Sci. Repts. Yokohama Nail. IIigh Univ., II, No. Sec. Aluminous 34, p・ Orthopyroxene for irL the quartz Stability the Granulite 1987・ itL the 10 at (Mg..754Fe..246)SiO3-Al203 Implications October, 31-39, 15 and Join kb&r: Orthopyroxene・Bpinel・ of F&cies Rocks M■etamorphic By ARIMA* Makoto Abstract. The solubility of (Mgo.754Feo.246)SiO3-A1203has of 950-1200oC orthopyroxene with previously stable the under it coexists splnel, with in and increases quartz suggest, combined with are splnel-quartz and of conditions Fe2+-rich rock the orthopyroxene, coexisting would that splnel, an in content alumina the highest at reach starting compositions・ more 1t is inferred and sapphirine, of pbase五eld + +spinel (ss) (ss) different between granulites range single spinel results pressure stable occurrences, natural with join the of part temperature a of sapphirine-quartz relations in sapphirine-quartz orthopyroxene that a a of ortbopyroxene coexisting The present and is partitioning in the sapphirine data, splneトqnartz consists assemblage temperature same where Mg-Fe2+ Considering an pressure. and experimentally join studied of orthopyroxene experimental published compositions, The (ss) and solid solution content alumina temperature increaslng in in determined kbar. 15 and The quartz. and 10 at orthopyroxene in alumina been value vben quartz. Introductiom The stability of high those who ma丘c xenoliths. pyroxenes coexistlng and/or With often splnel, high extremely temperatures estimated for 1983). and Barnett, during metamorphism The Barnett, experimental studies sapphirine, cordierite, 1983). temperatures indicators the Land, * petrologlCal Antarctica stability and Institute, could Seifert, Seifert, study (Grew, of aluminous Geological and be 1981). on 1980) experimental from suggest National that an the University, rocks, ortho- low corundum water activity Arima (ex. solubility is and in orthoat quartz Arima (ex. %) and/or various pressure and and/or temperature 1976; Arima and study Napier by signincant In this paper ultra- of alumina pressure Holdaway, granulites ortbopyroxene. Yokohama used The solubility alumina as IOwt. the solubility Yokohama, Onuma, Holdaway Complex, effect 240 to derived sillimanite, granulites sillimanite 1972; pelitic and the the on that suggest and (Anastasiou 1977 ; Annersten been pressures and dependences temperature and The coexisting pyroxene relatively have mantle cordierite, Al203 (up to high interest considerable rocks and metamorphic facies metamorphosed sapphirine, contain is of orthopyroxene facies granulite In the granulite study quartz aluminous (1976) Enderby of Fe2十on of alumina Japan. the in M. 32 orthpopyroxene at coexists with orthopyroxene studied, 10 and of 95011200oC range 15kbari splnel and Experimental High pressure and of 1.25cm sodium in chloride-talc-high Temperature mediums. pressure dependence pressure calibration of (1969). Synthetic oxide are as sample by the done were the The same diffraction are results identi丘ed crystals, euhedral in by and Based rounded-shap. 15kbar were determined or of part A join the three part alumina-enriched at various T-Ⅹ in alumina dependence and and Onuma, is higher splnel in material. hercynlte splnel the with quartz in and at the size with shown single sections the that run was splnel 10 and et al. materials. for 6hrs, v▲ere examined used optically and in and/or magnetite content green product estimated indicate and 15kbar pressure with colour, lOOOoC and orthopyroxene based lOwt. Comparingthe suggestlng that in they diffraction exhibit (Arima in relative alumina sapphirine system determined % present with Fe-free the X-ray pressure positive coexisting in of increaslng with the the on solubility incorporates (Fig. 1). A 10kbar relatively in the increaslng The the that suggest in orthopyroxne system observed. in increases quartz poor alumina graphically orthopyroxene components. at alumina and was orthopyroxene of 10 at sections