Approaches, possibilities and choices for a better dissemination of knowledge Networking and Best Practices for Mediterranean Grassland Habitat Types 29 - 30 May 2015, Prespa, Greece Natura 2000 in Apulia Nat 2000 Nat 2000 Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Natura 2000 in Apulia Surface Area 2005 (ha) SCI SCI water SAC Total land no overlappings (no water) % regional total surface 391.421,00 20,30 243.788,00 12,60 Surface % regional total surface 2012 (ha) 394.150,20 74.536,88 259.672,00 402.899,20 20,36 13,41 20,81 Agricultural area in Natura 2000 areas Tot surface Natura 2000 (land) (ha) Natura 2000 su regional total surface (%) Agricultural areas in Natura 2000 (ha) % Agricultural areas in Natura 2000 (%) Tot agricultural area Apulia Region (ha) % of agr areas in Nat 2000 on total regional agr area 400.170 20,7 197.424,073 49,3 1.471.510,12 11,75 Region Apulia is the Mangement Authority Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB A basic feature of nature protection is that it traditionally constitutes an external, top-down intervention based on scientific knowledge, while local knowledge and practices are at best treated as complementary. Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB To achieve the objective of a management really sustainable in the Natura 2000 areas, it is necessary to put the protection and conservation of biodiversity (genetic, vegetal, animal) together with the valorization of territory through its productive, social and cultural aspects. Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB … Participatory Approach Throughout the processes of implementation of various international projects dealing with natural resources use and management (Interreg projects AM.JO.WE.L.S. on coastal wetlands, Innova and INTEGRA aimed at defining criteria for sustainable and participatory management of protected areas in the Euro-mediterranean; EcoMeMaq, LIFE+ Cent.Oli.Med. Project, …) my Institution pursued the aim of involving stakeholders at different spatial levels (from local to regional and supranational) and in different planning domains (from concrete actions to the wide-area planning and to the definition of EU-Med strategies). Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Participatory approaches are institutional instruments whereby public and/or various stakeholders are brought together to participate more or less directly, and more or less formally, in some stages of the decisionmaking process. Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB How “to prepare people to contribute” to biodiversity conservation? There’s a need to share knowledge, but … what kind of knowledge? Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Comparing knowledge typologies Scientific knowledge Local /tacit knowledge • • Local /tacit knowledge is highly variable and non-universal • Local knowledge encourage practices that allow control but in a way that adaptive flexibility towards the uncontrolled is still recognized as a necessary attribute • Local knowledge is generated in practice and can be only weakly codified • Knowledge exchange is informal and based on trust, therefore embedded in local networks • • Scientific knowledge is often described as highly decontextualized, specialized and standardized Scientific knowledge encourages practices to control and standardize local conditions Scientific knowledge is generated in extra-local conditions following a cartesian view of controlled conditions and it is highly codified, validated trough academic discourse and transferred trough consultancy and extension services. Is related to different social orders or network structures Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Until some years ago, there was a general consensus about the significance of knowledge for sustainable resource use and nature protection (Berkes and Folke 1998; Millar and Curtis 1999; Burgess et al. 2000; Curry and Winter 2000; Berkes 2002). Most of the specific knowledge about natura conservation could be analized and categorised into: Reserve management types, Agri-environmental projects, Research and development projects, and Community development activities Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB but … nature is socially constructed, Places are both socially and naturally made through both the actions of the residents and their local natures, and ... by combinations of externalised socio-natural-political forces and ideologies. Nature is socialised just as community is naturalised. (Marsden, 2003) The different paradigms of sustainable development disagree over the forms and role of the knowledge required. (Bruckmeier and Tovey 2008) Nature protection and resource management also refer to knowledge about social processes and dynamics, economic relations and communication: “Managerial” knowledge also is needed Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Different typologies of knowledge that can be used for Natura 2000 sites and sustainable rural development in general and are coming from different «producers» and need to be better targeted to different «consumers / users» Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB In Suškevičs and Külvik (2011) an investigation is reported about the landowner involvement during the Natura 2000 designations in Estonia. The analysis focused on two aspects: 1. The role of information and knowledge in the participatory process; 2. The acceptance of Natura 2000 among landowners. Insights gained from two case studies in northern Estonia (Kõnnumaa) and southern Estonia (Otepää) indicated that despite extensive communication processes during designations, many landowners lacked basic knowledge on Natura 2000 issues and on consultation procedure at the beginning of involvement processes and afterwards. And the results additionally suggested that: “addressing the needs, expectations and knowledge claims of different stakeholders within participatory processes is a necessary precondition for gained acceptance in biodiversity-related landscape planning.” Suškevičs M. and Külvik M. (2011). The Role of Information, Knowledge, and Acceptance During Landowner Participation in the Natura 2000 Designations: The Cases of Otepää and Kõnnumaa, Estonia. In: Jones M. and Stenseke M. (ed). The European Landscape Convention. Springer Netherlands, pp. 275-294. Landscape Series. Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Therefore …. Involvement of local communities and of the so-called stakeholders represents a not-negotiable component in the management of a territory and even more for a Natura 2000 area An objective for the achievement of sustainable management of protected areas should include the empowerment of local communities in recognizing their rights and their responsibilities in the management of these natural resources. If the people that are living in and around the protected area are not prepared to contribute to the implementation of the political measures for biodiversity conservation, regulations, policies and plan will have little chance to achieve their objectives. Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Knowledge typology Knowledge producer Knowledge users/ consumers Scientific /expert knowledge (managerial, or classical, …) Researchers, experts (botanists, fauna experts, …) Management authorities Planners, researchers Local stakeholders, Decision makers, … Managerial scientific /expert knowledge Researchers, experts Management authorities, (managers, sociologists,…) Decision makers, Planners, Researchers, Local stakeolders Lay/traditional knowledge Layman (farmers, stakeholders, …) Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Researchers, Management authorities Planners, Local stakeolders, Decision makers, … The challenge of nature protection is to connect expert knowledge to local communities and thereby to other knowledge types. Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB For all typologies of knowledge networking is the key to exchange “knowledge in networks can be either prescriptive or negotiative ... As networks emerge or change so the knowledge held by various participants is likely to be redistributed and this redistribution will be governed, in part, by the degree to which knowledge is standardised or open to negotiate in local situations.” (Morgan and Murdoch 2000) Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Governance and Actors for Natura 2000 Who is principally involved in the governance of the Natura 2000 areas? Ministries (Agriculture, Environment, Tourism) Regions Management Authorities (Region Apulia) Local institutions (Municipalities, …) Private owners There is a low level of communication and / or cooperation between the players involved in the management of Natura 2000 Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB General Tools for knowledge sharing • Meeting involving all stakeholders or farmers directly (representatives can be appointed by them in a second moment), to explain in a very clear way the reason why you are asking their direct participation and ask for their involvement (in agreeing on decisions and rules, asking for their commitment) • Stakeholders’ analysis (about 40 local actors selected based on the assumption that they should represent all sustainability dimensions) and involvement of representatives. • Personal interviews on the basis of a semi-structured questionnaire (Stakeholders’ Rapid Appraisal of Sustainable Management) in order to define: level of awareness, perceived values and threats affecting areas and domains of interest and main objectives for the biodiversity conservation of the habitats for each Sustainability Dimension • Stakeholders’ meetings aimed to prioritize specific objectives, results and actions; these represents the management criteria on the basis of which the an Integrated Socio-Economic and Environmental Planning can be set. • Step-by-step validation of rules and decisions through meetings with technicians, fauna and flora experts are going to be performed all along the process. Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Working with local stakeholders • 1° step: • Collecting and «harvesting» Layman knowledge – Delivering of short questionnaires with few technical questions (max 10) in order: • To collect info context dependent • To better understand the priorities of intervention Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Gentile Agricoltore, In questa tabella sono riportati alcuni dati frutto di un monitoraggio di aziende olivicole pugliesi in corso dal 2004. I dati riportati sono dati medi calcolati su base pluriennale e raccolti in aziende agricole diverse tra loro e situate in tutta la Ask their Regione. Le saremmo grati se volesse contribuire ad aggiornare questi dati e a renderli ancora più aderenti alla nostra realtà agricola opinion inserendo nelle colonne a destra dei dati già presenti, i dati relativi alla azienda o agli appezzamenti da Lei condotti o gestiti. La ringraziamo per la collaborazione e per la disponibilità. Caratteristiche degli oliveti e dati da rilevare dato medio pugliese dato medio pugliese dato medio pugliese oliveti secolari tradiz moderni intensivi super intensivi da 48 a 120 > 120 >277 60 (da 34 a 234) 24,75 43,28 da 1,5 a 2,5 0,33 0,25 128,75 920,4 1274 turno di potatura (anni) 4 2 1 fertilizzazione (kg