Aquauno Video 2 Plus User manual Page 1 Connect the timer to the tap. 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 3 2 1 4 5 6 DAY OK LOW OK TIME 2 1 6 ING RUNN ING RUNN DAY LOW 5 4 3 TIME 2 TIME 1 ING RUNN DAY click! OK LOW For Aquauno Video 2 (p/n): 8454 For Aquauno Video 2 Plus (p/n): 8412 Open the timer unit by pressing the two buttons on the sides, and fit a 9V alkaline battery. When connecting the battery, the display comes on, the valve opens for 2 seconds and the timer clock will be set automatically to 00:00. Important: Remember to turn on the water tap. 2 3 ON! 1 2 3 4 5 6 TIME c DAY ING RUNN 1 LOW OK a 3 4 5 6 DAY VA LV OL VA LV OL A ING RUNN IN LOW SE IN NS OK OR 9V ali ne For Aquauno Video 2 (p/n): 8454 For Aquauno Video 2 Plus (p/n): 8412 SE NS OR a b A BA TT ER Y RA BA TT ER Y RA Alc 2 TIME 1 a 9V Alc ali ne NEW! b Aquauno Video 2 Plus User manual Page 2 4 5 open for 2” ON! TIME TIME ECT SEL 2 1 6 ECT SEL 2 1 DAY OK LOW TIME NING RUN ING RUNN DAY OK 1 ING RUNN DAY LOW ECT SEL 2 OK SELECT 2 LOW OK TIME 1 DAY RUNNING LOW For Aquauno Video 2 (p/n): 8454 For Aquauno Video 2 Plus (p/n): 8412 Pressing the ENTER key button, the message OK will appear. Set the current time using the FORWARD/BACK key buttons. Keeping the FORWARD or BACK key buttons pressed, the numbers will scroll more quickly. Having set the time, press ENTER, and the message OK will appear. 2 1 2 RUNNING RUNNING 1 a LOW OK x1 a a forward back For Aquauno Video 2 (p/n): 8454 For Aquauno Video 2 Plus (p/n): 8412 OK 2 ING RUNN ING RUNN ING RUNN OK 2 DAY LOW SELECT TIME ECT SEL DAY x1 1 LOW 2 DAY OK OK TIME ECT 1 LOW 2 DAY LOW SEL 2 b SELECT DAY DAY OK TIME ECT 1 1 TIME TIME LOW SEL b SELECT TIME b 3 RUNNING 1 Aquauno Video 2 Plus User manual Page 3 Programming is managed by way of pages presented in the display. Each page has two functions: view programme and, pressing ENTER, modify programme. Pressing FORWARD, the display will show the second programme of the line. 2 2 DAY ING RUNN LOW LOW ING RUNN 2 RUNNING 1 OK SELECT 2 RUNNING DAY TIME LOW DAY d Ö ENTER PROGRAMME 1 ON (OPEN) TIME 2 RUNNING SELECT c SELECT OK b DAY LOW b LOW OK TIME DAY 1 c 1 2 LOW OK LOW OK a 2 1 1 OK ME ECT SEL ECT SEL DAY OK LOW 2 DAY RUNNING 1 DAY ING RUNN ECT SEL a SELECT TIME DAY a OK 1 TIME 1 LOW 2 TIME TIME CT SELE 2 SELECT RUNNING 1 TIME b 3 ING RUNN 1 OK PROGRAMME 1 OFF (CLOSED) Ö ENTER PROGRAMME 2 ON (OPEN) Ö ENTER PROGRAMME 2 OFF (CLOSED) Ö ENTER For Aquauno Video 2 (p/n): 8454 For Aquauno Video 2 Plus (p/n): 8412 Suppose watering is to be programmed from the current time (e.g. 10:42). Press the FORWARD button once. The display shows “1=progr.1 OPEN”. The time appears as 00:00; press ENTER to set the opening time as required. The message OK means that the ‘open’ time can now be selected with the FORWARD/BACK key buttons. The symbol for programme 1 also appears at the top of the display. Having set the time (e.g. 5:00), press ENTER. The OK message disappears and the watering start time is stored. 2 ING RUNN LOW SELECT 2 RUNNING 1 OK LOW SELECT 2 LOW OK 2 RUNNING ING RUNN d LOW b OK OK e 1 SELECT 2 DAY For Aquauno Video 2 (p/n): 8454 For Aquauno Video 2 Plus (p/n): 8412 2 TIME OK 1 DAY DAY LOW ECT 1 SE TIME TIME e OK SEL LECT LOW LOW c DAY 1 OK d b DAY DAY DAY LOW OK 2 DAY 1 SELECT OK TIME CT SELE 2 LOW TIME RUNNING 1 TIME TIME c OK RUNNING 2 LOW 2 TIME SELECT b OK ING RUNN ING RUNN LOW 1 a SELECT DAY OK 1 CT SELE 2 DAY 1 DAY DAY LOW a TIME 1 2 DAY CT SELE 2 SELECT TIME TIME RUNNING 1 TIME TIME a RUNNING 2 RUNNING SELECT RUNNING 1 3 ING RUNN 1 LOW OK c Mem. Aquauno Video 2 Plus User manual Page 4 Press the FORWARD key button once. The display shows “1=progr. 1 CLOSED”. The timer sets the ‘close’ time automatically one minute after the ‘open’ time (in the example: 05:01). Press ENTER to set the ‘close’ time, in the same way as for the ‘open’ time (e.g. 05:20). Set the required ‘close’ time using the FORWARD/BACK key buttons. The symbol for programme 1 continues to be displayed after the programme has been stored. Press ENTER to conclude the programming procedure. 