occurs forms rectangular- relatively orthopyroxene l150oC and 15kbar. and in T-Ⅹ the of were spinel, and quartz Orthopyroxene The increases product show the capsules results, results Fe-free the Spinels run at solubility 1977), the alumina than and Graphite In 丘eld phase temperature in starting method. like-, elongated needle experimental in Fig. 1. solubility. lOkbar and at given The Hariya fo乞--10 Orthopyroxene, orthopyroxene+spinel+quartz of the join. The solubility alumina a by the were for correction was唱nOred. for atm・ di任raction coexisting T-Ⅹ alumina of 1200oC at results a 1. X-ray in as orthopyroxene The The results and pressures (Fig. 1). The present temperature. 1 products temperatures diagrams A1203 of the on studied, phase丘eld Table 20FLm to up transmittlng method. given optlCally pressure described prepared Experimental The glass- ±10oC. method were experimental with Pyrex thermocouple lOOOoC, at apparatus as as of Geology length. in used of olivine-spinel-cristobalite. containers. X-ray piston-cylinder 5.00cm estimated mixtures crystallized composed the Pt-PtRh13 of by crystalline were mixtures which was Department the at and cells e.m.f. was using diameter accuracy quarヒz. out carried pressure Under a methods University, Hokkaido volume working were experiments Mineralogy, in experimentally the P-T conditions is determined Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)-0.754= with temperature ARIMA this study proportion of the startlng contain Fe data of the lines at diffraction as High Aluminous Table Corpposition Startlng 1. of (oC) %) Vt. Experimental Temp. Materials (A1203 Orthopyroxene 2. 5 〝 〝 5. 0 Press. Time (hrs) Results 950 10 51 Opx, Sp, Qt 1 000 1 000 10 50 Opx, Sp, Qt 15 15 65 5 65 2 Opx Opx 10 10 73 109 44 3 5 Opx, Opx 6 Opx Opx, only 48 Sp, Qt Sp, Qt 1 000 1 050 1 075 〝 results. (kbar) 1 050 〝 33 only only Sp, 〝 1 000 10 15 〝 1 025 15 41 5 Opx, 〝 1 050 15 48 Opx only 1 100 1 150 48 7 18 26 Opx, Opx Opx, only Op∑ only 〝 7. 5 Qt only 〝 1 100 10 10 15 〝 1 150 15 45 10. 0 1 000 1 100 10 10 48 0px, Sp, Qt 24.5 1 150 10 42 0px, 0px, Sp, Sp, Qt 1 200 1 100 10 15 27. 5 47.5 1 150 15 43 〝 〝 〝 〝 〝 〝 Sp-spinet, Opx-orthopyroxene, Temp・ 1 Sp, Sp, 0px only 0px, 0px only Sp, Qt Qt Qt Qt Qt-quartz. 1 0kbQr 5kbcLr (oc) ′ ′ ′ ● 1200 ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ Opx ● ● ■′ Opx ′ ∫ ′ 1100 ′ ′ ′ ● 0 1000 ● 0px◆Sp◆Oz 0 0 0 10 5 0 Opx・Sp●Qz 900 5 A1203 Fig. 1. T-Ⅹ Solid kbar. of alumina (Arima in sections 15 and in and a part broken orthopyroxene Onuma, 1977). 10 AL203 Wt・%一・ in --- join (Mgo.754Feo.246)SiO3-Al芝03 of the lines Wt・% indicate the respectively present Opx-orthopyroxene, system the and Sp-spinel, at 10 and limit solubility Fe-free systen1 Qz-quartz. 34 lower relatively in than angles those M. ARIMA for pure splnel, a suggesting of Fe presence its structure. Cell The 丘eld parameters of unit cell paremeters determined by using were of orthopyroxenes following the in occurlng orthopyroxenes di任raction as an external by the calculated Fig. 2 shows the with The study the cell cell parameters that found for cell edges a a show pyroxenes. in the variation Sakurai b, a, The with decrease cell the contrary, compositional of Silicon 1964 ; Arima V edge studied. of the alumina c does not Comparing the of of 0.754= is identical 1977). and Onuma, in orthopyroxene in the content any show the 5.22 18.25 5.20 51.8 18.20 v(Å3) b(A) 8.88 8 50 8,84 840 8.80 830 8.76 5 10 A1203 Fig.2. The content cell in the edges 5 10 AI203 Wt..I. a, synthesized ---・ b, and c, and orthopyroxenes. cell volume l′ agalnSt Wt.