SOOCHOW JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS Volume 22, No. 3, pp. 383-394, July 1996 COMPARISON THEOREMS RELATED TO A CERTAIN INEQUALITY USED IN THE THEORY OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS BY B. G. PACHPATTE Abstract. In the present paper we establish some new comparison theorems related to a certain integral inequality arising in the theory of di erential equations. The results that we propose here can be used as tools in the theory of certain new classes of di erential, integral, nite di erence and sum-di erence equations. 1. Introduction Comparison method has become a major tool in the analysis of various nonlinear di erential equations that occurs in the nature or are built by man. The idea of studying a system of ordinary di erential equations by comparing it with a single rst order equation derived naturally from an estimate on the system has been used as early as 1930 by Kamke 6] to establish a general uniqueness theorem. In 1956, Conti 4] proved a very general comparison theorem which has been used with considerable success in studying many problems in the theory of systems of di erential equations. For a good account of earlier developments, see 1,3,5,12-14] and the references given therein. In the literature there are many papers which make use of the following Received August 14, 1995. AMS Subject Classication. 26D15, 26D20. Keywords. comparison theorems, integral inequality, theory of di erential equations, nite di erence and sum-di erence equations, bounds on the solutions. 383 384 B. G. PACHPATTE inequality. Lemma 1. Let y and f be real-valued nonnegative continuous functions dened for t 2 R+ = 0 1). If y2 (t) c2 + 2 Zt 0 f (s)y(s)ds for t 2 R+ , where c 0 is a real constant, then y(t) c + Zt 0 f (s)ds for t 2 R+ . The above inequality has been frequently used to study the global existence, stability, boundedness and other properties of the solutions for wide classes of nonlinear di erential equations. For some recent results related to this inequality and their applications, see 9-11] and the references cited therein. The aim of the present paper is to establish some new comparison theorems related to the inequality given in Lemma 1, which can be used as handy tools in the analysis of certain new classes of di erential, integral, nite di erence and sum-di erence equations. An interesting feature of our results lies in their fruitful utilization to the situations for which the other available comparison theorems do not apply directly. We also present some immediate applications to convey the importance of our results to the literature. 2. Statement of Results In this section we state our results to be proved in this paper. In what follows we denote by R the set of real numbers, R+ = 0 1) and N0 = f0 1 2 : : : g. For any function u(n) dened for n 2 N0 , we dene the operator by u(n) = u(n + 1) ; u(n). For m > n, m, n 2 N0 and any function p(n) dened for n 2 N0 , we use the usual conventions n X s=m p(s) = 0 n Y s=m p(s) = 1: COMPARISON THEOREMS RELATED TO A CERTAIN INEQUALITY 385 We need the following known comparison results in the proofs of our main theorems (see, 12,13] and 7]). Lemma 2. Let w(t r) be a real-valued continuous function dened for t 2 R+ , 0 r < 1. Let u(t) be a real-valued dierentiable function dined for t 2 R+ such that u (t) w(t u(t)) 0 for t 2 R+ . Let r(t) be a maximal solution of r (t) = w(t r(t)) r(0) = r0 0 