Sleep, 8(2): 137-145 © 1985 Raven Press, New York The Cyclic Alternating Pattern as a Physiologic Component of Normal NREM Sleep M. G. Terzano, D. Mancia, M. R. Salati, G. Costani, A. Decembrino, and L. Parrino Clinica Neurologica dell' Universita di Parma, Parma, Italy Summary: The cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) is a long-lasting periodic activity consisting of two alternate electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns. This variation in EEG is closely related to fluctuations in the level of arousal that characterize two different functional states in the arousal control mechanism. We studied 20 sleep records of 10 healthy subjects to see if CAP appears under physiologic conditions. During NREM sleep, CAP corresponded to a periodic succession of spontaneous phasic phenomena recurring within every stage, i.e., intermittent alpha rhythm, K-complex sequences, and reactive slow wave sequences. The following analyses were performed. Each EEG specific alternating pattern, defined as a cycle, was subdivided into two phases depending on the arousal response to stimulation. Average cycle length, average duration of each phase, and average ratio phase/cycle were calculated. CAP rate defined as (CAP time/Sleep time) was calculated for total sleep time (TST), (CAP time/TST); for NREM sleep, (CAP time/Total NREM); and for each NREM sleep stage. CAP is the EEG translation of the reorganization of the sleeping brain challenged by the modification of environmental conditions. Key Words: Cyclic alternating patternSleep organization--Coma and sleep--Adjustment systems. Trace altern ant or cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) is characterized by the regular alternation of two electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns and represents a complex form of periodic activity (l,2). Clinically, CAP is a most useful EEG feature in the diagnosis of posttraumatic and other causes of coma (3-6). As we reported previously (2,7 ,8), CAP may be subdivided into two phases, depending on the arousal response to stimulation. Phase A and the following phase B, which compound each cycle of CAP, respectively, correspond to levels of greater and lesser arousal. Therefore, when CAP appears, arousal fluctuates constantly between two distinct steep levels. This modulation of arousal affects not only EEG but also autonomic, muscular, and behavioral functions, which increase during phase A and decrease during phase B (3,8). Accepted for publication December 1984. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. M. G. Terzano at Clinica Neurologica dell'Universita di Parma, Strada del Quartiere 4,43100 Parma, Italy. 137 138 M. G. TERZANO ET AL. Since CAP is present in pathologic conditions, it is reasonable to assume that its mechanisms might also operate under normal conditions, including the operation of arousal control during sleep. The purpose of this article is to identify, in the organization of normal sleep, the existence of an EEG pattern with the specific reactivity of CAP and to determine the temporal features of this pattern. Hypotheses based on the cybernetic model of reciprocal induction are presented to analyze CAP function (9). METHODS Ten healthy subjects with no sleep complaints volunteered for our study [5 men and 5 women, aged 20 to 30 years (mean 24 years)]. They all slept for 3 consecutive nights in an air-conditioned, partially soundproofed sleep