Mixtures Solutions and What iS a Mixture?

and Solutions
by Susan Murdock
Do you like making goopy stuff? Have
you ever mixed white glue, warm water,
and borax? In the right combination, these
ingredients make slime!
Food coloring gives
this batch of slime
a light green color.
What is a mixture?
The ingredients in this cereal
can easily be separated.
A mixture is a combination of two
or more substances. Mixtures aren’t
always messy, although they can be. A
breakfast cereal of oats, nuts, and raisins
is a mixture. Salad is a mixture, too. A
mixture can be a combination of solids,
liquids, or gases. Each substance in a
mixture keeps its own physical properties.
A solution is a mixture, too
If you stir a spoonful of salt into a glass of water, the salt
disappears. This type of mixture is called a solution. Like a
mixture, the properties of the individual ingredients in a solution
do not change when they are mixed together. It may not be easy,
but they can be returned to separate parts again. For example,
if you boil the salt water, the water will evaporate, leaving the
salt behind.
So what do you think? Is slime a mixture or a solution?
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