang and Lamperi, located at the same altitude the shallow and deep valleys. Therefore, automated thermometers were set in the shallow valley of Wangchu, and the deep (Fig. 1). Along valley of Punatsangchu the Wangchu valley, two Onset HOBO Pro automated thermometers were set at Khasadrapchu (2205 m)and Yusipang (2700 m). - Fig. 1. station map and Lumitsawa be- Available temperature data was not sufficientto and between of differenttypes of valley,are analyzed. 1. Annual mean temperature The annual mean temperatureis almost same between Yusipang and Lamperi and between Khasadrupchu and Lumitsawa, and is not differ- (from 2− Google earth) Difference in Temperature between Table Stationname 1. Shallow and Deep Valleys (Eguchi and Wangda) Annual mean temperature Bajo Mendigang Altitude (m) 1200 1720 2180 2640 3120 2700 2205 Average 18.3 16.0 13.5 9.9 6.6 10.2 13.2 Maχimum 25.0 22.0 18.5 13.8 10.6 17.1 22.0 Minimum 13.3 12.2 10.5 7.0 3.7 5.1 7.2 Diurnal range 11.7 9.8 8.1 6.9 6.9 11.9 14.8 ent between the 1). However, minimum and shallow valleys. temperature and annual mean and along both and the shallow daily the maximum shallow than along Lumitsawa). daily minimum along the shallow Along mean Khasadrupchu) valley (Lamperi valleys (Table daily maximum differ between Annual is higher (Yusipang deep mean temperatures deep and the annual Lumitsawa (2002) On valley the deep the contrary, temperature is lower valley than along the deep valleys, the diurnal valley. range of tern- perature is larger at the valley bottom and smaller annual as the altitude increases. diurnal range along of temperature the shallow ley. The annual at Yusipang Lamperi valley mean (2700 m) is the annual temperature at Khasadrupchu Lumitsawa (1200 the deep val- of temperature as Bajo (1200 mean diurnal reaches and than m).0n range of than Bajo m). 2-(C)).ln The monthly in January the mean mean temperature temperature the middle and the monthly mean contrary, in reaches (Bajo) upper valley is higher maximum of shallow than that of the deep winter, valley the tends mean to be lower be almost The mean maximum of the that of the minimum in January However, the monthly reaches maximiim (Bajo, Mendigang, in August Yusipang). mean in June maximum monthly mean maximum of Khasadrupchu the same monthly as Dochula mean minimum season range the and m) is found (3120 m)。 to of temperature the summer mon- in monthly mean the shallow diurnal and deep small. 0n the contrary, in winter, mean diurnal range shallow of temperature valley valley. In particular, it reaches KI!asadrupchu (2120 difference temperature on minimum (2120 in winter (Fig. 2-(D))・ between larger in the The as that of deep mean during maximum becomes monthly deep than diurnal range in July of temperature becomes in the m)。 in annual between the than nearly 200Cat mean relatively during diurnal Khasadrupchu the range and Bajo high temperature of daj^ime throughout the temperature at Khasadrupchu the winter night. 3. Diurnal and along Lumitsawa) in temperature diurnal the range shallow than of and valley (Lamperi and the deep the night, the tern- in the shallow valley valley. 0n the contrary, during temperature is found than in the deep shallow and deep higher than in the the daj^ime, in the shallow valley. Temperature valleys is found 10−11 o'clock in the morning temperature valley (Yusipang (Fig. 3-(A)). During perature is lower and between almost 18-19 the valley the same at o'clock in the evening。 In tempera- (Yusipang the year. the Khasadrupchu) Dochula, than that of the variation January, is larger altitudes Khasadrupchu) altitudes (Lamperi, valley is higher valley throughout temperature at the lower Lumitsawa, ture of the shallow reaches in all the stations (Fig. 2-(B))・ at the higher The temperature lower In siraimer, the difference deep monthly minimum is the same particular, the monthly temperature In valley. 0n the than mean valley at on the shallow temperature monthly valley becomes valley. In during parts of the slope. In summer, along reaches in July (Fig・ valley. 0n the contrary, in winter, that year and relatively low in June temperature maximum that of deep However, and in July or August temperature the minimum valley。 The deep reaches and Khasadrupchu of the shallow KI!asadrupchu July, the diurnal range and ley (Lamperi the - deep temperature in all the stations (Fig. 2-(A)). the valley bottom shallow in monthly minimum January summer, depends change Yusipang temperature of 2. Annual mean in valleys 14.8°C, 6.7°C 3°c larger monthly minimum soon to be larger along The reaches mean 1 1.90C, 5°C larger the same larger than is found than diurnal range and almost the other hand, The becomes Dochula Lamperi 3− temperature Khasadrapchu) and of temperature Lumitsawa) is almost is larger than in the deep (Fig. the same 3-(B)). between val- While the Regional Views N0. 