BISOCIATION of Arthur Koestler in the ACT OF CREATION (1964) as the foundation of HUMAN and COMPUTER CREATIVITY Bronislaw Czarnocha Napoli, May 13, 2014 Arthur Koestler, The Act of Creation, 1964 • “I have coined the term ‘bisociation’ in order to make a distinction between the routine skills of thinking on a single ‘plane’ as it were, and the creative act, which…always operates on more than one plane” p. 36 • for Koestler, bisociation represents a “spontaneous flash of insight...which connects previously unconnected matrices of experience” (p.45) !Aha! Moment Eureka Experience Albert Einstein (1949) Autobiographical Notes. P.7 • “What exactly is thinking? When at the reception of sense impressions, a memory picture emerges, this is not yet thinking, and when such pictures form series, each member of which calls for another, this too is not yet thinking. When however, a certain picture turns up in many of such series then – precisely through such a return – it becomes an ordering element for such series, in that it connects series, which in themselves are unconnected, such an element becomes an instrument, a concept.” Progress of Understanding and Exercise of Understanding (Koestler, p.619) “ is necessary to distinguish between progress in understanding - the acquisition of new insights, and the exercise of understanding at any given stage of development. Progress in understanding is achieved by the formulation of new codes through the modification and integration of existing codes by methods of empirical induction, abstraction and discrimination, bisociation. The exercise or application of understanding the explanation of particular events then becomes an act of subsuming the particular event under the codes formed by past experience. To say that we have understood a phenomenon means that we have recognized one or more of its relevant relational features as particular instances of more general or familiar relations, which have been previously abstracted and encoded”. Associative and Bisociative Thinking and Pattern Finding [Koestler] distinguishes associations that work within a given domain (called a matrix by Koestler) and are limited to repetitiveness (here, in Computer Creativity: finding other/new occurrences of already identified patterns) and bisociations representing novel connections crossing independent domains (matrices). Two Aha moments of Sultan, the genius among Koehler’s chimpanzees (1914) • (I7.2.1914) Beyond some bars, out of arm's reach, lies an objective [a banana]; on this side, in the background of the experiment room, is placed a sawn-off castor-oil bush, whose branches can be easily broken off. It is impossible to squeeze the tree through the railings, on account of its awkward shape; besides, only one of bigger apes could drag it as far as the bars. Sultan is let in, does not immediately see the objective, and, looking about him indifferendy, sucks one of the branches of the tree. But, his attention having been drawn to the objective, he approaches the bars, glances outside, the next moment turns round, goes straight to the tree, seizes a thin slender branch, breaks it off with a sharp jerk, runs back to the bars, and attains the objective. From the turning round upon the tree up to the grasping of the fruit with the broken-off branch, is one single quick chain of action, without the least 'hiatus', and without the slightest movement that does not, objectively considered, fit into the solution described.• (p.103) • The chimpanzee Sultan first of all squats indifferently on the box which has been left standing a little back from the railings; then he gets up, picks up the two sticks, sits down again on the box and plays carelessly with them. While doing this, it happens that he finds himself holding one rod in either hand in such a way that they lie in a straight line; he pushes the thinner one a little way into the opening of the thicker, jumps up and is already on the run towards the railings, to which he has up to now half turned his back, and begins to draw a banana towards him with the double stick. I call the master: meanwhile, one of the animal's rods has fallen out of the other, as he has pushed one of them only a little way into the other; whereupon he connects them again Had Sultan known Greek he would certainly have shouted Eureka! (p.103) an Aha moment from 5000 years ago:The Hymns of Humble Appar Ero così ignorante (pieno di cecità indotta dal Malam), che non conoscevo il Chaste Tamil di versi illuminanti e non componevo poesie e testi con essi. Non sapevo come apprezzare le grandi arti e scienze portati alla perfezione attraverso riflessioni ripetute e continue su di esse. A causa di tali incompetenze non ero in grado di apprezzare la presenza dell’ ESSERE e della Sua essenza. Ma come una madre e un padre pieno di amore e di cura, l’ESSERE dischiuse su Sua spontanea volontà la Sua presenza ed essenza e continuò a stare con me durante la mia evoluzione tenendomi sempre come Suo proprio soggetto. Ora, pieno di vera comprensione dell'ESSERE, salgo su per la collina di ERunbiyuur e testimonio l’ESSERE come Luce benevola. COMMENT: Uno degli oggetti dell’Ontologia Fondamentale che è stato portato in parole dai giganti della spiritualità Tantrica come Tirumular Namazvar e così via è quella di MALAM, il Buio Metafisico che rende le anime CIECHE e quindi incapaci di vedere qualsiasi cosa. Questa nozione metafisica è antica quanto il Sumerico NeRi di Suruppak (3000 a.C.). I filosofi sumeri hanno anche notato che qualunque competenza umana, comprese le competenze tecniche come inventare un alfabeto per scrivere il linguaggio, è lì solo perché ESSENDO emerge nelle profondità dell'anima come il Sole Interiore che viola il buio interiore e lascia che ci sia la luce dell’Intelligenza (Utu ude-a aAM Uru iGanamee - 505 Enmerkar e Araata) Appar interpreta la sua intelligenza contro una comprensione metafisica fondata da questa Ontologia Fondamentale e in questo registra anche una continuità con i filosofi Sumeri. Examples of Eureka moment through a bisociation. Poincare: “Then I wanted to represent these functions by the quotient of two series; this idea was perfectly conscious and deliberate, the analogy with elliptic functions guided me….Just at this time I left Caen, where I was then living, to go on a geologic excursion under the auspices of the school of mines. The changes of travel made me forget my mathematical work. Having reached Coutances, we entered an omnibus to go some place or other. At the moment when I put my foot on the step the idea came to me, without anything in my former thoughts seeming to have paved the way for it, that the transformations I had used to define the Fuchsian functions were identical with those of non-Euclidean geometry. I did not verify the idea;…but I felt a perfect certainty” (p.115) Examples of bisociation; Darwin wherein lies Darwin's greatness, the originality of his contribution? In picking up, one might say, the disjointed threads, plaiting them into a braid, and then weaving an enormous carpet around it. The main thread was the evolutionist's credo that the various species in the animal and vegetable kingdom had not been independently created, but had descended, like varieties, from other species…but it gave no explanation of the reasons which caused the common ancestor to transform itself gradually into serpents, walruses, and giraffes. The second thread that he picked up was of almost as trivial a nature for a country-bred English gentleman as Archimedes's daily bath: domestic breeding. The improvement of domestic breeds is achieved by the selective mating of favourable variations… He had found the third thread…In …Malthus's An Essay on the Principle of Population. When Darwin read the he saw in a flash the 'natural selector', the causative agent of evolution, for which he had been