The INTERNATIONAL TERMINOLOGICAL KEY for sciences and technology by Manuel Halvelik Version 3 2005 Manuel Halvelik The International Terminological Key for Sciences and Technology Editorial Assistant: Derek Casselle, Newcastle, GB © Manuel Halvelik 2 INDEX ONE TWO THREE 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Introduction World crisis Overabundance of Technical Terms Obstacles to Treatment by Computer The Obstacle of Human Language 7 8 9 10 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Analysis of the Problem The Planification Idea The Three Sociological Levels Planification of Professional Terms Two Pioneers Two Approaches The Golden Axiom Why the Stalemate? Why not a Natural Language? 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 29 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 About Planned Languages General Principles Fortunes and Misfortunes of Esperanto The Great Weakness of Traditional Esperanto The Fifteenth Rule of Esperanto 32 33 38 41 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Solution to the Problems The Fusion Axiom What's Old in Uniespo? What's New in Uniespo? The Apartheid Axiom Planning Nomenclatures Language Evolution Non-Latinistic Terms Perspectives for the ITK 46 47 47 49 52 54 55 58 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. The Rules of the Game Harvesting and Treating Stems Making Compounds Making Derivations 62 62 65 66 6. Composition of the ITK 67 7. Epilogue 70 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Special Normoglot Affixes in Uniespo Standardised Numerals Chemical Elements and Radicals Some Fancy Models from Organic Chemistry 71 73 74 79 9. THE T ABLES 9.1 Lemmas - Etymons - Meanings 80 9.2 Etymons - Lemmas - Meanings 281 9.3 Meanings - Lemmas - Etymons 367 3 Glossary ITK = The International Terminological Key, made up of purely normoglot word stems (prototypes); the central pillar that makes Uniespo clearly superior to traditional Esperanto. normoglot = The particular vocabulary of sciences and technology. socioglot = The common everyday vocabulary Uniespo = Short for "Universal Esperanto"; a further development of traditional Esperanto — the supranational constructed language — making it especially adapted to the particular needs of sciences and technology, while retaining all its excellent qualities for literary creations. "If it cannot be accomplished in the coming decades that the tools of terminology (terminological principles, methods and formats) are fully applied on both national and international levels, so that terminologies become reliable, then serious difficulties in regard to subject communication can occur, and even a complete breakdown can be expected. This situation is mainly due to the rapid progress achieved in all areas of human activity, which caused an abundance of new concepts. These concepts, however, have to be expressed by a very limited number of terms and possible combinations of term elements in the various languages. These tremendous dynamics within term formation and evolution stand in contrast to a static stock of word elements from which terms can actually be formed. The stems that are available in the various languages amount to a few thousand, while the number of concepts known can only be expressed in millions. The limits of assigning terms to concepts in an unambiguous way will be reached very quickly if this development proceeds further at such a rate." [Professor H. Felber, former director of UNESCO's INFOTERM, in: Infoterm; Ten years of activities – Vienna 1982] Dedicated especially to scientists of non-Western cultures. 4 PART ONE The Problem E. K. Drezen ( L.L. Zamenhof (1859-1917) 5 6 1. Introduction 1.1 Worldwide Crisis Few people will contest the vastness of the crisis which nowadays ravages all five continents. The phenomenon is complex and labyrinthine, because it causes and often opposes a diversity of factors and aspects in social, ecological, economic, political, technical and religious contexts. One can't help likening this to the ever accelerating rotation of a centrifuge, approaching a rupturing limit that might bring about a complete selfdestruction of the machine. Some philosophers and present-day historians don't hesitate to declare that we are living a sort of transition period between an agonizing epoch and a new one which is making its first uncertain steps forward. But, contrary to previous such transitions in cultural history, the phenomenon now encompasses any and all peoples and nations of our planet, whether they themselves are the cause of conflicts or are just undergoing and suffering them. First there is the quite tell-tale sign that up to 1995 some 150 (!) major armed clashes have have occurred since the Second World War, causing millions of casualties and driving many more millions from their homelands. Many more followed since, up to the present day, including the ever growing international terrorism. Then there is the topsy-turvy situation in economics and ecology, with its overconcentration of people in megacities and over-exploitation of natural resources, bringing about worldwide imbalances and entan-glements in which Mother Nature herself seems inclined to take part with ravaging disease and destruction. And thirdly we have the spiritual alienation besieging all cultures, to which we may add – and this is the point we want to reach – the so-called “fragmentation” of knowledge, expressed very well by the saying that scientists “know ever more and more about ever less and less”. A “great unifying idea” is painfully missing, while we seem adrift in an unfathomable, senseless Universe, not knowing why or whereto. It is a standing cliché‚ to call the European Middle Ages “dark”, but the people of that time had at least an overwhelming advantage over us: the priceless possession of an overall and unifying Worldview – even if it was wrong in several respects – in which everybody and everything had a firm place in a firm spiritual framework. On the other hand, in this our heavy laden atmosphere of turmoil, insecurity, uncertainty, it is almost a paradox to find a sort of under-current at work, striving to create a vast and all-pervading unification, perhaps best illustrated by the explosively growing world-wide telecommunication network INTERNET. 7 So, in our opinion, our present times may be compared to the phenomenon – well-known in thermodynamics – in which a given phase of a fluid compound, by continual addition of energy to the system – suddenly and explosively transits from an inferior level to a superior level. For example, for a laser “gun” to produce a highly concentrated, directed and powerful beam, it is first necessary for the electrons at hand to enter into a whirling battle phase until the mêlée reaches a certain threshold of energy which will quite suddenly recreate law and order, forcing all electrons present to act collectively and in unison the Law of Chaos. Importing this principle onto the cultural scene, one might speak of collapse of the old, traditional paradigms and of a revolutionary agitation in these ideas, which should and will finally bring about a completely new and (re)unifying paradigm, in the sense given to this concept by the milestone work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, written by T.S. KUHN.1 It is our intention to show that such a turnover can and will take place also in the domain of language; and, more particularly, in terminology. But before getting acquainted with this matter and the role played in it by our International Terminological Key, it is perhaps advisable to take a closer look at the problem which gave rise to its creation and the ways which led to it. 1.2 Over-abundance of Technical Terms In this respect we see before our eyes how natural and artificial barriers, which during ages kept peoples and nations more or less distinct and apart, today give way to the incessant blows of technological progress, especially in the domain of communications and information. With power and rapidity, press agencies and recently the overwhelming INTERNET, cover the whole of the globe, penetrating through their manifold tentacles into even the remotest and most isolated homes and moulding the opinions of their inhabitants. In scientific circles this brings about such a quantity of new concepts and words, that one may rightfully speak about an explosion – the “information explosion”. Those who want to keep abreast of the revolution in their professional domain, see themselves forced to subscribe to not just one or two professional periodicals, but to many, coming preferentially from the USA. That is: if one ever gets around to actually absorbing all those interesting articles and news items. Summaries and abstracts therefore enjoy great popularity, but even so it is no secret that specialists rely more and more on general news media, to be informed of yet another breakthrough in their domain, and that they only afterwards get around to searching more 1. The University of Chicago Press, USA 1982. 8 particulars where they should have looked in the first place: professional literature. This brings about also an avalanche of new technical and scientific words, in the wake of new and newer notions, till then unknown or never imagined, exasperating lexicographers and terminologists alike. Barely have they been registered in some dictionary or encyclopedia – after their appearance in specialized magazines or on the INTERNET – than they are already outmoded, irrelevant, used no more! No small number of publishers are faced with the painful dilemma whether to continue publishing reference books the old way on paper, or to pour them into an electronic mould; especially since the advent of high capacity media such as the compact disk, capable of storing not only text but also colour and 3D-images, even sounds and speech. And all that with nearly unbelievable facilities for the user: find or retrieve almost instantaneously whatever information is wanted and the ability to manipulate it at will. And through INTERNET the knowledge of the whole world theoretically lies at each individual's feet. And yet, and yet, when it comes to terminology, making access and manipulation of knowledge ever more efficient does not (yet) solve the inherent problems of this subject. 1.3 Obstacles to Treatment by Computer First, in order to make such treatment really efficient, it would be necessary to internationally associate all databanks, linking them regardless of political, cultural, economical, linguistic barriers; so that every Tom, Dick and Harry may consult this world memory bank at will, or contribute to it (Wikipedia). INTERNET is surely growing rapidly in that direction, but real unification is still around the corner. Military centres, as well as totalitarian regimes and government administrations, try their best to keep the lid on as tight as possible, while numerous hackers try to lift it again, making the goal of universalism utopian in the present context. Second, the continuous fragmentation of knowledge and know-how, mentioned before, separates specialists and technicians ever more from each other, keeping them from utilizing a completely adequate, standardized, and universal terminology, which would be at once comprehensible to colleagues in other parts of the world, in other cultures and societies. We see in fact a host of new notions, freshly defined, flowing in from all directions simultaneously, but over-whelmingly from highly industrialized countries, and originated by the so-called “spearpoint technology”, which creates a great number of overlapping words and even superfluous synonyms, a real jungle. Third, but not the least, such a lightning evolution does not permit control – with sufficient wisdom – of the internal coherence of the conceptual diagrams (flow charts), even supposing that the coiners of those hundreds or 9 even thousands of new technical terms would be so kind as to pay attention to the way their ad hoc “creations” fit into the given nomenclatural frame or even into the grammar of the language as a whole. Their linguistic inventions are more often than not confusing and capricious, affiliated more to slang than to correct usage. In this respect even highly respected scientific journals have no scruples in borrowing every now and then from the often mind-boggling jargon of sports, pop-culture, computer magazines. Take for example the absurdity which until recently reigned around the capacity of pro-cessing units (“chips”), possessing an ever increasing quantity of electronic components: small scale integration (101 – 102), medium scale integration (102 – 103), large scale integration (103 – 105), very large scale integration (105 – 106), ultra large scale integration (106 – 107), hyper large scale integration (107 – 108). A really beautiful model of modern planning!? Along that road one would expect next some “very hyper super extra large...” labels, or equally inconsistent coinings. This testifies to a baffling lack of vision, hence of planning. No wonder, manufacturers have finally turned to just listing the distance in nano-meters between individual elements, for advertising their chips. 1.4 The Obstacle of Human Language Finally we confront the fact, and this is very important, that on the particular terrain of scientific/technical terminology, all national languages lack sufficient linguistic material to counter the brutal and massive invasion of new and newer concepts. Few lexicographers and even terminologists seem aware of this inherent linguistic weakness, and consequently are not troubled by it, although signs of collapse are present everywhere and crying out against the terrible jargonization just mentioned. Since the time-lapse (relaxation time), necessary for pondering over grammatical, stylistic, or semantical correctness grows shorter and shorter, as we have seen, they readily accept and adopt a myriad of incoherent and bizarre terms, turning especially English and scientific language in general into an ever more complex and chaotic code; not far from cryptography. Even worse, through the channels of international trade and mass media, other ethnic languages get infected by the same disrupting disease and become larded with English (American) pidgin. So, even the human language itself gets to be a mirror of the overall spiritual and factual alienation, confusion, fragmentation. It is no wonder the “great” languages sometimes are called mockingly franglais, Denglisch, espinglés, ingliano etc. by their speakers. But English itself is surely suffering the most from this enormous lack of Law and Order. In this perspective one cannot speak anymore about a “natural and healthy” evolution of language. Long live Anarchy! A now already outdated compilation of initial words – Acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations dictionary by ROWLEY & SHEPPARD 2 – presents us with a 2. Gale Research Cy, Detroit, USA 1984. 10 striking model of this crippling disease, listing no less than 300,000 abbreviations of the kind AIDS, ADN, LSO, FBI, ASCII, VHS, DOS etc. And the compilers explicitly admit not having had the ambition of being comprehensive! Thus, it becomes understandable that specialists (again) try to row counter-current, forcing at least some meaning into their labels, even if purely artificially, so they can be more easily remembered. A good example, familiar to just about everyone nowadays, is the code-word BASIC from informatics, imagined to be short for “Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code”. Another is WORM, forcefully invented for “write once, read many”. Other examples can be found in the names given to satellites and space probes, representing at the same time a meaningful (or well known) name and an acronym – perhaps an unconscious reaction to the onslaught of anarchy. A significant citation – illustrative of this internal weakness of all languages in general and English in particular – with regard to the information explosion, is the opinion of Professor H. FELBER,3 former director of the international centre for terminology INFOTERM in Vienna, founded by UNESCO, which we shall come back to later: 4 “If it cannot be accomplished in the coming decades that the tools of terminology (terminological principles, methods and formats) are fully applied on both national and international levels, so that terminologies become reliable, then serious difficulties in regard to subject com-munication can occur, and even a complete breakdown of it can be expected. This situation is mainly due to the rapid progress achieved in all areas of human activity which caused an abundance of new concepts. These concepts, however, have to be expressed by a very limited number of terms and possible combinations of term elements in the various languages. These tremendous dynamics within term formation and evolution are in contrast to a static stock of word elements from which terms can actually be formed. The roots that are available in the various languages amount to a few thousand, while the number of concepts known can only be expressed in millions. The limits of assigning terms to concepts in an unambiguous way are reached very quickly if the development proceeds further at such a rate.” Who will contest this gloomy diagnosis, coming from such a renowned expert? The consequences are serious, as much for the international academic community as for the ethnic languages taken separately, and even for... the so-called artificial languages studied by interlinguistics. (As a matter of fact, terminology and interlinguistics have much in common; but let this topic rest for the moment.) Therefore we assert that information and mutual comprehension on the highest intellectual level – say: university status – will become impossible to realize in the near (?) future, if this level keeps making use of “natural” tongues, especially of English, already in free fall towards complete chaos. In Author of, among others, Terminology, Paris 1984. 3. the Terminology Manual – International Information Centre for 4. In his introduction to a brochure about the activities and aims of said organization: Infoterm – Ten years of activities – Austrian Standards Institute, Vienna 1982. 11 the end, it will be pretty uncertain what this or that colleague is trying to convey, because he or she will be using terms/concepts too new or too individual to be of common use, in a form totally alien to known technical words, or simply having a sense completely aberrant. In this domain there no longer seems to exist any rule of conduct; and trustworthy up-to-date reference works – as we have seen – are painfully absent. There comes to mind a striking analogy with the automobile traffic of our time. The incessant increase in cars of all sizes and purposes already produces, not only a degree of pollution simply unbearable in great cities, but also ever more frequent bottlenecks and jams, which are sooner or later bound to reach a complete paralysis of surface circulation. Let's substitute cars by technical words and the cities by languages, and we see the same quick march towards suffocation. It is the non-European languages above all that feel the impact of foreign words and expressions from Anglo-Saxon origin – alien to their cultures – because they cannot draw from a homemade technico-scientific thesaurus comparable to the graeco-latin vocabulary of most European languages. For example: Chinese, greatly important though it may be to a billion users, is obliged to name everything only with the help of its “basic” vocabulary, if not by a very approximative trans-cription of the foreign (read “English”) pronunciation. Result: a mountain of homonyms and word groupings, which make the modern scientific and technological intercommunication in this vast domain difficult to manipulate. Thus a dead-end lies waiting. All efforts and tricks of the trade to avoid this final stalemate – above all simultaneous translation and automatic treatment by computer – are just palliatives and temporary reliefs. If electronic brains are not in danger of collapsing under the linguistic weight, human brains certainly are; just as even the most ingenious and moneyconsuming remedies, to make the urban traffic easy-flowing (again), remain without noticeable effect in practice. Many times already, since the Second World War, engineers have nurtured the hope of vanquishing this worldwide Tower of Babel by means of computers and programmes – artificial intelligence. But each time, when a hopeful door seemed to open up, it closed shut again. Truly, there is some progress and there are some advances. but the beautiful promises of “spearpoint” enterprises and research groups in institutions cannot hide the crude fact that the only items which grow and expand continually are... translation services, language courses, and the staffs of interpreters at countless Councils and Assemblies. Indeed human language is so intricate and unpredictable that, up to now, the only success in the field are electronic pocket translators, which work necessarily at the elementary level of word-to-word or, at best, expression-to-expression. So, what are we to do?? 12 The obvious solution would be to try to control the traffic flow, by force if need be. But is such a measure possible in the matter of language, if even real traffic is so hard to turn into appropriate channels? Technico-scientific vocabulary, being only one aspect and part of language, necessarily has to obey the overall laws of grammar. So, if we are to bring law and order into this domain, we must of necessity consider also the possibility or impossibility of planification of human language, the way it is done for example in economy. “For some time ISO/TC 37 has been studying an <International key to terminology>, which consists of international word elements, having the same or nearly the same meaning in many languages, and rules for the correct construction of international terms. It is expected that such a key will play an important role in the future.” [Professor FELBER in Terminology Manual, p.25 – Paris 1984] 13 2. Analysis of the Problem 2.1 The Planification Idea “Planification” here means “standardization, normalization, regular-ization”, or even “rational (re)organization” of the linguistic material at our disposal. It is strange to find that still at the present day, in the software area, one can meet linguists, and not unimportant ones, manifesting strong hostility against any controlled terminology – almost as strange as their emotional opposition to the idea of planned languages, obstinately stigmatized by them as “artificial”. This in spite of the fact that these have become the object of a complete new branch of linguistics, i.e. interlinguistics.5 These two particular facets of linguistics, terminology and constructed language, working on the principle of controlled evolution, cannot be anything else to their eyes but an abominable monstrosity, diametrically opposed to the idea of natural evolution, considered – without any really rational argument – to be the only valid form of language, capricious and chaotic though this natural form may be. Professor Claude PIRON, polyglot, psychologist and a former official interpreter at Geneva, has made a professional analysis of this illogical attitude, widespread among even eminent scientists in the manifold disciplines of human language.6 His final diagnosis is as simple as it is unexpected: Any human being acquires his/her mother tongue in a haphazard fashion, by passively registering from earliest youth bits and pieces of conversation, and unwittingly ordering and linking these scraps together little by little, until the internal structure, alias grammar, of this communication code (syntax and morphology) becomes sufficiently complete and firm to start using it actively within the social circle. This acquisition process occurs unconsciously and stays intimately linked to all other acquisition items of the infant brain in full development: sounds, faces, objects, conducts, reflexes. That way, the native language comes to form and integral and inseparable part of the personality of the youngster and finally the adult. So, because this process develops all along in a way called “natural”, the adult is absolutely convinced, without even pondering over the matter, that such is the only possible and admissible means for a language to take form. Thus the adult will instinctively experience, nay will feel, any language originated in any other way as a threat to and an undermining of his/her own personality! Just pay a closer scrutiny to diatribes about such 5. Interlinguistics: = Branch of linguistics, dealing with languages “artificially” constructed to serve as a code for international communication, i.e. not born out of evolution within an ethnic group, but planned by a single initiator or a group of linguists. A good overview of the characteristics and problems encountered in this discipline is given by Interlinguistics, Aspects in the Science of Planned Languages – issued as Volume 42 in the series of monographs «Trends in Linguistics», published by MOUTON DE GRUYTER, Berlin-New York, 1989. 6. Claude Piron – Psychological reactions to Esperanto – Flandra Esperanto Ligo, Antwerp 1992; and Claude Piron – Le problème de la communication et des langues de la Communauté européenne, Parlement européen, Bruxelles 1993. 14 “invented, concocted, artificial, pseudo” languages, and especially the lyrical style of the so-called rational argumentation of even established linguists, and you will be struck by the amount of their subjectivity and the vehemence of their emotionality – constituting a far cry from the cool detachment which these professionals are supposed to have acquired during their academic formation. In the words of Professor PIRON, also an advocate of the constructed language Esperanto, which we will have to deal with later: “We thus have on the one side observable facts, susceptible to be the object of scientific evaluation, and on the other side numerous authors who, up to a proportion of 85%, are unaware that such a reality exists and are unaware that they are unaware. – No one would dare publish five pages on Bulgarian or Swahili without knowing at least something about these languages. But my research shows that, in the case [...] of Esperanto, this is common practice.” This fierce emotional rejection is all the more surprising in view of the crude fact that quite a number of languages are (still) floundering to get themselves organized and adapted to the exacting requirements of modern technological society. A good overview of each of these (mostly non-European) languages and their specific problems can be found e.g. in the comprehensive threevolume compilation work Language Reform, by István FÖDOR & Claude HAGÈGE (editors).7 And we don't even elaborate on the ever recurring and ever heated discussions on spelling reform, equally considered untouchable and equally so for mainly subjective reasons ! It is only in recent years that this seemingly impregnable wall of prejudice has begun to crumble, supposedly in the wake of machine translation and artificial intelligence. Moreover, planification (or even reform) of ethnic languages is not at all a recent phenomenon; neither from the viewpoint of lexicology, nor of grammar. Interlinguists are well aware of this fact: even the most “natural” languages – which like to pride themselves on the structuring and transformation of their constituent elements by fortuitous and unpredictable ways, controlled only by the “law” of analogy – are always the result of incessant stirring between constructive and destructive forces. At some moment in their history these same languages, possessing a rich literary past, were forged by this or that pioneer, who succeeded in harmoniously combining and integrating quite divergent elements, selected from among several mutually rival dialects, and thus establishing “the glorious national lingua franca” overriding all its competitors. Such were the function and decisive influence of PUSHKIN for Russian, of LUTHER for German, of ALFONSOX for Spanish, of SHAKESPEARE for English, of DANTE for Italian, and so on. So, there is no denying that even a “great” and “natural” language has its part of artificiality – which in no way hampers its functionality, even (and above all) on the Celestial Heights of Refined Literature. The misbegotten 7. Brandstetter Verlag, Hamburg-New York 1978. 15 judgement of inflexible “naturalists” is thus finally nothing but an illconsidered prejudice. However, we mustn't forget that such a penetrating linguistic remoulding can take place only in a propitious growing period of the language's history. For most established tongues this phase occurred long ago. In the present epoch, it seems very unlikely that a similar operation could take place again. At the most, we can expect only a small re-organization, not a complete reconstruction, given the high degree of development – laid down in masses of writing – and the vast territory covered by the “official” language of a nation. What it really takes is a complete change of outlook, as with the switch to Western culture, brought about by Kemal ATATÜRK, the strong man of Turkey. And even then success is not assured, for the Nazi regime with its absolute control over cultural and social life, finally failed in its puristic policy of eradicating all non-German vocabulary, even the graeco-latin technical words, substituting them with homemade inventions, like trading Kraftwagen for Automobil, or Fernsprecher for Telephone, or Lichtspielhaus for Kino (“cinema”). Decades of indoctrination in this domain left only very partial permanent results. But there is even more to consider. 2.2 The Three Sociological Levels Every well developed and organized human community, – and this probably constitutes a new point of view in the matter of language planification – shows the existence and the natural necessity of three sociological strata which each contributes in its own way to the efficient functioning of the whole and is characterized by a particular language form: the low level of the “working class” or “proletariat” with its argot and/or dialect, the medium level of the “establishment“ or "com-monalty“ with its general and official language form, and the high level of the "aristocracy“ or "elite“ with its sophisticated parlance. It is to this last one we are referring to when speaking about technoscientific language; although evidently those three levels of a fully fledged language continually interpenetrate each other, so that sharp limits cannot be drawn; just as the citizens from all walks of life intermingle in the street. The medium level undoubtedly constitutes the main component and foundation, on which the other levels take hold; it is the general framework in which everything works together and becomes differentiated.8 8. In order to clearly distinguish between the mainstream of language and the upper level – leaving dialect and slang out of the picture – we propose to use sometimes the term socioglot for the former and normoglot for the latter. These coinages have however to be placed in an international context, as their connotations may evoke misunderstanding among English speakers. So it is best to make a note of the fact, that the first explicitly refers to "everyday and common parlance”, while the second to “technical usage”, nowadays also referred to as “language for special purposes” by linguists. 16 It is for that reason that we also estimate that one should not try – as purists do – to position the function of technical or scientific terminology exclusively on the medium level, i.e. everyday language, giving it a task involving stringent exigencies for which it is not really adaptable and would therefore become totally overloaded. Let's remind ourselves of Professor FELBER's remark, that the usual language, the socioglot, contains only some thousands of word elements – of which a good part is used up by purely grammatical elements (pronouns, prepositions, case endings) – while the normoglot, used by scientists and engineers, demands several millions of words for its exacting purposes. And that is not just a simple rhetorical or academic expression of opinion, but a very important assessment, having hard practical and cogent consequences for modern national and international communication, for the exchange of knowledge and know-how. Some people will object that non-Western nations like Indonesia or Japan are doing quite well, in spite of their lacking a special thesaurus to draw from, comparable to our Greek and Latin. Sure, they are getting along in our technological age, but not quite well ! They are constantly troubled by many linguistic ailments in trying to keep up with Western progress. To cite just two: long word chains and masses of homonyms. Whoever doubts the inherent necessity of a separate normoglot for sciences and technology should read at least some of the enlightening monographs by nonWesterners, referred to in footnote 7. To give a more precise idea, if we take the well known French encyclopedia LAROUSSE from the seventies, in 10 volumes – already a good thirty years back! – it lists about 160.000 articles, in effect just as many key concepts. But apart from this “bird's eye view” there existed in France during the same epoch at least two specialized comprehensive dictionaries, one about medicine and biology, the other about industrial techniques, which each numbered 150.000 terms. A German estimate at that time reached 4½ million terms for chemical substances alone! These numbers never ceased to increase, ever more rapidly. On the other hand one enumerates the individual disciplines (sciences, crafts, arts, professions) at several hundred. Let us attribute to most of them a relatively modest amount of some hundred concepts/terms, admitting that a certain percentage of terms overlap. Well, even then we are confronted, in any given “important” language, by a total going into several millions...9 In comparison, a fairly recent version of the otherwise colossal Oxford English Dictionary listed "only“ 171,000 definite articles... So, how would one go about using only common wording to name all and every chemical substance, all and every species of insect as well as their countless taxons, all and every anatomical constituent of the human body, all and every piece of a colossal particle accelerator, all and every notion 9. According to R. Kocourek in La langue française de la technique et de la science – Brandstetter Verlag, Wiesbaden 1982. 17 formulated by philosophy or jurisdiction, all and every method and tool needed for the construction of an aircraft carrier; and so on and so on – without inevitably losing precision and individuality? As F.A. SCHILDER, a renowned biologist, once said: “If we could choose only among molluscs, as a criterion [for evaluating the totality of animals on Earth], then we should estimate the number of still living species to be at least 3 million, and we might postulate at least... 50 million, calculating them from the beginning of life on Earth.” 10 Fancy gluing a particular name label to these millions of individual objects, using only ordinary words and without a guiding scheme ! Moreover, can you imagine the abundance which will eventually result from the genetic engineering now in full swing? So, don't accuse us of exaggeration but shed all hope of ever being able to vanquish this imposing techno-scientific mountain with only everyday wording as a tool. This will never succeed, not with the traditional Chinese model, nor with the drastic Nazi model mentioned. 2.3 Planification of Professional Terms This impossibility and impracticability of the traditional language tool and the fact that the fortress of techno-scientific concepts demands a totally new approach, was first recognized by at least two researchers at the dawn of the 20th Century – that is to say at a time when the industrial society was beginning to feel the full weight and extent of the problem. Let us sketch the general outlines of planification history in this respect. In this sketch we shall omit the many isolated or haphazard trials of past centuries, which had no follow-up or were forgotten – namegiving is a custom as old as human language itself – and consider only the efforts undertaken in a more concerted and purposeful way in our own agonizing epoch. Already during the First World War, as well as making the manifacture and utilisation of weaponry more efficient, German industrialists and their allies agreed upon standardizing/unifying as much as possible in calibres, machine tools, processes, spare parts etc. and their respective nomenclatures – whereas, up to then, every manufacturer had been proceeding according only to his own ideas and practices, without caring much about what his competitors were doing elsewhere. Only the end-products as such, and their prices, were worth considering. So, instead of disunity and local individualism, nationwide ordering began to take shape in the framework of the war effort. The results of this rationalization were so encouraging in many respects, that the development continued after the end of hostilities. Now it became 10. Cited by Werner – see footnote 17. 18 necessary, even beyond the state's borders, to ensure that spare parts were compatible with officially specified models, as well as with the machine tools to make them, up to consistency and weight of the materials needed. Alas, also the pitiless competition and the desire to monopolize markets grew alongside, every now and then putting obstacles on the road to harmonious unification. So standardization continued but in an atmosphere of rivalry, to the despair of customers. Today this battle has become an international and worldwide problem. With all that, we mustn't forget that the standardization of processes and products is always preceded by an abstract phase – the one of reflexion and reckoning by someone or a group of people. And in that phase, the planner(s) are forced to think up names for the items on their mind, which is no other than the practice of terminology. Unluckily, neither manufacturers nor engineers are supposed also to possess an adequate knowledge of linguistics, in order to accomplish this task effectually; and usually they won't even think of consulting linguists, let alone terminologists, on the matter. So, once again we have to put up with chance and caprice. That which should precede, only follows, and that which should only result, wants to precede. Moreover, a name which “sounds well” has a better chance of being remembered than a “pale” one. This pushes businessmen, entertainers, journalists and the like into inventing playful coinings by the dozen, coinings which are more often than not grotesque capers, and become detrimental to the language. The modern computer furore constitutes a most eloquent proof of that phenomenon. Such a wild proliferation cannot but make any dictionary start to read like a telephone book. Think for instance about the already innumerable constructions with euro- where the original ending -pa or -pe has simply vaporized. Today the chaos, intensified by intentional labelling of lies as truth and truth as lies (desinformation) and producing masses of double talk, has become so great that one cannot help thinking of George ORWELL's futuristic Newspeak... The first and foremost rule of terminology is and should always be the one of transparency, i.e define as clearly as possible the concept denoted by the term itself. And in order to realize such a principle, one must situate a given notion as precisely as possible within its hierarchical context – which is a matter of nomenclature. It is only after this determination of the part and the whole, that the name under consideration justly merits the label of “term“ – thus "technical word“ – instead of merely commercial, fancy, slangy coinage. Paraphrasing a fairly well known aphorism, we might say that: “Terminology is much too serious a matter to leave it in the mouths of comedians and businessmen.” 19 It will be only after such an objective analysis of a given concept, and after it has acquired all the required linguistic and cognitive quali-fications, that the term will cease to be a chance product from nowhere, and become a firmly integrated and disciplined element. In this manner it will fully comply with its task as a cog in the wheels of techno-scientific communication, on the national and (especially) on the international level. But let's go back to our sketchy overview of the history of standardization. In the roaring twenties, in spite of the disastrous economic situation in Germany, with government guidance a ruin, a multitude of manu-facturers realized on second thoughts that it was contrary to their own interests (and to “public interest”), to let standardization come about by chance initiatives in this or that sector. So, they set out to interest government officials in founding a nationwide normalization bureau. When this came into existence in Germany, the example was soon followed by other industrialized countries. Technical or scientific progress never respects linguistic or political barriers. As a result of these multiple and repeated efforts, within and beyond national borders, there appeared in 1928 the International Federation of National Standardizing Associations (ISA). Its aim was not only rationalization of tools, machines, and working procedures, but also of precise definitions and... names. Its motto was: first standardize at the national level, then at the international level, congruent with the principle that one should first bring order in one's own house and then clean up the street.11 2.4 Two Pioneers In 1931, in such a situation there appeared a doctor's thesis, decisive in relation to the question of normalization in terminology: Sprachnormung in der Technik (Linguistic Standardization in Technics). Its author was an Austrian engineer till then unknown: Eugen WÜSTER (1898-1977). This work became the gospel for all ensuing experimentation in terminology. Today the principles, which were developed in it, still constitute the theoretical basis of all work in terminology, although more recent and up-to-date handbooks such as the one by FELBER [see note 3] surpass it in scope and detail. A translation into Russian made WÜSTER's book and ideas known in the Soviet Union of 1935. One of its five (!) translators was Ernest Carlovitch DREZEN (1892-1937), initiator of Soviet interlinguistics and himself the author of a number of articles about oral and written communication in general, as well as the first comprehensive compilation of constructed languages through the ages – which run into the hundreds (!). Almost 11. We limit ourselves to strictly European history. A more or less comparable and parallel evolution took place in the United States of America, this giant of industry and enterprise, finally giving form to the famous National Bureau of Standards. 20 completely unaided he had founded in 1934 a special commission for the standardization of terms and expressions in the realm of science and technology, highly needed and being de-manded in the immense multilanguage Bolshevik society in full organizational development. His report “On the problem of inter-nationalizing a techno-scientific dictionary“ was therefore very welcome, not only with the Soviet Academy of Sciences – inevitably so in the all-encompassing perspective of the Marxist “World Revolution“ – but equally well-received at an International Conference on the subject, which took place the same year in Stockholm, initiated by the standardization committees of several countries. As a result an International Committee was founded soon after in 1936, occupying itself with “language for special purposes”, and commonly named Technical Committee 37 (TC37). From then on this committee began publishing recommendation after recommendation relating to termi-nological lexicography – the planning of technical dictionaries – in numerous sectors and several important languages. At the present moment dozens of countries and international institutions are affiliated to it. In 1946, at the end of World War II, the former ISA changed its logo somewhat to ISO – for “International Standardization Organization“ – because it wanted to enlarge its scope of activities to include standards applying to weights and measures (the SI-system), time indication (the UTCsystem), postal codification (the ZIP-code), transcription of non-Latin alphabets, numbering of chapters in official papers, dimensions of stationary (the DIN-format), etc. etc. Note that this institute worked inversely to the former policy: first work out international standards and only afterwards try to adapt the general directives to the peculiarities of each participating nation. That's what the title's changeover meant to imply. The idea is not unimportant, for an international perspective allows things to be seen independently and rationally, without being hampered by ethnic grammars, idioms, ways of making sentences, or other traditional conditionings of the mind. How these international findings and recommendations are actually to be implemented in each ethnic context is of course each people's burden. (We intend to come back to this matter later.) Finally, in 1949 and after the founding of several more organisms in between, the highest and most prestigious cultural body in the world, UNESCO, having become fully aware of the problem and its impact, created a really worldwide and apparently definitive organization far exceeding the European or North-American encompassment. To this end, responsible officials contacted the Austrian Normalization Institute in Vienna, where all European efforts had come to be centred – not least through the influence of WÜSTER – officially recognizing its value and importance for humanity. That is how the universal centre for terminology INFOTERM came into existence and was equipped with the steadily growing specialized communication network TERMNET, a sort of blueprint for our present day INTERNET. It would be difficult to evaluate the contribution of each of our two pioneers to this great leap forward in the matter of terminology; especially since they 21 used to correspond with each other and could enlist the help of noted assistants and supporters. And while the Austrian engineer WÜSTER received in 1949 the honorary task of actually directing this great institute and defining its objectives, as a token of general esteem and recognition – a part which he played until his death – the poor DREZEN for his part could not enjoy such a success, for he was executed long before by stalinists under the charge of promoting “dangerous cosmopolitism“, during the bloodthirsty Great Purge of 1937, ordered by STALIN.12 2.5 Two Approaches Our two pioneering terminologists, either by mutual agreement or coincidence, envisaged their goals being achieved through a sort of terminological codification, in other words a certain “Terminological Key”. What was this to consist of ? Well, according to both of these researchers, essentially of: a) A list of word stems and affixes of a scientific nature, internationally used and usable. b) Grammatical rules for making compounds and derivations with these elements. By means of such an International Terminological Key – which should moreover be adaptable to separate usages in ethnic tongues – a practical and “easily applicable terminological language” was to be fabricated which every intellectual would be able to use, passively or actively, regardless of his or her origin or cultural background. The adoption of such a universal linguistic tool would make any foregoing study of the classical European languages, Greek and Latin, super-fluous, unlike the situation today where they are still a prerequisite in many scientific disciplines, regardless of whether those disciplines really have anything to do with philology or not. It is often the case that a combination of Greek and Latin and Mathematics is considered a prestigious study, which youngsters undertake simply as a status symbol, or are prodded into by their parents. Likewise in Japan the usage and study of classical Chinese is practised even though this is of relatively little practical use today. But if our two initiators agreed quite well on the principles listed, they profoundly diverged as to the way to implement them. Sometimes there yawns a great chasm between saying and doing... *** 12. We mustn't forget to mention that DREZEN was also a convinced and agitating communist, which (partly) explains his great personal prestige in both the Red Party and State. But, along with many colleagues linguists, he had the misfortune to bet on the wrong horse: Inter-nationalism. When STALIN's policy suddenly turned away from (proclaimed) internationalism to (factual) soviet imperialism, the whole gamut of revolutionary “internationalists”, regardless of their former prestige or occupation, became suspect overnight. Readers who master German can read full details of this tragic history in Dr. Ulrich LINS: Die gefährliche Sprache (The Dangerous Language) – Gerlingen, Bleicher Verlag, 1988. 22 At this point, we can no longer keep silent about a very important factor: DREZEN as well as WÜSTER happened to be esperantists, i.e. speakers of Esperanto, each independently of the other but both from their schooldays ! So we should not be surprised that this international language, Esperanto, constructed by the Jewish oculist L.M. SAMENHOFF 13, and which they mastered extremely well, had a strong influence on their researches, leading them to use it also as an international code for sciences and technology. DREZEN was the first to present an official paper on this “International Code, written and spoken” to the international conference at Stockholm.14 His proposal for the thesaurus of this Code was an Esperanto more or less modified after the model of Ido15 and which should be used more or less parallel to “fundamental” Esperanto,16 as the socioglot, but without however going beyond “the translation of titles and nomenclatures, not of complete sentences”. In a somewhat schematic way, this approach should make possible the “splitting” of the Esperanto grammar and everyday vocabulary into a form for general usage and one for purely technical usage. He sent a copy of this draft to his pen-friend WÜSTER, asking his opinion on the new approach. From the extensive reply, in Esperanto of course , we quote the following passage, pertinent to our present subject: 13 . We prefer to employ the original German spelling of his name, the only one using the Latin alphabet in his region at that time. In Esperanto – and through translations from this into ethnic tongues – it is the more phonetic form ZAMENHOF which has generally come into usage. More-over, the inventor himself later on substituted his real Jewish forenames, Lejzer Motel, by the “christianized” Ludoviko Lazaro (Louis Lazarus), very probably because of the vehement antisemitic atmosphere, reigning in those days as strongly as in our own time. The generalized prejudice against “artificial” languages was (and is) already strong enough by itself, not to reinforce it by a Jewish origin for Esperanto. As a matter of fact, the historical study mentioned in footnote 12 pertains precisely to the bloody persecutions suffered by esperantists under totalitarian regimes. In the same perspective most authors prefer to give him the Polish nationality, since he lived in Byalistock; but at that epoch this city was Russian tzarist territory. A fairly entwined imbroglio. Only this covering up of historical facts can explain the fairly recent luxurious edition in Esperanto of “The Holy Koran”, sponsored by islamic states... 14. A small account of this event, titled “Wüster and Drezen” by Delcourt & Amouroux, appeared in the magazine «Esperanto» 1978, p.187. published by the Universal Esperanto-Association, Rotterdam, November 15. Ido = A rival constructed language, which set out to render Esperanto (even) more logical, but which succeeded only in provoking a painful schism in the esperantist movement of that time, before lapsing into oblivion as it brought no really new insight. Its name today lives on as a welcome riddle in... crossword puzzles. Around 1980 the number of still living adepts was estimated at about 200. If any are left today, they will have to be sought in homes for the aged, except for some interested linguists. 16. One should know that Esperanto rests on a kind of untouchable Bible, called “The Fundament”, which every esperantist is supposed to obey to the letter, and which contains the official grammar and vocabulary. This in order to prevent fragmentation by an endless series of reforms, since many a newcomer thinks he can do better on preposterous grounds, but actually only expresses his own subjective likes or dislikes. 23 “On the other hand I don't think that the standardizers will see their creative work in such a way that they will modify [only] some common word stems; for example doubling kaj (“and”) with ed, or baldaù [“soon”] with bald. On the contrary, at discussions [with my colleagues] I have always observed that among non-esperantists virtually only the normalizers fully comprehend the principle that one should not sacrifice unity for trivial variations. Through changes or parallelisms like ed we would moreover cause confusion and conflict among the esperantists, jeopardizing not only the [terminological] Code, but even Esperanto.” Indeed, the proposal by DREZEN proved stillborn, because of his absolute neglect for the already existing and functioning Greek-Latin heritage, which scientists undoubtedly don't want to obliterate at a stroke, and which is of a quite different nature than the common language. *** By this we learn that the two pioneers agreed on the principle that the Codeto-be must be something different from everyday language –– i.e. from the international Esperanto for both ― yet somehow staying parallel to it like confluent rivers. For the Latvian-born Russian this meant a vocabulary and grammar quite close to Esperanto, for the German-speaking Austrian it meant a vocabulary and grammar quite close to the graeco-latin thesaurus. Let's once more cite WÜSTER: “It is essential to establish uniform rules for creating codified words. These rules will offer a kind of key for editing professional dictionaries already in use. They must not result in a forceful mixture of languages nor in the crippling of already nearly inter-national word forms .” 2.6 The Golden Axiom We have no hesitation in naming as the “Golden Axiom” this other declaration by the Austrian terminologist, which is going to be our Rule number one: “The only solution is to isolate standardized stems from the ethnic languages and to combine them by a particular sentencemaking system. The new normalized word compounds must as far as possible be constructed from word elements familiar to all technicians of each nation; the procedure for combining these word stems must [also] be standardized. Then these word compounds will present – contrary to the old, only etymologically restructurable, loanwords – an autonomous mnemonic help. Yet, after years of struggling with the problem of how to bring this Key to life, WÜSTER started having doubts about the feasibility of planting it in the soil of Esperanto, misled by the fixed idea that it must of necessity have a derivation system modelled on Latin. Therefore, and quite understandably, he shifted his attention to a so-called naturalistic planned language (a concept which we shall explain further on) and which uses a grammar quite 24 close to Latin: Occidental. He leaned in that direction also because he never succeeded in overcoming the innate prejudice of his colleagues against Esperanto, which was much too autonomous for their liking. Near the end of his career as a terminologist, he even came to believe in the possibility of having two types of planned languages co-exist in the world of the future: a so-called schematic project (Esperanto) for ordinary communication and a naturalistic project (Occidental) for communication among scientists. Which would boil down to a utopian modus vivendi between “artificial” languages ! By contrast with his Russian counterpart, he did not remain at the purely theoretical stage, but energetically began to gather elements to that end, leaving at his death 20 maps of language material: his Radicarium and Affixarium. One of the chief projects still under way at INFOTERM is the preparation of such a highly promising “Key” based on that material. But, as the initiator himself later realized, and as the present workers also appreciate, this task proved much more difficult than expected. Otherwise our world would already since decades have received from the hands of WÜSTER or even of DREZEN, an acceptable language tool specific to sciences and technology – perhaps not yet entirely complete and refined, but at least rudimentally in operation.17 It is quite remarkable that the two foremost pioneers of terminology sought a solution to the problems of this discipline in the framework only of a planned language, in casu Esperanto, as if the realization within some natural language deserved no consideration ! One may argue that their esperantist background pushed them automatically in that direction. This may be true to some extent, but is not sufficient an explanation, for both were also tried and true scientists, objectively seeking progress in the field, regardless of Esperanto. In other words: they worked primarily for terminology's sake, and only co-incidentally in the cause of Esperanto. Besides, if they were esperantists, INFOTERM surely is not, and this institution – despite all its resources and know-how and after half a century of endeavour – has not been able to reach the objective of an ITK either. So, there must be more to the question than is apparent on the surface. 2.7 Why the Stalemate? 17. Treating only W ÜSTER and DREZEN in this short overview, does not imply that there have not been some other worthwile standardization trials and studies by other researchers into this particular language field, nor that there have not been many more who did not so radically search for a solution through the introduction of a new form of language. Personally, we feel much indebted to the erudite analyses of F.Cl. W ERNER, especially in his Die Benennung der Organismen und Organe – VEB, Max Niemeyer Verlag, Halle (Saale), in the former DDR, 1970. This thoroughgoing work (at times even prophetic), on namegiving in the realm of biology, should enjoy a much wider acclaim than it has – no doubt because it never went outside German-speaking academic circles. 25 Why is it so unexpectedly difficult to establish such a well determined principle? In our opinion it is because our two pioneers and their alumni did perhaps not clearly enough penetrate the nature of Language for Special Purposes, as opposed to everyday language, a failure which held them chained to the idea of a complete language instead of only a thesaurus. No doubt the scientific word material itself is a source of difficulties. Latin, as the model type of a flexion language, underwent so many changes and entwinings in its grammatical and orthographic system ― through centuries of uncontrolled evolution throughout the vast Roman Empire, with its many different peoples, on through the European Middle Ages and the Renaissance as Neo-Latin (through the mouths and pens of erudite non-native speakers) ― that it finally left us stuck with masses of chaotically structured words. Especially because of phonological (articulatory) evolution processes, we now stand before several possible forms of one and the same morpheme or affix. Just one demonstrative example: For the meaning “with” we now have as prefixes cum, con, comm, corr, caused by the given assimilation between foregoing and following speech sounds. And, if considering in Latin ― traditionally the chief source of scientific words ― the grammatical endings of adjectives: -aceus, -alis, -arius, -atus, -ias, -itus, -ius, -osus, all with the same general meaning, we are faced with “l'embarras du choix”. Classic Greek suffers from the same ailment (syn-, sym-, syll-), although in a somewhat milder way, but since it comes to us through the channel of Latin, it is in no better position for handing down an organized thesaurus. Thus it is very difficult to select among such variations a single basic form, the future standardized element for the Key, since every isolating selection of just one will produce a modification in other candidates. To a reformer like WÜSTER this seemed somehow unacceptably drastic. Indeed, any standardization wanting to be rational and efficient demands that the linguistic material ― word stems and basic affixes ― be organized as rigorously as possible, in their appearance as well as in their manner of application. Every possibility of error should be avoided, by limiting or even eliminating deviations and misinterpretations. All the more so since one must also take into account the semantic value of the word elements to apply: which of the possible meanings (often numerous too) attribute to this or that selected morpheme? This way, if one does not dare to apply the weeding hook and then deepfreeze the remaining constituents of graeco-latin terms, in their meaning as well as their form, the task is never going to end. For, even if I NFOTERM or some other body should succeed in creating the Key, by maintaining the (near) totality of traditional forms and their (customary) meanings and making only superficial adaptations, all specialists and scientists, regardless of their fields, would still be obliged to acquire a preliminary working knowledge of Latin and Greek, in order to use this international language tool. 26 This is particularly true for the domains of zoology and botany, in which graeco-latin names play a central part, but where these names are so incredibly chaotic and their taxonomic framework anything but stable and uniform, that they only succeed in producing endless discussions and headaches. The problem of linguistic standardization is thus about the most poignant in the biological science fields, and there also the most clearly recognizable. The wisdom of Prof. WERNER clearly penetrates the root of this matter, where he states in the Introduction to his Die Benennung [see note 17]: “One should as far as possible make the presently available names [of living creatures and their organs] more understandable without putting their taxonomic coherence in danger and at the same time create a basis for precisely formulating new meaningful names. No one has the right to demand from experts and other users of these names a complete study of ancient or foreign languages. Instead of referring them to voluminous dictionaries and grammars, one would do better to create new handbooks and dictionaries reduced to the language material really needed [in their disciplines]. The linguistic competence acquired in this manner would in no way be detrimental to the taxonomist, while being actually very useful to non-specialists. That linguistic basis should not of course be limited to a mere list of names ! What we need is a coherent scientific system, in which the individual terms can [clearly] relate to each other.” Unwittingly this German biologist well rephrases the solution eagerly sought by our pioneers. What they were dealing with is in essence the old problem, known to every living language, of the assimilation of names and words imported from an outside culture ― loanwords. Such an imported product carries with it not only its meaning but also its appearance, modelled after the specific criteria of the source language, i.e. according to a spelling (usually) reflecting neither the pronunciation rules nor the morphology (structure) of the target language. This awkward situation is even more striking when the source language is of the inflexional type and the target one of the agglutinative type, or vice versa; not to mention non-alphabetic languages. What, for instance, to do in French or Dutch or Italian or Polish or ... with the inevitable word-flow from the modern computing business? Many will find homemade transformations for “data” like Daten in German, or données in French. For others will be found a home-made equivalent like estampador in Spanish for printer. But how many foreigners let themselves be nicely naturalized in this way? The famous word pipeline of the oil industry in France, well structured inside, never got around to become oléoduct, despite French government (!) efforts, but remained pipe-line, while the sound bouteur never got around to replace the omnipresent bulldozer. Now, since we have to deal here especially with Latin (or latinized) word stems, let's take the example of Dutch, which never got around to choose among plurals for loans like sacralia, catalogi, hominidae, coronae, ... and also uses indifferently sacraliën, catalogussen, hominiden, corona's. All the great languages surely have some of those Latin lice on their furs. 27 DREZEN, as we have seen, tried to solve the dilemma by a derivation system for the Key, modelled after Ido, while WÜSTER on the other hand chose a certain rationalization of the pure Latin derivation system as found in Occidental. But both of them ― and this must be emphasized ― erroneously believed in the absolute necessity of also equipping their new scientific lexicon with a grammar completely different from everyday language, although rationalized and simplified. Consequently, what they proffered could not in fact be anything else than yet another new language instead of a new vocabulary. And since they both propounded Esperanto as the “international second language for everyone”, they now had two such languages on their hands, one on top of the other: one for the scientist and one for the man-in-the-street. A dead alley which they apparently did not quite recognize, for, if it has proved to be impossible to this day, after more than a century of usage by generations of adepts, to induce official acceptance of Esperanto alone, how on earth could one expect acceptance of two such projects ?! As we saw, DREZEN's baby was stillborn; and to our knowledge no one ever reconsidered this approach. WÜSTER, to the contrary, went on to be fostered by INFOTERM, but couldn't reach adolescence. Esperanto even proved (or appeared) to be a technical handicap in itself, for the conflict between this constructed language and the graeco-latin lingo seemes irresolvable. A favourite argument and a pain in the neck to WÜSTER was the apparent difficulty of reconciling the adjectival forms konus a and konus eco of traditional Esperanto, which no other language uses, with the equivalent and in the outside world widely used latinisms con ic and con ic itat. The first forms, in the completely autonomous Esperanto system, are absolutely regular compared to other adjectival forms and utterly without exceptions to this rule, but they are also absolutely contrary to the capricious morphological traditions in the great European languages. This incompatibility, seemingly of an absolute nature, weighed so strongly on his mind, that the former zealot for Esperanto, as we saw, began little by little to flirt with the rival constructed language Occidental (later rebaptized Interlingue), published 1909 by Ergo DE WAHL (1867-1948), and which was of the so-called naturalistic type and thus much closer to the Latin (romance) scientific vocabulary. Quite independently, and apparently unaware of the foregoing historic development, Ron CLARK and Wendy ASHBY published in 1984 a language project named Glosa,18 invented for the same purpose: international communication among scientists. They, too, refined up to 5000 graeco-latin word elements and gave them an embodying grammar (“Glosa mechanics”) with word stems generally reduced to only one syllable and utterly without any inflexional forms. No wonder the look of this newest proposal ― apart from its really scientific terms ― is strangely reminiscent of SCHLEYER's old Volapük: Fe pa gene u grama (“She got the letter”), Mo bibli ma de pre (“One 18. Glosa, POB 18, Richmond, Surrey TW9 2AU, England. 28 book more than before”). If “ordinary folk” are supposed to use this language too, it will force a peasant to talk like a university professor... Striking in these three exemplary cases, is that the authors had in mind the notion that it is absolutely necessary to go all the way and turn the scientific thesaurus into a fully fledged language of its own, instead of trying to integrate the scientific word elements in some already existing language ― an idea which wasn't even considered, but which we are going to consider now. Yes, why not use an existing natural language as the soil for planting the Key's thesaurus ?? 2.8 Why not a Natural Language? On purely speculative grounds it is fairly easy to trim the hedges, i.e. cut the vocabulary back to the nude scientific word stems, collectable from the main European languages. All one has to do is to modify these specifically scientific elements in the same way as the inventor of Esperanto treated the common words: enough to make them compatible with a stringently logical building system, but so that the originals remain still recognizable. This works fine with typically Greek elements, but is rather difficult with pure bred Latin ones, although not impossible. But we must realize that creation of such a vocabulary on a supranational level is only the first part of the job. As a second part, the standardized word elements have to be made integratable and integrated in some fully fledged language, meaning that the gram-matically nude and neutral normoglot stems of this Key have to be turned into real-life substantives, adjectives, verbs. Are they to draw these characteristics from their own ancient resources, or do they have to acquire them from the guest language ? Rationalization of the mere usage of already complete terms, in the diverse languages, is not such a great problem. Example: In molecular biology one has four elementary bases, from which the now famous DNAmolecule of heredity is constructed: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. The fourth one however has a companion ― uracil ― with which it often changes places. The names of the foursome clearly show group belonging through the common ending -INE, but the fifth jumps out of the word picture. This happens, because uracil was known to organic chemistry long before the cell's nucleus started to reveal its secrets. Now, to make the last term also fit into the terminological picture, all one has to do is to give it an appropriate new name, which will show its true nature as a base as well as its role as a stand-in for thymine; e.g. parathymine against euthymine, or alpha-thymine against beta-thymine. The name “uracil” then would go to the archives and the operation would leave the common language as untouched as before. 29 But when it comes to making derivations of the sort convex-convexity, mentioned before, the ending may eventually enter into conflict with a proper common ending, hence with the host language's grammar. Let's say that common English should imperatively demand here the form convexness. In that case the Key's supposed prescription of -ity would fall into the water, and be unable to claim absolute universality. Also, there is the matter of integrating the normoglot stems themselves. This may mean, for instance, that the graeco-latin word stem pharmac-, present in so many languages, including English, will have to be changed ― if referring to the International Terminological Key advanced by this work ― to the Key's stem farmak- ; but the particular substantive ending for this basic word (if any) with the meaning “pharmacy” would remain what it is in each language: farmaky, farmakie, farmakia, farmaket, etc. If this were only a matter of spelling, of the written language, there might be a real possibility that such a step could be taken in practice. But in many cases, as in the above, the pronunciation would have to change too ― k instead of c ― which directly cuts into the flesh of the spoken language. That is another matter altogether, which no one in his right mind would expect to come about, short of some French or Bolshevik Revolution; certainly not in the short run. And what with out-and-out Latin words like firmament, the basic elements of which are so strongly welded together that they cannot be separated clearly enough for placing in the International Terminological Key? Here we have no alternative ― if rationalization must take place ― than to completely substitute them by compounds (or derivatives) constructed with true and sound elements of the ITK, which will produce hitherto unseen words. The above example in that case would eventually be substituted by siderokranj(from “heaven” plus “dome”); a well structured and comprehensible term for a happy possessor of the Key, yes, but totally alien and thus abhorrent to any speaking community of the Western World. All the more so, since many latinisms, in ancient times considered as professional terms, especially in Church and universities, have since long penetrated the common language layer, rendering the scientific vocabulary not only latinistic but by the same token Eurocentric. Changing these would be equivalent to changing the natural languages ! The principle is quite simple and logical in itself, though: the specifically scientific word(stem)s must all be modified in the same way as the inventor of Esperanto treated the common words: enough to become compatible with a stringently logical system, but so that the originals remain sufficiently recognizable. As we have seen, this works fine with typically Greek elements, but is rather difficult with purely Latin ones. Therefore, the procedure collides with a formidable obstacle, not of a linguistic or practical nature, but of a purely psychological one: the idea of having to say a definitive goodbye to Eurocentrism, or rather to eurocentristic capriciousness! 30 This operation can be compared, for example, to worldwide application of the DIN-sizes for paper sheets. Once a given country accepts these new international measures, expecting a much vaster market, all its machines for cutting, folding, assembling, or packing paper have to be either modified or replaced, which may be no small matter, demanding extra investments and incurring delay for the change-over. The same principle holds for the import of standardized terminology in ethnic languages; but in such a highly personalized and psychologically sensitive medium a much stronger incentive will be necessary to breach the barrier. This goes certainly for English, since the world's leading nations, especially the USA, rest their political and economic weight to a considerable extent on the language factor, though this is seldom openly recognized and understood ― Language is Power! All these considerations leave us no alternative but to implement the Key in a planned language. Indeed, since absolutely no living natural language is going to tolerate such a treatment, we forcibly have to turn our attention to a planned language which can still be moulded to fit the requirements of the new thesaurus, like it or not. But in that case: which one and how? And is there any tangible prospect for such a language being accepted as a medium for worldwide communication? To answer these questions, we have to make a temporary sidestep – long overdue – and take a closer look at artificial, constructed, planned languages. The epithet “artificial” merely expresses disparagement and so is not a very appropriate descriptor. “Constructed” is a lot better in this respect, but does not completely convey the meaning of supranationality, since “natural” languages, as we have seen, were also constructed at some turning-point in their history, and after that little by little and anon-ymously, within their speaking communities. Only “planned” clearly shows the willingness of a particular creator or group of creators and their purposefulness, and should therefore be preferred. Modern Hebrew is a brilliant example of this possibility, a completely “dead“ language having become "alive” through motivated planning by an enthusiastic committee. 3. About Planned Languages 3.1 General Principles The idea of a supranational language for Mankind, based solely on logic and rationality, for easy and unequivocal communication, rather than on evolutionary complexity and capriciousness, is not at all new. Eminent scientists like DESCARTES and LEIBNIZ seriously occupied themselves with the topic. Throughout the centuries philosophers, lin-guists, and amateur academics not only thought or wrote about the need and feasibility of a 31 planned language, but often tried their hand at turning their ideas into reality. As a result literally hundreds of projects saw the light of day, in all stages of development, from (mostly) a mere outline sketch to (seldom) a fully developed system. Even today the trend continues, given the extra incentive of formulating a rational language treatable by man and machine alike, such as Loglan for instance. Now, in interlinguistics, the special branch of linguistics which occupies itself with this subject, planned languages are divided into two main categories: the a priori type and the a posteriori type. The first category usually starts from a hierarchical set of general and abstract notions. To each of these notions an arbitrarily intended letter or syllable is then attributed. The combination of notions ― e.g. living being + animal + horse ― thus automatically produces a unique string of syllables, ergo a “word”. It goes without saying that this sort of vocabulary looks alien to a normal language. A fair example of that type is Solresol, published in 1866 by a certain J.F. SUDRE, based on the musical notes as syllables, so that it could be played as well as spoken and written ! The second category starts from a thesaurus of existing words, selected (usually) at random from a given set of languages, mainly Western. These words are treated in such a way that they can be used as stems, obeying a newly invented rationalized grammar. This category, however, needs to be divided again into, on the one hand, schematic languages and, on the other, naturalistic languages, as we mentioned in the preceding chapter. A naturalistic project tries to mould its vocabulary as little as possible and leaves it close to the original forms; as a result the grammar for actually making sentences with the chosen morphemes is bound to be relatively complicated, though less so than what the original languages prescribe. A good example of this subtype, which enjoyed some success for giving summaries of scientific articles in multi-language journals, is Interlingua, thought up by a team of specialists from 1924 till 1953 grouped in the International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA) and published in 1951. It did not however outlive its main promoter, Dr. Alexander GODE, who died in 1971. Today a couple hundred of adherents may still be around, though. On the other hand, a schematic subtype pays particular attention to the logic and simplicity of its grammar and only afterward really begins to build up its vocabulary on and around this harmonious scaffolding. An example of this was the Volapük by J.M. SCHLEYER (1879), already mentioned, who put his borrowed word elements in such a bed of PROCRUSTES, that the language was very hard to learn (remember) and even harder to pronounce: vol is a leftover of “world” and pük a leftover of “speak” = “Worldspeak”. In spite of this relative intricacy it succeeded in recruiting some thousands of “speakers”, but finally gave way, almost overnight, to a powerful newcomer ― the Esperanto of Dr. SAMENHOFF, published in 1887. 32 The big and decisive difference between these two subcategories is that naturalistic projects are easy to read at first sight (passive character) ― at least for people knowing the original source languages ― but hard to learn and use actively, while schematic ones are easy to learn and use (active character) ― even for non-European people19 ― though unfamiliar looking at first glance. As a result the former (especially those based on EnglishFrench-Spanish) will easily recruit sym-pathisers among the academic circles, but few real active users, while the latter will find relatively few sympathisers among the (often polyglot) academicians, but a great number of (monoglot) “simple folk” from all civilizations, willing to rapidly acquire mastery of an international language.20 Of course, there are also systems on the market which only simplify and abridge a given natural language, in order to make it easily digestible for foreigners, the best known example being perhaps C.K. OGDEN's Basic English; but this category cannot be really considered as being constructed ― rather: “deconstructed” ― and thus least of all apt for embedding the ITK. Only candidate left: the schematic Esperanto. 3.2 Fortunes and Misfortunes of Esperanto Why concentrate on Esperanto and give only scant regard to any of the other constructed candidates, like perhaps WÜSTER's pet Occidental? Simply because to date it is the only project which has grown into a real and interactively spoken language, so that in fact it can no longer be classified as a mere “project”. So let us get better acquainted with this language and its adherents. 1. The first question which invariably pops up, when someone is confronted with a propagandist for Esperanto and has been assured that, yes, it still exists, is: How many people speak it? – The answer to this question, invariably of great importance to the layman, is nearly impossible to give in exact numbers. First, because already four or 19. We use the name Western or European in a very large sense, since of course non-Indo-European languages like Basque, Finnish, Maltese etc. belong to the same geographical realm. 20. More details and aspects of this subject can be found in, among others: Mario Pei – One Language for the World – Biblio & Tannen, New York 1968 and Andrew Large – The Artificial Language Movement – Blackwell, New York 1985. It must be considered a great pity, that most studies about and compilations of planned languages – a whole library – have only been published in... Esperanto. A specialized centre, CDLI, collecting and cataloguing anything on the vast subject and in any language, operates in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Rue du Progrès 33, CH-2300 Switzerland. 33 five generations have passed the torch on. Are these to be added together? Second, one has to determine what the name “esperantist” implies. A great number of recruits take an elementary course, but then drop out completely. Others do take part in the Movement's activities, but somehow never rise above the level of mundane remarks about the weather. Only a hard core takes the matter serious enough to become so proficient that they will haul each other over the coals about steps to take or not to take for the promotion of their dear language. Some spend part of their working life, or even all of it, employed professionally in the Movement's Central Office.21 Only a very few learn it from the cradle and thus can be called native speakers.22 Then there is the fact that for many, or even most, of the adepts it is mainly a written language. Many people learn it by themselves in isolation, out of a handbook ― which is perfectly feasible ― but never get around to talking with other adepts, unless they step out of their cultural isolation. A situation which typically applies and actually happened to a Cherokee Indian in his reservation, a schoolteacher in Siberia, a Nepalese merchant, a Congolese copper worker. Consequently it is no wonder estimates range from about a hundred thousand (surely too small a figure) to ten million (surely an exag-geration). An educated guess therefore is something like a million. This population may not seem much on world scale, but it is definitely more than many recognized ethnic tongues can boast about. In any case it is a highly diasporic language community, which only in bigger cities finds opportunity for regular meetings and associations. 2. Are there any books in Esperanto? – More than you will be able to read and digest in your lifetime. Actually, the flood of new publications about every conceivable subject is so great and incessant ― several hundreds per year ― that no one can hope to acquire them all, let alone read them. They are issued in many different countries ― Japan, Vietnam and China included. Since the former Soviet Union fell apart, inflow from her republics just cannot be controlled. Of course here, as elsewhere, there is much chaff among the wheat; young newcomers especially will start translating without having received any commission to that end ― so that stacks of manuscripts pile up with publishers, without ever seeing the light of day. A well provisioned library, like the one in the London Club, lists about 10,000 titles. 3. Surely, there can exist no real literature in such a conglomeration! 21. Since 1955 the Universala Esperanto Asocio, at Nieuwe Binnenweg 176, NL-3015 BJ Rotterdam. 22. International contacts now and then lead to a marriage – French-Polish, British-Hindu, DutchJapanese, a.s.o. – in which the household language normally is Esperanto, later being picked up by the children. 34 – Granted, the lion's share goes to instruction books, dictionaries, and propaganda material. But high-brow classical literature is well represented too: SHAKESPEARE, PROUST, GOETHE, CERVANTES, TOLKIEN, Omar KHAYYAM, GOGOL, TAGORE, KAWABATA, LUSIN etc. etc. Even a special liking for ancient authors seems to have taken hold lately: CHAUCER (Canterbury Tales), VILLON (Ballades), RACINE (Andromaque), SENECA (Octavia), SOPHOCLES (Antigone) ... The truth is, that hardly any great author remains untranslated into Esperanto, because every nation, and especially ethnic minorities, grasp this opportunity for proudly displaying their cultural worth to the outside world. So, in Esperanto you will find works which never even appeared in English ! And the quality is usually high, not just low or mediocre ! Original prose and poetry are not at all rare, either, though naturally little known outside the Movement itself. There is even the em-barrassment that mere beginners try their hand at writing poems, thinking themselves divinely inspired, just because the language is so easy to manipulate and so expressive that it quite naturally lends itself for poetry ― good or bad. Interesting to note, comparative analyses have been made of translations into several languages, for example of VERLAINE's “Feuilles mortes”. The Esperanto version, if done by a competent poet, invariably turns out superior (sic) to other versions in fidelity to the original, in form as well as expressiveness. Strange and hard to credit about a planned language, but nevertheless simply true. 4. I have never come across an esperantist before, and yet I travel quite a lot ! – You may be right at that, but how are you going to distinguish an esperantist? The Movement admittedly has an emblem ― a fivepointed green star (symbol of the five continents) on a green background (symbol of the hope for mutual understanding) ― but if you don't know this, you are not going to recognise it. Moreover, only inveterate zealots care to advertise themselves that way. Don't forget that theirs is a diasporic community and that to see (and hear) them in action, you will have to attend the local club or go to an occasional meeting, which are to be found in nearly every great city, sometimes even diversified as these people tend to group themselves together according to religious beliefs, hobbies, or political convictions. 5. How can you go on the international tour you claim, if everything is going on only in local club s? – That is what esperantists realized themselves from the very beginning. So they started out worldwide correspondence, a very intense and lively mail indeed, which is still alive and kicking, today in the form of user groups on the INTERNET. Then they issued news and information periodicals on the national and international level, too numerous to list. And last but not least, they organized and still organize gatherings on the national and international scale, also too numerous to list, which are announced and advertised also to the outside world but invariably meet only a deaf ear. 35 They have an annual mass meeting in July-August, their Universal Congress, which always takes place in a different location; up to now of course mainly in European countries, but also the other continents occasionally have their turn. These mass-meetings have an average attendance of about 1500 (!) and customarily last a whole week, with a kaleidoscopic range of events ― endless platform discussions about next year's policy, forum discussions on language topics, the history and folklore of the host town and nation, individual hobby meetings (vege-tarianism, postal stamps, chess, amateur radio, religion etc.), “summer university” lectures, theatre and film presentations, apart from the usual excursions, ball, banquet, and oratorical opening/closing ceremonies – all compressed into that small period. To outsiders (local journalists) it is a baffling experience to observe and hear this con-centration, from all walks of life, countries, races, background, chattering like magpies in one and the same language, though with a multitude of different accents. The Congress members themselves think nothing of that fact; to them it is a very normal and natural phenomenon. Since the first such Congress at Boulogne-sur-mer (France 1905) the tradition has been interrupted only by the war years ― 1965 was held in Tokyo, 1972 in Portland (USA), 1977 in Reykyavik, 1981 in Brasilia, 1986 in Peking, 1993 in Seoul; 1996 saw the 81st in Prague, and 1997 the 82nd in Adelaide (Australia); and so on. Mind you: “average attendance” does not imply that it is always the same people who flock to it ! The diversity of locations is precisely intended to give everybody a chance to take part, though of course only the relatively well-to-do can afford the expenditure. A grant exists however, for enabling each year a handful of “worthy” but poor members to take part in the event, coming mostly from underdeveloped countries. Imagine the amount of efforts, talent, and energy by the host city and regional clubs to voluntarily organize such a mass event and take care of board and lodging plus catering for that many people, usually without substantial aid from their governments. This should give a good idea of the reality, vivacity, and efficiency of Esperanto. Also noteworthy is the fact that, though both World Wars literally decimated its ranks, each time the Movement rose from its ashes with a younger generation at the helm. The dictatorial regimes of Germany, Japan, and Soviet Russia relentlessly persecuted esperantists as mortal state enemies [see note 12]. So, it is almost a freak of history that Communist China now actively promotes and sustains Esperanto, up to university level ― no doubt as an extra means of countering the cultural influence of the USA, though with only minor success. 6. If all this is really true, then why hasn't any international body, like the United Nations, cared to put it on its list of working languages ? – That is a very pertinent question, indeed. There are two main answers: • One is the seldom realized fact that language represents power, political and economic power. Imagine what would happen if all nations of the UN 36 agreed on using Esperanto as their common and neutral denominator. Would not the influence of the chief member states start dwindling overnight? In 1950 an official petition to that end, carrying over 15 million signatures from sympathizers all over the world, among which were quite a number from prominent figures, was presented to the New York Secretariat. This stack of documents became a sort of horrifying object, tossed by one responsible official to another, as if it were a ticking time-bomb ― which perhaps it is ― and from one office to another, until after some years the petition landed somewhere in a Paris drawer, where it has been gathering dust ever since. Why? Because the responsible politicians and officials largely owed their high positions not in the least to their mastery of English and/or another of the official languages of the UNO. No politician of any rank is going to jeopardize his position for the sake of an international neutral language, without any political power to back it up. One should have known the outcome of this campaign, for there was a precedent. The late League of Nations at some point, after many preliminary talks and debates, was on the verge of actually admitting Esperanto, when all of a sudden the French Delegate ― having received explicit orders from his Government ― went into a virulent diatribe and vetoed the proposal. France was not likely to endanger its great political influence of that time, by letting the French language be reduced to just one among the others. And that was that. Imagine too what would happen to the regiment of highly skilled and highly salaried translators and interpreters of the European Community, if their important work would relatively suddenly be reduced to translating from or to just a single language, Esperanto. And what about the thousands of teachers and handbooks, sustained by the British Council, the GoetheInstitut, the Académie Française, for promoting English or German or French in the wide wide world? Again, language is power, and all those possessing power through, or having built their position on, a given language, are not readily going to give that up ― short of a religious or semi-religious upheaval. All despite however beneficial “a single secondary language for all” would be to the World at large. Therefore it is only within or through the influence of purely cultural circles that Esperanto can ever hope to gain the recognition it needs, as with UNESCO where the Esperanto-Movement (not the language as such!) is accepted and registered under Category B (consulting associations) along with institutes like the Red Cross. • The second answer to that question is to be found with the inventors of rival language projects: Esperanto itself is not (yet) absolutely perfect. So they all set out to make something more perfect still, each one in a different direction, of course. Nevertheless, the criticism is true, as leading esperantists will readily admit. There are a certain number of inconsistencies and illogical forms, which luckily do not really hamper the usage of Esperanto ― otherwise national languages, having many more 37 inconsistencies and illogical exceptions, would not be workable either. Yet these black spots, so to speak, prevent it from reaching a position of such internal and practical efficiency ― integration of the ITK in particular ― that no other language would be able to challenge it. Ever since its appearance, Esperanto has striven to be recognized as equal to any natural language, but never even thought of becoming technically superior ! So, there is no stringent technical reason why it should be admitted onto the world scene. In fact, in our age of sciences and technology, it undoubtedly comes a day after the fair. 3.3 The Great Weakness of Traditional Esperanto Indeed, the spiritual baby of SAMENHOFF takes special pride in pro-ducing high quality prose and poetry, original as well as translated, and the oratorical art stands in high esteem, as we have seen. In fact these aims stand so high on its priority list ― only next to teaching and making propaganda ― that esperantists seem to be fascinated by it, as if this were the only or the only worthwhile prerequisite for a language. Only a very small minority of academically versed people try time and again to bring Esperanto closer to the real world of commerce and technology. But their efforts do not go much further than the production of technical and scientific word lists, some articles and an occasional handbook, which are all so far from the general interest for Esperanto that they find little or no response, even among colleagues. Showing off, to the outside world, a treatise on nonEuclidian geometry, is one thing ― actually using and studying it, is another. At the heart of the matter there is again that problem of Eurocentrism and thus of terminology, which dare in no way deviate from the sacrosanct Esperanto Fundament [re. Note 16]! So, also from this most important aspect of international (tele)communication ― certainly in the future if not yet to-day ― which is the “Language for Special Purposes” alias technical vocabulary, Esperanto languishes at the foot of the hierarchy of internationally accepted languages. Considering the fact that its creator had already inserted some scientifically oriented articles into his Fundamenta Krestomatio, that already in 1904 the first scientific journal in Esperanto was born, that already in 1908 an association of professional scientists was founded, it may seem astonishing that literature of a technical or scientific character nevertheless stayed an impoverished and marginal activity of the “green movement” ― and thus also techno-scientific terminology in this neutral language. Admittedly, thanks to DREZEN and WÜSTER, the Movement does now feel and recognize the necessity of a solution to this tenacious terminology problem ― even a special (vegetating) committee was founded to that effect ― but results stay permanently out of reach, today as yesterday. In view of what we revealed in the foregoing chapters, this stalemate was to be expected. Responsible people in the Movement generally display great 38 incomprehension of the autonomous character of a normoglot (with a morphological system quite its own) and for its opposition to, or interplay with, the socioglot (also with a proper word making system), trying to throw everything into one and the same basket — a labyrinth without issue. All the efforts of the scientifically oriented minority therefore go in the direction of (and are reduced to) pure and simple compilation of terms without any structural relation to each other, by borrowing them lock, stock, and barrel from national languages; nowadays of course chiefly from American jargon, already chaotic from the start. Nothing could be further from the idea of a standardized International Key, for in this manner the loanwords are “assimilated” into Esperanto as if they were just opaque monoliths, thus losing even the etymological transparency and mnemonic aid which they may have had in the source language. Here are some random examples of the procedure: shutro from English shutter, saùrkraùto from German Sauerkraut (“acid-weed”), bareliefo from French bas-relief (“low relief”), eskalo from Italian scala (“ladder”), konjugacio from Latin conjugatio (“putting-together”), plus thousands of graeco-latin compounds ― biologio, metempsikozo, antagonisma, elektrokardiogramo, heliocentrismo ― in which the constituent word elements (stems, affixes) have become non-existent for the Esperanto grammar. True, as we mentioned before, national languages are also larded with such combinations and derivations “imported from abroad”, and thus impossible to dismantle and recombine by only the tools at hand. But then, these languages do not pretend to be absolutely rational, regular, and utterly simple to learn ― the very arguments and virtues by which Esperanto aspires to recruit the whole of humanity. And above all, it is not this or that ethnic language which is at stake here, for resolving the big problem of international terminology, but explicitly Esperanto... So, an avalanche of opaque technical terms has been raining down on the linguistic prefab home of SAMENHOFF, ever since its building, covering it little by little with a thick blanket, impervious to the grammatical devices available. Mr. KIDO M., a Japanese esperantist (not so blinded by Eurocentrism as Westerners) described the awkward situation very well in one of the issues of the official Esperanto-monthly: “How can one proudly advocate Esperanto as being many times easier [to learn] than French, English, or German, when its [naturalistic] metamorphosis nowadays is progressing so strongly back to Latin, synonymous with tediousness, or to English and other languages, presenting mindracking disorder? The Japanese people, lured by propaganda about its facility, was and is being [again] pushed away by the growing difficulty of Esperanto. The only way out, I'm beginning to think, is to regain control over Esperanto in ZAMENHOF's way”. This complaint does not constitute an isolated case, but has been raised by similar voices stemming from non-Western cultures. Maybe this process of 39 creeping alienation in Esperanto, is best illustrated by the consecutive official (explanatory) dictionaries of Esperanto. In the version of the thirties, called Plena Vortaro (“full dictionary”) one can count about 8000 entries (including a last minute supplement); that is: almost a thousand “ordinary” words and 7000 of a “technical” nature, having been borrowed and accepted. In comparison, the second version, published in the seventies, and now called Plena Ilustrita Vortaro (“full illustrated dictionary”) ― similar in its aspect to the Petit Larousse Illustré ― contains more than 15,000 entries. And a recent revision approaches 17,000. This enormous increase is less due to literary neologisms, collected from volumes of verse and prose, than over-whelmingly to new technical and scientific terms, concomitant to the Technological Age. In other words: some hundreds of basic words are sufficient to cover all the necessities of “ordinary life” or of belles-lettres ― such is the inherent power of Esperanto ― but for the necessities of professional (thus factual) life at least as many thousands are needed. And these additions to the vocabulary constitute only the visible tip of an iceberg ! A very interesting and even ironical finding is the following one: in this, comprehensive version23 one of the lexicographers (Dr. ALBAULT) quasistealthily introduced a class of new “naked” morphemes, taking from the classical Greek word stock a collection of some dozen, selected at random from the thousand possible ones. We cite: pseùd-, kardi-, mega-, neùr-, gastr-, mikr-. Although this unannounced import represents by itself an heretical manuvre against Holy Tradition, as laid down in the Fundamento [see Note 16], it makes quite clear that Esperanto can no longer resist the pounding of modern sciences and technology, expressed through these stems of Greek origin. Willy-nilly, the compilers of this reference book for esperantists, and all the many adepts who seek counsel from it, are now at liberty to construct or to separate words also by means of these alien elements; the Trojan Horse is within the walls and the renowned rationality is beginning to crumble. A telltale sign is the appearance of many hybrid words, formed with a common word stem plus -ologio, becoming in Esperanto media comparable to chimeric words like babyphone, washo-matic, cheeseburger, mobocracy in English. How are the esperantists going to decide in future editions which of these innumerable foreign word elements are worthy of incorporation and which must (still) be rejected? Apparently the initiator of this subreptitious introduction (Albault) foresaw the danger, since he did not include for example kata- (“down, below”) or lito- (“stone”), although these elements are very frequent in scientific words; no doubt because they would at once have caused confusion with the fundamental word stems kat' (“cat”) and lit' (“bed”)... Another eloquent illustration of the uncertainty of the innovator and his consenting colleagues — caused by lack of a sound preliminary study of the new word category and also by the lack of sufficient “digestion time” — is 23. The third version, fully revised, is now on the market. 40 given by the many different labels attached to it in the dictionary: “technical suffix, suffix element, scientific prefix, international scientific prefix, word element used in..., technical word element, word part of Greek origin, chemical abbreviation, international radical”, and others besides. And that, when all these labels might simply be reduced to “normoglot radical” or "ITKstem”! But then, no one seems to know how to gain control over this incongruous, undisciplined, strange, confusing, overflowing language material. Mind you, this damburst occurred as it were “naturally”, by giving way to the unbearable pressure from outside, without any known influence of the antedating works by WÜSTER or any other terminologist ! Another pertinent question to ask is: by what rule or path, and with what justification, does Esperanto admit importation of foreign elements into its body and soul? That is made possible by a very particular rule of the green grammar, especially inserted by SAMENHOFF himself. 3.4 The 15th Rule of Esperanto It is necessary to fully appreciate the portent of this special rule, for it constitutes the second milestone, the second axiom, on our road to realizing the ITK. So, let's cite it in a translation from the original: “The so-called loanwords, i.e. those which most of the [natural] languages took from one source, are used in Esperanto without change, receiving only the spelling of this language; but with several [such] words around one stem it is better to use only the fundamental word [stem]24 without change and form the other ones parting from it according to the [other] rules of the language Esperanto.” This anomalous rule — which is to be our Second Axiom — stands in sharp contrast to the other rules of the Esperanto grammar, sixteen in all,25 because of its formulation and its character. A percipient eye will detect in it the perplexity and uncertainty of SAMENHOFF, confronted with this mountain of alien words, which he didn't really know how to integrate into his system, otherwise so fruitful in the field of “everyday life”. Indeed, this whole prescription can be summarized as follows: “Do with the technical words as I have done with the common words.” Seen in that light, the prescription inflates itself to a whole programme, parallel to but separate from the basic system. No one seems to have become 24. In this citation one should substitute the ambiguous “fundamental word” by “graeco-latin morpheme”; SAMENHOFF was an inspired amateur but not a professional linguist ! 25. This reduction of the Esperanto grammar to just 16 rules – a promotion banner for the Movement – constitutes only a schematization. In practice most of them must be amplified by supplementary prescriptions: on the usage of the article, aspects of the participle, reciprocal pronoun, use of the accusative, etc. 41 aware of this unpleasant reality, let alone accept it, before the advent of our two terminologists. Undoubtedly this hidden handicap was and is the reason behind the failure of so many efforts by so many leaders and propagandists of the Movement, to introduce their favourite language into scientific circles. They had no real programme for the mass of terms which had increased a hundredfold since the 19th Century. But let us go back to our flock of sheep. This 15th rule could not help producing now and then ambiguities between traditional words and new ones, the meanings of which seldom overlap — homonyms. For example, the traditional radaro (“wheel-work”) collides with the English loanword radaro (“radar”). This is intolerable in a language abhorring confusion and even taking pains to have only one letter for each phoneme and only one pronunciation for each letter; all the more so for attributing only one meaning to each word, and vice versa. Which is just a beautiful dream. But SAMENHOFF was an idealist, who firmly but naively believed — as did many disciples after him — that “natural evolution” would finally do away with these bumps in the road, without any need to interfere, little by little, all by itself: “With time the new [and better] word form will push the old form away, which will become obsolete.” He certainly never realized, that adopting the technical thesaurus, so immensely more rich and abundant, would in this vague way — and by its sheer quantitative superiority — induce only an ever sharper “naturalism” into the Esperanto vocabulary; precisely the contrary of what he wished and tried to simplify by an extreme rationalization. Practical usage clearly shows that in this manner one gives way to a mass of monolithic words of the kind observatorio - rezistanco - akumulatoro, which can never be brought into direct and structural relationship with the traditional verbs observi - rezisti - akumuli, since the traditional grammar does not possess appropriate rules for that goal, and only allows for word forms like respectively observejo - rezistaĵo - akumulilo, which are hardly ever used. Who cares?! Only non-Europeans. And if these examples may seem relatively harmless and tolerable to adherents from the Western World, consider mor-phological monstrosities of the type hamiltoniano - enumeracio pluskvamperfekto, which find no nail to get hooked on. One may rightly ask how Chinese, Arabs, Turks and other non-European civilizations, on learning that “second language for everyone”, will set about un-ravelling all these strange concoctions without having preliminarily acquainted themselves with (at least) one Western language, or without having a good etymological dictionary at their disposal? Yet, traditional Esperanto still boasts of being the international logical language. It is not ... yet. Of course, every living language is modelled by centrifugal and centripetal forces, one trying to shatter and dislocate elements (by in-competence of the speaker or by foreign import), the other to order and reorganize elements (through the law of analogy). Between these opposing poles it searches and regains always a new dynamic equilibrium, a new harmony. But every one of these natural re-alignments in the course of time cannot take place without 42 also leaving ugly scars, making the language in fact ever more irregular and difficult to learn than before — at least at the level of essential vocabulary. In a constructed language, being (at least in principle) completely “logical”, like Esperanto, Mother Nature will thus never succeed in taming the immense horde of loanwords, which form a party of their own, but only in disrupting the “fundamental logic” of its grammar — that is to say of its morphology. If one really wants to (re)create basic law and order, a deeply considered and all-engulfing operation is necessary, entrusted either to an individual planner or a limited commission of experts, but above all governed by rigorously defined criteria. That's what WÜSTER clearly recognized in his now famous dissertation26 Internationale Sprachnormung in der Technik on the principles needed for such an undertaking; already fully embedded in the framework of Esperanto: “It is evident that the method of haphazard word formations and their random selection assails the perfection of the language (coherence of its system and lexical unity) as well as the efficiency of its evolution. The initiative of this or that individual [to regulate] cannot be and must not be entirely rejected. But then at least the [final] decision [about such initiative] should be put in the hands of commissioned linguists. They won't let themselves be so easily repulsed by [unusual] initiatives as laymen would, because of their innate fear for everything uncommon. Thanks to their experience, they will be able in advance to give a sound estimate of how a hitherto unknown word will gain recognition in practice. [...] The structural efficiency of a given expression depends not only on the professional know-how of its coiner, but also on his authority. [...] Know-how and authority can be combined most effectively in a committee. But, there as well, an individual person must be the fundamental initiator. The other committee members will later render a judgment on the essential part of this project and on the material selected. Moreover, it would be advisable, before final acceptance of the whole, to let the thus prepared project be submitted to the general public, with the right of proposing amend-ments up to a given deadline.” This scientist of blessed memory thereby proposes a tactic precisely inverse to that which is factually the custom in the “international second language”. Indeed, we must repeat that what it does today is nothing else but imitate ethnic languages in their irrational aspects, instead of demonstrating to them, on this highly important terrain, what a language consciously and wittingly planned is capable of... INFOTERM, having taken over the work of WÜSTER, today is still struggling with the inconsistencies between the normoglot ITK and the socioglot languages (= English) or, rather, leaves them suddering in the back-ground and occupies itself preferentially with bringing order in the general usage of existing terms after the model shown earlier — a short-term instead of a long-term policy. All the more so, since the “latinistic world” of theoretical science is not the only one; there is also the “jargonized world” of technology — which we will consider later and separately. This short-term policy also 26. Republished by Bouvier, Bonn 1970. 43 permits responsible people to avoid the dangerous step of letting themselves get involved with constructed languages, though that admittedly is the only true way out. Clearly such an ostrich-attitude is never going to bring a breakthrough in the matter ! That is why we dared pick up the fallen thread and start from fresh. For there is yet another theoretical possibility; the one we have implemented in our ITK: find a language (or language system) in which no adaptation conflict will occur, because the derivation systems of socioglot and normoglot happen to live harmoniously together, forming just one linguistic whole. Since to our knowledge no living ethnic tongue is likely to conform to this characteristic, we picked Esperanto for the purpose, because only a planned language can still be reformed, whereas a natural language cannot. Neither DREZEN nor WÜSTER saw or considered this possibility, but we ventured to do so, altering Esperanto's traditional form in such a way that the ITK becomes a functional and inherent part of it. The result we named Universal Esperanto, or Uniespo for short. ****** Dear reader, here we have come to a road junction. If you are interested in learning more about Esperanto and its enlargement Uniespo, but without losing sight of terminology, this is what we shall be dealing with next. If you are not, just skip the following musings and go straight to Part Two, which will give you full particulars on how to use the International Terminological Key. 44 PART TWO The Solution E.K. Drezen (1892-1937) 45 4. Solution to the Problems 4.1 The Fusion Axiom The deplorable consequences for Esperanto of opening an unguarded door to the outside world, the Fifteenth Rule, should not make us overlook that its basic concept is well in keeping with the Golden Axiom, our first rule. Both repose on logic and system in the art of combining and deriving word elements. With this basic accord in mind, we venture to propose a further Rule, the Fusion Axiom, linking the former ones together : Joining the first two axioms together, allows us to rationalize the graeco-latin morphemes (stems and affixes) according to the principle of WÜSTER, while the principle of SAMENHOFF makes them applicable as compounds and derivations in actual language. As we argued in Chapter 2.8 it is utterly unlikely that such a step can and will be taken in English or any other Western tongue. Only a planned language, Esperanto, is still in a phase where it may be made compatible with this axiom, ergo with the exigencies of the ITK. But that means breaking eggs in order to make the omelette. Nobody would be able to mount a totally new type of carriage onto a traditional underframe, without making at least some adjustments. But that's precisely where the shoe pinches and where DREZEN sought refuge with Ido, while WÜSTER with Occidental, thinking it impossible to operate on Esperanto itself — the Holy Fundament implacably standing guard. The obvious solution for both would have been to simply ignore this absolute barrier and start making all the necessary adjustments in the language, so that the Key might become an integral part of its organism. We do not know whether such a thought ever occurred to them, but it is certainly what we endeavoured to bring about. The result is something like a wholly new version of Esperanto which cannot be said to con-stitute a new planned language altogether, but which differs from it sufficiently to be considered a rival project. It is either that, or no Key at all; full stop! Indeed, we took this opportunity (while redesigning the old garden) to tear out whatever weeds were overlooked by SAMENHOFF and his followers and to bring in new flowers, hitherto forgotten or ignored. So Uniespo is still the same garden, but it looks different and now also shows a normoglot fountain in its centre, the ITK. Let's put this metaphor into plain English, to the delight of language lovers or the dismay of traditional esperantists, taking a bird's eye view, first of the old aspects retained, then the newly added or changed ones. 46 4.2 What's Traditional in Uniespo? 1. The definite article is and remains la in all circumstances. the woman, the picture, the flowers la virino, la bildo, la floroj 2. All substantives invariably end in -O , adjectives end in -A, adverbs end in -E, infinitive verbs end in -I. The newly painted house, so to speak la nove farbita domo , se tiel diri 3. The plural for adjectives and substantives is -J. three young men tri junaj viroj 4. The ending for an accusative case is -N. beat those eggs with a fork kirlu tiujn ovojn per forko 5. The tenses, for all personal pronouns and for all verbs, are marked by -IS for the past, -AS for the present, -OS for the future. he said, she says, we will say li diris, shi diras, ni diros 6. Subjunctives end in -US, imperatives end in -U. I would go mi irus leave that! lasu tion! 7. Participles follow the scheme of (5) and (6), distinguishing between: ACTIVE: -INTA, -ANTA, -ONTA boiling eggs bojlantaj ovoj PASSIVE: -ITA, -ATA, -OTA boiled eggs bojlitaj ovoj So, a very ordinary text will be hardly any different from before, except for small changes in the spelling. 4.3 What's New in Uniespo? Apart from the standardized scientific vocabulary, presented as the second part of this handbook, and the drastic metamorphosis of pure latinisms, we undertook : 1. To make the alphabet — and thus the spelling — conform much more to the one used in most Western languages. In particular the so-called hooded letters of Esperanto, like ĥ and ĝ with circumflex — an old sore 47 for the printing business — all disappear and are substituted either by typable symbols from the International Phonetic Alphabet or from Central European alphabets or by combinations like ts and kw instead of tongue-twisting tz and kv. A couple of new ones had to be introduced — š as in English shoe, and ž as in French journal — which may be freely substituted by sh and zh, if technically not reproducible. In fact, this operation is only cosmetic, since it changes (almost) nothing in the spoken language, but paradoxically and invariably spelling is foremost in people's minds. Added is the sound y [as in IPA], used in normoglot words. ĥaoso xaoso kvalito kfalito morgaŭ morgaw ŝanco šantso ciklono tsiklono baraĵo baražo 2. To rationalize word groups belonging together on a structural (morphological) basis, but traditionally left unstructured. This permits a considerable remoulding and reordering, very unusual but very efficient in the nomenclatures of many scientific disciplines: chemistry, astronomy, botany, zoology, linguistics, etc. atribui kontribui distribui altributi kuntributi distributi from tribut’o 3. To give the directive case (actually a dative), which hitherto is ambiguously charged on the accusative ending, a proper ending, namely -D. pour the wine in the glass vershu la vinon en la glasod 4. To give the passive gerundive participle an ending of its own, -AT, when there is no intention at all of denoting a “time aspect”. his legs were torn off by a bomb liaj kruroj forshiratis far-de bombo 5. Where substantives are to be turned into verbs, to differentiate between the meanings of the all too general traditional transitive ending -IG by more specific endings: -I (act like), -IG (make so), -IF (act by means of), -IZ (apply to), and -UM (all other kinds of action). from the substantive pivoto (“pivot”): pivoti (“turn like a pivot”) pivotigi (“make it like a pivot”) pivotifi (“act by means of a pivot”) pivotizi (“provide with a pivot”) pivotumi (“act around or about a pivot”) 48 6. To apply a guiding principle, based on the number of syllables in the stem, for moulding geographical names. Francio, Japanio Frantslando, Japanujo 7. To distinguish between a cultural or geographical connotation and a political connotation in geographical names. Germanujo (country) Germanijo (state) 8. To consistently differentiate further among some all-too-general suffixes, according to factual industrial needs. accelerator aktselilo aktseloro aktselatoro (mechanical driving device) (electrical driving device) (electronic driving installation) 9. To incorporate the linguistic registers normally expected to exist only in natural languages.27 STANDARD: ARCHAIC: DIALECT: SLANG: give that man his pistol back redonu al tiu viro sian pistolon ? ? ? ? redonu ityud Wirod Pistolon sihan ? ? ? ? redonu al tu vir sa pistol give that bloke his rod back redonu al tiu menšo sian koburon Given these modifications and some more, any text in Uniespo will be markedly more detailed and exact than in traditional Esperanto, which of course makes learning it (somewhat) more difficult — although definitely much less so than learning another natural language — but which should be extremely beneficial for scientific and technical applications in real life society. 4.4 The Apartheid Axiom In order to secure the workability and efficiency of the normoglot at all times, it is paramount to keep it well separated (or distinguishable) from the socioglot, and vice versa. Passengers must not be identified with the carriage in which they are travelling, but the carriage is absolutely needed if the 27. The archaic form (“Arcaicam Esperantom”) is specially intended to give a useful and practical tool for the unified rendering of maxims and sentences from all natural languages (Time is money - Qui va piano va sano - Cherchez la femme), as well as of fixed Latin expressions found in several disciplines (Corpus delicti, Mare Imbrium, Contradictio in terminis). Slang (“Gavaro”) provides technical jargon as well as cant in Literature. Dialect (“Popido”) only enlarges the possibilities of Literature. 