Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No: DE.3(108)/E-IlI/DRJ2016/ 11/6 Extension ID: 20090507 Date: 10/2/2017 With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the apprl,.ovalof...thl! Comptent Authority is hereby conveyed for extension of date of joining In respect of ShjSmt/Ms JAWAHAR SINGH-2di,703'08, TGT NATURAL SCIENCE for a period of 20, days i.e. till 23/02/2017, failing which his/her candidature shall 5tand"c~nCelied without any further communication. \- ."~\\"'f SA~:RMA SUPERINTENDENT Endorsement Copy forwarded 1. 2. to:- DOE Concer~"~e<l~.~. ',,":' HOS con~er:rel!- -- ) PAD concfer£ed. 4. MO Concerned,..-Accounts branch. 5. EmployeeConcerned-JAWAMAI)..,5INt;lH-2017030B, ../ GHAZIABAD -245304 6. (E-III) No DE.3(108}/E-IlVDR/2 Guard File GHMYlBA9)UTTTAR VILL AMRALAPOST FARIDNAGAR ) DrSJ-l' PRADESH ••• ~~ '\~,,11/~) SAP.S~ARMA SUPERINTENDENT (E-III) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No: DE 3(61)/DRJ2016/ .' !66~- Extension '. ,~lhvl' ~~ .. ID: 20090485 Date: lU/2/201 7 With reference to this office order of. even no. dated 26/12/2016, the app,rqval Of.•.tlie~mptent Authority IS hereby conveyed for extension of date of joining in respect of Sh/Smt/Ms RITI BHARTI-20162'9,~,2,'if~GT ENGLISH for a period of 28, days r.e. till 28/02/2017, failing which his/her candidature shall stand cancelled without.-an"'y further communication. SA~~ /'1~[4. Endorsement No DE.3(61)/DRj2016~,~~ Copy forwarded to:- UPERINTENDENT (E-III) '~ilf\~4' JfI:, If I. DDE~'€rned. 2. H~Concerned. 3. p. 0 Concerned. 4. AAO Concerned, 5. Employee Concerned-RITI BHARTl-1~~92, VASUNDHARAGHAZlABAD UP 201'Oly 6. Guard File ~Es.g.un branch. FLAT NO 4235, SECTO~ 4(, ADARSH APARTMENT, +, , {iJ >I ~~~"r SA ER~HARMA SUPERINTENDENT (E-III) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old sectt.oetbt Order No: DE.3( lOB)/E-IIlJD8J2916J/6 67 Extension 10: 20090506 Date: 10/2/2017 With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the appto-$I Comptent Authority is hereby conveyed for extension of date of joining in respect of Sh/Smt/Ms MADHU BALA-20170.191, l"GT SANSKRIT for a period of 30, days i.e. till 05/03/2017, failing which his/her candidature shall stand cancelled Without any further communication. . Endorsement SUPERINTENDENT (E-III) 167~J:tP} III tot- 1. - DD&"Concerned. 2. 3. HOS Conce~ed. 4. MO 5. Employee Concerned-MADHIj'BALA-20170191, NAGAR, DELHI-11000B DE"tfl!"5'ELHI. k;'ill/-I,'" Guard File ••"I' 6. SAW: .A"il j~~li~ ~i . 1 No DE.3(108)/E-Ul/D~2 Copy forwarded /./Wi'" , PAQ Com::erne.o. Conce~~Accounts branch. .e- H.NO. 2667/2, MAIN BAZAR SHADI PUR PAIEl \'" SA ,:"::-'>( EER SHARMA SUPERINTENDENT (E-III) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No: DE 3(108)/E-1II/0R/2016/ 166J Extension ID: 20090505 Date: 10/2/2017 With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the approval ci~the Comptent Authority is hereby conveyed for extension of date of joining In respect of Sh/Smt/Ms MITLESH KUMAR MEEr;iA:'·~0170299, TGT NATURAL SCIENCE for a period 90, days t.e. till 04/05/2017, of failing which his/her candidature shall st3.ndcancelled without any further communication. , ~"r- J'~ Endorsement No DE.3( lOS)/E-UIIORl2016f.':ftIiB Copy forwarded to:1. 3. 5. 6. ER SHARMA DENT (E-III) Do;!loncerned. ?~ HOS Concerned. 2. 4. ~ SA SUPERINTE ~ PAD cond~r.lJ.,ed. MO Conce~; Employee Accounts bran,eh. Concerned-Mrrl~SRJ<UMAR V JAJPUR RAJA5THA~~ Guard File .....