%一- the this ortho- systematic present c(A) 1 ortho- incorporation a(A) i I was were parameters alumina Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) volume cell range effect increaslng with (060), (10, 31), V cell volume Boyd, (Skinner and cell phase (1968). the and c, in orthopyroxene the The measurement. by join. enstatite and b and the the studied systematic On edges in the synthesized pyroxenes on for standard UNICS program slngle (630). (250), (541), (640), (621), (631), (241), (820), (721), (531), and used the lines: alumina results High with Arima those sten and in Seifert, 1981), the line a along compositional aluminous and and and with that b for (Grammenopoulou, in of the the present variation Anner- different with cell of 1964; orthopyroxenes orthopyroxenes non-linear splitting Fe2+ in as The (1968)・ Synthesized have which (QS) of 2.1 mm/sec, The former MI a site result done Was A1203 % doublets respectively. letter Hafner two of quadropole 4・07mm/see the parameter measurement lOwt. with consists and Boyd, identical studied (Fig. 2) is almost the FeO-free system (Skinner and spectroscopIC orthopyroxene spectrum and (Skinner volume with I∋oyd, along found that 1964; for Arima 1977). M6ssbauer the in enstatites Onuma, cell (Fig. 3). The range 35・ Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)-0.5 compatible ratios Orthopyroxene Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)-1.0 with 1977) and Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) the systems Onuma, and plotts the Aluminous in the 15kbar. The and of 1.01mm/sec Fe2+ as assigned structure 90wt. than more on shift (CS) of 1.02 mm/sec orthopyroxene that suggests was temperature room l150oC at chemical and CS doublet a at % 8・94「 8.90 8.86 0.5(Mg/Mg+Fe) c言 ヽ-′ 8.82 .上】 (MgノMg+Fe) o.754 8.78 ⊂1 8.74 1.0 (Mg/Mg十Fe) 8.70 0 0.1 0.2 A] Fig. 3. The cell orthopyroxenes ious 0.3 atoms edge per b six ratios。 0.5 in 0.6 0.7 oxygens the against synthesized Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) 0.4 the alumina systems content with ir1 var・ a after of QS and in Fe2+ M2 of site Virgo present 36 in M. M2 a ferric a at site iron The temperature. room is probably which ARIMA data in negligible no shows the slgn a Of presence of studied. orthopyroxenes Discussion The Mg-Tschermak's important hypothetical 1973). The studied are Al in as in the parameters results site lead w.hich as considered (cf. Wood and to in an Banno, join the along orthopyroxenes by Al of Mg of replacement tetrahedral a been component end-member of cell interpreted Si by site and pyroxene variations has (MgA12SiO6) component a octahedral Mg-Tschmak's the com- ponent. The present (ss) breaks This the to breakdown indicate results experimental down assemblage of can be written reaction that the aluminous orthopyroxene (ss)+spinel (ss)+quartz. orthopyroxene as: MgA12SiO6-MgA1204+SiO2. Opx(ss) As is spinel bearing an Fe-free to in pressure and a the as system range that used this SPinel- down (ss) breaks (ss)+quartz in a MgO-FeO-Al203-SiO2. orthopyroxene (ss)+sapphirine orthopyroxene 1977), suggesting Qt join (Mg..754Fe..246)SiO3-A1203, the should considered MgSiO3-A1203, aluminous system assemblage perature belong Sp(ss) be assemblage In the to longer no (1) the at (Arima study tem- same Onuma, and : reaction 2MgA12SiO6-Mg2Al4SiOIO+SiO2. Opx(ss) In the The present results a narrow and that has relation Mg-Fe-AトSi-0 Hermans product. longer no in this study. used sapphirine has in stable Similar and tem- stability spinel in the fo乞 fugacities・ rel-ations between orthopyroxene, effect of Fe2+ be can ratio the of higher and incorporation alumina reducing increase of FeSiO3 leads an increase to is sapphirine (1986) for partitionlng it et al., 1976; ential that high relatively run any Sapphirine solid solution Fe-sapphirine in the composition that as in occur System and Hensen not sap- the the estimated possible In the granulite facies metamorphic rocks, is lower than that orthopyroxene of coexisting on of Al in ortbopyroxene. Mg/(Mg+Fe2十) sapphirine at Mg-Fe the spinel, phirine, and incorporation such by suggested system Considering studied, range Qt does a toward composition been Sa(ss) sapphirine Fe-bearlng the range pressure Fe2十-enriched the in compositional perature a experiments, indicate (2) than that