
Know these terms!
The Meeting of Cultures
Christopher Columbus
Hernando Cortes
Colonial Foundations
Captain John Smith
Lord De La Warr
John Rolfe
The "Headright" System
Virginia House of Burgesses
Lord Baltimore
1649 "Act Concerning Religion"
Sir William Berkeley
Nathaniel Bacon
The Mayflower Compact
William Bradford
The Massachusetts Bay Company
John Winthrop
"City on a Hill"
Thomas Hooker
The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
The Fundamental Articles of New Haven
Roger Williams
Anne Hutchinson
The Antinomian heresy
The Pequot War
King Philip's War
Fundamental Constitution for Carolina
William Penn
James Oglethorpe
The Navigation Acts
Dominion of New England
Sir Edmund Andros
Colonial Culture
Indentured Servitude
The Middle Passage
Slave Codes
"triangular trade"
Stono Rebellion
Town Meeting
Salem Witch Trials
The Great Awakening
George Whitefield
Jonathan Edwards
New Lights
Old Lights
The Enlightenment
Poor Richard's Almanac
Publick Occurrences
Benjamin Franklin
John Peter Zenger
Road to Revolution
The Albany Plan
Seven Years' War
The Iroquois Confederacy
George Washington
William Pitt
Peace of Paris
King George III
George Grenville
Pontiac’s Rebellion
The Proclamation of 1763
The Sugar Act of 1764
The Currency Act of 1764
The Stamp Act of 1765
The Paxton Boys
Patrick Henry
Virginia Resolves
James Otis ‘No Taxation without”
Sons of Liberty
Charles Townshend
Townshend Duties
Boston Massacre
Samuel Adams
Committee of Correspondence
Virtual and Actual Representation
The Tea Act of 1773
Daughters of Liberty
The Boston Tea Party
The Coercive Acts of 1774
First Continental Congress
Lexington and Concord
William Dawes
Paul Revere
The Revolution
Second Continental
Thomas Paine
Common Sense
Declaration of
Articles of Confederation
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Marquis de Lafayette
Baron von Steuben
Bunker Hill
Valley Forge
Francis Marion
Lord Cornwallis
John Jay
Treaty of Paris
Northwest Ordinance of
Battle of Fallen Timbers
Daniel Shays
Shays’ Rebellion
The Constitution and The Early
Republic (Washington/Adams)
Alexander Hamilton
James Madison
The "Founding Fathers"
Constitutional Convention
Virginia Plan
Edmund Randolph
William Paterson
New Jersey Plan
The Great Compromise
Popular Sovereignty
"Checks and Balances"
The Federalist Papers
The Bill of Rights
The Judiciary Act of 1789
Henry Knox
Thomas Jefferson
Report on Manufactures
The Bank of the United States
"First Party System"
Whiskey Rebellion
Jay's Treaty
Pinckney's Treaty
XYZ Affair
The "Quasi War"
The Alien and Sedition Acts
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Aaron Burr
The Judiciary Act of 1801
John Marshall
"Midnight Appointments"
"Revolution of 1800"
Jeffersonian Era
Judith Sargent Murray
"noble savages"
Noah Webster
Second Great Awakening
Cane Ridge
"camp meeting"
Gabriel Prosser
The First Industrial Revolution
Eli Whitney
Cotton gin
Robert Fulton
The "Turnpike Era"
Charles C. Pinckney
Marbury v. Madison
The Louisiana Purchase
James Monroe
Meriwether Lewis
William Clark
Zebulon Pike
Essex Junto
Alexander Hamilton
Aaron Burr
Chesapeake-Leonard Incident
"Peaceable Coercion"
Non-Intercourse Act
Macon's Bill No. 2
William Henry Harrison
Republicans vs Federalists
First Party System
War of 1812
Tenskwatawa the "Prophet"
Battle of Tippecanoe
War Hawks
Henry Clay
John C. Calhoun
The War of 1812
Andrew Jackson
Francis Scott Key
Battle of Plattsburgh
Battle of New Orleans
Daniel Webster
Hartford Convention
Treaty of Ghent
Rush-Bagot Agreement
Era of Good Feelings
Second Bank of the United States
National Road
Stephen H. Long
Virginia Dynasty
James Monroe
John C. Calhoun
John Quincy Adams
"Era of Good Feelings"
Andrew Jackson
The Seminole War
Adams-Onís Treaty
Wildcat bank ”
Panic of 1819
Missouri Compromise
Tallmadge Amendment
Henry Clay
John Marshall
Fletcher v. Peck
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
McCulloch v. Maryland
Daniel Webster
Gibbons v. Ogden
Worcester v. Georgia
The Monroe Doctrine
"King Caucus"
"American System"
"Corrupt Bargain"
The "Tariff of Abominations"
Jacksonian America
Andrew Jackson