•• 01l7' JA~~R IMEENA-20170299, RAJASTHAN. 8-25 TAPOVAN VIHAR, JAGATPURA Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order 1/66 J- Extension 10: 20090S0( No: DE 3(108)/E-nVDRJ2016 Date: 10/2/2017 " ~" With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the approval Comptent Authority IS hereby conveyed for extension of date of joining in respect of ShjSmt/Ms PAWAN SINGH-2017,.(P2~ TGT SOCIAL SCIENCE for a period of 90, days t.e. till 04/05/2017, failing which his/her candidature shall stand cancelled'witnout any further communication. /:(' "'. it/.. <" ., 'f"t ~ ""\,'V "~ji ' ~ \ SEER UPERINTENDENT Endorsement SHARMA (E-III) No DE.3(108)/E-Ill/DRJ2 Copy forwarded to:- 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. (counts brancQ: Employee Concerned-PAWAN••S"INGi;!20170222, DELHI 94. 6. Guard File 1/3 RAM MOHALLAVill., )QHRI PUR0 " . ~ 5 SUPERINTENDENT (E-III) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No: DE.3(10B)/E-JUjDRj2016/ / 6 6' ( E:.:tension 10: 2009050. Oate: 10121201 f With r~ferenceto this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the aDP*~~,1 ~ omptent Authority is hereby conveyed for extension of date of joining In respect of Sh/Smt/Ms CHITRA RANI·20170,l,.31~lGT NATURAL SCIENCE for a period of 60, days r.e. till 04/04/2017, failing which his/her candidature shall stand cancelled without any further communication. ;~~t¥ ~"~,~~ ~ \' A""'li!:il SA SUPERINTEN eoecrsement No Copy forwarded DE.3(108)/E-Ul/DR/}f~rz,.:P / tor- .~~~ 1 2: 6., Iifc)~Concerne ~~[Wg,EWConcerned. . 3. ~ -- PADConc~ned. 4. MO Conce[[l.ed:Accounts 5. Employee GHAZ!ABAD UP-201001 6. branc:J' .•.•..... r. Concerned-CH1TfW."'13AN Guard File -;2-0170131, HNO-152, Gff'~~i:A~'AD UTTARPRADESH. ,n~•.. ? PURANA DAULAT R1RAGT ROAD" nt a ~:\i~" i V· Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No; DE.3(108)/E-IlljDR/2016/ /6 -6 ZJ extenstcn 10: 20090502 Date: 10/2/2017 With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the extension of date of joining In respect of Sh/Smt;Ms NIDHI ·20170323, app4dv~1 tb omptent Authority is hereby conveyed for :[GT SOCIAL SCIENCE for a period of 90, days t.e. till failing which his/her candidature shall stand cancelled Wlt~out~aiiy further communication. 04/05/2017, \ ••••J~"r Endorsement No DE.3(108)/E-Ill/DR/~~M'i~I,:,. Copy forwarded 1. 2. 3, 4. , ~tt~ , to:- ; .' . S~RMA su PERINTENDENT (E-III) {) III H'..t Oq,&Concerned. HOS Concer"1eci'. .". PAQ conc~n~. MO Concernea.Accounts branch. 5. Employee c~;erned-NIDH}.~179323, HAUZKHAS DELHI-16 DELI'li.DEL.:HI. 6 Guard File , INDRAPRASTHAAPPARTMENTNO-8 IT! DELHI,- (::IY' ~~\')( ~~~S~'A~MA SUPERIN ENDENT (E-IU) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No: DE.3( l08)/E-III!DR)2016/ / 6 S 'f Extension 10: 20090501 ~ With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the app~' extension of date of joining in respect of Sh/Smt/Ms KIRAN -20170055, 05/03/2017, failing which his/her candidature shaH stand cancelled without Date: 10/2/2017 of. t~mptent Authority is hereby conveyed for for a period of 30, days t.e. till anY further communication. iGT SANSKRIT l-J:~~ "~i~wf . \~:::MA SUP'RIJ~OENT . ('-III) .. 4. MO Con 5. Employee Concerned-KlRAN~t20170055, H.NO.H-202 RAJ RETREAT APPART., DEFENC&C0NOLY BHOPURA GHAZlABAD{:;lt~JAe"AD UTTAR PRADESH. "'- 6 cuero - t"!11\ •... , Accounts F", ,'~ branch. .,_." W .