laboratory at Parma University Department of Neurology. Time in bed (TIB) was 500 min long. The recordings were monitored with a Reega Alvar Duplex TR XVI polygraphic apparatus using 10 bipolar leads (Fp2~F4, F4-C4, C4-P4, P4-02; Fpl-F3, F3-C3, C3-P3, P3-01; FZCZ, CZ-PZ), an electro-oculogram (EOG), and an electromyogram (EMG) of the mentalis muscle. An electrocardiogram (ECG), a pneumogram (PNG) through mouth and nose, and an EMG of a deltoid muscle were also conducted. The EEG reactivity was assessed during night 1 by means of acoustic and visual stimuli. Sounds and lights were produced either separately or synchronously by a hand-controlled Sone~lat-TR Alvar stimulator. Light stimulation, 0.3 J at the source, was produced by a stroboscope placed 20 cm from the subject's face. The acoustic stimuli ranged between 50 and 5,000 Hz and between 30 and 90 dB. Two loudspeakers were placed 30 cm from each side of the subject's head. Each morning all subjects completed a questionnaire that included a subjective assessment of the quality of sleep. DATA ANALYSIS Only data obtained from nights 2 and 3 were analyzed. Two EEG readers, exhibiting a high degree of interscorer correlation, scored the records separately. All segments characterized by the cyclic alternation of two different EEG patterns and by simultaneous variations of one or more polygraphic parameters (presence or absence of eye movements and phasic muscular activities, increased or decreased cardiac and respiratory frequency and muscle tone) were selected. Each cycle that included these two EEG/polygraphic patterns was identified as CAP. Throughout sleep, these cyclic changes could be found in isolation, but only CAPs clustered in sequences including at least two consecutive cycles were scored. Localized, slow, high-voltage waves, random K-complexes, and periodic isolated K-complexes were not included. During night 1 the intensity and the type of stimuli were intended only to evoke an EEG response, and therefore no inferences were made concerning sensory and arousal thresholds. Depending on the response to stimulation, two arousal levels of CAP were differentiated. When a sufficiently intense s.timulus was applied during CAp, one of the two cyclic patterns (called phase B) always changed into the spontaneous features of the other CAP component (called phase A). Stimuli of any intensity and type applied during phase A never caused the appearance of an EEG pattern peculiar to spontaneous phase B. Thus, phase A was considered the greater arousal level and phase B the lesser arousal level (Fig. 1). Sleep stages were differentiated according to standard criteria (10). For each sleep stage, CAP was identified as follows: in stage 1, phase A corresponded to alpha activity and phase B corresponded to its disappearance (Fig. 2); in stage 2, phase A consisted of KSleep. Vol. 8, No.2, 1985 139 CYCliC ALTERNATING PATTERN IN SLEEP ......~V~'(Vi,--\:'/t......''t}J;;(~{~~.:~4'V'I·A..1:r~/.~.J'1/i/"''')I(4v\~~~~lr~!,~~V"'~~ t ~~\"""~,\!tN'II""J"v,,",'v...!,'IoJv.,~A"VIt',,.f-J~V';\~-.j\""'t-"'YI,JAIW\Io'~\...:;Jr.~ :. . ~W~' "'" ~~J\t-.."""IN"'ov'Yv"""""""'--~~~f'-v-''''''''''''''''''-:\''v'''I'''''''~'''''''Vow''1rv"''-''''''''"-''-'''''''''''''''''''' OCULOG ~ -~---.~-~~~'~'~-.'--~~~'- ~ -- -- -.--"--:'~-:---. ---.--~-----~~~-~--~ . ).'~n.A'I·t,J,j. ·.:V,-,, "I ;,'t'., .C:' ,\."....:j / ,·:Vv'~--..I'~"'··\i N ,i,'",""""'~I,,,"V'(:w.i1 '11I"y"',V"'" -wi~iJIA/'I'JWv--A:..)V'\;AV~ o 't>~I·lrv·f'r-!I~J'I"""'-It~·~""""o/Wr-"""",J\iI'.