In Recognition Annual Fund 2009 Then & Now THANK YOU A word from the vice-chancellor THANKS TO YOU WE HAVE RAISED IN EXCESS OF $1 MILLION Thank you for your generous support of the Annual Fund 2009 – your commitment to provide scholarships and support for students, faculty and programs is outstanding. Thanks to you an additional 27 scholarships can be provided, funding support of $50,000 for the Library, beautiful handrails have been installed in both Winthrop hall and the Vice-Chancellery building, and, as can be seen in the photograph opposite, the Reflection Pond has been upgraded with new pavers. This result is all the more exceptional given today’s global uncertainties. Scholarships can and do help change a student’s life. I know and understand the difference a scholarship can make to students as they struggle to pay for their education while facing new challenges. Thank you for your investment in their future. Gifts featured in this report highlight the commitment of so many. Thank you, alumni, friends and staff for giving so generously this year. Together we are creating the next century of The University of Western Australia – building on our tradition of excellence, high quality education and community programs, fantastic facilities, and opportunities which enable extraordinary individuals to achieve amazing futures. Professor Alan Robson AM CitWA 1 Your giving – in context The Annual Fund at UWA was established in 2001 as a vehicle for alumni to make regular financial contributions to their alma mater in support of a range of initiatives to realise the goal of achieving international excellence. It is not the size of gift but rather participation by high numbers of graduates that is valued. Since its inception, the appeal has raised total commitments of $2.8 Million. In 2009 however, UWA graduates defied the odds of the global financial crisis to make it a truly stellar year – they committed via a telephone appeal in excess of $1 Million ensuring that the Annual Fund at their University has set the benchmark for the rest of Australia and the Asia Pacific Region. General Overview Annual Fund 2009 Campaigns Number Called Cash pledged # Donors Campaign 1 4639 $234,943.32 955 Campaign 2 3293 $200,463.44 649 Campaign 3 2815 $269,607.31 724 Campaign 4 3167 $304,630.95 865 13914 $1,009,645.02 3193 Total 4 200000 THANK YOU 150000 100000 50000 0 500 400 300 The voices at the end of the 200 telephone have been those 100 of UWA’s current generation of students. Not surprisingly,0 they have been 35% overwhelmed by the support for scholarships from past30% 25% generations of UWA students. The Annual Fund20% in 2009 alone funded 27 15% scholarships. Some were 10% awarded for academic excellence, others assisted5% students in financial hardship. Support via the Annual Fund has made and will in future continue to make possible opportunities that would otherwise be denied to this State’s best and brightest. Gifts to the UWA Unrestricted Fund have been directed by the Vice Chancellor to areas of greatest need and Faculty specific donations are supporting Faculty priorities identified by the Deans. Funds raised by Faculty Affiliation 250000 21-30 200000 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81+ 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81+ 150000 100000 50000 0 21-30 500 31-40 Fund Distribution 400 Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 300 Business School 200 Engineering, Computing and Mathematics 100 law school 0 Life and Physical Sciences 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 Education 71-80 81+ 35% School of Indigenous studies 30% Medicine, Dentistry and health sciences 25% Natural and Agricultural Sciences Scholarships 20% Unrestricted funds 15% Other 10% 5% 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81+ 5 -30 parTiCipaTiOn by FaCulTy aFFiliaTiOn ARChITeCTURe, LANDSCAPe AND VISUAL ARTS LIFe AND PhySICAL SCIeNCeS ARTS, hUMANITIeS AND SoCIAL SCIeNCeS MeDICINe, DeNTISTRy AND heALTh SCIeNCeS BUSINeSS SChooL NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIeNCeS eNGINeeRING, CoMPUTING AND MATheMATICS eDUCATIoN LAW SChooL CRoSS-DISCIPLINe “The Hackett Foundation Alumni Honours Scholarship has provided financial support throughout my honours year, which has enabled me to focus my time on developing research methodologies and techniques required for the completion of my thesis....” Amy Kwan 2008 honours Scholarship Recipient Business School. “This (unexpected!) scholarship has allowed me to focus on my studies full time, rather than having to juggle work and study. Thank you for your support.” Ian Pryor 2008 honours Scholarship Recipient Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. 6 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81+ 500 THANK YOU 400 300 200 100 The beneficiaries of the Annual Fund know not the amounts of individual donations but they enjoy the benefits afforded by the generosity of those who have gone before them. The graduates of The University of Western Australia regardless of age, endorse its mission to excel in the provision of service to current and future generations of West Australian students and are supporting its endeavours to progress from good to great. dOnOrs by aGe 0 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81+ 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81+ 51-60 61-70 71-80 81+ 35% 30% 25% 250000 20% 200000 15% 150000 10% 100000 5% 50000 0 averaGe GiFT by aGe ranGe 500 400 300 200 100 0 21-30 31-40 41-50 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 7 All you have to do is call When I commenced my first campaign it is safe to say that I was a shy and introverted young man, possessing little to no experience in a business or work type environment. over the next 18 months thanks to the training systems in place, I was able to blossom into a confident caller able to hold a meaningful, adult conversation with successful alumni. The calling campaigns taught me the value of a professional outlook and particularly the value of persistence; it has helped me get closer to achieving the goal of being a well respected diligent individual. I will be completing a year of studies on exchange next year but I would be delighted to be considered for campaigns in 2011.” Jack Inglis CURReNT STUDeNT 8 A fantastic bonus of being able to speak to so many graduates across such a large range of jobs, life experiences and ages, is that I, a 19 year old student with not much of an idea about what she would like to do, have the chance to see the possibilities, speak to people who have 'been there and done that' and people who are often more than willing to share invaluable advice about career directions and so on. My first call when I obtained a donation was a very nerve-racking experience but the alumnus was very understanding of my slight-panic which made it a lot easier. It is difficult to pick a most memorable call however, I spoke to a man who'd skied all around the world and we discussed the places to go and potential places for me to visit on my upcoming holiday. he gave $5,000 which was fantastic.” I think that people who put in the effort should be allowed the experiences and benefits of a fantastic education. having attended a highschool with very strong 'school spirit' it follows that I feel the same for UWA, hence my willingness to put in my little bit through an actual financial contribution.” Simon Brown Melissa Ferreira CURReNT STUDeNT CURReNT STUDeNT THANK YOU Donor List on behalf of The University of Western Australia we sincerely thank all donors to the Annual Fund including those donors who wish to remain anonymous. The names listed in