CURRICULUM VITAE DR. ERIC BARRY ROSS CURRENT POSITION (PART-TIME) Professorial Lecturer in Anthropology and International Development Studies, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C. PREVIOUS POSITION Associate Professor, International Institute of Social Studies (of Erasmus University), The Hague, The Netherlands EDUCATION B.A., University of Pennsylvania (Honors, Anthropology), 1968 Ph.D., M.Phil., Columbia University, Department of Anthropology, 1976 Post-Doctoral Research in Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Columbia University, 197778 ACADEMIC HONORS Phi Beta Kappa, University of Pennsylvania 1967 John W. Burgess Distinguished Fellow in the Faculty of Political Science, Columbia University, 1975 EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE 1975-77, Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 1977-78, Research Associate, School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, USA 1978-80, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA 1980-82, Research Scientist, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA 1983-86, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA 1986-89, Senior Lecturer, Program in Human Ecology; 1989-92, Senior Lecturer and Chair, Program in Human Ecology, Department of Geographical and Environmental Sciences, The University of Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England 1992-2008, Associate Professor in Population, Poverty and Social Development, Department of Rural Development, Environment and Population, International Institute of Social Studies (of Erasmus University of Rotterdam), The Hague, The Netherlands GUEST LECTURESHIPS Visiting Professor, Institute of Developing Economies – Advanced School, Tokyo, Japan, June 1993 Visiting Scholar, Population and Sustainable Development Program, University of Botswana, Gabarone, Botswana, 15-20 March, 1996 Visiting Professor, Columbia University, Summer Session, 2005 Visiting Professor, CIGA (Culture in Global Affairs) Scholar-in-Residence, Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., Sept. 2007-09 Visiting Professor, Department of Anthropology and Elliott School of International Development Studies, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., 2009-present MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS 1967 Investigation of Eskimo prehistory, University of Pennsylvania-Bryn Mawr archaeological expedition, Brooks Range, Alaska 1970 The adaptation of Otomí Indians to a marginal habitat and the contemporary Mexican economy 1970-71 Study of Mohawk Indian steel workers, New York, and their social adaptation to an urban environment 1972-74 Study of the human ecology, health and warfare of the Achuarä Jívaro Indians of the Peruvian Amazon 1981-84 Study of the political ecology of Britain’s Celtic fringe, with special emphasis on the interrelationship of underdevelopment, resource use and population trends 1995-97 Access to food: population, technology and agrarian resources in the era of globalization (in cooperation with the Technology and Agricultural Development Unit, University of Wageningen, The Netherlands) 2000-2004 Study of coastal resources, migration, survival strategies and consumption in Livingston, Guatemala. FELLOWSHIPS AND GRANTS Columbia University Faculty Fellowship, 1969-73 Columbia University Latin American Institute Summer Field Research Grant, 1970 Dissertation Improvement Grant, Institute for Inter-Cultural Studies, 1972 Explorers’ Club Grant for Field Research, 1972 Columbia University President’s Fellowship, 1972-73 Mount Holyoke College Faculty Grant, 1976 Wenner-Gren Foundation Research Grant, 1976 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for Independent Study and Research, 1981 Wenner-Gren Foundation Research Grant, 1983 Wenner-Gren Foundation Conference Grant [with M. Harris], 1983 Netherlands Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) Cooperative Research Program Grant (in cooperation with the Agricultural University of Wageningen, The Netherlands), 1995 The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation grant ($200,000 for three years) for student fellowships (2000-2002) for the Population & Development program at the Institute of Social Studies, 1999 The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation grant ($250,000 for two years), as part of the Population, Consumption, Environment Initiative, for the research project, "Coastal Resources, Migration, Survival Strategies and Consumption in Livingston, Guatemala," 1999 (with Dr. Caro Mendez Nelson). ICCO (Interchurch Organization for Development Co-operation) grant ($160,000 for one and a half years) for development of research program and conference on general theme of "Land Policies, Social Provisioning and Public Action,'' 2004 (with Haroon Akram-Lodhi, Cristobal Kay and Max Spoor) CONSULTANCIES Consultant, UNFPA, preparation of background book for Mexico City Population Conference, 1983-84 Member, Consultative Panel, Division of Arab States and Europe, United Nations Population Fund, 2005 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES The University of Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England Chair, Program in Human Ecology, Department of Geographical and Environmental Sciences, (1988-1992) Institute of Social Studies: Convener, Population & Development Program (1998-2003) Member, Master of Arts Coordinating Committee (1998-2003) Chair, Diploma Marketing Taskforce (2000-2003) Chair, Marketing Taskforce (2001-2003) Member, Taskforce on Quality of Learning (2005) Chair, Working Group on the Organizational Implications of the ISS Development Strategy (2006) Member, Editorial Board, ISS Web-Site (1999- 2005) Teaching Portfolio-holder, Management Board, Department of Rural Development, Environment and Population Studies) (2001- 2007) Member, Teaching Committee (2001-2007) Member, Information Services Forum (1999-2007) Member, Communication and Marketing Platform (2004-2007) Chair, Board of Examiners (2003-2006) Chair, MA program, ISS (2006-2007) CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR ORGANIZER Chair and organizer, Columbia University Seminars in Ecological Systems and Cultural Evolution, 1977-79 Co-organizer [with M. Harris], 94th Symposium of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, on the Origins and Consequences of Human Food Preferences and Avoidances, Cedar Key, Florida, October 23-30, 1983 Organizer, Rural Development Seminar Series, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1993-1996. Co-organizer, international conference on “Land, Poverty, Social Justice and Public Action,” Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, January, 2006 (see PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP AND ACTIVITIES Member, American Anthropological Association Member, Society for Applied Anthropology Member, CERES Research School for Resource Studies for Development (The Netherlands) Member, Editorial Board, Critique of Anthropology Reviewer for Current Anthropology, Development and Change, Journal of Agrarian Change, Review of International Political Economy, Global Social Policy Journal, Journal of Peasant Studies, etc. OTHER MEMBERSHIPS AND ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT Member, Steering Committee, Public Health Alliance, United Kingdom, 1985-90 Member, Medezeggenschapsraad (MR/Participation Council), International School of The Hague (ISH), 2002-2006 Member, Selection Committee for Secondary School Head, International School of The Hague (ISH), 2004-05 Member, The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration, The Netherlands, 2006-present Member, National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns, UK, 2006-present Member, Medical Justice Network, UK. 2006-present Member, National Organization of Women, 2007-present Member, Planned Parenthood, 2009-present Member, Farm Aid, 2007-present Member, Public Citizen, 2009-present Member, Emily’s List, 2011-present Member, 2012, American Civil Liberties Union Editor-in-Chief, The Porcupine, 2006-present PUBLICATIONS (BOOKS) Editor and contributor, Beyond the Myths of Culture: Essays in Cultural Materialism. New York: Academic Press. 1987 a) Death, Sex and Fertility: Population Regulation in Preindustrial and Developing Societies. New York: Columbia University Press [with M. Harris]. Trans. by Fernando Santos Fontenla as Muerte, Sexo y Fertilidad: La Regulación Demografica en Las Sociedades Preindustriales y en Desarrollo. Madrid: Alianza Universidad [with M. Harris] b) Co-editor and contributor, Food and Evolution: Toward a Theory of Human Food Habits. Philadelphia: Temple University Press [with M. Harris]. Much of this book is available at: m eat&source=bl&ots=5gFhzAsN3T &sig=M6et8tqnkKoABO IPekrRQSXVMI&hl=en&ei=3NXNS6bGGYXK8wSShvXDDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&r esnum=4&ved=0CBsQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false as well as on Kindle. 