~~" 1.i~?'~J:;:jil' ';'i,\.;~;~", "!(~!l\,".' llIi'-r' v .~. SA R SUPERINTENDENT "f')... \T I HARMA (E-IU) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order /6f7f No: DE.3(108)/E-IIIjDR/2016/ Extension 10: 20090500 ~ Date: 10/2/2017 With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the appr,oval ~Ptent Authority IS hereby conveyed tor extension of date of joining in respect of Sh/Smt/Ms ANURAG OWIVEDI-20170'293, TGT NATURAL SCIENCE for a period of 90, days r.e. till 04/05/2017, failing which his/her candidature shall stan~"'" ancelheo without any further communication. s~: SUPERINTENDENT Endorsement Copy forwarded 1. (E-IU) No DE.)( l08)/E-!IVOR!2016/~l&'O to:- HI ~, ;DD~,'iI(:oncerned. il\I''''' 2. HOS Cone 3. PAD Con 4. MO Cone 5. EmployeeConcerned-ANUIY\G"ID\' EDI-20170293, DISTRJCT DELHI-09 DElHIVOE~I, Guard File 6. (counts branch . .~ > 16 OM t-1ANDIR MARG MUJHERFEJ3'.NAGAR SUPERINTENDENT (E-IIIj Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No; DE,3(108)/E-!II/DRj2016/ Extension 10: 20090499 ~' Date: 10/2/2017 With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the ap~rovi.'1 Of"th~mptent Authority IS hereby conveyed for extension of date of Joining In respect of Sh/Smt/Ms VISHYAJEET KUMAR~io17:0292, TGT SANSKRIT tor a period of 90, days i.e. till 04/05/2017, failing which his/her candidature shall stand cane without any further communication, S~~:A UPERINTENDENT 6. (E-III) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi /6;6 Order No: OE.3(108)/E-IIIjOR,/2016/ Extension 10: 20090498 ,~ Date: 10/2/2017 ofJi~;;fomptent With reference to this office order of even no, dated 11/01/2017, the apri~~1 Authority IS hereby conveyed for extension of date of joining in respect of Sh/SmtjMs ARCHANA -2017012~:ilcTGT. NATURAL SCIENCE for a period of 90, days r.e. till 04/05/2017, failing which his/her candidature shall stand cancelled \",ithrn.l any further communication. 4f. /;, ¥sr:A 1i'U1l;~~"~ ti:Endorsement Copy forwarded 1 2. to:- ~" SUPERINTENDENT 0 No OE.)(108)/E-ilI/DR/2016r~~ :~ 'D,np;'Concerned. ~iiI' IW'!11 Hosconc~nedl, ,. , 3. PADConQ..erped. 4. AAO Conce~. 5. Employee concerned-ARCHANA,,:.Z0170127, J-23, DR, AMBEDKAR DELHI-62 6. (E-III) Guard File Accounts branch,;, '> JO· 4; DELHI DELHI. , ,. , 0. NAGAR SEC-S DAKSHINPURt • . ~~MA SUPERINTENDENT (E-III) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No: DE.3(108)/E-JJVDR/2016j /6;;S Elttension ID: 20090497 Date: 10/2/2017 With ;eference to ext~ns!on 9f, ,date th-iS office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the apJ?;Q81:f'lt of jolnlnq in respect ofS,h/Smt/MS RAVI PRABHAT-2~17.Q,~~~, failing which his/her candidature ShBIl stand cancelled·,wlthout.any 04/05/2017, . i" tllt.he Comptent Authority is hereby conveyed for TGT S:ANSKRIT for. a period of 90, days i.e. till further communication SA endorsement No DE.3(108)/E-IIVDR/20.,.~~"'j5 Copy forwarded toe- , _~ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. , EER SHARMA "SUPERINTE DENT(E-Ill) c DD.E~Concerned. ~ i._. " HOSConc~e~": , PAD Concerned.}. ~,,:1 '" I' I AAO Concern,e",.AccQunts branc I ",.,:f. <I\~~Il\, Employee ccoce. ned-RAVI P.