Real Origins of the Great Depression Monopoly Power, Unions and the Interwar Business Cycle Monique Ebell HU Berlin & LSE Albrecht Ritschl LSE & CEPR May 2010 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 1 / 43 Previous Work on the Interwar Economy Business Cycle Accounting approach of Chari, Kehoe & McGrattan (2002) Key role for e¢ ciency and labor wedges Focus on Great Depression and aftermath 1929-39 Cole & Ohanian (2002) for UK, Hornstein (2002) for Germany, Beaudry & Portiers (2002) for France Business Cycle Accounting framework Perfect compeition in goods markets Walrasian labor markets Cole and Ohanian (2004) Explicit modelling of frictions Speci…c to New Deal institutions Focus on slow recovery from Great Depression 1933 onwards Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 2 / 43 Our Contributions 1 Scope Severe recession 1919-21, accompanying stock market crash Recovery to trend 1922-29, stock market boom Onset of the Great Depression 1929-31, stock market crash 2 Explicit modelling of frictions Interactions between monopoly power and wage bargaining Unemployment Explanatory power for asset markets 3 History Identify 3 major shifts in legal environment for organized labor: 1914/19, late 1921, 1929 Threat point of organized labor strengthened in a series of developments during 1929, culminating in October 1929 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 3 / 43 Real Dow Jones Industrial Average, 1913-1939 Relative to 1.8% trend 300.0 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 1913 1914 1916 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 4 / 43 Real Private Non-Farm Per Capita GDP Relative to 1.8% trend 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 5 / 43 The Interwar Business Cycle Non-Farm Unemployment 1913-1939 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 0 May 2010 6 / 43 Real Wages in Manufacturing, 1929-1939 Relative to 1.8% trend, de‡ated by PPI 1.200 1.150 1.100 1.050 1.000 0.950 0.900 1928 1929 1930 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 Real Origins of the Great Depression 1936 1937 1938 May 2010 1939 7 / 43 Interwar Labor Law Regimes 1 Clayton Act 1914-21 Clayton Act of 1914 exempts unions from anti-trust legislation Trade union activity rises sharply after WWI 2 Laissez Faire 1922-29 2 Supreme Court rulings in December 1921 invalidate the pro-union provisions of the Clayton Act Picketing prohibited and subject to injunction Trade union activity plummets Laissez-faire anti-trust policy of Coolidge administration increases monopoly power 3 Welfare Capitalism 1929-32 Texas & N.O. Railroad case [DC August 1928, CC Appeals June 1929, Supreme Court May 1930] marks a sea change in labor law Reversal of a unanimous district and appellate court decision would have been highly unusual, marking a break with precedent Increasing pro-union legislative e¤orts in summer/fall 1929 High wage policy of Hoover Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 8 / 43 Texas & N.O. and Pro-Union Legislation January - March 1929 Shipstead anti-injunction bill introduced and quickly tabled by the Senate Judiciary committee due to fears of unconstitutionality. June 1929 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals upholds pro-union Texas & N.O. ruling. August 1929 Delegation from Senate Judiciary Committee meets with executive council of the AFL to propose ’robust’anti-injunction legislation. October 14 -18, 1929 AFL national convention in Toronto, Senate proposal adopted. October 21 - 29, 1929 First weakness in stock market, followed by Black Thursday, Black Monday, Black Tuesday Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 9 / 43 Contemporary Views In an article published in the AER 12/30, Edward Berman writes: “The Supreme Court’s decision in the Texas and N.O. Railroad case is without doubt one of the most important rendered in a labor case in many years. Considered as a whole, it may be regarded as a great victory for organized labor. . . . It puts the Supreme Court on record in favor of legislation designed to promote collective bargaining. It promises that the court will, in the future, be more friendly to state and federal legislation designed to protect workers from the coercive activities of anti-union employers. ” Ohanian emphasizes Hoover’s role in persuading leading industrialists to implement high wage policy. Threat of re-unionization if …rms did not o¤er high wages. Proto-Keynesian idea that high wages would prop up consumption, averting a "disastrous" recession as in 1920-21. Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 10 / 43 NY Times, October 16, 1929 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 11 / 43 NY Times, October 27, 1929 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 12 / 43 Model Monopolistic competition in the goods market Mortensen-Pissarides search frictions in the labor market Workers choose to search among …rms of type k 2 fI , C g Individual =) each worker is marginal worker Collective =) workers can garner share of pro…ts Complete asset markets, risk-neutral agents Productivity growth constant and deterministic No capital Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 13 / 43 Agents as Consumers Risk neutral, no savings Dixit-Stiglitz preferences over continuum of di¤erentiated goods Elasticity of substitution across goods σ Demand function facing …rm i: yi = Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) p (yi ) P σ Y Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 14 / 43 Labor Market Search Frictions Segmented labor markets k 2 fC , I g Matching function 1 η η m (Uk , Vk ) = mUk Vk Job-…nding rate m ( U k , Vk ) 1 = mθ k Uk η = f (θ k ) Job-…lling rate m ( U k , Vk ) η = mθ k = q (θ k ) Vk Vk where labor market tightness θ k Uk . Beveridge Curve Uk f ( θ k ) = ( 1 Uk ) χ χ Uk = χ + f (θ k ) Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 15 / 43 Agents as Workers Value of unemployment in segment k 2 fI , C g VkU = b + Value of employment VkE 1 h fk VkE 0 + (1 1+r 1 h = wk + (1 1+r fk ) VkU 0 χ) VkE 0 i + χVkU 0 where χ is the exogenous separation rate. i Worker’s surplus VkW = wk Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) b + β (1 χ Real Origins of the Great Depression fk ) VkW 0 May 2010 16 / 43 Firms Value of the …rm p (yk ) yk P VkJ (hk ) = max vk wk hk κvk + 1 V J hk0 1+r subject to p (yk ) y = k P Y technology : yk = Ahk demand : hk0 = (1 transition: 1 σ χ) hk + q (θ k ) vk wage curve : wk = wk (hk ) Firm’s Euler Equation (labor demand) κ 1 = q (θ k ) 1+r Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) 1 σ σ Ap yk0 wk0 ∂w 0 hk0 0k + (1 ∂hk Real Origins of the Great Depression κ χ) q θ k0 May 2010 ! 17 / 43 Wage Bargaining Regimes Individual Bargaining Each worker is treated as marginal worker Worker’s threat point: Firm loses marginal worker Bargained wage includes a share of hiring costs Right-to-Manage Collective Bargaining Workers form a bargaining coalition Workers’threat point: Firm shuts down Bargained wage includes a share of pro…ts Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 18 / 43 Individual Wage Bargaining Nash bargaining problem max β ln VIW + (1 wI β) ln ∂VIJ (hI ) ∂hI IB wage curve wI = (1 β) r σ VU + β 1+r σ 1 p (yI ) A β P with slope ∂wI = ∂hI Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) βσ σσ 1 Ap (y ) β Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 19 / 43 Firm’s Euler equation at the steady state (labor demand) wI = σ σ 1 p (yI ) A β P (r + χ ) κ q (θ I ) Hiring externality (overhiring), interaction between σ and β κ σ σ 1 p (yI ) wI + (r + χ) = A q (θ I ) σ β | σ {z P }|{z} MPL | {z } | {z } <1 >1 | employment costs {z } MRP Hire workers beyond the point at which employment costs covered by MRP. Why? Adding a worker depresses the wages of all workers. [Stole and Zwiebel (AER, REStud 1996)] Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 20 / 43 Right-to-Manage Collective Bargaining Right-to-Manage bargaining problem max β ln hC VCW wC β) ln VCJ + (1 CB wage curve rVCU β p (yC ) wC = A 1 β P | {z1 + r} | worker’s surplus wC {z Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) σ κ q (θ C ) pro…t per worker CB labor demand wC = χ (1 σ β) Ap (yC ) (r + χ ) Real Origins of the Great Depression } κ q (θ C ) May 2010 21 / 43 Bargained Wages Individual Bargaining wI = rVIU β κ + (r + χ ) 1+r 1 β q (θ I ) Collective Bargaining wC = rVCU rVCU β κ + + 1+r σ 1 1+r q (θ C ) Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression r 1 β σ+χ May 2010 22 / 43 Equilibrium Market Clearing when share µ 2 [0, 1] of CB …rms I = (1 µ) p (yI ) p (yC ) yI + µ yC P P Segmented labor markets, workers indi¤erent between searching in I or C market rVIU rVCU = 1+r 1+r –> 2 equilibrium conditions in the two unknowns (θ I , θ C ). Once have equilibrium tightnesses, can easily obtain remaining variables. Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 23 / 43 Quantitative Results Parameter A r η β b/w χ κ Value 1.0 0.01 0.50 0.50 0.30 0.118 0.19 Target normalization 4% annual r empirical estimates Hosios condition post-war b/w 0.40 BLS data perf. comp. u = 5.5% –> all equilibrium variables as functions of (µ, σ) Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 24 / 43 Unemployment Output 0.5 1 Individual Collective 0.4 0.9 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.1 0.6 0 0 5 10 15 20 0.5 0 5 Wages 10 15 20 15 20 Profits 1 0.35 0.95 0.3 0.9 0.25 0.85 0.2 0.8 0.15 0.75 0.1 0.7 0.05 0.65 0 5 10 Competition σ 15 20 0 0 5 10 Competition σ –> need to pin down time series of µ and σ Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 25 / 43 Mechanism: Shift towards Collective Bargaining Collective bargaining wage contains a share of monopoly rents Total surplus depends on pro…ts, so via wage bargaining, workers’and …rms’incentives to maximize pro…ts are well-aligned By …rst principles, monopolistic(ally competitive) pro…ts are maximized by restricting output below the socially e¢ cient level. Under collective bargaining, workers take a share of pro…ts roughly equal to µ –> asset values decline Real wages increase, employment decreases –> output decreases Vacancies decrease, tightness increases –> unemployment rises Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 26 / 43 Baseline Scenario Year 1913-1918 1919 1920 1921 1922-1924 1925-1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931-39 σ 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.3 2.3 2.3 σ β 1 Markup σ 16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 20% 25% 33.3% 38.5% 38.5% 38.5% µ 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0.50 –> σ1913 21 so that ∆µ accounts for 60% of drop in DJ Industrials –> σ1929 so that ∆µ plus increase in σ accounts for 60% of increase in DJ Industrials Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 27 / 43 Asset Prices Dow Jones: Baseline Scenario 260 240 data 1.8pc trend model 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 1910 1915 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) 1920 1925 Real Origins of the Great Depression 1930 1935 1940 May 2010 28 / 43 Private Non-Farm GDP Nonfarm Private GDP: Baseline Scenario 110 data 1.8 pc trend model 100 90 80 70 60 50 1910 1915 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) 1920 1925 Real Origins of the Great Depression 1930 1935 1940 May 2010 29 / 43 Unemployment Unemployment: Baseline Scenario 0.4 data nonfarm misplaced data nonfarm model 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 1910 1915 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) 1920 1925 Real Origins of the Great Depression 1930 1935 1940 May 2010 30 / 43 Wages Wages: Baseline Scenario 120 data model 115 110 105 100 95 1929 1930 1931 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) 1932 1933 1934 1935 Real Origins of the Great Depression 1936 1937 1938 1939 May 2010 31 / 43 Maximal Scenario Dow Jones: Maximal Scenario 260 240 data 1.8% trend model 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 1910 1915 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) 1920 1925 1930 Real Origins of the Great Depression 1935 1940 May 2010 32 / 43 Maximal Scenario Nonfarm Private GDP: Maximal Scenario 110 data 1.8% trend model 100 90 80 70 60 50 1910 1915 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) 1920 1925 Real Origins of the Great Depression 1930 1935 1940 May 2010 33 / 43 Maximal Scenario