The Dorr Rebellion
Martin Van Buren
The "spoils system"
John C. Calhoun
Nullification Doctrine
Kitchen Cabinet
Webster-Hayne Debate
Nullification Crisis
Force Bill
The Black Hawk War
"Five Civilized Tribes"
Winfield Scott
Trail of Tears
Maysville Road
Nicholas Biddle
The Bank War
"Soft-money" faction
"Hard-money" faction
Roger B. Taney
Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge
"Second Party System"
"King Andrew I"
Henry Clay
Panic of 1837
Specie Circular
William Henry Harrison
Log Cabin campaign
"Penny Press"
John Tyler
Aroostook War
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
First Industrial Revolution
Native American Party
Factory system
Supreme Order of the
Elias Howe
Star-Spangled Banner
Isaac Singer
Lowell or Waltham
American Party
Erie Canal
Factory Girls Association
Samuel Morse
National Trades' Union
Morse Code
Commonwealth v. Hunt
Western Union Telegraph "Cult of Domesticity"
Associated Press
Limited liability
Gabriel Prosser
Denmark Vesey
Nat Turner
Underground Railroad
Slave Codes
Antebellum Culture
Hudson River School
The Last of the Mohicans
Walt Whitman
Leaves of Grass
Herman Melville
Moby Dick
Edgar Allan Poe
"The Raven"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Brook Farm
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter
Robert Owen
New Harmony
"Mother" Ann Lee
Joseph Smith
Book of Mormon
Brigham Young
Horace Mann
Antebellum Reform
Dorothea Dix
Catherine Beecher
Lucretia Mott
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Susan B. Anthony
Seneca Falls Convention
"Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions"
American Colonization Society
Liberia /Monrovia
William Lloyd Garrison
The Liberator
American Antislavery Society
Frederick Douglass
The North Star
Elijah Lovejoy
The Amistad
Liberty Party
Free Soil Party
John Brown
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Expansionism and Sectionalism
(Missouri Compromise)
(Abolitionist Movement)
(Free Soil Party)
(Uncle Tom’s Cabin)
Manifest Destiny
Santa Anna
The Alamo
Davy Crockett
Sam Houston
Battle of San Jacinto
The Oregon Trail
James K. Polk
"Fifty-four forty or fight!"
Zachary Taylor
John C. Frémont
Bear Flag Revolution
Winfield Scott
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Wilmot Proviso
"Popular Sovereignty"
Free-Soil Party
California Gold Rush
The Compromise of 1850
Stephen A. Douglas
Franklin Pierce
Fugitive Slave Act
Transcontinental Railroad
Jefferson Davis
Gadsden Purchase
Kansas-Nebraska Act
"Bleeding Kansas"
John Brown
Pottawatomie Massacre
Brooks-Sumner Affair
Republican Party
James Buchanan
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Harper's Ferry raid
The Civil War
Confederate States of America Ulysses S. Grant
Fort Sumter
Robert E. Lee
Homestead Act
The Monitor
Morrill Act
The Merrimac
National Bank Acts
First Battle of Bull
Andrew Johnson
Fort Henry and Fort Donelson
George McClellan
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
Thaddeus Stevens
Battle of Antietam
Emancipation Proclamation
Battle at Gettysburg
Thirteenth Amendment
William Tecumseh Sherman
Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts (All "March to the Sea"
black regiment)
Appomattox Courthouse
Conscription Act
Freedmen's Bureau
Radical Republicans
Thaddeus Stevens
Abraham Lincoln
Wade-Davis Bill
John Wilkes Booth
Andrew Johnson
Congressional Reconstruction
Black Codes
Fourteenth Amendment
Fifteenth Amendment
Crop-lien system
Ulysses S. Grant
Crédit Mobilier
The "Whiskey Ring"
Indian Ring
Panic of 1873
"Seward's Folly"
Ku Klux Klan
Compromise of 1877
Rutherford B. Hayes
Samuel Tilden
Tweed Ring
Tammany Hall
Booker T. Washington
Tuskegee Institute
Atlanta Compromise
Plessy v. Ferguson
Jim Crow laws
Ida B. Wells
Settling the West
Plains Indians
Transcontinental Railroad
Chinese Exclusion Act
Homestead Act
Timber Culture Act
Comstock Lode
"Range Wars"
Buffalo Bill Cody
Annie Oakley
Frederic Remington
Frederick Jackson Turner
Indian Peace Commission
Red Cloud
Crazy Horse
Sitting Bull
George A. Custer
Battle of Little Bighorn
Nez Percé
Chief Joseph
"Ghost Dance"
Wounded Knee Massacre