1998 The Malthus Factor: Poverty, Politics and Population in Capitalist Development. London: Zed Press. ARTICLES (PEER-REVIEWED) 1977 Review of “Changing Faces.” American Anthropologist 9(2):508-09 1978 a) Food Taboos, Diet and Hunting Strategy: The Adaptation to Animals in Amazon Cultural Ecology. Current Anthropology 19(1):1-36 b) How Beef Became King. Psychology Today 12(5):88-94 [with M. Harris] (Reprinted 1982 in Dudley Kirk and Ellen Eliason, eds., Food and People. San Francisco: Boyd and Fraser) c) The Evolution of the Amazon Peasantry. Journal of Latin American Studies 10(2): 193-218. 1979 On Food Taboos and Amazon Cultural Ecology – Reply to Lizot. Current Anthropology 20(1): 151-55 1980 a) Amazon Warfare. Letter to Science 207:590-92 [with J. Ross) b) More on Amazon Cultural Ecology. Replies to Beckerman and Kiltie. Current A nthropology 21(4): 544-45 h t t p :/ / www. st a n fo r d .e d u / ~ fe ge d / amazonasmalaria/beckermanetal.pdf 1982 Comments on William Abruzzi, Ecological Theory and Ethnic Differentiation among Human Populations. Current Anthropology 23(1): 25-26 Comments on Allen Johnson, Reductionism in Cultural Ecology: The Amazon Case. Current Anthropology 23(4): 423-25 1983 The Riddle of the Scottish Pig. BioScience 33(2); 99-106 1985 The “Deceptively Simple” Racism of Clark Wissler. American Anthropologist 87(2): 390-92. On-line at: 1988 Review of The Evolution of Human Societies by A. Johnson and T. Earle. Ethnologist American 1995 Syphilis, Misogyny and Witchcraft in 16th-Century Europe. Current Anthropology 36(2): 33337. 1996 a) Malthusianism and Agricultural Development: False Premises, False Promises. Biotechnology and Development Monitor No.26 (March): 24) On-line at: and in Spanish (as "Malthusianismo y Desarrollo Agricola: Falsas P r o m e s a s , F a ls a P r e m is a s " ) a t : h ttp : / / w w w. u cu . ed u . u y/ fa c u lt a d e s / CienciasHumanas/Departamentos/Etica/Publicaciones/2Bioetica%20o%20Etica%20de%20la%2 0Vida/Bioetica%20y%20Nuevas%20Tecnologias%20en%20Ciencias%20Agrarias.pdf Trans. and published by the Instituto de Etica y Bioetica, Universidad Catolica del Uruguay. Also Reprinted in Indonesian as Malthusianisme dan Pembangunan Pertanian: Salah Premis, Salah Nasil. Wacana No. 16 (March-April 1999) b) Review of Absent-minded Imperialism. Britain and the Expansion of Empire in Nineteenthcentury Brazil by Paul Riviere. The European Journal of Development Research 8(1) 1998 a) Counter-Revolution and Green Revolution. Environment and Organization 11(4): 446-50 b) Cold Warriors Without Weapons. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 4(3-4): 475-506. 2000 The Malthus Factor: Poverty, Politics and Population in Capitalist Development. The Cornerhouse Briefing 20. July. Also on-line at: pdf/bri efi ng/20malth.pdf , http://photos.citiz m/m althus.htm a n d Also edited and translated into Spanish, "El Pensamiento Malthusiano No Ofrece Garantías," Tercer Mundo Economico, Internet: 2003 Malthusianism, Capitalist Agriculture and the Fate of Peasants in the Making of the Modern World Food System. Review of Radical Political Economics 35(4): 437-461. 2005 a) Introduction to Friends and Foes: Anthropologists and the Making of “the Enemy,” An t h r o p o lo gy in Act io n 12(3): vii-ix (with D avid P rice). b) Vicos as Cold War Strategy: Anthropology, Peasants and “Community Development.” Anthropology in Action 12(3): 21-33. 2007 a) Clearance as Development Strategy in Rural Colombia. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice 19(1): 59-65. b) Land Rights, Conflict, and Violence Amid Neo-Liberal Globalization (with Saturnino Borrras). Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice 19(1): 1-4. 2011 A Critic Unfettered: The Legacy of Ernest Feder. Development and Change 42(1):330-348. h ttp:// EDITOR, SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUES 2005 Friends and Foes: Anthropologists and the Making of “the Enemy.” Anthropology in Action (Introduction and edited with David Price) 12(3) 2007 Redistributive Land Reform, Conflict and Peace-Building. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice (Introduction and edited with Saturnino Borrras) 19(1). ADDITIONAL ARTICLES, BOOK CHAPTERS 1977 Two Ceramic Collections from the Rio Huasaga, Northern Peru: Their Place in the Prehistory of the Upper Amazon. El Dorado 2(2): 1-12 [with W. DeBoer, J. Ross and M. Veale] 1980 Patterns of Diet and Forces of Production: An Economic and Ecological History of the Ascendancy of Beef in the U.S. Diet. In Eric B. Ross (ed.), Beyond the Myths of Culture: Essays in Cultural Materialism. Pp. 181-225 1984 La Evolución de la Economía de los Jívaros en el Contexto de la Economía Mundial. In M. Brown (ed.), Relaciones Interetnicas y Adaptación Cultural entre Shuar, Achuarä, Aguaruna y Canelos Quichua. Quito: Mundo Shuar [Papers presented at the 44th International Congress of Americanists, Manchester]. Pp. 123-143, 1986 Potatoes, Population and the Irish Famine: The Political Economy of Demographic Change. In W. Penn Handwerker (ed.), Culture and Reproduction: An Anthropological Critique of Demographic Transition Theory. Boulder: Westview Press. Pp. 196-220 1987 a) An Overview of Trends in Human Dietary Variation from Hunter-Gatherer to Modern Capitalist Societies. In Eric Ross and Marvin Harris (eds.), Food and Evolution: Toward a Theory of Human Food Habits. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Pp. 7-55. Reprinted in Spanish as “Una Revisión de Las Tendencias Dietéticas Desde los Cazadores Recolectores Hasta las Sociedades Capitalistas Modernas,” in Alimentación y Cultura. Necesidades, Gustos y Costumbres. Compilador Jesús Contreras. Ciences Humanes i Socials. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona Publicacions. 1995, pp. 259-306. b) Water-Power and Socio-Political Evolution in an Agro-Industrial Economy: Southern California, 1800-1940. In W. Wunderlich and J. E. Prins (eds.), Water for the Future: Water Resources Development in Perspective. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema. Pp. 53-63. 1991 The Origins of Public Health: Concepts and Contradictions. In Peter Draper (ed.), Health Through Public Policy: The Greening of Public Health. London: Merlin Press. Pp. 26-40. 1992 The Greening of Public Health: A Critical View. In M. Dooris (ed.), Health Promotion and Green Issues. Yorkshire Health Promotion and Health Education Officers’s Regional Training Group. Pp. 3-4. 1994 Population, Environment and Development: A Critical Appraisal of Malthusian Perspectives on Poverty and Underdevelopment. Population, Development and Environment in South and South-East Asia. Brussels: The European Institute for South and South-East Asian Studies. Pp. 113-49. 1996 Malthusianismus und landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung: Falsche Annahmen, falsche Versprechungen. In Ute Springer (ed.), Unternehmen Zweite Natur: Multis, Macht und moderne Biotechnologien. Giessen: Focus (Okozid 12). Pp. 25-27. 1998 The Malthus Factor: Population Ideology in Capitalist Development. In S. Essers and N. Koning (eds.), The Population Bomb? Discussions on Demography. Wageningen: Studium Generale Landbouwuniversiteit. Pp. 27-48. 2008 Peasants on Our Minds: Anthropology, the Cold War and the Myth of Peasant Conservatism. In Dustin Wax (ed.), Anthropology at the Dawn of the Cold War. London: London: Pluto Press, Pp.108-132. 2010 a) Reflections on Vicos: Anthropology, the Cold War and the Idea of Peasant Conservatism. In Ralph Bolton, Tom Greaves and Florencia Zapata (eds.), Vicos Then and Now: A Half Century of Applying Anthropology in Peru. Lanham, MD: AltaMira. Pp. 129-159. b) Reflexiones sobre Vicos: la antropología, la Guerra Fría, y la idea de conservadurismo campesino. In Ralph Bolton, Tom Greaves and Florencia Zapata (eds.), 50 Años de Antropología Aplicada en el Perú: Vicos y Otras Experiencias. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos. Pp. 193-236. Forthcoming Sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya and the Malthusian Paradigm in Contemporary Development Thinking. In Michel Pimbert (ed.), Reclaiming Knowledge for Diversity and Democracy. London: Earthscan/Routledge. ENCYCLOPEDIA ENTRIES 2005 Marvin Harris and Religion. In Bron Taylor (ed.), Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. London and New York: Thoemmes and Continuum International. 