Unemployment: Maximal Scenario 0.45 0.4 data misplaced data model 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 1910 1915 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) 1920 1925 Real Origins of the Great Depression 1930 1935 1940 May 2010 34 / 43 Maximal Scenario Wages: Maximal Scenario 120 data model 115 110 105 100 95 1929 1930 1931 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) 1932 1933 1934 1935 Real Origins of the Great Depression 1936 1937 1938 1939 May 2010 35 / 43 A Counterfactual What if Hoover had vigorously enforced anti-trust, reducing the degree of monopoly power in the economy? Asset prices would have declined Incentives to unionize would have been diminished If switch to CB: less severe recesssion If stay with IB: no recession, slight expansionary e¤ect Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 36 / 43 Summary 1 Model accounts well for Early 1920s recession & stock market crash Roaring 1920s expansion & stock market boom Onset of the Great Depression 1929-31 2 Interactions between monopoly power and wage bargaining 3 Crucial di¤erence between individual and collective bargaining is the threat point Measures of union membership either overstate or understate importance of collective bargaining Legal environment more important Hanes (2000, AER) …nds that time it took for …rms to reduce wages after 1929 (during de‡ation) positively correlated with sectoral product market concentration Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 37 / 43 Individual Wage Bargaining - Details Nash bargaining problem max µ ln VIW + (1 wI µ) ln ∂VIJ (hI ) ∂hI subject to ∂VIJ (hI ) ∂hI VIW = 1 σ σ = wI Ap (y ) wI b + β (1 χ hI ∂wI + (1 ∂hI χ) Φv q (θ I ) fI ) VIW 0 FOC wI = (1 µ) b + µ 1 σ σ Ap (y ) hI ∂wI + (1 ∂hI χ) Φv q (θ I ) (1 µ) (1) Conjecture: is independent of hI and wI . Solve …rst-order linear di¤erential equation (1), then con…rm conjecture. VIW 0 Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 38 / 43 Individual Wage Bargaining - Details FOLDE wI = (1 µ) b + µ 1 σ σ Ap (y ) hI ∂wI + (1 ∂hI χ) Φv q (θ I ) (1 µ) Solution to FOLDE wI = (1 µ) b + µ σ σ 1 Ap (y ) + (1 µ with ∂wI = ∂hI (3) into …rm’s Euler equation hI 1 Φv = q (θ ) 1+r σ σ µσ σσ 1 Ap y 0 µ χ) Φv q (θ I ) (1 µ) 1 Ap (y ) µ w 0 + (1 1 (1 1+r (2) (3) Φv χ) q θ0 ! Solve (2) for VIW 0 , substitute back into worker’s surplus VW = Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU I Berlin) µ σ 1 Ap (y ) w + (1 Real Origins of the Great Depression I χ) Φv May 2010 39 / 43 Individual Wage Bargaining - Details (3) into …rm’s Euler equation Φv 1 = q (θ ) 1+r σ σ 1 Ap y 0 µ w 0 + (1 Φv χ) q θ0 ! Solve (2) for VIW 0 , substitute back into worker’s surplus VIW = µ 1 µ σ σ 1 Ap (y ) µ wI + (1 χ) Φv q (θ I ) One step ahead 1 µ 1 VW0 = 1+r I 1 µ1+r | σ σ 1 Ap y 0 µ wI0 {z + (1 Φv χ) q θ I0 Φv /q (θ I ) Future surplus depends only on aggregate variables. Search costs depend only on aggregate variables. Wage curve Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) σ 1 Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 ! } 40 / 43 Equilibrium Wages Individual Bargaining wI = rVIU β κ + (r + χ ) 1+r 1 β q (θ I ) Collective Bargaining wC = rVCU rVCU β κ + + 1+r σ 1 1+r q (θ C ) Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression r 1 β σ+χ May 2010 41 / 43 Equilibrium I Market Clearing, share µ 2 [0, 1] of CB …rms I = (1 µ) p (yI ) p (yC ) yI + µ yC P P Yields the …rst equilibrium condition relating θ I and θ C A1 σ = (1 +µ Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) σ σ µ) σ σ 1 σ 1 κ β rVIU + (r + χ ) 1 1+r 1 β q (θ I ) rVCU + 1 1+r 1 1 β Real Origins of the Great Depression r +χ κ q (θ C ) 1 σ May 2010 42 / 43 Equilibrium II Segmented labor markets, workers indi¤erent between searching in I or C market rVCU rVIU = 1+r 1+r Yields a second condition relating θ I and θ C b+ = β 1 β κθ I r +χ r +χ f (θ C ) σ b+ β 1 f (θ C ) σ r +χ β 1 f (θ C ) σ β 1 κ q (θ C ) r 1 β σ+χ Equilibrium (θ I , θ C ) pinned down for each (µ, σ) pair. Ebell/Ritschl (LSE & HU Berlin) Real Origins of the Great Depression May 2010 43 / 43
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