49 passengers are to be transported. That is why DREZEN and WÜSTER at first kept to Esperanto, as a general infrastructure (the socioglot) and reference for carrying the academic overlayer. Since we have here only one and the same (planned) language, Universal Esperanto, it becomes absolutely necessary to implement a sort of taboo between normoglot and socioglot, which will be the fourth and last of our axioms : A normoglot word element shall not be mixed with a socioglot word element. Each lexical species will stay — as strictly as possible – within its own category, functioning parallel to the other category, but without morphological interlinking. A normoglot morpheme shall be integratable into the common language, i.e. be treatable by the usual syntax, only after having received a finished stem structure of its own. What does this mean in practice? As an example, let's take the classic Esperanto term infraruĝa, a slavish imitation of the usage in many natural languages: infrared, infrarouge, infraroja, infravörös, infrarot, etc. Everywhere we encounter this combination of a scientific element infra-, with an ordinary element equivalent to “red”. Such a liberty in linking cannot be tolerated under the Apartheid Axiom, and will have to be — at least in Uniespo and in accordance with the ITK — either infrarubra (structurally homogenous from the normoglot point of view) or antawrudža (structurally homo-genous from the socioglot point of view) — in accordance with the common Uniespo vocabulary, just as in biology many plants and animals have a common name (rather inaccurate as to the species) doubled by a scientific name (very precise as to the species). Which does not imply that now we will have to assign two forms to each and every notion; far from it ! But it does imply that Traditional Esperanto will have to reorganize its latinistic thesaurus from top to bottom. Anyway, this would be a one way ticket: the supranational planned language determining in future all scientific vocabulary and acting as a universal model, in stead of always importing (in this context) from the natural ethnic languages. If and when ... Alas, a real pain in the neck are the so-called hybrid stems, which endanger the integrity of this important rule, since they sit astride normoglot and socioglot. A wise policy here will be to restrain from creating new terms with them, and stick only to the old ones. A good example can be found in the very title of this work: terminological key. It would be easy to coin a single term with that meaning, but something like terminoklavjo must be absolutely avoided because of the hybrid stem termin’. If need is felt for a new coinage, then rather pick out something like leksoklavjo, which is pure-bred on all accounts. It is only by complying with this strict condition, that our International Terminological Key will be able to function in an orderly and regular fashion, even if it may not be absolutely perfect in each and every detail — without jeopardizing the overall sentence structure and the comprehensibility of Uniespo. There is simply no other way! 50 Indeed, to conform to the views of WÜSTER one might of course provide the Key with autonomous syntactic elements (affixes, con-junctions, prepositions, interjections) and thus transform the scientific thesaurus into a fully fledged language; which would again produce some kind of Occidental or Interlingua or even Glosa. But then one would be forced to (re)invent an ordinary infrastructure, a socioglot devoid of scientific vocabulary, or completely mutilate an existing international language (Esperanto) in that way. And again we would end up with two artificial languages — the WÜSTER utopia... So, the role of the Axiom of Apartheid is precisely to prevent such a disastrous evolution: scientific word elements are potentially able to take on full form through their own autonomous modelling mech-anisms, but have no possibility whatsoever of (gradually) growing into a complete new language. By the same token, the “everyday” language is freed from those indigestible foreign loanwords, since they will have become very regular and compatible elements of the traditional grammar. It is precisely that perspective which Professor WERNER points to in his already cited work Benennungen: “If you devalue professional terms [...] to meaningless codes, then you destroy all factual and linguistic interrelations [among them], leaving only a great mass of isolated word elements. At the opposite end stands the [...] opinion, that terminology is a [complete] <language>. Both extremes are wrong. The voluminous [scientific] word system contains the traditions of the Greek, Latin, and other languages, and at the same occasion the core of a new, modern language. Therefore it is right and necessary to examine up to what degree [scientific] names are capable of forming their own modern language. We should neither refute nor maintain the tradition, but place it in an adequate perspective, regarding progress.” This distinction is not so evident as it may seem at first glance. None other than WÜSTER himself confessed in 1956, that it took him 25 years to realize that “it is necessary to establish a similarity in the exterior form of national technical words, without at the same time creating an international language for communication man-to-man.” Formulated otherwise: the standardization of scientific words is independent from the creation of a common language. Or even more delimited: normoglot and socioglot are concepts which must be treated separately. All right, but assigning to each concept its own particular territory, entails making a total revision of the current vocabulary! All the radicals and endings will have to be marked, in some way or other, as belonging either to the normoglot or the socioglot; the consequences of which are numerous and varied, because from there on there will be no more hybrid compounds — at least in so far as the principle can be obeyed in practice. 51 Such an all-out revision cannot and should not be made without also considering, even first of all, the hierarchical structure of concepts. 4.5 Planning Nomenclatures Let us repeat that, for constructing valid terms, one must first of all get the concepts well ordered and organized. And that is a matter for nomenclatural systematics, usually called “knowledge engineering” or “ontological classification”. Professor FELBER formulates this most important principle about as follows: “The initial task of an organized terminology is to discover [on the one hand] the links existing between concepts and professional words in the different disciplines, and [on the other hand] to explore the affinities existing between the concepts themselves. Every descriptive work thus constitutes an important prelude to the pre-scriptive work. Given that an unbridled development causes con-tradictions and inconsistencies among the terms, leading in this way to a chaotic situation in the [international] communication, the creation of normative laws has become extremely urgent in terminology.” When one wants to classify notions/concepts, they usually can be grouped “horizontally” and “vertically”. On the vertical branch a given notion seems to stem from a more general one, and has more specialized notions under it. Thus an automobile can be seen as belonging to the general idea of “transportation means” and can vertically be subdivided by all sorts of makes and models. On the horizontal branch we have related machines, such as a motor cycle or a tractor. This hierarchical structuring seems to be a property inherent in our Universe; even the thinking ability of our brain works on the basis of this fundamental principle, for bringing order in the manifold impressions that reach our consciousness, so that we can identify anything and act accordingly. In linguistics these axes are called “diachronic” and “synchronic” respectively. This is of great importance for terminology too, for situating a given concept as precisely as possible in its surroundings. If its place is well determined we can label it in such a way that its word form expresses (also) its group belonging and/or its descent. Related concepts then also receive a related word form. Knowing a concept's “whereabouts” there-fore makes namegiving a lot easier and relevant, and is not left to the momentary whim of some casual contributor. And this applies not only to namegiving itself, but also to giving a pertinent description, ergo definition of the term, as well. That's what planning is all about in nomenclatures. Concerning traditional Esperanto, one must honestly say and objectively admit that the definitions for scientific notions — as given in its “Plena Ilustrita Vortaro” — are far from being coherent and systematic in this respect. The compilers of this work, although highly laudable for their benedictine patience and unsalaried dedication, could alas do no better than 52 to register technical words as they found them in the available “national” documentation. But it's precisely the disparity and the “local colour” of this multicultural documentation, which provokes collisions among the contents of the terms. In this manner, the standard Esperanto dictionary came to be a melting pot for all kinds of meanings, harvested in a number of national languages, thus accumulating even double and triple meanings.28 Its lexicographers (some 80% having been contributed by a single person, i.e. Professor Gaston WARINGHIEN), did their utmost best to bring law and order into this junk-yard, but it was naturally impossible for them to coalesce all those sources and at the same time avoid numerous homonyms and polysemies; all the more so since they were vouched describers, not prescribers. The main compiler, being a fine Frenchman, could not even take heart enough to curtail the French contributions to more modest proportions — a culture to which this grand erudite had otherwise brought great honour. So, a real lion's share was devoted to purely French words and meanings, as if they constituted a world-encom-passing treasury. And last but not least, not yet possessing the help of a database programme, he/they were unable to keep a tight control over cross-references. The lexicographers of the newest PIV edition were on easier grounds, but still the semantic dust cloud has not yet lifted since they should have been following the lead of... Uniespo and have operated under supervision of an official body like INFOTERM! Since we did not want to stay with pure theory alone, however coherent or self-evident, we tried out the Axioms “in the field” on two scientific disciplines particularly dependent on a graeco-latin vocabulary and equally in a terrible state of chaos as regards nomenclature. One was linguistics, which led us to a wholly new approach in which not just two but even three branching axes showed up among the concepts, finally making human thinking a three-dimensional phenomenon: Nova Nom-sistemo por Lingviko (“A new nomenclature for linguistics”).29 The other one was biology, or more generally biontology, which also led to a totally new approach: The Trimeral System in Biological Nomenclature. Both can be opened or downloaded from this website. An interesting bonus goes with the latter: biologists who wish to apply the new system, are under no obligation to learn Uniespo, although this comes in handy. Indeed, the scientific names for plants and animals constitute a world in themselves, so that possession of the ITK, a small Esperanto dictionary, and knowing how to use it are sufficient — a lot easier anyway than having to struggle with the enormous intricacies of Latin and Greek! Both these tentative works should prove the applicability of our ITK and illustrate the saying by A.N. WHITEHEAD, that a preliminary reordering of the concepts of a given science inevitably permits this science itself to make a great leap forward. A pertinent example is “billion”, defined as having either the European value of 10 7 American value of 10 . 28. 12 or the 29. Kariljono Publications, respectively 1992 and 1996. The first work published only in Esperanto as translation is nearly impossible. 53 4.6 Language Evolution However, the absolute necessity for keeping normoglot and socioglot well apart, should not close our eyes to the phenomenon that, in any living (= evolving) language, the sociological layers are always busy penetrating each other's domain. We said so before. A certain number of high-flown expressions will become common parlance, while a certain amount of popular idiom will be adopted by academic circles. Every true linguist knows that. He also knows that the transitional plane between sociolinguistic levels is not, and never will be, exactly determinable. (And we won't expand on the modern imposition of American slang !) This means that our last axiom, categorical though it is in theory, will be unable to indefinitely forestall the appearance in practice of all sorts of cracks and wrinkles in its absolutism. As a matter of fact, even in Uniespo not everything is absolutely perfect — though it is markedly more so than the traditional version. What can be absolutely perfect in our world? The presence of a small margin of unavoidable little deviations therefore cannot constitute an argument for abolishing the Apartheid Axiom, and even less Uniespo. Indeed, we must not overlook a very important principle, lying at the basis of all exact thinking, namely the law of “necessity and sufficiency”. If it is sufficient to use the Key's thesaurus for acquiring a correct term, it is not always and absolutely necessary to do so ! If a given term is being used, without any significant difference in structure, in a great many languages, then it may be pedantic and fanatical to thrust upon it a deviating morphology on account of the ITK's prescriptions. A good example is the word “atom”, present in countless languages. Since its Greek etymology splits this word into the meanings “not” and “partition”, the normoglot stems should be ae and tom, turning it into aetomo. Surely, this bookkeeper's mentality is utterly misplaced here. All the more so since the original meaning of this term — “ultimate and unsplittable particle” — coined in the 19th Century, has become totally negated in our age of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. In such evident cases it is wise and equitable to leave tradition as it is, even if this brings in a small percentage of “impurities” in our standardized universal language. Apparently this is an expression of the profound biblical principle of “tithing”, applied to Nature. Admission of a certain (small) amount of exceptions thus will not prevent scientific Uniespo from functioning fluently... Besides, if one could indeed start out with an absolutely perfect product — which one cannot — then the normal language evolution would gradually produce more and more deviations from the rules of the language anyway. As the famous linguist MEILLET has shown, and as we mentioned before, even the most stringently formed language will little by little give way to inconsistencies, put there by people who don't give a damn about the inherent properties and demandis of their language, but are interested only in using it for their personal purposes. But does it matter? The importance of 54 a ship is not that it is well constructed, but that it will keep sailing. So, future defects should in no way keep us from launching the new ship ! Especially not since the world has not yet succeeded in reaching consensus on one unified “second language for everybody”.30 So, we dare hope that the new supranational language Uniespo will become a solid stepping stone to a new unified Worldview, or inversely that the coming of such a spiritual unification (The Theory of Everything) after all of today's turmoils, will bring it into general application. In this respect it is worth remembering that GALILEO intentionally wrote some of his works in his native Florentine dialect, instead of Latin, mainly because he deemed this necessary to free himself of the apodictic “evidences” of his time, as laid down in and sanctified by Latin, then the communication medium of all learned people. A new means of expression for a new way of thinking. This step might be repeated today, or tomorrow, by switching to Universal Esperanto, the supranational language for sciences and technology, and its kernel the International Terminological Key… 4.7 Non-Latinistic Terms Alas, the graeco-latin thesaurus, ubiquitous in sciences, is almost absent in the technological realm of Industry and Commerce, where millions of names for machines, tools, and components are created by pure capriciousness and out of the vocabularies of ethnic languages, if not borrowed from slang or even dialect. Here the ITK will surely be inapplicable, as it would in dealing with Proper Names. The only way to control this ever-flowing mass of words for things is by compiling and consulting so-called pictorial dictionaries. Only, as every user knows from experience, more often than not the particular information needed from this source is nowhere to be found, however encompassing this kind of reference work may be. Every particular niche of human occupations, as it were, lives its own life and therefore makes it necessary to create and consult a very specific vocabulary — if available. Think, for instance, about the world of sports — extremely diversified — or about the world of music (pop-culture), or film-making, or ship-building. Here ethnic languages, and primarily English, reign supreme. If universal standardization is ever to be achieved in this domain too, then we think there is no option but to launch a concerted effort by all terminological bodies the world over, and to do so through the facilities of Internet as well as on the basis of the principles laid down by I NFOTERM [See footnote 3]. 30. A self-study handbook for Uniespo is forthcoming and will eventually appear also on the Internet. 55 Regarding the form and structure of hypertext databases, it is already perfectly well possible to encompass the whole span of human activity, and to find (or add) definitive names for narrowly specific objects or concepts. However, all these eggs would have to be put into a single inter-nationally accepted basket, a «Central Reference Catalogue», like the one we prescribe for Biological Nomenclature [Footnote 28]. Already, as an electronic dictionary, such a compilation is in full swing in the form of EURODICATOM, operated by the translation services of the European Community. This body of knowledge and reference need only be expanded and officialized worldwide. The only question remaining at that point is again: which is going to be its operating language — English or Uniespo?? Undoubtedly English possesses the most comprehensive, detailed, and upto-date vocabulary in the world, while Esperanto is miserably lag-ging far behind. But, once more, a really concerted and motivated effort could reverse this situation in a very short time, say a couple of years. One of the reasons, that the Esperanto-Movement never got around to producing a sound practical thesaurus of technical (non-latinistic) terms, is/was the diasporic distribution of its professional practitioners and specialists, and their lack of consent over common rules to obey in creating technical terms. All this could and would change almost overnight, in the perspective of Uniespo... if this planned language came to be officially accepted world-wide. Thus, if the International Terminological Key offers no direct solution to the question of non-latinistic terms, its infrastructure – Uniespo – should do so indirectly. On this sound supranational foundation, any accredited specialist — from East or West, North or South — could contribute his/her proposal list of technical terms, taken and adapted from the ethnic language stock. These proposals then could simply be sifted and the “winning ones” selected by “majority vote” — a procedure easily left to a fully automated computer programme ! The only requirements, for con-tributors and programme alike, would be, on the one hand, conformity with the logical grammar of Uniespo; and on the other hand avoidance of homonymy, beyond a certain limited number — not forgetting to pay due attention to the context (taxonomy), i.e. the hierarchy of concepts concerned. Of course, these terms would have to receive a cataloguing number linking each one of them to a particular catalogue drawing or picture of the object concerned. Such a Central Reference Catalogue – a super-lative pictorial dictionary — easily equipped with colour and sound, as well as text and pictures, would thus never fall behind and keep pace with progress in the many diversified fields, growing as they grow – a situation hitherto unattainable. 56 The advantages of a planned language over English for this task should leap to the eye of any unbiased observer. It might moreover provide a great opportunity for taming even the wild horses of Commerce, hitherto escaping the Law everywhere and promoting the art of word-play to a national sport, thus disregarding the havoc they create in grammar and idioms. It appears, for instance, there exist more than 100 different trade names of the common aspirin, in the USA alone, implying of course that they all have special and unique qualities !! Why not name and specify all pharmaceutical and nutritional products after the biontological Linnaean system? Clean and clear. Besides, the rudiment for such a “living” Catalogue is already present in the form of PEKOTEKO, an Esperanto-database for technical terms, compiled over many years by the German-Canadian Rudiger EICHHOLZ31, as shown by the following small excerpt, about the term “printer”:: (First) proposal for Esperanto ** “Not (yet) in Plena Ilustrita Vortaro” / Morphemic junction U1; 681.327 Universal Decimal Code T1; KDE Classification in Canada's databank TERMIUM A1; printer English equivalent F1; imprimante French equivalent G1; Drucker German equivalent Aparato, kiu konvertas diĝitajn ( 85/382) fare de procesoro ( 85/457) ricevitajn signalojn al legebla teksto sur papero. Ekzistas multaj tipoj laŭ metodo, rapido kaj kvalito de la print-produkto, i.a. linio-printatoro, paĝoprintatoro, petalrada printatoro, matrica printatoro, lasera printatoro. RIM: Alternatives and justification of choice Fon: ei; GS1 Source(s) and initiator(s) of proposal 85/003 Index number in PEKOTEKO Rim : Comments by administrator of PEKOTEKO E1; print **/ator/o Definition of the term Esperanto — and certainly its expansion Uniespo — additionally has the distinct advantage of being able to provide the most appropriate name for a consumer product from any one ethnic tongue, and to integrate it into the Central Reference Catalogue, although this un-doubtedly will mean borrowing mainly from English. The obstacles to computerization, mentioned in Chapter 1.3 – disparateness of data-banks, fragmentation of knowledge, incoherence in usage — would disappear as snow before the sun, once humanity has learned to speak a single “second language for everybody”, neutral and unbiassed in every respect, because this acceptance by itself would be the surest practical way for obtaining the new and unifying Worldview, so many futurists and philosophers are dreaming about... These thoughts, so dear to Teilhard DE CHARDIN, may seem pretty utopian in the present context, but even so the idea(l) is worthwhile striving for, here and now, wittingly and willingly. So that, when the time finally comes, the necessary tools will be ready for deployment. 31. Esperanto Press, Bailieboro, Ontario, Canada K0L 1B0. 57 4.8 Perspectives for the ITK Our inevitable conclusion that the International Terminological Key has no future at all unless it is implemented in a planned language — in casu Uniespo — is bound to provoke strong resistance from the established scientific community, above all from the Anglo-Saxon side, since it directly threatens the preponderance and hegemony of English. WÜSTER’s bad experiences are to be expected again. For there's no denying that English is today the dominant language in all human activities around the globe, under the irresistible impetus of international trade, pop-culture, show-business, and the computer industry, if not politics. No message, discovery, or proposal can escape the necessity of being (also) presented in that incomparably powerful language, on penalty of staying unnoticed. Isn't this very paper drafted in English? No wonder the British Prince CHARLES did not hesitate to declare on TV that English is going to be the universal language of the 21st Century. Thus, because it stands so immensely far from structural regularity and rationality, English certainly is not going to invite at its dinner table an ITK-thesaurus, consisting of “artificially” rationalized terms. The same can be said in lesser degree, but still strongly, about other important Western languages, like Spanish, French, or German. But, but, but: what guarantee is there, that English will remain the World's leading language forever and a day? The idea that the overriding and overwhelming position, indeed the unique position, which the English language occupies nowadays cannot be held forever, may seem preposterous to most present-day people, experiencing continuously its colossal impact through worldwide business, mass media, the military and technology. Yet, the self-assured statement by the British Prince, naturally based on the present-day situation, totally overlooks the relentless power and changeability of cultural history. Indeed, in historic perspective the fortunes of languages have always been waxing and waning with the economic-politic-military power of the nations imposing them. Going back to Mesopotamian times, Akkadian came to be accepted as lingua franca for the whole of the Middle East. But when Alexander the Great came along, Greek took over for centuries. This imperium in turn finally crumbled, giving way to the Roman reign, with Latin as international communication tool, also for centuries. But nay, along came the French Revolution and Napoleon, who put the final touch on making French the common language for Europe and beyond. And now, “thanks” to World War II and the soaring power of the USA, herself in the wake of the mighty British Empire and its Commonwealth, the banner has passed into English custody — in its several varieties. So, the only thing one is factually entitled to say, in view of these ever reoccurring ups and downs of history's fortunes, is that only the scope and range of influence of the successive inter-national languages has grown constantly. 58 Now, let the economy of the United States of North America finally collapse, and that of the whole world along with it — there are many signs and predictions in that direction! — and the whole Far East along with all the islamic countries are bound to shed the imposing weight of English, as a despised symbol of Western culture. Then, in the ensuing clash of interests and political powers, it is hard to see — not forgetting religious upheavals — which language is going to impose its will on the rest of the globe: Arabic, Chinese, Russian...? Thus only one thing is pretty certain: the chances for a planned language, as a common mediator for all the competitors, will be greater and stronger than ever before! All the more so if this language can prove itself superior in every respect to whatever natural language... But even now, to such languages, farther away from the Western stock, like the Slavic family, or completely foreign to it, like Vietnamese, Korean, Hindi, the link with the graeco-latin thesaurus grows looser and looser proportionately to the distance on the genealogical linguistic tree, which separates these languages from Indo-European. Therefore — if this approach ever gets around to reaching public attention — we put our faith specifically in the non-Western part of Humanity, on scientists and intellectuals of non-Indo-European stock, who herewith are called up to join forces, as if rallying to the historic Marxist war cry “Workers of all countries, unite!” Indeed, to all those countries and civilizations it would be a matter of utter indifference whether they have to import into their languages e.g. our new ITK-conform siderokranjo or the old Eurocentric firmament. All the more so since the new terminology is logically = universally structured and thus easily dismembered and recombined, taking all strain off the memory of its users. This should be a powerful trump card with non-European intellectuals, who would not be forced anymore to express themselves in a language extremely difficult to master on their high technical level — English. Instead they could change-over to a language extremely easy and fast to learn, and which furthermore would be everybody's second language, putting them on the same footing as their Western colleagues without fear of making fools of themselves at seminars and the like. Therefore, inasmuch as their work and position do not physically depend on Western industry and organizations, or what eventually may be left of those, to them it would mean no less than intellectual and cultural liberation! Of course — and we are well aware of the fact — Uniespo and the ITK still are purebred children of the European culture(s), carrying with them the linguistic form and background of this particular origin, which thus can hardly be marked as worldwide. Perhaps the most striking example here is the usage of the Latin alphabet. In comparison with the set of writing symbols used by Arabs, it surely is much less elegant; and compared to the rationally arranged Sanskrit family of symbols, it is just a disorderly bunch of haphazard little drawings. But... it is well known and literally applied the 59 world over, to such an extent that it would be foolish to try advancing any other writing tool for inter-national communication. The same consideration goes for Uniespo as best and really neutral candidate for interrelation amongst all cultures and ethnic groups. Therefore the remaining and unavoidable eurocentricity of Universal Esperanto is not really a point in the debate — imperative and decisive are its uncomparable rationality and versatility, making it superbly apt for usage on the supranational scale. So, if the dominant language(s) of today are unlikely to accept the ITK — or more precisely the terms created by it — in their homelands, then FarEastern and similar languages should be, especially in view of their struggles to keep up with progress [Footnote 7], natural born candidate hosts. Thus, chances are that one or more of these language communities will put the torch to the powder-keg, especially if they would take the initiative of using Uniespo and its Key among themselves, independently of what goes on in the Western World ! Naturally, even such strong motives are not going to convince the Western language communities to follow suit; that would feel something like suicide. Anyhow, and last but not least, it is about sure we are nearing a crucial point in history, where some “big bang” is going to occur — a point which scientists and futurologists like to call “a singularity” — out of which a totally new World and Worldview will emerge, be it after a terrible cataclysm, comparable to a geological upheaval. In that new world a really common international “language for all”, without preponderance of a given particular nation, will have all the chances. *** Having reached this final conclusion, it is time for us to look at the practical and concrete Rules of our ITK, which are few and simple, and which are listed in Part Three, containing also the actual Tables of word elements. Let us emphasize already that the Key can be used in two ways: passively by people wanting only to know the meaning of the constituents of a scientific word, or actively by people wanting to apply the standardised stems for giving a justified name to a new concept. As time passes — and if this ITK ever gets accepted! — it is to be expected, that the two approaches will tend to merge together by sheer usage, as happened to the traditional graeco-latin word stock, but from then onward will do so in a conscious and controlled manner ! How the terms, formed by means of this supranational tool, must (or can) actually be incorporated into a given national language, is something for the ethnic users concerned to decide for themselves. Here can be demonstrated only the incorporation into Universal Esperanto itself. 60 New ideas are like the morning sunrise. They find most people asleep. [C. VERSCHAEVE] 61 PART THREE The Key E. Wüster (1898-1977) 62 5. The Rules of the Game 5.1 Harvesting and Treating Stems 1. In the græco-latin word stock, let’s start by separating meaningful (semantic) elements, stems and affixes, from purely grammatical ones. These will be the basic word stems of the normoglot. tele • -ator makr • -os krypt • -yn 2. These crude word elements are then structurally modelled, so as to: - not create awkward synonyms, either among the stems of the normoglot itself, or between these and stems of the socioglot; - reduce them to only a few syllables, preferentially only a single one, in order to avoid creating afterwards centipedal terms; - eliminate all endings without real function. The etymons scapul, prægna, leve, delphy, cyt etc. (respectively meaning “shoulder, pregnant, white, womb, cell”) receive the rationalised forms skapl • pregn • lewk • delf • tsyt • 3. The spelling and pronunciation are completely phonological, according to the one-to-one rules of Uniespo; especially avoiding digraphs. ch, sch, sh, etc. → š 4. In order to clearly distinguish normoglot word stems they are marked with a midway “bullet” (equal to the multiplication symbol used in modern mathematics). Ordinary socioglot stems in Uniespo are distinguished by an apostrophe. NORMOGLOT: SOCIOGLOT: MEANING: ort • rekt’ "right" petr • šton’ "stone" rapt • kapt’ "capture" stsis • trantš’ "cut" 5. A special mark however is reserved for stems which are to be glued to others without any transition [see Rule 5.2.5], namely a little plus sign, or which are truncated chemical word stems, denoted by a minus sign. pan + fosf – “all encompassing” from “phosphor” 63 6. The semantic value of the Key’s prototype elements remains intentionally vague, though always linked to a well-determined notional field. The high precision and specificity of meaning, as required by scientific and technical usage, (re)appears only at the moment when the basic element(s) receive their complete lexical form.32 The nude and isolated normoglot stem aleks • has the general meaning of “defend, protect, reject, push away, ward off”, in the same way that the normoglot suffix -EN has the very general meaning “chemical substance, characterised by”. But if we put these two together and turn them into a full (Uniespo) word, we get aleks en o (“alexine”), which is a very specific bactericide found in the blood serum.33 7. However, given the excessive abundance of possible concepts and the relative scarceness of appropriate græco-latin morphemes — as well as the confuse polysemy reigning in the thesaurus of these ancient languages (spanning thousands of years!) — we were obliged to implement the possibility of splitting the notional field of the Key’s elements.34 In practice, and on condition of observing a marked separation between such two notional fields, the ensuing technical words will hardly lead to real ambiguities, because they will appear in totally different contexts. In that same framework it is of little importance whether the meanings are all of the same grammatical nature (adjectives, nouns, verbs) or of a mixed character. Thus labr • 1 drawn from the originals labr, labeo, labell, means generally “lip”, while labr• 2 covers the meanings “avidity, aspiration, desire” also present in these originals. 8. Also introduced into the system are three series of standardised numerals; each constituting a separate category and each destined for a particular field of application — especially in the domain of chemistry: GREEK NUMERALS: LATIN NUMERALS: SLAVIC NUMERALS: mona • bina • prim • duw • odn– dven– terna • tetra • penta • terts • kwart • kwint • trjox– tšetr– pjatš– etc. etc. etc. 9. The Key’s list considers all normoglot stems to be of the same nature and thus makes no formal distinction between them: real stems, truncated stems, and grammatical stems. REAL: TRUNCATED: GRAMMATICAL: bibl • “book” natr– “sodium” hiper+ “excess” agla • kupr– ana • “lovely” “copper” “forward” 32 . Penetrating to the core of the matter, one might say that these "nude" elements have about the same function as ideograms (Chinese or similar). There's nothing new under the sun, as Solomon said… 33 . A finished ethnic equivalent — as copied from the international model — thus may become for example: aleksen, aleksene, aleksena… 34 . Splitting here implies creating just two groups of meanings, but never three or more! 64 10. Every user of the Key is allowed to expand the list with as yet missing concepts or stems, or to make minor adjustments, on the stringent condition the new elements are taken from a classical “dead” language (e.g. Old Slavonic), from the still used Hebrew and Arabic (for modern concepts like "train, rubber, potato, matches a.s.o.) or even from Japanese (as a linguistic gateway out of the sole European realm), and that the preceding rules are well obeyed:35 But lo and alas: making a judicious choice demands comparison with the common vocabulary too. So it remains necessary to consult a traditional Esperanto dictionary… until the Uniespo one becomes available. ahins • “soft, mild, tender” batn • “steepness” mazb • "battery" taken from Sanskrit taken from Classical Arabic taken from Hebrew 11. It should be clear that a double entry must not consist of mutually opposite or conflicting concepts. So, if "truth" is to be rendered by hetj•1, then "false" cannot be rendered by hetj•2; and if "love" is to be fil•1, then "hatred" cannot become fil•2. 12. According to the Apartheid Axiom, a normoglot element must be linked to an element of the same nature, and cannot be linked to a socioglot stem; or vice versa. It is only after observance of this rule, that the necessary syntactic moulding is allowed to take place. The Uniespo term gastro pod ul oj, pertaining to the taxon of gastropods in zoology, is made up of the normoglot stems gastr • (“stomach”) and pod • (“foot”). This potentially new compound stem is adapted to actual language by adding of the Uniespo socioglot elements -UL (“a being”) and -OJ (substantive plural). But neither gastropieduloj (pied’ = Uniespo for “foot”) nor ventropoduloj (ventr’ = Uniespo for “belly”) are permitted, as being combinations of elements of a different nature. 13. However, since the common vocabulary of Uniespo contains also a certain amount of technical terms, these too are allowed in combination with the strictly normoglot elements: din• plus sawr' (= "gigantic lizard") = dinosawro 14. According to the above, and the general method of Uniespo, the ITK stems possess no grammatical character of their own, such as adjective, substantive, verb, preposition. This character is acquired only, and then 35 . Official approval of additions or changes should lay with some future Commission in the heart of INFOTERM, controlling usage and further development of the ITK — not with its author, who only wanted to initiate. 65 automatically, by adjunctive use of an appropriate ordinary language ending or similar. filolog becomes a real and usable term only after having been turned into a substantive by addition of an appropriate ending for such: filologIKO (English = “philologY”). 5.2 Making Compounds 1. By insertion of the transition vowel -O- between consonants: astr o fizik o “astrophysics” 2. Without any insertion if the leading stem ends on a vowel: tele graf i “to telegraph” 3. or if the trailing stems begins with a vowel: newr algi o “neuralgia” 4. If leader and trailer meet each other with a vowel: 1. they are simply linked together, when the vowels are different: para onim o “paronym” 2. but the vowels are merged, if they are the same in leader and trailer: paramyl o “reserve food” from para• and amyl • 3. a remarkable exception to this rule is the application of Greek numerals: bina aria “binary” mona awra “monaural” 5. A few stems are linked without any transition, because of their all too numerous occurrences in traditional terms: hiper tensi o “hypertension” In the ITK list these are marked by a plus sign, instead of a bullet. syn+ 66 “with” pan+ “all” 5.3 Making Derivations 1. The grammatical suffixes of socioglot Uniespo are directly linkable to a normoglot COMPOUND, and by the same token give it the function and applicability of a common socioglot word: para bol o “parabole” ort o gon a SUBSTANTIVE sten o graf i “orthogonal” ADJECTIVE “to stenograph” INFINITIVE VERB 2. The usual socioglot suffixes with a semantic character are supplemented by purely scientific affixes, also listed in the Key [see Table on page #], as for example: -OS for sugars saxar os o “saccharose” -AJT for infectious diseases nefr ajt o “nephritis” -IT xlor it o “chlorite” for a salt with less oxygen 3. Contrary to Rule 5.2.4, about combining stems, the linking of a suffix to a stem does not induce any elision: bina aria “binary” from bina • “two” and -ARI “reckoning method” Individual terminological standardization of terms leads to defective results, as long as it is not guided by unified basic rules. It is understandable, that this important insight could not make its way to the surface until individual standardization had been going on for 10 to 20 years, without any such codified set of rules. [H.R. Spiegel in "Aufgaben, Probleme und Organisation der Terminologienormung".] 67 6. Composition of the ITK 1. The first sheaf of tables shows the original (græco-latin or other) word stems or ETYMONS, their standardised equivalents, and their meanings in English; intended for people interested in the etymology of scientific terms. 2. The second sheaf of tables shows the standardised word stems alias prototypes or LEMMAS, their original forms, and their meanings in English; intended especially for passive users merely wanting to understand the structure of a scientific term in Uniespo. 3. The third sheaf of tables gives a considerable number of concept words or MEANINGS in English, the original stems, and a choice of equivalent normoglot stems; intended especially for active users wanting to coin a new technical term in Uniespo. 4. Where a very specific idea should be missing, look up a more elementary one; for instance “teacher, tutor” instead of “professor”, or “(to) drill, (to) bore” instead of “(to) mill”. [See Rule 5.1.6] Only if the notional field itself is completely absent, a new entry can be proposed, as stipulated by Rule 5.11. 5. Active users should always keep in mind the particular exigencies reigning in the nomenclature of their fields; geologists for instance. In several cases the ITK may even lead to a complete reorganisation of the nomenclatures at stake !36 6. Let it be understood that the present list of lemmas was compiled, not only on the basis of already existing scientific words, but with future needs in mind. 7. A small number of stems has intentionally not been incorporated — as for instance askar, atav — on account of their already being present in the common Uniespo vocabulary, either as common words or as technical terms. 36 . Compare the new systems proposed by the author in biology (The Trimeral System in Biological Nomenclature) and in linguistics (Nova Lingvika Nomsistemo) — Kariljono Publications. 68 Common words articul artiko joint bulbus bulbo bulb dent dento tooth fibr fibro fiber genu genuo knee macul makulo stain niger nigra black obliquus oblikfa slanted palpus palpi feel sangui sango blood Technical terms abdomen abdomeno abdomen cartilago kartilago cartilage ductus dukto duct foramen foramno foramen ganglion gangliono ganglion ischi iskio ischium mandibula mandiblo mandible occiput oktsipo occiput phalang falanko phalanx umbilic umbiliko navel 8. Over 4000 entries enable in principle some 10,000,000 combinations with normoglot word stems, if considering compounds or derivations with only two elements (stem plus stem, or stem plus affix) — while billions with three elements. Nevertheless, in practice one has also to consider the opportunity of a given coinage, and even its euphony. It goes without saying that, for example, linking a stem ending in -KS to one starting with KS- must be avoided; the word would be almost unpronounceable. 9. Once in a while the rigorous combination rules of the new system may give rise to an unwanted homonymy, as would be the case with tachometer vs. tachymeter, since the ITK knows only taxy • and no taxo • In such a rare case one is obliged to choose another lemma from the stock altogether, having the same meaning; for instance oky • or velots • or ksut • = "rapid". Still, such occasional gravel grains cannot keep the ITKmachine from turning out as many terms as wanted. Moreover, the change-over to Uniespo offers a welcome opportunity to rationalise some popular, but excessive or even erroneous, coinages, like the American astronaut vs. its Russian counterpart cosmonaut — both products of boisterous political propaganda. A more factual coinage in this case would be, for instance, evrynawto ("space-traveller"); a total change in terminology as the expression of a total change in thinking… 10. A certain amount of traditionally used terms cannot be allowed under the rules of Uniespo, because they sharply conflict with the adamant Rule 5.1.11. However, this is arguable matter, in which the proposed Commission may have to make the final decision. Thus the originally French contraction parachute, consisting of græcoid para ("guard against") plus chute (French for "(a) fall"), should be sub-stituted in Uniespo by the socioglot kontrawfalo and/or a normoglot term like parakado, since chute is in no way an international word element. A term like permafrost, on the other hand, consisting of perma(nent) and frost, does not necessarily have to be substituted by the eventual socioglot tšiamfrosto and/or a normoglot coining like semprokryo ; all the more not so since Uniespo allows for occasional jargon and slang — through its supplementary project Gavaro — but even then, word formation is controlled by stricter rules than is customary in the whimsical natural languages. 69 11. However, if a hybrid compound cannot be avoided, because Tradition is too widespread and most languages sing unisono, then at least a hyphen should be inserted to keep the conflicting elements apart, even if such a measure is only an orthographic artifice: anti-korpo tele-komunikado "antibody" "telecommunication" Manuel Halvelik (1925-2012) 70 7. Epilogue Having been compiled and organised by only one individual, the following lists of word stems are bound to be imperfect and incomplete, although they are already quite capable of rendering service. Therefore it is highly advisable that this “beta-version" of the ITK should be checked in detail by a small Commission of linguists and philologists, appointed by and under the supervision of INFOTERM , before being rendered official. The existence of INTERNET today makes such an undertaking well feasible. This controlling body could furthermore examine all future additions or amendments to the ITK, as stipulated by Rules 5.1.2 and 5.1.10. The author himself does not wish to partake in this task and is perfectly satisfied with his rôle as initiator. Of course, everything depends on the thorniest of questions, treated in Part One: “Wich language is going to be the Pied Piper; English or Uniespo…?” 71 8.1 Special Normoglot Affixes in Uniespo –ewn MEANING Aliphatic hydrocarbon Inflammation or illness of… characterised by… Adjectival suffix for prototypes or technical terms Aldehyde That which is undergoing or underwent a process Physical value, measure, effect of… Who or that which carries out an act Substance or mateial which is –ata or –ita Magnitude, quantity, numbering system [+LN] Scalar magnitude, series number [+LN] Receptacle, recipient, containing utensil Who does, makes, occupies with A salt with more oxygen [ -it] Gigantic apparatus or machine, esp. electronic Chemical K-K-group (from acetylene) Esther Automatic process, natural effect, phenomenon Fermentative substance, enzyme Shaping of… manifestation of… Substance resulting from… characterised by… Without some factor, esp. in chemistry Against, counterEthnic particularity, folkloric term [ vwe-] Small, little, tiny [ -isk] Protein derivative Functional unit of…, component of… Amine, azine, protein Oily or greasy substance (from elaj• = oil) Addiction to Gamut distance between notes, interval Any chemical substance, otherwise not specified Program, application for the computer Substance, which does something or helps therewith Fraction of, part of (plus numeral) In front of, before (in space) [ -opr ] Related to a biontological or chemophysical type Producing an effect similar to… Group, ensemble, series, esp. in music Technical element, relatively simple, pertaining to… Aromatic, hydrocarbon –ez Mechanical machine, which does / makes / is used for… tondezo –ezeg Same as -ez, but big and heavy Descendant of ancestor or pioneer, etc. fosezego excavator Xamidoj Chamids AFFIX –ajn –ajt –AL –ald –andz –ants –ant -anz –ari 1 –ari 2 –arj –arž –at –ator atse– –atyd –awz –az –až 1 –až 2 dez+ dre– dwa– –edj –ejd –ejm –ejn –el –em 2 –em 3 –en –ent 1 –ent 2 –ent 3 epre– –esk 1 –esk 2 –et –etr –id 72 1 EXAMPLES alxajno alkene adenajto adenitis maksimala maximum atsetaldo acetal suspensandzo suspension induktantso inductance supinanto supinator suspensanzo suspension duwaria binary sekondaria secondary akwarjo aquarium Akwaržo Acquarian silikato silicate aktselatoro accelerator atsenaftejno acenaphthene nukleatydo nucleotide metamorfawzo metamorphosis laktazo lactase duplikažo duplicate sakxaražo saccharine dezhydrogenigi dehydrogenize dreaktso reaction dwatšatšo chacho sporedjo sporidium pepsejdo peptide morfejmo morpheme albumejno albumin karbadzelo carbazole alkoholemo alcoholism septemo septime glitsereno glycerin tekstento text editor detergento detergent duwenteprepylo propyleum Aspargeskoj Asparagacea lumeski luminescent kwarteto quartet kondensetro condenser benzewno benzene elaborate razor –id 2 –ien –IF –ij –ik –ikš –in –inj –isk 1 –ism Chemical compound of A and B without oxygen Geological layer of type…, characterised by… Transitive verb ending for normoglot stem State, political regime, controlling body [ -uj] Scientific discipline, method, craft… about or by… Female, doing or making… Female being [ –ots] Female caressing diminutive karbido carbide Permieno Permian turbifi turn / propel hierarxijo hierarchy ekonomiko economics meretrikša meretricious šoforino female driver onklinjo auntie Small, little; particularly for living things [ -edj; -ugr] astriško finalismo asterisk finalism Impresismo impressionism gobernisto governor kobaltito cobaltite ? magnetito magnetite dewteriumo deuterium alterniva alternating najlizi nail (to) aforizmo aphorism abrikotjero apricot tree kwotševalo steed antropojdo anthropoid Neolitojko Neolithic atsetojno acetone mentolo menthol indigoljo indole sarxomo sarcoma elektrono electron sterono sterone fosfonio phosphonium glykuronia glucuronic oprodromo prodrome opro– Movement, doctrine, faith, philosophical system Tradition, custom, folkloric usage, style Person who, officially or professionally, paid or not… A salt with less oxygen [ -at] Mineral or similar substance Isotope of some chemical element Non transitive verb ending for prototype stems Provide with…, cover with… Word, expression, saying, idiom, gesture about… Plant (tree, shrub) which produces… Nobel, solemn, qualified; opposite of fiMorphologically similar, looking like Era, epoch, esp. geological Ketonic alcohol and similar substances Alcoholic hydrocarbon or phenol Chemical wich is neither oil, nor phenol, nor alcohol Tuber, tumour, swelling Corpuscle in nuclear physics Hormone Atom ion or particle system Monoacid derived from a sugar Before in time [ epre-] –or Relatively complex appliance, esp. electronic [ -ator] komputoro computer ortu– With lots of water Monosaccharide Electromagnetic appliance or valve, usually enormous Male being (only for plants, animals, and professions) Non-infectious disease, caused by…, relative to… Castrated being Fraction of…, in standardised numerals ortufosfora orthophosphoric albumoso albumose tsiklotrono cyclotron šoforotso male driver newrozo neurosis slukokotso capon Big, enormous, relative to living beings [ -isk, -edj] Country in strictly cultural or geographical sence [ -ij] askugro big ascus Sibirujo Siberia Personification, esp. in biontology Object in which…, receptacle used for… Karinuloj Carinates kafunjo coffee pot –UR 2 –UR Substantivating suffix for prototypes or technical terms Infix for differentiating between scientific homonyms protseduro nafturejno procedure naphthalene vwe– Folkloric word relating to history or religion [ dwa-] vwetrolo troll –yd Chemical with acid properties [ -yn] Pure chemical radical ftalamydo phthalamide glitserylo glyceryl –ism 2 –ist –it 1 –it 2 –ium –IV –iz –izm –jer kwo–ojd –ojk –ojn –ol –olj –om –on 1 –on 2 –oni 1 –oni 2 –os –(o)tron –ots –oz slu– –te –ugr –uj –ul 2 –unj 1 –yl megate- 73 –yn 1 –yn 2 –ALL Chemical with basic or alkyne properties Chemical containing nitrogen One of a host of suffixes, consisting of a vowel plus a double consonant, with as general meaning: “being, entity”, and applied exclusively to scientific names for plants and animals. morfeyno morphine ardžyno arginine Digitallo Digitalis Purely socioglot (common language) affixes — such as -OT for "future tense", -EJ for "locale", AN for "member of" etc. — are omitted from this list, since they have no direct function in scientific terminology. 74 8.2 Standardised Numerals Numerals GREEK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 medna 11 12 13 dexamona mona bina dy+ dias terna try+ RUSSIAN rjem nitšt enka prim odn dipl dewter duw sekond dven trias terts trit trjox tetra kwart tšetr penta kwint pjatš heksa sikst šešt hepta sept sjemj oxta okt vosm nonj devj disksoprim dešodn diksoduw dešodven diksoterts dešotrjox nona enea dexabina dodeka dexaterna and so on 20 30 40 binaxonta 51 monapentaxonta and so on ejkosa and so on duwodiks dvenodeš ternaxonta tertsodiks trjoxodeš tetraxonta kwartodiks tšetrodeš and so on 1 LATIN 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 9 10 18 10 dexa 1/2 1/3 1/4 dix and so on odnopjatšodeš diks deš tšent sotnj xili mily tiš hemi duw ento xonta hekta kila and so on primokwintodikso mirja makra mega tera panta dyte tryte semi terts ento tetrate and so on 3/2 tryhemi tertsoduw ento and so on –1 10 –2 10 –3 10 –4 10 –5 10 –6 10 –9 10 –12 10 –15 10 –18 10 seskw and so on dexate detsi hektate tsenti kilate mili mirjate makrate megate mikra gigate nana mahate pika femta eksate hata 75 Note: Russian numerals may have an important differentiating chemophysics. function in 8.3 Chemical Elements and Radicals Uniespo Name adzoto alanejno almino alxylo amonjo amritso anisolo aromažo ardžento argjono arseno aspartejno astato aštino atsetato atsetyleno avrumo barbitalo barjumo benzylo berjilo berkelo bismuto bovrono bromino bytrajno dysprozo eitero enstenjo erbjumo evropjo exnola fermjumo ferumo fluworo fosforo fransumo gadlino galjumo 76 Stem adz– alan= alm– alx= am= amr– anis= ar= ardž– argj– ars– aspart= ast– ašt– atset= atse= avr– barbit= barj– benz= berj– berk– bism– bovr– brom– bytr= dyspr– eit= enst– erbj– evr– exn= fermj– fer– fluw– fosf– frans– gadl– galj– New Symbol Atom Nr. Aln Al 13 Alx Amn Am 95 Ans Arm Ad 47 Ar 18 As 33 Asp At 85 Aš 89 Att Ats Av 79 Bbt Ba 56 Bnz Be 4 Bk 97 Bi 83 B 5 Br 35 Btr Dy 66 Eit Es 99 Er 68 Ev 63 Exn Fm 100 Fe 26 Fl 9 Fs 15 Fr 87 Gd 64 Ga 31 English Name → nitrogen alanine aluminum alkyl ammonium americium anisole aromatic silver argon arsenic aspartine astatium actinium acetate acetylene gold barbiturate barium benzyl beryllium berkelium bismuth boron bromine butane dysprosium ether einsteinium erbium europium enolic fermium iron fluorine phosphorus francium gadolinium gallium Old Symbol Al Am Ag Ar As At Ac Au Ba Be Bk Bi B Br Dy Es Er Eu Fm Fe F P Fr Gd Ga germanjo glitsereno hafnumo heljumo holmumo hydrogeno imedo indjumo irlidjo isatejno jodumo kadmumo kalforno kaljumo kaltsumo kamforo karbono ketojno klorino kobalto krešolo kriptsono ksejnono kumino kuprumo kurjumo lantano lavrentso litjumo lixreno ljutestso mantlyro manxano masrio maxneso mendlevo merkuro metxajno moljibdo naftejno natrumo nejdimo neptsuno nexono nikelo nitrogeno nixobo nobeljo germ– glits= hafn– helj– holm– hydr– imed= indj– irl– isat= jod– kadm– kalf– kalj– kalts– kamf= karb– ket= klor– kob– kreš= kripts– ksejn– kum= kupr– kurj– lant– lavr– litj– lixr= ljut– mantl= manxmasr– maxn– mendl– merk– metx= molj– naft= natr– nejd– nepts– nex– nik– nitr– nix– nob– Ge 32 Gls Hf 72 He 2 Ho 67 H 1 Imd In 49 Ir 77 Ist J 53 Kd 48 Kf 98 Kl 19 Ka 20 Kmf K 6 Ket Kl 17 Ko 27 Krš Kr 36 Ks 54 Kum Ku 29 Km 96 La 57 Lv 103 Li 3 Lxr Lu 71 Mnt Mn 25 Ma 98 Mx 12 Md 101 Mk 80 Mtx Mo 42 Nft Na 11 Nd 60 Np 93 Ne 10 Ni 28 N 7 Nb 41 No 102 germanium glycerin hafnium helium holmium hydrogen imide indium iridium isatine iodine cadmium californium potassium calcium camphor carbon ketone chlorine cobalt cresol krypton xenon cumin copper curium lanthanum lawrencium lithium ligroin lutetium mannitol manganese masurium magnesium mendelevium quicksilver methane molybdenum naphthene sodium neodymium neptunium neon nickel nitrogen niobium nobelium Ge Hf He Ho H In Ir I Cd Cf K Ca C Cl Co Kr Xe Cu Cm La Lw Li Lu Ma Mg Md Hg Mo Na Nd Np Ne Ni N Nb No 77 oksogeno ošmumo palado pfenolo pformolo pinatseno pjurejno platjino pludono plumbumo poljono praktino prazedo prometo propylo provlajno radzono radžumo renjumo rodanato rodjumo rubvidjo rutenjo ryboflaveno samxarjo seldeno silitso skandjumo stanumo stibjumo strontjumo sulfuro taljumo tantaljo tejluro terbjumo texnetšo titanjo tixono torjumo tserjumo tsezumo tsisteno tuljumo urjano usn=== vamadjo witr=== 78 oks– ošm– pal– pfen= pform= pinats= pjur= platj– plud– plumb– polj– prakt– praz– prom– prop= provl= radz– radž– renj– rodan= rodj– rubv– rut– ryb= samx– seld– sil– skandj– stan– stibj– strontj– sulf– talj– tant– tejl– terbj– texn– tit– tix= torj– tserj– tsez– tsist– tulj– urj– usn= vam– witr= O 8 Os 76 Pd 46 Pfn Pfr Pnt Pjr Pt 78 Pu 94 Pb 82 Po 84 Pa 91 Pr 59 Pm 61 Prp Prv Rn 86 Rm 88 Re 75 Rdn Rh 45 Rb 37 Ru 44 Ryb Sm 62 Se 34 Si 14 Sk 21 Sn 50 Sb 51 Sr 38 S 16 Tl 81 Ta 73 Te 52 Tb 65 Tx 43 Ti 22 Tix Tr 90 Ts 58 Tz 55 Tm 69 U 92 Usn V Wtr 23 oxygen osmium palladium phenol formol pinacol purine platinum plutonium lead polonium protactinium praseodymium promethium propyl prolan radon radium rhenium rhodan-rhodium rubidium ruthenium riboflavin samarium selenium silicium scandium tin antimony strontium sulphur thallium tantalum tellurium terbium technetium titanium → sulphur thorium cerium cesium cystine thulium uranium usne-vanadium O Os Pd Pt Pu Pb Po Pa Pr Pm Rn Ra Re Rd Rb Ru Sm Se Si Sc Sn Sb Sr S Tl Ta Te Tb Tc Ti Th Ce Cs Tm U V wolframo xromumo ymn== ytrumo ytserbo zinkumo zirkonjo wolfr– xrom– ymn= ytr– yts– zink– zirk– W 74 Xr 24 tungsten chromium W Cr yttrium ytterbium zink zirconium Y Yb Zn Zr Ymn Y 39 Yb 70 Zn 30 Zr 40 This list may be lengthened. 79 8.4 Some Fancy Models from Organic Chemistry ORIGINAL JARGON ajoene alohaopsin apollane azulene bamflalactone barettane basketene beltenes betweenanene bolaamphiphiles bottomonium bucky balls chochins comicellar filifolone Fred fullerenes gaylussite hooplane housane liebigite Mogen Davidene munchnones octopus molecules protorooter snoutene vespirene wyerone SOURCE Sp: ajo (= garlic) hula twist (aloha greeting) Apollo rocket Sp: azul (= blue) F: flamber (= to flame) Sp: baretta (= cap) basket belt between ane and ene Sp: bola (= lasso) bottom Buckminster (Fuller) Jap: “lantern” cooperative micellar Artemisia fillifolia R C Co3 (CO)9 (Buckminster) Fuller Gay-Lussac houpla (ring toss) house von Liebig “Star of David” München L: Octopus root (animal) snout D: Viererpunktsymmetrie Wye College TRANSFORMATION skordeno vwehulopseno rokedajno tsesieno flogolaktojno kuklajno kalatejno torusenoj intraajnejno dwabolamfifiloj terlonio retpilketoj deltrenoj kowmykella filofylojno rokokobylo karbofysenoj vwegelysito kritsemblajno efesajno vwelibigito hieroxlenajno vwemynxovnoj heksapoduloj protoridzento mastakeno tšetroptreno vwewajovno Many such whimsical names demand complete reconsideration: kammogenin, louisfieserone, riolozatrione, netzahualcoyone, cuauthemone, ixtlixochilene, etc. Apparently, some chauvinistic chemists don’t give a damn about the impact of their home-made jargon on foreign colleagues, as long as they can amuse themselves with the naming game… The only rational way to get out of this predicament is to trace back the terms’ etymology and “translate” the constituent word elements into ITK-elements; or, if proper names are involved, rather to find concrete properties or characteristics of the substance and use those instead. kaolin Chinese kao (“high”) + ling (“hill”) mekso(bun)ito kieselguhr German Kiesel (“gravel”) + Guhr (“ferment”) glarezymo litmus Dutch lak (“lacquer”) + moes (“pulp”) glojeledno 80 9. THE TABLES OF ROOTS A Hb Jp S Sl Arab Hebrew Japanese Sanskrit Slavonic 9.1 LEMMAS abakt• abakt• abakt• abats• abats• abelt• abelt• abelt• abelt• abhi• abhi• abhi• abit• abit• ablut• ablut• abrot• abrot• abrot• abu• abu• abu• adelf• adelf• adelf• aden• adet• adet• adi• adi• adin• adin• adip• Greek numeral Latin numeral Russian numeral ### equivalent unknown Lemmas – Etymons - Meanings ETYMONS abact abact abact abact abac abac abelter abelter abelter abelter abhi [S] abhi [S] abhi [S] abit abit ablu(t) ablu(t) abrot abrot abrot ab ab ab adelph adelph adelph aden adaet adaet ad ad adin adin adip GN LN RN MEANINGS do away discard exile remove dust powder comic(al) foolish idiotic silly eminent noble(man) superior go away leave (go) clean(ing) wash(ing) beautiful magnificent splendid away from coming from from parent(s) relation (kin) relative (kin) gland (anat.) ignore neglect to towards compact(ness) dense fat (grease) adip• adip grease adip• adja• adja• adja• adja• admant• admat• admat• admet• adn• adok• adok• adol• adol• adr• adr• adr• adr• adrix• adw• adw• adw• adzae• ae• ae• ae• 1 aen• 1 aen• 1 aen• 1 aen• 2 aen• 1 aer• 2 aer• 2 aer• adip adya [S] adya [S] adya [S] adya [S] adamas adama(s)t adama(s)t admet adee(n) adox adox adol adol adr adr adr adr adrichal [Hb] ado aed aoed az a a a a aen aen aen aen aen(e) aer aer aer tallow current (time) now(adays) present (time) topical diamond savage(ly) wild virgin(al) sufficient(ly) modest(y) simple /ly honest sincere bold fat (grease) stout thick architect sing sing sing chemical element N depreaved of not unwithout brass bronze copper ore trumpet (etc.) air brass bronze 81 2 aer• 2 aer• 1 aest• 1 aest• 1 aest• 1 aest• 1 aest• 1 aest• 1 aest• 1 aest• 1 aest• 1 aest• 2 aest• 1 aet• 1 aet• 1 aet• 2 aet• aet • aet • afel• afel• afel• afod• afod• afor• afor• afr• afr• afr• afr• agalm• agalm• agan• agan• agan• agap• agap• agap• agap• 1 agast• 1 agast• 1 agast• 2 agast• 2 agast• agel• agel• agel• agel• agel• agel• 82 aer aer aest aest aest aest aest eth eth eth eth eth aest e(e)th e(e)th e(e)th aet aeci aeci aphel aphel aphel aphod aphod aphor(idz) aphor(idz) aphr aphr aphr aphr agalm agalm agan agan agan agap agap agap agap agath agath agath agath agath agel agel agel agel agel agel copper ore ardent burn flame heat (temperature) hot ardent burn flame heat (temperature) hot surf custom(ary) habit(s) moral(s) eagle insult offend /se easy/ iness light (easy) simple /ly droppings dung concise summarize foam froth lather saliva gem jewel charm(ing) lure please(d) charity inclined to love sympathy delight enjoy pleasure ball (clew) clew flock (herd) group (bunch) herd (group) kin people suite ages• ages• ages• ages• aglaj• aglaj• aglaj• aglaj• aglaj• aglop• aglop• aglop• aglop• agm• agm• agm• agm• agm• 1 agn• 1 agn• 1 agn• 1 agn• 2 agn• agog• agog• agog• agog• agog• agon• agon• agon• agon• agon• agor• agor• agor• agor• agor• agost• agost• 1 agr• 1 agr• 1 agr• 1 agr• 2 agr• 2 agr• agra• agra• agrem• agrem• agees agees agees agees agla agla agla agla agla aegilop aegilop aegilop aegilop agm agm agm agm agm agn agn agn agn agn(in) agog agog agog agog agog agon agon agon agon agon agor(a) agor(a) agor(a) agor(a) agor(a) agost agost agro agro agro agro agri agri agra agra agr(em) agr(em) break(ing) destroy shatter(ed) smash(ed) brilliant great magnificent marvel(ous) splendid boil (nn) fistula sore ulcer degree gradient incline(d) slope (cliff) steep clean (pure) clear flawless pure lamb conductor guide (nn) leader teacher tutor battle clash fight(ing) struggle /ing wrestle locale market piazza place (locale) square palm (hand) sole (foot) area field(s) region territory impetuous intens(iv)e capture (nn) prey (victim) catch (nn) snare (trap) agrem• agrem• agrem• agrem• agrem• agrem• agrob• agrost• agrost• agrost• agv• agv• agyrt• agyrt• ahins• ahins• ahins• 1 aig• 1 aig• 1 aig• 1 aig• 2 aig• 2 aig• 2 aig• ailur• ailur• ajdi• ajdi• ajgi• aji• aji• aji• aji• aji• 1 ajmid• 1 ajmid• 1 ajmid• 1 ajmid• 2 ajmid• 2 ajmid• ajnam• ajnam• ajnam• ajnam• ajnam• ajnam• 1 ajol• 1 ajol• 1 ajol• 1 ajol• agr(em) agr(em) agren agren agren agren agrobot agrost(id) agrost(id) agrost(id) ag(o) ag(o) agyrt agyrt ahinsa [S] ahinsa [S] ahinsa [S] aeg aeg (eg(o) eg(o) aegi aegi aegi aelur aelur aeidi aeidi aegi aichm aichm aichm aichm aichm aem(at) aem(at) aemid aemid aem(at) aem(at) ayanam [S] ayanam [S] ayanam [S] ayanam [S] ayanam [S] ayanam [S] aioll aioll aioll aioll springe (trap) trap (tool) catch (nn) snare (trap) springe (trap) trap (tool) shepherd cereal herb plant (herb) condition(ed) fare (vb) beg (charity) plead gentle mild tender(ly) billy goat goat billy goat goat protect screen(ed) shelter(ed) cat feline cripple(d) disabled coat-of-arms always continuous eternal forever permanent breathe respire /ation breathe respire /ation blow up swell(ing) highway itinerary passage road(way) trajectory way (road) alert brisk energy impetuous 2 ajol• 2 ajol• 2 ajol• 1 ajpy• 1 ajpy• 2 ajpy• 2 ajpy• 2 ajpy• 2 ajpy• 2 ajpy• ajr• ajr• ajs• ajsxyn• ajsxyn• ajsxyn• ajtal• ajtal• ajtal• ajte• ajti• ajti• ajti• ajti• ajti• ajti• ajti• ajti• ajti• ajti• ajti• ajti• ajtr• ajtr• ajtr• ajv• ajv• ajv• ajxm• ajxm• ajxm• ajxm• ajyl• ajyl• ajyl• ak• ak• akal• 1 akant• 1 akant• aidl aidl aidl aepy aepy aepy aepy aepy aepy aepy aeor aeor eis aeschyn aeschyn aeschyn aethal aethal aethal aethe aiti aiti aiti aiti eth eth eth eth eti eti eti eti aithr aithr aithr a(e)v a(e)v a(e)v aechme aechme aichm aichm ayl ayl ayl aco aco acalyph acanth acanth massive prolific swarm(ing) abrupt(ly) sudden(ly) incline(d) perpendicular sheer slope (cliff) steep hang (up) hook up close(by) bashful(ness) modest(y) shame(ful) coal smoke soot dry(ing) cause (nn) motive pretext why cause (nn) motive pretext why cause (nn) motive pretext why calm quiet(ly) tranquil(ity) epoch era time arrow(point) spear(point) arrow(point) spear(point) domain estate farm (nn) dart javelin nettle sting (needle) thorn(y) 83 2 akant• 2 akant• 2 akant• 2 akant• akerv• akerv• akerv• akl• akl• akl• aklut• aklys• aklys• akm• akmon• aknest• aknest• akon• akon• akon• akon• akon• akon• akot• 1 aksi• 1 aksi• 1 aksi• 1 aksi• 2 aksi• 2 aksi• 2 aksi• akter• akter• 1 aktin• 1 aktin• 1 aktin• 1 aktin• 1 aktin• 1 aktin• 2 aktin• 2 aktin• aktu• aktu• aktu• aktu• akule• akule• akule• akule• akule• 84 acanth acanth acanth acanth acerv acerv acerv acol acol acol acolyt aclis aklyd acmee acmon acnest acnest ac(on) ac(on) ac(on) acos acos acos acoet axi axi axi axi axi axi axi aicter aicter actin actin actin actin actin actin actin actin ###### ###### ###### ###### acu(le) acu(le) acu(le) acu(le) acu(le) brush (vb) rub scrape sweep group (bunch) horde mass (heap) bit particle piece accompany lance lance top anvil backbone spine cure (therapy) medicament medicine cure (therapy) medicament medicine husband cost(ly) price value (worth) worth (value) honor(able) merit(orious) worthy aggress(ion) attack bright brilliant luminous radiant ray shine /ing needle pin (stylus) current (time) now present (time) today ardent poignant prick(ing) sarcastic sharp akule• akule• akw• akw• akw• akx• akx• 1 aky• 1 aky• 1 aky• 1 aky• 2 aky• 2 aky• 2 aky• alaks• alaks• alaks• alaks• alaks• alal• alal• alal• alanalant• alb• alb• alb• album• album• aldž• aldž aleks• aleks• aleks• alektr• alektr• alektr• alel• alel• alemt• alemt• alemt• alemt• ales• ales• ales• ales• ales• alesm• alesm• acu(le) acu(le) aqua aqua aqua acho acho aci(d) aci(d) aci(d) aci(d) acid acid acid allax allax allax allax allax al al al alan allant alb alb alb albumen albumen algi(a) algi(a) alex alex alex alector alector alector allel allel alem(at) alem(at) alem(at) alem(at) alees alees alees alees alees alesm(at) alesm(at) spinous thorn(y) fluid (nn) liquid (nn) water ear hear(ing) needle peg pin (stylus) quill acute point(ed) sharp change interchange swap switch (change) transform dial (nn) disk saucer chemical word stem sausage blonde pure white glair protein cold frost defend protect push away chicken hen rooster mutual reciprocal rover tramp vagabond wanderer ardent boiling burning heat(ed) hot fodder food alesm• alet• alet• aletr• aletr• aletr• aletr• aletr• alevr• alevr• algi• algi• algi• algi• algi• alif• alim• alim• alim• alim• alind• alitr• alitr• alitr• alitr• alitr• alitr• alitr• alits• alits• alits• alits• alits• alits• alits• alits• 1 alj• 1 alj• 1 alj• 1 alj• 2 alj• 2 alj• 2 alj• 2 alj• 2 alj• 2 alj• aljen• aljen• aljen• aljen• alesm(at) aleth aleth aleth aleth aleth aleth aleth aleur aleur algi(a) algi(a) algi(a) algi(a) algi(a) aliph(at) alimm(at) alimm(at) alimm(at) alimm(at) alind aliter aliter aliter aliter aliter aliter aliter all allex allex allic allic oll oll oll all all all oll all all all all all all alien alien alien alien nutrition reality truth(ful) chew grind mash(ed) mince ruminate flour powder disturb(ance) impediment inconvenience pain trouble (pain) fat(ty) balm balsam ointment unguent roll(ing) crime culpability fault(y) guilt(y) misdeed misdemeanour sin other thumb toe (big) thumb toe (big) another different other another different else else besides however moreover nevertheless still (adv) yet crazy foolish insane /ity mad(ness) aljen• aljen• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• alkalmalop• alotr• alotr• alotr• alotr• alov• alov• alov• alox• alox• alox• alox• alox• alpek• als• als• als• alts• alts• alts• altse• altse• altse• altse• alxalyt• alyt• alyt• alzur• alž• alien alien alieus alieus alieus alieus alieut alieut alieut alieut halieus halieus halieus halieus halieut halieut halieut halieut alco alum(in) alops allotri allotri allotri allotri alo alo alo aloch aloch aloch aloch aloch alopec als als als alce alce alce alth(ae) alth(ae) alth(ae) alth(ae) alkan alyte alyte alyte al-zuhr [A] ali nuts (adv) silly fisherman mariner sailor seaman fisherman mariner sailor seaman fisherman mariner sailor seaman fisherman mariner sailor seaman chemical word stem chemical element Al blind(ness) exotic foreign outlandish strange area surface terrain lady madam spouse wife woman fox bush copse grove obstinate resistant strong cure(d) heal repair restore(d) chemical word stem examine explore inspect afternoon retire(d) 85 amamaks• amaks• amaks• amart• amart• amart• amart• amart• amart• amart• amavr• amavr• ambat• ambat• ambat• ambat• ambat• ambed• ambed• ambed• ambed• ambit• ambit• ambit• ambit• ambit• ambit• ambit• ambit• ambit• ambit• 1 ambly• 1 ambly• 1 ambly• 1 ambly• 2 ambly• 2 ambly• 2 ambly• 2 ambly• ambul• ambul• ambul• ambul• amby• amby• amby• amby• amby• 86 ali am amax amax amax amartem amartem amartem amartem amartem amartem amartem amaur amaur ambat ambat ambat ambat ambat ambed ambed ambes ambes amb(it) amb(it) amb(it) amb(it) amb(it) ambon ambon ambon ambon ambon ambly ambly ambly ambly ambly ambly ambly ambly ambula ambula ambula ambula amby(c) amby(c) amby(c) amby(c) amby(c) retreat(ed) chemical word stem because (of) for (conj) since crime culpability fault(y) guilt(y) misdeed misdemeanour sin dark obscure /ity ascend climb go up mount(ed) rise (stand up) gnaw nibble gnaw nibble bank border (rim) edge rim shore bank border (rim) edge rim shore blunt dull obtuse vague(ly) delicate feeble(ness) slender weak(ness) journey(ing) roam(ing) travel(ling) wander can (box) jug mug pitcher (recipient) pot amby• ame• ame• ame• 1 amfi• 1 amfi• 1 amfi• 1 amfi• 1 amfi• 1 amfi• 1 amfi• 2 amfi• 2 amfi• 2 amfi• 2 amfi• 1 amn• 1 amn• 1 amn• 1 amn• 1 amn• 2 amn• amnj• amnj• amorb• amorb• amorb• amped• amped• amped• amped• amped• ampel• ampel• amramur• amur• amur• amur• amyk• amyk• amyk• amyk• amyn• amyn• amyn• an• an• an• an• an• amby(c) ame ame ame ambi ambi ambi ambi amphi amphi amphi amphi amphi ampho ampho amm amm hamm hamm hirguin amni amni amni amorb amorb amorb amped amped amped amped amped ampel ampel americi amaur amaur amaur amaur amych amych amyct amyct amyn amyn amyn a(n) a(n) a(n) a(n) a(n) tankard pick-ax shovel spade about around round surrounding about round surrounding at each side both (ways) at each side both (ways) dust sand dust sand he-goat lamb river stream (river) companion(ship) mate (companion) partner depart(ure) go off leave (go) start trigger/ing grape vine(yard) chemical element Am confusion insecurity uncertain(ty) unclear rip(ping) tear off rip(ping) tear off defend guard(ing) protect absent fail(ing) lack(ing) not un- an• 1 ana• 1 ana• 1 ana• 1 ana• 1 ana• 1 ana• 1 ana• 1 ana• 1 ana• 2 ana• 2 ana• 2 ana• 2 ana• 2 ana• anaks• anaks• anaks• anaks• anaks• anaks• anaks• anaks• anaks• anaks• anakt• anakt• anakt• anakt• anakt• anakt• anakt• anakt• anank• anank• anank• anank• anank• ana • ana • anbat• anbat• anbat• 1 andr• 1 andr• 1 andr• 2 andr• 2 andr• 2 andr• 2 andr• a(n) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) anax anax anax anax anax onax onax onax onax onax anact anact anact anact anax anax anax anax ananc ananc ananc para ananc anass anass anabath anabath anabath andr andr andr andr andr andr andr without above across add(ed) again also at beyond on up(ward) away from from inverse misunboss (master) chief (master) head (figure) leader manager boss (master) chief (master) head (figure) leader manager king monarch president (country) prince king monarch president (country) prince compell compulsory necessary compulsory require(d) princess queen ladder staircase stairs husband male man brave (warrior) fighter military man warrior 2 andr• anekt• anekt• anekt• anekt• anelm• anelm• anelm• anem• anem• anem• aneps• aneps• aneps• anfrakt• anfrakt• anfrakt• anfrakt• anfrakt• ange• angel• angel• angel• angel• angel• angog• angog• angog• angog• angust• angust• angust• angust• angust• angw• angw• anil• anil• anil• anir• anir• anir• ank• ank• ank• ankyl• ankyl• anpir• andr anect anect anect anect aneilem aneilem aneilem anem anem anem anepsi anepsi anepsi anfract anfract anfract anfract anfract angei angei angei angeli angeli angeli angeli angeli agog agog agog agog angust angust angust angust angust angui angui anill anill anill anir anir anir angc angc angc ancyl ancyl anap(e)ir wrestler admissible bearable endure/ able tolerable torsion twist wring draught gale wind (air) cousin nephew niece deformed irregular lopsided misshapen skewed receptacle recipient container announce(ment) communicate inform(ation) message report behavior conduct(ing) guide (vb) lead(ing) hardly narrow scarce(ly) strict(ly) tight serpent snake blue indigo purple human being individual (nn) person elbow joint knee curve(d) round bore (through) 87 anpir• anpir• anpir• anpir• 1 ant• 1 ant• 2 ant• 2 ant• 2 ant• 2 ant• 2 ant• ante• ante• ante• ante• ante• ante• ante• ante• ante• ante• 1 antem• 2 antem• anti• anti• anti• antj• antj• antj• antomb• antomb• antr• antr• antr• antrats• antrats• antrats• antrop• antrop• antser• antser• antsistr• antsistr• antši• antši• antši• antši• antšil• antšil• anuš• 88 anap(e)ir anap(e)ir anap(e)ir anap(e)ir anth anth anth anth anth anth anth ante ante ante ante ante anti anti anti anti anti anthem anthem anti anti anti anti anti anti antoma antoma antr antr antr anthrax anthrax anthrax anthrop anthrop anther anther ancistr ancistr anch(i) anch(i) anch(i) anch(i) ancill ancill anus perforate(d) pierce(d) run through stab flora flower decoration garnishing (nn) ornament outfit trimming (nn) early origin(al) primeval primitive pristine early origin(al) primeval primitive pristine flower skin disease against counter (adv) oppose(d) analogous conform similar(ly) collide conflict cave(rn) cave(rn) grotto charcoal coal cokes human being man multi-colored varie(gat)ed hook (nn) picklock fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) speed(y) maiden servant (female) grandmother anuš• 1 anx• 1 anx• 1 anx• 2 anx• 2 anx• 2 anx• 2 anx• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 2 anxi• 2 anxi• 2 anxi• 2 anxi• 2 anxi• 2 anxi• 1 ap• 1 ap• 1 ap• 1 ap• 2 ap• 2 ap• 2 ap• apag• apag• apag• apag• apag• apag• apag• apag• apant• apant• apant• anus anch anch anch anch anch anch anch anchi anchi anchi anchi anchi anchi angy angy angy angy angy angy engi(on) engi(on) engi(on) engi(on) engi(on) engi(on) anch anch anch anch anch anch apo apo apo apo apo apo apo apa apa apax apax hapa hapa hapax hapax apantes apantes apantes old woman compress(ed) strangle suffocate crack (split) fissure furrow split(ting) at beside close(by) near(by) next (to) with at beside close(by) near(by) next (to) with at beside close(by) near(by) next (to) with irritate plague(d) torment torture trouble (pain) vex(ing) away disout(side) unextremity finish top (tip) occasional sometimes occasional sometimes occasional sometimes occasional sometimes answer react(ion) respond(ing) apat• apat• apat• apat• apedr• apedr• apedr• apen• apen• apen• apen• apen• api• api• apj• aplud• aplym• aplym• aplym• aplym• aplys• aplys• aplys• aplys• apon• apon• apon• apon• apon• apon• apon• 1 apor• 1 apor• 1 apor• 1 apor• 1 apor• 2 apor• 2 apor• apoš• aps+ 1 apš• 2 apš• 2 apš• 2 apš• 2 apš• 1 apt• 2 apt• 2 apt• 2 apt• ar- apat apat apat apat aphedr aphedr aphedr apen apen apen apen apen api api apis aplud apollym apollym apollym apollym aplys aplys aplys aplys apon apon apon apon apon apon apon apor apor apor apor apor apore apore aphosi abs aps(is) apsid apsid apsis apsis apt apt apt apt ar cheat deceive(d) lie (tell a) mystify lavatory toilet water-closet cruel(ty) ferocious fierce grim savage(ly) berry pear bee bran deprive(d) lose /lost loss perish(ed) dirt (rubbish) filth(y) refuse(d) rubbish allay alleviate mitigate palliate relieve(d) soften soothe be absent defect(ive) deficient fail(ing) lack(ing) embarrass(ing) jeopardize repent(ing) absolute value bow (shooting) knot (node) node knot (node) node capable /ity defeat overcome win chemical word stem aragm• aragm• araj• araj• araj• araks• araks• araks• araks• arar• arar• arar• araw• araxn• ardm• ardm• ardm• ardm• ardm• ardm• ardm• ardm• ardm• ardm• ardžared• ared• ared• ared• ared• ared• ared• 1 arg• 1 arg• 1 arg• 2 arg• 2 arg• 2 arg• 2 arg• argal• argal• argal• argal• argal• argim• argim• argim• argim• arginargj- aragm aragm arae arae arae arax arax arax arax ara ara ara ara arachn ard(m) ard(m) ard(m) ard(m) ard(m) arth arth arth arth arth argent aret aret aret aret aret aret aret arg arg arg arg arg arg arg argal argal argal argal argal argemon argemon argimon argimon argin argon shake(n) shuffle compact(ness) dense resistant beat(ing) hit(ting) knock strike blaspheme curse swear altar spider baptize irrigate sprinkle water(ed) wet (moisten) baptize irrigate sprinkle water(ed) wet (moisten) chemical element Ag chaste /ity decent fitting (adj) proper(ly) pure seemly virtuous indolent lazy(ness) slothful blank bright clear white awkward difficult exacting hard trouble(some) boil (nn) sore fistula ulcer chemical word stem chemical element Ar 89 1 argyr• 2 argyr• 1 arhen• 1 arhen• 1 arhen• 1 arhen• 2 arhen• 2 arhen• arik• 1 aris• 2 aris• 2 aris• 2 aris• 2 aris• 1 arist• 1 arist• 1 arist• 2 arist• 2 arist• arists• aritm• aritm• aritm• aritm• arjen• arjen• arkn• arkn• arkn• 1 arkt• 2 arkt• 1 arky• 2 arky• 2 arky• armilj• armilj• armilj• armost• armost• armost• armost• armost• 1 arn• 1 arn• 1 arn• 1 arn• 2 arn• arpe• arpe• ars90 argyr argyr arrhen arrhen arrhen arrhen arrhen arrhen arika [A] aris aris aris aris aris arist arist arist arist arist arister arithm arithm arithm arithm arre(t) arre(t) arcon arcon arcon arct arct arcy arcy arcy armill armill armill armost armost armost armost armost aren aren aren aren arn arpe arpe arseno silver money mighty muscular powerful strong macho male sofa wise begin(ning) onset origin start (departure) elite eminence noble(man) beard ear (of corn) left (side) calculate count(ing) number(ed) reckon secret unknown hide/ ing secret unknown bear north(wind) lace (binding) mesh net(work) arm-ring bracelet foot-ring adequate convenient suitable appropriate fitting (adj) beach sand seashore strand lamb hook (nn) peg chemical element As arst• arst• arst• arst• arta• arta• artam• artam• 1 arti• 1 arti• 1 arti• 2 arti• 2 arti• 2 arti• 2 arti• artm• artm• artok• artop• artop• artr• artse• artsi• artsi• artsi• artsi• arv• arv• arx• arx• arx• 1 arxe• 1 arxe• 1 arxe• 1 arxe• 2 arxe• 2 arxe• aryst• aryst• aryst• arzel• arzel• asekl• asekl• asekl• asekl• asja• asja• asja• aski• arest arest arest arest art(a) art(a) artam artam arti arti arti arti arti arti arti artam artam artokopos artop artop arthr(o) arce arci arci arci arci arv arv arch(i) arch(i) arch(i) arch arch arch arch arche arche ary(s)t ary(s)t ary(s)t arizel arizel assec(u)l assec(u)l assect assect asuya [S] asuya [S] asuya [S] asci agreeable enjoyable pleasant pleasing bread loaf slaughterer butcher equal in number even (number) pair correct(ly) flawless precise right (correct) chef cook (chef) baker bake cook(ed) joint resist(ing) certain safe(ty) secure(ly) sure field(s) land (field) chief (master) master (boss) ruler (king) ancient antique once origin(al) behind tail (end) ladle (nn) spoon trowel discriminate distinguish accompany follow(ing) accompany follow(ing) emulation envy jealous(y) exercise aski• aspam• aspam• aspartaspas• aspas• aspas• aspas• asper• asper• asper• asper• aspid• aspid• aspis• aspis• aspis• aspr• aspr• astastak• astak• asti• asti• asti• asti• astits• astits• astits• astits• astits• astits• astits• astits• astits• astits• astr• astrab• astrag• astrag• astrap• astrap• asts• astut• astut• astut• astut• astut• asty• asty• asci aspasm aspasm aspart aspasm aspasm aspasm aspasm asper asper asper asper aspid aspis aspid aspid aspid aspir aspir ast astac astac astei astei astei astei astei astei astei astei astei asti(c) asti(c) asti(c) asti(c) asti(c) aster astrab astragal astragal astrap astrap asc astu(t) astu(t) astu(t) astu(t) astu(t) asty asty practice greet salute chemical word stem fortunate happy/ ness please(d) satisfy /ied crude raw rough shaggy shield (protection) shield (protection) adder snake viper inhale suck(ing) chemical element At crayfish crustacean affable courteous kind(ness) polite(ly) bourgeois burgess burgher middle-class urban bourgeois burgess burgher middle-class urban star saddle bone (small) vertebra flash lightning hose(pipe) cunning ruse sly(ness) subterfuge trick(y) city town ašad• ašfin• aši• ašn• ašn• aštata• atart• atart• 1 ater• 1 ater• 1 ater• 1 ater• 2 ater• 2 ater• 2 ater• 2 ater• atlon• atlon• atlon• atlon• atlon• atm• atm• atm• atm• atmen• atmen• atmen• atmol• atmol• atmol• atmol• 1 atr• 1 atr• 1 atr• 1 atr• 1 atr• 2 atr• 2 atr• 2 atr• atrakt• atrakt• atram• atram• atrats• atrats• atrats• atsa• [GN] atsak• ashadhah [S] ashvinah [S] asio achn achn actini ata atarter atarter ather ather ather ather ather ather ather ather athlon athlon athlon athlon athlon atm atm atm atm atmen atmen atmen automol automol automol automol atr atr atr atr atr athr athr athr atract atract atrament atrament atrax atrax atrax atto attak June September owl (etc) down (fluff) fluff chemical element Ac father aggress(ion) violence mess (mush) mush porridge puree brush (nn) ear (of corn) tuft whisker(s) competition contest (match) game (play) match (game) sport(s) fume (smoke) gas smoke vapor bond servant slave (servant) thrall desert(ed) escape(d) flee(ing) run away black dark dim gloomy/ ness obscure /ity concise short succinct arrow spindle ink paint (nn) nettle thistle weed (herb) trillionth (10-18) cricket 91 atsak• atseatses• atses• atses• atses• atsetatsin• atsin• atsin• atsin• atstr• atstr• atstr• atsw• atsw• atšer• atšer• atšer• atšn• atšran• atšt• atšt• 1 atyr• 1 atyr• 1 atyr• 2 atyr• 2 atyr• 2 atyr• avit• avit• avj• avj• avod• avod• avod• avod• avravrig• avrig• awg• awg• awg• awg• awg• awg• awks• awks• awks• awks• 92 attak ace aces(m) aces(m) acest acest acetat acin acin acin acin atr atr atr aco aco acer acer acer achn achoranit [Hb] act act athyr athyr athyr athyr athyr athyr avit avit avi avi ##### ##### ##### ##### aur(i) aurig(a) aurig(a) aug aug aug aug aug aug aux aux aux aux grasshopper chemical word stem cure(d) restore(d) cure(d) restore(d) chemical word stem bunch cluster grape raisin no good ugly wretched means remedy bobbin cylinder shuttle chaff backward food nourishment change modify transform gamble (vb) play(ing) romp(ing) ancestor forefather bird fowl procedure program protocol ritual chemical element Au coachman driver glimmer (nn) glitter(ing) glow(ing) light (shine) radiation shine (polish) augment enlarge grow increase awks• awks• awks• awks• 1 awl• 1 awl• 1 awl• 1 awl• 1 awl• 1 awl• 2 awl• 2 awl• awlak• awlak• awlak• awlak• awlak• awlak• awlak• awlak• awlak• awlak• awlits• awlits• awlits• 1 awr• 1 awr• 2 awr• awstr• awt• awt• awtik• awtik• awtik• awxen• awxen• awxen• axen• axen• axen• axn• axonta• axor• axor• axor• axot• 1 axr• 1 axr• 1 axr• 1 axr• ux ux ux ux aul aul aul aul aul aul aul aul aloc aloc aloc aloc aloc aloc aulac aulac aulac aulac aulic aulic aulic auri auri auri austr aut aut autic autic autic auchen auchen auchen achaen achaen achaen achne achonta achor achor achor achot [Hb] acr acr acr acr augment enlarge grow increase cylinder holder scabbard sheath socket tube camp(ing) tent camp(ing) fold furrow split(ting) tent wrinkle (furrow) fold furrow split(ting) wrinkle (furrow) court (royal) institute (foundation) palace hear(ing) listen ear south(wind) independent selfat once immediate soon nape (neck) neck throat deer ruminant (animal) stag ear (of corn) ten(fold) [GN] mucus phlegm viscosity nurse (woman) altitude culmination end (finish) extremity 2 axr• 2 axr• axrak• axs• axs• axs• 1 axt• 1 axt• 1 axt• 1 axt• 2 axt• 2 axt• 2 axt• 2 axt• axyr• axyr• ay• ay• ay• azbol• azbol• azbol• azbol• azl• azl• azl• LEMMAS babur• babur• babur• babur• bad• bad• badj• badj• badj• badj• badrapt• badž• badž• badž• badž• badž• badž• badž• badž• badž• badž• badžir• bagen• baj• acr acr achraq [A] axos axos axos achter achter achter achter achter achter achthin achthin achyr achyr au au au asbol asbol asbol asbol aza(le) aza(le) aza(le) ETYMONS cut(ting) sharp noodles distress pain suffer(ing) cargo charge (weight) heavy load afflict(ion) distress afflict(ion) distress chaff straw dry (adj) meager shriveled deposit fall-out sediment soot arid dry (adj) parch(ed) MEANINGS clown fool (nn) lunatic madman city town brown ochre (etc.) tanned umber bhadrapada [S] August badi go badi march badi pace badi step(ping) badi walk(ing) bas(i) go bas(i) march(ing) bas(i) pace bas(i) step(ping) bas(i) walk(ing) badhirah [S] deaf bhagini [S] sister bai palm(product) baburr baburr baburr baburr bad [A] bad [A] badi badi badi badi bajam• bajam• bajam• bajam• bajam• bajam• bajam• bajam• bajam• baje• baje• bajn• 1 bajn• 1 bajn• bakr• 1 bakt• 1 bakt• 1 bakt• 2 bakt• 2 bakt• baktr• baktr• baktr• baktr• baktr• baktr• 1 balan• 1 balan• 1 balan• 1 balan• 1 balan• 2 balan• 2 balan• balant• balant• balant• balb• balb• balb• balb• balb• balte• balte• balte• bangr• banu• bapts• bapts• bapts• baratr• baratr• baratr• baratr• barbitbarbl• barbyt• bashful(ness) commotion coy(ness) disquiet restlessness shy(ness) timid(ity) timourous(ness) unrest humility modest(y) go pace walk(ing) besar bakar [Hb] beef bacc berry bacc globule bacc pearl bhakti [S] like /ing bhakti [S] love bacl club (stick) bacl mace bacl scepter bacter club (stick) bacter mace bacter scepter balan acorn balan bun balan nut (kernel) balan pill balan roll (bread) bal(a)ne bath(room) bal(a)ne spa balant handbag balant purse balant sack (bag) balbid degree balbid echelon balbid gradient balbid level (layer) balbid step (ladder) balte belt balte girdle balte zone bangar [A] beet-root bhanuvasara [S] Sunday baptist drown baptist immerse(d) baptist merge barater cheat barater deceive(d) barater fraud barater hoax barbit chemical word stem barbyl plum barbit harp bhayam [S] bhayam [S] bhayam [S] bhayam [S] bhayam [S] bhayam [S] bhayam [S] bhayam [S] bhayam [S] baeo baeo baen baen baen 93 barbyt• barbyt• barjbary• bary• bary• basil• basil• basil• basil• basil• baskan• baskan• baskan• baskan• basr• basr• baš• baš• baš• baš• baš• baš• baš• baš• baš• baš• 1 batj• 2 batj• 2 batj• batn• batn• batn• batn• batrax• 1 bats• 1 bats• 1 bats• 2 bats• 2 bats• 2 bats• 2 bats• baty• baty• baty• bavm• bavn• bavn• bebel• bebel• bebel• bebel• bedel• bedel• bedel• bejl• 94 barbit barbit bari bar(y) bar(y) bar(y) basil basil basil basil basil bascan bascan bascan bascan bassar(ic) bassar(ic) bas bas bas bas bas bat bat bat bat bat batia bath bath baten baten baten baten batrach bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bath(y) bath(y) bath(y) bhaumavasara [S] baun baun bebel bebel bebel bebel bdell bdell bdell bel lyre zither chemical element Ba heavy press (together) weigh emperor king monarch prince sovereign destiny fate omen talisman actor comedian base (fundament) basis foot pedestal plinth base (fundament) basis foot pedestal plinth fruit ray skate (fish) hillside incline(d) slope (cliff) steep frog dwell lodge (live) reside /ing hawthorn brushwood scrub (thorns) thicket deep profound(ly) unfathomable Tuesday forge/ ing smithy amateur layman novice profane leech nipple (sucker) teat arrow bejl• bejl• bejl• bejn• 2 bajn• belb• belb• belemn• belemn• belemn• belemn• belti• belti• belti• belti• bents• bents• bents• benzberjberkbe • be • be • be • bets• betši• bi• bi• bi• bia• bibl• bibl• bili• bina• [GN] bina• [GN] binj• birj• birt• bism1 bist• 2 bist• 2 bist• bjas• bjus• blant• blant• blant• blast• blast• blast• blast• blast• blats• blats• blats• bel bel bel baen baen belb belb belemn belemn belemn belemn belti(st) belti(st) belti(st) belti(st) benth benth benth benz(o) berill berkeli bess bess bess bess bec bechi bio bio bio bia bibli bibli bil(i) bi(n) bi(n) binian [Hb] bir [A] birit [Hb] bismuth pist pist pist byas bius balanat balanat balanat blast blast blast blast blast blac blac blac needle pin (stylus) sting (needle) be (at) stand animal beast arrow javelin lance (nn) missile best excellent perfect(ly) utmost deep profound(ly) unfathomable chemical word stem chemical element Be chemical element Bk dell dingle vale valley bread cough alive life living strong book work (literary) gall double two building well (fountain) garter chemical element Bi drinkable reliable trust(worthy) owl (etc) bow (shooting) aroma perfume smell (aroma) bud germ (nn) seed(ling) shoot (twig) sprout (twig) caress cuddle fondle blats• bled• bled• bled• blefar• blefar• 1 blem• 1 blem• 1 blem• 1 blem• 1 blem• 2 blem• 2 blem• blen• blen• blen• bleps• bleps• bleps• bleps• bly• bly• bodi• bodi• boet• boet• 1 bol• 1 bol• 1 bol• 1 bol• 1 bol• 1 bol• 2 bol• 2 bol• 2 bol• 1 bole• 1 bole• 1 bole• 1 bole• 1 bole• 1 bole• 1 bole• 1 bole• 2 bole• 2 bole• 2 bole• 1 bolj• 1 bolj• 1 bolj• 1 bolj• 2 bolj• 2 bolj• 2 bolj• 2 bolj• bolm• blac bled [A] bled [A] bled [A] blephar blephar blem(at) blem(at) blem(at) blem(at) blem(at) blem(at) blem(at) blenn blenn blenn blep blep blep blep bly(sm) bly(sm) bodhi [S] bodhi [S] boeth boeth bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol(e) bol(e) bol(e) bol(e) boul boul boul boul bol(i) bol(i) bol(i) bol(e) bol(e) bol(e) boulee bol(e) bol(e) bol(e) bol(e) boulim stupid(ity) local place (locale) where(abouts) eyelash eyelid hit(ting) launch pitch (throw) shoot (missile) throw scar wound (injury) glanders mucus phlegm look observe /ation regard (look) see spring (jump) sprout(ing) comprehend understand(able) assist help drive /ing hit(ting) launch pitch (throw) shoot (missile) throw current (flow) flow(ing) stream (current) goal intention objective will(ing) goal intention objective will(ing) mean(ing) sense significance advise consult counsel advice organize plan scheme /ing sketch(ing) hunger bom• bom• bom• bombik• bombik• bomd• bomd• bomd• bomd• bomp• bomp• boras• borbor• borbor• borbor• borbor• borbor• bore• borgam• borj• borj• borj• borj• borj• borj• bostrix• bosx• bosx• bosx• botan• botan• 1 botr• 1 botr• 2 botr• botul• botul• botul• bovrbrabj• brabj• brabj• brabj• brady• brady• brady• brady• brady• brady• brady• brakt• brakt• brakt• brakt• brata• brata• braxi• pedestal platform socle satin silk buzz hum resound sound(ing) accompany go along date (fruit) garbage refuse(d) rubbish rubble waste(land) north(wind) boorugami [Jp] cardboard bor eat(ing) bor feed bor gobble bor guzzle bor prey(ing) bor swallow bostrych curl (hair) bosc eat(ing) bosc feed bosc graze (feed) botan plant (herb) botan vegetation bothr(i) cave(rn) bothr(i) hole botry cluster botul bowel(s) botul intestine botul sausage bor chemical element B brabei bonus brabei compensation brabei premium brabei reward(ing) brady indolent brady inert brady lazy(ness) brady slothful brady slow(ly) brady sluggish brady tardy brac(cat) breeches brac(cat) pants brac(cat) shorts brac(cat) trousers bhrata [S] brother bhrata [S] friar brachi arm (limb) bom bom bom bombyx bombyx bomb bomb bomb bomb pomp pomp borass borbor borbor borbor borbor borbor bore 95 braxi• braxy• braxy• brep• brep• brep• brevj• brevj• brevj• brexm• brexm• brext• brext• brext• brext• brext• brits• brombromn• bromn• bromn• bromn• bront• 1 brot• 2 brot• 2 brot• 2 brot• 1 brox• 1 brox• 1 brox• 2 brox• brum• 1 bry• 2 bry• 2 bry• 2 bry• 1 bryx• 1 bryx• 1 bryx• 1 bryx• 1 bryx• 1 bryx• 2 bryx• 2 bryx• 2 bryx• 2 bryx• 2 bryx• 2 bryx• bubon• budj• bukš• 1 bukts• 2 bukts• bun• bun• 96 brachi brachy brachy breph breph breph brevi brevi brevi brechm brechm brec(h)t brec(h)t brec(h)t brec(h)t brec(h)t brith brom brom brom bros bros bront brot brot brot brot broch broch broch broch brum bry bry bry bry brych brych brych brych brych brych bryx bryx bryx bryx bryx bryx bubon Budhah [S] bucc(in) bucc bucc bun bun branch (ramification) short small baby fetus newborn narrow short tight crown (head) ridge (roof) damp(ness) humid(ity) irrigate moisten wet (moisten) heavy chemical element Br eat(ing) feed (oneself) eat(ing) feed (oneself) thunder blood dead die mortal noose strap tag swallow winter moss flower(ing) mature (grow) revive chew creak(ing) grate (rasp) grind mince ruminate bellow boom (bellow) growl grumble roar(ing) rumble groin Mercury trumpet cheek mouth altitude highland bun• bun• bun• bušt• bušt• but1 buw• 1 buw• 1 buw• 1 buw• 1 buw• 1 buw• 1 buw• 1 buw• 2 buw• 2 buw• 2 buw• 2 buw• 2 buw• 2 buw• bwe• bwe• bwe• bwot• bysn• bysn• bystr• bystr• bystr• bystr• bytr• byts• byts• byts• byzn• byzn• byzn• byzn• LEMMAS bun bun bun bust bust byt bo bo bo bo bu bu bu bu bo bo bo bu bu bu boe boe boe boot byss(in) byss(in) bystr bystr bystr bystr butyr byth(i) byth(i) byth(i) byzen byzen byzen byzen ETYMONS hill plateau table-land grave (tomb) tomb chemical word stem bovine bull cow ox bovine bull cow ox big mighty stout big mighty stout cry (scream) shout squeal herdsman flax linen cork darn plug (stopper) stopper butter abyss deep depth crowd (bunch) heap(ed) mass (crowd) pile (stack) MEANINGS dad• dad• dad dad gum mucilage dad• dafs• dagyd• dagyd• dagyd• dahitr• 1 daj• 1 daj• 1 daj• 1 daj• 1 daj• 1 daj• dad dafas [Hb] dagyd dagyd dagyd dauhitri [S] dae dae dae dae dae dae resin print(ed) doll dummy mannequin grandchild fragment(ation) part (piece) piece portion section (nn) share (part) 2 daj• 2 daj• 2 daj• 2 daj• daja• daja• daja• daja• dajd• dajd• dajd• dajd• dajk• dajk• dajr• dajr• dajr• dajr• dajr• dajr• dajt• dajt• dak• dak• dak• dak• dak• dak• dak• dak• dak• dak• dakik• dakn• dakn• dakn• dakn• dakn• dakn• dakn• dakri• dakri• daktl• 1 daktyl• 2 daktyl• dal• dal• dalaj• dalaj• dalaj• damal• damts• damts• damts• damts• dapan• da(e) da(e) dai dai daya [S] daya [S] daya [S] daya [S] da(id) da(id) da(is) da(is) daict daict dair dair dair dart dart dart daet daet dac(n) dac(n) dak dak dect(ic) dect(ic) edac edac odax odax daqiqa [A] dacn dacn dacn dacn dacn dacn dacn dacry dacry dactyl dactyl dactyl dal(os) dal(os) dalai [S] dalai [S] dalai [S] damal damast damast damn damn dapan enemy opponent enemy opponent compassion emotion pity /ful sympathy flare (torch) torch flare (torch) torch shear tear off peel(ed) poach(ed) skin(ned) peel(ed) poach(ed) skin(ned) banquet feast (nn) bite eat(ing) bite eat(ing) bite eat(ing) bite eat(ing) bite eat(ing) minute (timelapse) afflict(ion) annoy(ing) distress griev(ance) languish mourn(ful) vex(ing) tear(drop) weep(ing) toe finger date (fruit) fire-steel poker (fire) comprehensive general(ly) universal calf tame(d) train(ing) tame(d) train(ing) expense(s) daped• daped• daped• dapn• dapn• dapsl• dapsl• dapsl• dapsl• dapsl• dapt• dapt• dapt• dapt• dapt• dapt• dapt• dapt• darg• dasm• dasy• dasy• dasy• dasy• dasy• dasy• dasy• dasy• dav• dav• dav• dawm• dawm• dawm• dawm• daxr• dedl• dedl• dedl• dedl• degm• degm• 1 deil• 1 deil• 1 deil• 1 deil• 1 deil• 1 deil• 1 deil• 1 deil• 2 deil• 2 deil• 2 deil• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• daped daped daped dapan dapan dapsil dapsil dapsil dapsil dapsil daps daps daps daps dapt(r) dapt(r) dapt(r) dapt(r) darragar [A] dasm dasy(t) dasy(t) dasy(t) dasy(t) daul daul daul daul dau dau dau dom dom dom dom dahar [A] daedal daedal daedal daedal degm(at) degm(at) deil deil deil deil diel(in) diel(in) diel(in) diel(in) deil deil deil deim deim deim echelon level (layer) plain (nn) lavish squander abundant copious galore plenti(ful) profuse(ly) carouse quaff swallow swill carouse quaff swallow swill bicycle debt bristling dense hairy shaggy bristling dense hairy shaggy burn cremate incinerate dwelling-place lodging (nn) nest stay (place) back(side) gem jewel ornament piece of art injury wound(ed) curfew half-light nightfall twilight curfew half-light nightfall twilight anxiety timid(ity) timourous(ness) fear(ful) fright(en) terror(ize) 97 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 2 dejm• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejpn• dejpn• dejpn• dejpn• dejpn• 1 dejr• 1 dejr• 2 dejr• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• deksi• dekš• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 98 dim(al) dim(al) dim(al) dim(at) dim(at) dim(at) dem dein dein dein dein dein dein den den den den den den deipn deipn deipn deipn deipn deir deir deer dai dai dai dai dai dat dat dat dat dat de de de de de dexi dexi dexi dect dect dect dect dect dect dect dect dect dect fear(ful) fright(en) terror(ize) fear(ful) fright(en) terror(ize) body draconian inexorable rigorous severe stern strict(ly) draconian inexorable rigorous severe stern strict(ly) course (food) dish (food) food meal supper mount(ain) mountain chain lasting distribute divide scatter(ed) separate(d) split(ting) distribute divide scatter(ed) separate(d) split(ting) distribute divide scatter(ed) separate(d) split(ting) right (side) hope(ful) promise/ing acetous acid biting caustic corrosive cut(ting) mordant pungent sour tart 2 dekt• 2 dekt• 2 dekt• 1 del• 1 del• 1 del• 1 del• 1 del• 1 del• 1 del• 1 del• 1 del• 1 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• delf• delm• delm• delm• dels• dels• deltr• deltr• 1 dem• 1 dem• 1 dem• 1 dem• 2 dem• 2 dem• 2 dem• 2 dem• demd• demd• demd• demd• demd• demd• demj• demj• demj• demn• demn• demn• denaj• denaj• denaj• denaj• dect dect dect dail dail dail dail dail del del del del del dele dele dele dele dele dele dele dele dele dele delphy delem(at) delem(at) delem(at) dellis dellith deletr deletr dem dem dem dem dem dem dem dem demod demod demod demod demod demod dem dem dem demn demn demn denae denae denae denae acquire get receive (get) apparent(ly) clear-cut evident neat overt apparent(ly) clear-cut evident neat overt allure bewitch charm(ing) enchant enchant entice fascinate lure seduce tempt(ing) womb damag(ing) harm spoil(ed) wasp wasp lamp lantern group (ethnic) people population society built (nn) construct(ion) stature structure bad taste inferior ordinary tasteless trivial vulgar fat(ty) greasy heavy (type) bed bedside couch lasting long (time) prolong(ed) protract(ed) dendr• dendr• depf• depf• depf• depf• 1 deps• 1 deps• 1 deps• 1 deps• 2 deps• 1 der• 1 der• 1 der• 1 der• 1 der• 1 der• 1 der• 1 der• 2 der• 2 der• derj• derj• derj• derk• derk• derk• derk• derk• derk• derm• derm• derm• derm• derm• derm• derm• derm• dermat• dermat• dermat• dermat• ders• ders• ders• dertr• dertr• desj• desj• desj• desm• desm• desm• desm• desm• desm• dendr(it) dendro deph deph deps deps depas depas depas depas deps d(e)ir d(e)ir der(ae) der(ae) dere dere deris deris der der derr derr derr derc derc derc derx derx derx der(m) der(m) der(m) der(m) derr derr derr derr dermat dermat dermat dermat deors deors deors dertr dertr desi desi desi dem dem dem dem dem demat tree(s) tree(s) knead massage knead massage chalice cup goblet rummer tan(ned) neck throat neck throat neck throat neck throat affix appendix holder sheath socket contemplate observe /ation study contemplate observe /ation study fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) skin (animal) fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) skin (animal) fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) skin (animal) descend go down undergo beak bill (bird) classify cut up parcel(ed) bow (ornament) chain (string) link (connection) noose pompom bow (ornament) desm• desm• desm• desm• desm• desm• desm• desm• desm• despek• despek• despek• de • [RN] de n• de n• de n• 1 det• 1 det• 2 det• 2 det• 2 det• 2 det• detsi• [LN] devj• [RN] dewter• dewter• dewter• dewter• dewter• dewter• dewter• dewter• dewter• dewter• dexa• [GN] dexate• [GN] 1 dexs• 1 dexs• 2 dexs• 2 dexs• 2 dexs• 2 dexs• dez+ dez+ dez+ dez+ dez+ 1 dia• 2 dia• 2 dia• 2 dia• dias• dias• didakt• didakt• didakt• demat demat demat demat desm desm desm desm desm despect despect despect djesh [R] desinen desinen desinen de(si) de(si) det det det det deci dyevyaty deu deu deu deu deu deuter deuter deuter deuter deuter deca decate dex dex dex dex dex dex de(s) de(s) de(s) de(s) de(s) dia dia dia dia dis dis didact didact didact chain (string) link (connection) noose pompom bow (ornament) chain (string) link (connection) noose pompom contempt (vb) despise scorn ten cease halt(ing) stop(ping) measure(d) size approve confirm consent yes tenth nine after (time) ensuing follow(ing) next second(ary) after (time) ensuing follow(ing) next second(ary) ten tenth larva worm gnaw off munch nibble pick (off) deprive(d) rob (steal) take away take from without through apart from away from separate(d) double twice inform(ation) instruct teach 99 1 didm• 1 didm• 1 didm• 1 didm• 2 didm• didžit• didžit• didžit• didžit• difr• difr• difr• difr• difr• difr• difter• difter• difter• digit• digm• digm• digm• digm• digm• digm• digm• digm• digm• digm• dikaj• dikaj• dikaj• dikaj• dikaj• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikrum• diks• [LN] diktits• diktits• diktits• diktits• dikty• dikty• 1 din• 1 din• 100 didym didym didym didym didym digit digit digit digit diphr diphr diphr diphr diphr diphr diphter diphter diphter digit deigm deigm deigm deigm deigm digm digm digm digm digm dice dice dice dice dice dicr dicr dicr dicral dicral dicral dicran dicran dicran dicro dicro dicro dikroumi [A] dec dictic dictic dictic dictic dicty dicty dein dein couple pair twin(s) twosome testicle(s) count(ing) digit figure (number) number arm-chair bench canapé couch divan easy-chair film membrane pellicle finger example model proof sample specimen example model proof sample specimen equitable jury just justice law-abiding fork pitchfork rake (fork) fork pitchfork rake (fork) fork pitchfork rake (fork) fork pitchfork rake (fork) turkey ten demonstrate illustrate reveal(ing) show(ing) net(work) web frightening horrible 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• 2 din• 2 din• 2 din• 2 din• 2 din• dipf• dipf• dipf• dipf• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dips• diš• diš• diš• 1 div• 1 div• 1 div• 2 div• divits• dix• dix• dix• dix• dja• dja• dein dein den den den den din din din din din din din din din diph diph diph diph dipl(o) dipl(o) dipl(o) dipl(o) diplac diplac diplac diplac diplasi diplasi diplasi diplasi diplax diplax diplax diplax diplaz diplaz diplaz diplaz duplic duplex dips dis dis dis div [S] div [S] div [S] div [S] divit dicho dicho dicho dicho dia dia terrible terrify(ing) frightening horrible terrible terrify(ing) frightening horrible terrible terrify(ing) roll(ing) stir turn over whirl(ing) whirlpool examine explore research search double mutual reciprocal twice double mutual reciprocal twice double mutual reciprocal twice double mutual reciprocal twice double mutual reciprocal twice twice double thirst silt slime sludge Eden heaven paradise day(light) well to-do divide halve separate(d) split(ting) because (of) for dia diad(em) diad(em) diad(em) diad(em) dial dial dial dial dial dial dial diastem diastem diastem dier dier dieram deo deo deo des des des diid diid diid diogm(at) diogm(at) diogm(at) diogm(at) deon deon deon deon deon deon deon dier dier dior dior deos dios dios diut(in) diut(in) diut(in) diut(in) diuturn diuturn diuturn diuturn dodeka• [GN] dodeca dodeka• [GN] dodeca doe doj• dja• djad• djad• djad• djad• djal• djal• djal• djal• djal• djal• djal• djast• djast• djast• djer• djer• djeram• djes• djes• djes• djes• djes• djes• djid• djid• djid• djogm• djogm• djogm• djogm• djon• djon• djon• djon• djon• djon• djon• djor• djor• djor• djor• 1 djos• 2 djos• 2 djos• djut• djut• djut• djut• djut• djut• djut• djut• owing to envelop swath wind(ing) wrap(ped) ephemere passing provisional temporal temporary transient transitory intermission interval pause fresh new funnel bind link (connection) tie(d) bind link (connection) tie(d) bright clear plain(ly) chase hunt persecute(d) run down adequate decent fitting (adj) necessary proper(ly) seemly suitable discriminate distinguish discriminate distinguish fear(ful) divinity God long (time) prolix prolong(ed) protract(ed) long (time) prolix prolong(ed) protract(ed) dozen twelve doubtful doj• doj• dokim• dokim• dokim• dokim• dokm• dokm• dokm• 1 doks• 1 doks• 2 doks• 2 doks• 2 doks• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• 2 dokt• 2 dokt• 2 dokt• 2 dokt• 2 dokt• dokw• dokw• 1 doli• 1 doli• 1 doli• 1 doli• 1 doli• 1 doli• 1 doli• 1 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• doe doe docima docima docima docima dochm dochm dochm dox dox dox dox dox dokem dokem dokem dokem dokes dokes dokes dokes doke doke doke doke doke docu docu doli(o) doli(o) doli(o) doli(o) dolium dolium dolium dolium doli(o) doli(o) doli(o) doli(o) doli(o) dolon dolon dolon dolon dolon dolop dolop dolop dolop dolos dolos dolos dubious questionable experiment explore test(ing) try (out) lopsided oblique slanting belief opinion famous notorious renowned cultured educate(d) erudite learned cultured educated erudite learned apparent illusion imagine quasi seeming contents purport (nn) barrel butt cask vat barrel butt cask vat cheat crafty cunning dishonest sly(ness) cheat crafty cunning dishonest sly(ness) cheat cunning dishonest sly(ness) cheat crafty cunning 101 2 doli• 2 doli• dolix• dolix• dolix• dolix• dolix• dolix• domn• domn• domn• 1 donak• 1 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• donet• 1 dor• 1 dor• 1 dor• 2 dor• 2 dor• dora• dora• dora• dora• dora• dora• dora• dora• dora• dora• dora• dora• dork• dork• dork• dork• dork• dork• dork• dork• dork• dork• 1 dory• 1 dory• 2 dory• 102 dolos dolos dolich dolich dolych dolych dulich dulich domin domin domin donax donax donac donac donac donac donac donax donax donax donax donax donax donet dor dor dor dor(em) dor(em) dor dor dor dor dor dor dora dora dora dora dora dora dorco dorco dorco dorco dorco dorx dorx dorx dorx dorx dory dory dory dishonest sly(ness) extend(ing) long (distance) extend(ing) long (distance) extend(ing) long (distance) boss (master) leader master (boss) cane reed canal channel drain (nn) pipe(line) sewers canal channel drain (nn) pipe(line) reed sewers shake(n) cylinder pipe(line) tube donate give asylum hide-out hiding-place recourse refuge (safety) shelter (protection) asylum hide-out hiding-place recourse refuge (safety) shelter (protection) buck (goat etc) deer goat roebuck stag buck (goat etc) deer goat roebuck stag harpoon lance (nn) band (nn) 2 dory• 2 dory• 2 dory• dost • dots• dots• 1 dotsi• 1 dotsi• 2 dotsi• 2 dotsi• 2 dotsi• dowr• dra• dra• dra• dra• dragm• dragm• dragm• dramat• dramat• dramat• dramat• dranx• dranx• drasm• drasm• drasr• drasr• drasr• drasr• drasr• drasr• drasr• drax• drepan• drepan• drepan• drepan• drept• drept• drilus• drilus• drimj• drimj• drimj• drimj• drimj• drimj• drimj• drimj• dris• dris• drod• drod• drod• dory dory dory tussi doc doc dothi dothi dothi dothi dothi dooron dora dora dora dora dragm(at) dragm(at) dragm(at) drama drama drama drama deranch deranch drasm drasm draster draster draster draster draster draster draster draa [A] drep(an) drep(an) drep(an) drep(an) drept drept dril dril drimi drimi drimi drimi drimy drimy drimy drimy deris deris dri(od) dri(od) dri(od) strip (ribbon) stripe tape (ribbon) cough beam (wood etc) girder nail stud boil (nn) pustule tumor gift fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) skin (animal) bundle handful sheaf presentation show (spectacle) spectacle theater strangle suffocate flee(ing) run away active alert brisk diligent hard-working laborious vigorous arm (limb) billhook reaping hook scythe (etc) sickle pick(ed) pluck(ing) earthworm worm biting corrosive cut(ting) sharp biting corrosive cut(ting) sharp quarrel(ing) wrangle copse grove shrubbery drod• drod• 1 drom• 1 drom• 2 drom• 2 drom• 2 drom• 2 drom• droz• droz• droz• droz• droz• dry• dry• dry• dry• dryf• dryf• drym• drym• dryp• dryp• dukam• dukam• dulk• dulk• dulk• dum• dundub• durg• durj• dut an• duw• [LN] duwento dven• [RN] dwar• dy• [GN] dym• dym• dym• dys+ dys+ dys+ dys+ dys+ dysm• dysm• dysp• dysp• dysp• dysp• dysp• dysp• dysprdyš• dri(od) dri(od) drom drom dram dram drom drom dros dros dros dros dros dry(o) dry(o) dryin dryin dryph dryph drym drym dryp dryp dhukham [S] dukham [S] duli(c) duli(c) duli(c) dum(al) dundub durgand duri duchan [Hb] du(x) #### dven doar [Hb] di dym dym dym dys dys dys dys dys dysmic dysmic disop disop disop dysop dysop dysop dyspr dys thicket tree(s) arena race-course harbour (port) port (naval) harbour (port) port (naval) damp(ness) dew humid(ity) moistness wet(ness) oak(tree) tree(s) oak(tree) tree(s) injury wound(ed) forest woods scratch scrub(bing) mourn(ful) funerary bond servant serf slave (servant) bush drum stench wood platform (railway) two half two mail two many multiple times (many) bad dirty disgusting negative shame(ful) occident(al) west(ern) confuse(d) jumble(d) shame(ful) confuse(d) jumble(d) shame(ful) chemical element Dy evening dyš• dyš• dy • dyt• dyt• dyt• dyt• dyt• dyt• dyt• dyt• dyte• [GN] dza• dza• dza• dza• dza• dza• dze• dzejr• dzejr• dzejr• dzejr• dzem• dzem• dzem• dzen• dzen• dzen• dzen• dzetes• dzetes• dzetes• dzetes• dzo• džajb• džajb• džajb• džajn• džajn• džal• džery• džery• džest• džoml• džuf• džuf• džun• džun• džun• džun• LEMMAS ebaj• ebaj• sundown sunset twilight dive enter immerse(d) plunge dive enter immerse(d) plunge half extreme(ly) much very extreme(ly) much very rye dress (clothing) garment gown robe infuse (nn) juice sap (fluid) guest host (guest) guest host (guest) effort endeavour exert(ion) trial lizard chord cord string (cord) meditate muse milk (nn) chant sing old jomhuledet [Hb] birthday djuf [A] abdomen djuf [A] belly gun camp gun domain gun field(s) gun land (field) dys dys dys dypt dypt dypt dypt dyt(ic) dyt(ic) dyt(ic) dyt(ic) dyte da da da za za za dzea zeir zeir zeir zeir zem zem zem xen xen zen zen zetes zetes zetes zetes zo(on) djaib [A] djaib [A] djaib [A] jain [S] jain [S] gal(act) gery gery jyestha [S] ETYMONS ebae ebae MEANINGS bit (a) little (a) 103 ebaj• ebaj• ebaj• ebaj• ebaj• ebaj• 1 edaf• 1 edaf• 1 edaf• 2 edaf• edan• edan• edan• edem• edem• edem• edem• edem• edem• edem• edem• edits• edits• edl• edraj• edraj• edraj• edu• edu• edu• edu• efeb• efeb• efeb• efeb• efeb• efeb• efel• efel• efest• efest• efest• efjalt• efjalt• efjalt• eft• eft• egbas• egon• egor• egor• egor• egyr• egyr• egyr• egyr• 104 ebae ebae ebh ebh ebh ebh edaph edaph edaph edaph edan edan edan aedem(on) aedem(on) aedem(on) aedem(on) aedem(on) aedem(on) aedem(on) aedem(on) edit edit edul edrai edrai edrai aedoe aedoe edo edo epheb epheb epheb hepheb hepheb hepheb ephel ephel ephest ephest ephest ephialt ephialt ephialt eff(o)et eff(o)et ekbas ecgon(on) egorik egorik egorik egyr egyr egyr egyr rather some bit (a) little (a) rather some earth (ground) ground soil (earth) floor gentle mild tender(ly) bashful(ness) chaste /ity coy(ness) modest(y) pure (morally) shame(ful) shy timid(ity) high tall edible firm(ly) solid(ity) stable (adj) genital organ sex organ genital organ sex organ adolescent teen-ager young(ster) adolescent teen-ager young(ster) freckle pimple dwelling-place home house dream incubus nightmare exhausted tire(d) exit son comfort (ease) console (vb) encourage collective mass (crowd) public(ly) social eid• eid• eid• eil• eil• eil• eil• eis• eis• eis• eis• ejdl• ejdl• ejdl• ejkosa• [GN] ejs• ejs• ejs• ejs• ejs• ejsi• ejsi• ejsi• ejsi• ejsi• ejst• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejtl• ejtl• ejtl• ejtl• ejtl• ejtl• ejtl• eju• eju• eju• eju• eju• eju• eju• eju• eju• eju• eju• eid(i) eid(i) eid(i) eil eil eil eil eiso eiso eiso eiso eidol eidol eidol eikos eis eis eis eis eis aesi aesi aesi aesi aesi aest aeschr aeschr aeschr aeschr aeschr aeschr aescn aescn aescn aescn aescn aescn eutel eutel eutel eutel eutel eutel eutel oeo oeo oeo oeo oeus oeus oeus oeus oio oio oio figure (picture) form picture disturb(ance) hindrance inconvenience obstacle in(side) inside interior(ity) internal ghost phantom spirit (ghost) twenty near(by) till towards until up to advantage(ous) convenient favour(able) handy opportune summer(time) dirty (morally) disgraceful ignominious infamous outrage(ous) shame(ful) dirty (morally) disgraceful ignominious infamous outrage(ous) shame(ful) common(ly) every day ordinary popular trivial vernacular vulgar exclusive only sole (only) unique exclusive only sole (only) unique exclusive only sole (only) eju• ejur• ejur• ejus• ejus• ejus• ejus• ekast• ekast• ekast• ekast• ekast• ekast• ekast• ekast• ekei• ekei• ekei• ekei• ekei• ekei• ekei• ekei• ekel• ekel• ekel• ekel• ekel• ekel• eklemt• eklemt• eklemt• eklemt• eklemt• ekpl• ekpl• ekpl• ekrem• ekrem• eksa• [GN] eksip• eksip• eksip• eksom• ekso • ekso • ekso • ekso • ekt• ekt• ekt• ektas• ektas• ektas• 1 ekw• 2 ekw• oio eur eur eus eus eus eus ecast ecast ecast ecast hecast hecast hecast hecast ecce ecce ecce ecce ecci ecci ecci ecci ecel ecel ecel icel icel icel eclemm(at) eclemm(at) eclemm(at) eclemm(at) eclemm(at) ecpleo ecpleo ecpleo eccrem eccrem exa exip(ul) exip(ul) exip(ul) exom exos(s) exos(s) exos(s) exos(s) ec(to) ec(to) ec(to) ectas ectas ectas equ equ unique east orient form (health) health sanity well-being all each every(one) general(ly) all each every(one) general(ly) here are see here that this here are see here that this analogous like (adv) similar(ly) analogous like (adv) similar(ly) bark (inner) bast integument peel (nn) shell (cover) complete(ly) full plenary hang (down) hang (down) number value 1018 accept get receive (get) shirt elastic flexible pliant supple exterior external out(side) extend(ing) spread stretch(ing) horse cowboy 2 ekw• 2 ekw• 2 ekw• 1 ekwor• 1 ekwor• 1 ekwor• 2 ekwor• 2 ekwor• ekx• ekx• ekx• eky• eky• eky• eky• elaf• elaf• elaf• elafr• elafr• elafr• elafr• elafr• elafr• elaj• elaj• elaj• elaj• 1 elasm• 1 elasm• 1 elasm• 1 elasm• 1 elasm• 1 elasm• 2 elasm• 2 elasm• 2 elasm• 2 elasm• 2 elasm• 2 elasm• 1 elat• 1 elat• 1 elat• 1 elat• 1 elat• 1 elat• 2 elat• 2 elat• 2 elat• 2 elat• 1 ele• 1 ele• 1 ele• 1 ele• 1 ele• equ equ equ aequor aequor aequor aequor aequor ech ech ech aequ equi equi equi elaph elaph elaph elaphr elaphr elaphr elaphr elaphr elaphr elae(o) elae(o) elai(n) elai(n) elasm elasm elasm lasm lasm lasm elasm elasm elasm lasm lasm lasm elat elat elat elat elat elat elat elat elat elat elle elle elle elle enelle horseman knight rider lake ocean sea area surface cease halt(ing) stop(ping) equal equal identical same deer reindeer stag diligent experience(d) expert(ly) handy season(ed) skillful oil olive oil olive lamina plate (thin) slat lamina plate (thin) slat bulkhead partition septum bulkhead partition septum behavior bring conduct(ing) drive /ing lead(ing) propel(ling) conifer fir (etc) pine(tree) spruce envelop swathe wind(ing) wrap(ped) envelop 105 1 ele• 1 ele• 1 ele• 2 ele• 2 ele• 2 ele• 2 ele• eledn• eledž• eledž• elemt• elemt• elemt• elemt• elemt• elemt• elentš• elentš• eletr• elewtr• elewtr• elewtr• elewtr• elewtr• eli• eli• elin• elin• elin• elin• elin• elin• elinx• elinx• elinx• elinx• elitš• elitš elitš• elitš• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• 106 enelle enelle enelle eleo eleo eleo eleo eledon elegei elegei elemat elemat elemat elemat elemat elemat elench elench electr eleuther eleuther eleuther eleuther eleuther eli eli aelin aelin aelin ejula ejula ejula elingu elingu elingu elingu elic elic helic helic elp elp elp elp elp elp elpid elpid elpid elpid elpid elpid elpis elpis elpis elpis swathe wind(ing) wrap(ped) begrudge regret(table) repent(ing) sorry (be) pulp complain lament(able) fruitless futile senseless sterile useless vain (useless) argument (issue) proof amber free(ly) unceremonious unconstrained unforced unrestrained guinea-pig marmot complain groan moan complain groan moan dumb mute(ly) speechless voiceless age (timelapse) time lapse age (timelapse) time lapse aspire /ation await expect long(ing) wait yearn(ing) aspire /ation await expect long(ing) wait yearn(ing) aspire /ation await expect long(ing) elp• elp• elut• elut• elut• elut• elut• elut• elut• elut• elut• elyt• elyt• elyt• elyt• emats• emats• emats• emats• emats• emats• emats• emats• emats• emats• 1 embal• 1 embal• 1 embal• 2 embal• 2 embal• embi• embi• embi• 1 embl• 1 embl• 1 embl• 1 embl• 1 embl• 2 embl• 2 embl• 2 embl• 1 emble• 1 emble• 1 emble• 1 emble• 1 emble• 1 emble• 1 emble• 1 emble• 2 emble• 2 emble• 2 emble• embrok• embrok• embrok• elpis elpis elaut elaut elaut elutor elutor elutor laut laut laut elysis elysis elytos elytos emacera emacera emacera emacera emacera emaci emaci emaci emaci emaci emball emball emball emball emball embi embi embi embol embol embol embol embol embol embol embol emblem(at) emblem(at) emblem(at) emblem(at) embol embol embol embol embol embol embol embroc embroc embroc wait yearn(ing) clean(ing) purify(ing) wash(ing) clean(ing) purify(ing) wash(ing) clean(ing) purify(ing) wash(ing) arrive come arrive come lean (thin) meager scanty skinny thin(ly) lean (thin) meager scanty skinny thin(ly) place(d) put(ting) set(ting) push shove inside interior(ity) internal beam (wood etc) bolt (key) chock girder wedge launch shoot (missile) throw aggress(ion) attack penetrate(d) push through aggress(ion) attack penetrate(d) push through door entrance gate irrigate sprinkle water(ed) embrok• emet• emet• emped• emped• emped• emped• empj• 1 empor• 1 empor• 1 empor• 1 empor• 1 empor• 2 empor• emunt• emunt• emys• emys• emys• emys• emys• emys• emys• emys• emys• emys• enal• enal• enal• enal• enal• enal• enal• enal• end• end• end• end• end• end• endje• endje• endje• endje• endm• endm• endm• endm• endm• endm• endm• endm• ene• ene• ene• ene• embroc eme(t) eme(t) emped emped emped emped empi(d) empor empor empor empor empor empor emunct emunct emus emus emyd emyd emys emys hemyd hemyd hemys hemys enaul enaul enaul enaul enaul enaul enaul enaul endo endo endo ento ento ento endae endae endae endae endym endym endym endym endys endys endys endys en en en en wet (moisten) throw up vomit firm(ly) solid(ity) stable (adj) sturdy fly (nn) affair business commerce deal (nn) trade (commerce) merchant excrete purify(ing) tortoise turtle tortoise turtle tortoise turtle tortoise turtle tortoise turtle denizen guest inhabitant inmate lodger occupier resident (nn) tenant in(side) inside internal in(side) inside internal empty/ ness incomplete vacant /cy void clothing cover(age) cover(age) garment clothing cover(age) cover(age) garment against anti counter oppose(d) ene• ene• enea• [GN] eniks• eniks• 1 enits• 1 enits• 2 enits• 2 enits• 2 enits• enka• [GN] enkr• enky• enl• enop• enot• enot• enot• ens• enstentel• entel• entel• enter• enter• entol• entol• entol• entol• entol• entol• entol• entol• entom• entsikl• entsikl• entsikl• entsikl• entsikl• entsikl• entsikl• enty• enty• enty• enx• enx• enxel• enxn• enxn• eol• eol• eos• eos• eos• epakt• epakt• en en enne enix enix enic enic enic enic enic enca encar enki enul enop enot enot enot ens(i) einsteini entele(ch) entele(ch) entele(ch) enter enter entell entell entell entell entole entole entole entole entom encycl encycl encycl encycl encycl encycl encycl enty enty enty ench ench enchely enchn enchn eol eol eo(s) eo(s) eo(s) epact epact reverse(d) unnine generate give birth right (correct) straight(en) only sole (only) unique first brain pregnant curl(ed) voice unification union unity sword chemical element Es complete(ly) flawless perfect(ly) bowel(s) intestine command dictate instruct order(ed) command dictate instruct order(ed) insect all comprehensive embracing encompassing every(thing) extensive vast equip(ment) outfit provisions rapier sword eel down (fluff) fluff breeze wind (air) aurora daybreak morning import introduce 107 eparts• eparts• epedr• epejr• epejr• epejr• epejr• epetj• epetj• epfr• epfr• epfr• epfr• 1 epi• 1 epi• 1 epi• 1 epi• 2 epi• 2 epi• epiš• epišk• epl• epl• epl• epod• epodz• epodz• epol• epol• epoš• epoš• epre• epre• epre• epre• epre• epre• epre• epsed• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• eraš• 108 eparc eparc ephedr epeir epeir epeir epeir epetes epeti ephor ephor ephor ephor epi epi epi epi epi epi episi episkept epel epel epel epod epozo epozo aepol aepol posi posi pra(e) pra(e) pra(e) pra(e) proe proe proe epset eras eras eras eras erasm erasm erasm erasm erast erast erast erast erastri erastri erastri erastri eras enough sufficient sit continent country Earth land (country) year year border (rim) boundary frontier limit (border) add(ed) join(ed) on supplement(ary) eminent high-ranking groin visit blanket cover(age) lid (cover) stench brood (vb) incubate flock (herd) herd (group) bridegroom fiancée backward comeback go back return comeback go back return cook(ed) betrothe(d) darling lover sweetheart betrothe(d) darling lover sweetheart betrothe(d) darling lover sweetheart bethroded darling lover sweetheart rake(d) erat• erat• erat• erbjereb• ereb• ereb• ereb• ereg• ereg• ereg• erens• erens• erens• erens• erens• erens• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 2 ereps• 1 eres• 1 eres• 1 eres• 1 eres• 1 eres• 2 eres• eresm• eresm• eresm• eresm• eresm• eresm• eresm• eresm• 1 eret• 1 eret• 1 eret• 1 eret• 1 eret• 1 eret• 2 eret• 2 eret• 2 eret• 2 eret• 2 eret• 2 eret• 2 eret• errant errant errant erbi ereb ereb eremn eremn reg(o) reg(o) reg(o) renit renit renit renix renix renix eremot eremot eremot eremot eremot ereps ereps ereps ereps ereps erep(s) aeres aeres aeres aeres aeres aireses ereid ereid ereid ereid ereis(m) ereis(m) ereis(m) ereis(m) eres eres eret(m) eret(m) erett erett eret(h) eret(h) eret(h) eret(h) erethiz erethiz erethiz migrate roam(ing) wander chemical element Er dark(ness) obscure /ity dark(ness) obscure /ity carpet rug tapestry oppose(d) resist(ing) withstand oppose(d) resist(ing) withstand annihilate(d) destroy shatter(ed) smash(ed) wreck annihilate(d) destroy shatter(ed) smash(ed) wreck roof convenient excellent fine (nice) good well (good) split(ting) lean(ing) rest (against) support(ing) sustain lean(ing) rest (against) support(ing) sustain paddle /ing row(ing) paddle /ing row(ing) paddle /ing row(ing) excite(d) incite irritate nervous excite(d) incite irritate 2 eret• eretm• eretm• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• ergats• 1 eri• 1 eri• 1 eri• 1 eri• 1 eri• 1 eri• 1 eri• 1 eri• 1 eri• 2 eri• 2 eri• erif• erikt• erikt• erikt• eritr• eritr• eritr• eritr• eritr• eritr• 1 erj• erethiz eretm eretm erg erg erg erg erg erg erga erga erga erga erg erge ergi ergi ergi ergi erg ergi ergum ergum ergum ergum erg ergum urg(a) urg(a) urg(a) urg(a) erg urg(a) ergates eri eri eri erin erin erin erio erio erio eri eri eriph erict erict erict ereuth ereuth eryth(em) eryth(em) eryth(r) eryth(r) eri nervous oar paddle (oar) act (vb) do labour(ing) make /ing make /ing manipulate act (vb) do labour(ing) make /ing manipulate work(ing) act (vb) do labour(ing) make /ing manipulate work(ing) act (vb) do labour(ing) make /ing manipulate work(ing) act (vb) do labour(ing) make /ing manipulate work(ing) peasant down (fluff) fluff wool(en) down (fluff) fluff wool(en) down (fluff) fluff wool(en) at once soon goat pulverize(d) shiver(ing) splinter(ed) ginger red ginger red ginger red extreme(ly) 1 erj• 1 erj• 2 erj• 2 erj• erjol• erjol• 1 erm• 1 erm• 1 erm• 2 erm• 2 erm• 2 erm• erodj• erodj• erots• erots• erots• erots• erpert• erpert• erpert• erpert• erpert• 1 ers• 2 ers• 2 ers• ersm• ersm• ersm• ersm• erš• erš• erš• erš• erš• erš• ertus• ertus• ertus• erumn• erumn• erumn• erumn• eruts• erv• erx• erx• ery• ery• eryk• eryk• eryk• erym• erym• erym• erym• eri eri ery ery eriol eriol erem erem erem erem(io) erem(io) erem(io) erodi erodi erot(em) erot(em) erot(em) erot(em) repert repert repert repert repert eris ers hers erism erism erist erist aers(i) aers(i) aers(i) aert aert aert retu(n)s retu(n)s retu(n)s aerumn aerumn aerumn aerumn eruc erv erg [A] erg [A] ery(o) ery(o) eryc eryc eryc erym(at) erym(at) erymn erymn much very save spare (save) hurricane storm(y) calm quiet(ly) tranquil(ity) desert waste(land) wilderness crane heron ask demand question request detect discover find out invent(ion) uncover take(n) dew dew quarrel(ing) wrangle quarrel(ing) wrangle hoist lift(ed) raise(d) hoist lift(ed) raise(d) blunt dull obtuse drudge labour(ing) slave (toil) toil(ing) caterpillar lens dune hill pull tear off hold(ing) keep stick to barricade(d) defend barricade(d) defend 109 esi • esi • esi • esi • esi • esi • esi • esi • eskr• estez• estez• estez• estez• estez• estez• estl• estl• estl• estra• estra• estra• estra• 1 ests• 1 ests• 1 ests• 2 ests• 2 ests• 2 ests• 2 ests• 2 ests• 2 ests• 2 ests• 2 ests• 2 ests• esxar• esxar• esxat• esxat• esxat• esxat• ešk• ešk• ešpu• ešpu• etarj• etarj• etarj• etarj• etarj• etarj• etarj• etjetj1 