searching:…” (p.1`40) Examples of bisociation: Guttenberg’s Printing Press Here, then, we have matrix or skill No. I: the printing from wood blocks by means of rubbing. It leads Gutenberg, by way of analogy, to the seal: 'When you apply to the vellum or paper the seal of your community, everything has been said, everything is done, everything is there. Do you not see that you can repeat as many times as necessary the seal covered with signs and characters?' • Yet all this is insufficient. I took part in the wine harvest. I watched the wine flowing, and going back from the effect to the cause, I studied the power of this press which nothing can resist.... At this moment it occurs to him that the same, steady pressure might be applied by a seal or coin-preferably of lead, which is easy to cast on paper, and that owing to the pressure, the lead would leave a trace on the paper - Eureka! • A simple substitution which is a ray of light.... To work then! God has revealed to me the secret that I demanded of Him•••. (p.123) Bisociation: When two habitually independent matrices of perception or reasoning interact with each other the result is either: a collision ending in laughter.A Smullyan joke: Un visitatore che vuole conoscere come vivono i carcerati viene condotto in giro dal direttore. Passano per i corridoi e guardano non visti, nelle celle attraverso certi spioncini chiamati "sportelli di Giuda". In una delle celle 4-5 prigionieri sono seduti sulle brande e ogni tanto uno dice un numero (per esempio sedici) e gli altri ridono. Dopo avere osservato per un po' la scena, il visitatore chiede al direttore che cosa accade, che cosa sono quei numeri e perché i carcerati ridono. "Semplice risponde il direttore - raccontano barzellette. Ne hanno fatto un elenco, ognuna con il suo numero. Le hanno sentite così tante volte che le conoscono a memoria"I due continuano ad osservare mentre molti numeri vengono lanciati. A un certo punto uno dice 72, e nessuno ride. "E adesso, che sta succedendo?" chiede il visitatore. "Oh, - risponde il direttore - quel tipo le barzellette non le sa proprio raccontare!" A fusion of intellectual synthesis. Poincare fusion: For fifteen days I strove to prove that there could not be any functions like those I have since called Fuchsian functions. I was then very ignorant; every day I seated myself at my work table, stayed an hour or two, tried a great number of combinations, and reached no results. One evening, contrary to my custom, I drank black coffee and could not sleep. Ideas rose in crowds; I felt them collide until pairs interlocked, so to speak, making a stable combination. confrontation in an aestetic experience Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. (Cymbeline) Computational Creativity, from M.R. Berthold (ed) Bisociative Knowledge Discovery, LNAI 7250, 2012 Along with other essentially human abilities, such as intelligence, creativity has long been viewed as one of the unassailable bastions of the human condition. Since the advent of the computer age this monopoly has been challenged. A new scientific discipline called computational creativity aims to model, simulate or replicate creativity with a computer (Boden,1999;Dubitsky et al, 2012). Boden(1994) distinguishes three types of creative discoveries: Combinatorial, Exploratory and Transformational. Computational Creativity – bases. Essential Distinction: …bisociation can be defined as sets of concepts that bridge two otherwise not – or very sparcely – connected domains (viz progress in understanding; finding patterns across domains) whereas an association bridges concepts within a given domain (viz. exercise of understanding, finding patterns in individual domains). Definition 1 Creativity is the ability to come up with ideas or artifacts that are new, surprising, and valuable. Example: “in 1996 Akihiro invented a “digital pet” called Tamagotchi which soon became a best seller Computational Creativity – types of bisociation 1 Bridging Concept 3.Bridging by Graph Structural Similarity Computational Creativity/Human Creativity 2. Bridging graphs Human Creativity: R. Catanuto, Everest Academy, Switzerland LEARNING ROUTES METHOD LEARNING ROUTES METHOD Teaching-Research Questions 1. Given their common origin, what are the ways in which human creativity and computer creativity can mutually positively reinforce each other? 2. What are the essential parameters of difference between human and computer creativity? My hypothesis (TRQ2): • • • • • • • • • • …Non è un quadretto ma una finestra, in cui si può mettere un numero. B: Come sarebbe? P: Due finestre sono uguali a 64, una finestra è uguale a 32. Infatti, se sottrai 12 da entrambi I lati, vedrai che le due finestre sono uguali a 64. B: Ma ci sono numeri nelle finestre? P: Due finestre sono 64, perciò una finestra è 32. B: Finestra!? P: Proprio così: una finestra. Guarda: un elefante più un elefante fa 64. Allora, a che cosa è uguale un elefante? Due elefanti sono uguali a 64. Allora, un elefante a che cosa è uguale? B: Un elefante? Uhm, sì. Un elefante è uguale a 32. Ora capisco… dunque l’equazione… P: Se due elefanti sono uguali a 60, a che cosa è uguale un elefante? B: Un elefante?, ok, un elefante è uguale a 30. Ora lo vedo. Ora l’equazione…………..aaaaaaa COMMENTARY of the observer: Riflettendo su questo dialogo, si pongono diverse domande: Perché a Przemek è venuto in mente un elefante? Perché per Bartek funziona un elefante, dove non avevano funzionato né un quadretto né un segmento? Da dove viene fuori l’elefante? C’erano sulla mensola due statuine, un maialino e un elefante. Il maialino non può funzionare per i significati che vi si associano (almeno in lingua polacca), ma l’elefante è neutro, pronto per essere preso come simbolo di un qualche oggetto mentale. Così l’elefante è stato usato come simbolo adeguato di un oggetto mentale, che spesso viene indicato con ics ma senza che ce ne sia necessità. Non si tratta di un episodio accidentale. L’uso fatto è ciò che si chiama metonimia. Quando risolviamo problemi in matematica, specialmente in algebra, usiamo spesso metonimie BISOCIATION-AS- EU GRANT IDEA ???PDTR in bisociation / Aha moment??? • The situation is interesting: we have one precise principle underlying both Human and Computer creativity. Each domain is in the beginning of its development. A collaboration in the investigation of both and their mutual impact promises, in the spirit of Bisociation to bring a wealth of new results and discoveries for both. On one hand “The ability of humans to perform creative reasoning like bisociative thinking outstrips that of machines by far”, and on the other hand, the generality of computer creativity offer wealth of applications to the classroom. • .The re-introduction of creativity into mathematics classroom might be the only way through which our students will get back interest in, and enjoyment with mathematics. Our respective tasks, facilitation of the discovery in the classroom and sensitizing computers to “habitually separate domains”, although different bear, a similarity, which could be the basis of collaboration leading to the next EU grant, the follower to the Commenius Programme grant 2005-2008 PDTR and to the Bisonet grant of EU 2009-2011. HUMAN AND COMPUTER CREATIVITY Bisociation of Koestler (1964) as the Theory of the !Aha!