N/ha) <170 >=170 >210 diserbo / lavorazioni diserbo / lavorazioni diserbo/ lavorazioni sotto la chioma sulle file/tra le file tutto numero di piante/ha potatura (lavoro) (gg/ha) tempo/pianta (ore) carburante (per potatura e operazioni connesse) gestione infestanti localizzazione della gestione delle infestanti raccolto (q/ha) dimensioni dell’appezzamento di riferimento (ha) dimensioni medie dell’azienda di riferimento (ha) Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Concrete conservation actions Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Concrete conservation actions Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Concrete conservation actions Collection of propagation material (seeds, rhizomes, bulbs, …) from local shrubs. Multiplication and growth of material in nursery. Concrete conservation actions Nursery at CIHEAM IAM-Bari Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB In the course of the meetings or trainings courses with all farmers Tabella 3 – dati derivanti dal confronto tra due diversi piani di fertilizzazione fogliare applicati a due tipologie di oliveto secolare. (Fonte: IAMB1) Descrizione lavorazione Costo Quantità Im piego Prezzo Tem po Costo carburanti Modalità di prodotto N P2O5 K2O operatrice Fertilizzante prodotto di lavoro m anodopera e distribuzione utilizzata (%) (%) (%) (ore/ha) (€/kg) (gg/ha) (€/ha) lubrificanti (kg/ha) (€/ha) lancia Oliveto secolare monumentale con 60 piante ad ettaro nitrofol concimazione fogliare 1 8 olifol magnefol nitrofol concimazione fogliare 2 8 plantofol complet nitrofol concimazione fogliare 3 8 olifol plantafol magnefol concimazione fogliare 4 8 complet 11,38 5,69 1,90 6,32 2,53 9,49 6,32 3,16 1,90 6,32 9,49 29 9 6 29 8 20 29 9 8 6 20 7 15 8,5 4 6 15 7 8,5 15 6 4 15 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 Costo prodotti (€/ha) Costo trattam ento (€/ha) 1,3 59,44 61,24 18,97 139,65 1,3 59,44 61,24 18,34 139,02 Costo della gestione della fertilità (€/ha) € 547,21 1,3 59,44 61,24 11,38 132,06 1,3 59,44 61,24 15,81 136,49 Tabella 4 - Elementi di confronto tra diverse tipologie di oliveti secolari in rapporto alla loro gestione (dati medi relativi all’areale compreso tra il concimazione fogliare 1 8 floral 0,32 30 12 20 3,00 1,3 59,44 61,24 0,95 121,62 Relevant question related to comparison of plans of potatura fertilizazion Parco delle Dune Costiere e la Riserva di Torre Guaceto)0,32 (Fonte: IAMB). micron 2,00 1,3 swift 0,32 1 19 2,00 costi (€/ha) superficie micron 2,00 controllo azienda fogliare oliveto lavorazioni 0,32 gestione gestione concimazione 3 8 1,3 (ha) erre 10 15 17 2,00 del terreno 0,24 fertilità avversità malerbe erre 0,24 10 15 17 2,00 concimazione fogliare 4 monumentali 8 1,3 oliveti secolari prime 0,32 8,5 13 2,00 borfast 1,42 A biologico 0,8 8 247,40 202,18 Boro 71,0016,00 concimazione fogliare 5 1,3 ferrofast 1,4214,70 Ferro B biologico 2,01 124,00 - 16,00 Oliveto infittito con 150 piante ad ettaro (40 monumentali e 110 alberi di 25 anni) C biologico 10,1 105,00 356,07 129,00 nitrofol 11,38 29 1,00 D biologico 11,467 105,00 13,379 150,00 concimazione fogliare 1 1,1 olifol 5,69 7 15 1,00 E convenzionale 18,25 2,32 662,10 163,001,00 34,74 magnefol 1,90 6 oliveti secolari monumentali infittiti nitrofol 6,32 29 1,00 concimazione fogliare 2 1,1 plantofol 2,53 8 8,5 67,00 6 1,00 A biologico 19,367 254,00 201,75 complet 9,49 B biologico 32,4 172,00 14,7020 4 15- 1,00 nitrofol 6,32 29 1,00 C biologico 60,057 112,00 358,73 130,00 concimazione fogliare 3 1,1 olifol 3,16 9 7 15 1,00 E convenzionale 19,7 21,35 591,40 39,49 plantafol 1,90 8 8,5 120,58 6 1,00 magnefol 6,32 6 1,00 concimazione fogliare 4 7 1,1 complet 9,49 20 4 15 1,00 8 atomizzatore lancia concimazione fogliare 2 7 concimazione fogliare 2 7 concimazione fogliare 3 concimazione fogliare 4 concimazione fogliare 5 atomizzatore concimazione fogliare 1 7 7 7 floral micron swift micron erre erre prime borfast ferrofast 0,32 0,32 0,32 0,32 0,24 0,24 0,32 1,42 1,42 30 1 10 10 12 20 19 15 17 15 17 8,5 13 Boro Ferro 3,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 16,00 16,00 59,44 61,24 59,44 61,24raccolta 1,11 1,26 59,44 61,24 1,11 1066,00 61,241448,58 59,44 45,53 1229,00 798,00 250,00 1131,00 1200,00 53,58 780,00 52,01 18,97 1181,59 522,51 52,01 18,34 836,00 53,58 478,38 121,94 produzione 121,78 (kg/ha) costo totale€ 653,34 121,78 3035,16 166,21 2165,70 1971,07 2248,37 124,56 2566,26 6.010 2.220 6.133 1.280 5.190 452,00 429,00 346,00 53,58 949,00 52,01 11,38 479,37 483,99 123,93 1837,13 6.947 € 486,87 1067,70 4.564 1895,73 6.509 116,97 1736,18 5.760 52,01 53,58 15,81 121,40 1,1 52,01 53,58 0,95 106,54 1,1 52,01 53,58 1,26 106,86 1,1 52,01 53,58 1,11 106,70 1,1 52,01 53,58 1,11 106,70 1,1 52,01 53,58 45,53 151,13 € 577,92 1 L’Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo nell’ambito delle attività di formazione, ricerca e di supporto istituzionale ha effettuato una serie di monitoraggi presso le aziende agricole del territorio pugliese. Tale attività di raccolta dati è stata svolta con continuità a partire dal 2004 ed è tuttora in corso. I dati presenti in questo documento provengono da elaborazioni effettuate nel lambito di lavori di ricerca a supporto della formazione in particolare da: i) Ramez M. (2009) – Micoroeconomic Analysis in organic olive farms. The case of : “Ancient olive trees in the rural parkland in Apulia” CIHEAM/IAMB – Collection Master of Science n 570/2009; ii) Network di aziende MOAN – Medterranean Organic Agriculture Network – 20042010; iii) Progetto ABMed 2007-2010 finanziato dal MiPAAF. Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Negotiating about plants to be allocated at the borders of the fields allowed us to acquire a better knowledge of past traditional local diet; allowed Farmers to know about importance of such species for birds and animal in general Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Guidelines for Biodiversity Conservation in different cropping systems Good practices for the conservation and improvement of biodiversity in the ancient olive groves • In the guidelines for the olive groves the Through a consultation with farmers and local priorities and the specific objectives are technicians, Guidelines for the Conservation of derived from the analysis of the perceptions Biodiversity in anySHs. cropping system can be of the different defined. • The analysis of landscape, flora and fauna In conducted the guidelines, priorities in the target areasand wereobjectives the basis should from contribution of different withcome which to the integrate the agronomical subjects, collected through questionnaires and in know-how. the course of several practices meetings. were considered • All agricultural (planting, soil cultivation, soil fertility management, management Guidelines are notirrigation, going toweed be a theoretical and pest pruning, harvesting) document butmanagement, a practical handbook taking into indicating alla farming low environmental impact consideration practices to properly approach manage the crop (or pasture with) a low impact on environmental of reference. • the Practices were context negotiated and agreed with farmers and local extension services anddisseminated local farmers Guidelines can Requirements: through a short training courses that can enable themEnvironmental to achieve credits for continuous education sustainability that Economic allow to achieve a better scoring when they sustainability apply for contributions from RDPs Sharing Replicability Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Knowledge typology Knowledge producer Knowledge users/ consumers Scientific /expert knowledge (managerial, or classical, …) Researchers, experts (botanists, fauna experts, …) Management authorities Planners, researchers Local stakeholders, Decision makers, … Managerial scientific /expert knowledge Researchers, experts Management authorities, (managers, sociologists,…) Decision makers, Planners, Researchers, Local stakeolders Lay/traditional knowledge Layman (farmers, stakeholders, …) Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Researchers, Management authorities Planners, Local stakeolders, Decision makers, … THE KNOWLEDGE WE ARE ABLE TO SHARE IN THESE CONTEXT WHERE LOCAL STAKEHOLDERS ARE THE CENTER OF THE ACTIONS IS MAINLY RELATED TO: 1. Agri-environmental projects, 2. Agricultural practices 3. Low impact management options 4. But also about 5. Flora and fauna species 6. Rational use of natural resources (water, soil conservation, …) Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB From objectives to strategies Stakeholders’ analysis and Country Rapid Appraisal Prioritization of specific objectives Definition of tools, actions and players Definition of strategies Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB In the course of the meetings with local stakeholders: It can be also a good moment to collect useful infos to start to identify key Stakeholders ... Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB This kind of participatory process revealed to be more time-spending than it was foresaw, but part of this work was used to develop the environmental and economic plan for the development of the area as well as to elaborate the integrated environmental governance model by concerted efforts with the local actors in the target area. INTEGRATED PLAN FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT & LOCAL GOVERNANCE MODEL Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Guidelines for management of biodiversity Olive groves in Apulia and Grece Sharing among stakeholders Questionnaires to stakeholders Integrated Plan for Socio-Economic and Environmental Development Local governance model Identification of the local governance model Action Plan at EU-Med level Permanent Consulatation Table at EuMed level (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Grece, Syria and Tunisia) Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Concrete actions of implementation Transferibility: From Guidelines to EU-Med Action Plan Integrated Plan for Socio-Economic and Environmental Development In order to improve consciousness and enhance the natural capital and socio-cultural heritage, in the frame of the activities for biodiversity protection integrated Plan for Socio-Economic and Environmental Development of areas can be implemented. The identified development strategies takes into account the principles of sustainable development: 1. to put in value the strengths offered by natural resources, history and culture as well as the agricultural landscape and their tourist attractiveness, ensuring a development that take care both environmental and human resources; 2. to suggest development strategies that directly involve local farming communities; 3. to set up a virtuous circle between different economic sectors, especially tourism and agriculture. Key-words are: environmental and economic sustainability, sharing, replicability Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Integrated Plan for Socio-Economic and Environmental Development Contents: – Analysis of the local context in the Reserve – Analysis of the social and productive system (agriculture, tourism,…) – Analysis planning and regulation tools existing in the areas – Ongoing Projects (in a view of sustainable development) – The Socio-Economic Development Plan: • Pivot and Purpose of the