for t 2 R+ such that u(0) r0 . Then u(t) r(t) t 2 R+: Lemma 3. Let w(n r) be a real-valued function dened for n 2 N0, 0 r < 1, and monotone nondecreasing with respect to r for any xed n 2 N0 . Let u(n) be a real-valued function dened for n 2 N0 such that u(n) w(n u(n)) for n 2 N0 . Let r(n) be a solution of r(n) = w(n r(n)) r(0) = r0 for n 2 N0 such that u(0) r0 . Then u(n) r(n) n 2 N0 : Our main results are given in the following theorem. Theorem 1. Let y, f , g be real-valued nonnegative continuous functions dened on R+ and c be a nonnegative real constant. Let w(t r) be a realvalued nonnegative continuous function dened for t 2 R+ , 0 r < 1, and monotone nondecreasing with respect to r for any xed t 2 R+ . 386 B. G. PACHPATTE (a1 ) If y2 (t) c2 + 2 for t 2 R+ , then Zt 0 y(s)w(s y(s))ds y(t) r(t) (2:1) t 2 R+ (2:2) where r(t) is a maximal solution of r (t) = w(t r(t)) r(0) = c (2:3) 0 for t 2 R+ . (a2 ) If y2(t) c2 + 2 for t 2 R+ , then Zt 0 y(s)f (s)y(s) + w(s y(s))]ds y(t) A(t)r(t) t 2 R+ where Zt A(t) = exp( f (s)ds) and r(t) is a maximal solution of 0 r (t) = w(t A(t)r(t)) 0 for t 2 R+ . (a3 ) If y2 (t) c2 + 2 for t 2 R+ , then Zt 0 where B (t) = 1 + y(s)f (s) y(s) + Zs 0 Zt 0 (2:5) t 2 R+ (2:6) r(0) = c (2:7) g()y()d + w(s y(s))]ds y(t) B (t)r(t) (2:4) t 2 R+ Zs f (s) exp( f () + g()]d)ds 0 (2:8) (2:9) t 2 R+ (2:10) and r(t) is a maximal solution of r (t) = w(t B (t)r(t)) 0 r(0) = c (2:11) COMPARISON THEOREMS RELATED TO A CERTAIN INEQUALITY for t 2 R+ . (a4 ) If y2 (t) c2 + 2 for t 2 R+ , then where Zt 0 Zs y(s)f (s)( 0 g()y()d) + w(s y(s))]ds y(t) E (t)r(t) Zt Zs 0 0 t 2 R+ E (t) = exp( f (s)( g()d)ds) and r(t) is a maximal solution of r (t) = w(t E (t)r(t)) 0 387 (2:12) (2:13) t 2 R+ r(0) = c (2:14) (2:15) for t 2 R+ . The discrete analogues of the results given in Theorem 1 are established in the following theorem. Theorem 2. Let y, f , g be real-valued nonnegative functions dened on N0 and c be a nonnegative real constant. Let w(t r) be a real-valued nonnegative function dened for n 2 N0 , 0 r < 1, and monotone nondecreasing with respect to r for any xed n 2 N0 . (b1 ) If nX1 y2(n) c2 + 2 y(s)w(s y(s)) (2:16) ; s=0 for n 2 N0 , then y(n) r(n) n 2 N0 (2:17) where r(n) is a solution of r(n) = w(n r(n)) for n 2 N0 : (b2 ) If y2 (n) c2 + 2 nX1 ; s=0 r(0) = c y(s)f (s)y(s) + w(s y(s))] (2:18) (2:19) 388 B. G. PACHPATTE for n 2 N0 , then y(n) L(n)r(n) where L(n) = and r(n) is a solution of n 2 N0 nY1 ; s=0 1 + f (s)] (2:20) n 2 N0 r(n) = w(n L(n)r(n)) (2:21) r(0) = c (2:22) for n 2 N0 . (b3 ) If y2 (n) c2 + 2 nX1 ; s=0 y(s)f (s)(y(s) + for n 2 N0 , then where s 1 X ; t=0 g(t)y(t)) + w(s y(s))] y(n) P (n)r(n) P (n ) = 1 + and r(n) is a solution of nX1 n 2 N0 sY1 ; ; t=0 r(n) = w(n P (n)r(n)) for n 2 N0 . (b4 ) If y2(n) c2 + 2 for n 2 N0 , then where nX1 ; s=0 y(s)f (s)( s 1 X ; t=0 y(n) Q(n)r(n) Q(n) = nY1 s 1 X s=0 t=0 ; (2:24) f (s) 1 + f (t) + g(t)] s=0 1 + f (s) ; n 2 N0 r(0) = c g(t)y(t)) + w(s y(s))] n 2 N0 g(t) ] (2:23) (2:25) (2:26) (2:27) (2:28) n 2 N0 (2:29) COMPARISON THEOREMS RELATED TO A CERTAIN INEQUALITY 389 and r(n) is a solution of r(n) = w(n Q(n)r(n)) r(0) = c (2:30) for n 2 N0 . 