-moment. Chinese National Association of Mathematics Education Conference Lanzhow, Gansu, China June 2014 Bronislaw Czarnocha Hostos Community College City University of New York NYC,USA Arthur Koestler, The Act of Creation, 1964 • “I have coined the term ‘bisociation’ in order to make a distinction between the routine skills of thinking on a single ‘plane’ as it were, and the creative act, which…always operates on more than one plane” p. 36 • for Koestler, bisociation represents a “spontaneous flash of insight...which connects previously unconnected matrices of experience” (p.45) Reminder from CTRAS 5: Wu Zhipeng The Construction of High School Mathematics Wisdom Class • Professor Cheng Shangrong synthesized research about intelligence in and out of China, and came to the conclusion that intelligence is a typical character produced and expressed in education situations, and it is directed by virtue and creativity. The purpose of obtaining intelligence is to cultivate and develop the students’ capability, mathematics sensitivity and sudden enlightenment. Mao Tse Tung: On Practice, July 1937, p.68 As social practice continues, things that give rise to man’s perception and impressions in the course of his practice are repeated many times; then a sudden change, (a leap) takes place in the brain in the process of cognition, and concepts are formed. Concepts are not longer the phenomena, the separate aspects and external relations of things; the grasp the essence, the totality and the internal relations of things. Albert Einstein (1949) Autobiographical Notes, p.7 Notes. P.7 • What exactly is thinking? When lbert. P.7 at the reception of sense impressions, a memory picture emerges, this is not yet thinking, and when such pictures form series, each member of which calls for another, this too is not yet thinking. When however, a certain picture turns up in many of such series then – precisely through such a return – it becomes an ordering element for such series, in that it connects series, which in themselves are unconnected, such an element becomes an instrument, a concept.” Bisociation: When two habitually independent matrices of perception or reasoning interact with each other the result is either: a collision ending in laughter A Raymond Smullyan joke: A visitor who wants to investigate life of prisoners comes to a prison and is led around by the prison’s chief. They walk along the prison corridor and look, unnoticed, into cells through small, so called Judas windows placed within the doors. In one of the cells, 4,5 cellmates are sitting on their beds, from time to time one of them states a number, like for example sixteen (16) and the rest are laughing. After observing it for a while, the visitor asks the prison’s chief: What’s happening here? What are those numbers and why they laugh? The chief says, it’s simple. They tell jokes; they made a list of jokes, each joke has a number and they heard it so many times they know it by heart. hey continue watching as several numbers are shouted by different prisoners. At some point one of them says 56, they laugh and stop for awhile, but one of them laughs so much, he falls under the table laughing. The visitor is asking, what happened to this one? Oh – the chief answers- he heard it for the first time! A fusion of intellectual synthesis. Poincare fusion For fifteen days I strove to prove that there could not be any functions like those I have since called Fuchsian functions. I was then very ignorant; every day I seated myself at my work table, stayed an hour or two, tried a great number of combinations, and reached no results. One evening, contrary to my custom, I drank black coffee and could not sleep. Ideas rose in crowds; I felt them collide until pairs interlocked, so to speak, making a stable combination A confrontation through esthetic experience Examples of bisociation: Guttenberg Press (Koestler, p.123)Printing Press Here, then, we have matrix or skill No. I: the printing from wood blocks by means of rubbing. It leads Gutenberg, by way of analogy, to the seal: 'When you apply to the vellum or paper the seal of your community, everything has been said, everything is done, everything is there. Do you not see that you can repeat as many times as necessary, the seal covered with signs and characters?' Yet all this is insufficient. I took part in the wine harvest. I watched the wine flowing, and going back from the effect to the cause, I studied the power of this press which nothing can resist.... At this moment it occurs to him that the same, steady pressure might be applied by a seal or coin-preferably of lead, which is easy to cast on paper, and that owing to the pressure, the lead would leave a trace on the paper Eureka! A simple substitution which is a ray of light.... To work then! God has revealed to me the secret that I demanded of Him•••. Koestler’s Triptych an example of the triptych assignment used by Introductory Statistics class: Trailblazer Outlier O Sampling Probability Confidence Interva Law of Large Numbe Lurker/Lurking Variable Correlat The triptych below is an example of student wo Trailblazer OUTLIER Random SAMPLING Chance PROBABILITY Lurking Variable CORRELATIO Testing CONFIDENCE INTERV Sample Mean LAW OF LARGE NUM Classroom of Algebra: 0 The teacher asked the students during the review: “Can all real values of be used for the domain of the function 𝑋 + 3?” 1 Student: “No, negative X’s cannot be used.” (The student habitually confuses the general rule which states that for the function only positive-valued can be used as the domain of definition, with the particular application of this rule to .) 2 Teacher: “How about -5 ?” 3 Student: “No good.” 4 Teacher: “How about -4 ?” 5 Student: “No good either.” 6 Teacher: “How about -3 ?” 7 Student, after a minute of thought: “It works here.” 8 Teacher: “How about -2?” 9 Student: “It works here too.” 10 A moment later Student adds:” Those X’s which are smaller than -3 can’t be used here.” (Elimination of the habit through original creative generalization.) 11 Teacher: “How about 𝑋 − 1?” 12 Student, after a minute of thought: “Smaller than 1 can’t be used.” 13 Teacher: “In that case, how about 𝑋 − 𝑎 ?” 14 Student: “Smaller than “a” can’t be used.”(Second creative generalization) Act of Creation is the defeat of habit by originality. (Koestler,p 96) That means that bisociation not only is the cognitive reorganization of the concept by “an immediate perception of relations”, but also it can be an affective catalyzer of the transformation of habit into originality. Liljedahl (2004) metafindings: “…Aha experience has a helpful and strongly transformative effect on student’s beliefs and attitudes towards mathematics…” (p.213). The presence of this cognitive/affective duality of creativity, of the Aha moment, can provide the intrinsic motivation to bridge the Achievement Gap in US (Prabhu, 2014) and in other centres of educational inequality, such as Poland (PISA in Focus,36). How to facilitate bisociation- Aha! Moment in the classroom? The dual character of bisociation as cognitive restructuring and as an affective act of liberation makes it an excellent classroom tool for classroom teaching in the contemporary era. Since “…minor, subjective bisociative processes do occur on all levels, and are the main vehicles of untutored learning.”