Plan • Objectives and Actions to be implemented • Definition of interventions • Parties to be involved (stakeholders' analysis) Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Governance Model Problems, specific issues, weak points Actions Strategic objectives Operational objectives This path has been organized in separate parts in relation to the following issues concerning the area of intervention: The relationship with the natural ecological system (habitats and species) The system of fruition Environmental education and diet The agronomic management of Natura 2000 areas in support of biodiversity Sustainable tourism Monitoring of changes, results and achievements Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB SHs Rapid Appraisal output: the results on same issue differ place to place POLICY EFFECTIVENESS 2 1 0 -1 -2 COOPERATION LEVEL MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVENESS Apulia IT Chania GR Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Comparison between perceived values in Apulia (IT) and Chania (GR) Century-old Olive Groves values (Chania - Apulia) Environmental Values 35 30 25 20 Chania 15 Puglia 10 5 0 Economic Values Socio-cultural Values Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Century-old Olive Groves threats (Chania - Apulia) Habitat conversion Economical threats Social threats 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Transportation/Energy infrastructure Abiotic resource use Modification of natural processes / ecological drivers / disturbance regimes Consumptive biological resource use Invasive species (alien and native) Non-consumptive biological resource use Pollution Puglia Chania Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB 1st Stakeholders Meeting In the 1st meeting A provisional table of the specific objectives, as coming from the Questionnaires, was discussed and integrated from the participants. Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Knowledge typology Knowledge producer Knowledge users/ consumers Scientific /expert knowledge (managerial, or classical, …) Researchers, experts (botanists, fauna experts, …) Management authorities Planners, researchers Local stakeholders, Decision makers, … Managerial scientific /expert knowledge Researchers, experts Management authorities, (managers, sociologists,…) Decision makers, Planners, Researchers, Local stakeolders Lay/traditional knowledge Layman (farmers, stakeholders, …) Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Researchers, Management authorities Planners, Local stakeolders, Decision makers, … Dimension Specific Objectives Economic – To increase system competitiveness. To increase local income supported by sustainable use of local resources (olive oil) To ensure equitable compensation for farmers as repository of a traditional cropping system To foster sustainable tourism in the High Nature Value Farmland. Results Actions To make olive/oil production constant through the years Disseminate best (organic) farming practices (Action D4-D5) To increase economic revenue coming from olive oil commercialization Start up for a labeling procedure addressed to the definition of an (organic) olive oil brand linked to COGs to guarantee economic sustainability to farmers and operators present in the area (Action C9) Develop an organization between farmer that produce olive oil from COGs Develop a trekking path passing through farms that produce olive oil from COGs. (Action C9) To integrate farmers revenue with other product linked to olive groves production a) implement the manufacturing of soap from olive oil; b) woods product coming from pruning and other practices, c) non-wood products (small fruits, mushroom, truffles, …) To guarantee a burden sharing of cost/benefit among farmers/community coming from COGs conservation Policy follow up can proceed from the Governance model implementation (Action C10) in order to set up a subsidy system for farmer (e.g. taxes reduction) to guarantee COGs conservation To attract tourist flows linked to olive oil production in different season during the year promoting the territorial value Set up of service centre as a point in which inform wide public about tourist activities that will be held in the park area Develop a trekking path passing through farms that produce olive oil from COGs. (Action C9) Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Dimension Specific Objectives Results Increase in the population of Reptiles, Mammals and Birds (Action E1-2) To protect biodiversity and ecosystems services and goods. Environmental – To optimize natural resource use within the reversibility threshold To reduce pollutants in soil, water air and products Provide shelter to small-sized vertebrates and insects by mean of construction of rudimentary drystone walls (Action C1-2) Planting of trees able to provide shelters and food sources for reptiles, mammals and birds (Action C1-2) Establishment of Mediterranean shrubs edges (Action C1-2) Increase of floristic biodiversity of the olive groves (Actions E3-4) To protect the physical and ecological functions of the landscape Actions Planting of trees able to provide shelters and food sources for reptiles, mammals and birds (Action C1-2) Ensure effective soil and water coservation Mantain/recover soil erosion conservation structures (terraces, …) a/o guarantee a permanent vegetation cover as well as an effective drainage systems Increase agro-ecosystem connectivity by creating/recovering ecological network Establishment of Mediterranean shrubs edges (Action C1-2) Improvement of local stakeholders’ awareness on threats due to unsustainable management affecting landscape and products. Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Promotion of best management practices in olive groves. Promotion of organic farming as a way to reduce impacts on natural resources Dimension Governance development of a farmers’ collective participatory approach in management of olive groves as HNVF Specific Objectives To improve shared/harmonized policy and regulatory framework suitable for HNVF and COGs specifically, in Mediterranean Area. Results Actions Supply to the Action Plan for protection of COGs in Mediterranean indication about farming practices compatible with protection of biodiversity (Action A10) Develop Action Plan for protection of COGs in Mediterranean To ensure institutional and financial provision for COGs agricultural areas management Implementation of a Governance model (Action A8) Policy follow up can proceed from the Governance model implementation (Action C10) in order to set up a subsidy system for farmer (e.g. taxes reduction, minimum wage for young farmers) to guarantee COGs conservation To ensure the development and effective implementation of COGs agricultural areas management plans. Coordination among Regional Law and PA management plan Include in the Protected Area management plan the protection of COGs as natural heritage and biodiversity sources To favor the active participation of farmers in the management of the area. Establishment of a permanent consultation table through local Administration, SHS/economic operators, for the preservation, management and enhancements of the COGs in the area (Action C10) Drawing up of a memorandum of understanding between local Administration, SHS/economic operators, for the preservation, management and enhancements of the COGs in the area. (Action C1011) Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB The governance model for Torre Guaceto Analysis of governance models To identify the players involved in the area Permanent consultation table Local actors Stakeholders questionnaires Analysis of stakeholders’ needs the assessment of the current forms of participation and sharing of decisions Elaboration of a governance model Management Autority Collection of conservation/ enhancement initiatives developed and shared on the territory Conferring roles/functions to the different actors management secretariat Governance effectiveness monitoring Memorandum of Understanding Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB • The challenge of nature protection is to connect expert knowledge to local communities and thereby to other knowledge types. • So far, experiences of how far such connections may evolve are limited or in • Experiences of participated governance can act as networking activities and help sharing managerial knowledge and knowledge about policies at local and EU level Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB The governance model Detect existing resources Catalyze the strategic ability of the local system Listen to local stakeholder Management Authority Building networks for local actors Identify firm’s needs Exchange knowledge and capacities Identify existing skills and competencies In the frame of the proposed governance model, to meet all the functions listed here, the role of network facilitator will be assumed by the Management Authority. This is fully in line with the role of Management Authority in protected areas where, it is considered as a player who have in charge all the functions/activities needed to promote sustainable development in the territory: in other words the management authority can assume the role of a “sustainable development agency”. Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Apulia Region; Research agencies, tourist promotion agencies; Italian State Railways; ANAS; Public Transportation Company; Airports Management Company; ATO; Water supply Company Growers, Local Action Groups, Centres of Expertise and Environmental Education Centres, Skilled workers, Nurserymen, Oil mills, Processors for Agr. Associations, Farms. The governance model Cooperative for tourism services, certification bodies for organic farming, organic products outlets; GAS, tourist accommodation facilities, tour operators, training and research institutes, primary schools, secondary schools (technical schools for agriculture, hotel institutes, high schools, ..), banks, restaurateurs, environmental associations, cultural, handicrafts and gastronomy associations or cooperatives. Upper level actors Management Authority Rural stakeholders Local non-rural stakeholders Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB • The integrated Plan for Socio-Economic and Environmental development as well as the Governance Model for the Ancient Olive Orchards in Torre Guaceto were validated by the Apulian “Commissione Tecnica di Tutela degli Alberi Monumentali” (4/2/2011 – 13/1/2012); • Apulia Region approved the integrated Plan for Socio- Economic and Environmental development and the Governance Model for the Ancient Olive Orchards in the Natural State Reserve of Torre Guaceto with an official deliberation (Delibera di Giunta Regionale n. 1331 del 03/07/2012); • Such important (and needed) “political” step allowed the full implementation for both the plan at local level, by ensuring, at the same time, replicability in areas having the same characteristics. Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB The governance model for Voukolies (GR) Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB THE EU MED ACTION PLAN Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB The applied methodology Different tools were applied to formulate the Action Plan strategies: • Ad-hoc Rapid Appraisal (RA) questionnaires to collect information in each Country; • Metaplan for prioritization of specific objectives and to define tools at EU-Med and Country level; • Brainstorming and Nominal Group Technique to suggest common actions for enhancement of the areas. SOCIAL ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY DIMENSION MAIN OBJECTIVES SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB TOOLS COMMON ACTIONS ACTORS INVOLVED Perception of values Ancient Olive Orchards values (EU-MED) Ancient Olive Orchards values (Target Areas) Environmental Values 34 33 Environmental Values 32 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 Economic Values EU-MED Socio-cultural Values Economic Values target areas Socio-cultural Values These different level of perception are explained by differences in the importance and values by groups of actors having such a different level of awareness/sensitivity. It appear clearly how, for policy-makers, natural areas seems to have importance per se because of their relevance in terms of agro-ecological values expressed as well as for the cultural heritage they represents, and thus they are worthy of protection, regardless of their productive value. The economic values are strongly perceived by those groups whose income and way of life is closely related to the maintenance of the profitability of the agricltural areas. Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Perception of thereats Ancient Olive Orchards threats (Target Areas) Ancient Olive Orchards threats (EU-MED) Habitat conversion Econom ical threats Social threats 33 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 Modification of natural processes / ecological drivers / disturbance regim es Habitat conversion Transportation/Energy infrastructure Econom ical threats Abiotic resource use Consum ptive biological resource use Social threats 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Modification of natural processes / ecological drivers / disturbance regim es Abiotic resource use Consum ptive biological resource use Invasive species (alien and native) Invasive species (alien and native) Transportation/Energy infrastructure Non-consum ptive biological resource use Non-consum ptive biological resource use Pollution Pollution target areas Also for threats some differences are evident, but the general picture is more coherent: modifications of natural processes were perceived at high level in Portugal and lower in Lebanon; modifications of social processes were strongly perceived in Spain and Tunisia than in Portugal; habitat conversion was considered as one of the most important threats in all the Countries. Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB From these … Social specific objectives Tools Common actions EU-MED/NATIONAL LEVEL - International dissemination for the importance of this cultural heritage NATIONAL/REGIONAL/LOCAL LEVEL - Drawing and publishing education material for secondary school (teacher and student guides); workshops for local agents, TV commercial for awareness; targeted school workshop for training; - Teaching activities around AOO To provide education opportunities Actors involved EU-MED/NATIONAL LEVEL EU-MED/NATIONAL LEVEL - Notices via paper, text messaging or web according to the Country needs NATIONAL/REGIONAL/LOCAL LEVEL NATIONAL/REGIONAL/LOCAL LEVEL - Designing, drawing and publishing common - Technicians, local agents, local people materials, translated to different languages. - International workshop on the topic, at Mediterranean level, each two years, with specific focus on good-practices related issues. - Descriptive writing, pictures, drawings of - Local /Regional High and Elementary Monumental olives (MO) in AOOs and Ancient Schools, Farmers and Farmers Organizations, Olive Oil Industries (AOOIs) for primary and High Stakeholders school students. - Description drawing, photograph and age determination of AOO and MO - Rede Rural Nacional (National Rural Network) - Dissemination and publishing materials - Universities and Professional technical - FEADER – Axe 4 - Meetings to transfer knowledge schools and secondary schools - Professional education - Develop educational programs in schools on - Inclusion of specific training modules in olive school curricula (with provision of classroom - Teachers of primary and secondary school - Develop awareness programs addressed to a lectures and field visits, and lab activities) with technical support by research institutes and wide public - Organisation of events (ToT) to raise universities ; - Activate professional training courses on awareness, prepare information material on the - Ministry of Agriculture, NGOs, UN agencies, activities related to olive oil/fruits processing issues, implement trainings and workshops media, Municipalities, local stakeholders’ - Training and information to farmers - Organizing professional training courses also associations, farmers’ organizations, tourism - Vocational training checking the possibility to launch/participate to entrepreneurs calls of the European Social Fund (ESF) - Local administrations in collaboration with - Develop and design programs for vocational societies working in the training sector training, prepare handbooks - Technicians, local partners, NGOs, farmers Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB From these … Economic specific objectives Tools Common actions EU-MED/NATIONAL LEVEL - International fund (IUCN…) - CAP and rural development To ensure equitable compensation for farmers as repository of traditional knowledge NATIONAL/REGIONAL/LOCAL LEVEL - National taxes or incentives for ecosystem services - Subsidies for singular Monumental olives (MO) in AOOs and Ancient