25 2012 q" 25.0 .−一一、 (A)Mean ¥2o'o <≫ ――^.'^こ 、 Bajo §:: 説j‘''ヤ'f? ``j ヽごこ …― a' 1.'‘' ゛‘・ ………Lumitsawa 5 Mend“g'ロg Lamperi 0.0 ●/ \ F ・ -Dochula -5.0 ― 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 −一一Yusipang Month Khasadrupchu 35.0 β30.0 .−^ヽ一一ヽ、、 (B)Maximum `i″25.0 − 、 −一一Baio 120.0 /F……….‘ぷ‘‘’`ぶ゜゛∼4’`こ`S、 Mendigang ir 15.0 /ゴ .べ゛ ’\. χ ………Lumitsawa O- 10.0 /゛ Lamperi Q 5.0 ’ F 0.0  ̄・ ̄Dochula 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ミミーYusipang Month Khasadrupchu 25.0 ͡ 20.0 ’ (C)Minimum X ――――、 − 已15.0 七 、  ̄ ̄ ̄Bajo 110.0 4.y’`‘’§.‘ ゛、S゛’゛・・y、 Mendigang 巴 5.0 ・.’’ 岬 ゛‘ ………Lumitsawa 1 0.0 >>' Lam peri β! -5.0 − ●− Dochula -10.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1o 11 12 ’’゜Yusipang Month Khasadrupchu 25.0 range P 20.0 (D)Diurnal ヽi● Bajo 3 15.0 ’ 、 Mendigang S10.0 ダこ云今‘誂`ミフ、 j乙`1 ………Lumitsawa □. -・9 ’●.−,ぷ〃一,J .− Lam peri E 5o ……`’’……… β ゛’ −一一Dochula 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 一一-Yusipang Month Khasadrupchu Fig. shallow valley and the deep the temperature is found than in the deep ture between 2. Monthly mean temperature temperature, (B)Maximumtemperature, (C) Minimum valley during valley during the shallow the night, higher in the shallow the day. The and deep valley same of 2002 temperature, (D) Diumal tempera- 4 − range of temperature at 8 o'clock in the morning and l o'clock in the midnight. valleys is almost - (A) Mean Difference in Temperature between Shallow and Deep Valleys (Eguchi and Wangda) 20.0 (A) January 15.0 0 q 0 ︵ハ︶゜︶Q﹄コ︶ej3diu3i −一一Bajo 一一一一Mendigan ………Lumitsawa 0 0 Lamperi −・-Dochula -5.0 ”-Yusipang Khasadrupchu 10.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213 141516171819 202122 23 24 Hour 30.0 (B)July 25.0 0 0 一一一 `ノ﹄ 1 1 ︵O ︶ajnjej3diu8i 一一-Bajo -"― Mendigan ………Lumitsawa 0 一一一 0 Lamperi −・-Dochula 一一-Yusipang 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 2021 Khasadrupchu 22 23 24 Hour Fig. 3. Monthly mean diurnal variation in temperature of 2002 (A) January, (B) July・ rv. Discussions deep valley during along the shallow the deep The differences in temperature between temperature Thereforeけhe and low but along a different aspect, are mainly located at a similar altitude clarify the difference in thermal The and deep annual shallow and nual mean maximum the annual temperature deep valleys. and variation in ture between monthly the shallow and to be lower the shallow the night and day than along the deep temperature is found valley the deep than perature along temperature, and differ between valley. The during diurnal range of the shallow siraimer, the valley is higher Yusipang than the to Dochula Yusipang On (the the altitudinal differto Dochula m, it is ca. 2000 deep are located of temperature (2008) (the m shal- between valley). Khasadrupchu near the shallow the contrary, Lumitsawa on the middle and be- is the relative height While Khasadrupchu valley. Eguchi 5− temperature lower and Lumitsawa Lamperi valley) is cα.1000 are located than the and between bottom. tern- the shal- of differences in the tempera- the valley bottom. and to be larger along the shallow valley. In along of winter. valley throughout becomes Khasadrupchu ence Bajo the valley from low valley is found higher shallow of the causes tween valleys. Particularly in winter, along during an- temperature temperature in valley in winter. One variation in temperature deep the However, the diurnal the temperature along is similar between minimum than valley is higher than the deep deep the in summer daj^ime similar to diurnal range the year. 0n the contrary, the nighttime valleys。 mean the to between - the shallow analyzed condition to be night. The is smaller Yusipang and, the temperature valley is found valley during Khasadrapchu and Lumitsawa and between Lamperi, the daj^ime or upper and valley Lamperi slope of the deep clarifies that the diurnal range is large at the valley bottom and Regional Views N0. 