(p.658). Therefore, in order to approximate the conditions of “untutored learning” in the mathematics classroom necessary for Koestler’s bisociation we, as teacher-researchers are led to the “guided inquiry leading to discovery” method, which allows us to find, within the classroom discourse, the space for intellectual freedom within which these conditions are met. Why and how utilize the bisociation in the mathematics classroom? WHY “Students in remedial mathematics at community colleges are at risk. Their success in higher education depends on overcoming obstacles to learning, many of which are attitudinal, related to affect perception, and detrimental to cognition. “ (Prabhu, 2014) WHY Mathematical creativity may be the only gate through which to reactivate the interest and the value of mathematics among contemporary youth whose engagement in the field is hampered by disempowering habits expressed as “I can’t do it,” “I am not good in math,” ”thinking tires me” (Czarnocha et al, 2011). WHY Habits are indispensable core of stability and ordered behavior; they also have a tendency to become mechanized and to reduce a man to the status of conditioned automaton. The creative act, by connecting unrelated dimensions of experience, enables him [the man, or her, the woman] to attain to a higher level of mental evolution. (Koestler, p641) Achievement gap is the persistence difference in student scholastic achievement between different social groups, classes, genders. Analysis of PISA 2012 exam revealed that whereas many participatnts solidified its lead (Shanghai, China) in overall achievement or have made significant advances (Poland from 25th to 14th position), at the same time equally significant Achievement Gaps between children of different social classes were observed. (PISA 2012 News #36). The degree of achievement gap was measured in the table below by the difference in the average scores of the top social class (professionals, managers) and the average scores of the lowest social class (elementary professions, blue collar workers). In US, teaching with the help of the Act of Creation that is facilitation of the Aha moment is one of the routes through which the Achievement Gap can be closed. The second route comes from Texas and is described in (NYTimes, 5/15/14) Achievement Gaps revealed by PISA 2012 1 2 3 4 Korea Japan Norway Canada 585-540 565-520 515--465 545—490 45 45 50 55 5 7 30 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 26 Estonia Latvia Russia Finland UK Lithuania Ireland USA Spain Sweden Italy Denmark Netherland Vietnam Malayasia Mexico Costa Rica Kazachstan Poland Germany France Luxemburg Portugal Israel Belgium Shangai Taipei Slovakia 555-500 530- 435 520-455 565-460 525-460 510-445 565-475 520-450 530-460 510-440 525-455 535-460 560-480 575-490 460-405 455-400 450-405 450-425 575-485 570-480 545-455 545-455 555-455 515-415 570-465 650-540 625-515 555-445 55 65 65 65 65 65 70 70 70 70 70 75 80 85 55 55 45 25 90 90 90 90 100 100 105 110 110 110 11 28 34 12 26 37 20 36 33 38 32 22 10 17 52 53 56 49 14 16 25 29 31 41 15 1 4 35 Achievement Gap in USA Computational Creativity, from M.R. Berthold (ed) Bisociative Knowledge Discovery, LNAI 7250, 2012 Along with other essentially human abilities, such as intelligence, creativity has long been viewed as one of the unassailable bastions of the human condition. Since the advent of the computer age this monopoly has been challenged. A new scientific discipline called computational creativity aims to model, simulate or replicate creativity with a computer (Boden,1999;Dubitsky et al, 2012). Computational Creativity = Bisociation (minus) leap of insight. Computational Creativity – types of bisociation 1 Bridging Concept 3.Bridging by Graph Structural Similarity Computational Creativity/Human Creativity Possibility of the new type of collaboration between Mathematics Education and Informatics • The situation is interesting: we have one precise principle underlying both Human and Computer creativity. Each domain is in the beginning of its development. A collaboration in the investigation of both and their mutual impact promises, in the spirit of Bisociation to bring a wealth of new results and discoveries for both. On one hand “The ability of humans to perform creative reasoning like bisociative thinking outstrips that of machines by far”, and on the other hand, the generality of computer creativity offer wealth of applications to the classroom. • .The re-introduction of creativity into mathematics classroom might be the only way through which our students will get back interest in, and enjoyment with mathematics. Our respective tasks, facilitation of the discovery in the classroom and sensitizing computers to “habitually separate domains”, although different bear, a similarity, which could be the basis of new type collaboration between Math Ed and Informatics. Bisociation of Koestler (The Act of Creation,1964) as the Theory of the !Aha!-moment. The basis for the mathematical creativity in the mathematics classroom, and beyond. Bronislaw Czarnocha Napoli, Italia 9 of May, 2014 Plan of the conversation • Elephant, the resonance and bisociation. • Bisociation and discourse. • Examples of bisociation in the history of science. • Use of bisociation in the classroom. • Teaching-Research as bisociative framework. Il momento di “Un Elefante” Discussion: What is happening in the Elephant episode? a)how many different approaches to the problem are evidenced? b) how many different frames (frameworks) are involved in the final Aha moment? D. Iannece, M. Mellone, R.Tortora (2006) New Insights Into Learning Processes from Some Neuroscience Issues, p.1 A model of cognitive dynamics with a distinctive feature of a basic resonance dynamics …which implies that a cognitive shifting from one cognitive dynamics to another…is a specific feature and a specific goal of the learning process. p.5 …the monitoring of subjects engaged in the task by means of BIT (brain imaging techniques) reveals that the active brain areas are respectively: a zone in the back part of the brain, specialized in the processing of perceptive information..; and the frontal zone involved in logical reasoning. Arthur Koestler, The Act of Creation, 1964 • “I have coined the term ‘bisociation’ in order to make a distinction between the routine skills of thinking on a single ‘plane’ as it were, and the creative act, which…always operates on more than one plane” p. 36 • for Koestler, bisociation represents a “spontaneous flash of insight...which connects previously unconnected matrices of experience” (p.45) Therefore: • in my opinion, the elephant incident represents “the spontaneous flash of insight” which connected there two previously unconnected “matrices of experience”: the perceptual experience of an elephant and the logical experience of solving a linear equations. • I hypothesize, that “basic resonance dynamics • …[of] a cognitive shifting from one cognitive dynamics to another” is the manifestation of Koestler’s bisociation. an Aha moment from 5000 years ago:The Hymns of Humble Appar • I was so ignorant (full of blindness induced by the Malam) that I did not know the Chaste Tamil of illuminating verses and compose poems and lyrics with the same. I did not know how to appreciate the great arts and sciences brought to perfection through repeated and continuous reflections on them. Because of such incompetencies I was not able to appreciate the presence of BEING and His essences. But like a mother and father full of love and care, BEING disclosed on His own accord His presence and essences and continued to be with me along with my developments always keeping me as His own subject. Now full of true understanding of BEING, I climb up the hill of ERunbiyuur and witness BEING as the Benevolent Light . Is it true that learning and in particular learning of mathematics is primarily the question of the discourse? (Anna Sfard) •A :Stick and a banana outside of the cage with the chimpanzee • The chimpanzee Sultan first of all squats indifferently on the box which has been left standing a little back from the railings; then he gets up, picks up the two sticks, sits down again on the box and plays carelessly with them. While doing this, it happens that he finds himself holding one rod in either hand in such a way that they lie in a straight line; he pushes the thinner one a little way into the opening of the thicker, jumps up and is already on the run towards the railings, to which he has up to now half turned his back, and begins to draw a banana towards him with the double stick. I call the master: meanwhile, one of the animal's rods has fallen out of the other, as he has pushed one of them only a little way into the other; whereupon he connects them again Personal recollection: • A long time ago I met a friend who prepared a special problem for me to solve. I guess he wanted to check