Olive Oil Industries (AOOIs) EU-MED/NATIONAL LEVEL - Raising awareness programme - Farmer-consumer direct trade programme - Educational/recreation and tourism farming trade programme - Find sources of funding for farmers (FEADER) NATIONAL/REGIONAL/LOCAL LEVEL - To establish rational criteria for eligibility according to the singularity of AOOs, MOs and AOOIs. - financial support for management of AOOs - demonstrations in the field - Set up rules and regulations to support farmers with AOO - Provide grants to support AOO farmers in other agricultural/rural related activities - Issue rules and regulations - Create an AOO fund to support farmers - Design and Implement pilot projects focusing on alternative agricultural activities - Implement training programs and farmers awareness programs Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Actors involved EU-MED/NATIONAL LEVEL - Regional authorities, Management bodies; organizations; local agents, enterprises - Ministries (Agriculture, Environment) and regional authorities NATIONAL/REGIONAL/LOCAL LEVEL - Local/Regional/National and European Administrations. Farmers Organizations; Stakeholders Organizations; Academic Institutions for supportive studies on eligibility criteria - Management bodies; organizations; local agents, enterprises - Ministry of Agriculture, local authorities - Ministry of finance, Private sector - Ministry of agriculture, local authorities, NGOs, farmers - Technicians, farmers, UN agencies, NGOs, local authorities From these … Environmental specific objectives To protect the aesthetic and scientific value of the environment Tools Common actions Actors involved EU-MED/NATIONAL LEVEL EU-MED/NATIONAL LEVEL EU-MED/NATIONAL LEVEL - IUCN – Intergovernmental Platform on - Common proposal, Awareness project - Authorities, management bodies, scientific Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services bodies - European Landscape Convention NATIONAL/REGIONAL/LOCAL LEVEL NATIONAL/REGIONAL/LOCAL LEVEL NATIONAL/REGIONAL/LOCAL LEVEL - Handbook on the topic - Drawing and publishing - Management bodies - Research& Innovation + Development - Priority Areas: i) Landscape, ii) Biodiversity, - Regional Universities and other Research Projects iii) Erosion, iv) Contamination Institutions - Strategic Plans technological transfer and cooperation between National and UE Projects Financing Agencies; research institutions. Environmental Administrations; Farmers organizations - FEADER: Axes 1 and 2: Continuation of the - Training and awareness; - Farmers, olive oil producers; National/local support to biodiversity of traditional olive groves Drawing up manuals of good practices; Administration; Management bodies in the framework of the Agro Environmental Drawing up guides of birds and plants Measures associated with these systems - RDP at national level a/o Regional initiatives - Define a brand to disseminate and valorize - Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Culture, AOOs territories local authorities - To organize events to disseminate at a wide - Technician, media, NGOs, EU-Projects, public AOOs’ values; through i) Awareness ministry of agriculture and environment, research campaign, ii) Media campaign, iii) Brochures and institutes website: - Set up an action plan for the awareness campaign - Develop logos and awareness material to disseminate through schools, TV, radio and bill boards - Prepare brochures and website information to share with the general public Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB From these … Governance specific objectives Tools Common actions EU-MED/NATIONAL LEVEL - EU projects (LIFE, Cooperation) To ensure shared policies/regulations harmonization for AOOs agricultural areas NATIONAL/REGIONAL/LOCAL LEVEL - Working group - Approved programmes, plans, legislation involving national, regional, local authorities and wide panel of other actors - Consensus Strategic Plan for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Olive Farms - Rede Rural Nacional (National Rural Network) - LIFE /after LIFE project - Working group - Approved programs, plans, legislation involving national, regional, local authorities and wide panel of other actors EU-MED/NATIONAL LEVEL - Create opportunities for multi-stakeholders meetings at international/national/local level through participation in calls for EU projects (Life, Cooperation) that can establish the basis for government action NATIONAL/REGIONAL/LOCAL LEVEL - Targeted programme; workshops - Definition of AOOs, MOs and AOOIs areas, groves and olives to be potentially conserved according to the available budget for conservation and diversification; - Definition of areas where new olive orchards may be planted - Creation of working groups with all stakeholders to create specific programs and legislative proposals - Definition of Model of Governance applicable and transferable to each Countries. - Increase awareness of the importance for conservation of AOOS. - Create information sharing platform Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB Actors involved EU-MED/NATIONAL LEVEL - EU/National/Regional Administrations NATIONAL/REGIONAL/LOCAL LEVEL - Authorities; Management bodies; social/economic actors; citizens - Local/Regional/National Administrations; Local /Regional / National Banks; Farmers organizations; Stakeholders Administrations - National/local Administration; management bodies; farmer’s organizations; local private enterprises. Local authorities - National, regional and local authorities Thank you for your attention ! All the document are available on: Generosa Jenny Calabrese CIHEAM - IAMB
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