this publication represent donors who have made gifts to the Annual Fund from 1 December 2008 to 30 November 2009. Stuart K Aamodt Ahmad Abas Noelle e Ackland John Acres helen N Adams Tine Adams Jodie A Adenan Catherine M J Agnew Kenneth P Ahmat Sami Ahmed Fleur h Airey Rochelle M Airey Sharon A Aisbett Michael J Aitken Ahmed Al Absawi edgardo Alarcon Leon Nicholas S Albatis Peter J Alcock Thomas J Alford AM Joe Algeri Breony M Allen Duncan h G Allen Fleur S Allen Trevor S Allen Jessie L Allen-Williams Rachel e Allet Mark D Allison Paul D Allison enzo P Almonte Peter R Altmeier-Mort Belema M Altraide Keith S Ananda James R Anderson Scott G Anderson Caitrin-Jane Anderson David R Anderson AM Rory G Anderson Robert J M Anderson QC Reginald h Andrews Linda Andrews Wee Ping Ang Robert B Angus Fiona J Anthony Ian J Anthony Mark A Appelt Reginald T Appleyard AM Charles e h Arblaster Maurizio R Argento Kirsty Argyle Joe e Ariyaratnam Nigel J Armstrong Francis S Arndt Phillip J Arnold * Deceased Kieran S Artelaris Ajanthy Arulpragasam Amanda S Ashley Jane M N Atkinson Peter R Atkinson Roger J Atkinson Brenda R Au Josephine h Auerbach Arthur Auguste Lani M Aulsebrook esther M Aulsebrook Sophie J Bach Ryan J Backhouse Bahareh Badrian Richard A Baguley Phillip A Bailey Jill G Bain Jean V Bainbridge Barbara A Baird eddy Bajrovic Bronwyn T Baker David C Baker Jean-Claude Balalas Anthony T Baldacchino Jill e Baldacchino Delia L Baldock Miervaldis Balodis Colin A Bancroft Revle D Bangor-Jones Kenneth G Banks Francis C Barber Glynis M Barber Nicole J Barber John R Barich John K Baron-hay olivia M Barr Neil S Barras Pamela J Barras Martin J Barrett George e B Barrett edward G Barrett-Lennard Richard J Barrett-Lennard Clive e R Barth John R Bartle Andrew R Bartley Noel G Barton AM Alice Basini Geoffrey R Bastyan Raymond G Batey Frank Battista Christian K Bauer Michael T Bayliss Colin T Bayliss evan J Bayliss Michael I Beach John h Beale oAM Nigel J Beale Noelle M Beasley Peter N Beazley Stephen F Beckwith Athelstan L J Beckwith Ao Warren B Beckwith Robert D Becu Gabor F Bedo emma K Beeley Mark A Beissel William P Belbin Jillian R Belbin Michael J Belbin Sally-Jean Bell Leita e Bell Roger Bell Paul Benjamin Donna L Benjamin Michael D Benness Wayne A Bennett Aileen A Bennett Dorothy J Bennett Rosemary e Benson Chanel L Benson Michael N Benson Diana Berinson Monique P M Berkhout Michael R Berry Ian L Berryman Julie A Bertolucci Bradley M Berven Craig F Best Melody A Best Katherine M Best eric Bettenay David J M Bevan Geoffrey Beyer Dorothy Beyer Giovanna Biagioni enzo P D Biagioni-Froudist Rae J Bielak Phillip R Biggs elspeth I Binckes emma h Birch Caroline F M Bird John W Bird * Leanne M Bishop Dwight W Blackburn Barrie J Blackburn Katherine Blacklock Martin P Blackman Anthony h Blackmore Winefride M F Blackshaw Mark A Blagden Nicholas A J Blain Danielle e Blain Leith D Blair Colin R Blair John Blake Colm C Blake Tracy A Blake David R Blakeway Anne S C Blanchard John G Blockley Barbara e Blomfield John Bloomfield Geoffrey R Bloomfield Richard A Bloor John L Blue Barbara J Blundell Warwick J Boardman Jane e Bochenek Rosalie Bodlovich Cheong Goon Boey James P Boland Ian A Bolas John Bong Luke R Bongiascia Angelo Boni Caroline M Bonnin David e Booth John J Borger Carla V Bormolini Rosemary D Borshoff John Borshoff Sharmistha S Bose erika Bosio Colin J Bosustow Michael L h Bott Geoffrey N Boughton Cameron A Bourhill Jennifer L Bourke Gregory D Bourne Martina P Bovell Paris Bovell Marjorie F Bowen Matthew J Bowen Jerome P Bowen Bernard K Bowen AM Virginia M Bower Carol I Bower Catherine V Box Fiona Boyd 9 THANK YOU Jennifer Boyle Catherine A Bozanich Elizabeth M Bozanich Alan Brace Gabrielle C Bracks Paul C Bradbury Colleen J Bradford Gary J Bradley Lisa M Bradock Francis J Bradshaw Philip C Bradshaw Wayne W Bradshaw Jessica A Braithwaite Glen R Brand Peter G Brand Suzanne J Brans Paul M Branson Elisha J Branston Christopher B Branston Kevin H Bray John E Brearley Avianne H Bredmeyer William H Breidahl Gregory Brennan Peter J Brennan Lincoln D Brett John M Brigatti Mark A Brims Silke Brinkmann-Gray Andrew C Brinsden Barbara I Brockman John M Bromell Kristy L Brooke Dinah M Brooker Charles H Brookes Beress H Brooks Roy L Brooks Terence J Broom Errol C Broome Margaret H Broomhall Alison M Brown Christopher G Brown Dale E Brown Jacqueline P Brown Neil F Brown Tania L Browne Richard H Bruce Christopher J Bruhn Richard W Brunning Noraidah Bt Suwandi Sharon J Bubnich Egidio M Buccioletti Ashley B Buchanan Francis J Buchanan Jenine E Buchanan-Hughes Zigmantas L Budrikis Cornelis T Buma Pauline D Bunce Patricia Bunny JP Gary K Buontempo * Deceased Kevin Buontempo Bill Burdett Peter D Burke Simon M Burke Donald G Burnside Amanda M Burt Peter J Burton John G Busch Emma-Clare E Bussell Ian R Bussey Annette K Butcher Michael J Butcher Ildiko H Button Gregg Button Kym A Buttsworth Arabella V Buttsworth Adil A Bux Simon A Byrne Christina O Cabrera Gregory M Caddy Maureen G Caffin John J P Cahill Lindsay G Cahill Desmond G Cain OAM Janis Cain Simon P Cain Dorothy Cain Richard A Cairnes Josephine Calaby Maria P Calalesina Gregory A Calcutt AM SC John D Caldow David J Cale Melissa A Callanan Paul L Calligaro Ross D Calnan Ronald S Cameron Neil A R Cameron Paul U Cameron Krystie M Camisa Elissa M Campbell Bruce Campbell Rodney G Campbell Susan J Cann David R Cann Lyneve J Cannon Jack R Cannon AM Ralph Carbone Marcello D Cardaci Rachel M Cardell-Oliver Michelle L Carey Lorelle A Cargeeg Allan F Cargill Anne Cargill Katherine A Carlin William G Carlton Joan F Carney Simone G Carot Collins Ian L Carr Una Carrabba Jennifer Carrick Michael T Carrigg Philip J W Carrivick Kylie M Carroll Edmund F Carroll Graeme J Carroll Janet P Carroll Geoffrey A Carslake Maxwell Carson Alana M Carson Dan Carter Jennifer M Carter Shaun Cartoon Marinella F Caruso Antonina A Casella Anna L Casellas John A Casey Marisa L Casotti Thomas G Cassidy Terrence A Cassidy Alexandra Castle John C Cavanagh Florence M Cawley Matthew K Cechner Carl G Celedin Pietro D A Celi Angus S Cenin Paula E Chadderton David A Chadwick Francis C Chai Angela K Chambers Jane M Chambers Crystal Chan Henry K Y Chan Gerard Chan Alaistair C Chan Benjamin C Y Chan Arvind Chandran Dinusha Chandratilleke Janette L Chaney Fred Charles Chaney Jody Chaney Qi R D Chang David W Chang Shang-Miao Chang Sharon P Chang Kok-Foo Chang Jane Chapman David G Chapman Albert J P Chapple David L Chatel Wai Mun Cheang Frederick H Chee Yew H Chee Leela Chelliah Ching-Lung Chen Wei K Chen Xuanzhen Chen Chon Yu Chen Wendy S Cheng Roy L Cheng Coral Cheng Terrence U Cheong Joseph W K Cheong Sarah Cherian Nevashan D Chetty Daniel K Cheung Virginia Cheung Elaine Y Cheung Sin-Ying C Cheung Cheng H Chew Yong T Chew Ming Y Chew Hoong Mun Chia Pan P Chiang Marsella C Chiang Stella G L Chiang Patrick S Chick Timothy A Chiew Jason K Chin David K Chin Alex W Chin Chee Hoong M Chin Esther X Chin Jaclyn C Chin Ing-Huat Ching Anthony D Chisholm Ann M B Chiu Neil J Chivers King Lin Carolyn Chong John S Y Chong Alexander V Chong Johanna W C Chong Kong Chin Choo Kian Guan Choo Ai Him Choo Dominic C Chow Philip J Christensen Caroline R Christie Lloyd R Christopher Chai-Ping Chua Hui W Chua Chew K Chua Lillian Y M Chuah June H Chubb Erica F Churchill Claudio A Cicchini Anna Ciffolilli Rosanna G Circosta Megan E Clark Raymond F Clarke Mildred R Clarke Matthew D Clarke Josephine A Clarke John A Clarke James G Clarko AM AE JP Roger M Clarnette Lynette Clayton OAM Michael J Cleaver Dellas Clements THANK THANK YOU YOU Andrew L Clifton Robert D P Clifton Antonia R Clissa Timothy J Clissold Sarah V Clough John K