me out mathematically and gave one of the little metal puzzles which are constructed out of two pieces, connected in a mysterious, definitely not obvious way. This is a typical problem to solve. I had to do it to keep his respect and my status as “the crazy math professor” or “gypsy scholar”. Although I was anxious about the challenge, I was 100% committed to finding the solution and I knew it would take me some time. I also knew that attempts at rational solution are not my forte so decided to let the intuition to discover the way, and I kept this little mathematical puzzle in my hand in the pocket of my jacket and played with it, while we took a walk. After a long while, I felt suddenly that the two pieces somehow started disengage themselves and the goal was for my fingers to understand and retrace the steps they have done in my hand. I caught the motion and managed to put it back into their mutual lock and tried again from my conscious attention. Koestler’s examples of bisociation from the history of science and mathematics 1. Poincare (p.115) And now follows one of the most lucid introspective accounts of Eureka act by a great scientist: For fifteen days I strove to prove that there could not be any functions like those I have since called Fuchsian functions. I was then very ignorant; every day I seated myself at my work table, stayed an hour or two, tried a great number of combinations, and reached no results. One evening, contrary to my custom, I drank black coffee and could not sleep. Ideas rose in crowds; I felt them collide until pairs interlocked, so to speak, making a stable combination. By the next morning I had established the existence of a class of Fuchsian functions, those which come from the hyper-geometric series; I had only to write out the results, which took but a few hours. 2. August von Kekule (1865). Discovery of organic molecular rings p.118 I turned my chair to the fire and dozed, he relates. Again the atoms were gamboling before my eyes. This rime the smaller groups kept modestly in the background. My mental eye, rendered more acute by repeated visions of this kind, could now distinguish larger structures, of manifold conformation; long rows, sometimes more closely fitted together; all twining and twisting in snakelike motion. But look! What was that? One of the snakes had seized hold of its own tail, and the form whirled mockingly before my eyes. As if by a flash of lightning I awoke ... Let us learn to dream, gentlemen. Why and how utilize the bisociation in the mathematics classroom? WHY “Students in remedial mathematics at community colleges are at risk. Their success in higher education depends on overcoming obstacles to learning, many of which are attitudinal, related to affect perception, and detrimental to cognition. “ (Prabhu, 2014) WHY Mathematical creativity may be the only gate through which to reactivate the interest and the value of mathematics among contemporary youth whose engagement in the field is hampered by disempowering habits expressed as “I can’t do it,” “I am not good in math,” ”thinking tires me” (Czarnocha et al, 2011). WHY Habits are indispensable core of stability and ordered behavior; they also have a tendency to become mechanized and to reduce a man to the status of conditioned automaton. The creative act, by connecting unrelated dimensions of experience, enables him [the man, or her, the woman] to attain to a higher level of mental evolution. (Koestler, p641) How? • The dual character of bisociation as cognitive restructuring and as an affective act of liberation makes it an excellent classroom tool for classroom teaching in the contemporary era. Since “…minor, subjective bisociative processes do occur on all levels, and are the main vehicles of untutored learning.”(p.658). • Therefore, in order to approximate the conditions of “untutored learning” in the mathematics classroom necessary for Koestler’s bisociation we, as teacher-researchers are led to the “guided inquiry leading to discovery” method, which allows us to find, within the classroom discourse, the space for intellectual freedom within which these conditions are met. How? – Vrunda Prabhu (2014): Koestler Tripych. How? Vrunda Prabhu classroom triptychs: • an example of the triptych assignment used by V. Prabhu in her Introductory Statistics class: Trailblazer Outlier Originality Sampling Probability Confidence Interval Law of Large Numbers Lurker/Lurking Variable Correlation Causation The triptych below is an example of student work: Trailblazer OUTLIER Original Random SAMPLING Gambling Chance PROBABILITY Lottery Lurking Variable CORRELATION Causation Testing CONFIDENCE INTERVALS Results Sample Mean LAW OF LARGE NUMBERS Probability How? Broni Czarnocha guided inquiry: 0 The teacher asked the students during the review: “Can all real values of be used for the domain of the function 𝑋 + 3?” •1 Student: “No, negative X’s cannot be used.” (The student habitually confuses the general rule which states that for the function only positivevalued can be used as the domain of definition, with the particular application of this rule to .) •2 Teacher: “How about -5 ?” •3 Student: “No good.” •4 Teacher: “How about -4 ?” •5 Student: “No good either.” •6 Teacher: “How about -3 ?” •7 Student, after a minute of thought: “It works here.” •8 Teacher: “How about -2?” •9 Student: “It works here too.” • 10 A moment later Student adds:” Those X’s which are smaller than -3 can’t be used here.” (Elimination of the habit through original creative generalization.) •11 Teacher: “How about 𝑋 − 1?” •12 Student, after a minute of thought: “Smaller than 1 can’t be used.” •13 Teacher: “In that case, how about 𝑋 − 𝑎 ?” How? Roberto Catanuto, Everest Academy, Lugano, Swiss Teaching – Research as the bisociative framework • Teaching and Research are two, habitually not very compatible frameworks. When integrated into one activity it is the source of teachers’ creativity. • The connection between TR and Koestler’s bisociation was during Vrunda Prabhu’s collaborative teaching experiment involving 3 different faculty in one classroom of mathematics. “Three instructional approaches emerged, each arising from the natural inclination toward mathematics and problem-solving of each teacherresearcher on the team. There, of course, were differences in individual approaches, one being more procedural, another more conceptual, however, the commonality across instructional approaches, is the commitment and intent for learners to discover the underlying mathematical structures called for in each problem situation. The instructional approaches can all be explained using the theoretical perspective created by Arthur Koestler. Bisociation was facilitated, as the creative leap that occurs when several frames of reference are held in simultaneous scrutiny and insight” (Prabhu, 2014). Fairy Tales Digression: The Triad of Piaget and Garcia What’s happening with Mathematics Education in US and in New York City? Mooc (massive Online Open Course) – elite universities Common Core – public education nationwide Real work – community colleges in the Bronx and… MOOC – Massive Open Online Courses • Stanford University: • 3 2 , 0 0 0 students i n " Writing in the Sciences” • 2 1 , 0 0 0 i n " Statistics in Medicine” 4 1 , 0 0 0 in " How to Learn Math” Harvard University: Introduction to Computer Science. Estimated effort: 9 problem sets (10 to 20 hours each), 1 final project. Ways to take it: a) Audit this Course free b) Earn a Verified Certificate of Achievement ($90 USD) c) Earn Harvard Credit ($2050 USD) Results: About 10% of the students who sign up typically complete the course. Reasons: a)…missing, many students complained, was a human connection beyond the streamed lecture.