2007 Entries on Jacobo Arbenz and Lenny Bruce. In G. Anderson and K. Herr (eds.) Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice. New York: Sage Publishers. WORKING PAPERS 1978 Power, Class and Ideology in Southern California. pology 4(1): 52-74. Michigan Discussions in A n t h r o h t t p : / / q u o d . l i b . u m i c h . e d u / c g i / t / t e x t / p a g e v i e w e r - idx?c= mdiaarchive;cc=mdiaarchive;g=mdiag;xc=1;rgn=full%20text;idno=0522508.0004.001;didn o=0522508.0004.001;view=image;seq=00000056;node=0522508.0004.001%3A4;view=imag e 1996 Ireland: “Promised Land” of Malthusian Theory? Working Paper Series, No. 230. The Hague: Institute of Social Studies., 2003 Modernisation, Clearance and the Continuum of Violence in Colombia. ISS Working Paper No, 383 (N ovem ber). , 2005 Anthropology, the Cold War and the Myth of Peasant Conservatism. ISS Working Papers No. (January). NEWSPAPER, MAGAZINE PIECES (Hard copy and Electronic) 1994 A Malthusian Premise Empties the Countryside. Opinion. International Herald Tribune 5 July: 6, 1997 Colombia Under Siege: Life and Death in the Neoliberal Era. ISS Bulletin No. 97/3:6-8 2000 The Internet and Environmental Resources. Development ISSues (Institute of Social Studies) 2(2): 4-5. 2001 On the Shores of the World Economy: A Report from Guatemala. Development ISSues 3(3): 3. _number_3 December_2001.pdf 2006 Aids and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Critical View. The Porcupine. February 5. 2008 a) (with Helen Hintjens) Global Terror Laws and Engaged Social Research. DevIssues (Institute of Social Studies). Engaged- Social-Research b) The End of the Great American Road Trip? Henry Miller’s Prescient Voyage. ELLA (Eastside Living Los Angeles) March 2. c) Are We There Yet? On the Road With Henry Miller, Part Two. ELLA March 9. 2009 a) Beyond Reform: A Renewed Vision of Medicine. Common Dreams. July 17. b) Uninsured in the Land of the Free. Open Salon. July 21. c) The Paranoid Style in the Opposition to Healthcare Reform. Open Salon. August 1 0 . althcare_reform Also published in The Porcupine. d) Inquisition in Knoxville: The Case of Dr. Janice Harper. Z Space. August 28. e) I Want Wendell Potter to Write Obama’s Health-Care Bill. The Porcupine. Sept. 18. f) Survival of the Witless: Creationism and the Republicans. The Porcupine. December 22. 2010 a) The Angel of History Mourns. Open S a lon. J a nua ry 24. Published as T he Angel of H istory W eeps for Haiti in The Porcupine Jan. 22 b) Toward a Health System Beyond Insurance. The Porcupine. March 5. c) Sex, Lies and Generals: The Problem of John Sheehan (U.S Marines, Retired). Porcupine. The March 19. of-john-sheehan-us-marines-retired/ d) War is Still a Racket. The Porcupine. April 25. e) When Is Wall Street Like an Oil Spill? The Porcupine. April 28. f) All That is Solid…Melts on Wall Street. The Porcupine. April 29. The Porcupine. May 26. g) Deaths in the Gulf: The Criminal Cost of Profit. h) Sending in the Guards is Politics, Not a Policy. The Porcupine. May 26. i) And Now a Word From My Health Insurance Company. Open Salon. June 16. e_company j) Relax! Tony Hayward is Just the Face of Capitalism. Open Salon. June 21. of_capitalism k) A Metaphor in a Can. Open Salon. July 1. l) Another Teachable Moment, Please. Open Salon. July 24. m) Married to the Mob. Open Salon. August 6. 2011 a) On the Road to Medicare--for Everyone. Open Salon. June 23. b) The Sad Truth: Obama is No FDR. Open Salon. June 26. c) Universalizing Medicare Will Help Reduce the Federal Deficit. Open Salon. June 2 9 the_federal_defici . d) Medicare--Better Late than Never, If You Live to Be 65. Porcupine. August 4. e) Thinking History on a Winter’s Morning in Holland. Anthropology News. September. 