Raptors Raptors About AboutThis ThisGuide: Guide: This Thisguide guideis isprovided providedtotoassist assistour ourvisitors visitorsin inidentifying identifyingthe the birds birdsmost mostcommonly commonlyseen seenatatPoint PointLobos LobosState StateNatural Natural Reserve. Reserve.Most Most can can bebe seen seen throughout throughout the the year, year,but but a few a few only only habitat sections sectionsshow showwhere wherethey theyare aremost most seasonally. seasonally.The Thehabitat commonly, commonly,but but not not exclusively, exclusively,seen. seen.Many Many more morespecies species than than those those shown shown reside reside in in oror visit visit Point Point Lobos. Lobos. White-tailed White-tailed Kite Kite Osprey Osprey American AmericanKestrel Kestrel The Thebirds birdsatatPoint PointLobos Lobosrange rangefrom fromone oneofofthe thesmallest smallest (Anna's (Anna'sHummingbird, Hummingbird,4 4in.in. long) long)totoone oneofofthe thelargest largest (California (California Condor, Condor,9 9ft. ft.wingspan) wingspan)in inNorth NorthAmerica. America. The The sizes sizesare areroughly roughlyrepresentative representativeofofthe thedifferences differencesbetween between them, them, but but are are not not toto scale. scale. BIRDS BIRDS AAGuide Guidetotothe the ofof Point PointLobos Lobos Bird Birdplumage plumagepatterns patternscan candiffer, differ,depending dependingononage, age, sex, sex,season seasonand andmany manyother othervariables. variables.This Thisguide guideuses uses images imagesofofbirds birdswhich whichare aregenerally generallyrepresentative representativeofofthose those seen seenin inthe the Reserve. Reserve. Cooper's Cooper'sHawk Hawk Red-shouldered Red-shouldered Hawk Hawk nesting nesting ofof some some ofof Point Point Lobos Lobos is is aa good good place place toto observe observe the the our ourshowier showierbirds, birds,including includingthe theGreat GreatBlue BlueHerons HeronsatatCoal Coal Chute ChutePoint, Point,Black-crowned Black-crownedNight-Herons Night-Heronsin inthe theBird BirdIsland Island area, area,Brandt's Brandt'sCormorants Cormorantsononthe thenear-shore near-shorerocks, rocks,and and Pelagic Pelagic Cormorants Cormorants onon the the cliff cliff faces faces near near Sea Sea Lion Lion Point. Point.The The nests nests ofof other other birds birds are are not not easily easily seen. seen. If Ifyou youhave haveany anyquestions, questions,please pleasefeel feelfree freetotoask aska adocent, docent, who whomay mayknow knowthe theanswer answerorordirect directyou youtotoother otherresources. resources. Your Your digital digital photograph photograph will will help help with with identification. identification. Peregrine Peregrine Falcon Falcon You Youcan canlearn learnmore moreabout aboutthese thesebirds birdsbyby referring referring totoa abird bird field fieldguide guide (available (available atat the the Information Information Station Station and and Whalers Whalers Cabin), Cabin), oror byby exploring exploring web-based web-based resources. resources. Red-tailed Red-tailed Hawk Hawk Turkey TurkeyVulture Vulture Stay Stay onon the the trails trails and and happy happy birding! birding! Produced Producedbyby volunteer volunteer docents docents ofof the theReserve, Reserve,who who also also furnished furnished most most ofof the the photographs, photographs, and and funded funded byby the the Point Point Lobos LobosFoundation. Foundation. California CaliforniaState StateParks Parkssupports supportsequal equalaccess. access.Prior Priortoto arrival, arrival,visitors visitorswith withdisabilities disabilities who who need need assistance assistance should shouldcall callthe theMonterey MontereyDistrict DistrictOffice Office atat(831) (831) 649-2836 649-2836 California CaliforniaCondor Condor ©© 2016 2016Point Point Lobos LobosFoundation Foundation Your Yourdonations donationsprovide provide funds fundstotomaintain maintaintrails trails and andsupport supportthe thedocent docent program. program. PorNTioBos PorNTioBos FOUNDATION FOUNDATION Shore Black Turnstone Killdeer Kingfisher Heermann's � Gull Double-crested Cormorant Great Egret Western Gull Western Grebe Eared Grebe Black-crowned Night-Heron Canada Goose Pelagic Cormorant Pigeon Guillemot Red-breasted Merganser Mallard Black Oystercatcher Brandt's Cormorant Great Blue Heron Brown Pelican Snowy Egret Coastal Scrub �can Goldfinch Bewick's Wren Townsend's Warbler Bushtit White-crowned Sparrow Anna's Hummingbird Violet-green Swallow Song Sparrow Golden-crowned Sparrow California Thrasher Phoebe Yellow-rumped Warbler California Quail Spotted Towhee '� American Crow Forest Red-breasted Nuthatch Pygmy Nuthatch Chestnut-backed Chickadee Brown Creeper Dark-eyed Junco Hairy Woodpecker Acorn Woodpecker Northern Flicker Steller's Jay Western Scrub-Jay
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