ACTUAL AND POTENTIAL NITROGEN FIXATION IN PEA AND FIELD BEAN ASAFFECTED BY COMBINED NITROGEN promotor: dr. i r . E.G. Mulder, oud-hoogleraar in de algemene microbiologie en de microbiologie van bodem en water V^n <9rcM (S-}o Michiel van Mil ACTUAL AND POTENTIAL NITROGEN FIXATION IN PEA AND FIELD BEAN AS AFFECTED BY COMBINED NITROGEN Proefschrift terverkrijgingvandegraadvan doctorindelandbouwwetenschappen, opgezagvanderectormagnificus, dr. C.C.Oosterlee, hoogleraarindeveeteeltwetenschap, in hetopenbaarteverdedigen op vrijdag6november1981 desnamiddagstevier uurindeaula vandeLandbouwhogeschool teWageningen 99' 3 Cf BIBLIOTHEEK LH. 0 6 NOV.1981 ONTV. TÎJOSCHR. AOM. This study was carried out at the Laboratory of Microbiology, Agricultural University,Wageningen, The Netherlands These investigations were subsidized by theAgricultural Bureau oftheNetherlands Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry ^m°\ STELLINGEN 1. De feitelijke stikstofbinding van erwt en tuinboon is lager dan de potentiële stikstofbinding, hetgeen berust op onvoldoende toevoer van fotoassimilaten. Dit proefschrift 2. Het belang van waterstof-oxydatie voor de aktiviteit van nitrogenase in symbiontische systemen wordt schromelijk overschat. Evans,H.J. el al, 1981. pp. 84 -96 in Current perspectives in nitrogen fixation (eds.A.H. Gibson and W.E. Newton) Canberra Dit proefschrift 3. Toediening van stikstofmeststof gedurende de periode van peulvulling kan de zaadopbrengst van vroege erwterassen verhogen. Sinclair,T.R. and De Wit,C.T. 1976. Agronomy J. 68 :319 - 324 4. De verbouw van gewassen voor de produktie van ethanol als brandstof is in Nederland zinloos en in ontwikkelingslanden misdadig. P. van Zijl, Intermediair 26 juni 1981 5. Teelt van veldbonen voor eiwitrijk ruwvoer,als tussengewas bij de herinzaai van grasland, kan in Nederland jaarlijks evenveel energie besparen als een stad van 20.000 inwoners verbruikt. 6. Daar de bouw van rioolwater-zuiveringsinstallaties in Nederland vrijwel voltooid is,moet de heffing voor huishoudens op basis van de wet 'Verontreiniging Oppervlaktewateren' worden afgeschaft teneinde meer menskracht vrij te maken voor andere taken in het milieubeheer. B1ÎM :•• •.'•'*. 7. Zij die de invoering van referenda bepleiten om aktievoerders de wind uit de zeilen te nemen, houden er onvoldoende rekening mee dat vaak de rechtmatigheid van het overheidsbeleid wordt aangevochten en niet zozeer de steun van de bevolking voor dat beleid. Couwenberg, S.W., Intermediair 29 mei 1981 8. Bij de recente diskussie over het al dan niet verbieden van politieke partijen met een racistische inslag zijn de partijen met een theokratische inslag ten onrechte buiten beschouwing gebleven. Michiel van Mil Actual and potential nitrogen fixation in pea and field bean as affected by combined nitrogen. Wageningen,6 november 1981 CONTENTS Voorwoord 6 General Introduction 7 1 Actual andpotential nitrogen fixation inPisum sativum L. and Vieia fabaL. 2 Actual andpotential nitrogen fixationbypearootnodules as affectedbycytokininandethylene 3 Alternative,cyanide-resistant,respiration inroot systems of Pisum sativum L.asaffectedbystrainof Rhizobium leguminosarum andnitrate supply MichielvanMil,RiesdeVisserandFrank Houwaard 4 Nitrogen fixationby pea-Rhizobium symbiosis containinga bacterial uptake hydrogenase Michiel vanMilandHans Brons 21 35 45 63 5 Nodule formationandnitrogen fixation insymbiosesof pea {Pisum sativum L.)anddifferent strainsof Rhizobium leguminosarum 75 6 EffectofN-fertilizersonnitrogen fixationandseed yieldof peà-Rhizobium symbiosesofdifferent nitrogenfixing capacity 93 General Discussion 115 Summary 123 Samenvatting 125 Curriculum vitae 128 VOORWOORD Iederonderzoek isafhankelijk van een samenwerking tussen degene die het uitvoert en veleanderen. Inversterktemate geldt dit vooreenpromotieonderzoek. Het onderwerp is immers al in grote lijnen bepaald,de voornaamste methoden zijn al in huis en het geld komtook ergens vandaan.Het spreekt dus eigenlijk vanzelf dat velen mij inwoord en daad geholpen hebben. Het projekt 'Stikstofbemesting van vlinderbloemige gewassen'waaraan ik vier jaar heb gewerkt,was een lang gekoesterde wensdroom van prof.Mulder. Zijn steedsweer nieuwe ideeën en kritisch kommentaar zorgden ervoordatde vaart erniet uitging. Hetwelslagen van ditonderzoek isook in belangrijke mate te danken aan LieTek-An diemij veel suggesties gegeven heeft,waaronder de goedegreep inde stammenkollektie. Frank Houwaard,ex-lotgenoot in knollenland,heeft mij van begin tot einde op velemanieren bijgestaan.Vooradviezen en hulp metmethoden kon ikaltijd terecht bijWim Roelofsen enAntoon Akkermans. Het ijverige en nauwgezettewerken van Piet Dijksman heeft alle stikstofanalyses van dit proefschrift opgeleverd. De planten werden met toewijding verzorgd doorde heren 0. van Geffen,E.van Velsen enA. Houwers.Annie Mol-Rozenboomwiste alleongewenste sporen van mijn arbeid uit,waarbijgeen overstroming haar te veel was.Demooie plaatjes werden vervaardigd door de heren J. van Velzen en A.Wessels. De laatste schakel werd gevormd door mw. C.MölIer-Mol die hetmeestal deerlijk toegetakeldemanuscript op uitmuntende wijzewist omte toveren tot hetboekje datnu voor u ligt. Graag wil ik iedereen die in deafgelopen jaren meegewerkt heeft van harte bedanken. Tenslotte mag niet onvermeld blijven dat hetonderzoek voor een aanzienlijk deel gefinancierd werd door het Landbouwkundig Bureau der Nederlandse Stikstofmeststoffen Industrie. GENERAL INTRODUCTION Grain legumes and protein production Theyieldofgrain legumesinthepast decadeshasnottaken advantageOf modern agricultural growing practices,breedingandresearch likeother important crops,for example cereals.Bothindevelopedandindeveloping countries, the yieldofgrain legumes amountstoless than one-halfofthatofcereals (Fig.1) (24).Thelowyieldsofgrain legumesascompared with cerealscanbeexplained by thedifferences inseed composition. Legume seeds contain more lipidsand protein than cereal seeds,andconsequently requireahigher amountofphotosynthesized carbohydrates fortheir synthesis {e.g. with groundnutsandbarley 0.43and0.75gofseed produced pergofcarbohydrates,respectively)(72). The ratesofyield increase arealso differentforthetwo groupsofcrops:in the past decade,yieldsofmaize increasedby15%,whereas thoseofbeans (Phaseolus spp)rose onlyby3%(92).However,with theeconomically more attractive soybeansandgroundnuts,yield increases amountedto20and 37%, respectively, indicating that grain legumesmayrespondtoresearch,breedingand improved management. The area used forgrowing grain legumeshas decreasedby21%inthepast decadeindeveloped countries,whereas indeveloping countries thisarea (excluding thatwith soybeansandgroundnuts)hasrisenatanequal rateasthetotal arable land (approx. 10%).Thesoybean area indeveloping countries increasedby 55%inthis period (FAO production yearbooks). The reduced interestingrain legumesindeveloped countries iscoupled with an increased consumptionofanimal protein,ascanbeseeninTable1fromthe decreasing ratioofconsumedtoconsumable protein.This ratioisstrongly dependentonincome per capita,ahigh income leadingtoahigh protein consumptionaswellasasubstitutionofanimalforvegetable protein (29).Indeveloping countries,population isgrowingbut also agricultural exportsare increasingbyallocating more landtocash crops.This tendstoachangeofthe type 1950 1960 1970 1980 Years Fig. 1a,b. Seed production ofcereals (o, • ) , pulses (excluding soybeans and peanuts)(A,A)and soybeans (a , • ) in developed countries (o,A , a ) and developing countries (t,A , « ) .Source:FAO Production Yearbooks. ofcrops grown for local food,the high-yielding cereals replacing the low-yielding legumes (92).The resulting dietmay contain sufficient carbohydrates for the daily energy requirement,but it istoo low in protein. Ingeneral,the ratio A of cereals to legumes in the diet of developing countries is9,whereas it should be 7to 5to prevent malnutrition (10,92).Thus,adecreasing interest ingrain legumes,occurring in developed countries,isa symptom ofan affluent society,whereas in developing countries it isa sign of a low standard of 1iving. The agricultural pattern inThe Netherlands shows thecharacteristics ofan affluent society. Together with the build-up ofan extensive system of dairy and meat production, thearea of grain legumes shrank considerably, e.g. that Table 1.Production andconsumption ofprotein in1965.Source:(29) Production Consumpt ion ofconsumab' e ofconsumable protein D protein 1) Consumed protein 2) Ratio of consumed to consumable protein (kg/capita. year) NorthAmerica Western Europe Developed countries (total) LatinAmerica South-EastAsia Africa Developing countries (total) Incomeclass ($) 3 ' < 100 100-200 200-400 400-800 800-1600 > 1600 152 49 76 104 81 80 35 33 34 0.34 0.41 0.42 47 24 29 29 43 26 26 29 24 19 22 21 0.57 0.73 0.85 0.72 24 26 32 52 57 106 24 27 32 49 70 98 19 20 22 29 33 35 0.80 0.73 0.69 0.59 0.47 0.35 1) Protein invegetable products,fitforhuman consumption plus proteinin animal products from vegetable foddernotfitforhuman consumption. 2)From vegetableandanimal origin. 3)Countries classified according toaverage incomepercapita,year in1965 based upon dataof85countries. of green peas grown fordry-seed production from 30000hain1960to2400hain 1979.Typically,theareaofpeas grown forthecanning industry increased slowly, from 5000hain1960to5400hain1980,indicating thatalow-yielding crop grown forluxury consumption islessaffected when income rises.Field beans have almost disappearedasafood crop,butrecently,growers have resumed interest, nowasafeed cropforsilage (source:Landbouwcijfers 1980). Agricultural production intheNetherlands hasgreatly benefittedbythe increased useofnitrogen fertilizers (97kgNperhain1960,216kgNperha in 1977,values thatarehigher than thoseofotherdeveloped countries).However, with increasing energy prices agricultural practices thatuselower levelsof combined nitrogen than atpresentarelikely tobepropagated. Thismightwell leadtoarenewed attentiontolegumecrops indeveloped countries.Indeveloping countries,theuseofgrain legumes infood production will probably also depend on improved yieldsofthese cropsascompared with cereals. Nitrogen fertilizer usehasbeenofcrucial importancetotheenhanced productivity ofcereals.Onereasonfor the fact thatyieldsoflegume crops lag behind thoseofcerealsisthatingeneral theydonotrespondtoadded fertilizernitrogen.Combined nitrogen interferes with thebiological nitrogen fixation processofthe~\equme-Rhizobium symbiosis.Legume crops seemtobe closetoa 'yield barrier' resulting from the limitsofphotosynthetic capacity andofthecapacityofnitrogen supplyofthe symbiotic system. Both aspects will havetobeinvestigated when attempting tosurmount this barrier.Therefore, in this introductionthe data available from the present literature willbe briefly summarized with regardtothenitrogenandcarbon limitationstoseed productionofgrain legumes. Nitrogen limitation and combined-nitrogen dressings Ifthegrowthoflegumes,capableoffixing atmospheric nitrogenbymeansof rootnodules,would alwaysbenitrogen-limited,consistent yield increases would beobtained bythe supplyofcombined nitrogen.However,thedata available from literatureonthis topic are often conflicting. Suboptimum symbioses Dressingsofcombined nitrogen nearly always enhance yield of legumes growing under circumstances unfavourablefor the establishmentofa fully effective,nitrogen-fixing symbiosis. The formationofroot nodulesbyRhizobium strains does not occuratalow soil pH,thevalueofwhichisdifferentfor each host species (53),while also the rhizobial strainsmayvary inacid tolerance (39,40).Inthese cases,yield of legumesisincreased bynitrogen fertilizer dressings (9,18).Also,adeficiencyoftrace elements likeB(50)orMo(52)preventsthe developmentofa fully effective symbiosis.Theadditionofcombined nitrogencanpartly overcome the resulting nitrogen limitation togrowth. The nitrogen-fixing capacityofthe symbiosis might alsobeimpairedby infestation with plaguesanddiseases.Combined nitrogen was foundtoincrease seed yieldofpea plantswhentheroot nodules were invadedbySitona larvae (50),whentheplants were attackedbyFusarium (50)orbyinsects.Lodgingof the plants cannotbealleviated bycombined nitrogenbutiseven aggravatedat high dressings(51). Legume seed yieldscanalsobedecreased ifRhizobium strainsarepresentin the soil whichdonotestablishafully effective symbiosis withthehost plant. Rhizobium strains that produce ineffective nodules (without nitrogen fixation) ormoderately effective nodules (withlowlevelsofnitrogen fixation) 10 considerably reduce theyield of plant nitrogen and seed as compared with strainswhich produce highly effective nodules with a specific hostplant. Nitrogen fertilizerdressings may improveyield ofplants infected by Rhizobium strains of poornitrogen-fixing capacity(27). Apart from fertilizer dressings,inoculation of the sowing-seed with a highly effective strain can produce good results iffew indigenous rhizobia are present in the soil (11,37).However,typical problems may be encountered with inoculant strains regarding:(a) competition with the indigenous rhizobia fornodulation sites on the legume roots (42);(b)survival in the soil as free-living bacteria (11,55);(c)anarrow host-plant range of the inoculant strain leading toan ineffective symbiosiswhen a different host species of the samecross-inoculation group isgrown at the inoculated plot(4). The introduction of new plant varieties toareas outside the region where they originated may also result in symbioses possessing a poor nitrogen-fixing capacity with the locally occurring rhizobia (17).Host plants may requirea specific Rhizobium strain foran effective symbiosis,whereas other Rhizobium strains produce ineffective nodules (41,42)or inhibit nodule formation by other strains without producing nodules themselves (43).Nitrogen dressings are likely to increase yield inall these cases,although no reports are available from field experiments. Optimum symbioses Itis hardly surprising thatyield increases are obtained by the supply of combined nitrogen to suboptimum symbioses.To acertain extent, it isa consequence of thedefinition of 'suboptimum',although always specific factors can be earmarked as being responsible for the low nitrogen gain of the symbiosis.Therefore,amore interesting problem,at least from a theoretical point of view,concerns the question whether also theyield of afully effective symbiosis with a high rateof nitrogen fixation would respond tocombined nitrogen.With regard to field experiments many conflicting reports can be found in the literature,which isnot exhaustively treated here. No enhancement of seed yield was found in trials with combined nitrogen dressings of pea (21,50);soybean (1,36,81,85,87)and field bean [vicia sp.; 15,28,63).Butyield increases were met in other experiments, e.g. with soybean (15, 10,36);cowpea (14);pea (15,75);field beans {vicia sp.;65)and beans {Phaseolus sp.; 79). Ingrowth chamber and greenhouse experiments,uninoculated legume plants supplied with combined nitrogen from sowing consistently show a higher dry matter 11 production than plants inoculated withaneffective Rhizobiwn strainbut without added fertilizer.This phenomenon hasbeen attributed tohigher energy costsfor the fixationofatmospheric nitrogen than for assimilationofcombined nitrogen.Itmaybetrueofplants growing with NHt-N,butithasnot convincingly been established that growth with N0Ö-N would requiremuch less energy than symbiotic growth with atmospheric N„ (equal costs: 22,49;lower costsofN0Ô-N assimilation thanofN„ fixation: 45,57,67,71).Theproblem iscomplicated bythe fact thataconsiderable partofthenitrate takenup is reducedtoammonia intheleaves,using reducing equivalents derived from photosynthetic activity,which thus decreasetherespiratory costsofnitrate reduction (3,84).Onthe other hand,ahigh carbohydrate requirementof nitrogen-fixing rootsmight provideastronger sinkforphotoassimilates leading toanincreased photosynthesisesmore carbohydratescanbeexported fromthe leaves (44, 66). The growth ratesofnitrogen-fixing plantsareusually lower than thoseof plants growing with combined nitrogen from sowing. Seedlings grown without added nitrogenous fertilizer faceaperiod of'nitrogen hunger' beforethe infection process andnodule formation start,whereas seedlings growing with combined nitrogen maintainaconstantly high growth rate (19,69).Inoculated seedlings thatare supplied withalowlevelofcombined nitrogen (not interfering with nodule formation)produceahigher shootmassandleaf areawhich arecapableofsupportingahigher nitrogen-fixing activity than inoculated seedlings without added nitrogen (6).This 'starter dose' effectisoften aimed atinagricultural practice (13,6 4 ) ,butresultscanonlybedetectedifboth the naturally available nitrogen level ofthesoilandthe residual nitrogen from the preceding crop are low. Physiological effect of combined nitrogen on nitrogen fixation Combined nitrogen exertsadetrimental effectonsymbiotic nitrogen fixation, aswas already foundinthebeginningofnitrogen fixation research (48,62,64, 86). However,theexactwayinwhich combined nitrogen suppresses boththe formationofnewnodulesandthe activityofexisting nodules,has evokeda good deal ofcontroversy. Nodule formation The processofnodule formation byinvasionofroothairsby free-living rhizobiahasbeen described indetail (38).During this complicated process, Rhizobium bacteria enter the root via aninfection thread,inducecell divisionsintherootcortex,andare normally transformed into large,non-motile, 12 and often branched bacteroids,capable of fixing nitrogen.The inhibition of the initiation and growth of nodules bycombined nitrogen was shown to bea local effect ina series of experiments with split-root systems ofwhich one halfwas kept nitrogen-free and the other halfwas supplied with nitrate(90). The hypothesis that nitrate inhibition ofnodule formation would be exerted via the production of nitrite has to bediscarded as this does not explain the similar effect of ammonium ions (23,47).Also the theory that theC/N ratio in the plant determined theextent of nodule formation has tobeamplified as it offers no sufficient physiological interpretation.A relationship between carbohydrate supply and the effect ofcombined nitrogen on nodule formation is apparent (61).The restraint of nodule formation by combined nitrogen was counteracted by theaddition ofcarbohydrate compounds(91). Plant growth regulators may play an important part innodule formation.The addition of nitrate to legume seedlings decreases root hair curling and nodule initiation by lowering the level ofthe auxin indolyl-acetic acid (IAA)(80). This adverse effectof nitrate could be reversed byexternal supply of IAA (54,82).Furthermore,cytokinins might be involved in the interaction between host plant and rhizobial microsymbiont,asfree-living rhizobia were shown to excrete sufficiently largequantities of cytokinins to induce cell divisions in a soybean-callus test (59).Phytohormoneactivity has been demonstrated both in nodule formation with actinomycetal symbioses (88)and inrhizobial symbioses (26,77,78)although noclear-cut solution was offered to the problem of external influences {e.g. combined nitrogen)on the process of infection and nodule growth. However,nodules contain cytokinins and auxins in concentrations well above those found in theadjacent root tissue (26),similar to root tips (70). This indicates that further research into the role of phytohormones in nodule formation is necessary toelucidate the effect of combined nitrogen on nodule formation. Nodule activity The decline of nitrogenase activity upon the supply of combined nitrogen toalready nodulated roots is not due toan accumulation ofamino acids inthenodules (32)or to adirect inhibition of nitrogenase by added ammonium ions (30)as bacteroids do not take upammonium ions (33).Inmediumterm experiments with nodulated pea plants the nitrogenase content of the bacteroids was notaffected by combined nitrogen; nitrogenase could bereactivated by supplying the bacteroids with ATP and reducing equivalents(30). However,leghemoglobin synthesis was strongly repressed resulting in the 13 colourofthenodules turning from pinktogreen (8).Theadverse effectof combined nitrogenonnitrogen fixationofnodulatedpeaplants couldbecounteractedbyahigh light intensityorbyadded sucrose(31). 14 Inexperiments with shootsofleguminous plants exposedto C0 ? , addition ofcombined nitrogen evokedachangeinthetranslocation patternofphotosynthates from the shoottotheroots,resulting inalower proportionof carbohydrates suppliedtothe nodulesandahighertoother partsofthe root system (34,74).Thisisconsistent withtheinvolvementofplant growth regulatorsasdiscussed above.Theadditionofcombined nitrogen enhancedthe cytokinin levelsofroot tips (68,83)andprobably increased photosynthate supplytothese tips whichwould inturn leadtoalower supplyofcarbohydrates to thenodules. Carbohydrate limitation to nitrogen fixation Asthephotosynthate supplyofthenodules seemstobeofcrucial importance for the explanationofthe effectofcombined nitrogenonnitrogen fixation,it isworthwhiletosubjecttherelation between photosynthesisandnitrogen fixationtoacloser examination.The fact thatoptimum legume-Rhizobium symbiosesdonotrespondtonitrogen fertilizer dressingsinanunequivocalway, pointstothe possibilityofaphotosynthate-1imited growth during the entire growth cycleorpartofit.Actually,carbon dioxide enrichmentoftheatmosphere resulted inastrongly increased nitrogen fixationandyield (25, 58). Furthermore,source-sink manipulations including defoliationandshading reduced nitrogen fixation (5,12,35,50).Thesameeffectoccurred when light intensity was low,whereasanincreased light intensity raised nitrogen fixation (2,7,46)asdidgraftingoftwoshootsonasingle root(76). However,the'nitrogen-hunger' period during theearly phasesofseedling growth was prolongedandgrowth was retardedbyahigh light intensity because thenitrogen deficiency was aggravated (20,56,89).Later on,the plants grown at high light intensity showedahigherdrymatter productionaswell asa higher nitrogen fixation than plants grownatalower light intensity(89). Alsointhegenerative growth phaseoflegumes,anenhancementofphotosynthesis might eventually resultinalower seedyield.Ahigh rate ofphotosynthesis would accelerate seed production butalso increase thedemand for nitrogen, which would leadtoamobilizationofnitrogenous compounds from vegetative tissuesfortranslocationtotheseeds.Thus,photosynthesis wouldbereduced soon,inturn lowering nitrogen fixationandendingupin'self-destruction' ofthe plant(72). 14 Outline of the investigations The investigations reported inthis paper are focused onthe question whether growth andyieldof ~\equme-Rhizobiwn symbiosesaredeterminedby nitrogenorcarbohydrate limitation,with emphasisontheformer.Thestudy was carried outwith Rhizobium strains selected fordifferences innitrogenfixing capacity,andwith host speciesandcultivars with different seedproduction ratesandphotosynthetic capacities. InChapters 1and2,the in vitro nitrogenase activityofisolated bacteroids was compared with the in vivo nitrogenase activityofnodulated peaandfield bean plants inordertofind outwhether nitrogen fixation inthese plantswas limited byanintrinsic factorofthebacteriaorbyexternal factors,suchas photosynthate supply.Chapter3reportsonthe efficiencyofenergy-yielding respiratory processesinthe root systeminrelationtothe nitrogen source (atmosphericorcombined nitrogen). Chapter4dealswithastudyonnitrogen fixation inasymbiosis containingabacterial uptake hydrogenase,capableof recirculating thehydrogen produced bynitrogenase concomitantly with nitrogen fixation.InChapter5,nodule formationandnitrogen-fixing capacityofa numberofR. leguminosarum strainsinassociation withpeaplantswere described indetail. Finally,Chapter6containsastudyontheinfluenceofcombined nitrogenonnitrogen fixationofsymbiosesofpeaplants with the R. leguminosarum strains studied inChapter 5.Atentative modelwaspresented forthe interactions between nitrogen fixationandphotosynthesis. REFERENCES 1.Alios,H.F.,andBartholomew,W.V. 1959.Replacementofsymbiotic nitrogen fixationbyavailable nitrogen. Soil Sei. 87:61-66. 2.Antoniw,L.D.,andSprent,J.I. 1978.Growthandnitrogen fixationof Phaseolus vulgaris L.attwoirradiances. II.Nitrogen fixation.Ann.Bot.42:399-410. 3. Beevers,L.,andHageman,R.H. 1969.Nitrate reduction inhigherplants. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol.20:495-522. 4. Berg,E.H.R.vanden. 1977.The effectivenessofthe symbiosisof Rhizobium leguminosarum onpeaandbroad bean.PlantandSoil 48:629-639. 5.Bethlenfalvay,G.J.,Abu-Shakra,S.S.,Fishbeck,K.,andPhillips,D.A. 1978. The effectofsource-sink manipulationsonnitrogen fixation inpeas. Physiol. Plant.43:31-34. 6. Bethlenfalvay,G.J.,Abu-Shakra-,S.S.,andPhillips,D.A. 1978. 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Sneepand A.J.T.Hendriksen)PUDOC,Wageningen. 20 1 ACTUAL AND POTENTIAL NITROGEN FIXATION IN PISUM SATIVUM L. AND VICIA FABA L ABSTRACT Inthis study,actual nitrogen fixationofpea (Pisum sativum L.) and field bean {vicia faba L,), measuredasthe in vivo acetylene reductionof nodulated roots,was compared with potential nitrogen fixation,measuredas the in vitro acetylene reductionofisolated bacteroidsof Rhizobium leguminosamm. Actual nitrogen fixationofpeaandfield bean growingin jarsorinthefield equalled potential nitrogen fixation during vegetative growth.Inthegenerative phase,however,theactual nitrogen fixationwas much lower thanthepotential nitrogen fixation. Infield beans supplied with nitrateatsowing,valuesofactual andpotential nitrogen fixation weremuch lower thaninthoseofcontrol plants untilpod formation.Actual nitrogen fixationofnitrate-grown plants increased slowly duetoagradual formationofnodulesonlateral roots. Specific nitrogenase activitiesofthese nodules were twiceashighascompared tonodulesonprimary roots.Frompodformation,potential nitrogen fixationofnitrate-grown plants became equal tothatofplants grown without added nitrate.Asecond nitrate dressingatmid-pod fill causesaready dropoftheactual nitrogen fixation. However,potential nitrogen fixation remained constantfortendays before collapsing. During growth ofpeaandfield bean,nodule mass increased whereas the available nitrogenase was only partly utilized. Therefore,inthelong run,theamountofnitrogen fixed seemstoberegulated bynodule mass rather thanbynodule activity. From the data presented inthis paperitisconcluded thatinpeaand field bean,vegetative growth isnitrogen-limited,whereas during the generative stage nitrogen fixation islimitedbyaninadequate carbohydrate supply. 