Cochrane David J Cock Raymond L Cockerill Donald L Cockle Jim P Codde Helen V M Cogan Wendy E Coggon Agatha A Cohen Gaetane M Colborne Thalia J Cole Bernice E Cole-Bowen Patrick J Coleman Keith Collins Leith C Collins John Paul Collins John G Collins Tim Colmer Suzanne V Colyer Marie-Christine J Comarmond Michelle A Conaboy Adam L Conigliaro Belinda J Coniglio Jennifer A Connaughton Barbara O C Connor Elizabeth A Conocono John S Conroy Mary L Conroy Cheryl I Constable Tonya M Constantine Aaron R Constantine Brian R Conway Stephanie A Cook Alison M Cook David Cook David J Cook Philip A Cooke Sean A Cope Ian K Copeland Debra M Copeman Steve A Coppens Lisa R Corbellini Nina Cordruwisch Moncrief Patrick N Cork Sally A Cornelius Rochelle M Cornell Jack Corston Diana E Corston Winifred J Cory Elia Cosenza Colleen D Costello Michael G Counsel Ian G Counsel Donald F Cousens Catherine G Cowcher Martin K Cox * Deceased John R Coxon Peter H Coyle Brett R Crabb Sally A Craddock John M Cramer Denise M Cramer Marcella A Cranny-Connolly Sarah R Crawford Simon E Creek Julian H J Cribb Conrad W Crisafulli Tabita I Crisan Severin R Crisp Paul M Critchison Andrew D Crocker Carmel J Croft Kevin D Croft Graeme S Cronin Jillian M Cross Matthew Crosse Kate S Crossing Luca Crostella Keva E A Crouch Charles A Crouch Jedda N Crow Warwick A Crowe Pedro Cruz Catherine M Cullity Clive R Cumming Jeffrey H Currie Krystyna M Curtis Bronwyn C Cutler Ronald E Cutten Edward Cygler Bruno A Da Prato Teresa M D'Adamo Angelo A J D'Agostino Richard B Dale Matthew B Dalrymple Desmond J Dane-Stewart Linda M Dann Douglas Darbyshire Jane M D'Arcy-Burke Andrew Dare Peter J Davey Raymond J David Jacqueline A Davidson Rowan M Davidson Christine L Davies Sarah J Davies Roslyn G Davies Michael J E Davis Helen L Davis Karen I Davis Wendy A Davis Simon A Davis Sabina N Davis Carol L Davis Neville J Davis AM Melissa C Davis-Cotgreave Margaret C Dawbarn Madeleine R Dawe Robin P Dawes Anne K Dawson Gregory M Dawson Benjamin I Day Karin M Day Grecian T Day Alan T Day Hazel J Day Patrick J D'Cruze Maria F D'Cunha Anne M De Boer Janette de Groot Deogracias de Jesus Dirk E De Jong Mark P De Jong Phillip L De La Hunty Zenaida de Luna Disana J de Silva Deirdre de Souza Helen C Deacon Malcolm J Deeks Daniel J Della-Vedova Alexander Deluca-Cardillo Annika M Demansi Reney L Dender Michael Dengler Craig G Dennis Troy C Dennis Andrew M Dennis Stephen Y Dennis Mark S Dennison Paul O Depiazzi Maris Derums Jennifer A Deslandes Frederik R Dessauvagie Benjamin P Devenish Bruce H Devenish Amanda Devine Catherine J Devitt Roderick J Dewsbury Caroline L Di Russo Brian M Dick Dawn C Dickinson Lisa B Digby Richard K Dimond David Divita Michael W Dixon Thomas J Dixon Aaron Dixon Helene Dobson Carol J Dodson Irene J Dolan Loretta A Dolan Kieran J Dolin Pearl Donaldson Benjamin J Donovan Philip J L Dook Helen M Dooley Katherine S Dopson Leola A Doran Gary M Dornan Erin Douce Margaret Douglas John A Douglas Margaret J Douglas Catherine M Douglass Peter M Doust Emma R Dove Pamela J Downie Gary R Downsborough Roy P Dowsett Jim Doyle Wendy P Doyle Maree E Doyle Conrad P Drake Csallie E Drake-Brockman Philip N Drake-Brockman Michael Draper Charles M Drew Kael Driscoll Graham Droppert Judith M L Drummond Isabelle N D'Souza Francesca d'Souza Andrew J D'Souza Ian G Duckham John D Duff Stanislaus Duffy Wendy G Duffy Craig A Dufty Bruce C Dukes David B M Dun Wendy M Duncan MLC Kaye L Duncan David G Dundas Marina Dunne Jeremy Dunnette Kenny Duong Peter J Duplex Wayne G Duthie Alexandrina D'Vauz Matthew Dwyer Bryan J Dwyer Kevin P Dwyer Terence F Dwyer Donald Dyer Lilian Dyke Peter Dyson Susan E Dyson Margaret E Eadie Jonica L Eastaugh Linden A Easton Peter R Eastwood Anne E Eastwood Clement M Eaton Robin W Eattell Adam C Ebell David S Eddington THANK YOU Roger S Edland Carissa A Edmonds Alexandra Y Edward Judith M Edwards MLA Leah Edwards Valerie A Edwards Sonia Edwards June K Edwards Ian D Edwards Michael J Edwards Stephen R Edwards Vivien C Edwards Kim H Ee Looi C Ee Adrian R Egan Rodney Eivers Andrew C Eldridge Peter C Eliott-Lockhart John Eller Elaine Elliott Bree L Elliott Diana R D Elliott Mark G Elliott Lynda M Ellison David C Ellison Dianne L Elson Jennifer H M Engelhard Eric A Englund Brendon W Entrekin Anne S Epanomitis Tamara S Erdash Bill C Evangel Vanessa E Evangelista Anna M Evangelisti Ken Evans Imelda Evans Michael V Evans Robert C Evans Delwyn J Everard Kylie J Everett William L Everett Anthony S B Ewing John Eyres Ella Fagence David Faigenbaum Andrew C Fairs John V Fall Kathryn M Falloon Kerry A Fandry Shane J Farquharson Kim M Farrington Colin P Farrow Mark W Fatharly Daniel M Fatovich Tania A Faulkner Kingsley W Faulkner AM Simmon Favro Naomi S Feast John P Feenan Anna-Maria M Fego * Deceased Erik Fenna Emily J Fenner Emma-Louise Ferguson Maree-Louise Ferguson Grant M Ferguson Orlando J Fernandes Gary J Fernandez Giuliette Ferrari Melissa M Ferreira Michael E Fewster Bruno G P Fiannaca SC Ross A Field PSM Mary J Figueroa B Joan C Filmer Peter J Fimmel Michael J Finlen Annette M Finn Paul Finnigan James S Fisher Wendy D Fisher Elizabeth P Fisher Timothy L Fisher Giovanni Fitti Damien J T Fitzgerald Lyndall J Fitzgibbon Jocelyn A B Fitzhardinge Sam R Fitzpatrick David R Fitzpatrick Ian S Flack Helen M Flanigan Paul R Fleay Lloyd D Fletcher Rebecca L Flint Martin J Flint Margaret Floyd Wing C Fok Simon J Foley Gerard M Foley Mark T Foley Paul A Foley Trevor Fong Adeline M Fong Kenneth L Fong Kim Fong Yong J Foo Christopher F C Foo Jock N Foo Jacqueline Forbes Audrey M S Ford Nicholas S Forgione Alessio L Formentin Janice E Forster Kirsten M Foster Judith E Foster Sarah A Foster Jeremy H Foster Refaat M K Fouda William A Foulds Celine Fournier Christopher Fowers Stacey J Fox Laura Fox Clayton T Fragall Lindsay H R France Murray Franconi Elyse C Frankel Marion J Fredriksson Reem J F Freij-Ayoub Julia A Frichot Kerry Lee M Friedlander James L Frith David J Fry Shih Ching Fu Anita G Fuhrmann Alison J Fullam Kenneth K Fung Hadwin H Fung Orna Gabbay Allen J Gale Sumedha P Galhenage Kim Gane Catherine L Gangell Joseph M Gani AM Vinod Ganju Thomas R Ganz Sharon L Gardner John R Gardner Ivan Garic Benjamin Garrett John F Garvey Steven L Garwin Eileen F Gatsos Mark A T Gatty Andre R Gauci Philippe J P Gaudet Carlo R Gazia Susan E Gazia Barbara S Gdowski Hannes Gebauer Elizabeth A Geelhoed Gary C Geelhoed Rasiah Gengatharen John H Genovese John W Geoghegan Marina Georgiou Jennifer Gerschwitz Timothy W Gibbney Luke J Gibson Jonathan D Gibson Trevor R Gibson Jeffrey A Gidman Timothy A Gifford Natalie L Gilbert Wayne A Giles Gwendolynn S Gill Kevin P Gillan Karen M Girardin Carlo Giudice Marie A Gizzarone William H Gladstones Colin M Glanville Kenneth G Glasgow Anthony J Gleeson Nicole A Glenn John T Gliddon Helena C Glinski Matthew E Glossop David E G Goddard Elizabeth L Goddard Matthew S Godfrey Kym Godfrey Geoffrey Godley Denis K Godley Mona M Godrich Kim M Goei Eliza M Goeree Angela K Goerling Angela S T Goh Wei L Goh Paul Goh Leo Goldflam Donald L Gollagher Maire T Gomes Yi Gong Jeremy A Goodchild Kate Gooding Jean P Gooding Darren W Goodison Alexander W Gorrie Wojciech Gorski OAM Maureen A Goss Vicki A Gouteff Shelley L Gower Ross Li Wei Grafton Neil D B Graham Benjamin J Graham Judith M Graham Vincent S Graneri Alexander P Granich Darren T Grasso Stephen R Graves Julie Y Grbavac Lesley A Greagg Stephanie K Green Edward J U Green Rosanne B Green Richard S B Greene Eloise l Greenland Kathleen G Greenway Cynthia F Gregory Robyn D Gregory Dennis J Gregory Peter J Gregory Robert B Grieve John K Grieve Wayne B Griffiths Anthony J Grinceri Dianne J