N EW S LE T T ER K I C K E N B E R L I N SU M ME R 2 0 1 2 AR T| 43 |B AS EL DIANE ARBUS Kicken Berlin @ Art |43| Basel 2012 (June 12 – 17) PREVIEW: June 12 – 13, 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. VERNISSAGE: June 13, 3 p.m. – 8. p.m. PUBLIC DAYS: June 14 – 17, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Hall 2.0, Booth C 19 KICKEN II: PORTRAIT POSITIONS VIRTUAL TOUR >>> www.artbasel.com > > > www.kicken-gallery.com LISETTE MODEL, CHRISTER STRÖMHOLM, ED VAN DER ELSKEN April 2 8 - S eptem ber 1 , 2 0 1 2 ris, Berlin, and Prague: works by Heinrich Kühn, František Drtikol, Josef Sudek, László Moholy-Nagy, André Kertész, Umbo, and Albert Renger-Patzsch, among others. The spectrum ranges from Pictorialism, New Vision and New Objectivity to the midcentury second avant-garde and contemporary conceptual works. Two works by Man Ray, a unique Rayograph – a cameraless photograph – and its monumental enlargement that served as template for a tapestry, are at the center of experimental photographic works. The 1925-26 Rayograph of wooden artist mannequins was enlarged to a wall-scaled format in the 1930s. Together with works by Czech artist Jaromír Funke, Dutch photographer Pim van Os, and Japanese photographer Kiyoshi Niiyama, the group literally exemplifies designing with light. MAN RAY (1890-1976), ‘Rayograph (tapestry project)‘, 1925-1926, unique gelatin silver print, mounted on original paper, ink ©Man Ray Trust, Paris/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn/Courtesy Kicken Berlin A R T| 43 |B AS EL Kicken Berlin will present selected masterpieces of classic photo modernism - including works by Man Ray and Jaromír Funke – under the title Light Abstractions. The exclusive presentation of a photographic treasure also deserves particular attention. Together with Galerie Françoise Paviot of Paris, Kicken Berlin will show masterpieces of the Western avant-garde as collected directly from the artists in 1931 by Japanese photo critic Senichi Kimura. The accompanying catalogue displays all 22 works of the Kimura Collection and augments the pieces with historical information. Kicken will also focus on the experimental image of man of Brassaï, Moholy-Nagy, Warhol, and others. On the occasion of Art Basel, Kicken Berlin will be presenting the first publication in the new series ‘Exposures‘. The book collects highlights from the gallery’s history in classical European modernism anchored in Pa- NEWS KICKEN BERLIN @ FIAC, Paris, France, Oct 18 – 21 www.fiac.com KICKEN BERLIN @ ART | BASEL | MIAMI BEACH, USA, Dec 6 – 9 www.artbaselmiamibeach.com EXH IB I TI O NS O F GA LLE RY AR TI S TS ‘Götz Diergarten. Auf Bötzow’ and ‘Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie. Auf Bötzow’, BötzowBrauerei, Berlin, Germany, June 19 – July 28 www.boetzowberlin.de ‘František Drtikol. Woman in the Light‘, Gallery Carla Sozzani, Milano, Italy, until July 15 www.galleriacarlasozzani.org ‘František Drtikol‘, Angermuseum Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany, July 22 – Sept 23 www.anger-museum.de ‘Jitka Hanzlová’, Fundación MAPFRE Madrid, Spain, until Sept 2 www.mapfre.com ‘Heinrich Kühn. A Viennese Photo Secessionist’, Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York, USA, until June 15 www.howardgreenberg.com ‘Heinrich Kühn and the PhotoSecession: Selected Works’, Hans P. Kraus, jr., New Yor k, USA, until June 29 www.sunpictures.com MAN RAY (1890-1976), ‘Untitled (Female fashion portrait)‘, 1931, gelatin silver print ©Man Ray Trust, Paris/VG BildKunst, Bonn/Courtesy Kicken Berlin, Galerie Françoise Paviot NEWSLETTER AUTUMN NE W SL ET TERKICKEN KI CK E NBERLIN BE R L I N/// / SU M M E2010 R 2012 venenatis AR T| 43vitae, |B ASjusto. EL Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Inte ger fgt inc idunt. Erwindapibus