21 INTRODUCTION The question ifgrowthofleguminous crops isrestrained bycarbonor nitrogen limitation hassince long attractedtheattentionofmany scientists (e.g. Wilson,17).Inthepresent paper,attention isfocused onthe nitrogen-fixing capacityofthe lequme-Rhizobium symbiosis,inparticular onthequestion whether this capacity isrestricted bythe amountof nitrogenase intheplantorbyother factors,suchasthe energy supplyof theenzyme. Quantitative dataonnitrogen fixationbylegume-ff/ziaoMum symbiosesare usually derived from momentary acetylene-reducing valuesofthe root system or from long-term changes innitrogen contentoftheplantmaterial.Inthis study,the in vivo acetylene reductionbynodulated roots (actual nitrogen fixation)iscompared with the in vitro acetylene reductionbyisolated bacteroids (potential nitrogen fixation).Inthelatter caseATPandreducing power are supplied tobacteroids treated with EDTA-toluene (15)toensure maximum nitrogenase activity. This in vitro acetylene-reducing techniquewas used earlier (Houwaard,8,9)toassesstheinfluenceofammoniaonnitrogen fixation bybacteroidsofRhizobium leguminosarum in symbiosis withpea plants. Uponthe additionofammoniatopeaplants,the 'in vitro nitrogenase activity ofthebacteroids remained unchanged whereas the in vivo activity declined, presumably duetoashortageofphotoassimilatesinthe nodules. Inthepresent investigation the in vitro method was usedtodetermine whether duringthegrowth cycleofleguminous plantsthepotential nitrogen fixation differs from the actual nitrogen fixation. Plants usedforthese tests were grown under optimum conditions comparabletothoseofplants cultivated inagricultural practice, i.e. insoilandinopen air.Insuch plantstheinfluenceofcombined nitrogenonactual andpotential nitrogen fixation hasbeen studied. MATERIALSANDMETHODS Plant material and growth Enamelled Mitscherlich jarsof6litercapacity,sterilizedwith alcohol, were filled withamixture (—)of1partofheat-sterilized sandand2parts of non-sterile clay.Inpreliminary experimentstheclay soil,obtained from newly reclaimed polder land,hadbeen showntohaveavery low population 22 of indigenous /?. leguminosarton. Theeffective strains PREandRB1of R. leguminosarvm were usedfor peasandfield beans,respectively,andthe ineffective strainP8forboth peasandfield beans.Allstrains were obtained from the culture collectionofour laboratory.Forinoculation, 50mlofa7-daysoldculture wasmixed with6literofsoil.Abasal dressing of 540mgofPpO,-and900mgofK„0was applied per pot. Seedsofpea {Pisum sativum I., cultivar Rondo)andfield bean (Vicia faba L.,cultivar Minica)were surface-sterilizedbyimmersion inasolution containing4%ofH?0pandafewdropsofTeepol (detergent)for25min before sowing.Thesoilwasthen covered with sterilized gravel toprevent clogging after watering. Plants were keptintheopenairunderwirefor protection against birds.Ineachjarultimately8peaplants or3field bean plants were retained. Inaseparate experiment,field bean seeds were inoculated with R. leguminosarum, strain RB1,andsowninafield plotinrowsof45cm.Abasal 2 dressingof18gofP^Ogand29gofKpOwas applied perm. Hydrogen production and acetylene reduction by nodulated roots The shootsofthe plants were detachedandtheroots freed from soil particlesbygentle shaking.Thewhole root system,orinsome casesthe primaryandthelateral roots separately,were incubated instoppered 1-literErlenmeyerflasks.After25min,a100-ylgassample was assayed for hydrogen,usingathermal conductivity detector. Subsequently, 100ml of acetylene was addedanda100-ylgassample was taken after 15min. Ethylene production was determined withagas Chromatograph equipped with a hydrogen flame detector.Ratesofhydrogen productionandacetylene reduction were linearwith timeupto80min. Nitrogenase determinations in bacteroids In vitro nitrogenase activityofbacteroids was determined withthe EDTA-toluenemethod (EDTA=ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid)accordingto van StratenandRoelofsen (15).After completion ofthe in vivo assay, roots werewashed intapwaterandthenodules carefully collected. These nodules were squeezed inaBergersen press (2)under argonat0°Cinabuffer solution containing TRIS (50mM) (TRIS=tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane), MgCl 2 (2.5 mM),4%(^) PVP(PVP=polyvinylpyrrolidone)andNa 2 S 2 0 4 (20 mM). ThepHwas adjustedto7.2with HCl.Bacteroids were centrifuged for10minat 5500xg under argon,washed withabuffer solution (same buffer withoutPVP), 23 centrifugea again,andresuspended inthebuffer solution withoutPVP(1 ml of buffer per80mgofnodule fresh weight). Nitrogenase activityofthe bacteroids was restoredbyregenerationat25°C for30min.Subsequently,1mlofbuffer containing 1ymoleofEDTAand3drops of toluene was addedto1mlofbacteroid suspension,andthemixture vigorously shakenfor1min.After1minofsettlement,a0.5-ml aliquotofthe aqueouslayer was transferred toa16.5-ml Hungate tube finally containing50ymolesofTrisHC1,15ymolesofMgClp, 18.4ymolesofcreatine phosphate,5.6ymolesof adenosine-5-triphosphate (disodium salt),30ygofcreatine kinaseand20ymoles of Na 2 S 2 0.,inavolumeof1.0ml,pH7.2.Thegas phase consistedof10% acetyleneinargon. Ethylene production wasmeasuredbyflame detection after 10min incubationonashaker bathof25°C,200strokes per min. RESULTS Nitrogenase activity duping ontogenesis Profilesofactual andpotential nitrogen fixationbyfield beansandpeas growing injars during ontogenesisareshown inFig.1.Infield beans,there wasapeakinnitrogenase activity coinciding withthestartofthe pod-filling stage.Nosuchapattern was observed inpeas. Bothinfield beansandinpeas, potential nitrogen fixation was equal tothe actual fixation duringthe vegetative stage.Starting from flowering inpeasandfrompodformation infield beans,thepotential nitrogen fixation became significantly higher thanthe actual fixation inaone-sided t-testatthe0.001 level(14). Actual nitrogenase activityperplantinfield beanswas about five times higher thaninpeas.Thedifference was mainlyduetothehigher nodule weight of the field bean-Rhizobium symbiosis (Fig.2a),resulting from the higher plant weightoffield beans.Theamountofbacteroid protein infield bean nodules decreased duringthegrowth season from90to40mgpergofnodule fresh weight (Fig.2b).Peanodules retainedaconstant level ofabout40mgofbacteroid protein pergofnodule fresh weight (Fig.2b). Based uponthe dataofFigs.1,2aand2b,thespecific activityofnitrogenasewas calculated (Fig.2c).Inpeaplants,thedecreasing specific 24 100 120 Days Fig.1.Actual (•,•)andpotential ( Q ,o)nitrogenase activityofpea( B , 0 ) and field bean (•,o)during ontogenesis.Plotted valuesofactual nitrogen fixation aremeansof2setsof8plants each (pea)andof 2 setsof3plants each (field bean). Valuesofpotential nitrogenase activityperplantwerecalculated from nodule fresh weightof3plants and triplicate nitrogenase determinations inbacteroids obtained from a known quantityofnodules.Arrow1indicatesthestartofflowering inpeaandarrow2thestartofpodformation infield bean. activity was compensatedbyanincreasing nodule mass,resulting inaconstant levelofin vivo nitrogenase activity duringthegrowth season (Fig. 1). In contrast,thepeakofnitrogenase activityperplantinfield beanswasdue toariseofspecific activityaswellastoanincreased nodular mass. Effect of combined nitrogen To study theeffectofcombined nitrogenonactualandpotential nitrogen fixation,field beans growinginjarswere given 1130mgofNasNaNO,both atsowingandatmid-pod fill (Fig.3 ) .Actualandpotential nitrogen fixation ofnitrate-grown field bean plantsweremuch lowerthan thoseofplantsgrown without added nitrate, e.g.,atday621.2and12.4umolesofC^Hg reduced/ plant.h (Figs.3and1,respectively).From thebeginningofpodformationat 25 _2000 Ü 1000- 100 120 Days Fig.2(a).Nodules,fresh weight,mg/plant.Pea( O ) , field bean (o); meansofduplicate determinations, (b). Bacteroidalproteinperunitoffresh weight nodules.Meansof duplicate determinationsofpea( O )andfield bean(o). (c). Nitrogenase,specific activities,ymolesC2H4/gofbacteroidal protein.h;mean valuesoftriplicate determinations,ofpea {in vivo •,in vitro O )andfieldbean (in vivo •, in vitro o). For startofflowering (pea)andofpodfill (field bean) see Fig.1. day 77,potential nitrogen fixationofnitrate-grown plantsapproached thatof control plants.Actual nitrogen fixationofnitrate-grown plants roseata lower rate,sothat thedeviation from the potential nitrogen fixation became more pronounced thaninthecontrol plants.Forexample,atday89actual nitrogen fixation amountedto29.2ymolesofC^H« reduced/plant.hascompared to 36.3ymolesofC 2 H~ reduced/plant.hincontrol plants,whereas potential nitrogen fixation valueswere 48.8ymolesofC„H 2 reduced/plant.hinboth cases (Figs.1and 3 ) . 26 100 120 t Days N Fig.3.Actual (•)andpotential (o)nitrogenaseactivityoffield beans supplied with 1130mgNasNaN03atsowingandatmid-pod fill (arrow) For sample sizesseelegendofFig.1. The second nitrate dressingatmid-pod fill drastically lowered theactual nitrogen fixation (Fig.3)butleftthepotential fixation unaffectedfor10 days.After that,analmost complete lossofactivity took placewithin4days. Location of nitrogenase activity Additionofnitrateatsowing delayed nodule formationbyfield beans,as demonstrated inTable 1.Themorphologyoftheroot systemsoffield bean plants, which possessawell-developed taproot,enabledustodifferentiate between nodulesonprimaryandlateral roots.Owingtothe delayinnodule formation, significantly more nodules were formedonlateral rootsofnitrate-grown plants as comparedtoplants grown without nitrate(p<0.05).This resulted ina considerably larger contributionofthe activityofnodulesonlateral roots to total nitrogenase activityinnitrate-grown plants than found incontrol plants without added nitrate (p<0.01). Acetylene-reducing activityoflateralroot nodules,when calculated per unitofnodule fresh weight,washigher than 27 Table1.Actual nitrogenase activitiesofnodules from primaryandlateral roots offield beans,asaffectedbytheadditionofnitrateatsowinga^ Time (days after sowing) Noduleson primary roots Noduleson lateral roots Freshwt. Nitrogenase (mg/plant) activity b) Freshwt. Nitrogenase (mg/plant) activity b) Without nitrate 62 515 75 881 77 973 89 1570 1380 98 Contributionof nodulesonlateral rootstototal nitrogenase activity(%) 14.9 18.4 26.5 19.9 17.3 0 36 85 306 139 36.9 35.5 16.5 28.0 10 14 14 12.4 22.2 20.3 17.5 78 222 353 776 995 16.3 12.4 32.1 29.9 22.4 100 49 56 79 91 With nitrate 62 75 77 89 98 0 235 407 295 125 Data represent meansofduplicatemeasurements.Forstatistical inference seetext. b)umolesofC„H./gofnodules freshweight.h. x I2O0 c ' I 1000 r o. 800 I 600 E * 400 ^r X IM o 200 60 80 100 120 Days Fig.4.In vivo (•,A)andin vitro (o,A)specific activitiesofnitrogenase ofbacteroidsfrom primary (•,o)andlateral (A,A)rootnodulesof field bean plantsgrownwithoutadded nitrate.Values representmeans ofduplicatedeterminations. 28 Table2.Nitrogenaseactivityinpeaandfieldbeanduringtheentiregrowth period Nitrogenase activity Actual {in vivo) Potential in vitro) Product ion Fixât ion Production Fixation of: of: of: N2 H2 C2H4 (mmoles / plant) 1 2 of: N2 N2 C 2 H 4 (mg/ plant) 3 4 (mmoles/ plant) 5 Actuala s% of poten tial N„ fixât ion (mg/ plant) 6 7 8 Experiment I Pea Field bean Field bean grown with 11 40 18 4 106 15 374 4 167 65 14 235 48 134 35 132 447 324 81 84 51 50 53 41 24 31 11 227 13 291 127 37 174 45 346 416 66 70 37 42 N03 Experiment II Field bean Field bean (jar) (field) 1)Inair+10%C ? H 2 2)Inair 3)Calculatedfrom1 4)Calculatedfrom1minus2 6)Calculatedfrom5 7)Valuesof3as%ofthoseof6 8)Valuesof4as%ofthoseof6 thatofprimary-rootnodulesinanFtestatthe0.05level (Table1). Whenthe nitrogenaseactivitieswereexpressedperunitofbacteroid protein,differences betweennodulesofprimaryandlateral rootsweremoresignificant(p<0.01) (Fig.4 ) .Specificnitrogenaseactivityofnodulesfromlateral rootswas often50-100%higherthanthatofprimary-rootnodules. Actual and potential nitrogen fixation Baseduponthemomentarydataofnitrogenaseactivity,aspresentedabove, theamountsofnitrogenfixedduringtheentiregrowthperiodwerecalculated (Table 2). Undertheconditionsofthein vivo nitrogenaseassaywith 10%of acetyleneinair,acetylenereduction representstheentirenitrogenase activity.However,inair,intheabsenceofacetylene,afractionofthe 29 total electron flowthrough nitrogenaseisnotusedinnitrogen fixationbut gives risetotheproductionofhydrogen.Therefore,inthecalculationsof nitrogen fixation,ethylene production wascorrectedfor hydrogen evolvedin air.Astoichiometrical factorof3.0was usedtoconvertacetylene reduction intonitrogen fixation.Forsimplicity,nitrogen fixation wasassumedto continueatthesame levelfor24haday. Actual nitrogen fixation amountedto51-84%ofthe potential nitrogen fixation inthecases studied.Whenthedistributionofenergy among hydrogen productionandnitrogen reduction occurring in vivo was taken intoaccount, theactual nitrogen fixation even declinedto37-53%ofthe potential nitrogen fixation (Table2 ) . The dataonnitrogen fixation discussed above,were obtained from plants growinginjars.Inaseparate experiment field-grown field bean plantswere testedfor actualandpotential nitrogen fixation (Table 2 ) .Ingeneral, field-grown plants produced more drymatter (not shown) andpossesseda higher levelofnitrogen fixation than plants growinginjars.Theratioof potential toactual nitrogen fixation,however,was equal inbothcases. DISCUSSION Actual and -potential nitrogen fixation The central themeofthis paperisthedistinction between actualand potential nitrogen fixation,ascalculated from in vivo andin vitro nitrogenaseactivities,respectively.Thelimitationsofthe in vivo acetylene reduction assayofnodulated roots have been extensively discussedbyvarious authors (5,'10). Therefore,this discussionisrestrictedtothe in vitro method. Amajor disadvantageoftheEDTA-toluene techniqueofassaying in vitro nitrogenase activityofisolated bacteroidsisitssensitivitytooxygen. Even tracesofoxygen irreversibly lowernitrogenase activity.Removingthe plants from thesoil might havedamagedthe nodules. Explainingthedifference between in vivo andin vitro nitrogenase activity asaresultofscratchingtothenodulesisunlikely because oxygen probably decreases both valuesofthesamedegree. The conditionsoftheEDTA-toluene method havebeen carefully optimized(15), 30 Nevertheless,the questionmayberaised whether the in vitro activity measured in thiswayreallyisthemaximum activity,orthatmaximum activityiseven higher,asitwas recently shown that electron donorstonitrogenasemaydiffer in efficiency (16).However,our in vitro method was adequatetodemonstrate that starting from flowering,anexcess amountofnitrogenase ispresent,presumably not utilized innitrogen fixation (Figs.1and 2c). To date,indirect evidenceforanexcessofnitrogenase inroot nodules has been derived from Arrhenius plotsofnitrogenase activity versus temperature (5,6 ) .Our direct nitrogenase determinations corroborate this conclusionfor plantsinthe generative growth phase only.Theassumption that below 20°C nitrogenase content was limiting nitrogen fixation (6)wasnotsubstantiated inthepresent studyinwhich field beans growing injars were compared with those growing inthe field.Injars,soil temperatures were almost equalto ambient airtemperature (15-30°C),whileinthe fieldat10cmdepth,soil temperatures ranged from 13-18°C. However,injar-grownaswellasinfieldgrown plants,potential nitrogen fixation was higher than actual nitrogen fixation (Table2 ) . Additionofnitratetofield beans with full-grown nodulesatmid-pod fill inducedanimmediate drop ofin vivo nitrogenase activity,butthe in vitro activity remained unchanged,conformabletotheresultsofHouwaard (8)with added ammonium chloridetopeas. Finally,the in vitro nitrogenase activity collapsed within4days (Fig. 3 ) ,inaccordance with Bisseling et al. (3). To their estimates,nitrogenase turn-overinR. leguminosarwn bacteroids amountsto50%within2days. Nodule mass and activity Drymatter production inpeaplants was about five times lower than that in field beans (datanotshown). This difference was also observed innodule fresh weightofthese plantsandinnitrogenase activityperplant (Figs.1,2a). Additionofnitrateatsowing mainly reduces nodule massandnotnitrogenase activityofthe nodules (Table 1).Some authors have found thatanenhancementofphotosynthesisbyincreasing light intensityoratmospheric carbon dioxide concentration initially increasedthenitrogenase activityofthe nodules.However,after several daysoftreatment,ariseofthe nodular mass accounted forthemajor partofthe increased nitrogen fixation (1,11,12). Thus,inthelong run,nitrogen fixation seemstoberegulatedbynodule mass rather thanbynodule activity. Nodule formationandgrowth even continue when energy supplytothenodules isinsufficient forafull utilizationof nitrogenase (Figs. 2a,c). 31 The specific {in vitro) nitrogenase activitiesofnodulesonprimaryand lateral roots show pronounced differences (Fig.4 ) .VandenBos et al. (4) demonstrated that the in vitro nitrogenase activityofmature bacteroids decreased with age.Inthepresent experiment,lateral-root nodulesmayhave contained young bacteroidsofahigher degreeofnitrogen-fixing activityas compared t.othebacteroidsofprimary-root nodules,whichwould accountfor thehigher in vivo andin vitro activityoflateral-rootnodulesascompared with primary-root nodules. nitrogen or carbohydrate limitation The in vitro methodofdetermining nitrogenase activity inbacteroidsis based uponanoptimized supplyofATPandreducing equivalents (15).Therefore, ifthe in vitro activityishigher than the in vivo activity,the difference maybeinterpreted intermsofanenergy shortageofthenodules.This view iscorroborated bycomparingthepresent results with literature data.During thegenerative stageofgrowth,flower primordiaanddeveloping podsactas carbohydrate sinks,reducingthetranslocationofphotoassimilatestothe rootnodules (7).Inthe present experiments,thepotential nitrogen fixation deviated from theactual fixation from the onsetofflowering (pea)orpod fill (field bean) (arrows1and2,respectively,ofFig. 1).Additionof nitrate also causesadeclineofphotosynthate translocation tothenodules(13). Concomitantly,theratioofthe actual tothepotential nitrogen fixationis lowerinnitrate-grown plants thaninplants growing without combined nitrogen (Fig.3 ) . Ifourinterpretationofthe physiological significanceofpotential nitrogen fixation iscorrect,then leguminous plantsaregrowing under nitrogen-limitation duringthevegetative stage.Duringthegenerative stage nitrogen fixationislimitedbycarbohydrate supply leadingtoexcessofnitrogenasein thenodules.Duringthegrowth cycleofthe legumestheaverage nitrogenase utilization amountedto66-81%intheabsenceofcombined nitrogen (Table2 ) . Therefore,inordertoincreaseyieldsof ~\&q\me-Rhizobium symbioses,efforts should probablybedirectedtotheutilizationofthe entire potential nitrogen fixationbytheenhancementofphotosynthesis,rather thanbycreating Rhizobium strainsofahigher nitrogen-fixing capacity. 32 REFERENCES 1.Antoniw,L.D.,andJ.I.Sprent. 1977.Growthandnitrogen fixationof Phaseolus vulgaris L.attwoirradiances. II.Nitrogen fixation. Ann. Bot.42:399-410. 2. Bergersen,F.J. 1966.Some propertiesofnitrogen-fixing breis prepared from soybean root nodules.Biochim.Biophys.Acta 130:304-312. 3.Bisseling,T.,J.vanStraten,andF.Houwaard. 1980.TurnoverofnitrogenaseandleghemoglobininrootnodulesofVisum sativum. Biochim. Biophys.Acta 610:360-370. 4. Bos,R.C.vanden,T.Bisseling,andA.vanKammen. 1978.Analysisof DNA content,nitrogenaseactivityandin vivo protein synthesisof Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteroidsonsucrose gradients.J.Gen.Microbiol. 109: 131-139. 5.Hardy,R.W.F.,R.D. Holsten,É.K.Jackson,andR.C.Burns.1968. The acetylene-ethylene assay forN2fixation:laboratoryandfield evaluation. Plant Physiol.43:1185-1207. 6. Hardy,R.W.F.,andU.D.Havelka. 1976.Photosynthateasamajorfactor limiting nitrogen fixationbyfield-grown legumeswith emphasisonsoybean,p.421-439. In P.S.Nutman (ed.), Symbiotic nitrogen fixationin plants,IBP7,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge. 7. Herridge,D.F.,andJ.S.Pate. 1977.Utilizationofnet photosynthatefor nitrogen fixationandprotein production inanannual legume.PlantPhysiol. 60: 759-764. 8. Houwaard,F.1978.Influenceofammonium chlorideonthenitrogenase activity ofnodulatedpeaplants {visum'^ativum). Appl. Env.Microbiol.35:1061-1065. 9.Houwaard,F.1980.Influence of'^ammoniumandnitrate nitrogenonnitrogenase activityofpeaplantsasaffectedbylight intensityandsugaraddition. PlantandSoil 54:271-282. ,.: 10.Masterson,C.L.,andP.M. Murphy';1980.Theacetylene reduction technique, p. 8-33. In N.S.SubbaRao(ed.), Recentadvancesinbiological nitrogen fixation,E.Arnold London. 11.Phillips,D.A., K.D.Newell,S.A. Hassell,andC E . Felling. W6. The effectofCO2enrichmentonrootnodule developmentandsymbfptic N2 reduction inVisum sativum L.Amer.J.Bot.63:356-362. /">' 12. Sheikholeslam,S.N., K.A. Fishbeck,andD.A. Phillips. 1980.Fjfectof irradianceonpartitioningofphotosynthatetopearoot nodules. Bot. Gaz. 141:48-52. • 13. Small,J.G.C.,andO.A. Leonard. 1969.TranslocationofC -labeled photosynthateinnodulated Tggumesasinfluencedbynitrate nitrogen.Amer.J. Bot. 56:187-194. * • 14. Steel,R.G.D.,andJ.H. Torrie. 1960.Principlesandproceduresof statistics,McGraw-Hill New York. 15. Straten,J.van,andW.Roelofsen. 1976.Improved methodforpreparing anaerobic bacteroid suspensionsofRhizobium leguminosarum for the acetylene reduction assay.Appl.Env.Microbiol.31:859-863. 16. Veeger,C ,Laane,C ,Scherings,G., Matz,L.,Haaker,H.andZeelandWolbers,L.van. 1980.Membrane energizationandnitrogen fixationin Azotobacter vinelandii and Rhizobium leguminosarum, pp 111-137 in Nitrogen fixation vol.I(eds.W.E.NewtonandW.H.Orme-Johnson)Un.Park Press, Baltimore. 17. Wilson,P.W. 1940.The biochemistryofsymbiotic nitrogen fixation,Univ.of Wisconsin Press,Madison. 33 ACTUAL AND POTENTIAL NITROGEN FIXATION BY PEA ROOT NODULES AS AFFECTED BY CYTOKININ AND ETHYLENE ABSTRACT In this paper,the in vivo nitrogenase activity (actual nitrogen fixation) ofnodulated pearoots {visum sativum L.)hasbeen compared with the in vitro nitrogenase activity (potential nitrogen fixation)ofbacteroidsoftwo strains of Rhizobium leguminosarwn,one withandonewithout hydrogenase.Theactual nitrogen fixationofnodulesof28daysoldplants,keptinagrowth chamber, amounted to77-82%ofthepotential nitrogen fixation.Treatmentofthenodules orthelower leaveswith benzyladenine,asynthetic cytokinin,raisedthe nitrogenase activityofpeaplantsto100%ofthepotential value.Ethephon,an ethylene-releasing compound,raisedthe nitrogen fixationofpeaplants only whenitwas supplied tothenodules.Thebeneficial effectofboth ethephonand benzyladenineonnitrogen fixation was maximal after2daysanddecreased afterwards. Additionofnitratetothe nutrient solution (final concentration 10mM) decreased the actual nitrogen fixationofthe nodulesto55%ofthepotential nitrogen fixationofthe bacteroids within48hours. Simultaneous additionof benzyladeninetothenodules counteracted the nitrate effect,raisingtheactual nitrogen fixation to81%ofthe potential value. Treatment with benzyladenine raised theenergy supplyto thenodules,as it was shown intranslocation experiments with assimilated ^CCL.Noquantitative relationship between energy supplyandnitrogenase activity was found. INTRODUCTION Until now,little attentionhasbeen paidtothe question whether allor only partofthenitrogenase presentinRhizobium bacteroidsofleguminous root nodulesisactive during growthofthelegume under various environmental conditions. 