Grocott Stephen C Grocott Adrian J Groessler THANK THANK YOU YOU Graeme C Grose John S Groves Paul F Grundy Jack S Gubbay Adam D Gubbay Linda Guinness Amanda L Gulich David C Gulland Ian J Gummery Anne R Gunnell-Townsend Dixie C Gunning Adrian J A Gurgone Michael A Gurry Joy F Guthrie Emil V Guzelev Mary E Gwynne Rowland T Gwynne Cecilia W Ha Sahba Habibi Roslyn A Hackshaw Rosemary A Hagan Linda M Haines Jonathan M Hainsworth Keith J Hair Edgar Halcomb Lydia M Hale Patricia G Hall Annette C Hall Andrea Hall Denise A Hall Campbell S Hall Hugo C H Hallam Jack A Hallberg Michael J C Halliday Norman J Halse AM Stuart A Halse Jeffrey M Hamdorf Mostyn C Hamdorf Christine F Hamilton * Kevin J Hammond AO Peter W Hampson Darren J Hams Hamid B Hamzah Priscilla P Han Alec S Hand Mark Hands Hugh Hangchi Helen J Hankey Terrence E Hann Peter J Hannan Patrick S Hanrahan Belinda J Hansen Collene J Hansen Pauline M Hansen Zhao Hao Melissa A Haque Saiful Haque Helen E Harding Stanley E Hardisty Jane Hardy-Atkins * Deceased James C V Harke Robin A Harle Jamie R Harnwell Judith M Harper Daisy H Harries Alison J Harrington Richard Harris Paul C Harris Arthur R C Harris Caroline M Harris Khim M Harris Lloyd R Harris Jannet B Harrison Jeremy S Harrison Ian R Harrison Vesna G Harrison Kenneth W Hart Alexander J Hart David J Hartley Karel J Hartlieb Lee D Hartz Gregory G Harvey Emma K Harvey Trevor S Harvey Vanessa J Harvey Raymond E Harwood Geoffrey J Hasemer Navid Hasheminia Christine E Hassell Stephen A Hastings Gary B Hastwell Brian R Hatch Susan F Hatcher Geoffrey A Hawkins David C Hawkins Josephine Hawkins Sarah L Haynes Kenneth J Hayward Robert G Heady Anne L Healy Pearl Healy Trenton W Healy Fiona M Hearl Janice M Heath Sonya R Heatley Kathryn A Heel Margaret F Heenan Eric M Heenan QC Peter J Heenan Gary J Heighton Inn C Heintze Suzanne Helfgott Naomi T Hellriegel Paul A Hemsley Trisha J Henderson Sandra Henderson Craig Henderson Ross C Henderson Stuart A Henderson Pamela J Hendry Bronwyn M Hendry Craig K Hendry Park Jwee J Heng David E Henley Sylvia M Henley Takuo Henmi Donna F Henning Gillian Herbert Margaret J Herley Dianne C Hesterman Patrick C Hew John F Hewett Ingrid F Heyder Shannon Hick Dorothy J Hickey Redmond C Hickey Grant C Hickson Suzanne R Hickton Claire J Hielkema Huntly G Higgins John M Hill Katherine J Hill Beverley I Hill John D S Hill Jonathan A Hillman Michael E Hillman Leonie E Hilton Frank J Hingston Stephen J Hinsley Katherine J Hislop Ian G Hislop Marcus Hitch Suzanne H C Ho Diana S C Ho Viviene W Ho Mark T Ho Angela Ho Mariza C Ho Michael Hoad Trudy M Hoad John D Hobday Natalie K Hobson Charles H Hocart Bruce C Hocking Rohan W E Hockings Andrea M Hodby Stephen L H Hodby OAM Pieta L Hoddy Gary E Hodge Hodgkinson Family Paul F Hodkiewicz Melinda R Hodkiewicz Richard P Hodson Penelope A Hoffman Quinton J Hoffmann James N Hofstee Phillip J Hogan Brenda J Hogg Carol A Hoggart Alan G Holbrook Michael A Holden David A Hole Albert A Holland Malcolm F G Hollick Peter N Hollingsworth Romanie J Hollingworth Janet E Holman Bradley C Holme Adrian P Holmes Colleen E Holt Keith W G Holt Josef Holzschuh Alan Home Rosemary B Homewood John H M Honniball Margaret M Hooton Peter J Hope Gillian M Hopkins Peter F Hopwood Michael T Horko Karen M Hosszu Vladimir Hotinski Kathryn L Hough Graham D Houghton Kamariani Houlis Philip H House Michael J House Clare M How Nathan R Howe Theresa I Howe Sharni P Howe Matthew J Howell Simon T Huband Anna R Huband Graham S Hubbard Waldemar P Hube Keren S Huck Paula A Hudson Margaret J Huggins Robert B Hughes Dean I H Huizinga Maureen G Humpage Jane D Hungerford Simon R T Hunn Marie-Louise Hunt Nigel J Hunt Paul C Hunt Terence B Hunt Thomas Hunter Michael L Hunter William F Hunter Donald P Huntly Gregory J Hurn Janine A Hussey William E Hutchinson Brian G Hutchison Elizabeth F Hutt-Cliff Tristen J E Huupponen Antonio F Iacopetta Noelene J Iannello THANK YOU Mary Ibrahim Bronwyn L Ife Nicola J Iffla Kaye E Ihms Hirotaka Iino Anis A Inayat-Hussain Adeline P Indrawan Christopher T L Ingham Bradley R Inman Sarah J Innes Robert D Innocent Denis M Ireland David T Irvine AO Francesca M R Isaia Scott O J Isbel David S Isbister Sirinuj Ishihara Michael J Issakov Yuma Iwasaki Anna Marie Jackson Bill H Jacobs Radhika Jaidev Mukesh Jain Mary E James Amity C James Sarah J James Melanie E James Bruce W S James OAM Gary T James Graham N S James Adrian C Jameson Elaine J Jansz Ivan L Jansz Robert B Jarvis Aws A Jasim Lee D Jasson Basil D Jayatilaka Tristan E Jeeves Giovanny B Jefferson Anne Jefferys Ian M Jeisman Eugenie A Jelly Stephanie M Jenkin Dorothy J Jenkyn Bruce E Jenner Rodney G Jennings Piangchai S Jennings Noelene R Jennings Philip J Jennings AM Ronald C Jennings Ari A Jenshel Robert J Jewkes Rajaratnam Jeyaratnarajah Russell D Johnsen Peter R Johnson Juliet E Johnson Marion K Johnson Andrew G Johnson Christopher M Johnson Hamish Q Johnston * Deceased Amanda E Johnston David C Johnston Jayne E Johnston Timothy C Johnston Josephine M Jolly Justin D Jones Mark S Jones Anita D Jones Janice H Jones Amber O Jones Oliver Jones Shayne M Jones Anne M Jones Arnold E Jones David L Jones Ian D Jones Margaret L Jones Kathleen H Jordan Nerissa L Jordan Grant M Jordan Stephen J Josland John B D Joslin Darunee C Jothityangkoon Chatchai Jothityangkoon Yolande Joubert Svetlana D Jovanovic Rohan F Joyce Danuta Julia Veronica K Jumeaux Ralph K Junckerstorff Robert L Juniper CitWA Ivan P Juracich Karen L Jury Joshua L Jury Imran M Kajani Maria Kakulas Andrew J Kalafatas Ardeshir Kalani Kaori Kamada Benjamin A Kamien Chee Yiong Kang Paul M Kaplan Dinesh N Karawgoda Timotheos Katsavounidis Gurdial Kaur Susheel Kaur Sumeet Kaur David R Kazmirowicz Rachelle J Kearney Mark J Keenan John D Kehoe Peter B Kell William B Kelliher Dawn Kelly JP Rebecca Kelly Michael J Kelly Eric R Kelly Sylvia G Kelly Leanne E Kelly Sean J Kelly Shane J Kelly Alysia J Kennedy Simon C Kenrick Margaret H Kent John M Kent Angus R E Keogh Louise A Keogh Freya H Keogh Judith L Kermode Veronica E M Kerr Warren M Kerr AM Rose Kessell David M Kessell Maurice Kessell Damian P Kestell Jay Son Khew Seng Khio Chien-Ee Kho Benjamin C C Khoo Geoffrey P Kidd Melinda R Kiely Anthony W Kiernan Alfred E Kilminster Marlene J Kilminster Jane F King Gillian Kings-Lynne Robyn C Kinkade Brian F P Kinneen Daniel J Kippin Margaret K Kirk Robert L Kirk Philip J Kirke Robyn E Kirke Andrew B Kirke Errol A Kirke Anne M Kirkwood Johannes P Klarenbeek Keisha F Klassen David M Kleemann Merle Klinger Boris J Klobas Elizabeth J Klobas Garren R Knell Hugh A Knox Stephen C Kobelke Anthony J Koekemoer Sok H Koh John R Kolbusz Tzeh Yenn Kong Patricia Konigsberg Robert J Kosova Armin Kousari Tomasz K W Kozak Claire-Emma Krawzow Irena K Kretowicz Paul C Kruger Tilak A Kuruppuarachchi Oluwatomi A Kuteyi Choi Sang Kwan Susan K La Greca Guy R J Laden Jonathan L Laffer Joseph W C Lai Eric C H Lai Graham S Laitt Fiona R Lake Amelia D Lalanne Daniel T P Lam Timothy Lam Peter N Landau Robyn J Landau Jonathon B Landau Leith K G Landauer Bruce L Langford Andrew R Langlands David J Langsford David W Lantzke Jodie L Lapinski Alexander N Larcombe Nicholas G Larkins Ann-Claire Larsen Fiona B Latham-Smith Sarah L Lau Roger P Lavell Jeremy J Lavender Beatrice E Lavery Teresa Law Kit-Ha Robert Lawrance Simon M Laws Christine E Lawson-Smith Christopher Lawson-Smith Aaron M Le Page Sarah J Lea Kai S Lebens Chau Y Lee Evelyn Lee Joseph H W Lee Chung E Lee Teresa P Y Lee Richard Y Lee Sin C Lee Alden P K Lee Michael T Lee Jean A I Lee John L Lee Anthony C Lee Anthony K Lee Jia Ling Lee Silas E L Lee Jimmy K B Lee Wu-Long Lee Anita Lee Silvia Lee Peter T Lee