Dawes Severalty Act
Industrial Supremacy
Alexander Graham Bell
Thomas Edison
Henry Bessemer
Henry Ford
Wilbur and Orville Wright
Kitty Hawk, NC
Charles Lindbergh
General Electric
Frederick W Taylor
Assembly line
Cornelius Vanderbilt
"Limited Liability"
Andrew Carnegie
Henry Clay Frick
J. Pierpont Morgan
US Steel
Gustavus Swift
"horizontal integration"
"vertical integration"
John D. Rockefeller
Standard Oil
"holding company"
Social Darwinism
Herbert Spencer
William Graham Sumner
The Gospel of Wealth
Russell Conwell
"Acres of Diamonds"
Horatio Alger
Henry George
Progress and Poverty
"single tax"
Edward Bellamy
Looking Backward
Molly Maguires
Railroad Strike of 1877
Knights of Labor
Terence V. Powderly
American Federation of Labor
Samuel Gompers
Haymarket Bombing
Homestead Strike
George M. Pullman
Pullman Strike
American Railway Union
Eugene V. Debs
Urbanization and Immigration
"Immigrant ghettoes"
American Protective
Jacob Riis
How the Other Half Lives
Salvation Army
William M. Tweed
Tammany Hall
D.W. Griffith (Birth of a
Coney Island
Dime novels
Charles Darwin
"natural selection"
William Graham Sumner
New Immigration
Jane Addams Hull House
Gilded Age Politics and Populism
Rutherford B. Hayes
Roscoe Conkling
James Blaine
James Garfield
Chester A. Arthur
Pendleton Act
Grover Cleveland
Sherman Antitrust Act
William McKinley
McKinley Tariff
People's Party
The Wabash case
Interstate Commerce Act
Farmers' Alliances
"Colored Alliances"
"free silver"
William Jennings Bryan
"Cross of Gold" speech
The Progressive Era
Ida Tarbell
Lincoln Steffens
The Shame of the Cities
The "Social Gospel"
The Salvation Army
Settlement House movement
Hull House
Jane Addams
American Medical Association
National Association of Colored Women
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Carrie Chapman Catt
National American Woman Suffrage
Nineteenth Amendment
Alice Paul
National Woman's Party
City-Manager plan
Direct primary
Robert La Follette
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
W.E.B. Du Bois
The Souls of Black Folk
Niagara Movement
National Association for the Advancement
of Colored Persons
Women's Christian Temperance Union
Eighteenth Amendment
The Socialist Party
Eugene Debs
Industrial Workers of the World
William "Big Bill" Haywood
The Progressive Era
William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt
Square Deal
Hepburn Regulation Act
Pure Food and Drug Act
Upton Sinclair
The Jungle
Meat Inspection Act
Gifford Pinchot
National Reclamation Act
John Muir
Sierra Club
National Park System
Panic of 1907
J.P. Morgan
William Howard Taft
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
James R. Garfield
"New Nationalism"
Progressive Party
"Bull Moose"
Woodrow Wilson
"New Freedom"
Underwood-Simmons Tariff
Federal Reserve Act
Federal Trade Commission Act
Clayton Antitrust Act
Keating-Owen Act
Marcus Garvey
United Negro Improvement
Alfred Thayer Mahan
The Influence of Sea Power Upon
Queen Liliuokalani
José Martí
"Yellow Press"
William Randolph Hearst
Joseph Pulitzer
Pulitzer's World
New York Journal
The Maine
Spanish-American War
"A splendid little war"
Theodore Roosevelt
San Juan Hill
Rough Riders
Leonard Wood
Kettle Hill
Foraker Act
Anti-Imperialist League
Platt Amendment
The Phillippine War
Emilio Aguinaldo
William Howard Taft
The Open Door
"spheres of influence"
The Boxer Rebellion
"Big Stick" Diplomacy
"Great White Fleet"
Roosevelt Corollary
Platt Amendment
Panama Canal
"Dollar Diplomacy"
The "Triple Entente," or Allies
The "Triple Alliance," or Central Powers
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The Lusitania
The Sussex
Zimmermann Telegram
Bolshevik Revolution
V.I. Lenin
John J. Pershing
American Expeditionary Force
Argonne Forest
Trench Warfare
"Liberty Bonds"
Herbert Hoover
War Industries Board
National War Labor Board
Committee on Public Information
Espionage Act of 1917
Sabotage Act of 1918
Sedition Act of 1918
Eugene Debs
Fourteen Points
League of Nations
Paris Peace Conference
Treaty of Versailles
Henry Cabot Lodge
1919 Strike wave
"Great Migration"
1919 Chicago Race Riot
"Red summer"
Red Scare