<'V"It""","~-j~V"IN~~ ~~~I'.,H.:..:r""';'rI""'/.JIf\\"//'f'.l\:"""'·'....,M""~I.J.~--"I'~'~V~~~ ·~~.---Yt'.J,.,;~;~.....,r}.:J..r"""",.J·-.:V..;4'",-,,"~y.-.-.~,..A;~~~ C~~~t'Y'~f!t~")W0,1...,:1~M.'VioJMJr··i)~~~~·~V\, ,~~\~~,MAJ,Aj~r~~ ~;'At,\,""ViJ"i,i\::' .~~t::,:,.!,\ii'll i~tf.Jli';,(;~~;:';I":·iJ,·i'."Jvi,""\',.(i'i:A'J','i,~,:':"-M""I'.. .w.'r/.'\~'" 1/oi.~I/!III¥I~iW'~~,W('I""frV~~~ "'COUSTIC STIMULUS 1000 .... ~OdB B , ' , EMG A, B r , _.~-~_ _I........_j,,-,- .,...\- 'NGV'I,JJ~(",~{'. ~)~' \ ..../\J"\,)l'\,.P ~It;r" ;/"V~/f;l\.f\r\f\ SO.uv L B , ....-l~ (\l/\JV\/\ll\ji 1 Sec FIG. 1. Cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) reactivity during sleep as a result of acoustic stimulation. This is characterized by a 1,000 Hz pure tone lasting 250 ms of 40-dB intensity. Arrows indicate the limits of consecutive phases A and B. When the stimulus is applied during phase A (greater arousal), electroencephalogram (EEG) changes are very slight. When the same stimulus is applied during phase B (lesser arousal), EEG immediately changes into the spontaneous pattern of phase A. Oculog., recording of eye movements; EKG, electrocardiogram; EMG, electromyogram; PNG, pneumogram. complex sequences with a persisting 8- to 12-Hz alpha-like component and phase B consisted of the background rhythm peculiar to that stage (Fig. 3); in stage 3, phase A consisted of K-complex sequences and of reactive slow waves, the reactivity of which was similar to that of K-complexes (11), and phase B consisted of the background rhythm peculiar to that stage (Fig. 4); in stage 4, CAP had the same characteristics as in stage 3 (Fig. 5). In REM sleep, the EEG hardly varied, and the spontaneous changes in the autonomic functions were rather irregular. It was not possible, therefore, to identify a pattern similar to CAP in this stage. The following CAP parameters were calculated: (a) average cycle length; (b) average duration of each phase; (c) average ratio phase/cycle, as: Phase A rate = (phase A duration! cycle duration) X 100, and phase B rate = (phase B duration!cycle duration) X 100; (d) CAP index, expressed as the number of CAPs per minute of NREM stages, as: OCUlOG - _ _ _ ._ Fz-Cz _ _ ~_ ... - . __ .•. _~ _ _ _ ._ .. ---~.- .. --------------- ._~ 1 Sec ---1 sO.uv FIG. 2. Cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) in stage 1 recorded through 13 electroencephalogram (EEG) bipolar leads. Phase A corresponds to the trace with alpha activity. Phase B corresponds to the trace with lower voltage and with no alpha activity. Oculog., recording of eye movements; EKG, electrocardiogram. Sleep, Vol. 8, No, 2, 1985 M. G. TERZANO ET AL. 140 OCULOG - _ _ __ ~~--=2?~,--:=-:~S:~;:==~;~:~~~~~=;~ ~, ~ Fz-C, ~ .._ _".....'" ~"'.W_ _ _ _ ' _ _ __ "~":,I"N'~ ... ...."'_",C.-,"",,'''~ ~~~\\...-' "~\"f~"- "". .,~\;,'~~"V" r--'-.... ~' __ '~"""' , ••.'; .•'-.v""',':~":':'>:"'".:::~. ",.,-~- ...,,';.,..........-I".i~I~ ___ .-."'~."' • ..... /-,:,..",.<i.'-~." _~~", .......... ,-..,________•.