Shu W Lee Jessica M Lee Steven Lee John D Legge Chengwang Lei Sylvia M Leighton THANK THANK YOU YOU Deborah K Leighton Penelope L Leiper John Leishman Marion A Leivers Russell R Lejeune Barry J Leonard Helen M Leonard James A Leslie Jacy S E Leu Alfred H Leung Kevin K Leung Peter D Leunig Mashie Levi Adam P Levin Kate Lewis Ian R Lewis Albert L Li Boon H Liang Peta M Libby Samuel M Lieblich Glenda M Ligtermoet Georgiana S Lilley Ritihia H Lillywhite Cheng T S Lim Chin H Lim Shenghao J Lim Lit Way Lim Hwei Min P Lim Theam G Lim Nancy Lim Boon P Lim Alan Y C Lim Yoke P Lim Joyce G Lim Tao Shan Lim Kevin C Lim Tze Yang Eugene Lim Redentor B Lim Harold R Limb Timothy C Lin Andrew C M Lin Arvid G Linde Heather M Lindsay George Ling Janet M Ling Kendrick Ling Ivan T Ling Peter S K Ling Clive E Linke Michael C Lisle-Williams Dominika M Lisowski Murray J Littlejohn Hui Liu Alice M Livesey Carmel P Lloyd Elizabeth J Lloyd Haydn Lloyd Davies Yi Lo Godfrey Koon-Yan Lo Joaquim A F Lobo * Deceased Kent M Logie Woei J Loh Fong Y Loh Poh Hun Loh Amelia Loh Chin F Loke Kam Weng Loke Jack F Loneragan AM * Owen W Loneragan Claire E Long Jo-Ann Long Bruce W Long Dominic A Longo Ee Von Y Loo Lee Fen Loo Meng S Loo Antony N Lord John Adriano G Lorenti Stephen P Loss Maria G Loss-Suehrcke Henry W Louden Neville B Loudon Jawhar J Louis Ross A Love Joan B Lovelady Siow-Whatt Low Youjie Lu Andrew B Lu OAM David J Lucas Susan P Lucking Sally F Luckwell Richard S W Lugg Shu Xian Lui Angela J Lumsden Matthew T Lunn Linda N N Luo Mark J Lutai Nguyen V Ly Trang T Ly David Ly Stephen J Lynch Warren B Lynch Robert B Lynn Michael J Lynskey Peter A Lyon Tai Q Ma Philip J Ma Roger K Ma Tony J Ma Harvey J Mace Howard A Machlin Phillip M MacKenzie Michael R Mackie Dale L Mackie Kevin MacKinnon Elizabeth H W MacKinnon Ashley T Macknay Clive F Macknay Jason D MacLaurin Claire A MacLeay Roderick A MacLeod Evelyn MacLeod David M Macoboy Hazel Maddocks Carolyn R Madeley Pamela J Magill Kenneth F Maguire May H F Mah Bhisham Mahajan Rochelle Maher Graham F Maher Richard T Malden Peter Mallabone Jim L Malone Anne Maloney Bernard J Maloney Roman Malyniak Julian Mander Nitin N Mangalath Bernard Mangano Joseph H Manion Fiona P Mann Justin J Mannolini Carol Mansfield Lorella Manso Matthew C Marchment Henryk Marek Melissa J Marinelli Norman Marinovich OAM Michael J Marinovich John R Mariotti Tiffany S Markey William R Marmion Richard S Marmion Anthony P Marrion John C Marriott Michael J Marsh Mary J Marshall Lewis J Marshall Adrienne J Marshall Colin F Marshall Susan A Marshman Anna L Martella Raymond I Martin Christine L Martin Richard C Martin Felicity L Martin Julie D Martin Paula A Martino Patricia Martinson Margaret E Masiello Bruce R Maslin Timothy R D Mason Peter B Massey John P E Masters Delores E T Mateljan Timothy W Mathwin Anthony M Mathwin Steph Maticevic Reinhardt V Matisons Gene Matthews Geoffrey F Mauldon Rick H Mavrick Elizabeth A May Anthony J Mazak Zdenek Mazanec David R Mazitelli John G Mazza Brenda G Mazzucchelli OAM Anthony C McAndrew Nigel McArdle Kimberley E McAuley Terence M McAuliffe Brett C M McAuliffe Terence W McAuliffe Wendy J McCallum Eujay W McCartain Louise E McCartney Carolyn M McCleery Malachy McCloskey David M McCloughry Gordon G McColl Jennifer A McComb Matthew B McCombe Helen D McCormick Sandra G McCowan Jill H McCreery George A McCullagh Philip T McCulloch Donald J McCully Elizabeth R McCutcheon Arran R McDiven Christopher R McDonagh Kathi S McDonald John J McDonnell Margaret J McFarlane Andrew J McGaw Elizabeth A McGinnis John McGivern Peta A McGrade Fiona J McGregor Margaret M McGuinn Kerry L McHale Peter McInnes Douglas B McInnes Michael L McKay Robert G McKeaig Helen A McKenzie Carmel A McKenzie Betty M McKeough Kathryn J McKerracher Ross W McKerracher Debra M McLaughlan Douglas S McLean Ludita D Mclean Michael G McLean Andrew E McLean Glen A McLeod James H McLeod Belinda F McManus THANK YOU Patrick J McManus Kellie A McMaster Christine C McMenamin Iain B McPhail Andrew D McQuillan Brendan M McQuillan Jenny L McRae Shirley I McWhirter Walter G Meacock Stephanie Meagher Adam L Meath Ian G Medcalf AO QC Dario Medica Murray R Meharry Michael J Meharry Fiona Meiklejohn Anka Melvan Meg M Melville Terence W Melvin Janet V Mengler Jeffrey R Mengler Tulsi Menon Vilas J Menon Jennifer A Mercer Alan Mercer Claire A Mercer David J Meredith Deborah A Merrett Hillary E Merrifield Iris C Messmer Matthew E Meszaros John C Metcalf Jonathan W Metcalfe Pip J Micalizzi Michael R Middleton Bruce S Middleton Matthew S Middleton Lubinka Mihailova Pauline A Milazzo Raymond Milbourne Richard B Miles Gavin J Miles Merilyn J Millar Roderick G Millar Sheryl R Miller David J Miller Barbara J Miller Victor L Miller John G Miller Donald A Miller Gavin R Miller Leanne E Milligan Nikolaos Millios Simon A Millman Harriet R Mills Jenny M Mills Greg P Milne Barbara L Mincham Wayne A Mincham Nicole A Minchin * Deceased Anne Minty Saurabh Mishra Maureen R Mitchell Roderick D C Mitchell Patricia R Mitchell Rebecca K Mitchell Frank J Mohen Shirley A Mohen Khwaja I Mohiuddin Peter J Molinari Christine E Molinari Kerry J Monick Philip D Montgomery Konrad J Mony De Kerloy Diane K Mony De Kerloy David T Moorcroft Harrison P Moore Natalie M Moore Kenneth J Moore Anneliese Moore Veronica L Moore Julia R Moore John N Mora Sandy H Moran Marco R Mordini Peter D Morgan Peter W Morgan Ian W Morison Tetsuo Morizono Andre R Morkel Shane C Morley David J Morrell Geoffrey Morris Gavin J Morris Carolyn E Moss Judith M Moyes Alan L Moyle Joan R Moyle Terry R Mueller Andreas G Mueller Peter C Muhling Casey L Mulder Johanna A Mulder Anna E Mullins Maria C Mulyana Menzies Kim L Munckton Gary W Munns Richard C Munro Joseph F Murphy Betty Murphy John D Murphy Sean P Murphy Alice S Murray Andrew J Murray Douglas H Murray Peter J Murray Michael P Murrey Michelle A Musca Michael C Musca Kamila M Mytych Balakrishnan Nadarajah Donald W Nairn Gregory E Nairn Anna C Napier Colin G Napier Ronald W Nash Darcy A Naunton Lillian E Nawell Verna Nelmes Joel Nevin Brenda J Newbey Mark A J Newman David W Newnes Syahril Razak Neyaz Ahmad Chin H Ng Wei H Ng Kah W Ng Shaun K Ng Hongwei Ng Guan K Ng Shu Fai Ng Andy W K Ng Hanh Thi Thu Ngo Van L Nguyen Nina L Nguyen Hoa L Nguyen Hong-My Nguyen Giuseppe Nibali Stephanie J Nicholls Clair Nicholson Peter G Nicholson AO David J Nicholson Vanessa E Nickels William Nicoll David C Nicolson Leslie G Nixon Rachel S Nixon Benedict J Noel Nicholas Nofal Kieran J Noonan Astrid Norgard Joanna J Norin Frank J Norman Peter W Norris Keith Norrish AO Alister G Norwood Patricia G Nottle John Y Ntoumenopoulos Melvin A Nunes Jean M Nunis James R Nylander Con O'Brien Colin P O'Brien Shannon C O'Brien Rosemary Occhiuto Bernice D O'Connell Peter J E O'Connell Thu H T O'Connor Pamela M O'Connor Daniel J O'Dea Richard M O'Donnell Gavin R Offer Shirley R Offer * Stephen S Oh Joseph F O'Halloran Paul F O'Hara John D O'Hare Nadia A Okis Timothy P O'Leary Michael J Ollerenshaw John F O'Mahony Gerard O'Mahony Rod C O'Meara Amna Omerhodzic Paul D Omodei Peter Onesti Lester E S Ong Siew Y Ong Kean S Ooi Harold F Orriss Edwin J Osborn Simon T Osborne Terese P O'Shannassy Kerry H Osling Steven G Ostaszewskyj Paul F N Ostergaard Daniel B Ostrognay William J O'Sullivan Sean W O'Sullivan Errol A Over Jacinta A Overman Gerard M Overman Hendrik P Overmeire Clifford G Owen Hilary A Owens Justine A Oxley Harold J Oyston Hannah E Ozturk Arie J Paap Aman P Pabla Munagala Padmanabham Kirsty D Paganini Wilfred R Paget Glen J Paisley Debra A Paisley Michael J Pal Mark Palandri Roger A Palmer Eric R Palmer Khang H A Pang Damir Panzich George Papadopulos