etm• 1 etm• 1 etm• 110 ese ese ese ese esis esis esis esis eschar aesthe aesthe aesthe esthet esthet esthet esthl esthl esthl extra extra extra extra esth(i) esth(i) esth(i) esth(em) esth(em) esth(em) esthes esthes esthes esthet esthet esthet eschar eschar eschat eschat eschat eschat esca esca expui expui heta(e)r heta(e)r heta(e)r heta(e)r heta(e)r heta(e)r heta(e)r aeth eth ethm ethm ethm desire inclination propensity tendency desire inclination propensity tendency crust feeling perception sense feeling perception sense fair(ness) honesty probity exterior external out(side) out(side) banquet feast (nn) festival clothing dress (clothing) garment clothing dress (clothing) garment clothing dress (clothing) garment altar mantelpiece conclusion end (finish) final(e) last food nutrition spit up spit(tle) associate companion(ship) comrade concubine friend mate (companion) pal chemical word stem chemical word stem riddle screen (sifting) sieve (tool) 1 etm• 2 etm• 2 etm• 2 etm• 2 etm• etn• etn• etn• etn• etojm• etojm• etojm• etojm• etri• etšes• etšes• etsl• etsl• etsl• etšopt• etšopt• etx• etx• eu• eu• eu• eu• eu• eu• eun• eun• eur• eur• eur• eur• eur• eur• evrevres• evres• evres• evres• evres• evres• evres• evres• evry• evry• evry• ew• ew• ew• ew• ew• ew• ewdi• ethm etm etm temn temn ethn ethn ethn ethn etoem etoem etoem etoem ethri eces eces ethel ethel ethel eccopt eccopt eth(eo) eth(eo) eu eu eu eu eu eu eun eun eur eur euros euros eurot eurot europi eurem eurem eures eures heurem heurem heures heures eury eury eury eo(s) eo(s) eo(s) eo(s) eo(s) eo(s) eudi strainer cut(ting) slice(d) cut(ting) slice(d) clan people race (species) tribe available in stock obtainable ready heaven angle corner goodwill please (if you) voluntary amputate cut off bachelor spinster correct(ly) good normal proper(ly) right (correct) true bed couch mildew mould (mildew) mildew mould (mildew) mildew mould (mildew) chemical element Eu discover invent(ion) discover invent(ion) discover invent(ion) discover invent(ion) large spacious vast begin(ning) early primeval primitive pristine remote fume (smoke) ewdi• ewdi• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• exin• exis• exis• exis• exis• exs• 1 ext• 1 ext• 2 ext• 2 ext• 2 ext• extr• extr• extr• extr• extr• extr• extr• extr• extr• extr• eudi eudi eces eces eces eces eci eci eci eci(e) ecie ecie ecie eco eco eco eco ecs ecs ecs ecs oec(et) oec(et) oec(et) oec(et) oeci(e) oeci(e) oeci(e) oeci(e) oic oic oic oic echin echi(on) echi(on) echis echis ex(o) echet echet egetst egetst egetst echth echth echth echth echth echthodop echthodop echthodop echthodop echthodop gas smoke apartment dwelling-place home house dwelling-place home house apartment dwelling-place home house apartment dwelling-place home house apartment dwelling-place home house apartment dwelling-place home house apartment dwelling-place home house apartment dwelling-place home house hedgehog adder viper adder viper out(side) noise / noisy sound (noise) director guide (nn) leader contestant enemy fiend opponent rival (competitor) contestant enemy fiend opponent rival (competitor) LEMMAS 1 fag• 2 fag• 1 faj• 1 faj• 1 faj• 1 faj• 1 faj• 1 faj• 2 faj• 2 faj• 2 faj• fajt• fajt• fajt• fajt• fakl• fakl• falakr• falakr• falakr• falakr• falakr• falakr• falakr• falakr• 1 falar• 1 falar• 2 falar• 2 falar• 2 falar• 1 falax• 1 falax• 1 falax• 2 falax• 2 falax• 2 falax• faml• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 2 fan• 2 fan• ETYMONS phag fagus phae phae phae phoe phoe phoe phae phae phae phaet phaet phaet phaet faecul fecul falagr falagr falagr falagr phalacr phalacr phalacr phalacr phalar phalar phalar phalar phalar fala fala fala falla(c) falla(c) falla(c) famul phaen phaen phaen phaen phaen phaen phaen phan phan phan phan phan phan phaec phaec MEANINGS eat(ing) beech brown coloured darkish brown coloured darkish fortunate happy/ ness merry bright brilliant luminous shine /ing flour flour bald barren callow hairless bald barren callow hairless comb (cock) crest bright brilliant shine /ing scaffold skeleton stage (scaffolding) ruse subterfuge trick (artifice) servant appear(ance) aspect manifest outlook prospect seeming view appearance aspect outlook prospect seeming view enlighten illuminate 111 2 fan• 2 fan• 2 fan• 2 fan• faner• faner• faner• faner• faner• faner• faretr• faretr• fark• fark• farmats• farmats• farst• farst• farst• farst• farst• farst• farst• farst• farst• farst• farst• farst• 1 fas• 1 fas• 1 fas• 2 fas• faskl• faskl• faskl• faskl• fasm• fasm• fasm• 1 fasts• 1 fasts• 2 fasts• 2 fasts• 2 fasts• fatn• fatn• fatsel• fatsel• fatš• fatš• fav• fazgan• fazgan• fazgan• fazgan• fazgan• 112 phaec phan phan phan phaner phaner phaner phaner phaner phaner pharetr pharetr pharc(id) pharc(id) pharmac pharmac farct farct farct farct fars fars fars fars fart fart fart fart phas phas phas fas [A] phascul phascul phascul phascul phasm(at) phasm(at) phasm(at) phass phass fast fast fast phatn phatn phacel phacel fac fax favus phasgan phasgan phasgan phasgan phasgan light up enlighten illuminate light up display (vb) exhibit(ed) present(ed) produce(d) reveal(ing) show(ing) quiver(ing) sheath furrow wrinkle (furrow) drug medicament clog (vb) plug(ged) stop up stuff(ed) clog (vb) plug(ged) stop up stuff(ed) clog (vb) plug(ged) stop up stuff(ed) speak speech (language) talk pick-ax bag pocket pouch sack (bag) phantom spirit (ghost) spook dove pigeon contempt haughtiness pride manger trough bundle sheaf torch torch honeycomb dagger dirk knife (etc.) poniard stiletto fedr• feg• 1 felj• 2 felj• fem• femta• [GN] fenak• fenak• fenak• fenak• fenak• fenak• fenak• fenak• fenak• fenak• fenits• fenits• fenits• ferferb• fere• fere• fere• fermjfern• fert• fert• feru• feru• ferv• ferv• 1 fests• 1 fests• 2 fests• 2 fests• fibr• fibr• fibr• fidits• fidits• 1 fil• 1 fil• 1 fil• 1 fil• 1 fil• 1 fil• 1 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• phaedr pheg fel(l) fell phem phemta phenac phenac phenac phenac phenac phenac phenac phenac phenac phenac phoenic phoenic phoenic ferr pherb pheri pheri pheri fermi pherni phert phert fer fer conferv conferv fess fess feshfesh [A] feshfesh [A] fiber fiber fiber fidicul fidicul phil phil phil phil phil phil phil fil fil fil filar filar filar fili shine /ing tree(s) bile suck(ing) word number value 10-15 cheating counterfeit deceive(d) fake (adj) false forged (false) insidious perfidious traitorous treacherous magenta purple red chemical element Fe graze/ing contour outline silhouette chemical element Fm basket (etc) brave(ly) courageous untamed wild solder weld exhausted tire(d) waste(land) wilderness fiber filament thread (fiber) harp lyre adept appreciate fan(atic) friend like /ing love sympathizer fiber filament thread (fiber) fiber filament thread (fiber) fiber 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• filakt• filakt• filakt• filf• filofr• filofr• filofr• filofr• fim• fim• fim• fim• fim• fimt• fimt• fimt• fisj• fisj• fisj• 1 fiz• 1 fiz• 1 fiz• 2 fiz• 2 fiz• 2 fiz• fizl• fizl• fjurflabel• flabel• flabel• fladž• flaj• flaj• flat • flat • flat • flav• 1 fleb• 1 fleb• 2 fleb• 2 fleb• fletn• fletn• fletn• fletn• fletn• fletn• fili fili filo filo filo filum filum filum phylac(t) phylac(t) phylac(t) filfil [A] philophr philophr philophr philophr phym(at) phym(at) phym(at) phym(at) phym(at) fimet fimet fimet physi physi physi phys phys phys phys(i) phys(i) phys(i) phyzel phyzel fur flabell flabell flabell flagell phla(o) phla(o) flacc(id) flacc(id) flacc(id) flav phleb phleb fleb phleb flen flen flen flen flen flet filament thread (fiber) fiber filament thread (fiber) fiber filament thread (fiber) protect screen(ed) shelter(ed) pepper affable favour(able) kind(ness) will(ing) bump (lump) knob knot (node) lump tuber dung(hill) fertilizer manure life living being nature create(d) make /ing produce(d) material matter (substance) substance cowardice insipid(ity) chemical word stem fan (ventilator) feather-brush feather-duster whip(ping) crease crumple droop fade wither yellow artery vein draw (line) streak (line) blubber cry (weep) snivel weep(ing) whimper blubber fletn• fletn• fletn• fletn• flib• flib• flib• flib• flib• flib• flid• flid• flid• flikt• flikt• flikt• flikt• flog• flog• flog• floj• floj• floj• floj• floj• fluj• flur• flur• fluvj• fluw1 fly• 1 fly• 1 fly• 2 fly• 2 fly• 2 fly• 2 fly• fogr• fogr• 1 fojb• 1 fojb• 2 fojb• fojd• fojd• fojd• fojd• fojt• fojt• fojt• fojt• fojt• foks• foks• foks• fole• fole• flet flet flet flet phlib phlib phlib phlips phlips phlips phlyd phlyd phlyd phlict phlict phlyct phlyct phlog phlog phlog phloe phloe phloe phloe phloe fluit phlaur phlaur fluvi fluo phli phli phli phly(ct) phly(ct) phly(ct) phly(ct) foggara [A] foggara [A] phoeb phoeb phoebe fodi fodi foed(at) foed(at) phoet phoet phoet phoet phoet phox phox phox phole phole cry (weep) snivel weep(ing) whimper compress(ed) crush press (together) compress(ed) crush press (together) humid(ity) moist wet (moisten) pimple pustule pimple pustule burn fire flame bark (inner) bast cork integument peel (nn) wave conceited vain(glorious) river chemical element F post (stake) prop support (upright) bladder blister bubble vesicle canal channel clear (adj) plain(ly) hunter abhor loathe abhor loathe oscillate /ing totter(ing) unsettle(d) unstable waver(ing) point (tip) summit top (tip) cave(rn) hole 113 fole• fole• folits• folits• folits• folits• folj• folj• folts• folts• folts• folts• fom• fomn• fon• fon• for• for• for• for• for• for• for• forb• forb• forfik• forfik• foron• foron• foron• foron• foron• fosffosol• fosol• fot• frad• fradz• fradz• 1 fragm• 2 fragm• 2 fragm• frakt• frakt• frang• frang• frang• frang• frang• frang• frans1 fras• 1 fras• 2 fras• 2 fras• 2 fras• 114 phole phole phol(l)ic phol(l)ic phol(l)ic phol(l)ic folli(cul) folli(cul) pholc pholc pholc pholc phom fomm [A] phon(a) phon(a) fer/pher phor(a) phor(a) phor(a) phores phores phoret phorb phorb forfex forfic foron foron foron foron foron phospho fossul fossul phot phras phradz phradz fragm phragm phragm phract phract pharang pharang pharang pharanx pharanx pharanx franci phras phras phras phras phras hollow niche eczema scab scabies scale (fish &) balloon bladder doubtful dubious questionable unreliable swell(ing) throat noise / noisy sound (noise) carry(ing) carry(ing) move(ment) transport(ing) move(ment) transport(ing) portable food nutrition scissors scissors container holder receptacle sheath socket chemical element P furrow wrinkle (furrow) light (shine) wise declare proclaim break(ing) barrier wall armour (nn) cuirass abyss chasm cleft abyss chasm cleft chemical element Fr feel sense (feel) emotion feeling humour frast• frast• frast• fraš• fra • fra • fra • fra • fra • fred• fred• fremt• fremt• fremt• fremt• fren• frikt• frikt• fritl• fritl• 1 fron• 1 fron• 1 fron• 2 fron• 2 fron• frud• frug• frug• frure• frust• frust• frust• frust• fruts• fruts• fruts• fruts• fruts• fruts• fryg• frygan• frygan• frygan• fryk• fryk• fryn• fryn• ftalftan• 1 ftegm• 1 ftegm• 2 ftegm• 2 ftegm• 2 ftegm• fter• fter• phrase phrase phrase frace frace frace fraci fraci fraci fret fret fremen fremen fremit fremit phren phrict phrict fritill fritill phron(t) phron(t) phron(t) phron(im) phron(im) phrud ferrug ferrug phrur frust(r) frust(r) frust(r) frust(r) frutec frutec frutex frutex frutic frutic phryg phrygan phrygan phrygan phryct phryct phryn phryn phtal phtan phthegma phthegma phtegm phtegm phtegm phtart phtart expression phrase sentence bribe (vb) buy (someone) corrupt(ed) bribe (vb) buy (someone) corrupt(ed) corridor street noise / noisy sound (noise) noise / noisy sound (noise) mind shiver(ing) tremble beaker dice-box know(ledge) think(ing) understand(able) proud(ly) vain(glorious) leave (go) corrosion rust(ed) keep fraction fragment(ation) part (piece) piece bush shrub (plant) bush shrub (plant) bush shrub (plant) dry (adj) brushwood scrub (thorns) thorn-hedge corrode(d) rust(ed) frog toad chemical word stem first call (nn) voice aria melody tone damag(ing) impair fter• fter• fter• fter• fter• fter• 1 ftir• 2 ftir• 2 ftir• 2 ftir• 2 ftir• 2 ftir• 2 ftir• fton• fton• ftong• ftor• ftor• ftor• 1 fuldž• 1 fuldž• 1 fuldž• 2 fuldž• 2 fuldž• fulkr• fulkr• fulkr• fulkr• fulkr• fulkr• fuln• fun• fun• fun• fun• fun• fun• fundj• fundj• fundj• fundl• furf• fusk• fusk• fustj• fustj• fustj• fustj• 1 fuž• 2 fuž• 2 fuž• fy• fy• fy• fyk• fyk• phtart phteir phteir phteir phter phter phthir phthir phthir phthir phtin phtin phtin phton phton phtong phthor phthor phthor fulg fulg fulg fulg fulg fulci(men) fulci(men) fulci(men) fulcr fulcr fulcr vuln(er) fun(al) fun(al) fun(al) funi(s) funi(s) funi(s) fundi fundi fundi fundul furfur fusc fusc fusti fusti fusti fusti fus(i) fus(i) fus(i) phy phy phy fuc fuc system damag(ing) impair spoil(ed) damag(ing) impair flea corruption iniquity vice corruption iniquity vice envy jealous(y) speech sound damage (nn) defect (nn) harm light lightning shine /ing lamp lantern prop stay (place) support (base) prop stay (place) support (base) wound(ed) cable (rope) line (rope) rope (cord) line (rope) rope (cord) string (cord) basis construct(ion) fundament sausage bran black dark baton cane club (stick) stick (club) pour melt(ed) smelt create(d) make /ing produce(d) alga seaweed fyk• fyk• 1 fyl• 1 fyl• 1 fyl• 1 fyl• 1 fyl• 2 fyl• fyl•2 fyr• 1 fys• 1 fys• 1 fys• 2 fys• 2 fys• 2 fys• 2 fys• 2 fys• 1 fysts• 1 fysts• 1 fysts• 2 fysts• fyt• fyt• fyt• LEMMAS gadlgadža• galakt• galb• galb• gale• gale• gale• galer• galer• galer• galer• galg• galg• galg• galg• galjgalm• galm• 1 galn• 1 galn• 1 galn• 2 galn• gam• gam• gam• gambr• fyc fyc phyl phyl phyl phyl phyl phyll phyll phyr phys phys win phys phys(al) phys(al) phys(al) phys(al) physc physc physc physc phyto phyto phyto ETYMONS gadol gajah [S] galact galbul galbul gale gale gale gale(at) gale(at) gale(at) gale(at) gall gall gall gall galli gallum gallum galen galen galen galen gam gam gam gambr alga seaweed clan family people race (species) tribe herb leaf crystal balloon bellows bladder inflation blow (air) breathe snuff wind (air) big-bellied corpulent fat(ty) sausage plant (herb) vegetable weed (herb) MEANINGS chemical element Gd elephant milk (nn) big-bellied corpulent ferret marten weasel cap (hat) coif helmet wig chicken cock (fowl) hen rooster chemical element Ga curtain veil calm quiet(ly) tranquil(ity) lead (metal) marriage wedding wedlock kin 115 gambr• gambr• gaml• gaml• 1 gan• 1 gan• 1 gan• 2 gan• gani• gani• gani• gani• gar• gar• gar• garask• gargl• 1 gargr• 1 gargr• 1 gargr• 2 gargr• garva• garva• garva• garva• gasi• gasi• gastr• gastr• gastr• gastr• gastr• gastr• gavr• gavr• gavr• gavr• gazr• ge• ge• ge• gefr• gefr• gefr• gefr• gefr• gefyr• gelat• gelat• gelat• gelat• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• 116 gambr gambr gamel gamel gan gan gan gan gan gan ganni ganni garr(i) garr(i) garr(i) Jp: garasu-kiri gargal gargar gargar gargar gargar garvah [S] garvah [S] garvah [S] garvah [S] gassi [A] gassi [A] gaster gaster gaster gastr(o) gastr(o) gastr(o) gaur gaur gavis gavis gazar [A] gae gai ge(o) gephyr gephyr gephyr gephyr gephyr gephyr(e) gel gel gelat gelat gel gel gel gel gel parent(s) relation (human) donate give adorn(ment) decoration ornament smelt happy/ ness joy happy/ ness joy babble chatter gossip diamond tickle audience mass (crowd) public(ly) uvula dignity self-assurance self-confidence self-reliance hard tough abdomen belly stomach abdomen belly stomach happy/ ness joy happy/ ness joy carrot Earth Earth Earth highway road(way) road(way) route way (road) bridge frost ice frost ice amuse/ing amuse/ing amuse/ing amuse/ing facetious gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gemn• gemn• gemn• 1 gen• 1 gen• 1 gen• 1 gen• 1 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• gene• gene• gene• gene• genit• genj• geny• geny• geny• 1 ger• 1 ger• 2 ger• 2 ger• geran• gerat• germgeront• geront• gerv• ge • ge • ge • gešt• geton• gel gel geloe geloe geloe gelos gelos gelos gelot gelot gelot genn gennad gennae gene gene gene gene gene gen gen gen gen gen gen gene gene gene gene gene gene gene gene gene gene genit geni geny geny geny ger ger ger grai geran gerat germani gerat geront gerev [Hb] geiss geiss geiss gestatio geit laugh(ing) witty facetious laugh(ing) witty facetious laugh(ing) witty facetious laugh(ing) witty noble(hearted) noble(hearted) noble(hearted) bring about cause (vb) create(d) make /ing produce(d) descent extract(ion) inherit(ance) issue (produce) offspring origin descent extract(ion) inherit(ance) issue (produce) offspring origin family gentry people tribe sex organ beard cheek chin jaw(bone) carry wear old old crane age (timelapse) chemical element Ge old (wo)man old (wo)man socks battlement breach gap pregnant /cy neighbour geton• geton• giga• [GN] gigart• gigart• gigart• gigart• 1 gignosx• 2 gignosx• gingl• gingl• gingr• 1 gjest• 2 gjest• glabr• gladi• 1 glaf• 1 glaf• 1 glaf• 1 glaf• 1 glaf• 1 glaf• 2 glaf• 1 glak• 1 glak• 1 glak• 2 glak• glak•2 glare• glare• glare• glars• glars• gla • gla • gla • gla • gleb• gleb• gleb• gleb• glek• 1 glen• 1 glen• 2 glen• 2 glen• gli• gli• gli• glipt• glipt• glipt• glipt• glitsglitser• gloj• geiton giton giga gigart gigart gigart gigart gignoscho gignoscho ginglym ginglym gingras geus geus glaber gladi glaph glaph glaph glaphyr glaphyr glaphyr glaph(yr) glauc glauc glauc glauc glauc glare glare glare glaris glaris gelas(im) gelas(im) gelas(im) gelas(im) glaeb glaeb glaeb glaeb gleuc glen glen glen glen gli gli gli glyph glyph glypt glypt glycerin glycer glea neighbour neighbour billion 109 grain granule pip seed read(ing) understand(able) hinge joint whistle experience (feel) taste (sense) bald sword chase (metal) emboss tool (leather) chase (metal) emboss tool (leather) delicate brilliant light (shine) shine /ing blue green gravel grit slack chisel graver odd peculiar queer strange chunk clod hump lump wine cave / ity hollow lens pupil (eye) bond (tie) cement glue engraving plate (chiseled) engraving plate (chiseled) chemical word stem sweet (sense) glue gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• glom• glom• glos• glos• glots• glots• glot• glotš• glotš• glox• gluts• gluts• glyk• glyk• glyk• glyk• glyk• glyk• glyk• glyk• glyk• glyt• glyt• glyt• gnaf• gnapt• gnapt• gnat• gnat• gnes• gnes• gnes• gnes• gnof• gnof• 1 gnom• 1 gnom• 2 gnom• 2 gnom• gojs• gojs• glea glea glea glio glio glio glio gloe gloe gloe gloe gloi gloi gloi gloi glomer glomer gloss glott gloss glott glott gloch(id) glochin gloch glauc glauc gluci gluci gluci gluco gluco gluco glyc glyc glyc glut glut glut gnaph gnapt gnapt gnath gnath gnesi gnesi gnesi gnesi gnoph gnoph gnome gnome gnome gnome go go lacquer resin varnish glue lacquer resin varnish glue lacquer resin varnish glue lacquer resin varnish ball (clew) clew word word tongue (organ) tongue (organ) language ear (of corn) ear (of corn) angle gray pale(ness) mild sugar sweet (sense) mild sugar sweet (sense) mild sugar sweet (sense) bond (tie) cement glue felt (fabric) crush full (cloth) jaw(bone) teeth law(ful) legal legitimate statutory dark obscure /ity announce(ment) inform(ation) clarify explain groan moan 117 gojs• gojs• gojs• gojs• gole• gole• gole• 1 gomf• 1 gomf• 1 gomf• 1 gomf• 1 gomf• 1 gomf• 1 gomf• 2 gomf• 2 gomf• 1 gon• 1 gon• 1 gon• 2 gon• 2 gon• 2 gon• gongr• gosyp• gradz• gradz• gradz• gradz• 1 graf• 1 graf• 1 graf• 1 graf• 2 graf• 2 graf• gram• gram• 1 gramat• 1 gramat• 1 gramat• 2 gramat• 2 gramat• 2 gramat• grandin• grapt• grapt• grapt• grar• grar• graš• graš• graš• 1 gres• 2 gres• 2 gres• gripf• 118 goes goes goet goet gole gole gole gomph gomph gomph gomph gomph gomph gomph gomph gomph gone gone gone gone gone gone gongron gossyp grad grad grad grad graph graph graph graph graph graph gramm gramm grammat grammat grammat grammat grammat grammat grandin grapt grapt grapt grara [A] grara [A] grassa grassa grassa gres gress gress griph groan moan groan moan cave(rn) cave(rn) grotto chock nail post (stake) prop stud support (base) wedge button (push) key (button) angle knee knot(ted) germ (nn) semen sex organ tumor cotton go march(ing) step(ping) walk(ing) design draw(ing) sketch(ing) write pen(cil) stylus draw(ing) writing character (letter) spelling symbol codex laws rule(s) hail (ice) indication mark (sign) sign tub vat migrate roam(ing) wander run (speed) stage (phase) step (pace) enigma gripf• gripf• grod• grod• grod• grom• grom• gron• gron• grun• grun• gry• gry• gry• gui• gui• gumr• gurdr• gurv• gurx• gvaj• gvaj• gyj• gymn• gymn• gyn• gyn• gyp• gyps• gyr• gyr• gyr• LEMMAS haben• haben• haben• haben• habits• habits• habits• 1 habr• 1 habr• 1 habr• 2 habr• 2 habr• 2 habr• 2 habr• 1 hadr• 1 hadr• 1 hadr• 1 hadr• 1 hadr• griph griph orrhod orrhod orrhod grom grom gron gron gryn gryn gry(on) gry(on) gry(on) gui gui goumruk [A] grdhrah [S] Guruvasarah [S] Guruh [S] guai guai gyi gymn(o) gymn(o) gyn gyn gyp gyps gyrus gyrus gyrus ETYMONS haben haben haben haben habitus habitus habitus habr habr habr habr(o) habr(o) habr(o) habr(o) hadr hadr hadr hadr hadr puzzle riddle fear(ful) horror terror(ize) measure (land) survey deep profound(ly) bundle sheaf none nothing nought cripple(d) disabled custom (taxes) vulture Thursday Jupiter anchor cable (rope) body naked nude spouse wife vulture chalk meander undulate wave MEANINGS bridle girdle restrain(t) strap custom(ary) habit(s) usage abundant affluent/ce luxury delicate soft(ness) tender(ly) weak(ness) encompassing extensive huge spacious tall 1 hadr• 1 hadr• 2 hadr• 2 hadr• 2 hadr• hafax• hafnhaga• haga• haga• haga• hagi• hagi• hagi• hagi• hagi• hagi• hajm• hajm• hajm• hajm• hajm• hajm• hajml• hajml• hajn• hajn• 1 hali• 2 hali• 2 hali• 2 hali• 2 hali• 2 hali• 2 hali• 2 hali• 2 hali• 1 halts• 1 halts• 1 halts• 1 halts• 1 halts• 1 halts• 2 halts• 2 halts• 2 halts• 2 halts• haly • halz• halz• 1 ham• hadr hadr hadr hadr hadr hafach [Hb] haffni aga [S] aga [S] aga [S] aga [S] hagi hagi hagi hagni hagni hagni aim aim aim hem hem hem haemil haemil aen(o) aen(o) hal hal hal halas halas halat halat hali hali halec halec halec hallec hallec hallec halmat halmat haltic haltic halysi ###### ###### ham vast wide firm(ly) solid(ity) sturdy capsize chemical element Hf admirable eminent grand great divine holy saint divine holy saint bravery courage hero(ism) bravery courage hero(ism) perfidious snare (malice) terrify(ing) terror(ize) salt ocean sea ocean sea ocean sea sea ocean gravy juice sauce gravy juice sauce jump leap jump leap chain (string) halo ring (circle) hook (nn) 1 ham• 2 ham• hama• hama• hama• hamar• hamar• hamd• hamd• hamk• haml• haml• haml• hamn• hamn• hamt• hamt• hamt• hamt• hapak• hapak• hapal• hapal• hapf• hapf• hapf• hapf• hapl• hapl• hapl• hapl• hapl• hapl• haps• haps• haps• haps• hapt• hapt• hapt• haptr• haptr• haptr• 1 hara• 2 hara• 2 hara• 2 hara• 2 hara• hare• hare• hamat hem(o) hama hama hama amar amar hamada [A] hamada [A] hamaki [Jp] haemil haemil haemil hiamen hiamen hamm(at) hamm(at) hamm(at) hamm(at) hapax hapax hapal hapal haph haph haps haps apl apl apl hapl hapl hapl haps(id) haps(id) hapt hapt hapt hapt hapt haptr haptr haptr ara hara hara hara hara areo areo hook (nn) red accompany synchronous with canal channel surface upper cigar attract charm(ing) lure meadow pasture bond (tie) knot (node) link (connection) tie (knot) only unique soft(ness) tender(ly) feel touch feel touch clear-cut neat simple /ly clear-cut neat simple /ly arch vault arch vault bind fix(ed) link(ed) fuse (nn) tinder wick pray asylum hide-out refuge shelter (protection) clever skillful 119 harg• harg• 1 harm• 1 harm• 1 harm• 2 harm• 2 harm• 1 harpf• 1 harpf• 1 harpf• 1 harpf• 1 harpf• 2 harpf• 2 harpf• 2 harpf• 2 harpf• harti• harti• harti• hasj• hasts• 1 hašt• 1 hašt• 2 hašt• hat• hata• [GN] hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hatr• hatr• hatr• hebdom• hebe• hebe• hebe• hebe• hed• hed• hed• hed• 120 arg arg arm arm arm harmo(n) harmo(n) harp harp harp harp harp harp harp harp harp arti arti arti hasi [A] hast(at) haust haust haust hatha [S] hata hatel hatel hatel hatel hatel hatel hatl hatl hatl hatl hatl hatl hathro hathro hathro hebdom heb heb hebe hebe ed ed ed eeth clever skillful cargo charge (weight) load adapt assimilate claw nail (finger) scythe (etc) sickle (etc.) talon catch (get) chase hunt rob (steal) absolute(ly) impeccable perfect(ly) well (fountain) spear(point) shovel spoon sucker body number value 10-18 defect(ive) deficient erroneous fault(y) imperfect wrong defect(ive) deficient erroneous fault(y) imperfect wrong compact(ness) condensed dense week(ly) mature /ity ripe mature /ity ripe mild sweet (sense) tender(ly) mild eeth eeth edos edos edos hedon hedon hedon hedr hedr hedr edra edra edra hed(r) hed(r) hed(r) hedy hedy hedy hedy hedy hephth hephth hephth hephth hepset hepset hepset hepset hex(e) hex(e) eiletic eilic eir hex hex hex hex hex hex hex hex hex hexa hect(o) hektate• [GN] hektate heljon [Hb] heldž• 1 ele hele• 1 ele hele• hed• hed• hedon• hedon• hedon• hedon• hedon• hedon• 1 hedr• 1 hedr• 1 hedr• 2 hedr• 2 hedr• 2 hedr• 2 hedr• 2 hedr• 2 hedr• hedy• hedy• hedy• hedy• hedy• heft• heft• heft• heft• heft• heft• heft• heft• hegz• hegz• hejl• hejl• hejr• 1 heks• 1 heks• 1 heks• 1 heks• 1 heks• 2 heks• 2 heks• 2 heks• 2 heks• heksa• [GN] hekta• [GN] sweet (sense) tender(ly) enjoy pleasure relish (pleasure) enjoy pleasure relish (pleasure) basis found(ation) fundament chair seat(ed) sit chair seat(ed) sit enjoyable gentle pleasant soft(ness) tender(ly) boil(ed) parch(ed) scorch(ed) singe boil parch(ed) scorch(ed) singe rank (nn) row (series) roll(ing) roll(ing) knot(ted) attitude condition pose posture state have hold(ing) keep possess six hundred hundredth asparagus compassion pity /ful 1 hele• 2 hele• 2 hele• 2 hele• heli• heli• heli• heljhelmint• heln• helr• helr• helst• helst• helts• 1 helv• 1 helv• 1 helv• 1 helv• 2 helv• helyg• helyg• 1 hem• 1 hem• 2 hem• 2 hem• 1 hemat• 2 hemat• 1 hemer• 1 hemer• 1 hemer• 2 hemer• 2 hemer• 2 hemer• 2 hemer• hemi• [GN] hemi• heml• heml• heml• heml• heml• heml• hemr• hemr• hemr• hemr• hemt• hemt• hemt• ele hele hele hele heli(o) heli(o) heli(o) heli helmint(h) elen helor helor helc(t) helc(t) helc hellup hellup hellup hellup helo elyg helyg haem hem(o) haem haem hemat(o) haemat emer hemar hemer hemer hemer hemer hemer hemi hemi emmel emmel emmel hemmel hemmel hemmel hemer hemer hemer hemer hem hem hem sympathy frenzy insane /ity mad(ness) day(light) sun sunshine chemical element He worm torch plunder prey (victim) draw (pull) pull ulcer debauch revel squander waste(d) nail shadow(y) shadow(y) blood blood descent origin blood iron day(light) day(light) day(light) civilized cultivate(d) domestic(ated) tame(d) half part (piece) elegant fashion(able) graceful elegant fashion(able) graceful daily journal newspaper periodical javelin lance spear hemt• hemt• hemt• hene• henj• henj• henj• henjok• henjok• henjok• hepat• hepj• hepj• hepj• hepj• hepjol• hepjol• hepjol• hepjol• heps• heps• heps• heps• heps• heps• hepta• [GN] her• her• her• her• herak• herak• herak• heri• heri• hermen• hermen• hermen• hermin• hermin• hermin• hermin• hermt• hern• ern• ern• ern• ern• ern• herp• herpet• hemat hemat hemat ene(o) ene(o) ene(o) ene(o) henioch henioch henioch hepat epi epi epi epi hepial hepial hepiol hepiol hebes hebes hebes hebet hebet hebet hepta earin earo er(i) her(i) hierax hierax hierax eeri eeri hermen hermen hermen hermin hermin hermin hermin hermat ern ern ern ern ern ern herp erpet javelin lance spear mute(ly) absurd idiotic unwise coachman driver wagoner liver affable courteous kind(ness) polite(ly) butterfly moth butterfly moth dull muffled obtuse dull muffled obtuse seven spring(time) spring(time) spring(time) spring(time) bird of prey goshawk hawk dawn(ing) morning explain interpret translate post (prop) prop stay (place) support (base) stumble bough (tree) branch (ramification) shoot (twig) sprig sprout (twig) twig crawl(ing) snake 121 herpet• herpet• herpet• hesn• hesn• 1 hespr• hespr•1 2 hespr• hespr•2 1 hest• hest•1 hest•1 hest•1 hest•1 hest•1 2 hest• hest•2 hestr• hestr• hestr• hestr• hesyts• hesyts• hesyts• hesyts• hesyts• hesyts• het• heter• heter• heter• heter• heter• heter• hetes• hetes• hetes• hetes• hetes• hetes• hetes• hetes• 1 hetj• hetj•1 hetj•1 hetj•1 hetj•1 2 hetj• hetm• hetm• 122 herpes herpes herpet hesson hesson hesper hesper hesper hesper est est est hest hest hest hest hest estr estr oestr oestr hesyc hesyc hesyc hesygu hesygu hesygu et(i) hetero hetero hetero oter oter oter etes etes etes etes hetes hetes hetes hetes ete(o) ete(o) ete(o) ete(o) ete(o) aeti hetaem hetoem serpent snake snake few(er) less evening sunset occident(al) west(ern) lay (put) place(d) put(ting) lay (put) place(d) put(ting) gratifying welcome furious rage(ing) furious rage(ing) calm quiet(ly) tranquil(ity) calm quiet(ly) tranquil(ity) year different other unlike(ly) different other unlike(ly) burgess burgher citizen middle-class burgess burgher citizen middle-class correct(ly) justified right (correct) true truth(ful) straw ready ready hetr• hetr• hetšt• hetšt• het t• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 2 hevl• hexm• hexm• hexm• hexm• 1 hidr• 1 hidr• 1 hidr• 1 hidr• 1 hidr• 1 hidr• 1 hidr• 1 hidr• 2 hidr• 2 hidr• 2 hidr• 2 hidr• 2 hidr• 2 hidr• 2 hidr• 2 hidr• hiem• hiem• hiem• hiem• etr(i) etr(i) hectic hectic hectic el el el el el elei elei elei elei elei hel hel hel hel hel helei helei helei helei helei hel echm(at) echm(at) echm(at) echm(at) hidr(os) hidr(os) hydar hydar hyder hyder hydor hydor hidr hidr hidros hidros hidrot hidrot hydr hydr hiem hiema hiemal hiems abdomen pubis constant(ly) lasting permanent bog fen marsh (moor) morass swamp bog fen marsh (moor) morass swamp bog fen marsh (moor) morass swamp bog fen marsh (moor) morass swamp wart handicap(ped) hindrance impediment obstacle rain(fall) water rain(fall) water rain(fall) water rain(fall) water sweat transpiration sweat transpiration sweat transpiration sweat transpiration winter winter winter winter 1 hier• 1 hier• 1 hier• 1 hier• 2 hier• 2 hier• 2 hier• 2 hier• higr• higr• higr• hikn• hikn• hilak• hilak• hilak• hilak• hilak• hilak• hilak• hilak• hilj• hilj• hiln• hiln• hiln• hiln• hils• hils• hils• hils• hils• hils• hils• hils• him• him• him• him• him• him• 1 himant• 1 himant• 2 himant• himant•2 hina• hina• hina• [S] hini• hion• hier(o) hier(o) hier(o) hier(o) hiere hiere hiere hiere hygro hygro hygro hican ican hylac(t) hylac(t) hylac(t) hylac(t) hylagm hylagm hylagm hylagm hill hill illin illin illin illin hiles hiles hiles hiles hilether hilether hilether hilether eimat eimat him him himat himat himant himant himas himas hina [S] hina [S] hina ini eion holy official sanctified solemn clergy(man) minister monk priest(ly) humid(ity) water wet(ness) enough sufficient bark(ing) bray cry (animal) neigh bark(ing) bray cry (animal) neigh bowel(s) intestine cream grease oil smear(ed) ardent glow(ing) heat (temperature) hot ardent glow(ing) heat (temperature) hot clothing costume clothing costume clothing costume strap whip (strap) leg stilt little (small) small tiny neck bank (shore) hion• hion• 1 hip• 2 hip• hiper+ hiper+ hiper+ hiper+ 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 2 hipn• 2 hipn• 2 hipn• 2 hipn• hipr• hipr• hipr• hipr• hipr• hipr• hipr• hips• hips• hips• hips• hipt• hiptš• hiptš• hiptš• hirak• hirak• hirak• hirak• hirak• hirak• 1 hires• 2 hires• 2 hires• eion eion hipp hippeo hyper hyper hyper hyper hipn hipn hipn hipn hipn hipn hipn ipn ipn ipn ipn ipn ipn ipn hypen hypen upen upen hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyps(i) hyps(i) hyps(i) hyps(i) hypti hiptiot hiptiot hiptiot hyrac hyrax hyrac hyrax hyrac hyrax hires hirri hirri beach seaside horse ride across excessive extreme(ly) superboiler fireside furnace hearth kiln oven stove boiler fireside furnace hearth kiln oven stove mustache whisker(s) mustache whisker(s) masher pestle piston plunger pound(ing) rammer stamper culmination high soar(ing) tall slow(ly) knock down overthrow upset mouse mouse rat rat rodent rodent falcon squeal whine 123 2 hires• hirk• hirk• hirk• hirk• hirk• hirk• hirk• hirk• hirm• hirm• hirm• hirm• hirm• hirm• hirn• hirn• hisk• hisk• hisp• hisp• hisp• 1 histor• 1 histor• 1 histor• 1 histor• 2 histor• 2 histor• histr• histr• histr• hi t• hity• hity• hity• hity• hizb• hjet• hjet• hodg• hodg• hodg• hodr• hodr• hodr• hodr• hojt• hojt• hojt• hol• 124 hirri hirc(in) hirc(in) hirc(in) hirc(in) hirguin hirguin hirguin hirguin hirm hirm hirm horm(ath) horm(ath) horm(ath) hirn hirn hiscen hiscen hisp(id) hisp(id) hisp(id) histor histor histor histor histor histor histrio histrio histrio histos ity ity ity ity hisab [A] hieta hieta hodeg hodeg hodeg hodur hodur odur odur oet oet oet hol(o) yelp buck (goat etc) he-goat ram (sheep etc) tup buck (goat etc) he-goat ram (sheep etc) tup chain(ed) enchain shackle(d) chain(ed) enchain shackle(d) jug pot close(d) shut (close) bristling hairy shaggy event happening know(ledge) occurrence know(ledge) wisdom actor mime performer loom (nn) circle (nn) hoop (nn) ring (circle) round account gape/ ing yawn(ing) conductor guide (nn) leader ambush waylay ambush waylay destiny fate lot (fate) all hol• hol• hol• hol• hol• hol• hol• holits• holits• holk• holk• holk• holk• holmholp• holp• holp• homal• homal• homal• homal• homal• homal• homal• homal• homd• homd• homd• homd• home• home• home• home• home• home• home• home• homoj• homoj• homoj• 1 homr• 1 homr• 2 homr• 2 homr• 2 homr• hon• hon• hon• honj• hopid• hol(o) hol(o) hol(o) ol(o) ol(o) ol(o) ol(o) olic olic holc holc olc olc holmi olp olp olp homal homal homal homal omal omal omal omal homad homad homil homil hom hom hom hom homeo homeo homeo homeo homo(i) homo(i) homo(i) homer homer homer homer homer o oari oo(n) oni(o) oppid complete(ly) every total(ly) all complete(ly) every total(ly) general(ly) universal furrow wrinkle (furrow) furrow wrinkle (furrow) chemical element Ho bag pouch sack (bag) even(ly) flat level smooth even(ly) flat level smooth riot tumult riot tumult aggregate(d) assemble(d) common(ly) unite(d) aggregate(d) assembled common(ly) unite(d) copy imitate simulate(d) accord agreement guarantee pledge warranty egg egg egg buy (something) fortress hopid• 1 hopl• 1 hopl• 1 hopl• 1 hopl• 1 hopl• 2 hopl• 2 hopl• hopot• hopr• hopt• hopt• horg• 1 horj• 1 horj• 1 horj• 1 horj• 2 horj• 2 horj• hork• hork• hork• 1 horm• 1 horm• 1 horm• 2 horm• 2 horm• 2 horm• 2 horm• hormn• hormn• hormn• hormn• hormn• hormn• horn• horn• horp• horp• horp• horp• horp• horp• horp• horp• horp• horpn• hors• hors• hort• oppid hopl(it) opl(e) opl(it) oplism oplon hopl(e) opl(e) hopot hopor opt(a) opt(a) org hori(o) hori(o) horiz horiz hori(a) hori(a) horcan horcan horcan horm horm horm horme horme horme horme horm(et) horm(et) horm(et) hormon hormon hormon hori horn(ot) horp(ec) horp(ec) horp(ec) horpex horpex horpex orp(ec) orp(ec) orp(ec) orpn ors(o) osch hort(ens) stronghold weapon(ry) weapon(ry) weapon(ry) weapon(ry) weapon(ry) hoof hoof then autumn congratulate well-wishing humid(ity) boundary limit (border) boundary limit (border) boat ship (boat) jail lock-up prison neck-chain necklace necklet begin(ning) go away initiate start excite(d) nervous shock (offend) excite(d) nervous shock (offend) season (time) season (time) shoot (twig) sprout (twig) twig shoot (twig) sprout (twig) twig shoot (twig) sprout (twig) twig dark(ness) branch (ramification) branch (ramification) garden hort• 1 horx• 2 horx• hosf• hosm• hosp• hosp• hosp• hotj• hotj• hotj• hotj• hotl• hotl• hotr• hotr• hotr• hotr• hovl• 1 hubr• 1 hubr• 1 hubr• 1 hubr• 1 hubr• 1 hubr• 2 hubr• 2 hubr• hudn• hujs• hujs• hujs• hujs• hukr• hukr• hulj• hulj• hulj• hulj• 1 hultr• 1 hultr• 1 hultr• 1 hultr• 1 hultr• 1 hultr• 2 hultr• 2 hultr• 2 hultr• hulw• huml• hunj• hort(ens) orrh orrh osph(y) osm(er) hosp(it) hosp(it) hosp(it) oti(os) oti(os) oti(os) oti(os) otil otl otrer otrer otrer otrer oul uber uber uber uthar uthar uthar uber(t) uthat ouden hyi hyios yi yios uxor uxor uli uli uli uli ultor ultor ultor ultri ultri ultri ultrone ultrone ultrone houlwe [A] humul unio park (garden) back(side) serum kidney metal guest stranger visitor amuse/ing divert entertain(ing) pass-time suffer(ing) suffer(ing) alert brisk vigorous wide-awake scar breast (woman) tit udder breast (woman) tit udder fertile fertile no(ne) son son son son spouse wife damag(ing) danger(ous) harmful injure /ious punishment revenge vengeance punishment revenge vengeance glad(ly) voluntary will(ing) dessert beer pearl 125 hurm• hurm• hurm• husn• husn• hust• hust• hust• hust• hust• hust• husts• husts• husts• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huwt• 1 hy• hy• 2 hy• hyal• hyal• hyal• hyal• hyb• hyb• 1 hybr• 1 hybr• 1 hybr• 1 hybr• 2 hybr• 2 hybr• 2 hybr• 2 hybr• 2 hybr• 2 hybr• 126 rhum rhum rhum usn usn haur haur haur haust haust haust us us us uv(en) uv(en) uv(en) uv(en) uvesc uvesc uvesc uvesc uvid uvid uvid uvid uvor uvor uvor uvor hout [A] hy(o) hy(o) hy(o) hyal hyal yal yal hyb hyb hibri hibri hybri hybri hibri hibri hybri hybri ibri ibri flow(ing) fluent run (flow) foam lather draw (fluid) excerpt extract(ion) draw (fluid) excerpt extract(ion) essence (gist) gist (essence) kernel (essence) damp(ness) humid(ity) moist wet(ness) damp(ness) humid(ity) moist wet(ness) damp(ness) humid(ity) moist wet(ness) damp(ness) humid(ity) moist wet(ness) codfish epsilon letter Y lettuce crystal glass (material) crystal glass (material) hump hunchback impetuous spontaneous impetuous spontaneous assault (sexual) violation assault (sexual) violation assault (sexual) violation hydž• hydn• hydrhyet• hyf• hyf• hyf• hyft• hyft• 1 hyl• 1 hyl• 1 hyl• 1 hyl• 2 hyl• 2 hyl• 2 hyl• 2 hyl• 1 hylj• 2 hylj• 2 hylj• hymn• hymn• hymn• hyn• hyn• hyp• hyp• hyp• hyp• hyp• hyp• 1 hypn• 2 hypn• hypr• hys• hys• hys• 1 hystr• 2 hystr• 2 hystr• 2 hystr• 2 hystr• 2 hystr• 2 hystr• LEMMAS iatr• iatr• iatr• iatr• hygi hydn hydr(o) hyet hyph hyph hyph yphth yphth hyl hyl hylae hylae hyl hyl hyl hyl hyli hylist hyliz hymen hymen hymen hyn(n) hyn(n) hipo hipo hipo hyp(o) hyp(o) hyp(o) hypn hypn hyper hyss hyss hyss hyster hystat hystat hystat hyster hyster hyster ETYMONS iatr iatr iatr iatr health truffle chemical element H rain(fall) filament(s) texture thread(s) brave(ly) courageous tree(s) wood tree(s) wood consistency essence (gist) material matter (substance) sole (shoe) filter filter matrimony wedding wedlock blade ploughshare below less under(neath) below less under(neath) sleep moss palate javelin lance spear womb last (item) recent(ly) up-to-date last (item) recent(ly) up-to-date MEANINGS doctor healer medicine-man physician iatr• iatr• iatr• iatr• ibyk• ibyk• idi• idi• idi• idi• idits• idits• idits• idits• idm• idm• idm• idm• idm• idm• idm• idm• ift• ift• ift• ift• ift• ift• ift• ift• iftr• igar• igd• igd• igd• igd• ign• ign• ign• ignod• igny• igny• igny• igos• igos• ikan• ikan• ikan• ikm• ikm• ikm• ikm• ikm• ikm• ikot• ikot• jat jat jat jat ibyc ibyc idi idi idi idi idic idic idic idic idemon idemon idemon idemon idmon idmon idmon idmon iphi iphi iphi iphi iphthim iphthim iphthim iphthim iftar [A] igar [A] igd igd igd igd ign igne igni ignot igny igny igny igos igos ican ican ican icm(ad) icm(ad) icm(ad) icmal icmal icmal icot icot doctor healer medicine-man physician cry (out) scream individual (nn) own (self) personal(ity) self apart from especially exclusive special cultured educate(d) experience(d) expert(ly) cultured educated experience(d) expert(ly) might (strength) power (strength) strength strong might (strength) power (strength) strength strong breakfast rent (payment) asphalt cement concrete (cement) mortar burn burn burn unknown armpit hough kneepit close(d) shut (close) ability capability possibility fluid(ity) humid(ity) liquid(ity) fluid(ity) humid(ity) liquid(ity) maybe perhaps ikot• ikot• ikot• ikot• 1 iksal• 1 iksal• 1 iksal• 1 iksal• 1 iksal• 1 iksal• 2 iksal• 2 iksal• 2 iksal• iksy• ikš• ikt• ikt• ikx• iledž• iledž• iledž• iledž• 1 ilemt• 1 ilemt• 2 ilemt• 2 ilemt• 2 ilemt• 2 ilemt• ilen• ilen• ilen• ilen• ilits• ilits• ilits• ilits• ilits• ilits• ilits• ilits• ilits• ilkr• ily• ily• ily• ilym• ilym• imimatj• imatj• imbr• imedimper• imper• imper• imper• icot oecot oecot oecot ixal ixal ixal ixal ixal ixal ixal ixal ixal ixy ix ictu ictu icho leg(i) leg(i) leg(i) leg(i) ilem(at) ilet ilem(at) ilem(at) ilet ilet illaen illaen illod illod illect illect illect illex illex illex illic(i) illic(i) illic(i) ilcharig [A] ily ily ily ilym ilym imide imati imati imbri imed imperator imperator imperator imperator probably maybe perhaps probably at once hasty hurried now quick(ly) urgent(ly) dance jump leap waist(line) female performer beat(ing) strike blood hurt (feelings) insult offend /se shock (offend) dome dome entangle implicate entangle implicate look askance squint look askance squint allure seduce tempt(ing) allure seduce tempt(ing) allure seduce tempt(ing) abroad silt slime smudge clothing garment chemical word stem cloak mantle rain(fall) chemical word stem captain commander emperor general (nn) 127 inan• inan• indjindu• induš• induš• induš• induš• ineks• ineks• ineks• ineks• infol• 1 infra• 1 infra• 2 infra• 2 infra• injinkol• inkol• inkol• inkud• inkud• inos• inos• inos• inos• inos• inos• insits• insits• intra• intra• intra• intra• intra• intra• inust• inust• inust• inust• inxot• inxot• ion• ion• ips• irats• irats• irats• iren• iren• iren• iren• iren• iren• iren• 128 empty/ ness void chemical element In induvasarah [S] Monday indusi cover(age) indusi garment indut cover(age) indut garment inex cheat inex deceive(d) inex fool(ing) inex mystify inful ribbon infra under(neath) infre under(neath) infra left (side) infre left (side) ioni chemical element In incol denizen incol inhabitant incol native (indigenous) incud anvil incus anvil in(od) fiber in(od) filament in(od) nerve (anat.) inos fiber inos filament inos nerve (anat.) insit engraft insit graft in between in in(side) in internal intra between intra in(side) intra internal inust brand (mark) inust mark (sign) inust stamp(ed) inust stigma inchoat begin(ning) inchoat start ion purple ion violet (color) ips worm ira(cund) anger ira(cund) fury ira(cund) rage(ing) eiren agree(d) eiren concord eiren harmony eiren peace(ful) iren agree(d) iren concord iren harmony inan inan indi iren• irid• irid• irid• irid• irid• irid• irid• irid• irid• irid• irid• irid• irlirop• isal• isatisatj• isatj• isir• iskr• iskr• iskr• isti• isti• isti• isti• isti• isti• isx• isx• isx• isxy• isxy• isxy• 1 išn• 2 išn• 2 išn• 2 išn• 2 išn• itar• iter• itn• itn• itsin• itsin• itsin• itsin• itša• itša• itša• 1 ity• 1 ity• 1 ity• 1 ity• 2 ity• iren irid irid irid irid iris iris iris iris irit irit irit irit iridi iro(poc) isal [A] isati isati isati sir ischor ischor ischor histi(o) histi(o) histi(o) isti(o) isti(o) isti(o) isch isch isch ischy(r) ischy(r) ischy(r) ischn ischn ischn ischn ischn itar [A] iter(a) itn itn tin tin tin tin iccha [S] iccha [S] iccha [S] ity ity ity ity ity peace(ful) colour paint(ed) palette rainbow colour paint(ed) palette rainbow colour paint(ed) palette rainbow chemical element Ir wool(en) receipt chemical word stem crayon pen(cil) chain (string) enter go in penetrate(d) canvas cloth sail (canvas) canvas cloth sail (canvas) cease halt(ing) stop(ping) mighty powerful strong dry (adj) emaciated slender thin (weak) weak(ness) tire (wheel) repeat(ed) extend(ing) spread buy off pay back ransom redeem aspire /ation strive /ing yearn(ing) perpendicular standing up straight up vertical(ly) edge 2 ity• 1 ixn• 1 ixn• 1 ixn• 1 ixn• 2 ixn• 2 ixn• 2 ixn• 2 ixn• ixr• ixr• ixr• 1 ixs• 2 ixs• ixt• ixt• ixt• ixtj• iz• iz• iz• LEMMAS jadžur• jadžur• jadžur• jag• jag• jag• jag• jag• jag• jakl• jakl• jakl• jakt• jakt• jakt• jakt• jakt• jakt• jakt• jakt• jakw• jamt• jamt• jan• jan• jan• janits• janits• janits• ity ichn ichn ichn ichn ichn ichn ichn ichn ichor ichor ichor ix ix ict ict ict ichty is(o) is(o) is(o) ETYMONS jadjur [S] jadjur [S] jadjur [S] jag [S] jag [S] jag [S] jag [S] jag [S] jag [S] jacul jacul jacul jaci jaci jact(it) jact(it) jalt jalt ject ject yakwi [A] iam(at) iam(at) jan [S] jan [S] jan [S] janit janit janit rim ambush snare (malice) stalk steal upon foot-mark trace track trail (sign) matter (pus) pus serum mistletoe glue marten stone-marten weasel fish equal identical same MEANINGS expression formula idiom (saying) ceremony protocol rite ritual sacrifice (ritual) service (divine) dart javelin spear launch throw launch throw launch throw launch throw ironing medicament medicine cab carriage coach (carriage) door-keeper guard(ian) sentinel janits• janits• jans• jans• jans• jans• 1 jats• 1 jats• 2 jats• 2 jats• jax• jax• jekr• jekr• jekr• ježn• ježn• ježn• jits• jodjoj• jomn• jonts• jonts• jor• jor• jor• josi• jubaž• jubr• jubr• jubr• jubr• jugl• jukt• jukt• jukt• jukt• jukt• julj• jurg• jurg• jurg• juskl• juskl• juš• jutm• juzg• jygm• jygm• janit janit ianth ianth janthin janthin oiac oiac jac jac iach iach jecor jecur jocinor jejun jejun jejun yitsu [Hb] iodi ioe ion ionth ionth ior ior ior josei [J] yubayyid [A] juber juber juber juber jugul juxt juxt juxt juxt juxt iul jurg jurg jurg juscul juscul ius iauthm yousagil [A] iyg(m) iyg(m) sentry watch (guard) purple violet (color) purple violet (color) rudder steering-wheel (&) lie (recline) recline /ing noise / noisy tumult liver liver liver austerity sober sobriety export(ing) chemical element I voice violet (flower) down (fluff) fluff door-keeper guard(ed) waiter fairy bleach beam (light) radius ray spoke (nn) throat beside besides close(by) near(by) neighbouring hair (head of) argument(ing) plead proud(ly) broth soup venom resting-place register bray cry (animal) 129 jygm• LEMMAS kad• kadmkain• kain• kain• kain• kain• kain• kajn1 kajr• 1 kajr• 2 kajr• 2 kajr• 2 kajr• 2 kajr• 2 kajr• 2 kajr• kak• kak• kakm• kakm• kakm• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kalat• kalat• kale• kale• kalfkalg• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 130 iyg(m) ETYMONS cad(uc) cadmi kain kain kain kain kain kain kainit kairos kairos kair kair kair kair kair kair cac(od) cac(od) cacumin cacumin cacumin cal cal cal cal cal cale cale cale cale cale call call call call call kali kali kali kali kali calad calath cale cale californium caliga cal(eid) cal(eid) cal(eid) neigh MEANINGS fall(en) chemical element Cd eccentric funny (strange) odd peculiar queer strange chemical word stem moment time lapse adequate fitting (adj) manner means (by) suitable way (manner) bad ugly point (tip) summit tip bump (lump) knob lump swell(ing) tuber bump (lump) knob lump swell(ing) tuber bump (lump) knob lump swell(ing) tuber bump (lump) knob lump swell(ing) tuber basket (etc) basket (etc) ask invite chemical element Cf boot (shoe) adornment beautiful fine (nice) 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 2 kali• 2 kali• 2 kali• 2 kali• kalipt• kalipt• kaliptr• kaliptr• kaliptr• kaljkalkar• kalor• kalor• kalor• kalor• kalor• kalor• kalor• kalor• kaltskaltse• kaltse• kaltse• kaltse• kaltsi• kaltsi• kalyb• kalyb• kalyb• kalyb• kalyb• kalyb• kalyb• kalyb• kalyb• kalyb• kalyks• kalyks• kalyks• cal(eid) cal(eid) callim callim callim callim callon callon callon callon callon kall(i) kall(i) kall(i) kall(i) kall(i) cal cal cal cal calypn calypn calyptr calyptr calyptr kalium calcar calid calid calid calid calor(i) calor(i) calor(i) calor(i) calcium calcan calcan calce(ol) calce(ol) calcan calci calia calia calia calia calia calyb(e) calyb(e) calyb(e) calyb(e) calyb(e) kalyx kalyx kalyx lovely ornament beautiful fine (nice) lovely ornament adornment beautiful fine (nice) lovely ornament adornment beautiful fine (nice) lovely ornament advantage(ous) favour(able) kind(ness) useful(ness) curtain veil beret cap (hat) hat chemical element K spur ardent heat (temperature) temperature warm(th) ardent heat (temperature) temperature warm(th) chemical element Ca shoe slipper shoe slipper heel (foot) heel (foot) cabin hut shack shanty shelter (protection) cabin hut shack shanty shelter (protection) calyx chalice cup kalypt• kalypt• kalypt• kalypt• 1 kalž• 1 kalž• 2 kalž• kama• kama• kamat• kamat• kamat• kamfkamin• kamin• kamin• kamin• kampan• 1 kamt• 1 kamt• 1 kamt• 1 kamt• 1 kamt• 2 kamt• 2 kamt• 2 kamt• 2 kamt• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 2 kandid• 2 kandid• kanduk• kanduk• kanduk• kanduk• kaništ• kaništ• kaništ• kantr• kantr• 1 kants• 1 kants• 2 kants• kantsar• kantsar• calypt calypt calypt calypt kal kalia kalia kamah [S] kamah [S] camat camat camat camfor camin camin camin camin campan cam(at) cam(at) cam(at) cam(at) cam(at) camp(al) camp(al) camp(t) camp(t) canast canast canast cand cand cand candid candid candid candor candor candor cand cand kandukah [S] kandukah [S] kandukah [S] kandukah [S] kanistha [S] kanistha [S] kanistha [S] canthar canthar canthon canthon canthus canthar canthar conceal(ed) cover (up) hide/ ing hush wood wood barn lust passion(ate) emaciated exhausted wasted chemical word stem highway path road(way) way (road) bell effort endeavour set about strive /ing try(ing) arc curve(d) arc curve(d) blank pure white blank pure white blank pure white blank pure white light (shine) shine /ing ball (globe) bullet globe marble (ball) juvenile young youth beetle scarab ass (donkey) mule angle cup (trophy) goblet kantsar• kantsar• kantsl• kantsl• kantsl• kantsl• kapil• 1 kapre• 2 kapre• 2 kapre• 2 kapre• kaps• kaps• kaps• karbkardam• kardam• kardi• karid• karid• karid• karik• karj• karj• karj• karnik• 1 karp• 2 karp• 2 karp• 2 karp• 2 karp• 2 karp• karpeš• karpeš• kartik• 1 kartsin• 1 kartsin• 2 kartsin• 2 kartsin• kartš• karun• karun• 1 karxar• 1 karxar• 2 karxar• 1 karxes• 1 karxes• 1 karxes• 1 karxes• 2 karxes• 2 karxes• karz• kasaj• kasaj• kasaj• canthar canthar cancel(l) cancel(l) cancel(l) cancel(l) capill capre capre capre capre caps caps caps carbon cardam cardam cardi(o) carid carid carid caric cary(o) cary(o) cary(o) karnik carp carp carp carp carp carp carpesi karph kartikan [S] carcin carcin carcin carcin karkis [Hb] karuna [S] karuna [S] carchar carchar carchar carches carches carches carches carches carches karaz [A] kashayah [S] kashayah [S] kashayah [S] vase vessel (container) baluster banister column pillar hair deer spirit (ghost) tendril wind(ing) box case (box) chest (box) chemical element C cress vegetable heart crab prawn shrimp fig kernel (nut) nucleus nut (kernel) lobster fruit consequence effect harvest (nn) result sequel straw straw October cancer tumor crayfish crustacean ticket compassion sympathy cut(ting) sharp shark (etc.) cup (trophy) goblet vase vessel (container) platform podium cherry astringent concentrate(d) contract(ed) 131 kasaj• kasign• kasitr• kasitr• kasitr• kasitr• kaštr• kaštr• kata• kata• kata• kata• kata• 1 katajg• 1 katajg• 1 katajg• 1 katajg• 2 katajg• 2 katajg• 2 katajg• 1 katar• 1 katar• 1 katar• 2 katar• 2 katar• katem• katem• katem• katem• katex• katex• katex• katex• katl• katsab• katsab• katsab• katšn• katšn• katšn• katšn• katšn• katšn• katu• katu• katu• katu• kawd• kawk• kawk• 1 kawl• 1 kawl• 2 kawl• kaws• kaws• kaws• 132 kashayah [S] kasignet [S] cassiter cassiter cattiter cattiter castr castr cata cata cata cata cata cataegi cataegi cataegi cataegi catagi catagi catagi cathart cathart cathart cathart cathart cathem cathem cathes cathes catech catech catech catech catill cacab cacab cacab cachasm cachasm cachasm cachinn cachinn cachinn katuh [S] katuh [S] katuh [S] katuh [S] caud caucal caucal caul caul caul causc causc causc pull together sister sheet-metal tin sheet-metal tin fortress stronghold descend down(ward) go down low(er) under(neath) gale hurricane storm(y) tempest subway tunnel underground clean(ing) immaculate purify(ing) true truth(ful) seat(ed) sit seat(ed) sit creed doctrine ideology religion plate (dish) boiler cauldron melting pot jeer mock sneer(ing) jeer mock sneer(ing) piquant pungent season(ed) spicy tail (end) basin bowl stalk stem (sprout) cabbage highway path road(way) kaws• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• 1 kawt• 1 kawt• 2 kawt• kaxw• kaxw• kefaf• 1 kej• 1 kej• 2 kaj• 2 kaj• kejr• kejr• kejr• kele• kele• kele• kele• keln• kent• kent• kent• 1 kentr• 1 kentr• 2 kentr• 2 kentr• keram• keram• kerat• kerat• kerat• kerat• kerat• kerat• kerj• 1 kerk• 2 kerk• 1 kermat• 1 kermat• 1 kermat• causc causim causim causim causim causis causis causis causis caust caust caust caust caut caut caut caut caut cauti caut(i) qahwa [A] qahwa [A] kefafah [Hb] kei kei kei kei keir keir keir cel cel cele cele kelaen cent cent cent cent centr cent(r) kent melichr melle cer cer cerat cerat cerat melicer keri(on) cerc cerc cermat cermat cermat way (road) ardent burning heat(ed) hot ardent burning heat(ed) hot ardent burning heat(ed) hot ardent burning heat(ed) hot safe(ty) secure(ly) chain (string) café coffee glove rest (repose) sleep fissure split(ting) clip cut(ting) shear fire flame fire flame black rag scrap shred center middle needle needle mortar (building) clay aerial horn aerial antenna horn antenna honeycomb tail (end) shuttle change (money) coin small money 2 kermat• 2 kermat• 2 kermat• keros• kespit• kestr• kests• ketketef• kexn• kexn• kexn• kfer• kfer• kibiš• kibiš• kibiš• kibot• kibot• kibot• kibot• kikaj• kila• [GN] kilate• [GN] kimbits• kimbits• kimbits• kimbits• kindyn• kindyn• kindyn• kintskirom• kirs• kirs• kits• kits• kits• kits• kits• kits• kixl• kixl• kjam• kjes• klad• klad• klad• kladz• klang• klang• klang• klang• klang• klang• klast• cermat cermat cermat cer(os) caespit cestr cessat cet ketefot [Hb] cechen cechen cechen quer quer kibis kibis kibis cibot cibot cibot cibot kikai [Jp] kilo kilate cimbex cimbex cimbic cimbic cindyn cindyn cindyn cinchon ceirom cirs cirs cittes cittes cittes cittos cittos cittos cichle cichle kyam ky(es) clad clad clad kladz clang clang clang clang clang clang clast button (push) knob stud wax (cream) lawn hammer late chemical word stem suspenders gape/ ing open yawn(ing) perpendicular transverse bag pocket sack (bag) box coffer cupboard trunk machine thousand thousandth mean (miserly) miserly mean (miserly) miserly danger(ous) peril(ous) risk(y) chemical word stem shave varicosity varix avidity languishing yearn(ing) avidity languishing yearn(ing) blackbird thrush (bird) bean pregnant branch (ramification) shoot (twig) sprout (twig) ring(ing) bray call(ing) cry (call) howl low (vb) neigh break(ing) klast• klast• klat• klat• klatr• klatr• klatr• 1 klavj• 1 klavj• 1 klavj• 1 klavj• 1 klavj• 1 klavj• 1 klavj• 2 klavj• klavj•2 klawstr• klawstr• klawstr• klawstr• klawstr• klaz• klaz• klaz• klaz• kle• kle• kle• kleb• kleb• kledn• kledn• kledn• kledn• kledn• 1 klej• 1 klej• 1 klej• 1 klej• 2 klej• 2 klej• 2 klej• 2 klej• klejr• klejst• klejst• klemat• klemat• klemat• klemy• klemy• klens• klens• klens• klens• klens• clast clast calar calat clathr clathr clathr clav(i) clav(i) clav(i) clav(i) clav(i) clav(i) clav(i) clavi clavi claustr claustr claustr claustr claustr clas clas clas clas cle cle cle caeleb coeleb cledon cledon cledon cledon cledon cle(id) cle(id) cleist cleist cleo cleo cleo cleo kleronom cleis(t) cleis(t) clemat clemat clemat clemmy clemmy colens colens colens colent colent shiver(ing) splinter(ed) call(ing) call(ing) grating grid grille bludgeon chock club (stick) mace nail peg wedge bolt (key) key cell cloister compartment jail room bit lump morsel piece fame glory praise bachelor bachelor advertise(ment) announce(ment) augur(y) message omen close(d) shut (close) close(d) shut (close) celebrate commemorate feast party (feast) inherit(ance) bolt (key) key bough tine twig tortoise turtle cultivate(d) grow (something) till cultivate(d) grow (something) 133 klens• klept• klept• klept• klept• klept• klept• kletr• klibn• klid• klid• klid• kline• kline• kline• klis• klis• klis• klism• klism• klism• klistr• klistr• klitf• klitf• klitf• klitf• klitf• klitf• klitf• klitf• klitf• klitf• klitl• klitl• klitl• klob• klob• klob• klob• klob• klob• klorklot• klot• klud• klud• klud• klud• klud• klud• klud• klud• 1 klun• 1 klun• 2 klun• 134 colent klept klept klept klop klop klop kleetr cliban callid callid callid klin klin klin clis clis clis klysm klysm klysm clistr clistr clity clity clity clity clity cliv cliv cliv cliv cliv clitell clitell clitell clob clob clob clob clob clob chlor(o) clost cloth clud clud clud clud clus clus clus clus clun(icul) clun(icul) callun till plunder rob (steal) steal plunder rob (steal) steal lock (nn) oven experience(d) habit(s) routine bed couch resting-place hatch panel shutter flow(ing) inundate surf cuff padlock degree gradient hillside incline(d) slope (cliff) degree gradient hillside incline(d) slope (cliff) belt harness saddle cage fold hutch kennel pen (cage) sty chemical element Cl spin (thread) spin (thread) clog close(d) plug (stopper) shut (close) clog close(d) plug (stopper) shut (close) buttock rump clean/ing 2 klun• klyd• klyf• klyj• klym• klym• klype• klyt• klyt• klyt• klyt• kmaz• kmaz• knat• knebr• knebr• knef• knef• 1 knem• 1 knem• 1 knem• 1 knem• 2 knem• 2 knem• 2 knem• 2 knem• knet• knet• knet• knet• knet• knet• knik• knik• knik• knops• knor• knor• knor• knots• knots• knots• kobkodi• kodi• kodon• koel• koel• koft• 1 kogn• 2 kogn• 2 kogn• 2 kogn• 1 kojt• 1 kojt• 1 kojt• callun clyd celyph cly(o) kalymm kalymm clype clyt clyt clyt clyt comaz comaz connat cenebr cenebr kneph kneph cnem cnem cnem cnem cnem cnem cnem cnem cne(o) cne(o) cnesm cnesm cneth cneth cnicus cnicus cnicus konops canor canor canor cnodac cnodac cnodac #### codi codi codon coel coel ktoved [Hb] cognit cognat cognat cognat coet coet coet wipe wave shell (cover) listen filler wrapper shield (protection) aristocratic elitary eminent noble(man) celebrate feast crooked carcase corpse dark obscure /ity leg leg shank shank dale dell dingle valley itch tickle itch tickle itch tickle scrape scratch scrub(bing) mosquito air (tune) melody tune axis axle pivot chemical element Co bulb head bell cave / ity hole address know(ledge) akin kindred related abode accommodation apartment 1 kojt• 1 kojt• 2 kojt• 2 kojt• kokts• kokts• kokts• kokts• kokts• kokts• kokts• kokts• koktsin• koktsyk• kolapt• kolapt• kolapt• 1 kole• 1 kole• 1 kole• 1 kole• 1 kole• 2 kole• 2 kole• kolf• 1 kolj• 1 kolj• 1 kolj• 1 kolj• 2 kolj• 2 kolj• 2 kolj• kolm• kolm• kolm• kolm• 1 koln• 1 koln• 1 koln• 1 koln• 2 koln• kolna• kolna• kolob• kolob• kolob• kolob• 1 kolp• 1 kolp• 1 kolp• 2 kolp• kolps• kolut• kolut• kolut• coet coet coit coit cocc cocc cocc cocc cocc cocc cocc cocc coccin coccyg colapt colapt colapt cole cole cole cole cole col col colloph coll(a) coll(a) coll(a) coll(a) col col col kolym kolym kolym kolym collin(it) collin(it) collin(it) collin(it) colon kolnoa [Hb] kolnoa [Hb] colob colob colob colob colp(od) colp(od) colp(od) colpos colep(s) collut collut collut residence stay (place) repose sleep berry bolus bulb core globule kernel (nut) pit (kernel) spherule purple cuckoo carve chisel grave (vb) case (sheath) holder holster sheath socket abrupt(ly) sudden(ly) refer(ence) bind glue paste(d) stick to limb (part) part (piece) side forbid(den) interdict prohibit veto(ed) anoint(ed) grease smear(ed) spread rectum movie film (movie) cripple(d) damag(ing) impair spoil(ed) curve(d) meander wriggle vagina joint clean(ing) purify(ing) wash(ing) kolymb• kolymb• 1 komj• 1 komj• 1 komj• 1 komj• 1 komj• 1 komj• 1 komj• 1 komj• 2 komj• 2 komj• 2 komj• 1 komn• 1 komn• 1 komn• 1 komn• 2 komn• 2 komn• 2 komn• komna• komna• komps• komps• kondl• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konter• konter• konter• kontš• kontš• 1 kop• 1 kop• 1 kop• 1 kop• 1 kop• 2 kop• 2 kop• 2 kop• 2 kop• 2 kop• kope• kope• kope• colymb colymb coma coma coma coma come come come come commi commi commi comm(at) comm(at) comm(at) comm(at) comm comm comm commina commina comps comps kondyl coni(t) coni(t) coni(t) conid conid conid conio conio conio conis conis conis contra contra contra conch conch cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(eo) cop(eo) cop(eo) plunge swim hair hank tuft wisp hair hank tuft wisp glue gum resin part (piece) piece segment spare part oppress press (together) stamp(ed) defy menace elegant gracious fist ash(es) dust speck ash(es) dust speck ash(es) dust speck ash(es) dust speck against counter opposed mollusc shell (sea) beat(ing) chop(ped) hew injure /ious wound(ed) drudge labour(ing) slave (toil) toil(ing) work(ing) haft handle hilt 135 kope• kope• kopf• kopf• kopf• kopr• kopr• kopr• kopr• kora• kora• kora• kora• kora• kora• kordyl• kordyl• kordyl• kordyl• 1 kore• 1 kore• 1 kore• 1 kore• 2 kore• 2 kore• kores• kores• korimb• korimb• korimb• koris• korj• korj• koryd• koryd• koryf• koryf• koryf• koryn• koryn• koryn• koryn• koryt• kos• kos• kos• kosmed• kosmed• kosmed• kosmed• kosmed• košt• kotne• 1 kotyl• 1 kotyl• 1 kotyl• 136 cop(eo) cop(eo) coph coph coph copr copr copr copr cora cora core core cori cori cordy(l) cordy(l) cordy(l) cordy(l) core core core core core core cores cores corymb corymb corymb core cori cori coryd coryd corryph corryph corryph coryn coryn coryn coryn coryth coss coss coss cosme cosme cosme cosme cosme cost(al) cotone cotyl cotyl cotyl oar scull mute(ly) silent voiceless droppings dung excrement manure doll puppet doll puppet doll puppet bump (lump) lump swell(ing) tuber bride fiancée maiden virgin(al) lens pupil (eye) boy youngster agglomeration bunch cluster bug (bed-) leather skin (animal) lark skylark cranium crown (head) skull baton bludgeon club (stick) stick (club) helmet capsule husk pod adorn beautify decorate embellish ornament rib quince basin dish (plate) plate (dish) 1 kotyl• 2 kotyl• 2 kotyl• kow+ kow+ 1 koxl• 1 koxl• 2 koxl• kramn• kramn• kranj• kranj• kranj• krar• kras• kras• krasts• krasts• krasts• 1 krat• 1 krat• 2 krat• 2 krat• 2 krat• 2 krat• 1 kraz• 1 kraz• 1 kraz• 1 kraz• 1 kraz• 2 kraz• 2 kraz• 2 kraz• kredž• kredž• krejt• krejt• kremast• kremast• kremast• kremast• kremast• kremast• kren• kren• kreps• kreps• kreškrez• krez• krez• krez• krimn• 1 krin• 1 krin• cotyl cotyl cotyl co cum cochl cochl cochl kramenah [S] kramenah [S] cran cran cran kraur cras cras crass crass crass crat crat crat crat crat crat cras cras cras cras cras cras cras cras cregy cregy cre(at) cre(at) crem(a) crem(a) crem(a) crem(a) crem(a) crem(a) creni creni crepis crepis creso cret cret cret cret krimn crin crin saucer cupping-glass sucker with with mussel slug (animal) spoon evolution progress(ing) cupola dome helmet dry (adj) character (nature) nature compact(ness) dense thick government ruler (king) energy might (strength) power (strength) strength aggregate(d) assemble(d) melt together merge unite(d) atmosphere climate weather good well (good) flesh meat attach fasten(ing) fix(ed) hang (up) hook on suspend fountain well (fountain) sandal shoe chemical word stem diverse mixe(d) multiple varie(gat)ed flour excrete perspire 1 krin• 1 krin• 1 krin• 2 krin• kripskrists• krists• krists• 1 krit• 1 krit• 1 krit• 1 krit• 2 krit• 2 krit• krits• krits• 1 krok• 1 krok• 2 krok• 2 krok• 2 krok• 2 krok• 2 krok• kromy• kromy• krosts• krosts• krotaf• krotal• krov• krov• krov• krun• krutši• kruz• kruz• kruz• kry• kry• kry• kry• kryk• kryk• kryks• kryks• kryks• kryks• 1 krypt• 1 krypt• 1 krypt• 1 krypt• 2 krypt• 2 krypt• ksan• ksan• crin crin crin crin krypt cris cris cris crit crit crit crit crit crit cric cric croc croc croc croc croc croc croc crom(m)y crom(m)y cross cross crotaph crotal krou(o) krou(o) krou(o) ceraun cruci crus crus crus cry(o) cry(o) cry(o) cry(o) coryc coryc ceryx ceryx ceryx ceryx crypt(o) crypt(o) crypt(o) crypt(o) crypt(o) crypt(o) xani xani secrete (exhale) separate(d) sweat lily chemical element Kr condemn damn(ed) verdict scatter(ed) separate(d) sieve(d) sift decide judge(d) bracelet ring (circle) saffron yellow flake flock (wool etc.) hank tuft wisp garlic onion fringe tassel temple (cheek) rattle /ing clash collision, collide conflict melt(ed) cross (nn) beat(ing) knock strike freeze frost ice refrigerate peer (peep) spy ambassador delegate herald (messenger) messenger bury conceal(ed) hide/ ing secrecy cover(age) protect card (wool etc) comb(ed) ksant• ksant• ksant• ksant• ksejnksen• ksen• ksen• kser• ksest• ksest• ksest• ksest• ksest• ksest• ksif• ksif• ksif• ksotšit• ksut• ksut• ksut• ksut• ksyl• ksyl• ksyl• ksyr• ksyst• kšan• kšant• kšant• kšant• kšant• kšel• kšel• ktam• ktam• ktem• ktem• ktem• 1 kten• 1 kten• 2 kten• 2 kten• ktil• ktil• ktil• kudj• kudj• kudž• kukl• kukl• kukl• kukl• kukut• kukut• xanth xanth xuth xuth xen xen xen xen xer xes(m) xes(m) xes(m) xest xest xest xiph xiph xiph [aztec] xuth xuth xuth xuth xyl xyl xyl xyr xyst kshanah [S] kshantih [S] kshantih [S] kshantih [S] kshantih [S] xy(el) xyal ktaomai ktaomai ctem ctem ctem cten cten cten cten ctil ctil ctil kudya [A] kudya [A] Kujah [S] cucull cucull cucull cucull kukkutah [S] kukkutah [S] blonde yellow blonde yellow chemical element Xe alien foreign strange dry (adj) lustre polish(ing) shine (polish) lustre polish(ing) shine (polish) dagger knife (etc.) sword flower expedient fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) chopping-block log (block) wood razor rub second (timelapse) indulge pardon permit tolerate rake(d) rake(d) recruit woo belong have possess card (wool etc) comb (nn) cattle livestock humility obedient /ence submissive nipple (breast) teat Mars beret cap (hat) cowl hood chicken hen 137 kukut• kultr• kum1 kumb• 1 kumb• 1 kumb• 2 kumb• kupf• kuprkuprkurjkurk• kurkul• kurkul• kwakw• kwakw• kwart• [LN] kwart• [LN] kwas• kwas• kwaš• kwaš• kwaš• kwer• kwer• kwerl• kwerl• kwerl• kwerl• kwerl• kwerl• kwers• kwint• [LN] 1 kxor• 1 kxor• 1 kxor• 1 kxor• 1 kxor• 2 kxor• 2 kxor• 2 kxor• 2 kxor• 2 kxor• kyan• kyat• kyat• kyat• kyat• kyat• kyat• kyf• kyf• kykl• kykl• kykn• kyl• 138 kukkutah [S] cultr cum cumb cumb cumb kumb couph cupri cupro curi kurkum [A] curculi curculi quaqua quaqua quadr quart quasi quasi quass quass quass quer quer querel querel querel queren queren queren quaerens quinque chor(i) chor(i) chor(i) chor(i) chor(i) chor chor chor chor chor cyan cyath cyath cyath cyath cyath cyath kyph kyph cicl kykl cycn kyll rooster knife (etc.) chemical word stem lie (recline) recline /ing supine gondola light (weight) chemical element Cu chemical element Cu chemical element Cm saffron pecker (penis) penis ever (who,what,where) every way (in) four four as if / though as if / though quake shake(n) shock (blow) perpendicular transverse complain protest quarrel(ing) complain protest quarrel(ing) search five district place (locale) province region spot (place) alone apart from isolate(d) lone(ly) separate(d) blue container cup (trophy) goblet receptacle vase vessel (container) button (push) knob disk wheel swan lame kyl• 1 kym• 1 kym• 2 kym• 2 kym• kyn• kyn• kyn• kyndal• kynt• kynt• kynt• kypr• kypsl• 1 kyr• 1 kyr• 1 kyr• 1 kyr• 2 kyr• 2 kyr• 2 kyr• 2 kyr• LEMMAS labd• labd• labd• labd• labd• labd• labl• labl• labl• 1 labr• 1 labr• 1 labr• 1 labr• 1 labr• 1 labr• 1 labr• 1 labr• 2 labr• 1 labz• 1 labz• 2 labz• 2 labz• 2 labz• 2 labz• 1 ladr• 2 ladr• ladz• lafr• lafr• lafr• kyll kym kym kym(o) kym(o) canin canis cyn cyndal cynth cynth cynth cypr cypsel cur(i) cur(i) cur(i) cur(i) curi(o) curi(o) curi(o) curi(o) ETYMONS labid labid labid labis labis labis labell labeo labr labell labell labell labell labr labr labr labr labr lab(es) lab(es) labecul labecul labecul labecul latr(a) latr(o) lath laphyr laphyr laphyr paralyze(d) surf wave bud burgeon dog dog dog ankle cucumber gourd pumpkin beauty (woman) beehive care for look after nurse /ing provide for boss (master) chief (master) lord master (boss) MEANINGS pincers pliers tongs pincers pliers tongs lip lip lip avidity eagerness greediness passion(ate) avidity eagerness greediness passion(ate) liqueur handle (lever) pliers point (dot) speck spot (stain) stain (spot) bark(ing) thief forget left-over relic remainder lafr• lafr• lafr• laft• laft• lagd• 1 lagn• 1 lagn• 1 lagn• 1 lagn• 2 lagn• 2 lagn• 2 lagn• 2 lagn• 2 lagn• 2 lagn• lagw• lagw• laje• lajm• lajm• lajm• lajm• lajm• lajm• lajr• lajr• lajr• lajr• lajtm• lajž• lajž• lajž• lajž• lakp• lakp• lakp• 1 lakr• 2 lakr• 2 lakr• 2 lakr• lakrim• lakrim• lakrim• 1 laks• 1 laks• 2 laks• lakt• lakt• 1 lakts• 1 lakts• 1 lakts• 1 lakts• 2 lakts• 2 lakts• laphyr laphyr laphyr laut laut lagod lagen lagen lagyn lagyn lagn lagn lagn lagn lagn lagn lag lagos lae laem laem laem laim laim laim laur laur laur laur laitmat lajja [S] lajja [S] lajja [S] lajja [S] lacpat lacpat lacpat lacert lacery lacery lacery lachrym lacrim lacrum lax(a) lax(a) lax galact lact lac(c) lac(c) lac(c) lac(c) lacess lacess remains remnant rest (remainder) elegant stylish owl (etc) bottle flask bottle flask immoral impure lewd(ness) sensual unchaste /ity voluptuous hare hare left(side) neck pharynx throat neck pharynx throat alley avenue garden walk street abyss disgrace dishonour scandal shame(ful) step (on) trample tread (on) muscle cry (scream) howl scream tear(drop) tear(drop) tear(drop) defecate shit foot (limb) milk (nn) milk (nn) pond pool (pond) puddle well (fountain) excite(d) incite 2 lakts• 2 lakts• lalg• lalg• lalg• lalg• lalg• lalg• lalg• lalg• lalg• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• 2 lamb• 2 lamb• 1 lamban• 1 lamban• 2 lamban• 2 lamban• 2 lamban• lamn• lamn• 1 lampr• 1 lampr• 2 lampr• 2 lampr• 2 lampr• 2 lampr• 2 lampr• 2 lampr• langr• lani• lani• lani• lani• lantlantsan• lantsan• lantsan• 1 lape• 1 lape• 2 lape• 2 lape• 2 lape• 2 lape• 1 lapf• 1 lapf• 1 lapf• 2 lapf• lacess lacess lal(l) lal(l) lal(l) lalag lalag lalag lalax lalax lalax lab lab lab lab lamb lamb lamb lamb lamb lapt lamban lamban hypolamban hypolamban hypolamban lami lamn lamp lamp lamper lamper lamper lampi lampi lampi langur lani lani lani lani lantan lanthan lanthan lanthan lape lape lape lape lippul lippul laeph laeph laeph laphyc nervous spur (on) babble chat chatter babble chat chatter babble chat chatter analyze examine explore observe /ation analyze examine explore observe /ation lick (tongue) lick (tongue) accept (people) receive (guests) conjecture guess suppose shark (etc.) shark (etc.) light (shine) shine /ing foam froth lather foam froth lather lizard butcher(ing) execute (kill) kill(ing) slaughter chemical element La conceal(ed) hide/ ing secret gland (anat.) pituitary mucus phlegm mucus phlegm rag scrap shred devour 139 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 1 lapr• 1 lapr• 1 lapr• 1 lapr• 1 lapr• 1 lapr• 1 lapr• 2 lapr• 2 lapr• 2 lapr• laps• laps• 1 lar• 2 lar• 2 lar• 2 lar• 2 lar• 2 lar• 1 larf• 2 larf• 2 larf• 2 larf• lark• lark• 1 larn• 1 larn• 1 larn• 1 larn• 1 larn• 1 larn• 1 larn• 1 larn• 2 larn• lart• lasi• lasi• lasi• lasi• lasn• lasn• lasts• lasts• lašt• latebr• 140 laphyc laphyc laphyg laphyg laphyg laphys laphys laphys lem lem lem lapar lapar lapar lapar lapar lapar lapar lapar lapar lapar labes laps lar(us) lar lar lar lar lar larv larv larv larv larc larc larnac larnac larnac larnac larnax larnax larnax larnax laryn laert lasi lasi lasi lasi lasan lasan lati(o) lati(o) lacti latebr gorge stuff(ed) devour gorge stuff(ed) devour gorge stuff(ed) devour gorge stuff(ed) detached loose stray uncertain(ty) unsettle(d) unstable unsteady abdomen belly loins fall(en) fall(en) gull agreeable enjoyable jolly nice pleasant mask ghost phantom spirit (ghost) coal-box coal-scuttle box chest (box) coffer trunk box chest (box) coffer trunk coo ant bristling hairy shaggy untidy chair stool push shove kick depository latebr• latebr• latebr• lati• lati• lati• 1 latm• 2 latm• 2 latm• 1 latr• 1 latr• 1 latr• 1 latr• 2 latr• 2 latr• 2 latr• 2 latr• 1 latri• 1 latri• 1 latri• 1 latri• 1 latri• 1 latri• 1 latri• 1 latri• 2 latri• 2 latri• 2 latri• latsm• latsm• latšer• latšer• latšer• latšer• latšer• latšer• lavj• lavj• lavj• lavrlax• lax• lax• 1 laxn• 1 laxn• 1 laxn• 2 laxn• 2 laxn• laxr• laxr• lazar• lazar• 1 lebr• 2 lebr• 2 lebr• latebr latebr latebr lati lati lati laetamen laetm laetm lathr lathr latit latit later later later later latrei latrei latrei latrei latreu latreu latreu latreu latr(eu) latr(eu) latr(eu) latom latom lacer lacer lacid lacid lacis lacis laev(i) laev(i) lejo lawrenci lag lag lag lac(h)n lac(h)n lac(h)n lachaen lachaen lag(a)r lag(a)r lazar lazar leber(is) librium librium hiding-place safe(ty) shelter (protection) large spacious vast dung(hill) ocean sea conceal(ed) hide/ ing conceal(ed) hide (vb) brick paving (tiles) slab tile (plate) adore honor(able) venerate worship adore honor(able) venerate worship payment salary wages cut out cut(ting) rip(ping) tear off rip(ping) tear off rip(ping) tear off bald smooth bald chemical element Lw chase hunt pursue down (fluff) fluff wool(en) burrow dig elastic flexible disease (infectious) leprosy instead balance (nn) scales 2 lebr• legd• legd• legd• legd• legd• legd• legn• lei• lei• lei• lei• lei• lei• leja• leja• leja• leja• leja• leja• leja• leja• lejk• lejk• lejk• lejk• lejmn• lejmn• lejmn• lejmn• 1 lejp• 1 lejp• 1 lejp• 1 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• lejt• lejt• lejx• lekan• lekan• lekan• lekan• lekan• librium lect lect lect legul legul legul legn leaen leaen lei lei leot leot leja leja leja leja lia lia lia lia leuc(o) leuc(o) leuk leuk lemon lemon limon limon leip leip lip lip leip leip leip leip leip leip leip lip lip lip lip lip lip lip laet laet leich lanx lanx lec lec lecane swing (tool) assemble(d) collect gather assemble collect gather fringe slippery smooth slippery smooth slippery smooth booty loot plunder (nn) spoils booty loot plunder (nn) spoils pale(ness) white pale(ness) white meadow pasture meadow pasture leave (let) let leave (let) let defect(ive) deficient fail(ing) lack(ing) missing want (in) without defect(ive) deficient fail(ing) lack(ing) missing want (in) without glad(ly) rejoice lick (tongue) dish (plate) plate (dish) dish (plate) plate (dish) dish (plate) lekan• lekm• leks• leks• lekš• lek • 1 lekt• 1 lekt• 1 lekt• 1 lekt• 1 lekt• 1 lekt• 2 lekt• 2 lekt• 2 lekt• 2 lekt• 2 lekt• 2 lekt• 2 lekt• 2 lekt• lekyt• lekyt• lekyt• lekyt• lelp• lelp• lelp• lemf• lemj• lemj• lemj• 1 lemn• 1 lemn• 2 lemn• lemp• lemp• 1 len• 1 len• 1 len• 1 len• 1 len• 2 len• 2 len• 2 len• lend• lend• lend• lend• lengw• lenj• lenj• lenj• lenj• 1 lep• 1 lep• lecane lekmen [A] lex(ic) lex(ic) lect lexi lech lech lect(r) lect(r) lectul lectul lect lect lect lect lex lex lex lex lecyth lecyth lecyth lecyth laelap laelap laelap lemph lemm lemm lemm lemm lemm lemm lemb lemb len len len len len len len len lend lend lens lens lingu leni(t) leni(t) leni(t) leni(t) lap lap plate (dish) sleeve term (word) word read(ing) read(ing) bed couch bed couch bed couch idiom (language) language parlance tongue (language) idiom (saying) language parlance tongue (language) container receptacle recipient vase gale storm(y) waterspout glanders integument peel (nn) shell (cover) bundle sheaf lentil barque (etc.) boat basin manger trough tub vat go-between intercessor mediator grub (larva) larva grub (larva) larva tongue (organ) gentle soft(ness) sweet (tender) tender(ly) rock (stone) stone 141 1 lep• 1 lep• 2 lep• lepid• lepid• lepid• lepid• lepid• lepid• lepid• lepid• lepid• lepid• lepid• lepid• 1 leps• 1 leps• 1 leps• 1 leps• 2 leps• 2 leps• 2 leps• 2 leps• 2 leps• 2 leps• 1 lepsi• 1 lepsi• 1 lepsi• 1 lepsi• 2 lepsi• 2 lepsi• 1 lepš• 1 lepš• 1 lepš• 1 lepš• 2 lepš• 2 lepš• 2 lepš• 2 lepš• 2 lepš• 2 lepš• 2 lepš• 2 lepš• 1 lept• 1 lept• 1 lept• 1 lept• 1 lept• 1 lept• 2 lept• 2 lept• 2 lept• 2 lept• 2 lept• 142 lep(a) lep(a) lep lepi(s) lepi(s) lepi(s) lepi(s) lepil lepil lepil lepil lepyr lepyr lepyr lepyr laepser laepser laepser laepser leb(es) leb(es) leb(es) lebet lebet lebet lepsi lepsi leptes leptes lepsi lepsi lepad lepad lepas lepas lepid lepid lepid lepid lepos lepos lepos lepos lept(al) lept(al) lept(al) leptec leptec leptec leptyn leptyn leptyn leptyn leptysm rock (stone) stone mount(ain) bark (nn) bast scale (fish &) shield (protection) bark (nn) bast scale (fish &) shield (protection) bark (nn) bast scale (fish &) shield (protection) easy-going flexible fluent skillful casserole mug pot casserole mug pot catch (get) surprise(d) catch (get) surprise(d) lift(ed) pick (up) knee-cap patella knee-cap patella charm(ing) lovely nice pretty (nice) charm(ing) lovely nice pretty (nice) emaciated slender thin(ly) emaciated slender thin(ly) bagatelle insignificant trifle unimportant bagatelle 2 lept• 2 lept• 2 lept• 1 lepts• 1 lepts• 1 lepts• 2 lepts• lepyr• lepyr• lepyr• lerm• lerm• lerm• lerm• 1 lest• 1 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• let• let• let• let• let• let• letsit• letsyt• letsyt• levg• levg• levg• levg• lews• lews• lews• lews• lews• lews• lews• lews• lews• 1 lez• 1 lez• 1 lez• 1 lez• 2 lez• leptysm leptysm leptysm lepist lepist lepist leptic lepad lepir lepyr lerem lerem lerem lerod lesti leth leist(es) leist(es) leist(es) leist(es) leister leister leister leister lester lester lester lester letal letal letal lethal lethal lethal lecith lecyth lecyth levgat levgat levigat levigat leum leum leum leus leus leus levi levi levi laes laes laes laes laes insignificant trifle unimportant beaker cup goblet accept shell (cover) shell (cover) shell (cover) babble chatter gossip babble forget forget brigand gangster robber thief brigand gangster robber thief brigand gangster robber thief deadly kill(ing) mortal deadly kill(ing) mortal yolk flask scent-bottle light (weight) slight light (weight) slight even(ly) flat level even(ly) flat level even(ly) flat level damag(ing) impair spoil(ed) wound(ed) aim (goal) 2 lez• 2 lez• 2 lez• 1 lib• 1 lib• 2 lib• 2 lib• 2 lib• 2 lib• liban• 1 libd• 1 libd• 1 libd• 1 libd• 1 libd• 1 libd• 2 libd• libel• libel• lign• ligny• ligon• ligr• ligr• ligr• ligr• ligr• ligy• ligy• likj• likj• likm• likm• likn• liks• liks• 1 limen• 1 limen• 2 limen• 2 limen• 2 limen• 2 limen• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• laes laes laes lib(r) lib(r) lib lib lib lib liban libad libad libad libas libas libas libitin libell libell lign ligny(od) ligo(n) ligur(in) ligur(in) ligur(in) ligur(in) ligur(in) ligi ligy liciat liciat licm licn likn lix(iv) lix(iv) limen limen limen limen limin limin lam lam lam lam lam lim(nat) lim(nat) lim(nat) lim(nat) lim(nat) lymn lymn lymn goal mark (target) target drop (liquid) tear(drop) cake cookie pastry pie incense source spring (well) well (fountain) source spring (well) well (fountain) mourn(ful) level (tool) water-level wood smoke pick-ax amuse/ing entertain(ing) facetious funny (amusing) witty sound (noise) sound (noise) scheme /ing sketch(ing) basket (etc) basket (etc) crib linen lingerie harbour (port) port (naval) sill threshold sill threshold marsh (moor) moor (marsh) pond pool (pond) puddle marsh (moor) moor (marsh) pond pool (pond) puddle marsh (moor) moor (marsh) pond 1 limn• 1 limn• 2 limn• 2 limn• 2 limn• 2 limn• limt• limt• limt• lingr• lingr• lingr• linim• linim• linim• linim• linim• lint• lint• lint• lint• lint• lintr• lintr• lintr• lintr• 1 lipr• 1 lipr• 2 lipr• 2 lipr• 2 lipr• 2 lipr• lips• lips• lips• lipt• lipt• lipt• lipt• lipt• lipt• lipt• lipt• 1 lirj• 1 lirj• 2 lirj• liš• listr• listr• listr• listr• listr• listr• lit• lit• lit• lymn lymn lim(er) lim(er) lim(er) lim(er) limm(at) limm(at) limm(at) ligur linct ling lini(men) lini(men) linit linit linit linte linte linte linte linte linter linter lintr lintr libr(a) libr(a) lipar lipar lipar lipar lips lips lips lip(o) lip(o) lip(o) lip(o) lipid lipid lipid lipid lir(i) lir(i) liri lis lisg lisg lisg listr(i) listr(i) listr(i) lithi lithi liti pool (pond) puddle avidity desire hunger long(ing) remainder remains rest (remainder) lick (tongue) lick (tongue) lick (tongue) oil(ed) smear(ed) oil(ed) smear(ed) unction canvas cloth linen napkin sail (canvas) boat canoe boat canoe balance (nn) scales obstinate persist(ent) relentless stubborn relic remains ruin (remains) cream fat (grease) grease oil cream fat (grease) grease oil colourless pale(ness) lily lion scoop shovel spade scoop shovel spade rock (stone) stone rock (stone) 143 lit• litarg• litarg• litarg• litarg• litarg• litarg• litits• litits• litjlitot• litot• litot• litot• litr• litr• litr• litr• litr• litr• litr• litr• litr• litr• litr• litr• 1 litu• 1 litu• 1 litu• 1 litu• 2 litu• 2 litu• lix• lix• lix• lix• lix• lixrliz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• 144 liti litarg litarg litarg litharg litharg litharg liticen liticen lithi litot litot litot litot litor litor litor litor littor littor littor littor littu littu littu littu litu(i) litu(i) litu(i) litu(i) litur litur lich lich lich lich lich ligroin lys lys lys lys lys lys lys lys lys lyt lyt lyt lyt lyt lyt lyt lyt lyt stone clay loam mud clay loam mud bugle trumpet (etc.) chemical element Li accessory small tiny unimportant beach seaside shore strand beach seaside shore strand beach seaside shore strand bludgeon butt (firearm) club (stick) stick (club) rub wipe candy delicacy goodies relish (pleasure) sweets chemical word stem decompose disband dissolve resolve separate(d) solution solve undo untie decompose disband dissolve resolve separate(d) solution solve undo untie lizb• lizb• lizb• ljan• ljan• ljent• ljent• ljent• 1 ljim• 1 ljim• 1 ljim• 1 ljim• 2 ljim• ljutlobe• lobe• lobe• lobj• lobj• lobj• lobj• lodiks• lodiks• lodiks• lodiks• lofr• lofr• lofr• lofr• 1 log• 1 log• 1 log• 1 log• 1 log• 1 log• 2 log• 2 log• 2 log• 2 log• lojdr• lojdr• lojdr• lojdr• lojdr• lojdr• lojdr• lojdr• lojdr• lojg• lojg• lojg• lojg• lojg• lojg• lojm• lojm• olisb olisb olisb lian lian lent lent lent lim lim lim lim lim luteci lobe lobe lobe lob(i) lob(i) lob(i) lob(i) lodic lodic lodix lodix olophr olophr olophr olophr log log log olog olog olog log log log log laedor laedor laedor loedor loedor loedor loidor loidor loidor loeg loeg loeg loig loig loig lem lem cock (penis) pecker (penis) penis superfluous too (much/many) mastic putty resin file (rasp) grate (rasp) rasp scrub (thorns) mud chemical element Lu offend /se shock (offend) unsettle (offend) capsule holster recipient shell (peel) blanket cover(age) blanket cover(age) crime misstep sin slip (error) expression text word expression text word analysis proportion relation (system) system indignation offend /se scandal indignation offend /se scandal indignation offend /se scandal remains rubble ruin (remains) remains rubble ruin (remains) disease (infectious) pestilence lojm• lojm• lojm• lojm• lojm• lojm• lojm• lojm• lojm• lojm• 1 lokj• 1 lokj• 1 lokj• 1 lokj• 2 lokj• lokl• lokl• lokl• lokl• loks• loks• loks• loks• lokw• lokw• lokw• lokw• lokw• 1 lokx• 1 lokx• 1 lokx• 1 lokx• 1 lokx• 1 lokx• 2 lokx• 2 lokx• 2 lokx• lom• lom• lom• lond• lond• lond• lond• lond• lond• lond• lond• lonk• lonk• lonk• lonk• lonk• lonk• lopf• lopf• lem loem loem loem loim loim loim lym lym lym loco loco loco loco lokya [S] loculus loculus loculus loculus liquis liquis lox lox loqu(e) loqu(e) loqu(e) loqu(e) loqu(e) loche loche loche loche loche loche loche loche loche lom(at) lom(at) lom(at) oleth oleth oleth oleth olonth olonth olonth olonth lonch lonch lonch lunch lunch lunch loph(i) loph(i) plague (disease) disease (infectious) pestilence plague (disease) disease (infectious) pestilence plague (disease) disease (infectious) pestilence plague (disease) chase drive /ing move(ment) propel(ling) world(ly) cell chamber compartment room oblique slanting oblique slanting say(ing) speak story tale word (spoken) army corps (army) detachment (army) platoon regiment troop aggress(ion) assail attack border (hem) fringe hem damag(ing) defect destroy spoil(ed) damag(ing) destroy impair spoil(ed) arrow(point) point (spear) spear(point) arrow(point) point (spear) spear(point) comb (cock) crest lopf• lopf• lops• lops• lor• lor• lor• lor• lord• lord• lord• lorits• lorits• loru• 1 lows• 1 lows• 1 lows• 1 lows• 1 lows• 1 lows• 1 lows• 1 lows• 1 lows• 2 lows• 2 lows• 2 lows• 1 lox• 1 lox• 1 lox• 1 lox• 2 lox• 2 lox• 1 loxm• 1 loxm• 1 loxm• 1 loxm• 1 loxm• 2 loxm• 2 loxm• lubr• lubr• 1 lukts• 1 lukts• 1 lukts• 1 lukts• 1 lukts• 1 lukts• 2 lukts• 2 lukts• 2 lukts• lunt• lunt• lupl• lupl• lupl• loph(i) loph(i) lop(ad) lopas lor(u) lor(u) lor(u) lor(u) lord lord lord loric(a) loric(a) olor lot lot lot lous lous lous lust lust lust olous olous olous loch(i) loch(i) loch(i) loch(i) loch loch lochme lochme lochme lochme lochme lochm(e) lochm(e) lubr(ic) lubr(ic) luct luct luct lug(ubr) lug(ubr) lug(ubr) luxa luxa luxa lunat lunat lupulin lupulin lupulin crown (head) pinnacle oyster oyster bridle restrain(t) strap whip (strap) bow(ing) incline(d) tilt armour (nn) cuirass swan bathe rinse wash(ing) bathe rinse wash(ing) bathe rinse wash(ing) annihilate(d) destroy exterminate bear (infant) beget generate produce(d) syrup treacle asylum hide-out hiding-place refuge shelter (protection) bush shrub (plant) slippery smooth commemorate deplore mourn(ful) commemorate deplore mourn(ful) disjoint dislocate disrupt arc crescent sorcerer sorceress warlock 145 lupl• lupr• lupr• lupr• lupr• lupr• lupr• lurk• lurk• lurk• lus• lus• lus• lus• lus• lus• 1 lusk• 1 lusk• 2 lusk• lustr• lustr• lute• lute• lute• lute• lutn• lutn• lutn• lutn• lutn• lutn• lutn• lutn• lutn• lutr• lutr• lutsi• lut i• lwet• lwet• lwet• lwet• lwet• lwet• lwet• lwet• lwet• ly• ly• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 146 lupulin luper luper lype lype lypr lypr lurco lurco lurco laus laus laus laus laus laus lusc lusc lusc lustr lustr lute(ol) lute(ol) lute(ol) lute(ol) lutan lutan lutan lutar lutar lutar lutit lutit lutit lutor lutr luc(i) luc(i) lues lues lues luet luet luet luet luet luet ly ly lyg(er) lyg(er) lyg(er) lyg(er) lyg(er) lygin lygin witch afflict(ion) distress afflict(ion) distress afflict(ion) distress devour feed glutton(y) clan family kin people race tribe myopic short-sighted one-eyed clean(ing) purify(ing) ginger gold(en) red-haired yellow mire mud ooze mire mud ooze mire mud ooze bath(tub) bath(tub) light (shine) shine /ing infect(ion) pestilence plague (disease) infect(ion) infect(ion) pestilence pestilence plague (disease) plague (disease) fluid (nn) liquid (nn) cane reed rod twig wand cane reed 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 2 lyg• 2 lyg• 2 lyg• 2 lyg• lygd• lygm• lygm• lygm• lygm• lygr• lygr• lygr• lygr• lyk• 1 lym• 1 lym• 2 lym• 2 lym• lysts• lysts• lysts• lysts• lysts• lysts• lytr• lyxn• lyxn• lyxn• lyxn• lyxn• lyxn• LEMMAS madr• madr• madras• madž• 1 magd• 1 magd• 2 magd• 2 magd• lygin lygin lygin lygod lygod lygod lygod lygod lygos lygos lygos lygos lygos lyg lyg lyg lyg lygd(in) lygm lygm lyng lyng lygr lygr lygr lygr lyc lym lym lym lym lyss lyss lyss lytt lytt lytt lythr lucern lucern lucern lychn lychn lychn ETYMONS madar madar madrasa [A] maghan [S] magid magis magdal magdal rod twig wand cane reed rod twig wand cane reed rod twig wand dark(ness) evening obscure /ity twilight marble (stone) hiccup sob hiccup sob bashful(ness) coy(ness) shy(ness) timid(ity) wolf damage (nn) defect flail whip (strap) punish(ing) revenge wrath punish(ing) revenge wrath blood lamp lantern light (lamp) lamp lantern light (lamp) MEANINGS bald hairless school January knead knead dough paste (plaster) 2 magd• magev• magn• magn• magn• magn• maha• maha• maha• maha• maje• maje• maje• maje• majm• majm• majm• majm• majtr• majtr• 1 makar• 1 makar• 1 makar• 1 makar• 1 makar• 1 makar• 2 makar• 2 makar• 2 makar• 1 makl• 2 makl• 2 makl• 1 makr• 1 makr• 1 makr• 2 makr• 2 makr• makra• [GN] makri• 1 makš• 1 makš• 1 makš• 1 makš• 1 makš• 2 makš• 2 makš• 2 makš• 2 makš• 2 makš• 2 makš• 1 makt• 1 makt• 1 makt• 2 makt• 2 makt• magdal magevet [Hb] magn magn magn magn maha [S] maha [S] maha [S] maha [S] maieu maieu maieu maieu maesmact maesmact maesmact maesmact maitri [S] maitri [S] machaer machaer machair machair macher macher makarah [S] makarah [S] makarah [S] macel(l) machl machl macr(o) macr(o) macr(o) macar macar macro maceria macc macc macc macc macc macesc macesc macesc macil macil macil macta macta macta makta [A] makta [A] plaster towel big great tall vast eminent grand great superior beget bring forth generate produce(d) jump leap shoot forward spring (jump) like /ing love rapier sword rapier sword rapier sword alligator crocodile (etc) gavial pick-ax pleasure (carnal) voluptuous big great immense happy/ ness merry hundred thousand wall buffoon clown comedian fool (nn) harlequin gaunt lean (thin) meager gaunt lean (thin) meager offer(ing) sacrifice victim (sacrifice) defile (passage) passage 2 makt• maktr• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 2 malak• malj• malj• malj• maln• malst• malst• malst• malts• malts• malx• malx• 1 mamn• 1 mamn• 1 mamn• 1 mamn• 2 mamn• 2 mamn• 2 mamn• 2 mamn• 2 mamn• 2 mamn• mandl• 1 mandr• 2 mandr• 2 mandr• 2 mandr• 2 mandr• mantlmants• mants• mants• mants• mants• mants• mantsan• mantsan• mantsan• mantš• mantš• manv• makta [A] mactr malac malac malac malac malagm malagm malagm malagm malax malax malax malax malac mall(ot) mall(ot) mall(ot) malon [Hb] malista malista malista malth malth malach malach man man man man man man man man man man mandal mandrit mandr(a) mandr(a) mandr(a) mandr(a) mandel manci manci manci mant(i) mant(i) mant(i) manthan manthan manthan manc manc mano thoroughfare mortar (vessel) mild soft(ness) tender(ly) weak(ness) mild soft(ness) tender(ly) weak(ness) mild soft(ness) tender(ly) weak(ness) mollusk felt (fabric) fur wool(en) hotel chief(ly) main(ly) principal polish(ing) wax (cream) purple violet (color) scarce(ly) seldom sparse thin(ly) crowd(ed) oppress press (together) push squeeze throng (vb) bolt (key) abbot cow-shed mews stable (shed) sty chemical word stem augur(y) omen prophesy augur(y) omen prophesy learn memorize study cripple(d) disabled rare 147 manv• manxmaps• maps• maputš• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• maraj• marg• marg• marg• marg• margar• margar• margasr• marit• marit• marit• 1 marl• 2 marl• marp• marp• martef• marts• masa• masn• masrmastak• mastak• mastak• mastak• mastak• mastak• mastig• mastig• mastig• mastig• mastig• mastig• masts• masts• 148 seldom chemical element Mn handkerchief napkin mapuchon [Hb] accordion marai droop marai fade marai marasmus marai stagnation marai wasting marai wither marcesc droop marcesc fade marcesc marasmus marcesc stagnation marcesc wasting marcesc wither marcid droop marcid fade marcid marasmus marcid stagnation marcid wasting marcid wither marg disarrange marg disorder marg interfere marg perturb margar pearl margeli pearl margasirsah [S] November marit betrothal marit matrimony marit wedding maril coal marra hook (nn) marpt capture(d) marpt catch (get) martef [Hb] cellar marti iron masah month masnaa [A] factory masuri chemical element Ma mastac beak mastac mouth mastac snout mastax beak mastax mouth mastax snout mastic scourge (whip) mastic whip(ping) mastig scourge (whip) mastig whip(ping) mastix scourge (whip) mastix whip(ping) mas biscuit (etc) mas cake mano mangan mapp mapp masts• mašk• mašl• 1 mašt• 1 mašt• 1 mašt• 1 mašt• 1 mašt• 1 mašt• 2 mašt• 2 mašt• 2 mašt• 2 mašt• 2 mašt• mataj• mataj• mataj• matar• mated• mated• mated• mated• mated• 1 matj• 1 matj• 1 matj• 2 matj• matl• matl• matl• matl• matl• matl• matlan• matm• matm• matm• matm• matm• matma• matok• matok• 1 matr• 1 matr• 1 matr• 1 matr• 1 matr• 1 matr• 1 matr• 2 matr• 2 matr• 2 matr• 2 matr• matsed• matsed• mas maschke [Hb] maschal mast mast mast maz maz maz mast mast mast mast mast matae matae matae mataar [A] mathet mathet mathet mathet mathet mathi mathi mathi mathei matul matul matul matul matul matul matulani [S] mat mat mat mat mat matamahi [S] matok [Hb] matok [Hb] mat(e)r metr(i) metr(i) metr(i) metro metro metro metr metr metr metr mathet mathet cookie liqueur armpit breast (woman) nipple (breast) teat breast (woman) nipple (breast) teat altitude dune elevation height hill adrift aimless vain (useless) airport adept adhere(nt) disciple follower member (part) inform(ation) know(ledge) know-how learn can (box) mug pot recipient tankard vase aunt analyze explore research search study grandmother candy sweets mother mother nanny womb mother nanny womb core kernel (essence) marrow pith brief (vb) instruct mathet machem machem machem machem machem machet machet machet machet machet magnesi maghsal [A] matsber [Hb] mediol meeden meeden medeter medeter medeter medi medi medi meso meso meso mephit mephit mephit meg(a) meg(a) meg(a) meg(a) meg(a) megeth megeth megeth megeth megeth mega mega mega mega megal(i) megal(i) megal(i) megate• [GN] megate mei(on) mej• mei(on) mej• mei(on) mej• meios mej• meios mej• meios mej• meot mej• meot mej• meot mej• matsed• max• max• max• max• max• max• max• max• max• max• maxnmaxs• mazb• medl• medna• [GN] medna• [GN] medr• medr• medr• medz• medz• medz• medz• medz• medz• meft• meft• meft• 1 meg• 1 meg• 1 meg• 1 meg• 1 meg• 1 meg• 1 meg• 1 meg• 1 meg• 1 meg• 2 meg• 2 meg• 2 meg• mega• [GN] megal• megal• megal• teach battle campaign (vb) fight(ing) wage war wrestle battle campaign (vb) fight(ing) wage war wrestle chemical element Mg laundry battery yolk null zero impartial indifferent neutral between halfway middle between halfway middle fume(d) reek stench colossal gigantic huge immense overwhelming colossal gigantic huge immense overwhelming emphasis intensity loud(ness) million excessive extravagant too (much/many) millionth few(er) less minus few(er) less minus few(er) less minus mejnt• mejnt• mejtr• 1 mekn• 2 mekn• meks• meks• meks• meks• meks• meks• mekš• mekš• mekš• mekš• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• melan• melan• melan• melan• melan• melan• 1 meled• 1 meled• 1 meled• 1 meled• 2 meled• 2 meled• melin• melis• mels• mels• mels• mely• mely• mely• meant meat metr mecon(i) mecon(i) mec(yn) mec(yn) mec(yn) mecysm mecysm mecysm mechi mechi moech moech mel(es) mel(es) mel(es) mel(es) mel(es) melict melict melict melict melict meliz meliz meliz meliz meliz melyr melyr melyr melyr melyr mel(as) mel(as) melan melan melen melen meledon meledon meleth meleth melletes melletes melin meliss mela(s) mela(s) mela(s) mel(li) melicer melichr pass(ed) pass(ed) measure(ment) juice poppy high long (distance) tall high long (distance) tall adult grown-up adult grown-up aria melody music song tune aria melody music song tune aria melody music song tune aria melody music song tune black dark black dark black dark look after nurse /ing look after nurse /ing delay put off apple bee feed (flocks) graze (feed) tend (flocks) honey honey honey 149 mely• memt• memt• 1 men• 1 men• 1 men• 2 men• 2 men• 2 men• 2 men• 2 men• mendl1 mendz• 1 mendz• 1 mendz• 1 mendz• 1 mendz• 1 mendz• 1 mendz• 2 mendz• 1 menj• 1 menj• 1 menj• 1 menj• 1 menj• 1 menj• 2 menj• 2 menj• menjaz• mentl• mentl• meny• meny• mept• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 2 mer• 2 mer• 2 mer• 2 mer• 150 honey desire wish menstruation month moon anger excitement fury rage(ing) wrath chemical element Md alms beg (charity) charity lack(ing) poverty shortage want (in) table (furniture) await obstinate persist(ent) remain stay(ing) wait arc crescent meniaazmo [Hb] automatic mentul pecker (penis) mentul penis meny betray meny treachery mepote never mer(id) division mer(id) part (piece) mer(id) piece mer(id) segment meres division meres part (piece) meres piece meres segment merism division merism part (piece) merism piece merism segment moer division moer part (piece) moer piece moer segment mel(o) limb (part) mer(a) femur mer(a) shin-bone mer(a) thigh melle memat memat men men men men men men men men mendeliev mend(os) mend(os) mend(os) mend(os) mend(os) mend(os) mend(os) mens(a) men men men men men men men(i) men(i) 2 mer• merak• merak• merdž• merid• merimn• merimn• merimn• merimn• merint• merint• merint• merint• merkmerm• merm• mertr• mertr• mertr• mertr• mertr• mery• mery• meryk• meryk• meryk• meryk• 1 mest• 1 mest• 1 mest• 1 mest• 1 mest• 1 mest• 1 mest• 1 mest• 1 mest• 2 mest• 2 mest• 2 mest• meš• meš• meš• meš• meš• meš• 1 meta• 1 meta• 1 meta• 1 meta• 2 meta• metak• 1 mete• 1 mete• 1 mete• 2 mete• mer(a) merac meral merdja [A] meridi merimn merimn merimn merimn merinth merinth merinth merinth mercur merm(ith) merm(ith) meretri meretri meretri meretri meretri mery mery meryc meryc meryx meryx maer maest maest maest maest moest moest moest moest mest mest mest messi messi messi messor messor messor meta meta meta meta meta metax meteor meteor meteor meteor tibia pure pure pond noon attend to care nurse /ing provide for cable (rope) cord line (rope) rope (cord) chemical element Hg fiber thread (fiber) fornicate /ation impurity (moral) lewd(ness) prostitution unchaste /ity wind(ing) wrap(ped) ruminant (animal) ruminate ruminant (animal) ruminate afflict(ion) distress gloomy/ ness griev(ance) sorrow(ful) distress gloomy/ ness griev(ance) sorrow(ful) full plenary plenti(ful) garner harvest(ing) reap(ing) garner harvest(ing) reap(ing) across behind transunder(neath) less water (chem.) silk climate season (time) weather phenomenon metes• metes• metj• metl• metl• metn• metn• metop• metox• metox• metr• metr• metu• metu• metu• metx• metx• metxmetx• metx• metys• metys• 1 mevl• 1 mevl• 2 mevl• 2 mevl• mid• midz• midz• midz• midz• miglaš• migm• migm• migm• migm• migm• migm• migm• migm• migm• mikl• mikl• mikl• mikn• mikn• mikn• mikn• mikr• mikr• mikr• mikr• mikr• mikr• mikra• [GN] mikt• methes methes meti metul metul meten meten metop(id) metoch metoch metr metr metu metu metu meth(y) meth(y) meth(y) meth(y) meth(y) methyst methyst mel(ot) mel(ot) mel(in) mel(in) mid mizon mizzon mizon mizzon miglasch [Hb] mycem mycem mycem mycet mycet mycet mygm mygm mygm micul micul micul mic(an) mic(an) mic(an) mic(an) michr michr michr micr(o) micr(o) micr(o) micr(o) mict no(ne) unwisdom cone wedge cut (mow) mow forehead contribute take part measuring tool apparatus afraid fear(ful) fright(en) alcoholic drink brandy chemical word stem gin (drink) strong drink drunken intoxicate(d) cattle goat apple quince smile /ing more more plus plus ski bellow boom (bellow) roar(ing) bellow boom (bellow) roar(ing) bellow boom (bellow) roar(ing) part (little) piece smattering gleam gloss glow(ing) lustre little (small) small tiny little (small) small tiny millionth piss mikt• mikt• mikt• milax• milax• milax• mili• [LN] milix• milix• mils• mils• mils• mily• [LN] minj• minyr• minyr• minyr• minyr• mirabl• mirabl• mirak• mirak• mirak• mirak• mirak• mirak• mirak• mirak• mirj• mirja• [GN] mirja• [GN] mirjate•[GN] mirmek• mirmek• misad• mistak• mists• mists• 1 mistš• 1 mistš• 1 mistš• 1 mistš• 2 mistš• 2 mistš• 2 mistš• mišl• mišm• mit• mit• mit• mit• mitj• mitj• mitl• mitl• mitod• urine piss urine mill(stone) mill(stone) mill(stone) thousandth quiet(ly) tranquil(ity) military soldier warrior thousand appointment buzz hum buzz hum admirable wonderful adolescent boy kid (boy) young(ster) adolescent boy kid (boy) young(ster) multitude tenthousand multitude tenthousandth ant ant restaurant mustache forward send pay(ed) reward(ing) salary wages pole (stake) rod spar mischeleth [Hb] sled mishmish [A] apricot mit loop (mesh) mit mesh mit noose mit thread (fiber) miti sweet (tender) miti tender(ly) mitell head-band mitell turban mitod [Hb] bedroom mict ming ming mylac(h) mylacr myliax milli milich milich mil(es) mil(es) mil(es) mill minuie [Hb] minur minur minyr minyr mir(abil) mir(abil) mirac(i) mirac(i) mirac(i) mirac(i) mirax mirax mirax mirax myri(a) myri(a) myrio myrio(stos) murm myrm(ec) missadah [Hb] mystac miss miss misth misth misth misth misch misch misch 151 mitrak• mitrak• mitrak• mitrak• mits• mits• mits• mitsid• mitsid• mitsid• mixs• mixs• miz• miz• miz• miz• miz• miz• mjaj• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 2 mjant• 2 mjant• mjel• mjel• 1 mlax• 1 mlax• 1 mlax• 1 mlax• 1 mlax• 1 mlax• 2 mlax• mnah• mnah• mnah• mnem• mnem• mnem• mnem• mnem• mnem• 1 mnus• 2 mnus• 2 mnus• 2 mnus• 152 mithrac mithrac mithrax mithrax mit mit remit micit micit micit mix mix misat misat misat misemat misemat misemat miayar [A] miae miae miae miae miant miant miant miant miar miar miar miar miant miant myel myel mala mala mala malist malist malist mala mana mana mana mnemo mnemo mneo mneo mnest mnest man(us) mnious mnious mnious gem jewel gem jewel place(d) put(ting) place(d) emaciated slender weak(ness) fertilize impregnate abhor hate loathe abhor hate loathe gauge dirt (rubbish) filth(y) spot (stain) stain (spot) dirt (rubbish) filth(y) spot (stain) stain (spot) dirt (rubbish) filth(y) spot (stain) stain (spot) colour paint(ed) marrow pith abundant many numerous abundant many numerous jaw(bone) penetrating permeating piercing memory remember memory remember memory remember hand (nn) soft(ness) tender(ly) weak(ness) 2 mnus• 2 mnus• 2 mnus• modjol• modjol• mofs• mojr• mojr• mojr• mojs• mojs• moks• moks• moks• molg• molg• molit• molit• moljmoln• moln• moln• moln• moln• moln• moln• moln• molobr• molobr• molobr• molobr• molobr• molobr• molops• molops• molops• molp• molp• molp• molp• molp• mols• moltš• molybr• molybr• molyk• molyk• molyk• momf• momf• momf• momf• mona• [GN] mona• [GN] mona• [GN] 1 monats• mnous mnous mnous modiol modiol mausa moira moira moira myi myo mox mox mox molg molg molitor molitor molybden molyn molyn molyn molyn molyn molyn molyn molyn molobr molobr molobr molothr molothr molothr molop(s) molop(s) molop(s) molp molp molp molp molp moles molch molybd molybr molyc molyt molyx mom(ph) mom(ph) mom(ph) mom(ph) mono mono mono monaz soft(ness) tender(ly) weak(ness) boss (hub) hub art destiny fatal(ity) fate mouse mouse at once right away soon money-bag purse builder constructor chemical element Mo defile (vb) dirty (spoil) foul(ed) pollute soil(ed) spoil(ed) spot (stain) stain(ed) feast on feed on glutton(y) feast on feed on glutton(y) scratch scrub (thorns) scrub(bing) aria melody sing song tune mass (heap) salamander lead (metal) lead (metal) exhausted exhausted exhausted blame(d) reprimand reproach(able) reprove one only unique isolation 1 monats• 2 monats• 2 monats• 2 monats• mone• mone• mone• 1 monel• 1 monel• 1 monel• 2 monel• 2 monel• 2 monel• 2 monel• 2 monel• 2 monel• monit• monit• morb• morb• morb• morb• morb• morb• morb• morb• mordj• mord• mord• mord• mord• morf• morf• morf• 1 morh• 1 morh• 2 morh• morix• morix• morix• morix• morix• morix• 1 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• 2 morj• 2 morj• monaz monaz monaz monaz mone mone mone monil monil monil monel monel monel monil monil monil monit monit morb(id) morb(id) morb(id) morb(id) morbos morbos morbos morbos mord mord mord mord mord morph morph morph moro moro mor morich morich morich morych morych morych mori(o) mori(o) mori(o) mori(o) mori(o) moron moron moron moron moron mori mori loneliness hermit recluse solitary (nn) cease halt(ing) stop(ping) necklace necklet rosary caution (vb) inform(ation) warn caution (vb) inform(ation) warn advise counsel ailment disease ill(ness) sick(ness) ailment disease ill(ness) sick(ness) aggravate irritate provoke torment torture appearance aspect form confuse(d) consternate(d) mulberry endeavour set about try(ing) endeavour set about try(ing) cracked (crazy) foolish insane /ity mad(ness) silly cracked (crazy) foolish insane /ity mad(ness) silly limb (part) member (part) 2 morj• morm• morm• morm• morm• morp• morsm• morsm• morsm• mostaš• moxl• moxl• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• msad• muham• muhurt• mukr• mukr• mukr• mulg• mulg• mulg• muljer• muljer• mulk• mulk• mulk• mulk• mulž• 1 muni• 1 muni• 1 muni• 1 muni• 2 muni• 2 muni• muri• muri• muri• murits• murj• murj• murj• part (piece) ghost monster ogre phantom black fatal(ity) misfortune mishap moustashfa [A] hospital mochl lever mochl lift (elevator) mochth drudge mochth effort mochth endeavour mochth labour(ing) mochth toil(ing) mogi drudge mogi effort mogi endeavour mogi labour(ing) mogi toil(ing) mogus drudge mogus effort mogus endeavour mogus labour(ing) mogus toil(ing) misaad [A] elevator mouhami lawyer muhurtah [S] hour mucr(onat) point (tip) mucr(onat) summit mucr(onat) tip amolg milk (nn) mulct milk (nn) mulg(en) milk (nn) muliebr woman mulier woman mulc caress mulc pat(ting) mulc stroke (caress) mulc touch mull red muni [S] philosopher muni [S] sage (man) muni [S] thinker muni [S] wise man muni defend muni protect muri brine muri pickle(d) muri salt(ed) muric(at) pin (stylus) murri chirp murri peep(ing) murri squeak mori morm morm morm morm morphn morsim morsim morsim 153 murn• murn• murt• musa• musad• musx• musx• mušt• mutits• mutl• 1 mutu• 1 mutu• 1 mutu• 2 mutu• 2 mutu• muxad• muxs• mwalf• mwand• 1 my• 1 my• 2 my• myd• myd• 1 mydr• 1 mydr• 2 mydr• 2 mydr• 2 mydr• 2 mydr• 2 mydr• myk• myk• myks• myks• myks• myks• myks• myktr• myktr• 1 myl• 1 myl• 2 myl• 2 myl• myln• myln• mylti• [LN] mylti• [LN] myn• myn• myn• myn• myr• myr• myr• 154 mouse rat form banana gun fly (nn) fly (nn) fresh stump collar mutual one another reciprocal borrow loan mouhadatsa [A] conversation mukshar [Hb] able moualif [A] author mouhandis [A] engineer my(os) muscle myot muscle my(ac) mussel myd mildew myd mold mydr heap(ed) mydr mass (heap) mydr dilate mydr expand mydr extend(ing) mydr spread mydr stretch(ing) myc(et) fungus myc(et) mushroom myx mucus myx phlegm myx silt myx slime myx sludge myct(er) nose myct(er) nostril myl mill(stone) myl mill(stone) myl jaw(bone) myl tooth myllaen grimace myllen grimace multi many multi numerous amyn penalize amyn punish(ing) amyn repay amyn revenge myr(o) aroma myr(o) perfume myrism aroma murin murin murti [S] musa mousadas [A] musc myi must mutic mutulus mutu mutu mutu mutu mutu myr• 1 myst• 1 myst• 1 myst• 1 myst• 1 myst• 1 myst• 1 myst• 1 myst• 2 myst• 2 myst• 2 myst• 2 myst• mystr• myš• myš• myš• myt• myt• myt• myx• myz• LEMMAS nabl• nabl• nagd• nagm• nagm• nagm• naj• naj• naj• naj• naj• naj• naj• naj• naj• naj• naj• naj• naj• naj• naj• najn• najv• najv• najv• najv• najv• nak• nak• nak• nakt• myrism myrism myrism myrism myrism myst myst myst myst mysti mysti mysti mysti mystr(i) mysi mysi mysi myth myth myth mych myz ETYMONS nabl nabl naqd [A] nagm(at) nagm(at) nagm(at) nae nae nae nae nae nai nai nai nai nai nee nee nee nee nee naeni naev naev naev naev naev nac nac nac nact perfume enigma mystery riddle secret enigma mystery riddle secret comb(ed) sieve(d) strainer whalebone spoon close(d) lid (cover) shutter fairy tale legend story intimate suck(ing) MEANINGS harp lyre cash money accumulate heap(ed) stack(ed) be (at) dwell live (at) lodge (live) stay(ing) be (at) dwell live (at) lodge (live) stay(ing) be (at) dwell live (at) lodge (live) stay(ing) mourn(ful) indication mark (sign) sign spot (stain) symbol fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) compact(ness) nakt• nakt• nakt• nakt• nakt• namt• namt• nana• [GN] naprav• naprav• naprav• naprav• naptnar• nar• nasm• nasm• nasm• nast• nast• nast• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nat• nat• nat• nata• nata• nata• nata• natits• natits• natrnatserd• natserd• natserd• natserd• nav• nav• 1 nawm• 1 nawm• 1 nawm• 2 nawm• 2 nawm• 2 nawm• 2 nawm• nact nact nast nast nast nam(at) nam(at) nano napravith [Sl] napravith [Sl] napravith [Sl] napravith [Sl] napht nar nar nasm nasm nasm nast nast nast naster naster naster naster naster naster nastes nastes nastes nastes nastes nastes nat nat nat natah [S] natah [S] natah [S] natah [S] nat(ic) nat(ic) natri nacerd nacerd necerd necerd nau nau nom nom nom nom nom nom nom density solid(ity) compact(ness) density solid(ity) current (flow) watercourse billionth 10--9 adjust correct(ly) rectify straight(en) chemical word stem fluid(ity) liquid(ity) carry off flow away leak effect react(ion) result denizen inhabitant inmate occupant resident tenant denizen inhabitant inmate occupant resident tenant beget birth produce(d) actor buffoon comedian performer buttock rump chemical element Na free(ly) gratuitous free(ly) gratuitous boat ship (boat) divide separate(ly) split(ting) feed fodder forage(d) graze (feed) 2 nawm• naws• naws• nawt• nawt• nawt• nawt• nawt• nawt• nawt• nawt• nax• nax• nax• nax• 1 ne• 1 ne• 1 ne• 2 ne• 2 ne• 2 ne• nebrak• nebrak• nedy• nedym• nedym• nedym• nefel• nefel• nefel• nefel• nefel• nefel• nefel• nefel• 1 nefr• 2 nefr• 2 nefr• 2 nefr• 2 nefr• 2 nefr• negar• negar• negar• nejdnejk• nejk• nejk• nejk• nejk• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• nom nau(s) nau(s) nao nao nao nao naut(il) naut(il) naut(il) naut(il) nao nao nao nao neo(n) neo(n) neo(n) ne(op) ne(op) ne(op) nebr(ac) nebrax nedy nedym nedym nedym neph(el) neph(el) neph(el) neph(el) nephod nephod nephod nephod nephr(o) nefari nefari nefari nefari nefari neg neg neg nedimi neic neic neic neic neic oneis oneis oneis oneist oneist oneist pasture navigate sail(ing) boatman mariner sailor seaman boatman mariner sailor seaman chapel church oratory temple new uncommon unusual young young(ster) youth yearling yearling stomach soft(ness) tender(ly) weak(ness) cloud fog mist nebulous cloud fog mist nebulous kidney abomination disgusting horrid loathsome nauseating oppose(d) resist(ing) withstand chemical element Nd disagreement discord dispute dissension quarrel(ing) facility useful(ness) utility facility useful(ness) utility 155 nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• nek• nek• nek• nek• nekr• nekr• nekr• nekr• nekr• nekr• 1 neks• 1 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• nekt• nekt• nekt• nekt• 1 nem• 1 nem• 1 nem• 1 nem• 1 nem• 2 nem• 2 nem• nemi• nemi• nemt• nemt• nemt• nenj• nenj• nenj• nenj• nepj• nepj• nepj• nepj• nepot• nepot• nepot• nepot• 156 ones ones ones onest onest onest nec(at) nec(at) nec(at) nec(at) necr(o) necr(o) necr(o) necy necy necy nex nex nex nex nex nex nex nex nex nex nex nex nect(o) nect(o) nectri nectri nem nem nem nem nem nem(or) nem(or) mnemeion mnemeion nem(at) nem(at) nem(at) neni neni neni neni nepi nepi neputi neputi nepot nepot nepot nepot facility useful(ness) utility facility useful(ness) utility assassinate kill(ing) murder ruin(ed) carcase corpse deceased (nn) carcase corpse deceased (nn) proportion relation (kin) braid button(ed) knot(ted) net (vb) plait tie(d) twine(d) wattle weave /ing wreathe float swim float swim greensward lawn meadow pasture prairie forest woods memorial monument fibril filament thread (fiber) complain dirge elegy lament(able) baby newborn baby newborn family kin parent(s) relation (kin) nepot• neps• nepts1 ner• 1 ner• 2 ner• nertr• nertr• neš• neš• nešt• nešt• nesx• netr• nevr• nevr• newr• newr• newt• nexnez• nez• nid• nidr• nif• nif• nigl• nihil• nihil• nihil• nihil• nihil• nihil• niknike• nike• nike• nike• nike• nike• nike• nike• nike• nike• niks• niks• niks• niks• nikt• nimj• nimj• nimj• nipt• nipt• nists• nists• nepot nep neptuni neo neo ner(os) nerth(er) nerth(er) nes(s) nett nesti nesti neschef [Hb] netr neur(o) neur(o) neuro nevr net(h) neon nes nes nid nidor niph niv niglar nihil nihil nihil nil nil nil nickel nice nice nice nice nice nike nike nike nike nike nix nix nix nix nict nimi nimi nimi nipt(er) nipt(er) nis(us) nis(us) relative (kin) scorpion chemical element Np fluid (nn) liquid (nn) fresh below under(neath) duck (fowl) duck (fowl) sober sobriety concert spindle sinew tendon nerve (anat.) nerve (anat.) spin (thread) chemical element Ne island isle nest cook(ed) snow snow whistle none nothing null none nothing null chemical element Ni benefit gain success victory win benefit gain success victory win lean (upon) lean(ing) support(ing) uphold eyelid exceed excessive too (much/many) wash(ing) washbasin drudge endeavour nists• nists• nists• nists• nitrnixnjanj• 1 njas• 1 njas• 1 njas• 1 njas• 2 njas• 2 njas• 2 njas• njit• njit• njit• njit• njit• njit• njot• nobnoj• noj• noj• noj• noj• noj• noj• noj• noj• noj• noj• noj• nokr• nokr• nokr• nokr• nokr• nokr• nol• nol• noms• noms• noms• noms• noms• nona• [GN] nona• [GN] nonj• [LN] nos• nos• nos• nos• nosk• 1 nost• nis(us) nis(us) nis(us) nis(us) nitro niobi nyanya [Jp] neal nean near neas neat neat neat nit(id) nit(id) nitel nitel niten niten neoss nobeli noo noo noo noo nous nous nous nous nus nus nus nus nocar nocar nocar nocar nocar nocar nol(a) nol(a) nom(eus) nom(eus) nom(eus) nom(eus) nom(eus) non(a) novem nonus nos nos nos nos nossac nost exert(ion) labour(ing) strain(ed) toil(ing) chemical element N chemical element Nb tomato young young young young just (now) present (time) recent(ly) glitter(ing) shine /ing glitter(ing) shine /ing glitter(ing) shine /ing nest chemical element No intelligent mind reason (think) think(ing) intelligent mind reason (think) think(ing) intelligent mind reason (think) think(ing) dull idle languid lazy(ness) slack slothful bell (small) rattle (instrument) abode quarters region residence where(abouts) nine nine nine ill(ness) sick(ness) suffer(ing) unhappiness rooster comeback 1 nost• 2 nost• 2 nost• 2 nost• 1 noth• 2 noth• noti• noti• noti• noti• noti• noti• noti• noti• 1 notj• notj•1 notj•1 2 notj• notj•2 notj•2 notj•2 nots• nots• nots• nots• nots• nots• nots• nots• nots• novr• novr• novr• nukt• nukt• nukt• 1 num• num•1 num•1 num•1 num•1 num•1 2 num• num•2 1 numn• numn•1 2 numn• nunts• nunts• nunts• nunts• nunts• nunts• nunts• nunts• nunts• nost noth noth noth not not noti(d) noti(d) noti(d) noti(d) notis notis notis notis not(i) not(i) not(i) noten noti(al) notos notus noc(i) noc(i) noc(i) nocu nocu nocu noxi noxi noxi noar noar noar nugat nugat nugat num(mul) num(mul) num(mul) numism numism numism numen numen numin numin numen nunci nunci nunci nunci nunti nunti nunti nunti nuthete return false lie (tell a) untrue convex shell (cover) humid(ity) rain(fall) water wet(ness) humid(ity) rain(fall) water wet(ness) back(side) reverse(d) surface south south south south break(ing) damag(ing) smash(ed) break(ing) damag(ing) smash(ed) break(ing) damag(ing) smash(ed) ghost phantom spirit (ghost) babble chatter gossip coin medal medallion coin medal medallion arc crescent gesture nod (yes) God announce(ment) herald(ing) message notify announce(ment) herald(ing) message notify announce(ment) 157 nunts• nunts• nunts• nunx• nunx• nunx• nupt• nupt• nupt• nupt• 1 nust• 2 nust• nutsi• nygm• nygm• nygm• nygm• nykti• nykti• nyktr• nymf• nymf• 1 nys• nys•1 2 nys• nys•2 nys•2 LEMMAS obd• obd• obd• obd• obek• obek• obel• obel• obel• obes• obes• obes• obes• obj• obj• obj• obj• obj• obj• obit• obit• obit• obit• 1 obr• 1 obr• 2 obr• 158 nuthete nuthete nuthete nunech nunech nunech nubil nubil nuptial nuptial neus(t) neus(t) nuc nyg(m) nyg(m) nyss nyss ny(ct) nych nycter nymph nymph nyss nyss ny ny ny ETYMONS obba obba obba obba obex obex obel obel obel obes obes obes obes ob ob ob ob ob ob obi(t) obi(t) obi(t) obi(t) ober ober obri herald(ing) message notify evident logic(al) rational(ly) matrimony wedding matrimony wedding swim fold nut (kernel) prick(ing) sting (needle) prick(ing) sting (needle) night night bat (mammal) bride fiancée injure /ious wound(ed) approve nod (yes) yes MEANINGS basin bowl tub vat hindrance obstacle pole (stake) rod spar corpulent fat-bellied fatty obese against contrary counter opponent oppose(d) opposing decease demise die pass away roam(ing) wander descendant 2 obr• 2 obr• 2 obr• obrud• obrud• obrud• obruš• obruš• obruš• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• odits• odits• odits• odits• odn• [RN] odon• odon• odon• odon• odon• odon• odon• odon• odon• odont• odont• odyn• odyn• odyn• odyn• odyn• odyn• odyn• odyn• odyn• odyr• odyr• obri obri obri obrut obrut obrut obruss obruss obruss hod(o) hod(o) hod(o) hod(o) hodi hodi hodi hodi hodoi hodoi hodoi hodoi od(o) od(o) od(o) od(o) ud ud ud ud od(ic) od(ic) od(ic) od(ic) odin odon odon odon odon odon odus odus odus odus odon(t) odus odin odin odin odyn(er) odyn(er) odyn(er) odyn(o) odyn(o) odyn(o) odyr(m) odyr(m) issue (result) offspring result knock down overthrow upset experiment test(ing) try (out) direction manner means way (manner) direction manner means way (manner) direction manner means way (manner) direction manner means way (manner) direction manner means way (manner) melody melody music tune one attachment claw hook (nn) horn nail (finger) attachment claw hook (nn) nail (finger) tooth tooth endure/ able pain suffer(ing) endure/ able pain suffer(ing) endure/ able pain suffer(ing) complain lament(able) odyr• odyr• 1 odz• 1 odz• 1 odz• 1 odz• 1 odz• 1 odz• 1 odz• 1 odz• 2 odz• 2 odz• 2 odz• ofel• ofel• ofel• ofel• ofi• ofi• ofi• ofi• ofry• ofry• ofry• oftalm• 1 ogm• 1 ogm• 1 ogm• 2 ogm• 2 ogm• ogyg• ogyg• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojgon• ojgon• ojked• ojked• ojked• ojked• ojked• 1 ojkt• odyrt odyrt odes odes odm(al) odm(al) odyl odyl oz oz odus odus odus ophel(im) ophel(im) ophel(im) ophel(im) ophi(s) ophi(s) ophid ophid ophry(s) ophry(s) ophry(s) ophthalm ogm ogm ogm ogm ogm ogyg ogyg oed(al) oed(al) oed(al) oed(al) oedan oedan oedan oedan oedem oedem oedem oedem oedo oedo oedo oedo oeg(on) oigo oecet oecet oecet oecet oecet oect complain lament(able) odour smell(ing) odour smell(ing) odour smell(ing) odour smell(ing) linger(ing) slow(ly) tardy benefit gain profit (gain) utility serpent snake serpent snake brow eyebrow eyelid eye line (drawing) streak (line) stroke (streak) furrow wrinkle (furrow) primeval remote balloon bladder blister vesicle balloon bladder blister vesicle balloon bladder blister vesicle balloon bladder blister vesicle open (up) open (up) aid (person) assistant helper servant slave (servant) alas 1 ojkt• 1 ojkt• 1 ojkt• 2 ojkt• 2 ojkt• 2 ojkt• 1 ojs• 1 ojs• 1 ojs• 2 ojs• 2 ojs• ojst• ojst• ojstr• ojstr• ojstr• ojstr• ojstr• ojstr• ojstr• ojš• okl• okl• okl• okl• okl• okl• okl• okla• okla• okn• okn• okn• okont• okont• okont• okont• okont• oks1 oksy• 1 oksy• 2 oksy• 2 oksy• 2 oksy• okšaokt• [LN] 1 okts• 1 okts• 1 okts• 1 okts• 1 okts• 1 okts• 2 okts• 2 okts• 2 okts• oect oect oect oect oect oect oes(o) oes(o) oes(o) oes oes oest oist estr estr estr oestr oestr oestr oestr ois ochl ochl ochl ochl ochl ochl ochl oclao oclao ocn(er) ocn(er) ocn(er) cont cont cont cont cont oxy ox(y) ox(y) ox(y) ox(y) ox(y) oxa oct(o) occ occ occ onc onc onc oxy oxy oxy complain lament(able) woe bolt(ed) close(d) shut (close) carry move(ment) transport(ing) osier straw arrow arrow ardent lust passion(ate) ardent lust passion(ate) rut sheep band (people) crowd (bunch) group (bunch) heap(ed) horde mass (crowd) pile (stack) crouch squat idle lazy(ness) slothful pale (stake) pole (stake) rod spar stake (pale) chemical element O acid vinegar acute point(ed) sharp chemical word stem eight charge(d) heavy load charge(d) heavy load excite(d) irritate nervous 159 1 okx• 1 okx• 1 okx• 1 okx• 1 okx• 1 okx• 2 okx• 2 okx• 2 okx• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• olbj• olbj• olel• olel• 1 oler• 1 oler• 1 oler• 1 oler• 2 oler• 2 oler• 2 oler• 2 oler• 2 oler• 2 oler• 2 oler• 2 oler• olig• olig• olig• olig• olig• olig• olig• olig• olig• olig• oligr• oligr• 160 och och och och och och och och och oca oca oca oca oca oca oci oci oci oci oci oci ocy ocy ocy ocy ocy ocy olb(i) olb(i) oll oll hol(er) hol(er) ol(er) ol(er) olac olac ole(ns) ole(ns) olent olent olero olero holig(o) holig(o) holig(o) holig(o) holig(o) olig(o) olig(o) olig(o) olig(o) olig(o) oligor oligor car carriage cart chariot trolley waggon guard(ed) protect shield(ed) alert brisk fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) vigilant alert brisk fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) vigilant alert brisk fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) vigilant fortunate happy/ ness boiler cauldron cabbage vegetable cabbage vegetable odour smell(ing) odour smell(ing) odour smell(ing) odour smell(ing) few rare seldom some sparse few rare seldom some sparse neglect omit oligr• olists• olists• olists• olists• olists• olists• olists• olists• olists• olists• olists• olists• olm• olm• oln• 1 olog• 1 olog• 1 olog• 1 olog• 2 olog• 2 olog• 2 olog• olr• olr• olr• olr• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• omat• ombri• omfal• 1 omj• 1 omj• 2 omj• 2 omj• 2 omj• omni• omni• omni• oner• oner• oner• oner• oner• oner• oligor liss liss liss olibr olibr olibr oliss oliss oliss olist(h) olist(h) olist(h) holm holm ole(n) log log olog olog logistikon logistikon logistikon oler oler oler oler olesth olesth olesth olesth olet(hr) olet(hr) olet(hr) olet(hr) oleti oleti oleti oleti omma(t) ombr(a) omphal om(o) omio oom oom oom omn omn omn onar onar onar oneir oneir oneir overlook sliding slippery smooth sliding slippery smooth sliding slippery smooth sliding slippery smooth oval round elbow phenomenon rule(s) phenomenon rule(s) intelligence reason (think) think(ing) disturb(ance) hamper inconvenience unsettle(d) annihilate(d) destroy exterminate perish(ed) annihilate(d) destroy exterminate perish(ed) annihilate(d) destroy exterminate perish(ed) eye rain(fall) navel shoulder shoulder crude raw unripe all every every(thing) dream fantasy illusion dream fantasy illusion oner• oner• oner• onh• onh• onh• onh• onh• onh• onh• onh• onh• onim• onim• onim• onim• 1 onin• 1 onin• 1 onin• 2 onin• 2 onin• 2 onin• 2 onin• 2 onin• 1 onk• 1 onk• 1 onk• 1 onk• 1 onk• 2 onk• 2 onk• 2 onk• 2 onk• onmast• onmast• onom• onom• onom• onom• onom• onom• onom• onom• onom• onom• onom• onom• onost• onost• onost• onost• ontj• ontj• ontj• ontj• onir onir onir oen oen oen on on on onus onus onus onim onim onym onym oninem oninem oninem oninem oninem oninem oninem oninem occe ogc onc(e) onch unc onc(od) onc(od) onc(od) onc(od) onom(ast) onomat nom nom nom nom nom nom onom onom onom onom onom onom onost onost onost onost ent ent ent ent dream fantasy illusion ass (donkey) donkey mule ass (donkey) donkey mule ass (donkey) donkey mule name word name word help humour (vb) serve advantage(ous) benefit blessing gain profit (gain) hook (nn) hook (nn) hook (nn) hook (nn) hook (nn) bump (lump) hump hunchback tuber name name custom(ary) habit(s) law(ful) precept regulate /tion rule(s) custom(ary) habit(s) law(ful) precept regulate /tion rule(s) bad mark criticism observe /ation remark(able) are be(ing) entity exist(ence) ontj• ontj• ontj• ontj• onts• onts• onts• onyx• onyx• onyx• ope• ope• ope• opf• opf• 1 opid• 1 opid• 2 opid• 2 opid• 2 opid• opits• opr• opr• opr• opr• opr• ops• opsel• 1 opsid• 1 opsid• 2 opsid• opsol• opsol• opsol• opsol• opsol• opsol• opsol• opsol• opsol• opsol• opstetr• opstetr• opstetr• opstetr• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• ont(o) ont(o) ont(o) ont(o) onth onth onth onych onych onyx ope(as) ope(as) opeat opeat off off opid(n) opid(n) opid opid opid opisth prae prae proe proe prora op(s) opseilem obsidio obsidio obsit obsolesc obsolesc obsolesc obsolesc obsolesc obsolet obsolet obsolet obsolet obsolet obstetr obstetr obstetr obstetr opic opic opic opic opiqu opiqu opiqu opiqu ops are be(ing) entity exist(ence) dung manure night-soil claw talon nail (finger) awl needle awl needle burn scorch(ed) esteem respect(able) punishment retaliate revenge after (time) before (time) ere before (time) ere before (time) eye debt besiege chair plant(ed) ancient antique exobsolete old ancient antique exobsolete old beget generate give birth labour (in) appearance aspect face (nn) look (aspect) appearance aspect face (nn) look (aspect) appearance 161 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 2 opš• 2 opš• 2 opš• 2 opš• opt• opt• opt• opt• optan• 1 optr• 1 optr• 1 optr• 2 optr• 2 optr• 2 optr• 2 optr• opu• opu• opy• opy• opy• opy• opy• oram• oram• oram• oram• oram• oram• oram• oram• 1 orb• 1 orb• 2 orb• 2 orb• 2 orb• 2 orb• ore• ore• ore• ore• orekt• orekt• orekt• orekt• orekt• orekt• orgy• orgy• orgy• orikt• orikt• 162 ops ops ops ops ops ops ops opi opi opti opti optanion opter opter opter opter opter opter opter opo opo opi opi opi opi opi horam(at) horam(at) horam(at) horam(at) oram(at) oram(at) oram(at) oram(at) orb(ic) orb(ic) orb orb orb orb or(es) oreo orim orin orect orect orect oregm oregm oregm orgy(i) orgy(i) orgy(i) oryct oryct aspect face (nn) look (aspect) analyze examine explore observe /ation look see look see kitchen lens looking-glass mirror looker-on observer public (audience) spectator juice sap (fluid) creation (art) produce (product) product task work (literary) apparition aspect hallucination vision apparition aspect hallucination vision circle ring (circle) ball (globe) bullet globe sphere mount(ain) mount(ain) mount(ain) mount(ain) extend(ing) layout spread extend(ing) layout spread depth distance fathom mineral ore ornit• ornit• ornit• ornit• orob• orob• orp• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• 1 ort• 1 ort• 1 ort• 2 ort• 2 ort• 2 ort• 2 ort• ortr• orts• ortuorx• orx• orxes• orxes• orxes• 1 orykt• 1 orykt• 1 orykt• 1 orykt• 2 orykt• oryz• oryz• osfr• 1 oskl• 2 oskl• ornis ornis ornith ornith orob orob #### orge orge orge orge orge orge orsa orsa orsa orsa orsa orsa orsum orsum orsum orsum orsum orsum orsus orsus orsus orsus orsus orsus orth(o) orth(o) orth(o) orth orth orth orth orthr orc orth(o) orch(eo) orchid orches(t) orches(t) orches(t) orych orych oryct oryct oryct oryz oscul(a) osphr oscul oscul bird fowl bird fowl pea vetch leg bent (leaning) character (nature) inclination leaning (towards) propensity tendency bent (leaning) character (nature) inclination leaning (towards) propensity tendency bent (leaning) character (nature) inclination leaning (towards) propensity tendency bent (leaning) character (nature) inclination leaning (towards) propensity tendency right-angled square straight correct(ly) right (correct) true well (good) early barrel chemical word stem testicle(s) testicle(s) ball (dance) ballet dance dig plough(ing) dig plough(ing) fossil rice kiss smell(ing) mouth kiss 1 osm• 2 osm• 2 osm• 2 osm• 2 osm• 2 osm• 2 osm• oste• oste• ostj• ostj• ostj• ostj• ostj• ostj• ostl• ostl• ostrats• ostrats• ostrats• ošmot• ot• 1 otn• 1 otn• 1 otn• 2 otn• 2 otn• 2 otn• otst• otst• otst• otšis• otšis• otšis• otšis• otšm• otšm• otšm• otšm• otšm• otšm• otšm• otšm• otšm• ovn• ojn• 1 ovr• 2 