35 Inthis paper,the in vivo nitrogenase activityofrootnodules (actual nitrogen fixation)wascompared with the in vitro nitrogenase activity (potential nitrogen fixation)ofisolated bacteroids,supplied withATPandreducing equivalents.InapreviousChapter (Ch.1,pages 21-33),thecourseofthenitrogenaseactivity during ontogenesisofpeaandfield beanwas reported. The results obtained indicated thatinthevegetative stageoflegumes,growingin theopen air,nitrogenase was fully utilized,butinthegenerative stageactual nitrogen fixation amountedto51-84%ofthepotential nitrogen fixation. Energy supplyoftheenzymeisconsideredtobeamajor factor regulating actual nitrogenase activity (19).Therefore,inthis paperanattemptwasmade toaltertheratioofactual topotential nitrogen fixationbytreatments that eitherwould lower photosynthate supplytothenodules (additionofnitrate)or would enhance photosynthate availabilitytothenodules,suchaslocal applicationofplantgrowth regulators.Theratioofactual topotential nitrogen fixation might alsobeinfluencedbyamore efficient useoftheenergyavailable,suchasfunctioningofahydrogen uptake systeminthebacteroids.This system enablesthebacteroidstorecoverpartoftheenergy lostby hydrogen production concomitantlytonitrogen fixation.Therefore,alsoa comparison wasmadeofnitrogenase utilizationofpea plants inoculated with strainsofRhizobium leguminosarum withorwithoutanuptakehydrogenase. MATERIALSANDMETHODS Plant material Pea seeds {Pisum sativum L.cultivar Rondo)were sterilizedbyimmersionin a4%solutionofHLOpandafewdropsofTeepol (adetergent).After20min, seedswere sowninheat-sterilized gravel which was inoculated withastrainof Rhizobium leguminosarum. Strain S310a,containinganuptake hydrogenase,and strain PRE,withoutahydrogenase,were obtained from theculturecollectionof our laboratory.Thegravelwassoaked before sowing withanitrogen-free nutrient solution containing (mg/1oftapwater)K 2 HP0 4 .3H 2 0,360;KH 2 P0 4 , 120;MgS04.7H20, 250; CaS0 4 .2H 2 0,250;Fe-citrate,30;MnS0 4 .4H 2 0,1;ZnS0 4 .7H 2 0,0.25;CuS04.5H20„ 0.25;H 3 B0 3 ,0.25;Na 2 Mo0 4 .2H 2 0,0.05. Plantsweregrowninagrowth chamberat 20°C,witha16hlight-8hdark periodandalight intensity (W/m)of8.8 (blue),7.2(red)and12.0 (far-red). At21days after sowing,plantswere transferredto300-ml Erlenmeyerflasks containing 100mlofthe nutrient solution plus75mgofKCl.Each flaskcon- 36 tained4plants, supported byaplugofcotton wool, keeping theroot nodules abovethenutrient solution. Treatments Five days after transferring theplantstoErlenmeyer flasks,theroot nodules or the firstandsecond leaves (from the bottom)were treated with 1ml/4 plants ofanaqueous solutionofbenzyladenine (10, 100and1000 ug/ml,pH9with KOH) or ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphoric acid, 250and1000 ug/ml); both solutions contained atraceofTeepol. Control plantsofthe benzyladenine experiment received 1mlofa670 yg/ml solutionofadenine under similar conditions.In some cases, the nitrogen-free nutrient solution was replaced byasolution containing KN0, (10mM) instead ofKCl.Nutrient solutions were renewed daily. Hydrogen production and acetylene reduction Setsof4intact plants were placed inastoppered 300-ml Erlenmeyer flask and assayedforhydrogen production after20min,usingagaschromatograph equipped withathermal conductivity detector. Subsequently,30mlofacetylene was addedandethylene production determined after 15minbyagaschromatograph equipped withahydrogen flame detector.Therateofacetylene reductionwas linear for60min. Invitro nitrogenase assay of bacteroids Bacteroids were isolated from nodules after the in vivo assayasdescribedby van StratenandRoelofsen (16).Isolated bacteroids were treated with ethylenediaminetetraaceticacidandtoluene, supplied with reducing equivalents (Na^SpOJ andanATP-generating system,andincubatedat24°C underanatmosphereof90% argonand10%acetylene. Ethylene production was determined after 10min. RESULTS Actual nitrogenase activity as affected by ethephon and benzyladenine Local application ofethephontoroot nodulesofpeaplants markedly affected nitrogenase activity after2days,asshown inFig.1.When65ygofethephon was applied per plant, nitrogenase activity was enhanced significantly (Ftest; p<0.05). However,when nodules were treated with 250ygofethephon perplant, nitrogenase activity was significantly lowered (p<0.05)and the nodules turned green. Treatment ofthe first and second leaves (from the bottom)didnotproduce significant changes innitrogenase activity. Application ofbenzyladenine significantly raised nitrogenase activity (Ftest; p<0.05) both when applied tonodulesortothe firstandsecond leaves (Fig.2 ) . 37 150 300 Ethephon,/ng/plant Fig.1 2.5 25 250 Benzyladenine,A4g / p l a n t Fig.2 Fig.1.Nitrogenase activityof28daysoldpeaplants inoculated with R. leguminosarvm PRE.Data representmeansoftriplicate measurementsofsetsof4plants,48hafter applicationof ethephontothefirstandsecond leaf from the bottom (0)or to nodules (o). Fig.2.Nitrogenase activity of28daysoldpeaplants inoculated with Data representmeansoftriplicate measurementsofsets of4plants,48hafter applicationof benzyladeninetothe firstandsecond leaf from the bottom(0), tonodulesofplants growingonanitrogen-free nutrient solution (o)andto nodulesofplants transferred toanutrient solution containing 10mmolesofKNO,per1(•). Control sets were given 150ygof adenineperplant.Control plants without adenine (not shown) possessedanequal nitrogenase activityas comparedtoadenine treated control plants. R. leguminosarum PRE The siteofapplication didnotproduce significant differences.Theeffect of benzyladenineonnitrogenase activity was dependentonconcentration. The highest values were reached when250ygofbenzyladenine was usedper plant. Increasing concentrationsto500ygperplant lowered nitrogenase activity (data not shown). Bothinthe experimentsofFigs.1and2,nitrogenase activity was measured 2 days afterthe applicationofethephonandbenzyladenine,respectively.In preliminary experiments,amaximum response was obtained 2days after treatment with growth regulators.After4days,noeffectsonnitrogen fixation were observed incomparison with thecontrol plants.Arepeated applicationof 38 benzyladenine,4days aftertheinitial treatment,again raised nitrogenase activityofplants growing without combined nitrogen afteranincubation period of24hours. Inplants,transferred toanutrient solution containing 10mmolesofKNO, per 1,nitrogenase activity was significantly reduced (p<0.05)(1.06and 1.42 ymolesofC ^ produced/plant.hbyplants withandwithout nitrate,respectively). Treatmentofthe nodules with benzyladenine counteracted thenitrate effectby increasing nitrogenase activity (1.55 ymolesofC 2 H.produced/plant.h with 250yg/plantofbenzyladenine). Actual and potential nitrogen fixation Thewayinwhich benzyladenineandnitrate treatments affect nitrogenaseactivity was studied withtwo R. leguminosarum strains,S310aandPRE,bycomparisonofthe actual nitrogenase activityofnodulated rootsandthepotential nitrogenase activityofisolated bacteroids,thelatter being supplied with reducing equivalents (Na 2 S 2 0jandanATP-generating system.Theratioofthe actual tothepotential nitrogen fixation wasdistinctly influenced bythetwo treatments,asshowninTable 1.Untreated peaplants utilized thenitrogenase Table1.EffectofstrainofB. leguminosarum, benzyladenineandnitrate treatmentsonactualandpotential nitrogen fixation,photosynthate supply and relative efficiencyofnitrogen fixationbypeaplants'!) Treatment Strain of microsymbiont S310a PRE Nitrogenase activity (ymolesofC2H4 produced/g nodules fresh wt.h) Ratioof actualto potential nitrogenase activity Actual Potential {%) Control BA Control BA 16.3 d 21.9 a 27.9 b 34.1 a 21.1 a 21.9 0 100 N05 NOJ+BA 19.0 od 33.9 a 35.1a 34.6 a 82 97 55 27.7 b 34.2 a 81 11 Nodule label 2) Relative (kcpm/plant) efficiency (*)3> 94 I 125 m 111 lm 155 n 61 k 72 k 95p 95 p 71 q 60 r 68 q 62 r Values represent meansoftriplicate measurements,2days after treatment of nodules with 250yg/plantofbenzyladenine (BA)ortransferofplantsto a nutrient solution containing 10mmolesofKNOo/1. Values followed bythe same letter arenotsignificantly different inTukey's testatthe5%level. 2) Forexplanation see text. ^Calculatedas(1-H 2 evolved inair C 2 H 4 producedair+10%C 2 H 2 '- ldU/o U 4 ; 39 present in the bacteroids foronly 80%.Benzyladenine (250yg per plant) raised theactual nitrogen fixation to 100%or nearly 100%of the potential values. Inplants supplied with nitrate,the ratio ofactual topotential nitrogen fixation dropped to 55%.Simultaneous application of benzyladenine to nodules of-such plants raised the actual nitrogen fixation aswell as the ratio actualpotçntial nitrogen fixation to values similar to those of control plants without combined nitrogen (Table1). Inorder tocheck whether the favourable effect of benzyladenine on nitrogenase activity wascoupled with an increased photosynthate supply of the nod14 ules,a pulse-label experiment with C0owas carried out.Shoots of pea plants 14 were exposed in light to C0 2 for 15min,24hafter the start of the nitrate and benzyladenine treatments. Roots were carefully excluded from labelling by sealing themwith plastic foil and beeswax.Plants were killed in liquid nitrogen 24hafter labelling, i.e. 48hafter the start of the treatments,to ascertain a possible correlation with the nitrogenase data obtained from other sets of plants.Root nodules were crushed in liquid nitrogen and aliquots counted ina liquid scintillation counter,using Instagel (Packard Inc.)as a scintillation liquid. The results of this experiment show (Table 1)thatwith strain PRE,more radioactivity was recovered in the nodules than with strain S310a. Benzyladenine treatment ofnodules gave a pronounced rise of recovered radioactivity with both S310a and PRE.Benzyladenine (250yg per plant) increased nodule counts permin significantly in2outof 3treatments.Specific radioactivity ofnodules was equal to that of shoots,whereas that of roots was 3-5 times lower (data not shown). Nitrate in the nutrient solution significantly lowered nodule counts per min ascompared to thecontrol. The nitrogenase activity of nodules formed with strain S310a,which contains an uptake hydrogenase,responded to benzyladenine similarly to that of nodules formed with strain PRE (Table 1).The presence of the hydrogenase in S310a resulted in ahigher relative efficiency than with strain PRE, i.e. fewer moles of hydrogen evolved inair permole of ethylene produced under acetylene.With strain PRE,adecrease of the relative efficiency was observed when thenitrogenase activity was increased by benzyladenine treatment,both in the presence and absence of nitrate in the nutrient solution. The ratio ofactual to potential nitrogen fixation with S310a was slightly below thatwith PRE.The lower actual nitrogen fixation with S310a was due to a lower potential nitrogenase activity of the bacteroids. Expressed on a protein 40 basis, in vitro nitrogenase activity amounted to365 ymolesofC 2 H- produced/g of protein.h inS310a bacteroids,ascompared with 732 ymolesofC^H. produced/g of protein.h inPRE bacteroids. DISCUSSION Mode of action of benzyladenine and ethephon Plant growth regulators belonging tothe cytokinin group,asbenzyladenine, are knowntoattract assimilates tothe site where the hormone isapplied. They reduce protein degradation (10),increase ionuptakeandtransport,andinduce cell division (8,17). Ethephon,anartificial compound, isdegraded within theplanttoethylene atpHvalues above 3.5. Ethylene mobilizes storage products,directs themto the siteoffruit growthandpromotes fruit ripening andsenescence (15). In this study, benzyladenineandethephon were used inanattempt toalter photosynthate availability tothe nodules which might influencetheratioof actual topotential nitrogen fixation. Fairly large quantitiesofbenzyladenine were usedascompared toliterature dataonleaf application (11).Nodata were availableonlocal application ofgrowth regulators tonodules.Asnodulesare considered tobeimpermeable towater, the uptakeofbenzyladenineandethephon probably hastooccur throughtheroot cortex. With our methodofbrush applicationofanaqueoussolution tothe nodules, inevitably also adjacent root parts were treated. However, both with leaf and nodule treatments,the quantitiesof growth regulator actually takenupare unknown. In line with'literature data (1),the observed effectofethephononnodules (Fig. 1)might beexplained intermsofmobilizationofassimilates. Consequently, a low concentration ofethephon would stimulate nitrogenase activity bymobilizing storage products (e.g. starch).Ahigh concentration ofthis'growth regulator initially might have enhanced nitrogen fixation, but would lateroncausean exhaustionofsubstrates andconsequently adecreaseofnitrogen fixation: Treatmentofnodules with benzyladenine may enhancethesink functionofthe nodules and stimulate nitrogenase activity duetoahigher supplyofphotosynthates (Fig.2,Table1). Lower leaves have been showntoactassourceofsubstratestonodules(11,13). Application ofethephon orbenzyladenine tothese source leaves was aimedatincreasing photosynthate supplyofthe nodules inanindirect way. Ethephonwas thoughttomobilize storage carbohydrates intheleaves,making them available 41 for translocationtothenodules.Evenifthiswould have happened,noeffectof itonnitrogenase activity was observed (Fig. 1).Benzyladenine treatmentofthe source leaves was intendedtoreduce protein degradationandthustoenhance photosynthesisintheleaf.Alternatively,thetranslocation pattern intheplant couldbechanged,diverting photosynthate transportation from the shoot apexto the nodules.Ineither way,theobserved riseinnitrogen fixation after leaf application ofbenzyladenine islikelytobeduetoanincreased supplyof photosynthatetothe nodules. Actual and potential nitrogen fixation Benzyladenine application tonodules increasedtheactual nitrogenase activity (Table 1).This phenomenon was correlated withanincreaseinenergy supply. However,noquantitative relationship couldbeestablished betweentheadditional photosynthates translocated tothe nodulesandtheriseinnitrogenase activity. The same difficulty was encountered byother authors (7,14);itmightbe attributed tothesynthesisofstorage products,totheaccumulationofassimilatesintheplant tissueofthenodules (7)ortodifferences inrespiratory activityofthe nodules,leading toasmaller pooloflabelled compounds. A considerable gap exists betweenthe occurrenceofmaximum nitrogenase activity,48hafter treatment with benzyladenine,andthe translocation time 14 of Clabelled photosynthate (3-9 h)(6). Oneexplanationofthis deviation mightbethe occurrenceofuptake problemsofexternally applied growth regulatorsasdiscussed above. Onacellular level,benzyladenine isknowntoincrease respiration,proton extrusionandtransmembrane potential inpeaplants (8,9,10).Ontheother hand,Laane et al. (5)showed thatinbacteroidsofR. leguminosarum, transmembrane potential wasactingasamajor force regulating nitrogenase activityby directing theelectron flowtonitrogenase.Combining these results,theeffect of benzyladenineonnitrogenase activity mightbeexplained byahigher supply of photosynthates,anenhanced respiration,leadingtoahigher transmembrane potential and,consequently,ahigher nitrogenase activity. Combined nitrogen decreasedtheratioofactual topotential nitrogen fixation (Table 1 ) ,aswasfound earlierinthis laboratory (3;Chapter 1,pp.21-33) Additionofsucrosetothenutrient solution alleviated theeffectofcombined nitrogenonnitrogenase activity (4)partlybyovercomingashortageofenergy inthe nodules butalsobydecreasing nitrogen uptake.Inourexperiment,a decreaseofnitrate uptake was unlikely becauseingeneral,benzyladenine stimulatesionuptakeandtransport.However,the benzyladenine effectonphotosyn- 42 thate supply (Table1)waslowerinnitrate-grown plantsascompared toplants growing inanitrogen-free nutrient solution. The possibilityofincreasing nitrogen fixation bytheuseofcytokininsand other growth regulators (especially those synthetized inroots),asindicated bytheresultsofthepresent investigation,might open interesting perspectives toagriculture iftheshort durationofthehigher activityandtheimpractical application sitemightbeovercome.Another approach wouldbetoincreasethe rateofnatural cytokinin synthesisinroot nodules.The main cytokinin activity ofnodules seemstobelocated inthenodule meristem, Rhizobium-infected cells possessingalower activity (17).Butalso free-living rhizobia have been shown tobecapableofsynthetizing cytokinin-like substances insufficient quantity to induce cell division inasoybean-callus test (12). Whether also bacteroids produce such substances isunknown.However,bacteroids might influence photosynthate supplytothenodules either directlybyexcretionofcytokinins,orindirectly bytriggering offsynthesisofcytokinins inthe plant(18). 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AS AFFECTED BY STRAIN OFRHIZOBIUM LEGUMINOSARUM AND NITRATE SUPPLY ABSTRACT A study has been made of the a l t e r n a t i v e , cyanide-resistant, respiratory pathway in non-nodulated pea plants {Pisum sativum L . , c u l t i v a r Rondo) as well as in pea-Rhï-zobiumsymbioses of d i f f e r e n t n i t r o g e n - f i x i n g capacity. Alternative respiratory a c t i v i t y was low in root systems of 26-days old non-nodulated or nodulated plants in the absence of n i t r a t e , regardless of the n i t r o g e n - f i x i n g capacity of the nodules. Supply of the plants with n i t r a t e (10 mM) raised the respiration of the root system due to a l t e r n a t i v e - r e s p i r a t i o n a c t i v i t y . In non-nodulated root systems respiration rate was doubled, 48 h a f t e r the supply of n i t r a t e , and a l t e r n a t i v e respiration increased to 60% of the electron flow to oxygen. In nodulated root systems, the nitrate-induced enhancement of the a l t e r n a t i v e respiration was inversely related to the n i t r o g e n - f i x i n g capacity. Carbohydrate levels in i n e f f e c t i v e l y nodulated plants were higher than those in e f f e c t i v e l y nodulated plants in the absence of n i t r a t e . When n i t r a t e was s u p p l i e d , carbohydrate levels f e l l concomitantly with the r i s e in a l t e r n a t i v e r e s p i r a t i o n . In n i t r o g e n - f i x i n g p l a n t s , they remained unchanged upon the addition of n i t r a t e . The response of growth rate and the induction of n i t r a t e reductase to n i t r a t e supply were lower with plants lacking the capacity to f i x nitrogen than in n i t r o gen-fixing piants.Nit r a t e supply reduced nitrogenase a c t i v i t y both in highly and moderately e f f e c t i v e Rhizobiwn s t r a i n s . Upon n i t r a t e supply, hydrogen production by nitrogenase decreased more rapidly than t o t a l nitrogenase a c t i v i t y , leading to an increased r e l a t i v e e f f i c i e n c y . I n h i b i t i o n of the a l t e r n a t i v e r e s p i r a t i o n of isolated bacteroids led to a sharp decline of nitrogenase a c t i v i t y due to oxygen i n a c t i v a t i o n . 45 Pea plants with and without nitrogen f i x a t i o n , responded to added n i t r a t e by increased a l t e r n a t i v e respiration consuming 6-10%and 24-43%, respectively, of the carbohydrates supplied to the roots by the shoots w i t h i n 48 h. A main function of a l t e r n a t i v e respiration in pea roots seems to be the degradation of excess carbohydrates supplied by the shoot following a growth stimulus by the supply of n i t r a t e . As a l t e r n a t i v e respiration was also found in pea plants with a high n i t r o g e n - f i x i n g capacity upon the supply with n i t r a t e , i t is concluded that these plants were growing under nitrogen l i m i t a t i o n . From respiration measurements of detached nodules i t is concluded that u t i l i z a t i o n of the a l t e r n a t i v e pathway in these nodules decreases the amount of ATP generated with 8-21% of the maximum ATP production from glucose. Theref o r e , the a l t e r n a t i v e respiration should be taken into account when calculating energy requirements of nitrogen f i x a t i o n , based on the differences in r e s p i r ation between n i t r o g e n - f i x i n g and non-nodulated n i t r a t e - u t i l i z i n g plants. INTRODUCTION In plantmitochondria,analternative respiratory pathway is knowntofunction inadditiontothe cytochrome pathway (BahrandBonner, 1973a,b).This alternative pathway isinsensitivetocyanide butcanbeinhibitedbyhydroxamic acids.The alternative respiratory pathway branches from the cytochrome pathwayatubiquinone (Storey, 1976),which easily transfers electronstothecytochrome pathway,butwhich reduces the first carrierofthealternative pathway only whenitisinitslargely reduced state (Bahrand Bonner, 1973b). Thealternative pathway isgenerallyassumedtoyieldnoATP during electron transferto oxygen (Solomos,1977).Inthis aspect,alternative respiratory activitymay be regardedasa 'wastage'ofenergy. Inarecent review,Lambers (1980)suggested thatthe alternative routemight functionasan'overflow mechanism'togetridofexcessive amountsofcarbohydrates,not utilized for growth,maintenanceorformationofstorage products in plants.AccordingtoDeVisser and Lambers (1979),rootsofnodulated, nitrogen-fixing peaplants possessavery lowalternative-pathway activity.In contrast,alternative respiration inrootsofnon-nodulated peaplants grown on ammoniaornitrate,amountedto25-50%oftotal respiration (Lambers, 1980). These results show thatnitrogen sourceandnitrogen supply are important factors indetermining respiratory efficiency inlegumes. 46 In experimentswith nodulated legumes,the quantityofcarbohydrates supplied totherootswas estimated byPateandco-workerstoamountto55-74%ofthecarbohydrates generated innetphotosynthesis.Nodulesacquired 32%ofthenet photosynthateinVisum sativum (MinchinandPate, 1973). Twelve percentofthenet photosynthate was usedinnodule respiration formaintenanceandnitrogen fixation;theremainder wouldbeusedforsynthesisandtransportofamino acids. In spiteofthe large quantitiesofcarbohydrates suppliedtonodulated roots, a lowalternative respiratory activity was found (DeVisserandLambers, 1979). Duetothehigh costsofenergy fornitrogen fixationandsynthesisofamino acidsnoexcessofcarbohydrates isgenerated which wouldberespired viathe alternative pathway. In ordertofind outwhetherarelation exists between alternative respiration and nitrogen fixation,inthepresent paper this typeofrespiration was determined innon-nodulatedandnodulated root systemsofpeaplantswith different nitrogen-fixing capacityand with different relations between growth, storage and respiration.Also separated nodulesandbacteroids were investigated.The influenceofthenitrogen sourceonrespiration,growthandnitrogen fixation was analyzed inaseriesofexperiments inwhich nitrate was addedtonodulated and non-nodulated plants.Thedataon'energy loss'bythe alternative respiration were compared with thedataonenergy costsofnitrogen fixationand hydrogen productionbynitrogenase. ABBREVIATION: SHAM (salicylhydroxamic acid). MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant growth Seedsofpeaplants {visum sativum L.cultivar Rondo)were sterilizedby immersion inanaqueous solutionof4%HpO«andafewdropsofTeepol (detergent). After20min, seeds were sowninsterilized gravel orperlite,whichwas inoculated withastrainofRhizobium leguminosarum. Allstrains used inthese experiments were obtained from theculture collectionofthe Laboratoryof Microbiology, Wageningen. The plantswerewatered withasterile nitrogen-free nutrient solution containing(mg/loftapwater) K 2 HP0 4 > 360;KH 2 P0 4 , 120;MgS0 4 .7H 2 0,250;CaS0 4 ,250; Fe(III)citrate,30;MnS0 4> 4H 2 0,1;ZnS0 4 .7H 2 0,0.25;CuS0 4 .5H 2 0,0.25; H 3 B0 3 , 0.25;Na2Mo04.2HoO,0.05. Plantswere keptinagrowth chamberatalight/dark periodof16/8hat20°Candarelative humidityof70%.At21days after sowing, 47 they were transferred to300-ml Erlenmeyer flasks,containing 100mlofnutrient solution plus KCl (10 mM). Experimental sets consisted of4plants supportedby a cotton wool plug.Insome experiments,the nutrient solution was replacedby a solution containing KNO, (10mM) insteadofKCl,6days after transferofthe plants. Plant respiration Measurements started 5days after transferofthe plantstothe water culture. Respiration was determined according to^LambersandSteingröver(1978).Root systems were detached from the shootsandfitted intoa300-ml vessel equipped witha CIark-typeelectrodeandamagnetic stirrer.The vesselwasfilled withanairsaturated nutrient solution plus10mmolesofKClorKNO,per1,but without Fe(III) citrate,andsealed withamixtureofequal partsofvaseline and beeswax. Respiration measurements were performed inawater bathat20°C. Linear ratesofoxygen consumption were monitored foratleast 10min.Then the solution was replacedbyanequal one containing inaddition 25mmolesofSHAM per1,and oxygen consumption measured again for10min. Respirationofroot nodules,30-50mgoffresh weight,was determined polarographicallyinaYSImagnetic-stirrer bathat20°C. Nutrient solutions of the composition asdescribed above were saturated with 0 2 before usein ordertoimprove linear response. Baateroid respiration Nodules were detached from the rootsandsqueezed inaBergersen press (Bergersen, 1966)inabuffer containing 50mmoles ofTris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane,2.5mmoles ofMgCl-^HpO, 300 mmoles ofsucroseand4%byweightof polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP),in11ofdemineralized water. ThepHwas adjustedto 7.2 with HCl before use.The nodule brei was centrifuged at5500xgfor10min and the supernatant (nodule cytosol)used inrespiration measurements. The bacteroids (pellet)were washed inthesame buffer without PVPandresuspended toaconcentration of80mgofnodule freshwtpermlofbuffer. Respiration measurements were carried outinaYSI magnetic-stirrer bathat20°C, using succinate (10mM)asthe substrate.- Inhibitor constants (apparent Ki)were calculated from the reciprocal ofrespiratory rate against concentration ofSHAM (0.1-10 mM) (Bahr and Bonner, 1973a). Hydrogen production and acetylene reduction Detached rootsof4plants were incubated inastoppered 300-ml Erlenmeyer flask. After20min,a100pigassample was takenandhydrogen production determined withagas Chromatograph equipped withathermal conductivity detector 48 Subsequently,30mlofacetylenewasaddedtotheflaskandafter15mina100pi gas samplewasanalyzed forethylene production byhydrogen-flame detection. Nitrate reductase Nitrate reductasewasassayed inthefirst unfolded leaf fromthetopusing NADHasanelectron donor,asdescribed byStulen (1974). Leaf extracts were incubatedat27°CinthepresenceofNADHandKNO,. Nitrite productionwas determined colorimetrically after30min,usingthesulphanilamidemethod (Snell and Snell, 1949). Chemical analyses Ethanol-solublecarbohydrates ('sugars')were determined bytheanthrone method (TrevelyanandHarrison,1952)inethanol-extracted plantdrymatter. The residuewasheatedat100°Cfor2hwith0.1NHCl.Thecontentofethanolinsolublecarbohydrates ('starch')wasmeasured inthesupernatant usingthe anthrone method. Plant nitrogen wasdetermined bytheKjeldahl method,using CuSO,andSe ascatalysts. RESULTS Alternative respiration and nitrogen fixation Pea-Rhizobium symbioses with different nitrogen-fixing capacity were obtained by inoculation ofvisum sativum L.