(NPR,12/31/14 b) the amount of peer-graded homework on the course, c) that teacher involvement in a thread seems to accelerate the decline Common Core State Standards/Race to the Top Common Core State Standards Initiative is an educational initiative in the United States that details what K-12 students should know in English language arts and mathematics at the end of each grade. It seeks to establish consistent educational standards across the states as well as ensure that students graduating from high school are prepared to enter credit-bearing courses at two- or four-year college programs or enter the workforce. Race to the Top is a $4.35 billion United States Department of Education contest created to spur innovation and reforms in state and local district K-12 education… States were awarded points for satisfying certain educational policies, such as performancebased standards (often referred to as an Annual professional performance review) for teachers and principals, complying with Common Core standards, lifting caps on charter schools, turning around the lowest-performing schools, and building data systems. Common Core Issues 1. Computer based standardized exam 2. Teacher evaluation based on these exams. 3. Research based Learning Trajectories Alaska, North Dakota, Texas, and Vermont did not submit Race to the Top applications for either round; Texas Governor Rick Perry stated, "we would be foolish and irresponsible to place our children’s future in the hands of unelected bureaucrats and special interest groups thousands of miles away in Washington.” M. Common Core Standards are based on Learning Trajectory Framework • Learning Trajectory for a concept is a hypothetical path in the space of relevant concepts that needs to be traversed by a learner to grasp and master a concept. • For (Clements, D. and Sarama, J., 2009), Learning Trajectory (LT) of a particular mathematical concept consists of three components: • a specific mathematical goal, • a developmental path along which students’ thinking and comprehension develops and • a set of instructional activities that help students move along that path. Learning Trajectory for Linear Equations From: Learning Trajectories from the Arithmetic/Algebra Divide, NA PME 12 Rational Number Sense to Algebraic Thought. Place Value Concept Map Real work – community colleges in the Bronx, and… …at the national statistics on college graduation rates, there are two big trends that stand out right away. The first is that there are a whole lot of students who make it to college but never get their degrees. More than 40 percent of American students who start at four-year colleges haven’t earned a degree after six years. If you include communitycollege students in the tabulation, the dropout rate is more than half, worse than any other country except Hungary. (NYT magazine, May 15, 2014) At Hostos Community College in the Bronx, altogether only 27% of students graduate after 6 years (73% DO NOT) The second trend is that whether a student graduates or not seems to depend today almost entirely on just one factor — how much money his or her parents make. (NYT magazine, May 15, 2014 ) It is NOT the ability that matters, but income and class background. The basic question of mathematics education in US: How, precisely, do you motivate students to take the steps they need to take in order to succeed? In the Bronx: • Peer leaders in the classroom-math department wide • Student coaches- college wide • student involvement: Handshake, Didactic Contract, Students as Partners in Learning (Vrunda Prabhu) • collaborations with creative expression (with poetry, drama, psychologist support, (Vrunda Prabhu); • facilitating bisociativity, “the spontaneous leap of insight” (Koestler, 1964), University of Texas • If you want to help low-income students succeed, it’s not enough to deal with their academic and financial obstacles. You also need to address their doubts and misconceptions and fears. …you first need to get inside the mind of a college student. • Texas Interdisciplinary Plan, or TIP. Students in TIP were placed in their own, smaller section of Chemistry 301, taught by Laude. But rather than dumb down the curriculum for them, Laude insisted that they master exactly the same challenging material as the students in his larger section. In fact, he scheduled his two sections back to back • … he supplemented his lectures with a variety of strategies: He offered TIP students two hours each week of extra instruction; he assigned them advisers who kept in close contact with them and intervened if the students ran into trouble or fell behind; he found upperclassmen to work with the TIP students one on one, as peer mentors. He conveyed to the TIP students a new sense of identity: They weren’t subpar students who needed help; they were part of a community of high-achieving scholars…. And when the course was over, this group of students who were 200 points lower on the SAT had exactly the same grades as the students in the larger section. • Laude: “My bet is that the vast majority of them will make it. And they will, because nobody will give them the chance to simply give up.” David Yeager, a 32-year-old assistant professor who is emerging as one of the world’s leading experts on the psychology of education In the experiment, 288 community-college students enrolled in developmental math were randomly assigned, at the beginning of the semester, to read one of two articles. The control group read a generic article about the brain. The treatment group read an article that laid out the scientific evidence against the entity theory of intelligence. “When people learn and practice new ways of doing algebra or statistics,” the article explained, “it can grow their brains — even if they haven’t done well in math in the past.” After reading the article, the students wrote a mentoring letter to future students explaining its key points. The whole exercise took 30 minutes, and there was no follow-up of any kind. But at the end of the semester, 20 percent of the students in the control group had dropped out of developmental math, compared with just 9 percent of the treatment group. …a half-hour online intervention, done at almost no cost….!!! Back to the Bronx: Creativity. Vrunda Prabhu: The discovery of Bisociation-the !AHA! moment as the basis for the Creativity in mathematics classrooms • “I have coined the term ‘bisociation’ in order to make a distinction between the routine skills of thinking on a single ‘plane’ as it were, and the creative act, which…always operates on more than one plane” p. 36 • for Koestler, bisociation represents a “spontaneous flash of insight...which connects previously unconnected matrices of experience” (p.45) Why and how to utilize the bisociation in the mathematics classroom? WHY? “Students in remedial mathematics at community colleges are at risk. Their success in higher education depends on overcoming obstacles to learning, many of which are attitudinal, related to affect perception, and detrimental to cognition. “ (Prabhu, 2014) WHY? Mathematical creativity may be the only gate through which to reactivate the interest and the value of mathematics among contemporary youth whose engagement in the field is hampered by disempowering habits expressed as “I can’t do it,” “I am not good in math,” ”thinking tires me” (Czarnocha et al, 2011). WHY? Habits are indispensable core of stability and ordered behavior; they also have a tendency to become mechanized and to reduce a man to the status of conditioned automaton. The creative act, by connecting unrelated dimensions of experience, enables him [the man, or her, the woman] to attain to a higher level of mental evolution. Creative act is “an act of liberation – the defeat of habit by originality.” Koestler, (p.149) HOW? Poincare (p.115) And now follows one of the most lucid introspective accounts of Eureka act by a great scientist: For fifteen days I strove to prove that there could not be