\,. EKGI-++-++--H--I+H--H+-H+t 1+ -II -I +i -I 1 I -I -1111 II II I111 I il 11I1111 II -IIH+H+H-H 1 Sec --l 50.uv FIG. 3. Cyclic alternating pattern in stage 2. Phase A corresponds to the K-complex sequences and alpha activity. Phase B corresponds to the low-voltage trace with spindles. Oculog., recording of eye movements; EKG, electrocardiogram. CAP index-total stage 1-4 = number of CAPs in stage 1-4 total stage 1-4 time in min (e) for each sleep record, CAP rate, i.e., (CAP time/sleep time), was calculated for: total sleep time (TST) NREM sleep each NREM total sleep stage = total CAP time TST x 100 total CAP time - - - - - - x 100 NREM sleep time CAP time in stage 1-4 -----~-- total stage 1-4 time - x 100 Student's t test was used to determine the differences in cycle length and CAP rates, in CAP index, and in the number of CAP sequences per minute within single sleep stages. RESULTS Over the 20 nights of recording, quality of sleep was considered normal in all but three subjects. Three sleep records included five Dement and Kleitman cycles (12), 16 records included four, and one record included three. Table 1 reports the parameters for the 328 CAP sequences appearing in the 20 sleep records. When the number of CAP sequences per minute was compared with the single sleep stages, the highest value was found in stage 1 (p < 0.01). In the classic sleep histogram (Fig. 6), CAP sequences were somewhat related to sleep stages and Dement and Kleitman cycles. Particularly, CAP sequences were often preceded and/or followed by some dynamic event of sleep: falling asleep, sleep stage changes, arousal without waking, -or "phase d'activation transitoire." CAP sequences always appeared in Sleep, Vol:-8, No_ 2, 1985 CYCLIC ALTERNATING PATTERN IN SLEEP ~ ..... , ?, . ___ " 141 ~_N-Y"-:'/·"V~~_~'fv.v'\/\fV~~"';v--..~~ -~'i.iV'"'-<---"'.J'"'t' ';'_:~r""'-'.'/"""~'''''''~''''r_..A"----..~.-v-..'''''''--'J~_'-'''~'''_-'-'''' ~-,·.~"'-J'r/:.;·' /- .(" ...v'.r--/'':.."--..,. ..../\~\;'"'-..r.J\~....,,.._-''' - _"'"...... _---_--....... ____ : ______ ~..../'.r"·.J. .V"\l·..V'v·\r..-----v~~-"--.~./'--~~~~.....,,r·.r,-.,,-f'-\;~-'-"\.~~....--.. ----- ~...."~~~,.r,/\J~'...,f·\-v+<.\ .......--\r....;--.~~~~.-;,...~'""'..j~.,-,--~·-"------v--" . . . y-~~.~''''''''P'-,..,,/I ~}v·"---...-. ./'~~~../...~"V ~ ~ ;: .__ .. ~.-v~rj-·~~_ _~~.......~\J~'/-.r"-"J"""-v"..r-'"""~,~..~ ~o ·----.~~-\"/'\j~~~~~~~v~ / ~_A,~¥ ...)1'I<\'-'tJr-....,.....J·.'••r.-----"~~'~. . . ~~"'~t\.../1I\""''''"-.Af''~~;~~-r../..-/'---'.r-'" o ... >'-""~ ,.t.,"""'...t'.,t~.)\!~;-·";"'-,,j',-"""""-..-........"'",ro-,,-----~-~~'v~--~_~~............,~·'______~_"_--..-~---...v__~_."', ____\.,"""'''''</'''''--v·.rv'~·r .... 'J'',,..~A,~,/\~\'''"'~ ~~"'~,....,...,.J'•.lvV~~--~~------"--~~~~~r-.J-.-NV\.F~--.Jv. .'ftv..../'V,,\/......_'""_~ :·,-~"./'''''J\/V'''''rl..-/i\r·v~r-A./~~~-.~.~~,~---.J\~~_------r''''vJ'v'V'-/·~ ~ ~~ ~~~vY"~v~~~~--V~~~V- F'--C'~~"~~~,,'f\/\~~ EKG~.l-.l-~.h~4~--+4L,I--,I--U.hl---+~~.h FIG. 4. Cyclic alternating pattern in stage 3, Phase A corresponds to the sequences of higher voltage, regular slow waves, Phase B corresponds to the background rhythm peculiar to that stage, Oculog" recording of eye movements; EKG, electrocardiogram, any NREM stage that immediately preceded REM sleep. This peculiar characteristic contrasted sharply with the lack of CAP sequences in the first part of all stage 2 periods that immediately followed REM sleep (Fig. 6). The 328 CAP sequences included 2,381 CAPs, 1,578 (66.3%) of which were found in the first half of sleep and 803 (33.7%) in the second half. Table 2 reports the values of CAP parameters. The first set of data reports the averages for each subject, whereas the second set of data reports the overall values for the 2,381 cycles and the CAP rates. Cycle length could vary, but 