(cultivar Rondo)with different strainsof Rhizobium leguminosarum. AsshowninTable 1,these symbioses displayed different properties with regardtonodule formation,hydrogen productionandacetylene reduction,andgrowth. Table1.Characteristics of pea-Rhizobium symbioses,28days after sowing. Values representmeansof7determinationsofsetsof4plants.Valuesin onecolumn followedbythesame letterarenotsignificantly differentin Tukey's testatthe0.05level Strain of microsymbiont C2H4 production (umoles/g nod frwt.h) Nonnodulated 0 a P8 0 0 S313 S310a PRE PF2 11.1 b 14.1 b 28.1 a 25.1 a H2production (umoles/g nod frwt.h) Relative efficiency 0 e 0 e 5.5c 1.6 d 10.3 b 14.0 a — W — 50 89 63 44 Nodule fresh wt (mg/ plant) Plant nitrogen (mg/ plant) Shoot 0d 54 0 197 a 56e 107 b 102 b 4.9 0 5.8e 10.6 b 9.8 b 12.2 b 16.1 a 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.9 1.8 2.0 to root ratio 49 With strain S310a,theratioofhydrogen evolved inairtoethylene produced inairwith 10%acetylenewaslowerthan with other strains owingtothepresence inthis strainofahydrogenase thatenabledtheutilizationofH ? producedby thenitrogenase system (Table 1).Assuming full utilizationofhydrogen takenup byhydrogenase-containing rhizobial strains,SchubertandEvans (1976)calculated relative efficiencies accordingtotheformula (1- 2 r ^ ^ V " ^ i r ).100%. Thusahigh relative efficiency indicates thatlittle energyislostinhydrogen productionbynitrogenase activity. Respiration measurementsofroot systemsofthese symbioses were performedat 26daysafter sowing (Table 2). Root systemswithoutanitrogen-fixing symbiosis generally showedalower respiration rate than thosewith suchasystem.Asignificant difference between total respirationandcytochrome (SHAM-resistant) respirationwasfound onlyinthesymbiosis RondoxPF ? ,which also possessed the highest shoottoroot ratio (Table 1).Withtheother R. leguminosarum strains no significant differenceswerefound,inspiteofthedistinctly different nitrogen-fixation parameters. Table2.Total andSHAM-resistant respirationof26-daysoldpearoot systems grownwithout nitrate.Values representmeansof3setsof 4 plants.Values followedbythesame letterarenotsignificantly differentinTukey's testatthe0.05 level Strain of microsymbiont Non-nodulated P8 S313 S310a PRE PF2 Respirât ion (mg09/gdrywt.h) Total SHAM-resistant (1) (2) 3.8 d 3.0 ef 4.7 ab 4.8 ab 3.9 cd 5.1 a 3.5 de 2.9ƒ 4.5 ab 4.4 ba 3.9 od 4.4 ba Ratio (1:2) 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.2 Effect of nitrate supply Alternative respiration. Aspeaplantswithalow nitrogen-fixing capacity were likelytogrow under nitrogen limitation,aseriesofexperimentswascarried outinwhich nitrogen limitationwasovercomebytheadditionofnitrate. Immediately aftertheinitial respiration measurementsatday26,theplants were transferredtoanutrient solution containing 10mmolesofKN0 3 instead of 10mmolesofKClper1. 50 As shown inFig. 1a.,alternative respiration was generated within 24hafter the supply ofnitrate.An analysis ofvariance showed that the ratio of totalto SHAM-resistant respiration increased more sharply innon-nodulated plants than innodulated plantswith a lownitrogen-fixing capacity,which intheirturn produced ahigh ratio ascompared with nodulated plantswith ahigh nitrogenfixing capacity (Ftest,p< 0.01). Thealternativerespiratory activitywas generated inaddition tothecytochrome (SHAM-resistant)respiration (Fig. 1b) Fig. 1a.Ratio oftotal to SHAM-resistant respiration ofroot systems ofpea plants (non-nodulated,V; inoculated with R. legum-inosarum strains P8,•; S313,A;PRE,D ;and P F 2 , 0 )asaffected bynitrate supply (10mM) (day 0,26days after sowing). Values aremeans of9determinations of sets of4plants from 3experiments.For statistical interference seetext. Fig. 1b.Total (V,0) and SHAM-resistant(•,•)respiration (mg02/gdrywt.h) of root systems of pea plants (non-nodulated,V,•and inoculated with strain P F 2 Ô , # )as affected by nitrate supply (day 0,26days after sowing). Valuesaremeans of3determinations ofsets of4 plants,from oneexperiment out ofthe3experiments ofFig.1a. 51 - 80 S 60 S .c •o 4 0 o o 20 E 2 Days Fig.2 3 Days Fig.3 Fig.2.Ethanol-soluble(•, A,+)andethanol-insoluble (o,A , 0 ) carbohydrates (mgglucoseeq./g drywt)inrootsofpeaplants inoculated with R. leguminosarum strainsP8(•,o ) ;S313 (A,A)andPF2(•,O ) as affectedbynitrate supply (10mM)(day0,26days after sowing). Valuesaremeansoftriplicatedeterminations. Fig.3.Nitrate-reductase activity (ymolesNO^/gfrwt.h)inthefirst unfolded leaffromthetopofpeaplants,inoculated with R. leguminosarum strainsP8(•), S313 (A)andPF 2 ( O ) , asaffectedbynitrate supply (10mM) (day0,26days after sowing). Values aremeansofduplicate determinationsof4leaves. Carbohydrate content. Intheineffective symbiosis (P8),carbohydrate levels in rootsaswellasinshootswere much higher thanineffective symbioses (Fig.2,roots only).Ontheadditionofnitrate,however,both ethanol-soluble and ethanol-insoluble carbohydrates droppedtothelevelsofeffectively nodulated plantswithin48and72h,respectively.Carbohydrate levelsinnitrogenfixing plants remained unaffectedbynitrate supply. Nitrate reductase. Synthesisofnitrate reductaseinleaveswas inducedby nitrate (Fig.3 ) .Amore rapid synthesiswas observed inleavesofplantswith a high nitrogen-fixing capacity. Growth ratesofplantswithout nitrogen fixation respondedtonitrate2-3days after transfertothenitrate-containing nutrient solutions andthus lagged behindthesynthesisofnitrate reductase. 52 20 E '0 „80- » 40 er 2 3 Days Fig. 4a.Ethylene productionofpeaplants inoculated with R. legwninosarum strains S313 (A),PRE( D ) ,andPF 2 ( O ) , asaffected bynitrate supply (10mM) (day0,26days after sowing). Fig. 4b.Relativeefficiencyofpeaplants inoculated with R. leguminosarum strains S313 (A)andPRE( D )asaffectedbynitrate supply (10mM) (day0,26days after sowing). Nitrogenase activity. Transferofnodulated peaplantstothenutrient solution with nitrate (10mM)causedadecreaseofnitrogenase activityinsymbiotic associations withahighaswell asalownitrogen-fixing capacity (Fig.4a). Hydrogen production decreased more rapidly than acetylene reduction, resulting inariseoftherelative efficiency (Fig.4b). Alternative respiration in baoteroids Although SHAM-sensitive respirationhasbeen described inmitochondriaof higher plants (Solomos, 1977),itbecame interestingtocheck whether notonly the plant partofthenodules butalsothebacteroid fraction contributestothis typeofrespiration. Respirationofnodule cytosol (nodule brei minus bacteroids) was sensitivetoSHAM,asshowninTable 3,butSHAM-sensitive respirationwas also presentinbacteroids supplied with succinate (10mM). Respiration ratesof 53 Table3.Inhibitor constants (apparent Ki)ofKCNandSHAMinR. leguminosarum bacteroidsandnodule cytosol.Values representmeansof6determinations. Values followed bythesame letter arenotsignificantly different inTukey's testatthe 0.05 level Strainof microsymbiont Nodule cytosol (mM SHAM) Bacteroids (mM SHAM) Bacteroids (mM SHAMinthe presenceof 0.8mMKCN) Bacteroids (mM KCN) P8 S313 PRE N.D. N.D. 9.4 ha 27.1 a 25.7 a 15.8 b 4.4 a N.D. 4.9 a 2.1 q N.D. 0.2p N.D.=NotDetermined bacteroidsofstrain PRE,capableofnitrogen fixation,were higher butK^ values were lower than thoseofbacteroidsofstrainP8lackingthe capacitytofix nitrogen. i 20 l i l I / 15 - 10 5 0 - - • • 20 t 40 60 80 Û2 i n p u t , / n m o l e s / m i n Fig.5.Ethylene production (nmoles/mg protein.min)bybacteroidsofR. leguminosarum PREasaffected by02 inputandconcentration ofSHAM (0,0, 12.5mM,Aand25mM,A)For experimental conditionssee text. 54 Nitrogen fixationwas absent under the experimental conditionsofTable3» duetooxygen inactivation. Therefore,the functionofthe alternative respiration innitrogen fixation was investigated inaseparate experiment,inwhich respiration ofPREbacteroids was measured under nitrogen-fixing conditions (Fig. 5).Bacteroids were incubated under varying oxygen tension inthepresence of reduced myoglobinandbovine serum albumine,using succinate (20mM)as the substrate,asdescribedbyLaane et al. (1978). With SHAM (12.5 mM), respiration wasmuch lowerascompared tothe control,resulting inalowermaximumof nitrogenase activityatalower oxygen input (cf.Fig. 5,Table3 ) . DISCUSSION Alternative respiration and nitrate supply In rootsofpeaplants growing without nitrate,alternative respirationwas only found inplants inoculated with R. leguminosarum strain PF„,whichhada high growth rateandahigh nitrogenase activity (Tables 1and2 ) .Although the symbiosis with PREwasasactiveasthatwith PF„ regarding N„ fixation, its activity startedanumberofdays later,ascanbeseen from its lower yield of plant nitrogen. When nitrate was supplied,thegrowth ratesofall plants were enhanced andalternative respiration was generated (Fig. 1).This happened in addition tothe cytochrome-1inked respiration (Fig. 1b;see also Bahrand Bonner, 1973b). Alternative respirationofnitrogen-fixing plantswasstimulated by nitrate supplytoamuch lower extent than thatofplants without nitrogen fixation (Fig. 1).Thelatter plants,whichhadbeen growing under nitrogen limitation,contained high levelsofcarbohydrates that declined (Fig.2) beforeagrowth response became manifest.With theineffective strain P8, the ratiooftotal toSHAM-resistant respiration decreased tothe valuesofthe effective strain after the excessofcarbohydrates hadbeen decreased (Figs 1a and 2 ) .Therefore, the degradation ofexcess carbohydrates isprobablyafunctionofthe alternative respiratory pathway,assuggested byLambers (1980). According tohis 'overflow'-hypothesis,alternative respiration isgeneratedif thereisanimbalance between the carbohydrates supplied bytheshootandthe carbohydrate requirementsofthe roots for growth,maintenance, storageor osmoregulation.Asalternative respiration was also generated uponthesupply of nitratetopeaplants withahigh nitrogenase activity, this would mean that under theexperimental conditions employed, these plants werenotgrowing underClimitation butprobably underNlimitation. 55 Alternative respiration and carbohydrate metabolism Based uponthedataonrespiration,carbohydrate levelsandplant growth, as presented inthe Results section,thecontributionofthe alternative respirationtothe carbohydrate metabolismofthepeaplantwas calculated (Table 4 ) .Tocalculate theamountsofsubstrate usedascarbon skeletonsfor the synthesisofcell material,acoefficientof1.4gwas usedtoconvertg ofdry weight produced intogofglucose utilized (PenningdeVries, 1974). Carbohydrate supplyoftherootbytheshootwas calculated fromthe substrate usedintherespirationoftherootandinthesynthesisofroot material. This value therefore doesnotincludethe amountofcarbohydrates recirculated totheshootinamino acids,which was estimatedat14%oftotal carbohydrate supplyofthe root in cowpea (HerridgeandPate,1977)and 20% in pea(MinchinandPate, 1973).Toconverttherespiration data from oxygen consumed perhinto glucose consumed perday,arespiratory quotient of1.0was assumedanddiurnal variation was neglected.Inarecent paper, Lambers et al. (1980)observed diurnal variationsinrootsofLupinus albus L. bothincarbon dioxide productionandoxygen consumption.Therefore,the conversion employed inthepresent study mustbeconsidered asarough estimate. Net photosynthesis was determined from the substrate used inthesynthesisof shootmaterial andintranslocation tothe root. Innitrogen-fixing plants,bothnetphotosynthesisandcarbohydrate supply ofthe rootswere higher thaninplants without nitrogen fixation owingtothe improved nitrogen supply (Table 4 ) .Although carbohydrate supplyofthe roots is increasedbyadded nitrate,the distribution pattern intheroot systemis altered (SmallandLeonard, 1969), resulting inless carbohydrates being suppliedtothe nodules.This explains themoderate decreaseofnitrogenase activityduetothesupplyofnitrate (Fig.4 ) .Similarly,Bethlenfalvay et al. (1978b)found that photosynthesis was enhancedbythe additionofammoniato non-nodulated peaplants.With different Rhizobium strains,photosynthesiswas positively correlated with nitrogen fixation (Bethlenfalvay et al. 1978a). The alternative respirationofthe root system was activeincatabolizing 1-7%ofthecarbohydrate supplyóftherootwhentheplants were growing without nitrate (Table 4 ) .With nitrate,however,theproportionofthe alternative respiration incarbohydrate catabolismwas much higher (5-11%in nitrogen-fixing plantsand15-31%innon-nodulatedorineffectively nodulated plants). Therefore,thealternative respiration shouldbetaken into account in calculationsofenergy requirementofnitrogen fixationandnitrate reduction, based upon respiration measurementsofnitrogen-fixingandnitrate-reducingplants. 56 Table 4. Proportion of the a l t e r n a t i v e respiration in carbohydrate metabolism of pea plants (non-nodulated or infected by a s t r a i n of R. leguminosarum), growing without n i t r a t e (day 0, 26 days a f t e r sowing) and 48 h a f t e r the supply of n i t r a t e (10 mM; day 2 ) . For explanation see t e x t . Item Non-nodulated P8 S313 PRE 1a.Total root 5.0 8.5 5.3 7.0 9.0 9.8 7.8 8.7 respiration (mg0?/gdry wt.h) (cfFig.1b) 1b.Alternative 8 52 4 31 4 20 2 10 respirationas %oftotal respiration (cf Fig. 1a) 2.Shootdrywt 164 179 174 190 260 354 241 298 (mg/plant) 3.Rootdrywt 109 112 108 112 157 176 133 148 (mg/plant) 4.Carbohydrate 15 36 supplyof rootbyshoot (mgglucose/ (la+3) 5.Netphoto19 60 synthesis (mgglucose/ (2 + 4 ) 6.Alternative respirationof therootsystem 7 31 carbohydrate supply(1b) %ofnet 5 19 photosynthesis(1b) 17 23 37 70 42 69 60 130 3 15 3 11 2 8 2 6 43 57 79 113 1 1 5 3 57 Alternative respiration and nitrogen fixation Nitrogen fixation was calculated from ethylene production underairwith 10% ofacetylene (representing total nitrogenase activity)minus hydrogen production inair,representing that partofnitrogenaseactivity notutilized innitrogen fixation (Table 5). Thecarbohydrate requirementofnitrogen fixationwas calculated from respiration measurementsofdetached nodules.Theresulting valuesof3.1-4.2mgofcarbon utilized permgofnitrogen fixed with strain PREcorrespondtothevaluesof4.1mgC/mgNinpeanodules (MinchinandPate, 1973)and2-5mgC/mgNincowpea nodules (HerridgeandPate,1977).The largeamountofnodular tissue formedwith strain S313enhancedthe overall costofnitrogen fixationto6.3-11.1mgC/mgNowingtoahighernodule respirationatequal amountsofnitrogen fixed. Energy costsoftotal nitrogenase activitywere expressed intermsofmoles ofATP derived from nodule respiration permoleofnitrogen fixed (Table5 ) . Onemoleofglucosewasassumedtoyield36molesofATPwhen respired viathe cytochrome pathwayascompared with 12moleswhenthealternative pathwaywas utilized.Thepossible influenceofwound respiration wasneglected,sothat the reported valuesmustbeconsideredasrough estimates.Thevaluesofmoles ofATP utilized permoleofnitrogen fixed areconsiderably higher thanthe valueof28mol ATP/mol NpasreportedbyEvans et al. (1981),asinourcase also nodulemaintenance respirationisaccounted for. A calculationoftheamountofATP 'lost'byhydrogen productionsimultaneouslywithnitrogen fixationwas based upon theassumption that productionof1 moleofhydrogen requires7molesofATP (Pate et al., 1981).TheamountofATP 'lost'intheproductionofhydrogenisofthesameorderofmagnitudeas compared withtheamountofATP lostbythealternative respiration with strain S313,producingalargeamountofnodular tissue.However,with strainPRE considerably more ATPwas lostinhydrogen production thanbyuseofthealternative pathway (Table5 ) . Alternative respiration was found notonlyintheplant partofthenodule (cytosol),butalsointhebacteroids (Table 3 ) . Theinhibitorconstantsfor SHAMinbacteroidswerealmost 50-100 times higherascomparedtothose reported from plantmitochondria (TomlinsonandMoreland,1975;HenryandNyns, 1975). Althoughtthe alternative oxidaseisless sensitivetoSHAMwhen succinateis usedassubstrate,permeability difficultiesinaddition mightexplain this difference. Similartothedata obtained withmitochondria,anincreased electron fluxvia thealternative pathwayyieldedalowerK-forSHAM {e.g. presenceorabsenceofKCN;PREincomparisontoP8) (Wedding et al. 1973). 58 Table5.Costsofnitrogenfixationin pea-Rhizobium symbiosesgrowingwithout nitrate(day0,26daysaftersowing)and48hafterthesupplyofnitrate (10mM;day 2). Forexplanationseetext. P8 Item 2 0 1.Production(ymoles/ a.ethylene b.hydrogen c.nitrogenfixed(1a,b) 2. a. Total respiration of nodule (mg glucose/ b. A l t e r n a t i v e nodule respiration as %of total c.Totalnodulerespiration as %ofcarbohydrate supplyofroots (Table4;2a) 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 38 6 5.Overallcostsofnitrogen fixation (molesofATP/ molesN2fixed) a.actualATPproduction(4a,1c) b.assumingfullphosphorylationefficiency (noalternativerespiration)(4a,b;1c) 72 36 12 5.3 36 72 145 49 2 0 50 21 10 7.5 19 23 12 11 6.3 3.Overall costsofnitrogen fixation (mgCrespired/ mgN)(1c,2a) 4.ATP(ymoles/ a.productioninnodules(2a,b) b. 'lost'inalternative respiration(2b) c. 'lost'inhydrogen production(1b) 2 0 0 0 0 52 PRE S313 11.1 67 39 9 2.6 26 3.1 49 23 9 2.5 11 4.2 927 135 1270 230 424 89 467 37 252 147 273 161 77 89 131 155 46 55 54 58 59 Treatment ofnitrogen-fixing bacteroidswith SHAM,final concentration 12.5mM,significantly reduced nitrogenase activity (Fig.5)by decreasing respiration.As an inhibition ofalternative respiration does not involvea decrease inATP production during electron transfer from succinate to oxygen (Storey and Bahr, 1969),this decreasemight point to arespiratory protection asa possible function ofthealternative respiration in bacteroids.The alternative oxidase is known tobe less sensitive tooxygen than cytochrome oxidase (Solomos, 1977). Inanalogy,Appleby et al. (1976)reported respiratory protection by an oxygen-insensitive oxidase in R. japonioum bacteroids.Also, a non-phosphorylating,oxygen-insensitive oxidasewas found in Azotobaoter vinelandii (Ackrell and Jones, 1971;Eilermann,1973)and assumed to function in protecting nitrogenase against high pO-. REFERENCES 1.Ackrell,B.A.C.and Jones,C.W. 1971.The respiratory system of Azotobaoter vinelandii IIOxygen effects.Eur.J. Biochem.20:29-35. 2.Appleby,C A . , Bergersen,F.,MacNicol,P.K., Tunner,G.L., Wittenberg,B.A.,ar Wittenberg,J.B. 1976.Roleof leghemoglobin in symbiotic nitrogen fixation, pp274-292 in Proc. 1st Symp.on Nitrogen Fixation (eds.W.E.Newton and C.J. Nyman)Washington State University Press. 3.Bahr,J.T.and Bonner,W.D. 1973a.Cyanide-insensitive respiration. I.The steady stateof skunk cabbage spadix and bean hypocotyl mitochondria. J. Biol Chem. 248:3441-3445. 4. Bahr,J.T.and Bonner,W.D. 1973b.Cyanide-insensitive respiration. II.Contn ofthealternative pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 248:3446-3450. 5.Bergersen,F.J. 1966.Some properties ofnitrogen-fixing breis prepared from soybean rootnodules.Biochim. Biophys.Acta 130:304-312. 6. Bethlenfalvay,G.J., Abu-Shakra,S.S.,and Phillips,D.A. 1978a. Interdependem ofnitrogen nutrition and photosynthesis in Pisum sativum L. IEffect of combined nitrogen on symbiotic nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis. Plant Physiol.62:127-130. 7. Bethlenfalvay,G.J.,Abu-Shakra,S.S.,and Phillips,D.A. 1978b. Interdepended ofnitrogen nutrition and photosynthesis in Pisum sativum L. IIHost plant response to nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium strains.Plant Physiol.62:131-13 8. Eilermann,L.J.M. 1973.Some aspects ofenergy conservation in Azotobaoter vinelandii. Thesis,University of Amsterdam. 9. Evans,H.J., Purohit,K.,Cantrell,M.A.,Eisbrenner,G., Russell, S.A., Hanus,F.J., and Lepo,J.E. 1981.Hydrogen losses and hydrogenases in nitroge fixing organisms,pp84-96 in Current perspectives innitrogen fixation (eds. A.H.Gibson andW.E.Newton)Elsevier/North Holland,Amsterdam ISBN 0444802916 10.Henry,M.F.and Nyns,E.J. 1975.Cyanide-insensitive respiration.An alternatiove mitochondrial pathway. Sub-cell Biochemistry 4: 1-65. 11. Herridge,D.F. and Pate,.J.S. 1977.Utilization of net photosynthate for nitrogen fixation and protein production in anannual legume.PlantPhysiol. 60: 759-764. 60 12. Laane,C , Haaker,H.,and Veeger,C. 1978. Involvement of thecytoplasmatic membrane innitrogen fixation by Rhisobium leauminosarum bacteroids.Eur. J. Biochem.87:147-153. 13. Lambers,H. 1980.The physiological significance of cyanide-resistant respiration in higher plants.Plant,Cell and Environment 3:293-302. 14. Lambers,H.,Layzell ,0.B.,and Pate,J.S. 1980.Efficiency and regulation of root respiration in a legume:effects of theN source.Physiol.Plant.50: 319-325. 15. Lambers,H.and Steingröver,E. 1978.Efficiency of root respiration ofa flood-tolerant and aflood-intolerant Seneoio species as affected by low oxygen tension. Phys.Plant. 42:197-184. 16. Minchin,F.R.and Pate,J.S. 1973.Thecarbon balance ofa legume and the functional economy of its roots.J. Exp.Bot.24:259-271. 17. Pate,J.S.,Atkins,CA.,and Rainbird,R.M. 1981.Theoretical and experimental costing of nitrogen fixation and related processes in nodules of legumes,pp 105-116 i n Current perspectives innitrogen fixation (eds. A.H.Gibson and W.E. Newton) Elsevier/North Holland Amsterdam ISBN 0444802916. 18. Penning deVries,F.W.T. 1974.Use ofassimilates inhigher plants. i n Photosynthesis and productivity in different environments (ed.J. Cooper) Cambridge University Press. 19. Schubert,K.R. and Evans,H.J. 1976.Hydrogen evolution:amajor factor affecting the efficiency ofnitrogen fixation in nodulated symbionts. Proc.Nat.Acad. Sei. USA 73: 1207-1211. .. 20. Small,J.G.C.and Leonard,O.A. 1969.Translocation of C-labeledphotosynthate innodulated legumes as influenced by nitrate nitrogen.Amer. J. Bot. 56:187-194. 21. Snell .F.D.and Snell,C.T. 1949.Nitrites,pp802-807 i n Colorimetric methods ofanalysis.D. van Nostrans Co.,New York. 22. Solomos,T. 1977.Cyanide-resistant respiration in higher plants.Ann.Rev. Plant Physiol. 28:279-297. 23. Storey,B.T. 1976.Respiration chain of plantmitochondria. XVIII Point of interaction of the alternate oxidase with the respiratory chain. Plant Physiol. 58:521-525. 24. Storey,B.T.and Bahr,J.i. 1969.The respiratory chain of plantmitochondria.'IIOxidative phosphorylation in skunk cabbagemitochondria. Plant Physiol.44:126-134. 25. Stulen,G. 1974.Interference ofNADHwith the reaction on nitrite in nitrate reductase estimation.Thesis Groningen. 26.Tomlinson, P.D. and Moreland,D.E. 1975.Cyanide-resistant respiration in sweet potatomitochondria. Plant Physiol.55:365-369. 27. Visser,,and Lambers,H. 1979.Root respiration of visum sativum L.: activity of thealternative pathway and relation toN~ fixation. Plant Physiol, suppl. 63-86. 28. Wedding,R.T.,McCready, C.C.and Harley,J.L. 1973.Inhibition and stimulation of the respiration of Arum mitochondria by cyanide and its relation to thecoupling ofoxidation and phosphorylation.New Phytol. 72: 1-13. 61 NITROGEN FIXATION BY A PEA-RH/ZOB/UM SYMBIOSIS CONTAINING A BACTERIAL UPTAKE HYDROGENASE ABSTRACT Pea plants {Pisum sativum cv.Rondo)were sowninsoil withlownumbersof indigenous rhizobiaandinoculated with Bhizobivan leguminosarum strain S310a containinganuptake hydrogenase (Hup ) ,orstrain PRE,without hydrogenase (Hup ).Rootsofpeaplants grownintheopen airand inoculated with S310adid evolve tracesofhydrogen inair,whereas with strainPRE(Hup")38%ofthe electron flow through nitrogenase was allocated tohydrogen production during theentire growth cycleoftheplants.However,total plant nitrogenofthe symbiosis with strain S310a was considerably lower than thatwithPRE(720and 1380mgNperpot,respectively).This wasduetoalower nitrogenase activity ofthe nodulesofS310a,toalower bacteroid contentofthese nodulesandtoan early senescenceofthe nodules incomparison with PRE.Also potential nitrogen fixation (ascalculated from in vitro nitrogenase activityofisolated bacteroids, supplied with ATPandreducing equivalents)waslowerwith S310a thanwith PRE. From the later partofthevegetative phaseofthepeaplants,anexcess amount of nitrogenasenotutilized innitrogen fixation waspresent both inthe nodulesofS310aandinthoseofPREwhich amounted to27%inS310a (Hup+) and 19%inPRE(Hup"). The in vitro hydrogenase activityofS310a bacteroids decreased duringthepod-filling periodofthe plant. Pea plants inoculated with S310a,cultivated inaqrowth chamber,showedno positive effectsonnitrogen fixationbyenrichmentofthe root atmosphere with 1%ofhydrogen,evensowhen theenergy supplyofnitrogenase was minimized by combination oflowlight intensityandnitrate addition. Nitrogenase activityofisolated S310a bacteroids kept under aerobic conditions wasnot enhanced when 10%ofhydrogen was presentasasubstrate.However, hydrogen oxidation providedarespiratory protectionofnitrogenase against high oxygen levels. 63 As theenergy gain by theoxidation of hydrogen was estimated at 0.6 -4.7% of theATP produced inthe nodules by the respiration of carbohydrates, it is concluded that the occurrence of hydrogenase plays only aminor role in the energy supply of nitrogenase. INTRODUCTION Most Rhizobium species possess anumber of strainswhich contain a hydrogenase capable of oxidizing all or part of the hydrogen produced by nitrogenase simultaneously with nitrogen fixation {e.g. Schubert and Evans,1976;Evans et al. 1980). The energy loss by thisATP-dependent H„ production might be minimized by hydrogenase activity,although ithas been assumed that the production of 1mole of H„ requires 7moles of ATP (Pate,Atkins and Rainbird, 1981)but that theoxidation of 1mole of H„would yield only 2moles ofATP (Dixon,1972) The greater part of the papers published on the subject deal with thehydrogenase of R. japon-iaum.This hydrogenase can virtually recycle all of theH„ produced by nitrogenase and the presence of the enzyme has been shown to increase nitrogenase activity of isolated bacteroids supplied with H~ (Ruiz-Argu'eso, Emerich and Evans, 1979). Dry-matter production aswell as nitrogenase activity were higher in greenhouse-grown soybean plants inoculated with hydrogenasepositive (Hup )strains than in similar plants inoculated with hydrogenasenegative (Hup )strains (Schubert,Jennings and Evans, 1978). However,when nitrogenase activity and dry matter-production of aHup'-mutant strainwere compared with the values of the Hup wild-type strain,only minor differences of weak significance were found (Zablotowicz,Russell and Evans, 1981;Lepo et al., 1981). Inafield experiment with soybean,the use of aHup strain of R. japoniaum as inoculant resulted only ina low increase in seed protein but not in a higher seed yieldthanwas obtained with soybean inoculated with a Hup strain (Hanus et al., 1981). With the less-explored Hup strains of R. leguminosarum, the hydrogen uptake rates usually are not sufficient to recycle all of the hydrogen generated by nitrogenase activity (Ruiz-Arglieso,Hanusand Evans, 1978;Bethlenfalvay and Phillips, 1979). The alleged beneficial effects of hydrogen oxidation to energy supply of nitrogenase start from the assumption that energy supply isthe ratelimiting step of nitrogen fixation. Ina previous Chapter (Ch. 1,pp.21-33)it 64 was shown that nitrogenase content was limiting nitrogen fixation duringthe main partofvegetative growthofpeaplants withaHup strainof R. leguminosarum, whereas energy supply was likelytoberate-limiting during generative growth.Inordertoascertain whether the presenceof hydrogenase could increase nitrogen fixation inR. leguminosarum, inthepresent paper both actual andpotential nitrogen fixation valuesarereported inpeaplants inoculated withHup strain S310a duringthegrowth cycleinopenairinsoil and under energy-limiting conditions inagrowth chamber. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant material and growth Seedsofpeaplants [Pisum sativum Rondo)were sowningravelas described earlier (Chapter 2,p.36),andinoculated with R. leguminosarum S310a,whichcontains hydrogenase.Theplantswere keptinagrowth chamberat 20°Cand70% relative humidity,witha16hlight/8hdark cycle.At14days after sowing,when nodule formation hadstarted,plantswere transferred toa 4.2-1 containerwith2.51ofnitrogen-free nutrient solution andanadditional supplyofKCl,10mmolesper1.Thenodules were keptinthe gas phase.Tenplants,supported byrubber stoppers,were placed inaplasticlid. Subsequently,thelidwas closely fittothe container andthenutrient solution aerated with C0«-freeair containing 1%ofH« (treatment)orwith CO^-freeair (control).Afterthehydrogenaseandnitrogenase measurementsat21days after sowing,the nutrient solution was replacedbyasolution containing KNCu (10mmolesper1)insteadofKCl.Thenitrogen-containing nutrient solutionwas refreshed everytwodays. Inaseparate experiment,plantswere grownintheopenairinpotsinsoil containing lownumbersofindigenous rhizobia,asdescribed before(Chapter1, pp. 21-33). Hydrogenase and nitrogenase measurements In vivo hydrogen productionandnitrogenase activity innodulated roots were determinedasdescribed before(Chapter1 ). For the in vitro anaerobic assayofhydrogenaseandnitrogenase,nodules were picked from the roots after completionofthe in vivo assay.Thenodules were squeezed inapress under argon,at0°C,inabuffer containing (mmoles/1): Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane,50;MgCl«,2.5;sucrose,300;1,4dithiotreitol, 5;andpolyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP),4% {-). ThepHwas adjustedto8.0with HCl. 65 Bacteroids were centrifugedfor10minat5500g under argon,washed withabuffer solution (samebufferwithout PVP)andresuspended inthis buffer solution. Bacteroids from1gofnodules were transferredtoa16.5mlHungate tubewith 2mlofbuffer containing 10mMofmethylene blue,underanatmosphereof0.6% H ? inargon.H„consumptionat25°Cwas followed gas-chromatographicallyat 30min intervals after pre-incubation for10min(Roelofsenand Akkermans, 1979). In vitro nitrogenase was determined inbacteroids treated with EDTAandtoluene, and supplied withATPandsodium dithioniteasdescribed before (Van Stratenand Roelofsen, 1976; Chapter 1 ). RESULTS Inapreliminary experiment,only2Hup strains were found among47strains of R. leguminosamm ofthe culture collectionofthis laboratory,showing that the occurrenceofahydrogenaseisarare featureinR. leguminosamm. The hydrogenase found infree-living R. leguminosarum S310a showed derepression characteristics similartothoseofR. japonicum 110when growninamediumas described byLimandShanmugam (1978). For example,uptake hydrogenase activity incellsofS310a with succinateandcyclicAMPamounted to1.8mmolesH„/g.h protein.h,ascompared with2.3mmoles h^/g-hwith cellsofstrain 110withmalatt and cyclic AMP,reportedbyLimandShanmugam. Nitrogenase and hydrogenase activities of plants growing in open air To assesstheinfluenceofanuptake hydrogenaseonnitrogen fixationand growth,apot experiment was carriedoutinwhichpeaplants were cultivatedin soil inoculated with R. leguminosamm S310a(Hup)andPRE(Hup"). Duringthe entire growth period,considerably less nitrogen was fixedbypeaplants grown in symbiosis with S310a thanbyplants grown with PRE,asevidenced bytotal plant nitrogen values (720and1380mgNperpotatmaturity, respectively). Actual nitrogen fixation {in vivo nitrogenase activityofnodulated roots) and potential nitrogen fixation [in vitro nitrogenase activityofisolated bacteroids)areshowninFig.1afor the entire growth cycleofthe plants. With strain S310a,both actual andpotential nitrogen fixation were significantly lower than with strainPRE(p<0.001). During themain partof vegetativegrowth,actualwasequal topotential nitrogen fixation with both strains, but from61days after sowingthepotential washigher than theactual nitrogen fixation (p<0.01). Actual andpotential nitrogen fixationperunitofnodule weight decreased with time (Fig.1a). 66 l~"\-q o a. v V V V V V -0.5 i 40 i 60 t i i 80 i * 100 2-1., c 120 Days Fig. 1a.Actual (•,•) and potential ( o , D ) nitrogenase activity during ontogenesis of pea plants inoculated with R. leguminosarum strains S310a (t,o)and PRE (• , D ). Values aremeans of triplicate determinations (potential nitrogenase activity)orduplicate determinations of8 plants (actual nitrogenase activity)growing in pots in theopenair. Fig. 1b.Bacterial-proteincontent ofnodules from pea plants inoculated with R. leguminosarum strains S310a (o)orPRE (n ). Values aremeansof duplicate determinations. Fig. 1c.Specific nitrogenase activity {in vivo, »,• ; in vitro, o , D )of pea plants inoculated with R. leguminosarum strainsS310a (•, o)and PRE (• , D ).Values aremeans ofduplicate determinations. 67 When nitrogen fixation was calculated forthe entire growth season,assuming a nitrogenase activityof24hper daywithout diurnal variation,andafactor of3.0toconvert molesofethylene produced intomolesofnitrogen fixed, actual andpotential nitrogen fixation inpeaplants inoculated with S310a would amountto2.3and3.1mmoles N 2 per plant,respectively. Thus,withthe Hup strain S310a 27%ofthe nitrogen-fixing capacity wouldnotbeutilized. In plants inoculated withtheHup strain PREactual andpotential nitrogen fixation duringthegrowth period would amountto3.8and4.7mmolesofN„per plant,respectively,which means that 19%ofthe nitrogen-fixing capacity would notbeutilized. The differences innitrogenase activity between S310aandPREcan partlybe explainedbydifferencesinbacterial-protein contentofthe nodules (Figs. 1b,c), especially duringthepod-filling period. However,during thevegetative growth phasethe bacterial protein presentinS310a was clearly lessactiveinnitrogen fixation thantheproteinofPRE(Fig. 1c).This mightbecausedbyaless complete transformationofbacteria (rods,nonitrogenase activity) into bacteroids (branched shape,high nitrogenase activity)during nodule development with strain S310aascompared with strain PRE.Analmost equal nitrogenase activity per individual bacteroidatagreatly different activityperunitofnodule weightwas found earlier inthis laboratory with field beans growing with R. leguminosarum strains PREandPF,,(vandenBerg, 1977). Hydrogen production inairbynodulated rootswas significantly lowerin symbiosis with S310a than withPRE(Fig.2a) resulting inapronounced difference in relative efficiency (SchubertandEvans,1976)duringthegrowth period (95% inS310aand62%inPRE).Bacteroid hydrogenase activity,asdetermined with themethylene-blueassay,wasfoundinS310a only (Fig.2b).Similarto nitrogenase activity, specific hydrogenase activity declined with time.Ifthe nitrogenaseofstrain S310aisassumedtoproduce hydrogen inthesame proportion to ethyleneaswas found with strain PRE,thehydrogenase valuesofFig.2bare toolowtoexplain thealmost absentnethydrogen production inairbynodulated rootswith S310aupto70days after sowing. Nitrogenase and hydrogenase activities under reduced light conditions Inordertobeabletonotice evenaminor positive effectofthe hydrogenase activityonthe energy supplyofnoduleswith strain S310a,anexperimentwas carried outwithpeaplants inoculated with this strain,keptinagrowth chamber under suboptimal conditions.Asalow nitrogenase activity under poor energy conditions might leadtoahydrogen production which couldbetoolowfor satu- 68 Days 120 Fig.2a.Hydrogen production inair by pea roots nodulated with R. leguminosarum strains S31;0a(o)and PRE ( D ).Values aremeans of duplicate determinations in sets of8 plants from pots intheopen air. Fig. 2b.Specific in vitro hydrogenase activity of pea root nodules formed with R. leguminosarum strain S310a (o).Values aremeans of duplicate determinations. ration of thehydrogenase,treatment groupswere given \%ofH 9 in the root 2 atmosphere.Ata light intensity of90W/m nodifferences were observed in noduleweight per plant and in vivo and in vitro nitrogenase activity dueto growth with \%ofH ? during 7days,as compared tocontrol plants grown without added hydrogen.When nitrate (10mM)was supplied,noduleweight and both in vivo and in vitro nitrogenase activity decreased equally in hydrogen-treated plants andin plants without added hydrogen.Therefore,experiments were carried out inwhich light intensity was reduced to 50W/m and after 7days nitrate (10mM)was added inorder tominimize energy supply tonitrogenase (Table1). Under this reduced light intensity,the in vivo nitrogenase activity and nodule fresh weight amounted to only one-third of thevalues found at high light intensity,butnodifferences inthese parameters were found thatwere associated with hydrogen enrichment.Also the in vitro hydrogenase activity was equal,but the in vitro nitrogenase activity wasclearly higherwhen the plants weretreated with H„;nitrate partly eliminated this effect. 69 Table1.Hydrogenaseandnitrogenase activitiesofpeaplantsasaffected bythesupplyof \%ofH2totherootatmosphere from14daysaftersowing. The plantswere inoculatedatsowingwith R. legwninosarum S310aandwere keptonanN-free nutrient solutioninagrowth chamberat50W/m2.At21 daysafter sowingtheplantswere supplied withasimilarnutrient solution containing KNO,,10mmoles/1 Item Days aftersowing 21(-NO3) 28(+N0~) noH 2 noHp +H„ +H 2 In vivo CpH.production (ymoles/plant.h) 1.0+0.1 1.0+0.1 Nodule fresh weight (mg/plant) 1) 75 ± 8 In vitro hydrogenase activity (ymolesH„ consumed/gnodules, fresh wt.h) 2 ) 1.2± 0 . 3 0.9±0.1 In vitro nitrogenase activity (ymoles CpH, produced/g nodules, fresh wt.h) 2 ^ 5.7± 1 . 3 9.8± 1 . 4 72 ± 6 1.2+0.2 143 ±6 166 +10 0.4±0.2 0.3± 0.0 5.2± 1 . 0 1) Meansandstandard deviationofduplicate samplesof10plants. 2) Meansoftriplicatesamples. 70 1.4+ 6.5± 0.2 0.3 150r c 100- 0.6 0.8 p02 Fig.3. EffectofpO„onthenitrogenase activityofisolated bacteroidsof R. leguminosarum strain S310a,supplied with 10%ofH 2 (o)orwithout added H(•). 2 Nitrogenase activity of bacteroids supplied with H„ The in vitro nitrogenase assay determines theactivityofthe enzyme under anaerobic conditions,using ATPandsodium dithioniteassourceofenergyandof reducing equivalents,respectively. Therefore thecontributionofhydrogen uptake toenergy supply fornitrogen fixationhadtobemeasured underaerobic conditionswith isolated bacteroids capableofusingthe hydrogen addedassubstrate.Washed bacteroidsofstrain S310a from 630mgofnodular tissuewere incubated under 10%ofacetyleneand varying pCL,inthe presenceofreduced myoglobinandofbovine serum albumine (final volumeofthe incubation mixture 2 ml),asdescribedbyLaane,Haakerand Veeger (1978).The effectof10%ofH„ on nitrogenase activityofbacteroids without added carbon substrateisshown in Fig.3.Thehydrogen uptake systeminS310a bacteroidsdidnotraisenitrogenase activity above the rateofbacteroids dependentonendogenous respiration. However,theactivityofnitrogenaseinbacteroidsinthepresenceof10%ofH ? ismaintainedatahigher p0„, showing thatinS310a bacteroidsthehydrogenase system only offers some respiratory protection. 71 DISCUSSION Hydrogen uptake and utilization by bacteroids of the Hup strain S310a of R. leguminosavum did not increase nitrogenase activity but only provided respiratory protection (Fig.3 ) ,incontrast to the results obtained with R. japoniaum bacteroids (Ruiz-Argüeso et al., 1979). It isdoubtful,however, towhat extent a respiratory protection isfunctional inthe legume nodule, where bacteroids are present incompartments,buffered as to high oxygen level by leghemoqlobin. No stimulation of nitrogen-fixing characteristics was found in theexperimentwith nodulated pea plants in hydrogen-enriched environment (Table1 ) , except the increased in vitro nitrogenase activity of plants growing at reduced light intensity. Even in that case,however,the benefit of hydrogen isdoubtful as the in vitro nitrogenase activity was lower than the in vivo activity. This has been found earlier with plants growing inwater culture (Houwaard, 1978). As thenodules produced inwater culture had awhitish surface due to the formation of lenticel tissue,theoxygen content of this tissue might have caused a partial inactivation of nitrogenase during preparation of the bacteroids. The in vitro nitrogenase activity was higher than the in vivo activity during the generative phase of pea plants growing in pots in the open air (Fig. 1a),supporting theconcept of potential nitrogen fixation (Chapter 1,pp. 21-34) The hydrogenase present in strain S310a prevented the generation of large amounts of hydrogen in air (Fig.2a)butdid not contribute to improved utilization of the potential nitrogen fixation which amounted to 73%with S310a (Hup+)and to 81%with PRE (Hup"). Inthe generative phasewith PRE aswell as with S310a,nitrogen fixation seems limited by photosynthate supply, regardless of nitrogen-fixing capacity and regardless of the presence of hydrogenase (Fig. 1a).Both with PREand S310a,the full capacity of the nitrogen-fixing system was only realized by an enhanced photosynthate supply (Chapter 2,page 39). Even under energy-limiting conditions the presence of hydrogenase had no detectable effect on nitrogen fixation.Thus,hydrogen oxidation will certainly not enhance nitrogenase activity when energy supply isnot the limiting factor, e.g. during early vegetative growth under optimum conditions when thecontent of theenzyme is limiting nitrogen fixation. Ina previous paper ( Chapter 3 )theenergy consumption of the nodules of the highly effective strain PRE inacetylene reduction was estimated 72 at6.3 moles ofATP permole of C„H 2 reduced,whereas innodules of themoderately effective strain S313 avalue was calculated of 12.9moles ATP consumed permole ofC ? H 2 reduced. When one of these values isassumed to be valid for the nodules of themoderately effective strain S310a,and when the oxidation of 1mole of H„ isassumed toyield 2moles ofATP (Dixon, 1972), thecontribution of hydrogenase to energy generation in the nodule can be calculated. Assuming that thecosts of acetylene reduction with themoderately effective strain S310a are equal to thosewith the highly effective strain PRE,hydrogenase activity would produce 1.1 -2.9%of theATP generated in respiration in the experiment with added hydrogen (Table 1).In the pot experiments with soil these values amounted to3.3 -9.7%during the period when hydrogenase activity was detected (Fig.2b).However,acomparison with the intermediate strain S313 ismore realistic,as nodule weight per plant as well as nodule activity are similar to those with S310a. Inthat case,the hydrogenase contributes 0.6 - 1.4%of the ATP generated in respiration during the experiment in hydrogen-enriched air,whereas in the pot experiment 1.6 -4.7%of theATP production would beprovided by hydrogenase activity. These benefits of hydrogenase activity are lower than those calculated by Evans et al. (1981)for R. japoniaum (9.1%ofATP supply to nitrogenase) based on adifferent setof assumptions. Whatever the benefits of hydrogenase activity may be,they do not compensate forother,lessfavourable,characteristics. The shorter span ofnodule activity with S310a ascompared with strain PRE isone of such characteristics. With hydrogenase-containing strains of R. leguminosarum, nitrogen fixation and dry matter production are lower than it is true ofmost of the hydrogenase-less strains {e.g. Fig. 1,S310a vs PRE;strain 128C53us 175G11,Ruiz-Arglieso et al., 1978). Inaddition,hydrogenase-positive strains might beweak competitors (e.g. S310a vs PRE,Van Mil,in prep.). Summarizing, itmay be concluded that the presence of hydrogenase should only play aminor role in selecting a Rhizobiwn strain for use as an inoculant. REFERENCES 1.Berg,E.H.R.van den. 1977.The effectiveness of the symbiosis of Rhizobium leguminosarum on pea and broad bean. Plant and Soil 48:629r639. 2. Bethlenfalvay,G.J., and Phillips,D.A. 1979.Variation in nitrogenase and hydrogenase activity ofAlaska pea root nodules. Plant Physiology 63: 816-820. 3. Dixon,R.O.D. 1972.Hydrogenase in legume root nodule bacteroids: occurrence and properties.Archives ofMicrobiology 85:193-201. 73 4. Evans,H.J., Emen'ch,D.W., Lepo,J.E.,Maier,R.J., Carter,K.R., Hanus,F.J and Russell,S.A. 1980.The role of hydrogenase innodule bacteroids and free-living rhizobia,pp 55-81 in Nitrogen Fixation,Proceedings of the Phytochemical Society of Europe Symposium,Sussex 1979 (eds.W.D.P. Stewart and J.R. Gallon),Academic Press London. 5.Evans,H.J., Purohit,K.,Cantrell,M.A.,Eisbrenner,G.,Russell, S.A., Hanus,F.J., and Lepo,J.E. 1981.Hydrogen losses and hydrogenases in nitrogen-fixing organisms,pp84-96 in Current perspectives in nitrogen fixation,Proceedings of theFourth International Symposium on Nitrogen Fixation,Canberra 1980 (eds.A.H.Gibson and W.E. Newton), Elsevier/ North Holland Amsterdam 6. Hanus,F.J.,Albrecht,S.L., Zablotowicz,R.M. ,Emerich,D.W., Russell, S.A., and Evans,H.J. 1981.Yield and nitrogen content of soybean seed as influenced by Rhizobium japoniaum inoculants possessing the hydrogenase characteristic.Agronomy Journal 73:368-372. 7. Houwaard,F. 1978.Influence ofammonium chloride on thenitrogenase activity of nodulated pea plants {visum sativum). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 35:1061-1065. 8. Laane,C , Haaker,H.,and Veeger,C. 1978.Involvement of thecytoplasmatic membrane in nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteroids. European Journal of Biochemistry 87:147-153. 9. Lepo,J.E.,Hickok,R.E.,Cantrell,M.A.,Russell,S.A., and Evans,H.J. 1981, 1981. Revertible hydrogen uptake-deficient mutants of Rhizobium japoniaum. Journal of Bacteriology 146:614-620. 10. Lim,S.T.,and Shanmugam,K.T. 1979.Regulation of hydrogen utilisation in Rhizobium japoniaum bycyclic AMP.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta584: 479-492. 11. Pate,J.S.,Atkins,C A . , and Rainbird,R.M. 1981.Theoretical and experimental costing ofnitrogen fixation and related processes in nodules of legumes,pp 105-116 in Current perspectives innitrogen fixation, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Nitrogen Fixation, Canberra 1980 (eds.A.H.Gibson and W.E.Newton). Elsevier/North Holland Amsterdam. 12. Roelofsen,W.,and Akkermans,A.D.L. 1979.Uptake and evolution ofH„and reduction ofC ? H„ by root nodules and nodule homogenates of Alnus glutinosa. Plant and Soil 52:571-578. 13. Ruiz-Argüeso,T., Emerich,D.W., and Evans,H.J. 1979.Hydrogenase system in legume nodules:amechanism of providing nitrogenase with energy and protection from oxygen damage.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 86:259-264. 14. Ruiz-Argüeso,T.,Hanus,F.J., and Evans,H.J. 1978.Hydrogen production and uptake by pea nodules asaffected by strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum. Archives ofMicrobiology 116:113-118. 15. Schubert,K.R.,and Evans,H.J. 1976.Hydrogen evolution:amajor factor affecting theefficiency of nitrogen fixation innodulated symbionts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 73:1207-1211. 16. Schubert,K.R., Jennings,N.T.,and Evans,H.J. 1978.Hydrogen reactions of nodulated leguminous plants. II Effects on dry matter accumulation and nitrogen fixation. Plant Physiology 61:398-401. 17. Straten,J. van,and Roelofsen,W., 1976. Improved method for preparing anaerobic bacteroid suspensions of Rhizobium leguminosarum for the acetylene reduction assay. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 31: 859-863. 18. Zablotowicz,R.M., Russell,S.A., and Evans,H.J. 1980.Effect of the hydrogenase system in Rhizobium japoniaum on the nitrogen fixation and growth of soybeans at different stages of development.Agronomy Journal 72: 555-559. 74 NODULE FORMATION AND NITROGEN FIXATION IN SYMBIOSES OF PEA (PISUM SATIVUM L ) AND DIFFERENT STRAINS OFRHIZOBIUM LEGUMINOSARUM ABSTRACT Symbiosesofonepeavariety {Pisum sativum L.,cultivar Rondo) inoculated with different strainsofRhizobium lëguminosarum showed marked differences innitrogen-fixing characteristics.Nitrogen fixation,ascalculated from plant-nitrogen data,washighestwith strain PREwhich producedalownodular masswithahigh nitrogenase activity.With this strainrednoduleswere located mainlyontheprimary roots,butlateral-root nodules were steadily produced.Peaplants inoculated with strains S313andS310a fixed less nitrogen than those inoculated with strain PRE.Theirnodule formation patternwas different from thatofPRE,strain S313 producing largeamountsofpink, whitish nodularmass ontheprimary rootbutvirtuallynonodulesonthe lateral roots,whereaswith strain S310atheprimary (red)root nodules rapidly were replacedbylarge amountsofredlateral root nodules.Peaplants inoculatedwiththeineffective strainP8produced small,white nodules predominantly onthelateral roots. Nodule numbersontheprimary rootswereequal with all strains,whereas numbersofnodulesonlateral roots were inversely correlatedtonodule weight ontheprimary root.From the data presented itisconcluded that nodule formation isconnected with nitrogenase activity,alowactivity being compensated forbythe productionoflarge nodules (S313)orbytheformationofmanynew nodules (S310a). Nitrogenase activityofthe nodulesdeclined with time.Less electrons were spentinhydrogen productionascompared with acetylene reduction, resulting inariseofrelative efficiency with proceeding growth period. The valuesofnitrogen fixation,ascalculated from acetylene-reduction data, usingaconversion factorof3.0,were lower than thosederived from thedifferences between yieldofplant nitrogenoftheeffective symbioses (with strains 75 PRE,S313andS310a)andthatofthe ineffective symbiosis with strain P8.When the hydrogen produced inairbyeffectively nodulated rootswas subtracted from the acetylene-reduction values,nitrogen fixation was even more seriously underestimated,butinaddition severely biased infavourofthe hydrogenasecontaining strain S310a,which producedalowplant-nitrogen yield. The real valuesoftheconversion factor,asobtainedbydivisionofthe acetylene-reduction figuresbytheyieldofplantnitrogen derived from nitrogen fixation,decreased gradually duringthegrowth period.With all strains, nitrogen fixation was highest duringthepod-filling stage. Inaseparate experiment3peacultivars,differing inseed-production rates, were inoculated withasingle R. leguminosarum strain.Nitrogen fixation with an early variety (Florix)waslower than thatwithanintermediate variety (Rondo)oralate variety (Mercato).Mercato fixed more nitrogen than Rondo butitsseed yield was less becauseofapoorer translocationofnitrogento the seed from vegetative matter. INTRODUCTION Inagriculture,yieldsofleguminous crops aredeterminedtoaconsiderable extentbythequalityofthesymbioses, i.e. bythematchingofthehost cultivar withtherhizobial strain (5,11).Asplant breeding programmesare usually aimed at increased yield,andatimproved resistance against pestsanddiseases,ahigh nitrogen fixation capacity isselected inanindirectway. A direct approachtoenhance nitrogen fixationistofind new Rhizobium strains with better nitrogen-fixing characteristics.Inthepresent paper,the relation between nitrogen fixation,yieldandsymbiotic characteristicshas been investigated inassociationsofpeaswithanumberofselected strainsof Rhizobium leguminosarum. Aslowlevelsofnitrogen fixation havetobecompensatedbythe supplyofcombined nitrogen forobtaining satisfactory yields, the influenceofcombined nitrogenonnodulation,nitrogen fixation andyieldis described inasecond paper. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant material and growth Enamelled Mitscherlich jarsof6-1capacity,sterilized with alcohol,were filled withamixture(-)of1partofheat-sterilized sandand2partsofnonsterileclay,obtained from newly reclaimed polder land.Forinoculation,50ml 76 ofa7-daysoldcultureofRhizobium leguminosarum was mixed with61ofsoil. A basal fertilizer giftof3.8mmolesofphosphorusand9.6mmolesofpotassium was applied per pot. Seedsofpeaplants {visum sativum L.), cultivars Florix,MercatoandRondo, were surface-sterilizedbyimmersion inasolution containing4%ofH^O«anda few dropsofTeepol (detergent) for25min before sowing.Thesoilwasthen covered with sterilized gravel toprevent clogging afterwatering. Plants were keptintheopen airunderwireforprotection against birds.Ineachpotfinally 8 plantswere retained. Hydrogen production and acetylene reduction The shootsoftheplants were detached,theroots freed from soil particles bygentlyshakingandincubated instoppered 1-1Erlenmeyer flasks.After25min a 100-ulgassamplewas assayedfor hydrogen production usingagasChromatograph equipped withathermal conductivity detector. Subsequently, 100mlofacetylene was addedanda100-ylgassamplewas taken after15min. Ethylene production was determined withagasChromatograph equipped withahydrogen-flame detector. Ratesofhydrogen productionandacetylene reduction were linearwith timeup to80min. Nitrogen analyses of the plant material Nitrogen inoven-dried plantmaterial wasdeterminedbytheKjeldahl method, using CuSO«andseleniumascatalysts. RESULTS Inapreliminary experiment,the successofinoculationofthenatural soil used intheexperiments,which was assumedtocontain lowlevelsofindigenous rhizobia,was tested with mutant strainsofR. leguminosarum resistant against streptomycin aswellasacriflavine (Table 1 ) .Seedswere sowninsmall0.5-1 test potsasdescribed intheMethods section,using5mlofa4-daysoldbacterial culture grownonyeast-mannitol brothasaninoculum (approximately5.10 bacteriapergofsoil).Thenodulesofthepeaplants were checked40days after sowingbyprickinganeedle first intoasurface-sterilized noduleandthen into yeast-mannitol agar plateswithoutandwith streptomycinandacriflavine. Inoculation with R. leguminosarum strains PRE andS313a provedtobesuccessful, 77 Table 1.Nodule formationonpea {visum sativum cv.Rondo)byindigenous rhizobiaandbyinoculated strains (antibiotic-resistant),40days after sowing inclay soil.Values representmeansandstandard deviationsof duplicate determinations Strain P8 Pinknodules perplant Antibioticresistant colonies (%) 0 2±1 SA S310a SA S313 pRE SA Uninocul ated CpHpreduction (nmoles/pl.h) 80± 50 15±5 34± 9 15±2 88+12 370±170 20±4 78±15 240±120 0 7±2 350± 80 100± 50 SA whereas strain S310a wasless abletocompetewith indigenous Rhizobium strains for nodulation sites. Inoculation with thewild-type strainP8gavemany small white ineffective nodulesonpeaplantsbutafewlarger pinknodules which were apparently derived from indigenous strains.From these resultsitwas concluded thatinalarge-scale experiment inoculation shouldbeheavier (5.10 bacteria pergofsoil)inordertoprevent competition difficulties.Inthelarge-scale experiment only wild-type strainswere used. Nodule formation and nitrogen fixation Nodulation brought aboutbythree R. leguminosarum strains showed clearly different patterns (Plate 1).Theineffective strainP8produced small white nodulesinagreat numberonthelateral roots.Incontrast,strain S313formed big,branched noduleswith afaintlypink colourinagreatmass,virtually only ontheprimary roots.Strain PREoccupiedanintermediate position with mediumsized,rednodules spread over primaryandlateral rootsinamore even way. Strain S310a (not shown)behaved similarlytoPRE,exceptfor thenodule colour which changed fromredtogreen more rapidly, indicating early senescence. Therewasnodifference inthe numberofnodulesonprimary roots producedby each rhizobia! strain (Fig. 1a).The numbersoflateral-root nodules formed during growth were significantly different withthefour strains (Ftest, p<0.01,Fig._1b).The highest numbersoflateral-root noduleswere found with S310aandP8. 78 Plate 1.Rootsystemsof64-daysold pea plants inoculated with Rhizobium strains P8 (a),PRE (b),and S313(c). 79 60 40 20 - 0 Hh _j i i i i e c 300 •o o 200 100 - 100 120 Days Fig. 1.Root nodule numbers during ontogenesis of pea plants,cv. Rondo inoculated with R. legum-inosarum strains P8 (•),S310a (o),S313(A), and PRE ( O ) .Values represent means ofduplicate samples of 4 plants from different pots, (a)Nodule numbers on primary roots, (b)Nodule numbers on lateral roots. Nodule fresh weight per plant increased gradually until mid-pod fill,as shown in Fig. 2a.With S313 and S310a nodule weight per plantwas significantly higher (p< 0.01) than thatwith PRE.From mid-pod fill,noduleweights decrease! slowly with PRE and rapidly with S313.With strain S310a,aconsiderable proportion of the nodules turned green early.The contribution of primary-root nodules tototal noduleweight decreased during plant growth,thegreatest decrease being found with S313 (Fig.2b).Primary-root nodules contributed significantly (p<0.01) more to total noduleweight per plant inthe sequence S313> PRE >S310a,P8. 80 - 1200 - 100 120 Days Fig. 2.Root nodule fresh weight during ontogenesis of pea plants,cv. Rondo inoculated with R. leguminosarum strains P8 (•),S31Oa (o), S313(A), and PRE ( D ) .Values represent means of duplicate samples of 4 plants from different pots, (a)Total nodule fresh weight per plant, (b)Weight ratio of primary to lateral rootnodules. Nitrogenase activity of the nodules formed by PRE,S313and S310awith cv. Rondo declined during growth,the greater fall being found with PRE (Fig.3a). Roots nodulated with P8displayed no nitrogenase activity. The quantity of hydrogen produced inair by nitrogenase decreased more rapidly as compared with the decrease in ethylene produced under acetylene,resulting ina steady rise of H„ produced in air the relative efficiency (1~i j—r- •. ,,.„, r ,,)(see 13;Fig3b). 3 C ? H d proauced inair + 10%C^H,, 81 100 120 Days Fig. 3.Nitrogenase activity of rootnodules during ontogenesis of pea plants, cv. Rondo,inoculated with R. leguminosavum strains S310a(o), S313 (A),and PRE (•). Values aremeans ofduplicate potswith 8 plants each, (a)Ethylene produced underair + 10%acetylene, expressed pergof nodule fresh weight, (b)Relative efficiency (see text). Strain S310a on theother hand displayed a high relative efficiency owing to the presence ofahydrogenase capable of utilizing part ofthe hydrogen evolved by nitrogenase (Chapter 4,pp.63-75 ) .Relative efficiency with this strain initially amounted to 96-99%but decreased tothe values ofthe strains without a hydrogenase at pod fill (day 78).This occurred togetherwith the formation of a few large nodules on the lateral roots,which weremorphologically different from the nodules initially produced with S310a.When these deviating nodules were assayed separately (day 93)a relative efficiency of48%was found indicating that they were formed byone of the few rhizobia originally present in the soil. The R. leguminosarwn strains studied inthisexperimentshowed distinctdifferences in the supply ofnitrogen to the plant (Fig.4c).With the ineffective stra P8, the plantwas fully dependent on seed and available soil nitrogen,resulting in avery lowyield ofnitrogen atmaturity (15mg N/plant). The amounts of plant 82 100 120 Doys Fig.4.Nitrogen fixation during ontogenesis of pea plants,cv.Rondo,inoculated with if. leguminosarum strains P8 (•),S310a (o),S313 (A),and PRE ( D ) .Values represent means of duplicate samples, (a) Calculated from ethylene production (under 10%ofacetylene inair)minus hydrogen production in air. (b)Calculated from ethylene production under 10% of acetylene in air. (c)Total plant nitrogen as determined by the Kjeldahl method. nitrogen contained incv. Rondo differed significantly (p< 0.01) with the rhizobial strains in the sequence PRE >S313 >S310a >P8. The fact that pea plants inoculated with strain P8displayed no nitrogenase activity,enabled us tocalculate theamount of nitrogen fixed by nitrogenfixing symbioses by subtracting the nitrogen yield of the P8-associations from thevalues of theeffective symbioses.During theentire growth period,nitrogen fixation of the 3associations tested amounted to 122,96,and 56mg N per plant with PRE,S313and S310a,respectively (fig.4c). 83 Nitrogen fixation during thegrowth period was also estimated fromacetylenereduction data,assuming an activity of the nitrogen-fixing system during 24h perday without diurnal variation,and using a factor of3.0 toconvert moles of ethylene produced under acetylene intomoles of nitrogen fixed (Fig.4b). These values underestimated nitrogen fixation as compared with the plant nitrogen data: 71,61,and 52mg N per plantwith PRE,S313and S310a,respectively.This underestimation was more serious with strains PRE and S313 (37-42%)than with strain S310a(8%). Hydrogen production in air by nitrogenase isusually considered tooccur in competition with nitrogen fixation.Therefore,nitrogen fixation was alsoestimated from ethylene production under air + 10% ofacetylene (representing total nitrogenase activity)minus hydrogen production inair (Fig.4a).According to thismethod,nitrogen fixation during the growth period would amount to43,38 and 48mg N per plantwith strains PRE,S313 and S310a,respectively.Thus,the inclusion of the hydrogen production not only aggravated the underestimation of nitrogen fixation but even caused amisrepresentation of the nitrogen-fixing capacity infavour of the hydrogenase-positive strain S310a. The distribution of the nitrogen-fixing activity over the growth period was influenced by the rhizobial strain (Table 2 ) .With S310a,nitrogen fixation declined rapidly during pod formation,whereaswith S313 and PREa considerable partof the total nitrogen fixation took place during the pod-filling period. When the conversion factors ofethylene production underacetylene into nitrogen fixed werecalculated on agrowth season basis,assuming an activity of 24h perdaywithout diurnal variation,the values deviated considerably from the theoretical value of 3.0 (Table 2). The ratiowas high during vegetative growth butdecreased afterwards.When theallocation ofelectrons between nitrogen and proton reduction was taken into account,the ratio dropped below 3.0 except for strain S310a.This strain,which contains an uptake hydrogenase,gave riseto a consistently higher ratio between ethylene produced and nitrogen fixed than the other strains.However,alsowith S310a this ratio declined during the growth period. 84 Table 2.Nitrogen fixation during ontogenesisofpea(cv. Rondo)-Rhizobzum symbioses'' Growth stage Strainofmicrosymbiont S310a Vegetative (1-68days) „% N2fixed (mmoles/plant) C 2V N 2 3 ) ., (C 2 H 4 -H 2 )/N 2 4; Flowering and pod formation (69-86 days) N9 fixed (mmoles/plant)2) S313 PRE 1.00 1.61 1.60 4.33 3.54 4.14 4.25 1.67 1.82 0.64 0.71 1.12 C 2 H 4 /N 2 J ; 4.07 2.87 2.27 (C 2 H 4 -H 2 )/N 2 4 ) 3.83 2.37 1.89 0.49 1.24 1.62 Pod-fill andripening (87-114 days) N 2 fixed (mmoles/plant)2) C 2 H 4 /N 2 3) (C 2 H 4 -H 2 )/N 2 4 ) Entire growth period (1-114 days) N9 fixed (mmoles/plant)2) 3) C 2 H 4 /N 2 J ; (C 2 H 4 -H 2 )/N 2 4) 2.86 1.67 1.37 2.31 1.41 1.13 2.11 3.56 4.38 3.90 2.76 2.62 3.68 1.72 1.58 1) Valuesareaveragesofduplicate samplesof8plants 2) 'Calculated from plant nitrogenoftheeffective symbiosis minus plant nitrogen oftheineffective symbiosis (RondoxP8) 3)Conversion factorforconverting C H4produced inair+10%ofC H into 2 2 2 Infixed 4) Conversion factorforconverting C 0 H.produced inair+10%ofC 2 H„,minus H 2 produced inair,into N 2 fixed/ 85 Host influenae Inaseparate experiment,theinfluenceofthehost plantwas briefly checked in3peacultivars with different ratesofseed production: Florix (early), Rondo (intermediate),andMercato (late).Theplantswere inoculated witha single strainofR. leguminosarum, PF~.Thedistribution ofnitrogen fixation duringthegrowth period isshown inTable3.Theconsiderably shorter growth periodofFlorix resulted inaloweryieldoffixed nitrogenandseed yield (Fig. 5a)ascompared with RondoandMercato.Thelate-flowering cultivar Mercato apparently hadahighernitrogen-fixing capacity than Rondo,when calculated from valuesofethylene produced underacetylene,usingaconversion factorof 3.0toconvert molesofethylene produced into nitrogen fixed (Fig.5b).However, the actual difference inplant nitrogen between MercatoandRondowasnotas largeassuggestedbytheethylene production data (Fig.5c).With Mercato,seed yield was lower thanwith Rondo (Fig.5a)butfinal yieldofplant nitrogenwas higher owingtoahigher nitrogen contentoftheleaves (atmaturity 35.4and 18.6mgNperplantwith MercatoandRondo,respectively). Table3.Nitrogen fixation duringontogenesisofpeacultivars inoculated with R. leguminosarum Strain PFo Growth stage Cultivar Florix Vegetative (days) .^ N„ f i x e d (mmoles/plant) 1-47 1.13 Rondo 1-57 1.79 Mercato 1-64 2.00 Flowering and pod formation (days) N„ fixed (mmoles/plant) 1 ) 48-58 0.37 58- 73 65-86 0.70 1.40 P o d - f i l l and ripening (days) N~ f i x e d (mmoles/plant) 1 ) 59-86 0.54 73-100 87-105 1.45 0.67 Entire growth period (days) N9 fixed (mmoles/plant)1) 1-86 2.04 1-100 3.94 'Calculated from plantnitrogenoftheeffective symbiosis minus plant nitrogenoftheineffective symbiosis RondoxP8.Values are averages of duplicate determinationsof8plants 86 1- 105 4.07 90 110 Days Fig.5.Seed productionandnitrogen fixation during ontogenesisofpea cultivars (Florix,x;Rondo,^;andMercato,^) inoculated with R. leguminosarum strain PF£. Values represent meansofduplicate samples, (a)Seed production, (b)Nitrogen fixationascalculated from acetylene reduction values.Forexplanation seetext, (c) Plant nitrogenasdetermined bytheKjeldahl method. DISCUSSION Soduîe formation The difference innodule formation between legumes infected withaneffective strainofRhizobium andlegumes infected withanineffective strain was reported earlyinthestudyofnitrogen fixation (6).However,differences innodule formation between effective strains have received lessattention (18).With strain PRE,ahigh nitrogenase activityofthe nodules (Fig. 3a)wasassociated 87 with a relatively lownodular mass,mainly located on the primary root (Fig.2 ) . With strain S313,the lowernitrogenase activity of the nodules was almost compensated by the high nodularmass produced (compare Figs 2,3and 4)whereas with strain S310a the low nitrogenase activity led to aconstant formation of nodular tissue on lateral roots (Fig.2 ) .However,with S310a this did not result in anitrogen-fixing capacity as high as that of PRE,as the oldernodules aged atan early stage. The nodulation pattern of strain S310a was similar to that of strain P8 (Figs 1,2 ) .Aswith S310a and P8nodule numbers were equal but nodule weights were different (Figs 1 , 2 ) ,the hypothesis that nodule formation is regulated by the synthesis ofan unknown inhibiting compound is unlikely,as this hypothesis cannot explain theoccurrence of different noduleweights at equal nodule numbers (12).An explanation of theobserved differences innodulation patterns might be offered byassuming differences in synthesis of growth-stimulating phytohormones,such ascytokinins.A function of phytohormones in nodule formation as has been proposed byLibbenga (10),has so far not been verified adequately.Therefore,we restrict to the general view that nitrogenase activity and nodule formation are related by strategies that are differentwith each strain.A high nitrogenase activity isassumed to beassociated with a relatively lowamount ofnodular tissue (PRE)and viae versa (S313),whereas a rapid senescence iscompensated by the formation of new nodules.These patterns are of course dependent on the interaction between hostand microsymbiont.A large supply of photo-assimilates increases nodule mass,aswas discussed earlier in a comparison of peawith field bean (Chapter 1,page31). Hydrogen Hydrogen production inairdecreased relatively to ethylene production (Fig. 3b)with strains PREand S313 during the first 60days of growth.Subsequently,itdeclined much more sharply than theethylene production,so that the relative efficiency of the symbioses with these strains rose toapproximately 90%. The relative efficiency with strain S310awas nearly 100%owing to the presence of hydrogenase which recycled the hydrogen produced by nitrogenase,but obviously this process did notcompensate for the low nitrogenase activity and unfavourable nodule formation pattern with this strain (Fig.4 ) . The observed rise in relative efficiency ofnitrogen-fixing nodules (Fig.3b) during the generative growth phase of the pea plants coincides with the presumably decreasing supply of photosynthates to the nodules due to the formation of pods (9).This observation is inagreementwith results reported ina 'production previous Chapter 1,(pp.21 -34) which showed thatenergy supply ofnitrogenase during the generative phase is insufficient for amaximum nitrogenase activity, incontrast with the vegetative phase,during which nitrogenase is entirely utilized. The decrease in hydrogen production during presumably reduced photosynthate supply of the nodules seems tocontradict evidence from experiments with isolated nitrogenase (16,7, 17).These experiments generally indicate that under low energy conditions, e.g. when ATP levels are low (16),orwhen electron flow through nitrogenase Mo^Fe component is low (7),electrons are allocated to proton reduction rather than to the fixation of nitrogen.Also more hydrogen is produced when the ratio of Fecomponent (II)to Mo-Fe component (I)of nitrogenase is low, i.e. when fewelectrons are transferred by theFe protein to theMo-Fe protein(17). Van den Bos et al.(3) have shown that the ratio of Fe protein toMo-Fe protein increases with the age of bacteroids of R. legwminosarum strain PRE. Therefore,the increase in relative efficiency during the growth period of pea plants (Fig. 3; 1,2)might beassociated with the altered ratio ofnitrogenase components rather than tothe inadequate photosynthate supply of the nodules. The observation that nitrogenase is not fully utilized during generative growth of pea plants and field bean plants is likely tobeexplained by the lower photosynthate supply,as in short-term experiments an excess ofnitrogenase,present in the nodules,can be activated by increasing photosynthate supply (Chapter 2) The calculation ofnitrogen fixation from acetylene-reduction figures is hazardous,as can be seen from Fig.4and Table 2.Even when nitrogenase activity was assumed tocontinue for 24h per day at its daytime level,the plant nitrogen yields were underestimated by the use ofaconversion factor of 3.0 (Fig.4;8 ) .Inany case,hydrogen production should not be taken into accountwhen comparing strainswith and without hydrogenase,as not only an underestimation occurs but even amisrepresentation is found in favour ofa strain with hydrogenase but of low nitrogen-fixing capacity. The data of Table 2also indicate that aconversion factor of 3.0 underestimates nitrogen fixation more seriously when applied to plants in the generative growth phase than to plants in thevegetative phase (15).Inthe latter case nitrogenfixation data are overestimated when derived from acetylene-reduction values. 89 Host plants Some desirable featuresofpeavarieties with regard tonitrogen fixation have been described intheliterature (4).From Fig.5itcanbederived that theearly variety Florix showed 'self-destructive' traits (14)duetoarapid seed production,resulting inalowoverall level ofnitrogen fixation.The late flowering variety Mercato fixed more nitrogen than theintermediate variety Rondo,especially during theprolonged stagesofvegetative growthandflowering. However,seed production ofMercatowaslower than thatofRondo,stressinç oncemore that nitrogen-fixing capacity isjustoneofthemain features tobe reckoned with intheselection ofhost plants. REFERENCES 1.Bethlenfalvay,G.J.,Abu-Shakra,F.F.,Fishbeck,K.,andPhillips,D.A.1978 The effectofsource-sink manipulations onnitrogen fixation inpeas. Physiol. Plant 43:31-34. 2. Bethlenfalvay,G.J.,andPhillips,D.A.1977.Ontogenetic interactions between photosynthesis andsymbiotic nitrogen fixation inlegumes. Plant Physiol.60:419-421. 3.Bos,R.C.vanden,Bisseling,T.,andKammen,A.van.1978.Analysisof DNA content,nitrogenase activity and in vivo protein synthesisof Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteroids onsucrose gradients.J.Gen.Microbiol.109: 131-139. 4.Caldwell,B.E.,andVest,H.G.1977.Genetic aspectsofnodulationand dinitrogen fixation bylegumes:themacrosymbiont,pp557-576 in Atreatise on dinitrogen fixation (Section III),(R.W.F.HardyandW.S. Silver,eds.) Wiley,NewYork. 5. Devine,T.E.andBreithaupt,B.H.1980. Significance ofincompatibility reactions of Rhizobium japonicum strainswith soybean hostgenotypes. Crop Sei.20:269-271. 6. 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Yates,M.G.,and Walker,C.C. 1980.Hydrogenase activity and hydrogen evolution bynitrogenase innitrogen-fixing Azotobaater ahroooocoum, pp95-109 in Nitrogen fixation,vol.1(eds.W.E.Newton and W.H.OrmeJohnson)University Park Press,Baltimore. 18.Wright,W.H. 1925.Thenodule bacteria ofsoybeans.II.Nitrogen fixation experiments. Soil Science 20:131-141. 91 EFFECT OF N-FERTILIZERS ON NITROGEN FIXATION AND SEED YIELD OF PEA-RH/ZOB/UM SYMBIOSES OF DIFFERENT NITROGEN-FIXING CAPACITY ABSTRACT The supplyofnitratetopea(cultivar Rondo)-Rhisobium symbioses with different nitrogen-fixing capacity growing innatural soil,lowered nitrogen fixation more seriouslyinsymbioseswiththe highly effective strainPREthan with themoderately effective strain S313.Nitrogen fixation with strain S310a was lowerthan thatwith S313,butwas enhancedbylowlevelsofnitrate supply. Inpeaplants inoculated with strain PRE,nitrogen fixationwas decreasedby theadditionofcombined nitrogen irrespectiveofthe timeofdressing during thegrowth period. Leafdryweightandseed yieldswere significantly increasedbythe supply ofnitrate,eveninthe caseofsymbioses withthehighly effective strain PRE. Seed yield increases owingtothe applicationofnitratewith strains S310a and S313were higher than thosewith PRE.Peaplants inoculated with S313 produced more seedathigh nitrate levels than plants infected with PRE, associated withahigher leafmassandnitrogen fixation.Thedifferential effectsofcombined nitrogenonnitrogen fixationandseed yield were described inamodel.Accordingtoapath analysis,thefact that nitrogen fixationofaless effective strainisrelatively unaffected bycombined nitrogen couldbeattributedtoincreased photosynthesis.Theharvest index was dependentonthe rateofseed productionbythepeacultivar andwasnot affectedbythe rhizobial strainorbynitrate supply. Onlyinthecaseofthe ineffective symbiosis RondoxP8the harvest index increased owingtonitrate supply. Nodule numbersandnoduleweight perplant decreased with all strains after the supplyofnitrate,whereas theweight pernodulewas raised with strains PREandS310a.With those strains,the fewer nodules also showedahigher nitrogenase activity pernodule than thoseofthe plantswithout added nitrate. Inthexylemexudateofplants inoculated with effective strains,asparagine 93 and aspartic acid accounted for 50and 20%of the total arnino-acid nitrogen, respectively. With the ineffective symbiosis Rondo x P8 lessasparagine and more aspartic acid was produced, viz. 10and 50%,respectively,of the total amino-acid nitrogen.Theamino-acid pattern did not varywith nitrate supply. Neither ethanol-soluble nor insoluble carbohydrate contentof the roots of an effective symbiosis was influenced by nitrate supply.With an ineffective strain,however,the ethanol-soluble carbohydrates increased with nitrate supply up to 800mg N per pot butdecreased thereafter.This phenomenon was attributed toan increased production of photosynthatewhich could not be used ingrowth,due to lack of nitrogen. From thedata presented in this paper it isconcluded that strains whose nitrogen fixation has a low sensitivity in symbioses to combined nitrogen offer no favourable prospects for use as an inoculant. INTRODUCTION Ina previous paper,a number of pea-Rhizobium symbioses were described with distinctly different nitrogen-fixing capacities.The results obtained with those symbioses gave rise to the hypothesis that associations with a poor nitrogen-fixing capacity,giving plants with a low nitrogen content and a low seedyield,might respond tocombined nitrogen differently from a symbiosis with a high nitrogen-fixing capacity. Combined nitrogen is known toexert adetrimental effect on nodule formation and on nitrogen fixation,aswas already observed in the beginning of nitrogen fixation research (17,24). Ithas no direct effect on the nitrogen-fixing system (11)but reduces the photosynthate supply to the root nodules,leading toa lower nitrogenase activity (18; Chapter 2,page 39/.The addition of combined nitrogen therefore often leads to a simultaneous decrease in nitrogen fixation without increasing yield (2,21).However,also beneficial effects of combined nitrogen on nitrogen fixation have been reported,for example the addition ofa 'starter dose'which increases nitrogen fixation by enhancing photosynthesis (4,.12,13, 15). Sincethese effects so far have not been examine inacoherent study,the investigationsreported in the present paperdeal with the effect of combined nitrogen on pea-Rhizobium symbioses with high and low nitrogen-fixing capacities in relation to nitrogen fixation, photosynthetic capacity and seed yield. 94 MATERIALSANDMETHODS Plant growth and nitrogen fertilizer The various pea-Rhisobium symbioses were growninnon-sterile soil asdescribed intheprevious paper.Ryegrass,Westerwolds,cv.Tewera (Lolium perenne) was sowninsoil without gravel cover. A solutionofNH.NCUorNaNO-,wasgivenatdifferent growth stagesofthe 15 1e; plant.Inthe NexperimentasolutionofK NO,wassuppliedatsowingandat 15 pod fill (enrichment percentages varying from 1.28-2.79atom %N ) . Amino acids in xylem exudate Potswerewateredandtheplantswere decapitated after2h.Xylem sapwas collected inglass capillary tubesfor1handstoredat-20°C until analysis. Proteinwasremoved fromthesamplesbyadditionofsulphosalicylic acid, 2%by weight,followedbycentrifugation.Thesupernatantwasanalyzed foramino acids withaBiotronik Amino Acid Analyzer. Carbohydrates Ethanol-soluble carbohydrates ('sugars')were determined inethanol extracts of rootsbytheanthrone method (20).Theresiduewasheatedat100°C for2h with0.1NHCltohydrolyzetheethanol-insoluble carbohydrates ('starch')which were subsequently measured inthesupernatantwith theanthrone method. Nitrogen determinations Nitrogen contentofshoot,root,podwall andseedwasdeterminedbythe Kjeldahl method.A100mg sampleofdryplantmaterialwasdigested for3hat 360°C with3mlofconcentrated H 2 S0.,usingamixed catalystofCuSO»,Seand K 2 S0». Subsequently,theammonia generated indigestionwassteam-distilled into 10mlofH,B0 3 (40g/1)andtitrated with 0.02 NH 2 S0 4 ,usingamixed indicator ofmethylredandbromocresolgreen. 15 When samples wereanalyzedfor N,the ammonia generated inthedigestion was steam-distilled into10ml0.1NHCl.Ammonia wasdetermined ina1-ml aliquotwith Nessler's reagent.Theremaining distillatewasanalyzed for N by emission spectrometry,usingtheRittenberg methodoffreeing N~ fromNH-.C1 15 ( 1 ) . Enrichment of 15 e N was calculated by comparison with a standard set supplied n by VEB Chemie, B e r l i n , D.D.R. ( 7 ) . 95 RESULTS Nitrogen fixation and combined nitrogen supply Thenitrogenase activityofeffectively nodulatedpeaplants (cv.Rondox PRE)wasreducedbythesupplyofcombined nitrogenatsowing (Fig. 1).Evena lowdoseofammonium nitrate decreased in vivo nitrogenaseactivityanddelayed theoccurrenceofthemaximum enzymeactivity.Inplantswithout added nitrogen, maximum nitrogenase activity was foundatthebeginningofthepod-filling stage. The effectonnitrogen fixationofsplit dressingsofcombined nitrogenat variousmomentsofthegrowth period was studiedinaseparate experimentwith pea plants inoculated with R. legwninosarum strainPRE(effective)andstrain P8 (ineffective).Nitrogen fixation was calculatedasthedifferenceintotal plant nitrogen betweentheeffectiveandineffective symbiosis (Fig.2 ) . Ö £ oHH- t70 90 Days Fig.1.Profilesofnitrogenase activity inthesymbiosispea(cv.Rondo)x R. leguminosarum PREduring ontogenesis (1978experiment),as affectedbythesupplyofNH4NO3atsowing:noadded N,D ;314,•; and 942mgN/pot,0.Arrow indicatesthebeginningofthepod-filling stage,65daysafter sowing.Valuesaremeansofduplicate samples of8plants. 