IP Study and Quartz Pebble Lag

Kamwango – Nyanza, Kenya
IP Study and Quartz Pebble Lag
IP Target 2 km
Drill Program loca<on IP Target IP Target 1 km
Quartz Pebble g/t gold Quartz pebble lag deposits are formed by the direct erosion of outcropping quartz veins, causing them to accumulate rubble at or near surface above the top of the source quartz reef. Con<nued accumula<on, se=ling, erosion and minor local re-­‐distribu<on further break down the quartz rubble and give the pieces a more rounded pebble appearance. While quartz vein pebble lag can occur as a high-­‐grade surface deposit, it is oBen more valuable as a vector leading explora<on ac<vity to the host system. Pebble lag is mapped at Kamwango occurring within the do=ed white lines.