Blumenfeld consistently developed Cras . Vivamus elementum semper the principles of montage and collage nisi. Aene dgfan vulputate elei condimentum further. His combination of utterly diverse rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet elements sem andneque extensive darkroom work adipiscing sed ipsum. Nam quam found its highest expression in his grotesnunc, blandit vel, sapien ut libero venenatis que image of Hitler, faucibus. Nullam quis‘The ante.Dictator‘ Etiam sit(1937). amet In portraits, nudes, and fashion orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duisshots, leo. B l u mfringilla e n f e l d mauris a l s o sit u s eamet d e xnibh. p e r i mDonec ental Sed techniques such as solarization and multiple exposures. Simultaneous with Blumenfeld’s first works in the 1930s, Brassaï was finding anonymous works of art, mostly of faces, F on 2010 the street – graffiti – and dedicaTEFA tedly pursued this theme up through the 1950s.Berlin @ TEFAF the ipsum dolor sit Kicken amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penaddtibus et magnis dis par turient montes, ndddascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque BRASSAï (1899-1984), ‘Untitled (Graffiti)‘, ca. 1933, gelatin silver print ©Estate Brassaï/Courtesy Kicken Berlin The image of man found yet another shape in the unique Polaroid pictures on which Andy Warhol based his silkscreen portraits of the famous and the unknown. Charles Fréger depicts the rich and imaginative representation of European folklore in the andere Bildunterschrift ‘Wilder Mann‘ figures of his current series. Additional contemporary works by Joachim Etium Nulla Jitka consequat massa Brohm,quis, Götz sem. Diergarten, Hanzlová, and quis Donec pedeincluded. justo, fringilla vel, Alfredenim. Seiland are also aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis ni D I Aenean A NE vulputate A RB US eleifend & P ORTRAIT si. tellus., conPO S I TI ON S simperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultriciesnisi.Nam eget Kicken Berlin is exhibiting a tempus, selectiontelof dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas thirty works by Diane Arbus parallel to the sodales sagittisretrospective magna. Sed at und diese conartist’s major Berlin’s Marsequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, tin-Gropuis-Bau. Diane Arbus’s workaugue was velit cursus nunc adipiscing semsecond neque sed seminal to photography in the half ipsum. quamcentury; nunc, blandit vel, luctus of the Nam twentieth no other photopulvinar, hendrerit id,her lorem. Maecenas nec grapher approached subjects so directly odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae or openly. odio et ante tincidunt Donecbyvitae Arbus’s portraits are tempus. characterized her sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. fascination and wonderment with Nullam those ca. 2104phenomena Zeichen unique of everyday life, which >>> she barbaraklemm.com captured on her “vertical journey” through American society between the late 1950s and early 1970s. The exhibited works reflect the photographer’s mandate to study people, their actions and comlus ege In enim , rhon cuersut , impe portment, in thejusto most diverse public and rdietaer tz, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam private spaces. This includes life on dicthe tum Integerncidunt. dapibus. street and in publicCras parks, where Vivamus so many elementum semperencounter nisi . Atenean different people one vulputate another. eleifend leo Avenue‘ tiligula, por tti‘Woman tellus. with a Aettnean Veil on Fifth is just tor consequat eleifend ac, enim as eu, much a part ofvitae, the body of work as a faucibus. ante. sit with ameta woman onNullam a parkquis bench – Etiam ‘Woman orci egeinLorem ipsumSquare dolor sit quam