Victor Papanaoum Larry J Paparo Dina Papas Leonie M Parentich Gary A Park Esme F Park Neta P Parker Helen R Parker THANK THANK YOU YOU Anita J Parker Patrick D Parker Kate M Parkin William D Parkinson Terrence C Parks Peter J Parolo Cameron L Parrotte Stephen F Parsons Helen L Parvitt Allan S Pashby Ankitkumar Patel Kim Paterson Margaret A Paterson Suzanne K Paterson Jillian T Paton Ruth Paton Michael J Paul Baino Paul Chris Pavlos Stuart D Payne Michael J Payne Alan L Payne PSM Pieter S Peach Christina G Pearce Graham W J Pearce Daisy A Pearse Carina Peart Anne C Peasley Adrian J Peck Henry Pecorari Karen E Pedersen John R Peirce Raymond R F Pelham Thorman AM Sally C Peltzer Gillian M S Pemberton James W Penn Marney K Penn Gregory D Pennefather Simone Y Pennefather Shirley L Penniment Wayne T Pennington Sandra K Penrose John Penrose Alexander T Percival Andrew J Pereira Caroline M T Pereira Dana Perks Jocelyn A Perree Robert P A Perriam Rita A Perry Phillip R Perry Michael A Pether Joe V Petracca Tuan Van Pham Mong Tuyen Pham Hang M Pham Khanh N Pham Rosemary M N Pham Jay-Sen Phang * Deceased Constantine C Phatouros Anne M Phelan Gregory H Philip Peter A Phillips Harry C Phillips Rebecca T Phillips Stephen D Phillipson Jennifer J Pickering Matthew J Pienaar Raymond A Piesse Robin M Piesse Diarmuid J Pigott Giglietto Pisano Janne M Pitkin Yvette Y Pitt Noel E Platell Cameron F E Platell Andrew L Plavina Gary D Player David A Playford Robert W Plumb Lynette Poepjes Naomi A Poepjes Timothy J Poga Nola A Poland Michael V N Pole Ted D Polglaze Jill A Pollard Mary C Pollard Margaret A Pollett Antonella Poncini Selvam Ponnuthurai Raymond J Pontague Linda A Pontre Rupert E R Pontre Christopher L Poole Malcolm P Poole Ivy Poon Robert Pope Sam Popovski Diane H Porter Teresa Porter Barry A Porter Josie L Porter Sandra L Potter Graeme E Pougnault John Poulsen Judith V G Powell Lesley A Power Bradley M Power Catherine M Powers Kevin A Pownall Blair H Poynton Daryl J Pranata Sonya J Preece Camilla M Preeston Francis J Prendergast Julienne Prendergast Neil A Prentice Trevor Preston Dorothy M Price Lorraine B Price Valentina E M Price John R H Price Barry D Price Colin R Priddis Andrew S Prideaux Francis H Pridham * Judith Priestley Melissa M P Prince Christine A Prince Robert I T Prince Neville N Pringle Morris L Prinsloo Graeme B Prior Stephen N Pritchard Jenny A Pritchard Neville J Probert Laura B Prodan Ashley L Prout Joseph A Pugliese Ian D Pullen Robin Punselie Jack P Purich Vivi Purnomo Nichole C Pursell Victor Puzey John Puzey Stuart L Pym Hannah Pyper Kevin M Quadros Warner A Quarles De Quarles Philippa C Quarles De Quarles Erica M Quarles De Quarles Aylene R Quartermaine Pin H Quek Francis M Quinlivan Richard A Radica Norbert R Radny Marie Radunovich John G Radunovich Rachid Rafei Michael W Rafferty Neil R Raine Andrew Raiter Ramesh Rajan Lloyd T Ramsay Rosemary I Ramsey Bhadra Ranaweera John A Ranger Jennifer H Rankin Helen Ransom Victor G Ranzetta Wayne P Ratajczak David Ravine Pradeep K Ray Moira E Rayner Janina E Rebeiro Rahul Reddy Nataly J Reeve Philip J P Reid Toni M Reid Miriel J Reid Sean A Reith Michael T S Rennie Joan Retallack Leslie F J Revy Lisa M Reynders Timothy C Reynolds Hugh D Reynolds Gayelle J Reynolds Gavin J Rezos Cameron A Rhodes Melissa L Ricaud Colin L Richards Stanley J Richards Barry D Rick Jonathan I Rick Julie E Rick Shaun S Ridley Samuel A Rigg Jemma E Rigg Geoffrey W Riley Richard H Riley Bruno A Rinaldi Jonathan M Rintoul Jennifer M Riseley Neil S Riste Angela S Rizk Francesca R Rizzeri Lauren E Robb Genevieve L Robbins Amanda J Roberts Barry G C Roberts William H Robertson John S Robertson Glen B Robertson Ian B Robertson John N Robertson Laila Robertson John L Robins Howard C Robinson Cecilia Robinson David A Robinson Jacqueline G Robinson David A Robinson AM Ann P Robinson Jennifer J Robson Anna J Robson Georgina M I Rockett Julie A Rodin Ellen Roe Vernon D Roewer Peter E Roga Piet J Rogers Kenneth A Rogers Penelope B Rogers Judith A Rogers Emma S M Rohrlach THANK YOU Clare L Rose Christine J Rose Enid C Rose Peter W Rose Murray N Rosenberg Jennifer C Rosevear Lucy J Rosman John A Ross Luisa B Rossi Anna Rossi Urs Roth Paul F Rowbottam Neil Rowcroft Gregory Rowden Nolene K Rowell Barry W Rowland QC Donald A Rudderham James E Rule Shannon J Rule Graeme J Rundle John K Ruprecht Jan C Russell-Brown Joseph Russo Coral P Russotti Sam P Russotti Sharnee E Rutherford Sarah J Rutherford Colin C Ryan Vanessa A Ryan David Ryder Eric O Saare David M Sadleir AO Zubin W Sadri Stevan Saicich John Saint Barry M Saker Germaine Salim Luigi Salleo Alex P Salvaris Zoe E Sampson Elliot J Samson Jane A Sanders Natasha L Sanders Peta G Sanderson Ian J V Sanderson Margaret C Sandford William J G Sands Francesco M Sanfilippo Jade E Santa Maria Vahe Sarmazian Douglas G Saunders Alan J Saunders Peter J Sauvage Dorothy R Savage Wendy B Scanlon Vickie A Scarff Earle R Scarff Lillian J Scarle Gwynth M Schlipalius Megan C Schlipalius * Deceased Jeffrey W Schneider Gregory W Schoenmakers Christine V M Scholes Jonathan W Schupp Virginia L Scott Jude Giles Seah Pamela E Seaman Kevin A Seaton Enid E Sedgwick Marie T Seeman Cynthia Seenikatty Kam L Seet Gladys B See-Toh Jack Segal Melissa K Seneque Woon Fa Seng Lester Y S Seow Patricia I Serra Caroline M Serventy OAM Rustom L Seth Barry J Sexstone Graham C Sexton Ingrid L Shack Lynette O Shackles Malcolm J Shalders Beth G Shand Carol A Shannon Garry J Shannon Peter J Shannon Carolyn Sharbanee Geoffrey B Sharman Mary-Jane S Sharp Gavin L Sharp Matthew J Shaw Denis C Shaw Erica F Shedley Rosemary J Sheehy Barrie Shelton Austen K Shenn Mark J Shepherd Alison D Shepherd John F B Sheridan Ruth E Sheridan Elisabeth J Sherry Jeremy D Shervington Keita J Shewan Yoshikatsu Shibata Lisa J Shine Kym L Shingleton Kaye D Shipley Douglas A Short Neville H Shorter Andrew Shuy Ryan K S Sia Mahjooba Sidiqi Paul T Sie Andrew F Sierakowski Oliver J Sigmund Phil O J Silberstein Stuart A Silbert OAM Katherine A Silburn Shayne Silcox Richard Silvester Li L Sim Ee S Sim Caleb S Y Sim Seng J F Sim Jenelle D Simich Gail Simms Pauline M Simpson Laura J Sinclair Brett W Sinclair Gian D Singh Manjit Singh Anne E Sippe Robert A D Sippe Bruce R Sivalingam Craig P Skelton Deborah Skelton Elisa N Skillen Everlyn J Slattery Richard T Slattery Timothy D Slattery Ralph O Slatyer AC Stefan A Slusarczyk Tracy J Small Donald E F Smallman John E Smart Gregory S Smenda Peter Smetana Jennifer S Smith Rodney G Smith Naomi F Smith Margaret M Smith Rowena J Smith Katherine Smith Charlotte H Smith Gregory B Smith Jillian F Smith Richard C G Smith Maureen B Smith Hugh R Smith David W Smith Nola D Smith Rebecca M Smith Peter A Smith Douglas L Smith Michael T Smith Grant J Smith Kim G Smith Margaret K Smith Jocelyn A Smith John T Smyth Barry E Snashall Bradley A Snell Keng Yeow S Sng Rosemary B Snibson Simon J Snook Dwayne J Sobey Halina Sobkowiak Ronald B Sofield Steven C Soh Martin T K Soh Clement Y C Soh Jennifer S Solly Swithin J Song Irshaad S Songerwala Julio Soria Peter J Soumanis Charles M Southwood Brenda M Spagnolo Lisa J Spalding Bill Spencer Susan M Spencer Leone Spiccia Vivien L Spiccia Alison M Spicer-Wensley Peter T Spicer-Wensley Stephen L Spiers Jason W Spittle Jennifer D Stacey Peter A Staer Gerrit A Stafford Simon A Stanford Nicholas A Stanley Raymond W Stannard Francis H Staton John G Staude Daniel I Stavely Rodney Steed Rodney D Steens Louisa H Stefanou Jonathan P Steinberg Annette Steinberg Nola J Steiner Robert J Stephen Sandra B Stephens Gregory F Sterrett Ellen J Stevens Robert R Stevenson George R Stevenson Kate F Steward Donald N Stewart