~'AA' ~i ~li"20170263, PH-3, DELHI DELHI DELHl\~~ Guard file l. SFS-49, SHAKTI APARTMENT,ASHOKW HflR', "'~ Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-JII Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi 165 c; Order No: DE.3( l08)/E-IH/DR/2016/ Extension ID: 20090496 Date: 10/2/2017 With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/0112017, the approval of"the Comptent Authority is hereby conveyed fOf" extension of date of joining In respect of Sh/SmtjMs NAVEEN KUMAR JAIN~OlZ0149, TGT NATURAL SCIENCE for a period of 90, days t.e. till 04/05/2017, failing which his/her candidature shall st11n.d c"'<m[elledwithout any further communication. '0\Y SA Endorsement R HARMA No DE,.,~(108)/E-Ill/DR/2 Copy forwarded tot- 1 2. HOS Ccrrce 3. PAQ Con 4. MO Concerne,. ,Accounts branch. "...-r. '.0; 5. 6. Employee Concerned-NAVEE~KUM.A:R AlWAR RAJASTHAN. #i JA1N-20170149, MAIN MARKET THANAGAZI AlWAR Guard File \("~0 S~:ARMA SUPERINTENDENT (E-III) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-IJI Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No: DE.3(62)/E-III/DR/20rr / 6 ~3 Extension [0: 2009049! .~ With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/11/2016, the appl~~~~1 !~~mptent extension of date of joining in respect of Sh/SmVMs RAVI KUMAR KANNAU~I,Y~20161310, of 90, days t.e. till 28/02/2017, Date: 10/2/2017 Authority is hereby conveyed for TGT NATURAL SCIENCE for a pertcc failing which his/her candidature shall stand-canceuec without any further communication. 'Vt:::,"1\ s ~"",'~'SUPERINT 6. ~ E~ SHARMI NDENT(E-III) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Dethi Order No: DE.3(108)/E-IIVDR/20l6J /652-. Extension 10: 20090494 Date: 10/2/2017 JR.tbe Comptent With reference to this office order of even. no. dated 11/01/2017, the apRrcival extension of date of joining in respect of Sh/SmtjMs KRITI KAPUR.20170.i\0.2'·I~GT 05/.03/2017, f'iI"9 which hts/her candidature shan scene "",~f'\"~Y ENGLISH further communlcation. AI.... .,~", ~iilii\ll2rj ·';;1,:f.'- Endorsement No OE.3(108)JE-IIlJOR/2'2 Copy forwarded 1. to:- SUPERINTENDENT (E-III) 6~f~.2. , " !:.lDEConcerned. 2. HOS Conc~r,ned•. 3. 4 PAO Concerned. ,,<\,,- . AAO Conce(J;l,~g;"Accounts s. Employee concerned-KRrrtl~FlyR~'20170102, DELHI. 'A Iii'" . 6. Authority is hereby conveyed for for e..pertod of 30, days l.e. till t Guard F;le " ,'' ~ bra~~;_rl~ '~:.ii'" !( 0-2/5, KAKA NAGAR NEW OELHl"llood~ElELHI '~ ,;;, SUPE Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No: DE.3(108)/E·UVDR/2016/ / b S( Extension ID: 2009049: Date: 10/2/2017 With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the apP1"oYai o~ the"lmptent Authority is hereby 'conveyed for ,,,. ". extensfco of date of joining in respect of Sh/Smt/Ms SMRITl OIXIT-20170.~'7~'$:rGT MATH for a period of 30, days i e. till , 05/03/2017, failing which his/her \ candidature shall stand cance7..1Ied-'Vijthout~aHY f'~ V further communication. \ _,II')./"\'l( SA~~RM~ Endorsement i!i~~,,( UPERINTENDENT (E-III) No DE.3(108)/E-Ill/DR/29'16,!~W Copy forwarded to:- !I 1. DDE-'Concerned. 2. HOSConc~mea. 3. PAQConGer;n!,'!d. 4, MO Con~~D~'J~,~Accounts, bran~h 5, Concerned-SMRlJifbIXIT:70170272, E-I/330/ LUCKNOW - 2260 12 LU<;:KNO\V:(u""if ARPRADESH. Guard File I(JII' 6. ,.,..... Employee . I ,~::~\mf1.' "i<!'ii~,. Il9W" ~ " . SECTOR H LDA COLONY KANP~ROAD Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-Ill Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No: DE.3(108,)/E-Ill/0R/2016/ With reference /65"'1) Extension 10: 20090492 . '-~ Date: 10/2/2017 to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the app1rov,alof.l.the Comptent Authority is hereby conveyed for extens.lon ,of date aftalnlng-·jn respect; of Sh/SmtjMs MEENAKSHI -2017012~~~;tGT MATH for a period of 60, days t.e. till 04/04/201'7, failing which his/her candidature shall stand cancelled ou~!.any further communication. \c#A~ SA~H1RMA SUPERINTENDENT (E-III) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. \.