2012 a) Modernization and the Myth of Vicos: “Controlled Change” as Counterinsurgency in 1950s Peru. Counterpoints. Anthropology News. September. http://www.anthropology- b) McCarthyism, Intellectual Exile and Counterpoints. Anthropology the News. Unfinished Legacy of Daniel Thorner. October. http://www.anthropology- c) Populist Peasant Studies: The Life & Legacy of Ernest Feder. Counterpoints. Anthropology News. November. d) The Political Ecology of a Religious “Miracle.” Counterpoints. Anthropology News. December. TEACHING TEXTS (Institute of Social Studies/Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, for the UNFPA) 1996 Agrarian Change and Urban “Population Crisis” in Mexico The Origins and Character of Malthusian Theory IN PREPARATION BOOKS A Storm Called Progress: The Fate of Peasants in the Making of the Modern World ( A River of Memories: Excursions and Digressions in the Upper Amazon (A Memoir) The Art of Mina Berkeley (A Novel) ARTICLES, CHAPTERS Axel Wenner-Gren, the Nazi Connection and the Origins of the Viking Fund Daniel Thorner, the Cold War and the Politics of Peasant Studies (Journal of Peasant Studies) Inquisition in Knoxville: Dr. Janice Harper, the University of Tennessee and the Boundaries of Acceptable Research (Sam Beck and Carl A. Maida, eds., Public Anthropology in a Borderless World) Amazonian Shamanism: Its Ecological Dimension (Jeffrey Ehrenreich, ed.) CONFERENCE AND SYMPOSIA PAPERS AND GUEST LECTURES 1974 A Discussion of Resource, Resource Limitations and Population Density among the Achuara Jívaro and Other Amazonian Societies. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Mexico City, Mexico. 1975 Protein Resources and Cultural Evolution in Amazonia. Symposium on Empirical Perspectives on Evolutionary Theory: Ecological Studies in the Amazon and New Guinea. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, USA. 1976 The State of Nature and the Nature of the State: An Anthropological Perspective on the Ethnology of Development. Arid Lands Lecture Series, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. 1977 Power, Class and Ideology in Southern California. Symposium on Ecology, Systems of Production and Ideology: Materialist Approaches. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Houston, USA. 1983 a) The Evolution of the Jívaro Economy in the Context of the World Economy. Symposium on Jivaroan Peoples. International Congress of Americanists, Manchester, UK. b) An Overview of Trends in Dietary Variation from Hunting Gathering Societies to Modern Capitalism. Wenner-Gren International Symposium, The Origins and Consequences of Human Food Preferences, Cedar Key, Florida, USA, 23-30 October. 1986 Water Power and Socio-Political Evolution in an Agro-Industrial Economy: Southern California, 1800-1940. Presented at the International Symposium, Water for the Future. Organized by the International Association for Hydrological Sciences, the International Association for Hydraulic Research and the University of Rome, Italy, under the auspices of UNESCO and FAO, April 6-11 1987 The Human Ecology of War and Peace in Amazonia. Presented to the School of Peace Studies, Bradford University, UK, Oct. 12. 1988 a) Snark-hunting in the Fields of Culture: Observations on the Practice of Theory. Presented to the School of Social Analysis, Bradford University, UK, March. b) On Misogyny: An Evolutionary and Comparative Perspective. Symposium on Current Issues in the Anthropology of Gender. International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, July 24-31. 1990 Green Perspectives on Public Health. Presented to the Regional Meeting (West Yorkshire) of the Society of Health Education and Health Promotion Officers, Leeds, UK, November 27. 1991 Presented to the Departmental Seminar of the Department of a) Rereading Malthus. Geographical and Environmental Sciences, The University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK, February 1. b) Diet and the Ecological Dimension of Group Identity in Amazonia. Presented in the conference on Food and Ethnicity of the International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Food Problems (UK). Oxford Polytechnic, Oxford, UK, May 18. 1992 “La Violencia”: Underdevelopment and the Political Ecology of Death in Colombia. Presented in the Rural Development Seminar Series, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands, November 25. 1993 a) Population, Development and Environment: An Overview and Critique of the Influence of Malthusianism. Presented in the Seminar on Population, Development and Environment in South and South-East Asia. The European Institute for South and South-East Asian Studies, Brussels, Belgium, September 23. b) Economic Development and Environmental Quality on the Third World. Course in Environmental Policy, Erasmus-SPEA International Exchange Program, Leiden, The Netherlands, September 30. 