any functions like those I have since called Fuchsian functions. I was then very ignorant; every day I seated myself at my work table, stayed an hour or two, tried a great number of combinations, and reached no results. One evening, contrary to my custom, I drank black coffee and could not sleep. Ideas rose in crowds; I felt them collide until pairs interlocked, so to speak, making a stable combination. By the next morning I had established the existence of a class of Fuchsian functions, those which come from the hyper-geometric series; I had only to write out the results, which took but a few hours. How? Broni Czarnocha guided inquiry: The teacher asked the students during the review: “Can all real values of be used for the domain of the function 𝑋 + 3?” •1 Student: “No, negative X’s cannot be used.” (The student habitually confuses the general rule which states that for the function only positive-valued can be used as the domain of definition, with the particular application of this rule to .) •2 Teacher: “How about -5 ?” •3 Student: “No good.” •4 Teacher: “How about -4 ?” •5 Student: “No good either.” •6 Teacher: “How about -3 ?” •7 Student, after a minute of thought: “It works here.” •8 Teacher: “How about -2?” •9 Student: “It works here too.” • 10 A moment later Student adds:” Those X’s which are smaller than -3 can’t be used here.” (Elimination of the habit through original creative generalization.) •11 Teacher: “How about 𝑋 − 1?” •12 Student, after a minute of thought: “Smaller than 1 can’t be used.” •13 Teacher: “In that case, how about 𝑋 − 𝑎 ?” •14 Student: “Smaller than “a” can’t be used.”(Second creative generalization) How? Roberto Catanuto, Everest Academy, Lugano, Swiss How? Un elefante • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Przemek scrive l’equazione: x + (x + 12) = 76. Un bel problema risolvere quest’equazione, ma lui non si perde d’animo. Disegna così un intervallo; e poi ha luogo il dialogo seguente: P: Eccolo il numero: poi prolunga l’intervallo all’incirca della stessa lunghezza, e fa lo stesso con il secondo. E questo qui è il numero più 12. B: E tutto insieme fa 76… P: No, questa è un’equazione, capisci… B non si convince… B: Perché hai tracciato questo segmento, se ancora non sai quanto deve essere lungo? P: Non è importante. B: Perché 76? P: Perché sta nel problema B: C’è una ics, poi c’è “ics più 12”, e il tutto deve fare 76..? P: Aspetta, guarda che sul libro al posto della ics c’è un quadretto – P mostra il quadretto sul libro. B: Aha, ma qui c’è scritta un’altra cosa. P: Ma possiamo fare come sta qui. Adesso io metto un numero in questo quadretto. B: Un numero?! E perché proprio nel quadretto? P: Anzi, in questa finestrella. Metto il numero che esce in questa finestrella. B: Ma qui c’è un quadretto. – B insiste. P: Non è un quadretto ma una finestra, in cui si può mettere un numero. B: Come sarebbe? P: Due finestre sono uguali a 64, una finestra è uguale a 32. Infatti, se sottrai 12 da entrambi I lati, vedrai che le due finestre sono uguali a 64. B: Ma ci sono numeri nelle finestre? P: Due finestre sono 64, perciò una finestra è 32. B: Finestra!? P: Proprio così: una finestra. Guarda: un elefante più un elefante fa 64. Allora, a che cosa è uguale un elefante? Due elefanti sono uguali a 64. Allora, un elefante a che cosa è uguale? B: Un elefante? Uhm, sì. Un elefante è uguale a 32. Ora capisco… dunque l’equazione… P: Se due elefanti sono uguali a 60, a che cosa è uguale un elefante? B: Un elefante?, ok, un elefante è uguale a 30. Ora lo vedo. Ora l’equazione…………..aaaaaaa DEMOCRATIZATION OF MATHEMATICAL CREATIVITY • Focus on bisociation as the theory of !Aha! moment introduces democratization into facilitation of creativity in mathematics classrooms: Hadamard: Between the work of the student who tries to solve a problem in geometry or algebra and a work of invention, one can say that there is only the difference of degree, the difference of a level, both works being of similar nature (1945, p.104). Koestler: THE AIM: To introduce new, “authoritative definition of creativity” in mathematics In the light of frequently met assertion: There is no single, authoritative perspective or definition of creativity (Mann, 2006; Sriraman, 2005; Leikin, 2011, Kattou et al., 2011) Vrunda Prabhu Bronx CC Bronislaw Czarnocha Hostos CC, CUNY PME 30, July, Vancouver, CA Bisociation of Arthur Koestler in The Act of Creation,(1964) as Theory of the !Aha!-moment THE STATE OF THE FIELD 1. Two Definitions of Creativity: Wallas, (1926) originating in Gestalt approach, and Thorrance (1966) closer to the behaviorist way of thinking. 2. The Thorrance definition based on the Thorrance Tests of Creative Thinking in 1966[47] involved simple tests of divergent thinking and other problem-solving skills, which were scored on: Fluency – The total number of interpretable, meaningful and relevant ideas generated in response to the stimulus. Originality – The statistical rarity of the responses among the test subjects. Elaboration – The amount of detail in the responses. Leikin (2007) and Silver (1996) transformed it to fluency, flexibility and originality making the definition one of the foundation for understanding creativity in mathematics education CREATIVITY: The State of the Field • The Wallace definition based in the Gestalt theories postulates: • (i) preparation (preparatory work on a problem that focuses the individual's mind on the problem and explores the problem's dimensions), • (ii) incubation (where the problem is internalized into the unconscious mind and nothing appears externally to be happening), • (iii) intimation (the creative person gets a "feeling" that a solution is on its way), • (iv) illumination or insight (where the creative idea bursts forth from its preconscious processing into conscious awareness); and • (v) verification (where the idea is consciously verified, elaborated, and then applied). The stage of intimation was later subsumed under the stage of incubation leaving four stages which survived to contemporary times.(Wikipedia,2104) CREATIVITY: The State of the Field • Neither approach, however, addresses itself directly to the act of creativity nor to the structure of the “Aha moment” as the commonly recognized site of creativity itself (Sriraman, 2005). And, neither of them suggest what are the cognitive and affective environments in which the creative act can take place. Moreover, recent research by (Leikin, 2009) indicates that use of Torrance test of Creative Thinking actually lowers the creativity. The authors point correctly to the fluency and flexibility as the carriers of the habit which diminished the originality of student subjects:”…when students become more fluent they have less chance to be original”. This apparently complementary relationship between fluency and creativity dictates an utmost care in conducting the research into creativity with the help of the definition which includes fluency, because it may result in undesired lowering of creativity CREATIVITY: The State of the Field. Conflation of research into creativity with the research into giftedness There are two recently published excellent collections of papers, dealing with creativity in mathematics education, (Sriraman and Lee, 2011; Leikin et al, 2009). Both collections join the issue of creativity with the education of gifted students, indicating that the interest in creativity of all learners of mathematics is not the central focus of the field. There can be several reasons for so restrictive a focus on creativity: it could be due to the efforts of globalization so that “the winds are changing” (Sriraman and Lee, p.2) or it could be that our understanding of the creative process is not sufficiently sharp to allow for the effective focus of research on the mathematical creativity by all students including, of course, the gifted. This