Leonie Stewart Alexandra M Stewart Andrew J Stewart Noeline G Stewart Alan R Stewart Julia K Stewart Peter D Stewart Glen B Stewart Brian Stitt John Stocco Graham Stockdale Richard G Stockwell Pennilee Stodel Geoffrey R Stokeld Carolyn J Stokes Stephen J Stokes Judith A Stone THANK THANK YOU YOU Helen L Stone Bridget Stone Gregory I Stone Daniel D Storey William L Streat Andrew M Strelein Lucia L Strever Marcus G Strohmeier Anna V Stroud Penelope S Stuckey Belinda J Stutley Matthew J Styles Dayani P Subawickrama Raveendran Subramaniam Harry Suehrcke Michiko Suemasa Natalie Sugden Kaoru Sugihara James A Sullivan Dianne M Sunderman Ponmalar D Supramaniam Adele C Surtees Garry P Sutherland Eva C Svanberg Natalie A Swan Ruth H Swan Graham S Swannell Christine H Swarbrick Pamela A Sweeney Joseph R Sweet Nathan R Swindail Anne Syme John K Syme David J Symons Michael S Szczesny Douglas G Tait David C Tait Ashish Takyar Boon Hoe Tan Chien-Ming Tan Ernest T G Tan Hsien L Tan Dora Tan Elizabeth P Tan Ernest B Tan Soon A Tan Gek Kooi Tan Marcus L Tan Hui Ping Tan Wee C Tan Ying K Tan Ah Kheng Tan Hock Swee Tan Jili Tan Stephanie P J Tan Chee H V Tan Walter K Tan de Jesus Catherine L Tang Chok N Tang Caixian Tang * Deceased Vincent C Tang Melanie Tan-Noonan Arthur T Tansley Christina Tanuadji Aimee L Tapp Laith Tapper Benjamin Tarbox Brett D Tasker Mavis J Tassicker Hsien Y Tay Dominic C A Tay Susan F Taylor Tony Taylor Paul H S Taylor Godfrey E Taylor Kenneth Taylor Christopher G Taylor Brian L Tee Lance S Teh Ainslie R Telford Lisa J M Telford Eu-Min Teng Helen M Tennant Theodore T T Teo Lemmy K C Teo Brian T H Teoh Elizabeth A Terracini Elizabeth V Tetlow Soh Bee Tey Heng Khung Tey Simon R Thackrah Anne-Marie Thain Priya Thalayasingam Kum Chee Tham Heather J Thanos Philip A Thick Kaye C A Thies Helen E Thomas Jane E Thomas Elizabeth M P Thomas Vanda L Thompson Phillip R Thompson Karl J Thompson Stanley J Thomson Campbell J Thomson Susan L Thomson Michael R Thornber Robert G Thornton Timothy D Thornton Cameron B Thrum Teng K Thum Ray L Thurloe Julia K Thurloe Rosemary H Thwin Larry A Tilbury Bertie R Tilley Clinton T Tilley Yan S Tinapple Kevin C Tiong Keith R Tipping Janina E E Tirnitz-Parker Simon N Tocas Jason L Tod Raymond R J Todd Bruno Toffoli Rita Tognini Wei Leon Toh Aik Ming Toh Francis M Tomas Diana D Tomazos Dianne E Tompkins Wai Heng Tong Pek Y J Tong Kit Y Tong Barry Tonkin John L Toohey QC AC Nicholas Toufexis David J Tout Graham M Townley Julie A Townsend Jenny S Townsend Mary A Townsend Margot M Traill Lauren M Trainor Hieu Tran Hieu T Tran Van-Anh N Tran Claire M Tranthem Dante M Travaglini Heylee M A Treasure Eleanor S Treloar David W G Treloar Tony M Trethowan Lisa S Trevena-Williams Anthony E Tribe Lloyd A Trotter George B Trotter Helen R Trowell Dennis R True Belinda A Truman Liz Truswell Vincent L Tsang Steven S Tsocas Chi M K Tsui Jenny Tu Brian G Tuana Timothy C Tucak Layla Tucak Michael S Tucak Barbara H Tucker Deborah M Tuckerman Djoli Tugiono Helen C Tuite Meri K Tulic Russell S Turner Simon R Turner Debra J Turner Joseph P Turner Angus W Turner Helen G Turpin Deidre K Twaddle Robert L Tweedie Alison Tweedie Sheila J Y Twine Annette N Twist Christopher M Twomey Annette J Tyler Maria T Uchanski Francis C Ughanze Jodie E Upton Judith G Uren Andrew V Usher Hannelore Utting Andrew P Utting Andrew B Vajda Paul A Vajda Peter M Valega Josephine Vallentine Andries D Van Ballegooyen Francesco M Van Bockxmeer Jennifer R Van Bockxmeer Johannes L Van Burgel Micheline Van Der Beken Peter G Van Der Kuil Peter O Van Gent Jacqueline van Gent Guy A Van Hazel Elizabeth A Van Hulssen Wendy I Van Praag Toni M Van Rijn Mary A van Wees Maya A Vanden Driesen Peter A Vanopulos Gregory B Varis Kevin E Varvell Richard J Vaughan AM Shanker Venugopal Harry G Venville Wilma G Venville Ryan S Verge Belynda S Verge Anita J Verne John H Vernes Damian F Versaci Emma J Vetten Shyan Vijayasekaran Timothy P Villa Sally A Vindedzis Robert Viner AO QC Russell G Vines Max M Vinnicombe Gemey L L Visscher Frederik Von Altenstadt Maria C A Von Perger Fabienne Vonarburg Chih Y Voo Godfrey N Vose AM Helen Vu Peeraphan P Wachirakaphan Jason J Waddell THANK YOU John G Wager Coral Y Wager Ian J Waite Eddy E P C Wajon Christopher Wake Steven R Walker Timothy H Walker Kerry Walker Jodee J Walker Catherine L Wallace Fred Wallis Mark J Wallis Michael D Wallwork PSM Robyn J Walsh Jennifer H Walsh Pavla A Walsh Mary Walsh Teresa A Walsh Barry N J Walters Patricia Walters Yoke S Wan Daizyreena D Wan Jaafar Hong Y Wang Jwu-Wah Wang Tsu C Wang Robert I Warburton William J Ward Louise Ward James Ward Jane C Wardle Frank R Ware David G Wares Kerry R Wark Ian K Warner Robin Warren AC CitWA Matthew J Warrier Kenneth J Washbourne Yasuhiro Watanabe Graham T Watkins Margaret Watkins Tatjana Watson Jeremy P Watson Bruce A Watson Rosalie A Watson Merrilyn K Watson Isobel M Watt Robert J Watt Roger S L Watt Patricia M Watt Wendy D Watts William B Watts Anthony J Watts Peter W Wearne Emma L Weatherill David T Weber Gregory F Webster Geoffrey L Webster John W Webster Elizabeth A Webster Michael Kian Ann Wee * Deceased Shirley L Wee Kenneth Y P Wee James C Weir Suzanne I Welborn Gavin G Wells Alice L Wells Nina Y Wells Patricia M Wenham Kenneth P Wessen James E H West Patricia C Weston Deirdre E Weston Lisa S Westover Peter H Weygers Glen A Wheaton Anthony J Whish-Wilson Bradley S Whisson Claire R Whitaker Jane M Whitaker Roslyn D White Robin C White Garry C White Vivienne F White Scott W White Robyn C White Stephanie Whitehand Lesley D Whitehouse Iain E B Whitelaw Deborah J Whiting Elizabeth A Whowell John P Whyte Kelly-Anne Whyte Daniel S Wibowo Bradley A Wibrow Jonathan A Wickham Gareth D Widger Susan M Wiener Charles A Wigley Neville B Wilding Ronald L Wilkie Ross C Wilkie Peter R Wilkinson George S Wilkinson III Vincent A Williams Kenneth A Williams Heather S Williams Janet Williams Keith H Williams Tess Williams Susan J Williams Martin J Williams Patricia F Williams Anne M Williams Kerrie M Williams Peter M Williamson Brenda M Williamson Ruth E Williamson Brian J Willis Elizabeth J Willis Rodney L S Willix Clare R Willix Betty R Willmott Anne-Louise Willoughby Rodney M Willox AM JP Caroline Wilson Astria S Wilson Kyrstie M Wilson Rosalyn V Wilson Scott G Wilson Stephen D Wilson Leonard G Wilson AO Michael J Wilson Eva M Wilson Gary R Wilson Howard C Wilson Albert A Wilson Donna L Wilson Sean J Wilson Lindsay Wilton Carla M T Win Pe George N Winnett Christopher A Winter Mary Maude Winter Peter M Winterton Bruce F Wishaw Adelaide L Withers Shirley Witko Barbara N Witt Richard A Wittenoom Josephine N M Wittorff Adam Wolfe John R M Wolfe Sharon M Wong Stephen K Wong Laurence C Wong Kin Ponf Wong Clement T Wong Justin W Wong Li K Woo Julia K Wood Andrea P Wood Kathleen E Wood OAM Matthew G Wood Daphne G Wood Geoffrey S Woodall Helen J Woodhead Anna M Woodliff Stephen T Woods Sarah Woods Patricia A Woolley Graeme K Worth Belinda L Wozencroft Deanna A Wright Rosalind K Wright Margaret N Wright Mary Wright Jacqueline J Wright Dominie G Wright Alan R Wright Caroline E Wright Peter D Wroth Xia Ni Wu Madeline T W Wu Peter J Wutchak Jeannette M Wyber Shirley J Wyburn Jacinta Xavier Jiake Xu Mann C Yam Si Ling Yang Pierre S Yang Foon Lyn Yap Yan Y Yap John R Yates Jason Yau Wai N Yau Kym M Yeap Kok Cheun Yee Clare K N Yeo Qian H Yeo Yvonne C C Yeow Wen Loong Yeow Soon Min Yong Jennifer M York Bruce E Young Mary A Young Alix R Young Vik David T Yow Marianne Yrke Paula K Yu Elizabeth L Yuncken Lian N Yung Alexander Zadnik Donna R Zaffino George Zalitis Manal Zamir Hussain Jinping Zhang Serena Zhang Melissa Q Zhang Ming Hao