3. Proofs of Theorems 1 and 2 Since the proofs resemble one another, we give the details for (a1 ), (a2 ), (b3 ), (b4 ) only, the proofs of (a3 ), (a4 ), (b1 ), (b2 ) can be completed by following the proofs of the above mentioned results. (a1 ) we rst assume that c > 0 and dene a function z (t) by z(t) = c2 + 2 Zt 0 y(s)w(s y(s))ds: (3:1) p From (3.1) and using the fact that y(t) z (t), we observe that q q z (t) 2 z(t)w(t z(t)): 0 (3:2) p Di erentiating z (t) we have d dt q z(t) = 12 pz (t) : z(t) 0 By using (3.2) in (3.3) we get q d dt q (3:3) z (t) w t z (t) : (3:4) Now a suitable application of Lemma 1 to (3.4) and (2.3) yields q z (t) r(t) t 2 R+ (3:5) where r(t) is a maximal solution of (2.3). Now by using the fact that y(t) z(t) in (3.5), we get the required inequality in (2.2). If c is nonnegative, we can carry out the above procedure with c + instead of c, where > 0 is an arbitrary small constant, and subsequently pass to the limit ! 0 to obtain (2.2). This completes the proof of (a1 ). p 390 B. G. PACHPATTE (a2 ) By assuming that c > 0 and dening a function z (t) by the right side of (2.4) and following the same steps as in the proof of (a1 ) we have d dt q q q z (t) f (t) z(t) + w t z(t) : (3:6) From (3.6) it is easy to observe that Zt q z (t) c + 0 q f (s) z(s)ds + Dene a function m(t) by m(t) = c + Zt 0 Zt 0 q w(s z(s))ds: q w(s z(s))ds: (3:7) (3:8) By using (3.8), the inequality (3.7) can be written as q z (t) m(t) + Zt 0 q f (s) z (s)ds: (3:9) Since m(t) is positive and monotone nondecreasing for t 2 R+ , the inequality (3.9) implies the estimate (see, 2, p.56]) q z(t) A(t)m(t) t 2 R+ (3:10) where A(t) is dened by (2.6). From (3.8) and using (3.10) we observe that m (t) w(t A(t)m(t)) 0 (3:11) for t 2 R+ . Now a suitable application of Lemma 1 to (3.11) and (2.7) yields m(t) r(t) t 2 R+ (3:12) where r(t) is a maximal solution of (2.7). From (3.10) and (3.12) we have q z(t) A(t)r(t) t 2 R+: p (3:13) Now by using the fact that y(t) z (t) in (3.13) we get the required inequality in (2.5). The proof of the case when c is nonnegative can be completed as mentioned in the proof of (a1 ). This completes the proof of (a2 ). COMPARISON THEOREMS RELATED TO A CERTAIN INEQUALITY 391 (b3 ) We assume that c > 0 and dene a function z (n) by z (n) = c2 + 2 nX1 ; s=0 y(s)f (s)(y(s) + s 1 X ; t=0 g(t)y(t)) + w(s y(s))]: (3:14) p From (3.14) and using the fact that y(n) z (n) we observe that q h z (n) 2 z (n) f (n) q z(n) + nX1 ; t=0 q q i g(t) z(t) + w(n z(n)) : (3:15) It is easy to observe that q z (n) pz(n) : ( z (n)) = pz (n + 1) ; p z (n + 1) + z(n) 2 z (n) p (3:16) p Here in the last step of (3.16) we have used the fact that z (n) z (n + 1). By using (3.15) in (3.16) we get q q z (n)) f (n) z (n) + nX1 ; t=0 q q q g(t) z (t) + w(n z(n)): (3:17) From (3.17) it is easy to observe that q z(n) c + nX1 ; s=0 q f (s) z(s) + s 1 X ; t=0 g(t) z(t) + nX1 ; s=0 q w(s z (s)): (3:18) Dene a function m(n) by m(n) = c + nX1 ; s=0 q w(s z(s)): (3:19) By using (3.19), the inequality (3.18) can be written as q z (n) m(n) + nX1 ; s=0 q f (s)( z(s) + s 1 X ; t=0 q g(t) z (t)): (3:20) Since m(n) is positive and monotone nondecreasing for n 2 N0 , the inequality (3.20) implies the estimate (see, 8, Theorem 20 ]) q z(n) P (n)m(n) n 2 N0 (3:21) 392 B. G. PACHPATTE where P (n) is dened by (2.25). From (3.19) and using (3.21) we observe that m(n) w(n P (n)m(n)) (3:22) for n 2 N0 . Now a suitable application of Lemma 2 to (3.22) and (2.26) yields m(n) r(n) n 2 N0 (3:23) where r(n) is a solution of (2.26). Using (3.23) in (3.21) we have q z(n) P (n)r(n) n 2 N0: (3:24) p Now by using the fact that y(n) z (n) in (3.24) we get the required inequality in (2.24). The proof of the case when c is nonnegative