2 3 DAY LOW OK 1 CT SELE 2 DAY DAY OK LOW 2 DAY RUNNING ECT SEL TIME TIME c d ING RUNN 2 LOW OK b OK b 2 TIME TIME CT SELE 2 1 1 LOW SELECT 2 OK c Mem. DAY RUNNING e DAY c 2 TIME OK SELECT TIME ING RUNN DAY DAY LOW OK 1 RUNNING SELECT RUNNING b TIME SELECT 1 LOW LOW OK 2 a 1 1 LOW ING RUNN LOW OK a SELECT DAY RUNNING 1 DAY DAY ING RUNN CT SELE 2 LOW OK 1 TIME 2 a TIME 1 2 TIME TIME ECT SEL SELECT RUNNING 1 ING RUNN 1 LOW OK Follow the same procedure for programme For Aquauno Video 2 (p/n): 8454 For Aquauno Video 2 Plus (p/n): 8412 Pressing the FORWARD key button, the timer will move through to weekly programming. With weekly programming, the user can select in which days watering is required. Warning: day (1) coincides with the day on which the first watering cycle is set. Example: first programme set on Thursday = day (1). Warning: day (1) provides the reference point for weekly programming. Example: If Thursday = day (1) and the intention is to skip watering on Friday, the day to deselect is day (2). To omit one day of the week, position the cursor of the display under the number of the day in question, using the FORWARD/BACK key buttons. Press ENTER and the number will disappear. 3 RUNNING ING RUNN ING RUNN ING RUNN RUNNING RUNNING OK 2 CT SELE 2 1 LOW d e DAY f LOW TIME OK SELECT DAY OK LOW CT SELE 2 OK TIME CT SELE 2 DAY DAY For Aquauno Video 2 (p/n): 8454 For Aquauno Video 2 Plus (p/n): 8412 1 b c 1 LOW e 1 LOW RUNNING ING RUNN ING RUNN RUNNING 2 TIME ING RUNN SELECT TIME RUNNING DAY DAY LOW 1 OK 2 DAY 1 SELECT TIME TIME TIME CT SELE 2 OK x3 DAY 2 DAY DAY DAY d OK LOW OK TIME TIME TIME LOW OK b SELECT OK 1 CT SELE 2 CT SELE 2 1 LOW c a TIME 2 2 DAY SELECT 1 LOW LOW b OK a 1 1 LOW OK SELECT TIME DAY DAY LOW CT SELE 2 1 LOW OK 1 DAY 2 a TIME 1 2 TIME TIME ECT SEL SELECT RUNNING 1 OK ING RUNN 2 ING RUNN 1 LOW OK f x5 Aquauno Video 2 Plus User manual Page 5 To quit the weekly programming page, position the cursor under EXIT and press ENTER. Press FORWARD to display the manual watering function. Press ENTER to activate the manual function; pressing the BACK key button (OPEN), the timer valve opens, and pressing the FORWARD key button (CLOSED), the valve closes. To quit the manual function, press ENTER. This function is useful for watering plants when required, without deleting the programmes already set. In any case, the valve will close automatically after 15 minutes. b RUNNING ING RUNN ING RUNN OK OK 1 DAY LOW 2 NING RUN RUNNING TIME ING RUNN NING RUN 1 CT SELE 2 DAY c ECT SEL b OK DAY 2 TIME OK LOW SELECT LOW OK TIME DAY 1 CT SELE 2 1 LOW c 2 a DAY LOW LOW 2 DAY DAY 1 1 SELECT TIME ECT SEL CT SELE 2 DAY DAY DAY LOW OK LOW OK 1 TIME 1 2 TIME CT SELE 2 a SELECT TIME b TIME TIME RUNNING 1 RUNNING 2 TIME a SELECT 1 3 ING RUNN 2 1 LOW OK OK d c OK LOW For Aquauno Video 2 (p/n): 8454 For Aquauno Video 2 Plus (p/n): 8412 To delete a programme, press FORWARD until the display shows the “CLOSED” page of the programme to be removed. Press ENTER, then press the FORWARD / BACK key buttons simultaneously. 1 2 3 1 1 2 NING RUN DAY LOW LOW a OK DAY RUNNING SE a 2 TIME TIME T LEC SELECT OK TIME x2 ECT SEL 1 2 ECT SEL 1 TIME RUNNING TIME b CT SELE 2 LOW 1 ING RUNN OK DAY DAY LOW 2 ING RUNN 2 DAY SELECT TIME 1 LOW OK c For Aquauno Video 2 (p/n): 8454 For Aquauno Video 2 Plus (p/n): 8412 OK ING RUNN DAY b Mem. LOW OK Programme 2 deleted Aquauno Video 2 Plus User manual Page 6 The timer can also be connected to the Rain Sensor, using the socket provided, in which case the protective jumper must be removed. 1 2 3 a IN SE VA LV OL A BA TT ER Y RA IN NS SE A 9 lc V al in e A BA TT ER Y RA A 9 lc V al in e VA LV OL ET RECASNCEL NS OR OR a b For Aquauno Video 2 Plus (p/n): 8412 At the end of the warm season and before the first winter frosts, disconnect the timer from the tap and store it indoors, bearing in mind to remove the battery. 2 1 3 OFF! b a c VA LV OL A BA TT ER Y RA IN SE NS OR b START STOP 9 Alc V ali ne RESET CANCEL a For Aquauno Video 2 (p/n): 8454 For Aquauno Video 2 Plus (p/n): 8412 For more information and further details, please consult the instruction manual supplied with the product.
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