Zheng Sanming Zhou Renate R Zilkens Brad Zink Kurt W Zink Henry S Zuidersma Michael Zurzolo Organisations, Trusts and Foundations AccentWest Aeronautical Engineers Australia Coogee Chemicals Pty Ltd Digirock Pty Ltd Foxmore Holdings Pty Ltd Supacoat Powder Coaters THANK YOU A Donor’s view The PE course at the Faculty of Education at UWA was considered the best in the country and it certainly lived up to its reputation. The people were friendly. The Rugby Club which I continue to support today was fantastic. The Club had not won a game for a very long time and did so in 1972 when I was in the team. John Clarke (Fingal Bay, NSW) Bachelor of Education 1975 While I was at University doing my undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, I was a bit stretched for cash although I had the support of my parents and I do still remember some of the difficult times. Consequently I am very happy to assist the present generation of students who are in need of financial assistance by making a contribution so that they can complete their studies successfully.” I did some of the best scientific research while I was at UWA. I enjoyed the music concerts. I had several discussions on the philosophy of life while residing at Kingswood College (now Trinity College). During my stay in Western Australia, my health improved and I feel that the least I could do to repay for the wonderful experience I had was to make a gift to the Annual Fund.” Jim Frith (Bridgetown, WA) Dr Munagala Padmanabham (Hyderabad, INDIA) Bachelor of Science in Agriculture 1952 Doctor of Philosophy 1976 21 Graduates who have benefitted from good facilities and high standards in education should play a role in supporting their university.” Dr Vinod Ganju (Mt Eliza, VIC) Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1982 I donate to the annual fund as I believe an excellent education grants the individual and society an informed view of the world and all its wonders on offer. I have been the recipient of such an opportunity as a medical graduate in 1991 and wish to encourage others to value and embrace the opportunity for further study.” Dr Isabelle D'Souza (Perth, WA) Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 1991 A donation for education is an investment in the future of our country. Students at UWA should be encouraged to study and complete their studies with the provision of the best facilities available. They are afterall the leaders of tomorrow.” Paul Goh (Perth, WA) Bachelor of Computer and Mathematical Science (Honours) 2006 Shirley Witko (Perth, WA) Bachelor of Social Work 2006 22 THANK YOU I feel honoured to be identified as part of this prestigious overseas alma mater at Perth. Throughout my five-year study, the learning experience I’ve had with my UWA professors has enabled me to embark on a very meaningful self-reflective journey of my work as a professional adult continuing educator in Hong Kong. Dr Cindy S.Y. Cheung (Hong Kong) Doctor of Education 2006 I moved to Albany two years ago. While I was living in Perth I donated considerable time and expertise to students at UWA through lectures and supervision of honours and PhD students in Geology. I feel I still want to support the University. The best way I can do so is by making a gift to the Annual Fund.” Dr Jack Hallberg (Albany, WA) Doctor of Philosophy 1971 The letter from the VC letting us know it was happening and introducing the students before they called, the student’s knowledge and manner convinced me and I signed up for the scholarship donation. I thought it was well done and the follow up with a hand written postcard from the student was a nice touch. Well done to whoever masterminded it.” Liz Terracini (Lismore, NSW) Bachelor of Arts 1974 23 Changing Lives “Scholarships are important because they reward hard work and are an incentive to continue working hard. It's easy to go through uni putting all your units on HECS/HELP. Then if you fail a unit, it just goes on your debt – you don't miss the money. However, this scholarship has helped me to pay my fees upfront, and paying upfront makes the cost real. There is a serious disincentive to fail a unit when you can see the $900 cost come out of your bank account.” “The Scholarship provides recognition for the hard work that it takes to attempt to achieve academic excellence. It is a great encouragement to know that those who do make the attempt have the support of individuals who generously donate to such a cause. It is a great motivator when completing a dissertation that others have faith in you when at times you doubt yourself.” Laurentia McKessar Hackett Foundation Alumni Honours Scholarship recipient Daniel Axtens UWA Alumni SWANS Scholarship recipient “University education is not just a fancy luxury, it is an indispensable experience on the way to achieving progress in a person's chosen occupation area. The financial concerns will begin to fade once, as graduates, they find employment, but in the meantime the students continue to study and deal with any difficulties along the way.” Evgeni Sergeev Hackett Foundation Alumni Honours Scholarship recipient 24 THANK YOU The importance of scholarships is two-fold. On one hand they enable the best students to study without having to hold down a part-time job at the same time. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge in the UK forbid students from working part-time during term, and scholarships go some way to realising this goal. More importantly, scholarships ensure equal access to education independent of financial means, which is the cornerstone of a democratic society. Dustin Stuart (Perth, WA) 25 Thanks to you The generosity of donors has enabled the Library to purchase three major collections of online material. For many their use of the Library is through a computer, and the Library’s resources are frequently stretched to provide the richness of content needed to support the full range of the University’s research interests. THANK YOU The Medieval Family Life collection ($10,000), including the Paston family papers and other valuable manuscript collections relating to medieval families in England, gives an insight into long-term issues, like pursuing an inheritance, and those of daily and domestic concern; arranging marriages, bearing and raising children, calculating profit and loss, mourning the dead, fleeing from the plague, or placating the great powers of the land. In contrast the Oxford University Press Medical Handbook Collection ($20,000) will provide ready access to medical students and trainee doctors, working in remote areas of Western Australia, as well as in Perth to a collection of online books delivering reliable, up-to-date clinical information. The online service contains the central title in the series, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine as well as 12 other key subject areas. World Scientific Publishers 2009 e-book collection ($20,000) provides access to several thousand high quality scientific books across a range of subjects from architecture to nanotechnology. Students and researchers in all disciplines will benefit from the generosity of those who have given to enrich the Library’s online collections. John Arfield University librarian and director (information management) 27 Thank you If you would like further information on any item featured please contact Office of Development and Alumni Relations Tel Fax Email Web +61 8 6488 8194 +61 8 6488 1063 [email protected] Cricos Provider Code: 00126G UniPrint 74571 The University of Western Australia M361, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009
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