ovr• owš• owš• oxed• oxed• oxed• oxed• 1 oxes• osm osm(o) osm(o) osm(o) oste oste oste osteo osto osti(a) osti(a) osti(a) ostium ostium ostium ostling ostlinx ostrac ostrac ostrac osmi ot(ar) otis othon othon othon othn othn othn ozot ozot ozot occis occis occis occis ocha ocha ocha ochem ochem ochem ochm ochm ochm oen oin or(al) ora ousia ousia ochet ochet ochet ochet ochem smell(ing) drive /ing propel(ling) push drive /ing propel(ling) push bone bone door entrance gate door entrance gate curl (hair) curl (hair) armour (nn) carapace shell (cover) chemical element Os hear(ing) hear(ing) cloth linen sheeting (cloth) alien foreign strange shoot (twig) sprout (twig) twig assassinate execute (kill) kill(ing) murder hold(ing) support(ing) sustain hold(ing) support(ing) sustain hold(ing) support(ing) sustain vine wine mouth pray ownership property canal channel drain (nn) sewer capacity 1 oxes• 1 oxes• 1 oxes• 1 oxes• 1 oxes• 2 oxes• 2 oxes• 1 oxl• 1 oxl• 2 oxl• 2 oxl• 2 oxl• 2 oxl• 2 oxl• oxn• oxr• oxr• oxr• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxta• [GN] ochem ochem oches oches oches ocheus ocheus ochl ochl ochl(er) ochl(er) ochl(er) ochl(er) ochl(er) ochn ochyr ochyr ochyr ocht(er) ocht(er) ocht(er) ocht(er) ochthod ochthod ochthod ochthod oia oia oia oia octo LEMMAS ETYMONS pabl• pabl• pafj• pagj• pagj• pagj• pagj• pagm• pagm• pagm• pagm• pagm• pagm• pagm• pagm• 1 pagn• 1 pagn• 1 pagn• 2 pagn• 2 pagn• 2 pagn• pabul pabul paphia pagi pagi pagi pagi paegm paegm paegm paegm paegni paegni paegni paegni pagin pagin pagin pagan pagan pagan contents purport(ed) capacity contents purport(ed) bolt (buckle) buckle opportune welcome eddy mingle mixe(d) swirl whirl(ing) pear obstinate persist(ent) relentless bank (shore) border (rim) brim edge bank (shore) border (rim) brim edge bank (shore) border (rim) brim edge eight MEANINGS fodder forage (nn) beauty (woman) firm(ly) solid(ity) steady sturdy game (play) match (game) play(ing) sport(s) game (play) match (game) play(ing) sport(s) leaf page paper farmer field(s) tiller (field) 163 1 pagos• 1 pagos• 1 pagos• 1 pagos• 1 pagos• 1 pagos• 2 pagos• paipl• paipl• paj• paj• paj• paj• paj• pajd• pajd• 1 pajdr• 1 pajdr• 2 pajdr• 2 pajdr• 2 pajdr• 2 pajdr• pajgn• pajpl• pajpl• pajst• pakn• pakn• pak • paktr• paktr• palpalaj• palaj• palaj• palaj• palak• palem• palem• palem• palem• palem• palem• palem• palem• palg• palg• palg• palg• palg• palg• palg• palg• palg• palg• palg• 164 pag(et) pag(et) pag(et) pegad pegad pegad pag paepal paepal pae pae pae pae pae paet paet paeder paeder paed(or) paed(or) paedid paedid paigni paepal pale paec(t) pachn pachn pakshah [S] epactr epactr palladi pala(e) pala(e) palai palai pallac pall pall pall pall palm palm palm palm palag palag palag palan palan palan parag parag parag phel(et) phel(et) freeze frost ice freeze frost ice hill rock (stone) stone blow (hit) hit(ting) punch (blow) push strike askance (look) squint ink paint (nn) stench stink stench stink toy flour flour dancer hoar-frost rime week(ly) beast (of prey) hunter chemical element Pd ancient old ancient old concubine quake quiver(ing) shiver(ing) tremble quake quiver(ing) shiver(ing) tremble cheat deceive(d) mystify cheat deceive(d) mystify cheat deceive(d) mystify cheat deceive(d) palg• palgun• palin• palin• palin• palin• palin• palin• palin• palin• palin• palin• palj• palj• palj• palj• pals• pals• pals• pals• pals• pals• palud• palud• palud• palud• 1 pamn• 1 pamn• 1 pamn• 2 pamn• 2 pamn• 2 pamn• pan+ pan+ pan+ pan+ pan+ pandr• pandr• pandžar• pandžar• pandžar• pant• pant• pant• pant• pant• pant• pants• pants• papl• papl• papl• papl• 1 papt• 1 papt• phel(et) phalguna [S] palim palim palim palim palim palin palin palin palin palin palli palli palli palli pals pals pals palt palt palt palud palud palustr palustr paemin paemin paemin pann pann pann pan pan pan pan pan pandur pandur panjarah [S] panjarah [S] panjarah [S] panden panden panden pant pant pant pantic pantic papula papula papula papula papp papp mystify February again comeback inverse reverse(d) undo again comeback inverse reverse(d) undo cloak coat (mantle) mantle toga dart javelin projectile dart javelin projectile marsh (moor) moor (marsh) marsh (moor) moor (marsh) cleave fission split(ting) rag tatter tissue all encompassing every(thing) total(ly) very fiddle violin cage cell jail great long (distance) tall great long (distance) tall bowel(s) intestine balloon bladder blister vesicle hank tuft 1 papt• 2 papt• 2 papt• 2 papt• 2 papt• 1 para• 1 para• 1 para• 1 para• 1 para• 1 para• 2 para• 2 para• 2 para• 2 para• paraj• paraj• pardak• pardak• pardal• pardal• parim• parim• parim• parim• parim• 1 parl• 2 parl• 2 parl• 2 parl• 2 parl• 1 parm• 2 parm• 2 parm• parmj• parmj• parmj• parmj• parmj• pars• pars• pars• pars• pars• parten• partr• partr• partš• partš• 1 parv• 1 parv• 1 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• papp papp papp papp papp para para para para para para para para para para parei pari pardac pardac pard(al) pard(al) pariem pariem pariem pariem pariem parul parul parul parul parul parm parmen parmen paroimi paroimi paroimi paroimi paroimi pares pares pares pares pares parthen part(ur) part(ur) parc parc parv parv parv parv parv parv wisp dad father grandfather papa apart from besides during however next (to) while adamant compulsory oblige /atory official cheek cheek humid(ity) wet(ness) leopard panther let be permit(ted) privilege right (law) tolerate curl (hair) abscess boil(ed) sore (wound) ulcer shield (protection) remain stay(ing) idiom (saying) maxim proverb say(ing) sentence forgo give up renounce resign(ation) weaken virgin(al) beget give birth save spare (save) little (small) small tiny few rare scarce(ly) 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• pasl• 1 pat• 1 pat• 1 pat• 1 pat• 2 pat• 2 pat• 2 pat• 2 pat• 2 pat• 2 pat• 1 patak• 1 patak• 1 patak• 1 patak• 1 patak• 2 patak• 2 patak• 2 patak• patal• patih• patih• 1 patl• 1 patl• 1 patl• 2 patl• 2 patl• 2 patl• 2 patl• 2 patl• patra• patra• patra• patri• patri• patsin• patsin• 1 pavl• 1 pavl• 1 pavl• 1 pavl• 1 pavl• 1 pavl• 2 pavl• 2 pavl• parv pauc pauc pauc pauc paur paur paur paur passal path path path path path(e) path(e) path(e) path(e) path(e) path(e) patag patag patag patag patag patag patag patag patalah [S] pao [S] patih [S] pactil pactil pactil pattal pattal pattal pattal pattal pater(a) pater(a) pater(a) pater(n) patrid pastin pastin paul paul paul paus paus paus paulul paulul seldom few rare scarce(ly) seldom few rare scarce(ly) seldom ankle adventure event happening occurrence ailment disease ill(ness) pain sick(ness) suffer(ing) bedlam riot rising (riot) tumult turmoil border (hem) fringe hem rose (flower) husband husband plait twine(d) wreathe chock peg plug (stopper) spigot wedge chalice cup (trophy) goblet father papa dig plough(ing) cease halt(ing) stop(ping) cease halt(ing) stop(ping) few little (few) 165 2 pavl• 2 pavl• pawl• pawl• pawl• pawl• pawr• pawr• pawš• pawtr• paxy• paxy• paxy• paxy• paxy• pazi• pazi• pazi• pazi• 1 ped• 1 ped• 1 ped• 2 ped• 2 ped• 2 ped• 2 ped• 2 ped• 2 ped• 2 ped• 2 ped• 2 ped• pedes• pedes• pedes• pedes• pedes• pedes• pedl• pedm• pedm• pedm• pedm• pedm• pedm• pedm• pedm• pedn• pedn• pedn• pedn• pedn• pedn• pedn• pedn• pedn• pedn• 166 polul polul pol(i) pol(i) pol(i) pol(i) pora pora Paushah [S] pautrah [S] pach(y) pach(y) pach(y) pach(y) pach(y) pasi pasi pasi pasi paed paed paed paed paed paed pais pais pais ped(i) ped(i) ped(i) pedes pedes pedes pedet pedet pedet pedil pedamen pedamen pedamen pedamen pedamin pedamin pedamin pedamin pedan pedan pedan pedan pedan pedon pedon pedon pedon pedon few little (few) city municipal(ity) town village coral jewel December grandchild bulky burly fat (thick) stout thick all every(thing) sum total(ly) educate instruct teach child offspring young(ster) child offspring young(ster) child offspring young(ster) hop jump leap hop jump leap shoe pale (stake) post (prop) prop stake (pale) pale (stake) post (prop) prop stake (pale) earth (ground) echelon flatland level (layer) plain (nn) earth (ground) echelon flatland level (layer) plain (nn) 1 pedz• 1 pedz• 1 pedz• 1 pedz• 2 pedz• 2 pedz• pedž• pedž• pedž• pefr• pefr• pefr• pefr• pegm• pegm• 1 peir• 1 peir• 1 peir• 1 peir• 1 peir• 1 peir• 2 peir• 2 peir• pejon• pejon• pejon• 1 pejr• 1 pejr• 1 pejr• 1 pejr• 2 pejr• 2 pejr• 2 pejr• 2 pejr• 2 pejr• pekr• pekr• pekr• pekr• 1 peks• 2 peks• 2 peks• 2 peks• 2 peks• 1 pekt• 1 pekt• 2 pekt• 2 pekt• pektr• pektr• pekun• pekun• pekun• pekun• pekun• pez pez pez pez pez pez peg peg peg pephri pephri pephri pephri pegm(at) pegm(at) peir peir peir pir pir pir peir peir paeon paeon paeon peirar peirar peirar peirar peirar peirar peirar peirar peirar pecor pecor pecu(n) pecu(n) pex(i) pex(i) pex(i) pex(i) pex(i) pect(en) psectr pectin pectin pector pector pecun pecun pecun pecun pecun go march(ing) step(ping) walk(ing) leg shank fountain spring (well) well (fountain) bristling hairy shaggy untidy concrete(ness) solid(ity) experiment test(ing) trial experiment test(ing) trial bore (through) penetrate(d) doctor helper physician border (rim) end (finish) finish limit (border) bow(tie) cord (rope) pompom ribbon rope (cord) flock (herd) herd (group) flock (herd) herd (group) wool(en) attachment fasten(ing) fixing (tool) link (connection) comb (nn) comb (nn) gelatin jelly breast (chest) chest (breast) affluent/ce fortune (money) money rich(ness) wealth(y) peky• peky• peky• peky• peky• peky• pelag• pelak• pelak• pelak• pelak• pelarg• pele• pele• 1 pelek• 1 pelek• 1 pelek• 1 pelek• 2 pelek• 1 pelj• 1 pelj• 1 pelj• 1 pelj• 2 pelj• 2 pelj• pelm• peln• peln• peln• pelts• peluk• pelyk• pelyk• pelyk• pelyk• pemf• pemf• pemf• pemf• pemf• pemf• 1 pemt• 1 pemt• 1 pemt• 2 pemt• 2 pemt• 2 pemt• 2 pemt• 1 pene• 1 pene• 1 pene• 1 pene• 2 pene• 2 pene• 2 pene• pechy pechy pechy pich pich pich pelag pellac pellac pellic(i) pellic(i) pelarg(on) pelei pelei pelec(e) pelec(e) pelecy pelecy pelec pell pell pell pell pel(l) pel(l) pelm(at) pelen pelen pelen pelt pelluc pelic pelic pelyc pelyc pemph(ix) pemph(ix) pemph(ix) pomphol pomphol pomphol pem(at) pem(at) pem(at) pemot pemot pemot pemot pene pene pene pene paen paen paen cubit elbow ell cubit elbow ell sea seducer tempter seducer tempter stork dove pigeon ax hatchet ax hatchet helmet fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) skin (plant) clay mud sole (foot) biscuit (etc) cake cookie shield (protection) transparent basin pelvis basin pelvis bladder blister vesicle bladder blister vesicle pity (a) spiteful too bad ambassador delegate messenger representative (nn) plait twine (nn) weave /ing wreathe almost hardly nearly 2 paen pen(e) pen(e) pen(e) pen(e) penia penia penia penichr penichr penichr penit penit penit penn(i) penn(i) penn(i) penn(i) pinn pinn pinn pinn pensil pensil pemp penta pentate• [GN] pentat penth penth• penth penth• penth penth• penth penth• penth penth• penicill pentsil• penicill pentsil• pepl pepl• pepl pepl• pepl pepl• pepl pepl• 1 pep(on) pepn• 1 pep(on) pepn• 1 pep(on) pepn• 1 pep(on) pepn• 1 pep(on) pepn• 2 pep(on) pepn• 2 pep(on) pepn• 2 pep(on) pepn• pepir pepr• pepir pepr• pepasm peps• peps peps• peps pept• peps pept• pept pept• pept pept• 1 per per• 2 per per• pene• 2 pene• 2 pene• 2 pene• 2 pene• penikr• penikr• penikr• penikr• penikr• penikr• 1 penit• 1 penit• 2 penit• penj• penj• penj• penj• penj• penj• penj• penj• pensl• pensl• penta• [GN] penta• [GN] scarce(ly) almost hardly nearly scarce(ly) deprive(d) needy poor(ly) deprived needy poor(ly) in(side) internal tail (end) feather pen (feather) plumage plume feather pen (feather) plumage plume depend hang (down) five five one fifth afflict(ion) griev(ance) sadness sorrow(ful) tragedy broom brush (nn) dress (clothing) gown robe veil chubby mellow mild tender(ly) weak(ness) cucumber melon pumpkin mature /ity ripe cook(ed) cook(ed) digest(ion) digest(ion) digest digestion bag cripple(d) 167 per•2 1 pera• 1 pera• 1 pera• 1 pera• 2 pera• 2 pera• peras• peras• peras• peras• peras• peras• 1 perdn• 1 perdn• 2 perdn• 2 perdn• 2 perdn• 2 perdn• 1 peregr• 1 peregr• 1 peregr• 1 peregr• 1 peregr• 1 peregr• 1 peregr• 1 peregr• 2 peregr• 2 peregr• 2 peregr• 1 pergl• 2 pergl• 2 pergl• 2 pergl• peri• peri• peristr• peristr• perits• perits• perits• perkn• 1 pern• 1 pern• 2 pern• pernitš• pernitš• pernitš• perpr• perpr• persn• persn• perst• perst• perst• 168 per pera pera periss periss per(a) perul peras peras peras perat perat perat perdon perdon perdon perdon pord(e) pord(e) peregr(in) peregr(in) peregr(in) peregr(in) peregr(in) peregr(in) peregr(in) peregr(in) peregrin peregrin peregrin pergul pergul pergul pergul peri peri perister perister perit perit perit percn pern pern peron pernic(i) pernic(i) pernic(i) perper perper person person percit percit percit lame excessive too (much/many) excessive too (much/many) pocket pocket border (rim) extremity limit (border) border (rim) extremity limit (border) bladder bubble fart turd fart turd loaf (lump) loaf(ing) migrate migrate pilgrimage pilgrimage wander wander alien foreigner stranger balcony office (enterprise) shop store (shop) about around dove pigeon expert (specialist) professional (nn) specialist black ham thigh nail damage (nn) defect destroy frivolous vain (frivolous) face (nn) mask hesitate totter(ing) unsettle(d) perst• pertits• pertits• pertits• 1 perts• 1 perts• 1 perts• 1 perts• 2 perts• 2 perts• 2 perts• 2 perts• 1 pesk• 1 pesk• 2 pesk• 2 pesk• 2 pesk• 2 pesk• 2 pesk• 2 pesk• 2 pesk• 2 pesk• pesl• 1 pešt• 1 pešt• 1 pešt• 2 pešt• 2 pešt• 2 pešt• peta• [GN] 1 petas• 1 petas• 1 petas• 1 petas• 1 petas• 1 petas• 1 petas• 1 petas• 2 petas• petes• petes• petm• petm• petm• petm• 1 petr• 1 petr• 2 petr• 2 petr• 2 petr• petst• pevl• pevl• pevl• pevl• percit pertic pertic pertic perth perth porth(e) porth(e) pertus pertus pertus pertus pess pess pess pess pess pess pess pess pess pess pessul pest pest pest paest paest paest peta petas petas petas petas ptas ptas ptas ptas petas petes petes petom petom petom petom petr(a) petr(a) petaur petaur petaur petsatsah [Hb] pel(in) pel(in) pel(in) pel(in) waver(ing) pole (stake) rod spar damag(ing) destroy damag(ing) destroy perforate(d) pierce(d) stab transfix badge penny bung cork gag lump plug (stopper) stopper stopple wad bolt (key) accentuate emphasis expressive rhyme syllable verse (syllable) number value 1015 distribute extend(ing) layout spread distribute extend(ing) layout spread umbrella drop(ped) fall(en) float fly(ing) glide hover rock (stone) stone balance(d) lull (vb) rock (balance) bomb marsh (moor) marsh (moor) silt slime pevl• pevr• pevr• pew• pežor• pežor• pežor• pežor• pežor• pežor• pežor• pežor• pfab• pfab• pfab• pfab• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• 2 pfag• 2 pfag• 2 pfag• 2 pfag• 2 pfag• pfak• pfak• pfakt• pfal• pfar• pfar• pfar• pfax• pfax• pfax• pfed• pfed• pfed• pfeg• 1 pfel• 1 pfel• 1 pfel• 1 pfel• 2 pfel• pfen1 pfer• 1 pfer• 1 pfer• 1 pfer• 2 pfer• 2 pfer• pel(in) pero(m) pero(m) peo pejor pejor pejor pejor pejus pejus pejus pejus phab phab phaps phaps pag pag pag pag pang pang pang pang pag pag pag pag pag phac phac fact(it) phall phar phar phar phag phag phag pheid pheid pheid phegg phell phell phell phell phell phenol ferul ferul ferul ferul ferul ferul sludge cripple(d) disabled penis bad foul (adj) miswrong bad foul (adj) miswrong dove pigeon dove pigeon bind fasten(ing) fix(ed) insert bind fasten(ing) fix(ed) insert catch (nn) gin (trap) snare (trap) springe (trap) trap(ped) freckle lentil create(d) penis cloth dress (clothing) linen hang (up) hook(ed) suspend administer housekeeping manage light (shine) bark (nn) bast cork shell (cover) sponge chemical word stem rod switch (tool) twig wand scourge (whip) whip (strap) pfest• pfest• pfest• pfim• pfim• pfim• pfim• pflat• pflat• pfol• pfol• pfol• pfol• 1 pfon• 1 pfon• 1 pfon• 1 pfon• 1 pfon• 2 pfon• 2 pfon• 2 pfon• 2 pfon• 2 pfon• pfor• pfor• pfor• pformpfos• pfos• 1 pfren• 1 pfren• 2 pfren• pfres• pfres• pfres• pfuk• pfuk• pfuk• pfuk• pfuk• pfuk• pidak• pidak• pidak• pidak• pidak• pidak• pika• [GN] 1 pikr• 2 pikr• 2 pikr• 2 pikr• 2 pikr• pikt• pikt• 1 pile• festuc festuc festuc phim phim phim phim flat(u) flat(u) phola phola pholet pholet phon phon phon phon phon phon phon phon phon phon phor phor phor phorm phos phos fraen fren phren fres fres fres pheuc pheuc pheuc phygas phygas phygas pidac pidac pidac pidax pidax pidax pico picr picr picr picr picr pict pict pilat branch (ramification) stalk (twig) stem (sprout) bound (nn) connect(ion) junction link (connection) blow (air) breathe bore (through) perforate(d) bore (through) perforate(d) assassinate bloodthirsty execute (kill) kill(ing) murder danger(ous) hazard(ous) menace risk(y) uncertain(ty) rob (steal) steal thief chemical word stem brave (warrior) hero(ism) brake (nn) brake (nn) intestine creak(ing) grate (rasp) grind escape(d) flee(ing) run away escape(d) flee(ing) run away fountain spring (well) well (fountain) fountain spring (well) well (fountain) billionth --12 bitter point(ed) sharp summit tip paint(ed) painting felt (fabric) 169 1 pile• 1 pile• 1 pile• 1 pile• 1 pile• 2 pile• 2 pile• pilj• pilj• pilu• pilu• pilu• pilu• piml• piml• pimn• pimpl• pimpl• pimpl• pimpl• 1 pinak• 1 pinak• 1 pinak• 1 pinak• 2 pinak• 2 pinak• 2 pinak• pinatspindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pine• pine• pine• pingv• pingv• pingv• pingv• pingv• pini• pini• pinl•nl• pinu• pinu• pinyt• pinyt• pinyt• 170 pilat pilemat pilemat pilot pilot pile(ol) pile(ol) pila pila pil(i) pil(i) pilos pilos pimel pimel pinn pimpl pimpl pimpl pimpl pinac pinac pinac pinac pinac pinac pinac pinaco pinar pinar pinar pinar pinar pinar pinod pinod pinod pinod pinod pinod pinea pinea pinea pingu(i) pingu(i) pingu(i) pingu(i) pingu(i) pinn pinn pin(al) pin(o) pin(o) pinyt pinyt pinyt velvet felt (fabric) velvet felt (fabric) velvet cap (hat) hat column pillar hair wig hair wig fat (grease) grease shell (sea) full satiate(d) satisfy /ied sufficient board (plank) plank shelf table (furniture) image painting picture chemical word stem dirty filth(y) grimy grubby nasty smutty dirty filth(y) grimy grubby nasty smutty cone (fir) fir-cone strobilus balm balsam cream fat (grease) grease fin (fish) flipper hunger drink(ing) suck(ing) careful(ly) cautious prudent(ly) pinz• pinz• pinz• pinz• pipt• pipt• pirh• pirh• pirh• pirj• pirj• pirj• pirn• pirn• pirn• pirn• pirs• pisk• pistot• pistot• pistot• pistot• pistot• pistr• pistr• pistr• pišm• pišm• 1 pit• 1 pit• 1 pit• 1 pit• 2 pit• 2 pit• pitak• pitak• pitek• pitek• pitek• pitek• pitl• pitl• pitl• pitma• pitn• pitn• pitn• pitrev• 1 pits• 1 pits• 2 pits• 2 pits• pitus• pitus• pitus• pity• pins pins pins pins pipt pipt pir pir pir pirh pirh pirh pyren pyren pyren pyren pyrs pisc(i) pistot pistot pistot pistot pistot pistr pistr pistr opism(at) opism(at) piss piss pitt pitt piti piti pitak [S] pitak [S] pithec pithec pithon pithon pityl pityl pityl pitamahah [S] pith(ia) pith(ia) pith(ia) pitrvyah [S] pith(od) pith(od) pith(ia) pith(ia) pithus pithus pithus pity crush pound(ing) shatter(ed) smash(ed) drop(ped) fall(en) go through passage through balance(d) medium sufficient essence (gist) gist (essence) kernel (nut) nut (kernel) torch fish belief confide confession faith trust(worthy) manger rack trough juice sap (fluid) pitch (tar) tar pitch (tar) tar drop (liquid) tear(drop) basket (etc) hamper ape monkey ape monkey blunt brusque brutal grandfather humble obedient /ence submissive uncle barrel vat convince /ing persuade /ing jar (pot) jug pot conifer pityr• piž• piž• piž• piž• piž• piž• piž• piž• piž• pjatš• [RN] pjedz• pjedz• pjedz• pjedz• pjedz• pjedz• pjedz• pjedz• pjedz• pjurplad • plad • plad • plad • pladr• pladr• pladr• pladr• pladr• pladr• pladr• pladr• 1 pladz• 1 pladz• 1 pladz• 1 pladz• 1 pladz• 1 pladz• 2 pladz• 2 pladz• 2 pladz• pladž• 1 plagj• 1 plagj• 1 plagj• 2 plagj• 2 plagj• plaks• plaks• plaks• plaks• plaks• plaks• 1 plam• 1 plam• pityr pi(on) pi(on) pi(on) pial pial pial piot piot piot pjatj piaz pies(m) pies(m) pies(m) pies(m) piez piez piez piez pur plaga plaga plaga plaga plad(ar) plad(ar) plad(ar) plad(ar) pladasm pladasm pladasm pladasm plan(ct) plan(ct) plan(ct) plaz plaz plaz plaz plaz plaz plaga plagi plagi plagi plagi(a) plagi(a) placni placni placni plax plax plax palaest palam bran fat(ty) greasy thick fat(ty) greasy thick fat(ty) greasy thick five compress(ed) pinch(ing) press (together) trample tread (on) pinch(ing) press (together) trample tread (on) chemical word stem domain realm region territory damp(ness) humid(ity) moist wet(ness) damp(ness) humid(ity) moist wet(ness) ramble /ing rove wander ramble /ing rove wander prolific rampant swarm(ing) area oblique slanting transverse rob (steal) steal board plank plate (dish) board plank plate (dish) palm (hand) palm (hand) 2 plam• 2 plam• 2 plam• plang• plang• 1 plani• 1 plani• 1 plani• 1 plani• 2 plani• 2 plani• plast• plast• plast• plast• plast• 1 plaš• 1 plaš• 1 plaš• 1 plaš• 2 plaš• 2 plaš• 2 plaš• 2 plaš• plate• plate• plate• platjplaty• platy• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleb• 1 pledž• 1 pledž• 1 pledž• 1 pledž• 2 pledž• 2 pledž• 2 pledž• plegad• 1 plegm• 1 plegm• 1 plegm• 1 plegm• 2 plegm• 2 plegm• 2 plegm• palm palm palm plangon plangon plan plan plan plan plan plan plag plag plast plast plast plaesi plaesi plesi plesi plass plass plast plast plate plate plate platin plat(y) plat(y) plebei plebei plebei plebei plebei plebi plebi plebi plebi plebi plag plag plegi plegi plegi plegi plegi plegad phlegm(at) phlegm(at) phlegmon phlegmon phlegm(at) phlegm(at) phlegm(at) pulsate quaver shake(n) doll puppet even(ly) flat level plane roam(ing) wander form mould (form) form mould (form) structure rectangle square rectangle square feign pretend(ing) feign pretend(ing) rudder spatula trowel chemical element Pt flat large people population rabble riff-raff society people population rabble riff-raff society bruise wound(ed) bruise wound(ed) immobile motionless paralyze(d) sickle infect(ion) inflame infect(ion) inflame fabric (tissue) textile texture 171 2 plegm• 2 plegm• plegn• plegn• plei• plei• plei• plei• plei• plei• plejst• 1 pleks• 1 pleks• 1 pleks• 1 pleks• 2 pleks• pleksi• pleksi• pleksi• pleksi• pleksi• pleksi• pleksi• pleksi• plemr• plemr• plemr• plent• plent• plent• pleon• pleon• pler• pler• pler• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• 2 plesj• 2 plesj• 2 plesj• plestr• plestr• plestr• plestr• plestr• pletr• pletr• pletr• pletr• plets• 172 phlegm(at) phlegm(at) plegan plegan plei plei plei pleon pleon pleon pleist plex plex plex plex plect plec(tes) plec(tes) plec(tes) plec(tes) plegi plegi plegi plegi plemyr plemyr plemyr pollent pollent pollent pleon pleon pler(om) pler(om) pler(om) pel(at) pela(t) pela(t) pela(t) plesi plesi plesi plesi plesi plesi plesi palaestr palaestr palaestr palaestr palaestr pleth(or) pleth(or) pleth(or) pleth(or) pleth tissue weave (textile) club (stick) stick (club) augment enlarge increase augment enlarge increase most net(work) net(work) tissue weave (textile) basket (etc) beat(ing) blow (hit) punish(ing) strike beat(ing) blow (hit) punish(ing) strike affluent/ce flood-tide flow(ing) force (nn) might (strength) power (strength) abdomen belly concrete(ness) full solid(ity) close(by) near(by) neighbouring next close(by) near(by) neighbouring next member (part) relation (kin) relative (kin) battle fight(ing) match (game) struggle /ing wrestle excessive overabundant superfluous too (much/many) amount plets• plets• plets• plets• plets• 1 plewr• 1 plewr• 2 plewr• plews• plews• plews• plews• plews• plews• plidn• 1 plim• 1 plim• 1 plim• 1 plim• 1 plim• 1 plim• 2 plim• plit• plit• plit• plit• plit• ploj• ploj• ploj• plojn• plojn• plojn• plojn• plok• plok• plok• plok• plokm• plokm• plokm• plos• ploš• ploš• plot• plot• plot• plot• plot• plot• plot• plot• plot• plot• plot• plot• pleth pleth pleth pleth pleth pleur pleur pleur pleus(t) pleus(t) pleus(t) plous plous plous pelid(n) polimen polimen polimen polimen polimen polimen polimin palita palita palita palita palita ploe ploi ploi pleon pleon pleon pleon ploc ploc ploc ploc ploc(am) ploc(am) ploc(am) plous plos plos plaut plaut plaut plaut pleo pleo pleo pleo plo plo plo plo collection group (bunch) mass (crowd) quantity set (group) flank side rib drift float swim drift float swim gray adorn beautify deck (vb) decorate embellish ornate testicle(s) rambler rover tramp vagabond wanderer boat ship (boat) vessel (ship) excessive overabundant superfluous too (much/many) launch swing (oscillate) throw hither-tither toggle /ing curl (hair) hair(do) wig fold beat(ing) strike float navigate sail(ing) swim float navigate sail(ing) swim float navigate sail(ing) swim plox• plox• plox• pludplumbplut• plut• plut• plut• plut• plut• plute• plute• plute• pnemon• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 2 pnewm• 2 pnewm• 2 pnewm• 2 pnewm• pnigl• pnigl• pnigl• pnigl• pnits• pnits• pnust• pod• pod• pod• pod• pod• pod• podits• podits• podits• podits• pogn• 1 poj• 1 poj• 1 poj• 1 poj• 1 poj• 1 poj• 1 poj• 1 poj• ploc(h) ploc(h) ploc(h) plutoni plumb plout plout plout plusi plusi plusi plute plute plute pneumon pneum(at) pneum(at) pneum(at) pneum(at) pneum(at) pno pno pno pno pno pnes pnes pneus pneus pnig(al) pnig(al) pnigot pnigot penic penic pneust ped ped pez/pes pez/pes pod(es) pod(es) podex podex podic podic pog(on) poies poies poies poies poiet poiet poiet poiet neck-chain necklace necklet chemical element Pu chemical element Pb abundant affluent/ce rich(ness) abundant affluent/ce rich(ness) roof shelter (protection) umbrella lung aroma gas respire /ation smell (aroma) wind (air) aroma gas respire /ation smell (aroma) wind (air) life live(ly) life live(ly) strangle suffocate strangle suffocate coif wig breathe foot leg foot leg foot leg arse(hole) behind (rump) arse rump beard bring about do make /ing realize bring about do make /ing realize 2 poj• 2 poj• 1 pokl• 1 pokl• 1 pokl• 2 pokl• 2 pokl• polak• polak• polak• polak• polem• polem• polem• polem• polem• 1 poli• 2 poli• 2 poli• 2 poli• 2 poli• 2 poli• 1 polit• 1 polit• 1 polit• 1 polit• 2 polit• poljpolp• polp• polp• polp• polp• polp• polp• polp• polp• polp• polt• poly• poly• pomast• pomast• pomast• pomat• pomat• pomj• 1 pomt• 1 pomt• 1 pomt• 1 pomt• 2 pomt• 2 pomt• 1 pondr• 1 pondr• po(a) po(a) poecil poecil poecil poecil poecil pollach pollach pollaci pollaci polem polem polem polem polem poli pol pol pol pol pol polit polit polit polit polit poloni polph polph polph polph polph polt polt polt polt polt phole(t) poly poly pomast pomast pomast pomat pomat pom pom(at) pom(at) pom(at) pom(at) pom pot ponder ponder fodder grass multi-colored varie(gat)ed various spot (stain) stain (spot) often repeat(ed) often repeat(ed) battle clash fight(ing) struggle /ing war gray affair business commerce trade (commerce) transaction administer direct (manage) manage organize citizen chemical element Po mess (mush) mush porridge pudding puree mess (mush) mush porridge pudding puree hole many plural blanket cover(age) lid (cover) glass (cup) vase fruit clog fill plug (stopper) stop up drink(ing) drink(ing) weigh weight 173 2 pondr• 2 pondr• ponents• ponr• 1 ponts• 2 ponts• ponts•2 ponts•2 ponts•2 popn• porfyr• porg• porg• 1 porj• 1 porj• 1 porj• 1 porj• 2 porj• 2 porj• 2 porj• 2 porj• 1 porm• 1 porm• 1 porm• 1 porm• 2 porm• 2 porm• 2 porm• porn• porn• porn• porp• porp• porp• porp• pors• portak• ports• porx• porx• posts• potam• potam• potan• potan• pote• pote• pote• 1 potn• 2 potn• 1 potr• 2 potr• 2 potr• 2 potr• 1 powr• 174 poner poner ponent poneros pont(i) pon(ic) pon(ic) pon(ic) pon(ic) popan porphyr porrig porrig perio perio pore pore pora pora pori(z) pori(z) porem porem poret poret phorm phorm phorm porn porn porn porp(ac) porp(ac) porpem porpem poros port(ac) phorc porrh porrh posth potam potam potan potet pothe pothe pothe potaen pothin poter(i) potor potor potor por misery want (in) west(ern) malignant sea fatiguing strain(ed) tiring try(ing) sacrifice purple moth tinea move(ment) transport(ing) move(ment) transport(ing) enter penetrate(d) enter penetrate(d) certain sure certain sure carpet rug tapestry debauch fornicate /ation lewd(ness) buckle handle buckle handle(d) ferry calf white distant far foreskin river stream (river) fly(ing) fly(ing) desire need(ed) want (in) fresh armed glass (cup) booze swig tipple journey(ing) 1 powr• 1 powr• 2 powr• 2 powr• 2 powr• 2 powr• poxl• prad• pradan• pradan• pradan• pradan• pradvak• pradvak• pradvak• pradvak• pradvak• pradvak• prajk• prajk• prajk• prajk• prakt1 pran• 1 pran• 1 pran• 2 pran• 2 pran• 2 pran• 1 pras• 1 pras• 2 pras• 2 pras• 2 pras• 2 pras• 2 pras• 2 pras• prask• prast• prast• prast• prast• prasts• prasts• prasts• prasts• prasts• prasts• prat• prat• prat• prata• prata• pratitš• pratitš• por por por por por por epochle paradah [S] pradhanah [S] pradhanah [S] pradhanah [S] pradhanah [S] prativacaman [S] prativacaman [S] prativacaman [S] prativacaman [S] prativacaman [S] prativacaman [S] praec praec proecox proecox practini paran paran paran peran peran peran pras pras prase prase prase prasi prasi prasi piprasc phrast phrast phrast phrast prass prass prass pratt pratt pratt prat prat prat pratah [S] pratah [S] pratichi [S] pratichi [S] pass(ed) travel(ling) apartment dwelling-place home residence tedious mercury axiom basis fundament principle answer challenge contest(ing) deny dispute refute early soon early soon chemical element Pa competition rival (competing) similar(ly) conclude finish terminate garlic leek bluish greenish purple bluish greenish purple sell(ing) demonstrate indication reveal(ing) show(ing) accomplish carry out fulfill accomplish carry out fulfill green (village) lawn meadow dawn(ing) morning occident(al) sunrise pratitš• praw• praw• praw• praw• praw• praw• prawv• prawv• prawv• prawv• prawv• prazpregn• pregn• prei• prein• prein• prekl• prekl• prekl• premn• premn• premn• preon• preon• preon• preon• preon• preon• preon• preon• preon• preon• prep• prep• prep• prept• prept• prept• prept• prept• prept• prept• prept• prert• prert• prest• prest• prest• prest• pretš• pretš• pretš• 1 prezby• 1 prezby• pratichi [S] prao prao prau prau pray pray prav prav prav prav prav prazeo praegn(a) praegn(a) pro pren pren praecell praecell praecell premn premn premn preon preon preon preon preon proal proal proal proal proal prep prep prep prepod prepod prepod prepod prept prept prept prept phreart phret prest prest prest prest pretios pretios pretios presby presby west(ern) sweet (sense) tender(ly) sweet (sense) tender(ly) sweet (sense) tender(ly) cripple(d) disfigured handicap(ped) invalid misshapen chemical element Pr fruitful pregnant instead bow(ing) incline(d) excellent perfect(ly) very well stalk stem (sprout) twig degree gradient incline (slope) slope /ing steep degree gradient incline (slope) slope /ing steep evident logic(al) rational(ly) dignified respect(able) respectful venerable dignified respect(able) respectful venerable well (fountain) well (fountain) excite(d) incite irritate nervous precious value (worth) worth (value) elder forefather 1 prezby• 2 prezby• 2 prezby• 2 prezby• 2 prezby• prikl• prikl• prikl• prikl• priks• priks• prim+ prim+ prin• prion• prior• prior• prior• prior• prior• prior• pris• pris• 1 prist• 2 prist• 2 prist• 2 prist• 2 prist• 2 prist• 2 prist• 1 prišt• 1 prišt• 1 prišt• 1 prišt• 1 prišt• 1 prišt• 2 prišt• prodž• prodž• prodž• prodits• prodn• prodn• prodn• prodod• prodod• prodod• prodod• proft• progn• progn• progn• progn• proi• proj• proj• presby presby presby presby presby pericul pericul pericul pericul phrix phrix prim prim prin pri(on) pri(or) pri(or) prius prius pror pror periss periss prist(er) prisc prisc prisc pristin pristin pristin pristh pristh pristin pristin pristn pristn pristh prodi prodi prodi prodic protin protin protin prodit prodit prodot prodot prophad progana progana progana progana pro pra(e) proe old (wo)man eminent esteemed honor(able) venerable danger(ous) hazard(ous) peril(ous) risk(y) bristling rough first one oak(tree) saw (tool) favoured privilege(d) favoured privilege(d) favoured privilege(d) odd uneven saw (tool) ancient antique primeval ancient antique primeval cetacean whale cetacean whale cetacean whale back(side) disclose make known publish judge(d) demonstrate reveal(ing) show(ing) betrayal treachery betrayal treachery excuse amuse/ing distract divert entertain(ing) for in front in front 175 proj• projt• projt• projt• projt• projts• projts• prok• prokn• 1 proks• 1 proks• 1 proks• 1 proks• 2 proks• 2 proks• prokt• prokt• prol• prol• prol• prompromin• promin• promin• promin• promtš• 1 prone• 1 prone• 2 prone• 2 prone• proppropjpropsk• propsk• propt• prors• prors• prosn• prosn• prosn• prosn• 1 prosop• 1 prosop• 2 prosop• 2 prosop• prostr• 1 prost• 1 prost• 1 prost• 1 prost• 2 prost• 2 prost• prostr• prosx• prosx• proš• 176 prora proec proec proec proec proict proict parokhee prochny proc proc prox prox procax procax proct proct prol prol prol promethe promin promin promin promin promec(h) peron peron peron peron prop propi probosc(i) probosc(i) probat prors prors prosen prosen prosen prosen prosop(is) prosop(is) prosopon prosopon prostrat prosthos prosthos prosthos prosthos prora prosth prostrat prosag prosag pros in front add give present (give) treat (donate) beggar mendicant deliver (provide) kneel deer yearling deer yearling demand require(d) anus arse(hole) offspring posterity progeny chemical element Pm eminent project (vb) protrude stick out oblong needle pin (stylus) brooch buckle chemical word stem chemical word stem snout trunk cattle direct(ly) straight(en) good-natured goodwill kind(ness) will(ing) face (nn) mask individual (nn) person recline /ing add(ed) adhere(nt) attach supplement(ary) fore front lie (recline) goodby greet at proš• proš• proš• proš• prot• prot• prot• prot• prot• prot• prot• prot• prots• prots• prots• protsel• protsel• protsel• 1 protšer• 1 protšer• 1 protšer• 2 protšer• 2 protšer• provlprox• prox• prox• prurg• prurg• prym• prym• pryt• pryt• pryt• pryt• pryt• psajr• psajr• psajr• psajr• psak• psak• psal• psal• psalf• psalf• psalf• psalf• psalj• psalj• psalj• psalt• psalt• psam• psand• psand• pros pros pros pros prot(er) prot(er) prot(er) prot(er) proto proto proto proto protois protois protois procell procell procell procer procer procer procer procer prolan proch proch proch prurig prurit prymn prymn prytan prytan prytan prytan prytan psaer psaer psair psair psac(a) psias psal(id) psal(id) psau(s) psau(s) pselaph pselaph psall(i) psall(i) psall(i) psalt(er) psalt(er) psamm(ath) psand(a) psand(a) beside close(by) near(by) next first origin(al) primeval pristine first origin(al) primeval pristine chief(ly) main(ly) principal gale hurricane storm(y) slender slim tall lord noble(man) chemical word stem jug pot vase itch itch hind (butt) stern boss (master) director head (in charge) manager master (boss) shiver(ing) tremble shiver(ing) tremble drop (liquid) drop (liquid) scissors shears antenna feeler antenna feeler archway dome vault harp lyre sand bend bow(ing) psanš• psanš• psanš• psant• psar• psatr• psatr• psatr• psatr• psatr• psatr• psatr• psatr• psedn• 1 psef• 1 psef• 1 psef• 2 psef• 2 psef• 2 psef• psekr• psekr• 1 psel• 1 psel• 2 psel• 2 psel• 2 psel• 2 psel• pselaf• psep• psep• psest• psest• psest• psest• psest• psest• psewd• psewd• psewd• psewd• psewd• psewd• psewd• psewd• psex• psex• psex• psex• psex• psex• psigm• psigm• 1 psikr• 1 psikr• 2 psikr• psaimyth psaimyth psaimyth psanter [Hb] psar psadar psadar psadar psadar psathyr psathyr psathyr psathyr psedn pseph pseph pseph pseph pseph pseph psechr psechr pseli pselli psell psell psell psell pselaph pseph(en) pseph(en) psecho psecho psecho psest psest psest pseud pseud pseud pseud pseust pseust pseust pseust pseg(m) pseg(m) pseg(m) psich psich psich psygm psygm psychr psychr psych(r) arrogant conceited vain (useless) piano starling (a.o.) breakable brittle fragile weak(ness) breakable brittle fragile weak(ness) bald gravel grit slack elect select vote skinny thin(ly) ring (circle) ring (circle) burr lisp stammer stutter feeler dark(ness) obscure /ity grate (rasp) rasp scrape grate (rasp) rasp scrape apparent as if / though as if / though seeming apparent as if / though as if / though seeming element particle piece element particle piece fan (ventilator) ventilator blow (air) breathe cold 2 psikr• 2 psikr• psikt• 1 psil• 1 psil• 1 psil• 2 psil• 2 psil• 2 psil• psim• psitr• psix• psoas• psoas• psof• psof• psof• psof• psof• psof• psok• psok• psok• psok• psol• psom• psom• psom• pson• pson• psop• psop• psop• psor• psor• psot• psot• psot• psot• psot• 1 psydr• 1 psydr• 1 psydr• 1 psydr• 1 psydr• 1 psydr• 1 psydr• 2 psydr• 2 psydr• psyl• psyl• pšats• pšats• pšats• ptarm• ptarm• psych(r) psych(r) psyct psil psil psil psil psil psil ops(im) psithyr psych pso(as) pso(as) psoph psoph psoph psoph psoph psoph psoch psoch psoct psoct psol psom psom psom opson opson psoph psoph psoph psor(om) psor(om) psoth psoth psoth psoth psoth psydr psydr psydr psydr psydr psydr psydr psydrac psydrac psyll psyll psiath psiath psiath armica ptarmica freeze frost refresh(ing) bald naked nude but only simple /ly late whisper butterfly loins lumbar bang crack(ed) din hubbub noise / noisy uproar ax hatchet ax hatchet soot fragment(ation) particle piece dish (food) food trifle unimportant vanity eczema scabies garbage refuse(d) rubbish rubble waste(land) crook deceiver fraud impostor rascal rogue scoundrel pimple pustule louse vermin carpet mat (carpet) rug sneeze sneeze 177 ptasm• ptasm• ptasm• ptasm• 1 ptel• 2 ptel• 2 ptel• ptem• pten• pten• pter• 1 pterg• 1 pterg• 2 pterg• 2 pterg• 2 pterg• 2 pterg• pteriks• ptern• pters• ptes• ptes• ptes• ptes• ptes• ptes• ptial• ptial• ptial• ptial• ptial• ptial• ptil• ptil• ptil• ptis• ptis• ptis• 1 ptix• 1 ptix• 1 ptix• 1 ptix• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• ptok• ptok• ptoma• ptoma• ptoma• 178 ptaesm ptaesm ptaesm ptaesm ptela patell patell pten pten pten pter pteryg pteryg pteryx pteryx pteryx pteryx pteryx ptern pter(is) pet(aer) pet(aer) pet(aer) ptes ptes ptes pty(al) pty(al) pty(al) ptyel ptyel ptyel ptil ptil ptil ptis(t) ptis(t) ptis(t) ptych ptych ptych ptych ptych ptych ptych ptyct ptyct ptyct ptygm(at) ptygm(at) ptygm(at) ptoa ptoc(h) ptom ptom ptom error fault(y) misser mistake boar (wild) basin dish fin (fish) feather plume wing fin (fish) flipper ensign (flag) flag pennant streamer (pennant) bird heel (foot) fern (etc.) fly(ing) hover soar(ing) fly(ing) hover soar(ing) dribble (slobber) saliva slobber dribble (slobber) saliva slobber down (fluff) fluff plumage crush pound(ing) smash(ed) board (plate) panel plate (dish) wainscot fold furrow wrinkle (furrow) fold furrow wrinkle (furrow) fold furrow wrinkle (furrow) fear(ful) fear(ful) carcase carrion corpse ptoma• ptor• ptor• ptox• ptox• ptox• ptox• ptox• ptox• pudž• pudž• puja• pty• puja• puja• puja• pub• puk• puk• puk• pukad• pukad• pukad• pukad• pulj• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• pult• pult• pult• pult• pulvin• pulvin• pulvin• pulvin• pumel• pung• pung• pung• punjak• punjak• punjak• purg• purg• purg• purg• purg• purg• purg• ptom pator pator ptoch ptoch ptoch ptoch ptoch ptoch pugio(n) pugio(n) phya pty phya phya phya pubis peuc peuc peuc poc(ad) poc(ad) poc(ad) poc(ad) pull pulchell pulchell pulchell pulcher pulcher pulcher pulchr pulchr pulchr pult pult pult pult pulvill pulvill pulvin pulvin pumil pung pung pung pugn(ac) pugn(ac) pugn(ac) purgan purgan purgan purgan purgat purgat purgat prey (victim) open (up) unlike(ly) deplorable deprive(d) lament(able) needy pitiable poor(ly) dagger knife (etc.) offspring spit(ting) shoot (twig) sprout (twig) twig pubis conifer fir (etc) pine(tree) fleece (hide) hide (skin) skin (animal) wool(en) germ (nn) beautiful beauty lovely beautiful beauty lovely beautiful beauty lovely dough mush paste (plaster) porridge cushion upholstery cushion upholstery dwarf point(ed) prick(ing) sharp battling fight(ing) struggle /ing atonement expiation penance penitence atonement expiation penance purg• purm• purm• purv• purv• pust• pust• pust• pust• pust• pust• putam• putam• putam• putats• putats• putats• puter• putl• putl• putl• putl• pwel• pwer• pwer• pwerp• pwerp• pwest• py• py• py• pyg• pyg• pyg• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• 1 pyks• 1 pyks• 1 pyks• 1 pyks• 2 pyks• pyl• pyl• pyl• pyl• pymt• purgat por(om) por(om) purva [S] purva [S] peustic peustic peustic pysmat pysmat pysmat puta(m) puta(m) puta(m) puta(t) puta(t) puta(t) putri [S] putill putill putill putill puell puer puer puerper puerper poster py py py pyg pyg pyg pychn pychn pychn pychn pycin pycin pycin pycin pycn pycn pycn pycn pyx(i) pyx(i) pyx(i) pyx(i) pyx pyl(ae) pyl(ae) pyl(ae) pyl(ae) pymat penitence callus corn (callus) east orient issue (problem) problem question issue (problem) problem question integument peel(ed) skin (plant) muse think(ing) thought daughter boy kid (boy) lad young(ster) girl baby infant generate give birth behind matter (pus) pus suppurate arse(hole) behind (rump) bottom (rump) compact(ness) dense solid(ity) tight compact(ness) dense solid(ity) tight compact(ness) dense solid(ity) tight box can (box) case (box) tin (box) compass door entrance entry gangway last (item) 1 pyr• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• 2 pyr• 2 pyr• 2 pyr• pyred• pyred• pyrg• pyrj• pyrj• pyt• pyt• pytm• pytm• pytm• LEMMAS rabd• rabd• rabd• rabd• rabd• rabd• rabd• rabd• rabd• radl• radl• radl• radn• radn• radn• radn• radn• radn• radol• radž1 rafj• 1 rafj• 2 rafj• 2 rafj• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• pyro pyro pyro pyro pyrrho pyrrho pyrrho pyrrho pyr pyr pyr pyret pyret pyrg pyrrh pyrrh pyt pyt pythmen pythmen pythmen ETYMONS rhabd rhabd rhabd rhadic rhadic rhadic rhap rhap rhap radul radul radul radin radin radin rhadin rhadin rhadin radul radium rhaph(is) rhaph(is) rhaphe rhaphe regm regm regm regm fire flame heat (temperature) incendiary fire flame heat (temperature) incendiary cereal grain wheat (etc.) fever temperature (body) tower ginger red spit(tle) vomit basis found(ation) fundament MEANINGS rod stick (club) wand rod stick (club) wand rod stick (club) wand scrape scratch scrub(bing) flexible pliable pliant flexible pliable pliant plane (iron) chemical element Ra needle pin (stylus) seam suture cleave divide separate(d) split(ting) 179 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• 2 rag• ragi• ragi• ragi• ragi• ragi• rajb• rakev• rakm• rakm• raks• raks• raks• raks• rakt• rakt• ralb• ralb• ralb• ralj• ramek• ramek• ramek• ramf• raml• 1 ramn• 1 ramn• 1 ramn• 2 ramn• 2 ramn• 2 ramn• 2 ramn• rangi• rangi• rangi• ranos• rans• rapt• rapt• rapt• rapt• rari• 180 rhac rhac rhac rhac rhag rhag rhag rhag rhag ragia ragia ragia ragia ragia raeb rakevet [Hb] racem racem rachist rachist raco raco ract ract rabul rabul rabul rall ramex ramex ramex rhamph ramla [A] oramn ram(n) ramal rhamm(at) rhamm(at) rhamm(at) rhamm(at) rangi rangi rangi ouranos rhanis rap(t) rap(t) rap(t) rap(t) orari cleave divide separate(d) split(ting) cleave divide separate(d) split(ting) berry erupt(ion) gush out spit(ting) sprout(ing) squirt curve(d) train (railway) berry grape rip(ping) tear off rip(ping) tear off avalanche waterfall cry (scream) scream yell shave erupt(ion) hernia rupture beak sand branch (ramification) branch (ramification) branch (ramification) seam sew stitch suture antlers branching ramification sky drop (liquid) capture(d) catch (get) overpower steal beach rari• rari• rari• rari• rari• ratj• ratj• ratm• ratr• rats• ravd• rawdrax• rax• rax• rax• rax• rax• raxi• raxi• rebj• rebj• rede• rede• rede• rede• rede• redj• redj• redj• reduv• reduv• 1 rej• 1 rej• 1 rej• 1 rej• 1 rej• 1 rej• 1 rej• 1 rej• 1 rej• 2 rej• 2 rej• 1 reks• 1 reks• 2 reks• 2 reks• rektr• rektr• rektr• orari orari rhio rhio rhio rati(s) rati(s) rathym ratrih [S] rati(s) rav(id) radon rach rach rach rhach rhach rhach rhach(i) rhach(i) rebbia [A] rebbia [A] rhed rhed rhed rhed rhed radio radio radio reduv reduv rhe rhe rhe rho rho rho rhy rhy rhy rhe rhe erechth rhex orex orex rectr rectr rectr cape (headland) shore beach cape (headland) shore drift float lazy(ness) night raft gray chemical element Rn brushwood scrub (thorns) thorn-hedge brushwood scrub (thorns) thorn-hedge backbone spine plant (herb) vegetation carriage cart chariot coach (carriage) trolley disseminate distribute scatter carcase corpse current (flow) flow(ing) stream(ing) current (flow) flow(ing) stream(ing) current (flow) flow(ing) stream(ing) juice sap (fluid) break(ing) break(ing) appetite hunger behavior conduct(ing) direct (manage) rektr• rektr• reman• reman• reman• remp• remp• remp• remp• remt• remt• remt• reng• reng• renjrep• rep• rep• rep• rep• rep• 1 rept• 1 rept• 1 rept• 1 rept• 2 rept• rešt• rešt• rešt• retsin• retsin• retsin• retšt• retšt• retšt• retšt• retu• rewm• rewm• rewm• rex• rex• rex• rex• rex• rex• rex• rex• ribax• ridz• rectr rectr reman reman reman remb remb remb remb rempt rempt rempt ring(ent) ring(ent) rheni reo reo reo rhop rhop rhop repens repens repentin repentin rept resti resti resti retin retin retin recut recut recut recut rtuh [S] rheum rheum rheum rech rech rech rech rug(at) rug(at) rug(at) rug(at) ribah [Hb] rhiz guide (vb) lead(ing) persist(ent) remain stay(ing) migrate ramble /ing rover wander away distant far gape/ ing yawn(ing) chemical element Re bow(ing) incline(d) tilt bow (vb) incline(d) tilt abrupt(ly) sudden(ly) abrupt(ly) sudden(ly) crawl(ing) cord (rope) line (rope) rope (cord) hold(ing) keep retain flay(ing) fleece(d) skin(ned) strip(ped) season (time) fluent fluid(ity) liquid(ity) bumpy rough rugged uneven bumpy rough rugged uneven marmalade root ridz• rik• rik• rik• rik• 1 rikn• 1 rikn• 1 rikn• 1 rikn• 1 rikn• 1 rikn• 2 rikn• 2 rikn• riml• riml• riml• riml• riml• riml• rimpf• rimpf• rimpf• rimpf• rimpf• rimpf• rimpf• rimpf• 1 rin• 2 rin• 2 rin• ripe• ripe• ripid• 1 rips• 1 rips• 1 rips• 1 rips• 1 rips• 2 rips• 2 rips• 2 rips• 2 rips• ript• ript• ript• ript• ript• ript• riš• riš• rhiz rig [S] rig [S] rig [S] rig [S] rhicn rhicn rhicn ricn ricn ricn rhicn rhig rim(ul) rim(ul) rim(ul) rima rima rima rhimph(al) rhimph(al) rhimph(al) rhimph(al) rhyph rhyph rhyph rhyph rhin rhin rhin rip(ar) rip(ar) rhipi(d) rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhipt rhipt rhipt rhisc rhisc stem (sprout) canticle chant hymn psalm concentrate(d) contract(ed) gather concentrate(d) contract(ed) gather cold cold crack (split) fissure split(ting) crack (split) fissure split(ting) fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) velocity fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) velocity nose leather skin (animal) bank (shore) shore fan (ventilator) branch (ramification) rod stalk stem (sprout) wand plait(ed) twine(d) weave /ing wreathe launch pitch (throw) throw launch pitch (throw) throw coffer luggage 181 riš• riš• 1 ritr• 2 ritr• ritsm• ritsm• ritsm• ritsn• rixn• rjak• rjak• rjak• rjem• [LN] rjem• [LN] 1 rjod• 1 rjod• 2 rjod• 2 rjod• 2 rjod• robix• robix• robix• robix• rodanrodjrodnam• rogm• rogm• rogm• rogm• 1 rojk• 2 rojk• 2 rojk• 2 rojk• rojz• romb• romb• 1 romf• 2 romf• roml• roml• roml• rontš• rontš• 1 ropf• 1 ropf• 2 ropf• 2 ropf• ropl• ropl• 182 rhisc rhisc rheithr rhithr rhytism rhytism rhytism ric(in) rihan [A] rhac rhac rhac rem rem rhod rhod rhoth rhoth rhoth robig robig rubi rubi rhodani rhodi rodanam [S] rhog(m) rhog(m) rhog(m) rhog(m) rhoec rhoec rhoec rhoec hoez rhomb rhomb rhomph rhomph rhom(al) rhom(al) rhom(al) roncin roncin oroph oroph rhoph rhoph rhopal rhopal suitcase trunk run (speed) river mend (patch) patch(ed) repair sail bet rag scrap shred nothing zero pink (color) rose (color) lap (plash) plash splash corrosion rust(ed) corrosion rust(ed) chemical word stem chemical element Rh weep(ing) rent (slit) slit (tear) split (rent) tear (split) hook (nn) feeble(ness) soft(ness) weak(ness) whistle diamond (shape) lozenge sand javelin mighty powerful strong plane (vb) smoothen cane reed engulf swallow bludgeon club (stick) ropl• 1 ropr• 1 ropr• 2 ropr• 2 ropr• 2 ropr• 2 ropr• 1 rops• 1 rops• 2 rops• 2 rops• 2 rops• 2 rops• 2 rops• 2 rops• ropt• ropt• roptr• roptr• roptr• roti• rotn• rotš• rotš• rotš• roxm• roxm• roxm• roxm• ruber• ruber• rubn• rubv1 rudz• 1 rudz• 1 rudz• 1 rudz• 1 rudz• 1 rudz• 2 rudz• 2 rudz• rugj• rugj• ruks• ruks• rumn• runk• runk• runk• runk• rhopal robor robur robur robur robust robust rhop(i) rhops rhop(i) rhop(i) rhop(i) rhops rhops rhops rhopt rhopt rhoptr rhoptr rhoptr rot(al) rhothon roth roth roth rhochm rhochm rhochm rhochm rub(er) rubell roubban [A] rubidi rudens rudens rudens rudent rudent rudent rud rud rugi rugi rhous rhucac rum runca runca runc(in) runc(in) mace oak(tree) oak(tree) robust sturdy robust sturdy bush bush item object thing item object thing absorb sip stick (club) twig wand wheel nose hubbub tumult uproar abyss chasm cleft gap red red pilot chemical element Rb cordage rigging ropes (cablework) cordage rigging ropes (cablework) spatula trowel rasp scrape torrent torrent nipple (breast) hoe weed hoe weed rup• rupj• rupj• rur• rur• rur• rur• rur• rur• rur• rur• rutrutab• 1 rutl• 2 rutl• 2 rutl• 2 rutl• rutr• ruts• ruts• rybrybrygm• rygm• rygm• rygm• ryks• ryks• rym• rym• rym• rymp• rymp• rynx• rynx• rypt• rypt• ryš• ryš• ryt• ryt• ryt• ryt• ryt• ryt• ryts• ryz• ryz• ryz• ryz• rup(ex) rupi(a) rupi(a) rur rur rur rur rust rust rust rust rutheni rutabul rutil rutela rutela rutela rutr rudit rudit rhyb rub rhygm(at) rhygm(at) rictu rictu oryx oryx rhym rhym rhym rhymb rhymb rhynch rhynch rhypt rhypt rhysi rhysi rhys(od) rhys(od) rhytid rhytid rhyz rhyz rhyto rhyz rhyz ryz ryz rock (stone) dirt (rubbish) rubbish country(side) domain field(s) territory country(side) domain field(s) territory chemical element Ru spoon red grub (larva) larva worm spade bawl bray chemical word stem chemical word stem fissure split(ting) fissure split(ting) mattock pick-ax drag tow trail(ing) top (spinning) tumble nose snout clean(ing) purify(ing) free(d) unleash furrow wrinkle (furrow) furrow wrinkle (furrow) furrow wrinkle (furrow) funnel bark(ing) growl bark(ing) growl LEMMAS sabal• sabg• sadv• sadv• sadv• sadv• sadv• safn• safn• safn• sagin• sagin• sagit• sagm• sagn• sagr• sajam• sajam• sajam• sajam• sajam• sajr• sakr• sakr• sakr• sakt• sakt• sakt• sakt• sakts• sakts• sakts• sakts• sakts• saktš• saktš• salak• salak• salak• salak• salebr• salebr• salep• 1 salmak• 2 salmak• 2 salmak• 2 salmak• salpj• salpj• salpj• salts• salts• saly• saly• ETYMONS sabal [Hb] sabha [A] sattva [S] sattva [S] sattva [S] sattva [S] sattva [S] saph(en) saph(en) saph(en) sagin sagin sagitt sagm(at) sagen sagar sayam [S] sayam [S] sayam [S] sayam [S] sayam [S] sair sacr seacr sacr sact sact sact sact sacc sacc sacc sacc sacc sax(at) sax(at) salax salax salax salax salebr salebr salep [A] salmac salmac salmac salmac salpi(nx) salpi(nx) salpi(nx) saltu saltu salj [S] salj [S] MEANINGS porter shallow bent (inclination) inclination lean(ing) propensity tendency evident logic(al) rational(ly) fatten feed arrow saddle net(work) ax (battle) evening eventide sundown sunset twilight clean(ing) holy sacred saint complete(ly) filled full total(ly) bag pocket pouch sack (bag) satchel rock (stone) stone filter screen (sifting) sieve(d) strainer collision, collide impact starch fountain coitus intercourse (sex) mate /ing horn (trumpet) trombone trumpet (etc.) forest woods hedgehog porcupine 183 samn• samn• samtš• samxsandj• sandj• sandj• sandj• sandr• sandyk• sanj• sanj• sanst• sanst• sanst• sanst• sanz• sanz• sanz• sanz• sapj• sapj• sapj• sapn• sapr• sapr• sapr• sapr• sapt• sapt• sapt• sargn• sari• sarkn• sarkn• sarp• sarp• sarp• sarp• sars• 1 sartr• 1 sartr• 1 sartr• 2 sartr• 2 sartr• 2 sartr• 2 sartr• sarts• sarts• sarts• sartš• sartš• sarx• sarx• sarx• sarx• 184 samnio samnio samchut [Hb] samari sandhi [S] sandhi [S] sandhi [S] sandhi [S] sandarah [A] sandyx sani sani santhushta [S] santhushta [S] santhushta [S] santhushta [S] sanid sanid sanis sanis sapiens sapiens sapiens sapin sapr sapr sathr sathr sapid sapid sapid sargan sari sarcin sarcin sarp sarp sarp sarp saris(s) sartor sartor sartor saron saron sarot(r) sarot(r) sarc sarc sarc sarcim sarcim sarc(in) sarc(in) sarqu sarqu clown harlequin authority chemical element Sm bind connect(ion) junction link (connection) attic red matter (pus) pus contest(ing) debate discuss talk board (plank) plank board (plank) plank clever intelligent wise fir (etc.) putrefy rot(ting) putrefy rot(ting) flavour season(ed) taste (sense) basket (etc) cube package parcel (package) clip cut short prune(d) shear lance needlewoman seamstress tailor broom sweep broom sweep mend (patch) patch(ed) repair sew stitch flesh meat flesh meat satf• satf• satl• satl• satl• satl• sats• savl• savl• savl• savl• sawmj• sativ sativ satell satell satell satell sac(es) saul saul saul saul saxar• seb• sebast• sebast• sebast• sebast• sebast• sebast• sedat• sedat• sedim• sedim• sedim• sedl• sedl• seged• sejr• sejr• sejr• 1 sekl• 2 sekl• sekod• sekod• sekod• sekond• [LN] sekut• sekut• selax• seldselg• selg• selg• selg• selg• selg• selin• selin• 1 selm• 2 selm• semi• [LN] semj• semj• semj• semj• sacchar sebum sebas(t) sebas(t) sebas(t) sebasm sebasm sebasm sed(a) sed(a) sedim(en) sedim(en) sedim(en) sedul sedul seget seir seir seir secul secul(ar) secod secod secod secund(a) secut secut selac(h) selen sel(ag) sel(ag) sel(ag) sel(ag) sel(ag) sel(ag) selin selin selm selm semi semei semei semei semei Saumyavasarah [S] breed cultivate(d) guard(ian) keeper sentinel watcher shield (protection) shake(n) totter(ing) unsettle(d) waver(ing) Wednesday sugar tallow glory honor(able) praise glory honor(able) praise peace(ful) quiet(ly) deposit precipitate sediment careful(ly) tender(ly) harvest(ing) cord line (rope) rope (cord) century world(ly) chapel church temple second(ary) according to along(side) shark (etc.) chemical element Se brighten burnish glaze gloss polish(ing) rub up celery parsley bench bridge half flag mark (sign) sign signal semj• semj• semj• semj• semj• semj• semj• semj• semn• semn• semn• semn• semn• semn• sempr• sempr• sempr• 1 semt• 2 semt• 2 semt• sensm• sensm• sepj• sepj• sept• [LN] serank• serank• serank• serf• serf• serh• seris• seris• serits• serpix• sers• sers• 1 sert• 2 sert• sertl• sertl• sertl• seskw• [LN] sestr• sestr• sestr• sestr• seš• setj• setj• setj• setj• 1 sfag• 1 sfag• 2 sfag• 2 sfag• semei semei semi(at) semi(at) semi(at) semi(at) semi(at) semi(at) semn semn semn semn semn semn semper semper semper semit semot semot sensim sensim sepi(a) sepi(a) septem seranx seranx seranx serph serph serr(a) seris seris ser(ic) serpig seors seors sert serotin sert(ul) sert(ul) sert(ul) sesqui sest(r) sest(r) setn setn ses seo seo seth seth sphagi sphagi sphagi sphagi symbol symptom flag mark (sign) sign signal symbol symptom impose impress pomp resplendent solemn strike (impose) always constant(ly) ever (always) path isolate(d) separate(d) gradually little by little foam lather seven cave(rn) cave(rn) grotto fly (nn) insect saw (tool) lettuce salad silk crawl(ing) apart from separate(ly) ribbon late crown (flowers) garland wreath one-and-a-half filter sieve(d) filter sieve(d) worm moth tinea moth tinea consecrate dedicate offer(ing) sacrifice 2 sfag• sfak• sfak• sfakl• sfakl• sfakl• sfakl• sfalm• sfalm• sfalm• sfalm• sfalm• sfalm• sfalm• sfalm• sfalm• sfalm• sfarg• sfarg• sfarg• sfarg• sfel• sfen• sfen• sfen• sfen• sfigm• sfigm• sfigm• sfigm• sfint• sfint• sfint• sfint• sfint• sfint• sfodr• sfodr• sfodr• sfodr• sfodr• sfodr• 1 sfyr• 2 sfyr• sibin• sibin• sibin• sibin• sibin• sibin• sibin• sibin• sibin• sibn• sibn• sibn• sphagi sphag sphax sphac(el) sphac(el) sphac(el) sphac(el) sfal(m) sfal(m) sfal(m) sfal(m) sfal(m) sphaler sphaler sphaler sphaler sphaler spharag spharag spharg spharg sphela sphaen sphaen sphen sphen sphigm sphigm sphigm sphigm sphigg sphigg sphigg sphinct sphinct sphinct sphodr sphodr sphodr sphodr sphodr sphodr sphyr sphyr sibin sibin sibin sibyn sibyn sibyn sigyn sigyn sigyn syben syben syben victim throat throat degenerate gangrene putrefy rot(ting) deceive(d) error misser mistake wrong deceive(d) error misser mistake wrong blow up explode blow up explode bench chock wedge chock wedge beat(ing) pulsate strike throb compress(ed) contract(ed) press (together) compress(ed) contract(ed) press (together) active alert ardent diligent fervour zealous hammer ankle fence pale (stake) stake (pale) fence pale (stake) stake (pale) fence pale (stake) stake (pale) holder recipient socket 185 1 sider• 2 sider• sifl• sifl• sifn• sifr• sifr• sifr• sifr• sig• sig• sig• sig• sigri• sikr• sikr• sikst• [LN] siky• siky• silsilak• silog• silog• silog• silog• silog• silv• silv• silv• silv• simant• simant• simant• simant• simant• simant• simba• simbl• simfr• simfr• simfr• simfr• simfr• simfr• sinap• sinap• sinap• sinap• sinax• sinax• sinax• sinax• sind• sindon• sindon• sindon• 186 sider sider sipal siphl siphn sifir [A] sifir [A] sifir [A] sifir [A] sig(a) sig(a) sig(a) sig(a) sigriyah [Hb] sicari sicari sex(t) sicy sicy silici sil(ac) syllog syllog syllog syllog syllog silv silv sylv sylv sema(nt) sema(nt) sema(nt) semas semas semas simhah [S] simbl symphor symphor symphor symphor symphor symphor senev senev sinapi sinapi sina sina sina sina sindhu [S] syndon syndon syndon iron star hunger hunger mole (animal) empty/ ness nought vacant /cy void calm quiet(ly) silent tranquil(ity) cigarette assassinate murder six cucumber gherkin chemical element Si ochre (etc.) accord agreement arrange(ment) coherent order (arrangement) forest woods forest woods mean(ing) sense significance mean(ing) sense significance lion beehive assembly association collection group (bunch) set (group) society mustard spice mustard spice batter(ed) damage (nn) harm ill-treat river cloth sheet (cloth) shroud sinek• sinek• sinek• sinex• sinex• sinja• sint• sint• sint• sintsip• sirfed• sirfed• sirfed• sirfed• sirfed• sirfed• sirj• sirm• sirm• sirm• sirsir• sirt• sirt• sirt• sirt• sisam• sism• sisyr• sišu• sišu• sišu• sišu• sitj• sitj• sitš• sitš• sitšn• sixn• sixn• sixn• sixn• sjal• sjal• sjal• sjemj• [RN] skabr• skabr• 1 skaf• 1 skaf• 1 skaf• 2 skaf• 2 skaf• skalm• 1 skaln• 1 skaln• synech synech synech synech synech siani [A] sinto sinto sinto sincip syrphet syrphet syrphet syrphet syrphet syrphet siri syrm(at) syrm(at) syrm(at) sirsir [A] syrt syrt syrt syrt sisam [S] seism seism sisyr sishu [S] sishu [S] sishu [S] sishu [S] siti(o) siti(o) sic sic siti(en) sychn sychn synech synech sial sial sial sjemj scab(er) scabi(os) scaph scaph scaph scaph scaph scalm scalen scalen easy/ iness gentle light (easy) faithful fidelity artificial brigand predator robber forehead dregs garbage junk lees rubble sludge cube dress (clothing) gown robe cockroach bay bight creek golf (bay) lead (metal) shake tremble fur (coat) child descendant offspring young(ster) fodder food cupping-glass sucker thirst continually often continually often saliva spit(tle) sputum seven rasp(ing) rasp(ing) barque (etc.) boat ship (boat) manger trough knife (etc.) oblique slanting 2 skaln• 2 skaln• skamn• skamn• skamt• skamt• skamt• skandjskandl• skandl• skans• skans• skapl• skapn• skapt• skapt• skapt• skapt• skard• skat• skat• skat• skatr• skatr• skav• skav• skel• skel• skendl• skendl• skendl• skep• skep• skert• skert• skert• skert• skert• skert• skidm• skidm• skil• skil• skil• skilm• skilm• skilm• skilm• skimn• skimn• skimn• skipn• skipn• skipn• skir• skir• scalen scalen scamn scamn scammat scammat scammat scandi scandul scindul sacand scans scapul scapan scaph(is) scaph(is) scapt(er) scapt(er) scardamy scat scat scat scatur(ig) scatur(ig) scaev(it) scaevol scel(id) scelis schendyl schendyl schendyl scepe scepe scaer scaer scart(hm) scart(hm) scirtes scirtes scydmaen scydmaen scyl scyl scyl scylm scylm scylm scylm scymn scymn scymn scipon scipon scipon scir(rh) scir(rh) lame limp level (step) step (ladder) ditch hole pit (hole) chemical element Sc tile (roofing) tile (roofing) climb climb shoulder plough (nn) dig plough(ing) dig plough(ing) eyelid droppings dung faeces fountain well (fountain) left (side) left (side) leg leg pincers pliers tongs cover(age) envelope jump leap jump leap jump leap irritate set on edge fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) ardent impetuous impulse lust child offspring young(ster) baton cudgel stick (club) bulb tumor skirj• skirj• skirj• skiš• skiš• skiš• skitm• skitm• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• sklak• sklak• sklefr• sklefr• sklefr• skler• skler• skles• skles• skles• skles• skles• skles• skles• skles• sklif• sklitr• sklitr• sklitr• sklop• skob• skob• skob• skob• skolipt• squirrh squirrh squirrh scisc scisc scisc I: scitamenta I: scitamenta sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) scia(r) scia(r) scia(r) scia(r) scia(r) scia(r) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) sciasm sciasm sciasm sciasm sciasm scylax scylax sclephr sclephr sclephr scler(o) scler(o) scel(est) scel(est) scel(est) scel(est) sceler sceler sceler sceler scelipher scolythr scolythr scolythr scalop scob(in) scob(in) scob(in) scob(in) scolypt hard solid(ity) tough analyze examine explore delicacy relish bleak dark dismal gloomy/ ness shadow(y) somber bleak dark dismal gloomy shadow(y) somber awning penthouse screen (sifting) tent umbrella awning penthouse screen (sifting) tent umbrella dog(gy) pup meager skinny thin(ly) hard tough crime delict misstep slip (error) crime delict misstep slip (error) wet(ness) bench seat(ed) stool mole (animal) grate (rasp) rasp scratch scrub(bing) chop(ped) 187 skolipt• 1 skolj• 1 skolj• 1 skolj• 1 skolj• 2 skolj• skolk• skolp• skolp• skolp• skomt• 1 skop• 1 skop• 1 skop• 1 skop• 1 skop• 2 skop• skopa• skopa• skopa• skopl• skopl• skopt• skopt• skopt• skopt• skopt• skopt• skopt• skopt• skopt• skopt• skord• skord• skord• skord• skors• skors• skors• skors• skors• skors• 1 skort• 1 skort• 2 skort• 2 skort• 2 skort• 1 skot• 1 skot• 2 skot• skrin• skrin• skrin• skrin• skrin• skrob• 188 scolypt scoli scoli scoli scoli scoli scolex scolop scolop scolop skommat scop scop scop scop scop scop scopae scopae scopae scopel scopel scomn scomn scomn scomn scomn scopt scopt scopt scopt scopt scord scord scorod scorod socors socors socors socors socors socors scort scut scort scort scort scot(i) scot(i) scot scrini scrini scrini scrini scrini scrob(i) hew explanation note observe /ation remark(able) twist worm post (prop) prop support (base) joke consider deem examine look at observe /ation broom little (small) small tiny crest reef deride jeer laugh at mock ridicule(d) deride jeer laugh at mock ridicule garlic onion garlic onion dull (stupid) foolish insipid(ity) moron silly stupid(ity) leather leather concubine prostitute whore dark(ness) night blind(ness) cabinet capsule case (box) jewel-box shrine dig skrof• skrof• skrup• skrup• skrup• skrup• skund• skund• skurj• skurj• skurj• skutl• skutl• skutr• skutr• skutr• skutr• skutr• skutr• skutr• skutr• 1 skwal• 1 skwal• 1 skwal• 1 skwal• 1 skwal• 1 skwal• 2 skwal• skwar• skybl• skybl• skybl• skyf• skyf• skyf• skyr• skyr• skyr• skyr• skyt• skyt• skyt• skyt• skytr• skytr• skytr• skytr• skytr• skytr• skytr• skytr• skytr• skytr• slak• slak• slam• scrof scrof scrupe scrupe scrupe scrupe secund(a) secund(a) scurr scurr scurr scutul scutul scuthr scuthr scuthr scuthr scythr scythr scythr scythr squal squal squal squal squal squal squalus squarr scybal scybal scybal scyph scyph scyph scyr scyr scyr scyr scutic scutic scyt(h) scyt(h) scydm scydm scydm scydm scydm scythr scythr scythr scythr scythr salacit salacit salaam [A] female (animal) sow (pig) bumpy rocky rugged stony follow(ing) less clown comedian harlequin diamond (shape) lozenge mourn(ful) pity /ful sad(ness) sorrow(ful) mourn(ful) pity /ful sad(ness) sorrow(ful) crude dirty filth(y) grimy rough smutty shark crust excrement garbage junk cup (trophy) goblet vase gravel rocky rubble stony scourge (whip) whip (strap) scourge (whip) whip (strap) angry furious indignation mad(ness) raving angry furious indignation mad(ness) raving sensual voluptuous greet slam• slar• slek• slek• slek• slut• slut• smed• smed• smed• smed• smekt• smekt• smen• smerd• smerd• smerd• smidl• smidl• smil• smint• smint• sminy• smodz• smodz• smodz• smodz• snar• snek• snek• snestr• sob• sodl• sodl• sodl• sodl• 1 sofr• 1 sofr• 1 sofr• 2 sofr• 2 sofr• 2 sofr• 2 sofr• 2 sofr• 2 sofr• sokts• 1 solj• 2 solj• 2 solj• solm• sols• sols• solt• solt• solt• solts• salaam [A] salar syllex syllex syllex salu(t) salu(t) smet smet smet smet smect smeg(m) smen smerd(al) smerd(al) smerd(al) semidal semidal smil sminth sminth sminy smodic smodic smoding smoding sen(ar) senec senec senestr sob sodal sodal sodal sodal sophron sophron sophron sophron sophron sophron sophron sophron sophron socc sol(i) solea solea solium solos solos solit solit solit solaci salute salmon (etc.) assemble(d) collect gather health welfare balm balsam cream unguent soap soap swarm(ing) terrible terrify(ing) terror(ize) flour powder knife (etc.) mouse rat plough (nn) bruise contusion bruise contusion six age(d) grow old left (side) tail (end) colleague companion(ship) fellow (mate) mate (companion) chaste /ity prudence prudish disciplined intelligent rational(ly) reasonable sensible wise shoe sun sandal sole (shoe) throne disk saucer custom(ary) fashion(able) habit(s) allay solts• solts• solts• solts• solts• solts• solts• solts• som• som• som• som• somf• somn• somn• somn• somn• sork• sork• sork• sork• sork• soror• sotnj• [RN] sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• 1 spadn• 2 spadn• 2 spadn• spadž• spadž• spag• spag• spak• spak• spakt• spakt• spakt• spalt• spalt• sparats• sparats• sparats• sparats• sparats• sparats• solaci solaci solaci solaci solaci solaci solaci solaci som(at) som(at) som(at) som(at) somph somn(i) somn(i) somn(i) somn(i) sorac sorac sorac sorac sorac soror sotnj saot saot saot saot sosi sosi sosi sosi soter soter soter soter spadon spadon spadon spatiat spatiat spag spag sabac sabac sphact sphact sphact spatil spatil sparass sparass sparass sparaz sparaz sparaz alleviate assuage ease lighten (soften) mitigate palliate relieve(d) soothe body corpus corpuscle frame sponge doze dream reverie sleep baggage coffer luggage suitcase trunk sister hundred free(d) liberate /tion save secure(d) free(d) liberate /tion save secure(d) free(d) liberate /tion save secure(d) tear off castrate(d) geld promenade stroll separate(d) split(ting) broken fractured assassin killer murderer excrement faeces lacerate mangle tear apart lacerate mangle tear apart 189 1 sparg• sparg•1 sparg•1 sparg•1 sparg•1 sparg•1 sparg•1 2 sparg• spargan• spargan• spargan• spargan• spars• spars• spast• spast• spast• spedn• spedn• spele• spele• spele• spele• spele• spele• spele• spele• sperg• sperg• sperm• spertš• spertš• spertš• spertš• spertš• spertš• spetr• spetr• spetr• spetš• spetš• spetš• spetš• spidz• spild• spindz• spindz• spindz• spindz• spintr• spintr• spintr• spintr• spird• spird• spird• 190 sparg sparg sparg sparg sparg sparg sparg sparg spargan spargan spargan spargan spars spars spast spast spast sphedan sphedan specu specu spelae spelae spelunc spelunc splae splae asperg asperg sperm(at) sperch sperch sperch speus speus speus spectr spectr spectr specios specios specios specios spiz spilad spin(a) spin(a) spini spini sphinther sphinther spinther spinther spyred spyred spyred diffuse disperse disseminate distribute propagate scatter(ed) spread swell(ing) bandage ribbon swathe wrapper pour shake out attract(ion) draw (pull) pull brutal violent cave(rn) grotto cave(rn) grotto cave(rn) grotto cave(rn) grotto brush paint-brush seed hasty hurried urgent(ly) hasty hurried urgent(ly) ghost phantom spirit (ghost) beautiful handsome lovely pretty (nice) sparrow (etc.) clay spur thorn(y) spur thorn(y) flash spark flash spark droppings dung faeces spiš• spiš• spiš• spitš• spitš• spitš• spitš• spitš• spitš• splakn• splakn• splend• splend• splend• splend• splend• splenj• splenj• splidz• splidz• splidz• splidz• splidz• splidz• splidz• splidz• 1 spod• 2 spod• spolj• spolj• spon• spon• spon• spond• sponde• sponde• spons• sprag• sprag• sprak• sprak• sprak• sprak• sprak• sprak• sprak• sprak• sprig•sprig• sprig• sprig• sprig• spum• srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• spiss spiss spiss spex spex spex spic(i) spic(i) spic(i) splachn splanchn splend splend splend splend splend spleni spleni supolic supolic supolic supolic supplex supplex supplex supplex spod spod spoliat spoliat pon(er) pon(er) pon(er) spondyl spond(e) spond(e) spons sphrag(i) sphrag(i) sparac sparac sparac sparac sparagm sparagm sparagm sparagm sphrig sphrig sphrig sphrig spum syring syring syring syring compact(ness) concentrate(d) dense analyze examine explore analyze examine explore intestine intestine gorgeous magnificent splendid sumptuous superb plaster stucco beseech entreat implore supplicate beseech entreat implore supplicate ash(es) sweep naked nude place(d) put(ting) situate vertebra consecrate dedicate promise seal (stamp) stamp (seal) lumber (nn) rubbish rubble waste(land) lumber (nn) rubbish rubble waste(land) fruity juicy sappy succulent foam canal channel nozzle pipe (tube) srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• stafl• stafl• stajt• stajt• stalagm• stalagm• stalagm• stalagm• stalagm• stalakt• stalakt• stalakt• stalakt• stalakt• 1 stalt• 1 stalt• 1 stalt• 1 stalt• 1 stalt• 2 stalt• 2 stalt• 2 stalt• 2 stalt• stalts• stalts• stamn• stamn• stanstaped• 1 stast• 1 stast• 1 stast• 1 stast• 1 stast• 1 stast• 2 stast• 2 stast• 2 stast• staš• staš• staš• staš• 1 statm• 1 statm• 1 statm• 2 statm• 2 statm• syring syring syrinx syrinx syrinx syrinx syrinx syrinx staphyl staphyl stas steas stalagm stalagm stalagm stalagm stalagm stalact stalact stalact stalact stalact staltic staltic staltic staltic staltic staltic staltic staltic staltic stalix stalix stamn stamn stanum stapes static static static statist statist statist stasiot stasiot stasiot stasiot stasiot stasiot stasiot stathm stathm stathm statumen statumen spout (nozzle) tube canal channel nozzle pipe (tube) spout (nozzle) tube bunch cluster paste (plaster) paste (plaster) drip droop drop (liquid) tear(drop) weep(ing) drip droop drop (liquid) tear(drop) weep(ing) compress(ed) concentrate(d) contract(ed) press (together) together brake (nn) bridle hold(ing) restrain(t) chopping-block log (block) jug pot (tea) chemical element Sn stirrup table (frame) tablet tabulation table (frame) tablet tabulation adept disciple member (part) mutiny rebel revolution uprising halt (nn) resting-place stop (station) pedestal prop (plug) 2 statm• 2 statm• 2 statm• stats• stats• stats• stats• stats• stats• stats• stats• stats• stats• stats• stats• 1 stavr• 1 stavr• 1 stavr• 1 stavr• 1 stavr• 2 stavr• 2 stavr• stax• 1 staxt• 1 staxt• 1 staxt• 1 staxt• 2 staxt• 2 staxt• 2 staxt• 2 staxt• 2 staxt• 2 staxt• 2 staxt• 2 staxt• stear• stear• stear• stear• stear• stear• steg• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stejr• statumen statumen statumen stasim stasim stasim stasim stasim stasim stat(her) stat(her) stat(her) stat(her) stat(her) stat(her) staur staur staur staur staur staur staur stachy stagon stagon stax stax stac(t) stac(t) stac(t) stac(t) stagm stagm stagm stagm stear stear stear steat steat steat steg stegan stegan stegan stegan stegm(en) stegm(en) stegm(en) stegm(en) stegnos stegnos stegnos stegnos steir socle stay (place) support (base) halt(ing) immobile repose stable (adj) stand stop(ping) halt(ing) immobile repose stable (adj) stand stop(ping) fence pale (stake) post (stake) prop (plug) stake (pale) cross (nn) crucifix ear (of corn) drop (liquid) tear(drop) drop (liquid) tear(drop) shake(n) totter(ing) tremble waver(ing) shake(n) totter(ing) tremble waver fat (grease) sebum tallow fat (grease) sebum tallow roof coat(ed) cover(ed) hide/ ing protect coat(ed) cover(ed) hide/ ing protect coat(ed) cover(ed) hide/ ing protect barren 191 stejr• stejr• steld• steld• steld• stelg• stelg• 1 stelj• 1 stelj• 1 stelj• 1 stelj• 2 stelj• stelm• stelm• stelm• stelš• stelx• stelx• stelx• stelx• 1 stem• 1 stem• 2 stem• 2 stem• stemb• stemn• stemn• 1 sten• 1 sten• 1 sten• 1 sten• 1 sten• 1 sten• 1 sten• 1 sten• 2 sten• 2 sten• 2 sten• 2 sten• 2 sten• stens• stens• stens• stens• 1 stere• 1 stere• 2 stere• 2 stere• 2 stere• 2 stere• 2 stere• 2 stere• 1 sterg• 1 sterg• 1 sterg• 192 steir steir stelidi stelidi stelidi stelgid stlengid stell stell stell stell stello stelm stelm stelm stelis stelech stelech stelech stelech stemm stemm steme steme stemb syntemn syntemn sten sten sten sten stin stin stin stin sthen sthen sthen sthen sthen ostens ostens ostent ostent stere(o) stere(o) stere stere stere sterr sterr sterr sterg sterg sterg sterile unfruitful haft handle (lever) hilt brush brush equip(ment) fit out furnish purvey dress(ed) belt girdle zone mistletoe bole stem (sprout) stump trunk crown (head) ornament know(ledge) science shake(n) reduce shrink brief narrow short tight brief narrow short tight energy intensity might (strength) power (strength) strength demonstrate show (spectacle) demonstrate show (spectacle) space (room) spatial fix(ed) rigid(ly) solid(ity) fix(ed) rigid(ly) solid(ity) court(ing) love woo 1 sterg• 1 sterg• 1 sterg• 2 sterg• 2 sterg• sterp• sters• sters• sters• sters• sters• sters• sters• sters• stet• stet• 1 stib• 1 stib• 2 stib• 2 stib• 2 stib• sitbd• stibjstibr• stibr• stibr• stibr• stikt• stikt• stilb• stilb• stilb• stilb• stilb• stilb• stilj• stilp• stips• stips• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 2 stipt• 2 stipt• stirp• stirp• storg storg storg sterg sters sterph steres steres steres steres steres steres steres steres stet steth stib stib stib stib stib stibad stibi stibar stibar stibar stibar stictis stictis silb silb silb stilb stilb stilb still(a) stilpon stipes stipes stipat stipat stipat stipat stiphr stiphr stiphr stiphr stipt(it) stipt(it) stipt(it) stipt(it) stipit stipit stirp stirp court(ing) love woo intimate intimate leather absent defect(ive) deficient fail(ing) lack(ing) shortcoming want(ed) without chest (breast) breast (chest) defile (passage) march(ing) highway road(way) way (road) bedroom chemical element Sb great imposing mighty striking dot point (dot) bright brilliant shine /ing bright brilliant shine /ing drop (liquid) dwarf pale (stake) stake (pale) dense firm(ly) heavy solid(ity) dense firm(ly) heavy solid(ity) dense firm(ly) heavy solid(ity) beam (wood etc.) trunk stub stump stits• stits• stits• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 2 stix• 2 stix• 2 stix• 2 stix• 2 stix• 2 stix• stoj• stoj• stojb• stojb• stojb• stojx• stojx• stojx• stojx• stojx• stojx• stojx• stojx• 1 stol• 1 stol• 2 stol• 2 stol• 2 stol• stoln• stoln• stoln• stom• stom• stom• stom• stomf• stomf• ston• ston• stonyk• stonyk• stik stik stik stech stech stech stech stech stich(i) stich(i) stich(i) stich(i) stich(i) sticher sticher sticher sticher sticher stech stech stech stich(er) stich(er) stich(er) stoa stoa stoeb stoeb stoeb stech stech stech stech stoichei stoichei stoichei stoichei stol(is) stol(is) stol stol stol stol(on) stol(on) stol(on) stom(at) stom(at) stom(at) stom(at) stomph(ax) stomph(ax) ston ston stonyx stonyx hold(ing) obstinate persist(ent) list rank (nn) row (series) serial series list rank (nn) row (series) serial series list rank (nn) row (series) serial series rhyme text-line verse (line) rhyme text-line verse (line) gallery pillars (row) pad stuff (upholstery) upholstery elementary essence (gist) gist (essence) rudiment elementary essence (gist) gist (essence) rudiment gown robe journey(ing) move(ment) travel(ling) shoot (twig) sprout (twig) twig hole mouth opening orifice emphasis stress (emphasize) hiccup sob blade lamina stonyk• stonyk• stor• stor• stor• stor• stort• stort• stort• stort• strabl• strabl• strabl• strabl• stragl• stragl• stragl• stramn• stramn• stratj• stratj• stratj• stratj• stratj• stratj• stratj• stratj• 1 strats• 1 strats• 1 strats• 2 strats• 2 strats• 2 strats• strax• strax• strax• strax• strax• strax• strax• strax• strax• strax• strebl• strebl• strebl• stref• stref• stref• stref• stref• stref• stremn• stremn• stremn• stremn• stonyx stonyx stor stor stor stor storth(ing) storth(ing) storth(ing) storth(ing) strabal strabal strebl strebl stragul stragul stragul stramen stramen stratiom stratiom stratiom stratiom stratiot stratiot stratiot stratiot strat strat strat strat(i) strat(i) strat(i) strach strach strach strach strach strang strang strang strang strang strebl strebl strebl stephan stephan streph streph strept strept stremm(at) stremm(at) stremm(at) stremm(at) plate (thin) slat knock down lay down overthrow upset point (tip) summit tip top (tip) turn(ing) twist turn(ing) twist carpet mat (carpet) tapestry hay straw gladiator military soldier warrior gladiator military soldier warrior echelon layer level (layer) army host (army) regiment around circuit divert outflank tour around circuit divert outflank tour pain suffer(ing) torment crown (head) diadem crown (head) diadem crown (head) diadem crush dash (crush) dismantle disrupt 193 stremn• stremn• 1 stren• 1 stren• 1 stren• 2 stren• 2 stren• 2 stren• 2 stren• 1 strept• 1 strept• 1 strept• 1 strept• 1 strept• 1 strept• 1 strept• 1 strept• 1 strept• 2 strept• 2 strept• 2 strept• striks• striks• string• string• string• string• string• string• stripn• stripn• stripn• stripn• stripn• stripn• stripn• stripn• stris• stris• stris• stris• stris• stris• strob• strob• strob• strob• stromb• strong• strong• strong• strontj1 stropf• 1 stropf• 1 stropf• 194 stremm(at) stremm(at) stren stren stren strenu strenu strenu strenu streph streph streph streps streps streps strept strept strept strep strep strep strig(os) strig(os) string string string string string string striphn striphn striphn striphn stryphn stryphn stryphn stryphn stridis stridis stridis stris stris stris strob(il) strob(il) strob(il) strob(il) stromb strong strong strong stronti stroph(al) stroph(al) stroph(al) smash(ed) trample cry (animal) howl scream active alert brisk live(ly) adapt alter change adapt alter change adapt alter change boisterous loud(ness) noise / noisy furrow wrinkle (furrow) compress(ed) concentrate(d) press (together) strangle suffocate together clinging obstinate stubborn tenacious clinging obstinate stubborn tenacious buzz hiss hum buzz hiss hum eddy stir turn(ing) whirl(ing) top (spinning) cylinder pipe (tube) tube chemical element Sr bend curve(d) flexible 1 stropf• 2 stropf• 2 stropf• 2 stropf• 2 stropf• 1 strops• 2 strops• 2 strops• 2 strops• strot• strot• strujs• strujs• strujs• strujs• strujs• strujs• strujs• strujs• strup• strup• strup• stsel• stsel• stsel• stsel• stsep• stsis• stsis• stupr• stupr• stupr• styfel• styfel• stygn• stygn• stygn• stygn• stygn• stygn• stygn• stygn• stygn• stygn• 1 stypn• 1 stypn• 1 stypn• 2 stypn• 2 stypn• 2 stypn• 2 stypn• 2 stypn• styr• styt• styt• styt• stroph(al) stroph stroph stroph stroph stropheus strophinx strophinx strophinx strot strot stru(ic) stru(ic) stru(ic) stru(ic) strues strues strues strues strupp strupp strupp cel cel cel cel scep(a) cisi cisi stupr stupr stupr styphel styphel styget styget styget styget styget stygn stygn stygn stygn stygn styph(n) styph(n) styph(n) styphr styphr styphr stypt stypt styr stym stym stym put about belt sling strap zone vertebra axis axle pivot layout spread crowd (bunch) heap(ed) pile (stack) stack(ed) crowd (bunch) heap(ed) pile (stack) stack(ed) reel (strip) ribbon tape (ribbon) bulge hernia protrude rupture cover (up) cut(ting) slice(d) debauch revel violate hard tough abhor abominable disgusting hate loathe abhor abominable disgusting hate loathe collect concentrate(d) gather bitter dry (bitter) sharp (taste) bitter sharp (taste) spear(point) get up rise (stand up) stand (up) styt• styt• styt• styt• styt• styt• subr• sudr• sudr• sudr• sudr• 1 sudz• 2 sudz• 2 sudz• sukla• sukla• sulf1 sumn• 2 sumn• 2 sumn• sundž• sundž• sundž• sundž• sundž• surg• surg• surkl• surkl• suš• suš• suš• suš• suš• suš• suš• suš• suš• sutsi• sutsi• sutšept• sutšept• sutšept• sutšept• sux• suxam• suxam• suxam• suxam• sxad• sxad• sxad• sxan• sxap• sxar• sxasm• stys stys stys styt styt styt suber sud(or) sud(or) suda suda sudis sudis sudis sukla [S] sukla [S] sulph summ sumen sumin sunya [S] sunya [S] sunya [S] sunya [S] sunya [S] surg surrect surcul surcul sus sus sus sy(i) sy(i) sy(i) syph syph syph sauci sauci suscept suscept suscept suscept such sukham [S] sukham [S] sukham [S] sukham [S] schadon schadon schadon schaon [Hb] scapus scaur schiasm get up rise (stand up) stand (up) get up rise (stand up) stand (up) cork perspire sweat perspire sweat thorn(y) pale (stake) stake (pale) bright clear chemical element S crown (head) retina retina empty/ ness none nothing null void get up rise (stand up) child(ren) offspring pig pork swine pig pork swine pig pork swine injury wound(ed) accept let be permit/issive tolerate crocodile (etc) comfort easy/ iness facility utility grub larva maggot clock shaft heel (foot) cross-breed(ing) sxasm• sxats• sxats• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 2 sxed• sxedj• sxedj• sxedj• 1 sxen• 1 sxen• 1 sxen• 1 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 1 sxept• 2 sxept• sxes• sxes• sxestr• sxestr• sxestr• sxiz• sxiz• sxiz• sxiz• sxol• sxol• sxol• sxol• sxulp• sxut• sxut• sxut• sxut• 1 syk• 2 syk• sympl• sympl• schiasm schas schat scedasm scedasm scedasm scedasm scedasm scedast scedast scedast scedast scedast sched schedi schedi schedi schoen schoen schoin schoin scen(it) scen(it) scen(it) scen(it) scen(it) sken sken sken sken sken skepto skepto sches sches segestr segestr segestr schid(ac) schist scind sciss schol(e) schol(e) schol(e) schol(e) sculpon scut(ell) scut(ell) scut(ell) scut(ell) syk syk(on) sympl sympl crossroad open (up) open (up) broadcast circulate disperse distribute scatter(ed) broadcast circulate disperse distribute scatter(ed) paper make ready prepare(d) ready cane rush (cane) cane rush (cane) cabin cot(tage) hovel hut tent cabin cot(tage) hovel hut tent lightning meteorite be exist(ence) fabric (tissue) texture tissue split(ting) split(ting) split(ting) split(ting) comfort(able) easy/ iness opportune repose hoof blazon coat-of-arms logo sign-board false(ly) fig knot(ted) plait 195 sympl• sympl• syn+ syn+ syn+ syn+ syn+ syn+ syn+ syn+ syn+ synt• synt• synt• 1 syr• 1 syr• 1 syr• 1 syr• 2 syr• 2 syr• 2 syr• 2 syr• syrd• syrd• syrd• syrd• syrt• syrt• syrt• sympl sympl syll syll syll sym sym sym syn syn syn synet synet synet sar sar syr syr syr syr syr syr syrden syrden syrden syrden syrt syrt syrt LEMMAS ETYMONS šabr• šag• šag• šag• šage• šage• šagn• šajr• šalv• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• 196 saburr sag sag sag sage sage siag(on) shair [A] salu saen sain saen sain saen saen saen sain sain sain saen saen saen sain sain twine(d) wreathe same together with same together with same together with intelligent perspicacious wise broom brush broom brush drag pull tow trail(ing) army horde host (army) troop desert sandy plain shoal MEANINGS ballast omen prophecy augur(y) weapon(ry) arsenal jaw(bone) barley wave wave wave brandish brandish flirt (flutter) flit flutter flirt (flutter) flit flutter stream (air) swing (oscillate) toggle /ing stream (air) swing (oscillate) šan• 1 šanj• 2 šanj• 1 šap• 1 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• šarat• šaša• šatr• šav• šav• šav• šav• šav• šav• šedl• šedl• šeged• šeged• šekr• šekr• šeld• šeld• šeld• šemj• šemj• šemj• šend• š šeps• šeps• šept• šept• šeri• šeri• šešt• [RN] šfax• šfax• šin• šin• šin• 1 škal• 2 škal• škal•2 škal•2 škal•2 škan• toggle /ing Saturday Shanih [S] Saturn saep many times saep often saep hamper saep handicap(ped) saep hedge saep hindrance saep obstacle sep hamper sep handicap(ped) sep hedge sep hindrance sep obstacle sharat [S] autumn shasha [S] rabbit (etc) shatarang [A] chess saev cruel(ty) saev ferocious saev grim saev merciless saev pitiless saev relentless sedil chair sedil seat(ed) seget seed seget sow(ing) secur hatchet secur ax seli(d) cut short seli(d) interrupt seli(d) intervene semi mean(ing) semi sense semi signify sent thorn-hedge sent hawthorn seps ferment(ing) sept ferment(ing) sept(a) wall (dividing) sept(a) partition seri(ol) jar (pot) seri(ol) jug shest six shvah [S] tomorrow shvah [S] future sin damag(ing) sin impair sin spoil(ed) scal weed(ing) scall vase scall bowl scall cup scall jar (pot) scan corpse sain shanivasaran [S] škand• škand• škand• 1 šked• 1 šked• 1 šked• 1 šked• 1 šked• 1 šked• 2 šked• 2 šked• škepr• škepr• škev• škev• škev• škit• škit• škit• škol• škol• škut• šnak• šnak• šnak• šnak• šnak• 1 šobr• 1 šobr• 1 šobr• 2 šobr• šoln• šoln• šopl• šor• šor• šor• šor• šor• šor• šor• šor• šor• šor• šparn• š špšarn• šparn• šparn• šparn• šparn• šparn• šparn• šparn• šparn• šparn• scandal scandal scandal schedi schedo schedi schedo schedi schedo schedi schedi sceparn sceparn sceu sceu sceu scit scit scit scol scol scut scinac scinac scinac scinac scinac sobar sobar sobar sobrin solen solen siopel sor(ed) sor(ed) sur sur sor(ed) sur sor(ed) sur sor(ed) sur span sparn spars span span span sparn sparn sparn spars spars spars intrigue plot (intrigue) snare (malice) close(by) close(by) soon soon near(by) near(by) improvise invent(ion) hatchet ax outfit provide equip(ment) routine experience(d) expert(ly) thorn(y) prick(ing) shield (protection) clever lithe pliant skillful supple fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) cousin tube cylinder silent bunch bundle bunch bundle heap(ed) heap(ed) mass (heap) mass (heap) pile (stack) pile (stack) rare rare rare scarce(ly) seldom sporadic scarce(ly) seldom sporadic scarce(ly) seldom sporadic špart• špart• špart• špart• špast• šped• šed• šper• 1 špers• 1 špers• 1 špers• 1 špers• 2 špers• 1 špil• 1 špil• 2 špil• 2 špil• 1 špir• 1 špir• 1 špir• 1 špir• 2 špir• 2 špir• šplen• 1 špod• 1 špod• 1 špod• 2 špod• 2 špod• 2 špod• 2 špod• špord• šravn• štad• šad• štan• štan• štan• 1 štatm• 1 štatm• 1 štatm• 1 štatm• 2 štatm• 2 štatm• šten• šten• šten• šten• šten• štern• štern• štib• š ti b • 1 štil• 1 štil• sparti sparti sparti sparti spastic seped(on) seped(on) spaer superst superst superst superst superst spil spil spil(as) spil(as) speir spir speir spir speir spir splen spod spod spod spod spod spod spod sport shravanah [S] stad stad stan stan stan stathm stathm stathm stathm stathm stathm stein stein stein stein stein stern stern stib stib stele stele bow (ornament) pompom ribbon rope (cord) absorb mildew mould (mildew) agony testify witness certify attest survivor spot (stain) stain (spot) cape (headland) headland propeller propeller screw screw wrapper wrapper spleen torment torture stress (tension) clinker dross junk slag basket (etc) July erect stand (up) country land (country) state mews shed (cabin) stable (shed) sty balance (nn) scales unrest restlessness agony anguish stress (tension) breast (chest) chest (breast) hoar-frost rime column pilaster 197 1 š 1 š štil•1 1 štil• 1 štil• 1 štil• 2 štil• 2 š 2 štil• štir• štol• štum• štum• štum• šturn• 1 šubl• 1 šubl• 1 šubl• 1 šubl• 1 šubl• 1 šubl• 2 šubl• šuf• šuka• šukr• šukrav• 1 šukts• 2 šukts• 2 šukts• 2 šukts• 2 šukts• šur• šur• šur• šxed• šxed• LEMMAS tabz• tabz• tabz• 1 taf• 2 taf• tafr• tagj• tagj• tagj• tagj• tagj• tagj• tagj• 1 tagm• 1 tagm• 1 tagm• 198 stele stele styl styl styl styl styl styl styl sti(r) stolis stumul stumul stumul saturn sobol subol sobol sobol subol subol subul shoufan [A] shukah [S] Shukrah [S] Shukravasarah [S] succinct succinct succinct succinct succinct sur sur sur schedi schedi ETYMONS tabes tabes tabes taph taph taphr tagi tagi tagi tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) pillar prop column pilaster pillar prop pin (stylus) slate-pencil stylus hull wrinkle (furrow) thrust stab sting (needle) lead (metal) jet (sprout) jet (sprout) shoot (sprout) sprout (twig) shoot (sprout) sprout awl oats parrot Venus Friday ready thong belt girdle strap branch (ramification) post (prop) prop drift float MEANINGS droop (wither) fade wither grave (tomb) cemetery furrow command dictate order (command) dictate ordering prescription recipe arrange(ment) install(ation) order (arrangement) 1 tagm• 2 tagm• 2 tagm• 2 tagm• 2 tagm• tagn• 1 tajr• 2 tajr• takr• 1 takts• 1 takts• 1 takts• 1 takts• 2 takts• 2 takts• 2 takts• 2 takts• 2 takts• talas• talas• talitr• talitr• talitr• talitr• talitr• taljtalm• talm• talm• tals• tamar• tamar• 1 tamj• 1 tamj• 1 tamj• 1 tamj• 2 tamj• 2 tamj• 2 tamj• 2 tamj• 2 tamj• 2 tamj• 2 tamj• 2 tamj• tamn• tanas• tandl• tanek• tanek• tanek• tanek• tanek• tanek• 1 tanj• 1 tanj• tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) tagen thaer taira [A] tac(er) thass thass thass thass tax tax tax tax tax thalass thalatt talitr talitr talitr talitr talitr thalli thalam thalam thalam thalusi tamaris tamaris tami tami tami tami tamia tamia tamia tamia thami thami thami thami thamn than(at) tandulam [S] tan(aec) tan(aec) tan(aec) tanao tanao tanao taen(i) taen(i) system army group company (army) platoon regiment frying pan handle (lever) airplane soft(ness) assiduous diligent industrious lively arrange(ment) behavior conduct(ing) layout order (arrangement) sea sea clatter click flick flip pinch(ing) chemical element Tl chamber compartment room harvest(ing) ambrosia manna administer keep house manage organize abundant affluent/ce spend(thrift) squander abundant affluent/ce spend(thrift) squander bush death rice extensive long (distance) stretch(ing) extensive long (distance) stretch(ing) bond (tie) ribbon 2 tanj• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• tanttape• tape• tapn• tapn• taps• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 2 tapt• 2 tapt• 2 tapt• 2 tapt• tapus• 1 tarb• 1 tarb• 1 tarb• 1 tarb• 2 tarb• tard• tard• tarf• tarf• tark• tark• tark• tark• tark• taen taen tan(ys) tan(ys) tein tein ten ten titaen titaen tantali tape tape tapein tapein thapsin tabc tabc tabc tabc tabc tabesc tabesc tabesc tabesc tabesc tabet tabet tabet tabet tabet tabid tabid tabid tabid tabid tabet tabet thapt thapt tapus [Hb] tarb(al) tarb(al) tarb(al) tarb(al) tarp tard tard tarph(y) tarph(y) tarach tarach tarach tarass tarass extend(ing) spread extend(ing) spread extend(ing) spread extend(ing) spread extend(ing) spread chemical element Ta reduce shrink humility modest(y) yellow dissolve melt(ed) resolve solution solve dissolve melt(ed) resolve solution solve dissolve melt(ed) resolve solution solve dissolve melt(ed) resolve solution solve die perish(ed) die perish(ed) orange (fruit) fear(ful) fright(en) horror panic basket (etc) late slow(ly) compact(ness) density appall confuse(d) disconcert appall confuse(d) tark• tark• tark• tark• 1 tartš• 1 tartš• 2 tartš• tarx• tarx• tarx• tasj• 1 tasts• 1 tasts• 2 tasts• tasw• tatm• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tats• tats• tats• tats• tats• tats• tats• tats• tav• tawt• tawt• tawt• taxr• taxt• taxy• taxy• taxy• taxy• taxy• te• te• te• te• tebn• disconcert appall confuse(d) disconcert corn (provisions) salt(ed) mummy bury entomb inhume industry inclination like /ing sit salat taswir [A] camera tattaim [A] vaccinate /tion taeter bogey taeter bugaboo taeter monster taeter ogre taetr bogey taetr bugaboo taetr monster taetr ogre terat bogey terat bugaboo terat monster terat ogre teter bogey teter bugaboo teter monster teter ogre tass ascertain tass determine tass diagnose tass establish(ed) tatt ascertain tatt determine tatt diagnose tatt establish(ed) tas peacock (etc) taut equal taut identical taut same tachrim [Hb] lace (texture) tact touch tach(y) fast tach(y) hasty tach(y) quick(ly) tach(y) rapidity tach(y) urgent(ly) dio(s) divinity dio(s) God the(o) divinity the(o) God tebenn cloak tarass tarax tarax tarax tarich tarich tarich tarchon tarchon tarchon taasiah [Hb] tas tas thass 199 tebn• tebn• tefr• 1 tei• 2 tei• tejltejm• tejm• tejm• tejm• 1 tejr• 2 tejr• 2 tejr• 2 tejr• tejx• tejx• tejx• tejx• tejx• tejx• tejx• tejx• tejx• 1 tekt• 1 tekt• 1 tekt• 1 tekt• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• tektn• tekton• tekton• tekton• tekuf• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 200 tebenn tebenn tephr thei thei telluri them them them them ther ter ter ter teich teich teich tich tich tich toich toich toich tect(r) tect(r) toech toech tect tect tect tect tex tex tex tex tekton tecton tecton tecton tekufon [Hb] tel(e) tel(e) tel(e) tel(e) tel(e) tel(e) tel(e) tel(e) tels tels tels tels tels tels tels gown (ceremonial) robe (official) ash(es) yellow sulfur chemical element Te erect establish(ed) put(ting) set up summer(time) attentive notice (vb) remark(able) bulwark rampart wall bulwark rampart wall bulwark rampart wall cover(age) roof cover(age) roof cast (vb) fuse(d) melt(ed) mould (form) cast (vb) fuse(d) melt(ed) mould (form) carpenter build constitute construct(ion) magazine (review) aim (goal) destination end (finish) extremity goal intention limit (border) purpose aim (goal) destination end (finish) extremity goal intention limit (border) 1 tel• 2 tel• 2 tel• 1 tela• 1 tela• 1 tela• 2 tela• 2 tela• 1 tele• 1 tele• 1 tele• 1 tele• 1 tele• 2 tele• 2 tele• 2 tele• 2 tele• telg• telg• telg• telg• telg• telg• 1 telj• 2 telj• 2 telj• telm• telm• tels• telt• telt• telt• teltš• telur• telur• 1 tely• 1 tely• 1 tely• 1 tely• 2 tely• telz• telz• telz• teml• teml• teml• 1 temn• 1 temn• 1 temn• 2 temn• 2 temn• 2 temn• 2 temn• temt• 1 teng• tels thel thel tela tela tela tel tel tele tele tele tele tele atel atel tel tel thelct thelct thelg(etr) thelg(etr) thelx thelx thel thel thel thelm(at) thelm(at) teless teleut teleut teleut telchin tellur tellur theel theel thel(y) thel(y) thel(y) thelaz thelaz thelaz temulenc temulenc temulenc temn(i) temn(i) temn(i) temo temo temo temo tem(et) teges purpose prosperity success fabric (tissue) spun yarn weave /ing javelin lance (nn) away distance distant far off duty (tax) stamp (seal) duty (tax) stamp (seal) magic sorcery magic sorcery magic sorcery nipple (breast) membrane skin (animal) marsh (moor) moor (marsh) expire dead repose rest (repose) jealous(y) Earth planet female woman female woman wean milk(ing) nurse (suckle) suckle drugged drunken intoxicate(d) contempt despise scorn drive (apparatus) helm rudder steering-wheel (&) wine cover(ed) 1 teng• 1 teng• 1 teng• 1 teng• 1 teng• 2 teng• 2 teng• tensm• tensm• tensm• tensm• tenst• tenst• tenst• tenst• tenš• tentak• tentak• tentitš• tentitš• tentitš• tentitš• teny• teny• teny• tera• [GN] terbjterd • terd • terd • terd • tere• tere• tere• tere• tere• tere• terebr• terebr• terf• 1 terg• 2 terg• 2 terg• 1 terj• 1 terj• 2 terj• 2 terj• 2 terj• 2 terj• 2 terj• terl• terl• terl• terl• terl• terl• teges teges tegm(en) tegm(en) tegm(en) teges tegm(en) tenesm tenesm tenesm tenesm thnet thnet thnet thnet tenshi [J] tentac tentac tentigin tentigin tentigin tentigin tenu(i) tenu(i) tenu(i) tera terbi tergen tergen ters ters ter ter ter ter ter ter terebr terebr terph terg(al) tergen tergen ther ther teri teri teri teri teri tell tell tell tell terr(a) terr(a) protect shield(ed) cover(ed) protect shield(ed) net(work) net(work) spasm strain(ed) stress (tension) suspense ephemere fleeting mortal perishable angel feel grope ardent fervent libido rut considerate delicate sensitive number value 1012 chemical element Tb clean(ing) purify(ing) clean(ing) purify(ing) kind (of) manner sort (of) species variation way (manner) bore (through) perforate(d) scale (fish &) back(side) scourge (whip) whip (strap) animal beast (of prey) compartment hall locale place (locale) room bottom earth (ground) ground soil (earth) bottom earth (ground) terl• terl• 1 term• 1 term• 2 term• terna• [GN] terpterps• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• tersm• tersm• tersm• tersm• tertr• tertr• terts• [LN] tertsent• tery• tery• tesawr• tesel• tesel• tesm• tesm• tesm• tesp• tesp• tesr• tesr• tests• tests• tešk• tešk• tešk• tešk• tešk• tešk• tešk• tešt• tetan• tetan• tetan• tetan• tetiks• terr(a) terr(a) therm therm therm tri terp tenth tenth tenth tenth tenth tenth tenth terpsi terpsi terpsi terpsi terpsi terpsi terpsi therism therism therist therist teretr teretr terti #### thry(on) thry(on) thesaur tessel(l) tessel(l) tethm thesm thesm thesp(es) thesp(es) tesser tesser testu testu tesc tesc tesc tesc tesc tesc tesc test(a) tetan tetan tetan tetan tetix ground soil (earth) heat (temperature) warm(th) vegetable three chemical word stem amuse/ing gay happy jolly joy merry pleasure amuse/ing gay happy/ ness jolly joy merry pleasure harvest(ing) reap(ing) harvest(ing) reap(ing) drill (nn) perforator three one third cane rush (cane) wealth(y) rectangle square law(ful) law(ful) paradigm oracle prophet block cube can (box) pot ill-bred uncivilized uneducated unmannerly unrefined unruly wild shell (cover) tight(en) rigid(ly) spastic stiff chirp 201 tetiks• tetiks• tetiks• 1 tetj• 1 tetj• 1 tetj• 1 tetj• 2 tetj• 2 tetj• 2 tetj• 2 tetj• tetr• tetra• [GN] tetra• [GN] tetrate• [GN] tetrate• [GN] tetritš• tetritš• tetritš• tetritš• tetsis• tetsis• tetšn• tetšn• tewd• tewt• tewt• tewt• texntigl• tigl• tigl• tigl• tiks• tiks• tiks• tiks• 1 tikt• 1 tikt• 1 tikt• 2 tikt• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 2 tilm• 1 timj• 1 timj• 1 timj• 202 tetix tetix tetix thet(es) thet(es) thet(es) thet(es) teth(el) teth(el) teth(el) teth(el) tetra tetart tetra #### #### tetric tetric tetric tetric tethid tethis tecne tecne teudah [Hb] teud teut teut techneci tigill tigill tign tign thyg(m) tix tix tix tict tict tict tiktah [S] till till till till till tilm tilm tilm tilm tilm tilmas [A] timi timi timi creak(ing) grate (rasp) grind place(d) put(ting) situate station(ed) breed cultivate(d) grow (something) raise(d) cluck (etc) four four one fourth quarter (1/4) rigorous severe stern strict(ly) aunt aunt art esthetics document cephalopod cephalopod squid chemical element Tc beam (wood etc) girder beam (wood etc) girder itch itch tickle touch generate make /ing produce(d) bitter flay(ing) fleece(d) peel(ed) plume(d) skin(ned) flay(ing) fleece(d) peel(ed) plume(d) skin(ned) well (fountain) cost(ly) dear (costly) expensive 1 timj• 1 timj• 2 timj• 2 timj• 2 timj• 2 timj• timl• timl• timl• timl• timl• timr• timr• tinak• tinak• tinak• tinak• tinak• tinak• ting• ting• ting• tipf• tipf• tipf• tipf• tipts• tirb• tirb• tird• tird• tisn• tiš• [RN] tittitj• titj• titj• 1 titn• 1 titn• 1 titn• 1 titn• 2 titn• 2 titn• 2 titn• 2 titn• titub• titub• titub• titub• tityr• tixtixis• tjad• tjad• tjad• tjad• timi timi timi timi timi timi thymelic thymelic thymelic thymelic thymelic timor timor tinact tinact tinact tinagm tinagm tinagm ting ting ting tiph tiph tiph tiph tibi(cen) tirb tirb thrid thrid thysan tiysatsya titani titio titio titio titan titan titan titan tith(as) tith(as) tithen tithen titub titub titub titub tityr thio teicht thur thur thur thyas price valuable estimate evaluate rate (estimate) weigh cast (troupe) chorus staff (people) theater troupe assist help overthrow overturn upset overthrow overturn upset humid(ity) immerse(d) wet (moisten) go march(ing) marsh (moor) parade flute flow(ing) run (flow) lettuce salad fringe thousand chemical element Ti charcoal coal cokes chalk gypsum lime plaster tame(d) train(ing) tame(d) train(ing) stagger totter(ing) vacillate waver(ing) flute sulfur strengthen ardent fiery passion(ate) ardent tjad• tjad• tjas• tjas• tjas• 1 tjekn• 1 tjekn• 1 tjekn• 2 tjekn• 2 tjekn• 2 tjekn• 2 tjekn• 2 tjekn• tjel• tjel• tjel• tjen• tjen• tjen• tjen• tjer• tjer• tjer• tlad• tlad• 1 tlam• 1 tlam• 2 tlam• 2 tlam• 2 tlam• 2 tlam• 2 tlam• 2 tlam• tlast• tlast• tlast• tlast• tlast• tlast• tlips• tlips• tlips• tlips• tlips• tlips• tlips• tlips• tlom• tlom• tlom• tlom• tlom• tlom• tlom• tlom• tlom• thyas thyas thias(ot) thias(ot) thias(ot) techn techn techn tachn tachn tachn tachn tachn thyell thyell thyell then(ar) then(ar) thenal thenal thera [S] thera [S] thera [S] thlad thlad telam telam tlam(on) tlam(on) tlam(on) tlas tlas tlas thladi thladi thladi thlast thlast thlast thlips thlips thlips thlips thlyp thlyp thlyp thlyp thol(od) thol(od) thol(od) thol(od) thol(od) tholom tholom tholom tholom fiery passion(ate) cloister convent order (monks etc) means method procedure branch (department) craft (profession) job occupy /ation profession gale hurricane storm(y) palm (hand) sole (foot) palm (hand) sole (foot) disciple pupil student castrate (nn) eunuch belt strap patient(ly) permissive tolerant patient(ly) permissive tolerant bruise shatter(ed) smash(ed) bruise shatter(ed) smash(ed) crush dash (crush) pulverize(d) smash(ed) crush dash (crush) pulverize(d) smash(ed) filth(y) mud silt slime sludge mud silt slime sludge tmes• tmes• tmes• todž• tojl• tojl• tojm• tojm• tojm• tojm• tojm• tojm• tojm• tojm• tojm• tojm• tojm• tojm• tojn• tojr• tojr• tojr• tojs• 1 tok• 1 tok• 1 tok• 1 tok• 2 tok• toks• tokts• tolip• tolip• tolip• tolip• tolj• tolm• tolm• tolm• tolm• tolt• tolt• tolt• tolt• tolt• tom• tom• tom• tom• tom• tom• toms• tomt• tomt• tomt• top• top• tmeg tmes tmet tog(a) thol thol them them them them them them thom thom thom thom thom thom teunah [Hb] theor theor theor thoys toc toc toque toque tok tox tox(a) tolyp tolyp tolyp tolyp thol tolm(er) tolm(er) tolm(er) tolm(er) tolut tolut tolut tolut tolut tamn tamn tamn tom tom tom thomis toment toment toment top top cut(ting) cut(ting) cut(ting) roof dome vault crowd (bunch) heap (quantity) mass (heap) pile (stack) quantity stack(ed) crowd (bunch) heap (quantity) mass (heap) pile (stack) quantity stack(ed) accident contemplate meditate muse bark(ing) beget produce(d) beget produce(d) mother venom arrow ball (clew) clew packing (nn) wrapper punish(ing) brave(ly) courageous fearless undaunted pace pass(ed) step(ping) stride tread part (piece) piece slice (piece) part (piece) piece slice (piece) whip (strap) down (fluff) felt (fabric) fluff place (locale) space (room) 203 top• tor• tor• tor• tor• tor• 1 torb• 1 torb• 1 torb• 1 torb• 1 torb• 1 torb• 1 torb• 1 torb• 2 torb• 2 torb• 1 tored• 2 tored• 2 tored• 2 tored• torg• torj1 tork• 2 tork• torkl• 1 torm• 1 torm• 2 torm• 2 torm• torp• torp• torp• torp• torp• torsi• torsi• torsi• torsi• torsi• torsi• 1 torš• 1 torš• 2 torš• torv• torš• torš• torš• tosm• tosm• tosm• tosm• tot• tot• tot• tot• 204 top thor thor thor thor thor turb turb turb turb tyrb tyrb tyrb tyrb thoryb thoryb toret toreut toreut toreut torg thori torcul torqu(at) torcul torm torm torm(in) torm(in) torp(ed) torp(ed) torp(ed) torp(ed) torp(ed) torqu torqu torqu torsi torsi torsi ptorth ptorth toros torv torr(en) torr(en) torr(en) ptos(im) ptos(im) ptot ptot tot(i) tot(i) tot(i) tot(i) spot (place) grain granule kernel (nut) pip seed chaos disorder disturb perturb chaos disorder disturb(ance) perturb noise / noisy sound (noise) vulnerable carve chisel grave (vb) vulture chemical element Th press (pusher) necklace balance (nn) hub nave colic spasm languid lassitude lazy(ness) motionless slack turn(ing) twist wrap(ped) turn(ing) twist wrap(ped) shoot (twig) twig muscle menace burn fire heat (temperature) drop(ped) fall(en) drop(ped) fall(en) all every sum total(ly) tot• 1 totš• totš• totš• totš• totš• 2 totš• tov• toxs• trab• trab• trabe• trabe• trag• trag• trakts• trakts• trakts• 1 tramn• 1 tramn• 1 tramn• 2 tramn• 2 tramn• 2 tramn• tranj• tranj• tranj• tranj• trap• 1 trapf• 1 trapf• 1 trapf• 2 trapf• 2 trapf• 2 trapf• tras• tras• tras• tras• tras• tras• trast• trast• traš• traš• traš• traš• travl• travl• trawm• trawm• 1 traxl• 1 traxl• 1 traxl• 1 traxl• 1 traxl• tot(i) tothas tothas tothas tothas tothas tothas tho tox trab(s) trabal trabe(a) trabe(a) trag trag tract(u) tract(u) tract(u) teram(n) teram(n) teram(n) thran thran thran tran tran tran tran trapel traph(ec) traph(ec) traph(ec) traphec traphec traphec thar(sal) thar(sal) thar(sal) thrass thrass thrass thraust thraust thrass thrass thrass thrass traul(ism) traul(ism) traumat traumat trach(y) trach(y) trach(y) trach(y) trach(y) whole jeer laugh at ludicrous mock ridiculous luggage soon bow (shooting) beam (wood etc) beam (wood etc) cloak mantle buck (goat etc) male draw (pull) pull trail(ing) mild soft(ness) tender(ly) chair seat (chair) stool clear (adj) comprehensible plain(ly) understand(able) change scoop shovel spoon fence pale (stake) stake (pale) brave(ly) courageous fearless brave(ly) courageous fearless break(ing) shatter(ed) confuse(d) dishevel jostle tousle stammer stutter injury wound(ed) crude grate (rasp) hoarse rasp rough 2 traxl• tremn• tremn• tremt• tremt• trend• trend• trepk• trepk• trepk• trepk• treps• treps• treps• treps• treps• treps• treps• treps• 1 trer• 1 trer• 1 trer• 1 trer• 1 trer• 1 trer• 1 trer• 2 trer• tre • tre • 1 trest• 1 trest• 1 trest• 1 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• treš• trets• trets• 1 trex• 1 trex• 1 trex• 1 trex• 1 trex• 2 trex• 2 trex• 2 trex• 2 trex• 2 trex• trachel thremm thremm trem(at) trem(at) threnod threnod trebac trebac trebac trebac threps threps threps threps thrept thrept thrept thrept trer(on) trer(on) trer(on) trer(on) trer(on) trer(on) trer(on) trer teres teres tres tres tret tret treo treo treo tres tres tres tret tret tret teres tres tret trech trech trech trech trech threctic threctic threctic threctic trech neck baby infant hole perforation complain lament(able) cunning ruse stratagem trick(y) care feed nurse /ing provide for care feed nurse /ing provide for afraid bashful(ness) bashful(ness) coy(ness) shy timid(ity) timourous(ness) pigeon polish(ing) smoothen shiver(ing) tremble shiver(ing) tremble escape(d) flee(ing) run away escape(d) flee(ing) run away escape(d) flee(ing) run away flatten hole hole barren desert(ed) isolate(d) lifeless lone(ly) gallop(ing) race /ing run (speed) trot gallop(ing) 2 trex• 2 trex• 2 trex• trexn• trias• [GN] tribd• tribd• 1 tribl• 1 tribl• 1 tribl• 2 tribl• tribn• tribn• tribn• tribn• tribn• tribn• trikf• trikf• trikf• trints• trints• trints• trints• tript• tript• tris• tris• trit• [LN] 1 tritš• 1 tritš• 1 tritš• 1 tritš• 1 tritš• 1 tritš• 2 tritš• 2 tritš• 2 tritš• trivi• trivi• 1 trix• 1 trix• 1 trix• 1 trix• 1 trix• 1 trix• 2 trix• trixl• trixl• trixl• trixn• trjox• [RN] 1 trof• 2 trof• 2 trof• trech trech trech trechn tri(as) tribad tribad tribul tribul tribul trybli tribon tribon tribon trimm trimm trimm trico trico trico thrinc thrinc thring thring tripudi tripudi thriss thriss trit tero tero tero triti triti triti tric tric tric trivi trivi thrich(i) thrich(i) thrich(i) thrix thrix thrix trich(in) trichil trichil trichil trich(in) trioch troph troph troph race /ing run (speed) trot branch (ramification) third fornicate /ation homosexual card (wool etc) harrow scrape pan (frying) second-hand second-rate use(d) second-hand second-rate use(d) cavil at criticize quibble coping ridge (roof) coping ridge (roof) ballet dance clupeoid (etc) herring three regret(table) sorry (be) unfortunately regret(table) sorry (be) unfortunately creak(ing) grate (rasp) grind vernacular vulgar filament hair thread (fiber) filament hair thread (fiber) cotton bower harbour (bower) summerhouse brush three feed(er) develop grow 205 trogl• trogl• trokt• trokt• trokt• trokt• 1 tromb• 1 tromb• 1 tromb• 1 tromb• 1 tromb• 1 tromb• 2 tromb• 2 tromb• trong1 trop• 1 trop• 1 trop• 2 trop• 2 trop• 2 trop• 2 trop• 2 trop• 2 trop• 2 trop• tropftropt• tropt• tros• tros• tros• tros• tros• trosk• trots• trots• trots• trots• trox• trox• 1 troxl• 2 troxl• truš• trutn• 1 trutš• 1 trutš• 1 trutš• 1 trutš• 1 trutš• 1 trutš• 2 trutš• 2 trutš• truv• trux• trux• 206 trogl trogl troct troct trog trog thromb thromb thromb thromb thromb thromb thromb(id) thromb(id) threon trop(ae) trop(ae) trop(ae) trop trop trop trop trop trop trop trop trop(id) tropis toros toros toros toros toros throsc tros tros trot trot troch(al) troch(al) trochl trochl trus trutin trych(er) trych(er) trych(er) trychn trychn trychn truci truci thrau taarucha [Hb] taarucha [Hb] cave(rn) grotto gnaw nibble gnaw nibble ball (lump) chunk clot hunk lump tumor shiver(ing) tremble chemical word stem return swivel turn about character (nature) custom(ary) inclination manner tendency trend usage chemical word stem keel keel bump (lump) hump hunchback lump tuber jump injure /ious wound(ed) injure /ious wound(ed) disk wheel wind (air) turn(ing) push balance(d) rag scrap shred rag scrap shred holocaust massacre break(ing) exhibit(ion) exposition tri trib trib trib trib trib trib trib trybli trybli trient tryg tryg tryg tryg trygn• trygon tryhemi• [GN] try + hemi trux tryks• trux tryks• trux tryks• trux tryks• thryl trylm• thryl trylm• tryil trylm• tryil trylm• trysm trylm• trysm trylm• tryz trylm• tryz trylm• toryn tryn• trua tryn• otrynt trynt• otrynt trynt• otrynt trynt• trep tryp• trep tryp• trym tryp• trym tryp• tryp tryp• tryp tryp• tryph(er) trypf• tryphos trypf• 1 trips tryps• 1 trypt tryps• 2 tryps tryps• 2 tryps tryps• 2 tryps tryps• 2 trypt tryps• 2 trypt tryps• 2 trypt tryps• try(os) tryš• try(os) tryš• try(os) tryš• trys tryš• trys tryš• trys tryš• try• [GN] 1 tryb• 1 tryb• 1 tryb• 1 tryb• 2 tryb• 2 tryb• 2 tryb• trybl• trybl• tryent• [LN] tryg• tryg• tryg• tryg• three crush pound(ing) pulverize(d) rub gangway path walk (path) dish (plate) plate (dish) one third benefit gain harvest(ing) revenue pigeon one-and-a-half brutal impertinent impudent pert murmur whisper murmur whisper murmur whisper murmur whisper spoon spoon excite(d) incite nervous bore (through) perforate(d) bore perforate(d) bore perforate(d) delicate delicate mill(ing) mill(ing) demolish destroy separate(d) demolish destroy separate(d) drudge labour (hard) toil(ing) drudge labour (hard) toil(ing) tryte• [GN] tsajr• tsajr• tsajr• tsak• tsaks• tsaks• tsaks• tsaks• tsaks• tsaks• 1 tsalj• 1 tsalj• 2 tsalj• tsalp• tsalp• tsalp• tsalp• tsalp• tsalp• tsalp• tsalp• tsamb• tsamb• tsamb• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• #### cae caj seir thac cacc cacc cacc caco(d) caco(d) caco(d) thal(e)i thal(e)i tall thalp(or) thalp(or) thalp(or) thalp(or) thalyer thalyer thalyer thalyer thamb thamb thamb camp(al) camp(al) camp(al) camp(al) camp(al) camp(al) camp(im) camp(im) camp(im) camp(im) camp(im) camp(im) camp(s) camp(s) camp(s) camp(s) camp(s) camp(s) campil campil campil campil campil campil campyl campyl campyl campyl campyl campyl one third burn burn burn chair droppings dung faeces droppings dung faeces blossoming flower(ing) onion ardour heat (temperature) temperature warm(th) ardour heat (temperature) temperature warm(th) consternation fear(ful) fright(en) dangle meander oscillate /ing swing (oscillate) toggle /ing zigzag dangle meander oscillate /ing swing (oscillate) toggle ing zigzag dangle meander oscillate /ing swing (oscillate) toggle /ing zigzag dangle meander oscillate /ing swing (oscillate) toggle /ing zigzag dangle meander oscillate /ing swing (oscillate) toggle /ing zigzag 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 2 tsamp• 2 tsamp• 2 tsamp• 2 tsamp• 2 tsamp• 2 tsamp• tsanel• tsap• tsapr• tsapr• tsapr• tsapr• 1 tsaps• 1 tsaps• 2 tsaps• 2 tsaps• 2 tsaps• tsapyr• tsapyr• tsapyr• tsarp• tsastig• tsastig• tsastig• tsastig• tsastig• tsastr• tsatl• tsatl• tsatl• tsatl• tsav• tsawt• tsawt• tsawt• tseb• tseb• tsefal• tsefal• 1 tsek• 1 tsek• 1 tsek• 1 tsek• 2 tsek• 2 tsek• 2 tsek• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• camur camur camur camur camp camp camp kamp kamp kamp canell cap capr capr capr capr caps caps caps caps caps capyr capyr capyr carp castig castig castig castig castig castr catul catul catul catul tsavaron [Hb] caut caut caut ceb ceb cebl cephal caec caec coec coec caec caec caec thect thect thect thect thect dangle meander oscillate /ing zigzag caterpillar grub larva caterpillar grub larva cinnamon cradle boar (wild) pig pork swine capture(d) catch (get) eat(ing) engulf swallow fry roast(ed) toast(ing) wrist admonish blame(d) exhort reproach(able) tell off camp(ing) descendant offspring son young(ster) collar careful(ly) cautious prudent(ly) ape monkey head head blind(ness) invisible blind(ness) invisible darken hide/ ing obscure(d) egg on excite(d) incite instigate nervous 207 tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tselest• tselest• tselest• tselis• tselis• tselis• tselis• tselj• tselj• tselj• tsemg• 1 tsen• 1 tsen• 1 tsen• 1 tsen• 1 tsen• 1 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• tsend• tsend• tsend• tsend• tsend• tsend• tsend• tsend• tsenti• [LN] tsepr• tseps• tseras• tsere• tserjtsesi• tsesi• tsesi• tsest• 208 thect thect thect theg theg theg theg theg theg theg theg celest celest celest celid celid celis celis celi celi celi tsemeg [Hb] caen caen caen kain kain kain caen caen caen caen caen kain kain kain kain kain (s)cend (s)cend (s)cend (s)cend cens cens cens cens centi caepor ceps ceras cere cericaesi caesi caesi cest rouse set on stimulate egg on excite(d) incite instigate nervous rouse set on stimulate Eden heaven paradise spot (stain) stain (spot) spot (stain) stain (spot) instigate spur (on) urge on rubber devoid empty/ ness vacant /cy devoid empty/ ness vacant /cy fresh modern new novel recent(ly) fresh modern new novel recent(ly) advance (vb) go progress(ing) walk(ing) advance (vb) go progress(ing) walk(ing) hundredth garden head cherry(tree) candle(stick) chemical element Ce blue bright clear band tsest• tsest• tsest• tsest• tset• tseztsiantsibern• tsibern• tsibern• tsibern• tsibern• tsibern• tsibern• tsibern• tsid• tsid• tsid• tsikl• tsikl• tsikur• tsikur• tsikur• tsiml• tsin• tsin• tsinam• tsined• tsined• tsined• tsined• tsined• tsined• tsinifl• tsinifl• tsinyr• tsinyr• tsipt• 1 tsirj• 1 tsirj• 2 tsirj• 2 tsirj• tsisttsiš• tsiš• tsiš• tsiš• tsiš• tsiš• tsiš• tsitj• tsitj• tsitj• tsitr• tsitr• tsjar• cest cest cest cest c(a)et caesciancibernet cibernet cibernet cibernet cibernet cibernet cibernet cibernet (i)cid (i)cid (i)cid cycle cycle cicur cicur cicur cimel cin cin cinnam cinaed cinaed cinaed cinaed cinaed cinaed cinifl(o) cinifl(o) cinyr cinyr cipit cirr cirr cirr cirr cist thin thin thin this this this this cit cit cit citr citr cear belt strip (ribbon) tape (ribbon) zone whale chemical element Cs chemical word stem control (vb) direct (manage) govern guide (vb) lead(ing) manage rule (control) steer(ing) annihilate(d) exterminate kill(ing) ring (circle) wheel civilized disciplined tame(d) treasure displace move(ment) cinnamon fornicatious impure indecent lewd(ness) obscene unchaste /ity curl(ed) do hair groan moan take(n) curl (hair) fringe ginger yellow chemical word stem hill mound sandhill dune hill mound sandhill fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) citrus fruit lemon heart tsobl• tsobl• tsojn• tsojn• tsojn• tsojn• tsojn• tsojn• tsojn• tsojn• tsola• tsorj• tsorj• tsoron• tsukm• tsukm• tsukm• tsulk• tsulk• tsurm• tsurm• tsusi• tsut• tsyb• tsyf• tsyf• 1 tsym• 1 tsym• 1 tsym• 2 tsym• 2 tsym• 2 tsym• tsymb• tsymb• tsymb• tsyrt• tsyrt• tsyst• tsyst• tsyst• tsyt• tšajtr• tšalk• tšandz• tšanj• tšardi• tšene• tšene• tšent• [LN] tšer• tšer• tšer• tšer• tšerl• tšerl• tšern• cobal cobal coen coen coen coen xyn xyn xyn xyn col(a) corrh cors coron cucum(a) cucum(a) cucum(a) culcit culcit turm(a) turm(a) tsusi [S] cut(is) cyb cyph cyph cym cym cym thym thym thym cymb cymb cymb cyrt cyrt cyst cyst cyst cyt chaitrah [S] chalikah [Hb] chanzir [A] chanuyah [Hb] cardi ceneon ceneon centi cer cer cer cer coerule coerule chern(et) naughty /ness prank common(ly) general(ly) neuter neutral common(ly) general(ly) neuter neutral apartment temple (cheek) temple (cheek) crow boiler cauldron kettle mattress pillow squadron team (nn) flower skin head hump hunchback germ (nn) shoot (twig) sprout (twig) ghost soul spirit (ghost) boat canoe ship (boat) bend/bent curve(d) bladder blister bubble cell March blouse bacon park(ing) stomach flank side hundred balm cream polish (cream) wax (cream) blue purple deprive(d) tšern• tšern• tšern• tšers• tšers• tšert• tšert• tšert• tšert• tšert• tšerxl• tšerxl• tšerxl• tšerxl• tšet• tšet• tšet• tšetr• [RN] tšetšid• tš tšiner• tšiner• tšint• tšint• tšis• tšis• tšist• tšitšin• tšod• tšod• tšod• 1 tšol• 1 tšol• 1 tšol• 1 tšol• 2 tšol• 2 tšol• tšon• tšon• tšon• tšon• tšort• tšort• tšort• tšots• tšots• tšots• tšurs• tšurs• tšurs• tud• tud• tudikl• tudikl• tudikl• chern(et) chern(et) chern(et) chers chers cerrit cerrit cerrit cerrit cerrit cerchal cerchal cerchn(ei) cerchn(ei) chaet chaet chaet chetirij cecidi cecidi ciner ciner chinta [S] chinta [S] chinta [S] ciss kiss cist cicin ceod ceod ceod col(a) col(a) col(a) col(a) coll(i) coll(i) cio(n) kio(n) kio(n) kio(n) choret choret choret chott [A] chott [A] chott [A] curs curs curs tut(a) tut(a) tudicl tudicl tudicul indigent needy poor(ly) continent land (country) crazy foolish insane /ity mad(ness) nuts (adv) hoarse husky hoarse husky brush hair(do) mane four gall(nut) oak-apple ashy gray concerned uneasy worried ivy ivy trunk curl (hair) odour perfume smell (aroma) dwell lodge (live) reside /ing stay(ing) hill mount(ain) post (prop) column pillar post (prop) country(side) field(s) land (nature) grass-land meadow pasture gallop(ing) race /ing run (speed) certain sure crusher press (pusher) crusher 209 tudikl• tugr• tugr• tujt• tujt• tujt• tuljtumf• tumf• tumn• tumn• tumt• tumt• tumt• tumt• tuns• tuns• tuns• tupf• tupf• tupf• tupf• tups• tups• 1 turg• 2 turg• turj• turj• turj• turj• turš• tur 1 tux• 1 tux• 2 tux• 1 tyf• 1 tyf• 1 tyf• 1 tyf• 2 tyf• 2 tyf• 2 tyf• 2 tyf• 1 tyfl• 1 tyfl• 1 tyfl• 2 tyfl• tygatr• tygn• tyk• tyk• tyk• tyk• tyl• tyl• 210 tudicul tuguri tuguri tuit(a) tuit(a) tuit(a) tulli tum(efac) tumesc tymm tymm thaum(at) thaum(at) thaum(at) thaum(at) tuens tuens tuens tuph tuph typh typh tude typis turg(or) turgeman [Hb] thur thur thur thur tursi turi(on) turi(on) teuch teuch teuch typh typh typh typh typh typh typh typh typhl typhl typhl typhl thygater tygchan tych tych tych tych tyle tyle press (pusher) cabin shed (cabin) defend guard(ed) protect chemical element Tm swell(ing) swell(ing) beat(ing) strike marvel(ous) miracle prodigy wonder (miracle) glance look stare appall disconcert appall disconcert hammer hammer swell(ing) interpreter he-man macho male virile shuttle sprout (twig) twig book work (book) weapon(ry) fume (smoke) gas smoke vapor conceited pride proud(ly) vain(glorious) assemble bind (book) gather intestine daughter find chance destiny fate hazard(ous) cushion mattress tyl• tyl• tylak• tylak• tylt• tylt• tylt• tylt• tylt• tylt• 1 tym• 1 tym• 1 tym• 1 tym• 2 tym• tymj• tymj• tyml• tynk• tynt• 1 typ• 2 typ• typl• 1 typt• 1 typt• 2 typt• 2 typt• 1 tyr• 1 tyr• 1 tyr• 1 tyr• 1 tyr• 2 tyr• tyrd• tyrd• tyrd• 1 tyrs• 2 tyrs• tysm• tysn• 1 tyš• 1 tyš• 2 tyš• 2 tyš• 2 tyš• 2 tyš• 2 tyš• 2 tyš• 2 tyš• 2 tyš• 1 tyts• 1 tyts• 2 tyts• tyx• tyx• tyle tyle thylac thylac thyl thyl thyl tyl(l) tyl(l) tyl(l) thym thym thym thym thym thymia thymia thymel tygkhan tyntl(ast) typ typ typhl typ(e) typ(e) typot typot thyr(e) thyr(e) thyr(e) thyr(e) thyr(e) tyr ptyr(t) ptyr(t) ptyr(t) thyrs thyri(s) ptys(m) thysan thur thy(o) thyo thyo thyo thyo thysi thysi thysi thysi tytt(h) tytt(h) tytt(h) tych tych pillow upholstery bag pocket bulb callus corn (callus) bulb callus corn (callus) character (nature) emotion spunk temperament thyme odour perfume altar meet mud press (printing) represent blind(ness) sign signal model(led) mould (form) door flap panel shield (protection) valve cheese cowardice insipid(ity) shy(ness) bush window spit(tle) tassel incense incense offer(ing) rite ritual sacrifice offer(ing) rite ritual sacrifice small tiny young adventure event tyx• tyx• LEMMAS ubi• ubi• ubi• ubikw• ubikw• 1 udam• 2 udam• udj• udj• udj• udud• ugv• ugv• ugv• ugv• ugv• ugv• ugv• ugv• ulam• ulam• 1 ulgin• 1 ulgin• 2 ulgin• 2 ulgin• ulis• ulis• ulis• ultra• ultra• ultra• ultra• ultra• ultš• ultš• ultš• ultš• ultš• ultš• uluk• 1 umb• 1 umb• 1 umb• 1 umb• 2 umb• uned• uned• uned• ungl• upad• tych tych ETYMONS ob ob ob ubiqu ubiqu udam udamin ud(eo) ud(eo) ud(eo) ud ongu ongu ongu ongu ungu ungu ungu ungu ulam ulam ulig(in) ulig(in) ulig(in) ulig(in) ulis ulis ulis ultra ultra ultra ultra ultra ulc ulc ulc ulqu ulqu ulqu ulukah [S] omb omb umb umb umb(on) uned uned uned ung(ul) opad experience (event) happening MEANINGS above soar(ing) up(stairs) everywhere wherever no(ne) worthless earth (ground) ground soil (earth) threshold anoint(ed) lubricate smear(ed) spread anoint(ed) lubricate smear(ed) spread troop unit (troop) humid(ity) wet(ness) meadow pasture gums membrane mucous across beyond extreme(ly) overtransdraw (pull) pull trail (pull) draw (pull) pull trail(ing) owl (etc) button (push) lump button (push) lump shield (protection) arbutus raspberry (etc) strawberry hoof accompany upad• upad• upad• upaj• upan• upan• upar• upar• upar• upar• upim• upim• upl• upl• upr• uran• uran• uran• uran• ure• ure• 1 ured• 1 ured• 1 ured• 1 ured• 2 ured• 1 urign• 2 urign• 2 urign• urints• urints• urix• urix• urjurke• urke• urke• urke• urke• urke• usnustil• usx• uša• uša• uštra• uštra• utob• utob• utr• utr• utr• utr• utr• uv• 1 uvl• opad opad opad opae pan pan upaharah [S] upaharah [S] upaharah [S] upaharah [S] opim opim opil(io) opil(io) opor ouran ouran uran uran ure ure ured ured urens urens ured urigin urigin urigin urin(at) urin(at) arrhich urich urani orcul orcul orcul urce urce urce usn(e) ust(il) osch ushah [S] ushah [S] ushtrah [S] ushtrah [S] otob otob utr utr utr utr utr uv (o)ul consequence follow(ing) sequel open flare (torch) torch bid offer (bid) present(ed) propose(d) fertile fruitful herdsman shepherd summer(time) firmament heaven firmament heaven urinate urine burn (nn) scald(ing) burn (nn) scald(ing) coal rut erupt(ion) skin disease dive plunge basket (etc) basket (etc) chemical element U jar (pot) jug vase jar (pot) jug vase chemical word stem rust(ed) scrotum dawn(ing) daybreak camel dromedary loud(ness) noise / noisy container holder receptacle socket tube grape crimped 211 1 uvl• 1 uvl• 1 uvl• 1 uvl• 2 uvl• 2 uvl• 2 uvl• 2 uvl• 2 uvl• 2 uvl• uvr• uvr• uvr• LEMMAS vada• vada• vada• vafr• vafr• vafr• vafr• vafr• vafr• vafr• vafr• vafr• vafr• vajsax• vakr• vakr• vakts• valr• valt• valt• vamvanm• vans• vans• vans• vanx• varits• varits• varits• varits• varits• varits• varits• varits• varts• varts• 212 (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul ur ur ur ETYMONS vada [S] vada [S] vada [S] vafer vafr vafer vafer vafr vafr vafer vafer vafr vafr Vaisakhah [S] vacerr vacerr vacc valer valetud valetud vanadi vann vanesc vanesc vanesc vang var(ic) variol var(ic) variol var(ic) var(ic) variol variol varic varic curl(ed) frill ruche ruff(le) all complete(ly) detailed encompassing extensive full back(side) behind (rump) tail (end) MEANINGS inform(ation) instruct teach wily wily crafty cunning crafty cunning scheme /ing subtle scheme /ing subtle April chopping-block log (block) cow eagle well-being health chemical element V winnow vanish disappear fade hoe (etc) vesicle vesicle bleb bleb pimple pustule pimple pustule asunder disparate varts• varts• vastr• vastr• vastr• vatits• vatits• vatsar• vejd• vejd• vejd• vekr• vekr• vekr• vekr• vekr• vekr• vekr• vekr• vekr• vekr• veksl• veksl• veles• veles• veles• veles• veles• veles• veles• veles• veles• veles• velj• velj• velots• velots• velots• velots• vened• venj• venj• venr• venr• venst• venst• verbr• verbr• verdž• vargž varic varic vastram [S] vastram [S] vastram [S] vaticin vaticin vatsarah [S] vedd [S] vedd [S] vedd [S] vecord vecors vecord vecors vecord vecord vecord vecors vecors vecors vexill vexill veles velet veles veles veles veles velet velet veles velet vell vell veloc veloc veloc veloc venet veni veni ven(at) ven(at) venust venust verber verber valgus valgus disperse separate(d) cloth sheet tissue prophet soothsayer year wisdom know(ledge) know-how absurd absurd foolish foolish senseless silly stupid senseless silly stupid flag standard (flag) warrior warrior knight knight military militiaman military militiaman soldier soldier pluck(ing) tear off fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) speed(y) blue favour(able) grace chase hunt amiable lovable whip(ping) scourge (whip) deflect deviate va vargž rgž v vargž argž v vargž argž v vargž argž v vargž argž v vargž argž vargž vargž vargž vargž vered• 1 vern• 1 vern• 2 vern• vernak• verp• verp• vertitš• vertitš• vertitš• vertitš• verw• verw• verw• 1 verz• 1 verz• 2 verz• vesn• vesn• vesn• vesn• 1 vests• 1 vests• 1 vests• 1 vests• 1 vests• 2 vests• 2 vests• 2 vests• 2 vests• 2 vests• vetr• vetr• vetr• vetr• vetr• vetr• vetrin• vetrin• vetrin• valgus valgus var(us) var(us) var(us) var(us) verg verg verg verg vered vernan vernat vern vernacul verp verp vertic vertic vertic vertic veru veru veru vers(i) vers(i) verr vesan vesan vesan vesan vesc vesc vesc vesc vesc vesc vesc vesc vesc vesc veter(n) vetus veter(n) vetus veter(n) vetus veterin veterin veterin differ diverge deflect deviate differ diverge deflect deviate differ diverge horse spring(time) spring(time) slave (servant) native (indigenous) pecker (penis) penis whirl(ing) hinge swivel turning-point pin (stylus) prick(ing) sting (needle) change modify boar (tame) frenzy insane /ity mad(ness) mania dish (food) eat(ing) food meal supper emaciated gaunt lean (thin) skinny thin(ly) exexformer former late (former) late (former) cattle flock (herd) herd (group) vetrin• vex• vex• vex• vex• vexs• vexs• vexs• vexs• 1 viat• 1 viat• 1 viat• 1 viat• 1 viat• 1 viat• 2 viat• 2 viat• 2 viat• vibek• vibek• vibek• vibek• vide• vide• vigel• vigel• vigel• vigel• vihar• vihar• vihar• vikn• viks• viks• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• 1 vinl• 1 vinl• veterin veh veh veh veh vex(a) vex(a) vex(a) vex(a) viatic viator viatic viatic viator viator via via via vibex vibic vibex vibic viden video vigil vigil vigil vigil vihar [S] vihar [S] vihar [S] vican