96 750 CT E x 500 - 250 / 2 5 \ N a N 0 3 at s o w i n g ,% \ 7 5 / N a N 0 3 at p o d - f i l l , % Fig.2.Yieldsofnitrogen fixed inthesymbiosispea(cv.Rondo)x R. legvminosarvanPRE(1979 experiment)asaffected bytheadditionatvarious growth stagesofNaNC>3:515,• ;1130mgN/pot,» . N(Kj)analyses were performedatmaturityoftheplants.Thebroken line indicates theamountofnitrogen fixedbyplants growing without added NaNC^. Values represent meansofduplicate determinations. Obviously,nitrogen fixationisreduced less seriouslybythesupplyofcombined nitrogen lateinthegrowing season thanbysupplyatanearlierdate. Seed yieldofeffectively nodulated peaplantswashardly affectedbyvarying themomentof(split)dressingsofcombined nitrogen duringthegrowth period (Table 1).Supplyofthenitrogen during floweringandpodfilling tendedto give higher seedyields. is — Experiments with NO .Theresponsetocombined nitrogenofnitrogen fixation in symbioses with different nitrogen-fixing capacitieswas studied inan 15 experimentinwhich N-labeled nitratewasusedinordertodifferentiate between fixed nitrogenandplant nitrogen derived from combined nitrogen. Nitrate was giveninsplit dressingsofequal quantitiesatsowingandat pod fill toprevent damagebyhigh dosesofthefertilizer. Yieldofplant nitrogenofall symbioseshadincreased substantially bythe supplyofnitrate.The highestamountofnitratehadbeen takenupbythe moderately effective symbiosisofcv. Rondowith R. leguminosarum, strain S310a (column6ofTable2 ) . 97 Table 1.Effectofthemomentofsplit dressings with NH^NOjontheseed yield ofpeaplants (cv.Rondo) inoculated with R. legvminosanm strain PRE '' Total amount of Split dressings ofNH NH 4 N0- added during the stage of (mgN/ pot) 0 314 628 4 N0 3 (mg N/pot) Seed dry weight Sowing Vegetative growth Flowerir g 0 314 0 0 0 314 314 314 0 0 0 0 0 314 0 0 314 0 0 314 314 0 0 0 0 314 0 0 314 0 314 0 314 Pod-filling 0 0 0 0 314 0 0 314 0 314 314 (g/pot) 13.0 15.0 18.1 18.2 17.8 a a b b b 17.7 19.8 18.1 22.0 19.2 19.3 b ab b a b b 1) Valuesaremeansofdeterminations of5pots. Values followed bythesame letterarenotsignificantly different inTukey's testatthe0.05level. To estimate theamountofnitrogen fixed bythevarious symbiotic systems, total plant nitrogen oftheeffective symbiosiswasdiminished with theamount of plant nitrogen oftheineffective symbiosis dressed with thesame amount ofcombined nitrogenastheeffective association (column4ofTable 2).As alternativefortheineffective symbiosis,thenitrogen yield ofryegrass plantswasemployed forcalculating theyields offixed N (column 5ofTable 2), A somewhat more accuratewaytoestimate theamountoffixed nitrogenin symbioses grown innatural soil anddressed with combined nitrogen consistsof the calculation oftotal plant nitrogen minus (a),thenitrate-derived nitrogen oftheplantmaterial and(b)theamountofnitrogen taken upfrom soiland seed.Thenitrate-derived nitrogen inplant material canbedirectly measured by supplying a labeled nitrogen compound (column6ofTable 2 ) .Available soil + seed Nwasderived fromtheineffective symbiosis cv.RondoxP8,dressed with anequal amountofnitrate (column 7ofTable 2). Theresultsofthese calculations aregiven incolumns 4,5and8ofTable 2.Comparison ofboth waysofestimation shows thatatlowlevelsofcombined nitrogen thefirstmentioned method gave somewhat lower values thanthelast-mentioned,whereas at high levels theresults tended tobetheotherwayround. 98 cu ro > 3 -i O ! S- ! Dl-, I c/l CU CU - Q 4-> O , Q. S- p CO 4- 4 - ^ o ro •t-> rC> -JZ CI M S•tJ rS* ro ^ 1 CO O - x "O co CU 3 o x c -a •i- -i- c 4- E O cc >>+-> CO •5Jro <t en » r^ co o r o en a i r o -— r ^ r o a i a i a i i \ en •— il CU TD ^ ^ •r- CSJ C 00 ci; _c +Ü-> >- ^ ro—- O CU x> sz . o CC - O : CNJ L D a i r o a i a i <3- *— *— r o e n C DC O c û r o o o c o ^ - r ^ r ^ c\j *— c \ j c \ j r~^ c\j «— r ^ e n r o TD cu cu cu i— co -O ro + O Ol o r o co co • I - +-> i O «d- <a- u"> O l co r o r ^ o i N i i i «s» CU o c Q . CO • ! - E 4 - +-> SO ro CU •!-> TD " O CU O CU " O i l r ^ CU CU 0 - + J c/ï - a 4-> cu c ro o T- i— ^ i— o cr> +-> >,co CON 3 o . o . ro ro o .e *i+-> CO i— 3 ro o . o 3 = s-o cn.c: o 4cu ••- o .e .c +-> 3 co c C714- ro c o cu ü o c o c o coai roes o c o ^ - a i «— *d- e u a i a i r o m co o o o o *3- r o <— o co C D C O ^ c\j -d- a i <^- i— c o «— a » o ö i o j o r o oo a i r o i n ^j-Lnixoi CM^-OOCSI c\j C Dc o o ^ SI oi I I I tn c o o CU z : X •r- +-> 4- C 4- co r ^ O H Û I - C O O I e n c u c\j a i * — a i ••— o ^ j - a i o o c u ^3- r o *— c u c o o o o a i o i o o i o i ^ f unr^coco^Jc u *— a i e n C\J c u ^ >,LT) ro o 4 - r— 3 r - CU T 3 ro t - c ro TD CU » l/> X jTOOJ • i - O 13 t - z : •— uo ro O— > cu se en .— o . c >— i- + j < : •r- 3 SZ o o-s: -o •— +-> i— ro c cu +-> ro •r- o i— ; - +J O- i -o o «d- o I— ro I— a . ^ ^ i i i N C Û O CO L f l CU CO *— H I N r^ o r o co a i o i l — en en co a i oo a i ^ - o C M O J Ü I O I N o i c o c o c o i n en en r^ m en c u o co ^1- r o »— o o c o a i C\J c o ^ - o e n r ^ c o «— e n C O ^ J - L T ) O0 CO O l O l r ^ CU CO *d" e n e n *— e n c u *— ^ - e n a i *— *—ro^j-oor^ o u i a i a i i— c o *— o o o a i c u c o c o r o r~~ i n o u i a i ^ r s o r o i n c o c o e n ^ i - *3- e n • XI -a o 4 - cu •<o co s- co cu c/l Q) O - TD CU o ^ ror- r— O- o c s- OTJ öl •ie 4-> T D T ro c i— o o O O 0 0 CO o o o o o O CD CD O < * C O P J CO o o o o o o o o o ^ - CO CU CO O CD CD CD «O O CD CD CD ^ - 0 0 C\J c o CD CD CD CD O CD CD CD CD «3- 0 0 C\J CO E ro .— uj O t/l "O o O- CSJ i— ro cu TD 4 - - O c O E r - =3 +•> J 3 +-> ro ro 4 - I— c o (/) c/i Sro ai cu O- c/> E ~ >! CC co o_ ro oo X o TD c o cc o o TD TD e o cc O CC 99 15 A simplified method of calculating nitrogen fixation from N-fertilizer trials has been proposed byFried and Middelboe ( 8 ) .According to their method, the amount of fixed nitrogen (Avalue) is calculatedas 15 /. excess atom % Ninlegume x ..,M, (1 3-r )xtotal N legume excess atom % Ninreference crop The calculated Avalues of our experiment correspond closely to the nitrogen fixation values found bysubtraction of nitrate-derived nitrogen and available soil nitrogen from total nitrogen ofthe effective symbioses (Table 2 , column 9). Of the three effective R. leguminosarum strains tested the highly effective strain PRE insymbiosis with cv. Rondo fixed the highest amounts of nitrogenin the absence of added nitrate or with alow amount of thisNcompound. With high amounts of added nitrate (800, 1200 and 1600 mgNper pot) nitrogen fixation with strain PRE was considerably reduced. With the moderately effective strain S313 lower amounts o fnitrogen were fixed than with PRE inthe absence of combined nitrogen, but the reverse was true at high levels of combined nitrogen. The low nitrogen-fixing capacity with strain S310a was enhanced by3 8 % by nitrate supply upto 800 mgNper p o t , whereas with higher levels of combined nitrogen, nitrogen fixation decreased, similar to that of the other strains. Nitrogen fixation during the growth period. Thegreaterpartofnitrogen fixation occurred during the pod-filling period (Table 3)ashas been found earlier inpea ( 1 9 ) ,soybean (9) and cowpea ( 6 ) .The higher nitrogen fixation during the pod-filling stage coincided with asomewhat higher efficiencyo f nitrate uptake than during the period of vegetative growth and flowering. Nitrogen fixation of pea-ff. leguminosarum strains with alow or intermediate nitrogen-fixing capacity (S310a and S 3 1 3 , respectively) responded favourably to added nitrate during the generative phase of the growth cycle. The yields of fixed Nuntil maturity wereincreased bythe supply of nitrate uptoa dose of 800 mg Nper pot at the beginning of the pod-filling period, whereas nitrate supply atsowing decreased nitrogen fixation with all strains. 100 15 Table 3.UptakeofK NO3and N2fixation bypea plants (cv.Rondo)from sowing tothebeginning ofpod-fill (1-72days)andfrom pod-fill until maturity (73-114days). Values representmeans ofduplicate samplesof8plantsand aregivenasmg N/pot Strainof K 1 5 N0 3 supplied 1) Uptakeof 15N03 microsymbiont P8 S313 S310a PRE N 2 fixation " ( T ^ ) (73-114)" 0 400 800 1200 1600 0 400 800 1200 1600 0 400 800 1200 1600 0 400 800 1200 1600 "(wFj - (73-114) 108 157 378 524 . 121 218 452 491 106 218 374 504 _ 137 241 392 525 240 367 521 567 167 246 531 650 181 278 457 755 112 411 479 568 429 262 164 85 171 278 174 139 196 125 442 436 246 174 102 568 674 746 688 364 314 471 680 417 214 786 682 478 353 275 1) Splitdressing,50%at sowingand 50%atday73. 101 400 800 1200 1600 KN03,mg N/pot Fig.3.Seedyieldsatmaturityof pea-Rhizobium symbiosesasaffected bysplit dressingsofKN0 3 viz. 50%atsowingand50%atpodfill.Values representmeansofyieldsof4pots. (a)Peacv.Rondo inoculated with R. leguminosarwn strainsP8 (t), S310a (o),S313(A),andPRE(O)(1980 experiment).PRE(1978)supplied with NH 4 N0 3 (•). (b)FractionofN03-derivedNinseedN,atmaturityofpeacv.Rondo, inoculated with R. leguminosarum strainsP8(•),S310a (o),S313 (A), and PRE ( 0 ) . Seed yield N dressings with KN^of pea plants ( c u l t i v a r Rondo), inoculated with d i f f e r ent Rhizobium s t r a i n s , raised seed dry weight ( F i g . 3a). With strains P8, S310a and S313, seed yields were s i g n i f i c a n t l y enhanced (p < 0.001) by n i t r a t e supply (1980). Strain PRE produced a high seed y i e l d in the 1980 experiment without added n i t r a t e ; supply of the nitrogen compound gave only a low, weakly s i g n i f i cant (p < 0.05) additional seed y i e l d . However, i n the 1978 experiment, the seed dry weight with PRE was much lower than in 1980, but i t was considerably enhanced by added N H ^ (p < 0.001). This points out that seasonal factors exert an important influence on the y i e l d response to combined-nitrogen a p p l i c a t i o n . 102 <t * o—• b 400 1200 1600 0 400 800 KN03,mg N/pot Fig.4. Harvest indices (ratios of seed nitrogen to total plant nitrogen)of pea-Rhisobium symbioses asaffected by split dressings of nitrate, 50% at sowing and 50%at podfill. (a)Peacv. Rondo,inoculated with R. leguminosamm strains P8 (•), S310a (o),S313 (A),and PRE( D ) . (b)Peacvs Florix,early (x),Rondo,intermediate (O)» and Mercato, late ( • ) , inoculated with R. leguminosarum PF„. The contribution ofnitrate-derived nitrogen to the seedyield was higher in pea plants inoculated with the ineffective strain P8than in nitrogen-fixing plants (Fig.3b). The harvest index of the various symbioses,which normally isameasureof theefficiency of redistribution of nitrogen from vegetative parts and podwalls to theseed was independent ofnitrate supply and of rhizobial strain (Figs 4a,b). However,with the ineffective strain P8the harvest index of theunfertilized plants deviated from those dressed with nitrate owing to nitrogen deficiency sothat little nitrogen wasavailable for redistribution (Fig.4a, Table 1).The harvest indexwasonly dependent on the pea variety as can be seen bycomparing Figs 4aand b. 103 U) z tN3 oo "o —• 1. r+ -^ £ oi o 01 r+ —•' (/> O l c+ o Oro r+ 3 "5 O (O (D 3 Ol on C/1 00 0O 00 CD 01 CO "O 00 OO OO _* — O J* O -i O O01 on Gi- -5 0) oo I/O fl> —>3 Ol o ca r+ v; en O er £ —i. Ol en ro o. o 3 3 OO .— 00 . o o r+ 3 O r+ LQ — ' 3 2 01 O O. c —1 •a (X> "S U O ro <3< O er -t. tD 3 O —!• Q . 3 C —i a . ID -s 3 ro O 3 r+ CTi O O CD CD CD CD O £ _i. CD CD CD CD 00 CD CD CD CD CD 00 <=> CD CD 00 CD CD CD r+ m s ri- t/i 01 -s 3 CD TD " O —' "5 n> n> on on TD O 'E _ i . Ql O 3 01 O - r+ -s Ol <T> D- ro r-o CL —* OO —»OJ MCO r>o !*< i\}cn oooo -E»-» ~Jr\3 —co vi o o 00 —» rsjoo —» o o ^icTi on-^i rv> o n —• « 3 —* e n v i o n r o -P* v i o —» ooon oooo 3 -S O o a ro <-t W l [U "O 3" —' Ol £ 3 3 <-t O r+ Q- ro O 3 - h o+ °°3 OO I Û O —» CO 4=» CD —»• ^J-^J . -p. . _» PO IN3 KO "^J —» c o en oo r o w rocn cr - a ro üi-S 0i m • r+ 01 —• ro on o 3 TJ -s -a o o. c: 3 3" r+ ^ U l o o CD CO • OO -»CO ^J-^J CO CXt en en 03-sl r\3 r o en en o l£) --J CJl-^J 4i» —* PO-P» ro co co —-en r*o —* co co en KO —* —»•-Ci o r o cocn CD —* enco t o ^ •a -n ro -s -s ro on 3 3- O CL £ C r+ — i ^—. ro T ; OQ O01 I» —•!QO -- IZ ro o o i -*> o —• • 3 3 0Q o . er c ro " O "S 00 o O- -s ai —i. 3 -o -s —». 3 Ol -s *< -s o o r+ —' <o< n <D on -tl -5 O O -ti 3 en 00 4^00 ^ I - ^ J o i o en en c o c n r o —* en V D en co coco CO *-«J 4^» o —" —* ro ro c o —* _» _» coro _» _ * enco 4 ^ r o r o co o —* —* e n - ^ j —». 4 = » r o c o ^ o o o 4s» e n 4^» ^ - - J -a ro -s TD O £ Ol 3 —* r o r o —* c o c o <^o-C* w o CD - * enco cocn enco ^ i co e n c o -^iCTï -P»"^J 4^00 4=» -P» CO--J vjcn -**J o n ro -s -s ro on 3 3- o a-£ O- C r+ ro OQ -c _i r+ ro -s 01 — 1 -i o o <-t 01 o —»co co o ^J ro -^j _ k en ^ J c o —» o o r o —* co en - ° ro^.og , ^ B 1 C t d S _ << 3 O OOOl - o , . •a ro -a o 104 Ei-t* Nodule formation Additionofnitratetopeaplantscv. Rondoatsowinghadreduced nodulation asitwas observedatpodfill. Numbersofnodulesonprimaryaswellason lateral rootsofalmost allofthe symbioses testedhadconsiderably decreased (Table 4).Thesamewas trueoftotal noduleweight perplant.Inthecaseof weight pernodule theeffectofcombined nitrogen was much more variableas concerns different symbioses.With R. leguminosarwn strain S313,which forms large amountsofnodular tissue(upto40%oftotal root w t ) , weightper noduleonprimary rootshaddroppedtoapproximately 1/3onthe nitrate-dressed plantsascomparedtothe plants without added nitrate.Weight per noduleon lateral rootswas also adversely affectedbynitrate supplyatsowingbutthe reduction was much less pronounced thanitwas trueofthenodulesonprimary roots.Inthe caseofstrain S310aandtoalesser extent PRE,weightper noduleonprimary roots wasmuch higherwhen nitratehadbeen supplied. The beneficial effectofnitrate supplyonweightofindividual nodulesonlateral roots with thosetwostrains wasmuch less pronounced than thatonprimary roots. The second supplyofnitrateatthestartofpodfilling,has adversely affected numbersandtotal weightofnodulesonboth primaryandlateral roots as observedatmaturityofthe plants.Weight per noduleonlateral rootshad only slightly decreasedascompared with thoseonprimary roots.Inthecase of S310a thenoduleshadclearly increasedinweightbythedressing with nitrate. Nitrogenase activityoftheS313 nodules,measuredatpodfillinghad declined slightlyduetonitrate supplyatsowing,ascontrastedtothe S310aand PRE nodules whose nitrogenase activity was considerably higher than thatof nodules ofunfertilizedsymbioses.Nitrogen-fixing activityofthevarious associations droppedtolowvalues during maturityofthe plants.Nodules from plants dresseswith nitrate tendedtobemoreactive than thosewithout supply of nitrate.Thiswasparticularly trueofthenodules formed withS313. Carbohydrate content and amino acid composition. A comparison of thecarbohydrate contentsofthe rootsofineffectively nodulated (P8)andeffectively nodulated (PRE)plants showed that thecontentsofethanol-insoluble carbohydrates (mainly starch)inboth associations were equal,anddeclined slightly with increased nitrate supply (Fig. 5).Ethanol-soluble carbohydrates (sugars)of symbioseswith the effective strain PRE were lower than the ethanol-insoluble 105 200 400 600 800 KN0 3 .mg N/pot Fig. 5.Ethanol-soluble (•,•) and ethanol-insoluble (o,0) carbohydrates in rootsof pea plants (cv. Rondo),68days after sowing,inoculated with R. legwrtinosavum strains P8 (•, o)and PRE (w ,0), asaffected by nitrate supply at sowing.Values representmeansof triplicate determinations. carbohydrates. Insymbioseswith the ineffective P8strain,nitrate supply caused adistinctmaximum in thecontent ofethanol-solublecarbohydrates, which decreased to thevalue foundwith PREatthe highest level of nitrate added. A similar phenomenon has been observed ineffectively nodulated soybean plants (14).Itwasattributed toan increase inphotosynthetic activity of the plant,without sufficient nitrogen being present for the utilization of theadditonal sugars forgrowth,resulting inan increase in sugarconcentration. No explanation can begivenwhy no increase inethanol-insoluble carbohydrates ('starch')was found along with the rise inethanol-soluble carbohydrates since thecontents ofthese carbohydrates areusually related (seeChapter 3, Fig. 2) Theamino-acid content of thexylem exudatewas hardly affected by the supply ofnitrate to theplants (Figs.6a,b),aswas found earlierwith peas (6). The amount ofnitrogen present asamino acid inthe xylem sapof the ineffective symbiosis Rondo x P8was lower than that of theeffective symbioses Rondo xPRE,x S310a and x S313,but increased with nitrate supply (Fig.6a). 106 200 400 600 800 N/pot Fig.6.Amino-acid nitrogen inthe xyleniexudate of pea (cv.Rondo) inoculated with R. legwninosarum strains P8 (•),S310a (o),S313 ( A ) , and PRE ( 0 ) , asaffected bynitrate supply at sowing.Analyses made 68daysafter sowing. (a)Total amino-acid Nconcentration. (b)RatioofAsp.-N toAsn.-N. A similar slight response tonitrate occurred in theexudate of pea plants associated with the poorly N2-assimilating R. leguminosarum strain S310a.The only difference intheamino acid pattern between the strains (notshown)was formed by theaspartic acid and asparagine concentrations aswas found earlier inthis laboratory (22).With the ineffective strain P8,nitrogen wastransported intheplantasaspartic acid ratherthanasasparagine,whereas the reversewas truewith the effective strains (Fig.6b).These twoamino acids togetheraccounted for 58-89%ofthe total amino-acid nitrogen ofthexylem exudate ofall symbioses. 107 DISCUSSION Differential response to combined nitrogen of pea plants inoculated with different rhizobial strains Seed yieldofpeaplantswas increasedbythe supplyofcombined nitrogen, evenwith strain PREwhich possessesahigh nitrogen-fixing capacity without added nitrate (Table 2,Fig.7b).Nitrate uptakeandutilizationbyplants inoculated with strainswithalownitrogen-fixing capacity (S313,S310a)were higher thanitwas trueinplants inoculated with strainPRE(Table 2).Athigh 800 1200 1600 KN03,mg N/pot Fig. 7(a).Dryweightofshoots (=leaves+stem)atmaturityofpeaplants, inoculated with R. leguminosarum strainsP8(•),S310a (o),S313(A), andPRE( D ) ,asaffected bynitrate supply. Valuesare meansof 4 potsof8plants each, (b). Nitrogen fixation during growthofpeaplants,inoculated with R. leguminosarum strains S310a (o),S313 (A),andPRE( D ) .Values derived from Table2. 108 nitrate supply,seedyields with S313andS310a were higher than those with PRE (Fig.3a).Thepeacv.Rondo association with strainPREfixed the highest amountsofnitrogenatlow nitrate supply (Table 2,Fig.7b).Athigh levels ofadded nitrate,theyieldoffixed nitrogen decreased sharplyto31%ofthe valuewithout added nitrate.Theshootdryweightofthis symbiosis increased slightly,duetonitrate supply (Fig.7a).Incontrast,theshoot dry weight of plants inoculated with strain S310a rose steeply when nitrate was added. The poornitrogen-fixing capacityofthepeasymbiosis with S310a was enhanced from 100to138%atanitrate supplyof800mgN/pot,butfell to57%ofthe initial value when higheramountsofnitrate were supplied. Nitrogen fixation with themoderately effective strain S313was only loweredto54%athigh nitrate supply.Theshoot dryweightofthis symbiosis responded toadded nitratetoalower degree than with S310a butmore than with PRE. The dissimilar responsetothe supplyofcombined nitrogen with highly effectiveandmoderately effective rhizobial strains isexplained byassuming theoccurrenceofdifferent levelsofC-andN-limited growth simultaneously. A symbiosis growing underNlimitation might reacttocombined nitrogen supply by increased photosynthesis,withanenhanced nitrogen fixationasanindirect result.However,alsoasymbiosis growing underClimitation might reactto combinedNsupply,assimultaneouslywithaClimitation nitrogen fixation islimited owingtoashortageofcarbohydrates.Asimilar concept has recently < nitrogen n i t r o g e n fif i x a t i o n I (a) I* . photosynt hesis ^photosynthesis^^ combined^. 1 - ^ s e e d yield nitrogen-»,* „ „ ^^* 'kl fixation Fig. 8. Model of relations between combined nitrogen supply, photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation with regard to seed yield of plants. (a)Vegetative phase. (b)Generative phase. 109 been proposed by Phillips and co-workers (16,23).These relations are visualized in the summary models presented in Fig.8for thevegetative and the generative growth phases. Themodel of Fig.8a for vegetative growth isbased upon the assumption that growth of legumes in soil in this phase is principiallyN-limited. There is support from literature tojustify this assumption from fertilizer trials {e.g. 12,15,24),but ithas also been shown that under such conditions the available amount of nitrogenase is limiting nitrogen fixation (Chapter 1,pp. 21 -34)Themodel of Fig.8b forgenerative growth depends on the assumption that principally aC limitation exists during this growth phase.This assumption isalso supported by experimental evidence, e.g. the response tocarbon dioxide enrichment of theatmosphere (9)and the response toa higher light intensity (3). Furthermore by the observation that during the generative growth phase,an excess ofnitrogenase is present in the nodules,not used in nitrogen fixation (Chapter 1) Inorder to provide a quantitative description of the effect of carbon and nitrogen limitation on growth ofthe various symbioses studied,a pathway analysis wasmade according to themodels of Fig.8.The results of this analysis using the data ofTable 2for nitrogen fixation and combined nitrogen uptake (columns8 and 7,respectively )and Figs 3and 7for seed yield and shootweight,respectively, are listed inTable 5. Photosynthesis has been roughly estimated by using dryweights of plantmass with photosynthetic activity, i.e. shoot,leaves and pod walls. This is inaccurate because photosynthetic activity per unit of leafmass differswith rhizobial strain (5; Chapter 3,Table 4)and changes with age,but it is suitable for anapproximate evaluation of the relationship between thevariables. The path regressions of Table 5are derived from a series of linear multiple regression equations,assuming a causal order as shown inFig.8. Inpath regressions,the influence ofvariables which intervene according to thecausal order assumed isaccounted for.Forexample,the path regression ofphotosynthesis (dependent variable)oncombined nitrogen (independent variable) during the vegetative period (Table 5, item 3) includes the direct effect of combined nitrogen on photosynthesis aswell as the indirect effect via nitrogen fixation. The decrease of nitrogen fixation due tocombined nitrogen supply was significantly different between the Rhizobiwn strains (Table 5,items 1and 6) in the sequence PRE >S313 > S310a.During the vegetative growth phase,photosynthesis with strain PRE appeared to bemainly dependent on nitrogen fixation, 110 Table 5. Path regressions of nitrogen fixation,photosynthesis and seed yield on combined nitrogen 1) Strain of microsymbiont Path regression Vegetative growth (Fig.8a) 1N„ fixation on combinedN 2 Photosynthesis on N ? fixation 3 Photosynthesis oncombined N 4 Fit ofmultiple regressions (R ) Generative growth (Fig. 8b) 5 Photosynthesis on combinedN 6 N„ fixation on combined N 7 Seedyield on combinedN 8 N~ fixation on photosynthesis 9 Seed yield on photosynthesis 10Seedyield on N ? fixation 11Fitof multiple regressions {Rù) P8 S313 0 0 30 28 a -0 48 16 67 14 00 0.69 0.85 I [ <) 21 o o r 0 19 oi5* 0 -0 28 b 0 0 91 S310a ** b ** b ** b ** 6.58 a ** -0.51 b ** 4.71 a ** 0.06 a PRE ** -0 23 c ** 15 93 b ** 18 09 b 0.77 b* ** -0.27 a ** 11.75 b ** 0.05 a 0.93 a 22.18 a 0.86 12.33 b 0.95 ** ** ** a ** a o ** 4.12 d 10.95 0.78 a ** -0 73 25 51 6 28 0.75 -0.78 a ** 3.08 a -0.00 b -0-33 b ** 22.40 a 0.77 Path regressions from multiple linear regression equations (units mg)based upon 25cases per strain in each part of the growth period. Values inone row followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level inatwo-sided t-test.Asterisks indicate that the path regression isnon-zero (*, 0.05 level;**, 0.01 level)according toanFtest. whereas with strains S313 and S310a combined nitrogen and nitrogen fixation influenced photosynthesis toan equal extent (Table 5,items 2and3 ) . Photosynthesis during thegenerative growth period was increased by combined nitrogen in the sequence P8>S310a >S313 > PRE (item 5). With strains S310a and S313,an enhanced photosynthesis due to theaddition of nitrate significantly increased nitrogen fixation (item 8)and seed yield (item 9). Seed yield was not significantly correlated with photosynthesis with strains PRE and P8owing tothedominating effect of nitrogen fixation in PREand combined nitrogen inP8. 111 The fit of themultiple regressions was reasinably good (items 4and11), notwithstanding the fact that the assumption of linear relationship was not always justified. Forexample,the relation between nitrogen fixation and combined nitrogen contained a significant square power termwith strain S310a (cf.Fig. 7b),,which was left outof consideration. The results presented in this paper show that pea plants inoculated with strains ofif. leguminosarum with adifferent nitrogen-fixing capacity respond to combined nitrogen inadifferent way aswas found before ina field trial with these strains (10).At high dressings more nitrate is taken up by plants living in symbiosis with a strain ofmoderate nitrogen-fixing capacity than by plants with a highly effective strain (Table 2 ) .Photosynthesis isenhanced by added nitrate inplants inoculated with a less effective strain.Therefore,at high nitrate dressings of these strains a higher level of nitrogen fixation is found than with a highly effective strain at high nitrate dressings.An increased nitrate uptake,photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation account for the high seed production of less effective strains as compared with highly effective strains at high nitrate dressings. Consequently, the less effective strains possess a nitrogen-fixing capacity that is less sensitive to combined nitrogen. Selection ofsuch strains for useas inoculant,isnot likely to produceyield increases with economically feasible fertilizer dressings. REFERENCES 1.Akkermans,A.D.L. 1971.Nitrogen fixation and nodulationof Alnus and Hippopha under natural conditions.Thesis,Univ. Leiden,The Netherlands. 