A. Mitchell Palmer
J. Edgar Hoover
Nicola Sacco
Bartolomeo Vanzetti
Roaring 20’s
Margaret Sanger
F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Harlem Renaissance"
Langston Hughes
Claude McKay
Zora Neale Hurston
Jazz Age
Louis Armstrong
Duke Ellington
National Origins Act of 1924
Ku Klux Klan
D.W. Griffith
Birth of a Nation
John T. Scopes
Clarence Darrow
William Jennings Bryan
Warren Harding
Teapot Dome Scandal
Calvin Coolidge
Andrew Mellon
Mellon Plan
Herbert Hoover
Organized Crime
The Great Depression
"Black Tuesday"
"Dust Bowl"
Scottsboro Case
The Hindenberg
Orson Welles
The Grapes of Wrath
Frank Capra
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town
Mr. Smith Goes to
Popular Front
John L. Lewis
Spanish Civil War
Abraham Lincoln Brigade
John Steinbeck
Herbert Hoover
Agricultural Marketing Act
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
"Bonus Army"
Douglas MacArthur
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
New Deal
Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Bank Holiday"
Emergency Banking Act
Glass-Steagal Act
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Securities and Exchange Commission
Twenty-First Amendment
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
National Recovery Administration (NRA)
Section 7(a)
Public Works Administration (PWA)
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
Harry Hopkins
Civil Works Administration (CWA)
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Home Owner's Loan Corporation (HOLC)
Francis Townsend
Townsend Plan
Charles Coughlin
Huey Long
Share-Our-Wealth Plan
"Second New Deal"
Wagner Act
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
Social Security Act
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
"Court-Packing Plan"
Fair Labor Standards Act
Indian Reorganization Act
Causes of WWII
The Dawes Plan
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Chiang Kai-Shek
World Economic Conference
"Bombshell Message"
"Good Neighbor Policy"
Cordell Hull
Neutrality Act of 1935
"Quarantine" Speech
Munich Agreement
Neville Chamberlain
Winston Churchill
Joseph P. Kennedy
The Atlantic Charter
Tripartite Pact
Hideki Tojo
Pearl Harbor
Battle of Midway
George C. Marshall
Dwight D. Eisenhower
El Alamein
George S. Patton
Battle of Stalingrad
The Holocaust
Office of Price Administration (OPA)
War Production Board (WPB)
Office of War Mobilization (OWM)
National Defense Research Committee
Fair Employment Practices Commission
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Navajo "Code-Talkers"
"Zoot-Suit Riots"
Japanese Internment
"Rosie the Riveter"
Harry S. Truman
Truman Committee
Dresden firestorm
Battle of the Bulge
Battle of Okinawa
Tokyo Firebombing
Manhattan Project
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Alamogordo, New Mexico
Enola Gay
V-E Day
V-J Day
Early Cold War Era
Teheran Conference
Yalta Conference
The United Nations
Potsdam Conference
Chiang Kai-shek
Mao Zedong
George F. Kennan
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
George C. Marshall
Hydrogen bomb
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Berlin Airlift
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
GI Bill
The "Fair Deal"
Taft-Hartley Act
Strom Thurmond
Henry Wallace
Film noir
The Twilight Zone
The Korean War
Inchon invasion
38th Parallel
Truman-MacArthur conflict
House Un-American Activities Committee
The "Hollywood Ten"
Alger Hiss
"Pumpkin papers"
Richard M. Nixon
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Joseph McCarthy
The 1950’s
The Baby Boom
Jimmy Hoffa
Louis Pasteur
Jonas Salk
International Business Machines (IBM)
Nuclear fusion
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM)
Explorer I
National Aeronautics and Space Administation (NASA)
Apollo Program
Neil Armstrong
Edwin Aldrin
The Mickey Mouse Club
William Levitt
Dr. Benjamin Spock
National Broadcasting Company
Columbia Broadcasting System
American Broadcasting Company
"soap operas"
"Juvenile Delinquency"
James Dean
Rebel Without a Cause
Rock 'n' Roll
Elvis Presley
Sam Phillips
B.B. King
Federal Highway Act of 1956