vix vix vict vict vict vinc vinc vinc vict vict vinc vinc vict vict vinc vinc vinnul vinnul stock (cattle) behavior conduct(ing) drive /ing steer(ing) affront insult offend /se outrage(ous) journey(ing) journey(ing) travel(ling) trip (journey) travel(ling) trip (journey) way (road) highway road(way) wound(ed) wound(ed) injury injury television television alert attentive awake keen apartment dwelling-place home village hardly scarce(ly) vanquish vanquish victory vanquish vanquish victory win win win win defeat (loss) defeat(ing) defeat (loss) defeat(ing) attract(ion) charm(ing) 213 2 vinl• 2 vinl• 2 vinl• viol• virgl• virgl• virgl• virgl• virgl• virgl• viri• viri• viri• viri• viri• viri• viri• viri• viri• viri• 1 virs• 1 virs• 2 virs• 2 virs• 2 virs• 2 virs• virtu• virtu• virtu• virul• virul• virul• višesn• višesn• višesn• višesn• višesn• vit• vitiš• vitiš• vitiš• vitj• vitj• 1 vitl• 2 vitl• 2 vitl• 2 vitl• vitsa• vitsa• vitsa• 214 vinolent vinolent vinolent viol virgat virgat virgat virgulat virgulat virgulat virios vis virios vis virios vis virios vis virios vis viros viros viros virus viros virus virt(u) virt(u) virt(u) virulent virulent virulent visheshena [S] visheshena [S] visheshena [S] visheshena [S] visheshena [S] viti vitios vitios vitios viti viti vitell vitil vitil vitil vitt(a) vitt(a) vitt(a) Bordeaux (color) deep-red red purple striation strip (ribbon) stripe striation strip (ribbon) stripe capacity capacity energy energy might (strength) might (strength) power (strength) power (strength) strength strength stench stink venom venom poison poison possibility principle theory virulent contagious infectious apart (rare) exceptional rare seldom special grape damag(ing) impair spoil(ed) vice naughty /ness yolk wreathe plait twine(d) band (tape) reel (strip) strip (ribbon) vitsa• vitsl• vitsl• vitšn• vjagr• vjen• vjen• vjen• vjen• vjes• vjes• vjes• vjes• vjes• vjes• vjes• vjes• vlat• vlat• vlat• vlat• vler• 1 vlukr• 1 vlukr• 2 vlukr• 2 vlukr• vlus• vola• voln• voln• volš• volš• volut• vomits• vomr• vor• vor• vor• vor• vor• vor• vors• vors• vosm• [RN] vrest• vrest• vrest• vrest• 1 vrus• 2 vrus• vitt(a) vitul vitul vicin vyaghrah [S] vien viet vien viet viesc viesc viet viet viesc viet viesc viet vallar vallat vallar vallat veller volucer volucr volucer volucr vallus vola vol(an) volat volsell volsell volut vomic vomer vor vor vor vor vor vor vers vors vosjem vir(ens) virec viresc virid virus virus tape (ribbon) cow heifer neighbour tiger knot(ted) knot(ted) node node wane wither wane wither droop droop fade fade bulwark bulwark rampart rampart wool(en) bird bird wing wing fence sole (foot) fly (vb) fly (vb) pincers tongs roll(ing) abscess ploughshare carouse glutton(y) gorge quaff stuff(ed) swill turn(ing) turn(ing) eight green green green green juice bitter 2 vrus• 1 vuls• 1 vuls• 2 vuls• vults• vults• vults• vults• vwan• virus vuls vuls vuls vult(u) vult(u) vult(u) vult(u) vuan LEMMAS ETYMONS witrwolfrwolfrwulk• wut• wut• wut• wut• LEMMAS xadr• xadr• xaen• xaen• xaen• xaen• xaen• xaen• xaen• xaen• xajr• xajr• xajr• xajr• xajr• xal• xal• xal• xal• xal• xal• xaladz• xalb• xalep• xalep• xalep• xalep• xalep• xalits• xalits• xalits• xalits• #### tungsten wolfr oullaiq [A] outo outo outo outo ETYMONS hadr(yn) hadr(yn) chaen chaen hian hian hiasc hiasc hiat hiat chaer chaer chaer chaer chaer chal chal chalar chalar chalast chalast chalaz galb [A] chalep chalep chalep chalep chalep calcar calcin calco chalic sour break away tear off bald expression (look) face (nn) look (expression) mien ventilator MEANINGS chemical word stem chemical element W chemical element W blueberry according to so such thus MEANINGS mature /ity ripe gape/ ing yawn(ing) gape/ ing yawn(ing) gape/ ing yawn(ing) gape/ ing yawn(ing) fortunate happy/ ness joy pleasure rejoice leave (let) let leave (let) let leave (let) let hail (ice) heart disgusting malicious perverse shame(ful) snare (malice) lime lime lime lime xalits• xalits• xalits• xalits• 1 xalj• 2 xalj• 2 xalj• 1 xalk• 1 xalk• 2 xalk• xalt• xalt• xalt• xalt• xame• xame• xame• 1 xar• 1 xar• 2 xar• 2 xar• xaradr• xaradr• xaradr• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• 2 xarak• 2 xarak• 2 xarak• xarn• xart• xart• xart• xartats• xaru• xaru• xasa• xasm• xasm• xasm• xasm• xasm• xasm• xedrop• xedrop• 1 xeim• 2 xeim• xekt• xekt• calcar calcin calco chalic hali halia halia chalc chalc chalc halit halit halit halit chamae chamae chamae char char ghar [A] ghar [A] charadr charadr charadr charac herco charac herco charac herco charac herco charac charac charac charin cart cart cart chartac haru haru hasah [S] chasm chasm chasm chasm chasm chasm chedrop chedrop cheim(at) cheim(at) hecat hecat mortar (building) mortar (building) mortar (building) mortar (building) abundant boat ship (boat) metal ore forge/ ing fog mist steam vapor earth (ground) ground soil (earth) benevolence grace cave(rn) grotto abyss canyon ravine barrier barrier corral corral enclosure enclosure fence fence engrave scratch scrub(bing) thank(s) layout map plan paper inner internal laugh(ing) abyss breach canyon crack (split) fissure split(ting) husk pod frost winter distant far 215 1 xel• 1 xel• 2 xel• 2 xel• xeld• xely• xely• xely• xely• xely• xely• xelys• xelys• xelys• xelys• xem• xem• xem• 1 xen• 1 xen• 2 xen• xenits• xenits• xenits• xer• xer• xerm• xerm• xers• 1 xers• 1 xers• 1 xers• xežb• xežb• xidr• xidr• xidr• xidr• xidr• xidr• 1 xil• 2 xil• 2 xil• 2 xil• 2 xil• xili• [GN] xion• xir• xit• xit• xit• xlamyd• xlamyd• xlamyd• xlast• xlast• 216 claw talon pincers pinch(ing) swallow (bird) carapace crust carapace crust shell (cover) shell (cover) tortoise turtle tortoise turtle material matter (substance) substance duck (fowl) goose just (now) handicap(ped) hindrance obstacle widow(er) orphan rock (stone) stone desert isolation loneliness waste(land) cheschbon [Hb] bill (invoice) cheschbon [Hb] invoice hidrys establish(ed) hidryt establish(ed) hidrys found(ation) hidryt found(ation) hidrys institute(d) hidryt institute(d) chil lip chil border (rim) chil edge chil hem chil ridge (brim) chilio thousand chion snow chir hand (nn) chit(on) carapace chit(on) shell (cover) chit(on) tunic chlamyd cloak chlamyd coat (mantle) chlamyd mantle chalasm elastic chalast elastic chel chely chely chely chelid cheli cheli chely chely cheli chely chelon chelon chelyd chelyd chem(o) chem(o) chem(o) chen chen hen choenic choenic choenic cher cher cherm cherm chers chers chers chers xlast• xlast• xlast• xlast• xled• xled• xled• xled• xled• xled• xled• 1 xlen• 2 xlen• 2 xlen• 2 xlen• 1 xler• 1 xler• 1 xler• 1 xler• 2 xler• 2 xler• 2 xler• 2 xler• xlid• xlid• xlid• xlid• xlin• xlin• xlin• xlint• xlint• 1 xloj• 1 xloj• 1 xloj• 1 xloj• 2 xloj• 2 xloj• xlom• xlom• xlom• xlomt• xlont• 1 xlor• 1 xlor• 2 xlor• xlyb• xmart• xmart• xnam• xnam• xnam• xnam• xnam• xnam• chalasm chalasm chalast chalast chled chled chled chled chled chled chled glen chlaen chlaen chlaen cler cler cler cler cler cler cler cler chlid chlid chlid chlid clin clin clin clin clin chloe chloe chloe chloe chloe chloe chelom(at) chelom(at) chelom(at) chelom(at) clont chlor chlor chlor chalyb hamart hamart chnaum chnaur chnaum chnaur chnaum chnaum pliable pliant pliable pliant left-over relic remainder remains remnant rest (remainder) ruin (remains) star clothing garment mantle chance hazard(ous) luck probability duty (obligation) function office (function) post (function) imposing luxury pomp solemn where(abouts) direction position disposition inclination foliage herb leaves vegetable impulse instinct bifurcation splicing split(ting) fork fruit green pale(ness) fresh steel error mistake dainty dainty goodies goodies sweets sweets xnam• xnam• xnam• xnam• xojnits• xojnits• xojnits• xojnits• xojnits• xojr• xojr• 1 xol• 1 xol• 2 xol• 2 xol• xom• xom• xom• xom• xoma• xoma• xoma• xoma• xoma• xoma• xomr• xomr• xomr• xomr• 1 xondr• 2 xondr• 2 xondr• xorj• xorj• xorj• xorj• xort• xort• xran• xran• xran• xran• xran• xran• xran• xran• xran• xran• xran• xran• 1 xremat• 1 xremat• 1 xremat• 2 xremat• 2 xremat• 2 xremat• chnaur chnaur chnaum chnaur choenic choenic choenic choenic choenic choer choer chol chol chol chol hom(o) hom(o) hom(o) hom(o) choma choma choma choma choma choma homor homor homor homor chondr chondr chondr chori chori chori chori chort chort rhaen rhaen rhant rhant rhaen rhant rhaen rhaen rhaen rhant rhant rhant chremat chremat chremat chremat chremat chremat sweets sweets tidbit tidbit amount measure(ment) portion quantity ration (measure) pork swine gall venom lame paralyze(d) equal resembling same similar(ly) wharf breakwater dike embankment landing-stage mole (wharf) close(by) near(by) neighbouring next (to) cartilage grain granule fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) leather grass hay water(ed) wet (moisten) water(ed) wet (moisten) irrigate irrigate spray sprinkle squirt spray sprinkle squirt bazaar fair (nn) market abundant affluent/ce comfort xremat• xres• xrest• xrest• xrest• xrest• xrest• xret• xri• xri• xri• 1 xrin• 1 xrin• 2 xrin• xrism• xrism• xrism• xromxromn• xromn• xromn• xromn• xromn• xromn• xron• xron• xron• xron• xron• xros• xros• xrov• xrys• xtes• xtes• xtes• xtes• xton• xton• xun• xuzm• xy• xy• xyd• xyd• xym• xym• xym• xym• xys• xytr• xytr• xytr• xytr• xwan• 2 chremat rhes chrest chrest chrest chrest chrest rhet cri cri cri rhin rhin crin chrisma chrisma chrisma chromo chrom(at) chrom(at) chrom(at) chro(n) chro(n) chro(n) chron chron chron chron chron chros chros chro chrys chtes chtiz chtes chtiz chthon chthon chaun chouzama [A] hyo(s) hyo(s) hydat hydat chyl chym chyl chym chys chytr chytr chytr chytr choan fortune (good) name worthy bonus merit(orious) premium prize resin ram (sheep etc) sheep tup file (rasp) rasp hair (head of) balm balsam ointment chemical element Cr colour paint(ed) pigment colour paint(ed) pigment age (timelapse) epoch era lifetime time flesh meat surface gold(en) yesterday yesterday past (time) past (time) earth (ground) land (field) light (weight) tulip pork swine ampoule flask fluid (nn) fluid (nn) juice juice melt(ed) can (box) jar (pot) jug pot funnel 217 LEMMAS ymyper• yper• yper• ysm• ytryts- LEMMAS zabr• zabr• zabr• zabr• zajs• zale• zale• zale• zale• zamj• zamj• zamr• zankl• zankl• 1 ze• 2 ze• zegm• zegm• zetes• zetes• zetes• zetes• zinkzirk1 zit• 2 zit• zo• zod• zod• zod• zod• zod• zod• zof• zofr• zogr• zogr• zoms• 218 ETYMONS ### yper yper yper hysm(at) yttri ytterbi ETYMONS zabr zabr zabr zabr zaith [Hb] zal(e) zal(e) zal(e) zal(e) zami zemi zammar zancl zancl ze(st) zea zeuct zeugm(at) zetes zetes zetet zetet zinc zirconi sit sit zo(on) ozod ozod ozod ozot ozot ozot soph(od) zoph(er) zogr zogr zom MEANINGS chemical word stem profitable serviceable useful(ness) rain(fall) chemical element Y chemical element Yb MEANINGS carouse quaff swallow swill olive surge swell tide wave lose/ing lose/ing singer scythe (etc) sickle (etc.) boil(ed) maize bind bind look for search look for search chemical element Zn chemical element Zr grain eat(ing) animal joint knot (node) node joint knot (node) node educate(d) dark(ness) capture(d) catch (get) grill(ed) zoms• 1 zomt• 1 zomt• 2 zomt• zora• zora• zostr• zostr• zuks• zuks• zuks• zuks• zuks• zyg• zyg• zyg• zyg• zyg• zyg• zyg• zyg• zyg• zygn• zym• zyts• LEMMAS žanu• žat• žat• žat• žest• žokl• žokl• žokl• žokl• žokl• žokl• žug• žug• žuv• žuv• zom zom zom zom(at) zor(a) zor(a) zoster zoster zyx zyx zyx zyx zyx zeuct zeuct zeuct zeuct zeuct zeuct zeuct zeug(l) zyg zygaen zym zyth ETYMONS janu zhati [S] zhati [S] zhati [S] Jyesthah [S] jocos jocos jocos jocul jocul jocul jug jug juv juv roast(ed) broth soup skirt (dress) clean (pure) pure belt girdle binder cement glue junction link (connection) combine connect(ion) join(ed) link(ed) string together tie (knot) yoke yoke yoke hammer ferment(ing) beer MEANINGS gate(way) beget birth generate May amuse/ing comic(al) entertain(ing) amuse/ing comic(al) entertain(ing) couple pair assist help 9.2 ETYMON a a Etymons – Lemmas - Meanings LEMMA ae• ae• MEANING depreaved of not a a a(e)v a(e)v ae• ae• ajv• ajv• unwithout epoch era 219 a(e)v a(n) a(n) a(n) a(n) a(n) a(n) ab ab ab ab abac abac abact abact abact abelter abelter abelter abelter abhi [S] abhi [S] abhi [S] abit abit ablu(t) ablu(t) abrot1 abrot abrot abrot2 abs ac(on) ac(on) ac(on) acalyph acanth acanth acanth acanth acanth acanth ace acer acer acer acerv acerv acerv aces(m) aces(m) acest acest acetat 220 ajv• an• an• an• an• an• an• abu• abu• abu• abu• abats• abats• abakt• abakt• abakt• abakt• abelt• abelt• abelt• abelt• abhi• abhi• abhi• abit• abit• ablut• ablut• abrot• abrot• abrot• abrot• abrot• aps+ akon• akon• akon• akal• 1 akant• 1 akant• 2 akant• 2 akant• 2 akant• 2 akant• atseatšer• atšer• atšer• akerv• akerv• akerv• atses• atses• atses• atses• atset- time absent fail(ing) lack(ing) not unwithout away from coming from from since dust powder do away discard exile remove comic(al) foolish idiotic silly eminent noble(man) superior go away leave (go) clean(ing) wash(ing) beautiful magnificent splendid eternal immortal absolute value cure (therapy) medicament medicine nettle sting (needle) thorn(y) brush (vb) rub scrape sweep chemical word stem bobbin cylinder shuttle group (bunch) horde mass (heap) cure(d) restore(d) cure(d) restore(d) chemical word stem achaen achaen achaen achn achn achn achne acho acho achonta achor achor achor achoranit [Hb] achot [Hb] achraq [A] achter achter achter achter achter achter achthin achthin achyr achyr aci(d) aci(d) aci(d) aci(d) acid acid acid acin acin acin acin aclis acmee acmon acnest acnest aco aco aco aco acoet acol acol acol acolyt acos acos acos acr axen• axen• axen• ašn• ašn• atšn• axn• akx• akx• axonta• axor• axor• axor• atšran• axot• axrak• 1 axt• 1 axt• 1 axt• 1 axt• 2 axt• 2 axt• 2 axt• 2 axt• axyr• axyr• 1 aky• 1 aky• 1 aky• 1 aky• 2 aky• 2 aky• 2 aky• atsin• atsin• atsin• atsin• aklys• akm• akmon• aknest• aknest• ak• ak• atsw• atsw• akot• akl• akl• akl• aklut• akon• akon• akon• 1 axr• deer ruminant (animal) stag down (fluff) fluff chaff ear (of corn) ear hear(ing) ten(fold) [GN] mucus phlegm viscosity backward nurse (woman) noodles cargo charge (weight) heavy load afflict(ion) distress afflict(ion) distress chaff straw needle peg pin (stylus) quill acute point(ed) sharp bunch cluster grape raisin lance top anvil backbone spine dart javelin means remedy husband bit particle piece accompany cure (therapy) medicament medicine altitude acr acr acr acr acr act act actin actin actin actin actin actin actin actin actini acu(le) acu(le) acu(le) acu(le) acu(le) acu(le) acu(le) ad ad adaet adaet adamas adama(s)t adama(s)t adee(n) adelph adelph adelph aden adin adin adip adip adip admet ado adol adol adox adox adr adr adr adr adrichal [Hb] adya [S] adya [S] adya [S] adya [S] aechme 1 axr• 1 axr• 1 axr• 2 axr• 2 axr• atšt• atšt• 1 aktin• 1 aktin• 1 aktin• 1 aktin• 1 aktin• 1 aktin• 2 aktin• 2 aktin• aštakule• akule• akule• akule• akule• akule• akule• adi• adi• adet• adet• admant• admat• admat• adn• adelf• adelf• adelf• aden• adin• adin• adip• adip• adip• admet• adw• adol• adol• adok• adok• adr• adr• adr• adr• adrix• adja• adja• adja• adja• ajxm• culmination end (finish) extremity cut(ting) sharp food nourishment bright brilliant luminous radiant ray shine /ing needle pin (stylus) chemical element Ac ardent poignant prick(ing) sarcastic sharp spinous thorn(y) to towards ignore neglect diamond savage(ly) wild sufficient(ly) parent(s) relation (kin) relative (kin) gland (anat.) compact(ness) dense fat (grease) grease tallow virgin(al) sing honest sincere modest(y) simple /ly bold fat (grease) stout thick architect current (time) now(adays) present (time) topical arrow(point) aechme aeci aeci aed aedem(on) aedem(on) aedem(on) aedem(on) aedem(on) aedem(on) aedem(on) aedem(on) aedoe aedoe aeg aeg aegi aegi aegi aegi aegilop aegilop aegilop aegilop aeidi aeidi aelin aelin aelin aelur aelur aem(at) aem(at) aem(at) aem(at) aemid aemid aen aen aen aen aen(e) aen(o) aen(o) aeor aeor aepol aepol aepy aepy aepy aepy aepy aepy aepy ajxm• aetš• aetš• adw• edem• edem• edem• edem• edem• edem• edem• edem• edu• edu• 1 aig• 1 aig• 2 aig• 2 aig• 2 aig• ajgi• aglop• aglop• aglop• aglop• ajdi• ajdi• elin• elin• elin• ailur• ailur• 1 ajmid• 1 ajmid• 2 ajmid• 2 ajmid• 1 ajmid• 1 ajmid• 1 aen• 1 aen• 1 aen• 1 aen• 2 aen• hajn• hajn• ajr• ajr• epol• epol• 1 ajpy• 1 ajpy• 2 ajpy• 2 ajpy• 2 ajpy• 2 ajpy• 2 ajpy• spear(point) insult offend /se sing bashful(ness) chaste /ity coy(ness) modest(y) pure (morally) shame(ful) shy timid(ity) genital organ sex organ billy goat goat protect screen(ed) shelter(ed) coat-of-arms boil (nn) fistula sore ulcer cripple(d) disabled complain groan moan cat feline breathe respire /ation blow up swell(ing) breathe respire /ation brass bronze copper ore trumpet (etc.) terrify(ing) terror(ize) hang (up) hook up flock (herd) herd (group) abrupt(ly) sudden(ly) incline(d) perpendicular sheer slope (cliff) steep 221 aequ aequor aequor aequor aequor aequor aer aer aer aer aer aeres aeres aeres aeres aeres aers(i) aers(i) aers(i) aert aert aert aerumn aerumn aerumn aerumn aeschr aeschr aeschr aeschr aeschr aeschr aeschyn aeschyn aeschyn aescn aescn aescn aescn aescn aescn aesi aesi aesi aesi aesi aest aest aest aest aest aest aest aesthe aesthe 222 eky• 1 ekwor• 1 ekwor• 1 ekwor• 2 ekwor• 2 ekwor• 1 aer• 2 aer• 2 aer• 2 aer• 2 aer• 1 eres• 1 eres• 1 eres• 1 eres• 1 eres• erš• erš• erš• erš• erš• erš• erumn• erumn• erumn• erumn• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ajsxyn• ajsxyn• ajsxyn• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsxr• ejsi• ejsi• ejsi• ejsi• ejsi• 1 aest• 1 aest• 1 aest• 1 aest• 1 aest• 2 aest• ejst• estez• estez• equal lamb ocean sea area surface air brass bronze copper ore convenient excellent fine (nice) good well (good) hoist lift(ed) raise(d) hoist lift(ed) raise(d) drudge labour(ing) slave (toil) toil(ing) dirty (morally) disgraceful ignominious infamous outrage(ous) shame(ful) bashful(ness) modest(y) shame(ful) dirty (morally) disgraceful ignominious infamous outrage(ous) shame(ful) advantage(ous) convenient favour(able) handy opportune ardent burn flame heat (temperature) hot surf summer(time) feeling perception aesthe aet aeth aethal aethal aethal aethe aeti ag(o) ag(o) aga aga aga aga aga [S] aga [S] aga [S] aga [S] agalm agalm agan agan agan agap agap agap agap agath agath agath agath agath agees agees agees agees agel agel agel agel agel agel agla agla agla agla agla agm agm agm agm agm agn agn agn agn estez• 2 aet• etjajtal• ajtal• ajtal• ajte• 2 hetj• agv• agv• aga• aga• aga• aga• haga• haga• haga• haga• agalm• agalm• agan• agan• agan• agap• agap• agap• agap• 1 agast• 1 agast• 1 agast• 2 agast• 2 agast• ages• ages• ages• ages• agel• agel• agel• agel• agel• agel• aglaj• aglaj• aglaj• aglaj• aglaj• agm• agm• agm• agm• agm• 1 agn• 1 agn• 1 agn• 1 agn• sense eagle chemical word stem coal smoke soot dry(ing) straw condition(ed) fare (vb) admirable eminent grand great admirable eminent grand great gem jewel charm(ing) lure please(d) charity inclined to love sympathy delight enjoy pleasure ball (clew) clew break(ing) destroy shatter(ed) smash(ed) flock (herd) group (bunch) herd (group) kin people suite brilliant great magnificent marvel(ous) splendid degree gradient incline(d) slope (cliff) steep clean (pure) clear flawless pure agn(in) agog agog agog agog agog agog agog agog agog agon agon agon agon agon agor(a) agor(a) agor(a) agor(a) agor(a) agost agost agr(em) agr(em) agr(em) agr(em) agra agra agren agren agren agren agri agri agri agro agro agro agro agrobot agrost(id) agrost(id) agrost(id) agyrt agyrt ahinsa [S] ahinsa [S] ahinsa [S] ai ai ai ai ai aichm aichm aicter 2 agn• agog• agog• agog• agog• agog• angog• angog• angog• angog• agon• agon• agon• agon• agon• agor• agor• agor• agor• agor• agost• agost• agrem• agrem• agrem• agrem• agra• agra• agrem• agrem• agrem• agrem• 2 agr• 2 agr• 2 agr• 1 agr• 1 agr• 1 agr• 1 agr• agrob• agrost• agrost• agrost• agyrt• agyrt• ahins• ahins• ahins• aji• aji• aji• aji• aji• ajxm• ajxm• akter• lamb conductor guide (nn) leader teacher tutor behavior conduct(ing) guide (vb) lead(ing) battle clash fight(ing) struggle /ing wrestle locale market piazza place (locale) square palm (hand) sole (foot) catch (nn) snare (trap) springe (trap) trap (tool) capture (nn) prey (victim) catch (nn) snare (trap) springe (trap) trap (tool) impetuous intens(iv)e wild area field(s) region territory shepherd cereal herb plant (herb) beg (charity) plead gentle mild tender(ly) always continuous eternal forever permanent arrow(point) spear(point) aggress(ion) aicter aidl aidl aidl aim aim aim aioll aioll aioll aioll aireses aithr aithr aithr aiti aiti aiti aiti aklyd al al al al-zuhr [A] alan alb alb alb albumen albumen alce alce alce alco alector alector alector alees alees alees alees alees alem(at) alem(at) alem(at) alem(at) alesm(at) alesm(at) alesm(at) alet(r) alet(r) alet(r) alet(r) alet(r) aleth aleth akter• 2 ajol• 2 ajol• 2 ajol• hajm• hajm• hajm• 1 ajol• 1 ajol• 1 ajol• 1 ajol• 2 eres• ajtr• ajtr• ajtr• ajti• ajti• ajti• ajti• aklys• alal• alal• alal• alzur• alanalb• alb• alb• album• album• alts• alts• alts• alkalektr• alektr• alektr• ales• ales• ales• ales• ales• alemt• alemt• alemt• alemt• alesm• alesm• alesm• aletr• aletr• aletr• aletr• aletr• alet• alet• attack massive prolific swarm(ing) bravery courage hero(ism) alert brisk energy impetuous split(ting) calm quiet(ly) tranquil(ity) cause (nn) motive pretext why lance dial (nn) disk saucer afternoon chemical word stem blonde pure white glair protein obstinate resistant strong chemical word stem chicken hen rooster ardent boiling burning heat(ed) hot rover tramp vagabond wanderer fodder food nutrition chew grind mash(ed) mince ruminate reality truth(ful) 223 aleur aleur alex alex alex algi(a) algi(a) algi(a) algi(a) algi(a) algi(a) algi(a) ali ali alien alien alien alien alien alien alieus alieus alieus alieus alieut alieut alieut alieut alimm(at) alimm(at) alimm(at) alimm(at) alind aliph(at) aliter aliter aliter aliter aliter aliter aliter alkan all all all all all all all all all all allant allax allax allax 224 alevr• alevr• aleks• aleks• aleks• aldž• aldž• algi• algi• algi• algi• algi• alž• alž• aljen• aljen• aljen• aljen• aljen• aljen• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• alim• alim• alim• alim• alind• alif• alitr• alitr• alitr• alitr• alitr• alitr• alitr• alxalits• 1 alj• 1 alj• 1 alj• 2 alj• 2 alj• 2 alj• 2 alj• 2 alj• 2 alj• alant• alaks• alaks• alaks• flour powder defend protect push away cold frost disturb(ance) impediment inconvenience pain trouble (pain) retire(d) retreat(ed) crazy foolish insane /ity mad(ness) nuts (adv) silly fisherman mariner sailor seaman fisherman mariner sailor seaman balm balsam ointment unguent roll(ing) fat(ty) crime culpability fault(y) guilt(y) misdeed misdemeanour sin chemical word stem other another different else moreover nevertheless still (adv) yet besides however sausage change interchange swap allax allax allel allel allex allex allic allic allotri allotri allotri allotri alo alo alo aloc aloc aloc aloc aloc aloc aloch aloch aloch aloch aloch alopec alops als als als alth(ae) alth(ae) alth(ae) alth(ae) alum(in) alyte alyte alyte am amar amar amartem amartem amartem amartem amartem amartem amartem amaur amaur amaur amaur amaur amaur amax alaks• alaks• alel• alel• alits• alits• alits• alits• alotr• alotr• alotr• alotr• alov• alov• alov• awlak• awlak• awlak• awlak• awlak• awlak• alox• alox• alox• alox• alox• alpek• alop• als• als• als• altse• altse• altse• altse• almalyt• alyt• alyt• amhamar• hamar• amart• amart• amart• amart• amart• amart• amart• amavr• amavr• amur• amur• amur• amur• amaks• switch (change) transform mutual reciprocal thumb toe (big) thumb toe (big) exotic foreign outlandish strange area surface terrain camp(ing) fold furrow split(ting) tent wrinkle (furrow) lake madam spouse wife woman fox blind(ness) bush copse grove cure(d) heal repair restore(d) chemical element Al examine explore inspect chemical word stem canal channel crime culpability fault(y) guilt(y) misdeed misdemeanour sin dark obscure /ity confusion insecurity uncertain(ty) unclear because (of) amax amax amb(it) amb(it) amb(it) amb(it) amb(it) ambat ambat ambat ambat ambat ambed ambed ambes ambes ambi ambi ambi ambi ambly ambly ambly ambly ambly ambly ambly ambly ambon ambon ambon ambon ambula ambula ambula ambula amby(c) amby(c) amby(c) amby(c) amby(c) amby(c) amby(c) ame ame ame americi amm amm amni amni amni amolg amorb amorb amaks• amaks• ambit• ambit• ambit• ambit• ambit• ambat• ambat• ambat• ambat• ambat• ambed• ambed• ambed• ambed• 1 amfi• 1 amfi• 1 amfi• 1 amfi• 1 ambly• 1 ambly• 1 ambly• 1 ambly• 2 ambly• 2 ambly• 2 ambly• 2 ambly• ambit• ambit• ambit• ambit• ambit• ambul• ambul• ambul• ambul• amby• amby• amby• amby• amby• amby• ame• ame• ame• amr1 amn• 1 amn• 2 amn• amnj• amnj• mulg• amorb• amorb• for (conj) since bank border (rim) edge rim shore ascend climb go up mount(ed) rise (stand up) gnaw nibble gnaw nibble about around round surrounding blunt dull obtuse vague(ly) delicate feeble(ness) slender weak(ness) bank border (rim) edge rim shore journey(ing) roam(ing) travel(ling) wander can (box) jug mug pitcher (recipient) pot tankard pick-ax shovel spade chemical element Am dust sand lamb river stream (river) milk (nn) companion(ship) mate (companion) amorb amped amped amped amped amped ampel ampel amphi amphi amphi amphi ampho ampho amych amych amyct amyct amyn amyn amyn amyn amyn amyn amyn an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) an(a) anabath anabath anabath anact anact anact anact ananc ananc ananc ananc ananc anap(e)ir anap(e)ir anap(e)ir anap(e)ir amorb• amped• amped• amped• amped• amped• ampel• ampel• 1 amfi• 1 amfi• 1 amfi• 2 amfi• 2 amfi• 2 amfi• amyk• amyk• amyk• amyk• amyn• amyn• amyn• myn• myn• myn• myn• 1 ana• 1 ana• 1 ana• 1 ana• 1 ana• 1 ana• 1 ana• 1 ana• 1 ana• 2 ana• 2 ana• 2 ana• 2 ana• 2 ana• anbat• anbat• anbat• anakt• anakt• anakt• anakt• anank• anank• anank• anank• anank• anpir• anpir• anpir• anpir• partner depart(ure) go off leave (go) start trigger/ing grape vine(yard) about round surrounding at each side at each side both (ways) rip(ping) tear off rip(ping) tear off defend guard(ing) protect penalize punish(ing) repay revenge above across add(ed) again also at beyond on up(ward) away from from inverse misunladder staircase stairs king monarch president (country) prince compell compulsory necessary need(ed) require(d) bore (through) perforate(d) pierce(d) run through 225 anap(e)ir anass anass anax anax anax anax anax anax anax anax anch anch anch anch anch anch anch anch anch anch anch anch anch anch anch(i) anch(i) anch(i) anch(i) anchi anchi anchi anchi anchi anchi ancill ancill ancistr ancistr ancyl ancyl andr andr andr andr andr andr andr andr anect anect anect anect aneilem aneilem 226 anpir• anaš• anaš• anaks• anaks• anaks• anaks• anaks• anakt• anakt• anakt• anakt• 1 anx• 1 anx• 1 anx• 2 anx• 2 anx• 2 anx• 2 anx• 2 anxi• 2 anxi• 2 anxi• 2 anxi• 2 anxi• 2 anxi• antši• antši• antši• antši• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• antšil• antšil• antsistr• antsistr• ankyl• ankyl• 1 andr• 1 andr• 1 andr• 2 andr• 2 andr• 2 andr• 2 andr• 2 andr• anekt• anekt• anekt• anekt• anelm• anelm• stab princess queen boss (master) chief (master) head (figure) leader manager king monarch president (country) prince compress(ed) strangle suffocate crack (split) fissure furrow split(ting) irritate plague(d) torment torture trouble (pain) vex(ing) fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) speed(y) at beside close(by) near(by) next (to) with maiden servant (female) hook (nn) picklock curve(d) round husband male man brave (warrior) fighter military man warrior wrestler admissible bearable endure/ able tolerable torsion twist aneilem anem anem anem anepsi anepsi anepsi anfract anfract anfract anfract anfract angc angc angc angei angei angei angeli angeli angeli angeli angeli angui angui angust angust angust angust angust angy angy angy angy angy angy anill anill anill anir anir anir ante ante ante ante ante anth anth anth anth anth anth anth anthem anelm• anem• anem• anem• aneps• aneps• aneps• anfrakt• anfrakt• anfrakt• anfrakt• anfrakt• ank• ank• ank• ange• ange• ange• angel• angel• angel• angel• angel• angw• angw• angust• angust• angust• angust• angust• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• anil• anil• anil• anir• anir• anir• ante• ante• ante• ante• ante• 1 ant• 1 ant• 2 ant• 2 ant• 2 ant• 2 ant• 2 ant• 1 antem• wring draught gale wind (air) cousin nephew niece deformed irregular lopsided misshapen skewed elbow joint knee container receptacle recipient announce(ment) communicate inform(ation) message report serpent snake hardly narrow scarce(ly) strict(ly) tight at beside close(by) near(by) next (to) with blue indigo purple human being individual (nn) person early origin(al) primeval primitive pristine flora flower decoration garnishing (nn) ornament outfit trimming (nn) flower anthem anther anther anther anthrax anthrax anthrax anthrop anthrop anti anti anti anti anti anti anti anti anti anti anti antoma antoma antr antr antr anus anus aoed apa apa apantes apantes apantes apat apat apat apat apax apax apen apen apen apen apen aphedr aphedr aphedr aphel aphel aphel aphod aphod aphor(idz) aphor(idz) aphosi aphr 2 antem• antser• antser• antser• antrats• antrats• antrats• antrop• antrop• ante• ante• ante• ante• ante• anti• anti• anti• antj• antj• antj• antomb• antomb• antr• antr• antr• anuš• anuš• adw• apag• apag• apant• apant• apant• apat• apat• apat• apat• apag• apag• apen• apen• apen• apen• apen• apedr• apedr• apedr• afel• afel• afel• afod• afod• afor• afor• apoš• afr• skin disease multi-colored varie(gat)ed various charcoal coal cokes human being man early origin(al) primeval primitive pristine against counter (adv) oppose(d) analogous conform similar(ly) collide /ision conflict cave(rn) cave(rn) grotto grandmother old woman sing occasional sometimes answer react(ion) respond(ing) cheat deceive(d) lie (tell a) mystify occasional sometimes cruel(ty) ferocious fierce grim savage(ly) lavish toilet water-closet easy/ iness light simple /ly droppings dung concise summarize repent(ing) foam aphr aphr aphr api api apis apl apl apl aplud aplys aplys aplys aplys apo apo apo apo apo apo apo apollym apollym apollym apollym apon apon apon apon apon apon apon apor apor apor apor apor apore apore aps(is) apsid apsid apsis apsis apt apt apt apt aqua aqua aqua ar ara ara ara afr• afr• afr• api• api• apj• hapl• hapl• hapl• aplud• aplys• aplys• aplys• aplys• 1 ap• 1 ap• 1 ap• 1 ap• 2 ap• 2 ap• 2 ap• aplym• aplym• aplym• aplym• apon• apon• apon• apon• apon• apon• apon• 1 apor• 1 apor• 1 apor• 1 apor• 1 apor• 2 apor• 2 apor• 1 apš• 2 apš• 2 apš• 2 apš• 2 apš• 1 apt• 2 apt• 2 apt• 2 apt• akw• akw• akw• ararar• arar• arar• froth lather saliva berry pear bee clear-cut neat simple /ly bran dirt (rubbish) filth(y) refuse(d) rubbish away disout(side) unextremity finish top (tip) deprive(d) lose /lost loss perish(ed) allay alleviate mitigate palliate relieve(d) soften soothe be absent defect(ive) deficient fail(ing) lack(ing) embarrass(ing) jeopardize bow (shooting) knot (node) node knot (node) node capable /ity defeat overcome win fluid (nn) liquid (nn) water chemical word stem blaspheme curse swear 227 ara ara arachn arae arae arae aragm aragm arax arax arax arax arce arch arch arch arch arch(i) arch(i) arch(i) arche arche arci arci arci arci arcon arcon arcon arct arct arcy arcy arcy arcy arcy ard(m) ard(m) ard(m) ard(m) aren aren aren aren areo areo arest arest arest arest aret aret aret aret aret 228 araw• 1 hara• araxn• araj• araj• araj• aragm• aragm• araks• araks• araks• araks• artse• 1 arxe• 1 arxe• 1 arxe• 1 arxe• arx• arx• arx• 2 arxe• 2 arxe• artsi• artsi• artsi• artsi• arkn• arkn• arkn• 1 arkt• 2 arkt• 1 arky• 1 arky• 2 arky• 2 arky• ardm• ardm• ardm• ardm• ardm• 1 arn• 1 arn• 1 arn• 1 arn• harg• harg• arst• arst• arst• arst• ared• ared• ared• ared• ared• altar pray spider compact(ness) dense resistant shake(n) shuffle beat(ing) hit(ting) knock strike resist(ing) ancient antique once origin(al) chief (master) master (boss) ruler (king) behind tail (end) certain safe(ty) secure(ly) sure hide/ ing secret unknown bear north(wind) lace (binding) lace (texture) mesh net(work) baptize irrigate sprinkle water(ed) wet (moisten) beach sand seashore strand clever skillful agreeable enjoyable pleasant pleasing chaste /ity decent fitting (adj) proper(ly) pure aret aret arg arg arg arg arg arg arg areo areo arg arg argal argal argal argal argal argemon argent argimon argimon argimon argon argin argyr argyr arika [A] aris aris aris aris aris arist arist arist arist arist arister arithm arithm arithm arithm arizel arizel arm arm arm armill armill armill armost armost armost armost ared• ared• 1 arg• 1 arg• 1 arg• 2 arg• 2 arg• 2 arg• 2 arg• harg• harg• harg• harg• argal• argal• argal• argal• argal• argim• ard argim• argim• argim• argjargin1 argyr• 2 argyr• arik• 1 aris• 2 aris• 2 aris• 2 aris• 2 aris• 1 arist• 1 arist• 1 arist• 2 arist• 2 arist• arists• aritm• aritm• aritm• aritm• arzel• arzel• 1 harm• 1 harm• 1 harm• armilj• armilj• armilj• armost• armost• armost• armost• seemly virtuous indolent lazy(ness) slothful blank bright clear white clever skillful clever skillful awkward difficult exacting hard trouble(some) boil (nn) chemical element Ag sore fistula ulcer chemical element Ar chemical word stem silver money sofa wise begin(ning) onset origin start (departure) elite eminence noble(man) beard ear (of corn) left (side) calculate count(ing) number(ed) reckon discriminate distinguish cargo charge (weight) load arm-ring bracelet foot-ring adequate convenient suitable appropriate armost arn arpe arpe arre(t) arre(t) arrhen arrhen arrhen arrhen arrhen arrhich arrhich arseno art(a) artam artam artam artam artam arth arth arth arth arth arthr(o) arti arti arti arti arti arti arti arti arti arti artokopos artop artop arv arv ary(s)t ary(s)t ary(s)t asbol asbol asbol asbol asc asci asci Ashadhah [S] Ashvinah [S] asio aspart aspasm armost• 2 ar n • arpe• arpe• arjen• arjen• 1 arhen• 1 arhen• 1 arhen• 1 arhen• 2 arhen• 2 arhen• urix• arsarta• arta• artam• artam• artm• artm• ardm• ardm• ardm• ardm• ardm• artr• 1 arti• 1 arti• 1 arti• 2 arti• 2 arti• 2 arti• 2 arti• harti• harti• harti• artok• artop• artop• arv• arv• aryst• aryst• aryst• azbol• azbol• azbol• azbol• asts• aski• aski• ašad• ašfin• aši• aspartaspam• fitting (adj) lame hook (nn) peg secret unknown mighty muscular powerful strong macho male basket (etc) chemical element As bread loaf (lump) slaughterer butcher chef cook (chef) baptize irrigate sprinkle water(ed) wet (moisten) joint equal in number even (number) pair correct(ly) flawless precise right (correct) absolute(ly) impeccable perfect(ly) baker bake cook(ed) field(s) land (field) ladle spoon trowel deposit fall-out sediment soot hose(pipe) exercise practice June September owl (etc) chemical word stem greet aspasm aspasm aspasm aspasm asper asper asper asper asper asperg asperg aspid aspir aspir aspis aspis aspis assec(u)l assec(u)l assect assect astati astac astac astei astei astei astei astei astei astei astei astei aster asti(c) asti(c) asti(c) asti(c) asti(c) astrab astragal astragal astrap astrap astu(t) astu(t) astu(t) astu(t) astu(t) asty asty asuya [S] asuya [S] asuya [S] ata atarter aspam• aspas• aspas• aspas• aspas• asper• asper• asper• asper• sperg• sperg• aspid• aspr• aspr• aspis• aspis• aspis• asekl• asekl• asekl• asekl• astastak• astak• asti• asti• asti• asti• astits• astits• astits• astits• astits• astr• astits• astits• astits• astits• astits• astrab• astrag• astrag• astrap• astrap• astut• astut• astut• astut• astut• asty• asty• asja• asja• asja• ata• atart• salute fortunate happy/ ness please(d) satisfy /ied crude raw rough shaggy brush paint-brush shield (protection) inhale suck(ing) adder snake viper accompany follow(ing) accompany follow(ing) chemical element At crayfish crustacean affable courteous kind(ness) polite(ly) bourgeois burgess burgher middle-class urban star bourgeois burgess burgher middle-class urban saddle bone (small) vertebra flash lightning cunning ruse sly(ness) subterfuge trick(y) city town emulation envy jealous(y) father aggress(ion) 229 atarter atel atel atel ather ather ather ather ather ather ather ather athlon athlon athlon athlon athlon athr athr athr athyr athyr athyr athyr athyr athyr atm atm atm atm atmen atmen atmen atr atr atr atr atr atr atr atr atract atract atrament atrament atrax atrax atrax attak attak atto au au au auchen 230 atart• 2 tele• 2 tele• 2 tele• 1 ater• 1 ater• 1 ater• 1 ater• 2 ater• 2 ater• 2 ater• 2 ater• atlon• atlon• atlon• atlon• atlon• 2 atr• 2 atr• 2 atr• 1 atyr• 1 atyr• 1 atyr• 2 atyr• 2 atyr• 2 atyr• atm• atm• atm• atm• atmen• atmen• atmen• 1 atr• 1 atr• 1 atr• 1 atr• 1 atr• atstr• atstr• atstr• atrakt• atrakt• atram• atram• atrats• atrats• atrats• atsak• atsak• atsa• [GN] ay• ay• ay• awxen• violence duty (tax) stamp (seal) tax mess (mush) mush porridge puree brush (nn) ear (of corn) tuft whisker(s) competition contest (match) game (play) match (game) sport(s) concise short succinct change modify transform gamble (vb) play(ing) romp(ing) fume (smoke) gas smoke vapor bond servant slave (servant) thrall black dark dim gloomy/ ness obscure /ity no good ugly wretched arrow spindle ink paint (nn) nettle thistle weed (herb) cricket grasshopper trillionth (10-18) dry (adj) meager shriveled nape (neck) auchen auchen aug aug aug aug aug aug aul aul aul aul aul aul aul aul aulac aulac aulac aulac aulic aulic aulic auri aur(i) aur(i) aur(i) aurig(a) aurig(a) austr aut aut autic autic autic automol automol automol automol aux avi avi avit avit axi axi axi axi axi axi axi axos axos axos ayanam [S] awxen• awxen• awg• awg• awg• awg• awg• awg• 1 awl• 1 awl• 1 awl• 1 awl• 1 awl• 1 awl• 2 awl• 2 awl• awlak• awlak• awlak• awlak• awlits• awlits• awlits• avr1 awr• 1 awr• 2 awr• avrig• avrig• awstr• awt• awt• awtik• awtik• awtik• atmol• atmol• atmol• atmol• awks• avj• avj• avit• avit• 1 aksi• 1 aksi• 1 aksi• 1 aksi• 2 aksi• 2 aksi• 2 aksi• axs• axs• axs• ajnam• neck throat glimmer (nn) glitter(ing) glow(ing) light (shine) radiation shine (polish) cylinder holder scabbard sheath socket tube camp(ing) tent fold furrow split(ting) wrinkle (furrow) court (royal) institute (foundation) palace chemical element Au hear(ing) listen ear coachman driver south(wind) independent selfat once immediate soon desert(ed) escape(d) flee(ing) run away augment bird fowl ancestor forefather cost(ly) price value (worth) worth (value) honor(able) merit(orious) worthy distress pain suffer(ing) highway ayanam [S] ayanam [S] ayanam [S] ayanam [S] ayanam [S] ayl ayl ayl az aza(le) aza(le) aza(le) [aztec] ETYMON baburr baburr baburr bacc bacc bacc bacl bacl bacl bacter bacter bacter bad [A] bad [A] badhirah [S] badi badi badi badi badi badi badi badi badi baen baen baen baen baen baeo baeo bai bal(a)ne bal(a)ne balan balan ajnam• ajnam• ajnam• ajnam• ajnam• ajyl• ajyl• ajyl• adzazl• azl• azl• ksotšit• itinerary passage road(way) trajectory way (road) domain estate farm (nn) chemical element N arid dry (adj) parch(ed) flower MEANING LEMMA babur• babur• babur• 1 bakt• 1 bakt• 1 bakt• baktr• baktr• baktr• baktr• baktr• baktr• bad• bad• badžir• badž• badž• badž• badž• badž• badj• badj• badj• badj• bajn• bajn• bajn• bejn• bejn• baje• baje• baj• 2 balan• 2 balan• 1 balan• 1 balan• clown fool (nn) madman berry globule pearl club (stick) mace scepter club (stick) mace scepter city town deaf go march pace step(ping) walk(ing) brown ochre (etc.) tanned umber go pace walk(ing) be (at) stand humility modest(y) palm(product) bath(room) spa acorn bun balan balan balan balanat balanat balanat balant balant balant balbid balbid balbid balbid balbid balte balte balte bangar [A] baptist baptist baptist bar(y) bar(y) bar(y) barater barater barater barater barbit barbit barbit barbit barbyl bari bas bas bas bas bas bas(i) bas(i) bas(i) bas(i) bas(i) bascan bascan bascan bascan basil basil 1 balan• 1 balan• 1 balan• blant• blant• blant• balant• balant• balant• balb• balb• balb• balb• balb• balte• balte• balte• bangr• bapts• bapts• bapts• bary• bary• bary• baratr• baratr• baratr• baratr• barbitbarbyt• barbyt• barbyt• barbl• barjbaš• baš• baš• baš• baš• badž• badž• badž• badž• badž• baskan• baskan• baskan• baskan• basil• basil• nut (kernel) pill roll (bread) aroma perfume smell (aroma) handbag purse sack (bag) degree echelon gradient level (layer) step (ladder) belt girdle zone beet-root drown immerse(d) merge heavy press (together) weigh cheat deceive(d) fraud hoax chemical word stem harp lyre zither plum chemical element Ba base (fundament) basis foot pedestal plinth go march(ing) pace step(ping) walk(ing) destiny fate omen talisman emperor king 231 basil basil basil bassar(ic) bassar(ic) bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat baten baten baten baten bath bath bath(y) bath(y) bath(y) batia batrach baun baun bdell bdell bdell bebel bebel bebel bebel bec bechi bel bel bel bel belb belb belemn belemn belemn belemn belti(st) 232 basil• basil• basil• basr• basr• baš• baš• baš• baš• baš• 2 bats• 1 bats• 1 bats• 1 bats• 2 bats• 2 bats• 2 bats• batn• batn• batn• batn• 2 batj• 2 batj• baty• baty• baty• 1 batj• batrax• bavn• bavn• bedel• bedel• bedel• bebel• bebel• bebel• bebel• bets• betši• bejl• bejl• bejl• bejl• belb• belb• belemn• belemn• belemn• belemn• belti• monarch prince sovereign actor comedian base (fundament) basis foot pedestal plinth brushwood dwell lodge (live) reside /ing hawthorn scrub (thorns) thicket hillside incline(d) slope (cliff) steep ray skate (fish) deep profound(ly) unfathomable fruit frog forge/ ing smithy leek nipple (sucker) teat amateur layout novice profane bread cough arrow needle pin (stylus) sting (needle) animal beast arrow javelin lance (nn) missile best belti(st) belti(st) belti(st) benth benth benth benz(o) berill berkeli belti• belti• belti• bents• bents• bents• benzberjberkbesar bakar [Hb] bakr• bess beš• bess beš• bess beš• bess beš• bhadrapada [S] badrapt• bhagini [S] bagen• 2 bhakti [S] bakt• 2 bhakti [S] bakt• bhanuvasara [S] banu• bhaumavasara [S] bavm• bhayam [S] bajam• bhayam [S] bajam• bhayam [S] bajam• bhayam [S] bajam• bhayam [S] bajam• bhayam [S] bajam• bhayam [S] bajam• bhayam [S] bajam• bhayam [S] bajam• bhrata [S] brata• bhrata [S] brata• bi(n) bina• [GN] bi(n) bina• [GN] bia bia• bibli bibl• bibli bibl• bil(i) bili• binian [Hb] binj• bio bi• bio bi• bio bi• bir [A] birj• birit [Hb] birt• bismuth bismbius bjus• blac blats• blac blats• blac blats• blac blats• blas blas• excellent perfect(ly) utmost deep profound(ly) unfathomable chemical word stem chemical element Be chemical element Bk beef dell dingle vale valley August sister like /ing love Sunday Tuesday bashful(ness) commotion coy(ness) disquiet restlessness shy(ness) timid(ity) timourous(ness) unrest brother friar double two strong book work (literary) gall building alive life living being well (fountain) garter chemical element Bi bow (shooting) caress cuddle fondle stupid(ity) bad blast blast blast blast blast bled [A] bled [A] bled [A] blem(at) blem(at) blem(at) blem(at) blem(at) blem(at) blem(at) blenn blenn blenn blep blep blep blep blephar blephar bly(sm) bly(sm) bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bodhi [S] bodhi [S] boe boe boe boeth boeth bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol bol blas• blast• blast• blast• blast• blast• bled• bled• bled• 1 blem• 1 blem• 1 blem• 1 blem• 1 blem• 2 blem• 2 blem• blen• blen• blen• bleps• bleps• bleps• bleps• blefar• blefar• bly• bly• 1 buw• 1 buw• 1 buw• 1 buw• 2 buw• 2 buw• 2 buw• bodi• bodi• bwe• bwe• bwe• boet• boet• 1 bol• 1 bol• 1 bol• 1 bol• 1 bol• 1 bol• 2 bol• 2 bol• 2 bol• see bol(e) bol(e) bol(e) bol(e) bol(e) bol(e) bol(e) bol(e) bol(e) bol(e) bol(e) bol(i) bol(i) bol(i) bom bom bom bomb bomb bomb bomb bombyx bombyx eyelash boorugami [Jp] eyelid boot bor bor bor bor bor bor bor borass borbor borbor borbor borbor borbor bore bosc bosc bosc bostrych botan botan bothr(i) bothr(i) bothr(i) botry botul ugly bud germ (nn) seed(ling) shoot (twig) sprout (twig) locale place (locale) where(abouts) hit(ting) launch pitch (throw) shoot (missile) throw scar wound (injury) glanders mucus phlegm look observe /ation regard (look) spring (jump) sprout(ing) bovine bull cow ox big mighty stout comprehend understand(able) cry (scream) shout squeal assist help drive /ing hit(ting) launch pitch (throw) shoot (missile) throw current (flow) flow(ing) stream (current) 1 bole• 1 bole• 1 bole• 1 bole• 1 bolj• 1 bolj• 1 bolj• 2 bolj• 2 bolj• 2 bolj• 2 bolj• 2 bole• 2 bole• 2 bole• bom• bom• bom• bomd• bomd• bomd• bomd• bombik• bombik• borgam• bwot• borj• borj• borj• borj• borj• borj• bovrboras• borbor• borbor• borbor• borbor• borbor• bore• bosx• bosx• bosx• bostrix• botan• botan• 1 botr• 1 botr• 1 botr• 2 botr• botul• goal intention objective will(ing) advise consult counsel organize plan scheme /ing sketch(ing) mean(ing) sense significance pedestal platform socle buzz hum resound sound(ing) satin silk cardboard herdsman eat(ing) feed gobble guzzle prey(ing) swallow chemical element B date (fruit) garbage refuse(d) rubbish rubble waste(land) north(wind) eat(ing) feed graze (feed) curl (hair) plant (herb) vegetation cave(rn) cave(rn) hole cluster bowel(s) 233 botul botul boul boul boul boul boulee boulim brabei brabei brabei brabei brac(cat) brac(cat) brac(cat) brac(cat) brachi brachi brachy brachy brady brady brady brady brady brady brady brec(h)t brec(h)t brec(h)t brec(h)t brec(h)t brechm brechm breph breph breph brevi brevi brevi brith broch broch broch broch brom brom brom bront bros 234 botul• botul• 1 bole• 1 bole• 1 bole• 1 bole• 1 bolj• bolm• brabj• brabj• brabj• brabj• brakt• brakt• brakt• brakt• braxi• braxi• braxy• braxy• brady• brady• brady• brady• brady• brady• brady• brext• brext• brext• brext• brext• brexm• brexm• brep• brep• brep• brevj• brevj• brevj• brits• 1 brox• 1 brox• 1 brox• 2 brox• brombromn• bromn• bront• bromn• intestine sausage goal intention objective will(ing) advice hunger bonus compensation premium reward(ing) breeches pants shorts trousers arm (limb) branch (ramification) short small indolent inert lazy(ness) slothful slow(ly) sluggish tardy damp(ness) humid(ity) irrigate moisten wet (moisten) crown (head) ridge (roof) baby fetus newborn narrow short tight heavy noose strap tag swallow chemical element Br eat(ing) feed (oneself) thunder eat(ing) bros brot brot brot brot brum bry bry bry bry brych brych brych brych brych brych bryx bryx bryx bryx bryx bryx bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bubon bucc bucc bucc(in) Budhah [S] bun bun bun bun bun bust bust butyr byas byss(in) byss(in) bystr bystr bystr bystr byt bromn• 1 brot• 2 brot• 2 brot• 2 brot• brum• 1 bry• 2 bry• 2 bry• 2 bry• 1 bryx• 1 bryx• 1 bryx• 1 bryx• 1 bryx• 1 bryx• 2 bryx• 2 bryx• 2 bryx• 2 bryx• 2 bryx• 2 bryx• 1 buw• 1 buw• 1 buw• 1 buw• 2 buw• 2 buw• 2 buw• bubon• 1 bukts• 2 bukts• bukš• budj• bun• bun• bun• bun• bun• bušt• bušt• bytr• bjas• bysn• bysn• bystr• bystr• bystr• bystr• but- feed (oneself) blood dead die mortal winter moss flower(ing) mature (grow) revive chew creak(ing) grate (rasp) grind mince ruminate bellow boom (bellow) growl grumble roar(ing) rumble bovine bull cow ox big mighty stout groin cheek mouth trumpet Mercury altitude highland hill plateau table-land grave (tomb) tomb butter owl (etc) flax linen cork darn plug (stopper) stopper chemical word stem byth(i) byth(i) byth(i) byzen byzen byzen byzen ETYMON c(a)et cac(od) cac(od) cacab cacab cacab cacc cacc cacc cachasm cachasm cachasm cachinn cachinn cachinn caco(d) caco(d) caco(d) cacumin cacumin cacumin cad(uc) cadmi cae caec caec caec caec caec caeleb caen caen caen caen caen caen caen caen caepor caescaesi byts• byts• byts• byzn• byzn• byzn• byzn• abyss deep depth crowd (bunch) heap(ed) mass (crowd) pile (stack) MEANING LEMMA tset• kak• kak• katsab• katsab• katsab• tsaks• tsaks• tsaks• katšn• katšn• katšn• katšn• katšn• katšn• tsaks• tsaks• tsaks• kakm• kakm• kakm• kad• kadmtsajr• 1 tsek• 1 tsek• 2 tsek• 2 tsek• 2 tsek• kleb• 1 tsen• 1 tsen• 1 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• tsepr• tseztsesi• whale bad ugly boiler cauldron melting pot droppings dung faeces jeer mock sneer(ing) jeer mock sneer(ing) droppings dung faeces point (tip) summit tip fall(en) chemical element Cd burn blind(ness) invisible darken hide/ ing obscure(d) bachelor devoid empty/ ness vacant /cy fresh modern new novel recent(ly) garden chemical element Cs blue caesi caesi caespit caj cal cal cal cal cal cal cal cal cal calad calar calat calath calcan calcan calcan calcar calcar calcar calce(ol) calce(ol) calci calcin calcin calcium calco calco cale cale cale cale cale cale cale cal(eid) cal(eid) cal(eid) cal(eid) cal(eid) calia calia calia calia calia calid calid tsesi• tsesi• kespit• tsajr• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• 2 kali• 2 kali• 2 kali• 2 kali• kalat• klat• klat• kalat• kaltse• kaltse• kaltsi• kalkar• xalits• xalits• kaltse• kaltse• kaltsi• xalits• xalits• kaltsxalits• xalits• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• kale• kale• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• kalyb• kalyb• kalyb• kalyb• kalyb• kalor• kalor• bright clear lawn burn bump (lump) knob lump swell(ing) tuber advantage(ous) favour(able) kind(ness) useful(ness) basket (etc) call(ing) call(ing) basket (etc) shoe slipper heel (foot) spur lime mortar (building) shoe slipper heel (foot) lime mortar (building) chemical element Ca lime mortar (building) bump (lump) knob lump swell(ing) tuber ask invite adornment beautiful fine (nice) lovely ornament cabin hut shack shanty shelter (protection) ardent heat (temperature) 235 calid calid californium caliga call call call call call callid callid callid callim callim callim callim callim callon callon callon callon callon callun caluon calor(i) calor(i) calor(i) calor(i) calyb(e) calyb(e) calyb(e) calyb(e) calyb(e) calypn calypn calypt calypt calypt calypt calyptr calyptr calyptr cam(at) cam(at) cam(at) cam(at) cam(at) camat camat camat 236 kalor• kalor• kalfkalg• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• klid• klid• klid• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 2 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 2 klun• 2 klun• kalor• kalor• kalor• kalor• kalyb• kalyb• kalyb• kalyb• kalyb• kalipt• kalipt• kalypt• kalypt• kalypt• kalypt• kaliptr• kaliptr• kaliptr• 1 kamt• 1 kamt• 1 kamt• 1 kamt• 1 kamt• kamat• kamat• kamat• temperature warm(th) chemical element Cf boot (shoe) bump (lump) knob lump swell(ing) tuber experience(d) habit(s) routine beautiful fine (nice) lovely ornament adornment adornment beautiful fine (nice) lovely ornament clean/ing wipe ardent heat (temperature) temperature warm(th) cabin hut shack shanty shelter (protection) curtain veil conceal(ed) cover (up) hide/ ing hush beret cap (hat) hat effort endeavour set about strive /ing try(ing) emaciated exhausted wasted camfor camin camin camin camin camp camp camp camp(al) camp(al) camp(al) camp(al) camp(al) camp(al) camp(al) camp(al) camp(im) camp(im) camp(im) camp(im) camp(im) camp(im) camp(s) camp(s) camp(s) camp(s) camp(s) camp(s) camp(t) camp(t) campan campil campil campil campil campil campil campyl campyl campyl campyl campyl campyl camur camur camur camur canast canast canast kamfkamin• kamin• kamin• kamin• 2 tsamp• 2 tsamp• 2 tsamp• 2 kamt• 2 kamt• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 2 kamt• 2 kamt• kampan• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• chemical word stem highway path road(way) way (road) caterpillar grub larva arc curve(d) dangle meander oscillate /ing swing (oscillate) toggle /ing zigzag dangle meander oscillate /ing swing (oscillate) toggle /ing zigzag dangle meander oscillate /ing swing (oscillate) toggle /ing zigzag arc curve(d) bell dangle meander oscillate /ing swing (oscillate) toggle /ing zigzag dangle meander oscillate /ing swing (oscillate) toggle /ing zigzag dangle meander oscillate /ing zigzag blank pure white cancel(l) cancel(l) cancel(l) cancel(l) cand cand cand cand cand candid candid candid candor candor candor canell canin canis canor canor canor canthar canthar canthar canthar canthar canthar canthon canthon canthus cap capill capr capr capr capr capre capre capre capre caps caps caps caps caps caps caps caps capyr capyr kantsl• kantsl• kantsl• kantsl• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 2 kandid• 2 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• tsanel• kyn• kyn• knor• knor• knor• kantr• kantr• kantsar• kantsar• kantsar• kantsar• 1 kants• 1 kants• 2 kants• tsap• kapil• tsapr• tsapr• tsapr• tsapr• 1 kapre• 2 kapre• 2 kapre• 2 kapre• kaps• kaps• kaps• 1 tsaps• 1 tsaps• 2 tsaps• 2 tsaps• 2 tsaps• tsapyr• tsapyr• baluster banister column pillar blank pure white light (shine) shine /ing blank pure white blank pure white cinnamon dog dog air (tune) melody tune beetle scarab cup (trophy) goblet vase vessel (container) ass (donkey) mule angle cradle hair boar (wild) pig pork swine deer spirit (ghost) tendril wind(ing) box case (box) chest (box) capture(d) catch (get) eat(ing) engulf swallow fry roast(ed) capyr carbon carchar carchar carchar carches carches carches carches carches carches carcin carcin carcin carcin cardam cardam cardi(o) cardi` caric carid carid carid carp carp carp carp carp carp carp carpesi cart cart cart cary(o) cary(o) cary(o) cassiter cassiter castig castig castig castig castig castr castr castr cata cata cata tsapyr• karb1 karxar• 1 karxar• 2 karxar• 1 karxes• 1 karxes• 1 karxes• 1 karxes• 2 karxes• 2 karxes• 1 kartsin• 1 kartsin• 2 kartsin• 2 kartsin• kardam• kardam• kardi• tšardi• karik• karid• karid• karid• 1 karp• 2 karp• 2 karp• 2 karp• 2 karp• 2 karp• tsarp• karpeš• xart• xart• xart• karj• karj• karj• kasitr• kasitr• tsastig• tsastig• tsastig• tsastig• tsastig• kaštr• kaštr• tsastr• kata• kata• kata• toast(ing) chemical element C cut(ting) sharp shark (etc.) cup (trophy) goblet vase vessel (container) platform podium cancer tumor crayfish crustacean cress vegetable heart stomach fig crab prawn shrimp fruit consequence effect harvest (nn) result sequel wrist straw layout map plan kernel (nut) nucleus nut (kernel) sheet-metal tin admonish blame(d) exhort reproach(able) tell off fortress stronghold camp(ing) descend down(ward) go down 237 cata cata cataegi cataegi cataegi cataegi catagi catagi catagi catech catech catech catech cathart cathart cathart cathart cathart cathem cathem cathes cathes catill cattiter cattiter catul catul catul catul caucal caucal caud caul caul caul causc causc causc causc causim causim causim causim causis causis causis causis caust caust caust 238 kata• kata• 1 katagj• 1 katagj• 1 katagj• 1 katagj• 2 katagj• 2 katagj• 2 katagj• katex• katex• katex• katex• 1 katar• 1 katar• 1 katar• 2 katar• 2 katar• katem• katem• katem• katem• katl• kasitr• kasitr• tsatl• tsatl• tsatl• tsatl• kawk• kawk• kawd• 1 kawl• 1 kawl• 2 kawl• kaws• kaws• kaws• kaws• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• go down low(er) gale hurricane storm(y) tempest subway tunnel underground creed doctrine ideology religion clean(ing) immaculate purify(ing) true truth(ful) seat(ed) sit seat(ed) sit plate (dish) sheet-metal tin descendant offspring son young(ster) basin bowl tail (end) stalk stem (sprout) cabbage highway path road(way) way (road) ardent burning heat(ed) hot ardent burning heat(ed) hot ardent burning heat(ed) caust caut caut caut caut caut caut caut caut caut(i) cauti cear ceb ceb cebl cechen cechen cechen cecidi cecidi ceirom cel cel cel cel cel cel cele cele celest celest celest celi celi celi celid celid celis celis celyph cenebr cenebr ceneon ceneon cens cens cens cens cent cent kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• 1 kawt• tsawt• tsawt• tsawt• 2 kawt• 1 kawt• tsjar• tseb• tseb• tsefal• kexn• kexn• kexn• tšetšid• tšetšid• kirom• kele• kele• stsel• stsel• stsel• stsel• kele• kele• tselest• tselest• tselest• tselj• tselj• tselj• tselis• tselis• tselis• tselis• klyf• knebr• knebr• tšene• tšene• tsend• tsend• tsend• tsend• kent• kent• hot ardent burning heat(ed) hot safe(ty) careful(ly) cautious prudent(ly) chain (string) secure(ly) heart ape monkey head gape/ ing open yawn(ing) gall(nut) oak-apple shave fire flame bulge hernia protrude rupture fire flame Eden heaven paradise instigate spur (on) urge on spot (stain) stain (spot) spot (stain) stain (spot) shell (cover) carcase corpse flank side advance (vb) go progress(ing) walk(ing) rag scrap cent cent cent(r) centi centi centr ceod ceod ceod cephal ceps cer cer cer cer cer cer cer(os) ceras cerat cerat cerat ceraun cerc cerc cerchal cerchal cerchn(ei) cerchn(ei) cere cericermat cermat cermat cermat cermat cermat cerrit cerrit cerrit cerrit cerrit ceryx ceryx ceryx ceryx cessat cest cest cest kent• 1 kentr• 2 kentr• tšent• [LN] tsenti• [LN] 1 kentr• tšod• tšod• tšod• tsefal• tseps• kerat• kerat• tšer• tšer• tšer• tšer• keros• tseras• kerat• kerat• kerat• krun• 1 kerk• 2 kerk• tšerxl• tšerxl• tšerxl• tšerxl• tsere• tserj1 kermat• 1 kermat• 1 kermat• 2 kermat• 2 kermat• 2 kermat• tšert• tšert• tšert• tšert• tšert• kryks• kryks• kryks• kryks• kests• tsest• tsest• tsest• shred center needle hundred hundredth middle odour perfume smell (aroma) head head aerial horn balm cream polish (cream) wax (cream) wax (cream) cherry(tree) aerial antenna horn melt(ed) tail (end) shuttle hoarse husky hoarse husky candle(stick) chemical element Ce change (money) coin small money button (push) knob stud crazy foolish insane /ity mad(ness) nuts (adv) ambassador delegate herald (messenger) messenger late band belt strip (ribbon) cest cest cestr cet chaen chaen chaer chaer chaer chaer chaer chaet chaet chaet chaitrah [S] chal chal chalar chalar chalasm chalasm chalasm chalast chalast chalast chalast chalast chalaz chalc chalc chalc chalep chalep chalep chalep chalep chalic chalic chalikah [Hb] chalyb chamae chamae chamae chanuyah [Hb] chanzir [A] char char charac charac charac tsest• tsest• kestr• ketxaen• xaen• xajr• xajr• xajr• xajr• xajr• tšet• tšet• tšet• tšajtr• xal• xal• xal• xal• xlast• xlast• xlast• xal• xal• xlast• xlast• xlast• xaladz• 1 xalk• 1 xalk• 2 xalk• xalep• xalep• xalep• xalep• xalep• xalits• xalits• tšalk• xlyb• xame• xame• xame• tšanj• tšandz• 1 xar• 1 xar• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• tape (ribbon) zone hammer chemical word stem gape/ ing yawn(ing) fortunate happy/ ness joy pleasure rejoice brush hair(do) mane March leave (let) let leave (let) let elastic pliable pliant leave (let) let elastic pliable pliant hail (ice) metal ore forge/ ing disgusting malicious perverse shame(ful) snare (malice) lime mortar (building) blouse steel earth (ground) ground soil (earth) park(ing) bacon benevolence grace barrier corral enclosure 239 charac charac charac charac charadr charadr charadr charin chartac chasm chasm chasm chasm chasm chasm chaun chedrop chedrop cheim(at) cheim(at) chel cheli cheli cheli chelid chelom(at) chelom(at) chelom(at) chelom(at) chelon chelon chely chely chely chely chely chely chelyd chelyd chem(o) chem(o) chem(o) chen chen cher cher cherm cherm chern(et) chern(et) 240 1 xarak• 2 xarak• 2 xarak• 2 xarak• xaradr• xaradr• xaradr• x ar n • xartats• xasm• xasm• xasm• xasm• xasm• xasm• xun• xedrop• xedrop• 1 xeim• 2 xeim• 1 xel• xely• xely• xely• xeld• xlom• xlom• xlom• xlomt• xelys• xelys• 1 xel• 2 xel• 2 xel• xely• xely• xely• xelys• xelys• xem• xem• xem• 1 xen• 1 xen• xer• xer• xerm• xerm• tšern• tšern• fence engrave scratch scrub(bing) abyss canyon ravine thank(s) paper abyss breach canyon crack (split) fissure split(ting) light (weight) husk pod frost winter claw carapace crust shell (cover) swallow (bird) bifurcation splicing split(ting) fork tortoise turtle talon pincers pinch(ing) carapace crust shell (cover) tortoise turtle material matter (substance) substance duck (fowl) goose orphan widow(er) rock (stone) stone deprive(d) indigent chern(et) chern(et) chers chers chers chers chers chers tšern• tšern• tšers• tšers• xers• xers• xers• xers• cheschbon [Hb] xežb• cheschbon [Hb] xežb• chetirij tšetr• [RN] 1 chil xil• 2 chil xil• 2 chil xil• 2 chil xil• 2 chil xil• chilio xili• [GN] chinta [S] tšint• chinta [S] tšint• chinta [S] tšint• chion xion• chir xir• chit(on) xit• chit(on) xit• chit(on) xit• 2 chlaen xlen• 2 chlaen xlen• 2 chlaen xlen• chlamyd xlamyd• chlamyd xlamyd• chlamyd xlamyd• chled xled• chled xled• chled xled• chled xled• chled xled• chled xled• chled xled• chlid xlid• chlid xlid• chlid xlid• chlid xlid• 1 chloe xloj• 1 chloe xloj• 1 chloe xloj• 1 chloe xloj• 2 chloe xloj• 2 chloe xloj• 1 chlor xlor• 1 chlor xlor• needy poor(ly) continent land (country) desert isolation loneliness waste(land) bill (invoice) invoice four lip border (rim) edge hem ridge (brim) thousand concerned uneasy worried snow hand (nn) carapace shell (cover) tunic clothing garment mantle cloak coat (mantle) mantle left-over relic remainder remains remnant rest (remainder) ruin (remains) imposing luxury pomp solemn foliage herb leech vegetable impulse instinct green pale(ness) chlor chlor(o) chnaum chnaum chnaum chnaum chnaum chnaur chnaur chnaur chnaur chnaur choan choenic choenic choenic choenic choenic choenic choenic choenic choer choer chol chol chol chol choma choma choma choma choma choma chondr chondr chondr chor chor chor chor chor chor(i) chor(i) chor(i) chor(i) chor(i) choret choret choret chori 2 xlor• klorxnam• xnam• xnam• xnam• xnam• xnam• xnam• xnam• xnam• xnam• xwan• xenits• xenits• xenits• xojnits• xojnits• xojnits• xojnits• xojnits• xojr• xojr• 1 xol• 1 xol• 2 xol• 2 xol• xoma• xoma• xoma• xoma• xoma• xoma• 1 xondr• 2 xondr• 2 xondr• 2 kxor• 2 kxor• 2 kxor• 2 kxor• 2 kxor• 1 kxor• 1 kxor• 1 kxor• 1 kxor• 1 kxor• tšort• tšort• tšort• xorj• fresh chemical element Cl dainty goodies sweets sweets tidbit dainty goodies sweets sweets tidbit funnel handicap(ped) hindrance obstacle amount measure(ment) portion quantity ration (measure) pork swine gall venom lame paralyze(d) breakwater dike embankment language mole (wharf) wharf cartilage grain granule alone apart from isolate(d) lone(ly) separate(d) district place (locale) province region spot (place) country(side) field(s) landing-stage fleece (hide) chori chori chori chort chort chott [A] chott [A] chott [A] chouzama [A] chremat chremat chremat chremat chremat chremat chremat chrest chrest chrest chrest chrest chrisma chrisma chrisma chro chrom(at) chrom(at) chrom(at) chro(an) chro(n) chro(n) chromo chron chron chron chron chron chros chros chrys chtes chtes chthon chthon chtiz chtiz chyl chyl chym chym xorj• xorj• xorj• xort• xort• tšots• tšots• tšots• xuzm• 1 xremat• 1 xremat• 1 xremat• 2 xremat• 2 xremat• 2 xremat• 2 xremat• xrest• xrest• xrest• xrest• xrest• xrism• xrism• xrism• xrov• xromn• xromn• xromn• xromn• xromn• xromn• xromxron• xron• xron• xron• xron• xros• xros• xrys• xtes• xtes• xton• xton• xtes• xtes• xym• xym• xym• xym• fur hide (skin) leather grass hay grass-land meadow pasture tulip bazaar fair (nn) market abundant affluent/ce comfort fortune (good) bonus merit(orious) premium prize worthy balm balsam ointment surface colour paint(ed) pigment colour paint(ed) pigment chemical element Cr age (timelapse) epoch era lifetime time flesh meat gold(en) past (time) yesterday earth (ground) land (field) past (time) yesterday fluid (nn) juice fluid (nn) juice 241 chys chytr chytr chytr chytr ciancibernet cibernet cibernet cibernet cibernet cibernet cibernet cibernet cibot cibot cibot cibot cichle cichle cicin cicl cicur cicur cicur cimbex cimbex cimbic cimbic cimel cin cin cinaed cinaed cinaed cinaed cinaed cinaed cinchon cindyn cindyn cindyn ciner ciner cinifl(o) cinifl(o) cinnam cinyr cinyr cio(n) 242 xys• xytr• xytr• xytr• xytr• tsiantsibern• tsibern• tsibern• tsibern• tsibern• tsibern• tsibern• tsibern• kibot• kibot• kibot• kibot• kixl• kixl• tšitšin• kykl• tsikur• tsikur• tsikur• kimbits• kimbits• kimbits• kimbits• tsiml• tsin• tsin• tsined• tsined• tsined• tsined• tsined• tsined• kintskindyn• kindyn• kindyn• tšiner• tšiner• tsinifl• tsinifl• tsinam• tsinyr• tsinyr• tšon• melt(ed) can (box) jar (pot) jug pot chemical word stem control (vb) direct (manage) govern guide(d) lead(ing) manage rule (control) steer(ing) box coffer cupboard trunk blackbird thrush (bird) curl (hair) disk civilized disciplined tame(d) mean (miserly) miserly mean (miserly) miserly treasure displace move(ment) fornicatious impure indecent lewd(ness) obscene unchaste /ity chemical word stem danger(ous) peril(ous) risk(y) ashy gray curl(ed) do hair cinnamon groan moan post (prop) cipit cirr cirr cirr cirr cirs cirs cisi cisi ciss cist cist cit cit cit citr citr cittes cittes cittes cittos cittos clad clad clad clang clang clang clang clang clang clas clas clas clas clast clast clast clathr clathr clathr claustr claustr claustr claustr claustr clav(i) clav(i) clav(i) clav(i) tsipt• 1 tsirj• 1 tsirj• 2 tsirj• 2 tsirj• kirs• kirs• stsis• stsis• tšis• tsisttšist• tsitj• tsitj• tsitj• tsitr• tsitr• kits• kits• kits• kits• kits• klad• klad• klad• klang• klang• klang• klang• klang• klang• klaz• klaz• klaz• klaz• klast• klast• klast• klatr• klatr• klatr• klawstr• klawstr• klawstr• klawstr• klawstr• 1 klavj• 1 klavj• 1 klavj• 1 klavj• take(n) curl (hair) fringe ginger yellow varicosity varix cut(ting) slice(d) ivy chemical word stem trunk fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) citrus fruit lens avidity languishing yearn(ing) avidity yearn(ing) branch (ramification) shoot (twig) sprout (twig) bray call(ing) cry (call) howl lozenge neigh bit lump morsel piece break(ing) shiver(ing) splinter(ed) grating grid grille cell cloister compartment jail room bludgeon chock club (stick) mace clav(i) clav(i) clav(i) clavi clavi cle cle cle cle(id) cle(id) cledon cledon cledon cledon cledon cleis(t) cleis(t) cleist cleist clemat clemat clemat clemmy clemmy cleo cleo cleo cleo cler cler cler cler cler cler cler cler cliban clin clin clin clin clin clis clis clis clistr clistr clitell clitell clitell 1 klavj• 1 klavj• 1 klavj• 2 klavj• 2 klavj• kle• kle• kle• 1 klej• 1 klej• kledn• kledn• kledn• kledn• kledn• klejst• klejst• 1 klej• 1 klej• klemat• klemat• klemat• klemy• klemy• 2 klej• 2 klej• 2 klej• 2 klej• 1 xler• 1 xler• 1 xler• 1 xler• 2 xler• 2 xler• 2 xler• 2 xler• klibn• xlin• xlin• xlin• xlint• xlint• klis• klis• klis• klistr• klistr• klitl• klitl• klitl• nail peg wedge bolt (key) key fame glory praise close(d) shut (close) advertise(ment) announce(ment) augur(y) message omen bolt (key) key close(d) shut (close) bough tine twig tortoise turtle celebrate commemorate feast party (feast) chance hazard(ous) ludicrous probability duty (obligation) function office (function) post (function) oven direction position where(abouts) disposition inclination hatch panel shutter cuff padlock belt harness saddle clity clity clity clity clity cliv cliv cliv cliv cliv clob clob clob clob clob clob clont clost cloth clud clud clud clud clun(icul) clun(icul) clus clus clus clus cly(o) clyd clype clyt clyt clyt clyt cne(o) cne(o) cnem cnem cnem cnem cnem cnem cnem cnem cnesm cnesm cneth cneth klitf• klitf• klitf• klitf• klitf• klitf• klitf• klitf• klitf• klitf• klob• klob• klob• klob• klob• klob• xlont• klot• klot• klud• klud• klud• klud• 1 klun• 1 klun• klud• klud• klud• klud• klyj• klyd• klype• klyt• klyt• klyt• klyt• knet• knet• 1 knem• 1 knem• 1 knem• 1 knem• 2 knem• 2 knem• 2 knem• 2 knem• knet• knet• knet• knet• degree gradient hillside incline(d) slope (cliff) degree gradient hillside incline(d) slope (cliff) cage fold hutch kennel pen (cage) sty fruit spin (thread) spin (thread) clog close(d) plug (stopper) shut (close) buttock rump clog close(d) plug (stopper) shut (close) lithe wave shield (protection) aristocratic elitary eminent noble(man) itch tickle leg leg shank shank dale dell dingle valley itch tickle itch tickle 243 cnicus cnicus cnicus cnodac cnodac cnodac co cobal cobal cobalt cocc cocc cocc cocc cocc cocc cocc cocc coccin coccyg cochl cochl cochl codi codi codon coec coel coel coeleb coen coen coen coen coerule coerule coet coet coet coet coet cognat cognat cognat cognit coit coit col col 244 knik• knik• knik• knots• knots• knots• kow+ tsobl• tsobl• kobkokts• kokts• kokts• kokts• kokts• kokts• kokts• kokts• koktsin• koktsyk• 1 koxl• 1 koxl• 2 koxl• kodi• kodi• kodon• 1 tsek• 1 tsek• koel• koel• kleb• tsojn• tsojn• tsojn• tsojn• tšerl• tšerl• 1 kojt• 1 kojt• 1 kojt• 1 kojt• 1 kojt• 2 kogn• 2 kogn• 2 kogn• 1 kogn• 2 kojt• 2 kojt• 2 kole• 2 kole• scrape scratch scrub(bing) axis axle pivot with naughty /ness prank chemical element Co berry bolus bulb core globule kernel (nut) pit (kernel) spherule purple cuckoo mussel slug (animal) spoon bulb head bell blind(ness) invisible cave / ity hole bachelor common(ly) general(ly) neuter neutral blue purple abode accommodation apartment residence stay (place) akin kindred related know(ledge) repose sleep abrupt(ly) sudden(ly) col col col col(a) col(a) col(a) col(a) col(a) colapt colapt colapt cole cole cole cole cole colens colens colens colent colent colent colep(s) coll(a) coll(a) coll(a) coll(a) coll(i) coll(i) collin(it) collin(it) collin(it) collin(it) colloph collut collut collut colob colob colob colob colon colp(od) colp(od) colp(od) colpos colymb colymb coma coma 2 kolj• 2 kolj• 2 kolj• 1 tšol• 1 tšol• 1 tšol• 1 tšol• tsola• kolapt• kolapt• kolapt• 1 kole• 1 kole• 1 kole• 1 kole• 1 kole• klens• klens• klens• klens• klens• klens• kolps• 1 kolj• 1 kolj• 1 kolj• 1 kolj• 2 tšol• 2 tšol• 1 koln• 1 koln• 1 koln• 1 koln• kolf• kolut• kolut• kolut• kolob• kolob• kolob• kolob• 2 koln• 1 kolp• 1 kolp• 1 kolp• 2 kolp• kolymb• kolymb• 1 komj• 1 komj• limb (part) part (piece) side dwell lodge (live) reside /ing stay(ing) apartment carve chisel grave(d) case (sheath) holder holster sheath socket cultivate(d) grow (something) till cultivate(d) grow (something) till joint bind glue paste(d) stick to hill mount(ain) anoint(ed) grease smear(ed) spread refer(ence) clean(ing) purify(ing) wash(ing) cripple(d) damag(ing) impair spoil(ed) rectum curve(d) meander wriggle vagina plunge swim hair hank coma coma comaz comaz come come come come comm(at) comm(at) comm(at) comm(at) comm comm comm commi commi commi commina commina comps comps conch conch conferv conferv coni(t) coni(t) coni(t) conid conid conid conio conio conio conis conis conis connat cont cont cont cont cont contra contra contra cop(eo) cop(eo) cop(eo) 1 komj• 1 komj• kmaz• kmaz• 1 komj• 1 komj• 1 komj• 1 komj• 1 komn• 1 komn• 1 komn• 1 komn• 2 komn• 2 komn• 2 komn• 2 komj• 2 komj• 2 komj• komna• komna• komps• komps• kontš• kontš• ferv• ferv• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• konj• knat• okont• okont• okont• okont• okont• konter• konter• konter• kope• kope• kope• tuft wisp celebrate feast hair hank tuft wisp part (piece) piece segment spare part oppress press (together) stamp(ed) glue gum resin defy menace elegant gracious mollusc shell (sea) solder weld ash(es) dust speck ash(es) dust speck ash(es) dust speck ash(es) dust speck crooked pale (stake) pole (stake) rod spar stake (pale) against counter opposed haft handle(d) hilt cop(eo) cop(eo) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) cop(t) coph coph coph copr copr copr copr cora cora cordy(l) cordy(l) cordy(l) cordy(l) core core core core core core core core core cores cores cori cori cori cori coron corrh corryph corryph corryph cors coryc coryc coryd coryd kope• kope• 1 kop• 1 kop• 1 kop• 1 kop• 1 kop• 2 kop• 2 kop• 2 kop• 2 kop• 2 kop• kopf• kopf• kopf• kopr• kopr• kopr• kopr• kora• kora• kordyl• kordyl• kordyl• kordyl• kora• kora• 1 kore• 1 kore• 1 kore• 1 kore• 2 kore• 2 kore• koris• kores• kores• kora• kora• korj• korj• tsoron• tsorj• koryf• koryf• koryf• tsorj• kryk• kryk• koryd• koryd• oar scull beat(ing) chop(ped) hew injure /ious wound(ed) drudge labour(ing) slave (toil) toil(ing) work(ing) mute(ly) silent voiceless droppings dung excrement manure doll puppet bump (lump) lump swell(ing) tuber doll puppet bride fiancée maiden virgin(al) lens pupil (eye) bug (bed-) boy youngster doll puppet leather skin (animal) crow temple (cheek) cranium crown (head) skull temple (cheek) peer (peep) spy larva skylark 245 corymb corymb corymb coryn coryn coryn coryn coryth cosme cosme cosme cosme cosme coss coss coss cost(al) cotone cotyl cotyl cotyl cotyl cotyl cotyl couph cran cran cran cras cras cras cras cras cras cras cras cras cras crass crass crass crat crat crat crat crat crat cre(at) cre(at) cregy 246 korimb• korimb• korimb• koryn• koryn• koryn• koryn• koryt• kosmed• kosmed• kosmed• kosmed• kosmed• kos• kos• kos• košt• kotne• 1 kotyl• 1 kotyl• 1 kotyl• 1 kotyl• 2 kotyl• 2 kotyl• kupf• kranj• kranj• kranj• kras• kras• 1 kraz• 1 kraz• 1 kraz• 1 kraz• 1 kraz• 2 kraz• 2 kraz• 2 kraz• krasts• krasts• krasts• 1 krat• 1 krat• 2 krat• 2 krat• 2 krat• 2 krat• krejt• krejt• kredž• agglomeration bunch cluster baton bludgeon club (stick) stick (club) helmet adorn beautify decorate embellish ornament capsule husk pod rib quince basin dish (plate) plate (dish) saucer cupping-glass sucker light (weight) cupola dome helmet character (nature) nature aggregate(d) assemble(d) melt together merge unite(d) atmosphere climate weather compact(ness) dense thick government ruler (king) energy might (strength) power (strength) strength flesh meat good cregy crem(a) crem(a) crem(a) crem(a) crem(a) crem(a) creni creni crepis crepis creso cret cret cret cret cret cri cri cri cric cric crin crin crin crin crin crin crin cris cris cris crit crit crit crit crit crit croc croc croc croc croc croc croc crom(m)y crom(m)y cross cross crotal kredž• kremast• kremast• kremast• kremast• kremast• kremast• kren• kren• kreps• kreps• kreškrez• krez• krez• krez• krez• kri• kri• kri• krits• krits• 1 krin• 1 krin• 1 krin• 1 krin• 1 krin• 2 krin• 2 xrin• krists• krists• krists• 1 krit• 1 krit• 1 krit• 1 krit• 2 krit• 2 krit• 1 krok• 1 krok• 2 krok• 2 krok• 2 krok• 2 krok• 2 krok• kromy• kromy• krosts• krosts• krotal• well (good) attach fasten(ing) fix(ed) hang (up) hook on suspend fountain well (fountain) sandal shoe chemical word stem diverse mixe(d) multiple varie(gat)ed various ram (sheep etc) sheep tup bracelet ring (circle) excrete perspire secrete (exhale) separate(d) sweat lily hair (head of) condemn damn(ed) verdict scatter(ed) separate(d) sieve(d) sift decide judge(d) saffron yellow flake flock (wool etc.) hank tuft wisp garlic onion fringe tassel rattle /ing crotaph cruci crus crus crus cry(o) cry(o) cry(o) cry(o) crypt(o) crypt(o) crypt(o) crypt(o) crypt(o) crypt(o) ctem ctem ctem cten cten cten cten ctil ctil ctil cucull cucull cucull cucull cucum(a) cucum(a) cucum(a) culcit culcit cultr cum cum cumb cumb cumb cupri cupro cur(i) cur(i) cur(i) cur(i) curculi curculi curi curi(o) krotaf• krutši• kruz• kruz• kruz• kry• kry• kry• kry• 1 krypt• 1 krypt• 1 krypt• 1 krypt• 2 krypt• 2 krypt• ktem• ktem• ktem• 1 kten• 1 kten• 2 kten• 2 kten• ktil• ktil• ktil• kukl• kukl• kukl• kukl• tsukm• tsukm• tsukm• tsulk• tsulk• kultr• kow+ kum1 kumb• 1 kumb• 1 kumb• kuprkupr1 kyr• 1 kyr• 1 kyr• 1 kyr• kurkul• kurkul• kurj2 kyr• temple (cheek) cross (nn) beat(ing) knock strike freeze frost ice refrigerate bury conceal(ed) hide/ ing secrecy cover(age) protect belong have possess card (wool etc) comb (nn) cattle living humility obedient /ence submissive beret cap (hat) cowl hood boiler cauldron kettle mattress pillow knife (etc.) with chemical word stem lie (recline) recline /ing supine curi(o) curi(o) curi(o) curs curs curs cut(is) cyan cyath cyath cyath cyath cyath cyath cyb cycle cycle cycn cym cym cym cymb cymb cymb cyn cyndal cynth cynth cynth cyph cyph cypr cypsel cyrt cyrt cyst cyst cyst cystine cyt 2 kyr• 2 kyr• 2 kyr• tšurs• tšurs• tšurs• tsut• kyan• kyat• kyat• kyat• kyat• kyat• kyat• tsyb• tsikl• tsikl• kykn• 1 tsym• 1 tsym• 1 tsym• tsymb• tsymb• tsymb• kyn• kyndal• kynt• kynt• kynt• tsyf• tsyf• kypr• kypsl• tsyrt• tsyrt• tsyst• tsyst• tsyst• tsisttsyt• chief (master) lord master (boss) gallop(ing) race /ing run (speed) skin blue container cup (trophy) goblet receptacle vase vessel (container) head ring (circle) wheel swan germ (nn) sprout (twig) sprout (nn) boat canoe ship (boat) dog ankle cucumber gourd pumpkin hump hunchback beauty (woman) beehive bend/bent curve(d) bladder blister bubble chemical word stem cell chemical element Cu chemical element Cu care for look after nurse /ing provide for pecker (penis) penis chemical element Cm boss (master) ETYMON da da da da(e) da(e) da(id) da(id) da(is) MEANING LEMMA dza• dza• dza• 2 daj• 2 daj• dajd• dajd• dajd• extreme(ly) much very enemy opponent flare (torch) torch flare (torch) 247 da(is) dac(n) dac(n) dacn dacn dacn dacn dacn dacn dacn dacry dacry dactyl dactyl dactyl dad dad dad dae dae dae dae dae dae daedal daedal daedal daedal daet daet dafas [Hb] dagyd dagyd dagyd dahar [A] dai dai dai dai dai dai dai daict daict dail dail dail dail dail dair 248 dajd• dak• dak• dakn• dakn• dakn• dakn• dakn• dakn• dakn• dakri• dakri• daktl• 1 daktyl• 2 daktyl• dad• dad• dad• 1 daj• 1 daj• 1 daj• 1 daj• 1 daj• 1 daj• dedl• dedl• dedl• dedl• dajt• dajt• dafs• dagyd• dagyd• dagyd• daxr• 2 daj• 2 daj• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dajk• dajk• 1 del• 1 del• 1 del• 1 del• 1 del• dajr• torch bite eat(ing) afflict(ion) annoy(ing) distress griev(ance) languishing mourn(ful) vex(ing) tear(drop) weep(ing) toe finger date (fruit) gum mucilage resin fragment(ation) part (piece) piece portion section (nn) share (part) gem jewel ornament piece of art banquet feast (nn) print(ed) doll dummy mannequin back(side) enemy opponent distribute divide scatter(ed) separate(d) split(ting) shear tear off apparent(ly) clear-cut evident neat overt peel(ed) dair dair dak dak dal(os) dal(os) dalai [S] dalai [S] dalai [S] damal damast damast damn damn dapan dapan dapan daped daped daped daps daps daps daps dapsil dapsil dapsil dapsil dapsil dapt(r) dapt(r) dapt(r) dapt(r) daqiqa [A] darragar [A] dart dart dart dasm dasy(t) dasy(t) dasy(t) dasy(t) dat dat dat dat dat dau dau dajr• dajr• dak• dak• dal• dal• dalaj• dalaj• dalaj• damal• damts• damts• damts• damts• dapan• dapn• dapn• daped• daped• daped• dapt• dapt• dapt• dapt• dapsl• dapsl• dapsl• dapsl• dapsl• dapt• dapt• dapt• dapt• dakik• darg• dajr• dajr• dajr• dasm• dasy• dasy• dasy• dasy• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dav• dav• poach(ed) skin(ned) bite eat(ing) fire-steel poker (fire) comprehensive general(ly) universal calf tame(d) train(ing) tame(d) train(ing) expense(s) law(ful) squander echelon level (layer) plain (nn) carouse quaff swallow swill abundant copious galore plenti(ful) profuse(ly) carouse quaff swallow swill minute (timelapse) bicycle peel(ed) poach(ed) skin(ned) debt bristling dense hairy shaggy distribute divide scatter(ed) separate(d) split(ting) burn cremate dau dauhitri [S] daul daul daul daul daya [S] daya [S] daya [S] daya [S] de de de de de de(si) de(si) dec deca decate deci dect dect dect dect dect dect dect dect dect dect dect dect dect dect(ic) dect(ic) deer degm(at) degm(at) deigm deigm deigm deigm deigm deil deil deil deil deil deil dav• dahitr• dasy• dasy• dasy• dasy• daja• daja• daja• daja• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• dejt• 1 det• 1 det• diks• [LN] dexa• [GN] incinerate grandchild bristling dense hairy shaggy compassion emotion pity /ful sympathy distribute divide scatter(ed) separate(d) split(ting) measure(d) size ten ten dexate• [GN] tenth detsi• [LN] 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 2 dekt• 2 dekt• 2 dekt• dak• dak• 2 dejr• degm• degm• digm• digm• digm• digm• digm• 1 deil• 1 deil• 1 deil• 1 deil• 2 deil• 2 deil• tenth acetous acid biting caustic corrosive cut(ting) mordant pungent sour tart acquire get receive (get) bite eat(ing) lasting injury wound(ed) example model proof sample specimen curfew half-light nightfall twilight anxiety timid(ity) deil deim deim deim dein dein dein dein dein dein dein dein dein dein deipn deipn deipn deipn deipn deir deir d(e)ir d(e)ir del del del del del dele dele dele dele dele dele dele dele dele dele delem(at) delem(at) delem(at) deletr deletr dellis dellith delphy dem dem dem dem 2 deil• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• dejpn• dejpn• dejpn• dejpn• dejpn• 1 dejr• 1 dejr• 1 der• 1 der• 1 del• 1 del• 1 del• 1 del• 1 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• 2 del• delm• delm• delm• deltr• deltr• dels• dels• delf• 2 dejm• 1 dem• 1 dem• 1 dem• timourous(ness) fear(ful) fright(en) terror(ize) draconian inexorable rigorous severe stern strict(ly) frightening horrible terrible terrify(ing) course (food) dish (food) food meal supper mount(ain) mountain chain neck throat apparent(ly) clear-cut evident neat overt allure bewitch charm(ing) enchant enchant entice fascinate lure seduce tempt(ing) damag(ing) harm spoil(ed) lamp lantern wasp wasp womb body group (ethnic) people population 249 dem dem dem dem dem dem dem dem dem dem dem dem dem demat demat demat demat demat demn demn demn demod demod demod demod demod demod den den den den den den den den den den denae denae denae denae dendr(it) dendro deo deo deo deon deon deon deon 250 1 dem• 2 dem• 2 dem• 2 dem• 2 dem• demj• demj• demj• desm• desm• desm• desm• desm• desm• desm• desm• desm• desm• demn• demn• demn• demd• demd• demd• demd• demd• demd• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• dejn• 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• denaj• denaj• denaj• denaj• dendr• dendr• djes• djes• djes• djon• djon• djon• djon• society built (nn) construct(ion) stature structure fat(ty) greasy heavy (type) bow (ornament) chain (string) link (connection) noose pompom bow (ornament) chain (string) link (connection) noose pompom bed bedside couch bad taste inferior ordinary tasteless trivial vulgar draconian inexorable rigorous severe stern strict(ly) frightening horrible terrible terrify(ing) lasting long (time) prolong(ed) protract(ed) tree(s) tree(s) bind link (connection) tie(d) adequate decent fitting (adj) necessary deon deon deon deors deors deors deos depas depas depas depas deph deph deps deps deps der der der(ae) der(ae) der(m) der(m) der(m) der(m) deranch deranch derc derc derc dere dere deris deris deris deris dermat dermat dermat dermat derr derr derr derr derr derr derr dertr dertr derx derx djon• djon• djon• ders• ders• ders• djos• 1 deps• 1 deps• 1 deps• 1 deps• depf• depf• depf• depf• 2 deps• 2 der• 2 der• 1 der• 1 der• derm• derm• derm• derm• dranx• dranx• derk• derk• derk• 1 der• 1 der• 1 der• 1 der• dris• dris• dermat• dermat• dermat• dermat• derj• derj• derj• derm• derm• derm• derm• dertr• dertr• derk• derk• proper(ly) seemly suitable descend go down undergo fear(ful) chalice cup goblet rummer knead massage knead massage tan(ned) affix appendix neck throat fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) skin (animal) strangle suffocate contemplate observe /ation study neck throat neck throat quarrel(ing) wrangle fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) skin (animal) holder sheath socket fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) skin (animal) beak bill (bird) contemplate observe /ation derx de(s) de(s) de(s) de(s) de(s) des des des desi desi desi desinen desinen desinen desm desm desm desm desm despect despect despect det det det det deu deu deu deu deu deuter deuter deuter deuter deuter dex dex dex dex dex dex dexi dexi dexi dhukham [S] di dia dia derk• dez+ dez+ dez+ dez+ dez+ djes• djes• djes• desj• desj• desj• dešn• dešn• dešn• desm• desm• desm• desm• desm• despek• despek• despek• 2 det• 2 det• 2 det• 2 det• dewter• dewter• dewter• dewter• dewter• dewter• dewter• dewter• dewter• dewter• 1 dexs• 1 dexs• 2 dexs• 2 dexs• 2 dexs• 2 dexs• deksi• dekš• dekš• dukam• dy• [GN] 1 dia• 2 dia• study deprive(d) rob (steal) take away take from without bind link (connection) tie(d) classify cut up parcel(ed) cease halt(ing) stop(ping) bow (ornament) chain (string) link (connection) noose pompom contempt (vb) despise scorn approve confirm consent yes after (time) ensuing follow(ing) next second(ary) after (time) ensuing follow(ing) next second(ary) larva worm gnaw off munch nibble pick (off) right (side) hope(ful) promise/ing mourn(ful) two through apart from dia dia dia dia dia diad(em) diad(em) diad(em) diad(em) dial dial dial dial dial dial dial diastem diastem diastem dice dice dice dice dice dicho dicho dicho dicho dicr dicr dicr dicral dicral dicral dicran dicran dicran dicro dicro dicro dictic dictic dictic dictic dicty dicty didact didact didact didym 2 dia• 2 dia• dja• dja• dja• djad• djad• djad• djad• djal• djal• djal• djal• djal• djal• djal• djast• djast• djast• dikaj• dikaj• dikaj• dikaj• dikaj• dix• dix• dix• dix• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• diktits• diktits• diktits• diktits• dikty• dikty• didakt• didakt• didakt• 1 didm• away from separate(d) because (of) for owing to envelop swath wind(ing) wrap(ped) ephemere passing provisional temporal temporary transient transitory intermission interval pause equitable jury just justice lawn divide halve separate(d) split(ting) fork pitchfork rake (fork) fork pitchfork rake (fork) fork pitchfork rake (fork) fork pitchfork rake (fork) demonstrate illustrate reveal(ing) show(ing) net(work) web inform(ation) instruct teach couple 251 didym didym didym didym diel(in) diel(in) diel(in) diel(in) dier dier dier dier dieram digit digit digit digit digit digm digm digm digm digm diid diid diid dikroumi [A] dim(al) dim(al) dim(al) dim(at) dim(at) dim(at) din din din din din din din din din din din din dio(s) dio(s) dio(s) dio(s) diogm(at) 252 1 didm• 1 didm• 1 didm• 2 didm• 1 deil• 1 deil• 1 deil• 1 deil• djer• djer• djor• djor• djeram• didžit• didžit• didžit• didžit• digit• digm• digm• digm• digm• digm• djid• djid• djid• dikrum• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• 2 din• 2 din• 2 din• 2 din• 2 din• 2 djos• 2 djos• te• te• djogm• pair twin(s) twosome testicle(s) curfew half-light nightfall twilight fresh new discriminate distinguish funnel count(ing) digit figure (number) number finger example model proof sample specimen bright clear plain(ly) turkey fear(ful) fright(en) terror(ize) fear(ful) fright(en) terror(ize) fear(ful) fright(en) terror(ize) frightening horrible terrible terrify(ing) roll(ing) stir turn over whirl(ing) whirlpool divinity God divinity God chase diogm(at) diogm(at) diogm(at) dior dior diph diph diph diph diphr diphr diphr diphr diphr diphr diphter diphter diphter dipl(o) dipl(o) dipl(o) dipl(o) diplac diplac diplac diplac diplasi diplasi diplasi diplasi diplax diplax diplax diplax diplaz diplaz diplaz diplaz dips dis dis dis dis dis disop disop disop diut(in) diut(in) diut(in) djogm• djogm• djogm• djor• djor• dipf• dipf• dipf• dipf• difr• difr• difr• difr• difr• difr• difter• difter• difter• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dips• dias• dias• diš• diš• diš• dysp• dysp• dysp• djut• djut• djut• hunt persecute(d) run down discriminate distinguish examine explore research search arm-chair bench canapé couch divan easy-chair film membrane pellicle double mutual reciprocal twice double mutual reciprocal twice double mutual reciprocal twice double mutual reciprocal twice double mutual reciprocal twice thirst double twice silt slime sludge confuse(d) jumble(d) shame(ful) long (time) prolix prolong(ed) diut(in) diuturn diuturn diuturn diuturn div [S] div [S] div [S] div [S] divit djaib [A] djaib [A] djaib [A] djesh [R] djuf [A] djuf [A] doar [Hb] doc doc dochm dochm dochm docima docima docima docima docu docu dodeca dodeca doe doe doe doke doke doke doke doke dokem dokem dokem dokem dokes dokes dokes dokes doli(o) doli(o) doli(o) doli(o) djut• djut• djut• djut• djut• 1 div• 1 div• 1 div• 2 div• divits• džajb• džajb• džajb• deš• [RN] džuf• džuf• dwar• dots• dots• dokm• dokm• dokm• dokim• dokim• dokim• dokim• dokw• dokw• dodeka• GN] dodeka• GN] doj• doj• doj• 2 dokt• 2 dokt• 2 dokt• 2 dokt• 2 dokt• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• 1 doli• 1 doli• 1 doli• 1 doli• protract(ed) long(ing) prolix prolong(ed) protract(ed) Eden heaven paradise day(light) well to-do chord cord string (cord) ten abdomen belly mail beam (wood etc) girder lord oblique slanting experiment explore test(ing) try (out) contents purport (nn) dozen twelve doubtful dubious questionable apparent illusion imagine quasi seeming cultured educate(d) erudite learned cultured educate(d) erudite leather barrel butt cask vat doli(o) doli(o) doli(o) doli(o) doli(o) dolich dolich dolium dolium dolium dolium dolon dolon dolon dolon dolon dolop dolop dolop dolop dolos dolos dolos dolos dolos dolych dolych dom dom dom dom domin domin domin donac donac donac donac donac donax donax donax donax donax donax donax donax donet dooron dor 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• dolix• dolix• 1 doli• 1 doli• 1 doli• 1 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• dolix• dolix• dawm• dawm• dawm• dawm• domn• domn• domn• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 1 donak• 1 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• 2 donak• donet• dowr• 1 dor• cheat crafty cunning dishonest sly(ness) extend(ing) long (distance) barrel butt cask vat cheat crafty cunning dishonest sly(ness) cheat cunning dishonest sly(ness) cheat crafty cunning dishonest sly(ness) extend(ing) long (distance) dwelling-place log (block) nest stay (place) boss (master) leader master (boss) canal channel drain (nn) pipe(line) sewers cane reed canal channel drain (nn) pipe(line) reed sewers shake(n) gift cylinder 253 dor dor dor dor dor dor dor dor dor(em) dor(em) dora dora dora dora dora dora dora dora dora dora dorco dorco dorco dorco dorco dorx dorx dorx dorx dorx dory dory dory dory dory dory dothi dothi dothi dothi dothi dox dox dox dox dox draa [A] dragm(at) dragm(at) dragm(at) 254 1 dor• 1 dor• dora• dora• dora• dora• dora• dora• 2 dor• 2 dor• dora• dora• dora• dora• dora• dora• dra• dra• dra• dra• dork• dork• dork• dork• dork• dork• dork• dork• dork• dork• 1 dory• 1 dory• 2 dory• 2 dory• 2 dory• 2 dory• 1 dotsi• 1 dotsi• 2 dotsi• 2 dotsi• 2 dotsi• 1 doks• 1 doks• 2 doks• 2 doks• 2 doks• drax• dragm• dragm• dragm• pipe(line) tube asylum hide-out hiding-place recourse refuge (safety) shelter (protection) donate give asylum hide-out hiding-place recourse refuge (safety) shelter (protection) fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) skin (animal) buck (goat etc) deer goat roebuck stag buck (goat etc) deer goat roebuck stag harpoon lance (nn) band (nn) strip (ribbon) stripe tape (ribbon) nail stud boil (nn) pustule tumor belief opinion famous notorious renowned arm (limb) bundle handful sheaf dram dram drama drama drama drama drasm drasm draster draster draster draster draster draster draster drep(an) drep(an) drep(an) drep(an) drept drept dri(od) dri(od) dri(od) dri(od) dri(od) dril dril drimi drimi drimi drimi drimy drimy drimy drimy drom drom drom drom dros dros dros dros dros dry(o) dry(o) dryin dryin drym 2 drom• 2 drom• dramat• dramat• dramat• dramat• drasm• drasm• drasr• drasr• drasr• drasr• drasr• drasr• drasr• drepan• drepan• drepan• drepan• drept• drept• drod• drod• drod• drod• drod• drilus• drilus• drimj• drimj• drimj• drimj• drimj• drimj• drimj• drimj• 1 drom• 1 drom• 2 drom• 2 drom• droz• droz• droz• droz• droz• dry• dry• dry• dry• drym• harbour (port) port (naval) presentation show (spectacle) spectacle theater flee(ing) run away active alert brisk diligent hard-working labour (hard) vigorous billhook reaping hook scythe (etc) sickle pick(ed) pluck(ing) copse grove shrubbery thicket tree(s) earthworm worm biting corrosive cut(ting) sharp biting corrosive cut(ting) sharp arena race-course harbour (port) port (naval) damp(ness) dew humid(ity) moistness wet(ness) oak(tree) tree(s) oak(tree) tree(s) forest drym dryp dryp dryph dryph du(x) duchan [Hb] dukham [S] duli(c) duli(c) duli(c) dulich dulich dum(al) dundub duplic duplex durgand duri dven dyevyaty dym dym dym dypt dypt dypt dypt dys dys dys dys dys dys dys dys dys dysmic dysmic dysop dysop dysop dyspr dyt(ic) dyt(ic) dyt(ic) dyt(ic) dyte dzea drym• dryp• dryp• dryf• dryf• duw• [LN] dutšan• dukam• dulk• dulk• dulk• dolix• dolix• dum• dundub• dipl• dipl• durg• durj• dven• [RN] devj• [RN] dym• dym• dym• dyt• dyt• dyt• dyt• dys+ dys+ dys+ dys+ dys+ dyš• dyš• dyš• dyš• dysm• dysm• dysp• dysp• dysp• dysprdyt• dyt• dyt• dyt• dyte• [GN] dze• woods scratch scrub(bing) injury wound(ed) two platform (railway) funerary bond servant serf slave (servant) extend(ing) long (distance) bush drum double twice stench wood two nine many multiple times (many) dive enter immerse(d) plunge bad dirty disgusting negative shame(ful) evening sundown sunset twilight occident(al) west(ern) confuse(d) jumble(d) shame(ful) chemical element Dy dive enter immerse(d) plunge half rye ETYMON e(e)th e(e)th e(e)th earin earo ebae ebae ebae ebae ebh ebh ebh ebh ecast ecast ecast ecast ecce ecce ecce ecce ecci ecci ecci ecci eccopt eccopt eccrem eccrem ecel ecel ecel eces eces eces eces eces eces ecgon(on) ech ech ech echet echet echi(on) echi(on) echin echis echis echm(at) echm(at) echm(at) echm(at) echth(r) echth(r) LEMMA 1 aet• 1 aet• 1 aet• her• her• ebaj• ebaj• ebaj• ebaj• ebaj• ebaj• ebaj• ebaj• ekast• ekast• ekast• ekast• ekei• ekei• ekei• ekei• ekei• ekei• ekei• ekei• etšopt• etšopt• ekrem• ekrem• ekel• ekel• ekel• etšes• etšes• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• egon• ekx• ekx• ekx• 1 ext• 1 ext• exis• exis• exin• exis• exis• hexm• hexm• hexm• hexm• extr• extr• MEANING custom(ary) habit(s) moral(s) spring(time) spring(time) bit (a) little (a) rather some bit (a) little (few) rather some all each every(one) general(ly) here are see here that this here are see here that this amputate cut off hang (down) hang (down) analogous like (adv) similar(ly) angle corner apartment dwelling-place home house son cease halt(ing) stop(ping) noise / noisy sound (noise) adder viper hedgehog adder viper handicap(ped) hindrance impediment obstacle contestant enemy 255 echth(r) echth(r) echth(r) echthodop echthodop echthodop echthodop echthodop eci eci eci eci(e) ecie ecie ecie eclemm(at) eclemm(at) eclemm(at) eclemm(at) eclemm(at) eco eco eco eco ecpleo ecpleo ecpleo ecs ecs ecs ecs ectas ectas ectas ec(to) ec(to) ec(to) ed ed ed edac edac edan edan edan edaph edaph edaph edaph edit edit edo edo edos edos edos 256 extr• extr• extr• extr• extr• extr• extr• extr• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• eklemt• eklemt• eklemt• eklemt• eklemt• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ekpl• ekpl• ekpl• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ektas• ektas• ektas• ekt• ekt• ekt• hed• hed• hed• dak• dak• edan• edan• edan• 1 edaf• 1 edaf• 1 edaf• 2 edaf• edits• edits• edu• edu• hedon• hedon• hedon• fiend opponent rival (competitor) contestant enemy fiend opponent rival (competitor) dwelling-place home house apartment dwelling-place home house bark (inner) bast integument peel (nn) shell (cover) apartment dwelling-place home house complete(ly) full plenary apartment dwelling-place home house extend(ing) spread stretch(ing) exterior external out(side) mild sweet (sense) tender(ly) bite eat(ing) gentle mild tender(ly) earth (ground) ground soil (earth) floor high tall genital organ sex organ enjoy pleasure relish (pleasure) edra edra edra edrai edrai edrai edul eeri eeri eeth eeth eeth eff(o)et eff(o)et eg(o) eg(o) egetst egetst egetst egorik egorik egorik egyr egyr egyr egyr eid(i) eid(i) eid(i) eidol eidol eidol eikos eil eil eil eil eiletic eilic eimat eimat einsteini eion eion eion eir eiren eiren eiren eiren eis eis eis eis eis eis 2 hedr• 2 hedr• 2 hedr• edraj• edraj• edraj• edl• heri• heri• hed• hed• hed• eft• eft• 1 aig• 1 aig• 2 ext• 2 ext• 2 ext• egor• egor• egor• egyr• egyr• egyr• egyr• eid• eid• eid• ejdl• ejdl• ejdl• ejkosa• [GN] eil• eil• eil• eil• hejl• hejl• him• him• ensthion• hion• hion• hejr• iren• iren• iren• iren• ajs• ejs• ejs• ejs• ejs• ejs• chair seat(ed) sit firm(ly) solid(ity) stable (adj) edible dawn(ing) morning mild sweet (sense) tender(ly) exhausted tire(d) billy goat goat director guide (nn) leader comfort (ease) console (vb) encourage collective mass (crowd) public(ly) social figure (picture) form picture ghost phantom spirit (ghost) twenty disturb(ance) hindrance inconvenience obstacle roll(ing) roll(ing) clothing costume chemical element Es bank (shore) beach seaside knot(ted) agree(d) concord harmony peace(ful) close(by) near(by) till towards until up to eiso eiso eiso eiso ejula ejula ejula ekbas el el el el el elae(o) elae(o) elai(n) elai(n) elaph elaph elaph elaphr elaphr elaphr elaphr elaphr elaphr elasm elasm elasm elasm elasm elasm elat elat elat elat elat elat elat elat elat elat elaut elaut elaut ele ele ele electr eledon elegei elegei elei elei elei eis• eis• eis• eis• elin• elin• elin• egbas• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• elaj• elaj• elaj• elaj• elaf• elaf• elaf• elafr• elafr• elafr• elafr• elafr• elafr• 1 elasm• 1 elasm• 1 elasm• 2 elasm• 2 elasm• 2 elasm• 1 elat• 1 elat• 1 elat• 1 elat• 1 elat• 1 elat• 2 elat• 2 elat• 2 elat• 2 elat• elut• elut• elut• 1 hele• 1 hele• 1 hele• eletr• eledn• eledž• eledž• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• in(side) inside interior(ity) internal complain groan moan exit bog fen marsh (moor) morass swamp oil olive oil olive deer reindeer stag diligent experience(d) expert(ly) handy season(ed) skillful lamina plate (thin) slat bulkhead partition septum behavior bring conduct(ing) drive /ing lead(ing) propel(ling) conifer fir (etc) pine(tree) spruce clean(ing) purify(ing) wash(ing) compassion pity /ful sympathy amber pulp complain lament(able) bog fen marsh (moor) elei elei elemat elemat elemat elemat elemat elemat elen elench elench eleo eleo eleo eleo eleuther eleuther eleuther eleuther eleuther eli eli elic elic elingu elingu elingu elingu elle elle elle elle elp elp elp elp elp elp elpid elpid elpid elpid elpid elpid elpis elpis elpis elpis elpis elpis elutor elutor elutor elyg elysis elysis 1 hevl• 1 hevl• elemt• elemt• elemt• elemt• elemt• elemt• heln• elentš• elentš• 2 ele• 2 ele• 2 ele• 2 ele• elewtr• elewtr• elewtr• elewtr• elewtr• eli• eli• elitš• elitš• elinx• elinx• elinx• elinx• 1 ele• 1 ele• 1 ele• 1 ele• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elp• elut• elut• elut• helyg• elyt• elyt• morass swamp fruitless futile senseless sterile useless vain (useless) torch argument (issue) proof begrudge regret(table) repent(ing) sorry (be) free(ly) unceremonious unconstrained unforced unrestrained guinea-pig marmot age (timelapse) time lapse dumb mute(ly) speechless voiceless envelop swathe wind(ing) wrap(ped) aspire /ation await expect long(ing) wait yearn(ing) aspire /ation await expect long(ing) wait yearn(ing) aspire /ation await expect long(ing) wait yearn(ing) clean(ing) purify(ing) wash(ing) shadow(y) arrive come 257 elytos elytos emacera emacera emacera emacera emacera emaci emaci emaci emaci emaci emball emball emball emball emball embi embi embi emblem(at) emblem(at) emblem(at) emblem(at) embol embol embol embol embol embol embol embol embol embol embol embol embol embol embol embroc embroc embroc embroc eme(t) eme(t) emer emmel emmel emmel emped emped emped emped empi(d) empor 258 elyt• elyt• emats• emats• emats• emats• emats• emats• emats• emats• emats• emats• 1 embal• 1 embal• 1 embal• 2 embal• 2 embal• embi• embi• embi• 1 emble• 1 emble• 1 emble• 1 emble• 1 embl• 1 embl• 1 embl• 1 embl• 1 embl• 2 embl• 2 embl• 2 embl• 1 emble• 1 emble• 1 emble• 1 emble• 2 emble• 2 emble• 2 emble• embrok• embrok• embrok• embrok• emet• emet• 1 hemer• heml• heml• heml• emped• emped• emped• emped• empj• 1 empor• arrive come lean (thin) meager scanty skinny thin(ly) lean (thin) meager scanty skinny thin(ly) place(d) put(ting) set(ting) push shove inside interior(ity) internal aggress(ion) attack penetrate(d) push through beam (wood etc) bolt (key) chock girder wedge launch shoot (missile) throw aggress(ion) attack penetrate(d) push through door entrance gate irrigate sprinkle water(ed) wet (moisten) throw up vomit day(light) elegant fashion(able) graceful firm(ly) solid(ity) stable (adj) sturdy fly (insect) affair empor empor empor empor empor emunct emunct emus emus emyd emyd emys emys en en en en en en enaul enaul enaul enaul enaul enaul enaul enaul enca encar ench ench enchely enchn enchn encycl encycl encycl encycl encycl encycl encycl endae endae endae endae endo endo endo endym endym endym endym endys endys endys endys 1 empor• 1 empor• 1 empor• 1 empor• 2 empor• emunt• emunt• emys• emys• emys• emys• emys• emys• ene• ene• ene• ene• ene• ene• enal• enal• enal• enal• enal• enal• enal• enal• enka• [GN] enkr• enx• enx• enxel• enxn• enxn• entsikl• entsikl• entsikl• entsikl• entsikl• entsikl• entsikl• endje• endje• endje• endje• end• end• end• endm• endm• endm• endm• endm• endm• endm• endm• business commerce deal (nn) trade (commerce) merchant excrete purify(ing) tortoise turtle tortoise turtle tortoise turtle against anti counter oppose(d) reverse(d) undenizen guest inhabitant inmate lodging (nn) occupier resident (nn) tenant first brain rapier sword eel down (fluff) fluff all comprehensive embracing encompassing every(thing) extensive vast empty/ ness incomplete vacant /cy void in(side) inside internal clothing cover(age) cover(age) garment clothing cover(age) cover(age) garment ene(o) ene(o) ene(o) ene(o) enelle enelle enelle enelle engi(on) engi(on) engi(on) engi(on) engi(on) engi(on) enic enic enic enic enic enix enix enki enne enop enot enot enot ens(i) ent ent ent ent ent entele(ch) entele(ch) entele(ch) entell entell entell entell enter enter ento ento ento entole entole entole entole entom enty enty enty enul eo(s) hene• henj• henj• henj• 1 ele• 1 ele• 1 ele• 1 ele• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 enits• 1 enits• 2 enits• 2 enits• 2 enits• eniks• eniks• enky• enea• [GN] enop• enot• enot• enot• ens• 1 onts• 1 onts• 1 onts• 1 onts• 1 onts• entel• entel• entel• entol• entol• entol• entol• enter• enter• end• end• end• entol• entol• entol• entol• entom• enty• enty• enty• enl• eo• mute(ly) absurd idiotic unwise envelop swathe wind(ing) wrap(ped) at beside close(by) near(by) next (to) with right (correct) straight(en) only sole (only) unique generate give birth pregnant nine voice unification union unity sword are be being (nn) entity exist(ence) complete(ly) flawless perfect(ly) command dictate instruct order(ed) bowel(s) intestine in(side) inside internal command dictate instruct order(ed) insect equip(ment) outfit provisions curl(ed) begin(ning) eo(s) eo(s) eo(s) eo(s) eo(s) eo(s) eo(s) eol eol epact epact epactr epactr eparc eparc epeir epeir epeir epeir epel epel epel epetes epeti epheb epheb epheb ephedr ephel ephel ephest ephest ephest ephialt ephialt ephialt ephor ephor ephor ephor epi epi epi epi epi epi epi epi epi epi episi episkept epochle epod epozo epozo eo• eo• eo• eo• eos• eos• eos• eol• eol• epakt• epakt• paktr• paktr• eparts• eparts• epejr• epejr• epejr• epejr• epl• epl• epl• epetj• epetj• efeb• efeb• efeb• epedr• efel• efel• efest• efest• efest• efjalt• efjalt• efjalt• epfr• epfr• epfr• epfr• 1 epi• 1 epi• 1 epi• 1 epi• 2 epi• 2 epi• hepj• hepj• hepj• hepj• epiš• epišk• poxl• epod• epodz• epodz• early primitive pristine remote aurora daybreak morning breeze wind (air) import introduce beast (of prey) hunter enough sufficient continent country Earth land (country) blanket cover(age) lid (cover) year year adolescent teen-ager young(ster) sit freckle pimple dwelling-place home house dream incubus nightmare border (rim) boundary frontier limit (border) add(ed) join(ed) on supplement(ary) eminent high-ranking affable courteous kind(ness) polite(ly) groin visit tedious stench brood (vb) incubate 259 epset equ equ equ equ equ equi equi equi er(i) eras eras eras eras eras erasm erasm erasm erasm erast erast erast erast erastri erastri erastri erastri erbi ereb ereb erechth ereid ereid ereid ereid ereis(m) ereis(m) ereis(m) ereis(m) erem erem erem erem(io) erem(io) erem(io) eremn eremn eremot eremot eremot eremot eremot erep(s) ereps ereps 260 epsed• 1 ekw• 2 ekw• 2 ekw• 2 ekw• 2 ekw• eky• eky• eky• her• eraš• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erast• erbjereb• ereb• 1 reks• eresm• eresm• eresm• eresm• eresm• eresm• eresm• eresm• 1 erm• 1 erm• 1 erm• 2 erm• 2 erm• 2 erm• ereb• ereb• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 2 ereps• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• cook(ed) horse cowboy horseman knight rider equal identical same spring(time) rake(d) betrothe(d) darling lover sweetheart betrothe(d) darling lover sweetheart betrothe(d) darling lover sweetheart bethroded darling low (vb) sweetheart chemical element Er dark(ness) obscure /ity break(ing) lean(ing) rest (against) support(ing) sustain lean(ing) rest (against) support(ing) sustain calm quiet(ly) tranquil(ity) desert waste(land) wilderness dark(ness) obscure /ity annihilate(d) destroy shatter(ed) smash(ed) wreck roof annihilate(d) destroy ereps ereps ereps eres eres eret(h) eret(h) eret(h) eret(h) eret(m) eret(m) erethiz erethiz erethiz erethiz eretm eretm erett erett ereuth ereuth erg erg erg erg erg erg [A] erg [A] erga erga erga erga ergates erge ergi ergi ergi ergi ergi ergi ergi ergi ergum ergum ergum ergum ergi ergum eri eri eri eri eri eri eri 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• 1 eret• 1 eret• 2 eret• 2 eret• 2 eret• 2 eret• 1 eret• 1 eret• 2 eret• 2 eret• 2 eret• 2 eret• eretm• eretm• 1 eret• 1 eret• eritr• eritr• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erx• erx• erg• erg• erg• erg• ergats• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• 1 eri• 1 eri• 1 eri• 2 eri• 2 eri• 1 erj• 1 erj• shatter(ed) smash(ed) wreck paddle /ing row(ing) excite(d) incite irritate nervous paddle /ing row(ing) excite(d) incite irritate nervous oar paddle (oar) paddle /ing row(ing) ginger red act (vb) do labour(ing) make /ing work(ing) dune hill act (vb) do labour(ing) make /ing peasant work(ing) make /ing manipulate act (vb) do labour(ing) make /ing manipulate work(ing) act (vb) do labour(ing) make /ing manipulate work(ing) down (fluff) fluff wool(en) at once soon extreme(ly) much eri erict erict erict erin erin erin erio erio erio eriol eriol eriph eris erism erism erist erist ern ern ern ern ern ern erodi erodi erot(em) erot(em) erot(em) erot(em) erpet errant errant errant ers eruc erv ery ery ery(o) ery(o) eryc eryc eryc erym(at) erym(at) erymn erymn eryth(em) eryth(em) eryth(r) eryth(r) esca esca eschar eschar 1 erj• erikt• erikt• erikt• 1 eri• 1 eri• 1 eri• 1 eri• 1 eri• 1 eri• erjol• erjol• erif• 1 ers• ersm• ersm• ersm• ersm• hern• hern• hern• hern• hern• hern• erodj• erodj• erots• erots• erots• erots• herpet• erat• erat• erat• 2 ers• eruts• erv• 2 erj• 2 erj• ery• ery• eryk• eryk• eryk• erym• erym• erym• erym• eritr• eritr• eritr• eritr• ešk• ešk• eskr• esxar• very pulverize(d) shiver(ing) splinter(ed) down (fluff) fluff wool(en) down (fluff) fluff wool(en) hurricane storm(y) goat take(n) quarrel(ing) wrangle quarrel(ing) wrangle bough (tree) branch (ramification) shoot (twig) sprig sprout (twig) twig crane heron ask demand question request snake migrate roam(ing) wander dew caterpillar lens save spare (save) pull tear off hold(ing) keep stick to barricade(d) defend barricade(d) defend ginger red ginger red food nutrition crust altar eschar eschat eschat eschat eschat ese ese ese ese esis esis esis esis est est est esth(em) esth(em) esth(em) esth(i) esth(i) esth(i) esthes esthes esthes esthet esthet esthet esthet esthet esthet esthl esthl esthl estr estr estr estr estr et(i) ete(o) ete(o) ete(o) ete(o) ete(o) etes etes etes etes eth eth eth eth eth eth esxar• esxat• esxat• esxat• esxat• esiš• esiš• esiš• esiš• esiš• esiš• esiš• esiš• 1 hest• 1 hest• 1 hest• 2 ests• 2 ests• 2 ests• 1 ests• 1 ests• 1 ests• 2 ests• 2 ests• 2 ests• estez• estez• estez• 2 ests• 2 ests• 2 ests• estl• estl• estl• hestr• hestr• ojstr• ojstr• ojstr• het• 1 hetj• 1 hetj• 1 hetj• 1 hetj• 1 hetj• hetes• hetes• hetes• hetes• 1 aest• 1 aest• 1 aest• 1 aest• 1 aest• ajti• mantelpiece conclusion end (finish) final(e) last (item) desire inclination propensity tendency desire inclination propensity tendency lay (put) place(d) put(ting) clothing dress (clothing) garment banquet feast (nn) festival clothing dress (clothing) garment feeling perception sense clothing dress (clothing) garment fair(ness) honesty probity furious rage(ing) ardent lust passion(ate) year correct(ly) justified right (correct) true truth(ful) burgess burgher citizen middle-class ardent burn flame heat (temperature) hot cause (nn) 261 eth eth eth eth eth(eo) eth(eo) ethel ethel ethel ethm ethm ethm ethm ethn ethn ethn ethn ethri eti eti eti eti etm etm etoem etoem etoem etoem etr(i) etr(i) eu eu eu eu eu eu eudi eudi eudi eun eun eur eur eur eur eurem eurem eures eures europi euros euros eurot eurot eury eury 262 ajti• ajti• ajti• etjetx• etx• etsl• etsl• etsl• 1 etm• 1 etm• 1 etm• 1 etm• etn• etn• etn• etn• etri• ajti• ajti• ajti• ajti• 2 etm• 2 etm• etojm• etojm• etojm• etojm• hetr• hetr• eu• eu• eu• eu• eu• eu• ewdi• ewdi• ewdi• eun• eun• ejur• ejur• eur• eur• evres• evres• evres• evres• evreur• eur• eur• eur• evry• evry• motive pretext why chemical word stem bachelor spinster goodwill please (if you) voluntary riddle screen (sifting) sieve (tool) strainer clan people race (species) tribe heaven cause (nn) motive pretext why cut(ting) slice(d) available in stock obtainable ready abdomen pubis correct(ly) good normal proper(ly) right (correct) true fume (smoke) gas smoke bed couch east orient mildew mould (mildew) discover invent(ion) discover invent(ion) chemical element Eu mildew mould (mildew) mildew mould (mildew) large spacious eury eus eus eus eus eutel eutel eutel eutel eutel eutel eutel ex(o) exa exate exip(ul) exip(ul) exip(ul) exom exos(s) exos(s) exos(s) exos(s) expui expui extra extra extra extra ETYMON fac fact(it) faecul fagus fala fala fala falagr falagr falagr falagr falla(c) falla(c) falla(c) famul farct farct farct farct fars fars fars evry• ejus• ejus• ejus• ejus• ejtl• ejtl• ejtl• ejtl• ejtl• ejtl• ejtl• exs• eksa• [GN] eksate• [GN] eksip• eksip• eksip• eksom• eksoš• eksoš• eksoš• eksoš• ešpu• ešpu• estra• estra• estra• estra• vast form (health) health sanity well-being common(ly) every day ordinary popular trivial vernacular vulgar out(side) number value 1018 number value 10–18 accept get receive (get) shirt elastic flexible pliant supple spit up spit(tle) exterior external out(side) out(side) MEANING LEMMA fatš• pfakt• fakl• 2 fag• 1 falax• 1 falax• 1 falax• falakr• falakr• falakr• falakr• 2 falax• 2 falax• 2 falax• faml• farst• farst• farst• farst• farst• farst• farst• torch create(d) flour beech scaffold skeleton stage (scaffolding) bald barren callow hairless ruse subterfuge trick (artifice) servant clog (vb) plug(ged) stop up stuff(ed) clog (vb) plug(ged) stop up fars fart fart fart fart fas [A] fast fast fast favus fax fecul fel(l) fel(l) fell femto fer fer fer ferali fermi ferr ferrug ferrug ferul ferul ferul ferul ferul ferul feshfesh [A] feshfesh [A] fess fess festuc festuc festuc fiber fiber fiber fidicul fidicul fil fil fil filar filar filar filfil [A] fili farst• farst• farst• farst• farst• 2 fas• 2 fasts• 2 fasts• 2 fasts• fav• fatš• fakl• 1 felj• 1 felj• 2 felj• femta• [GN] for• feru• feru• fralj• fermjferfrug• frug• 1 pfer• 1 pfer• 1 pfer• 1 pfer• 2 pfer• 2 pfer• 2 fests• 2 fests• 1 fests• 1 fests• pfest• pfest• pfest• fibr• fibr• fibr• fidits• fidits• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• filf• 2 fil• stuff(ed) clog (vb) plug(ged) stop up stuff(ed) pick-ax contempt haughtiness pride honeycomb torch flour bile gall suck(ing) number value 10-15 carry(ing) untamed wild wild chemical element Fm chemical element Fe corrosion rust(ed) rod switch (tool) twig wand scourge (whip) whip (strap) waste(land) wilderness exhausted tire(d) branch (ramification) stalk (twig) stem (sprout) fiber filament thread (fiber) harp lyre fiber filament thread (fiber) fiber filament thread (fiber) pepper fiber fili fili filo filo filo filum filum filum fimet fimet fimet fiss flabell flabell flabell flagell flacc(id) flacc(id) flacc(id) flat(u) flat(u) flav fleb flen flen flen flen flen flet flet flet flet flet fluit fluo fluvi fodi fodi foed(at) foed(at) foggara [A] foggara [A] folli(cul) folli(cul) fomm [A] forfex forfic foron foron foron 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• fimt• fimt• fimt• fits• flabel• flabel• flabel• fladž• flatš• flatš• flatš• pflat• pflat• flav• 2 fleb• fletn• fletn• fletn• fletn• fletn• fletn• fletn• fletn• fletn• fletn• fluj• fluwfluvj• fojd• fojd• fojd• fojd• fogr• fogr• folj• folj• fomn• forfik• forfik• foron• foron• foron• filament thread (fiber) fiber filament thread (fiber) fiber filament thread (fiber) dung(hill) fertilizer manure split(ting) fan (ventilator) feather-brush feather-duster whip(ping) droop fade wither blow (air) breathe yellow draw (line) blubber cry (weep) snivel weep(ing) whimper blubber cry (weep) snivel weep(ing) whimper wave chemical element F river abhor loathe abhor loathe canal channel balloon bladder throat scissors scissors container holder receptacle 263 foron foron fossul fossul frace frace frace fraci fraci fraci fraen fragm franci fremen fremen fremit fremit fren fres fres fres fret fret fret fritill fritill fritill frust(r) frust(r) frust(r) frust(r) frutec frutec frutex frutex frutic frutic fuc fuc fulci(men) fulci(men) fulci(men) fulcr fulcr fulcr fulg fulg fulg fulg fulg 264 foron• foron• fosol• fosol• fraš• fraš• fraš• fraš• fraš• fraš• 1 pfren• 1 fragm• fransfremt• fremt• fremt• fremt• 1 pfren• pfres• pfres• pfres• fred• fred• fred• fritl• fritl• fritl• frust• frust• frust• frust• fruts• fruts• fruts• fruts• fruts• fruts• fyk• fyk• fulkr• fulkr• fulkr• fulkr• fulkr• fulkr• 1 fuldž• 1 fuldž• 1 fuldž• 2 fuldž• 2 fuldž• sheath socket furrow wrinkle (furrow) bribe (vb) buy (someone) corrupt(ed) bribe (vb) buy (someone) corrupt(ed) brake (nn) break(ing) chemical element Fr noise / noisy sound (noise) noise / noisy sound (noise) brake (nn) creak(ing) grate (rasp) grind corridor gangway fun(al) fun(al) fun(al) fundi fundi fundi fundul funi(s) funi(s) funi(s) fur furfur fus(i) fus(i) fus(i) fusc fusc fusti fusti fusti fusti fyc fyc fun• fun• fun• fundj• fundj• fundj• fundl• fun• fun• fun• fjurfurf• 1 fuž• 2 fuž• 2 fuž• fusk• fusk• fustj• fustj• fustj• fustj• fyk• fyk• cable (rope) line (rope) rope (cord) basis construct(ion) fundament sausage line (rope) rope (cord) string (cord) chemical word stem bran pour melt(ed) smelt black dark baton cane club (stick) stick (club) alga seaweed street beaker dice-box goblet fraction fragment(ation) part (piece) piece bush shrub (plant) bush shrub (plant) bush shrub (plant) alga seaweed prop stay (place) support (base) prop stay (place) support (base) light (shine) lightning shine /ing lamp lantern ETYMON gadol gae gai gajah [S] gal(act) galact galact galb [A] galbul galbul gale gale gale gale(at) gale(at) gale(at) gale(at) galen galen galen galen gall gall gall gall MEANING LEMMA gadlge• ge• gadža• džal• galakt• lakt• xalb• galb• galb• gale• gale• gale• galer• galer• galer• galer• 1 galn• 1 galn• 1 galn• 2 galn• galg• galg• galg• galg• chemical element Gd Earth Earth elephant milk (nn) milk (nn) milk (nn) heart big-bellied corpulent ferret marten weasel cap (hat) coif helmet wig calm quiet(ly) tranquil(ity) lead (metal) chicken cock (fowl) hen rooster galli gallum gallum gam gam gam gambr gambr gambr gamel gamel gan gan gan gan gan gan ganni ganni garasu-kiri gargal gargar gargar gargar gargar garr(i) garr(i) garr(i) garvah [S] garvah [S] garvah [S] garvah [S] gassi [A] gassi [A] gaster gaster gaster gastr(o) gastr(o) gastr(o) gaur gaur gavis gavis gazar [A] ge(o) geiss geiss geiss geit galjgalm• galm• gam• gam• gam• gambr• gambr• gambr• gaml• gaml• 1 gan• 1 gan• 1 gan• 2 gan• gani• gani• gani• gani• garask• gargl• 1 gargr• 1 gargr• 1 gargr• 2 gargr• gar• gar• gar• garva• garva• garva• garva• gasi• gasi• gastr• gastr• gastr• gastr• gastr• gastr• gavr• gavr• gavr• gavr• gazr• ge• geš• geš• geš• geton• chemical element Ga curtain veil marriage wedding wedlock kin parent(s) relation (human) donate give adorn(ment) decoration ornament smelt happy/ ness joy happy/ ness joy diamond tickle audience mass (crowd) public(ly) uvula babble chatter gossip dignity self-assurance self-confidence self-reliance hard tough abdomen belly stomach abdomen belly stomach happy/ ness joy happy/ ness joy carrot Earth battlement breach gap neighbour geiton gel gel gel gel gel gel gel gel gel gelas(im) gelas(im) gelas(im) gelas(im) gelat gelat geloe geloe geloe gelos gelos gelos gelot gelot gelot gen gen gen gen gen gen gene gene gene gene gene gene gene gene gene gene gene gene gene gene gene geni genit genn gennad geton• gelat• gelat• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• glaš• glaš• glaš• glaš• gelat• gelat• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 1 gen• 1 gen• 1 gen• 1 gen• 1 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• 2 gen• gene• gene• gene• gene• genj• genit• gemn• gemn• neighbour frost ice amuse/ing amuse/ing amuse/ing amuse/ing facetious laugh(ing) witty odd peculiar queer strange frost ice facetious laugh(ing) witty facetious laugh(ing) witty facetious laugh(ing) witty descent extract(ion) inherit(ance) issue (produce) offspring origin bring about cause (vb) create(d) make /ing produce(d) descent extract(ion) inherit(ance) issue (produce) offspring origin family gentry people tribe beard sex organ noble(hearted) noble(hearted) 265 gennae geny geny geny gephyr gephyr gephyr gephyr gephyr gephyr(e) ger ger ger geran gerat gerat gerev [Hb] germani geront gery gery gestatio geus geus ghar [A] ghar [A] giga gigart gigart gigart gigart gignoscho gignoscho ginglym ginglym gingras giton glaber gladi glaeb glaeb glaeb glaeb glaph glaph glaph glaph(yr) glaphyr glaphyr glaphyr 266 gemn• geny• geny• geny• gefr• gefr• gefr• gefr• gefr• gefyr• 1 ger• 1 ger• 2 ger• geran• gerat• geront• gerv• germgeront• džery• džery• gešt• 1 gjest• 2 gjest• 2 xar• 2 xar• giga• [GN] gigart• gigart• gigart• gigart• 1 gignosx• 2 gignosx• gingl• gingl• gingr• geton• glabr• gladi• gleb• gleb• gleb• gleb• 1 glaf• 1 glaf• 1 glaf• 2 glaf• 1 glaf• 1 glaf• 1 glaf• noble(hearted) cheek chin jaw(bone) highway road(way) road(way) route way (road) bridge carry wear old crane age (timelapse) old (wo)man socks chemical element Ge old (wo)man chant sing pregnant experience (feel) taste (sense) cave(rn) grotto billion 10 9 grain granule pip seed read(ing) understand(able) hinge joint whistle neighbour bald sword chunk clod hump lump chase (metal) emboss tool (leather) glare glare glare glaris glaris glauc glauc glauc glauc glauc glauc glauc glea glea glea glea glen glen glen glen glen gleuc gli gli gli glio glio glio glio gloch gloch(id) glochin gloe gloe gloe gloe gloi gloi gloi gloi glomer glomer gloss gloss glossa glott delicate chase (metal) emboss tool (leather) glott gluci gluci glare• glare• glare• glars• glars• 1 glak• 1 glak• 1 glak• 2 glak• 2 glak• gluts• gluts• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• 1 glen• 1 glen• 2 glen• 2 glen• 1 xlen• glek• gli• gli• gli• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• glox• glot • glot • gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• glom• glom• glos• glots• glot• glos• glot• glots• glyk• glyk• gravel grit slack chisel graver brilliant light (shine) shine /ing blue green gray pale(ness) glue lacquer resin varnish cave / ity hollow lens pupil (eye) star wine bond (tie) cement glue glue lacquer resin varnish angle ear (of corn) ear (of corn) glue lacquer resin varnish glue lad resin varnish ball (clew) clew word tongue (organ) language word languaage tongue (organ) mild sugar gluci gluco gluco gluco glut glut glut glyc glyc glyc glycer glycerin glyph glyph glypt glypt gnaph gnapt gnapt gnath gnath gnesi gnesi gnesi gnesi gnome gnome gnome gnome gnoph gnoph go go goes goes goet goet gole gole gole gomph gomph gomph gomph gomph gomph gomph gomph gomph gone glyk• glyk• glyk• glyk• glyt• glyt• glyt• glyk• glyk• glyk• glitser• glitsglipt• glipt• glipt• glipt• gnaf• gnapt• gnapt• gnat• gnat• gnes• gnes• gnes• gnes• 1 gnom• 1 gnom• 2 gnom• 2 gnom• gnof• gnof• gojs• gojs• gojs• gojs• gojs• gojs• gole• gole• gole• 1 gomf• 1 gomf• 1 gomf• 1 gomf• 1 gomf• 1 gomf• 1 gomf• 2 gomf• 2 gomf• 1 gon• sweet (sense) mild sugar sweet (sense) bond (tie) cement glue mild sugar sweet (sense) sweet (sense) chemical word stem engraving plate (chiseled) engraving plate (chiseled) felt (fabric) crush full (cloth) jaw(bone) teeth law(ful) legend lemon statutory announce(ment) inform(ation) clarify explain dark obscure /ity groan moan groan moan groan moan cave(rn) cave(rn) grotto chock nail post (stake) prop stud support (base) wedge button (push) key (button) angle gone gone gone gone gone gongron gossyp goumruk [A] grad grad grad grad grai gramm gramm grammat grammat grammat grammat grammat grammat grandin graph graph graph graph grapt grapt grapt grara [A] grara [A] grassa grassa grassa grdhrah [S] gres gress gress griph griph griph grom grom gron gron gry(on) gry(on) gry(on) gryn gryn 1 gon• 1 gon• 2 gon• 2 gon• 2 gon• gongr• gosyp• gumr• gradz• gradz• gradz• gradz• 2 ger• gram• gram• 1 gramat• 1 gramat• 1 gramat• 2 gramat• 2 gramat• 2 gramat• grandin• graf• graf• graf• graf• grapt• grapt• grapt• grar• grar• graš• graš• graš• gurdr• 1 gres• 2 gres• 2 gres• gripf• gripf• gripf• grom• grom• gron• gron• gry• gry• gry• grun• grun• knee knot(ted) germ (nn) semen sex organ tumor cotton custom (taxes) go march(ing) step(ping) walk(ing) old draw(ing) writing character (letter) spelling symbol codex lawyer rule(s) hail (ice) design draw(ing) sketch(ing) write indication mark (sign) sign tub vat migrate roam(ing) wander vulture run (speed) stage (phase) step (pace) enigma puzzle riddle measure (land) survey deep profound(ly) no(ne) nothing nought bundle sheaf 267 guai guai gui gui gun gun gun gun Guruh gvaj• gvaj• gui• gui• džun• džun• džun• džun• gurx• Guruvasarah[S] gurv• gyi gyj• gymn(o) gymn• gymn(o) gymn• gyn gyn• gyn gyn• gyp gyp• gyps gyps• gyrus gyr• gyrus gyr• gyrus gyr• ETYMON haben haben haben haben habitus habitus habitus habr habr habr habr(o) habr(o) habr(o) habr(o) hadr hadr hadr hadr hadr hadr hadr hadr hadr hadr hadr(yn) hadr(yn) haem haem 268 anchor cable (rope) cripple(d) disabled camp domain field(s) land (nature) Jupiter Thursday body naked nude spouse wife vulture chalk meander undulate wave MEANING LEMMA haben• haben• haben• haben• habits• habits• habits• 1 habr• 1 habr• 1 habr• 2 habr• 2 habr• 2 habr• 2 habr• 1 hadr• 1 hadr• 1 hadr• 1 hadr• 1 hadr• 1 hadr• 1 hadr• 2 hadr• 2 hadr• 2 hadr• xadr• xadr• 1 hem• 2 hem• bridle girdle restrain(t) strap custom(ary) habit(s) usage abundant affluent/ce lyre delicate soft(ness) tender(ly) weak(ness) encompassing extensive huge spacious tall vast wide firm(ly) solid(ity) sturdy mature /ity ripe blood descent haem haemat haemil haemil haemil haemil haemil hafach [Hb] haffni hagi hagi hagi hagni hagni hagni hal hal hal halas halas halat halat halec halec halec hali hali hali halia halia halieus halieus halieus halieus halieut halieut halieut halieut halit halit halit halit hallec hallec hallec halmat halmat haltic haltic halysi 2 hem• 2 hemat• hajml• hajml• haml• haml• haml• hafax• hafnhagi• hagi• hagi• hagi• hagi• hagi• 1 hali• 2 hali• 2 hali• 2 hali• 2 hali• 2 hali• 2 hali• 1 halts• 1 halts• 1 halts• 2 hali• 2 hali• 1 xalj• 2 xalj• 2 xalj• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• xalt• xalt• xalt• xalt• 1 halts• 1 halts• 1 halts• 2 halts• 2 halts• 2 halts• 2 halts• halyš• origin iron perfidious snare (malice) attract charm(ing) lust capsize chemical element Hf divine holy saint divine holy saint salt ocean sea ocean sea ocean sea gravy juice sauce ocean sea abundant boat ship (boat) fisherman mariner sailor seaman fisherman mariner sailor seaman fog mist steam vapor gravy juice sauce jump leap jump leap chain (string) ham hama hama hama hamada [A] hamada [A] hamaki [Jp] hamart hamart hamat hamm hamm hamm(at) hamm(at) hamm(at) hamm(at) hapa hapa hapal hapal hapax hapax hapax hapax haph haph hapl hapl hapl haps haps haps(id) haps(id) hapt hapt hapt hapt hapt haptr haptr haptr hara hara hara hara harmo(n) harmo(n) harp harp harp 1 ham• hama• hama• hama• hamd• hamd• hamk• xmart• xmart• 1 ham• 1 amn• 1 amn• hamt• hamt• hamt• hamt• apag• apag• hapal• hapal• apag• apag• hapak• hapak• hapf• hapf• hapl• hapl• hapl• hapf• hapf• haps• haps• haps• haps• hapt• hapt• hapt• haptr• haptr• haptr• 2 hara• 2 hara• 2 hara• 2 hara• 2 harm• 2 harm• 1 harpf• 1 harpf• 1 harpf• hook (nn) accompany synchronous with surface upper cigar error mistake hook (nn) dust sand bond (tie) knot (node) link (connection) tie (knot) occasional sometimes soft(ness) tender(ly) occasional sometimes only unique feel touch clear-cut neat simple /ly feel touch arch vault arch vault bind fix(ed) link(ed) fuse (nn) tinder wick asylum hide-out refuge shelter (protection) adapt assimilate claw nail (finger) scythe (etc) harp harp harp harp harp harp haru haru hasah [S] hasi [A] hast(at) hata hatel hatel hatel hatel hatel hatel hatha [S] hathro hathro hathro hatl hatl hatl hatl hatl hatl haur haur haur haust haust haust haust haust haust heb heb hebdom hebe hebe hebes hebes hebes hebet hebet hebet hecast hecast 1 harpf• 1 harpf• 2 harpf• 2 harpf• 2 harpf• 2 harpf• xaru• xaru• xasa• hasj• hasts• hata• [GN] hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hat• hatr• hatr• hatr• hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hatl• hust• hust• hust• 