of Caporuscio of Fe coexisting Morse, and in spinel, Eq. content component of alumina (1) of coexisting in orthopyroxene content in spinel 1978; tends (Nixon Grew, to be 1980). displaced On orthopyroxene. coexisting orthopyroxene the sapphirine as et al., 1973; With to prefer- the right, contrary, and an quartz Fe乞+ preferentially High Aluminous Orthopyroxene 37 A 1203 / / / 十Qt Sass Spss / / Opxss M90 Fig. 4. FeO Schematic between the indicates atically in the shows under the content in In the (ss), and and orthopyroxene and quartz. facies metamorphic (800-1000oC) temperatures Natural been described land, Antarctica and from ities・ Based McLellan OAO (Ellis been on (1985) in was of in relatively 1985) has et and conditions splnel-quartz 4 schem- orthopyroxene MgO-FeO-Al208-SiO望 this The study. of highest the value alumina it coexists when an reported the equilibrium 1980; are by with and in the compositional with Onuma same The more Enderby 1984), Tracy and orthopyroxene+sapphirine+ harmonious Arima sapphirine-quartz 1978; Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) Those are stable spineトquartz under different of starting compositions・ replaces have Matsueda, and Morse, from the rocks Peekskill, New York, on spinel rocks high 1980 ; Grew, Mg-enriched quartz・ with and aluminous studies only (cf. Ellis, pressure are extremely under Motoyoshi (Caporuscio assemblage that ortho_ orthopyroxene+spinel+quartz from the Napier rocks complex, Grew, in relatively aluminous of formed partial aluminous petrologlCal suggested been water York occurrences orthopyroxene+spinel+quartz have to all, 1980; New whereas rocks, Fe-enriched sapphirineand splnel-bearlng in this done those study and quartz at aluminous lower and occurrences Peekskill, quartz between system conditions Fig. Sapphirine. splnel ganulite McLellan, in the spinel line broken experiments. coexistlng reach and A present quartz would relations (ss), relationships pressure pyroxene+sapphirine+quartz and rare have been and considered 1980)・ the compositional (ss), spinel the in than rather possible temperature sapphirne, with join studied the compositional MgO-FeO-A1203-SiO2. system orthopyroxene (ss), sapphirine showing (ss), sappbirine orthopyroxene (ss) in incorporates diagram Tracy ratio Fe2十-enriched and study results sapphirine_ temperature present than between the experimental where and less relations (1977), local- same suggests rocks. pressure that 38 M. discussed As oxidation be might in splnel of alumina that in orthopyroxene. As and be would orthopyroxenes・ phirine+quartz restricted be partly Leong to A1203 by the oxidation of (1978) conditions as metamorphic state oxidation aluinous well orthopyroxenes grade high relatively relatively in high the with solubility Arima MgSi-Fe3十Al COntentS in involving in the role substitution occurrences rocks of orthopyroxene+sap- highMg/(Mg+Fe乏+) ratios of high consequences (Seifert, 1974; the silicate of sapphirine reactions high relatively spinel-quartz rare to important high attributed Moreover, would or partly an in ratios experimentally under Extremely Sapphirine-quartz oxidation to related relations The play by chemistry stability demonstrated alumina MgSi-AIAl. coexistlng also (1981), incorporates the rocks. would of for quartz-bearing mineral Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) of processes Seifert in changes increases phases Annersten rocks including the orthopyroxene as (1986), important Fe-oxide silicate and and Hensen reactions, phases, and by ARIMA during oxidation conditions metamorphism 1972; Caporuscio Morse, 1978). and Moore, and Acknowledgements l would like Yu express through encouragement and to Hariya for assistance I discussion pressure Emeritus to gratitude this study. helpful high on my am indebted also Mr. to and Professor Kenzo Drs. to Shoichi Yagi Kosuke for Onu皿a for technical Terada experiments. 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