2.Alios,H.F.,and Bartholomew,W.V. 1959.Replacement of symbiotic nitrogen fixation by available nitrogen. Soil Sei. 87:61-66. 3.Antoniw,L.D.,and Sprent,J.L. 1978.Growth and nitrogen fixation of Phaseoli vulgaris two irradiances. IINitrogen fixation.Ann.Bot.42:399-410. 4.Bethlenfalvay,G.J.,Abu-Shakra,S.S.,and Phillips,D.A. 1978. Interdependent ofnitrogen nutrition and photosynthesis in Pisum sativum L.1.Effect of combined nitrogen on symbiotic nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis. PlantPhysii 62: 127-130. 5.Bethlenfalvay,G.J.,Abu-Shakra,S.S.,and Phillips,D.A. 1978.Interdependem of nitrogen nutrition and photosynthesis in Pisum sativum L.2.Host plant response to nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium strains.Plant Physiol.62:131-13: 6. Cowan,M.C. 1979.The effect of nitrogen source on levels ofamino acids in peas. Plant and Soil 51:279-282. 7.Ferraris,M.M.,and Proksch,G. 1972.Calibration methods and instrumentation foroptical 15 N determinations with electrodelessdischarge tubes.Anal.Chim Acta 59:177-185. 112 8. Fried,M.,and Middelboe,V. 1977.Measurement of amount of nitrogen fixed by a legume crop. Plant and Soil 47:713-715. 9. Hardy. R.W.F,and Havelka,U.D. 1976.Photosynthesis as amajor factor limiting nitrogen fixation by field-grown legumes with emphasis on soybeans,pp.421-439 in Symbiotic nitrogen fixation inplants (ed. P.S.Nutman), IBP 7,Cambridge Un. Press,Cambridge. 10.Hiele,F.J.H. van. 1960.Enting van lupinen,erwten en stambonen metverschillende Rhizobiumstammen;veldproeven. Verslagen van Landbouwk.Onderzoekingen 66.19 Pudoc Wageningen,TheNetherlands. 11.Houwaard,F. 1978. Influence of ammonium chloride on the nitrogenase activity of nodulated pea plants {visum sativum). Appl. Envir.Microbiol.35:1061-1065. 12.Mulder,E.G. 1949. Investigations of thenitrogen nutrition of peaplants. Plant and Soil 1:179-212. 13. Orcutt,F.S.,and Fred,E.B. 1935.Light intensity as an inhibiting factor in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by Manchu soybeans.J.Am. Soc. Agron. 27:550-558. 14. Orcutt,F.S.,and Wilson,P.W. 1935.Theeffect of nitrate-nitrogen on the carbohydrate metabolism of inoculated soybeans.Soil Sei.: 39:289-296. 15. Pate,J.S.,and Dart,P.J. 1961.Modulation studies in legumes.IVThe influence of inoculum strain and timeof application ofammonium nitrate to symbiotic response. Plant and Soil 15:329-346. 16. 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Wilson,P.W. 1940.The biochemistry of symbiotic nitrogen fixation.Un.of Wisconsin Press,Madison,U.S.A. 113 GENERAL DISCUSSION Potential nitrogen fixation The in vitro nitrogenase assay (Ch.1)ofisolated bacteroids,treated with EDTAandtoluene,andsupplied withATPandsodium dithionite,appeared tobe a valuable methodforobtaining informationonnitrogenase utilizationin legume-rhizobia symbioses.Themethod was used inexperiments with various host plants inoculated with R. leguminosarum strainsofdifferent origin viz. PRE,The Netherlands (Chs1,3 ) ;S310a,Sweden (Ch.3);RB1,Turkey (Ch.1 ) ; TOM,TurkeyandHIM,Pakistan (van Mil,unpublished results). However,with some strains, e.g. PF ?andS313,this assaydidnotprovide satisfactory results,rendering these strains unsuitableforthe purposeofdetermining nitrogenase utilization. TheEDTA-toluenemethod usually yields valuesofin vitro nitrogenase activity that are higher than thoseofin vivo activity,which enabledusto develop theconceptofpotential nitrogen fixation.Theelectron donor used, sodium dithionite,wasrecently showntobenotasefficient ingenerating nitrogenase activityasamixtureofflavodoxin+ferredoxin I(25).Therefore, the EDTA-toluene method might underestimate potential nitrogen fixation. Accordingtotheresults obtained with ourassay,peaplants inoculated with R. leguminosarum strains PREandS310a,andfield bean plants inoculated with RB1 utilized their full potential nitrogen fixation only duringthevegetative phase,when grown insoil intheopenair(Chs 1 , 3 ) .Actual nitrogen fixation was foundtobeconsistently lower than potential nitrogen fixation inthe generative phase,irrespectiveofshoot massorofshoottoroot ratio (Ch.1). This discrepancy between actualandpotential nitrogen fixation was widened by theadditionofnitrate,which lowered actual nitrogen fixation,whereas potential nitrogen fixation remained unaffected for10days (Ch. 1).Boththe developmentofgenerative organs (13)andthe additionofcombined nitrogen (10, 19)causeachangeinphotosynthate translocation pattern from the shoot 115 totheroot,resultinginalower carbohydrate supplyofthe nodules. The applicationofbenzyladeninetothe nodules eliminatesthe adverse effectof added nitrateonactual nitrogen fixation (Ch.2 ) ,probablybyincreasing carbohydrate supplytothenodules.From the data presented inChs1and2 the conclusioncanbedrawn thatinthevegetative phase,nitrogen fixation is limitedbythenitrogenase contentofthe bacteroids,whereasinthe generative phase,aninadequate supplyofcarbohydrates from the host plant to themicro-symbiontcausesasuboptimal rateofnitrogen fixation.Asthese results were also obtained infield-grown bean plants (Ch.1)itislikely that this conclusion also holds under circumstances relevanttoagriculture. Regulation of nodule formation Despite thedifferences innodule-formation characteristics betweenthe pea-Rhisobium symbioses investigated,themaximum amountofnodules per plant were obtained atthebeginningofthe pod-filling period (Ch.5;cf.field beans,Ch. 1).The processofnodule formationcanberegardedasacontinuous adaptationofnodularmasstotheincreasing shootmass (Ch. 1),butit is surprising that increaseofnodular weight occurs preferentially tothe complete utilizationofthe nitrogenase presentinthe bacteroids.Nodule formation probably occursatlower levelsofcarbohydrate supplythan thefunctioningof nitrogenaseatoptimum rate (28).Thesamewas found inexperiments with enhanced photosynthesis, e.g. bycarbon dioxide enrichmentofthe atmosphere (8, 16),byincreased light intensity (1)orbygraftingoftwoshootsonone root system (22).Nodule activity was raised immediately after these treatments, butlateronnodular mass grew higherand accountedfor themajor partofthe increased nitrogen fixationper plant. An explanationofthese phenomena mightbeofferedbytheobservation that uninfected cellsofthenodules rather than infected cellsare supplied with photosynthates (12).This might pointtoalower synthesisofphotoassimilateattracting phytohormonesincells infected with rhizobia thaninuninfected cells, e.g. thenodularmeristematic tissue. Hydrogen production and hydrogenase activity Gradually less hydrogen was foundtobeproducedbynodulesinairrelative to total nitrogenase activity during ontogenesisofboth beanandpea plants, giving risetoanincreased relative efficiency uponstarting ofpod filling (Chs 4,5;3 ) .Anenhanced light intensity was showntostimulate nitrogenase activity,buthydrogen production was raisedtoahigher degree,resultingin 116 a decrease of the relative efficiency (4).The addition ofcombined nitrogen to pea plants caused a lower actual nitrogenase activity coupled with a higher relative efficiency than thatofcontrol plants without added nitrate,whereas treatment ofnodules with benzyladenine produced opposite results (Ch.2 ) . Depodding of field beans reduced nitrogenase activity butenhanced relative efficiency.Application ofbenzyladenine to the lower leaves decreased relative efficiency,but increased nitrogenase activity (van Mil,unpublished results). From these results itmight beconcluded that a high production of hydrogen by the nitrogenase system isa sign ofan excess ofenergy,whereas under circumstances ofa low energy supply of the nodules,hydrogen production would decline more sharply than total nitrogenase activity. However,thereare also reports according towhich short-term changes in energy supply would have no impact on relative efficiency when influencing total nitrogenase activity (1.8) orwhere a rise innoduleactivity was associated with a rise in relative efficiency (2,9 ) .Furthermore,experiments with isolated nitrogenase have convincingly shown that electrons are allocated to hydrogen production rather than tonitrogen fixation under low energy supply (21).No explanation can be given of thewidely differing results ofthe experiments with isolated nitrogenase and those obtained in the present investigation with nodulated pea plants growing in soils,as to the influence ofenergy supply ofthe nitrogenase system on hydrogen production and nitrogen fixation.Thereforemore research needs to be done toelucidate this effect. Hydrogenase activity of R. leguminosarwn strain S310a (Hup )was notassociated with a high level of nitrogenase utilization,nor did itprevent ordelay nodule senescence as compared with strain PRE (Hup"). As hydrogen oxidation in plants with S310a would only provide amaximum of 0.6-4.7%ofATP supply to nitrogenase (Ch.4) {i.e. less than 0.6% of the energy gained innetphotosynthesis),noamazing resultscan beexpected. Evans and co-workers (7)reported an energy gain by hydrogen oxidation in soybeans of 9.1% ofATP supply tonitrogenase,which would account fora rise in dry matter production of21% ascompared with soybeans inoculated with a Hup strain after an exponential growth period for 25 dayswith a 9.1% enhanced relative growth rate.As ahigh dry matter production ingeneraliscoupled with a high nodularmass (Chs 1and 5 ) , plants inoculated with Hup bacteria would releasemore Hup bacteria upon senescence than plants inoculated with Hup"bacteria.These Hup bacteria might also be benefitted by hydrogenase activitywhen occurring inthe soil in a free-living state (6),which would offer them anotherconsiderable advantage 117 overHup bacteria.However,the fact that the vastmajorityofnaturally occurring strainsisHup" (Ch.5;14)indicatesthatatleast oneofthese statementsissubstantially incorrect. Interactions between C and N limitations of growth A 'starter dose'ofcombined nitrogenmayincrease nitrogen fixation via increased photosynthesis (seeGeneral Introduction).InCh.6thelownitrogenfixing capacityofpea plants inoculated with R. leguminosarum strain S310a was showntobeenhancedbythe supplyofnitrateupto800mgNper pot, correlated withariseinleafdryweight.Incontrast,thehighnitrogenfixing capacityofpea plants inoculated with strain PREwas reducedbyadded nitrate,theleafdry weight hardly being altered.Netphotosynthesis,as calculated from respiration measurementsofroot systemsandofplant-growth data (Ch. 3 ) , was increasedtoagreater extentbynitrate supplyinpeaplants inoculated with themoderately effective strain S313 thaninplantswiththe highly effective strain PRE.The generationofalowrateofalternative respiratory activity(Ch.3)duetoadded nitrateeveninplants inoculated with highly effective Rhizobium strainsmight pointtoanNlimitationof growth. The potential nitrogen fixation,however,inpeaplantsofthe same age, kept under identical conditions wasnot fully utilized (Ch. 2 ) , which indicatesaC-limited growth.Toexplain thisapparent contradiction,wemight assume thatCandNlimitations occur simultaneously innodulesandinwhole plants. For example,thenodulesmightbeC-limited,with partofthe potential nitrogenfixationnot utilized,which would resultinanN-limited growthof thewhole plant.Asimilarapproach has been advocatedbyPhillipsand co-workers (15,26). During generative growth leguminous plantsare C-limited,ascanbeconcluded from experimentswith C0„ enrichment.which leadstoahighernitrogen fixation andahigheryield (8).However,also combined-nitrogen dressings duringthe pod-filling periodmayresultinanenhanced yield.Combined-nitrogen supply increased seed yieldofadeterminate soybean cultivar,whereas seedyieldof an indeterminate cultivarwas not affected (11).This pointstoanimportant influenceofthe rateofseed productiononphotosynthesis,nitrogen fixation andyield. Inthe present investigation seedyieldofpeaplants cv. Rondo (pod-filling period25days)respondedtonitrateadded duringthe pod-filling period (Ch. 6), whereas seedyieldoffield beans (pod-filling period35days)wasnotraised (van Mil,unpublished results;17).Duetotherapid seed formationinpea, 118 nitrogen fixation declined more sharply thaninfield beans during ontogenesis ofplants grown withoutadded nitrate (Chs1 , 4 ) . Thus,ifthe rateofseed productionishigh,the nitrogen demandofthe seedwill alsobehigh.Atthe same time nitrogen fixationislimitedbythe reduced carbohydrate supply,andconsequently,nitrogenous compoundsare mobilized from vegetative tissueand transportedtothegrowing seeds.Photosynthesisisreduced,whichinturn leadstoalower nitrogen fixation, eventuallyresulting inthe'self-destruction'ofthe plant (19).Insucha case,combined-nitrogen dressings during thegenerative growth phase,preferably as foliar sprayofurea because the nitrate-absorption capacityofthe rootsis reduced (5,23,24,27),mayprevent self-destruction bylengtheningtheperiod of high photosynthetic activityandthusmayincreaseyield. Iftherateofseed growth islow(asinfield bean),theself-destructive traitsareless pronouncedandcombined nitrogen supplyatmid seasonhasno effectonyield(17). Prospects for agriculture and research Inagricultural practice there seemstobenoclear-cut approachasto increaseinyieldsofleguminous cropsbycombined-nitrogen dressings,except with suboptimum symbiosesorwhenanextremely lowquantityofsoil nitrogen isavailable (seeGeneral Introduction).Theyieldofpeaswitharelatively short pod-filling period mightbeincreased bycombined-nitrogen dressings during that period,although thereistheriskoflodging.With peas grownfor thecanning industryyield increases,ifany,will below becausealarge amountofnitrogenisretained intheleavesduetotheearly harvest. The recommendationof'super-strains'with hydrogenase,does notseemto offer unequivocally good prospects,ashydrogenase-containing strainsmay have disadvantages (Chs 4, 5 ) . Thus,perspectives forenhancing theyieldoflegumecropswill beona long term,andinthefieldofresearch.Theinteractions betweenC andN limitation need elucidation.Toremovethe'yield barrier',attention should be focusedonincreasingthephotosynthetic capacityofthe plant,asthe nodular tissue seemstobeformedinresponsetotheneedsoftheplant. Another fruitful approach might involvearenewed interestinthe roleofplant growth regulators,asthesupplyofthe noduleswith photosynthatesisof crucial importancetonitrogen fixation.StudiesonC-and N-limited growth in legumes with different ratesofseed production {e.g. peaandfield bean) 119 and with different nitrogen requirements for seed production (e.g. pea and clover)would provide still another valuable extension of the investigations reported in this thesis. REFERENCES 1.Antoniw,L.D., and Sprent,J.I. 1978.Growth and nitrogen fixation of Phaseolus vulgaris L. at two irradiances. IINitrogen fixation.Ann.Bot. 42: 399-410 2. 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Sei. 23: 14-17. 121 SUMMARY Actual nitrogen fixation of pea and field-bean plants,grown in soil in the open air,was determined as the acetylene reduction ofnodulated roots.During the major part of the vegetative growth of these plants,actual nitrogen fixation was equal tothe potential maximum nitrogenase activity of the bacteroids present in the nodules.This means that increase of the actual nitrogen fixation could be achieved only ifthe potential nitrogenase activity of the bacteroids would be enhanced or ifmore noduleswould be present.During thegenerative growth phase, the potential nitrogenase activity of the bacteroids was notentirely utilized irrespective ofthe shootmass of the host plant orthe nitrogen-fixing capacity ofthe Rhizobium microsymbiont. The addition of nitrate tonodulated plants sharply reduced actual nitrogen fixation but did not affect potential nitrogen fixation within 10days.The nitrate effectwas temporarily eliminated by treatment of the root noduleswith benzyladenine,a synthetic plant-growth regulatorwith a photosynthate-attracting action. It isconcluded that incomplete utilization of thenitrogenase present in the bacteroids iscaused byan inadequatecarbohydrate supply of the nodules upon supply of the leguminous plantwith nitrate. In root systems of pea plantsgrowing in symbiosis with R. legvminosarum strains of poor nitrogen-fixing capacity,theN-limited growth led toanaccumulation of carbohydrates.Upon the supply of such plantswith nitrate,the carbohydrate level was decreased concomitantly toan increase inalternative {i.e. cyanide-resistant) respiration.Low rates of alternative respiration were found when nitratewas added to pea plants inoculated with highly effectivestrains, as theN-limitation of the plantswas less severe.The carbohydrates respired in the nodules amounted to 6.3 mg C/mg N fixed with amoderately effective strain but only 3.1 mg C/mg N fixed with ahighly effective strain. Some rhizobial strains possess a hydrogenase that iscapable of recirculating part of the hydrogen evolved inair by nitrogenase simultaneously with nitrogen fixation. However,the energy gain by hydrogen oxidation was very low, viz. 123 0.6-4.3%of thecosts ofnitrogen fixation.As hydrogen oxidation did not delay nodule senescence or increase nitrogenase utilization,the presence of hydrogenase in rhizobial strains seems to bean unimportant factor indetermining the nitrogen-fixing capacity ofthesymbiosis. Strains of R. legvminosawm with a low nitrogen-fixing capacity showeda distinctly different nodule formation pattern on primary and lateral roots of pea plants ascompared with highly effective strains.Theestimates of theyieldo1 fixed nitrogen,derived from the acetylene-reduction method,of plants inoculated with rhizobial strains of different nitrogen-fixing capacity,equally deteriorated during thegrowth period. When rates of hydrogen production inairwere subtracted from the acetylene reduction rates,the estimates ofnitrogen fixation were severely biased infavour ofahydrogenase-containing strain. Nitrogen fixation of pea plants infected with ahighly effective strain of R. leguminosarum was decreased by the supply ofcombined nitrogen toagreater extent than that of plantswith amoderately effective strain. In plants inoculated with a strain of poornitrogen-fixing capacity,nitrogen fixation per plant was even stimulated bya low dose ofcombined nitrogen.This increase wasprobably due toan enhanced photosynthetic capacity which counteracted the adverse effect ofcombined nitrogen. Seedyields were increased bynitrate dressings, regardless of the rhizobial strain. Seed yields of plants inoculated withmoderately effective strains were slightly higher than those ofhighly effective strains at high levels ofcombined nitrogen,owing to higher nitrate uptake, higher nitrogen fixation and increased photosynthesis. 124 SAMENVATTING Vlinderbloemige gewassen zoals erwtentuinboon (veldboon)zijninstaatom stikstof uitdeluchttebinden dooreen samenwerking (symbiose)aantegaan met bacteriënvanhet geslacht Bh-Lzobium. Deze bacteriën dringendewortel binnenviadewortelharenenveroorzaken daardevorming vanwortelknollen.De stikstofbindende bacteriënindeze knollen hebbeneengedaanteverandering ondergaanvanstaafvorm naar vertakteofknotsvorm (bacteroïden). Tijdensdesymbiose voorzietdewaardplantdebacteroïdenvansuikers, verkregen doordefotosynthese.Bijerwtentuinboondieinpotten met grond indeopen luchtwerden geteeld wastotdebloeidemaximale stikstofbinding vandebacteroïden (de potentiële stikstofbinding)debeperkende factorvande stikstofbindingvandeplanten (actuele stikstofbinding).Indeze periodekan alleen door betere knollenofdoormeer knollendestikstofbindingvande planten worden verhoogd.Ditisintegenstelling totdeperiodevanbloeien peulvorming waarinhetstikstofbindend vermogenvandebacteroïden meestalaanzienlijk hogerisdandewerkelijke stikstofbinding(potentiële groter danactuele stikstofbinding).Indeze periode krijgendeknollenteweinig suikersvande plantomoptimaal tefunctioneren omdat een aanzienlijk deelvandeprodukten vandefotosynthese voorzaadvorming wordtgebruikt. De toevoegingvannitraat aan planten metwortelknollen leidt toteendaling vandestikstofbinding doordatdetoevoervan suikers naardewortelknollen vermindert. Diteffectkantijdelijk worden tegengegaan wanneerdewortelknollen tegelijk metdenitraatgift behandeld wordenmetbenzyladenine,eensynthetisch plantehormoondat suikerskan aantrekken. Tuinbonen ontwikkelen zich veel forserdan erwtenenbindenook veel meer stikstof.Destikstofbindingvanerwtentuinboon bereikt haarmaximale hoogte aan hetbeginvandepeulvullingsfase.Ditkomt doordat steeds nieuwe actieve wortelknollen worden gevormd.Hetisechter vreemddatindesymbiose van plant enbacteriedestikstofbinding eerderwordt verhoogd doormeer knolweefselte 125 maken dan doorhet stikstofbindend vermogen van debactero'fden volledig te benutten. Tijdens de peulvullingsfase daalt de stikstofbinding.Het sterkst gebeurt dit bij deerwten dieeen korte peulvullingsduur hebben,hetminst bij tuinbonen enerwten meteen lange peulvullingsduur. Nietalle bacteriestammen hebben een evengroot vermogen om stikstof tebinden in symbiosemet een bepaaldewaardplant.Erwteplanten diemet eenmatig of slecht stikstofbindende bacteriestam worden geënt groeien bij stikstofgebrek. Er isdan teweinig stikstof in deplant aanwezig waardoor dedoor defotosynthese gevormde suikers niet volledig worden benut voor degroei,maarworden opgehoopt indeerwteplanten.Wanneer deze planten dan van nitraatworden voorzien,worden de suikers zodanig verademd datweinig energiewordt verkregen (verspillende ademhaling). Inplanten diemeteen goed stikstofbindende R. leguminosarum stam zijn geënt worden minder suikers opgehoopt. Daardoor treedtminder verspillende ademhaling opals nitraatwordt toegevoegd. Tijdens de stikstofbinding vormen de bacteroïden naastammoniak ook waterstof die in de lucht verdwijnt,waardoor energie verloren gaat.Sommige Rhizdbivmstammen vormen nietalleen waterstof,maar kunnen deze verbinding zelf weer opnemen.Op dezemanier zou een deel van deverloren gegane energie weer kunnen worden teruggewonnen. Inons onderzoek bleek echter,dat dit waterstofopnemend vermogen van weinig belang isom de stikstofbinding en de groei van de planten tebevorderen. Erwteplanten die insymbiose meteen goede R. leguminosarum stamgroeien, binden meer stikstof en produceren meer bladmateriaal en zaad dan planten die met een slechte ofmatige stam knollen vormen.Wanneer nitraatwordt gegeven aan planten geëntmet een goede stam,wordt de stikstofbinding verlaagd maar de zaadopbrengst vaak iets verhoogd doorde ruime stikstofvoorziening alsgevolg van de nitraatbemesting.Bij planten diemet een matige stam zijn geënt daalt de stikstofbinding minder dan het geval was bij een goede stammaar de reactie op toegediende kunstmeststikstof isgroter.Er kan danmeer bladworden gevormd waardoor de fotosynthesewordt verhoogd en hetnadelig effect van nitraat op de stikstofbinding kanworden tegengegaan. Bij planten die dooreen slechte Rhizobium-stam zijn geïnfecteerd kaneen lage nitraatgift op dezewijze zelfs de stikstofbinding verhogen.Bij een hogenitraatgift kan de zaadproductie van dergelijke planten iets hoger zijn dan die van plantenmet een goede stam omdat de laatste in dat geval minder nitraat opnemen,minder stikstof binden 126 en daardoor een lagere fotosynthese hebben. Voorde 1andbouwpraktijk kunnen de in ditonderzoek verkregen resultaten niet rechtstreeks gebruiktworden.Bijerwten zal ineen beperktaantal gevallen een kleine stikstofbemesting bijhetzaaien een gunstige uitwerking kunnen hebben opde bladvorming en uiteindelijk ook opdezaadopbrengst.In principe zou een bemesting tijdens de peulvullingsfase,bijvoorbeeld dooreen bespuiting met ureum,een opbrengstverhoging kunnen geven,maar vanuit de praktijk kunnen bezwaren ingebrachtworden tegen een bemesting van een te velde staand gewas. Hetvoornaamste resultaat van dit onderzoek iswel dat de opbrengst van vlinderbloemigegewassen verhoogd kanworden als de fotosynthese verhoogdwordt. Erworden dan extra wortelknol!en gevormd waardoor indirect een hogere stikstofbinding kan worden verkregen. Er isop ditmoment teweinig bekend omtrent het verband tussen fotosynthese en stikstofbinding tijdens de groeicyclus van de peulvruchten.Naderonderzoek hierover isdan ook noodzakelijk om de opbrengsten vandezegewassen te kunnen verhogen.VoorNederland kan verwachtworden dat debelangstellingvoor peulvruchten zal toenemen als deenergieprijzen blijven stijgen. De prijs van stikstofmeststoffen zal er dan toe leiden dat devlinderbloemige gewassen,dieweinig of geen stikstofmeststof nodig hebben,zich uitbreiden ten koste van gewassen dieeen hoge stikstofgift nodig hebben,zekerals de opbrengsten verhoogd kunnen worden.Tedenken valt bijvoorbeeld aan het vervangen van gras als eiwitrijk ruwvoeder door veldbonen ofaan het vervangen van vlees voormenselijke consumptie door peulvruchten. Voorontwikkelingslanden zijn hogere opbrengsten van peulvruchten,dieals voedselgewas verbouwd worden,noodzakelijk,maar niet toereikend,om hetbestaande eiwittekort in de voeding op teheffen. 127 CURRICULUM VITAE 5 september 1951 geborenteZwolle 1963-1969Gymnasium $teGroningen 1969-1977Landbouwhogeschool teWageningen Studierichting Milieuhygiëne Doctoraalvakken Waterzuivering, Microbiologie, KolloïdchemieenInternationale betrekkingen en ontwikkelingen 1977-1980Wetenschappelijk assistent Laboratorium voor Microbiologie vandeLandbouwhogeschool teWageningen 1981 Docent MilieukundeenChemie aande Rijks Hogere Landbouwschool teGroningen 128
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