\'\ SA EJSHARMA SUPERINTEN'oENT (e-rrr) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt.of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order Extension ID: 20090491 No: DE.3(108)/E-lII/DR/2016/ ~ Dale: 10/2/2017 With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the approvai of--t.he ~mptent Authority is hereby conveyed for extension of date of joining in respect of Sh/SmVr-1s VINEET KUMAR·201;Z007f,} TGT SOCIAL. SCIENCe for a period of 90, days i.e. till 04/05/2017, falling which his/her candidature shall stand c d\Viti\out any further communication. S SUPERINTE endorsement No Copy forwarded DE.3(108)!E'1II/DR/2qltl~"t1 If to.- L 2. 3, 4 . . ~ ODE/Concerned. (r!j' ~ __ '- Has conc~f;~eq,.,",., PAO Conc;.~r.nJ.~d l "" ~~~I 'il1:~ ~ ,t AAO Concerm:-g, Accounts br"c~ .j~>& ' ')It" 5. Employee Concerned-VINEE~""I<UMA-20170079, COLONY, DELHI DELHI DEI:'t'l1 6~ G,oed,,,e~" E-160 A, STREETNO 8 KHAJURI KHAS S \ ER SHARMA SUPERINTENDENT (E-III) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt, of NeT of Delh+) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Extension ID: 2009049C Date: 10/2/2017't'i reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the ap extension of date of Joining in respect of $h/Smt~Ms ASTHA NARANG-20: r.e. till 28102'/,20'1:7, 'failing which his/her candidature shall stand c o ornptent Authority is hereby conveyed for ,)~" TGT NA'T.URAL SCIENCE tor a period of 25, days hout any further communication. s~~ UPERINTENDENT endorsement No D,E3(i:OB,)1E-IlI/DR.I,2 Copy.forwarded tor12. oncecned. HOS Cone 3. PAO Con 4. MO Con 5. Employee Concerned-ASTH 10 DWARKA NEW DELHI-/!; Guard File -20170147,8-3, DELHI. AMBA APARTMENTS (E-III)' .. ' ~ PLOT NO-51!;6GITO~d V "i!~,.;:i 1~1n. - ,0" SUPERINTENDENT (E-III) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Brench.Old Sectt.Delhi 10 ,lr 7 Order ~O:,DE.3(108)/E-IUfDRj20.16; 4B~\ml~ Extension 10: 20090489 Date: 10/2/2017 •. ~.~~f With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the approval of\tfie Comptent Authority IS hereby conveyed for extension of date of joining in respect of Sh/5mVMs NEERAJ KUMAR-201\:703_i~t. TGT NATURAL SCIENCE for a period of 60, days r.e. till 04/04/2017, failing which his/her candidature shall stand qmreUed witJ!lout any further communication. \-Y SAM '."SUPERINTEN Endorsement Copy forwarded 1. No DE.3(lOJ:l)/E-lli/D8j2 to:- H;,. DOEJ'Concerned. 2. J. ~' PAQ ccncerneo. ~~OS Concer~ed, ' Conce~. Accountsbrand\. 4. AAO 5. Employee c~ncerned-NEE~V' !KUf'1A -20170311, 08 DELHI DELHI. r~,' 6. R 1HARMA ~ ENT (E-III) Guard ...