1994 a) Economic Development and the Environment in the Third World. Course in Environmental Policy, Erasmus-SPEA International Exchange Program, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, February 10. b) Social Impact Assessment: The Human Dimension. Shell International Conference on Integrated HSE Management: Meeting Business Needs. Noordwijk, The Netherlands, November 14-18. 1996 a) The Green Revolution, Population Control and the Cold War: The Politics of Contemporary Malthusianism. Population and Sustainable Development Program Seminar, University of Botswana, Gabarone, Botswana, March 7. b) Agrarian Change and Urban “Population Crisis” in Mexico. Population and Sustainable Development Program Seminar, University of Botswana, Gabarone, Botswana, March 14. c) Latin America: Resistance to Neo-Liberalism. Lot Walkate Memorial Lecture Series, LatijnsAmerika Centrum, The Hague, The Netherlands, June 15. d) Green Revolution, Population Control and the Cold War – The Politics of Post-War Malthusianism. Rural Development Seminar Series, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 7. e) Environment, Economy and Equity: Challenging the Consensus on Sustainable Development. Scholas Public Lecture, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands, November 1. f) Mexico, Chiapas and Global Capitalism. Openbaar Debat: Mexico – Onderdrukking en Verzet. Latijns-Amerika Centrum, The Hague, The Netherlands, November 9. 1997 Poverty, Politics and Population: Malthusianism in Western Development. Workshop on Anthropology and Demography: An Interface. London School of Economics, London, UK, June 24, 1998 Which Side Were We On? Anthropology, the Cold War and Land Reform. (Session: "Regimes of Truth") Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, USA, December 3-6. 1999 Axel Wenner-Gren and the Nazi Connection: An Ethical Dilemma for Anthropology? Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, USA, November 1721. 2000 Malthusianism and Capitalist Counter-Revolution in Global Agriculture, 2nd International Meeting of Economists on Globalization and Development Problems, Havana, Cuba. January24-29. 2001 Fishing on the Shores of the World Economy: Coastal Resource Scarcity and Livelihood Strategies in Livingston, Guatemala (With Caro Mendez Nelson). Rural Development Seminar, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands, May 21. 2002 To Interpret the World or To Change It? On the Contradictory Relationship of Cultural Materialism to Marxism. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (Session: "Culture, People lenand Nature: The Role of Marvin Harris in Anthropological Theory and Practice"), New Orleans, USA, November 19-25. 2003 a) Peasants on Our Minds: Anthropology and the Creation of the Myth of Peasant Conservatism during the Cold War. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (Session: “Anthropology at the Dawn of the Cold War”), Chicago, USA, November19-23. b) Anthropology, the Cold War and the Myth of Peasant Conservatism. Global Development, Population and Rural Livelihoods Seminar, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands, December 15. 2004 a) Historical Reflections on the “Knowledge” of Development. Paper presented at ILEIA (Centre for Information on Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture) International Editors Meeting, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, February 3. b) Beyond the Limits of the Market: Water, Livelihoods and Social Justice. Paper presented at the symposium, “Can Public Private Partnerships in Water Management Secure the Human Right to Water,” UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands, May 28. 2005 a) Knowledge, Migration and Development: Toward a World of Diversity and Equity? Paper presented at the Stadhuis, The Hague, The Netherlands, March 15. b) AIDS, the Scientific Mind and the “Technicalisation” of 20th Century (Medical) Science. Paper presented at the Advanced International Colloquium on Building the Scientific Mind. Organized by the Learning Development Institute and co-sponsored by the Institute of Social S t u d i e s a n d U N E S C O . T he H agu e, T he N etherland s, Ma y 17-20. h t t p :/ / www. le a r n d e v . o r g / d l / B t S M 2 0 0 5 - R o ss. p d f , Dk0dJA1JoOsPQ Available on audio at: c) Peasants, the Cold War and the Professionalization of Anthropology. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (Session: “World War Two Anthropology: Reconsidering the War’s Past in the Present”), Washington, D.C., November 29- December 5. 2006 a) The Political Economy of the World Food System and the Problematic of Re-Localization. Presented at the conference on Land, Poverty, Social Justice and Development (Session: “Land, Environment and Local Autonomy of Production”), co-organized by the Institute of Social Studies and Inter-Church Organization for Development Cooperation (ICCO), with support from Cordaid, FIAN, Novib and 11.11.1. January19-14. b) Karl Marx and Neo-Marxism. Studium Generale, Technical University of Delft, May 22. 2007 Violence and Clearance in Modern Colombia: The Contradictions of Development. The Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program. The Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., September 21 2008 Demography and Environment: Development Perspectives. Workshop on Security and Development, The Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., November 14-15. 2009 a) The Irish Potato Famine: Deconstructing the Malthusian Myth. Columbia University Seminar on Culture, Power, Boundaries. Columbia University, New York City, February 9. b) Discussant, “World of Populations: Twentieth-Century Demographic Discourses and Practices in Global Perspective. Workshop, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C. May 29-30 c) Potatoes, Population & Rural Poverty: Demystifying Irish Famine. Columbia University Seminar on Irish Studies. Columbia University, New York City, November 6. d) Jívaro Shamanism: Its Ecological and Historical Dimension. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (Session: “Consciousness, Agency and Authenticity in Shamanic Identity and Ritual in South America: Expanding the Range of the Sound of Rushing Water/Part 1: Papers in Honor of Michael J. Harner”), Philadelphia, December 2-6. RECENT OR CURRENT TEACHING RESPONSIBILITIES Core teaching in the Population, Poverty & Social Development (formerly Population and Development) MA Program, Institute of Social Studies (ISS) Teaching in the Rural Livelihoods and Global Change (formerly Agricultural and Rural Development) MA Program, ISS Introductory MA course on Population, Resources and the Politics of Development, ISS MA courses on Politics of Reproduction: Fertility, Health and Empowerment; Environment, Population and Sustainable Development; World Economy, Rural Livelihoods and the Environment; Development, Conflict and the Peasantry; and Social Policy Analysis: Provisioning for Populations at Risk, ISS MA General Introductory Course (convenor and lecturer), ISS Diploma, Universalizing SocioEconomic Security for the Poor, ISS PhD courses in Development of Development Theory and Field Research Methodology, ISS CERES Research School (Hilversum) Netherlands PhD seminars for students in development studies Cultural Ecology, Cultures of South America (George Washington University) (undergraduate) Anthropology and Development, Environment and Development, Research Methods in Development Anthropology, Rural Development Strategies, Peoples and Cultures of the Amazon, Cultures of Latin America, Social Justice and Rural Conflict (George Washington University) (combination of undergraduate courses and MA seminars) AREAS OF PRESENT RESEARCH INTEREST History and context of anthropological theory Latin American development Local culture change in global context The political ecology of food systems Gender and resource allocation Economic development and environmental change Resource distribution and social conflict Sustaining peasant livelihoods in the world economy Comparative health-care systems Social policy and social provisioning The politics of human reproduction The political ecology of AIDS Technological innovation in sustainable local production Global development and local food security Social and nutritional impacts of agricultural bio-technology Land reform, local livelihood and social justice The development process and social exclusion Rural development strategies Amazon cultural ecology
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