1 hašt• 1 hašt• 2 hašt• hust• hust• hust• hebe• hebe• hebdom• hebe• hebe• heps• heps• heps• heps• heps• heps• ekast• ekast• sickle talon catch (get) chase hunt rob (steal) inner internal launch well (fountain) spear(point) number value 10-18 defect(ive) deficient erroneous fault(y) imperfect wrong body compact(ness) condensed dense defect(ive) deficient erroneous fault(y) imperfect wrong draw (fluid) excerpt extract(ion) shovel spoon sucker draw (fluid) excerpt extract(ion) mature /ity ripe week(ly) mature /ity ripe dull muffled obtuse dull muffled obtuse all each 269 hecast hecast hecat hecat hect(o) hectic hectic hectic hed(r) hed(r) hed(r) hedon hedon hedon hedr hedr hedr hedy hedy hedy hedy hedy hektate hel hel hel hel hel hel helc helc(t) helc(t) hele hele hele helei helei helei helei helei heli heli(o) heli(o) heli(o) helic helic heljon [Hb] hellup hellup hellup 270 ekast• ekast• xekt• xekt• hekta• [GN] hetšt• hetšt• hetšt• 2 hedr• 2 hedr• 2 hedr• hedon• hedon• hedon• 1 hedr• 1 hedr• 1 hedr• hedy• hedy• hedy• hedy• hedy• every(one) general(ly) distant far hundred constant(ly) late permanent chair seat(ed) sit enjoy pleasure relish (pleasure) basis found(ation) fundament enjoyable gentle pleasant soft(ness) tender(ly) hektate• [GN] hundredth 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 2 hevl• helts• helst• helst• 2 hele• 2 hele• 2 hele• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• heljheli• heli• heli• elitš• elitš• heldž• 1 helv• 1 helv• 1 helv• bog fen marsh (moor) morass swamp wart ulcer draw (pull) pull frenzy insane /ity mad(ness) bog fen marsh (moor) morass swamp chemical element He sun sunshine day(light) age (timelapse) time lapse asparagus debauch revel squander hellup helmint(h) helo helor helor helyg hem hem hem hem hem hem hem(o) hem(o) hemar hemat hemat hemat hemat(o) hemer hemer hemer hemer hemer hemer hemer hemer hemer hemi hemi hemmel hemmel hemmel hemyd hemyd hemys hemys hen henioch henioch henioch hepat hepheb hepheb hepheb hephth hephth hephth hephth hepial 1 helv• helmint• 2 helv• helr• helr• helyg• hajm• hajm• hajm• hemt• hemt• hemt• 2 ham• 1 hem• 1 hemer• hemt• hemt• hemt• 1 hemat• 1 hemer• 2 hemer• 2 hemer• 2 hemer• 2 hemer• hemr• hemr• hemr• hemr• hemi• [GN] hemi• heml• heml• heml• emys• emys• emys• emys• 2 xen• henjok• henjok• henjok• hepat• efeb• efeb• efeb• heft• heft• heft• heft• hepjol• waste(d) worm nail plunder prey (victim) shadow(y) bravery courage hero(ism) javelin lance spear red blood day(light) javelin lance spear blood day(light) civilized cultivate(d) domestic(ated) tame(d) daily journal newspaper periodical half part (piece) elegant fashion(able) graceful tortoise turtle tortoise turtle just (now) coachman driver wagoner liver adolescent teen-ager young(ster) boil(ed) parch(ed) scorch(ed) singe butterfly hepial hepiol hepiol hepset hepset hepset hepset hepta her(i) herco herco herco herco hermat hermen hermen hermen hermin hermin hermin hermin hern hern herp herpes herpet hers hesper hesper hesper hesper hesson hesson hest hest hest hest hest hesyc hesyc hesyc hesygu hesygu hesygu heta(e)r heta(e)r heta(e)r heta(e)r heta(e)r heta(e)r hepjol• hepjol• hepjol• heft• heft• heft• heft• hepta• [GN] her• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• hermt• hermen• hermen• hermen• hermin• hermin• hermin• hermin• hern• hern• herp• herpet• herpet• 2 ers• 1 hespr• 1 hespr• 2 hespr• 2 hespr• hesn• hesn• 1 hest• 1 hest• 1 hest• 2 hest• 2 hest• hesyts• hesyts• hesyts• hesyts• hesyts• hesyts• etarj• etarj• etarj• etarj• etarj• etarj• moth butterfly moth boil(ed) parch(ed) scorch(ed) singe seven spring(time) barrier corral enclosure fence stumble explain interpret translate post (prop) prop stay (place) support (base) shoot (twig) sprout (twig) crawl(ing) snake snake dew evening sunset occident(al) west(ern) few(er) less lay down place(d) put(ting) gratifying welcome calm quiet(ly) tranquil(ity) calm quiet(ly) tranquil(ity) associate companion(ship) comrade concubine friend mate (companion) heta(e)r hetaem hetero hetero hetero hetes hetes hetes hetes hetoem heurem heurem heures heures hex hex hex hex hex hex hex hex hex hex(e) hex(e) hexa hiamen hiamen hian hian hiasc hiasc hiat hiat hibri hibri hibri hibri hican hidr hidr hidr(os) hidr(os) hidros hidros hidrot hidrot hidrys hidrys hidrys etarj• hetm• heter• heter• heter• hetes• hetes• hetes• hetes• hetm• evres• evres• evres• evres• 1 heks• 1 heks• 1 heks• 1 heks• 1 heks• 2 heks• 2 heks• 2 heks• 2 heks• hegz• hegz• heksa• [GN] hamn• hamn• xaen• xaen• xaen• xaen• xaen• xaen• 1 hybr• 1 hybr• 2 hybr• 2 hybr• hikn• 2 hidr• 2 hidr• 1 hidr• 1 hidr• 2 hidr• 2 hidr• 2 hidr• 2 hidr• xidr• xidr• xidr• pal ready different other unlike(ly) burgess burgher citizen middle-class ready discover invent(ion) discover invent(ion) attitude condition pose posture state have hold(ing) keep possess rank (nn) row (series) six meadow pasture gape/ ing yawn(ing) gape/ ing yawn(ing) gape/ ing yawn(ing) impetuous spontaneous assault (sexual) violation enough sweat transpiration rain(fall) water sweat transpiration sweat transpiration establish(ed) found(ation) institute(d) 271 hidryt hidryt hidryt hiem hiema hiemal hiems hier(o) hier(o) hier(o) hier(o) hierax hierax hierax hiere hiere hiere hiere hieta hieta hiles hiles hiles hiles hilether hilether hilether hilether hill hill him him himant himant himas himas himat himat hina hina [S] hina [S] hyper hyper hyper hyper hipn hipn hipn hipn hipn 272 xidr• xidr• xidr• hiem• hiem• hiem• hiem• 1 hier• 1 hier• 1 hier• 1 hier• herak• herak• herak• 2 hier• 2 hier• 2 hier• 2 hier• hjet• hjet• hils• hils• hils• hils• hils• hils• hils• hils• hilj• hilj• him• him• 1 himant• 1 himant• 2 himant• 2 himant• him• him• hina• [S] hina• hina• hiper+ hiper+ hiper+ hiper+ 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• establish(ed) found(ation) institute(d) winter winter winter winter holy official sanctified solemn bird of prey goshawk hawk clergy(man) minister monk priest(ly) gape/ ing yawn(ing) ardent glow(ing) heat (temperature) hot ardent glow(ing) heat (temperature) hot bowel(s) intestine clothing costume strap whip (strap) leg stilt clothing costume tiny little (small) small across excessive extreme(ly) superboiler fireside furnace hearth kiln hipn hipn hipo hipo hipo hipp hippeo hiptiot hiptiot hiptiot hirc(in) hirc(in) hirc(in) hirc(in) hires hirguin hirguin hirguin hirguin hirm hirm hirm hirn hirn hirri hirri hirri hisab [A] hiscen hiscen hisp(id) hisp(id) hisp(id) histi(o) histi(o) histi(o) histor histor histor histor histor histor histos histrio histrio histrio hod(o) hod(o) hod(o) hod(o) 1 hipn• 1 hipn• hyp• hyp• hyp• 1 hip• 2 hip• hiptš• hiptš• hiptš• hirk• hirk• hirk• hirk• 1 hires• hirk• hirk• hirk• hirk• hirm• hirm• hirm• hirn• hirn• 2 hires• 2 hires• 2 hires• hizb• hisk• hisk• hisp• hisp• hisp• isti• isti• isti• 1 histor• 1 histor• 1 histor• 1 histor• 2 histor• 2 histor• hišt• histr• histr• histr• od• od• od• od• oven stove below less under(neath) horse ride knock down overthrow upset buck (goat etc) he-goat ram (sheep etc) tup falcon buck (goat etc) he-goat ram (sheep etc) tup chain(ed) enchain shackle(d) jug pot squeal whine yelp account close(d) shut (close) bristling hairy shaggy canvas cloth sail (canvas) event happening know(ledge) occurrence knowledge wisdom loop (mesh) actor mime performer direction manner means way (manner) hodeg hodeg hodeg hodi hodi hodi hodi hodoi hodoi hodoi hodoi hodur hodur hoez hol(er) hol(er) hol(o) hol(o) hol(o) hol(o) holc holc holig(o) holig(o) holig(o) holig(o) holig(o) holm holm holmi hom hom hom hom hom(o) hom(o) hom(o) hom(o) homad homad homal homal homal homal homeo homeo homeo homeo homer homer hodg• hodg• hodg• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• od• hodr• hodr• rojz• 1 oler• 1 oler• hol• hol• hol• hol• holk• holk• olig• olig• olig• olig• olig• olm• olm• holmhome• home• home• home• xom• xom• xom• xom• homd• homd• homal• homal• homal• homal• home• home• home• home• 1 homr• 1 homr• conductor guide (nn) leader direction manner means way (manner) direction manner means way (manner) ambush waylay whistle cabbage vegetable all complete(ly) every total(ly) furrow wrinkle (furrow) few rare seldom some sparse oval round chemical element Ho aggregate(d) assemble(d) common(ly) unite(d) equal resembling same similar(ly) riot tumult even(ly) flat level smooth aggregate(d) assemble(d) common(ly) unite(d) accord agreement homer homer homer homil homil homo(i) homo(i) homo(i) homor homor homor homor hopl(e) hopl(it) hopor hopot horam(at) horam(at) horam(at) horam(at) horcan horcan horcan hori hori(a) hori(a) hori(o) hori(o) horiz horiz horm horm horm horm(ath) horm(ath) horm(ath) horm(et) horm(et) horm(et) horme horme horme horme hormon hormon hormon horn(ot) horp(ec) horp(ec) horp(ec) 2 homr• 2 homr• 2 homr• homd• homd• homoj• homoj• homoj• xomr• xomr• xomr• xomr• 2 hopl• 1 hopl• hopr• hopot• oram• oram• oram• oram• hork• hork• hork• 2 horn• 2 horj• 2 horj• 1 horj• 1 horj• 1 horj• 1 horj• 1 horm• 1 horm• 1 horm• hirm• hirm• hirm• hormn• hormn• hormn• 2 horm• 2 horm• 2 horm• 2 horm• hormn• hormn• hormn• 2 horn• horp• horp• horp• guarantee pledge warranty riot tumult copy imitate simulate(d) close(by) near(by) neighbouring next (to) hoof weapon(ry) autumn then apparition aspect hallucination vision jail lock (nn) prison season (time) boat ship (boat) boundary limit (border) boundary limit (border) neck-chain necklace necklet chain(ed) enchain shackle(d) excite(d) nervous shock (offend) begin(ning) go away initiate start excite(d) nervous shock (offend) season (time) shoot (twig) sprout (twig) twig 273 horpex horpex horpex hort(ens) hort(ens) hosp(it) hosp(it) hosp(it) houlwe [A] hout [A] humul hy(o) hy(o) hyal hyal hyb hyb hybri hybri hybri hybri hydar hydar hydat hydat hyder hyder hydn hydor hydor hydr hydr hydr(o) hyet hygi hygro hygro hygro hyi hyios hyl hyl hyl hyl hyl hyl hylac(t) hylac(t) hylac(t) hylac(t) 274 horp• horp• horp• hort• hort• hosp• hosp• hosp• hulw• huwt• huml• 1 hy• 2 hy• hyal• hyal• hyb• hyb• 1 hybr• 1 hybr• 2 hybr• 2 hybr• 1 hidr• 1 hidr• xyd• xyd• 1 hidr• 1 hidr• hydn• 1 hidr• 1 hidr• 2 hidr• 2 hidr• hydrhyet• hydž• higr• higr• higr• hujs• hujs• 1 hyl• 1 hyl• 2 hyl• 2 hyl• 2 hyl• 2 hyl• hilak• hilak• hilak• hilak• shoot (twig) sprout (twig) twig garden park (garden) guest stranger visitor dessert codfish beer epsilon lettuce crystal glass (material) hump hunchback impetuous spontaneous assault (sexual) violation rain(fall) water ampoule flask rain(fall) water truffle rain(fall) water sweat transpiration chemical element H rain(fall) health humid(ity) water wet(ness) son son tree(s) wood consistency essence (gist) material matter (substance) bark(ing) bray cry (animal) neigh hylae hylae hylagm hylagm hylagm hylagm hyli hylist hyliz hymen hymen hymen hyn(n) hyn(n) hyo(s) hyo(s) hypen hypen hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyph hyph hyph hyp(o) hyp(o) hyp(o) hypn hypn hypolamban hypolamban hypolamban hyps(i) hyps(i) hyps(i) hyps(i) hypti hypti hyrac hyrac hyrac 1 hyl• 1 hyl• hilak• hilak• hilak• hilak• 1 hylj• 2 hylj• 2 hylj• hymn• hymn• hymn• hyn• hyn• xy• xy• 2 hipn• 2 hipn• hipr• hipr• hipr• hipr• hipr• hipr• hipr• hypr• hiper+ hiper+ hiper+ hiper+ hyf• hyf• hyf• hyp• hyp• hyp• 1 hypn• 2 hypn• 2 lamban• 2 lamban• 2 lamban• hips• hips• hips• hips• hipt• hipt• hirak• hirak• hirak• tree(s) wood bark(ing) bray cry (animal) neigh sole (shoe) filter filter matrimony wedding wedlock blade ploughshare pork swine mustache whisker(s) masher pestle piston plunger pound(ing) rammer stamper palate across excessive extreme(ly) superfilament(s) texture thread(s) below less under(neath) sleep moss conjecture guess suppose culmination high soar(ing) tall lazy(ness) slow(ly) mouse rat rodent hyrax hyrax hyrax hysm(at) hyss hyss hyss hystat hystat hystat hyster hyster hyster hyster ETYMON iach iach iam(at) iam(at) ianth ianth iatr iatr iatr iatr iauthm ibri ibri ibyc ibyc ican ican ican ican iccha [S] iccha [S] iccha [S] icel icel icel ichn ichn ichn ichn ichn ichn ichn ichn icho hirak• hirak• hirak• ysm• hys• hys• hys• 2 hystr• 2 hystr• 2 hystr• 1 hystr• 2 hystr• 2 hystr• 2 hystr• mouse rat rodent rain(fall) javelin lance spear last (item) recent(ly) up-to-date womb last (item) recent(ly) up-to-date MEANING LEMMA jax• jax• jamt• jamt• jans• jans• iatr• iatr• iatr• iatr• jutm• 2 hybr• 2 hybr• ibyk• ibyk• hikn• ikan• ikan• ikan• itša• itša• itša• ekel• ekel• ekel• 1 ixn• 1 ixn• 1 ixn• 1 ixn• 2 ixn• 2 ixn• 2 ixn• 2 ixn• ikx• noise / noisy tumult medicament medicine purple violet (color) doctor healer medicine-man physician resting-place assault (sexual) violation cry (out) scream sufficient ability capability possibility aspire /ation strive /ing yearn(ing) analogous like /ing similar(ly) ambush snare (malice) stalk steal upon foot-mark trace track trail (sign) blood ichor ichor ichor ichty icm(ad) icm(ad) icm(ad) icmal icmal icmal icot icot icot ict ict ict ictu ictu idemon idemon idemon idemon idi idi idi idi idic idic idic idic idmon idmon idmon idmon iftar [A] igar [A] igd igd igd igd ign igne igni ignot igny igny igny igos igos ilcharig [A] ixr• ixr• ixr• ixtj• ikm• ikm• ikm• ikm• ikm• ikm• ikot• ikot• ikot• ixt• ixt• ixt• ikt• ikt• idm• idm• idm• idm• idi• idi• idi• idi• idits• idits• idits• idits• idm• idm• idm• idm• iftr• igar• igd• igd• igd• igd• ign• ign• ign• ignod• igny• igny• igny• igos• igos• ilkr• matter (pus) pus serum fish fluid(ity) humid(ity) liquid(ity) fluid(ity) humid(ity) liquid(ity) maybe perhaps probably marten stone-marten weasel beat(ing) strike cultured educate(d) experience(d) expert(ly) individual (nn) own (self) personal(ity) self apart from especially exclusive special cultured educate(d) experience(d) expert(ly) breakfast rent (payment) asphalt cement concrete (cement) mortar burn burn burn unknown armpit hough kneepit close(d) shut (close) abroad 275 ilem(at) ilem(at) ilem(at) ilet ilet ilet illaen illaen illect illect illect illex illex illex illic(i) illic(i) illic(i) illin illin illin illin illod illod ily ily ily ilym ilym imati imati imbri imed imide imperator imperator imperator imperator in in in in in(od) in(od) in(od) inan inan inchoat inchoat incol incol 276 1 ilemt• 2 ilemt• 2 ilemt• 1 ilemt• 2 ilemt• 2 ilemt• ilen• ilen• ilits• ilits• ilits• ilits• ilits• ilits• ilits• ilits• ilits• hiln• hiln• hiln• hiln• ilen• ilen• ily• ily• ily• ilym• ilym• imatj• imatj• imbr• imedimimper• imper• imper• imper• intra• intra• intra• intra• inos• inos• inos• inan• inan• inxot• inxot• inkol• inkol• dome entangle implicate dome entangle implicate look askance squint allure seduce tempt(ing) allure seduce tempt(ing) allure seduce tempt(ing) cream grease oil smear(ed) look at squint silt slime smudge clothing garment cloak mantle rain(fall) chemical word stem chemical word stem captain commander emperor general (nn) between in(side) inside internal fiber filament nerve (anat.) empty/ ness void begin(ning) start denizen inhabitant incol incud incus indi indusi indusi indut indut inkol• inkud• inkud• indjinduš• induš• induš• induš• induvasarah [S] indu• inex ineks• inex ineks• inex ineks• inex ineks• 1 infra infra• 2 infra infra• 1 infre infra• 2 infre infra• inful infol• ini hini• inos inos• inos inos• inos inos• insit insits• insit insits• intra intra• intra intra• intra intra• intra intra• inust inust• inust inust• inust inust• inust inust• iodi jodioe joj• ion ion• ion ion• ion jomn• ioni injionth jonts• ionth jonts• ior jor• ior jor• ior jor• iphi ift• iphi ift• iphi ift• iphi ift• iphthim ift• iphthim ift• iphthim ift• native (indigenous) anvil anvil chemical element In cover(age) garment cover(age) garment Monday cheat deceive(d) fool(ing) mystify under(neath) left (side) under(neath) left (side) ribbon neck fiber filament nerve (anat.) engraft graft between in(side) inside internal brand (mark) mark (sign) stamp(ed) stigma chemical element I voice purple violet (color) violet (flower) chemical element In down (fluff) fluff door-keeper guard(ed) waiter might (strength) power (strength) strength strong might (strength) power (strength) strength iphthim ipn ipn ipn ipn ipn ipn ipn ips ira(cund) ira(cund) ira(cund) iren iren iren iren irid irid irid irid iridi iris iris iris iris irit irit irit irit iro(poc) is(o) is(o) is(o) isal [A] isati isati isati isch isch isch ischn ischn ischn ischn ischn ischor ischor ischor ischy(r) ischy(r) ift• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• ips• irats• irats• irats• iren• iren• iren• iren• irid• irid• irid• irid• irlirid• irid• irid• irid• irid• irid• irid• irid• irop• iz• iz• iz• isal• isatisatj• isatj• isx• isx• isx• 1 išn• 2 išn• 2 išn• 2 išn• 2 išn• iskr• iskr• iskr• isxy• isxy• strong boiler fireside furnace hearth kiln oven stove worm anger fury rage(ing) ischy(r) isti(o) isti(o) isti(o) itar [A] iter(a) itn itn ity ity ity ity agree(d) concord harmony peace(ful) colour paint(ed) palette rainbow chemical element Ir colour paint(ed) palette rainbow colour paint(ed) palette rainbow wool(en) equal identical same receipt chemical word stem crayon ity ity iul ius ix ix ix ixal ixal ixal ixal ixal ixal ixal ixal ixal ixy iyg(m) iyg(m) iyg(m) isxy• isti• isti• isti• itar• iter• itn• itn• hity• hity• hity• hity• 1 ity• 1 ity• 1 ity• 1 ity• 2 ity• 2 ity• julj• juš• 1 ixs• 2 ixs• ikš• 1 iksal• 1 iksal• 1 iksal• 1 iksal• 1 iksal• 1 iksal• 2 iksal• 2 iksal• 2 iksal• iksy• jygm• jygm• jygm• strong canvas cloth sail (canvas) tire (wheel) repeat(ed) extend(ing) spread circle (nn) hoop (nn) ring (circle) round perpendicular standing up straight up vertical(ly) edge rim hair (head of) venom mistletoe glue female performer at once hasty hurried now quick(ly) urgent(ly) dance jump leap waist(line) bray cry (animal) neigh pen(cil) cease halt(ing) stop(ping) dry (adj) emaciated slender thin (weak) weak(ness) enter go in penetrate(d) mighty powerful ETYMON jac jac jaci jaci jact(it) jact(it) jacul jacul jacul jadjur [S] jadjur [S] jadjur [S] LEMMA 2 jats• 2 MEANING lie (recline) jats• recline /ing jakt• launch jakt• throw jakt• launch jakt• throw jakl• dart jakl• javelin jakl• spear jadžur• expression jadžur• formula jadžur• idiom (saying) 277 jag [S] jag [S] jag [S] jag [S] jag [S] jag [S] jain [S] jain [S] jalt jalt jan [S] jan [S] jan [S] janit janit janit janit janit janthin janthin janu jat jat jat jat jecor ject ject jecur jejun jejun jejun jocinor jocos jocos jocos jocul jocul jocul jag• ceremony jag• protocol jag• rite jag• ritual jag• sacrifice (ritual) jag• service (divine) džajn• meditate džajn• muse jakt• launch jakt• throw jan• cab jan• carriage jan• coach (carriage) janits• door-keeper janits• guard(ian) janits• sentinel janits• sentry janits• watch (guard) jans• purple jans• violet (color) žanu• gate(way) iatr• doctor iatr• healer iatr• medicine-man iatr• physician jekr• liver jakt• launch jakt• throw jekr• liver ježn• austerity ježn• sober ježn• sobriety jekr• livestock žokl• amuse/ing žokl• comic(al) žokl• entertain(ing) žokl• amuse/ing žokl• comic(al) žokl• entertain(ing) jomhuledet [Hb] džoml• birthday josei [J] juber juber juber juber jug jug jugul jurg jurg josi• fairy jubr• beam (light) jubr• radius jubr• ray jubr• spoke (nn) žug• couple žug• pair jugl• throat jurg• argument(ing) jurg• plead 278 jurg juscul juscul juv juv juxt juxt juxt juxt juxt jyestha [S] Jyesthah [S] ETYMON kain kain kain kain kain kain kain kain kain kain kain kain kain kain kainit kair kair kair kair kair kair kairos kairos kal kali kali kali kali kali kalia kalia kalium kall(i) kall(i) kall(i) kall(i) jurg• proud(ly) juskl• broth juskl• soup žuv• assist žuv• help jukt• beside jukt• besides jukt• close(by) jukt• near(by) jukt• neighbouring džest• old žest• May MEANING LEMMA kain• kain• kain• kain• kain• kain• 1 tsen• 1 tsen• 1 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• kajn2 kajr• 2 kajr• 2 kajr• 2 kajr• 2 kajr• 2 kajr• 1 kajr• 1 kajr• 1 kalž• kal• kal• kal• kal• kal• 1 kalž• 2 kalž• kalj1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• eccentric funny (strange) odd peculiar queer strange devoid empty/ ness vacant /cy fresh modern new novel recent(ly) chemical word stem adequate fitting (adj) manner means (by) suitable way (manner) moment time lapse wood bump (lump) knob lump swell(ing) tuber wood barn chemical element K adornment beautiful fine (nice) lovely kall(i) kalymm kalymm kalyx kalyx kalyx kamah [S] kamah [S] kamp kamp kamp kandukah [S] kandukah [S] kandukah [S] kandukah [S] kanistha [S] kanistha [S] kanistha [S] karaz [A] karkis [Hb] karnik karph kartikan [S] karuna [S] karuna [S] kashayah [S] kashayah [S] kashayah [S] kashayah [S] kasignet [S] katuh [S] katuh [S] katuh [S] katuh [S] kefafah [Hb] kei kei kei kei keir keir keir kelaen kent keri(on) ketefot [Hb] kibis kibis kibis kikai [Jp] 1 kali• klym• klym• kalyks• kalyks• kalyks• kama• kama• 2 tsamp• 2 tsamp• 2 tsamp• kanduk• kanduk• kanduk• kanduk• kaništ• kaništ• kaništ• karz• kartš• karnik• karpeš• kartik• karun• karun• kasaj• kasaj• kasaj• kasaj• kasign• katu• katu• katu• katu• kefaf• 1 kej• 1 kej• 2 kej• 2 kej• kejr• kejr• kejr• keln• 2 kentr• kerj• ketef• kibiš• kibiš• kibiš• kikaj• ornament filler wrapper calyx chalice cup lust passion(ate) caterpillar grub larva ball (globe) bullet globe marble (ball) juvenile young youth cherry ticket local straw October compassion sympathy astringent concentrate(d) contract(ed) pull together sister piquant pungent season(ed) spicy glove rest (repose) sleep fissure split(ting) clip cut(ting) shear black needle honeycomb suspenders bag pocket sack (bag) machine kilate kilo kio(n) kio(n) kio(n) kiss kladz kleetr klept klept klept kleronom klin klin klin klop klop klop klydon klysm klysm klysm kneph kneph kolnoa [Hb] kolnoa [Hb] kolym kolym kolym kolym kondyl konops kramenah [S] kramenah [S] kraur krimn krou(o) krou(o) krou(o) krypt kshanah [S] kshanah [S] kshantih [S] kshantih [S] kshantih [S] ktaomai ktaomai ktoved [Hb] kudya [A] kudya [A] kilate• [GN] kila• [GN] tšon• tšon• tšon• tšis• kladz• kletr• klept• klept• klept• klejr• kline• kline• kline• klept• klept• klept• klyd• klism• klism• klism• knef• knef• kolna• kolna• kolm• kolm• kolm• kolm• kondl• knops• kramn• kramn• krar• krimn• krov• krov• krov• kripskšan• kšan• kšant• kšant• kšant• ktam• ktam• koft• kudj• kudj• thousandth thousand column pillar post (prop) ivy ring(ing) lodge (live) plunder rob (steal) steal inherit(ance) bed couch resting-place plunder rob (steal) steal wav(ing) flow(ing) inundate surf dark obscure /ity movie film (movie) forbid(den) interdict prohibit veto(ed) fist mosquito evolution progress(ing) dry (adj) flour clash collision conflict chemical element Kr second (timelapse) second (timelapse) indulge pardon tolerate recruit woo address nipple (breast) teat 279 Kujah [S] kukkutah [S] kukkutah [S] kukkutah [S] kumb kurkum [A] ky(es) kyam kykl kyll kyll kym kym kym(o) kym(o) kyph kyph ETYMON lab lab lab lab lab(es) lab(es) labecul labecul labecul labecul labell labell labell labell labell labeo labes labid labid labid labis labis labis labr labr labr labr labr labr lac(c) lac(c) 280 kudž• kukut• kukut• kukut• 2 kumb• kurk• kjes• kjam• kykl• kyl• kyl• 1 kym• 1 kym• 2 kym• 2 kym• kyf• kyf• Mars chicken hen rooster gondola saffron pregnant bean wheel lame paralyze(d) surf wave bud burgeon button (push) knob MEANING LEMMA 1 lamb• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• 1 labz• 1 labz• 2 labz• 2 labz• 2 labz• 2 labz• labl• 1 labr• 1 labr• 1 labr• 1 labr• labl• laps• labd• labd• labd• labd• labd• labd• labl• 1 labr• 1 labr• 1 labr• 1 labr• 2 labr• 1 lakts• 1 lakts• analyze examine explore observe /ation handle (lever) pliers point (dot) speck spot (stain) stain (spot) lip avidity eagerness greediness passion(ate) lip fall(en) pincers pliers tongs pincers pliers tongs lip avidity eagerness greediness passion(ate) liqueur pond pool (pond) lac(c) lac(c) lac(h)n lac(h)n lac(h)n lacer lacer lacert lacery lacery lacery lacess lacess lacess lacess lachaen lachaen lachrym lacid lacid lacis lacis lacpat lacpat lacpat lacrim lacrum lact lacti lae laedor laedor laedor laelap laelap laelap laem laem laem laeph laeph laeph laepser laepser laepser laepser laert laes laes laes 1 lakts• 1 lakts• 1 laxn• 1 laxn• 1 laxn• latšer• latšer• 1 lakr• 2 lakr• 2 lakr• 2 lakr• 2 lakts• 2 lakts• 2 lakts• 2 lakts• 2 laxn• 2 laxn• lakrim• latšer• latšer• latšer• latšer• lakp• lakp• lakp• lakrim• lakrim• lakt• lašt• laje• lojdr• lojdr• lojdr• lelp• lelp• lelp• lajm• lajm• lajm• 1 lapf• 1 lapf• 1 lapf• 1 leps• 1 leps• 1 leps• 1 leps• lart• 1 lez• 1 lez• 1 lez• puddle well (fountain) down (fluff) fluff wool(en) rip(ping) tear off muscle cry (scream) howl scream excite(d) incite nervous spur (on) burrow dig tear(drop) rip(ping) tear off rip(ping) tear off step (on) trample tread (on) tear(drop) tear(drop) milk (nn) kick left(side) indignation offend /se scandal gale storm(y) waterspout neck pharynx throat rag scrap shred easy-going flexible fluent skillful ant damag(ing) impair spoil(ed) laes laes laes laes laes laet laet laetamen laetm laetm laev(i) laev(i) lag lag lag lag lag(a)r lag(a)r lagen lagen lagn lagn lagn lagn lagn lagn lagod lagos lagyn lagyn laim laim laim laitmat lajja [S] lajja [S] lajja [S] lajja [S] lal(l) lal(l) lal(l) lalag lalag lalag lalax lalax lalax lam lam lam 1 lez• 2 lez• 2 lez• 2 lez• 2 lez• lejt• lejt• 1 latm• 2 latm• 2 latm• lavj• lavj• lagw• lax• lax• lax• laxr• laxr• 1 lagn• 1 lagn• 2 lagn• 2 lagn• 2 lagn• 2 lagn• 2 lagn• 2 lagn• lagd• lagw• 1 lagn• 1 lagn• lajm• lajm• lajm• lajtm• lajž• lajž• lajž• lajž• lalg• lalg• lalg• lalg• lalg• lalg• lalg• lalg• lalg• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• wound(ed) aim (goal) goal mark (target) target glad(ly) rejoice dung(hill) ocean sea bald smooth hare chase hunt pursue elastic flexible bottle flask immoral impure lewd(ness) sensual unchaste /ity voluptuous owl (etc) hare bottle flask neck pharynx throat abyss disgrace dishonour scandal shame(ful) babble chat chatter babble chat chatter babble chat chatter marsh (moor) moor (marsh) pond lam lam lamb lamb lamb lamb lamb lamban lamban lami lamn lamp lamp lamper lamper lamper lampi lampi lampi langur lani lani lani lani lantan lanthan lanthan lanthan lanx lanx lap lap lapar lapar lapar lapar lapar lapar lapar lapar lapar lapar lape lape lape lape laphyc laphyc laphyc laphyg 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• 2 lamb• 1 lamban• 1 lamban• lamn• lamn• 1 lampr• 1 lampr• 2 lampr• 2 lampr• 2 lampr• 2 lampr• 2 lampr• 2 lampr• langr• lani• lani• lani• lani• lantlantsan• lantsan• lantsan• lekan• lekan• 1 lep• 1 lep• 1 lapr• 1 lapr• 1 lapr• 1 lapr• 1 lapr• 1 lapr• 1 lapr• 2 lapr• 2 lapr• 2 lapr• 1 lape• 1 lape• 2 lape• 2 lape• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• pool (pond) puddle analyze examine explore observe /ation lick (tongue) accept (people) receive (guests) shark (etc.) shark (etc.) light (shine) shine /ing foam froth lather foam froth lather load butcher(ing) execute (kill) kill(ing) slaughter chemical element La conceal(ed) hide/ ing secret dish (plate) plate (dish) rock (stone) stone detached loot stray uncertain(ty) unsettle(d) unstable unsteady abdomen belly loins gland (anat.) pituitary mucus phlegm devour gorge stuff(ed) devour 281 laphyg laphyg laphyr laphyr laphyr laphyr laphyr laphyr laphys laphys laphys laps lapt lar lar lar lar lar lar(us) larc larc larnac larnac larnac larnac larnax larnax larnax larnax larv larv larv larv laryn lasan lasan lasi lasi lasi lasi lasm lasm lasm lasm lasm lasm latebr latebr latebr latebr 282 2 lapf• 2 lapf• lafr• lafr• lafr• lafr• lafr• lafr• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• laps• 2 lamb• 2 lar• 2 lar• 2 lar• 2 lar• 2 lar• 1 lar• lark• lark• 1 larn• 1 larn• 1 larn• 1 larn• 1 larn• 1 larn• 1 larn• 1 larn• 1 larf• 2 larf• 2 larf• 2 larf• 2 larn• lasn• lasn• lasi• lasi• lasi• lasi• 1 elasm• 1 elasm• 1 elasm• 2 elasm• 2 elasm• 2 elasm• latebr• latebr• latebr• latebr• gorge stuff(ed) left (side) relic remainder remains remnant rest (remainder) devour gorge stuff(ed) fall(en) lick (tongue) agreeable enjoyable jolly nice pleasant gull coal-box coal-scuttle box chest (box) coffer trunk box chest (box) coffer trunk mask ghost phantom spirit (ghost) coo chair stool bristling hairy shaggy untidy lamina plate (thin) slat bulkhead partition septum depository hiding-place safe(ty) shelter (protection) later later later later lath lathr lathr lati lati lati lati(o) lati(o) latit latit latom latom latr(a) latr(eu) latr(eu) latr(eu) latr(o) latrei latrei latrei latrei latreu latreu latreu latreu laur laur laur laur laus laus laus laus laus laus laut laut laut laut laut lawrenci lax lax(a) lax(a) lazar lazar 2 latr• 2 latr• 2 latr• 2 latr• ladz• 1 latr• 1 latr• lati• lati• lati• lasts• lasts• 1 latr• 1 latr• latsm• latsm• 1 ladr• 2 latri• 2 latri• 2 latri• 2 ladr• 1 latri• 1 latri• 1 latri• 1 latri• 1 latri• 1 latri• 1 latri• 1 latri• lajr• lajr• lajr• lajr• lus• lus• lus• lus• lus• lus• elut• elut• elut• laft• laft• lavr2 laks• 1 laks• 1 laks• lazar• lazar• brick paving (tiles) slab tile (plate) forget conceal(ed) hide/ ing large spacious vast push shove conceal(ed) hide/ ing cut out cut(ting) bark(ing) payment salary wages thief adore honor(able) venerate worship adore honor(able) venerate worship alley avenue garden walk street clan family kin people race tribe clean(ing) purify(ing) wash(ing) elegant stylish chemical element Lw foot (limb) defecate shit disease (infectious) less leaen leaen leb(es) leb(es) leb(es) leber(is) lebet lebet lebet lec lec lecane lecane lech lech lecith lect lect lect lect lect lect lect lect lect(r) lect(r) lectul lectul lecyth lecyth lecyth lecyth lecyth lecyth leg(i) leg(i) leg(i) leg(i) legn legul legul legul lei lei leich leip leip leip leip leip lei• lei• 2 leps• 2 leps• 2 leps• 1 lebr• 2 leps• 2 leps• 2 leps• lekan• lekan• lekan• lekan• 1 lekt• 1 lekt• letsit• legd• legd• legd• lek • 2 lekt• 2 lekt• 2 lekt• 2 lekt• 1 lekt• 1 lekt• 1 lekt• 1 lekt• lekyt• lekyt• lekyt• lekyt• letsyt• letsyt• iledž• iledž• iledž• iledž• legn• legd• legd• legd• lei• lei• lejx• 1 lejp• 1 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• slippery smooth casserole mug pot instead casserole mug pot dish (plate) plate (dish) dish (plate) plate (dish) bed couch yolk assemble(d) collect gather read(ing) idiom (language) language parlance tongue (language) bed couch bed couch container receptacle recipient vase flask scent-bottle hurt (feelings) insult offend /se shock (offend) fringe assemble(d) collect gather slippery smooth lick (tongue) leave (let) let defect(ive) deficient fail(ing) leip leip leip leip leist(es) leist(es) leist(es) leist(es) leister leister leister leister leja leja leja leja lejo lekmen [A] lem lem lem lem lem lem lemb lemb lemm lemm lemm lemm lemm lemm lemon lemon lemph len len len len len len len len lend lend leni(t) leni(t) leni(t) leni(t) lens 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• leja• leja• leja• leja• lavj• lekm• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• lojm• lojm• lojm• lemp• lemp• lemj• lemj• lemj• 1 lemn• 1 lemn• 2 lemn• lejmn• lejmn• lemf• 1 len• 1 len• 1 len• 1 len• 1 len• 2 len• 2 len• 2 len• lend• lend• lenj• lenj• lenj• lenj• lend• lack(ing) missing want (in) without brigand gangster robber thief brigand gangster robber thief booty loot plunder (nn) spoils bald sleeve devour gorge stuff(ed) disease (infectious) pestilence plague (disease) barque (etc.) boat integument peel (nn) shell (cover) bundle sheaf lentil meadow pasture glanders basin manger trough tub vat go-between intercessor mediator grub (larva) larva gentle soft(ness) sweet (tender) tender(ly) grub (larva) 283 lens lent lent lent leot leot lep lep(a) lep(a) lepad lepad lepad lepas lepas lepi(s) lepi(s) lepi(s) lepi(s) lepid lepid lepid lepid lepil lepil lepil lepil lepir lepist lepist lepist lepos lepos lepos lepos lepsi lepsi lepsi lepsi lept(al) lept(al) lept(al) leptec leptec leptec leptes leptes leptic leptyn leptyn leptyn 284 lend• ljent• ljent• ljent• lei• lei• 2 lep• 1 lep• 1 lep• 1 lepš• 1 lepš• lepyr• 1 lepš• 1 lepš• lepid• lepid• lepid• lepid• 2 lepš• 2 lepš• 2 lepš• 2 lepš• lepid• lepid• lepid• lepid• lepyr• 1 lepts• 1 lepts• 1 lepts• 2 lepš• 2 lepš• 2 lepš• 2 lepš• 1 lepsi• 1 lepsi• 2 lepsi• 2 lepsi• 1 lept• 1 lept• 1 lept• 1 lept• 1 lept• 1 lept• 1 lepsi• 1 lepsi• 2 lepts• 2 lept• 2 lept• 2 lept• larva mastic putty resin slippery smooth mount(ain) rock (stone) stone knee-cap patella shell (cover) knee-cap patella bark (nn) bast scale (fish &) shield (protection) charm(ing) lovely nice pretty (nice) bark (nn) bast scale (fish &) shield (protection) shell (cover) beaker cup goblet charm(ing) lovely nice pretty (nice) catch (get) surprise(d) lift(ed) pick (up) emaciated slender thin(ly) emaciated slender thin(ly) catch (get) surprise(d) accept bagatelle insignificant trifle leptyn leptysm leptysm leptysm leptysm lepyr lepyr lepyr lepyr lepyr lerem lerem lerem lerod lester lester lester lester lesti letal letal letal leth lethal lethal lethal leuc(o) leuc(o) leuk leuk leum leum leum leus leus leus levgat levgat levi levi levi levigat levigat lex lex lex lex lex(ic) lex(ic) lexi 2 lept• 2 lept• 2 lept• 2 lept• 2 lept• lepid• lepid• lepid• lepid• lepyr• lerm• lerm• lerm• lerm• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• 1 lest• let• let• let• 1 lest• let• let• let• lejk• lejk• lejk• lejk• lews• lews• lews• lews• lews• lews• levg• levg• lews• lews• lews• levg• levg• 2 lekt• 2 lekt• 2 lekt• 2 lekt• leks• leks• lekš• unimportant bagatelle insignificant trifle unimportant bark (nn) bast scale (fish &) shield (protection) shell (cover) babble chatter gossip babble brigand gangster robber thief forget deadly kill(ing) mortal forget deadly kill(ing) mortal pale(ness) white pale(ness) white even(ly) flat level even(ly) flat level light (weight) slight even(ly) flat level light up slight idiom (saying) languid parlance tongue (language) term (word) word read(ing) lia lia lia lia lian lian lib lib lib lib lib(r) lib(r) libad libad libad liban libas libas libas libell libell libitin libr(a) libr(a) librium librium librium lich lich lich lich lich liciat liciat licm licn ligi lign ligny(od) ligo(n) ligroin ligur ligur(in) ligur(in) ligur(in) ligur(in) ligur(in) ligy likn lim leja• leja• leja• leja• ljan• ljan• 2 lib• 2 lib• 2 lib• 2 lib• 1 lib• 1 lib• 1 libd• 1 libd• 1 libd• liban• 1 libd• 1 libd• 1 libd• libel• libel• 2 libd• 1 lipr• 1 lipr• 2 lebr• 2 lebr• 2 lebr• lix• lix• lix• lix• lix• likj• likj• likm• likm• ligy• lign• ligny• ligon• lixrlingr• ligr• ligr• ligr• ligr• ligr• ligy• likn• 1 ljim• booty lopsided plunder (nn) spoils superfluous too (much/many) cake cookie pastry pie drop (liquid) tear(drop) source spring (well) well (fountain) incense source spring (well) well (fountain) lever water-level mourn(ful) balance (nn) scales balance (nn) scales swing (tool) candy delicacy goodies relish (pleasure) sweets scheme /ing sketch(ing) basket (etc) basket (etc) sound (noise) wood smoke pick-ax chemical word stem lick (tongue) amuse/ing entertain(ing) facetious funny (amusing) witty sound (noise) crib file (rasp) lim lim lim lim lim(er) lim(er) lim(er) lim(er) lim(nat) lim(nat) lim(nat) lim(nat) lim(nat) limen limen limen limen limin limin limm(at) limm(at) limm(at) limon limon linct ling lingu lini(men) lini(men) linit linit linit linte linte linte linte linte linter linter lintr lintr lip lip lip lip lip lip lip lip lip 1 ljim• 1 ljim• 1 ljim• 2 ljim• 2 limn• 2 limn• 2 limn• 2 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limen• 1 limen• 2 limen• 2 limen• 2 limen• 2 limen• limt• limt• limt• lejmn• lejmn• lingr• lingr• lengw• linim• linim• linim• linim• linim• lint• lint• lint• lint• lint• lintr• lintr• lintr• lintr• 1 lejp• 1 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• grate (rasp) rasp scrub (thorns) mud avidity desire hunger look marsh (moor) moor (marsh) pond pool (pond) puddle harbour (port) port (naval) sill threshold sill threshold remainder remains rest (remainder) meadow pasture lick (tongue) lid (cover) tongue (organ) oil(ed) smear(ed) oil(ed) smear(ed) unction canvas cloth linen napkin sail (canvas) boat canoe boat canoe leave (let) let be defect(ive) deficient fail(ing) lack(ing) missing want (in) without 285 lip(o) lip(o) lip(o) lip(o) lipar lipar lipar lipar lipid lipid lipid lipid lippul lippul lips lips lips liquis liquis lir(i) lir(i) liri lis lisg lisg lisg liss liss liss listr(i) listr(i) listr(i) litarg litarg litarg litharg litharg litharg lithi lithi lithi liti liti liticen liticen litor litor litor litor litot 286 lipt• lipt• lipt• lipt• 2 lipr• 2 lipr• 2 lipr• 2 lipr• lipt• lipt• lipt• lipt• 2 lape• 2 lape• lips• lips• lips• loks• loks• 1 lirj• 1 lirj• 2 lirj• liš• listr• listr• listr• olists• olists• olists• listr• listr• listr• litarg• litarg• litarg• litarg• litarg• litarg• lit• lit• litjlit• lit• litits• litits• litr• litr• litr• litr• litot• cream fat (grease) grease oil obstinate persist(ent) relentless stubborn cream fat (grease) grease oil mucus phlegm relic remains ruin (remains) oblique slanting colourless pale(ness) limb (part) lion scoop shovel spade sliding slippery smooth scoop shovel spade clay loam mud clay loan mud rock (stone) stone chemical element Li rock (stone) stone bugle trumpet (etc.) beach seaside shore strand accessory litot litot litot littor littor littor littor littu littu littu littu litu(i) litu(i) litu(i) litu(i) litur litur lix(iv) lix(iv) lob(i) lob(i) lob(i) lob(i) lobe lobe lobe loch loch loch(i) loch(i) loch(i) loch(i) loche loche loche loche loche loche loche loche loche lochm(e) lochm(e) lochme lochme lochme lochme lochme loco loco litot• litot• litot• litr• litr• litr• litr• litr• litr• litr• litr• 1 litu• 1 litu• 1 litu• 1 litu• 2 litu• 2 litu• liks• liks• lobj• lobj• lobj• lobj• lobe• lobe• lobe• 2 lox• 2 lox• 1 lox• 1 lox• 1 lox• 1 lox• 1 lokx• 1 lokx• 1 lokx• 1 lokx• 1 lokx• 1 lokx• 2 lokx• 2 lokx• 2 lokx• 2 loxm• 2 loxm• 1 loxm• 1 loxm• 1 loxm• 1 loxm• 1 loxm• 1 lokj• 1 lokj• small tiny unimportant beach seaside shore strand beach seaside shore strand bludgeon butt (firearm) club (stick) stick (club) rub wipe linen link (connection) capsule holster recipient shell (peel) offend /se shock (offend) unsettle (offend) syrup treacle bear (infant) beget generate produce(d) army corps (army) detachment (army) platoon regiment troop aggress(ion) assail attack bush shrub (plant) asylum hide-out hiding-place refuge shelter (protection) chase drive /ing loco loco loculus loculus loculus loculus lodic lodic lodix lodix loedor loedor loedor loeg loeg loeg loem loem loem log log log log log log log log log logistikon logistikon logistikon loidor loidor loidor loig loig loig loim loim loim lokya [S] lom(at) lom(at) lom(at) lonch lonch lonch lop(ad) lopas loph(i) 1 lokj• 1 lokj• lokl• lokl• lokl• lokl• lodiks• lodiks• lodiks• lodiks• lojdr• lojdr• lojdr• lojg• lojg• lojg• lojm• lojm• lojm• 1 log• 1 log• 1 log• 2 log• 2 log• 2 log• 2 log• 1 olog• 1 olog• 2 olog• 2 olog• 2 olog• lojdr• lojdr• lojdr• lojg• lojg• lojg• lojm• lojm• lojm• 2 lokj• lom• lom• lom• lonk• lonk• lonk• lops• lops• lopf• move(ment) propel(ling) cell chamber compartment room blanket cover(age) blanket cover(age) indignation offend /se scandal remains rubble ruin (remains) disease (infectious) pestilence plague (disease) expression text word analysis proportion relation (system) system phenomenon rule(s) knowledge reason (think) think(ing) indignation offend /se scandal remains rubble ruin (remains) disease (infectious) pestilence plague (disease) world(ly) border (hem) fringe hem arrow(point) point (spear) spear(point) oyster oyster comb (cock) loph(i) loph(i) loph(i) loqu(e) loqu(e) loqu(e) loqu(e) loqu(e) lor(u) lor(u) lor(u) lor(u) lord lord lord loric(a) loric(a) lot lot lot lous lous lous lox lox lubr(ic) lubr(ic) luc(i) luc(i) lucern lucern lucern luct luct luct lues lues lues luet luet luet luet luet luet lug(ubr) lug(ubr) lug(ubr) lunat lunat lunch lopf• lopf• lopf• lokw• lokw• lokw• lokw• lokw• lor• lor• lor• lor• lord• lord• lord• lorits• lorits• 1 lows• 1 lows• 1 lows• 1 lows• 1 lows• 1 lows• loks• loks• lubr• lubr• lutsi• lutsi• lyxn• lyxn• lyxn• 1 lukts• 1 lukts• 1 lukts• lwet• lwet• lwet• lwet• lwet• lwet• lwet• lwet• lwet• 1 lukts• 1 lukts• 1 lukts• lunt• lunt• lonk• crest crown (head) pinnacle say(ing) speak story tale word (spoken) bridle restrain(t) strap whip (strap) bow(ing) incline(d) tilt armour (nn) cuirass bathe rinse wash(ing) bathe rinse wash(ing) oblique slanting slippery smooth light (shine) shine /ing lamp lantern light (lamp) commemorate deplore mourn(ful) infect(ion) pestilence plague (disease) infect(ion) infect(ion) pestilence pestilence plague (disease) plague (disease) commemorate deplore mourn(ful) arc crescent arrow(point) 287 lunch lunch luper luper lupulin lupulin lupulin lupulin lurco lurco lurco lusc lusc lusc lust lust lust lustr lustr lutan lutan lutan lutar lutar lutar lute(ol) lute(ol) lute(ol) lute(ol) luteci lutit lutit lutit lutor lutr luxa luxa luxa ly ly lyc lychn lychn lyg lyg lyg lyg lyg(er) lyg(er) lyg(er) 288 lonk• lonk• lupr• lupr• lupl• lupl• lupl• lupl• lurk• lurk• lurk• 1 lusk• 1 lusk• 2 lusk• 1 lows• 1 lows• 1 lows• lustr• lustr• lutn• lutn• lutn• lutn• lutn• lutn• lute• lute• lute• lute• ljutlutn• lutn• lutn• lutr• lutr• 2 lukts• 2 lukts• 2 lukts• ly• ly• lyk• lyxn• lyxn• 2 lyg• 2 lyg• 2 lyg• 2 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• point (spear) spear(point) afflict(ion) distress sorcerer sorceress warlock witch devour feed glutton(y) myopic short-sighted one-eyed bathe rinse wash(ing) clean(ing) purify(ing) mire mud ooze mire mud ooze ginger gold(en) red-haired yellow chemical element Lu mire mud ooze bath(tub) bath(tub) disjoint dislocate disrupt fluid (nn) liquid (nn) wolf lance light (shine) dark(ness) evening obscure /ity twilight cane reed rod lyg(er) lyg(er) lygd(in) lygin lygin lygin lygin lygin lygm lygm lygod lygod lygod lygod lygod lygos lygos lygos lygos lygos lygr lygr lygr lygr lym lym lym lym lym lym lym lymn lymn lymn lymn lymn lyng lyng lype lype lypr lypr lys lys lys lys lys lys lys lys 1 lyg• 1 lyg• lygd• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• lygm• lygm• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• lygr• lygr• lygr• lygr• lojm• lojm• lojm• 1 lym• 1 lym• 2 lym• 2 lym• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• lygm• lygm• lupr• lupr• lupr• lupr• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• twig wand marble (stone) cane reed rod twig wand hiccup sob cane reed rod twig wand cane reed rod twig wand bashful(ness) coy(ness) shy(ness) timid(ity) disease (infectious) pestilence plague (disease) damage (nn) defect flail whip (strap) marsh (moor) moor (marsh) pond pool (pond) puddle hiccup sob afflict(ion) distress afflict(ion) distress decompose disband dissolve resolve separate(d) solution solve undo lys lyss lyss lyss lyt lyt lyt lyt lyt lyt lyt lyt lyt lythr lytt lytt lytt ETYMON macar macar macc macc macc macc macc macel(l) maceria macesc macesc macesc machaer machaer machair machair machem machem machem machem machem macher macher machet machet machet machet machet machl machl macil untie liz• lysts• lysts• lysts• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• liz• lytr• lysts• lysts• lysts• punish(ing) revenge wrath decompose disband dissolve resolve separate(d) solution solve undo untie blood punish(ing) revenge wrath MEANING LEMMA 2 makr• 2 makr• 1 makš• 1 makš• 1 makš• 1 makš• 1 makš• 1 makl• makri• 2 makš• 2 makš• 2 makš• 1 makar• 1 makar• 1 makar• 1 makar• max• max• max• max• max• 1 makar• 1 makar• max• max• max• max• max• 2 makl• 2 makl• 2 makš• happy/ ness merry buffoon clown comedian fool (nn) harlequin pick-ax wall gaunt lean (thin) meager rapier sword rapier sword battle campaign (vb) fight(ing) wage war wrestle rapier sword battle campaign (vb) fight(ing) wage war wrestle pleasure (carnal) voluptuous gaunt macil macil macr(o) macr(o) macr(o) macro macta macta macta mactr madar madar madrasa [A] maer maesmact maesmact maesmact maesmact maest maest maest maest magdal magdal magdal magevet [Hb] maghan [S] maghsal [A] magid magis magn magn magn magn magnesi maha [S] maha [S] maha [S] maha [S] maieu maieu maieu maieu maitri [S] maitri [S] makarah [S] makarah [S] makarah [S] makta [A] makta [A] 2 makš• 2 makš• 1 makr• 1 makr• 1 makr• makra• [GN] 1 makt• 1 makt• 1 makt• maktr• madr• madr• madras• 1 mest• majm• majm• majm• majm• 1 mest• 1 mest• 1 mest• 1 mest• 2 magd• 2 magd• 2 magd• magev• magj• maxs• 1 magd• 1 magd• magn• magn• magn• magn• maxnmaha• maha• maha• maha• maje• maje• maje• maje• majtr• majtr• 2 makar• 2 makar• 2 makar• 2 makt• 2 makt• lean (thin) meager big great immense hundred thousand offer(ing) sacrifice victim (sacrifice) mortar (vessel) bald hairless school afflict(ion) jump leap shoot forward spring (jump) distress gloomy/ ness griev(ance) sorrow(ful) dough paste (plaster) plaster towel January lavatory knead knead big great tall vast chemical element Mg eminent grand great superior beget bring forth generate produce(d) like /ing love alligator crocodile (etc) gavial defile (passage) passage 289 makta [A] mala mala mala mala malac malac malac malac malac malach malach malagm malagm malagm malagm malax malax malax malax malist malist malist malista malista malista mall(ot) mall(ot) mall(ot) malon [Hb] malth malth man man man man man man man man man man man(us) mana mana mana manc manc manci manci 290 2 makt• 1 mlax• 1 mlax• 1 mlax• 2 mlax• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 2 malak• malx• malx• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 mlax• 1 mlax• 1 mlax• malst• malst• malst• malj• malj• malj• maln• malts• malts• 1 mamn• 1 mamn• 1 mamn• 1 mamn• 2 mamn• 2 mamn• 2 mamn• 2 mamn• 2 mamn• 2 mamn• 1 mnus• mnah• mnah• mnah• mantš• mantš• mants• mants• thoroughfare abundant many numerous jaw(bone) mild soft(ness) tender(ly) weak(ness) mollusk purple violet (color) mild soft(ness) tender(ly) weak(ness) mild soft(ness) tender(ly) weak(ness) abundant many numerous chief(ly) main(ly) principal felt (fabric) fur wool(en) hotel polish(ing) wax (cream) scarce(ly) seldom sparse thin(ly) crowd(ed) oppress press (together) push squeeze throng (vb) hand (nn) penetrating permeating piercing cripple(d) disabled augur(y) omen manci mandal mandel mandr(a) mandr(a) mandr(a) mandr(a) mandrit mangan mano mano mant(i) mant(i) mant(i) manthan manthan manthan mapp mapp mants• mandl• mantl2 mandr• 2 mandr• 2 mandr• 2 mandr• 1 mandr• manxmanv• manv• mants• mants• mants• mantsan• mantsan• mantsan• maps• maps• mapuchon [Hb] maputš• marai maraj• marai maraj• marai maraj• marai maraj• marai maraj• marai maraj• marcesc maraj• marcesc maraj• marcesc maraj• marcesc maraj• marcesc maraj• marcesc maraj• marcid maraj• marcid maraj• marcid maraj• marcid maraj• marcid maraj• marcid maraj• marg marg• marg marg• marg marg• marg marg• margar margar• margasirsah [S] margasr• margeli margar• 1 maril marl• marit marit• marit marit• marit marit• marpt marp• prophesy bolt (key) chemical word stem cow-shed mews stable (shed) sty abbot chemical element Mn rare seldom augur(y) omen prophesy learn memorize study handkerchief napkin accordion droop fade marasmus stagnation wasting wither droop fade marasmus stagnation wasting wither droop fade marasmus stagnation wasting wither disarrange disorder interfere perturb pearl November pearl coal betrothal matrimony wedding capture(d) marpt marra marsupi marp• 2 marl• marsp• catch (get) hook (nn) bag pouch martef [Hb] marti mas mas mas masah maschal maschke [Hb] masnaa [A] mast mast mast mast mast mast mast mast mastac mastac mastac mastax mastax mastax mastic mastic mastig mastig mastix mastix masuri mat mat mat mat mat mataar [A] matae matae matae matamahi [S] mat(e)r mathei mathet mathet mathet martef• marts• masts• masts• masts• masa• mašl• mašk• masn• 1 mašt• 1 mašt• 1 mašt• 2 mašt• 2 mašt• 2 mašt• 2 mašt• 2 mašt• mastak• mastak• mastak• mastak• mastak• mastak• mastig• mastig• mastig• mastig• mastig• mastig• masrmatm• matm• matm• matm• matm• matar• mataj• mataj• mataj• matma• 1 matr• 2 matr• 2 matj• mated• mated• mated• cellar iron biscuit (etc) cake cookie month armpit liquid (nn) factory breast (woman) nipple (breast) teat altitude dune elevation height hill beak mouth snout beak mouth snout scourge (whip) whip(ping) scourge (whip) whip(ping) scourge (whip) whip(ping) chemical element Ma analyze explore research search study airport adrift aimless vain (useless) grandmother mother kernel learned adept adhere(nt) disciple mathet mathet mathet mathet mathet mathi mathi mathi matok [Hb] matok [Hb] matsber [Hb] matul matul matul matul matul matul matulani [S] mausa maz maz maz meant meat mec(yn) mec(yn) mec(yn) mechi mechi mecon(i) mecon(i) mecysm mecysm mecysm medeter medeter medeter medi medi medi mediol meeden meeden meg(a) meg(a) meg(a) meg(a) meg(a) mega mega mated• mated• matsed• matsed• matsed• 1 matj• 1 matj• 1 matj• matok• matok• mazb• matl• matl• matl• matl• matl• matl• matlan• mofs• 1 mašt• 1 mašt• 1 mašt• mejnt• mejnt• meks• meks• meks• mekš• mekš• 1 mekn• 2 mekn• meks• meks• meks• medr• medr• medr• medz• medz• medz• medl• follower member (part) brief (vb) instruct teach inform(ation) know(ledge) know-how candy sweets battery can (box) mug pot recipient tankard vase aunt art breast (woman) nipple (breast) teat pass(ed) pass(ed) high long (distance) tall adult grown-up juice poppy high long (distance) tall impartial indifferent neutral between halfway middle yolk medna• [GN] null medna• [GN] zero 1 meg• 1 meg• 1 meg• 1 meg• 1 meg• 2 meg• 2 meg• colossal gigantic huge immense overwhelming emphasis intensity 291 mega mega megal(i) megal(i) megal(i) megate megeth megeth megeth megeth megeth mei(on) mei(on) mei(on) meios meios meios mel(as) mel(as) mel(es) mel(es) mel(es) mel(es) mel(es) mel(in) mel(in) mel(li) mel(o) mel(ot) mel(ot) mela(s) mela(s) mela(s) melan melan meledon meledon melen melen meleth meleth melicer melicer melichr melichr melict melict melict melict melict 292 2 meg• mega• [GN] megal• megal• megal• megate• 1 meg• 1 meg• 1 meg• 1 meg• 1 meg• mej• mej• mej• mej• mej• mej• melan• melan• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• 2 mevl• 2 mevl• mely• 2 mer• 1 mevl• 1 mevl• mels• mels• mels• melan• melan• 1 meled• 1 meled• melan• melan• 1 meled• 1 meled• kerat• mely• keram• mely• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• loud(ness) million excessive extravagant too (much/many) millionth colossal gigantic huge immense overwhelming few(er) less minus few(er) less minus black dark aria melody music song tune apple quince honey limb (part) cattle goat feed (flocks) graze (feed) tend (flocks) black dark look after nurse /ing black dark look askance nurse /ing antenna honey mortar (building) honey aria melody music song tune melin meliss meliz meliz meliz meliz meliz melle melle melletes melletes melyr melyr melyr melyr melyr memat memat men men men men men men men men men men men men men men men(i) men(i) mend(os) mend(os) mend(os) mend(os) mend(os) mend(os) mend(os) mendeliev melin• melis• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• keram• mely• 2 meled• 2 meled• mel• mel• mel• mel• mel• memt• memt• 1 men• 1 men• 1 men• 2 men• 2 men• 2 men• 2 men• 2 men• 1 menj• 1 menj• 1 menj• 1 menj• 1 menj• 1 menj• 2 menj• 2 menj• 1 mendz• 1 mendz• 1 mendz• 1 mendz• 1 mendz• 1 mendz• 1 mendz• mendlmeniaazmo [Hb] menjaz• 2 mens(a) mendz• mentul mentl• mentul mentl• meny meny• meny meny• meot mej• meot mej• apple bee aria melody music song tune clay honey delay put off aria melody music song tune desire wish menstruation month moon anger excitement fury rage(ing) wrath await obstinate persist(ent) remain stay(ing) wait arc crescent alms beg (charity) charity lack(ing) poverty shortage want (in) chemical element Md automatic table (furniture) pecker (penis) penis betray treachery few(er) less meot mephit mephit mephit mepote mer(a) mer(a) mer(a) mer(a) mer(id) mer(id) mer(id) mer(id) merac meral mercur merdja [A] meres meres meres meres meretri meretri meretri meretri meretri meridi merimn merimn merimn merimn merinth merinth merinth merinth merism merism merism merism merm(ith) merm(ith) mery mery meryc meryc meryx meryx meso meso meso mej• meft• meft• meft• mept• 2 mer• 2 mer• 2 mer• 2 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• merak• merak• merkmerdž• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• mertr• mertr• mertr• mertr• mertr• merid• merimn• merimn• merimn• merimn• merint• merint• merint• merint• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• merm• merm• mery• mery• meryk• meryk• meryk• meryk• medz• medz• medz• minus fume(d) reek stench never femur shin-bone thigh tibia division part (piece) piece segment pure pure chemical element Hg pond division part (piece) piece segment fornicate /ation impurity (moral) lewd(ness) prostitution unchaste /ity noon attend to care nurse /ing provide for cable (rope) cord line (rope) rope (cord) division part (piece) piece segment fiber thread (fiber) wind(ing) wrap(ped) ruminant (animal) ruminate ruminant (animal) ruminate between halfway middle messi messi messi messor messor messor mest mest mest meta meta meta meta meta metax meten meten meteor meteor meteor meteor meth(y) meth(y) meth(y) meth(y) meth(y) methes methes methyst methyst meti metoch metoch metop(id) metr metr metr metr metr metr metr metr(i) metr(i) metr(i) metro metro metro metu metu metu meš• meš• meš• meš• meš• meš• 2 mest• 2 mest• 2 mest• 1 meta• 1 meta• 1 meta• 1 meta• 2 meta• metak• metn• metn• 1 mete• 1 mete• 1 mete• 2 mete• metx• metx• metxmetx• metx• metes• metes• metys• metys• metj• metox• metox• metop• 2 matr• 2 matr• 2 matr• 2 matr• metr• metr• mejtr• 1 matr• 1 matr• 1 matr• 1 matr• 1 matr• 1 matr• metu• metu• metu• garner harvest(ing) reap(ing) garner harvest(ing) reap(ing) full plenary plenti(ful) across behind transunder(neath) let silk cut (mow) mow climate season (time) weather phenomenon alcoholic drink brandy chemical word stem gin (drink) strong drink no(ne) undrunken intoxicate(d) wisdom contribute take part forehead core kernel (essence) marrow pith apparatus tool measure(ment) mother nanny womb mother nanny womb afraid fear(ful) fright(en) 293 metul metul miae miae miae miae miant miant miant miant miant miant miar miar miar miar miayar [A] mic(an) mic(an) mic(an) mic(an) michr michr michr micit micit micit micr(o) micr(o) micr(o) micr(o) mict mict micul micul micul mid miglasch [Hb] mil(es) mil(es) mil(es) milich milich mill milli ming ming minuie [Hb] minur minur 294 metl• metl• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 2 mjant• 2 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• mjaj• mikn• mikn• mikn• mikn• mikr• mikr• mikr• mitsid• mitsid• mitsid• mikr• mikr• mikr• mikra• [GN] mikt• mikt• mikl• mikl• mikl• mid• miglaš• mils• mils• mils• milix• milix• mily• [LN] mili• [LN] mikt• mikt• minj• minyr• minyr• cone wedge dirt (rubbish) filth(y) spot (stain) stain (spot) dirt (rubbish) filth(y) spot (stain) stain (spot) colour paint(ed) dirt (rubbish) filth(y) spot (stain) stain (spot) gauge gleam gloss glow(ing) lustre little (small) small tiny emaciated slender weak(ness) little (small) small tiny millionth piss urine part (little) piece smattering smile /ing ski military soldier warrior quiet(ly) tranquil(ity) thousand thousandth piss urine appointment buzz hum minyr minyr mir(abil) mir(abil) mirac(i) mirac(i) mirac(i) mirac(i) mirax mirax mirax mirax misaad [A] misat misat misat misch misch misch minyr• minyr• mirabl• mirabl• mirak• mirak• mirak• mirak• mirak• mirak• mirak• mirak• msad• miz• miz• miz• 2 mistš• 2 mistš• 2 mistš• mischeleth [Hb] mišl• misemat miz• misemat miz• misemat miz• mishmish [A] mišm• miss mists• miss mists• missadah [Hb] misad• 1 misth mistš• 1 misth mistš• 1 misth mistš• 1 misth mistš• mit mit• mit mit• mit mit• mit mit• mit mits• mit mits• mitell mitl• mitell mitl• mithrac mitrak• mithrac mitrak• mithrax mitrak• mithrax mitrak• miti mitj• miti mitj• mitod [Hb] mitod• mix mixs• mix mixs• mizon midz• mizon midz• buzz hum admirable wonderful adolescent boy kid (boy) young(ster) adolescent boy kid (boy) young(ster) elevator abhor hate loathe pole (stake) rod spar sled abhor hate loathe apricot forward send restaurant pay(ed) reward(ing) salary wages loose mesh noose thread (fiber) place(d) put(ting) head-band turban gem jewel gem jewel sweet (tender) tender(ly) bedroom fertilize impregnate more plus mizzon mizzon mnemeion mnemeion mnemo mnemo mneo mneo mnest mnest mnious mnious mnious mnous mnous mnous mochl mochl mochth mochth mochth mochth mochth modiol modiol moech moech moer moer moer moer moest moest moest moest mogi mogi mogi mogi mogi mogus mogus mogus mogus mogus moira moira moira molch moles midz• midz• nemi• nemi• mnem• mnem• mnem• mnem• mnem• mnem• 2 mnus• 2 mnus• 2 mnus• 2 mnus• 2 mnus• 2 mnus• moxl• moxl• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• modjol• modjol• mekš• mekš• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mest• 1 mest• 1 mest• 1 mest• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• moxt• mojr• mojr• mojr• moltš• mols• more plus memorial monument memory remember memory remember memory remember soft(ness) tender(ly) weak(ness) soft(ness) tender(ly) weak(ness) lewd(ness) lift(ed) drudge effort endeavour labour(ing) toil(ing) boss (hub) hub adult grown-up division part (piece) piece segment distress gloomy/ ness griev(ance) sorrow(ful) drudge effort endeavour labour(ing) toil(ing) drudge effort endeavour labour(ing) toil(ing) destiny fatal(ity) fate salamander mass (heap) molg molg molitor molitor molobr molobr molobr molop(s) molop(s) molop(s) molothr molothr molothr molp molp molp molp molp molybd molybden molybr molyc molyn molyn molyn molyn molyn molyn molyn molyn molyt molyx mom(ph) mom(ph) mom(ph) mom(ph) monaz monaz monaz monaz monaz mone mone mone monel monel monel monil monil monil molg• molg• molit• molit• molobr• molobr• molobr• molops• molops• molops• molobr• molobr• molobr• molp• molp• molp• molp• molp• molybr• moljmolybr• molyk• moln• moln• moln• moln• moln• moln• moln• moln• molyk• molyk• momf• momf• momf• momf• 1 monats• 1 monats• 2 monats• 2 monats• 2 monats• mone• mone• mone• 2 monel• 2 monel• 2 monel• 1 monel• 1 monel• 1 monel• money-bag purse builder constructor feast on feed on glutton(y) scratch scrub (thorns) scrub(bing) feast on feed on glutton(y) aria melody sing song tune lead (metal) chemical element Mo lead (metal) exhausted defile (vb) dirty (spoil) foul(ed) pollute soil(ed) spoil(ed) spot (stain) stain(ed) exhausted exhausted blame(d) reprimand reproach(able) reprove isolation lonely(ness) hermit recluse solitary (nn) cease halt(ing) stop(ping) caution (vb) inform(ation) warn necklace necklet rosary 295 monil monil monil monit monit mono mono mono mor morb(id) morb(id) morb(id) morb(id) morbos morbos morbos morbos mord mord mord mord mord mori mori mori mori(o) mori(o) mori(o) mori(o) mori(o) morich morich morich morm morm morm morm moro moro moron moron moron moron moron morph morph morph morphn morsim morsim 296 2 monel• 2 monel• 2 monel• monit• monit• mona• [GN] mona• [GN] mona• [GN] 2 morh• morb• morb• morb• morb• morb• morb• morb• morb• mordj• mordj• mordj• mordj• mordj• 2 morj• 2 morj• 2 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• morix• morix• morix• morm• morm• morm• morm• 1 morh• 1 morh• 1 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• 1 morj• morf• morf• morf• morp• morsm• morsm• counsel morsim morych morych morych moualif [A] one mouhadatsa [A] only mulberry mouhami mouhandis [A] mousadas [A] ailment moustashfa [A] disease mox mox mox mucr(onat) mucr(onat) mucr(onat) muhurtah [S] mukshar [Hb] mulc mulc mulc mulc mulct mulg(en) muliebr mulier mull multi multi muni muni muni [S] muni [S] muni [S] muni [S] muri muri muri muric(at) murin murin murm murri murri murri murti [S] musa musc must mutic caution (vb) inform(ation) warn advise unique ill(ness) sick(ness) ailment disease ill(ness) sick(ness) aggravate irritate provoke torment torture lime member (part) part (piece) cracked (crazy) foolish insane /ity mad(ness) silly endeavour set about try(ing) ghost monster ogre phantom confuse(d) consternate(d) cracked (crazy) foolish insane /ity mad(ness) silly appearance aspect form black fatal(ity) misfortune morsm• morix• morix• morix• mwalf• muxad• muham• mwand• musad• mostaš• moks• moks• moks• mukr• mukr• mukr• muhurt• muxs• mulk• mulk• mulk• mulk• mulg• mulg• muljer• muljer• mulž• mylti• [LN] mylti• [LN] 2 muni• 2 muni• 1 muni• 1 muni• 1 muni• 1 muni• muri• muri• muri• murits• murn• murn• mirmek• murj• murj• murj• murt• musa• musx• mušt• mutits• mishap endeavour set about try(ing) author conversation lay (put) engineer gun hospital at once right away soon point (tip) summit tip hour able caress pat(ting) stroke (caress) touch milk (nn) milk (nn) woman woman red many numerous defend protect philosopher sage (man) thinker wise man brine pickle(d) salt(ed) pin (stylus) mouse rat ant chirp peep(ing) squeak form banana fly (insect) fresh stump mutu mutu mutu mutu mutu mutulus my(ac) my(os) myc(et) myc(et) mycem mycem mycem mycet mycet mycet mych myct(er) myct(er) myd myd mydr mydr mydr mydr mydr mydr mydr myel myel mygm mygm mygm myi myi myl myl myl myl mylac(h) mylacr myliax myllaen myllen myo myot myr(o) myr(o) myri(a) myri(a) 1 mutu• 1 mutu• 1 mutu• 2 mutu• 2 mutu• mutl• 2 my• 1 my• myk• myk• migm• migm• migm• migm• migm• migm• myx• myktr• myktr• myd• myd• 1 mydr• 1 mydr• 2 mydr• 2 mydr• 2 mydr• 2 mydr• 2 mydr• mjel• mjel• migm• migm• migm• mojs• musx• 1 myl• 1 myl• 2 myl• 2 myl• milax• milax• milax• myln• myln• mojs• 1 my• myr• myr• mirj• mirja• [GN] mutual one another reciprocal borrow loathe collar mussel muscle fungus mushroom bellow boom (bellow) roar(ing) bellow boom (bellow) roar(ing) intimate nose nostril mildew mold heap(ed) mass (heap) dilate expand extend(ing) spread stretch(ing) marrow pith bellow myrio myrio(stos) myrism myrism myrism myrism myrism myrism myrm(ec) mysi mysi mysi myst myst myst myst mystac mysti mysti mysti mysti mystr(i) myth myth myth myx myx myx myx myx myz mirj• mirjate•[GN] myr• myr• 1 myst• 1 myst• 1 myst• 1 myst• mirmek• myš• myš• myš• 1 myst• 1 myst• 1 myst• 1 myst• mistak• 2 myst• 2 myst• 2 myst• 2 myst• mystr• myt• myt• myt• myks• myks• myks• myks• myks• myz• multitude tenthousandth aroma perfume enigma mystery riddle secret ant close(d) lid (cover) shutter enigma mystery riddle secret mustache comb(ed) sieve(d) strainer whalebone spoon fairy tale legitimate story mucus phlegm silt slime sludge suck(ing) boom (bellow) roar(ing) mouse fly (insect) mill(stone) mill(stone) jaw(bone) tooth mill(stone) mill(stone) mill(stone) grimace grimace mouse muscle aroma perfume multitude tenthousand ETYMON nabl nabl nac nac nac nacerd nacerd nact nact nact nae nae nae nae nae naeni naev MEANING LEMMA nabl• nabl• nak• nak• nak• natserd• natserd• nakt• nakt• nakt• naj• naj• naj• naj• naj• najn• najv• harp lyre fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) free(ly) gratuitous compact(ness) density solid(ity) be (at) dwell live (at) lodge (live) stay(ing) mourn(ful) indication 297 naev naev naev naev nagm(at) nagm(at) nagm(at) nai nai nai nai nai nam(at) nam(at) nano nao nao nao nao nao nao nao nao napht napravith [Slav] napravith [Slav] napravith [Slav] napravith [Slav] naqd [A] nar nar nasm nasm nasm nast nast nast nast nast nast naster naster naster naster naster naster nastes nastes nastes nastes 298 najv• najv• najv• najv• nagm• nagm• nagm• naj• naj• naj• naj• naj• namt• namt• nana• [GN] nawt• nawt• nawt• nawt• nax• nax• nax• nax• naptnaprav• naprav• naprav• naprav• nagd• nar• nar• nasm• nasm• nasm• nakt• nakt• nakt• nast• nast• nast• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• nastr• mark (sign) sign spot (stain) symbol accumulate heap(ed) stack(ed) be (at) dwell live (at) lodge (live) stay(ing) current (flow) watercourse billionth 10 --9 boatman mariner sailor seaman chapel church oratory temple chemical word stem adjust correct(ly) rectify straight(en) cash money fluid(ity) liquid(ity) carry off flow away lean (thin) compact(ness) density solid(ity) effect react(ion) result denizen inhabitant inmate occupant resident tenant denizen inhabitant inmate occupant nastes nastes nat nat nat nat(ic) nat(ic) natah [S] natah [S] natah [S] natah [S] natri nau nau nau(s) nau(s) naut(il) naut(il) naut(il) naut(il) ne(op) ne(op) ne(op) neal nean near neas neat neat neat nebr(ac) nebrax nec(at) nec(at) nec(at) nec(at) necerd necerd necerd necr(o) necr(o) necr(o) nect(o) nect(o) nectri nectri necy necy necy nedimi nastr• nastr• nat• nat• nat• natits• natits• nata• nata• nata• nata• natrnav• nav• naws• naws• nawt• nawt• nawt• nawt• 2 ne• 2 ne• 2 ne• 1 njas• 1 njas• 1 njas• 1 njas• 2 njas• 2 njas• 2 njas• nebrak• nebrak• nek• nek• nek• nek• natserd• natserd• natserd• nekr• nekr• nekr• nekt• nekt• nekt• nekt• nekr• nekr• nekr• nejd- resident tenant beget birth produce(d) buttock rump actor buffoon comedian performer chemical element Na boat ship (boat) navigate sail(ing) boatman mariner sailor seaman young young(ster) youth young young young young just (now) present (time) recent(ly) yearling yearling assassinate kill(ing) murder ruin(ed) free(ly) gratuitous gratuitous carcase corpse deceased (nn) float swim float swim carcase corpse deceased (nn) chemical element Nd nedy nedym nedym nedym nee nee nee nee nee nefari nefari nefari nefari nefari neg neg neg neic neic neic neic neic nem nem nem nem nem nem(at) nem(at) nem(at) nem(or) nem(or) neni neni neni neni neo neo neo(n) neo(n) neo(n) neon neoss nep neph(el) neph(el) neph(el) neph(el) nephod nephod nedy• nedym• nedym• nedym• naj• naj• naj• naj• naj• 2 nefr• 2 nefr• 2 nefr• 2 nefr• 2 nefr• negar• negar• negar• nejk• nejk• nejk• nejk• nejk• 1 nem• 1 nem• 1 nem• 1 nem• 1 nem• nemt• nemt• nemt• 2 nem• 2 nem• nenj• nenj• nenj• nenj• 1 ner• 1 ner• 1 ne• 1 ne• 1 ne• nexnjot• neps• nefel• nefel• nefel• nefel• nefel• nefel• stomach soft(ness) tender(ly) weak(ness) be (at) dwell live(ly) lodger stay(ing) abomination disgusting horrid lobster nauseating oppose(d) resist(ing) withstand disagreement discord dispute dissension quarrel(ing) greensward lawn meadow pasture prairie fibril filament thread (fiber) forest woods complain dirge elegy lament(able) fluid (nn) liquid(ity) new uncommon unusual chemical element Ne nest scorpion cloud fog mist nebulous cloud fog nephod nephod nephr(o) nepi nepi nepot nepot nepot nepot nepot neptuni neputi neputi ner(os) nerth(er) nerth(er) nes nes nes(s) neschef [Hb] nesti nesti net(h) netr nett neur(o) neur(o) neuro neus(t) neus(t) nevr nex nex nex nex nex nex nex nex nex nex nex nex nice nice nice nice nice nickel nict nefel• nefel• 1 nefr• nepj• nepj• nepot• nepot• nepot• nepot• nepot• neptsnepj• nepj• 2 ner• nertr• nertr• nez• nez• neš• nesx• nešt• nešt• newt• netr• neš• nevr• nevr• newr• 1 nust• 2 nust• newr• 1 neks• 1 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• 2 neks• nike• nike• nike• nike• nike• niknikt• mist nebulous kidney baby newborn family kin parent(s) relation (kin) relative (kin) chemical element Np baby newborn fresh below under(neath) island isle duck (fowl) concert sober sobriety spin (thread) spindle duck (fowl) sinew tendon nerve (anat.) swim fold nerve (anat.) proportion relation (kin) braid button(ed) knot(ted) net (vb) plait tie(d) twine(d) wattle weave /ing wreathe benefit gain success victory win chemical element Ni eyelid 299 nid nidor niglar nihil nihil nihil nike nike nike nike nike nil nil nil nimi nimi nimi niobi niph nipt(er) nipt(er) nis(us) nis(us) nis(us) nis(us) nis(us) nis(us) nit(id) nit(id) nitel nitel niten niten nitro niv nix nix nix nix noar noar noar nobeli noc(i) noc(i) noc(i) nocar nocar nocar nocar 300 nid• nidr• nigl• nihil• nihil• nihil• nike• nike• nike• nike• nike• nihil• nihil• nihil• nimj• nimj• nimj• nixnif• nipt• nipt• nists• nists• nists• nists• nists• nists• njit• njit• njit• njit• njit• njit• nitrnif• niks• niks• niks• niks• novr• novr• novr• nobnots• nots• nots• nokr• nokr• nokr• nokr• nest cook(ed) whistle no(ne) nothing null benefit gain success victory win no(ne) nothing null exceed excessive too (much/many) chemical element Nb snow wash(ing) washbasin drudge endeavour exert(ion) labour(ing) strain(ed) toil(ing) glitter(ing) shine /ing glitter(ing) shine /ing glitter(ing) shine /ing chemical element N snow lean(ing) lean(ing) support(ing) uphold ghost phantom spirit (ghost) chemical element No break(ing) damag(ing) smash(ed) dull idle languid lazy(ness) nocar nocar nocu nocu nocu nol(a) nol(a) nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom(eus) nom(eus) nom(eus) nom(eus) nom(eus) non(a) nonus noo noo noo noo nos nos nos nos nossac nost nost not not not(i) not(i) not(i) noten noth noth noth noti(al) noti(d) nokr• nokr• nots• nots• nots• nol• nol• 1 nawm• 1 nawm• 1 nawm• 2 nawm• 2 nawm• 2 nawm• 2 nawm• 2 nawm• onom• onom• onom• onom• onom• onom• noms• noms• noms• noms• noms• nona• [GN] nonj• [LN] noj• noj• noj• noj• nos• nos• nos• nos• nosk• 1 nost• 1 nost• 1 noth• 2 noth• 1 notj• 1 notj• 1 notj• 2 notj• 2 nost• 2 nost• 2 nost• 2 notj• noti• slack slothful break(ing) damag(ing) smash(ed) bell (small) rattle (instrument) divide separate(ly) split(ting) feed fodder forage(d) graze (feed) pasture custom(ary) habit(s) law(ful) precept regulate /tion rule(s) abode quarters region residence where(abouts) nine nine intelligent mind reason (think) think(ing) ill(ness) sick(ness) suffer(ing) unhappiness rooster comeback return convex shell (cover) back(side) reverse(d) surface south false lie (tell a) untrue south humid(ity) noti(d) noti(d) noti(d) notis notis notis notis notos notus nous nous nous nous novem noxi noxi noxi nubil nubil nuc nugat nugat nugat num(mul) num(mul) num(mul) numen numen numen numin numin numism numism numism nunci nunci nunci nunci nunech nunech nunech nunti nunti nunti nunti nuptial nuptial nus nus nus noti• noti• noti• noti• noti• noti• noti• 2 notj• 2 notj• noj• noj• noj• noj• nona• [GN] nots• nots• 1 nots• nupt• nupt• nutsi• nukt• nukt• nukt• 1 num• 1 num• 1 num• 2 num• 2 num• 2 numn• 1 numn• 1 numn• 1 num• 1 num• 1 num• nunts• nunts• nunts• nunts• nunx• nunx• nunx• nunts• nunts• nunts• nunts• nupt• nupt• noj• noj• noj• rain(fall) water wet(ness) humid(ity) rain(fall) water wet(ness) south south intelligent mind reason (think) think(ing) nine break(ing) damag(ing) smash(ed) matrimony wedding nut (kernel) nus nuthete nuthete nuthete nuthete ny ny ny ny(ct) nyanya [Jp] nych nycter nyg(m) nyg(m) nymph nymph nyss nyss nyss nyss noj• nunts• nunts• nunts• nunts• 2 nys• 2 nys• 2 nys• nykti• njanj• nykti• nyktr• nygm• nygm• nymf• nymf• nygm• nygm• 1 nys• 1 nys• think(ing) announce(ment) herald(ing) message notify approve nod (yes) yes night tomato night bat (mammal) prick(ing) sting (needle) bride fiancée prick(ing) sting (needle) injure /ious wound(ed) babble chatter gossip coin medal medallion arc crescent God gesture nod (yes) coin medal medallion announce(ment) herald(ing) message notify evident logic(al) rational(ly) announce(ment) herald(ing) message notify matrimony wedding intelligent mind reason (think) ETYMON o oari ob ob ob ob ob ob ob ob ob obba obba obba obba obel obel obel ober ober obes obes obes obes obex obex obi(t) obi(t) MEANING LEMMA hon• hon• obj• obj• obj• obj• obj• obj• ubi• ubi• ubi• obd• obd• obd• obd• obel• obel• obel• 1 obr• 1 obr• obes• obes• obes• obes• obek• obek• obit• obit• egg egg against contrary counter (adv) opponent oppose(d) opposing above soar(ing) up(stairs) basin bowl tub vat pole (stake) rod spar roam(ing) wander corpulent fat-bellied fatty obese hindrance obstacle decease demise 301 obi(t) obi(t) obri obri obri obri obruss obruss obruss obrut obrut obrut obsidio obsit obsolesc obsolesc obsolesc obsolesc obsolesc obsolet obsolet obsolet obsolet obsolet obstetr obstetr obstetr obstetr oca oca oca oca oca oca occ occ occ occe occis occis occis occis och och och och och och och och 302 obit• obit• 2 obr• 2 obr• 2 obr• 2 obr• obruš• obruš• obruš• obrud• obrud• obrud• 1 opsid• 2 opsid• opsol• opsol• opsol• opsol• opsol• opsol• opsol• opsol• opsol• opsol• opstetr• opstetr• opstetr• opstetr• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• 1 okts• 1 okts• 1 okts• 1 onk• otšis• otšis• otšis• otšis• 1 okx• 1 okx• 1 okx• 1 okx• 1 okx• 1 okx• 2 okx• 2 okx• die pass away descendant issue (result) offspring result experiment test(ing) try (out) knock down overthrow upset besiege plant(ed) ancient antique exobsolete old ancient antique exobsolete old beget generate give birth labour(ing) alert brisk fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) vigilant charge(d) heavy load hook (nn) assassinate execute (kill) kill(ing) murder car carriage cart chariot trolley waggon guard(ed) protect och ocha ocha ocha ochem ochem ochem ochem ochem ochem oches oches oches ochet ochet ochet ochet ocheus ocheus ochl ochl ochl ochl ochl ochl ochl ochl ochl ochl(er) ochl(er) ochl(er) ochl(er) ochl(er) ochm ochm ochm ochn ocht(er) ocht(er) ocht(er) ocht(er) ochthod ochthod ochthod ochthod ochyr ochyr ochyr oci oci 2 okx• otšm• otšm• otšm• 1 oxes• 1 oxes• 1 oxes• otšm• otšm• otšm• 1 oxes• 1 oxes• 1 oxes• oxed• oxed• oxed• oxed• 2 oxes• 2 oxes• okl• okl• okl• okl• okl• okl• okl• 1 oxl• 1 oxl• 2 oxl• 2 oxl• 2 oxl• 2 oxl• 2 oxl• otšm• otšm• otšm• oxn• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxr• oxr• oxr• oky• oky• shield(ed) hold(ing) support(ing) sustain capacity contents purport(ed) hold(ing) support(ing) sustain capacity contents purport(ed) canal channel drain (nn) sewer bolt (buckle) buckle band (people) crowd (bunch) group (bunch) heap(ed) horde mass (crowd) pile (stack) opportune welcome eddy mingle mixe(d) swirl whirl(ing) hold(ing) support(ing) sustain pear bank (shore) border (rim) brim edge bank (shore) border (rim) brim edge obstinate persist(ent) relentless alert brisk oci oci oci oci oclao oclao ocn(er) ocn(er) ocn(er) oct(o) octo ocy ocy ocy ocy ocy ocy od(ic) od(ic) od(ic) od(o) od(o) od(o) od(o) odax odax odes odes odin odin odin odm(al) odm(al) odin odon odon odon odon odon odon(t) odur odur odus odus odus odus odus odus odus odus oky• oky• oky• oky• okla• okla• okn• okn• okn• okt• [LN] oxta• [GN] oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• oky• odits• odits• odits• od• od• od• od• dak• dak• 1 odz• 1 odz• odyn• odyn• odyn• 1 odz• 1 odz• odn• [RN] odon• odon• odon• odon• odon• odont• hodr• hodr• odon• odon• odon• odon• odont• 2 odz• 2 odz• 2 odz• fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) vigilant crouch squat idle lazy(ness) slothful eight eight alert brisk fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) vigilant melody music tune direction manner means way (manner) bite eat(ing) odour smell(ing) endure/ able pain suffer(ing) odour smell(ing) one attachment claw hook (nn) hook (nn) horn tooth ambush waylay attachment claw hook (nn) nail (finger) tooth lingerie slow(ly) tardy odyl odyl odyn(er) odyn(er) odyn(er) odyn(o) odyn(o) odyn(o) odyr(m) odyr(m) odyrt odyrt oec(et) oec(et) oec(et) oec(et) oecet oecet oecet oecet oecet oeci(e) oeci(e) oeci(e) oeci(e) oecot oecot oecot oect oect oect oect oect oect oect oed(al) oed(al) oed(al) oed(al) oedan oedan oedan oedan oedem oedem oedem oedem oedo oedo oedo 1 odz• 1 odz• odyn• odyn• odyn• odyn• odyn• odyn• odyr• odyr• odyr• odyr• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ojked• ojked• ojked• ojked• ojked• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ikot• ikot• ikot• 1 ojkt• 1 ojkt• 1 ojkt• 1 ojkt• 2 ojkt• 2 ojkt• 2 ojkt• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• odour smell(ing) endure/ able pain suffer(ing) endure/ able pain suffer(ing) complain lament(able) complain lament(able) apartment dwelling-place home house aid (person) assistant helper servant slave (servant) apartment dwelling-place home house maybe perhaps probably alas complain lament(able) woe bolt(ed) close(d) shut (close) balloon bladder blister vesicle balloon bladder blister vesicle balloon bladder blister vesicle balloon bladder blister 303 oedo oeg(on) oen oen oen oen oeo oeo oeo oeo oes oes oes(o) oes(o) oes(o) oest oestr oestr oestr oestr oestr oestr oet oet oet oeus oeus oeus oeus off off ogc ogm ogm ogm ogm ogm ogyg ogyg oia oia oia oia oiac oiac oic oic oic oic oigo 304 ojdi• ojgon• ovn• onx• onx• onx• eju• eju• eju• eju• 2 ojs• 2 ojs• 1 ojs• 1 ojs• 1 ojs• ojst• hestr• hestr• ojstr• ojstr• ojstr• ojstr• hojt• hojt• hojt• eju• eju• eju• eju• opf• opf• 1 onk• 1 ogm• 1 ogm• 1 ogm• 2 ogm• 2 ogm• ogyg• ogyg• oxt• oxt• oxt• oxt• 1 jats• 1 jats• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ojgon• vesicle open (up) vine ass (donkey) donkey mule exclusive only sole (only) unique osier straw carry move(ment) transport(ing) arrow furious rage(ing) ardent lust passion(ate) rut destiny fate loud(ness) exclusive only sole (only) unique burn scorch(ed) hook (nn) line (rope) streak (line) stroke (streak) furrow wrinkle (furrow) primeval remote bank (shore) border (rim) brim edge rudder steering-wheel (&) apartment dwelling-place home house open (up) oin oio oio oio oio ois oist ol(er) ol(er) ol(o) ol(o) ol(o) ol(o) olac olac olb(i) olb(i) olc olc ole(n) ole(ns) ole(ns) olent olent oler oler oler oler olero olero olesth olesth olesth olesth olet(hr) olet(hr) olet(hr) olet(hr) oleth oleth oleth oleth oleti oleti oleti oleti olibr olibr olibr olic ovn• eju• eju• eju• eju• ojš• ojst• 1 oler• 1 oler• hol• hol• hol• hol• 2 oler• 2 oler• olbj• olbj• holk• holk• oln• 2 oler• 2 oler• 2 oler• 2 oler• olr• olr• olr• olr• 2 oler• 2 oler• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• lond• lond• lond• lond• oltr• oltr• oltr• oltr• olists• olists• olists• holits• wine exclusive only sole (only) unique sheep arrow cabbage vegetable all complete(ly) every total(ly) odour smell(ing) fortunate happy/ ness furrow wrinkle (furrow) elbow odour smell(ing) odour smell(ing) disturb(ance) hamper inconvenience unsettle(d) odour smell(ing) annihilate(d) destroy exterminate perish(ed) annihilate(d) destroy exterminate perish(ed) damag(ing) defect destroy spoil(ed) annihilate(d) destroy exterminate perish(ed) sliding slippery smooth general(ly) olic olig(o) olig(o) olig(o) olig(o) olig(o) oligor oligor oligor olisb olisb olisb oliss oliss oliss olist(h) olist(h) olist(h) oll oll oll oll oll oll olog olog olog olog olog olonth olonth olonth olonth olophr olophr olophr olophr olor olous olous olous olp olp olp om(o) omal omal omal omal omb holits• olig• olig• olig• olig• olig• oligr• oligr• oligr• lizb• lizb• lizb• olists• olists• olists• olists• olists• olists• alits• alits• alits• 1 alj• olel• olel• 1 log• 1 log• 1 log• 1 olog• 1 olog• lond• lond• lond• lond• lofr• lofr• lofr• lofr• loru• 2 lows• 2 lows• 2 lows• holp• holp• holp• 1 omj• homal• homal• homal• homal• 1 umb• universal few rare seldom some sparse neglect omit overlook cock (penis) pecker (penis) penis sliding slippery smooth sliding slippery smooth another different other else boiler cauldron expression text word phenomenon rule(s) damag(ing) destroy impair spoil(ed) crime misstep sin slip (error) swan annihilate(d) destroy exterminate bag pouch sack (bag) shoulder even(ly) flat level smooth button (push) omb ombr(a) omio omma(t) omn omn omn omphal on on on onar onar onar onax onax onax onax onax onc onc onc onc(e) onc(od) onc(od) onc(od) onc(od) onch oneir oneir oneir oneis oneis oneis oneist oneist oneist ones ones ones onest onest onest ongu ongu ongu ongu oni(o) onim onim 1 umb• ombri• 1 omj• omat• omni• omni• omni• omfal• onh• onh• onh• oner• oner• oner• anaks• anaks• anaks• anaks• anaks• 1 okts• 1 okts• 1 okts• 1 onk• 2 onk• 2 onk• 2 onk• 2 onk• 1 onk• oner• oner• oner• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• ugv• ugv• ugv• ugv• honj• onim• onim• lump rain(fall) shoulder eye all every every(thing) navel ass (donkey) donkey mule dream fantasy illusion boss (master) chief (master) head (figure) leaf manager charge(d) heavy loaf hook (nn) bump (lump) hump hunchback tuber hook (nn) dream fantasy illusion facility useful(ness) utility facility useful(ness) utility facility useful(ness) utility facility useful(ness) utility anoint(ed) lubricate smear(ed) spread buy (something) name word 305 oninem oninem oninem oninem oninem oninem oninem oninem onir onir onir onom onom onom onom onom onom onom(ast) onomat onost onost onost onost ont(o) ont(o) ont(o) ont(o) onth onth onth onus onus onus onym onym onych onych onych oo(n) oom oom oom opad opad opad opad opae ope(as) ope(as) opeat 306 1 onin• 1 onin• 1 onin• 2 onin• 2 onin• 2 onin• 2 onin• 2 onin• oner• oner• oner• onom• onom• onom• onom• onom• onom• onmast• onmast• onost• onost• onost• onost• onts• onts• onts• onts• ontj• ontj• ontj• onx• onx• onx• onim• onim• onyx• onyx• onyx• hon• 2 omj• 2 omj• 2 omj• upad• upad• upad• upad• upaj• ope• ope• ope• help humour (vb) serve advantage(ous) benefit blessing gain profit (gain) dream fantasy illusion custom(ary) habit(s) law(ful) precept regulate /tion rule(s) name name bad mark criticism observe /ation remark(able) are be(ing) entity exist(ence) dung manure night-soil ass (donkey) donkey mule name word claw nail (finger) talon egg crude raw unripe accompany consequence follow(ing) sequel open awl needle awl opeat ophel(im) ophel(im) ophel(im) ophel(im) ophi(s) ophi(s) ophid ophid ophry(s) ophry(s) ophry(s) ophthalm opi opi opi opi opi opi opi opic opic opic opic opid opid opid opid(n) opid(n) opil(io) opil(io) opim opim opiqu opiqu opiqu opiqu opism(at) opism(at) opisth opl(e) opl(e) opl(it) oplism oplon opo opo opor oppid oppid ope• ofel• ofel• ofel• ofel• ofi• ofi• ofi• ofi• ofry• ofry• ofry• oftalm• opt• opt• opy• opy• opy• opy• opy• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 2 opid• 2 opid• 2 opid• 1 opid• 1 opid• upl• upl• upim• upim• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• pišm• pišm• opits• 1 hopl• 2 hopl• 1 hopl• 1 hopl• 1 hopl• opu• opu• upr• hopid• hopid• needle benefit gain profit (gain) utility serpent snake serpent snake brow eyebrow eyelid eye look see creation (art) produce (product) product task work (literary) appearance aspect face (nn) look (aspect) punishment retaliate revenge esteem respect(able) herdsman shepherd fertile fruitful appearance aspect face (nn) look (aspect) juice sap (fluid) after (time) weapon(ry) hoof weapon(ry) weapon(ry) weapon(ry) juice sap (fluid) summer(time) fortress stronghold op(s) ops ops ops ops ops ops ops ops ops ops(im) opseilem opson opson opt(a) opt(a) optanion opter opter opter opter opter opter opter opti opti or(al) or(es) ora oram(at) oram(at) oram(at) oram(at) oramn orari orari orari orb orb orb orb orb(ic) orb(ic) orc orch(eo) orches(t) orches(t) orches(t) orchid orcul ops• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 2 opš• 2 opš• psim• opsel• pson• pson• hopt• hopt• optan• 1 optr• 1 optr• 1 optr• 2 optr• 2 optr• 2 optr• 2 optr• opt• opt• 1 ovr• ore• 2 ovr• oram• oram• oram• oram• 1 ramn• rari• rari• rari• 2 orb• 2 orb• 2 orb• 2 orb• 1 orb• 1 orb• orts• orx• orxes• orxes• orxes• orx• urke• eye analyze appearance aspect examine explore face (nn) look after looker-on observe /ation late debt dish (food) food congratulate well-wishing kitchen lentil loom mirror looking-glass observer public (audience) spectator look see mouth mount(ain) pray apparition aspect hallucination vision branch (ramification) beach cape (headland) shore ball (globe) bullet globe sphere circle ring (circle) barrel testicle(s) ball (dance) ballet dance testicle(s) jar (pot) orcul orcul orect orect orect oregm oregm oregm oreo orex orex org orge orge orge orge orge orge orgy(i) orgy(i) orgy(i) orim orin ornis ornis ornith ornith orob orob oroph oroph orp(ec) orp(ec) orp(ec) orpn orrh orrh orrhod orrhod orrhod ors(o) orsa orsa orsa orsa orsa orsa orsum orsum orsum urke• urke• orekt• orekt• orekt• orekt• orekt• orekt• ore• 2 reks• 2 reks• horg• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orgy• orgy• orgy• ore• ore• ornit• ornit• ornit• ornit• orob• orob• 1 ropf• 1 ropf• horp• horp• horp• horpn• 1 horx• 2 horx• grod• grod• grod• hors• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• jug vase extend(ing) layout spread extend(ing) layout spread mount(ain) appetite hunger humid(ity) bent (leaning) character (nature) inclination leaning (towards) propensity tendency depth distance fathom mount(ain) mount(ain) bird fowl bird fowl pea vetch cane reed shoot (twig) sprout (twig) twig dark(ness) back(side) serum fear(ful) horror terror(ize) branch (ramification) bent (leaning) character (nature) inclination leaning (towards) propensity tendency bent (leaning) character (nature) inclination 307 orsum orsum orsum orsus orsus orsus orsus orsus orsus orth orth orth orth orth(o) orth(o) orth(o) orth(o) orthr orych orych oryct oryct oryct oryct oryct oryx oryx oryz osch osch oscul oscul(a) oscul(a) osm osm(er) osm(o) osm(o) osm(o) osmi osph(y) osphr oste oste oste ostens ostens ostent ostent osteo osti(a) 308 orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• orš• 2 ort• 2 ort• 2 ort• 2 ort• 1 ort• 1 ort• 1 ort• ortuortr• 1 orykt• 1 orykt• orikt• orikt• 1 orykt• 1 orykt• 2 orykt• ryks• ryks• oryz• hors• usx• 1 oskl• 2 oskl• oryz• 1 osm• hosm• 2 osm• 2 osm• 2 osm• ošmhosf• osfr• 2 osm• 2 osm• 2 osm• stens• stens• stens• stens• oste• ostj• leaning (towards) propensity tendency bent (leaning) character (nature) inclination leap propensity tendency correct(ly) right (correct) true well (good) right-angled straight square chemical word stem early dig plough(ing) mineral ore dig plough(ing) fossil mattock pick-ax osti(a) osti(a) ostium ostium ostium ostling ostlinx osto ostrac ostrac ostrac ot(ar) oter oter oter othn othn othn othon othon othon oti(os) oti(os) oti(os) oti(os) otil otis rice branch (ramification) scrotum mouth kiss kiss smell(ing metal drive /ing propel(ling) push chemical element Os kidney smell(ing) drive /ing propel(ling) push demonstrate show (spectacle) demonstrate show (spectacle) bone door otl otob otob otrer otrer otrer otrer otrynt otrynt otrynt ouden oul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul (o)ul ostj• ostj• ostj• ostj• ostj• ostl• ostl• oste• ostrats• ostrats• ostrats• ot• heter• heter• heter• 2 otn• 2 otn• 2 otn• 1 otn• 1 otn• 1 otn• hotj• hotj• hotj• hotj• hotl• ot• ot• hotl• utob• utob• hotr• hotr• hotr• hotr• trynt• trynt• trynt• hudn• hovl• 1 uvl• 1 uvl• 1 uvl• 1 uvl• 1 uvl• 2 uvl• 2 uvl• 2 uvl• 2 uvl• 2 uvl• entrance gate door entrance gate curl (hair) curl (hair) bone armour (nn) carapace shell (cover) hear(ing) different other unlike(ly) alien foreign strange cloth linen sheeting (cloth) amuse/ing divert entertain(ing) pass-time suffer(ing) ear hear(ing) suffer(ing) loud(ness) noise / noisy alert brisk vigorous wide-awake excite(d) incite nervous no(ne) scar crimped curl(ed) frill ruche ruff(le) all complete(ly) detailed encompassing extensive (o)ul oullaiq [A] ouran ouran ouranos ousia ousia outo outo outo outo ox(y) ox(y) ox(y) ox(y) ox(y) ox(y) oxa oxy oxy oxy oxy oz oz ozod ozod ozod ozot ozot ozot ozot ozot ozot ETYMON pabul pabul pach(y) pach(y) pach(y) pach(y) pach(y) pachn pachn pactil pactil pactil pae pae pae 2 uvl• wulk• uran• uran• ranos• owš• owš• wut• wut• wut• wut• 1 oksy• 1 oksy• 2 oksy• 2 oksy• 2 oksy• 2 oksy• okšaoks2 okts• 2 okts• 2 okts• 1 odz• 1 odz• zod• zod• zod• otst• otst• otst• zod• zod• zod• full blueberry firmament heaven sky ownership property according to so such thus acid vinegar acute point(ed) sharp sour chemical word stem chemical element O excite(d) irritate nervous odour smell(ing) joint knot (node) node shoot (twig) sprout (twig) twig joint knot (node) node MEANING LEMMA pabl• pabl• paxy• paxy• paxy• paxy• paxy• pakn• pakn• 1 patl• 1 patl• 1 patl• paj• paj• paj• fodder forage (nn) bulky burly fat (thick) stout thick hoar-frost rime plait twine(d) wreathe blow (hit) hit(ting) punch (blow) pae pae paec(t) paed paed paed paed paed paed paed(or) paed(or) paeder paeder paedid paedid paegm paegm paegm paegm paegni paegni paegni paegni paemin paemin paemin paen paen paen paen paeon paeon paeon paepal paepal paepal paest paest paest paet paet pag pag pag pag pag pag pag pag pag paj• paj• pajst• 1 ped• 1 ped• 1 ped• 2 ped• 2 ped• 2 ped• 2 pajdr• 2 pajdr• 1 pajdr• 1 pajdr• 2 pajdr• 2 pajdr• pagm• pagm• pagm• pagm• pagm• pagm• pagm• pagm• 1 pamn• 1 pamn• 1 pamn• 2 pene• 2 pene• 2 pene• 2 pene• pejon• pejon• pejon• paipl• paipl• pajpl• 2 pešt• 2 pešt• 2 pešt• pajd• pajd• 2 pagos• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• 2 pfag• 2 pfag• 2 pfag• 2 pfag• push strike dancer educate(d) instruct teach child offspring young(ster) stench stink ink paint (nn) stench stink game (play) match (game) play(ing) sport(s) game (play) match (game) play(ing) sport(s) cleave fission split(ting) almost hardly nearly scarce(ly) doctor helper physician rock (stone) stone flour rhyme syllable verse (syllable) askance (look) squint hill bind fasten(ing) fix(ed) insert catch (nn) gin (trap) snare (trap) springe (trap) 309 pag pag(et) pag(et) pag(et) pagan pagan pagan pagi pagi pagi pagi pagin pagin pagin paigni pais pais pais pakshah [S] pala(e) pala(e) palaest palaestr palaestr palaestr palaestr palaestr palag palag palag palai palai palam palan palan palan pale palim palim palim palim palim palin palin palin palin palin palita palita palita 310 2 pfag• 1 pagos• 1 pagos• 1 pagos• 2 pagn• 2 pagn• 2 pagn• pagj• pagj• pagj• pagj• 1 pagn• 1 pagn• 1 pagn• pajgn• 2 ped• 2 ped• 2 ped• pakš• palaj• palaj• 1 plam• plestr• plestr• plestr• plestr• plestr• palg• palg• palg• palaj• palaj• 1 plam• palg• palg• palg• pajpl• palin• palin• palin• palin• palin• palin• palin• palin• palin• palin• plit• plit• plit• trap(ped) freeze frost ice farmer field(s) tiller (field) firm(ly) solid(ity) steady sturdy leaf page paper toy child offspring young(ster) week(ly) ancient old palm (hand) battle fight(ing) match (game) struggle /ing wrestle cheat deceive(d) mystify ancient old palm (hand) cheat deceive(d) mystify flour again comeback inverse reverse(d) undo again comeback inverse reverse(d) undo rambler rover tramp palita palita pall pall pall pall pallac palladi palli palli palli palli palm palm palm palm palm palm palm pals pals pals palt palt palt palud palud palustr palustr pan pan pan pan pan pan pan panden panden panden pandur pandur pang pang pang pang panjarah [S] panjarah [S] panjarah [S] pann pann plit• plit• palem• palem• palem• palem• palak• palpalj• palj• palj• palj• palem• palem• palem• palem• 2 plam• 2 plam• 2 plam• pals• pals• pals• pals• pals• pals• palud• palud• palud• palud• pan+ pan+ pan+ pan+ pan+ upan• upan• pant• pant• pant• pandr• pandr• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• pandžar• pandžar• pandžar• 2 pamn• 2 pamn• vagabond wanderer quake quiver(ing) shiver(ing) tremble concubine chemical element Pd cloak coat (mantle) mantle toga quake quiver(ing) shiver(ing) tremble pulsate quaver shake(n) dart javelin projectile dart javelin projectile marsh (moor) moor (marsh) marsh (moor) moor (marsh) all encompassing every(thing) total(ly) very flare (torch) torch great long (distance) tall fiddle violin bind fasten(ing) fix(ed) insert cage cell jail rag tatter pann pant(a) pant pant pantic pantic pao [S] paphia papp papp papp papp papp papp papp papula papula papula papula para para para para para para para para para para para paradah [S] parag parag parag paran paran paran parc parc pard(al) pard(al) pardac pardac parei pares pares pares pares pares pari 2 pamn• pant• pant• pant• pants• pants• patih• pafj• 1 papt• 1 papt• 1 papt• 2 papt• 2 papt• 2 papt• 2 papt• papl• papl• papl• papl• 1 para• 1 para• 1 para• 1 para• 1 para• 1 para• 2 para• 2 para• 2 para• 2 para• 2 para• prad• palg• palg• palg• 1 pran• 1 pran• 1 pran• partš• partš• pardal• pardal• pardak• pardak• paraj• pars• pars• pars• pars• pars• paraj• tissue great long (distance) tall bowel(s) intestine husband beauty (woman) hank tuft wisp dad father grandfather papa balloon bladder blister vesicle apart from besides during however next (to) while adamant compell compulsory oblige /atory official mercury cheat deceive(d) mystify competition rival (competing) similar(ly) save spare (save) leprosy panther humid(ity) wet(ness) cheek forgo give up renounce resign(ation) weaken cheek pariem pariem pariem pariem pariem parm parmen parmen paroimi paroimi paroimi paroimi paroimi parokhee part(ur) part(ur) parthen parul parul parul parul parul parv parv parv parv parv parv parv pasi pasi pasi pasi passal pastin pastin patag patag patag patag patag patag patag patag patalah [S] patell patell pater(a) pater(a) pater(a) parim• parim• parim• parim• parim• 1 parm• 2 parm• 2 parm• parmj• parmj• parmj• parmj• parmj• prok• partr• partr• parten• 1 parl• 2 parl• 2 parl• 2 parl• 2 parl• 1 parv• 1 parv• 1 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• pazi• pazi• pazi• pazi• pasl• patsin• patsin• 1 patak• 1 patak• 1 patak• 1 patak• 1 patak• 2 patak• 2 patak• 2 patak• patal• 2 ptel• 2 ptel• patra• patra• patra• let be permit(ted) privilege right (law) tolerate shield (protection) remain stay(ing) idiom (saying) maxim proverb say(ing) sentence deliver (provide) beget give birth virgin(al) curl (hair) abscess boil(ed) sore (wound) ulcer little (small) small tiny few rare scarce(ly) seldom all every(thing) sum total(ly) ankle dig plough(ing) bedlam riot rising (riot) tumult turmoil border (hem) fringe hem rose (flower) basin dish chalice cup (trophy) goblet 311 pater(n) path path path path path(e) path(e) path(e) path(e) path(e) path(e) patih [S] pator pator patrid pattal pattal pattal pattal pattal pauc pauc pauc pauc paul paul paul paulul paulul paur paur paur paur paus paus paus Paushah [S] pautrah [S] pechy pechy pechy pecor pecor pect(en) pectin pectin pector pector pecu(n) pecu(n) 312 patri• 1 pat• 1 pat• 1 pat• 1 pat• 2 pat• 2 pat• 2 pat• 2 pat• 2 pat• 2 pat• patih• ptor• ptor• patri• 2 patl• 2 patl• 2 patl• 2 patl• 2 patl• 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• 1 pavl• 1 pavl• 1 pavl• 2 pavl• 2 pavl• 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 parv• 1 pavl• 1 pavl• 1 pavl• pawš• pawtr• peky• peky• peky• pekr• pekr• 1 pekt• 2 pekt• 2 pekt• pektr• pektr• pekr• pekr• father adventure event happening occurrence ailment disease ill(ness) pain sick(ness) suffer(ing) husband open (up) unlike(ly) papa chock peg plug (stopper) spigot wedge few rare scarce(ly) seldom cease halt(ing) stop(ping) few little (few) few rare scarce(ly) seldom cease halt(ing) stop(ping) December grandchild cubit elbow ell flock (herd) herd (group) comb (nn) gelatin jelly breast (chest) chest (breast) flock (herd) herd (group) pecun pecun pecun pecun pecun ped ped ped(i) ped(i) ped(i) pedamen pedamen pedamen pedamen pedamin pedamin pedamin pedamin pedan pedan pedan pedan pedan pedes pedes pedes pedet pedet pedet pedil pedon pedon pedon pedon pedon peg peg peg pegad pegad pegad pegm(at) pegm(at) peir peir peir peir peir peirar peirar pekun• pekun• pekun• pekun• pekun• pod• pod• 2 ped• 2 ped• 2 ped• pedm• pedm• pedm• pedm• pedm• pedm• pedm• pedm• pedn• pedn• pedn• pedn• pedn• pedes• pedes• pedes• pedes• pedes• pedes• pedl• pedn• pedn• pedn• pedn• pedn• pedž• pedž• pedž• 1 pagos• 1 pagos• 1 pagos• pegm• pegm• 1 peir• 1 peir• 1 peir• 2 peir• 2 peir• 1 pejr• 1 pejr• affluent/ce fortune (money) money rich(ness) wealth(y) foot leg child offspring young(ster) pale (stake) post (prop) prop stake (pale) pale (stake) post (prop) prop stake (pale) earth (ground) echelon flatland level (layer) plain (nn) hop jump leap hop jump leap shoe earth (ground) echelon flatland level (layer) plain (nn) fountain spring (well) well (fountain) freeze frost ice concrete(ness) solid(ity) experiment test(ing) trial bore (through) penetrate(d) border (rim) end (finish) peirar peirar peirar peirar peirar peirar peirar pejor pejor pejor pejor pejus pejus pejus pejus pel pel pel pel pel pel(at) pel(l) pel(l) pela(t) pela(t) pela(t) pela(t) pelag pelarg(on) pelec pelec(e) pelec(e) pelecy pelecy pelei pelei pelen pelen pelen pelic pelic pelid(n) pell pell pell pell pellac pellac pellic(i) pellic(i) 1 pejr• 1 pejr• 2 pejr• 2 pejr• 2 pejr• 2 pejr• 2 pejr• pežor• pežor• pežor• pežor• pežor• pežor• pežor• pežor• pevl• pevl• pevl• pevl• pevl• 1 plesi• 2 pelj• 2 pelj• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• pelag• pelarg• 2 pelek• 1 pelek• 1 pelek• 1 pelek• 1 pelek• pele• pele• peln• peln• peln• pelyk• pelyk• plidn• 1 pelj• 1 pelj• 1 pelj• 1 pelj• pelak• pelak• pelak• pelak• finish limit (border) bow(tie) cord (rope) pompom ribbon rope (cord) bad foul (adj) miswrong bad foul (adj) miswrong marsh (moor) marsh (moor) silt slime sludge close(by) clay mud close(by) near(by) neighbouring next sea stork helmet ax hatchet ax hatchet dove pigeon biscuit (etc) cake cookie basin pelvis gray fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) skin (plant) seducer tempter seducer tempter pelluc pelm(at) pelt pelyc pelyc pem(at) pem(at) pem(at) pemot pemot pemot pemot pemp pemph(ix) pemph(ix) pemph(ix) pen(e) pen(e) pen(e) pen(e) pene pene pene pene penia penia penia penic penic penichr penichr penichr penicill penicill penit penit penit penn(i) penn(i) penn(i) penn(i) pensil pensil penta pentat penth penth penth penth penth peluk• pelm• pelts• pelyk• pelyk• 1 pemt• 1 pemt• 1 pemt• 2 pemt• 2 pemt• 2 pemt• 2 pemt• penta• [GN] pemf• pemf• pemf• 2 pene• 2 pene• 2 pene• 2 pene• 1 pene• 1 pene• 1 pene• 1 pene• penikr• penikr• penikr• pnits• pnits• penikr• penikr• penikr• pentsil• pentsil• 1 penit• 1 penit• 2 penit• penj• penj• penj• penj• pensl• pensl• penta• [GN] transparent sole (foot) shield (protection) basin pelvis pity (a) spiteful too bad ambassador delegate messenger representative (nn) five bladder blister vesicle almost hardly nearly scarce(ly) plait twine (nn) weave /ing wreathe deprive(d) needy poor(ly) coif wig deprive(d) needy poor(ly) broom brush (nn) in(side) internal tail (end) feather pen (feather) plumage plume depend hang (down) five pentate• [GN] one fifth penth• penth• penth• penth• penth• afflict(ion) griev(ance) sadness sorrow(ful) tragedy 313 peo pep(on) pep(on) pep(on) pep(on) pep(on) pep(on) pep(on) pep(on) pepasm pephri pephri pephri pephri pepir pepir pepl pepl pepl pepl peps peps peps pept pept per per per per(a) pera pera peran peran peran peras peras peras perat perat perat percit percit percit percit percn perdon perdon perdon perdon peregr(in) 314 pew• 1 pepn• 1 pepn• 1 pepn• 1 pepn• 1 pepn• 2 pepn• 2 pepn• 2 pepn• peps• pefr• pefr• pefr• pefr• pepr• pepr• pepl• pepl• pepl• pepl• peps• pept• pept• pept• pept• 1 per• 2 per• 2 per• 2 pera• 1 pera• 1 pera• 2 pran• 2 pran• 2 pran• peras• peras• peras• peras• peras• peras• perst• perst• perst• perst• perkn• 1 perdn• 1 perdn• 2 perdn• 2 perdn• 1 peregr• penis chubby mellow mild tender(ly) weak(ness) cucumber melon pumpkin cook(ed) bristling hairy shaggy untidy mature /ity ripe dress (clothing) gown robe veil cook(ed) digest(ion) digest(ion) digest digestion bag cripple(d) lame pocket excessive too (much/many) conclude finish terminate border (rim) extremity limit (border) border (rim) extremity limit (border) hesitate totter(ing) unsettle(d) waver(ing) black bladder bubble fart turd loaf(ing) peregr(in) peregr(in) peregr(in) peregr(in) peregr(in) peregr(in) peregr(in) peregrin peregrin peregrin pergul pergul pergul pergul peri peri pericul pericul pericul pericul perio perio periss periss periss periss perister perister perit perit perit pern pern pernic(i) pernic(i) pernic(i) pero(m) pero(m) peron peron peron peron peron perper perper person person perth perth pertic 1 peregr• 1 peregr• 1 peregr• 1 peregr• 1 peregr• 1 peregr• 1 peregr• 2 peregr• 2 peregr• 2 peregr• 1 pergl• 2 pergl• 2 pergl• 2 pergl• peri• peri• prikl• prikl• prikl• prikl• 1 porj• 1 porj• 1 pera• 1 pera• pris• pris• peristr• peristr• perits• perits• perits• 1 pern• 1 pern• pernitš• pernitš• pernitš• pevr• pevr• 2 pern• 1 prone• 1 prone• 2 prone• 2 prone• perpr• perpr• persn• persn• 1 perts• 1 perts• pertits• loam migrate migrate pilgrimage pilgrimage wander wander alien foreigner stranger balcony office (enterprise) shop store (shop) about around danger(ous) hazard(ous) peril(ous) risk(y) move(ment) transport(ing) excessive too (much/many) odd uneven dove pigeon expert (specialist) professional (nn) specialist ham thigh damage (nn) defect destroy cripple(d) disabled nail needle pin (stylus) brooch buckle frivolous vain (frivolous) face (nn) mask damag(ing) destroy pole (stake) pertic pertic pertus pertus pertus pertus perul pess pess pess pess pess pess pess pess pess pess pessul pest pest pest pet(aer) pet(aer) pet(aer) peta petas petas petas petas petas petaur petaur petaur petes petes petom petom petom petom petr(a) petr(a) petsatsah [Hb] peuc peuc peuc peustic peustic peustic pex(i) pex(i) pertits• pertits• 2 perts• 2 perts• 2 perts• 2 perts• 2 pera• 1 pesk• 1 pesk• 2 pesk• 2 pesk• 2 pesk• 2 pesk• 2 pesk• 2 pesk• 2 pesk• 2 pesk• pesl• 1 pešt• 1 pešt• 1 pešt• ptes• ptes• ptes• peta• [GN] 1 petas• 1 petas• 1 petas• 1 petas• 2 petas• 2 petr• 2 petr• 2 petr• petes• petes• petm• petm• petm• petm• 1 petr• 1 petr• petst• puk• puk• puk• pust• pust• pust• 1 peks• 2 peks• rod spar perforate(d) pierce(d) stab transfix pocket badge penny bung cork gag lump plug (stopper) stopper stopple wad bolt (key) accentuate emphasis expressive fly(ing) hover soar(ing) number value 10 distribute extend(ing) layout spread umbrella balance(d) lumbar rock (balance) drop(ped) fall(en) float fly(ing) glide hover rock (stone) stone bomb conifer fir (etc) pine(tree) issue (problem) problem question wool(en) attachment 15 pex(i) pex(i) pex(i) pez pez pez pez pez pez pez pez phab phab phac phac phacel phacel phae phae phae phae phae phae phaec phaec phaec phaedr phaen phaen phaen phaen phaen phaen phaen phaet phaet phaet phaet phaet phag phag phag phag phalacr phalacr phalacr phalacr phalar phalar phalar 2 peks• 2 peks• 2 peks• 1 pedz• 1 pedz• 1 pedz• 1 pedz• 2 pedz• 2 pedz• pod• pod• pfab• pfab• pfak• pfak• fatsel• fatsel• 1 faj• 1 faj• 1 faj• 2 faj• 2 faj• 2 faj• 2 fan• 2 fan• 2 fan• fedr• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• fajt• fajt• fajt• fajt• fajt• 1 fag• pfax• pfax• pfax• falakr• falakr• falakr• falakr• 1 falar• 1 falar• 2 falar• fasten(ing) fixing (tool) link (connection) go march(ing) step(ping) walk(ing) leg shank foot leg dove pigeon freckle lentil bundle sheaf brown coloured darkish fortunate happy/ ness merry enlighten illuminate light up shine /ing appear(ance) aspect manifest outlook prospect seeming view bright brilliant glorious lump shine /ing eat(ing) hang (up) hook(ed) suspend bald barren callow hairless comb (cock) crest bright 315 phalar phalar phalguna [S] phall phan phan phan phan phan phan phan phan phan phan phaner phaner phaner phaner phaner phaner phaps phaps phar phar phar pharang pharang pharang pharang pharanx pharanx pharanx pharanx pharc(id) pharc(id) pharetr pharetr pharmac pharmac phas phas phas phascul phascul phascul phascul phasgan phasgan phasgan phasgan 316 2 falar• 2 falar• palgun• pfal• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 1 fan• 2 fan• 2 fan• 2 fan• faner• faner• faner• faner• faner• faner• pfab• pfab• pfar• pfar• pfar• frang• frang• frang• frang• frang• frang• frang• frang• fark• fark• faretr• faretr• farmats• farmats• 1 fas• 1 fas• 1 fas• faskl• faskl• faskl• faskl• fazgan• fazgan• fazgan• fazgan• brilliant shine /ing February penis appear(ance) aspect manifest outlook prospect seeming view enlighten illuminate lighten (soften) display (vb) exhibit(ed) present(ed) produce(d) reveal(ing) show(ing) dove pigeon cloth dress (clothing) linger(ing) abyss chasm cleft gap abyss chasm cleft gap furrow wrinkle (furrow) quiver(ing) sheath drug medicament speak speech (language) talk bag pocket pouch sack (bag) dagger dirk knife (etc.) poniard phasgan phasm(at) phasm(at) phasm(at) phasm(at) phass phass phatn phatn pheg phegg pheid pheid pheid phel(et) phel(et) phel(et) phell phell phell phell phell phem phemta phenac phenac phenac phenac phenac phenac phenac phenac phenac phenac phenol pher pherb pheri pheri pheri pherni phert phert pheuc pheuc pheuc phil phil phil phil fazgan• fasm• fasm• fasm• fasm• 1 fasts• 1 fasts• fatn• fatn• feg• pfeg• pfed• pfed• pfed• palg• palg• palg• 1 pfel• 1 pfel• 1 pfel• 1 pfel• 2 pfel• fem• femta• [GN] fenak• fenak• fenak• fenak• fenak• fenak• fenak• fenak• fenak• fenak• pfenfor• ferb• fere• fere• fere• fern• fert• fert• pfuk• pfuk• pfuk• 1 fil• 1 fil• 1 fil• 1 fil• stiletto ghost phantom spirit (ghost) spook dove pigeon manger trough tree(s) light (shine) administer housekeeping manage cheat deceive(d) mystify bark (nn) bast cork shell (cover) sponge word number value 10-15 cheating counterfeit deceive(d) fake (adj) false forged (false) insidious perfidious traitorous treacherous chemical word stem carry graze (feed) contour outline silhouette basket (etc) brave(ly) courageous escape(d) flee(ing) run away adept appreciate fan(atic) friend phil phil phil philophr philophr philophr philophr philophr phim phim phim phim phla(o) phla(o) phlaur phlaur phleb phleb phleb phlegm(at) phlegm(at) phlegm(at) phlegm(at) phlegm(at) phlegm(at) phlegm(at) phlegmon phlegmon phli phli phli phlib phlib phlib phlict phlict phlips phlips phlips phloe phloe phloe phloe phloe phlog phlog phlog phly(ct) phly(ct) phly(ct) 1 fil• 1 fil• 1 fil• filofr• filofr• filofr• filofr• filofr• pfim• pfim• pfim• pfim• flaj• flaj• flur• flur• 1 fleb• 1 fleb• 2 fleb• 1 plegm• 1 plegm• 2 plegm• 2 plegm• 2 plegm• 2 plegm• 2 plegm• 1 plegm• 1 plegm• 1 fly• 1 fly• 1 fly• flib• flib• flib• flikt• flikt• flib• flib• flib• floj• floj• floj• floj• floj• flog• flog• flog• 2 fly• 2 fly• 2 fly• like /ing love sympathizer affable favour(able) gallant kind(ness) will(ing) bound (nn) connect(ion) junction link (connection) crease crumple conceited vain(glorious) artery vein streak (line) infect(ion) inflame fabric (tissue) textile texture tissue weave (textile) infect(ion) inflame post (stake) prop support (upright) compress(ed) crush press (together) pimple pustule compress(ed) crush press (together) bark (inner) bast cork integument peel (nn) burn fire flame bladder blister bubble phly(ct) phlyct phlyct phlyd phlyd phlyd phoe phoe phoe phoeb phoeb phoebe phoenic phoenic phoenic phoet phoet phoet phoet phoet phol(l)ic phol(l)ic phol(l)ic phol(l)ic phola phola pholc pholc pholc pholc phole phole phole phole phole(t) pholet pholet phom phon phon phon phon phon phon phon phon phon phon phon(a) phon(a) 2 fly• flikt• flikt• flid• flid• flid• 1 faj• 1 faj• 1 faj• 1 fojb• 1 fojb• 2 fojb• fenits• fenits• fenits• fojt• fojt• fojt• fojt• fojt• folits• folits• folits• folits• pfol• pfol• folts• folts• folts• folts• fole• fole• fole• fole• polt• pfol• pfol• fom• 1 pfon• 1 pfon• 1 pfon• 1 pfon• 1 pfon• 2 pfon• 2 pfon• 2 pfon• 2 pfon• 2 pfon• fon• fon• vesicle pimple pustule humid(ity) moist wet (moisten) brown coloured darkish clear (adj) plain(ly) hunter magenta purple red oscillate /ing totter(ing) unsettle(d) unstable waver(ing) eczema scab scabies scale (fish &) bore (through) perforate(d) doubtful dubious questionable unreliable cave(rn) hole hollow niche hole bore (through) perforate(d) swell(ing) assassinate bloodthirsty execute (kill) kill(ing) murder danger(ous) hazard(ous) menace risk(y) uncertain(ty) noise / noisy sound (noise) 317 phor phor phor phor(a) phor(a) phorb phorb phorc phores phores phoret phorm phorm phorm phorm phos phos phospho phot phox phox phox phract phract phragm phragm phradz phradz phras phras phras phras phras phras phrase phrase phrase phrast phrast phrast phrast phreart phren phren phret phrict phrict phrix phrix phron(im) 318 pfor• pfor• pfor• for• for• forb• forb• ports• for• for• fret pform2 porm• 2 porm• 2 porm• pfos• pfos• fosffot• foks• foks• foks• frakt• frakt• 2 fragm• 2 fragm• fradz• fradz• frad• 1 fras• 1 fras• 2 fras• 2 fras• 2 fras• frast• frast• frast• prast• prast• prast• prast• prert• fren• 2 pfren• prert• frikt• frikt• priks• priks• 2 fron• rob (steal) steal thief move(ment) transport(ing) food nutrition white move(ment) transport(ing) portable chemical word stem carpet rug tapestry brave (warrior) hero(ism) chemical element P light (shining) point (tip) summit top (tip) armour (nn) cuirass barrier wall declare proclaim wise feel sense (feel) emotion feeling humour expression phrase sentence demonstrate indication reveal(ing) show(ing) well (fountain) mind intestine well (fountain) shiver(ing) tremble bristling rough proud(ly) phron(im) phron(t) phron(t) phron(t) phrud phrud phrur phrur phryct phryct phryg phrygan phrygan phrygan phryn phryn phtal phtan phtart phtart phtart phtegm phtegm phtegm phteir phteir phteir phter phter phthegma phthegma phthir phthir phthir phthir phthor phthor phthor phtin phtin phtin phton phton phtong phy phy phy phy phya phya 2 fron• 1 fron• 1 fron• 1 fron• frud• frud• frure• frure• fryk• fryk• fryg• frygan• frygan• frygan• fryn• fryn• ftalftan• fter• fter• fter• 2 ftegm• 2 ftegm• 2 ftegm• fter• fter• fter• fter• fter• 1 ftegm• 1 ftegm• 1 ftir• 2 ftir• 2 ftir• 2 ftir• ftor• ftor• ftor• 2 ftir• 2 ftir• 2 ftir• fton• fton• ftong• fy• fy• fy• fy• puja• puja• vain(glorious) know(ledge) think(ing) understand(able) go away leave (let) guard(ing) keep corrode(d) rust(ed) dry (adj) brushwood scrub (thorns) thorn-hedge frog toad chemical word stem first damag(ing) impair system aria melody tone damag(ing) impair spoil(ed) damag(ing) impair call (nn) voice flea corruption iniquity vice damage (nn) defect (nn) harm corruption iniquity vice envy jealous(y) speech sound create(d) generate make /ing produce(d) offspring shoot (twig) phya phya phygas phygas phygas phyl phyl phyl phyl phyl phylac(t) phylac(t) phylac(t) phyll phyll phym(at) phym(at) phym(at) phym(at) phym(at) phym(at) phyr phys phys phys phys phys phys phys phys phys phys(al) phys(al) phys(al) phys(al) phys(i) phys(i) phys(i) physc physc physc physc physi physi physi phyto phyto phyto phyzel phyzel puja• puja• pfuk• pfuk• pfuk• 1 fyl• 1 fyl• 1 fyl• 1 fyl• 1 fyl• filakt• filakt• filakt• 2 fyl• 2 fyl• fim• fim• fim• fim• fim• fim• fyr• 1 fiz• 1 fiz• 1 fiz• 1 fiz• 1 fiz• 1 fys• 1 fys• 1 fys• 2 fys• 2 fys• 2 fys• 2 fys• 2 fys• 2 fiz• 2 fiz• 2 fiz• 1 fysts• 1 fysts• 1 fysts• 2 fysts• fisj• fisj• fisj• fyt• fyt• fyt• fizl• fizl• sprout (twig) twig escape(d) flee(ing) run away clan family people race (species) tribe protect screen(ed) shelter(ed) herb leaf bump (lump) gnarl (nn) knob knot (node) lump tuber crystal create(d) generate grow (something) make /ing produce(d) balloon bellows bladder inflation blow (air) breathe snuff wind (air) material matter (substance) substance big-bellied corpulent fat(ty) sausage life living being nature plant (herb) vegetable weed (herb) cowardice insipid(ity) pi(on) pi(on) pi(on) pial pial pial piaz piaz pich pich pich pico picr picr picr picr picr pict pict pidac pidac pidac pidax pidax pidax pies(m) pies(m) pies(m) pies(m) piez piez piez piez pil(i) pil(i) pila pila pilat pilat pile(ol) pile(ol) pilemat pilemat pilos pilos pilot pilot pimel pimel pimpl piž• piž• piž• piž• piž• piž• pjedz• pjedz• peky• peky• peky• pika• [GN] 1 pikr• 2 pikr• 2 pikr• 2 pikr• 2 pikr• pikt• pikt• pidak• pidak• pidak• pidak• pidak• pidak• pjedz• pjedz• pjedz• pjedz• pjedz• pjedz• pjedz• pjedz• pilu• pilu• pilj• pilj• 1 pile• 1 pile• 2 pile• 2 pile• 1 pile• 1 pile• pilu• pilu• 1 pile• 1 pile• piml• piml• pimpl• fat(ty) greasy thick fat(ty) greasy thick compress(ed) press (together) cubit elbow ell billionth --12 bitter point(ed) sharp summit tip paint(ed) painting fountain spring (well) well (fountain) fountain spring (well) well (fountain) pinch(ing) press (together) trample tread (on) pinch(ing) press (together) trample tread (on) hair wig column pillar felt (fabric) velvet cap (hat) hat felt (fabric) velvet hair wig felt (fabric) velvet fat (grease) grease full 319 pimpl pimpl pimpl pin(al) pin(o) pin(o) pinac pinac pinac pinac pinac pinac pinac pinaco pinar pinar pinar pinar pinar pinar pinea pinea pinea pingu(i) pingu(i) pingu(i) pingu(i) pingu(i) pinn pinn pinn pinn pinn pinn pinn pinod pinod pinod pinod pinod pinod pins pins pins pins pinyt pinyt pinyt piot piot 320 pimpl• pimpl• pimpl• pinl• pinu• pinu• 1 pinak• 1 pinak• 1 pinak• 1 pinak• 2 pinak• 2 pinak• 2 pinak• pinatspindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pine• pine• pine• pingv• pingv• pingv• pingv• pingv• penj• penj• penj• penj• pimn• pini• pini• pindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pindr• pinz• pinz• pinz• pinz• pinyt• pinyt• pinyt• piž• piž• satiate(d) satisfy /ied sufficient hunger drink(ing) suck(ing) board (plank) plank shelf table (furniture) image painting picture chemical word stem dirty filth(y) grimy grubby nasty smutty cone (fir) fir-cone strobilus balm balsam cream fat (grease) grease feather pen (feather) plumage plume shell (sea) fin (fish) flipper dirty filth(y) grimy grubby nasty smutty crush pound(ing) shatter(ed) smash(ed) careful(ly) cautious prudent(ly) fat(ty) greasy piot piprasc pipt pipt pir pir pir pir pir pir pirh pirh pirh pisc(i) piss piss pist pist pist pistot pistot pistot pistot pistr pistr pistr pitak [S] pitak [S] pitamahah [S] pitamahah [S] pitamahah [S] pith(ia) pith(ia) pith(ia) pith(od) pith(od) pithec pithec pithon pithon pithus pithus pithus piti piti pitrvyah [S] pitt pitt pity pityl piž• prask• pipt• pipt• 1 peir• 1 peir• 1 peir• pirh• pirh• pirh• pirj• pirj• pirj• pisk• 1 pit• 1 pit• 1 bist• 2 bist• 2 bist• pistot• pistot• pistot• pistot• pistr• pistr• pistr• pitak• pitak• pitna• pitna• pitna• pitma• 2 pits• 2 pits• 1 pits• 1 pits• pitek• pitek• pitek• pitek• pitus• pitus• pitus• 2 pit• 2 pit• pitrev• 1 pit• 1 pit• pity• pitl• thick sell(ing) drop(ped) fall(en) experiment test(ing) trial go through passage through balance(d) medium sufficient fish pitch (tar) tar drinkable reliable trust(worthy) belief confide faith trust(worthy) manger rack trough basket (etc) hamper humble obedient /ence submissive grandfather convince /ing persuade /ing barrel vat ape monkey ape monkey jar (pot) jug pot drop (liquid) tear(drop) uncle pitch (tar) tar conifer blunt pityl pityl pityr pjatj placni placni placni plad(ar) plad(ar) plad(ar) plad(ar) pladasm pladasm pladasm pladasm plaesi plaesi plag plag plag plag plaga pšaga pšaga plaga plaga plagi plagi plagi plagi(a) plagi(a) plan plan plan plan plan plan plan(ct) plan(ct) plan(ct) plangon plangon plass plass plast plast plast plast plast plate pitl• pitl• pityr• pjatš• [RN] plaks• plaks• plaks• pladr• pladr• pladr• pladr• pladr• pladr• pladr• pladr• 1 pla • 1 pla • plast• plast• 1 pledž• 1 pledž• pladž• pladž• pladž• pladž• pladž• 1 plagj• 1 plagj• 1 plagj• 2 plagj• 2 plagj• 1 plani• 1 plani• 1 plani• 1 plani• 2 plani• 2 plani• 1 pladz• 1 pladz• 1 pladz• plang• plang• 2 plaš• 2 plaš• 2 plaš• 2 plaš• plast• plast• plast• plate• brusque brutal bran five board plank plate (dish) damp(ness) humid(ity) moist wet(ness) damp(ness) humid(ity) moist wet(ness) rectangle square form mould (form) bruise wound(ed) area domain realm region territory oblique slanting transverse rob (steal) steal even(ly) flat level (layer) plane roam(ing) wander ramble /ing rove wander doll puppet feign pretend(ing) feign pretend(ing) form mould (form) structure rudder plate plate platin plat(y) plat(y) plaut plaut plaut plaut plax plax plax plaz plaz plaz plaz plaz plaz plebei plebei plebei plebei plebei plebi plebi plebi plebi plebi plec(tes) plec(tes) plec(tes) plec(tes) plect plegad plegan plegan plegi plegi plegi plegi plegi plegi plegi plegi plegi plei plei plei pleist plemyr plate• plate• platjplaty• platy• plot• plot• plot• plot• plaks• plaks• plaks• 1 pladz• 1 pladz• 1 pladz• 2 pladz• 2 pladz• 2 pladz• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleb• pleksi• pleksi• pleksi• pleksi• 2 pleks• plegad• plegn• plegn• 1 pledž• 1 pledž• 2 pledž• 2 pledž• 2 pledž• pleksi• pleksi• pleksi• pleksi• plei• plei• plei• plejst• plemr• spatula trowel chemical element Pt flat lark float navigate sail(ing) swim board plank plate (dish) ramble /ing rove wander prolific rampant swarm(ing) people population rabble riff-raff society people population rabble riff-raff society beat(ing) blow (hit) punish(ing) strike basket (etc) sickle club (stick) stick (club) bruise wound(ed) immobile motionless paralyze(d) beat(ing) blow (hit) punish(ing) strike augment enlarge increase most affluent/ce 321 plemyr plemyr pleo pleo pleo pleo pleon pleon pleon pleon pleon pleon pleon pleon pleon pler(om) pler(om) pler(om) plesi plesi plesi plesi plesi plesi plesi plesi plesi pleth pleth pleth pleth pleth pleth pleth(or) pleth(or) pleth(or) pleth(or) pleur pleur pleur pleus(t) pleus(t) pleus(t) plex plex plex plo plo plo plo 322 plemr• plemr• plot• plot• plot• plot• plei• plei• plei• pleon• pleon• plojn• plojn• plojn• plojn• pler• pler• pler• 1 plaš• 1 plaš• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• 2 plesj• 2 plesj• 2 plesj• plets• plets• plets• plets• plets• plets• pletr• pletr• pletr• pletr• 1 plewr• 1 plewr• 2 plewr• plews• plews• plews• 1 pleks• 1 pleks• 1 pleks• plot• plot• plot• plot• flood-tide flow(ing) float navigate sail(ing) swim augment enlarge increase abdomen belly excessive overabundant superfluous too (much/many) concrete(ness) full solid(ity) rectangle square close(by) near(by) neighbouring next member (part) relation (kin) relative (kin) amount collection group (bunch) mass (crowd) quantity set (group) excessive overabundant superfluous too (much/many) flank side rib drift float swim net(work) tissue weave (textile) float navigate sail(ing) swim ploc ploc ploc ploc(am) ploc(am) ploc(am) ploc(h) ploc(h) ploc(h) ploe ploi ploi plos plos plous plous plous plous plout plout plout plumb plusi plusi plusi plute plute plute plutoni pnes pnes pneum(at) pneum(at) pneum(at) pneum(at) pneum(at) pneumon pneus pneust pnig(al) pnig(al) pnigot pnigot pno pno pno pno pno po(a) po(a) plok• plok• plok• plokm• plokm• plokm• plox• plox• plox• ploj• ploj• ploj• ploš• ploš• plews• plews• plews• plos• plut• plut• plut• plumbplut• plut• plut• plute• plute• plute• plud2 pnewm• 2 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• pnemon• 2 pnewm• pnust• pnigl• pnigl• pnigl• pnigl• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 2 poj• 2 poj• launch swing (oscillate) throw curl (hair) hair(do) wig neck-chain necklace necklet boat ship (boat) vessel (ship) beat(ing) strike drift float swim fold abundant affluent/ce rich(ness) chemical element Pb abundant affluent/ce rich(ness) roof shelter (protection) umbrella chemical element Pu life live(ly) aroma gas respire /ation smell (aroma) wind (air) lure lively breathe strangle suffocate strangle suffocate aroma gas respire /ation smell (aroma) wind (air) fodder grass poc(ad) poc(ad) poc(ad) poc(ad) pod(es) pod(es) podex podex podic podic poecil poecil poecil poecil poecil pog(on) poies poies poies poies poiet poiet poiet poiet pol pol pol pol pol pol(i) pol(i) pol(i) pol(i) polem polem polem polem polem poli polimen polimen polimen polimen polimen polimen polimin polit polit polit polit pukad• pukad• pukad• pukad• pod• pod• podits• podits• podits• podits• 1 pokl• 1 pokl• 1 pokl• 2 pokl• 2 pokl• pogn• 1 poj• 1 poj• 1 poj• 1 poj• 1 poj• 1 poj• 1 poj• 1 poj• 2 poli• 2 poli• 2 poli• 2 poli• 2 poli• pawl• pawl• pawl• pawl• polem• polem• polem• polem• polem• 1 poli• 1 plim• 1 plim• 1 plim• 1 plim• 1 plim• 1 plim• 2 plim• 1 polit• 1 polit• 1 polit• 1 polit• fleece (hide) hide (skin) skin (animal) wool(en) foot leg arse(hole) behind (rump) arse(hole) rump multi-colored varie(gat)ed various spot (stain) stain (spot) beard bring about do make /ing realize bring about do make /ing realize affair business commerce trade (commerce) transaction city municipal(ity) town village battle clash fight(ing) struggle /ing war gray adorn beautify deck (vb) decorate embellish ornate testicle(s) administer direct (manage) manage organize polit pollach pollach pollaci pollaci pollent pollent pollent poloni polph polph polph polph polph polt polt polt polt polt polul polul poly poly pom pom pom(at) pom(at) pom(at) pom(at) pomast pomast pomast pomat pomat pomp pomp pomphol pomphol pomphol pon(er) pon(er) pon(er) pon(ic) pon(ic) pon(ic) pon(ic) ponder ponder ponent poner 2 polit• polak• polak• polak• polak• plent• plent• plent• poljpolp• polp• polp• polp• polp• polp• polp• polp• polp• polp• 2 pavl• 2 pavl• poly• poly• pomj• 2 pomt• 1 pomt• 1 pomt• 1 pomt• 1 pomt• pomast• pomast• pomast• pomat• pomat• bomp• bomp• pemf• pemf• pemf• spon• spon• spon• 2 ponts• 2 ponts• 2 ponts• 2 ponts• 1 pondr• 1 pondr• ponents• 2 pondr• citizen often repeat(ed) often repeat(ed) force (nn) might (strength) power (strength) chemical element Po mess (mush) mush porridge pudding puree mess (mush) mush porridge pudding puree few little (small) many plural fruit drink(ing) clog fill plug (stopper) stop up blanket cover(age) lie (recline) glass (cup) vase accompany go along bladder blister vesicle place(d) put(ting) situate fatiguing strain(ed) tiring try(ing) weigh weight west(ern) misery 323 poner poneros pont(i) popan por por por por por por por por(om) por(om) pora pora pora pora pord(e) pord(e) pore pore porem porem poret poret pori(z) pori(z) porn porn porn poros porp(ac) porp(ac) porpem porpem porphyr porrh porrh porrig porrig port(ac) porth(e) porth(e) posi posi poster posth pot potaen potam 324 2 pondr• ponr• 1 ponts• popn• 1 powr• 1 powr• 1 powr• 2 powr• 2 powr• 2 powr• 2 powr• purm• purm• pawr• pawr• 2 porj• 2 porj• 2 perdn• 2 perdn• 1 porj• 1 porj• 1 porm• 1 porm• 1 porm• 1 porm• 2 porj• 2 porj• porn• porn• porn• pors• porp• porp• porp• porp• porfyr• porx• porx• porg• porg• portak• 1 perts• 1 perts• epoš• epoš• pwest• posts• 2 pomt• 1 potn• potam• want (in) malignant sea sacrifice journey(ing) pass(ed) travel(ling) apartment dwelling-place home residence callus corn (callus) coral jewel enter penetrate(d) fart turd move(ment) transport(ing) certain sure certain sure enter penetrate(d) debauch fornicate /ation lewd(ness) ferry buckle handle(d) buckle handle(d) purple distant far moth tinea calf damag(ing) destroy bridegroom fiancée behind foreskin drink(ing) fresh river potam potan poter(i) potet pothe pothe pothe pothin potor potor potor pra(e) pra(e) pra(e) practini pradhanah [S] pradhanah [S] pradhanah [S] pradhanah [S] pra(e) prae pra(e) praec praec praecell praecell praecell praegn(a) praegn(a) prao prao pras pras prase prase prase prasi prasi prasi prass prass prass prat prat prat pratah [S] pratah [S] pratichi [S] pratichi [S] pratichi [S] potam• potan• 1 potr• potan• pote• pote• pote• 2 potn• 2 potr• 2 potr• 2 potr• epre• epre• epre• praktpradan• pradan• pradan• pradan• epre• opr• proj• prajk• prajk• prekl• prekl• prekl• pregn• pregn• praw• praw• 1 pras• 1 pras• 2 pras• 2 pras• 2 pras• 2 pras• 2 pras• 2 pras• prasts• prasts• prasts• prat• prat• prat• prata• prata• pratitš• pratitš• pratitš• stream (river) fly(ing) glass (cup) fly(ing) desire need(ed) want (in) armed booze swig tipple comeback go back return chemical element Pa axiom basis fundament principle backward ere in front early soon excellent perfect(ly) very well fruitful pregnant sweet (sense) tender(ly) garlic lees bluish greenish purple bluish greenish purple accomplish carry out fulfill green (village) laws meadow dawn(ing) morning occident(al) sunrise west(ern) prativacaman [S] prativacaman [S] prativacaman [S] prativacaman [S] prativacaman [S] prativacaman [S] pratt pratt pratt prau prau prav prav prav prav prav praxi pray pray prazeo premn premn premn pren pren preon preon preon preon preon prep prep prep prepod prepod prepod prepod prept prept prept prept presby presby presby presby presby presby presby pradvak• pradvak• pradvak• pradvak• pradvak• pradvak• prasts• prasts• prasts• praw• praw• prawv• prawv• prawv• prawv• prawv• praxs• praxs• praxs• praw• praw• prazpremn• premn• premn• prein• prein• preon• preon• preon• preon• preon• prep• prep• prep• prept• prept• prept• prept• prept• prept• prept• prept• 1 prezby• 1 prezby• 1 prezby• 2 prezby• 2 prezby• 2 prezby• 2 prezby• answer challenge contest(ing) deny dispute refute accomplish carry out fulfill sweet (sense) tender(ly) cripple(d) disfigured handicap(ped) invalid misshapen act behave do sweet (sense) tender(ly) chemical element Pr stalk stem (sprout) twig bow(ing) incline(d) degree gradient incline (slope) slope /ing steep evident logic(al) rational(ly) dignified respect(able) respectful venerable dignified respect(able) respectful venerable elder forefather old (wo)man eminent esteemed honor(able) venerable prest prest prest prest pretios pretios pretios pri(on) pri(or) pri(or) prim prim prin prisc prisc prisc prist(er) pristh pristh pristh pristin pristin pristin pristin pristin pristn pristn prius prius pro pro proal proal proal proal proal probat probosc(i) probosc(i) proc proc procax procax procell procell procell procer procer procer procer prest• prest• prest• prest• pretš• pretš• pretš• prion• prior• prior• prim+ prim+ prin• 2 prist• 2 prist• 2 prist• 1 prist• 1 prišt• 1 prišt• 2 prišt• 1 prišt• 1 prišt• 2 prist• 2 prist• 2 prist• 1 prišt• 1 prišt• prior• prior• prei• proi• preon• preon• preon• preon• preon• propt• propsk• propsk• 1 proks• 1 proks• 2 proks• 2 proks• protsel• protsel• protsel• 1 protšer• 1 protšer• 1 protšer• 2 protšer• excite(d) incite irritate nervous precious value (worth) worth (value) saw (tool) favoured privilege(d) first one oak(tree) ancient antique primeval saw (tool) cetacean whale back(side) cetacean whale ancient antique primeval cetacean whale favoured privilege(d) instead for degree gradient incline (slope) slope /ing steep cattle snout trunk deer yearling demand require(d) gale hurricane storm(y) slender