can be completed as mentioned in proof of (a1 ). The proof of (b3 ) is complete. (b4 ) By assuming that c > 0 and dening a function z (n) by the right side of (2.27) and following the same steps as in the proof of (b3 ) upto (3.17) we have nX1 q q q (3:25) z (n) f (n) g(t) z (t) + w(n z (n)): ; t=0 p From (3.25) and using the fact that z (n) is monotone nondecreasing for n 2 N0 , it is easy to observe that q z (n) c + c+ nX1 ; s=0 nX1 ; s=0 f (s) s 1 X ; t=0 q q g(t) z(t) + s 1 X f (s) z (s)( ; t=0 g(t)) + nX1 ; s=0 nX1 ; s=0 q w(s z (s)) q w(s z (s)): (3:26) Now by following the same steps as in the proof of (b3 ) below (3.18) with suitable modications we get the required inequality in (2.28). This completes the proof of (b4 ). 4. Some Applications In this section, we indicate some applications of our results to obtain bounds on the solutions of certain di erential and sum-di erence equations. These applications are given as examples. COMPARISON THEOREMS RELATED TO A CERTAIN INEQUALITY 393 Example 1. As a rst application we obtain a bound on the solution of the di erential equation of the form x (t) = h(t x(t)) + (t x(t)) x(0) = x0 (4:1) where h : R+ R ! R are continuous functions. Multiplying both sides of equation (4.1) by x(t), substituting t = s, and then integrating it from 0 to t we have Zt x2 (t) = x20 + 2 x(s)h(s x(s)) + (s x(s))]ds: (4:2) 0 We assume that jh(t x(t))j f (t)jx(t)j (4:3) j(t x(t))j w(t jx(t)j) (4:4) where f and w are as dened in Theorem 1. From (4.2)-(4.4) we observe that 0 jx(t)j2 jx0 j2 + 2 Zt 0 jx(s)jf (s)jx(s)j + w(s jx(s)j)]ds: (4:5) Now an application of (a2 ) yields jx(t)j A(t)r(t) t 2 R+ (4:6) where A(t) is dened by (2.6), and r(t) is a maximal solution of (2.7) with c = jx0 j. The inequality (4.6) gives the bound on the solution x(t) of equation (4.1) in terms of the known function A(t) and the maximal solution r(t) of (2.7). If r(t) is bounded and A(t) is nite, then (4.6) implies that the solution x(t) of (4.1) is bounded on R+. Example 2. As a second application, we shall obtain a bound on the solution of the following sum-di erence equation x2 (n) = 2x(n)F (n x(n) nX1 ; t=0 k(n t x(t)) + G(n x(n))] x(0) = x0 (4:7) where G k F are real-valued functions dened respectively on N0 R, N02 R, N0 R2. We assume that jG(n x(n))j w(n jx(n)j) (4:8) jk(n t x(t))j g(t)jx(t)j (4:9) jF (n x(n) u)j f (n)(jx(n)j + juj) (4:10) 394 B. G. PACHPATTE where f g w are as dened in Theorem 2. The equation (4.7) is equivalent to the following equation x2 (n) = x20 + 2 nX1 ; s=0 x(s)F (s x(s) s 1 X ; t=0 k(s t x(t))) + G(s x(s))]: (4:11) Now by using (4.8)-(4.10) in (4.11) and applying (b3 ) we have jx(n)j P (n)r(n) n 2 N0 (4:12) where P (n) is dened by (2.25) and r(n) is a solution of (2.26), with c = jx0 j. If r(n) is bounded and P (n) is nite, then (4.12) implies that the solution x(n) of (4.7) is bounded on N0 . References 1] H. A. Antosiewicz, Aninequalityforapproximatesolutionsofordinarydifferentialequations, Math. Zeit., 78(1962), 44-52. 2] R. Bellman and K. L. Cooke, Di erential-Di erence Equations, Academic Press, New York, 1963. 3] F. Brauer and S. Sternberg, Localuniqueness,existenceinthelarge,andtheconvergenceofsuccessiveapproximations, Amer. J. Math., 80(1958), 421-430. 4] R. Conti, Sullaprolungabilitadellesoluzionidiunsistemadiequazionidifferenzialiordinarie, Boll. Unione Mat. Ital., 11(1956), 510-514. 5] C. 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