25 2012 becomes along smaller at the valley high during temperature the night, radiative cooling and low valley Lumitsawa becomes (2008) valley. Wangda m and becomes (2006) the difference culation and also make the (1250 the area humid from species. Contrastingly, m the Wangchu parts of Lauraceae on the ridge top, which makes the lower in the interesting diurnal bottom. The the shallow time altitudes dry. Thus deep range of temperature valley than in the deep of the shallow than that of deep becomes lower dry is larger in valley. The day- valley is relatively the year of the shallow than that of the deep valley valley only in winter. The becomes strong fine weather. accumulates The temperature is caused the comes dry ridge valley. The higher the daj^ime, or passes temperature We would of subsid- phenomena the daj^ime. often flows so the night temperature relatively lower In Yusipang from Dochula and shallow valley to further observation Mr. Karma Director, Council research of Bhutan, for their full sup- port and valuable comments the Renewable on this study. At Natural Resources Development Center-Yusipang, thank the former Program Norbu Dukpa, Research we would Director, Dr. Lungten and the present Program Director Dr. Kinley Tenzin, who always supported our collaborative study.We would alsolike to thank the research team Kuenzang Dhendup, Chu basin, becomes cloud T・, 2008. 7? eports often Therefore, 99−106. valley be- Ohsawa, valley of M。 Himalaya. Regional conditions represented by the versity. 6− differences on the in slope thermal of Tsang Bhutan Himalaya. Geographical 乃砂aj面なりμ 1987. Vegetation olitan ひdiversity, zones in the In Life zone ecology o f the Himalaya, e d M. temperature, Norbu, Ghemiray) References moisture that of the deep Kumar valley 皿d and Damber who always helped with our study・ Eguchi, time. and like to and - daj^ime and of Forests and Park Services and Dr. Tashi Samdup, for RNR valley of the shallow than in occurs in there is not enough like to thank valley. 0n the the radiative cooling during often and in- as the altitude is lower wind this hjmothesis, develops day, and Acknowledgement only in winter. The the shallow air becomes the dc・, is considered analysis are necessary・ cooling the shallow than the deep cool- season radiative it is the rainy season sky the nighttime air from valley because and narrower because of eflficientlyin the shallow contrary, in summer, covers because cool more than in the deep is smaller weak vegetation of Yusipang (Dorji Gyaltshen, Tshewang difference in nighttime by the radiative cooling. In winter, radiative ing the mountain valley factors, for valley wind during circulation data in the deep be- at the valley valley throughout temperature The valley Director General, Department valleys is the difference diurnal range of temperature and the nighttime cool valley. difference in temperature and temperature higher top and only on along the Wangchu the shallow of the causes. or the eastern ridge. However, verify 1.5, 1.2, valley is much are usually tween soil moisture, valley during clouds Another complex the shallow to the mountain species appear the Wangchu by cir- drier due to its short range formed in valley. Fohn-like as a result of and temperature the shallow during is around to be caused well in the deep vades and Khasadrupchu local circulation system over is 5-8°C Dochula and Bajo the tern- is 9-14°C. rate between and air humidity, to be one in respectively. While the relatively daj^ime example Yusipang Dochula asl) the valley bottom for Fagaceae high lapse Dochula is considered ence of vegetation are formed between and and Khasadrapchu between 0.80C/100m, crosses Wangchu 0n the upper valley winds is as the report that the albetween 皿d Dochula temperature Yusipang, becomes is lower difference in maximum Dochula the connected of mountain-valley valley, clouds laden with higher the difference aspects of Dochula. Punatsangchu making during the Punatsangchu of cα.1000 m valley make moisture val- valley. asl) valley and Punatsangchu in the two Therefore, to be high Ohsawa & titudinal difference (2200 bottom. along between The by of the shallow increases perature temperature, altitudinal range valley. The during reveals that the relative humidity altitudinal range Wangchu maximum the contrary, of the deep at the valley bottom as 皿d between large in comparison and Lamperi mean higher causes air accumulates Yusipang is found of monthly wind during the night, and the diurnal range of temperature Eguchi the subsidence cool at the and that, is relatively valley to rise. 0n the ley, the temperature low because the strong the relatively at Khasadrapchu day the temperature the daj^ime with increases valley. This indicates bottom, air associated the as the altitudinal range the Punatsangchu Ohsawa: 1 85-206, Chiba 43: Bhutan Bhutan Uni- Difference in Temperature between Schweinfurth, entalter U., im Schweinfurth, U., vertikale lava. 1956. Himalaya. Uber klimatische Erdkunde, 1957. 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