83% of CAPs lasted from 10 to 60 s, the average cycle length lasting about 40 s. Phases A and B were much more variable. If cycle duration was broken down into the percentage duration of its components, it appeared that phase B rate was >50% in 75% of the cycles, whereas only in 25% of CAPs did phase A rate exceed 50%. CAP rate accounted for a little less than one-fifth of TST and for a little more than OCULOG._~~~~~ _ _~_ _ _ 1 Sec --.J 50JJV FIG. 5. Cyclic alternating pattern in stage 4. Phase A corresponds to the sequences of more regular and higher voltage activity. Phase B corresponds to the more irregular, lower voltage activity. Oculog., recording of eye movements; EKG, electrocardiogram. Sleep, Vol. 8, No.2, 1985 142 M. G. TERZANO ET AL. TABLE 1. Values of parameters for 328 cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) sequences Mean 16.4 Number of CAP sequences for each sleep Duration of CAP sequences (s) Number of CAPs in each CAP sequence Number of CAP sequences in: Sl (n = 43) S2 (n = 181) S3 (n = 28) S4 (n = 21) 2 stages (n = 51) 3 stages (n = 3) 4 stages (n = 1) (4.511) 298.2 (82.63) 7.47 (1.82) 2.15 9.05 1.4 1.05 2.5 (1.9) (2.8) (1.01) (1.2) (1.9) Range 10--28 201.3-516.6 4.6--11.5 0--9 3-14 0--4 0--4 0--4 Standard deviations in parentheses. CAP, Cyclic alternating pattern; SJ, stage 1; S2, stage 2; S3, stage 3; S4, stage 4. one-fifth of NREM sleep time. Total CAP time in each sleep record ranged from 49 min 15 s to 129 min 5 s. Table 3 reports CAP parameters and CAP rates for each NREM sleep stage. Stage 1 had the longest CAP length (p < 0.01) and CAP rate (p < 0.01). In the same stage the CAP index was significantly higher than in other stages (p < 0.01). DISCUSSION Sleep and wakefulness represent the two physiological extremes of arousal within the 24-h nighUday cycle. These two conditions are controlled by specific neurophysiological structures and neurotransmitters localized in the brainstem (13-15). However, fluctuations in the level of arousal occur during wakefulness and sleep. The latter consists of vari()us V II III IV REM TIME min. O· 100' 200' 300' 400' 500' O· 100' 200' 300' 400' 500' V II III IV REM TIME min. FIG. 6. Histogram of two consecutive sleep records taken in the same subject. Dotted lines indicate the cyclic alternating pattern sequences. V = wakefulness; I, II, III, IV, and REM = sleep stages. Sleep, Vol. 8, No.2, 1985 143 CYCLIC ALTERNATING PATTERN IN SLEEP TABLE 2. Individual and overall values o/CAPs Individual values of CAP for each sleep (20 records) Range Mean Number of CAPs Duration of cycles (s) Duration of phase A (s) PAR (%) Duration of phase B (s) PBR (%) CAP ratelTST (%) CAP rate/NREM (%) 119.05 39.73 12.66 36.25 27.07 63.74 18.15 23.19 (28) (4.91) (2.48) (4.67) (4.21) (4.67) (4.87) (5.73) 83-180 29.5-46.2 9.5-17.4 29.9-49.1 18.4-34.3 50.8-70 11.6-28.8 15.13-35.4 Overall values for 2,381 CAPs Mean Range 39.95 12.68 36.07 27.27 63.93 18.11 23.16 (22.9) (9.22) (17.53) (19.84) (17.53) (4.97) (5.87) 7-285 2-120 4.58-95.16 2-165 4.83-95.41 10.31-28.8 15.13-35.42 Standard deviations in parentheses. CAP, Cyclic alternating pattern; PAR, phase A rate; PBR, phase B rate; CAP ratelTST, CAP rate with respect to total sleep time; CAP rate/NREM, CAP rate with respect to NREM sleep time. stages characterized by different EEG/polygraphic patterns and by different threshold responses to arousing stimuli (16-18). According to Dement and Kleitman, sleep may be