slim tall lose /lost 325 procer proch proch proch prochny proct proct prodi prodi prodi prodic prodit prodit prodot prodot proe proe proe proe proe pra(e) proec proec proec proec proec proecox proecox progana progana progana progana proict proict prol prol prol prolan promec(h) promethe promin promin promin promin prop prophad propi pror pror prora 326 2 protšer• prox• prox• prox• prokn• prokt• prokt• prodž• prodž• prodž• prodits• prodod• prodod• prodod• prodod• epre• epre• epre• opr• opr• proj• projt• projt• projt• projt• projt• prajk• prajk• progn• progn• progn• progn• projts• projts• prol• prol• prol• provlpromtš• prompromin• promin• promin• promin• propproft• propjprior• prior• opro• noble(man) jug pot vase kneel anus arse(hole) disclose make known publish judge(d) betrayal treachery betrayal treachery comeback go back return before (time) ere in front add donate give present (give) treat (donate) early soon amuse/ing distract divert entertain(ing) beggar mendicant offspring posterity progeny chemical word stem oblong chemical element Pm eminent project (vb) protrude stick out chemical word stem excuse chemical word stem favoured privilege(d) before (in time) prora prora prora prors prors pros pros pros pros pros prosag prosag prosen prosen prosen prosen prosop(is) prosop(is) prosopon prosopon prosth prosth prosthos prosthos prosthos prosthos prostrat prostrat prot(er) prot(er) prot(er) prot(er) protin protin protin proto proto proto proto protois protois protois prox prox prurig prurit prymn prymn prytan prytan proj• prost• prost• prors• prors• proš• proš• proš• proš• proš• prosx• prosx• prosn• prosn• prosn• prosn• 1 prosop• 1 prosop• 2 prosop• 2 prosop• 2 prost• 2 prost• 1 projts• 1 projts• 1 projts• 1 projts• prostr• prostr• prot• prot• prot• prot• prodn• prodn• prodn• prot• prot• prot• prot• prots• prots• prots• 1 proks• 1 proks• prurg• prurg• prym• prym• pryt• pryt• front (in) fore front direct(ly) straight(en) at beside close(by) near(by) next goodby greet good-natured goodwill kind(ness) will(ing) face (nn) mask individual (nn) person before (in front) in front add(ed) adhere(nt) attach supplement(ary) lie (tell a) recline /ing first origin(al) primeval pristine demonstrate reveal(ing) show(ing) first origin(al) primeval pristine chief(ly) main(ly) principal deer yearling itch itch hind (butt) stern boss (master) director prytan prytan prytan psac(a) psadar psadar psadar psadar psaer psaer psaimyth psaimyth psaimyth psair psair psal(id) psal(id) psall(i) psall(i) psall(i) psalt(er) psalt(er) psamm(ath) psand(a) psand(a) psanter [Hb] psar psathyr psathyr psathyr psathyr psau(s) psau(s) psecho psecho psecho psechr psechr psectr psedn pseg(m) pseg(m) pseg(m) pselaph pselaph pselaph pseli psell psell psell pryt• pryt• pryt• psak• psatr• psatr• psatr• psatr• psajr• psajr• psanš• psanš• psanš• psajr• psajr• psal• psal• psalj• psalj• psalj• psalt• psalt• psam• psand• psand• psant• psar• psatr• psatr• psatr• psatr• psalf• psalf• psest• psest• psest• psekr• psekr• 1 pekt• psedn• psex• psex• psex• psalf• psalf• pselaf• 1 psel• 2 psel• 2 psel• 2 psel• head (in charge) manager master (boss) drop (liquid) breakable brittle fragile weak(ness) shiver(ing) tremble arrogant conceited vain (useless) shiver(ing) tremble scissors shears archway dome vault harp lyre sand bend bow(ing) piano starling (a.o.) breakable brittle fragile weak(ness) antenna feeler grate (rasp) rasp scrape skinny thin(ly) comb (nn) bald element particle piece antenna feeler feeler ring (circle) burr list stammer psell pselli pseph pseph pseph pseph pseph pseph pseph(en) pseph(en) psest psest psest pseud pseud pseud pseud pseust pseust pseust pseust psias psiath psiath psiath psich psich psich psil psil psil psil psil psil psithyr pso(as) pso(as) psoch psoch psoct psoct psol psom psom psom psoph psoph psoph psoph psoph 2 psel• 1 psel• 1 psef• 1 psef• 1 psef• 2 psef• 2 psef• 2 psef• psep• psep• psest• psest• psest• psewd• psewd• psewd• psewd• psewd• psewd• psewd• psewd• psak• pšats• pšats• pšats• psex• psex• psex• 1 psil• 1 psil• 1 psil• 2 psil• 2 psil• 2 psil• psitr• psoas• psoas• psok• psok• psok• psok• psol• psom• psom• psom• psof• psof• psof• psof• psof• stutter ring (circle) gravel grit slack elect select vote dark(ness) obscure /ity grate (rasp) rasp scrape apparent as if / though as if / though seeming apparent as if / though as if / though seeming drop (liquid) carpet mat (carpet) rug element particle piece bald naked nude but only simple /ly whisper lone(ly) lumber (nn) ax hatchet ax hatchet soot fragment(ation) particle piece bang crack(ed) din hubbub noise / noisy 327 psoph psoph psoph psoph psor(om) psor(om) psoth psoth psoth psoth psoth psych psych(r) psych(r) psych(r) psychr psychr psyct psydr psydr psydr psydr psydr psydr psydr psydrac psydrac psygm psygm psyll psyll ptaesm ptaesm ptaesm ptaesm ptarmica ptas ptas ptas ptas ptela pten pten pten pter pter(is) ptern pteryg pteryg pteryx 328 psof• psop• psop• psop• psor• psor• psot• psot• psot• psot• psot• psix• 2 psikr• 2 psikr• 2 psikr• 1 psikr• 1 psikr• psikt• 1 psydr• 1 psydr• 1 psydr• 1 psydr• 1 psydr• 1 psydr• 1 psydr• 2 psydr• 2 psydr• psigm• psigm• psyl• psyl• ptasm• ptasm• ptasm• ptasm• ptarm• 1 petas• 1 petas• 1 petas• 1 petas• 1 ptel• ptem• pten• pten• pter• pters• pt er n• 1 pterg• 1 pterg• 2 pterg• uproar trifle unimportant vanity eczema scabies garbage refuse(d) rubbish rubble waste(land) butterfly cold freeze frost blow (air) breathe refresh(ing) crook deceiver fraud impostor rascal rogue scoundrel pimple pustule fan (ventilator) ventilator lovable vermin error fault(y) misser mistake sneeze distribute extend(ing) layout spread boar (wild) fin (fish) feather plume wing fern (etc.) heel (foot) fin (fish) flipper ensign (flag) pteryx pteryx pteryx pteryx ptes ptes ptes ptil ptil ptil ptis(t) ptis(t) ptis(t) ptoa ptoc(h) ptoch ptoch ptoch ptoch ptoch ptoch ptom ptom ptom ptom ptorth ptorth ptos(im) ptos(im) ptot ptot pty(al) pty(al) pty(al) pty ptych ptych ptych ptych ptych ptych ptych ptyct ptyct ptyct ptyel ptyel ptyel ptygm(at) ptygm(at) 2 pterg• 2 pterg• 2 pterg• pteriks• ptes• ptes• ptes• ptil• ptil• ptil• ptis• ptis• ptis• ptok• ptok• ptox• ptox• ptox• ptox• ptox• ptox• ptoma• ptoma• ptoma• ptoma• 1 torš• 1 torš• tosm• tosm• tosm• tosm• ptial• ptial• ptial• pty• 1 ptix• 1 ptix• 1 ptix• 1 ptix• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• ptial• ptial• ptial• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• flag pennant streamer (pennant) bird fly(ing) hover soar(ing) down (fluff) fluff plumage crush pound(ing) smash(ed) fear(ful) fear(ful) deplorable deprive(d) lament(able) needy pitiable poor(ly) carcase carrion corpse prey (victim) shoot (twig) twig drop(ped) fall(en) drop(ped) fall(en) dribble (slobber) saliva slobber spit(ting) board (plate) panel plate (dish) wainscot fold furrow wrinkle (furrow) fold furrow wrinkle (furrow) dribble (slobber) saliva slobber fold furrow ptygm(at) ptyr(t) ptyr(t) ptyr(t) ptys(m) pubis puell puer puer puerper puerper pugio(n) pugio(n) pugn(ac) pugn(ac) pugn(ac) pulchell pulchell pulchell pulcher pulcher pulcher pulchr pulchr pulchr pull pult pult pult pult pulvill pulvill pulvin pulvin pumil pung pung pung pur purgan purgan purgan purgan purgat purgat purgat purgat purva [S] purva [S] puta(m) 2 ptix• tyrd• tyrd• tyrd• tysm• pub• pwel• pwer• pwer• pwerp• pwerp• pudž• pudž• punjak• punjak• punjak• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• pulj• pult• pult• pult• pult• pulvin• pulvin• pulvin• pulvin• pumel• pung• pung• pung• pjurpurg• purg• purg• purg• purg• purg• purg• purg• purv• purv• putam• wrinkle (furrow) puta(m) cowardice insipid(ity) shy(ness) spit(tle) pubis girl baby infant generate give birth dagger knife (etc.) battling fight(ing) struggle /ing beautiful beauty lovely beautiful beauty lovely beautiful beauty lovely germ (nn) dough mush paste (plaster) porridge cushion upholstery cushion upholstery dwarf point(ed) prick(ing) sharp chemical word stem atonement expiation penance penitence atonement expiation penance penitence east orient integument puta(m) puta(t) puta(t) puta(t) putill putill putill putill putri [S] py py py pychn pychn pychn pychn pycin pycin pycin pycin pycn pycn pycn pycn pyg pyg pyg pyl(ae) pyl(ae) pyl(ae) pyl(ae) pymat pyr pyr pyr pyren pyren pyren pyren pyret pyret pyrg pyro pyro pyro pyro pyrrh pyrrh putam• putam• putam• putats• putats• putats• putl• putl• putl• putl• puter• py• py• py• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pykn• pyg• pyg• pyg• pyl• pyl• pyl• pyl• pymt• 2 pyr• 2 pyr• 2 pyr• pirn• pirn• pirn• pirn• pyred• pyred• pyrg• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• pyrj• pyrj• peel(ed) plant skin (fruit) muse think(ing) thought boy kid (boy) ladder young(ster) daughter matter (pus) pus suppurate compact(ness) dense solid(ity) tight compact(ness) dense solid(ity) tight compact(ness) dense solid(ity) tight arse(hole) behind (rump) bottom (rump) door entrance entry gangway lasting cereal grain wheat (etc.) essence (gist) gist (essence) kernel (nut) nut (kernel) fever temperature (body) tower fire flame heat (temperature) incendiary ginger red 329 pyrrho pyrrho pyrrho pyrrho pyrs pysmat pysmat pysmat pyt pyt pythmen pythmen pythmen pyx pyx(i) pyx(i) pyx(i) pyx(i) ETYMON qahwa [A] qahwa [A] quadr quaerens quaqua quaqua quart quasi quasi quass quass quass quer quer quer quer querel querel querel queren queren queren quinque ETYMON rabul rabul rabul racem racem 330 1 pyr• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• pirs• pust• pust• pust• pyt• pyt• pytm• pytm• pytm• 2 pyks• 1 pyks• 1 pyks• 1 pyks• 1 pyks• fire flame heat (temperature) incendiary torch issue (problem) problem question spit(tle) vomit basis found(ation) fundament compass box can (box) case (box) tin (box) MEANING LEMMA kaxw• kaxw• kwart• [LN] kwers• kwakw• kwakw• kwart• [LN] kwas• kwas• kwaš• kwaš• kwaš• kfer• kfer• kwer• kwer• kwerl• kwerl• kwerl• kwerl• kwerl• kwerl• kwint• [LN] café coffee four search ever (who,what,where) every way (in) four as if / though as if / though quake shake(n) shock (blow) perpendicular transverse perpendicular transverse complain protest quarrel(ing) complain protest quarrel(ing) five MEANING LEMMA ralb• ralb• ralb• rakm• rakm• cry (scream) scream yell berry grape rach rach rach rachist rachist raco raco ract ract radin radin radin radio radio radio radium radon radul radul radul radul raeb ragia ragia ragia ragia ragia rakevet [Hb] rall ram(n) ramal ramex ramex ramex ramla [A] rangi rangi rangi rap(t) rap(t) rap(t) rap(t) rati(s) rati(s) rati(s) rathym ratrih [S] rav(id) rebbia [A] rebbia [A] rax• rax• rax• raks• raks• raks• raks• rakt• rakt• radn• radn• radn• redj• redj• redj• radžrawdradl• radl• radl• radol• rajb• ragi• ragi• ragi• ragi• ragi• rakev• ralj• 1 ramn• 1 ramn• ramek• ramek• ramek• raml• rangi• rangi• rangi• rapt• rapt• rapt• rapt• ratj• ratj• rats• ratm• ratr• ravd• rebj• rebj• brushwood scrub (thorns) thorn-hedge rip(ping) tear off rip(ping) tear off avalanche waterfall flexible pliable pliant disseminate distribute scatter chemical element Ra chemical element Rn scrape scratch scrub(bing) plane (iron) curve(d) erupt(ion) gush out spit(ting) sprout(ing) squirt train (railway) shave branch (ramification) branch (ramification) erupt(ion) hernia rupture sand antlers branching ramification capture(d) catch (get) overpower steal drift float raft lazy(ness) night gray plant (herb) vegetation rech rech rech rech rectr rectr rectr rectr rectr recut recut recut recut reduv reduv reg(o) reg(o) reg(o) regm regm regm regm rem rem reman reman reman remb remb remb remb remit rempt rempt rempt renit renit renit renix renix renix reo reo reo repens repens repentin repentin repert repert rex• rex• rex• rex• rektr• rektr• rektr• rektr• rektr• retšt• retšt• retšt• retšt• reduv• reduv• ereg• ereg• ereg• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• rjem• rjem• [LN] reman• reman• reman• remp• remp• remp• remp• mits• remt• remt• remt• erens• erens• erens• erens• erens• erens• rep• rep• rep• rept• rept• rept• rept• erpert• erpert• bumpy rough rugged uneven behavior conduct(ing) direct (manage) guide(d) leader flay(ing) fleece(d) skin(ned) strip(ped) carcase corpse carpet rug tapestry cleave divide separate(d) split(ting) nothing zero persist(ent) remain stay(ing) migrate ramble /ing rover wander place(d) away distant far oppose(d) resist(ing) withstand oppose(d) resist(ing) withstand bow(ing) incline(d) tilt abrupt(ly) sudden(ly) abrupt(ly) sudden(ly) detect discover repert repert repert rept resti resti resti retin retin retin retu(n)s retu(n)s retu(n)s rhabd rhabd rhabd rhac rhac rhac rhac rhac rhac rhac rhach rhach rhach rhach(i) rhach(i) rhadic rhadic rhadic rhadin rhadin rhadin rhaen rhaen rhaen rhaen rhaen rhaen rhag rhag rhag rhag rhag rhamm(at) rhamm(at) rhamm(at) rhamm(at) rhamph erpert• erpert• erpert• 2 rept• rešt• rešt• rešt• retsin• retsin• retsin• ertus• ertus• ertus• rabd• rabd• rabd• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• rjak• rjak• rjak• rax• rax• rax• raxi• raxi• rabd• rabd• rabd• radn• radn• radn• xran• xran• xran• xran• xran• xran• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• 2 rag• 2 ramn• 2 ramn• 2 ramn• 2 ramn• ramf• find out invent(ion) uncover crawl(ing) cord (rope) line (rope) rope (cord) hold(ing) keep retain blunt dull obtuse rod stick (club) wand cleave divide separate(d) split(ting) rag scrap shred brushwood scrub (thorns) thorn-hedge backbone spine rod stick (club) wand flexible pliable pliant irrigate spray sprinkle squirt water(ed) wet (moisten) cleave divide separate(d) split(ting) berry seam sew stitch suture beak 331 rhanis rhant rhant rhant rhant rhant rhant rhap rhap rhap rhaph(is) rhaph(is) rhaphe rhaphe rhe rhe rhe rhe rhe rhed rhed rhed rhed rhed rheithr rheni rhes rhet rheum rheum rheum rhex rhicn rhicn rhicn rhicn rhig rhimph(al) rhimph(al) rhimph(al) rhimph(al) rhin rhin rhin rhin rhin rhio rhio rhio rhipi(d) 332 rans• xran• xran• xran• xran• xran• xran• rabd• rabd• rabd• 1 rafj• 1 rafj• 2 rafj• 2 rafj• 1 rej• 1 rej• 1 rej• 2 rej• 2 rej• rede• rede• rede• rede• rede• 1 ritr• renjxres• xret• rewm• rewm• rewm• 1 reks• 1 rikn• 1 rikn• 1 rikn• 2 rikn• 2 rikn• rimpf• rimpf• rimpf• rimpf• 1 rin• 2 rin• 2 rin• 1 xrin• 1 xrin• rari• rari• rari• ripid• drop (liquid) irrigate spray sprinkle squirt water(ed) wet (moisten) rod stick (club) wand needle pin (stylus) seam suture current (flow) flow(ing) stream(ing) juice sap (fluid) carriage cart chariot coach (carriage) trolley run (speed) chemical element Re name resin fluent fluid(ity) lisp break(ing) concentrate(d) contract(ed) gather cold cold fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) velocity nose leather skin (animal) file (rasp) rasp beach cape (headland) shore fan (ventilator) rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhips rhipt rhipt rhipt rhisc rhisc rhisc rhisc rhithr rhiz rhiz rho rho rho rhochm rhochm rhochm rhochm rhod rhod rhodani rhodi rhoec rhoec rhoec rhoec rhog(m) rhog(m) rhog(m) rhog(m) rhom(al) rhom(al) rhom(al) rhomb rhomb rhomph rhomph rhop rhop 1 rips• 1 rips• 1 rips• 1 rips• 1 rips• 2 rips• 2 rips• 2 rips• 2 rips• ript• ript• ript• ript• ript• ript• riš• riš• riš• riš• 2 ritr• ridz• ridz• 1 rej• 1 rej• 1 rej• roxm• roxm• roxm• roxm• 1 rjod• 1 rjod• rodanrodj1 rojk• 2 rojk• 2 rojk• 2 rojk• rogm• rogm• rogm• rogm• roml• roml• roml• romb• romb• 1 romf• 2 romf• rep• rep• branch (ramification) rod stalk stem (sprout) wand plait(ed) twine(d) weave /ing wreathe launch pitch (throw) throw laundry pitch (throw) throw coffer luggage suitcase trunk river root stem (sprout) current (flow) flow(ing) stream(ing) abyss chasm cleft gap pink (color) rose (color) chemical word stem chemical element Rh hook (nn) feeble(ness) soft(ness) weak(ness) rent (slit) slit (tear) split (rent) tear (split) mighty powerful strong diamond (shape) lozenge sand javelin bow(ing) incline(d) rhop rhop(i) rhop(i) rhop(i) rhop(i) rhopal rhopal rhopal rhoph rhoph rhops rhops rhops rhops rhopt rhopt rhoptr rhoptr rhoptr rhoth rhoth rhoth rhothon rhous rhucac rhum rhum rhum rhy rhy rhy rhyb rhygm(at) rhygm(at) rhym rhym rhym rhymb rhymb rhynch rhynch rhyph rhyph rhyph rhyph rhypt rhypt rhys(od) rhys(od) rhysi rep• 1 rops• 2 rops• 2 rops• 2 rops• ropl• ropl• ropl• 2 ropf• 2 ropf• 1 rops• 2 rops• 2 rops• 2 rops• ropt• ropt• roptr• roptr• roptr• 2 rjod• 2 rjod• 2 rjod• rotn• ruks• ruks• hurm• hurm• hurm• 1 rej• 1 rej• 1 rej• rybrygm• rygm• rym• rym• rym• rymp• rymp• rynx• rynx• rimpf• rimpf• rimpf• rimpf• rypt• rypt• ryt• ryt• ryš• tilt bush item object thing bludgeon club (stick) mace engulf swallow bush item object thing absorb sip stick (club) twig wand lard plash splash nose torrent torrent flow(ing) fluent run (flow) current (flow) flow(ing) stream(ing) chemical word stem fissure split(ting) drag tow trail(ing) top (spinning) tumble nose snout fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) velocity clean(ing) purify(ing) furrow wrinkle (furrow) free(d) rhysi rhytid rhytid rhytism rhytism rhytism rhyto rhyz rhyz rhyz rhyz ribah [Hb] ric(in) ricn ricn ricn rictu rictu rig [S] rig [S] rig [S] rig [S] rihan [A] rim(ul) rim(ul) rim(ul) rima rima rima ring(ent) ring(ent) rip(ar) rip(ar) robig robig robor robur robur robur robust robust rodanam [S] roncin roncin rot(al) roth roth roth roubban [A] rtuh [S] ryš• ryt• ryt• ritsm• ritsm• ritsm• ryts• ryt• ryt• ryz• ryz• ribax• ritsn• 1 rikn• 1 rikn• 1 rikn• rygm• rygm• rik• rik• rik• rik• rixn• riml• riml• riml• riml• riml• riml• reng• reng• ripe• ripe• robix• robix• 1 ropr• 1 ropr• 2 ropr• 2 ropr• 2 ropr• 2 ropr• rodnam• rontš• rontš• roti• rotš• rotš• rotš• rubn• retu• unleash furrow wrinkle (furrow) mend (patch) patch(ed) repair funnel furrow wrinkle (furrow) bark(ing) growl marmalade sail concentrate(d) contract(ed) gather fissure split(ting) canticle chant hymn psalm bet crack (split) fissure split(ting) crack (split) fissure split(ting) gape/ ing yawn(ing) bank (shore) shore corrosion rust(ed) oak(tree) oak(tree) robust sturdy robust sturdy weep(ing) plane (vb) smoothen wheel hubbub tumult uproar pilot season (time) 333 rub rub(er) rubell rubi rubi rubidi rud rud rudens rudens rudens rudent rudent rudent rudit rudit rug(at) rug(at) rug(at) rug(at) rugi rugi rum runca runca runc(in) runc(in) rup(ex) rupi(a) rupi(a) rur rur rur rur rust rust rust rust rutabul rutela rutela rutela rutheni rutil rutr ryz ryz ETYMON sabac 334 rybruber• ruber• robix• robix• rubv2 rudz• 2 rudz• 1 rudz• 1 rudz• 1 rudz• 1 rudz• 1 rudz• 1 rudz• ruts• ruts• rex• rex• rex• rex• rugj• rugj• rumn• runk• runk• runk• runk• rup• rupj• rupj• rur• rur• rur• rur• rur• rur• rur• rur• rutab• 2 rutl• 2 rutl• 2 rutl• rut1 rutl• rutr• ryz• ryz• chemical word stem red red corrosion rust(ed) chemical element Rb spatula trowel cordage rigging ropes (cablework) cordage rigging ropes (cablework) bawl bray bumpy rough rugged uneven rasp scrape nipple (breast) hoe weed hoe weed rock (stone) dirt (rubbish) rubbish country(side) domain field(s) territory country(side) domain field(s) territory spoon grub (larva) larva worm chemical element Ru red spade bark(ing) growl MEANING LEMMA spak• broken sabac sabal [Hb] sabha [A] saburr sac(es) sacand sacc sacc sacc sacc sacc sacchar sacr sacr sacr sact sact sact sact saen saen saen saen saen saen saen saep saep saep saep saep saep saep saev saev saev saev saev saev sag sag sag sagar sage sage sagen sagin sagin sagitt sagm(at) spak• sabal• sabg• šabr• sats• skans• sakts• sakts• sakts• sakts• sakts• saxar• sakr• sakr• sakr• sakt• sakt• sakt• sakt• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• 1 šap• 1 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• šav• šav• šav• šav• šav• šav• šag• šag• šag• sagr• šage• šage• sagn• sagin• sagin• sagit• sagm• fractured porter shallow ballast shield (protection) climb bag pocket pouch sack (bag) satchel sugar holy sacred saint complete(ly) filled full total(ly) brandish flirt (flutter) flit flutter stream (air) swing (oscillate) wave many times often hamper handicap(ped) hedge hindrance obstacle cruel(ty) ferocious grim merciless pitiless relentless augur(y) omen prophecy ax (battle) arsenal weapon(ry) net(work) fatten feed arrow saddle sain sain sain sain sain sain sain sair salaam [A] salaam [A] salacit salacit salar šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• šan• sajr• slam• slam• slak• slak• slar• salat taswir [A] tasw• salax salak• salax salak• salax salak• salax salak• salebr salebr• salebr salebr• salep [A] salep• salj [S] saly• salj [S] saly• 1 salmac salmak• 2 salmac salmak• 2 salmac salmak• 2 salmac salmak• salpi(nx) salpj• salpi(nx) salpj• salpi(nx) salpj• saltu salts• saltu salts• salulu šalv• salu(t) slut• salu(t) slut• samari samxsamchut [Hb] samtš• samnio samn• samnio samn• sandarah [A] sandr• sandhi [S] sandj• sandhi [S] sandj• sandhi [S] sandj• sandhi [S] sandj• sandyx sandyk• sani sanj• sani sanj• sanid sanz• sanid sanz• sanis sanz• brandish flirt (flutter) flit flutter stream (air) swing (oscillate) wave clean(ing) greet salute sensual voluptuous salmon (etc.) camera filter screen (sifting) sieve(d) strainer collision impact starch hedgehog porcupine fountain coitus intercourse (sex) mate /ing horn (trumpet) trombone trumpet (etc.) forest woods wave health welfare chemical element Sm authority clown harlequin attic bind connect(ion) junction link (connection) red matter (pus) pus board (plank) plank board (plank) sanis santhushta [S] santhushta [S] santhushta [S] santhushta [S] saot saot saot saot saph(en) saph(en) saph(en) sapid sapid sapid sapiens sapiens sapiens sapin sapr sapr sar sar sarc sarc sarc sarc(in) sarc(in) sarcim sarcim sarcin sarcin sargan saris(s) saron saron sarot(r) sarot(r) sarp sarp sarp sarp sarqu sarqu sartor sartor sartor satell satell satell sanz• sanst• sanst• sanst• sanst• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• safn• safn• safn• sapt• sapt• sapt• sapj• sapj• sapj• sapn• sapr• sapr• 1 syr• 1 syr• sarts• sarts• sarts• sarx• sarx• sartš• sartš• sarkn• sarkn• sargn• sars• 2 sartr• 2 sartr• 2 sartr• 2 sartr• sarp• sarp• sarp• sarp• sarx• sarx• 1 sartr• 1 sartr• 1 sartr• satl• satl• satl• plank contest(ing) debate discuss talk free(d) liberate /tion save secure(d) evident logo rational(ly) flavour season(ed) taste (sense) clever intelligent wise fir (etc.) putrefy rot(ting) broom brush mend (patch) patch(ed) repair flesh meat sew stitch package parcel (package) basket (etc) lance (nn) broom sweep broom sweep clip cut short prune(d) shear flesh meat needlewoman seamstress tailor guard(ian) keeper sentinel 335 satell sathr sathr sativ sativ sattva [S] sattva [S] sattva [S] sattva [S] sattva [S] saturn sauci sauci saul saul saul saul satl• sapr• sapr• satf• satf• sadv• sadv• sadv• sadv• sadv• šturn• sutsi• sutsi• savl• savl• savl• savl• Saumyavasarah sawmj• watcher sax(at) sax(at) sayam [S] sayam [S] sayam [S] sayam [S] sayam [S] scab(er) scabi(os) scaer scaer scaev(it) scaevol scal scalen scalen scalen scalen scall scall scall scall scalm scalop scammat scammat scammat scamn scamn scan scandal rock (stone) putrefy rot(ting) breed cultivate(d) bent (inclination) inclination leaning (towards) propensity tendency lead (metal) injury wound(ed) shake(n) totter(ing) unsettle(d) waver(ing) Wednesday [S] 336 saktš• saktš• sajam• sajam• sajam• sajam• sajam• skabr• skabr• skert• skert• skav• skav• 1 kal• 1 skaln• 1 skaln• 2 skaln• 2 skaln• 2 škal• 2 škal• 2 škal• 2 škal• skalm• sklop• skamt• skamt• skamt• skamn• skamn• škan• škand• stone evening eventide sundown sunset twilight rasp(ing) rasp(ing) jump leap left (side) left (side) weed(ing) oblique slanting lament(able) line (drawing) bowl cup jar (pot) vase knife (etc.) mole (animal) ditch hole pit (hole) level (tool) step (ladder) corpse intrigue scandal scandal scandi scandul scans scapan scaph scaph scaph scaph scaph scaph(is) scaph(is) scapt(er) scapt(er) scapul scapus scardamy scart(hm) scart(hm) scat scat scat scatur(ig) scatur(ig) scaur scedasm scedasm scedasm scedasm scedasm scedast scedast scedast scedast scedast scel(est) scel(est) scel(est) scel(est) scel(id) sceler sceler sceler sceler scelipher scelis (s)cend (s)cend (s)cend škand• škand• skandjskandl• skans• skapn• 1 skaf• 1 skaf• 1 skaf• 2 skaf• 2 skaf• skapt• skapt• skapt• skapt• skapl• sxap• skard• skert• skert• skat• skat• skat• skatr• skatr• sxar• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• skles• skles• skles• skles• skel• skles• skles• skles• skles• sklif• skel• tsend• tsend• tsend• plot (intrigue) snare (malice) chemical element Sc tile (roofing) climb plough (nn) barque (etc.) boat ship (boat) manger trough dig plough(ing) dig plough(ing) shoulder shaft eyelid jump leap droppings dung faeces fountain well (fountain) heel (foot) broadcast circulate disperse distribute scatter(ed) broadcast circulate disperse distribute scatter(ed) crime delict misstep slip (error) leg crime delict misstep slip (error) wet(ness) legal advance (vb) go progress(ing) (s)cend scen(it) scen(it) scen(it) scen(it) scen(it) scep(a) sceparn sceparn scepe scepe sceu sceu sceu schadon schadon schadon schaon [Hb] schas schat sched schedi schedi schedi schedi schedi schedi schedi schedi schedi schedi schedo schedo schedo schendyl schendyl schendyl sches sches schiasma schiasma schid(ac) schist schoen schoen schoin schoin schol(e) schol(e) schol(e) tsend• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• stsep• škepr• škepr• skep• skep• škev• škev• škev• sxad• sxad• sxad• sxan• sxats• sxats• 2 sxed• 1 šked• 1 šked• 1 šked• 2 šked• 2 šked• šxed• šxed• sxedj• sxedj• sxedj• 1 šked• 1 šked• 1 šked• skendl• skendl• skendl• sxes• sxes• sxasm• sxasm• sxiz• sxiz• 1 sxen• 1 sxen• 1 sxen• 1 sxen• sxol• sxol• sxol• walk(ing) cabin cot(tage) hovel hut tent cover (up) ax hatchet cover(age) envelope equip(ment) outfit provide grub lassitude maggot clock open (up) open (up) paper close(by) near(by) soon improvise invent(ion) drift float make ready prepare(d) ready close(by) near(by) soon pincers pliers tongs be exist(ence) cross-breed(ing) crossroad split(ting) split(ting) cane rush (cane) cane rush (cane) comfort(able) easy/ iness opportune schol(e) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) sci(ad) scia(r) scia(r) scia(r) scia(r) scia(r) scia(r) sciasm sciasm sciasm sciasm sciasm scinac scinac scinac scinac scinac scind scindul scipon scipon scipon scir(rh) scir(rh) scirtes scirtes scisc scisc scisc sciss scit scit scit scitamenta [It] scitamenta [It] sclephr sclephr sclephr scler(o) sxol• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• šnak• šnak• šnak• šnak• šnak• sxiz• skandl• skipn• skipn• skipn• skir• skir• skert• skert• skiš• skiš• skiš• sxiz• škit• škit• škit• skitm• skitm• sklefr• sklefr• sklefr• skler• repose bleak dark dismal gloomy/ ness shadow(y) somber awning penthouse screen (sifting) tent umbrella bleak dark dismal gloomy/ ness shadow(y) somber awning penthouse screen (sifting) tent umbrella clever little (a) pliant skillful supple split(ting) tile (roofing) baton cudgel stick (club) bulb tumor jump learn analyze examine explore split(ting) experience(d) expert(ly) routine delicacy relish meager skinny thin(ly) hard 337 scler(o) scob(in) scob(in) scob(in) scob(in) scol scol scolex scoli scoli scoli scoli scoli scolop scolop scolop scolypt scolypt scolythr scolythr scolythr scomn scomn scomn scomn scomn scop scop scop scop scop scop scopae scopae scopae scopel scopel scopt scopt scopt scopt scopt scord scord scorod scorod scort scort scort scort 338 skler• skob• skob• skob• skob• škol• škol• skolk• 1 skolj• 1 skolj• 1 skolj• 1 skolj• 2 skolj• skolp• skolp• skolp• skolipt• skolipt• sklitr• sklitr• sklitr• skopt• skopt• skopt• skopt• skopt• 1 skop• 1 skop• 1 skop• 1 skop• 1 skop• 2 skop• skopa• skopa• skopa• skopl• skopl• skopt• skopt• skopt• skopt• skopt• skord• skord• skord• skord• 1 skort• 2 skort• 2 skort• 2 skort• tough grate (rasp) rasp scratch scrub(bing) prick(ing) thorn(y) worm explanation note observe /ation remark(able) twist post (prop) prop support (base) chop(ped) hew bench seat(ed) stool deride jeer laugh at mock ridicule(d) consider deem examine look for observe /ation broom little by little small tiny crest reef deride jeer laugh at mock ridicule(d) garlic onion garlic onion leather concubine prostitute whore scot scot(i) scot(i) scrini scrini scrini scrini scrini scrob(i) scrof scrof scrupe scrupe scrupe scrupe sculpon scurr scurr scurr scut scut scut(ell) scut(ell) scut(ell) scut(ell) scuthr scuthr scuthr scuthr scutic scutic scutul scutul scybal scybal scybal scydm scydm scydm scydm scydm scydmaen scydmaen scyl scyl scyl scylax scylax scylm scylm 2 skot• 1 skot• 1 skot• skrin• skrin• skrin• skrin• skrin• skrob• skrof• skrof• skrup• skrup• skrup• skrup• sxulp• skurj• skurj• skurj• 1 skort• škut• sxut• sxut• sxut• sxut• skutr• skutr• skutr• skutr• skyt• skyt• skutl• skutl• skybl• skybl• skybl• skytr• skytr• skytr• skytr• skytr• skidm• skidm• skil• skil• skil• sklak• sklak• skilm• skilm• blind(ness) dark(ness) night cabinet capsule case (box) jewel-box shrine dig female (animal) sow (pig) bumpy rocky rugged stony hoof clown comedian harlequin leather shield (protection) blazon coat-of-arms loins sign-board mourn(ful) pity /ful sad(ness) sorrow(ful) scourge (whip) whip (strap) diamond (shape) lubricate excrement garbage junk angry furious indignation mad(ness) raving irritate set on edge fleece (hide) fur hide (skin) dog(gy) pup ardent impetuous scylm scylm scymn scymn scymn scyph scyph scyph scyr scyr scyr scyr scyt(h) scyt(h) scythr scythr scythr scythr scythr scythr scythr scythr scythr sebas(t) sebas(t) sebas(t) sebasm sebasm sebasm sebum sebum sebum secod secod secod secul secul(ar) secund(a) secund(a) secund(a) secur secur secut secut sed(a) sed(a) sedil sedil sedim(en) sedim(en) skilm• skilm• skimn• skimn• skimn• skyf• skyf• skyf• skyr• skyr• skyr• skyr• skyt• skyt• skutr• skutr• skutr• skutr• skytr• skytr• skytr• skytr• skytr• sebast• sebast• sebast• sebast• sebast• sebast• seb• seb• seb• sekod• sekod• sekod• 1 sekl• 2 sekl• skund• skund• sekond• [LN] šekr• šekr• sekut• sekut• sedat• sedat• šedl• šedl• sedim• sedim• impulse lustre child offspring young(ster) cup (trophy) goblet vase gravel rocky rubble stony scourge (whip) whip (strap) sedim(en) sedul sedul segestr segestr segestr seget seget seget seir seir seir seir seism mourn(ful) pity /ful sad(ness) sorrow(ful) angry furious indignation mad(ness) raving glory honor(able) praise glory honor(able) praise fat grease tallow chapel church temple century world(ly) follow(ing) less water (chem.) second(ary) ax hatchet according to along(side) peace(ful) quiet(ly) chair seat(ed) deposit precipitate sel(ag) sel(ag) sel(ag) sel(ag) sel(ag) sel(ag) selac(h) selen seli(d) seli(d) seli(d) selin selin selm selm sema(nt) sema(nt) sema(nt) semas semas semas semei semei semei semei semei semei semi semi semi semi semi(at) semi(at) semi(at) semi(at) sedim• sedl• sedl• sxestr• sxestr• sxestr• seged• šeged• šeged• sejr• sejr• sejr• tsajr• sism• sism• selg• selg• selg• selg• selg• selg• selax• seldšeld• šeld• šeld• selin• selin• 1 selm• 2 selm• simant• simant• simant• simant• simant• simant• semj• semj• semj• semj• semj• semj• semi• [LN] šemj• šemj• šemj• semj• semj• semj• semj• sediment careful(ly) tender(ly) fabric (tissue) texture tissue harvest(ing) seed sow(ing) cord linen rope (cord) burn shake tremble brighten burnish glaze gloss polish(ing) rub up shark (etc.) chemical element Se cut short interrupt intervene celery parsley bench bridge mean(ing) sense significance mean(ing) sense significance flag mark (sign) sign signal symbol symptom half mean(ing) sense signify flag mark (sign) sign signal 339 semi(at) semi(at) semidal semidal semit semn semn semn semn semn semn semot semot semper semper semper sen(ar) senec senec senestr senev senev sensim sensim sent sent seo seo seors seors sep sep sep sep sep seped(on) seped(on) sepi(a) sepi(a) seps sept sept(a) sept(a) septem ser(ic) seranx seranx seranx seri(ol) seri(ol) 340 semj• semj• smidl• smidl• 1 semt• semn• semn• semn• semn• semn• semn• 2 semt• 2 semt• sempr• sempr• sempr• snar• snek• snek• snestr• sinap• sinap• sensm• sensm• šend• šend• setj• setj• sers• sers• 2 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• 2 šap• šped• šped• sepj• sepj• šeps• šeps• šept• šept• sept• [LN] serits• serank• serank• serank• šeri• šeri• moth seris seris serotin serph serph serpig serr(a) sert sert(ul) sert(ul) sert(ul) ses sesqui sest(r) sest(r) seth seth setn setn sex(t) sfal(m) sfal(m) sfal(m) sfal(m) sfal(m) shair [A] Shanih [S] tinea shanivasaran [S] apart from mildew sharat [S] shasha [S] shatarang [A] shest shoufan [A] shravanah [S] shukah [S] Shukrah [S] mould (mildew) Shukravasarah [S] foam shvah [S] shvah [S] siag(on) sial sial sial siani [A] sibin sibin sibin sibyn sibyn sibyn symbol symptom flour powder path impose impress pomp resplendent solemn strike (impose) isolate(d) separate(d) always constant(ly) ever (always) six age(d) grow old leg mustard spice gradually live (at) hawthorn thorn-hedge separate(ly) hamper handicap(ped) hedge hindrance obstacle lather ferment ferment partition wall (dividing) seven silk cave(rn) cave(rn) grotto jar (pot) jug seris• seris• 2 sert• serf• serf• serpix• serh• 1 sert• sertl• sertl• sertl• seš• seskw• [LN] sestr• sestr• setj• setj• sestr• sestr• sikst• [LN] sfalm• sfalm• sfalm• sfalm• sfalm• šajr• 2 šanj• 1 šanj• šarat• šaša• šatr• šešt• [RN] šuf• šravn• šuka• šukr• šukrav• šfax• šfax• šagn• sjal• sjal• sjal• sinja• sibin• sibin• sibin• sibin• sibin• sibin• lettuce salad late fly (nn) insect crawl(ing) saw (tool) ribbon crown (flowers) garland wreath worm one-and-a-half filter sieve(d) moth tinea filter sieve(d) six deceive(d) error misser mistake wrong barley Saturn Saturday autumn rabbit (etc) chess six oats July parrot Venus Friday future tomorrow jaw(bone) saliva spit(tle) sputum artificial fence pale (stake) stake (pale) fence pale (stake) stake (pale) sic sic sicari sicari sicy sicy sider sider sifir [A] sifir [A] sifir [A] sifir [A] sig(a) sig(a) sig(a) sig(a) sigriyah [Hb] sigyn sigyn sigyn sil(ac) silb silb silb silici silv silv simbl simhah [S] sin sin sin sina sina sina sina sinapi sinapi sincip sindhu [S] sinto sinto sinto siopel sipal siphl siphn sir siri sirsir [A] sitš• sitš• sikr• sikr• siky• siky• 1 sider• 2 sider• sifr• sifr• sifr• sifr• sig• sig• sig• sig• sigri• sibin• sibin• sibin• silak• stilb• stilb• stilb• silsilv• silv• simbl• simba• šin• šin• šin• sinax• sinax• sinax• sinax• sinap• sinap• sintsip• sind• sint• sint• sint• šopl• sifl• sifl• sifn• isir• sirj• sirsir• cupping-glass sucker assassinate murder cucumber gherkin iron star empty/ ness nought vacant /cy void calm quiet(ly) silent tranquil(ity) cigarette fence pale (stake) stake (pale) ochre (etc.) bright brilliant shine /ing chemical element Si forest woods beehive lip damag(ing) impair spoil(ed) batter(ed) damage (nn) harm ill-treat mustard spice forehead river brigand predator robber silent hunger hunger mole (animal) chain (string) cube cockroach sisam [S] sishu [S] sishu [S] sishu [S] sishu [S] sisyr sit sit siti(en) siti(o) siti(o) sjemj sken sken sken sken sken skepto skepto skommat smect smeg(m) smen smerd(al) smerd(al) smerd(al) smet smet smet smet smil sminth sminth sminy smodic smodic smoding smoding sob sobar sobar sobar sobol sobol sobol sobrin socc socors socors socors sisam• sišu• sišu• sišu• sišu• sisyr• 1 zit• 2 zit• sitšn• sitj• sitj• sjemj• [RN] 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• 1 sxept• 2 sxept• skomt• smekt• smekt• smen• smerd• smerd• smerd• smed• smed• smed• smed• smil• smint• smint• sminy• smodz• smodz• smodz• smodz• sob• 1 šobr• 1 šobr• 1 šobr• 1 šubl• 1 šubl• 1 šubl• 2 šobr• sokts• skors• skors• skors• lead(ing) child descendant offspring young(ster) fur (coat) grain eat(ing) thirst fodder food seven cabin cot(tage) hovel hut tent like (adv) meteorite joke soap soap swarm(ing) terrible terrify(ing) terror(ize) balm balsam cream unguent knife (etc.) mouse rat plough (nn) bruise contusion bruise contusion tail (end) fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) jet (sprout) shoot (sprout) sprout (twig) cousin shoe dull (stupid) foolish insipid(ity) 341 socors socors socors sodal sodal sodal sodal sol(i) solaci solaci solaci solaci solaci solaci solaci solaci solaci solea solea solen solen solit solit solit solium solos solos som(at) som(at) som(at) som(at) somn(i) somn(i) somn(i) somn(i) somph soph(od) soph(od) soph(od) soph(od) sophron sophron sophron sophron sophron sophron sophron sophron sophron sor(ed) 342 skors• skors• skors• sodl• sodl• sodl• sodl• soli• solts• solts• solts• solts• solts• solts• solts• solts• solts• solj• solj• šoln• šoln• solt• solt• solt• solm• sols• sols• som• som• som• som• somn• somn• somn• somn• somf• zof• zof• zof• zof• 1 sofr• 1 sofr• 1 sofr• 2 sofr• 2 sofr• 2 sofr• 2 sofr• 2 sofr• 2 sofr• šor• moron silly stupid(ity) colleague companion(ship) fellow (mate) mate (companion) sun allay alleviate assuage ease lightning mitigate palliate relieve(d) soothe sandal sole (shoe) cylinder tube custom(ary) fashion(able) habit(s) throne disk saucer body corpus corpuscle frame doze dream reverie sleep sponge cultured educate(d) intelligent wise chaste /ity prudence prudish disciplined intelligent rational(ly) reasonable sensible wise bunch sor(ed) sor(ed) sor(ed) sor(ed) sorac sorac sorac sorac sorac soror sosi sosi sosi sosi soter soter soter soter sotnj spadon spadon spadon spaer spag spag span span span span sparac sparac sparac sparac sparagm sparagm sparagm sparagm sparass sparass sparass sparaz sparaz sparaz sparg sparg sparg sparg sparg sparg sparg šor• šor• šor• šor• sork• sork• sork• sork• sork• soror• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotr• sotnj• [RN] 1 spadn• 2 spadn• 2 spadn• šper• spag• spag• šparn• šparn• šparn• šparn• sprak• sprak• sprak• sprak• sprak• sprak• sprak• sprak• sparats• sparats• sparats• sparats• sparats• sparats• 1 sparg• 1 sparg• 1 sparg• 1 sparg• 1 sparg• 1 sparg• 1 sparg• bundle heap(ed) mass (heap) pile (stack) baggage coffer lull (vb) suitcase trunk sister free(d) liberate /tion save secure(d) free(d) libido save secure(d) hundred tear off castrate(d) geld agony separate(d) split(ting) rare scarce(ly) seldom sporadic lumber (nn) rubbish rubble waste(land) luminous rubbish rubble waste(land) lacerate mangle tear apart lack(ing) mangle tear apart diffuse disperse disseminate distribute propagate scatter(ed) spread sparg spargan spargan spargan spargan sparn sparn sparn sparn spars spars spars spars spars spars sparti sparti sparti sparti spast spast spast spastic spatiat spatiat spatil spatil specios specios specios specios spectr spectr spectr specu specu speir speir speir spelae spelae spelunc spelunc sperch sperch sperch sperm(at) speus speus speus 2 sparg• spargan• spargan• spargan• spargan• šparn• šparn• šparn• šparn• šparn• šparn• šparn• šparn• spars• spars• špart• špart• špart• špart• spast• spast• spast• špast• spadž• spadž• spalt• spalt• spetš• spetš• spetš• spetš• spetr• spetr• spetr• spele• spele• 1 špir• 1 špir• 2 špir• spele• spele• spele• spele• spertš• spertš• spertš• sperm• spertš• spertš• spertš• swell(ing) bandage ribbon swathe wrapper rare scarce(ly) seldom sporadic rare scarce(ly) seldom sporadic pour shake out bow (ornament) pompom ribbon rope (cord) attract(ion) draw (pull) pull absorb promenade stroll excrement faeces beautiful handsome lover pretty (nice) ghost phantom spirit (ghost) cave(rn) grotto propeller screw wrapper cave(rn) grotto cave(rn) grotto hasty hurried urgent(ly) seed hasty hurried urgent(ly) spex spex spex sphac(el) sphac(el) sphac(el) sphac(el) sphact sphact sphact sphaen sphaen sphag sphagi sphagi sphagi sphagi sphagi sphaler sphaler sphaler sphaler sphaler spharag spharag spharg spharg sphax sphedan sphedan sphela sphen sphen sphigg sphigg sphigg sphigm sphigm sphigm sphigm sphinct sphinct sphinct sphinther sphinther sphodr sphodr sphodr sphodr sphodr spitš• spitš• spitš• sfakl• sfakl• sfakl• sfakl• spakt• spakt• spakt• sfen• sfen• sfak• 1 sfag• 1 sfag• 2 sfag• 2 sfag• 2 sfag• sfalm• sfalm• sfalm• sfalm• sfalm• sfarg• sfarg• sfarg• sfarg• sfak• spedn• spedn• sfel• sfen• sfen• sfint• sfint• sfint• sfigm• sfigm• sfigm• sfigm• sfint• sfint• sfint• spintr• spintr• sfodr• sfodr• sfodr• sfodr• sfodr• analyze examine explore degenerate gangrene putrefy rot(ting) assassin killer murderer chock wedge throat consecrate dedicate offer(ing) sacrifice victim deceive(d) error misser mistake wrong blow up explode blow up explode throat brutal violent bench chock wedge compress(ed) contract(ed) press (together) beat(ing) pulsate strike throb compress(ed) contract(ed) press (together) flash spark active alert ardent diligent fervour 343 sphodr sphrag(i) sphrag(i) sphrig sphrig sphrig sphrig sphrig sphyr sphyr spic(i) spic(i) spic(i) spil spil spil(as) spil(as) spilad spin(a) spin(a) spini spini spinther spinther spir spir spir spiss spiss spiss spiz splachn splae splae splanchn splen splend splend splend splend splend spleni spleni spod spod spod spod spod spod spod spod 344 sfodr• sprag• sprag• sprig• sprig• sprig• sprig• 1 sfyr• 2 sfyr• spitš• spitš• spitš• 1 špil• 1 špil• 2 špil• 2 špil• spild• spindz• spindz• spindz• spindz• spintr• spintr• 1 špir• 1 špir• 2 špir• spiš• spiš• spiš• spidz• splakn• spele• spele• splakn• šplen• splend• splend• splend• splend• splend• splenj• splenj• 1 spod• 1 špod• 1 špod• 1 špod• 2 spod• 2 špod• 2 špod• 2 špod• zealous seal (stamp) stamp (seal) fruity juicy sappy succulent hammer ankle analyze examine explore spot (stain) stain (spot) cape (headland) headland clay spur thorn(y) spur thorn(y) flash spark propeller screw wrapper compact(ness) concentrate(d) dense sparrow (etc.) intestine cave(rn) grotto intestine spleen gorgeous magnificent splendid sumptuous superb plaster stucco ash(es) stress (tension) torment torture sweep clinker dross junk spod spoliat spoliat spond(e) spond(e) spondyl spons sport spum spyred spyred spyred squal squal squal squal squal squal squalus squarr squirrh squirrh squirrh stac(t) stac(t) stac(t) stac(t) stachy stad stad stagm stagm stagm stagm stagon stagon stalact stalact stalact stalact stalact stalagm stalagm stalagm stalagm stalagm stalix stalix staltic staltic 2 špod• spolj• spolj• sponde• sponde• spond• spons• špord• spum• spird• spird• spird• 1 skwal• 1 skwal• 1 skwal• 1 skwal• 1 skwal• 1 skwal• 2 skwal• skwar• skirj• skirj• skirj• 2 staxt• 2 staxt• 2 staxt• 2 staxt• stax• štad• štad• 2 staxt• 2 staxt• 2 staxt• 2 staxt• 1 staxt• 1 staxt• stalakt• stalakt• stalakt• stalakt• stalakt• stalagm• stalagm• stalagm• stalagm• stalagm• stalts• stalts• 1 stalt• 1 stalt• slag naked nude consecrate dedicate vertebra promise basket (etc) foam droppings dung faeces crude dirty filth(y) grimy rough smutty shark crust hard solid(ity) tough shake(n) totter(ing) tremble waver(ing) ear (of corn) erect stand (up) shake(n) totter(ing) tremble waver(ing) drop (liquid) tear(drop) drip droop drop (liquid) tear(drop) weep(ing) drip droop drop (liquid) tear(drop) weep(ing) chopping-block log (block) compress(ed) concentrate(d) staltic staltic staltic staltic staltic staltic staltic stamn stamn stan stan stan stanum stapes staphyl staphyl stas stasim stasim stasim stasim stasim stasim stasiot stasiot stasiot stasiot stasiot stasiot stasiot stat(her) stat(her) stat(her) stat(her) stat(her) stat(her) stathm stathm stathm stathm stathm stathm stathm stathm stathm static static static statist statist 1 stalt• 1 stalt• 1 stalt• 2 stalt• 2 stalt• 2 stalt• 2 stalt• stamn• stamn• štan• štan• štan• stanstaped• stafl• stafl• stajt• stats• stats• stats• stats• stats• stats• staš• staš• staš• staš• 2 stast• 2 stast• 2 stast• stats• stats• stats• stats• stats• stats• 1 statm• 1 statm• 1 statm• 1 štatm• 1 štatm• 1 štatm• 1 štatm• 2 štatm• 2 štatm• 1 stast• 1 stast• 1 stast• 1 stast• 1 stast• contract(ed) press (together) together brake (nn) bridle hold(ing) restrain(t) jug pot (tea) country land (field) state chemical element Sn stirrup bunch cluster paste (plaster) halt(ing) immobile repose stable (adj) stand stop(ping) mutiny rebel revolution uprising adept disciple member (part) halt(ing) immobile repose stable (adj) stand stop(ping) halt (nn) resting-place stop (station) mews shed (cabin) stable (shed) sty balance (nn) scales table (frame) tablet tabulation table (frame) tablet statist statumen statumen statumen statumen statumen staur staur staur staur staur staur staur stax stax stear stear stear steas steat steat steat stech stech stech stech stech stech stech stech stech stech stech stech steg stegan stegan stegan stegan stegm(en) stegm(en) stegm(en) stegm(en) stegnos stegnos stegnos stegnos stein stein stein 1 stast• 2 statm• 2 statm• 2 statm• 2 statm• 2 statm• 1 stavr• 1 stavr• 1 stavr• 1 stavr• 1 stavr• 2 stavr• 2 stavr• 1 staxt• 1 staxt• stear• stear• stear• stajt• stear• stear• stear• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 2 stix• 2 stix• 2 stix• stojx• stojx• stojx• stojx• steg• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• stegn• šten• šten• šten• tabulation pedestal prop (plug) socle stay (place) support (base) fence pale (stake) post (stake) prop (plug) stake (pale) cross (nn) crucifix drop (liquid) tear(drop) fat (grease) sebum tallow paste (plaster) fat (grease) sebum tallow list rank (nn) row (series) serial series rhyme text-line verse (line) elementary essence (gist) gist (essence) rudiment roof coat(ed) cover(ed) hide/ ing protect coat(ed) cover(ed) hide (vb) protect coat(ed) cover(ed) hide/ ing protect agony anguish restlessness 345 stein stein steir steir steir stele stele stele stele stelech stelech stelech stelech stelgid stelidi stelidi stelidi stelis stell stell stell stell stello stelm stelm stelm stemb steme steme stemm stemm sten sten sten sten stephan stephan stere stere stere stere(o) stere(o) steres steres steres steres steres steres steres steres 346 šten• šten• stejr• stejr• stejr• 1 štil• 1 štil• 1 štil• 1 štil• stelx• stelx• stelx• stelx• stelg• steld• steld• steld• stelš• 1 stelj• 1 stelj• 1 stelj• 1 stelj• 2 stelj• stelm• stelm• stelm• stemb• 2 stem• 2 stem• 1 stem• 1 stem• 1 sten• 1 sten• 1 sten• 1 sten• stref• stref• 2 stere• 2 stere• 2 stere• 1 stere• 1 stere• sters• sters• sters• sters• sters• sters• sters• sters• stress (tension) unrest barren sterile unfruitful column pilaster pillar prop bole stem (sprout) stump trunk brush haft handle (lever) hilt mistletoe equip(ment) fit out furnish purvey dress(ed) belt girdle zone shake(n) know(ledge) science crown (head) ornament brief narrow short tight crown (head) diadem fix(ed) rigid(ly) solid(ity) space (room) spatial absent defect(ive) deficient fail(ing) lacquer shortcoming want(ed) without sterg sterg sterg sterg stern stern sterph sterr sterr sterr sters stet steth sthen sthen sthen sthen sthen sti(r) stib stib stib stib stib stib stib stibad stibar stibar stibar stibar stibi stich(er) stich(er) stich(er) stich(i) stich(i) stich(i) stich(i) stich(i) sticher sticher sticher sticher sticher stictis stictis stik stik stik 1 sterg• 1 sterg• 1 sterg• 2 sterg• štern• štern• sterp• 2 stere• 2 stere• 2 stere• 2 sterg• stet• stet• 2 sten• 2 sten• 2 sten• 2 sten• 2 sten• štir• štib• štib• 1 stib• 1 stib• 2 stib• 2 stib• 2 stib• stibd• stibr• stibr• stibr• stibr• stibj2 stix• 2 stix• 2 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• stikt• stikt• stits• stits• stits• court(ing) love woo intimate breast (chest) chest (breast) leave (go) fix(ed) rigid(ly) solid(ity) intimate chest (breast) breast (chest) energy intensity might (strength) power (strength) strength hull hoar-frost rime defile (passage) march(ing) highway road(way) way (road) bedroom great imposing mighty striking chemical element Sb rhyme text-line verse (line) list rank (nn) row (series) serial series listen rank (nn) row (series) serial series dot point (dot) hold(ing) obstinate persist(ent) stilb stilb stilb still(a) stilpon stin stin stin stin stipat stipat stipat stipat stipes stipes stiphr stiphr stiphr stiphr stipit stipit stipt(it) stipt(it) stipt(it) stipt(it) stirp stirp stlengid stoa stoa stoeb stoeb stoeb stoichei stoichei stoichei stoichei stol stol stol stol(is) stol(is) stol(on) stol(on) stol(on) stolis stom(at) stom(at) stom(at) stom(at) stilb• stilb• stilb• stilj• stilp• 1 sten• 1 sten• 1 sten• 1 sten• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• stips• stips• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 2 stipt• 2 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• stirp• stirp• stelg• stoj• stoj• stojb• stojb• stojb• stojx• stojx• stojx• stojx• 2 stol• 2 stol• 2 stol• 1 stol• 1 stol• stoln• stoln• stoln• štol• stom• stom• stom• stom• bright brilliant shine /ing drop (liquid) dwarf brief narrow short tight dense firm(ly) heavy solid(ity) pale (stake) stake (pale) dense firm(ly) heavy solid(ity) beam (wood etc.) trunk dense firm(ly) heavy solid(ity) stub stump brush gallery pillars (row) pad stuff (upholstery) upholstery elementary essence (gist) gist (essence) rudiment journey(ing) move(ment) travel(ling) gown robe shoot (twig) sprout (twig) twig wrinkle (furrow) hole mouth opening orifice stomph(ax) stomph(ax) ston ston stonyx stonyx stonyx stonyx stor stor stor stor storg storg storg storth(ing) storth(ing) storth(ing) storth(ing) strabal strabal strach strach strach strach strach stragul stragul stragul stramen stramen strang strang strang strang strang strat strat strat strat(i) strat(i) strat(i) stratiom stratiom stratiom stratiom stratiot stratiot stratiot stratiot stomf• stomf• ston• ston• stonyk• stonyk• stonyk• stonyk• stor• stor• stor• stor• 1 sterg• 1 sterg• 1 sterg• stort• stort• stort• stort• strabl• strabl• strax• strax• strax• strax• strax• stragl• stragl• stragl• stramn• stramn• strax• strax• strax• strax• strax• 1 strats• 1 strats• 1 strats• 2 strats• 2 strats• 2 strats• stratj• stratj• stratj• stratj• stratj• stratj• stratj• stratj• emphasis stress (emphasize) hiccup sob blade lamp plate (thin) slat knock down layer overthrow upset court(ing) lovely woo point (tip) summit tip top (tip) turn(ing) twist around circuit divert outflank tour carpet mat (carpet) tapestry hay straw around circuit divert outflank tour echelon layman level (layer) army host (army) regiment gladiator military soldier warrior gladiator military soldier warrior 347 strebl strebl strebl strebl strebl stremm(at) stremm(at) stremm(at) stremm(at) stremm(at) stremm(at) stren stren stren strenu strenu strenu strenu strep strep strep streph streph streph streph streph streps streps streps strept strept strept strept strept stridis stridis stridis strig(os) strig(os) string string string string string string striphn striphn striphn striphn stris 348 strabl• strabl• strebl• strebl• strebl• stremn• stremn• stremn• stremn• stremn• stremn• 1 stren• 1 stren• 1 stren• 2 stren• 2 stren• 2 stren• 2 stren• 2 strept• 2 strept• 2 strept• stref• stref• 1 strept• 1 strept• 1 strept• 1 strept• 1 strept• 1 strept• stref• stref• 1 strept• 1 strept• 1 strept• stris• stris• stris• striks• striks• string• string• string• string• string• string• stripn• stripn• stripn• stripn• stris• turn(ing) twist pain suffer(ing) torment crush dash (crush) dismantle disrupt smash(ed) trample cry (animal) howl scream active alert brisk lively boisterous loud(ness) noise / noisy crown (head) diadem adapt alter change adapt alter change crown (head) diadem adapt alter change buzz hiss hum furrow wrinkle (furrow) compress(ed) concentrate(d) press (together) strangle suffocate together clinging obstinate stubborn tenacious buzz stris stris strob(il) strob(il) strob(il) strob(il) stromb strong strong strong stronti stroph stroph stroph stroph stroph(al) stroph(al) stroph(al) stroph(al) stropheus strophinx strophinx strophinx strot strot stru(ic) stru(ic) stru(ic) stru(ic) strues strues strues strues strupp strupp strupp stryphn stryphn stryphn stryphn stumul stumul stumul stupr stupr stupr styget styget styget styget stris• stris• strob• strob• strob• strob• stromb• strong• strong• strong• strontj2 stropf• 2 stropf• 2 stropf• 2 stropf• 1 stropf• 1 stropf• 1 stropf• 1 stropf• 1 strops• 2 strops• 2 strops• 2 strops• strot• strot• strujs• strujs• strujs• strujs• strujs• strujs• strujs• strujs• strup• strup• strup• stripn• stripn• stripn• stripn• štum• štum• štum• stupr• stupr• stupr• stygn• stygn• stygn• stygn• hiss hum eddy stir turn(ing) whirl(ing) top (spinning) cylinder pipe (tube) tube chemical element Sr belt sling strap zone bend curve(d) flexible put about vertebra axis axle pivot layout spread crowd (bunch) heap(ed) pile (stack) stack(ed) crowd (bunch) heap(ed) pile (stack) stack(ed) reel (strip) ribbon tape (ribbon) clinging obstinate stubborn tenacious stab sting (needle) thrust debauch revel violate abhor abominable disgusting hate styget stygn stygn stygn stygn stygn styl styl styl styl styl styl styl stym stym stym styph(n) styph(n) styph(n) styphel styphel styphr styphr styphr styphr stypt stypt styr stys stys stys styt styt styt suber subol subol subol subul succinct succinct succinct succinct succinct such sud(or) sud(or) suda suda sudis stygn• stygn• stygn• stygn• stygn• stygn• 1 štil• 1 štil• 1 štil• 1 štil• 2 štil• 2 štil• 2 štil• styt• styt• styt• 1 stypn• 1 stypn• 1 stypn• styfel• styfel• 2 stypn• 2 stypn• 2 stypn• 2 stypn• 2 stypn• 2 stypn• styr• styt• styt• styt• styt• styt• styt• subr• 1 šubl• 1 šubl• 1 šubl• 2 šubl• 1 šukts• 2 šukts• 2 šukts• 2 šukts• 2 šukts• sux• sudr• sudr• sudr• sudr• 1 sudz• loathe abhor abominable disgusting hate loathsome column pilaster pillar prop pin (stylus) slate-pencil stylus get up rise (stand up) stand (up) collect concentrate(d) gather hard tough bitter dry (bitter) dry (bitter) sharp (taste) bitter sharp (taste) spear(point) get up rise (stand up) stand (up) get up rise (stand up) stand (up) cork jet (sprout) shoot (sprout) sprout (twig) awl ready belt girdle strap thong crocodile (etc) perspire sweat perspire sweat thorn(y) sudis sudis sukham [S] sukham [S] sukham [S] sukham [S] sukla [S] sukla [S] sulph sumen sumin summ sunya [S] sunya [S] sunya [S] sunya [S] sunya [S] superst superst superst superst superst supolic supolic supolic supolic supplex supplex supplex supplex sur sur sur sur sur sur sur sur surcul surcul surg surrect sus sus sus suscept suscept suscept sy(i) sy(i) 2 sudz• 2 sudz• suxam• suxam• suxam• suxam• sukla• sukla• sulf2 sumn• 2 sumn• 1 sumn• sundž• sundž• sundž• sundž• sundž• 1 špers• 1 špers• 1 špers• 1 špers• 2 špers• splidz• splidz• splidz• splidz• splidz• splidz• splidz• splidz• šor• šor• šor• šor• šor• šur• šur• šur• surkl• surkl• surg• surg• suš• suš• suš• sutšept• sutšept• sutšept• suš• suš• pale (stake) stake (pale) comfort easy/ iness facility utility bright clear chemical element S retina retina crown (head) empty/ ness none nothing null void attest certify testify witness survivor beseech entreat implore supplicate beseech entreat implore supplicate bunch bundle heap(ed) mass (heap) pile (stack) branch (ramification) post (prop) prop child(ren) offspring get up rise (stand up) pig pork swine accept permissive tolerate pig pork 349 sy(i) syben syben syben sychn sychn syk syk(on) syll syll syll syllex syllex syllex syllog syllog syllog syllog syllog sylv sylv sym sym sym symphor symphor symphor symphor symphor symphor sympl sympl sympl sympl syn syn syn syndon syndon syndon synech synech synech synech synech synech synech synet synet synet 350 suš• sibn• sibn• sibn• sixn• sixn• 2 syk• 1 syk• syn+ syn+ syn+ slek• slek• slek• silog• silog• silog• silog• silog• silv• silv• syn+ syn+ syn+ simfr• simfr• simfr• simfr• simfr• simfr• sympl• sympl• sympl• sympl• syn+ syn+ syn+ sindon• sindon• sindon• sinek• sinek• sinek• sinex• sinex• sixn• sixn• synt• synt• synt• swine holder recipient socket continually often fig false(ly) same together with assemble(d) collect gather accord agreement arrange(ment) coherent order (arrangement) forest woods same together with assembly association collection group (bunch) set (group) society knot(ted) plait twine(d) wreathe same together with cloth sheet (cloth) shroud easy/ iness gentle light (easy) syntemn syntemn syph syph syph syr syr syr syr syr syr syrden syrden syrden syrden syring syring syring syring syring syring syrinx syrinx syrinx syrinx syrinx syrinx syrm(at) syrm(at) syrm(at) syrphet syrphet syrphet syrphet syrphet syrphet syrt syrt syrt syrt syrt syrt syrt stemn• stemn• suš• suš• suš• 1 syr• 1 syr• 2 syr• 2 syr• 2 syr• 2 syr• syrd• syrd• syrd• syrd• srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• srynk• sirm• sirm• sirm• sirfed• sirfed• sirfed• sirfed• sirfed• sirfed• sirt• sirt• sirt• sirt• syrt• syrt• syrt• reduce shrink pig pork swine broom brush drag pull tow trail(ing) army horde host (army) troop canal channel nozzle pipe (tube) spout (nozzle) tube canal channel nozzle pipe (tube) spout (nozzle) tube dress (clothing) gown robe dregs garbage junk left-over rubble sludge bay bight creek golf (bay) desert sandy plain shoal faithful fidelity continually often intelligent perspicacious wise ETYMON taarucha [Hb] taarucha [Hb] taasiah [Hb] tabc tabc LEMMA trux• trux• tasj• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• MEANING exhibit(ion) exposition industry dissolve melt(ed) tabc tabc tabc tabes tabes tabes tabesc tabesc tabesc tabesc tabesc tabet tabet tabet tabet tabet tabet tabet tabid tabid tabid tabid tabid tac(er) tac(er) tach(y) tach(y) tach(y) tach(y) tach(y) tachn tachn tachn tachn tachn tachn tachrim [Hb] tact taen taen taen(i) taen(i) taen(i) taeter taeter taeter taeter taetr taetr taetr 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• tabz• tabz• tabz• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 2 tapt• 2 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• takr• takr• taxy• taxy• taxy• taxy• taxy• 2 tjekn• 2 tjekn• 2 tjekn• 2 tjekn• 2 tjekn• 2 tjekn• taxr• taxt• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• 1 tanj• 1 tanj• 1 tanj• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• resolve solution solve droop (wither) fade wither dissolve melt(ed) resolve solution solve dissolve melt(ed) resolve solution solve die perish(ed) dissolve melt(ed) resolve solution solve soft(ness) tender(ly) fast hasty quick(ly) rapidity urgent(ly) branch (department) craft (profession) job occupy /ation profession trade (craft) lacerate touch extend(ing) spread bond (tie) ribbon tie (knot) bogey bugaboo monster ogre bogey bugaboo monster taetr tagen tagi tagi tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at)tagm( tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) tagm(at) taira [A] talitr talitr talitr talitr talitr tall tamaris tamaris tami tami tami tami tamia tamia tamia tamia tamn tamn tamn tan(aec) tan(aec) tan(aec) tan(ys) tan(ys) tanao tanao tanao tandulam [S] tantali tape tape tapein tapein tatr• tagn• tagj• tagj• tagj• tagj• tagj• tagj• 1 tagm• 1 tagm• 1 tagm• 1 tagm• 2 tagm• 2 tagm• 2 tagm• 2 tagm• 2 tajr• talitr• talitr• talitr• talitr• talitr• 2 tsalj• tamar• tamar• 1 tamj• 1 tamj• 1 tamj• 1 tamj• 2 tamj• 2 tamj• 2 tamj• 2 tamj• tom• tom• tom• tanek• tanek• tanek• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• tanek• tanek• tanek• tandl• tanttape• tape• tapn• tapn• ogre frying pan command order (command) dictate ordering prescription recipe arrange(ment) install(ation) order (arrangement) system army group company (army) platoon regiment airplane clatter click flick flip pinch(ing) onion ambrosia manna administer keep house manage organize abundant affluent/ce spend(thrift) squander part (piece) piece slice (piece) extensive long (distance) stretch(ing) extend(ing) spread extensive long (time) stretch(ing) rice chemical element Ta reduce shrink humility modest(y) 351 taph taph taph taphr tapus [Hb] tarach tarach tarach tarass tarass tarass tarax tarax tarax tarb(al) tarb(al) tarb(al) tarb(al) tarchon tarchon tarchon tard tard tarich tarich tarich tarp tarph(y) tarph(y) tas tas tas tas tas tass tass tass tass tatt tatt tatt tatt tattaim [A] taut taut taut tax tax tax tax 352 1 taf• 1 taf• 2 taf• tafr• tapus• tark• tark• tark• tark• tark• tark• tark• tark• tark• 1 tarb• 1 tarb• 1 tarb• 1 tarb• tarx• tarx• tarx• tard• tard• 1 tartš• 1 tartš• 2 tartš• 2 tarb• tarf• tarf• 1 tasts• 1 tasts• 1 tasts• 1 tasts• tav• tats• tats• tats• tats• tats• tats• tats• tats• tatm• tawt• tawt• tawt• 2 takts• 2 takts• 2 takts• 2 takts• grave (tomb) tomb cemetery furrow orange (fruit) appall confuse(d) disconcert appall confuse(d) disconcert appall confuse(d) disconcert fear(ful) fright(en) horror panic bury entomb inhume late (former) slow(ly) corn (provisions) salt(ed) mummy basket (etc) compact(ness) density inclination lily tendency trend peacock (etc) ascertain determine diagnose establish(ed) ascertain determine diagnose establish(ed) vaccinate /tion equal identical same arrange(ment) behavior conduct(ing) order (arrangement) tebenn tebenn tebenn tebenn techn techn techn techneci tecne tecne tect tect tect tect tect(r) tect(r) tecton tecton tecton teges teges teges teges tegm(en) tegm(en) tegm(en) tegm(en) teich teich teich teicht tein tein tekton tekufon [Hb] tel tel tel tel tel tel(e) tel(e) tel(e) tel(e) tel(e) tel(e) tel(e) tel(e) tela tela tebn• tebn• tebn• tebn• 1 tjekn• 1 tjekn• 1 tjekn• texntetšn• tetšn• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• 1 tekt• 1 tekt• tekton• tekton• tekton• 1 teng• 1 teng• 1 teng• 2 teng• 1 teng• 1 teng• 1 teng• 2 teng• tejx• tejx• tejx• tixis• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• tektn• tekuf• 2 tela• 2 tela• 2 tele• 2 tele• 2 tele• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tela• 1 tela• cloak gown (ceremonial) robe (official) toga means method procedure chemical element Tc art esthetics cast (vb) fuse(d) melt(ed) mould (form) cover(age) roof build constitute construct(ion) cover(ed) protect shield(ed) net(work) cover(ed) protect shield(ed) net(work) bulwark rampart wall strengthen extend(ing) spread carpenter magazine (review) javelin land (country) duty (tax) stamp (seal) tax aim (goal) destination end (finish) extremity goal intention limit (border) purpose fabric (tissue) spun yarn tela tela tela telam telam telchin tele tele tele tele tele teless teleut teleut teleut tell tell tell tell tellur tellur telluri telos tels tels tels tels tels tels tels tem(et) temn temn temn(i) temn(i) temn(i) temo temo temo temo temulenc temulenc temulenc temulenc ten ten tenesm tenesm tenesm tenesm 1 tela• 1 tela• 1 tela• 1 tlam• 1 tlam• teltš• 1 tele• 1 tele• 1 tele• 1 tele• 1 tele• tels• telt• telt• telt• terl• terl• terl• terl• telur• telur• tejl1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 tel• temt• 2 etm• 2 etm• 1 temn• 1 temn• 1 temn• 2 temn• 2 temn• 2 temn• 2 temn• teml• teml• teml• teml• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• tensm• tensm• tensm• tensm• texture tissue weave /ing belt strap jealous(y) away distance distant far off expire dead repose rest (repose) bottom earth (ground) ground soil (earth) Earth planet chemical element Te aim (goal) destination end (finish) extremity goal intention limp purpose wine cut(ting) slice(d) contempt despise scorn drive (apparatus) helm rudder steering-wheel (&) drugged drunken intoxicate(d) tipsy extend(ing) spread spasm strain(ed) stress (tension) suspense tenesm tenshi [J] tentac tentac tentac tenth tenth tenth tenth tenth tenth tenth tentigin tentigin tentigin tentigin tenu(i) tenu(i) tenu(i) tephr ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter(na) tera teram(n) teram(n) teram(n) terat terat terat terat terbi terc terebr terebr teres teres teres teretr teretr terg(al) tergen tergen tensm• ten • tentak• tentak• tentak• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• tentitš• tentitš• tentitš• tentitš• teny• teny• teny• tefr• 2 tejr• 2 tejr• 2 tejr• tere• tere• tere• tere• tere• tere• terna• [GN] tera• [GN] 1 tramn• 1 tramn• 1 tramn• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• terbjterts• [LN] terebr• terebr• treš• treš• treš• tertr• tertr• 1 terg• terdž• terdž• tension angel feel grope touch amuse/ing gay happy/ ness jolly joy merry pleasure ardent fervent lick (tongue) rut considerate delicate sensitive ash(es) attentive notice (vb) remark(able) kind (of) manner sort (of) species variation way (manner) three number value 1012 mild soft(ness) tender(ly) bogey bugaboo monster ogre chemical element Tb three bore (through) perforate(d) flatten polish(ing) smoothen drill (nn) perforator back(side) clean(ing) purify(ing) 353 tergen tergen teri teri teri teri teri tero tero tero terp terph terpsi terpsi terpsi terpsi terpsi terpsi terpsi terr(a) terr(a) terr(a) terr(a) ters ters terti tesc tesc tesc tesc tesc tesc tesc tessel(l) tessel(l) tesser tesser test(a) testu testu tetan tetan tetan tetan tetart teter teter teter teter teth(el) 354 2 terg• 2 terg• 2 terj• 2 terj• 2 terj• 2 terj• 2 terj• 1 tritš• 1 tritš• 1 tritš• terpterf• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• terps• terl• terl• terl• terl• terdž• terdž• terts• [LN] tešk• tešk• tešk• tešk• tešk• tešk• tešk• tesel• tesel• tesr• tesr• tešt• tests• tests• tetan• tetan• tetan• tetan• tetra• [GN] tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• 2 tetj• scourge (whip) whip (strap) compartment hall lock-up place (locale) room regret(table) sorry (be) unfortunately chemical word stem scale (fish &) amuse/ing gay happy/ ness jolly joy merry pleasure bottom earth (ground) ground soil (earth) clean(ing) purify(ing) three ill-bred uncivilized uneducated unmannerly unrefined unruly wild rectangle square block cube shell (cover) can (box) pot tight(en) rigid(ly) spastic stiff four bogey bugaboo monster ogre breed teth(el) teth(el) teth(el) tethid tethis tethm tetix tetix tetix tetix tetra tetra tetric tetric tetric tetric teuch teuch teuch teud teudah [Hb] teunah [Hb] teut teut tex tex tex tex thac thaer thal(e)i thal(e)i thalam thalam thalam thalass thalatt thalli thalp(or) thalp(or) thalp(or) thalp(or) thalusi thalyer thalyer thalyer thalyer thamb thamb thamb 2 tetj• 2 tetj• 2 tetj• tetsis• tetsis• tesm• tetiks• tetiks• tetiks• tetiks• tetr• tetra• [GN] tetritš• tetritš• tetritš• tetritš• 1 tux• 1 tux• 2 tux• tewt• tewd• tojn• tewt• tewt• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• tsak• 1 tajr• 1 tsalj• 1 tsalj• talm• talm• talm• talas• talas• taljtsalp• tsalp• tsalp• tsalp• tals• tsalp• tsalp• tsalp• tsalp• tsamb• tsamb• tsamb• cultivate(d) grow (something) raise(d) aunt aunt law(ful) chirp creak(ing) grate (rasp) grind cluck (etc) four rigorous severe stern strict(ly) book work (book) weapon(ry) cephalopod document accident cephalopod squid cast (vb) fuse(d) melt(ed) mould (form) chair handle (lever) blossoming flower(ing) chamber compartment room sea sea chemical element Tl ardour heat (temperature) temperature warm(th) harvest(ing) ardour heat (temperature) temperature warm(th) consternation fear(ful) fright(en) thami thami thami thami thamn than(at) thapsin thapt thapt thar(sal) thar(sal) thar(sal) thass thass thass thass thass thaum(at) thaum(at) thaum(at) thaum(at) the(o) the(o) thect thect thect thect thect thect thect thect theel theel theg theg theg theg theg theg theg theg thei thei thel thel thel thel thel thel thel(y) 2 tamj• 2 tamj• 2 tamj• 2 tamj• tamn• tanas• taps• 2 tapt• 2 tapt• tras• tras• tras• 1 takts• 1 takts• 1 takts• 1 takts• 2 tasts• tumt• tumt• tumt• tumt• te• te• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tely• tely• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• tsekt• 1 tei• 2 tei• 2 tel• 2 tel• 1 telj• 1 telj• 2 telj• 2 telj• 1 tely• abundant affluent/ce spend(thrift) squander bush death yellow die perish(ed) brave(ly) courageous fearless assiduous diligent industrious liver sit marvel(ous) miracle prodigy wonder (miracle) divinity God egg on excite(d) incite instigate nervous rouse set on stimulate female woman egg on excite(d) incite instigate nervous rouse set on stimulate yellow sulfur prosperity success nipple (breast) teat membrane skin (animal) female thel(y) thel(y) thelaz thelaz thelaz thelct thelct thelg(etr) thelg(etr) thelm(at) thelm(at) thelx thelx them them them them them them them them them then(ar) then(ar) thenal thenal theor theor theor ther(i) ther(i) ther(i) thera [S] thera [S] thera [S] therism therism therist therist therm therm therm therm thesaur thesaur thesm thesm thesp(es) thesp(es) thet(es) 1 tely• 2 tely• telz• telz• telz• telg• telg• telg• telg• telm• telm• telg• telg• tejm• tejm• tejm• tejm• tojm• tojm• tojm• tojm• tojm• tjen• tjen• tjen• tjen• tojr• tojr• tojr• 1 tejr• 1 terj• 1 terj• tjer• tjer• tjer• tersm• tersm• tersm• tersm• 1 term• 1 term• 1 term• 2 term• tesawr• tesawr• tesm• tesm• tesp• tesp• 1 tetj• woman wean milk(ing) nurse (suckle) suckle magic sorcery magic sorcery marsh (moor) moor (marsh) magic sorcery erect establish(ed) put(ting) set up crowd (bunch) erect establish(ed) mass (crowd) stack (pile) palm (hand) sole (foot) palm (hand) sole (foot) contemplate meditate muse summer(time) animal beast (of prey) disciple pupil student harvest(ing) reap(ing) harvest(ing) reap(ing) heat (temperature) temperature warm(th) vegetable treasure wealth(y) law-abiding paradigm oracle prophet place(d) 355 thet(es) thet(es) thet(es) thias(ot) thias(ot) thias(ot) thin thin thin thio this this this this thlad thlad thladi thladi thladi thlast thlast thlast thlips thlips thlips thlips thlyp thlyp thlyp thlyp thnet thnet thnet thnet thnet thnet tho thol thol thol thol(od) thol(od) thol(od) thol(od) thol(od) tholom tholom tholom tholom thom 356 1 tetj• 1 tetj• 1 tetj• tjas• tjas• tjas• tsiš• tsiš• tsiš• tixtsiš• tsiš• tsiš• tsiš• tlad• tlad• tlast• tlast• tlast• tlast• tlast• tlast• tlips• tlips• tlips• tlips• tlips• tlips• tlips• tlips• tenst• tenst• tenst• tenst• tenst• tenst• tov• tojl• tojl• tolj• tlom• tlom• tlom• tlom• tlom• 2 tolm• 2 tolm• 2 tolm• 2 tolm• tojm• put(ting) situate station(ed) cloister convent order (monks etc) hill mound sandhill sulfur dune hill mound sandhill castrate (nn) eunuch bruise shatter(ed) smash(ed) bruise shatter(ed) smash(ed) crush dash (crush) pulverize(d) smash(ed) crush dash (crush) pulverize(d) smash(ed) ephemere fleeting mortal perishable transient transitory soon dome vault punish(ing) filth(y) mud silt slime sludge mud silt slime sludge crowd (bunch) thom thom thom thom thom thomis thor thor thor thor thor thori thoryb thoryb thoys thran thran thran thrass thrass thrass thrass thrass thrass thrass thrau thraust thraust threctic threctic threctic threctic thremm thremm threnod threnod threon threps threps threps threps thrept thrept thrept thrept thrich(i) thrich(i) thrich(i) thrid thrid tojm• tojm• tojm• tojm• tojm• toms• tor• tor• tor• tor• tor• torj2 torb• 2 torb• tojs• 2 tramn• 2 tramn• 2 tramn• tras• tras• tras• traš• traš• traš• traš• truv• trast• trast• 2 trex• 2 trex• 2 trex• 2 trex• tremn• tremn• trend• trend• trongtreps• treps• treps• treps• treps• treps• treps• treps• 1 trix• 1 trix• 1 trix• tird• tird• heap (quantity) mass (heap) pile (stack) quantity stack(ed) whip (strap) grain granule kernel (nut) pip seed chemical element Th noise / noisy sound (noise) bark(ing) chair seat (chair) stool brave(ly) courageous fearless confuse(d) dishevel jostle tousle break(ing) break(ing) shatter(ed) gallop(ing) race /ing run (speed) trot baby infant complain lamina chemical word stem care feed nurse /ing provide for care feed nurse /ing provide for filament hair thread (fiber) level salad thrinc thrinc thring thring thriss thriss thrix thrix thrix thromb thromb thromb thromb thromb thromb thromb(id) thromb(id) throsc thry(on) thry(on) thryl thryl thur thur thur thur thur thur thur thur thy(o) thyas thyas thyas thyell thyell thyell thyg(m) thyg(m) thyg(m) thygater thyl thyl thyl thylac thylac thym thym thym thym trints• trints• trints• trints• tris• tris• 1 trix• 1 trix• 1 trix• 1 tromb• 1 tromb• 1 tromb• 1 tromb• 1 tromb• 1 tromb• 2 tromb• 2 tromb• trosk• tery• tery• trylm• trylm• tjad• tjad• tjad• turj• turj• turj• turj• 1 tyš• 1 tyš• tjad• tjad• tjad• tjel• tjel• tjel• tiks• tiks• tiks• tygatr• tylt• tylt• tylt• tylak• tylak• 2 tsym• 2 tsym• 2 tsym• 1 tym• coping ridge (roof) coping ridge (roof) clupeoid (etc) herring filament hair thread (fiber) ball (lump) chunk clot hunk lump tumor shiver(ing) tremble jump cane rush (cane) murmur whisper ardent fiery passion(ate) he-man macho male virile incense incense ardent fiery passion(ate) gale hurricane storm(y) itch tickle touch daughter bulb callus corn (callus) bag pocket ghost soul spirit (ghost) character (nature) thym thym thym thym thymel thymelic thymelic thymelic thymelic thymelic thymia thymia thyo thyo thyo thyo thyr(e) thyr(e) thyr(e) thyr(e) thyr(e) thyri(s) thyrs thysan thysan thysi thysi thysi thysi tibi(cen) tich tich tich tict tict tict tigill tigill tign tign tiktah [S] till till till till till tilm tilm tilm tilm 1 tym• 1 tym• 1 tym• 2 tym• tyml• timl• timl• timl• timl• timl• tymj• tymj• 2 tyš• 2 tyš• 2 tyš• 2 tyš• 1 tyr• 1 tyr• 1 tyr• 1 tyr• 1 tyr• 2 tyrs• 1 tyrs• tisn• tysn• 2 tyš• 2 tyš• 2 tyš• 2 tyš• tipts• tejx• tejx• tejx• 1 tikt• 1 tikt• 1 tikt• tigl• tigl• tigl• tigl• 2 tikt• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• emotion spunk temperament thyme altar cast (troupe) chorus staff (people) theater troupe odour perfume offer(ing) rite ritual sacrifice door flap panel shield (protection) valve window bush fringe tassel offer(ing) rite ritual sacrifice flute bulwark rampart wall generate make /ing produce(d) beam (wood etc) girder beam (wood etc) girder bitter flay(ing) fleece(d) peel(ed) plume(d) skin(ned) flay(ing) fleece(d) peel(ed) plume(d) 357 tilm tilmas [A] timi timi timi timi timi timi timi timi timi timor timor tin tin tin tin tinact tinact tinact tinagm tinagm tinagm ting ting ting tiph tiph tiph tiph tirb tirb titaen titaen titan titan titan titan titani tith(as) tith(as) tithen tithen titio titio titio titub titub titub titub 358 1 tilm• 2 tilm• 1 timj• 1 timj• 1 timj• 1 timj• 1 timj• 2 timj• 2 timj• 2 timj• 2 timj• timr• timr• itsin• itsin• itsin• itsin• tinak• tinak• tinak• tinak• tinak• tinak• ting• ting• ting• tipf• tipf• tipf• tipf• tirb• tirb• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• 1 titn• 1 titn• 1 titn• 1 titn• tit2 titn• 2 titn• 2 titn• 2 titn• titj• titj• titj• titub• titub• titub• titub• skin(ned) well (fountain) cost(ly) dear (costly) expensive price valuable estimate evaluate rate (estimate) weigh assist help buy off pay back ransom redeem overthrow overturn upset overthrow overturn upset humid(ity) immerse(d) wet (moisten) go march(ing) marsh (moor) parade flow(ing) run (flow) extend(ing) spread chalk gypsum limit (border) plaster chemical element Ti tame(d) train(ing) tame(d) train(ing) charcoal coal cokes stagger totter(ing) vacillate waver(ing) tityr t(h)ix t(h)ix t(h)ix tiysatsya tlam(on) tlam(on) tlam(on) tlas tlas tlas tmeg tmes tmet toc toc toech toech tog(a) toich toich toich tok tolm(er) tolm(er) tolm(er) tolm(er) tolut tolut tolut tolut tolut tolyp tolyp tolyp tolyp tom tom tom toment toment toment top top top toque toque torcul torcul toret tityr• tiks• tiks• tiks• tiš• [RN] 2 tlam• 2 tlam• 2 tlam• 2 tlam• 2 tlam• 2 tlam• tmes• tmes• tmes• 1 tok• 1 tok• 1 tekt• 1 tekt• todž• tejx• tejx• tejx• 2 tok• tolm• tolm• tolm• tolm• tolt• tolt• tolt• tolt• tolt• tolip• tolip• tolip• tolip• tom• tom• tom• tomt• tomt• tomt• top• top• top• 1 tok• 1 tok• 1 tork• torkl• 1 tored• flute itch tickle touch thousand patient(ly) permissive tolerant patient(ly) permissive tolerant cut(ting) cut(ting) cut(ting) beget produce(d) cover(age) roof roof bulwark rampart wall mother brave(ly) courageous fearless undaunted pace pass(ed) step(ping) stride tread ball (clew) clew packing (nn) wrapper part (piece) piece slice (piece) down (fluff) felt (fabric) fluff place (locale) space (room) spot (place) beget produce(d) press (pusher) balance (nn) vulnerable toreut toreut toreut torg torm torm torm(in) torm(in) toros toros toros toros toros toros torp(ed) torp(ed) torp(ed) torp(ed) torqu torqu torqu torqu(at) torr(en) torr(en) torr(en) torsi torsi torsi torv toryn tot(i) tot(i) tot(i) tot(i) tot(i) tothas tothas tothas tothas tothas tox tox tox(a) trab(s) trabal trabe(a) trabe(a) trach(y) trach(y) trach(y) 2 tored• 2 tored• 2 tored• torg• 1 torm• 1 torm• 2 torm• 2 torm• 2 torš• tros• tros• tros• tros• tros• torp• torp• torp• torp• torsi• torsi• torsi• 2 tork• torš• torš• torš• torsi• torsi• torsi• torv• tryn• tot• tot• tot• tot• tot• 1 totš• 1 totš• 2 totš• 1 totš• 1 totš• toks• toxs• tokts• trab• trab• trabe• trabe• 1 traxl• 1 traxl• 1 traxl• carve chisel grave(d) vulture hub nave colic spasm muscle bump (lump) hump hunchback lump tuber languish lassitude motionless slack turn(ing) twist wrap(ped) necklace burn fire heat (temperature) turn(ing) twist wrap(ped) menace spoon all every sum total(ly) whole jeer laugh(ing) luggage mock ridiculous venom bow (shooting) arrow beam (wood etc) beam (wood etc) cloak mantle crude grate (rasp) hoarse trach(y) trach(y) trachel tract(u) tract(u) tract(u) trag trag tran tran tran tran trapel traph(ec) traph(ec) traph(ec) traphec traphec traphec traul(ism) traul(ism) traumat traumat trebac trebac trebac trebac trech trech trech trech trech trech trech trech trechn trem(at) trem(at) treo treo treo trep trep trer trer(on) trer(on) trer(on) trer(on) trer(on) trer(on) 1 traxl• 1 traxl• 2 traxl• trakts• trakts• trakts• trag• trag• tranj• tranj• tranj• tranj• trap• 1 trapf• 1 trapf• 1 trapf• 2 trapf• 2 trapf• 2 trapf• travl• travl• trawm• trawm• trepk• trepk• trepk• trepk• 1 trex• 1 trex• 1 trex• 1 trex• 2 trex• 2 trex• 2 trex• 2 trex• trexn• tremt• tremt• 2 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• tryp• tryp• 2 trer• 1 trer• 1 trer• 1 trer• 1 trer• 1 trer• 1 trer• rasp rough neck draw (pull) pull trail(ing) buck (goat etc) male clear (adj) comprehensible plain(ly) understand(able) change scoop shovel spoon fence pale (stake) stake (pale) stammer stutter injury wound(ed) cunning ruse stratagem trick(y) barren desert(ed) isolate(d) loneliness gallop(ing) race /ing run (speed) trot branch (ramification) hole perforation escape(d) flee(ing) run away bore (through) perforate(d) pigeon afraid bashful(ness) bashful(ness) coy(ness) shy timid(ity) 359 trer(on) tres tres tres tres tres tres tret tret tret tret tret tret tri tri tri + hemi tri(as) trib trib trib trib trib trib trib tribad tribad tribon tribon tribon tribul tribul tribul tric tric tric trich(in) trich(in) trichil trichil trichil trico trico trico trient trimm trimm trimm trioch trips tripudi 360 1 trer• 1 trest• 1 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• trets• 1 trest• 1 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• trets• terna• [GN] try• [GN] timourous(ness) shiver(ing) tremble escape(d) flee(ing) run away hole shiver(ing) tremble escape(d) flee(ing) run away hole three three tryhemi• [GN] one-and-a-half trias• [GN] 1 tryb• 1 tryb• 1 tryb• 1 tryb• 2 tryb• 2 tryb• 2 tryb• tribd• tribd• tribn• tribn• tribn• 1 tribl• 1 tribl• 1 tribl• 2 tritš• 2 tritš• 2 tritš• 2 trix• trixn• trixl• trixl• trixl• trikf• trikf• trikf• tryent• [LN] tribn• tribn• tribn• trjox• [RN] 1 tryps• tript• third crush pound(ing) pulverize(d) rub gangway path walk (path) fornicate /ation homosexual second-hand second-rate use(d) card (wool etc) harrow scrape creak(ing) grate (rasp) grind cotton brush bower harbour (bower) summerhouse cavil at criticize quibble one third second-hand second-rate use(d) three mill(ing) ballet tripudi trit triti triti triti trivi trivi troch(al) troch(al) trochl trochl troct troct trog trog trogl trogl trop trop trop trop trop trop trop trop trop(ae) trop(ae) trop(ae) trop(id) troph troph troph tropis tros tros trot trot trua truci truci trus trutin trux trux trux trux try(os) try(os) try(os) trybli tript• trit• [LN] 1 tritš• 1 tritš• 1 tritš• trivi• trivi• trox• trox• 1 troxl• 2 troxl• trokt• trokt• trokt• trokt• trogl• trogl• 2 trop• 2 trop• 2 trop• 2 trop• 2 trop• 2 trop• 2 trop• tropf1 trop• 1 trop• 1 trop• tropt• 1 trof• 2 trof• 2 trof• tropt• trots• trots• trots• trots• tryn• 2 trutš• 2 trutš• truš• trutn• tryks• tryks• tryks• tryks• tryš• tryš• tryš• 2 tribl• dance three regret(table) sorry (be) unfortunately vernacular vulgar disk wheel wind (air) turn(ing) gnaw nibble gnaw nibble cave(rn) grotto character (nature) custom(ary) inclination manner tendency trend usage chemical word stem return swivel turn about keel feed(er) develop grow keel injure /ious wound(ed) injure /ious wound(ed) spoon holocaust massacre push balance(d) brutal impertinent impudent pert drudge labour (hard) toil(ing) pan (frying) trybli trybli trych(er) trych(er) trych(er) trychn trychn trychn tryg tryg tryg tryg trygon tryil tryil trym trym tryp tryp tryph(er) tryphos tryps tryps tryps trypt trypt trypt trypt trys trys trys trysm trysm tryz tryz tsavaron [Hb] tsemeg [Hb] tsusi [S] tude tudicl tudicl tudicul tudicul tuens tuens tuens tuguri tuguri tuit(a) tuit(a) trybl• trybl• 1 trutš• 1 trutš• 1 trutš• 1 trutš• 1 trutš• 1 trutš• tryg• tryg• tryg• tryg• trygn• trylm• trylm• tryp• tryp• tryp• tryp• trypf• trypf• 2 tryps• 2 tryps• 2 tryps• 1 tryps• 2 tryps• 2 tryps• 2 tryps• tryš• tryš• tryš• trylm• trylm• trylm• trylm• tsav• tsemg• tsusi• tups• tudikl• tudikl• tudikl• tudikl• tuns• tuns• tuns• tugr• tugr• tujt• tujt• dish (plate) plate (dish) rag scrap shred rag scrap shred benefit gain harvest(ing) revenue pigeon murmur whisper bore (through) perforate(d) bore (through) perforate(d) delicate delicate demolish destroy separate(d) mill(ing) demolish destroy separate(d) drudge labour (in) toil(ing) murmur whisper murmur whisper collar rubber flower hammer crusher press (pusher) crusher press (pusher) glance look (expression) stare cabin shed (cabin) defend guard(ed) tuit(a) tulli tum(efac) tumesc tungsten tuph tuph turb turb turb turb turg(or) turgeman [Hb] turi(on) turi(on) turm(a) turm(a) tursi tussi tut(a) tut(a) tych tych tych tych tych tych tych tych tygchan tygkhan tyl(l) tyl(l) tyl(l) tyle tyle tyle tyle tymm tymm tyntl(ast) typ typ typ(e) typ(e) typh typh typh typh typh tujt• tuljtumf• tumf• wolfrtupf• tupf• 1 torb• 1 torb• 1 torb• 1 torb• 1 turg• 2 turg• turš• turš• tsurm• tsurm• turš• dostš• tud• tud• tyk• tyk• tyk• tyk• tyx• tyx• tyx• tyx• tygn• tynk• tylt• tylt• tylt• tyl• tyl• tyl• tyl• tumn• tumn• tynt• 1 typ• 2 typ• 1 typt• 1 typt• tupf• tupf• 1 tyf• 1 tyf• 1 tyf• protect chemical element Tm swell(ing) swell(ing) chemical element W appall disconcert chaos disorder disturb(ance) perturb swell(ing) interpreter sprout (twig) twig squadron team (nn) shuttle cough certain sure chance destiny fate hazard(ous) adventure event experience (event) happening find meet bulb callus corn (callus) cushion mattress pillow upholstery beat(ing) strike mud press (printing) represent sign signal appall disconcert fume gas smoke 361 typh typh typh typh typh typhl typhl typhl typhl typl typis typot typot tyr tyrb tyrb tyrb tyrb tytt(h) tytt(h) tytt(h) ETYMON uber uber uber uber(t) ubiqu ubiqu ud ud ud ud ud ud(eo) ud(eo) ud(eo) udam udamin ulam ulam ulc ulc ulc uli uli uli uli ulig(in) ulig(in) 362 1 tyf• 2 tyf• 2 tyf• 2 tyf• 2 tyf• 1 tyfl• 1 tyfl• 1 tyfl• 2 tyfl• typl• tups• 2 typt• 2 typt• 2 tyr• 1 torb• 1 torb• 1 torb• 1 torb• 1 tyts• 1 tyts• 2 tyts• vapor conceited pride proud(ly) vain(glorious) assemble(d) bind (book) gather intestine blind(ness) hammer model(led) mould (form) cheese chaos disorder disturb(ance) perturb small tiny young MEANING LEMMA 1 hubr• 1 hubr• 1 hubr• 2 hubr• ubikw• ubikw• od• od• od• od• udud• udj• udj• udj• 1 udam• 2 udam• ulam• ulam• ultš• ultš• ultš• hulj• hulj• hulj• hulj• 1 ulgin• 1 ulgin• breast (female) tit udder fertile everywhere wherever direction manner means way (manner) threshold earth (ground) ground soil (earth) no(ne) worthless troop unit (troop) draw (pull) pull trail(ing) damag(ing) danger(ous) harmful injure /ious humid(ity) wet(ness) ulig(in) ulig(in) ulis ulis ulis ulqu ulqu ulqu ultor ultor ultor ultra ultra ultra ultra ultra ultri ultri ultri ultrone ultrone ultrone ulukah [S] umb umb(on) unc uned uned uned ung(ul) ungu ungu ungu ungu unio upaharah [S] upaharah [S] upaharah [S] upaharah [S] upen upen ur ur ur uran uran urani urce urce urce 2 ulgin• 2 ulgin• ulis• ulis• ulis• ultš• ultš• ultš• 1 hultr• 1 hultr• 1 hultr• ultra• ultra• ultra• ultra• ultra• 1 hultr• 1 hultr• 1 hultr• 2 hultr• 2 hultr• 2 hultr• uluk• 1 umb• 2 umb• 1 onk• uned• uned• uned• ungl• ugv• ugv• ugv• ugv• hunj• upar• upar• upar• upar• 2 hipn• 2 hipn• uvr• uvr• uvr• uran• uran• urjurke• urke• urke• meadow pasture gums membrane mucous draw (pull) pull trail(ing) punishment revenge vengeance across beyond extreme(ly) overtranspunishment revenge vengeance glad(ly) voluntary will(ing) owl (etc) button (push) shield (protection) hook (nn) arbutus raspberry (etc) strawberry hoof anoint(ed) luck smear(ed) spread pearl bid offer (bid) present(ed) propose(d) mustache whisker(s) back(side) behind (rump) tail (end) firmament heaven chemical element U jar (pot) jug vase ure ure ured ured ured urens urens urg(a) urg(a) urg(a) urg(a) urg(a) urg(a) urich urigin urigin urigin urin(at) urin(at) us us us ushah [S] ushah [S] ushtrah [S] ushtrah [S] usn usn usn(e) ust(il) uthar uthar uthar uthat utr utr utr utr utr uv uv(en) uv(en) uv(en) uv(en) uvesc uvesc uvesc uvesc uvid uvid ure• ure• 1 ured• 1 ured• 2 ured• 1 ured• 1 ured• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• urix• 1 urign• 2 urign• 2 urign• urints• urints• husts• husts• husts• uša• uša• uštra• uštra• husn• husn• usnustil• 1 hubr• 1 hubr• 1 hubr• 2 hubr• utr• utr• utr• utr• utr• uv• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• urinate urine burn (nn) scald(ing) coal burn (nn) scald(ing) act (vb) do lace (binding) make /ing manipulate uvid uvid uvor uvor uvor uvor ux ux ux ux uxor uxor huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• awks• awks• awks• awks• hukr• hukr• moist wet(ness) damp(ness) humid(ity) moist wet(ness) augment enlarge grow increase spouse wife work(ing) basket (etc) rut erupt(ion) skin disease dive plunge essence (gist) gist (essence) kernel (essence) dawn(ing) daybreak camel dromedary foam laugh at chemical word stem rust(ed) breast (woman) tit udder fertile container holder receptacle socket tube grape damp(ness) humid(ity) moist wet(ness) damp(ness) humid(ity) moist wet(ness) damp(ness) humid(ity) ETYMON vacc vacerr vacerr vada [S] vada [S] vada [S] vafer vafer vafer vafer vafer vafr vafr vafr vafr vafr Vaisakhah [S] valer valetud valetud valgus valgus valgus valgus vallar vallar vallat vallat vallus vanadi vanesc vanesc vanesc vang vann var(ic) MEANING LEMMA vakts• vakr• vakr• vada• vada• vada• vafr• vafr• vafr• vafr• vafr• vafr• vafr• vafr• vafr• vafr• vajsax• valr• valt• valt• varg• varg• varg• varg• vlat• vlat• vlat• vlat• vlus• vamvans• vans• vans• vanx• vanm• varits• cow chopping-block log (block) inform(ation) instruct teach crafty cunning scheme /ing subtle wily crafty cunning scheme /ing subtle wily April eagle health well-being deflect deviate differ diverge bulwark rampart bulwark rampart fence chemical element V disappear fade vanish hoe (etc) winnow bleb 363 var(ic) var(ic) var(ic) var(us) var(us) var(us) var(us) varic varic varic varic variol variol variol variol vastram [S] vastram [S] vastram [S] vaticin vaticin vatsarah [S] vecord vecord vecord vecord vecord vecors vecors vecors vecors vecors vedd [S] vedd [S] vedd [S] veh veh veh veh veles veles veles veles veles veles velet velet velet velet vell vell 364 varits• varits• varits• varg• varg• varg• varg• varts• varts• varts• varts• varits• varits• varits• varits• vastr• vastr• vastr• vatits• vatits• vatsar• vekr• vekr• vekr• vekr• vekr• vekr• vekr• vekr• vekr• vekr• vejd• vejd• vejd• vex• vex• vex• vex• veles• veles• veles• veles• veles• veles• veles• veles• veles• veles• velj• velj• pimple pustule vesicle deflect deviate differ diverge asunder disparate disperse separate(d) bleb pimple pustule vesicle cloth sheet tissue prophet soothsayer year absurd foolish senseless silly stupid absurd foolish senseless silly stupid know(ledge) know-how wisdom behavior conduct(ing) drive /ing steer(ing) knight knight military militiaman soldier warrior military militiaman soldier warrior pluck(ing) tear off veller veloc veloc veloc veloc ven(at) ven(at) venet veni veni venust venust verber verber vered verg verg verg verg vern vernacul vernan vernat verp verp verr vers vers(i) vers(i) vertic vertic vertic vertic veru veru veru vesan vesan vesan vesan vesc vesc vesc vesc vesc vesc vesc vesc vesc vesc vler• velots• velots• velots• velots• venr• venr• vened• venj• venj• venst• venst• verbr• verbr• vered• verdž• verdž• verdž• verdž• 2 vern• vernak• 1 vern• 1 vern• verp• verp• 2 verz• vors• 1 verz• 1 verz• vertitš• vertitš• vertitš• vertitš• verw• verw• verw• vesn• vesn• vesn• vesn• 1 vests• 1 vests• 1 vests• 1 vests• 1 vests• 2 vests• 2 vests• 2 vests• 2 vests• 2 vests• wool(en) fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) speed(y) chase hunt blue favour(able) grace amiable love scourge (whip) whip(ping) horse deflect deviate differ diverge slave (servant) native (indigenous) spring(time) spring(time) pecker (penis) penis boar (tame) turn(ing) change modify hinge swivel turning-point whirl(ing) pin (stylus) prick(ing) sting (needle) frenzy insane /ity mad(ness) mania dish (food) eat(ing) food meal supper emaciated gaunt lean (upon) skinny thin(ly) veter(n) veter(n) veter(n) veterin veterin veterin veterin vetus vetus vetus vex(a) vex(a) vex(a) vex(a) vexill vexill via via via viatic viatic viatic viator viator viator vibex vibex vibic vibic vican vicin vict vict vict vict vict vict vict viden video vien vien viesc viesc viesc viesc viet viet viet viet vetr• vetr• vetr• vetrin• vetrin• vetrin• vetrin• vetr• vetr• vetr• vexs• vexs• vexs• vexs• veksl• veksl• 2 viat• 2 viat• 2 viat• 1 viat• 1 viat• 1 viat• 1 viat• 1 viat• 1 viat• vibek• vibek• vibek• vibek• vikn• vitšn• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vide• vide• vjen• vjen• vjes• vjes• vjes• vjes• vjen• vjen• vjes• vjes• exformer late (former) cattle flock (herd) herd (group) stock (cattle) exformer lather affront insult offend /se outrage(ous) flag standard (flag) highway road(way) way (road) journey(ing) travel(ling) trip (journey) journey(ing) travel(ling) trip (journey) injury wound(ed) injury wound(ed) village neighbour defeat (loss) defeat(ing) vanquish vanquish victory win win television television knot(ted) node droop fade wane wither knot(ted) node droop fade viet viet vigil vigil vigil vigil vihar [S] vihar [S] vihar [S] vinc vinc vinc vinc vinc vinc vinc vinnul vinnul vinolent vinolent vinolent viol vir(ens) virec viresc virgat virgat virgat virgulat virgulat virgulat virid virios virios virios virios virios viros viros viros viros virt(u) virt(u) virt(u) virulent virulent virulent virus virus virus vjes• vjes• vigel• vigel• vigel• vigel• vihar• vihar• vihar• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• 1 vinl• 1 vinl• 2 vinl• 2 vinl• 2 vinl• viol• vrest• vrest• vrest• virgl• virgl• virgl• virgl• virgl• virgl• vrest• viri• viri• viri• viri• viri• 1 virs• 1 virs• 2 virs• 2 virs• virtu• virtu• virtu• virul• virul• virul• 2 virs• 2 virs• 1 vrus• wane wither alert attentive awake keen apartment dwelling-place home defeat (loss) defeat(ing) vanquish vanquish victory win win attract(ion) charm(ing) Bordeaux (color) deep-red red purple green green green striation strip (ribbon) stripe striation strip (ribbon) stripe green capacity energy might (strength) power (strength) strength stench stink poison venom possibility principle theory contagious infectious virulent poison venom juice 365 virus virus vis vis vis vis vis visheshena [S] visheshena [S] visheshena [S] visheshena [S] visheshena [S] vitell viti viti viti vitil vitil vitil vitios vitios vitios vitt(a) vitt(a) vitt(a) vitt(a) vitul vitul vix vix vol(an) vola volat volsell volsell volucer volucer volucr volucr volut vomer vomic vor vor vor vor vor vor vors vosjem 366 2 vrus• 2 vrus• viri• viri• viri• viri• viri• višesn• višesn• višesn• višesn• višesn• 1 vitl• vit• vitj• vitj• 2 vitl• 2 vitl• 2 vitl• vitiš• vitiš• vitiš• vitsa• vitsa• vitsa• vitsa• vitsl• vitsl• viks• viks• voln• vola• voln• volš• volš• 1 vlukr• 2 vlukr• 1 vlukr• 2 vlukr• volut• vomr• vomits• vor• vor• vor• vor• vor• vor• vors• vosm• [RN] bitter sour capacity energy might (strength) power (strength) strength apart (rare) exceptional rare vuan vuln(er) vuls vuls vuls vult(u) vult(u) vult(u) vult(u) vyaghrah [S] vwan• fuln• 1 vuls• 1 vuls• 2 vuls• vults• vults• vults• vults• vjagr• ventilator wound(ed) break away tear off bald expression (look) face (nn) look (upon) mien tiger seldom special yolk grape naughty /ness vice plait twine(d) wreathe damag(ing) impair spoil(ed) band (tape) reel (strip) strip (ribbon) tape (ribbon) cow heifer hardly scarce(ly) fly(ing) sole (foot) fly(ing) pincers tongs bird wing bird wing roll(ing) ploughshare abscess carouse glutton(y) gorge quaff stuff(ed) swill turn(ing) eight ETYMON wolfr ETYMON xani xani xanth xanth xen xen xen xen xen xen xer xes(m) xes(m) xes(m) xest xest xest xiph xiph xiph xuth xuth xuth xuth xuth xuth xy(el) xyal xyl xyl xyl xyn xyn xyn xyn MEANING LEMMA wolfr- chemical element W MEANING LEMMA ksan• ksan• ksant• ksant• dzen• dzen• ksejnksen• ksen• ksen• kser• ksest• ksest• ksest• ksest• ksest• ksest• ksif• ksif• ksif• ksant• ksant• ksut• ksut• ksut• ksut• kšel• kšel• ksyl• ksyl• ksyl• tsojn• tsojn• tsojn• tsojn• card (wool etc) comb(ed) blonde yellow guest host (guest) chemical element Xe alien foreign strange dry (adj) lustre polish(ing) shine (polish) luxury polish(ing) shine (polish) dagger knife (etc.) sword blonde yellow expedient fast quick(ly) rapid(ly) rake(d) rake(d) chopping-block logic(al) wood common(ly) general(ly) neuter neutral xyr xyst ETYMON yakwi [A] yal yal yi yios yitsu [Hb] yousagil [A] yper yper yper yphth yphth ytterbi yttri yubayyid [A] ETYMON za za za zabr zabr zabr zabr zabr zabr zaith [Hb] zal(e) zal(e) zal(e) zal(e) zami zami zammar zancl ze(st) ze(st) zea zea zeir zeir zeir zeir zem ksyr• ksyst• razor rub MEANING LEMMA jakw• hyal• hyal• hujs• hujs• jits• juzg• yper• yper• yper• hyft• hyft• ytsytrjubaž• ironing crystal glass (material) son son export(ing) register profitable serviceable useful(ness) brave(ly) courageous chemical element Yb chemical element Y bleach MEANING LEMMA dza• dza• dza• zabr• zabr• zabr• zabr• zabr• zabr• zajs• zale• zale• zale• zale• zamj• zamj• zamr• zankl• 1 ze• 1 ze• 2 ze• 2 ze• dzejr• dzejr• dzejr• dzejr• dzem• extreme(ly) much very carouse glutton gorge quaff stuff(ed) swill olive surf surge (nn) swell (tide) tide lose /lost loss singer scythe (etc) boil(ed) seethe corn (cereal) maize dress (clothing) garment gown robe infuse (nn) zem zem zemi zemi zen zen zetes zetes zetes zetes zetes zetes zetet zetet zeuct zeuct zeuct zeuct zeuct zeuct zeuct zeuct zeug(l) zeug(mat) zeux zeux zeux zeux zeux zhati [S] zhati [S] zhati [S] zinc zirconi zo(on) zo(on) zogr zogr zom zom zom zom zom(at) zoph(er) zor(a) zor(a) zoster zoster zyg zygaen dzem• dzem• zamj• zamj• dzen• dzen• dzetes• dzetes• dzetes• dzetes• zetes• zetes• zetes• zetes• zegm• zyg• zyg• zyg• zyg• zyg• zyg• zyg• zyg• zegm• zuks• zuks• zuks• zuks• zuks• žat• žat• žat• zinkzirkzo• dzo• zogr• zogr• zoms• zoms• 1 zomt• 1 zomt• 2 zomt• zofr• zora• zora• zostr• zostr• zyg• zygn• juice sap (fluid) loss lot (fate) guest host (guest) effort endeavour exert(ion) trial look for search look for search bind combine connect(ion) join(ed) lion string together tie (knot) yoke yoke bind binder cement glue junction link (connection) beget birth generate chemical element Zn chemical element Zr animal lizard capture(d) catch (get) grill(ed) roast(ed) broth soup skirt (dress) dark(ness) clean (pure) pure belt girdle yoke hammer 367 zym zyth zyx zyx zyx zyx zyx ETYMON #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### 368 zym• zyts• zuks• zuks• zuks• zuks• zuks• ferment(ing) beer binder cement glue junction link(ed) MEANING LEMMA aktu• aktu• aktu• avod• avod• avod• avod• duwent• halz• halz• orp• current (time) now present (time) procedure program protocol ritual half halo ring (circle) leg tertsent• [LN] one third tetrate• [GN] tetrate• [GN] tryte• [GN] ymwitr- one fourth quarter (1/4) one third chemical word stem chemical word stem 9.3 MEANING abbot abdomen abdomen Meanings – Etymons - Lemmas ETYMON mandrit djuf [A] etr(i) LEMMA mandr• džuf• hetr• 1 abdomen abdomen abdomen abdomen abhor gaster gastr(o) lapar pleon fodi gastr• gastr• 2 lapr• pleon• fojd• 369 abhor abhor abhor abhor abhor ability able abode abode abominable abominable abomination about about about above above abroad abrupt(ly) abrupt(ly) abrupt(ly) abrupt(ly) abscess abscess absent absent absolute value absolute(ly) absorb absorb absurd absurd absurd abundant abundant abundant abundant abundant abundant abundant abundant abundant abundant abyss abyss abyss abyss abyss abyss abyss accentuate accept accept accept accept (people) 370 foed(at) misat misemat styget stygn ican mukshar [Hb] coet nom(eus) styget stygn nefari ambi amphi peri an(a) ob ilcharig [A] aepy col repens repentin parul vomic a(n) steres abs arti rhopt spastic ene(o) vecord vecors chremat dapsil habr hali mala malist plout plusi tamia thami byth(i) charadr chasm laitmat pharang pharanx rhochm pest exip(ul) leptic suscept lamban fojd• miz• miz• stygn• stygn• ikan• muxs• 1 kojt• noms• stygn• stygn• 2 nefr• 1 amfi• 1 amfi• peri• 1 ana• ubi• ilkr• 1 ajpy• 2 kol• rept• rept• 2 parl• vomits• an• sters• aps+ harti• ropt• špast• henj• vekr• vekr• 2 xremat• dapsl• 1 habr• 1 xalj• 1 mlax• 1 mlax• plut• plut• 2 tamj• 2 tamj• byts• xaradr• xasm• lajtm• frang• frang• roxm• 1 pešt• eksip• 2 lepts• sutšept• 1 lamban• accessory accident accommodation accompany accompany accompany accompany accompany accompany accomplish accomplish accord accord according to according to accordion account accumulate acetous acid acid acorn acquire across across across across act (vb) act (vb) act (vb) act (vb) act (vb) active active active actor actor actor acute acute adamant adapt adapt adapt adapt add(ed) add(ed) added adder adder adder address adept adept adept litot teunah [Hb] coet acolyt assec(u)l assect hama opad pomp prass pratt homer syllog outo secut mapuchon [Hb] hisab [A] nagm(at) dect dect ox(y) balan dect an(a) hyper meta ultra erg erga ergi ergum urg(a) draster sphodr strenu bassar(ic) histrio natah [S] acid ox(y) para harmo(n) streph streps strept prosthos an(a) epi aspid echi(on) echis ktoved [Hb] mathet phil stasiot litot• tojn• 1 kojt• aklut• asekl• asekl• hama• upad• bomp• prasts• prasts• 1 homr• silog• wut• sekut• maputš• hizb• nagm• 1 dekt• 1 dekt• 1 oksy• 1 balan• 2 dekt• 1 ana• hiper+ 1 meta• ultra• erg• erg• erg• erg• erg• drasr• sfodr• 2 stren• basr• histr• nata• 2 aky• 2 oksy• 2 para• 2 harm• 1 strept• 1 strept• 1 strept• projts• 1 ana• 1 epi• aspis• exis• exis• koft• mated• 1 fil• 2 stast• adequate adequate adequate adhere(nt) adhere(nt) adjust administer administer administer admirable admirable admirable admissible admonish adolescent adolescent adolescent adolescent adore adore adorn(ment) adorn(ment) adorn(ment) adorn(ment) adorn(ment) adorn(ment) adorn(ment) adrift adult adult advance (vb) advance (vb) advantage(ous) advantage(ous) advantage(ous) adventure adventure advertise(ment) advice advise advise aerial aerial affable affable affable affair affair affix afflict(ion) afflict(ion) afflict(ion) afflict(ion) afflict(ion) afflict(ion) armost deon kair prosthos mathet napravith [Sl] pheid polit tami aga aga [S] mir(abil) anect castig epheb hepheb mirac(i) mirax latrei latreu cosme polimen caleid callim callon gan kall(i) matae mechi moech (s)cend cens cal aesi oninem path tych cledon boulee bol(e) monit cer cerat astei epi philophr empor pol der achter achthin dacn luper lype lypr armost. djon• 2 kajr• 1 projts• mated• naprav• pfed• 1 polit• 1 tamj• aga• haga• mirabl• anekt• tsastig• efeb• efeb• mirak• mirak• 1 latri• 1 latri• kosmed• 1 plim• 1 kali• 2 kali• 1 kali• 1 gan• 1 kali• mataj• mekš• mekš• tsend• tsend• 2 kali• ejsi• 2 onin• 1 pat• tyx• kledn• 1 bolj• 1 bolj• monit• kerat• kerat• asti• hepj• filofr• 1 empor• 2 poli• 2 der• 2 axt• 2 axt• dakn• lupr• lupr• lupr• afflict(ion) afflict(ion) affluent/ce affluent/ce affluent/ce affluent/ce affluent/ce affluent/ce affluent/ce affluent/ce affluent/ce affront afraid afraid after (time) after (time) after (time) afternoon again again again against against against against age (timelapse) age (timelapse) age (timelapse) age (timelapse) age(d) agglomeration aggravate aggregate(d) aggregate(d) aggregate(d) aggress(ion) aggress(ion) aggress(ion) aggress(ion) aggress(ion) agony agony agree(d) agree(d) agreeable agreeable agreement agreement aid (person) ailment ailment ailment aim (goal) aim (goal) aim (goal) maer penth alco chremat habr pecun plemyr plout plusi tamia thami vex(a) metu trer(on) deu deuter opisth al-zuhr [A] ana palim palin anti contra en ob chron elic gerat helic senec corymb mord cras hom homeo aicter atarter emblem(at) embol loche spaer stein eiren iren arest lar homer syllog oecet morb(id) morbos path(e) laes tel(e) tels 1 mest• penth• alk2 xremat• 1 habr• pekun• plemr• plut• plut• 2 tamj• 2 tamj• vexs• metu• 1 trer• dewter• dewter• opists• alzur• ana• palin• palin• anti• konter• ene• obj• xron• elitš• gerat• elitš• snek• korimb• mordj• 1 kraz• home• home• akter• atart• 1 emble• 1 emble• 2 lokx• šper• šten• iren• iren• arst• 2 lar• 1 homr• silog• ojked• morb• morb• 2 pat• 2 lez• 1 tel• 1 tel• 371 aimless air air (tune) airplane airport akin alas alcoholic drink alert alert alert alert alert alert alert alert alert alga alga alien alien alien alive all all all all all all all all all all allay allay alleviate alleviate alley alligator allure allure allure allure almost almost alms alone along(side) also altar altar altar alter alter alter 372 matae aer canor taira [A] mataar [A] cognat oect meth(y) aioll draster oca oci ocy otrer sphodr strenu vigil fuc fyc othn peregrin xen bio (o)ul ecast encycl hecast hol(o) ol(o) omn pan pasi tot(i) apon solaci apon solaci laur makarah [S] dele illect illex illic(i) paen pen(e) mend(os) chor secut an(a) ara eschar thymel streph streps strept mataj• 1 aer• knor• 2 tajr• matar• 2 kogn• 1 ojkt• metx• 1 ajol• drasr• oky• oky• oky• hotr• sfodr• 2 stren• vigel• fyk• fyk• 2 otn• 2 peregr• ksen• bi• 2 uvl• ekast• entsikl• ekast• hol• hol• omni• pan+ pazi• tot• apon• solts• apon• solts• lajr• 2 makar• 2 del• ilits• ilits• ilits• 2 pene• 2 pene• 1 mendz• 2 kxor• sekut• 1 ana• araw• esxar• tyml• 1 strept• 1 strept• 1 strept• altitude altitude altitude always always amateur ambassador ambassador amber ambrosia ambush ambush ambush amiable amount amount ampoule amputate amuse/ing amuse/ing amuse/ing amuse/ing amuse/ing amuse/ing amuse/ing amuse/ing amuse/ing amuse/ing amuse/ing analogous analogous analogous analysis analyze analyze analyze analyze analyze analyze analyze ancestor anchor ancient ancient ancient ancient ancient ancient ancient angel anger anger angle angle angle angle acr bun mast aichm semper bebel ceryx pemot electr tamaris hodur ichn odur venust choenic pleth hydat eccopt gel gel gel gel jocos jocul ligur(in) oti(os) progana tenth terpsi anti ecel icel log lab lamb mat ops scisc spex spic(i) avit guai arch obsolesc obsolet pala(e) palai prisc pristin tenshi [J] ira(cund) men canthus eces gloch gone 1 axr• bun• 2 mašt• aji• sempr• bebel• kryks• 2 pemt• eletr• tamar• hodr• 1 ixn• hodr• venst• xojnits• plets• xyd• etšopt• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• šokl• okl• ligr• hotj• progn• terps• terps• antj• ekel• ekel• 2 log• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• matm• 2 opš• skiš• spitš• spitš• avit• gvaj• 1 arxe• opsol• opsol• palaj• palaj• 2 prist• 2 prist• tenš• irats• 2 men• 2 kants• etšes• glox• 1 gon• angry angry anguish animal animal animal ankle ankle ankle annihilate(d) annihilate(d) annihilate(d) annihilate(d) annihilate(d) annihilate(d) annihilate(d) announce(ment) announce(ment) announce(ment) announce(ment) announce(ment) announce(ment) annoy(ing) anoint(ed) anoint(ed) anoint(ed) another another answer answer ant ant ant antenna antenna antenna antenna anti antique antique antique antique antique antlers anus anvil anvil anvil anxiety apart (rare) apart from apart from apart from apart from apart from scydm scythr stein belb ther zo(on) cyndal passal sphyr (i)cid eremot ereps olesth olet(hr) oleti olous angeli cledon gnome nunci nunti nuthete dacn collin(it) ongu ungu all oll apantes prativacaman [S] laert murm myrm(ec) cerat melicer psau(s) pselaph en arch obsolesc obsolet prisc pristin rangi proct acmon incud incus deil visheshena [S] chor dia idic para seors skytr• skytr• šten• belb• 1 terj• zo• kyndal• pasl• 2 sfyr• tsid• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• oltr• oltr• oltr• 2 lows• angel• kledn• 1 gnom• nunts• nunts• nunts• dakn• 1 koln• ugv• ugv• 1 alj• alits• apant• pradvak• lart• mirmek• mirmek• kerat• kerat• psalf• psalf• ene• 1 arxe• opsol• opsol• 2 prist• 2 prist• rangi• prokt• akmon• inkud• inkud• 2 deil• višesn• 2 kxor• 2 dia• idits• 1 para• sers• apartment apartment apartment apartment apartment apartment apartment apartment apartment apartment apartment ape ape ape appall appall appall appall appall apparatus apparent(ly) apparent(ly) apparent(ly) apparent(ly) apparent(ly) apparition apparition appearance appearance appearance appearance appearance appearance appendix appetite apple apple appointment appreciate appropriate approve approve apricot April arbutus arc arc arc arc arc arch arch architect archway ardent coet col(a) eces eci(e) eco ecs oec(et) oeci(e) oic por vihar [S] ceb pithec pithon tarach tarass tarax tuph typh metr dail del doke pseud pseust horam(at) oram(at) morph opic opiqu ops phaen phan der orex mel(in) melin minuie [Hb] phil armost det ny mishmish [A] Vaisakhah [S] uned camp(al) camp(t) lunat men(i) numen haps(id) hapt adrichal [Hb] psall(i) acu(le) 1 kojt• tsola• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• 2 powr• vihar• tseb• pitek• pitek• tark• tark• tark• tupf• tupf• metr• 1 del• 1 del• 2 dokt• psewd• psewd• oram• oram• morf• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 fan• 1 fan• 2 der• 2 reks• 2 mevl• melin• minj• 1 fil• armost• 2 det• 2 nys• mišm• vajsax• uned• 2 kamt• 2 kamt• lunt• 2 menj• 2 num• haps• haps• adrix• psalj• akule• 373 ardent ardent ardent ardent ardent ardent ardent ardent ardent ardent ardent ardent ardent ardent ardent ardent ardent ardent ardour ardour are are area area area area arena argument (issue) argument(ing) aria aria aria aria aria aria arid aristocratic arm-chair arm-ring arm (limb) arm (limb) armed armour (nn) armour (nn) armour (nn) armpit armpit army army army army group aroma aroma aroma aroma 374 aest alees calid calor(i) causim causis caust caut estr eth hiles hilether oestr scylm sphodr tentigin thur thyas thalp(or) thalyer ent ont(o) aequor agro alo plaga drom elench jurg mel(es) melict meliz melyr molp phtegm aza(le) clyt diphr armill brachi draa [A] pothin loric(a) ostrac phract igny maschal loche strat(i) syrden tagm(at) balanat myr(o) myrism pneum(at) 1 aest• ales• kalor• kalor• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• ojstr• 1 aest• hils• hils• ojstr• skilm• sfodr• tentitš• tjad• tjad• tsalp• tsalp• onts• onts• 2 ekwor• 1 agr• alov• pladž• 1 drom• elentš• jurg• mel• mel• mel• mel• molp• 2 ftegm• azl• klyt• difr• armilj. braxi• drax• 2 potn• lorits• ostrats• frakt• igny• mašl• 1 lokx• 2 strats• syrd• 2 tagm• blant• myr• myr• 1 pnewm• aroma around around around around arrange(ment) arrange(ment) arrange(ment) arrive arrive arrogant arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow(point) arrow(point) arrow(point) arrow(point) arse(hole) arse(hole) arse(hole) arse(hole) arsenal art art artery artificial as if / though as if / though as if / though as if / though as if / though as if / though ascend ascertain ascertain ash(es) ash(es) ash(es) ash(es) ash(es) ash(es) ashy ask ask askance (look) asparagus aspect aspect aspect aspect aspect pno ambi peri strach strang syllog tagm(at) tax elysis elytos psaimyth atract bel belemn oest oist sagitt tox(a) aechme aichm lonch lunch podex podic pyg proct sage mausa tecne phleb siani [A] pseud pseud pseust pseust quasi quasi ambat tass tatt coni(t) conid conio conis spod tephr ciner cale erot(em) paet heljon [Hb] horam(at) morph opic opiqu ops 1 pnewm• 1 amfi• peri• strax• strax• silog• 1 tagm• 2 takts• elyt• elyt• psanš• atrakt• bejl• belemn• ojst• ojst• sagit• tokts• ajxm• ajxm• lonk• lonk• podits• podits• pyg• prokt• šage• mofs• tetšn• 1 fleb• sinja• psewd• psewd• psewd• psewd• kwas• kwas• ambat• tats• tats• konj• konj• konj• konj• 1 spod• tefr• tšiner• kale• erots• pajd• heldž• oram• morf• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• aspect aspect aspect asphalt aspire /ation aspire /ation aspire /ation aspire /ation ass (donkey) ass (donkey) ass (donkey) ass (donkey) assail assassin assassinate assassinate assassinate assassinate assault (sexual) assault (sexual) assault (sexual) assemble(d) assemble(d) assemble(d) assemble(d) assemble(d) assemble(d) assemble(d) assembly assiduous assimilate assist assist assist assistant associate association assuage astringent asunder asylum asylum asylum asylum at at at at at at each side at each side at once at once at once at once oram(at) phaen phan igd elp elpid elpis iccha [S] canthon oen on onus loche sphact nec(at) occis phon sicari hibri hybri ibri cras hom homeo lect legul syllex typhl symphor thass harmo(n) boeth juv timor oecet heta(e)r symphor solaci kashayah [S] varic dor dora hara lochme an(a) anchi angy engi(on) pros amphi ampho autic eri ixal mox oram• 1 fan• 1 fan• igd• elp• elp• elp• itša• 1 kants• onh• onh• onh• 2 lokx• spakt• nek• otšis• 1 pfon• sikr• 2 hybr• 2 hybr• 2 hybr• 1 kraz• home• home• legd• legd• slek• 1 tyfl• simfr• 1 takts• 2 harm• boet• žuv• timr• ojked• etarj• simfr• solts• kasaj• varts• dora• dora• 2 hara• 1 loxm• 1 ana• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• proš• 2 amfi• 2 amfi• awtik• 2 eri• 1 iksal• moks• atmosphere atonement atonement attach attach attachment attachment attachment attack attack attack attack attend to attentive attentive attest attic attitude attract attract(ion) attract(ion) audience augment augment augment augment augur(y) augur(y) augur(y) augur(y) August aunt aunt aunt aurora austerity author authority automatic autumn autumn available avalanche avenue avidity avidity avidity avidity avidity await await await await awake away cras purgan purgat crem(a) prosthos odon odus pex(i) aicter emblem(at) embol loche merimn ter vigil superst sandarah [A] hex haemil spast vinnul gargar plei pleon aux ux cledon manci mant(i) sag bhadrapada [S] matulani [S] tethid tethis eo(s) jejun moualif [A] samchut [Hb] meniaazmo [Hb] hopor sharat [S] etoem ract laur cittes cittos labell labr lim(er) elp elpid elpis men vigil apo 2 kraz• purg• purg• kremast• 1 projts• odon• odon• 2 peks• akter• 1 emble• 1 emble• 2 lokx• merimn• 2 tejr• vigel• 1 špers• sandr• 1 heks• haml• spast• 1 vinl• 1 gargr• plei• plei• awks• awks• kledn• mants• mants• šag• badrapt• matlan• tetsis• tetsis• eos• ježn• mwalf• samtš• menjaz• hopr• šarat• etojm• rakt• lajr• kits• kits• 1 labr• 1 labr• 2 limn• elp• elp• elp• 1 menj• vigel• 1 ap• 375 away away away from away from away from awkward awl awl awl awning awning ax ax ax ax ax ax ax (battle) axiom axis axis axle axle rempt tele ab an(a) dia argal ope(as) opeat subul sci(ad) sciasm pelec(e) pelecy psoch psoct sceparn secur sagar pradhanah [S] cnodac strophinx cnodac strophinx remt• 1 tele• abu• 2 ana• 2 dia• argal• ope• ope• 2 šubl• 2 skjad• 2 skjad• 1 pelek• 1 pelek• psok• psok• škepr• šekr• sagr• pradan• knots• 2 strops• knots• 2 strops• bad bad bad bad mark bad taste badge bag bag bag bag bag bag bagatelle bagatelle baggage bake baker balance (nn) balance (nn) balance (nn) MEANING babble babble babble babble babble babble babble baby baby baby baby baby bachelor bachelor bachelor back(side) back(side) back(side) back(side) back(side) back(side) backbone backbone backward backward bacon bad 376 ETYMON garr(i) lal(l) lalag lalax lerem lerod nugat breph nepi neputi puer thremm caeleb coeleb eth(eo) dahar [A] not(i) orrh pristh terg(al) ur acnest rhach(i) achoranit [Hb] pra(e) chanzir [A] blas) LEMMA gar• lalg• lalg• lalg• lerm• lerm• nukt• brep• nepj• nepj• pwer• tremn• kleb• kleb• etx• daxr• 1 notj• 1 horx• 2 prišt• 1 terg• uvr• aknest• raxi• atšran• epre• tšandz• blas• balance (nn) balance(d) balance(d) balance(d) balcony bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald bald ball (clew) ball (clew) ball (clew) ball (dance) ball (globe) ball (globe) ball (lump) ballast ballet ballet balloon balloon balloon balloon cac(od) dys pejor pejus onost demod pess kibis olp marsupi per phascul sacc thylac leptyn leptysm sorac artop artokopos libr(a) librium stathm torcul petaur pirh trutin pergul falagr glaber laev(i) lejo madar phalacr psedn psil vuls agath glomer tolyp orches(t) kandukah [S] orb thromb saburr orches(t) tripudi folli(cul) oed(al) oedan oedem kak• dys+ pežor• pežor• onost• demd• 1 pesk• kibiš• holp• marsp• 1 per• faskl• sakts• tylak• 2 lept• 2 lept• sork• artop• artok• 1 lipr• 2 lebr• 2 štatm• torkl• 2 petr• pirj• trutn• 1 pergl• falakr• glabr• lavj• lavj• madr• falakr• psedn• 1 psil• 2 vuls• 2 agast• glom• tolip• orxes• kanduk• 2 orb• 1 tromb• šabr• orxes• tript• folj• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• balloon balloon balloon balm balm balm balm balm balsam balsam balsam balsam baluster banana band (ribbon) band (ribbon) band (people) band (ribbon) bandage bang banister bank bank bank (shore) bank (shore) bank (shore) bank (shore) bank (shore) banquet banquet baptize baptize bark (inner) bark (inner) bark (nn) bark (nn) bark (nn) bark (nn) bark (nn) bark(ing) bark(ing) bark(ing) bark(ing) bark(ing) bark(ing) barley barn barque (etc.) barque (etc.) barrel oedo papula phys alimm(at) cer chrisma pingu(i) smet alimm(at) chrisma pingu(i) smet cancel(l) musa cest dory ochl vitt(a) spargan psoph cancel(l) amb(it) ambon eion ocht(er) ochthod oia rip(ar) daet esth(i) ard(m) arth eclemm(at) phloe lepi(s) lepil lepyr phell phell hylac(t) hylagm latr(a) rhyz ryz thoys shair [A] kalia lemb scaph doli(o) ojdi• papl• 1 fys• alim• tšer• xrism• pingv• smed• alim• xrism• pingv• smed• kantsl• musa• tsest• 2 dory• okl• vitsa• spargan• psof• kantsl• ambit• ambit• hion• oxt• oxt• oxt• ripe• dajt• 1 ests• ardm• ardm• eklemt• floj• lepid• lepid• lepid• 1 pfel• 1 pfel• hilak• hilak• 1 ladr• ryz• ryz• tojs• šajr• 2 kalš• lemp• 1 skaf• 1 doli• barrel barrel barrel barren barren barren barren barricade(d) barricade(d) barrier barrier barrier base (fundament) base (fundament) bashful(ness) bashful(ness) bashful(ness) bashful(ness) bashful(ness) bashful(ness) basin basin basin basin basin basin basin basis basis basis basis basis basis basket (etc) basket (etc) basket (etc) basket (etc) basket (etc) basket (etc) basket (etc) basket (etc) basket (etc) basket (etc) basket (etc) basket (etc) bast bast bast bast bast dolium orc pith(od) falagr phalacr steir trech erym(at) erymn charac herco phragm bas bat aedem(on) aeschyn bhayam [S] lygr trer(on) trer(on) caucal cotyl len obba pelic pelyc patell bas bat fundi hedr pradhanah [S] pythmen arrhich calad calath licm licn pherni pitak [S] plect sargan sport tarp urich eclemm(at) lepi(s) lepil lepyr phell 1 doli• orts• 1 pits• falakr• falakr• stejr• 1 trex• erym• erym• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• 2 fragm• baš• baš• edem• ajsxyn• bajam• lygr• 1 trer• 1 trer• kawk• 1 kotyl• 1 len• obd• pelyk• pelyk• 2 ptel• baš• baš• fundj• 1 hedr• pradan• pytm• urix• kalat• kalat• likm• likm• fern• pitak• 2 pleks• sargn• špord• 2 tarb• urix• eklemt• lepid• lepid• lepid• 1 pfel• 377 bast bast bat (mammal) bath(room) bath(tub) bath(tub) bathe bathe bathe baton baton baton batter(ed) battery battle battle battle battle battle battlement battling bawl bay bazaar be(ing) be be be (at) be (at) be (at) be (at) be absent beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beak beak beak beak beaker beaker beam (light) beam (wood etc) beam (wood etc) beam (wood etc) beam (wood etc) 378 phell phloe nycter bal(a)ne lutor lutr lot lous lust coryn fusti scipon sina matsber [Hb] agon machem machet palaestr polem geiss pugn(ac) rudit syrt chremat ent ont(o) sches baen nae nai nee apor aren eion litor littor littu orari rhio dertr mastac mastax rhamph fritill lepist juber doc embol stipit tigill 1 pfel• floj• nyktr• 2 balan• lutr• lutr• 1 lows• 1 lows• 1 lows• koryn• fustj• skipn• sinax• mazb• agon• max• max• plestr• polem• ge • punjak• ruts• sirt• 1 xremat• onts• onts• sxes• bejn• naj• naj• naj• 1 apor• 1 arn• hion• litr• litr• litr• rari• rari• dertr• mastak• mastak• ramf• fritl• 1 lepts• jubr• dots• 1 embl• 2 stipt• tigl• beam (wood etc) beam (wood etc) beam (wood etc) bean bear bear (infant) bearable beard beard beard beast beast (of prey) beast (of prey) beat(ing) beat(ing) beat(ing) beat(ing) beat(ing) beat(ing) beat(ing) beat(ing) beat(ing) beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautify beautify beauty (woman) beauty (woman) beauty (woman) beauty (woman) beauty (woman) because (of) because (of) bed bed bed bed bed bed bedlam bedroom bedroom bedside tign trab(s) trabal kyam arct loch(i) anect arist geni pog(on) belb epactr ther arax cop(t) crus ictu plec(tes) plegi plos sphigm tymm abrot caleid callim callon kall(i) pulchell pulcher pulchr specios cosme polimen cypr paphia pulchell pulcher pulchr amax dia demn eun klin lech lect lectul patag mitod [Hb] stibad demn tigl• trab• trab• kjam• 1 arkt• 1 lox• anekt• 2 arist• genj• pogn• belb• paktr• 1 terj• araks• 1 kop• kruz• ikt• pleksi• pleksi• ploš• sfigm• tumn• abrot• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• spetš• kosmed• 1 plim• kypr• pafj• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• amaks• dja• demn• eun• kline• 1 lekt• 1 lekt• 1 lekt• 1 patak• mitod• stibd• demn• bee bee beech beef beehive beehive beer beer beet-root beetle before (in front) before (in front) before (in front) before (in time) before (in time) before (in time) beg (charity) beg (charity) beget beget beget beget beget beget beget beget beggar begin(ning) begin(ning) begin(ning) begin(ning) begrudge behavior behavior behavior behavior behavior behind behind behind behind (rump) behind (rump) behind (rump) belief belief bell bell bell (small) bellow bellow apis meliss fagus apj• melis• 2 fag• besar bakar [Hb] bakr• cypsel kypsl• simbl simbl• humul huml• zyth zyts• bangar [A] bangr• canthar kantr• pra(e) proj• proe proj• 2 prosth prost• prae opr• proe opr• prora opr• agyrt agyrt• 1 mend(os) mendz• 1 loch(i) lox• maieu maje• nat nat• obstetr opstetr• part(ur) partr• 1 toc tok• 1 toque tok• zhati [S] žat• proict projts• 2 aris aris• eo(s) ew• 2 horme horm• inchoat inxot• 2 eleo ele• agog angog• 1 elat elat• rectr rektr• 2 tax takts• veh vex• 2 arche arxe• 1 meta meta• poster pwest• podex podits• pyg pyg• ur uvr• 1 dox doks• pistot pistot• campan kampan• codon kodon• nol(a) nol• 2 bryx bryx• mycem migm• bellow bellow bellows belly belly belly belly belly belong below below below belt belt belt belt belt belt belt belt bench bench bench bench bend bend bend/bent benefit benefit benefit benefit benefit benevolence bent (inclination) bent (leaning) bent (leaning) bent (leaning) bent (leaning) beret beret berry berry berry berry berry beseech beseech beside beside beside mycet mygm phys djuf [A] gaster gastr(o) lapar pleon ctem hipo hyp(o) nerth(er) balte cest clitell stelm stroph succinct telam zoster diphr scolythr selm sphela psand(a) stroph(al) cyrt nice nike oninem ophel(im) tryg char sattva [S] orge orsa orsum orsus calyptr cucull api bacc cocc racem rhag supolic supplex anchi angy engi(on) migm• migm• 1 fys• džuf• gastr• gastr• 2 lapr• pleon• ktem• hyp• hyp• nertr• balte• tsest• klitl• stelm• 2 stropf• 2 šukts• 1 tlam• zostr• difr• sklitr• 1 selm• sfel• psand• 1 stropf• tsyrt• nike• nike• 2 onin• ofel• tryg• 1 xar• sadv• orš• orš• orš• orš• kaliptr• kukl• api• bakt•1 kokts• rakm• 2 rag• splidz• splidz• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• 379 juxt pros all juxt para obsidio belti(st) rihan [A] erast erastri meny prodit prodot marit eras erasm intra medi meso dele an(a) ultra darragar [A] upaharah [S] chelom(at) bo bu macr(o) magn galbul physc syrt fel(l) dertr beside beside besides besides besides besiege best bet bethroded bethroded betray betrayal betrayal betrothal betrothed betrothed between between between bewitch beyond beyond bicycle bid bifurcation big big big big big-bellied big-bellied bight bile bill (bird) bill (invoice) billhook billion 10 9 billionth 10--9 billionth 10 -12 billy goat billy goat bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind bind (book) 380 jukt• proš• 2 alj• jukt• 1 para• 1 opsid• belti• rixn• erast• erast• meny• prodod• prodod• marit• erast• erast• intra• medz• medz• 2 del• 1 ana• ultra• darg• upar• xlom• 2 buw• 2 buw• 1 makr• magn• galb• 1 fysts• sirt• 1 felj• dertr• cheschbon [Hb] xežb• drep(an) drepan• giga giga• [GN] nano nana• [GN] pico pika• [GN] 1 aeg aig• 1 eg(o) aig• 1 coll(a) kolj• deo djes• des djes• hapt hapt• 1 pag pfag• 1 pang pfag• sandhi [S] sandj• zeug(mat) zegm• typhl tyfl•1 binder binder bird bird bird bird bird bird bird of prey birth birth birthday biscuit (etc) biscuit (etc) bit bit bit (a) bit (a) bite bite bite bite bite biting biting biting bitter bitter bitter bitter bitter black black black black black black black black blackbird bladder bladder bladder bladder bladder bladder bladder bladder bladder bladder zeux zyx avi ornis ornith pteryx volucer volucr hierax nat zhati [S] zuks• zuks• avj• ornit• ornit• pteriks• 1 vlukr• 1 vlukr• herak• nat• žat• jomhuledet [Hb] džoml• mas masts• pelen peln• acol akl• clas klaz• ebae ebaj• ebh ebaj• dac(n) dak• dak dak• dect(ic) dak• edac dak• odax dak• 1 dect dekt• drimi drimj• drimy drimj• 1 picr pikr• 2 styphr stypn• 2 stypt stypn• 2 tiktah [S] tikt• 2 virus vrus• 1 atr atr• fusc fusk• kelaen keln• mel(as) melan• melan melan• melen melan• morphn morp• percn perkn• cichle kixl• cyst tsyst• folli(cul) folj• oed(al) ojdi• oedan ojdi• oedem ojdi• oedo ojdi• papula papl• pemph(ix) pemf• 1 perdon perdn• 2 phly(ct) fly• bladder bladder blade blade blame(d) blame(d) blank blank blank blank blank blanket blanket blanket blanket blaspheme blazon bleach bleak bleak bleb bleb blessing blind(ness) blind(ness) blind(ness) blind(ness) blind(ness) blister blister blister blister blister blister blister blister blister block blonde blonde blonde blood blood blood blood blood bloodthirsty blossoming blouse pomphol win hyn(n) stonyx castig mom(ph) arg canast cand candid candor epel lodic lodix pomast ara scut(ell) yubayyid [A] sci(ad) scia(r) var(ic) variol oninem alops caec coec scot typhl cyst oed(al) oedan oedem oedo papula pemph(ix) phly(ct) pomphol tesser alb xanth xuth brot haem hem(o) hemat(o) icho lythr phon thal(e)i chalikah [Hb] pemf• 1 fys• hyn• stonyk• tsastig• momf• 2 arg• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• 1 kandid• epl• lodiks• lodiks• pomast• arar• sxut• jubaž• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• varits• varits• 2 onin• alop• 1 tsek• 1 tsek• 2 skot• typl• tsyst• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• ojdi• papl• pemf• 2 fly• pemf• tesr• alb• ksant• ksant• 1 brot• 1 hem• 1 hem• 1 hemat• ikx• lytr• 1 pfon• 1 tsalj• tšalk• blow (air) blow (air) blow (air) blow (hit) blow (hit) blow (hit) blow up blow up blow up blubber blubber bludgeon bludgeon bludgeon bludgeon blue blue blue blue blue blue blueberry bluish bluish blunt blunt blunt boar (tame) boar (wild) boar (wild) board board board (plank) board (plank) board (plank) board (plate) boat boat boat boat boat boat boat boat boat boatman boatman bobbin body body flat(u) phys(al) psychr pae plec(tes) plegi aem(at) spharag spharg flen flet clav(i) coryn litu(i) rhopal anill caesi coerule cyan glauc venet oullaiq [A] prase prasi ambly pityl retu(n)s verr capr ptela placni plax pinac sanid sanis ptych cymb halia hori(a) lemb linter lintr nau ploe scaph nao naut(il) acer dem gyi pflat• 2 fys• 1 psikr• paj• pleksi• pleksi• 2 ajmid• sfarg• sfarg• fletn• fletn• 1 klavj• koryn• 1 litu• ropl• anil• tsesi• tšerl• kyan• 2 glak• vened• wulk• 2 pras• 2 pras• 1 ambly• pitl• ertus• 2 verz• tsapr• 1 ptel• plaks• plaks• 1 pinak• sanz• sanz• 1 ptix• tsymb• 2 xalj• 2 horj• lemp• lintr• lintr• nav• ploj• 1 skaf• nawt• nawt• atšer• 2 dejm• gyj• 381 body body bog bog bog bog bog bogey bogey bogey bogey boil(ed) boil(ed) boil(ed) boil(ed) boil (nn) boil (nn) boil (nn) boiler boiler boiler boiler boiler boiling boisterous bold bole bolt (buckle) bolt (key) bolt (key) bolt (key) bolt (key) bolt (key) bolt(ed) bolus bomb bond (tie) bond (tie) bond (tie) bond (tie) bond servant bond servant bone bone bone (small) bonus bonus book book boom (bellow) 382 hatha [S] som(at) el elei hel helei helei taeter taetr terat teter hephth hepset parul ze(st) aegilop argemon dothi cacab cucum(a) hipn ipn oll alees strep adr stelech ocheus clavi cleis(t) embol mandal pessul oect cocc petsatsah [Hb] gli glut hamm(at) taen(i) atmen duli(c) osteo osto astragal brabei chrest bibli teuch bryx hat• som• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• heft• heft• 2 parl• 1 ze• aglop• argim• 2 dotsi• katsab• tsukm• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• olel• ales• 2 strept• adr• stelx• 2 oxes• 2 klavj• klejst• 1 embl• mandl• pesl• 2 ojkt• kokts• petst• gli• glyt• hamt• 1 tanj• atmen• dulk• oste• oste• astrag• brabj• xrest• bibl• 1 tux• 2 