felis, Locket Washington Park‘. ultricies nec, pellentesque Donec pede While these people showeu, their everyday amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean faces, the subjects at any number of social com dui.and Etiam rhoncus. emanate a repreevents amusements quamemper libero,glamorous sitd amet sentative or even air –adipiscing but upon sem sed ipsum. Nam quam fragile. nunc, closerneque observation seem almost blandit vel, sapien ut libero venenatis fauWith Portrait Positions by Christer Strömcibus. ante. Etiam sit amet orci holm, Nullam Ed van quis der Elsken, and Diane Arbus’ eget erosLisette faucibus tincidunt. leo. Sed teacher, Model, from Duis the 1940s to fringilla mauris sit amet snibh. Donec sodathe 1960s, Kicken II will provide a compales magna. Sed consequat, leo eget nionsagittis show to complement Diane Arbus. bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nuncipiscing sem neque sdded ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec ad et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec v i tae sapien ut libero venenat i s faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci ege Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetullamdic tumIntegern c iunt. Crrullamc orper ultricies nisi. nsequat vitae, eleifend rem ipsum dolor sit quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, Donec pede amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean com dui. Etiam rho Etricies nec, ultricies nisi. nsequat vitae, eleifend pellenadipiscing el und so weiter und ca. 2099 Zeichen fringilla mauris sit amet snibh. Donec sodales sis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci ege Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean com dui. Etiam rho Etricies nec, ultricies nisi. nsequat vitae, eleifend pellenadipiscing el und so weiter und ca. 2295 Zeichen LISETTE MODEL (1901-1983), ‘Café Metropole, New York‘, ca. >>> www.tefaf.com 1946, gelatin silver print ©The Lisette Model Foundation, Inc./ Courtesy Kicken Berlin P H O T O G R A P H Y. W O R K S O N P A P E R K I C K E N B E R L I N Linienstrasse 161A D - 10115 Berlin T + 49 30 2 88 77 88 2 F + 49 30 2 88 77 88 3 Wed – Sat 14.00 – 18.00 Visit our exhibitions online at w w w.kicken - galler y.com For fur ther information please contact Meike Harder mharder@kicken - galler y.com PUBLICATIONS OF GALLERY >>> NEWS ARTISTS WEITERE EVENTS ‘Exposures 1‘, Cahier 4, Kicken ‘Nur Blindtext ab hier’ Berlin 2012 Schirmer Mosel Verlag www.kicken-gallery.com ERSCHEINUNGSDATUM: September ‘The Senichi2010 Kimura Collection, www.adresse.com Cahier 3‘, Kicken Berlin and Galerie Françoise Paviot, 2012 ART|BASEL|MIAMI BEACH www.kicken-gallery.com December 2–5 ‘Götz Auf Bötzow‘, www.arDiergarten. tbaselmiamibeach.com Edition Bötzow Berlin, Duderstadt 2012 www.boetzowberlin.de František Drtikol, Photographie, Hatje Cantz Verlag 2011 www.hatjecantz.de Charles Fréger, ‘Wilder Mann‘, Kehrer Ver lag 2012 www.kehrer-verlag.de ‘Jitka Hanzlová‘, Fundación MAPFRE, TF Editores, Madrid 2012 www.tfeditores.com ‘Heinrich Kühn and his American Circle. Alfred Stieglitz and Edward Steichen‘, Neue Galerie, New York, USA, Prestl Verlag 2012 www.randomhouse.de LOANS FROM KICKEN BERLIN L á s z l ó M o h o l y - N a g y, O t t o Steinert in ‘Malerei in Fotografie’, Städel Museum, Frankfurt/ Main, Germany, June 27 – Sept 23 www.staedelmuseum.de Heinrich Kühn in ‘Heinrich Kühn and his American Circle. Alfred Stieglitz and Edward Steichen‘, Neue Galerie, New York, USA, until Aug 27 www.neuegalerie.org Various artists in ‘Bauhaus: Art as Life‘, Barbican Art Gallery, London, Great Britain, until Aug 12 www.barbican.org.uk DO NOT MISS ‘Diane Arbus’, Martin-GropiusBau, Berlin, Germany, June 22 – Sept 23 www.berlinerfestspiele.de
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