subdivided into cycles lasting 90 to 100 min (12). CAP is an additional chronological structure with an average rhythm of its own of about 40 s. This biorhythm may involve not only arousal control but also other biological functions during sleep such as cerebrospinal fluid pressure, systemic arterial pressure, pulmonary arterial pressure, heart rate, respiration, diameter of pupils, and excitability of peripheral neurons (19,20). Nothing is known about the existence of a pacemaker or of control structures being directly linked together. Presumably, during sleep all these functions may be simultaneously involved through a coordinating process controlled by the level of arousal (21). This synchronized response is called "phasing" (22), and it occurs when arousal is either fluctuating or in a steady state. As in any biological function, a steady state may be achieved by the application of a bipolar feedback system (9,23,24). CAP may be considered the bioelectrical translation of such a mechanism. Arousal instability is due to the combined effects of internal and/or environmental stimuli. Through continuing oscillations CAP would aim to restore a steady state that may be represented in that moment by the arousal level of single NREM sleep stages (23). During CAP the behavior of arousal may be interpreted according to the cybernetic model of reciprocal induction (9). In conformity with this theory, we may assume that arousal regulation is controlled by two half-systems dynamically linked together: a greater arousal inducing system, which initially responds to arousing stimuli and elicits the appearance of phase A, and a lesser arousal inducing system, which initially responds to stimuli that reduce the level of arousal and elicits the appearance of phase B. The result is a twolevel, fluctuating controlled process appearing on EEG as CAP. Therefore, the afferent impulses may be selected by the sleeping brain. Generally, if the stimulus were compatible with the condition of sleep at that moment, then its effects would be offset by CAP mechanisms; if the stimulus were not compatible with the level of arousal existing at that moment, then the arousal control system would adjust itself by diverting the resulting effect onto a different level of arousal. This may be the reason why CAP usually appears at the time of stage changes, awakenings, and falling asleep. Sleep, Vol. 8, No.2, 1985 ........ ~ t ~ ~ ?o ~ !" ..... ~ TABLE 3. CAPs in stages of sleep n = 224 (9.4%), SI Mean Number of CAPs for each sleep Duration of cycles (s) Duration of phase A (s) PAR (%) Duration of phase B (s) PBR (%) CAP index CAP rate (%) = 1,615 (67.8%), S2 n = 325 (13.6%), S3 Mean Range Mean Range 80.7 (20.99) 39-128 16.2 (13.79) 0-60 ILl (9.63) 0-43 54.17 23.07 44.25 31.1 55.74 0.87 56.74 (34.79) (19.6) (21.01) (26.33) (21.01) (1.05) 8-285 2-120 4.93-94.68 3-165 5.31-95.06 0-1.7 Standard deviations in parentheses. n stage 3; S4, stage 4. n Range 38.37 11.43 34.78 26.94 65.21 0.33 21.04 (21.62) (6.96) (16.93) (19.68) (16.93) (0.09) 7-127 39.29 (18.48) 2-80 11.25 (4.02) 4.58-95.16 34.11 (16.27) 28.03 (18.1) 2-116 4.83-95.41 65.89 (16.27) 0.17-0.59 0.44 (0.26) 31.08 10-116 5-29 8.23-84 4--106 16-91.76 0-0.57 n == 217 (9.2%), S4 Mean 10.8 (8.18) (16.94) 38 13.34 (5.16) 40.09 (17.05) 24.65 (16.21) 59.9 (17.05) 0.25 (0.22) 15.67 Range 0-25 9-102 6-37 9.85-83.87 3-82 16.12-90.14 0-0.81 2,381. 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