• File ~:' ;~ .I. ,'" ~ 2642/3A, MAIN PATEL ROAD SHADIPUR DElHJ- " . . ~ SA \ ER SHARMA SUPERINTENDENT (E-III) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No: DE.3(108)/E-UVDR/2016/ /6 '7/; Extension 10: 20090488 Date: 10/2{2017 With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the apI?Ioval.0n.the extension of date of joining in respect of Sh/SmtjMs TEl BAHAOUR-20170'27,5,!P'GT 21/03/2017, Comptent Authority is hereby conveyed (0( MATH for a period of 46, days r.e. till w th0l!t~any further failing which his/her candidature shall stand cancelled communication. \~<- S~:R:A UPERINTENDENT (E-UI) Endorsement No Q~.3(108)/E-IIlIDRj2 Copy forwarded toeI. 2. HDS Concer "" J. PAD Con,er 4. MO 5. Employee DELHI-53 6. .k Concerned' Guard sue ~ Accounts brandi. '.J. (;r Concerned-TEJ DELHI DELHI. ~ BAAA UR':Z0170225, L-225, STREET N04 GAUTAM VIHAR GHONDA \f\'I/,'""">r MEER SHARMJI SUPERINTENDENT (E-IIl) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No: DE.3(108)/E-I1l/DR!2016! /0 7j~ Extension 10: 20090487 Date: 10/2/2017 With reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/~1/2.017, the a'p'Y~! 9~,t'he->;,comptent Authority is hereby conveyed for extension of date of joining In nespect of>ShjSmt/Ms RAMANAND MISH b0294, TGT 5ANS'KRIT for a period of 30, days i.e. till 05/03/2017, failing which his/her candidature shall stand cans au any further communication. ~1" 5 " Endorsement SUPERlNTE EER SHARMA ~DENT (E-III) No DE.3(108)/E-III/DR/20.161 Copy forwarded to:- 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. SA ER'SHARMA SUPERINTENDENT (E-III) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Ord~r No: DE.3(lOB)/E-miDR/2016/! b I.j 1 Extension 10: 20090486 Date: 10/2/2017 With reference to this' office order of even no. dated ll/Olj2017, the extension of date of Joining· in respect 'of Sh/Smt/Ms AS.HA M2017'0302, 03/03/2017, failing which his/her candidature shall stand ccoceue 6 ap8{,'~~1 omp,tent Authority is hereby conveyed for SCIENCE for a period of 28, days l.e. till further communication. T(;r1i;~'c)G:IAL. ' 'f,.a\'fy SA~: UPERlNTENDENT (E-I1I) Endorsement No DE.3(108)/E-IIl/DR/2. Copy forwarded to:1. 2. 3. 4. S. Employee Concerned-ASH 6. Guard File \S\.';"'V S MEER SHARMA SUPERlNTENDENT (E-IlI) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-lJI Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No: DEo3(77)/DRl20161!6 E:dension 10: 20090501 ~ ~K,I app,f~~16l;b:i'!le ~ I Date: 10/2/2017 With reference to this office order of even no. dated 19/12/2016, the Comptent Authority is hereby conveyed for extension of careor joining In respect of Sh/SmtjMs PRAMOD KUMAR SH~RMA'¢20162475, TGT SANSKRIT for a period of 90, days t.e. tilll0/04/2Q17, failing whlch his/her candidature shaH sta tCtancelle'd without any further communication. ,. /" ~)\\ SAMEER SHARM, ~SUPERINTENDENT Copy forwarded 1. (E-III) to;- 2. 3. 4. S. 6. ,\It'.,,\,y SiJME~R\HARM. SUPERINTENDENT (E-III Directorate of Education.Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Order No: DE,3(lOB)/E-IlljDR/2016/ ) Sectt.Delhl & '71 Extension 10; 20090483 Date: 10/2/2017 With reference to this office order of even no, dated 11/o.1il2017., the ap extension of date of join ing in respect of ,Sn/Smt/Ms REENA c;:":ib,l,IO,H,AR'X": 04/05/2017, failing whtoh bis!ner candidature shall stand cancel: '. , omptent Authority is hereby conveyed for 3" TGT'HIN{lI"for a period of 90, days I.e. till ,furtner communication" " \,,,,,w.-,\\)SA~~~~RMA SUPERINTENDENT Endorsement (E-III) No OE,3(108}/E'IlVOR./2 Copy forwarded to:- 1 2 OS Cone 3 PAD Gon 4 MO Con 5 Employee concemed-REE~~-e,~~W~~);iARY-201702831 B 101, PLOT NO 21, SEC 7, DW~~Jff'I'\.-, '. DELHI DELHI 75. 6 Guard File ccounts branc.!ik iJ!I'.