observation raises the issue of democratization of creativity in mathematics research and teaching. However, a clear understanding of the cognitive and affective conditions for the creative act is important at present to be as the jumpstart for bridging the Achievement Gap in the US or start the numerical literacy campaign among the Tamilian Dalits of India Arthur Koestler: The Act of Creation, 1 Fortunately, the theory developed by Arthur Koestler in his 1964 work, Act of Creation, does exactly that. It builds our understanding of creativity on the basis of a thorough inquiry into the Aha moment, which Koestler calls a bisociative leap of insight. “I have coined the term ‘bisociation’ in order to make a distinction between the routine skills of thinking on a single ‘plane’ as it were, and the creative act, which…always operates on more than one plane” p. 36 • for Koestler, bisociation represents a “spontaneous flash of insight...which connects previously unconnected matrices of experience” (p.45) We are proposing bisociation as the authoritative definition of creativity in the field of mathematics. Its relationship to two basic definitions (1) coming from Gestalt approach as well as (2) from a more behavioristic school depending on fluency, is clear. In the first case it focuses on the stage of illumination, the actual stage of creativity; in the second case, it suggest that fluency, which can correlate well with creativity, can undermine it at the same time. Clearly fluency does not measure nor defines creativity but instead some composition of creativity with a habit. Bisociation, on the other hand, is the “pure” act of creation in the making. Its disassociation from fluency is very important for the facilitation of mathematical creativity in the remedial and elementary mathematics classrooms of community colleges, where it is exactly fluency that’s missing. It is the definition of creativity for everyone, because “everyone” knows Aha moment. The Unity of Cognitive Reorganization with Affective Liberation- the characteristic quality of the Act of Creation. Bisociation is a very strong concept, it also has the power to transform a habit into originality in agreement with Koestler’s battle cry: “The act of creation is the act of liberation – it’s the defeat of habit by originality!”. (p.96) Hence, creativity in mathematics may be the only gate through which to reactivate the interest and the value of mathematics among contemporary youth whose engagement in the field is hampered by disempowering habits expressed as “I can’t do it,” “I am not good in math,” ”thinking tires me” (xxxx et al, 2011). Thus bisociation plays a dual role, that of a cognitive reorganizer and that of an effective liberator from a habit – it is planting a double root for creativity. The confirmation of the role as the affective liberation can be glimpsed from the research of Liljedahl: (2009)“…Aha experience has a helpful and strongly transformative effect on a student’s beliefs and attitudes towards mathematics…” (p.213). Two remarks from creative thinkers: EINSTEIN & POINCARE: For fifteen days I strove to prove that there could not be any functions like those I have since called Fuchsian functions. I was then very ignorant; every day I seated myself at my work table, stayed an hour or two, tried a great number of combinations, and reached no results. One evening, contrary to my custom, I drank black coffee and could not sleep. Ideas rose in crowds; I felt them collide until pairs interlocked, so to speak, making a stable combination. By the next morning I had established the existence of a class of Fuchsian functions, those which come from the hyper-geometric series; I had only to write out the • “What exactly is thinking? When at the reception of sense impressions, a memory picture emerges, this is not yet thinking, and when such pictures form series, each member of which calls for another, this too is not yet thinking. When however, a certain picture turns up in many of such series then – precisely through such a return – it becomes an ordering element for such series, in that it connects series, which in themselves are unconnected, such an element becomes an instrument, a concept.” (Einstein,1949) The Democratization of Creativity in Math. Education is based on three principles: 1. General familiarity with Aha moment (or Eureka experience). 2. Statement of Hadamard: Between the work of the student who tries to solve a problem in geometry or algebra and a work of invention, one can say that there is only the difference of degree, the difference of a level, both works being of similar nature (1945, p.104). 3. Koestler: “minor subjective bisociation processes…are the vehicle of untutored learning”(p.658). Since minor subjective bisociations are the standard vehicle of selflearning experienced by everyone, and since their nature is similar to that of the mature mathematical inventor, therefore we can view bisociation as the process that underlies any creativity in mathematics for all - therefore it’s an excellent concept to define it. Why and how utilize the bisociation in the mathematics classroom? WHY “Students in remedial mathematics at community colleges are at risk. Their success in higher education depends on overcoming obstacles to learning, many of which are attitudinal, related to affect perception, and detrimental to cognition. “ (Prabhu, 2014) WHY Mathematical creativity may be the only gate through which to reactivate the interest and the value of mathematics among contemporary youth whose engagement in the field is hampered by disempowering habits expressed as “I can’t do it,” “I am not good in math,” ”thinking tires me” (Czarnocha et al, 2011). WHY Habits are indispensable core of stability and ordered behavior; they also have a tendency to become mechanized and to reduce a man to the status of conditioned automaton. The creative act, by connecting unrelated dimensions of experience, enables him [the man, or her, the woman] to attain to a higher level of mental evolution. (Koestler, p641) Why and how utilize the bisociation in the mathematics classroom? How? Since “minor subjective bisociation processes…are the vehicle of untutored learning”(p.658). To facilitate creativity in the classroom our task is to approximate the classroom environment to the conditions of untutored learning, when bisociation processes are encountered. Methods of discovery or inquiry in the classroom are therefore the best teaching approximation to the condition of untutored learning. The definition of bisociation tells us how to structure our facilitation: work across at least two different frames of discourse (initial examples provided in Proceedings PME 30). The simplicity of bisociative facilitation through the discovery & creative problem solving in the context of a triptych approaches provides us with ready pedagogical techniques of teaching and researching it. Dichotomy between Progress of Understanding and Exercise of Understanding Koestler, p.619) “ is necessary to distinguish between progress in understanding - the acquisition of new insights, and the exercise of understanding at any given stage of development. Progress in understanding is achieved by the formulation of new codes through the modification and integration of existing codes by methods of empirical induction, abstraction and discrimination, bisociation. The exercise or application of understanding to the explanation of particular events then becomes an act of subsuming the particular event under the codes formed by past experience. To say that we have understood a phenomenon means that we have recognized one or more of its relevant relational features as particular instances of more general or familiar relations, which have been previously abstracted and encoded”.
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