John Foster Dulles
"massive retaliation"
Ho Chi Minh
Dien Bien Phu
Geneva Accords
17th Parallel
Ngo Dinh Diem
Mohammed Mossadegh
The Shah of Iran
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Suez Canal Crisis
Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán
Fulgenico Batista
Fidel Castro
Nikita Khrushchev
Francis Gary Powers
"Military-Industrial Complex
Cold War 1950’s
John Foster Dulles
"massive retaliation"
Ho Chi Minh
Dien Bien Phu
Geneva Accords
17th Parallel
Ngo Dinh Diem
The Shah of Iran
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Suez Canal Crisis
Fidel Castro
Nikita Khrushchev
Francis Gary Powers
Early Civil Rights
Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka
Earl Warren
Brown II
"massive resistance"
White Citizens' Councils
Little Rock Central High School
Rosa Parks
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Civil Rights 1960’s
Woolworth Sit-in
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
"Freedom Rides"
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Eugene "Bull" Connor
George Wallace
Birmingham bombing
March on Washington
Civil Rights Act of 1964
"Freedom Summer"
Selma March
Voting Rights Act of 1965
"Affirmative Action"
Watts Riot
"Black Power"
Black Panthers
Malcolm X
The 1960’s Politics
John F. Kennedy
Richard M. Nixon
Joseph Kennedy
The "New Frontier"
Lyndon B. Johnson
Lee Harvey Oswald
Jack Ruby
The Warren Commission
The Great Society
"War on Poverty"
Office of Economic
Opportunity (OEO)
"Community Action"
Housing Act of 1961
Department of Housing
and Urban Development
Elementary and
Secondary Education Act
of 1965
Immigration Act of 1965
The New Left
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
Port Huron Statement
Free Speech Movement
The "Weathermen"
The Counterculture
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
Bob Dylan
Kent State
National Congress of American Indians
Declaration of Indian Purpose
National Indian Youth Council
American Indian Movement (AIM)
Indian Civil Rights Act
Wounded Knee Occupation
César Chávez
United Farm Workers (UFW)
Stonewall Riot
Gay Liberation Front
"come out"
Betty Friedan
The Feminine Mystique
Equal Pay Act
Title VII
National Organization for Women (NOW)
1968 DNC
Gideon v Wainwright
Escobedo v Illinois
Miranda v Arizona
Warren Court
Burger Court
Roe v Wade
The Cold War 1960’s/1970’s
Fidel Castro
Bay of Pigs
Nikita Khrushchev
The Berlin Wall
Cuban Missile Crisis
Ho Chi Minh
National Liberation Front (Viet
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
"Attrition" strategy
J. William Fulbright
Robert F. Kennedy
The Tet Offensive
Cambodia invasion
Pentagon papers
My Lai
Easter Offensive
"Christmas Bombing"
Paris Accords
Gerald Ford
Fall of Saigon
Nixon in China
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
Leonid Brezhnev
Nixon Doctrine
Yom Kippur War
Arab Oil Embargo
Wilderness Society
Sierra Club
Exxon Valdez
"Earth Day"
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Clean Air Act
Clean Water Act
The Nixon Years
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Nixon visits China
Committee for the Re-Election of the President (CRP)
Watergate Break-in
Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward
Watergate "cover-up"
Watergate tapes
"executive privilege"
Archibald Cox
"Saturday Night Massacre"
Leon Jaworski
Spiro Agnew
United States v. Richard M. Nixon
Nixon Resignation
Invasion of Afghanistan
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Oil Crisis of 1973/79
Camp David Accords
diplomatic relations with China
Billy Graham
Christian Coalition
“Teflon president”
“Star Wars” -- SDI
“nuclear freeze”
Beirut barracks incident
Iran-Contra Scandal
Present Day
Bill Clinton
Bill Gates
Ross Perot
The Internet
North American Free Trade Agreement DNA
Los Angeles Riots
Rodney King
Monica Lewinsky
Global Warming
Clinton Impeachment
World Trade Organization
Saddam Hussein
Timothy McVeigh
Oklahoma City Bombing (1995)
Slobodon Milosevic
September 11, 2001
George W. Bush
Al Qaeda
Al Gore
Osama Bin Laden
Ralph Nader
Bush v. Gore
"axis of evil"
Bush Tax Cut
War in Iraq
Hurricane Katrina