~ ~"!Ji: r: t1',~, ~~ (II~ir 5 MEE'h. SUPERINTENDENT SHARMA (E-III) Qicect0~i:ltS:Qf Educetron.Delhi (Govt, of NeT ofDelhi) E-I1I IOraneh,Old Seett.Delhi Orner No: DE.3(l9j3JlE:-III/DRX,'~0161!6.t../ I Extension 10: 2009048 Date: 10/2/201; With reference to this office di-qer of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the ap~~~!.1 omptent Authority is hereby conveyed for extension of date ofJoinihg in sespect ofSh!Smt!Ms VIKASH LOCHAB-201~1,O~~,S, TGT SOCIAL SCIENCE for a period of 60, days r.e. till 04/04/2'tH7,;'failing wHich his/her candidature shall stand "'iWitA'out any further communication. ~.,\~'Y ~ ~KMEER SHARM, lSUPERINTENDENT (E-IIIJ Endor-aernen t No DE..3(108)jE-IlII,!;)R/2 Copy forwarded to.- 1 2 3 4. 5. Employee Concerned-VIKA DELHI DELHI 39. 6 Guard file ~\r Is"lER SUPERINTENDENT SHARMJ (E-nI -----.--~ Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-III Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi order No: DE3(108,)IE.m~D~2016/)i'~ ,..,,() Extension IO: 2009048 , ~ Date: 10/2/201; With reference to tnts office order of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the app!ov~L~Kmptent Authonty IS hereby conveyed for extension of date of joining in respect of Sh/Smt/Ms MISAAL HAlRAT-2011~OO'-y, TGT ENGLISH for a period of 86, days r.e. till 30/04/2017, falling which his/her candidature shall stand cancelled,without any further communication. \~\'r I. \ PAMEER UPERIN:rENDENT Endorsement No DE.3(108)/E-IIl/DR/20 , Copy forwarded 1. QD Concerned. HOS 3. PADco"'t::rned., AAOConc~rnicf~Accounts S. 6 (E-III) ' 2. 4. " toe- SHARM, ConcerS" 0: . branc,t1.' . Employee concerned-MISAA~~};-20170019, 332-333(FIRST FLOOR),FLAT NO. 3/-MAIN BAZAR DELHI GATE DElHl~~tOOp2~DELHI DELHI. •• Guar-d Fife 4; Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) E-!lI Branch,Old Sectt.Delhi Order No: DE.3(lOB)/E-liI/ORl2016/ / 6) 1 Extension YO; 20090480 Date; 10/2/2017 W"lth reference to this office order of even no. dated 11/01/~017, extension of date of,joir.1irjg !,n te;sped 20/03/201,7, faili'ng which fils/her 1ofoJ.h Comptent the app~ ••.•• 9ft Sh/SmtjMs ANJU !<t,JMARI'-:ZOI:7, ca'n'd!'tlature shatl stand cencou Authority is hereby conveyed for _GTMATH for a period of 45, days i.e. till y further oommunlcetfon. L,~~ SA~~ARMA UPERINTENDENT j~~",. )U DE'3(108)/E-III/D~2'~?'!"$W)~ -( Endorsement No Copy forwarded to:- (J; tt ,0' 1. 2. 3. 4. J 5. ~~ -f. . , 6. 18 - - __ "toncerned. '-. PAO CondCrr:fed. ~ \]JII!~ _ MO Conce'~Q~SL,,"Accounts bra~c:~ , Employee concerned-ANJU_~VI ~R:P 0170211, 61 DELHI DELHI. ~ 4Ia....~ HOS Conc~( i!'d.' Guard (E-III) I"':. • ' HNO 652 SHAHBAD MOHAMADPUR NE'?E:LHlc ~ . File sL~~K.'r.MA SUPERINTENDENT (E-III) Directorate of Education,Delhi (Govt. of NeT of Delhi) E-I1I Branch.Ole Sectt.Delhi Order No: DE.3(lO,S2/E-oIII/DR;2016/ / bY? Extension 10: 20090479 Date: 10/2/2017 With reference to this crnceo-oer of even no. dated 11/01/2017, the app 0 al ofWle Comptent Authority is hereby conveyed extension of date of joining In respect ofrSh/Smt/Ms NIRMA AHUJA:20170285 ;rGT MATH for a period of 30, days 05/03/2017, failing which his/her candidature shall stand cancelled -ithouf.any further communication. , r.e. tltl for ~;("'~ A: Efu S'HARMA UPERINTENDENT Endorsement No DE.3.(108)/E-1lI/DRj2 Copy forwarded i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. to::- (E-III)
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