bryx• boom (bellow) boom (bellow) boom (bellow) boot (shoe) booty booty booze Bordeaux (color) border (hem) border (hem) border (rim) border (rim) border (rim) border (rim) border (rim) border (rim) border (rim) border (rim) border (rim) border (rim) bore (through) bore (through) bore (through) bore (through) bore (through) bore (through) bore (through) bore (through) borrow boss (hub) boss (master) boss (master) boss (master) boss (master) boss (master) both (ways) both (ways) bottle bottle bottom bottom bottom (rump) bough bough (tree) bound (nn) boundary boundary boundary bourgeois bourgeois mycem mycet mygm caliga leja lia potor vinolent lom(at) patag amb(it) ambon chil ephor ocht(er) ochthod oia peirar peras perat trep trym tryp anap(e)ir peir phola pholet terebr mutu modiol anax curi(o) domin onax prytan amphi ampho lagen lagyn tell terr(a) pyg clemat ern phim ephor hori(o) horiz astei asti(c) migm• migm• migm• kalg• leja• leja• 2 potr• 2 vinl• lom• 2 patak• ambit• ambit• 2 xil• epfr• oxt• oxt• oxt• 1 pejr• peras• peras• tryp• tryp• tryp• anpir• 2 peir• pfol• pfol• terebr• 2 mutu• modjol• anaks• 2 kyr• domn• anaks• pryt• 2 amfi• 2 amfi• 1 lagn• 1 lagn• terl• terl• pyg• klemat• hern• pfim• epfr• 1 horj• 1 horj• astits• astits• bovine bovine bow (ornament) bow (ornament) bow (ornament) bow (ornament) bow (shooting) bow (shooting) bow (shooting) bow(ing) bow(ing) bow(ing) bow(ing) bow(ing) bow(tie) bowel(s) bowel(s) bowel(s) bowel(s) bower bowl bowl bowl box box box box box boy y boy boy boy bracelet bracelet braid brain brake (nn) brake (nn) brake (nn) bran bran bran branch (department) branch (ramification) branch (ramification) branch (ramification) branch (ramification) branch (ramification) branch (ramification) branch (ramification) bo bu dem demat desm sparti aps bius tox lord pren psand(a) reo rhop peirar botul enter hill pantic trichil caucal obba scall caps cibot larnac larnax pyx(i) cores mirac(i) mirax putill armill cric nex encar fraen fren staltic aplud furfur pityr tachn brachi clad ern festuc oramn ors(o) osch 1 buw• 1 buw• desm• desm• desm• špart• 1 apš• bjus• toxs• lord• prein• psand• rep• rep• 2 pejr• botul• enter• hilj• pants• trixl• kawk• obd• 2 škal• kaps• kibot• 1 larn• 1 larn• 1 pyks• kores• mirak• mirak• putl• armilj. krits• 2 neks• enkr• 1 pfren• 1 pfren• 2 stalt• aplud• furf• pityr• 2 tjekn• braxi• klad• hern• pfest• 1 ramn• hors• hors• branch (ramification) branch (ramification) branch (ramification) branch (ramification) branch (ramification) branching brand (mark) brandish brandish brandy brass brass brave (warrior) brave (warrior) brave(ly) brave(ly) brave(ly) brave(ly) brave(ly) bravery bravery bray bray bray bray bray breach breach bread bread break away break(ing) break(ing) break(ing) break(ing) break(ing) break(ing) break(ing) break(ing) break(ing) break(ing) breakable breakable breakfast breakwater breast (chest) breast (chest) breast (chest) breast (woman) breast (woman) ram(n) ramal rhips sur trechn rangi inust saen sain meth(y) aen aer andr phos phert thar(sal) thrass tolm(er) yphth aim hem clang hylac(t) hylagm iyg(m) rudit chasm geiss art(a) bec vuls agees clast erechth fragm noc(i) nocu noxi rhex thrau thraust psadar psathyr iftar [A] choma pector stern steth mast maz 1 ramn• 1 ramn• 1 rips• šur• trexn• rangi• inust• šan• šan• metx• 1 aen• 2 aer• 2 andr• pfos• fert• tras• tras• tolm• hyft• hajm• hajm• klang• hilak• hilak• jygm• ruts• xasm• geš• arta• bets• 1 vuls• ages• klast• 1 reks• 1 fragm• nots• nots• nots• 1 reks• truv• trast• psatr• psatr• iftr• xoma• pektr• štern• stet• 1 mašt• 1 mašt• 383 breast (woman) breast (woman) breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breeches breed breed breeze bribe(d) bribe(d) brick bride bride bridegroom bridge bridge bridle bridle bridle brief brief brief (vb) brigand brigand brigand brigand bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright brighten brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brim brim brim 384 uber uthar aem(at) aemid flat(u) phys(al) pneust psychr brac(cat) sativ teth(el) eol frace fraci later core nymph posi gephyr(e) selm haben lor(u) staltic sten stin mathet leist(es) leister lester sinto actin arg caesi diid phaet phalar silb stilb sukla [S] sel(ag) actin agla glauc phaet phalar silb stilb ocht(er) ochthod oia 1 hubr• 1 hubr• 1 ajmid• 1 ajmid• pflat• 2 fys• pnust• 1 psikr• brakt• satf• 2 tetj• eol• fraš• fraš• 2 latr• 1 kore• nymf• epoš• gefyr• 2 selm• haben• lor• 2 stalt• 1 sten• 1 sten• matsed• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• sint• 1 aktin• 2 arg• tsesi• djid• fajt• 2 falar• stilb• stilb• sukla• selg• 1 aktin• aglaj• 1 glak• fajt• 2 falar• stilb• stilb• oxt• oxt• oxt• brine bring bring about bring about bring about bring forth brisk brisk brisk brisk brisk brisk brisk bristling bristling bristling bristling bristling bristling brittle brittle broadcast broadcast broken bronze bronze brooch brood (vb) broom broom broom broom broom broom broth broth brother brow brown brown brown bruise bruise bruise bruise bruise bruise brush brush brush muri elat gene poies poiet maieu aioll draster oca oci ocy otrer strenu dasy(t) daul hisp(id) lasi pephri phrix psadar psathyr scedasm scedast sabac aen aer peron epozo penicill sar saron sarot(r) scop syr juscul zom bhrata [S] ophry(s) badi phae phoe plag plegi smodic smoding thladi thlast asperg chaet sar muri• 1 elat• 1 gen• 1 poj• 1 poj• maje• 1 ajol• drasr• oky• oky• oky• hotr• 2 stren• dasy• dasy• hisp• lasi• pefr• priks• psatr• psatr• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• spak• 1 aen• 2 aer• 2 prone• epodz• pentsil• 1 syr• 2 sartr• 2 sartr• 2 skop• 1 syr• juskl• 1 zomt• brata• ofry• badj• 1 faj• 1 faj• 1 pledž• 1 pledž• smodz• smodz• tlast• tlast• sperg• tšet• 1 syr• brush brush brush brush brush (nn) brush (nn) brush (vb) brushwood brushwood brushwood brushwood brusque brutal brutal brutal bubble bubble bubble buck (goat etc) buck (goat etc) buck (goat etc) buck (goat etc) buck (goat etc) buckle buckle buckle buckle bud bud buffoon buffoon bug (bed-) bugaboo bugaboo bugaboo bugaboo bugle build builder building built (nn) bulb bulb bulb bulb bulb bulge bulkhead bulkhead bulky stelgid stlengid syr trich(in) ather penicill acanth bat phrygan rach rhach pityl pityl sphedan trux cyst perdon phly(ct) dorco dorx hirc(in) hirguin trag ocheus peron porp(ac) porpem blast kym(o) macc natah [S] core taeter taetr terat teter liticen tecton molitor binian [Hb] dem cocc codi scir(rh) thyl tyl(l) cel elasm lasm pach(y) stelg• stelg• 1 syr• trixn• 2 ater• pentsil• 2 akant• 2 bats• frygan• rax• rax• pitl• pitl• spedn• tryks• tsyst• 1 perdn• 2 fly• dork• dork• hirk• hirk• trag• 2 oxes• 2 prone• porp• porp• blast• 2 kym• 1 makš• nata• koris• tatr• tatr• tatr• tatr• litits• tekton• molit• binj• 2 dem• kokts• kodi• skir• tylt• tylt• stsel• 2 elasm• 2 elasm• paxy• bull bull bullet bullet bulwark bulwark bulwark bulwark bulwark bump (lump) bump (lump) bump (lump) bump (lump) bump (lump) bump (lump) bump (lump) bump (lump) bumpy bumpy bumpy bun bunch bunch bunch bunch bunch bundle bundle bundle bundle bundle bundle bung burgeon burgess burgess burgess burgess burgher burgher burgher burgher burly burn burn burn burn burn burn burn bo bu kandukah [S] orb teich tich toich vallar vallat cal cale call cordy(l) kali onc(od) phym(at) toros rech rug(at) scrupe balan acin corymb sor(ed) staphyl sur dragm(at) gryn lemm phacel sor(ed) sur pess kym(o) astei asti(c) etes hetes astei asti(c) etes hetes pach(y) aest cae caj dau eth ign igne 1 buw• 1 buw• kanduk• 2 orb• tejx• tejx• tejx• vlat• vlat• kal• kal• kal• kordyl• kal• 2 onk• fim• tros• rex• rex• skrup• 1 balan• atsin• korimb• šor• stafl• šor• dragm• grun• 1 lemn• fatsel• šor• šor• 2 pesk• 2 kym• astits• astits• hetes• hetes• astits• astits• hetes• hetes• paxy• 1 aest• tsajr• tsajr• dav• 1 aest• ign• ign• 385 burn burn burn burn burn burn (nn) burn (nn) burning burning burning burning burning burnish burr burrow bury bury bush bush bush bush bush bush bush bush bush bush business business but butcher butcher(ing) butt butt butt (firearm) butter butterfly butterfly butterfly buttock buttock button (push) button (push) button (push) button (push) button (push) button(ed) buy (someone) buy (someone) buy (something) 386 igni off phlog seir torr(en) ured urens alees causim causis caust caut sel(ag) psell lachaen crypt(o) tarchon als dum(al) frutec frutex frutic lochm(e) rhop(i) rhops thamn thyrs empor pol psil artam lani doli(o) dolium litu(i) butyr hepial hepiol psych clun(icul) nat(ic) cermat gomph kyph omb umb nex frace fraci oni(o) ign• opf• flog• tsajr• torš• 1 ured• 1 ured• ales• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• selg• 2 psel• 2 laxn• 1 krypt• tarx• als• dum• fruts• fruts• fruts• 2 loxm• 1 rops• 1 rops• tamn• 1 tyrs• 1 empor• 2 poli• 2 psil• artam• lani• 1 doli• 1 doli• 1 litu• bytr• hepjol• hepjol• psix• 1 klun• natits• 2 kermat• 2 gomf• kyf• 1 umb• 1 umb• 2 neks• fraš• fraš• honj• buy off buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz MEANING cab cabbage cabbage cabbage cabin cabin cabin cabin cabin cabinet cable (rope) cable (rope) cable (rope) café cage cage cake cake cake calculate calf calf call (nn) call(ing) call(ing) call(ing) callow callow callus callus callus calm calm calm calm calm calm calyx camel camera camp camp(ing) camp(ing) camp(ing) campaign (vb) campaign (vb) tin bomb minur minyr stridis stris ETYMON jan [S] caul hol(er) ol(er) calia calyb(e) scen(it) sken tuguri scrini fun(al) guai merinth qahwa [A] clob panjarah [S] lib mas pelen arithm damal port(ac) phthegma calar calat clang falagr phalacr por(om) thyl tyl(l) aithr erem galen hesyc hesygu sig(a) kalyx ushtrah [S] itsin• bomd• minyr• minyr• stris• stris• LEMMA jan• 2 kawl• 1 oler• 1 oler• kalyb• kalyb• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• tugr• skrin• fun• gvaj• merint• kaxw• klob• pandžar• 2 lib• masts• peln• aritm• damal• portak• 1 ftegm• klat• klat• klang• falakr• falakr• purm• tylt• tylt• ajtr• 1 erm• 1 galn• hesyts• hesyts• sig• kalyks• uštra• salat taswir [A] tasw• gun džun• aloc awlak• 2 aul awl• castr tsastr• machem max• machet max• can (box) can (box) can (box) can (box) can (box) canal canal canal canal canal canal canal canapé cancer candle(stick) candy candy cane cane cane cane cane cane cane cane cane cane canoe canoe canoe canticle canvas canvas canvas canyon canyon cap (hat) cap (hat) cap (hat) cap (hat) capable /ity capable /ity capacity capacity capacity capacity cape (headland) cape (headland) cape (headland) capsize capsule capsule capsule captain capture (nn) amby(c) chytr matul pyx(i) testu amar donac donax foggara [A] ochet syring syrinx diphr carcin cere lich matok [Hb] donax fusti lyg(er) lygin lygod lygos oroph schoen schoin thry(on) cymb linter lintr rig [S] histi(o) isti(o) linte charadr chasm calyptr cucull gale(at) pile(ol) apt ican ochem oches virios vis orari rhio spil(as) hafach [Hb] coss lob(i) scrini imperator agra amby• xytr• matl• 1 pyks• tests• hamar• 2 donak• 2 donak• fogr• oxed• srynk• srynk• difr• 1 kartsin• tsere• lix• matok• 1 donak• fustj• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 lyg• 1 ropf• 1 sxen• 1 sxen• tery• tsymb• lintr• lintr• rik• isti• isti• lint• xaradr• xasm• kaliptr• kukl• galer• 2 pile• 1 apt• ikan• 1 oxes• 1 oxes• viri• viri• rari• rari• 2 špil• hafax• kos• lobj• skrin• imper• agra• capture(d) capture(d) capture(d) capture(d) car carapace carapace carapace carapace carcase carcase carcase carcase carcase card (wool etc) card (wool etc) card (wool etc) cardboard care care care care for careful(ly) careful(ly) careful(ly) caress caress cargo cargo carouse carouse carouse carouse carpenter carpet carpet carpet carpet carriage carriage carriage carrion carrot carry(ing) carry(ing) carry(ing) carry(ing) carry off carry out carry out cart cart cartilage carve carve case (box) caps marpt rap(t) zogr och cheli chely chit(on) ostrac cenebr necr(o) necy ptom reduv cten tribul xani 1 tsaps• marp• rapt• zogr• 1 okx• xely• xely• xit• ostrats• knebr• nekr• nekr• ptoma• reduv• 1 kten• 1 tribl• ksan• boorugami [Jp] borgam• merimn merimn• threps treps• thrept treps• 1 cur(i) kyr• caut tsawt• pinyt pinyt• sedul sedl• blac blats• mulc mulk• 1 achter axt• 1 arm harm• daps dapt• dapt(r) dapt• vor vor• zabr zabr• tekton tektn• 2 phorm porm• psiath pšats• reg(o) ereg• stragul stragl• jan [S] jan• 1 och okx• rhed rede• ptom ptoma• gazar [A] gazr• pher/fer for• 1 ger ger• 1 oes(o) ojs• phor(a) for• nasm nasm• prass prasts• pratt prasts• 1 och okx• rhed rede• 1 chondr xondr• colapt kolapt• 2 toreut tored• caps kaps• 387 case (box) case (box) case (sheath) cash money cask cask casserole casserole cast (troupe) cast (vb) cast (vb) castrate (nn) castrate(d) cat catch (get) catch (get) catch (get) catch (get) catch (get) catch (get) catch (get) catch (nn) catch (nn) catch (nn) caterpillar caterpillar caterpillar cattle cattle cattle cattle cauldron cauldron cauldron cause (nn) cause (nn) cause (nn) cause (vb) caustic caution (vb) caution (vb) cautious cautious cave / ity cave / ity cave(rn) cave(rn) cave(rn) cave(rn) cave(rn) cave(rn) cave(rn) cave(rn) cave(rn) cave(rn) 388 pyx(i) scrini cole naqd [A] doli(o) dolium leb(es) lebet thymelic tect tex thlad spadon aelur caps harp lepsi leptes marpt rap(t) zogr agr(em) agren pag camp eruc kamp cten mel(ot) probat veterin cacab cucum(a) oll aiti eth eti gene dect monel monil caut pinyt coel glen antr antr bothr(i) bothr(i) ghar [A] gole gole phole seranx seranx 1 pyks• skrin• 1 kole• nagd• 1 doli• 1 doli• 2 leps• 2 leps• timl• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• tlad• 2 spadn• ailur• 1 tsaps• 2 harpf• 1 lepsi• 1 lepsi• marp• rapt• zogr• agrem• agrem• 2 pfag• 2 tsamp• eruts• 2 tsamp• 2 kten• 1 mevl• propt• vetrin• katsab• tsukm• olel• ajti• ajti• ajti• 1 gen• 1 dekt• 2 monel• 2 monel• tsawt• pinyt• koel• 1 glen• antr• antr• 1 botr• 1 botr• 2 xar• gole• gole• fole• serank• serank• cave(rn) cave(rn) cave(rn) cave(rn) cave(rn) cavil at cease cease cease cease cease cease celebrate celebrate celery cell cell cell cell cellar cement cement cement cement cement cemetery center century cephalopod cephalopod cereal cereal ceremony certain certain certain certain certify cetacean cetacean cetacean chaff chaff chain (string) chain (string) chain (string) chain (string) chain (string) chain (string) chain(ed) chain(ed) chair chair chair chair specu spelae spelunc splae trogl trico desinen ech isch mone paul paus cleo comaz selin claustr cyt loculus panjarah [S] martef [Hb] gli glut igd zeux zyx taph cent secul teud teut agrost(id) pyr jag [S] arci porem poret tut(a) superst pristh pristin pristn achn achyr caut(i) dem demat desm halysi sir hirm horm(ath) edra hed(r) lasan sedil spele• spele• spele• spele• trogl• trikf• dešn• ekx• isx• mone• 1 pavl• 1 pavl• 2 klej• kmaz• selin• klawstr• tsyt• lokl• pandžar• martef• gli• glyt• igd• zuks• zuks• 2 taf• 1 kentr• 1 sekl• tewt• tewt• agrost• 2 pyr• jag• artsi• 1 porm• 1 porm• tud• 1 špers• 1 prišt• 1 prišt• 1 prišt• atšn• axyr• 2 kawt• desm• desm• desm• halyš• isir• hirm• hirm• 2 hedr• 2 hedr• lasn• šedl• chair chair chair chalice chalice chalice chalk chalk challenge chamber chamber chance chance change change change change change change change change (money) channel channel channel channel channel channel channel chant chant chaos chaos chapel chapel character (letter) character (nature) character(nature) character(nature) character(nature) character(nature) character(nature) character(nature) charcoal charcoal charge (weight) charge (weight) charge(d) charge(d) chariot chariot charity charity charm(ing) charm(ing) charm(ing) obsidio thac thran depas kalyx pater(a) gyps titan 1 opsid• tsak• 2 tramn• deps• kalyks• patra• gyps• 1 titn• prativacaman [S] pradvak• loculus lokl• thalam talm• 1 cler xler• tych tyk• allax alaks• 1 athyr atyr• 1 streph strept• 1 streps strept• 1 strept strept• trapel trap• 1 vers(i) verz• 1 cermat kermat• amar hamar• 2 donac donak• 2 donax donak• foggara [A] fogr• ochet oxed• syring srynk• syrinx srynk• gery džery• rig [S] rik• 1 turb torb• 1 tyrb torb• nao nax• secod sekod• 1 grammat gramat• cras kras• orge orš• orsa orš• orsum orš• orsus orš• 1 thym tym• 2 trop trop• anthrax antrats• titio titj• 1 achter axt• 1 arm harm• 1 occ okts• 1 onc okts• 1 och okx• rhed rede• agap agap• 1 mend(os) mendz• agan agan• 2 dele del• haemil haml• charm(ing) charm(ing) charm(ing) chase chase chase chase chase chase (metal) chase (metal) chasm chasm chasm chaste /ity chaste /ity chaste /ity chat chat chat chatter chatter chatter chatter chatter chatter cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat cheating cheek cheek cheek cheek cheese chef chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element Ac Ag Al Am Ar As At Au B Ba Be Bi Bk lepid lepos vinnul diogm(at) harp lag loco ven(at) glaph glaphyr pharang pharanx rhochm aedem(on) aret sophron lal(l) lalag lalax garr(i) lal(l) lalag lalax lerem nugat apat barater doli(o) dolon dolop dolos inex palag palan parag phel(et) phenac bucc geny parei pari tyr artam actini argent alum(in) americi argon arseno astat aur(i) bor bari berill bismuth berkeli 2 lepš• 2 lepš• 1 vinl• djogm• 2 harpf• lax• 1 lokj• venr• 1 glaf• 1 glaf• frang• frang• roxm• edem• ared• 1 sofr• lalg• lalg• lalg• gar• lalg• lalg• lalg• lerm• nukt• apat• baratr• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• ineks• palg• palg• palg• palg• fenak• 1 bukts• geny• paraj• paraj• 2 tyr• artm• aštargjalmamrargjarsastavrbovrbarjberjbismberk389 chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemicalelement Cm chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element chemical element 390 Br C Ca Cd Ce Cf Cl Co Cr Cs Cu Cu Dy Er Es Eu F Fe Fm Fr Ga Gd Ge H He Hf Hg Ho I In Ir K Kr La Li Lu Lw Ma Md Mg Mn Mo N N Na Nb Nd Ne Ni No Np O Os P Pa brom carbon calcium cadmi cericalifornium chlor(o) curi #### chromo caescupri cupro dyspr erbi einsteini europi fluo ferr fermi franci galli gadol germani hydr(o) heli haffni mercur holmi iodi indi iridi kalium krypt lantan lithi luteci lawrenci masuri mendeliev magnesi mangan molybden az nitro natri niobi nedimi neon nickel nobeli neptuni oxy osmi phospho practini bromkarbkaltskadmtserjkalfklorkurjkobxromtsezkuprkuprdysprerbjenstevrfluwferfermjfransgaljgadlgermhydrheljhafnmerkholmjodindjirlkaljkripslantlitjljutlavrmasrmendlmaxnmanxmoljadznitrnatrnixnejdnexniknobneptsoksošmfosfprakt- chemical element Pb chemical element Pd chemical element Pm chemical element Po chemical element Pr chemical element Pt chemical element Pu chemical element Ra chemical element Rb chemical element Re chemical element Rh chemical element Rn chemical element Ru chemical element S chemical element Sb chemical element Sc chemical element Se chemical element Si chemical element Sm chemical element Sn chemical element Sr chemical element Ta chemical element Tb chemical element Tc chemical element Te chemical element Th chemical element Ti chemical element Tl chemical element Tm chemical element U chemical element V chemical element W chemical element W chemical element Xe chemical element Y chemical element Yb chemical element Zn chemical element Zr chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem chemical word stem plumb palladi promethe poloni prazeo platin plutoni radium rubidi rheni rhodi radon rutheni sulph stibi scandi selen silici samari stanum stronti tantali terbi techneci telluri thori titani thalli tulli urani vanadi tungsten wolfr xen yttri ytterbi zinc zircon ### #### ace acetat aeth alan alco alkan am ar argin aspart barbit benz(o) byt camfor cet cian- plumbpalprompoljprazplatjpludradžrubvrenjrodjrawdrutsulfstibjskandjseldsilsamxstanstrontjtantterbjtetšntejltorjtittaljtuljurjvamwolfrwolfrksejnytrytszinkzirkymwitratseatsetetjalanalkalxamararginaspartbarbitbenzbutkamfkettsian- chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word chemical word cherry cherry(tree) chess chest (box) chest (box) chest (box) chest (breast) chest (breast) chest (breast) chew chew chicken chicken chicken chief (master) chief (master) chief (master) chief (master) chief(ly) chief(ly) child child child stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem stem cist cinchon creso cum cystine eth fur glycerin imed imide isati kainit ligroin mandel meth(y) napht orth(o) oxa phenol phorm phtal pinaco prolan prop propi pur rhodani rhyb rub terp threon trop usn(e) karaz [A] ceras shatarang [A] caps larnac larnax pector stern stet alet(r) brych alector gall kukkutah [S] anax arch(i) curi(o) onax malista protois paed pais ped(i) tsistkintskreškumtsistetjfjurglitsimedimisatkajnlixrmantlmetxnaptortuokšapfenpformftalpinatsprovlproppropjpjurrodanrybrybterptrongtropfusnkarz• tseras• šatr• kaps• 1 larn• 1 larn• pektr• štern• stet• aletr• 1 bryx• alektr• galg• kukut• anaks• arx• 2 kyr• anaks• malst• prots• 2 ped• 2 ped• 2 ped• child child child(ren) chin chirp chirp chisel chisel chisel chock chock chock chock chock chock chop(ped) chop(ped) chopping-block chopping-block chopping-block chord chorus chubby chunk chunk church church cigar cigarette cinnamon cinnamon circle circle (nn) circuit circuit circulate circulate citizen citizen citizen citrus fruit city city city civilized civilized clan clan clan clarify clash clash clash classify scymn sishu [S] surcul geny murri tetix colapt glaris toreut clav(i) embol gomph pattal sphaen sphen cop(t) scolypt stalix vacerr xyl djaib [A] thymelic pep(on) glaeb thromb nao secod hamaki [Jp] sigriyah [Hb] canell cinnam orb(ic) circel ity strach strang scedasm scedast etes hetes polit citr asty bad [A] pol(i) cicur hemer ethn laus phyl gnome agon krou(o) polem desi skimn• sišu• surkl• geny• murj• tetiks• kolapt• glars• 2 tored• 1 klavj• 1 embl• 1 gomf• 2 patl• sfen• sfen• 1 kop• skolpit• stalts• vakr• ksyl• džajb• timl• 1 pepn• gleb• 1 tromb• nax• sekod• hamk• sigri• tsanel• tsinam• 1 orb• tsikl• hity• strax• strax• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• hetes• hetes• 2 polit• tsitr• asty• bad• pawl• tsikur• 2 hemer• etn• lus• 1 fyl• 2 gnom• agon• krov• polem• desj• 391 clatter claw claw claw claw claw clay clay clay clay clay clay clean (pure) clean (pure) clean(ing) clean(ing) clean(ing) clean(ing) clean(ing) clean(ing) clean(ing) clean(ing) clean(ing) clean(ing) clean(ing) clean(ing) clear clear clear clear clear clear-cut clear-cut clear-cut clear-cut clear (adj) clear (adj) cleave cleave cleave cleave cleft cleft cleft clergy(man) clever clever clever clever clew clew clew click climate climate 392 talitr chel harp odon odus onych litarg litharg melle pel(l) pel(l) spilad agn zor(a) ablu(t) callun cathart collut elaut elutor laut lustr rhypt sair tergen ters agn arg caesi diid sukla [S] apl dail del hapl phoeb tran paemin regm rhac rhag pharang pharanx rhochm hiere areo arg sapiens scinac agath glomer tolyp talitr cras meteor talitr• 1 xel• 1 harpf• odon• odon• onyx• litarg• litarg• keram• 2 pelj• 2 pelj• spild• 1 agn• zora• ablut• 2 klun• 1 katar• kolut• elut• elut• elut• lustr• rypt• sajr• terdž• terdž• 1 agn• 2 arg• tsesi• djid• sukla• hapl• 1 del• 1 del• hapl• 1 fojb• tranj• 1 pamn• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• frang• frang• roxm• 2 hier• hare• harg• sapj• šnak• 2 agast• glom• tolip• talitr• 2 kraz• 1 mete• climb climb climb clinging clinging clinker clip clip cloak cloak cloak cloak cloak clock clod clog clog clog clog (vb) clog (vb) clog (vb) cloister cloister close(by) close(by) close(by) close(by) close(by) close(by) close(by) close(by) close(by) close(by) close(by) close(d) close(d) close(d) close(d) close(d) close(d) close(d) close(d) clot cloth cloth cloth cloth cloth cloth cloth clothing clothing clothing clothing clothing ambat sacand scans striphn stryphn spod keir sarp chlamyd imati palli tebenn trabe(a) schaon [Hb] glaeb clud clus pom(at) farct fars fart claustr thias(ot) anchi angy eis engi(on) homor juxt pel(at) plesi pros schedi schedo cle(id) cleist clud clus hiscen igos mysi oect thromb histi(o) isti(o) linte othon phar syndon vastram [S] chlaen eimat endym endys esth(em) ambat• skans• skans• stripn• stripn• 2 špod• kejr• sarp• xlamyd• imatj• palj• tebn• trabe• sxan• gleb• klud• klud• 1 pomt• farst• farst• farst• klawstr• tjas• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• ajs• 1 anxi• xomr• jukt• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• proš• 1 šked• 1 šked• 1 klej• 1 klej• klud• klud• hisk• igos• myš• 2 ojkt• 1 tromb• isti• isti• lint• 1 otn• pfar• sindon• vastr• 2 xlen• him• endm• endm• 2 ests• clothing clothing clothing clothing clothing cloud cloud clown clown clown clown club (stick) club (stick) club (stick) club (stick) club (stick) club (stick) club (stick) club (stick) cluck (etc) clupeoid (etc) cluster cluster cluster cluster coach (carriage) coach (carriage) coachman coachman coal coal coal coal coal coal-box coal-scuttle coat(ed) coat(ed) coat(ed) coat-of-arms coat-of-arms coat (mantle) coat (mantle) cock (fowl) cock (penis) cockroach codex codfish coffee coffer coffer coffer coffer coffer coherent coif esthes esthet him himat ilym neph(el) nephod baburr macc samnio scurr bacl bacter clav(i) coryn fusti litu(i) plegan rhopal tetra thriss acin botry corymb staphyl jan [S] rhed aurig(a) henioch aethal anthrax maril titio ured larc larc stegan stegm(en) stegnos aegi scut(ell) chlamyd palli gall olisb sirsir [A] grammat hout [A] qahwa [A] cibot larnac larnax rhisc sorac syllog gale(at) 2 ests• 2 ests• him• him• ilym• nefel• nefel• babur• 1 makš• samn• skurj• baktr• baktr• 1 klavj• koryn• fustj• 1 litu• plegn• ropl• tetr• tris• atsin• 2 botr• korimb• stafl• jan• rede• avrig• henjok• ajtal• antrats• 1 marl• titj• 2 ured• lark• lark• stegn• stegn• stegn• ajgi• sxut• xlamyd• palj• galg• lizb• sirsir• 2 gramat• huwt• kaxw• kibot• 1 larn• 1 larn• riš• sork• silog• galer• coif coin coin coin coitus cokes cokes cold cold cold cold colic collar collar colleague collect collect collect collect collection collection collective collide /ision collision collision colossal colossal colour colour colour colour colour colour coloured coloured colourless column column column column column comb (cock) comb (cock) comb (nn) comb (nn) comb (nn) comb(ed) comb(ed) combine come come comeback comeback comeback comeback penic cermat num(mul) numism salmac anthrax titio algi(a) psych(r) rhicn rhig torm(in) mutulus tsavaron [Hb] sodal lect legul styph(n) syllex pleth symphor egyr antoma krou(o) salebr meg(a) megeth chrom(at) chro(n) irid iris irit miant phae phoe lir(i) cancel(l) kio(n) pila stele styl loph(i) phalar cten pect(en) psectr mysti xani zeuct elysis elytos nost palim palin pra(e) pnits• 1 kermat• 1 num• 1 num• 2 salmak• antrats• titj• aldž• 2 psikr• 2 rikn• 2 rikn• 2 torm• mutl• tsav• sodl• legd• legd• 1 stypn• slek• plets• simfr• egyr• antomb• krov• salebr• 1 meg• 1 meg• xromn• xromn• irid• irid• irid• 2 mjant• 1 faj• 1 faj• 1 lirj• kantsl• tšon• pilj• 1 štil• 1 štil• lopf• 1 falar• 1 kten• 1 pekt• 1 pekt• 2 myst• ksan• zyg• elyt• elyt• 1 nost• palin• palin• epre• 393 comeback comedian comedian comedian comfort comfort comfort (ease) comfort(able) comic(al) comic(al) comic(al) coming from command command command commander commemorate commemorate commemorate commerce commerce common(ly) common(ly) common(ly) common(ly) common(ly) commotion communicate compact(ness) compact(ness) compact(ness) compact(ness) compact(ness) compact(ness) compact(ness) compact(ness) compact(ness) compact(ness) compact(ness) companion(ship) companion(ship) companion(ship) company (army) compartment compartment compartment compartment compass compassion compassion compassion compell compell compensation competition competition 394 proe macc natah [S] scurr chremat sukham [S] egorik schol(e) abelter jocos jocul ab entell entole tagi imperator cleo luct lug(ubr) empor pol coen eutel hom homeo xyn bhayam [S] angeli adin arae crass hathro nact nast pychn pycin pycn spiss tarph(y) amorb heta(e)r sodal tagm(at) claustr loculus teri thalam pyx daya [S] ele karuna [S] ananc para brabei athlon paran epre• 1 makš• nata• skurj• 2 xremat• suxam• egor• sxol• abelt• šokl• šokl• abu• entol• entol• tagj• imper• 2 klej• 1 lukts• 1 lukts• 1 empor• 2 poli• tsojn• ejtl• home• home• tsojn• bajam• angel• adin• araj• krasts• hatr• nakt• nakt• pykn• pykn• pykn• spiš• tarf• amorb• etarj• sodl• 2 tagm• klawstr• lokl• 2 terj• talm• 2 pyks• daja• 1 hele• karun• anank• 2 para• brabj• atlon• 1 pran• complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complete(ly) complete(ly) complete(ly) complete(ly) complete(ly) complete(ly) comprehend comprehensible comprehensive comprehensive compress(ed) compress(ed) compress(ed) compress(ed) compress(ed) compress(ed) compress(ed) compress(ed) compulsory compulsory comrade conceal(ed) conceal(ed) conceal(ed) conceal(ed) conceal(ed) conceited conceited conceited concentrate(d) concentrate(d) concentrate(d) concentrate(d) concentrate(d) concentrate(d) concentrate(d) concerned concert concise concise conclude conclusion concord concord concrete (cement) concrete(ness) aelin ejula elegei neni odyr(m) odyrt oect querel queren threnod (o)ul ecpleo entele(ch) hol(o) ol(o) sact bodhi [S] tran dalai [S] encycl anch phlib phlips piaz sphigg sphinct staltic string ananc para heta(e)r calypt crypt(o) lanthan lathr latit phlaur psaimyth typh kashayah [S] rhicn ricn spiss staltic string styph(n) chinta [S] neschef [Hb] aphor(idz) athr peran eschat eiren iren igd pegm(at) elin• elin• eledž• nenj• odyr• odyr• 1 ojkt• kwerl• kwerl• trend• 2 uvl• ekpl• entel• hol• hol• sakt• bodi• tranj• dalaj• entsikl• 1 anx• flib• flib• pjedz• sfint• sfint• 1 stalt• string• anank• 2 para• etarj• kalypt• 1 krypt• lantsan• 1 latr• 1 latr• flur• psamš• 2 tyf• kasaj• 1 rikn• 1 rikn• spiš• 1 stalt• string• 1 stypn• tšint• nesx• afor• 2 atr• 2 pran• esxat• iren• iren• igd• pegm• concrete(ness) concubine concubine concubine condemn condensed condition condition(ed) conduct(ing) conduct(ing) conduct(ing) conduct(ing) conduct(ing) conductor conductor cone cone (fir) confession confide confirm conflict conform confuse(d) confuse(d) confuse(d) confuse(d) confuse(d) confuse(d) confuse(d) confusion congratulate conifer conifer conifer conjecture connect(ion) connect(ion) connect(ion) consecrate consecrate consent consequence consequence consider considerate consist(ency) console (vb) constant(ly) constant(ly) consternate(d) consternation constitute construct(ion) construct(ion) construct(ion) pler(om) heta(e)r pallac scort cris hathro hex ag(o) agog elat rectr tax veh agog hodeg metul pinea pist(ot) pistot det krou(o) anti disop dysop moro tarach tarass tarax thrass amaur opt(a) elat peuc pity hypolamban phim sandhi [S] zeuct sphagi spond(e) det carp opad scop tenu(i) hyl egorik hectic semper moro thamb tecton dem fundi tecton pler• etarj• palak• 2 skort• krists• hatr• 1 heks• agv• angog• 1 elat• rektr• 2 takts• vex• agog• hodg• metl• pine• pistot• pistot• 2 det• krov• antj• dysp• dysp• 1 morh• tark• tark• tark• traš• amur• hopt• 2 elat• puk• pity• 2 lamban• pfim• sandj• zyg• 1 sfag• sponde• 2 det• 2 karp• upad• 1 skop• teny• 2 hyl• egor• hetšt• sempr• 1 morh• tsamb• tekton• 2 dem• fundj• tekton• constructor consult contagious container container container container container contemplate contemplate contemplate contempt contempt contempt (vb) contents contents contents contest (match) contest(ing) contest(ing) contestant contestant continent continent continually continually continuous contour contract(ed) contract(ed) contract(ed) contract(ed) contract(ed) contract(ed) contrary contribute control (vb) contusion contusion convenient convenient convenient convent conversation convex convince /ing coo cook (nn) cook(ed) cook(ed) cook(ed) cook(ed) cook(ed) cookie cookie cookie molitor bol(e) virulent angei cyath foron lecyth utr derc derx theor fast temn(i) despect docu ochem oches athlon molit• 1 bolj• virul• ange• kyat• foron• lekyt• utr• derk• derk• tojr• 2 fasts• 1 temn• despek• dokw• 1 oxes• 1 oxes• atlon• prativacaman [S] pradvak• santhushta [S] sanst• echth(r) extr• echthodop extr• chers tšers• epeir epejr• sychn sixn• synech sixn• aichm aji• pheri fere• kashayah [S] kasaj• 1 rhicn rikn• 1 ricn rikn• sphigg sfint• sphinct sfint• 1 staltic stalt• ob obj• metoch metox• cibernet tsibern• smodic smodz• smoding smodz• 1 aeres eres• aesi ejsi• armost armost. thias(ot) tjas• mouhadatsa [A] muxad• 1 not noth• 2 pith(ia) pits• 2 laryn larn• artam artm• artop artop• epset epsed• nidor nidr• pepasm peps• peps peps• 2 lib lib• mas masts• pelen peln• 395 coping coping copious copper copper copse copse copy coral cord cord cord cord (rope) cord (rope) cordage cordage core core cork cork cork cork cork cork corn (callus) corn (callus) corn (callus) corn (cereal) corn (provisions) corner corps (army) corpse corpse corpse corpse corpse corpse corpulent corpulent corpulent corpus corpuscle corral corral correct(ly) correct(ly) correct(ly) correct(ly) correct(ly) corridor corrode(d) corrosion corrosion corrosion corrosive 396 thrinc thring dapsil aen aer als dri(od) homo(i) pora djaib [A] merinth seir peirar resti rudens rudent cocc metr bystr pess phell phell phloe suber por(om) thyl tyl(l) zea tarich eces loche cenebr necr(o) necy ptom reduv scan galbul obes physc som(at) som(at) charac herco arti ete(o) eu napravith [Sl] orth fret phryct ferrug robig rubi dect trints• trints• dapsl• 1 aen• 2 aer• als• drod• homoj• pawr• džajb• merint• sejr• 2 pejr• rešt• 1 rudz• 1 rudz• kokts• 2 matr• bystr• 2 pesk• 1 pfel• 1 pfel• floj• subr• purm• tylt• tylt• 2 ze• 1 tartš• etšes• 1 lokx• knebr• nekr• nekr• ptoma• reduv• škan• galb• obes• 1 fysts• som• som• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• 2 arti• 1 hetj• eu• naprav• 2 ort• fred• fryk• frug• robix• robix• 1 dekt• corrosive corrosive corrupt(ed) corrupt(ed) corruption corruption cost(ly) cost(ly) costume costume costume cot(tage) cot(tage) cotton cotton couch couch couch couch couch couch couch cough cough counsel counsel count(ing) count(ing) counter counter (adv) counter (adv) counter (adv) counterfeit country country country(side) country(side) country(side) couple couple courage courage courageous courageous courageous courageous courageous course (food) court (royal) court(ing) court(ing) courteous courteous cousin cousin drimi drimy frace fraci phthir phtin axi timi eimat him himat scen(it) sken gossyp trich(in) demn diphr eun klin lech lect(r) lectul bechi tussi bol(e) monit arithm digit en anti contra ob phenac epeir stan choret rur rust didym jug aim hem phert thar(sal) thrass tolm(er) yphth deipn aulic sterg storg astei epi anepsi sobrin drimj• drimj• fraš• fraš• 2 ftir• 2 ftir• 1 aksi• 1 timj• him• him• him• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• gosyp• 2 trix• demn• difr• eun• kline• 1 lekt• 1 lekt• 1 lekt• betši• dostš• 1 bolj• monit• aritm• didžit• ene• anti• konter• obj• fenak• epejr• štan• tšort• rur• rur• 1 didm• žug• hajm• hajm• fert• tras• tras• tolm• hyft• dejpn• awlits• 1 sterg• 1 sterg• asti• hepj• aneps• 2 šobr• cover (up) cover (up) cover(age) cover(age) cover(age) cover(age) cover(age) cover(age) cover(age) cover(age) cover(age) cover(age) cover(age) cover(age) cover(age) cover(age) cover(ed) cover(ed) cover(ed) cover(ed) cover(ed) cow cow cow cow cow-shed cowardice cowardice cowboy cowl coy(ness) coy(ness) coy(ness) coy(ness) crab crack (split) crack (split) crack (split) crack (split) crack(ed) cracked (crazy) cracked (crazy) cradle craft (profession) crafty crafty crafty crafty crafty crane crane cranium crawl(ing) crawl(ing) crawl(ing) calypt scep(a) crypt(o) endym endym endys endys epel indusi indut lodic lodix pomast scepe tect(r) toech stegan stegm(en) stegnos teges tegm(en) bo bu vacc vitul mandr(a) phyzel ptyr(t) equ cucull aedem(on) bhayam [S] lygr trer(on) carid anch chasm rim(ul) rima psoph mori(o) moron cap tachn doli(o) dolon dolos vafer vafr erodi geran corryph herp rept serpig kalypt• stsep• 2 krypt• endm• endm• endm• endm• epl• induš• induš• lodiks• lodiks• pomast• skep• 1 tekt• 1 tekt• stegn• stegn• stegn• 1 teng• 1 teng• 1 buw• 1 buw• vakts• vitsl• 2 mandr• fizl• tyrd• 2 ekw• kukl• edem• bajam• lygr• 1 trer• karid• 2 anx• xasm• riml• riml• psof• 1 morj• 1 morj• tsap• 2 tjekn• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• vafr• vafr• erodj• geran• koryf• herp• 2 rept• serpix• crayfish crayfish crayon crazy crazy creak(ing) creak(ing) creak(ing) creak(ing) cream cream cream cream cream cream crease create(d) create(d) create(d) create(d) creation (art) creed creek cremate crescent crescent crescent cress crest crest crest crib cricket crime crime crime crime crime crimped cripple(d) cripple(d) cripple(d) cripple(d) cripple(d) cripple(d) cripple(d) criticism criticize crocodile (etc) crocodile (etc) crook crooked cross (nn) cross (nn) cross-breed(ing) crossroad astac carcin isati alien cerrit brych fres tetix tric cer illin lip(o) lipid pingu(i) smet phla(o) fact(it) gene phy phys opi catech syrt dau lunat men(i) numen cardam loph(i) phalar scopel likn attak aliter amartem olophr scel(est) sceler (o)ul aeidi colob gui manc per pero(m) prav onost trico makarah [S] such psydr connat staur cruci schiasma schiasma astak• 2 kartsin• isatj• aljen• tšert• 1 bryx• pfres• tetiks• 2 tritš• tšer• hiln• lipt• lipt• pingv• smed• flaj• pfakt• 1 gen• fy• 1 fiz• opy• katex• sirt• dav• lunt• 2 menj• 2 num• kardam• lopf• 1 falar• skopl• likn• atsak• alitr• amart• lofr• skles• skles• 1 uvl• ajdi• kolob• gui• mantš• 2 per• pevr• prawv• onost• trikf• 2 makar• sux• 1 psydr• knat• 2 stavr• krutši• sxasm• sxasm• 397 crouch crow crowd (bunch) crowd (bunch) crowd (bunch) crowd (bunch) crowd (bunch) crowd (bunch) crowd(ed) crown (flowers, ring) crown (head) crown (head) crown (head) crown (head) crown (head) crown (head) crown (head) crown (head) crucifix crude crude crude crude cruel(ty) cruel(ty) crumple crush crush crush crush crush crush crush crush crush crusher crusher crust crust crust crust crustacean crustacean cry (animal) cry (animal) cry (animal) cry (animal) cry (call) cry (out) cry (scream) cry (scream) cry (scream) cry (weep) cry (weep) crystal crystal 398 oclao coron byzen ochl stru(ic) strues them thom man sert(ul) brechm corryph loph(i) stemm stephan streph strept summ staur asper oom squal trach(y) apen saev phla(o) gnapt phlib phlips pins ptis(t) stremm(at) thlips thlyp trib tudicl tudicul cheli chely eschar squarr astac carcin hylac(t) hylagm iyg(m) stren clang ibyc boe lacery rabul flen flet hyal phyr okla• tsoron• byzn• okl• strujs• strujs• tojm• tojm• 2 mamn• sertl• brexm• koryf• lopf• 1 stem• stref• stref• stref• 1 sumn• 2 stavr• asper• 2 omj• 11 skwal• 1 traxl• apen• šav• flaj• gnapt• flib• flib• pinz• ptis• stremn• tlips• tlips• 1 tryb• tudikl• tudikl• xely• xely• eskr• skwar• astak• 2 kartsin• hilak• hilak• jygm• 1 stren• klang• ibyk• bwe• 2 lakr• ralb• fletn• fletn• hyal• fyr• crystal cube cube cubit cubit cuckoo cucumber cucumber cucumber cuddle cudgel cuff cuirass cuirass culmination culmination culpability culpability cultivate(d) cultivate(d) cultivate(d) cultivate(d) cultivate(d) cultured cultured cultured cultured cultured cunning cunning cunning cunning cunning cunning cunning cunning cup cup cup cup cup (trophy) cup (trophy) cup (trophy) cup (trophy) cup (trophy) cupboard cupola cupping-glass cupping-glass cure (therapy) cure (therapy) cure(d) cure(d) cure(d) curfew yal tesser siri pechy pich coccyg cynth pep(on) sicy blac scipon clistr loric(a) phract acr hyps(i) aliter amartem colens colent hemer sativ teth(el) dokem dokes idemon idmon soph(od) astu(t) doli(o) dolon dolop dolos trebac vafer vafr depas kalyx lepist scall canthar carches cyath pater(a) scyph cibot cran cotyl sic ac(on) acos aces(m) acest alth(ae) deil hyal• tesr• sirj• peky• peky• koktsyk• kynt• 2 pepn• siky• blats• skipn• klistr• lorits• frakt• 1 axr• hips• alitr• amart• klens• klens• 2 hemer• satf• 2 tetj• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• idm• idm• zof• astut• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• trepk• vafr• vafr• deps• kalyks• 1 lepts• 2 škal• kantsar• 1 karxes• kyat• patra• skyf• kibot• kranj• 2 kotyl• sitš• akon• akon• atses• atses• altse• 1 deil• curfew curl (hair) curl (hair) curl (hair) curl (hair) curl (hair) curl (hair) curl (hair) curl(ed) curl(ed) curl(ed) current (time) current (time) current (flow) current (flow) current (flow) current (flow) current (flow) curse curtain curtain curve(d) curve(d) curve(d) curve(d) curve(d) curve(d) curve(d) cushion cushion cushion custom (taxes) custom(ary) custom(ary) custom(ary) custom(ary) custom(ary) custom(ary) cut (mow) cut off cut out cut short cut short cut up cut(ting) cut(ting) cut(ting) cut(ting) cut(ting) cut(ting) cut(ting) cut(ting) cut(ting) cut(ting) cut(ting) diel(in) bostrych cicin cirr ostling ostlinx parul ploc(am) (o)ul cinifl(o) enul ###### adya [S] bol nam(at) rhe rho rhy ara calypn gallum ancyl camp(al) camp(t) colp(od) cyrt raeb stroph(al) pulvill pulvin tyle goumruk [A] e(e)th habitus nom onom solit trop meten eccopt latom sarp seli(d) desi acr carchar cisi dect drimi drimy etm keir latom temn tmeg 1 deil• bostrix• tšitšin• 1 tsirj• ostl• ostl• 1 parl• plokm• 1 uvl• tsinifl• enl• aktu• adja• 2 bol• namt• 1 rej• 1 rej• 1 rej• arar• kalipt• galm• ankyl• 2 kamt• 2 kamt• 1 kolp• tsyrt• rajb• 1 stropf• pulvin• pulvin• tyl• gumr• 1 aet• habits• onom• onom• solt• 2 trop• metn• etšopt• latsm• sarp• šeld• desj• 2 axr• 1 karxar• stsis• 1 dekt• drimj• drimj• 2 etm• kejr• latsm• 2 etm• tmes• cut(ting) cut(ting) cylinder cylinder cylinder cylinder cylinder MEANING dad dagger dagger dagger daily dainty dainty dale damag(ing) damag(ing) damag(ing) damag(ing) damag(ing) damag(ing) damag(ing) damag(ing) damag(ing) damag(ing) damag(ing) damag(ing) damag(ing) damag(ing) damag(ing) damag(ing) damage (nn) damage (nn) damage (nn) damage (nn) damn(ed) damp(ness) damp(ness) damp(ness) damp(ness) damp(ness) damp(ness) damp(ness) damp(ness) dance dance dance dancer danger(ous) danger(ous) danger(ous) danger(ous) dangle tmes tmet acer aul dor solen strong ETYMON papp phasgan pugio(n) xiph hemer chnaum chnaur cnem colob delem(at) laes noc(i) nocu noxi oleth olonth perth phtart phteir phter porth(e) sin uli vitios lym pernic(i) phthor sina cris brec(h)t dros plad(ar) pladasm uv(en) uvesc uvid uvor ixal orches(t) tripudi paec(t) cindyn pericul phon uli camp(al) tmes• tmes• at er• 1 awl• 1 dor• šoln• strong• LEMMA 2 papt• fazgan• pudž• ksif• hemr• xnam• xnam• 2 knem• kolob• delm• 1 lez• nots• nots• nots• lond• lond• 1 perts• fter• fter• fter• 1 perts• šin• hulj• vitiš• 1 lym• pernitš• ftor• sinax• krists• brext• droz• pladr• pladr• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• 2 iksal• orxes• tript• pajst• kindyn• prikl• 2 pfon• hulj• 1 tsamp• 399 dangle dangle dangle dangle dangle dark dark dark dark dark dark dark dark dark dark dark(ness) dark(ness) dark(ness) dark(ness) dark(ness) dark(ness) dark(ness) darken darkish darkish darling darling darling darling darn dart dart dart dart dash (crush) dash (crush) dash (crush) date (fruit) date (fruit) daughter daughter dawn(ing) dawn(ing) dawn(ing) day(light) day(light) day(light) day(light) day(light) daybreak daybreak dead dead deadly deadly 400 camp(im) camp(s) campil campyl camur amaur atr fusc gnoph kneph mel(as) melan melen sci(ad) scia(r) ereb eremn lyg orpn pseph(en) scot(i) zoph(er) caec phae phoe eras erasm erast erastri bystr aco jacul pals palt stremm(at) thlips thlyp borass dactyl putri [S] thygater eeri pratah [S] ushah [S] div [S] emer heli(o) hemar hemer eo(s) ushah [S] brot teleut letal lethal 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• amavr• 1 atr• fusk• gnof• knef• melan• melan• melan• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• ereb• ereb• 2 lyg• horpn• psep• 1 skot• zofr• 2 tsek• 1 faj• 1 faj• erast• erast• erast• erast• bystr• ak• jakl• pals• pals• stremn• tlips• tlips• boras• 2 daktyl• puter• tygatr• heri• prata• uša• 2 div• 1 hemer• heli• 1 hemer• 1 hemer• eos• uša• 2 brot• telt• let• let• deaf deal (nn) dear (costly) death debate debauch debauch debauch debt debt decease deceased (nn) deceased (nn) deceive(d) deceive(d) deceive(d) deceive(d) deceive(d) deceive(d) deceive(d) deceive(d) deceive(d) deceive(d) deceiver December decent decent decide deck (vb) declare decompose decompose decorate decorate decoration decoration dedicate dedicate deem deep deep deep deep deep-red deer deer deer deer deer deer deer defeat(ing) defeat(ing) defeat(ing) defeat(ing) defeat(ing) badhirah [S] empor timi than(at) santhushta [S] hellup porn stupr dasm opseilem obi(t) necr(o) necy apat barater inex palag palan parag phel(et) phenac sfal(m) sphaler psydr Paushah [S] aret deon crit polimen phradz lys lyt cosme polimen anth gan sphagi spond(e) scop bath(y) benth byth(i) gron vinolent achaen capre dorco dorx elaph proc prox apt vict vinc vict vinc badžir• 1 empor• 1 timj• tanas• sanst• 1 helv• porn• stupr• dasm• opsel• obit• nekr• nekr• apat• baratr• ineks• palg• palg• palg• palg• fenak• sfalm• sfalm• 1 psydr• pawš• ared• djon• 2 krit• 1 plim• fradz• liz• liz• kosmed• 1 plim• 2 ant• gan• 1 sfag• sponde• 1 skop• baty• bents• byts• gron• 2 vinl• axen• 1 kapre• dork• dork• elaf• 1 proks• 1 proks• 2 apt• vikt• vikt• vikt• vikt• defecate defect defect defect defect (nn) defect(ive) defect(ive) defect(ive) defect(ive) defect(ive) defect(ive) defend defend defend defend defend defend deficient deficient deficient deficient deficient deficient defile (passage) defile (passage) defile (vb) deflect deflect deformed defy degenerate degree degree degree degree degree degree delay delegate delegate delicacy delicacy delicate delicate delicate delicate delicate delicate delict delict delight deliver (provide) dell dell demand lax(a) lym oleth pernic(i) phthor apor hatel hatl leip lip steres alex amyn erym(at) erymn muni tuit(a) apor hatel hatl leip lip steres makta [A] stib molyn valgus var(us) verg anfract commina sphac(el) agm balbid clity cliv preon proal melletes ceryx pemot lich scitamenta [It] ambly glaph(yr) habr(o) tenu(i) tryph(er) tryphos scel(est) sceler agath parokhee bess cnem erot(em) 1 laks• 1 lym• lond• pernitš• ftor• 1 apor• hatl• hatl• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• sters• aleks• amyn• erym• erym• 2 muni• tujt• 1 apor• hatl• hatl• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• sters• 2 makt• 1 stib• moln• verdž• verdž• verdž• anfrakt• komna• sfakl• agm• balb• klitf• klitf• preon• preon• 2 meled• kryks• 2 pemt• lix• skitm• 2 ambly• 2 glaf• 2 habr• teny• trypf• trypf• skles• skles• 1 agast• prok• beš• 2 knem• erots• demand demise demolish demolish demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate denizen denizen denizen denizen dense dense dense dense dense dense dense dense dense dense dense dense dense density density density deny depart(ure) depend deplorable deplore deplore deposit deposit depository depreaved of deprive(d) deprive(d) deprive(d) deprive(d) deprive(d) deprive(d) depth depth deride deride descend descend descendant descendant descendant descent descent procax obi(t) tryps trypt dictic ostens ostent phrast protin enaul incol naster nastes adin arae crass dasy(t) daul hathro pychn pycin pycn spiss stipat stiphr stipt(it) nact nast tarph(y) 2 proks• obit• 2 tryps• 2 tryps• diktits• stens• stens• prast• prodn• enal• inkol• nastr• nastr• adin• araj• krasts• dasy• dasy• hatr• pykn• pykn• pykn• spiš• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• nakt• nakt• tarf• prativacaman [S] pradvak• amped amped• pensil pensl• ptoch ptox• 1 luct lukts• 1 lug(ubr) lukts• asbol azbol• sedim(en) sedim• latebr latebr• a ae• apollym aplym• de(s) dez+ chern(et) tšern• penia penikr• penichr penikr• ptoch ptox• byth(i) byts• orgy(i) orgy• scomn skopt• scopt skopt• cata kata• deors ders• catul tsatl• 2 obri obr• sishu [S] sišu• 2 gen gen• 2 gene gen• 401 descent desert desert desert desert(ed) desert(ed) design desire desire desire desire desire despise despise dessert destination destination destiny destiny destiny destiny destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy detached detachment (army) detailed detect determine determine develop deviate deviate devoid devoid devour devour devour devour devour dew dew dew 402 haem chers erem(io) syrt automol trech graph ese esis lim(er) memat pothe despect temn(i) houlwe [A] tel(e) tels bascan moira oet tych agees eremot ereps olesth olet(hr) oleth oleti olonth olous pernic(i) perth porth(e) tryps trypt lapar loche (o)ul repert tass tatt troph valgus var(us) verg caen kain laphyc laphyg laphys lem lurco dros ers hers 2 hem• xers• 2 erm• syrt• atmol• 1 trex• graf• esiš• esiš• 2 limn• memt• pote• despek• 1 temn• hulw• 1 tel• 1 tel• baskan• mojr• hojt• tyk• ages• 1 ereps• 1 ereps• oltr• oltr• lond• oltr• lond• 2 lows• pernitš• 1 perts• 1 perts• 2 tryps• 2 tryps• 1 lapr• 1 lokx• 2 uvl• erpert• tats• tats• 2 trof• verdž• verdž• verdž• 1 tsen• 1 tsen• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• lurk• droz• 2 ers• 2 ers• diadem diadem diadem diagnose diagnose dial (nn) diamond (jewel) diamond (jewel) diamond (shape) diamond (shape) dice-box dictate dictate die die die die differ differ different different different different difficult diffuse dig dig dig dig dig dig dig digest(ion) digest(ion) digest(ion) digest(ion) digit dignified dignified dignity dike dilate diligent diligent diligent diligent dim din dingle dingle direct (manage) direct (manage) direct (manage) direct(ly) direction stephan streph strept tass tatt al adamas garasu-kiri rhomb scutul fritill entell entole brot obi(t) tabet thapt valgus var(us) verg all hetero oll oter argal sparg lachaen orych oryct pastin scaph(is) scapt(er) scrob(i) peps peps pept pept digit prepod prept garvah [S] choma mydr draster elaphr sphodr thass atr psoph bess cnem cibernet polit rectr prors clin stref• stref• stref• tats• tats• alal• admant• garask• romb• skutl• fritl• entol• entol• 2 brot• obit• 2 tapt• 2 tapt• verdž• verdž• verdž• 1 alj• heter• alits• heter• argal• sparg• 2 laxn• 1 orykt• 1 orykt• patsin• skapt• skapt• skrob• pept• pept• pept• pept• didžit• prept• prept• garva• xoma• 2 mydr• drasr• elafr• sfodr• 1 takts• 1 atr• psof• beš• 2 knem• tsibern• 1 polit• rektr• prors• xlin• direction direction direction direction direction director director dirge dirk dirt (rubbish) dirt (rubbish) dirt (rubbish) dirt (rubbish) dirt (rubbish) dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty (morally) dirty (morally) dirty (spoil) disdisabled disabled disabled disabled disagreement disappear disarrange disband disband discard discernment disciple disciple disciple disciplined disciplined disclose disconcert disconcert disconcert disconcert disconcert discord discover discover discover discover discover discriminate discriminate discriminate discuss disease disease hod(o) hodi hodoi od(o) ud egetst prytan neni phasgan aplys miae miant miar rupi(a) dys pinar pinod squal aeschr aescn molyn apo aeidi gui manc pero(m) neic vanesc marg lys lyt abact alco mathet stasiot thera [S] cicur sophron prodi tarach tarass tarax tuph typh neic eurem eures heurem heures repert arizel dier dior santhushta [S] morb(id) morbos od• od• od• od• od• 2 ext• pryt• nenj• fazgan• aplys• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• rupj• dys+ pindr• pindr• 1 skwal• ejsxr• ejsxr• moln• 1 ap• ajdi• gui• mantš• pevr• nejk• vans• marg• liz• liz• abakt• alkmated• 2 stast• tjer• tsikur• 2 sofr• prodž• tark• tark• tark• tupf• tupf• nejk• evres• evres• evres• evres• erpert• arzel• djor• djor• sanst• morb• morb• disease disease (infectious) disease (infectious) disease (infectious) disease (infectious) disease (infectious) disfigured disgrace disgraceful disgraceful disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting dish (food) dish (food) dish (food) dish (plate) dish (plate) dish (plate) dish (plate) dish (plate) dish (plate) dishevel dishonest dishonest dishonest dishonest dishonour disjoint disk disk disk disk dislocate dismal dismal dismantle disorder disorder disorder disparate disperse disperse disperse disperse displace display (vb) disposition dispute dispute disquiet disrupt disrupt path(e) lazar lem loem loim lym prav lajja [S] aeschr aescn chalep dys nefari styget stygn deipn opson vesc cotyl lanx lec lecane patell trybli thrass doli(o) dolon dolop dolos lajja [S] luxa al cicl solos troch(al) luxa sci(ad) scia(r) stremm(at) marg turb tyrb varic scedasm scedast sparg varic cin phaner clin neic 2 pat• lazar• lojm• lojm• lojm• lojm• prawv• lajž• ejsxr• ejsxr• xalep• dys+ 2 nefr• stygn• stygn• dejpn• pson• 1 vests• 1 kotyl• lekan• lekan• lekan• 2 ptel• trybl• traš• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• 2 doli• lajž• 2 lukts• alal• kykl• sols• trox• 2 lukts• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• stremn• marg• 1 torb• 1 torb• varts• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• sparg• varts• tsin• faner• xlint• nejk• prativacaman [S] pradvak• bhayam [S] bajam• 2 luxa lukts• stremm(at) stremn• 403 disseminate disseminate dissension dissolve dissolve dissolve dissolve dissolve dissolve distance distance distant distant distant distant distinguish distinguish distinguish distract distress distress distress distress distress distress distress distress distress distribute distribute distribute distribute distribute distribute distribute distribute distribute district disturb(ance) disturb(ance) disturb(ance) disturb(ance) disturb(ance) ditch divan dive dive dive diverge diverge divers divert divert divert 404 sparg radio neic lys lyt tabc tabesc tabet tabid orgy(i) tele hecat porrh rempt tele arizel dier dior progana achter achthin axos dacn luper lype lypr maest moest dai dat de petas ptas radio scedasm scedast sparg chor(i) algi(a) eil oler turb tyrb scammat diphr dypt dyt(ic) urin(at) valgus var(us) verg cret oti(os) progana strach sparg• redj• nejk• liz• liz• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• orgy• 1 tele• xekt• porx• remt• 1 tele• arzel• djor• djor• progn• 2 axt• 2 axt• axs• dakn• lupr• lupr• lupr• 1 mest• 1 mest• dejt• dejt• dejt• 1 petas• 1 petas• redj• 1 sxed• 1 sxed• sparg• 1 kxor• algi• eil• olr• 1 torb• 1 torb• skamt• difr• dyt• dyt• urints• verdž• verdž• verdž• krez• hotj• progn• strax• divert divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divine divine divinity divinity division division division division do do do do do do do do away do hair doctor doctor doctor doctrine document dog dog dog dog(gy) doll doll doll doll doll domain domain domain domain domain dome dome dome dome dome domestic(ated) donate donate donate donkey donkey strang dai dat de dicho nom regm rhac rhag hagi hagni dio(s) the(o) mer(id) meres merism moer erg erga ergi ergum poies poiet urg(a) abact cinifl(o) iatr jat paeon catech teudah [Hb] canin canis cyn scylax cora core cori dagyd plangon ayl gun plaga rur rust cran ilem(at) ilet psall(i) thol hemer dor(em) gamel proec oen on strax• dejt• dejt• dejt• dix• 1 nawm• 1 rag• 1 rag• 1 rag• hagi• hagi• 2 djos• te• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• 1 mer• erg• erg• erg• erg• 1 poj• 1 poj• erg• abakt• tsinifl• iatr• iatr• pejon• katex• tewd• kyn• kyn• kyn• sklak• kora• kora• kora• dagyd• plang• ajyl• džun• pladž• rur• rur• kranj• 1 ilemt• 1 ilemt• psalj• tojl• 2 hemer• 2 dor• gaml• projt• onh• onh• donkey door door door door door door-keeper door-keeper dot double double double double double double double double double doubtful doubtful dough dough dove dove dove dove dove dove down (fluff) down (fluff) down (fluff) down (fluff) down (fluff) down (fluff) down (fluff) down (fluff) down (fluff) down(ward) doze dozen draconian draconian drag drag drain (nn) drain (nn) drain (nn) draught draw (fluid) draw (fluid) draw (line) draw (pull) draw (pull) draw (pull) draw (pull) draw (pull) onus embol osti(a) ostium pyl(ae) thyr(e) ior janit stictis bi(n) dipl(o) diplac diplasi diplax diplaz duplic duplex dis doe pholc magdal pult pelei perister phab phaps phass trygon achn enchn eri erin erio ionth lac(h)n ptil toment cata somn(i) dodeca dein den rhym syr donac donax ochet anem haur haust fleb helc(t) spast tract(u) ulc ulqu onh• 2 emble• ostj• ostj• pyl• 1 tyr• jor• janits• stikt• bina• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dias• doj• folts• 2 magd• pult• pele• peristr• pfab• pfab• 1 fasts• trygn• ašn• enxn• 1 eri• 1 eri• 1 eri• jonts• 1 laxn• ptil• tomt• kata• somn• dodeka• [GN] dejn• dejn• rym• 2 syr• 2 donak• 2 donak• oxed• anem• hust• hust• 2 fleb• helst• spast• trakts• ultš• ultš• draw(ing) draw(ing) dream dream dream dream dream dregs dress (clothing) dress (clothing) dress (clothing) dress (clothing) dress (clothing) dress (clothing) dress (clothing) dress(ed) dribble (slobber) dribble (slobber) drift drift drift drift drill (nn) drink(ing) drink(ing) drink(ing) drinkable drip drip drive (apparatus) drive /ing drive /ing drive /ing drive /ing drive /ing drive /ing driver driver dromedary droop droop droop droop droop droop droop droop droop (wither) drop (liquid) drop (liquid) drop (liquid) drop (liquid) drop (liquid) drop (liquid) drop (liquid) gramm graph ephialt onar oneir onir somn(i) syrphet esth(em) esthes esthet pepl phar syrm(at) zeir stello pty(al) ptyel pleus(t) plous rati(s) schedi teretr pin(o) pom pot pist stalagm stalact temo bol elat loco osm(o) oste veh aurig(a) henioch ushtrah [S] flacc(id) marai marcesc marcid stalact stalagm viesc viet tabes lib(r) piti psac(a) psias rhanis stagon stalact gram• graf• efjalt• oner• oner• oner• somn• sirfed• 2 ests• 2 ests• 2 ests• pepl• pfar• sirm• dzejr• 2 stelj• ptial• ptial• plews• plews• ratj• šxed• tertr• pinu• 2 pomt• 2 pomt• 1 bist• stalagm• stalakt• 2 temn• 1 bol• 1 elat• 1 lokj• 2 osm• 2 osm• vex• avrig• henjok• uštra• flatš• maraj• maraj• maraj• stalakt• stalagm• vjes• vjes• tabz• 1 lib• 2 pit• psak• psak• rans• 1 staxt• stalakt• 405 drop (liquid) drop (liquid) drop (liquid) drop(ped) drop(ped) drop(ped) drop(ped) droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings dross drown drudge drudge drudge drudge drudge drudge drudge drudge drug drugged drum drunken drunken dry (adj) dry (adj) dry (adj) dry (adj) dry (adj) dry (adj) dry (bitter) dry (bitter) dry(ing) dubious dubious duck (fowl) duck (fowl) duck (fowl) dull dull dull dull dull dull (stupid) dumb dummy dune dune dune dung dung dung 406 stalagm stax still(a) petes pipt ptos(im) ptot aphod cacc caco(d) copr scat spyred spod baptist aerumn cop(t) mochth mogi mogus nis(us) try(os) trys pharmac temulenc dundub methyst temulenc au aza(le) ischn kraur phryg xer styphr styphr aethe doe pholc chen nes(s) nett ambly hebes hebet nocar retu(n)s socors elingu dagyd erg [A] mast this aphod cacc caco(d) stalagm• 1 staxt• stilj• petes• pipt• tosm• tosm• afod• tsaks• tsaks• kopr• skat• spird• 2 špod• bapts• erumn• 2 kop• moxt• moxt• moxt• nists• tryš• tryš• farmats• teml• dundub• metys• teml• ay• azl• 1 išn• krar• fryg• kser• 2 stypn• 2 stypn• ajte• doj• folts• 1 xen• neš• neš• 1 ambly• heps• heps• nokr• ertus• skors• elinx• dagyd• erx• 2 mašt• tsiš• afod• tsaks• tsaks• dung dung dung dung dung(hill) dung(hill) during dust dust dust dust dust dust dust duty (obligation) duty (tax) duty (tax) dwarf dwarf dwell dwell dwell dwell dwell dwelling-place dwelling-place dwelling-place dwelling-place dwelling-place dwelling-place dwelling-place dwelling-place dwelling-place dwelling-place dwelling-place dwelling-place MEANING each each eagerness eagerness eagle eagle ear ear ear (of corn) ear (of corn) ear (of corn) ear (of corn) ear (of corn) ear (of corn) early early copr onth scat spyred fimet laetamen para abac amm coni(t) conid conio conis hamm cler atel tel pumil stilpon bat col(a) nae nai nee dom eces eci ecie eco ecs ephest oec(et) oeci(e) oic por vihar [S] ETYMON ecast hecast labell labr aet valer acho auri achne arist ather gloch(id) glochin otis stachy ante anti kopr• ontj• skat• spird• fimt• 1 latm• 1 para• abats• 1 amn• konj• konj• konj• konj• 1 amn• 2 xler• 2 tele• 2 tele• pumel• stilp• 1 bats• 1 tšol• naj• naj• naj• dawm• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• efest• ewk• ewk• ewk• 2 powr• vihar• LEMMA ekast• ekast• 1 labr• 1 labr• 2 aet• valr• akx• 2 awr• axn• 2 arist• 2 ater• glotš• glotš• ot• stax• ante• ante• early early early early Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth earth (ground) earth (ground) earth (ground) earth (ground) earth (ground) earth (ground) earth (ground) earth (ground) earthworm ease east east easy/iness easy/iness easy/iness easy/iness easy-chair easy-going eat(ing) eat(ing) eat(ing) eat(ing) eat(ing) eat(ing) eat(ing) eat(ing) eat(ing) eat(ing) eat(ing) eat(ing) eat(ing) eccentric echelon echelon echelon echelon echelon eczema eczema eddy eddy Eden Eden edge edge edge edge eo(s) orthr praec proecox epeir gae gai ge(o) tellur chamae chthon edaph pedan pedon tell terr(a) ud(eo) dril solaci eur purva [S] aphel schol(e) sukham [S] synech diphr laepser bor bosc brom bros caps dac(n) dak dect(ic) edac odax phag sit vesc kain balbid daped pedan pedon strat phol(l)ic psor(om) ochl(er) strob(il) celest div [S] amb(it) ambon chil ity ew• ortr• prajk• prajk• epejr• ge• ge• ge• telur• xame• xton• 1 edaf• pedn• pedn• terl• terl• udj• drilus• solts• ejur• purv• afel• sxol• suxam• sinek• difr• 1 leps• borj• bosx• bromn• bromn• 2 tsaps• dak• dak• dak• dak• dak• 1 fag• 2 zit• 1 vests• kain• balb• daped• pedn• pedn• 1 strats• folits• psor• 2 oxl• strob• tselest• 1 div• ambit• ambit• 2 xil• 2 ity• edge edge edge edible educate(d) educate(d) educate(d) educate(d) educate(d) educate(d) eel effect effect effort effort effort effort effort egg egg egg egg on egg on eight eight eight elastic elastic elastic elastic elbow elbow elbow elbow elder elect elegant elegant elegant elegant elegy element element elementary elementary elephant elevation elevator elitary elite ell ell else else emaciated emaciated ocht(er) ochthod oia edul dokem dokes idemon idmon paed soph(od) enchely carp nast cam(at) mochth mogi mogus zetes o oari oo(n) thect theg oct(o) octo vosjem chalasm chalast exos(s) lag(a)r angc ole(n) pechy pich presby pseph comps emmel hemmel laut neni pseg(m) psich stech stoichei gajah [S] mast misaad [A] clyt arist pechy pich all oll camat ischn oxt• oxt• oxt• edl• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• idm• idm• 1 ped• zof• enxel• 2 karp• nast• 1 kamt• moxt• moxt• moxt• dzetes• hon• hon• hon• tsekt• tsekt• okt• [LN] oxta• [GN] vosm• [RN] xlast• xlast• eksoš• laxr• ank• oln• peky• peky• 1 prezby• 2 psef• komps• heml• heml• laft• nenj• psex• psex• stojx• stojx• gadža• 2 mašt• msad• klyt• 1 arist• peky• peky• 1 alj• 1 alj• kamat• 2 išn• 407 emaciated emaciated emaciated emaciated embankment embarrass(ing) embellish embellish emboss emboss embracing eminence eminent eminent eminent eminent eminent eminent eminent emotion emotion emotion emperor emperor emphasis emphasis emphasis empty/ ness empty/ ness empty/ ness empty/ ness empty/ ness empty/ ness emulation enchain enchain enchant enchant enclosure enclosure encompassing encompassing encompassing encompassing encourage end (finish) end (finish) end (finish) end (finish) end (finish) endeavour endeavour endeavour endeavour endeavour 408 lept(al) leptec micit vesc choma apore cosme polimen glaph glaphyr encycl arist abhi [S] aga [S] clyt epi maha [S] presby promin daya [S] phras thym basil imperator mega pest stomph(ax) caen endae inan kain sifir [A] sunya [S] asuya [S] hirm horm(ath) dele dele charac herco (o)ul encycl hadr pan egorik acr eschat peirar tel(e) tels cam(at) mochth mogi mogus morich 1 lept• 1 lept• mitsid• 2 vests• xoma• 2 apor• kosmed• 1 plim• 1 glaf• 1 glaf• entsikl• 1 arist• abhi• haga• klyt• 2 epi• maha• 2 prezby• promin• daja• 2 fras• 1 tym• basil• imper• 2 meg• 1 pešt• stomf• 1 tsen• endje• inan• 1 tsen• sifr• sundž• asja• hirm• hirm• 2 del• 2 del• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• 2 uvl• entsikl• 1 hadr• pan+ egor• 1 axr• esxat• 1 pejr• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 kamt• moxt• moxt• moxt• morix• endeavour endeavour endeavour endure/ able endure/ able endure/ able endure/ able enemy enemy enemy enemy energy energy energy energy energy engineer engraft engrave engraving engraving engulf engulf enigma enigma enigma enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoyable enjoyable enjoyable enlarge enlarge enlarge enlarge enlighten enlighten enough enough ensign (flag) ensuing ensuing entangle entangle enter enter enter enter enter entertain(ing) entertain(ing) entertain(ing) entertain(ing) entertain(ing) morych nis(us) zetes anect odin odyn(er) odyn(o) da(e) dai echth(r) echthodop aioll crat sthen virios vis mouhandis [A] insit charac glyph glypt caps rhoph griph myrism myst agath edos hedon arest hedy lar plei pleon aux ux phaec phan eparc hican pteryx deu deuter ilem(at) ilet dypt dyt(ic) ischor pora pori(z) jocos jocul ligur(in) oti(os) progana morix• nists• dzetes• anekt• odyn• odyn• odyn• 2 daj• 2 daj• extr• extr• 1 ajol• 2 krat• 2 sten• viri• viri• mwand• insits• 2 xarak• glipt• glipt• 2 tsaps• 2 ropf• gripf• 1 myst• 1 myst• 1 agast• hedon• hedon• arst• hedy• 2 lar• plei• plei• awks• awks• 2 fan• 2 fan• eparts• hikn• 2 pterg• dewter• dewter• 2 ilemt• 2 ilemt• dyt• dyt• iskr• 2 porj• 2 porj• šokl• šokl• ligr• hotj• progn• entice entity entity entomb entrance entrance entrance entrance entreat entreat entry envelop envelop envelop envelope envy envy ephemere ephemere epoch epoch epsilon equal equal equal equal equal equal in number equip(ment) equip(ment) equip(ment) equitable era era ere ere erect erect erroneous erroneous error error error error erudite erudite erupt(ion) erupt(ion) erupt(ion) escape(d) escape(d) escape(d) escape(d) escape(d) escape(d) especially dele ent ont(o) tarchon embol osti(a) ostium pyl(ae) supolic supplex pyl(ae) diad(em) elle enelle scepe asuya [S] phton dial thnet a(e)v chron hy(o) aequ equi hom(o) is(o) taut arti enty sceu stell dice a(e)v chron prae proe stad them hatel hatl hamart ptaesm sfal(m) sphaler dokem dokes ragia ramex urigin automol pheuc phygas treo tres tret idic 2 del• onts• onts• tarx• 2 emble• ostj• ostj• pyl• splidz• splidz• pyl• djad• 1 ele• 1 ele• skep• asja• fton• djal• tenst• ajv• xron• 1 hy• eky• eky• xom• iz• tawt• 1 arti• enty• škev• 1 stelj• dikaj• ajv• xron• opr• opr• štad• tejm• hatl• hatl• xmart• ptasm• sfalm• sfalm• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• ragi• ramek• 2 urign• atmol• pfuk• pfuk• 2 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• idits• essence (gist) essence (gist) essence (gist) essence (gist) essence (gist) establish(ed) establish(ed) establish(ed) establish(ed) establish(ed) estate esteem esteemed esthetics estimate eternal eunuch evaluate even (number) even(ly) even(ly) even(ly) even(ly) even(ly) even(ly) evening evening evening evening event event event eventide ever (always) ever (who,what,where) every every every every every day every way (in) every(one) every(one) every(thing) every(thing) every(thing) every(thing) everywhere evident evident evident evident evident evolution exex- hyl pyren stech stoichei us hidrys hidryt tass tatt them ayl opid(n) presby tecne timi aichm thlad timi arti homal leum leus levi omal plan dys hesper lyg sayam [S] histor path tych sayam [S] semper quaqua hol(o) ol(o) omn tot(i) eutel quaqua ecast hecast encycl omn pan pasi ubiqu dail del nunech prep saph(en) kramenah [S] obsolesc obsolet 2 hyl• p irn • stojx• stojx• husts• xidr• xidr• tats• tats• tejm• ajyl• 1 opid• 2 prezby• tetšn• 2 timj• aji• tlad• 2 timj• 1 arti• homal• lews• lews• lews• homal• 1 plani• dyš• 1 hespr• 2 lyg• sajam• 1 histor• 1 pat• tyx• sajam• sempr• kwakw• hol• hol• omni• tot• ejtl• kwakw• ekast• ekast• entsikl• omni• pan+ pazi• ubikw• 1 del• 1 del• nunx• prep• safn• kramn• opsol• opsol• 409 exexexacting examine examine examine examine examine examine examine examine examine example example exceed excellent excellent excellent exceptional excerpt excerpt excessive excessive excessive excessive excessive excessive excessive excite(d) excite(d) excite(d) excite(d) excite(d) excite(d) excite(d) excite(d) excite(d) excite(d) excitement exclusive exclusive exclusive exclusive excrement excrement excrement excrete excrete excuse execute (kill) execute (kill) execute (kill) exercise exert(ion) exert(ion) exhausted 410 veter(n) vetus argal alyte diph lab lamb ops scisc scop spex spic(i) deigm digm nimi aeres belti(st) praecell visheshena [S] haur haust hyper megal(i) nimi pera periss pleon pleth(or) eret(h) erethiz horm(et) hormon lacess otrynt oxy prest thect theg men idic oeo oeus oio copr scybal spatil crin emunct prophad lani occis phon asci nis(us) zetes camat vetr• vetr• argal• alyt• dipf• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• 2 opš• skiš• 1 skop• spitš• spitš• digm• digm• nimj• 1 eres• belti• prekl• višesn• hust• hust• hiper+ megal• nimj• 1 pera• 1 pera• plojn• pletr• 2 eret• 2 eret• hormn• hormn• 2 lakts• trynt• 2 okts• prest• tsekt• tsekt• 2 men• idits• eju• eju• eju• kopr• skybl• spalt• 1 krin• emunt• proft• lani• otšis• 1 pfon• aski• nists• dzetes• kamat• exhausted exhausted exhausted exhausted exhausted exhibit(ed) exhibit(ion) exhort exile exist(ence) exist(ence) exist(ence) exit exotic expand expect expect expect expedient expense(s) expensive experience (event) experience (feel) experience(d) experience(d) experience(d) experience(d) experience(d) experiment experiment experiment experiment expert (specialist) expert(ly) expert(ly) expert(ly) expert(ly) expert(ly) expiation expiation expire explain explain explanation explode explode explore explore explore explore explore explore explore explore explore explore eff(o)et fess molyc molyt molyx phaner taarucha [Hb] castig abact ent ont(o) sches ekbas allotri mydr elp elpid elpis xuth dapan timi tych geus callid elaphr idemon idmon scit docima obruss peir pir perit elaphr geus idemon idmon scit purgan purgat teless gnome hermen scoli spharag spharg alyte diph docima lab lamb mat ops scisc spex spic(i) eft• 1 fests• molyk• molyk• molyk• faner• trux• tsastig• abakt• onts• onts• sxes• egbas• alotr• 2 mydr• elp• elp• elp• ksut• dapan• 1 timj• tyx• 1 gjest• klid• elafr• idm• idm• škit• dokim• obruš• 1 peir• 1 peir• perits• elafr• 1 gjest• idm• idm• škit• purg• purg• tels• 2 gnom• hermen• 1 skolj• sfarg• sfarg• alyt• dipf• dokim• 1 lamb• 1 lamb• matm• 2 opš• skiš• spitš• spitš• export(ing) exposition expression expression expression expression expression (look) expressive extend(ing) extend(ing) extend(ing) extend(ing) extend(ing) extend(ing) extend(ing) extend(ing) extend(ing) extend(ing) extend(ing) extend(ing) extend(ing) extend(ing) extend(ing) extensive extensive extensive extensive extensive exterior exterior exterminate exterminate exterminate exterminate exterminate external external extract(ion) extract(ion) extract(ion) extract(ion) extravagant extreme(ly) extreme(ly) extreme(ly) extreme(ly) extreme(ly) extremity extremity extremity extremity extremity extremity eye eye yitsu [Hb] taarucha [Hb] jadjur [S] log olog phrase vult(u) pest dolich dolych dulich ectas itn mydr orect oregm petas ptas taen tan(ys) tein ten titaen (o)ul encycl hadr tan(aec) tanao ec(to) extra (i)cid olesth olet(hr) oleti olous ec(to) extra gen gene haur haust megal(i) da eri hyper ultra za acr apo peras perat tel(e) tels omma(t) ophthalm jits• trux• jadžur• 1 log• 1 log• frast• vults• 1 pešt• dolix• dolix• dolix• ektas• itn• 2 mydr• orekt• orekt• 1 petas• 1 petas• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• 2 tanj• 2 uvl• entsikl• 1 hadr• tanek• tanek• ekt• estra• tsid• oltr• oltr• oltr• 2 lows• ekt• estra• 2 gen• 2 gen• hust• hust• megal• dza• 1 erj• hiper+ ultra• dza• 1 axr• 2 ap• peras• peras• 1 tel• 1 tel• omat• oftalm• eye eyebrow eyelash eyelid eyelid eyelid eyelid MEANINGS fabric (tissue) fabric (tissue) fabric (tissue) face (nn) face (nn) face (nn) face (nn) face (nn) face (nn) facetious facetious facetious facetious facetious facility facility facility facility facility factory fade fade fade fade fade fade fade fade faeces faeces faeces faeces faeces fail(ing) fail(ing) fail(ing) fail(ing) fail(ing) fair (nn) fair(ness) fairy fairy tale faith faithful fake (adj) falcon op(s) ophry(s) blephar blephar nict ophry(s) scardamy EYMONS phlegm(at) segestr tela opic opiqu ops person prosop(is) vult(u) gel geloe gelos gelot ligur(in) oneis oneist ones onest sukham [S] masnaa [A] flacc(id) marai marcesc marcid tabes vanesc viesc viet cacc caco(d) scat spatil spyred a(n) apor leip lip steres chremat esthl yosei [J] myth pistot synech phenac hires ops• ofry• blefar• blefar• nikt• ofry• skard• LEMMAS 2 plegm• sxestr• 1 tela• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• persn• 1 prosop• vults• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• ligr• nejts• nejts• nejts• nejts• suxam• masn• flatš• maraj• maraj• maraj• tabz• vans• vjes• vjes• tsaks• tsaks• skat• spalt• spird• an• 1 apor• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• sters• 1 xremat• estl• josi• myt• pistot• sinex• fenak• 1 hires• 411 fall(en) fall(en) fall(en) fall(en) fall(en) fall(en) fall(en) fall-out false(ly) false false fame family family family family famous fan (ventilator) fan (ventilator) fan (ventilator) fan(atic) (nn) fantasy fantasy fantasy far far far far fare (vb) farm (nn) farmer fart fart fart fascinate fashion(able) fashion(able) fashion(able) fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fasten(ing) fasten(ing) fasten(ing) fasten(ing) fat-bellied fat (grease) fat (grease) 412 cad(uc) labes laps petes pipt ptos(im) ptot asbol noth phenac syk cle gene laus nepot phyl dox flabell psygm rhipi(d) phil onar oneir onir hecat porrh rempt tele ag(o) ayl pagan perdon perdon pord(e) dele emmel hemmel solit anch(i) cit oca oci ocy rhimph(al) rhyph sobar tach(y) veloc xuth crem(a) pag pang pex(i) obes adip adr kad• laps• laps• petes• pipt• tosm• tosm• azbol• 2 nost• fenak• 1 syk• kle• gene• lus• nepot• 1 fyl• 2 doks• flabel• psigm• ripid• 1 fil• oner• oner• oner• xekt• porx• remt• 1 tele• agv• ajyl• 2 pagn• 2 perdn• 2 perdn• 2 perdn• 2 del• heml• heml• solt• antši• tsitj• oky• oky• oky• rimpf• rimpf• 1 šobr• taxy• velots• ksut• kremast• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• 2 peks• obes• adip• adr• fat (grease) fat (grease) fat (grease) fat (grease) fat (grease) fat (grease) fat (thick) fat(ty) fat(ty) fat(ty) fat(ty) fat(ty) fat(ty) fatal(ity) fatal(ity) fate fate fate fate father father father fathom fatiguing fatten fatty fault(y) fault(y) fault(y) fault(y) fault(y) favour(able) favour(able) favour(able) favour(able) favoured favoured favoured fear(ful) fear(ful) fear(ful) fear(ful) fear(ful) fear(ful) fear(ful) fear(ful) fear(ful) fear(ful) fearless fearless fearless feast feast feast (nn) feast (nn) feast on lip(o) lipid pimel pingu(i) stear steat pach(y) aliphat dem physc pi(on) pial piot moira morsim bascan moira oet tych ata papp pater(n) orgy(i) pon(ic) sagin obes aliter amartem hatel hatl ptaesm aesi cal philophr veni pri(or) prius pror deim deos dim(al) dim(at) metu orrhod ptoa ptoc(h) tarb(al) thamb thar(sal) thrass tolm(er) cleo comaz daet esth(i) molobr lipt• lipt• piml• pingv• stear• stear• paxy• alif• demj• 1 fysts• piš• piš• piš• mojr• morsm• baskan• mojr• hojt• tyk• ata• 2 papt• patri• orgy• 2 ponts• sagin• obes• alitr• amart• hatl• hatl• ptasm• ejsi• 2 kali• filofr• venj• prior• prior• prior• 1 dejm• djos• 1 dejm• 1 dejm• metu• grod• ptok• ptok• 1 tarb• tsamb• tras• tras• tolm• 2 klej• kmaz• dajt• 1 ests• molobr• feast on feather feather feather feather-brush feather-duster February feeble(ness) feeble(ness) feed feed feed feed feed feed feed feed(er) feed (flocks) feed (oneself) feed (oneself) feed on feed on feel feel feel feel feel (experience) feeler feeler feeler feeling feeling feeling feign feign feline fellow (mate) felt (fabric) felt (fabric) felt (fabric) felt (fabric) felt (fabric) felt (fabric) female female female (animal) female (performer) femur fen fen fen fen fen fence fence molothr penn(i) pinn pten flabell flabell phalguna [S] ambly rhoec bor bosc lurco nom sagin threps thrept troph mela(s) brom bros molobr molothr haph haps phras tentac geus psau(s) pselaph pselaph aesthe esthet phras plass plast aelur sodal gnaph mall(ot) pilat pilemat pilot toment theel thel(y) scrof ix mer(a) el elei hel helei helei charac herco molobr• penj• penj• pten• flabel• flabel• palgun• 2 ambly• 2 rojk• borj• bosx• lurk• 2 nawm• sagin• treps• treps• 1 trof• mels• bromn• bromn• molobr• molobr• hapf• hapf• 1 fras• tentak• 1 gjest• psalf• psalf• pselaf• estez• estez• 2 fras• 2 plaš• 2 plaš• ailur• sodl• gnaf• malj• 1 pile• 1 pile• 1 pile• tomt• 1 tely• 1 tely• skrof• ikš• 2 mer• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 xarak• 1 xarak• fence fence fence fence fence fence ferment(ing) ferment(ing) ferment(ing) fern (etc.) ferocious ferocious ferret ferry fertile fertile fertile fertilize fertilizer fervent fervour festival fetus fever few few few few few few few few(er) few(er) few(er) few(er) fiancée fiancée fiancée fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fiber fibril fiddle fidelity field(s) field(s) field(s) field(s) field(s) sibin sibyn sigyn staur traphec vallus seps sept zym pter(is) apen saev gale poros opim uber(t) uthat mix fimet tentigin sphodr esth(i) breph pyret holig(o) olig(o) parv pauc paulul paur polul hesson mei(on) meios meot core nymph posi fiber fil filar fili filo filum in(od) inos merm(ith) nem(at) pandur synech agro arv choret gun pagan sibin• sibin• sibin• 1 stavr• 2 trapf• vlus• šeps• šeps• zym• pters• apen• šav• gale• pors• upim• 2 hubr• 2 hubr• mixs• fimt• tentitš• sfodr• 1 ests• brep• pyred• olig• olig• 2 parv• 2 parv• 2 pavl• 2 parv• 2 pavl• hesn• mej• mej• mej• 1 kore• nymf• epoš• fibr• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• inos• inos• merm• nemt• pandr• sinex• 1 agr• arv• tšort• džun• 2 pagn• 413 field(s) field(s) fiend fiend fierce fiery fiery fifth fig fig fight(ing) fight(ing) fight(ing) fight(ing) fight(ing) fight(ing) fighter figure (number) figure (picture) filament ment filament filament filament filament filament filament filament filament filament filaments file (rasp) file (rasp) fill fill(ed) filler film film (movie) filter filter filter filter filter filth(y) filth(y) filth(y) filth(y) filth(y) filth(y) filth(y) filth(y) fin (fish) fin (fish) fin (fish) final(e) find 414 rur rust echth(r) echthodop apen thur thyas pentat caric syk agon machem machet palaestr polem pugn(ac) andr digit eid(i) fil filar fili filo filum in(od) inos nem(at) thrich(i) thrix hyph lim rhin pom(at) sact kalymm diphter kolnoa [Hb] hylist hyliz salax sest(r) setn aplys miae miant miar pinar pinod squal thol(od) pinn pten pteryg eschat tygchan rur• rur• extr• extr• apen• tjad• tjad• pentate• [GN] karik• 2 syk• agon• max• max• plestr• polem• punjak• 2 andr• didžit• eid• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• 2 fil• inos• inos• nemt• 1 trix• 1 trix• hyf• 1 ljim• xrin• 1 pomt• sakt• klym• difter• kolna• 2 hylj• 2 hylj• salak• sestr• sestr• aplys• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• 1 mjant• pindr• pindr• 1 skwal• tlom• pini• ptem• 1 pterg• esxat• tygn• find out fine (nice) fine (nice) fine (nice) fine (nice) fine (nice) finger finger finish finish finish fir-cone fir (etc) fir (etc) fir (etc.) fire fire fire fire fire fire fire-steel fireside fireside firm(ly) firm(ly) firm(ly) firm(ly) firm(ly) firm(ly) firm(ly) firmament firmament first first first first first fish fish fisherman fisherman fisherman fisherman fission fissure fissure fissure fissure fissure fissure fissure fist fistula fistula repert aeres caleid callim callon kall(i) dactyl digit apo peirar peran pinea elat peuc sapin cel cele phlog pyro pyrrho torr(en) dal(os) hipn ipn edrai emped hadr pagi stipat stiphr stipt(it) ouran uran enca phtan prim prot(er) proto ichty pisc(i) alieus alieut halieus halieut paemin anch chasm kei rhygm(at) rictu rim(ul) rima kondyl aegilop argimon erpert• 1 eres• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 daktyl• digit• 2 ap• 1 pejr• 2 pran• pine• 2 elat• puk• sapn• kele• kele• flog• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• torš• dal• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• edraj• emped• 2 hadr• pagj• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• uran• uran• enka• [GN] ftan• prim+ prot• prot• ixtj• pisk• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• 1 pamn• 2 anx• xasm• 2 kej• rygm• rygm• riml• riml• kondl• aglop• argim• fit out fitting (adj) fitting (adj) fitting (adj) fitting (adj) five five five five fix(ed) fix(ed) fix(ed) fix(ed) fix(ed) fix(ed) fixing (tool) flag flag flag flag flail flake flame flame flame flame flame flame flame flank flank flap flare (torch) flare (torch) flare (torch) flash flash flash flask flask flask flask flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flatland flatland flatten flavour flawless flawless stell aret armost deon kair pemp penta pjatj quinque crem(a) hapt pag pang stere sterr pex(i) pteryx semei semi(at) vexill lym croc aest cel cele eth phlog pyro pyrrho ceneon pleur thyr(e) da(id) da(is) pan astrap sphinther spinther hydat lagen lagyn lecyth homal leum leus levi omal plan plat(y) pedan pedon teres sapid agn arti 1 stelj• ared• armost• djon• 2 kajr• penta• [GN] penta• [GN] pjatš• [RN] kwint• [LN] kremast• hapt• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• 2 stere• 2 stere• 2 peks• 2 pterg• semj• semj• veksl• 2 lym• 2 krok• 1 aest• kele• kele• 1 aest• flog• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• tšene• 1 plewr• 1 tyr• dajd• dajd• upan• astrap• spintr• spintr• xyd• 1 lagn• 1 lagn• letsyt• homal• lews• lews• lews• homal• 1 plani• platy• pedn• pedn• treš• sapt• 1 agn• 2 arti• flawless flax flay(ing) flay(ing) flay(ing) flea flee(ing) flee(ing) flee(ing) flee(ing) flee(ing) flee(ing) flee(ing) fleece (hide) fleece (hide) fleece (hide) fleece (hide) fleece (hide) fleece (hide) fleece (hide) fleece (hide) fleece (hide) fleece(d) fleece(d) fleece(d) fleeting flesh flesh flesh flesh flexible flexible flexible flexible flexible flexible flick flip flipper flipper flirt (flutter) flirt (flutter) flit flit float float float float float float float float float float flock (herd) flock (herd) entele(ch) byss(in) recut till tilm phthir automol drasm pheuc phygas treo tres tret chori der(m) dermat derr dora nac pell poc(ad) scyl recut till tilm thnet chros cre(at) sarc(in) sarqu exos(s) laepser lag(a)r radin rhadin stroph(al) talitr talitr pinn pteryg saen sain saen sain nect(o) nectri petom plaut pleo pleus(t) plo plous rati(s) schedi aepol agel entel• bysn• retšt• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• 1 ftir• atmol• drasm• pfuk• pfuk• 2 trest• 2 trest• 2 trest• xorj• derm• dermat• derm• dra• nak• 1 pelj• pukad• skil• retšt• 1 tilm• 1 tilm• tenst• xros• krejt• sarx• sarx• eksoš• 1 leps• laxr• radn• radn• 1 stropf• talitr• talitr• pini• 1 pterg• šan• šan• šan• šan• nekt• nekt• petm• plot• plot• plews• plot• plews• ratj• šxed• epol• agel• 415 flock (herd) flock (herd) flock (herd) flock (wool etc.) flood-tide floor flora flour flour flour flour flour flour flour flow away flow(ing) flow(ing) flow(ing) flow(ing) flow(ing) flow(ing) flow(ing) flow(ing) flower flower flower flower flower(ing) flower(ing) fluent fluent fluent fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff fluid(ity) fluid(ity) fluid(ity) fluid(ity) fluid (nn) fluid (nn) fluid (nn) fluid (nn) fluid (nn) flute flute flutter flutter fly (insect) fly (nsect) 416 pecor pecu(n) veterin croc plemyr edaph anth aleur faecul fecul krimn paepal pale semidal nasm bol klysm plemyr rhe rho rhum rhy tirb [aztec] anth anthem tsusi [S] bry thal(e)i laepser rheum rhum achn enchn eri erin erio ionth lac(h)n ptil toment icm(ad) icmal nar rheum aqua chyl chym ly neo tibi(cen) tityr saen sain empi(d) musc pekr• pekr• vetrin• 2 krok• plemr• 2 edaf• 1 ant• alevr• fakl• fakl• krimn• pajpl• pajpl• smidl• nasm• 2 bol• klism• plemr• 1 rej• 1 rej• hurm• 1 rej• tirb• ksotšit• 1 ant• 1 antem• tsusi• 2 bry• 1 tsalj• 1 leps• rewm• hurm• ašn• enxn• 1 eri• 1 eri• 1 eri• jonts• 1 laxn• ptil• tomt• ikm• ikm• nar• rewm• akw• xym• xym• ly• 1 ner• tipts• tityr• šan• šan• empj• musx• fly (nsect) fly (nsect) fly(ing) fly(ing) fly(ing) fly(ing) fly(ing) fly(ing) fly(ing) foam foam foam foam foam foam fodder fodder fodder fodder fodder fog fog fog fold fold fold fold fold fold fold fold foliage follow(ing) follow(ing) follow(ing) follow(ing) follow(ing) follow(ing) follower fondle food food food food food food food food fool (nn) fool (nn) fool(ing) foolish foolish foolish foolish foolish myi serph pet(aer) petom potan potet ptes vol(an) volat aphr lamper lampi sepi(a) spum usn alesm(at) nom pabul po(a) siti(o) halit neph(el) nephod aloc aulac clob neus(t) plous ptych ptyct ptygm(at) chloe assec(u)l assect deu deuter opad secund(a) mathet blac act alesm(at) deipn esca opson phorb siti(o) vesc baburr macc inex abelter alien cerrit mori(o) moron musx• serf• ptes• petm• potan• potan• ptes• voln• voln• afr• 2 lampr• 2 lampr• sepj• spum• husn• alesm• 2 nawm• pabl• 2 poj• sitj• xalt• nefel• nefel• awlak• awlak• klob• 2 nust• plos• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• 1 xloj• asekl• asekl• dewter• dewter• upad• skund• mated• blats• atšt• alesm• dejpn• ešk• pson• forb• sitj• 1 vests• babur• 1 makš• ineks• abelt• aljen• tšert• 1 morj• 1 morj• foolish foolish foolish foot foot foot foot foot foot-mark foot-ring foot (limb) for for for (conj) forage(d) forage (nn) forbid(den) force (nn) fore forefather forefather forehead forehead foreign foreign foreign foreigner foreskin forest forest forest forest forest forever forge/ ing forge/ ing forged (false) forget forget forget forgo fork fork fork fork fork form form form form form form (health) former former formula fornicate /ation socors vecord vecors bas bat ped pez/pes pod(es) ichn armill lax dia pro amax nom pabul kolym pollent prora avit presby metop(id) sincip allotri othn xen peregrin posth drym nem(or) saltu silv sylv aichm baun chalc phenac lath lesti leth pares chelom(at) dicr dicral dicran dicro eid(i) morph murti [S] plag plast eus veter(n) vetus jadjur [S] meretri skors• vekr• vekr• baš• baš• pod• pod• pod• 2 ixn• armilj. 2 laks• dja• proi• amaks• 2 nawm• pabl• kolm• plent• prost• avit• 1 prezby• metop• sintsip• alotr• 2 otn• ksen• 2 peregr• posts• drym• 2 nem• salts• silv• silv• aji• bavn• 2 xalk• fenak• ladz• 1 lest• 1 lest• pars• xlomt• dikr• dikr• dikr• dikr• eid• morf• murt• plast• plast• ejus• vetr• vetr• jadžur• mertr• fornicate /ation fornicate /ation fornicatious fortress fortress fortunate fortunate fortunate fortunate fortune (good) fortune (money) forward fossil foul (adj) foul (adj) foul(ed) found(ation) found(ation) found(ation) found(ation) fountain fountain fountain fountain fountain fountain four four four four four fowl fowl fowl fox fraction fractured fragile fragile fragment(ation) fragment(ation) fragment(ation) frame fraud fraud freckle freckle free(d) free(d) free(d) free(d) free(ly) free(ly) freeze freeze freeze porn tribad cinaed castr oppid aspasm chaer olb(i) phae chremat pecun miss oryct pejor pejus molyn hedr hidrys hidryt pythmen creni peg pidac pidax salmac scatur(ig) quadr quart tetart tetra chetirij avi ornis ornith alopec frust(r) sabac psadar psathyr dae frust(r) psom som(at) barater psydr ephel phac rhysi saot sosi soter eleuther nacerd cry(o) pag(et) pegad porn• tribd• tsined• kaštr• hopid• aspas• xajr• olbj• 2 faj• 2 xremat• pekun• mists• 2 orykt• pežor• pežor• moln• 1 hedr• xidr• xidr• pytm• kren• pedž• pidak• pidak• 1 salmak• skatr• kwart• [LN] kwart• [LN] tetra• [GN] tetra• [GN] tšetr• [RN] avj• ornit• ornit• alpek• frust• spak• psatr• psatr• 1 daj• frust• psom• som• baratr• 1 psydr• efel• pfak• ryš• sotr• sotr• sotr• elewtr• natserd• kry• 1 pagos• 1 pagos• 417 freeze frenzy frenzy fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh friar Friday friend friend fright(en) fright(en) fright(en) fright(en) fright(en) fright(en) frightening frightening frightening frill fringe fringe fringe fringe fringe fringe frivolous frog frog from from front (in) front frontier frost frost frost frost frost frost frost frost froth froth froth fruit fruit fruit fruit fruitful fruitful 418 psych(r) hele vesan caen chlor dier kain must ner(os) potaen bhrata [S] 2 psikr• 2 hele• vesn• 2 tsen• 2 xlor• djer• 2 tsen• mušt• 2 ner• 1 potn• brata• Shukravasarah [S] šukrav• heta(e)r etarj• 1 phil fil• 1 deim dejm• 1 dim(al) dejm• 1 dim(at) dejm• metu metu• 1 tarb(al) tarb• thamb tsamb• 1 dein din• 1 den din• 1 din din• 1 (o)ul uvl• 1 cirr tsirj• cross krosts• legn legn• lom(at) lom• 2 patag patak• thysan tisn• perper perpr• batrach batrax• phryn fryn• ab abu• 2 an(a) ana• prora proj• prosth(os) prost• ephor epfr• algi(a) aldž• 1 cheim(at) xeim• cry(o) kry• gel gelat• gelat gelat• 1 pag(et) pagos• 1 pegad pagos• 2 psych(r) psikr• aphr afr• 2 lamper lampr• 2 lampi lampr• 1 batia batj• 1 carp karp• clont xlont• pom pomj• opim upim• praegn(a) pregn• fruitless fruity fry frying pan fulfill fulfill full full full full full full full (cloth) fume (smoke) fume (smoke) fume (smoke) fume(d) function fundament fundament fundament fundament funerary fungus funnel funnel funnel funny (amusing) funny (strange) fur fur fur fur fur fur fur fur fur fur (coat) furious furious furious furious furnace furnace furnish furrow furrow furrow furrow furrow furrow furrow furrow furrow furrow elemat sphrig capyr tagen prass pratt (o)ul ecpleo mest pimpl pler(om) sact gnapt atm eudi typh mephit cler fundi hedr pradhanah [S] pythmen dukham [S] myc(et) choan dieram rhyto ligur(in) kain chori der(m) dermat derr dora mall(ot) nac pell scyl sisyr estr oestr scydm scythr hipn ipn stell aloc anch aulac fossul holc ogm olc pharc(id) ptych ptyct elemt• sprig• tsapyr• tagn• prasts• prasts• 2 uvl• ekpl• 2 mest• pimpl• pler• sakt• gnapt• atm• ewdi• 1 tyf• meft• 2 xler• fundj• 1 hedr• pradan• pytm• dukam• myk• xwan• djeram• ryts• ligr• kain• xorj• derm• dermat• derm• dra• malj• nak• 1 pelj• skil• sisyr• hestr• hestr• skytr• skytr• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 stelj• awlak• 2 anx• awlak• fosol• holk• 2 ogm• holk• fark• 2 ptix• 2 ptix• furrow furrow furrow furrow furrow furrow fury fury fuse (nn) fuse(d) fuse(d) futile future ptygm(at) rhys(od) rhytid rhyz strig(os) taphr ira(cund) men haptr tect tex elemat shvah [S] 2 ptix• ryt• ryt• ryt• striks• tafr• irats• 2 men• haptr• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• elemt• šfax• gape/ ing gape/ ing gape/ ing gape/ ing gape/ ing gape/ ing gape/ ing garbage garbage garbage garbage garden garden MEANING gag gain gain gain gain gain gale gale gale gale gale gall gall gall gall(nut) gallant gallery gallop(ing) gallop(ing) gallop(ing) galore gamble (vb) game (play) game (play) game (play) gangrene gangster gangster gangster gangway gangway gangway gap gap gap gap ETYMON pess nice nike oninem ophel(im) tryg anem cataegi laelap procell thyell bil(i) chol fel(l) cecidi philophr stoa curs threctic trech dapsil athyr athlon paegm paegni sphac(el) leist(es) leister lester fret pyl(ae) trib geiss pharang pharanx rhochm LEMMA 2 pesk• nike• nike• 2 onin• ofel• tryg• anem• 1 katagj• lelp• protsel• tjel• bili• 1 xol• 1 felj• tšetšid• filofr• stoj• tšurs• 2 trex• 2 trex• dapsl• 2 atyr• atlon• pagm• pagm• sfakl• 2 lest• 2 lest• 2 lest• fred• pyl• 2 tryb• geš• frang• frang• roxm• garden walk garland garlic garlic garlic garlic garment garment garment garment garment garment garment garment garment garment garner garner garnishing (nn) garter gas gas gas gas gas gate gate gate gate(way) gather gather gather gather gather gather gather gauge cechen chaen hian hiasc hiat hieta ring(ent) borbor psoth scybal syrphet caepor hort(ens) laur sert(ul) crom(m)y pras scord scorod chlaen endym endys esth(em) esthes esthet ilym indusi indut zeir messi messor anth birit [Hb] atm eudi pneum(at) pno typh embol osti(a) ostium janu lect legul rhicn ricn styph(n) syllex typhl miayar [A] kexn• xaen• xaen• xaen• xaen• hjet• reng• borbor• psot• skybl• sirfed• tsepr• hort• lajr• sertl• kromy• 1 pras• skord• skord• 2 xlen• endm• endm• 2 ests• 2 ests• 2 ests• ilym• induš• induš• dzejr• meš• meš• 2 ant• birt• atm• ewdi• 1 pnewm• 1 pnewm• 1 tyf• 2 emble• ostj• ostj• žanu• legd• legd• 1 rikn• 1 rikn• 1 stypn• slek• tyfl•1 mjaj• 419 gaunt gaunt gaunt gavial gay gay gelatin geld gem gem gem gem general(ly) general(ly) general(ly) general(ly) general(ly) general(ly) general (nn) generate generate generate generate generate generate generate generate generate genital organ genital organ gentle gentle gentle gentle gentle gentry germ (nn) germ (nn) germ (nn) germ (nn) gesture get get get up get up get up get up gherkin ghost ghost 420 macesc macil vesc makarah [S] tenth terpsi pectin spadon agalm daedal mithrac mithrax coen dalai [S] ecast hecast olic xyn imperator enix loch(i) maieu obstetr phy phys puerper tict zhati [S] aedoe edo ahinsa [S] edan hedy leni(t) synech gene blast cym gone pull numin dect exip(ul) stym stys styt surg sicy eidol larv 2 makš• 2 makš• 2 vests• 2 makar• terps• terps• 2 pekt• 2 spadn• agalm• dedl• mitrak• mitrak• tsojn• dalaj• ekast• ekast• holits• tsojn• imper• eniks• 1 lox• maje• opstetr• fy• 1 fiz• pwerp• 1 tikt• žat• edu• edu• ahins• edan• hedy• lenj• sinek• gene• blast• 1 tsym• 2 gon• pulj• 1 numn• 2 dekt• eksip• styt• styt• styt• surg• siky• ejdl• 2 larf• ghost ghost ghost ghost ghost gift gigantic gigantic gin (drink) gin (trap) ginger ginger ginger ginger ginger ginger girder girder girder girder girdle girdle girdle girdle girdle girl gist (essence) gist (essence) gist (essence) gist (essence) give give give give birth give birth give birth give birth give up glad(ly) glad(ly) gladiator gladiator glair glance gland (anat.) gland (anat.) glanders glanders glass (cup) glass (cup) morm noar phasm(at) spectr thym dooron meg(a) megeth meth(y) pag cirr ereuth eryth(em) eryth(r) lute(ol) pyrrh doc embol tigill tign balte haben stelm succinct zoster puell pyren stech stoichei us dor(em) gamel proec enix obstetr part(ur) puerper pares laet ultrone stratiom stratiot albumen tuens aden lape blenn lemph pomat poter(i) morm• novr• fasm• spetr• 2 tsym• dowr• 1 meg• 1 meg• metx• 2 pfag• 2 tsirj• eritr• eritr• eritr• lute• pyrj• dots• 1 embl• tigl• tigl• balte• haben• stelm• 2 šukts• zostr• pwel• p irn • stojx• stojx• husts• 2 dor• gaml• projt• eniks• opstetr• partr• pwerp• pars• lejt• 2 hultr• stratj• stratj• album• tuns• aden• 1 lape• blen• lemf• pomat• 1 potr• glass (material) glass (material) glaze gleam glide glimmer (nn) glitter(ing) glitter(ing) glitter(ing) glitter(ing) globe globe globule globule gloomy/ ness gloomy/ ness gloomy/ ness gloomy/ ness gloomy/ ness glorious glory glory glory gloss gloss glove glow(ing) glow(ing) glow(ing) glow(ing) glue glue glue glue glue glue glue glue glue glue glue glutton glutton(y) glutton(y) glutton(y) glutton(y) gnarl (nn) gnaw gnaw gnaw hyal yal sel(ag) mic(an) petom aug aug nit(id) nitel niten kandukah [S] orb bacc cocc atr maest moest sci(ad) scia(r) phaet cle sebas(t) sebasm mic(an) sel(ag) kefafah [Hb] aug hiles hilether mic(an) coll(a) commi glea gli glio gloe gloi glut ix zeux zyx zabr lurco molobr molothr vor phym(at) ambed ambes troct hyal• hyal• selg• mikn• petm• awg• awg• njit• njit• njit• kanduk• 2 orb• 1 bakt• kokts• 1 atr• 1 mest• 1 mest• 1 skjad• 1 skjad• fajt• kle• sebast• sebast• mikn• selg• kefaf• awg• hils• hils• mikn• 1 kolj• 2 komj• gloj• gli• gloj• gloj• gloj• glyt• 2 ixs• zuks• zuks• zabr• lurk• molobr• molobr• vor• fim• ambed• ambed• trokt• gnaw gnaw off go go go go go go go go go-between go along go away go away go away go back go back go down go down go in go off go through go up goal goal goal goal goal goat goat goat goat goat goat gobble goblet goblet goblet goblet goblet goblet goblet goblet God God God gold gold(en) gold(en) golf (bay) trog dex (s)cend badi baen bas(i) cens grad pez tiph len pomp abit horme phrud pra(e) proe cata deors ischor amped pir ambat bol(e) boul laes tel(e) tels aeg dorco dorx eg(o) eriph mel(ot) bor canthar carches cyath depas fritill lepist pater(a) scyph dio(s) numen the(o) aurum chrys lute(ol) syrt trokt• 2 dexs• tsend• badž• bajn• badž• tsend• gradz• 1 pedz• tipf• 2 len• bomp• abit• 2 horm• frud• epre• epre• kata• ders• iskr• amped• pirh• ambat• 1 bole• 1 bole• 2 lez• 1 tel• 1 tel• 1 aig• dork• dork• 1 aig• erif• 1 mevl• borj• kantsar• 1 karxes• kyat• deps• fritl• 1 lepts• patra• skyf• 2 djos• 2 numn• te• avr— xrys• lute• sirt• 421 gondola good good good good-natured goodby goodies goodies goodies goodwill goodwill goose gorge gorge gorge gorge gorge gorge gorgeous goshawk gossip gossip gossip gourd govern government gown gown gown gown gown (ceremonial) grace grace graceful graceful gracious gradient gradient gradient gradient gradient gradient gradually graft grain grain grain grain grain grand 422 kumb aeres cregy eu prosen prosag chnaum chnaur lich ethel prosen chen laphyc laphyg laphys lem vor zabr splend hierax garr(i) lerem nugat cynth cibernet crat pepl stol(is) syrm(at) zeir tebenn char veni emmel hemmel comps agm balbid clity cliv preon proal sensim insit chondr gigart pyr sit thor aga 2 kumb• 1 eres• kredž• eu• prosn• prosx• xnam• xnam• lix• etsl• prosn• 1 xen• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• 2 lapf• vor• zabr• splend• herak• gar• lerm• nukt• kynt• tsibern• 1 krat• pepl• 1 stol• sirm• dzejr• tebn• 1 xar• venj• heml• heml• komps• agm• balb• klitf• klitf• preon• preon• sensm• insits• 2 xondr• gigart• 2 pyr• 1 zit• tor• aga• grand grand grandchild grandchild grandfather grandfather grandmother grandmother granule granule granule grape grape grape grape grape grass grass grass-land grasshopper grate (rasp) grate (rasp) grate (rasp) grate (rasp) grate (rasp) grate (rasp) grate (rasp) grate (rasp) grate (rasp) gratifying grating gratuitous gratuitous grave (tomb) grave (tomb) grave(d) grave(d) gravel gravel gravel graver gravy gravy gray gray gray gray gray graze (feed) graze (feed) aga [S] maha [S] dauhitri [S] pautrah [S] papp pitamahah [S] anus matamahi [S] chondr gigart thor acin ampel racem uv viti chort po(a) chott [A] attak brych fres lim psecho psest scob(in) tetix trach(y) tric hest clathr nacerd necerd bust taph colapt toreut glare pseph scyr glaris halec hallec ciner glauc pelid(n) poli rav(id) bosc mela(s) haga• maha• dahitr• pawtr• 2 papt• pitma• anuš• matma• 2 xondr• gigart• tor• atsin• ampel• rakm• uv• vit• xort• 2 poj• tšots• atsak• 1 bryx• pfres• 1 ljim• psest• psest• skob• tetiks• 1 traxl• 2 tritš• 2 hest• klatr• natserd• natserd• bušt• 1 taf• kolapt• 2 tored• glare• 1 psef• skyr• glars• 1 halts• 1 halts• tšiner• gluts• plidn• 1 poli• ravd• bosx• mels• graze (feed) graze (feed) grease grease grease grease grease grease grease greasy greasy greasy greasy great great great great great great great great great greediness greediness green green green green green green green (village) greenish greenish greensward greet greet greet grid griev(ance) griev(ance) griev(ance) griev(ance) grill (vb) grille grim grim grimace grimace grimy grimy nom pherb adip collin(it) illin lip(o) lipid pimel pingu(i) dem pi(on) pial piot aga aga [S] agla macr(o) magn maha [S] panden pant stibar labell labr chlor glauc vir(ens) virec viresc virid prat prase prasi nem aspasm prosag salaam [A] clathr dacn maest moest penth zom clathr apen saev myllaen myllen pinar pinod 2 nawm• ferb• adip• 1 koln• hiln• lipt• lipt• piml• pingv• demj• piž• piž• piž• agaj• haga• agla• 1 makr• magn• maha• pant• pant• stibr• 1 labr• 1 labr• 1 xlor• 2 glak• vrest• vrest• vrest• vrest• prat• 2 pras• 2 pras• 1 nem• aspam• prosx• slam• klatr• dakn• 1 mest• 1 mest• penth• zoms• klatr• apen• šav• myln• myln• pindr• pindr• grimy grind grind grind grind grind grit grit groan groan groan groan groan groan groin groin grope grotto grotto grotto grotto grotto grotto grotto grotto grotto ground ground ground ground ground group (bunch) group (bunch) group (bunch) group (bunch) group (bunch) group (ethnic) grove grove grow grow grow grow (something) grow (something) grow (something) grow (something) grow old growl growl growl squal alet(r) brych fres tetix tric glare pseph aelin cinyr ejula go goes goet bubon episi tentac antr ghar [A] gole seranx specu spelae spelunc splae trogl chamae edaph tell terr(a) ud(eo) acerv agel ochl pleth symphor dem als dri(od) troph aux ux colens colent phys teth(el) senec bryx rhyz ryz 1 skwal• aletr• 1 bryx• pfres• tetiks• 2 tritš• glare• 1 psef• elin• tsinyr• elin• gojs• gojs• gojs• bubon• epiš• tentak• antr• 2 xar• gole• serank• spele• spele• spele• spele• trogl• xame• 1 edaf• terl• terl• udj• akerv• agel• okl• plets• simfr• 1 dem• als• drod• 2 trof• awks• awks• klens• klens• 1 fiz• 2 tetj• snek• 2 bryx• ryz• ryz• 423 grown-up grown-up grub grub grub grub (larva) grub (larva) grub (larva) grubby grubby grumble guarantee guard(ed) guard(ed) guard(ed) guard(ian) guard(ian) guard(ing) guard(ing) guess guest guest guest guest guide (nn) guide (nn) guide (nn) guide (conductor) guide(d) guide(d) guilt(y) guilt(y) guinea-pig gull gum gum gums gun gush out guzzle gypsum MEANINGS habit(s) habit(s) habit(s) habit(s) habit(s) habit(s) haft 424 mechi moech camp kamp schadon lend lens rutela pinar pinod bryx homer ior och tuit(a) janit satell amyn phrur hypolamban enaul hosp(it) xen zen agog egetst hodeg agog cibernet rectr aliter amartem eli lar(us) commi dad ulis mousadas [A] ragia bor titan EYMONS callid e(e)th habitus nom onom solit cop(eo) mekš• mekš• 2 tsamp• 2 tsamp• sxad• lend• lend• 2 rutl• pindr• pindr• 2 bryx• 2 homr• jor• 2 okx• tujt• janits• satl• hamyn• frure• 2 lamban• enal• hosp• dzen• dzen• agog• 2 ext• hodg• angog• tsibern• rektr• alitr• amart• eli• 1 lar• 2 komj• dad• ulis• musad• ragi• borj• 1 titn• LEMMAS klid• 1 aet• habits• onom• onom• solt• kope• haft hail (ice) hail (ice) hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair (head of) hair(do) hair(do) hairless hairless hairless hairy hairy hairy hairy hairy half half half half half-light half-light halfway halfway hall hallucination hallucination halo halt (nn) halt(ing) halt(ing) halt(ing) halt(ing) halt(ing) halt(ing) halt(ing) halt(ing) halve(d) ham hammer hammer hammer hammer hammer hamper hamper hamper hamper hand (nn) hand (nn) stelidi chalaz grandin capill coma come pil(i) pilos thrich(i) thrix iul chaet ploc(am) falagr madar phalacr dasy(t) daul hisp(id) lasi pephri dyte hemi semi #### deil diel(in) medi meso teri horam(at) oram(at) ###### stathm desinen ech isch mone paul paus stasim stat(her) dicho pern cestr sphyr tude typis zygaen oler pitak [S] saep sep chir man(us) steld• xaladz• grandin• kapil• 1 komj• 1 komj• pilu• pilu• 1 trix• 1 trix• julj• tšet• plokm• falakr• madr• falakr• dasy• dasy• hisp• lasi• pefr• dyte• [GN] hemi• [GN] semi• [LN] duwent• 1 deil• 1 deil• medz• medz• 2 terj• oram• oram• halz• 1 statm• dešn• ekx• isx• mone• 1 pavl• 1 pavl• stats• stats• dix• 1 pern• kestr• 1 sfyr• tups• tups• zygn• olr• pitak• 2 šap• 2 šap• xir• 1 mnus• handbag handful handicap(ped) handicap(ped) handicap(ped) handicap(ped) handicap(ped) handkerchief handle (lever) handle (lever) handle (lever) handle(d) handle(d) handle(d) handsome handy handy hang (down) hang (down) hang (down) hang (up) hang (up) hang (up) hank hank hank hank happening happening happening happy/ ness happy/ ness happy/ ness happy/ ness happy/ ness happy/ ness happy/ ness happy/ ness happy/ ness happy/ ness happy/ ness harbour (bower) harbour (port) harbour (port) harbour (port) hard hard hard hard hard hard-working hardly hardly hardly hardly balant dragm(at) choenic echm(at) prav saep sep mapp lab(es) stelidi thaer cop(eo) porp(ac) porpem specios aesi elaphr eccrem eccrem pensil aeor crem(a) phag coma come croc papp histor path tych aspasm chaer gan ganni gaur gavis macar olb(i) phae tenth terpsi trichil dram drom limen argal gassi [A] scler(o) squirrh styphel draster angust paen pen(e) vix balant• dragm• xenits• hexm• prawv• 2 šap• 2 šap• maps• 1 labz• steld• 1 tajr• kope• porp• porp• spetš• ejsi• elafr• ekrem• ekrem• pensl• ajr• kremast• pfag• 1 komj• 1 komj• 2 krok• 1 papt• 1 histor• 1 pat• tyx• aspas• xajr• gani• gani• gavr• gavr• 2 makr• olbj• 2 faj• terps• terps• trixl• 2 drom• 2 drom• 1 limen• argal• gasi• skler• skirj• styfel• drasr• angust• 2 pene• 2 pene• viks• hare hare harlequin harlequin harlequin harm harm harm harmful harmony harmony harness harp harp harp harp harpoon harrow harvest(ing) harvest(ing) harvest(ing) harvest(ing) harvest(ing) harvest(ing) harvest(ing) harvest (nn) hasty hasty hasty hasty hat hat hatch hatchet hatchet hatchet hatchet hatchet hatchet hate hate hate hate haughtiness have have hawk hawthorn hawthorn hay hay hazard(ous) hazard(ous) hazard(ous) hazard(ous) he-goat lag lagos macc samnio scurr delem(at) phthor sina uli eiren iren clitell barbit fidicul nabl psalt(er) dory tribul messi messor seget thalusi therism therist tryg carp ixal sperch speus tach(y) calyptr pile(ol) clis pelec(e) pelecy psoch psoct sceparn secur misat misemat styget stygn fast ctem hex hierax bat sent chort stramen cler pericul phon tych hirc(in) lagw• lagw• 1 makš• samn• skurj• delm• ftor• sinax• hulj• iren• iren• klitl• barbyt• fidits• nabl• psalt• 1 dory• 1 tribl• meš• meš• seged• tals• tersm• tersm• tryg• 2 karp• 1 iksal• spertš• spertš• taxy• kaliptr• 2 pile• klis• 1 pelek• 1 pelek• psok• psok• škepr• šekr• miz• miz• stygn• stygn• 2 fasts• ktem• 2 heks• herak• 2 bats• šend• xort• stramn• 1 xler• prikl• 2 pfon• tyk• hirk• 425 he-goat he-man head head head head head head-band head (figure) head (figure) head (in charge) headland headline heal healer healer health health health health heap(ed) heap(ed) heap(ed) heap(ed) heap(ed) heap(ed) heap(ed) heap(ed) heap (quantity) heap (quantity) hear(ing) hear(ing) hear(ing) hear(ing) heart heart heart hearth hearth heat (temperature) heat (temperature) heat (temperature) heat (temperature) heat (temperature) heat (temperature) heat (temperature) heat (temperature) heat (temperature) heat (temperature) heat (temperature) heat (temperature) heat(ed) heat(ed) heat(ed) heat(ed) heat(ed) 426 hirguin thur cebl cephal ceps codi cyb mitell anax onax prytan spil(as) ####### alth(ae) iatr jat eus hygi salu(t) valetud byzen mydr nagm(at) ochl sor(ed) stru(ic) strues sur them thom acho auri ot(ar) otis cardi(o) cear galb [A] hipn ipn aest calid calor(i) eth hiles hilether pyro pyrrho thalp(or) thalyer therm torr(en) alees causim causis caust caut hirk• turj• tsefal• tsefal• tseps• kodi• tsyb• mitl• anaks• anaks• pryt• 2 špil• perigramo altse• iatr• iatr• ejus• hydž• slut• valt• byzn• 1 mydr• nagm• okl• šor• strujs• strujs• šor• tojm• tojm• akx• 1 awr• ot• ot• kardi• tsjar• xalb• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• 1 aest• kalor• kalor• 1 aest• hils• hils• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• tsalp• tsalp• 1 term• torš• ales• kawst• kawst• kawst• kawst• heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy (type) hedge hedge hedgehog hedgehog heel (foot) heel (foot) heel (foot) heel (foot) heifer height helm helmet helmet helmet helmet help help help helper helper hem hem hem hen hen hen herald (messenger) herald(ing) herald(ing) herald(ing) herb herb herb herd (group) herd (group) herd (group) herd (group) herd (group) herdsman herdsman here are celest div [S] ethri ouran uran achter bar(y) brith occ onc stipat stiphr stipt(it) dem saep sep echin salj [S] calcan calci ptern scaur vitul mast temo coryth cran gale(at) pelec boeth juv timor oecet paeon chil lom(at) patag alector gall kukkutah [S] ceryx nunci nunti nuthete agrost(id) chloe phyll aepol agel pecor pecu(n) veterin boot opil(io) ecce tselest• 1 div• etri• uran• uran• 1 axt• bary• brits• 1 okts• 1 okts• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• 1 stipt• demj• 2 šap• 2 šap• exin• saly• kaltsi• kaltsi• ptern• sxar• vitsl• 2 mašt• 2 temn• koryt• kranj• galer• 2 pelek• boet• žuv• timr• ojked• pejon• 2 xil• lom• 2 patak• alektr• galg• kukut• kryks• nunts• nunts• nunts• agrost• 1 xloj• 2 fyl• epol• agel• pekr• pekr• vetrin• bwot• upl• ekei• here are hermit hernia hernia hero(ism) hero(ism) hero(ism) heron herring hesitate hew hew hiccup hiccup hiccup hide-out hide-out hide-out hide-out hide (skin) hide (skin) hide (skin) hide (skin) hide (skin) hide (skin) hide (skin) hide (skin) hide (skin) hide/ ing hide/ ing hide/ ing hide/ ing hide/ ing hide/ ing hide/ ing hide/ ing hide/ ing hide/ ing hiding-place hiding-place hiding-place hiding-place high high high high high-ranking highland highway highway highway highway highway highway hill hill ecci monaz cel ramex aim hem phos erodi thriss percit cop(t) scolypt lygm lyng ston dor dora hara lochme chori der(m) dermat derr dora nac pell poc(ad) scyl arcon caec calypt crypt(o) lanthan lathr latit stegan stegm(en) stegnos dor dora latebr lochme edit hyps(i) mec(yn) mecysm epi bun ayanam [S] camin causc gephyr stib via bun coll(i) ekei• 2 monats• stsel• ramek• hajm• hajm• pfos• erodj• tris• perst• 1 kop• skolipt• lygm• lygm• ston• dora• dora• 2 hara• 1 loxm• xorj• derm• dermat• derm• dra• nak• 1 pelj• pukad• skil• arkn• 2 tsek• kalypt• 1 krypt• lantsan• 1 latr• 1 latr• stegn• stegn• stegn• dora• dora• latebr• 1 loxm• edits• hips• meks• meks• 2 epi• bun• ajnam• kamin• kaws• gefr• 2 stib• 2 viat• bun• 2 tšol• hill hill hill hill hill hillside hillside hillside hilt hilt hind (butt) hindrance hindrance hindrance hindrance hindrance hindrance hinge hinge hiss hiss hit(ting) hit(ting) hit(ting) hit(ting) hoar-frost hoar-frost hoarse hoarse hoarse hoax hoe (etc) hoe (etc) hoe (etc) hoist hoist hold(ing) hold(ing) hold(ing) hold(ing) hold(ing) hold(ing) hold(ing) hold(ing) holder holder holder holder holder holder hole hole hole hole hole hole erg [A] mast pag thin this baten clity cliv cop(eo) stelidi prymn choenic echm(at) eil obex saep sep ginglym vertic stridis stris arax blem(at) bol pae pachn stib cerchal cerchn(ei) trach(y) barater runca runc(in) vang aers(i) aert eryc hex ocha ochem ochm retin staltic stik aul cole derr foron syben utr bothr(i) coel phole phole(t) scammat stom(at) erx• 2 mašt• 2 pagos• tsiš• tsiš• batn• klitf• klitf• kope• steld• prym• xenits• hexm• eil• obek• 2 šap• 2 šap• gingl• vertitš• stris• stris• araks• 1 blem• 1 bol• paj• pakn• štib• tšerxl• tšerxl• 1 traxl• baratr• runk• runk• vanx• erš• erš• eryk• 2 heks• otšm• otšm• otšm• retsin• 2 stalt• stits• 1 awl• 1 kole• derj• foron• sibn• utr• 1 botr• koel• fole• polt• skamt• stom• 427 hole hole hole hollow hollow holocaust holster holster holy holy holy holy home home home home home home home home home home home homosexual honest honesty honey honey honey honey honeycomb honeycomb honor(able) honor(able) honor(able) honor(able) honor(able) honor(able) hood hoof hoof hoof hoof hook (nn) hook (nn) hook (nn) hook (nn) hook (nn) hook (nn) hook (nn) hook (nn) hook (nn) hook (nn) hook (nn) hook (nn) 428 trem(at) tres tret glen phole truci cole lob(i) hagi hagni hier(o) sacr eces eci ecie eco ecs ephest oec(et) oeci(e) oic por vihar [S] tribad adol esthl mel(li) melicer melichr melle favus keri(on) axi latrei latreu presby sebas(t) sebasm cucull hopl(e) opl(e) sculpon ung(ul) ancistr arpe ham hamat marra occe odon odus ogc onc(e) onch rhoec tremt• trets• trets• 1 glen• fole• 2 trutš• 1 kole• lobj• hagi• hagi• 1 hier• sakr• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• ewk• efest• ewk• ewk• ewk• 2 powr• vihar• tribd• adol• estl• mely• mely• mely• mely• fav• kerj• 2 aksi• 1 latri• 1 latri• 2 prezby• sebast• sebast• kukl• 2 hopl• 2 hopl• sxulp• ungl• antsistr• arpe• 1 ham• 1 ham• 2 marl• 1 onk• odon• odon• 1 onk• 1 onk• 1 onk• 1 rojk• hook (nn) hook on hook up hook(ed) hoop (nn) hop hop hope(ful) horde horde horde horn horn horn horn (trumpet) horrible horrible horrible horrid horror horror horse horse horse horseman hose(pipe) hospital host (army) host (army) host (guest) host (guest) hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hotel hough hour house house house house house house house house house housekeeping hovel hovel hover unc crem(a) aeor phag ity pedes pedet dexi acerv ochl syrden cer cerat odon salpi(nx) dein den din nefari orrhod tarb(al) equ hipp vered equ asc 1 onk• kremast• ajr• pfag• hity• pedes• pedes• dekš• akerv• okl• syrd• kerat• kerat• odon• salpj• 1 din• 1 din• 1 din• 2 nefr• grod• 1 tarb• 1 ekw• 1 hip• vered• 2 ekw• asts• moustashfa [A] mostaš• 2 strat(i) strats• syrden syrd• xen dzen• zen dzen• 1 aest aest• alees ales• causim kawst• causis kawst• caust kawst• caut kawst• 1 eth aest• hiles hils• hilether hils• malon [Hb] maln• igny igny• muhurtah [S] muhurt• eces ewk• eci ewk• ecie ewk• eco ewk• ecs ewk• ephest efest• oec(et) ewk• oeci(e) ewk• oic ewk• pheid pfed• 2 scen(it) sxen• 2 sken sxen• pet(aer) ptes• hover hover however however howl howl howl hub hub hubbub hubbub huge huge huge hull hum hum hum hum hum human being human being humble humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humid(ity) humility humility humility humour hump hump hump hump hump hunchback hunchback hunchback hunchback hundred hundred petom ptes all para clang lacery stren modiol torm psoph roth hadr meg(a) megeth sti(r) bomb minur minyr stridis stris anir anthrop pith(ia) brec(h)t dros hygro icm(ad) icmal noti(d) notis org pardac phlyd plad(ar) pladasm ting ulig(in) uv(en) uvesc uvid uvor baeo ctil tapein phras cyph glaeb hyb onc(od) toros cyph hyb onc(od) toros centi hect(o) petm• ptes• 2 alj• 1 para• klang• 2 lakr• 1 stren• modjol• 1 torm• psof• rotš• 1 hadr• 1 meg• 1 meg• štir• bomd• minyr• minyr• stris• stris• anir• antrop• pitn• brext• droz• higr• ikm• ikm• noti• noti• horg• pardak• flid• pladr• pladr• ting• 1 ulgin• huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• baje• ktil• tapn• 2 fras• tsyf• gleb• hyb• 2 onk• tros• tsyf• hyb• 2 onk• tros• tšent• [LN] hekta• [GN] hundred hundred thousand hundredth hundredth hunger hunger hunger hunger hunger hunger hunk hunt hunt hunt hunt hunter hunter hurricane hurricane hurricane hurricane hurried hurried hurried hurt (feelings) husband husband husband husband hush husk husk husky husky hut hut hut hut hutch hymn MEANINGS ice ice ice ice ice identical identical identical ideology idiom (language) idiom (saying) idiom (saying) idiom (saying) sotnj macro centi hektate boulim lim(er) orex pin(al) sipal siphl thromb diogm(at) harp lag ven(at) epactr phoebe cataegi eriol procell thyell ixal sperch speus leg(i) acoet andr pao [S] patih [S] calypt chedrop coss cerchal cerchn(ei) calia calyb(e) scen(it) sken clob rig [S] EYMONS cry(o) gel gelat pag(et) pegad equi is(o) taut catech lect jadjur [S] lex paroimi sotnj• [RN] makra• [GN] tsenti• [LN] hektate• [GN] bolm• 2 limn• 2 reks• pinl• sifl• sifl• 1 tromb• djogm• 2 harpf• lax• venr• paktr• 2 fojb• 1 katagj• erjol• protsel• tjel• 1 iksal• spertš• spertš• iledž• akot• 1 andr• patih• patih• kalypt• xedrop• kos• tšerxl• tšerxl• kalyb• kalyb• 2 sxen• 2 sxen• klob• rik• LEMMAS kry• gelat• gelat• 1 pagos• 1 pagos• eky• iz• tawt• katex• 2 lekt• jadžur• 2 lekt• parmj• 429 idiotic idiotic idle idle ignominious ignominious ignore ill(ness) ill(ness) ill(ness) ill(ness) ill-bred ill-treat illuminate illuminate illusion illusion illusion illusion illustrate image imagine imitate immaculate immediate immense immense immense immerse(d) immerse(d) immerse(d) immerse(d) immobile immobile immobile immoral impact impair impair impair impair impair impair impair impair impartial impeccable impediment impediment imperfect imperfect impertinent impetuous impetuous impetuous 430 abelter ene(o) nocar ocn(er) aeschr aescn adaet morb(id) morbos nos path(e) tesc sina phaec phan doke onar oneir onir dictic pinac doke homo(i) cathart autic macr(o) meg(a) megeth baptist dypt dyt(ic) ting plegi stasim stat(her) lagn salebr colob laes olonth phtart phteir phter sin vitios medeter arti algi(a) echm(at) hatel hatl trux agri aioll hibri abelt• henj• nokr• okn• ejsxr• ejsxr• adet• morb• morb• nos• 2 pat• tešk• sinax• 2 fan• 2 fan• 2 dokt• oner• oner• oner• diktits• 2 pinak• 2 dokt• homoj• 1 katar• awtik• 1 makr• 1 meg• 1 meg• bapts• dyt• dyt• ting• 2 pledž• stats• stats• 2 lagn• salebr• kolob• 1 lez• lond• fter• fter• fter• šin• vitiš• medr• harti• algi• hexm• hatl• hatl• tryks• 2 agr• 1 ajol• 1 hybr• impetuous impetuous implicate implicate implore implore import impose imposing imposing impostor impregnate impress improvise impudent impulse impulse impure impure impurity (moral) in front in stock in(side) in(side) in(side) in(side) in(side) in(side) incendiary incendiary incense incense incense incinerate incite incite incite incite incite incite incite inclination inclination inclination inclination inclination inclination inclination inclination inclination inclination incline (slope) incline (slope) incline(d) incline(d) hybri scylm ilem(at) ilet supolic supplex epact semn chlid stibar psydr mix semn schedi trux chloe scylm cinaed lagn meretri prosth etoem eiso endo ento in intra penit pyro pyrrho liban thur thy(o) dau eret(h) erethiz lacess otrynt prest thect theg clin ese esis orge orsa orsum orsus sattva [S] tas trop preon proal aepy agm 1 hybr• skilm• 2 ilemt• 2 ilemt• splidz• splidz• epakt• semn• xlid• stibr• 1 psydr• mixs• semn• 2 ked• tryks• 2 xloj• skilm• tsined• 2 lagn• mertr• 2 prosts• etojm• eis• end• end• intra• intra• 1 penit• 1 pyr• 1 pyr• liban• 1 tyš• 1 tyš• dav• 2 eret• 2 eret• 2 lakts• trynt• prest• tsekt• tsekt• xlint• esiš• esiš• orš• orš• orš• orš• sadv• 1 tasts• 2 trop• preon• preon• 2 ajpy• agm• incline(d) incline(d) incline(d) incline(d) incline(d) incline(d) incline(d) inclined to incomplete inconvenience inconvenience inconvenience increase increase increase increase incubate incubus indecent independent indication indication indication indifferent indigent indignation indignation indignation indignation indignation indigo individual (nn) individual (nn) individual (nn) indolent indolent indulge industrious industry inert inexorable inexorable infamous infamous infant infant infect(ion) infect(ion) infect(ion) infect(ion) infect(ion) infectious inferior inflame inflame inflation baten clity cliv lord pren reo rhop agap endae algi(a) eil oler plei pleon aux ux epozo ephialt cinaed aut grapt naev phrast medeter chern(et) laedor loedor loidor scydm scythr anill anir idi prosopon arg brady kshantih [S] thass taasiah [Hb] brady dein den aeschr aescn puer thremm lues luet luet phlegm(at) phlegmon virulent demod phlegm(at) phlegmon phys batn• klitf• klitf• lord• prein• rep• rep• agap• endje• algi• eil• olr• plei• plei• awks• awks• epodz• efjalt• tsined• awt• grapt• najv• prast• medr• tšern• lojdr• lojdr• lojdr• skytr• skytr• anil• anir• idi• 2 prosop• 1 arg• brady• kšant• 1 takts• tasj• brady• dejn• dejn• ejsxr• ejsxr• pwer• tremn• lwet• lwet• lwet• 1 plegm• 1 plegm• virul• demd• 1 plegm• 1 plegm• 2 fys• inform(ation) inform(ation) inform(ation) inform(ation) inform(ation) inform(ation) inform(ation) infuse (nn) inhabitant inhabitant inhabitant inhabitant inhale inherit(ance) inherit(ance) inherit(ance) inhume initiate iniquity iniquity injure /ious injure /ious injure /ious injure /ious injure /ious injury injury injury injury injury injury ink ink inmate inmate inmate inner insane /ity insane /ity insane /ity insane /ity insane /ity insane /ity insect insect insecurity insert insert inside inside inside inside inside inside insidious angeli didact gnome mathi monel monil vada [S] zem enaul incol naster nastes aspir gen gene kleronom tarchon horme phthir phtin cop(t) nyss tros trot uli degm(at) dryph sauci traumat vibex vibic atrament paeder enaul naster nastes haru alien cerrit hele mori(o) moron vesan entom serph amaur pag pang eiso embi endo ento in intra phenac angel• didakt• 1 gnom• 1 matj• 2 monel• 2 monel• vada• dzem• enal• inkol• nastr• nastr• aspr• 2 gen• 2 gen• klejr• tarx• 2 horm• 2 ftir• 2 ftir• 1 kop• 1 nys• trots• trots• hulj• degm• dryf• sutsi• trawm• vibek• vibek• atram• 1 pajdr• enal• nastr• nastr• xaru• aljen• tšert• 2 hele• 1 morj• 1 morj• vesn• entom• serf• amur• 1 pfag• 1 pfag• eis• embi• end• end• intra• intra• fenak• 431 insignificant insignificant insipid(ity) insipid(ity) insipid(ity) inspect install(ation) instead instead instigate instigate instigate instinct institute (foundation) institute(d) institute(d) instruct instruct instruct instruct instruct instruct insult insult insult integument integument integument integument integrate = merge intelligence intelligent intelligent intelligent intelligent intelligent intelligent intelligent intens(iv)e intensity intensity intention intention intention intention intercessor interchange intercourse (sex) interdict interfere interior(ity) interior(ity) intermission internal internal 432 2 leptyn leptysm phyzel ptyr(t) socors alyte tagm(at) leber(is) pro celi thect theg chloe aulic hidrys hidryt didact entell entole mathet paed vada [S] aeci leg(i) vex(a) eclemm(at) lemm phloe puta(m) lept• 2 lept• fizl• tyrd• skors• alyt• 1 tagm• 1 lebr• prei• tselj• tsekt• tsekt• 2 xloj• awlits• xidr• xidr• didakt• entol• entol• matsed• 1 ped• vada• aetš• iledž• vexs• eklemt• lemj• floj• putam• logistikon noo nous nus sapiens soph(od) sophron synet agri mega sthen bol(e) boul tel(e) tels len allax salmac kolym marg eiso embi diastem eiso embi olog• noj• noj• noj• sapj• zof• 2 sofr• synt• 2 agr• 2 meg• 2 sten• 1 bole• 1 bole• 1 tel• 1 tel• 2 len• alaks• 2 salmak• kolm• marg• eis• embi• djast• eis• embi• 2 internal internal internal internal internal internal interpret interpreter interrupt interval intervene intestine intestine intestine intestine intestine intestine intestine intestine intimate intimate intimate intoxicate(d) intoxicate(d) intrigue introduce inundate invalid invent(ion) invent(ion) invent(ion) invent(ion) invent(ion) invent(ion) inverse inverse inverse invisible invisible invite invoice iron iron iron iron ironing irregular irrigate irrigate irrigate irrigate irrigate irrigate irritate irritate irritate endo ento haru in intra penit hermen turgeman [Hb] seli(d) diastem seli(d) botul enter hill pantic phren splachn splanchn typhl mych sterg sters methyst temulenc scandal epact klysm prav eurem eures heurem heures repert schedi an(a) palim palin caec coec cale end• end• xaru• intra• intra• 1 penit• hermen• 2 turg• šeld• djast• šeld• botul• enter• hilj• pants• 2 pfren• splakn• splakn• 2 tyfl• myx• 2 sterg• 2 sterg• metys• teml• škand• epakt• klism• prawv• evres• evres• evres• evres• erpert• 2 šked• 2 ana• palin• palin• 1 tsek• 1 tsek• kale• cheschbon [Hb] xežb• ferr fer2 haemat hemat• marti marts• 1 sider sider• yakwi [A] jakw• anfract anfrakt• ard(m) ardm• arth ardm• brec(h)t brext• embroc embrok• rhaen xran• rhant xran• 2 anch anxi• 2 eret(h) eret• 2 erethiz eret• irritate irritate irritate irritate island isle isolate(d) isolate(d) isolate(d) isolation isolation issue (produce) issue (produce) issue (problem) issue (problem) issue (result) itch itch itch itch itch itch itch item item itinerary ivy ivy MEANING jail jail jail January jar (pot) jar (pot) jar (pot) jar (pot) jar (pot) jar (pot) javelin javelin javelin javelin javelin javelin javelin javelin javelin javelin jaw(bone) jaw(bone) mord oxy prest scydmaen nes nes chor semot trech chers monaz gen gene peustic pysmat obri cne(o) cnesm cneth prurig prurit thyg(m) tix rhop(i) rhops ayanam [S] ciss kiss ETYMON claustr horcan panjarah [S] maghan [S] chytr orcul pithus scall seri(ol) urce aco belemn hem hemat hyss jacul pals palt rhomph tel geny gnath mordj• 2 okts• prest• skidm• nez• nez• 2 kxor• 2 semt• 1 trex• xers• 1 monats• 2 gen• 2 gen• pust• pust• 2 obr• knet• knet• knet• prurg• prurg• tiks• tiks• 2 rops• 2 rops• ajnam• tšis• tšis• LEMMA klawstr• hork• pandžar• magj• xytr• urke• pitus• 2 škal• šeri• urke• ak• belemn• hemt• hemt• hys• jakl• pals• pals• 2 romf• 2 tela• geny• gnat• jaw(bone) jaw(bone) jaw(bone) jealous(y) jealous(y) jealous(y) jeer jeer jeer jeer jeer jelly jeopardize jet (sprout) jet (sprout) jewel jewel jewel jewel jewel jewel-box job join(ed) join(ed) joint joint joint joint joint joint joke jolly jolly jolly jostle journal journey(ing) journey(ing) journey(ing) journey(ing) journey(ing) joy joy joy joy joy joy joy judge(d) judge(d) mala myl siag(on) asuya [S] phton telchin cachasm cachinn scomn scopt tothas pectin apore sobol subol agalm daedal mithrac mithrax pora scrini tachn epi zeuct angc arthr(o) colep(s) ginglym ozod ozot skommat lar tenth terpsi thrass hemer ambula por stol viatic viator chaer gan ganni gaur gavis tenth terpsi crit prodic 2 mlax• 2 myl• šagn• asja• fton• teltš• katšn• katšn• skopt• skopt• totš• 2 pekt• 2 apor• 1 šubl• 1 šubl• agalm• dedl• mitrak• mitrak• pawr• skrin• 2 tjekn• 1 epi• zyg• ank• artr• kolps• gingl• zod• zod• skomt• 2 lar• terps• terps• traš• hemr• ambul• 1 powr• 2 stol• 1 viat• 1 viat• xajr• gani• gani• gavr• gavr• terps• terps• 2 krit• prodits• 433 jug jug jug jug jug jug jug jug jug juice juice juice juice juice juice juice juice juice juice juicy July jumble(d) jumble(d) jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump junction junction junction junction June junk junk junk Jupiter jury just just (now) just (now) justice justified juvenile amby(c) chytr hirn orcul pithus proch seri(ol) stamn urce chyl chym halec hallec mecon(i) opism(at) opo rhe virus zem sphrig shravanah [S] disop dysop halmat haltic ixal maesmact pedes pedet scaer scart(hm) scirtes throsc phim sandhi [S] zeux zyx ashadhah [S] scybal spod syrphet Guruh [S] dice dice hen neat dice ete(o) kanistha amby• xytr• hirn• urke• pitus• prox• šeri• stamn• urke• xym• xym• 1 halts• 1 halts• 1 mekn• pišm• opu• 2 rej• 1 vrus• dzem• sprig• šravn• dysp• dysp• 2 halts• 2 halts• 2 iksal• majm• pedes• pedes• skert• skert• skert• trosk• pfim• sandj• zuks• zuks• ašad• skybl• 2 špod• sirfed• gurx• dikaj• dikaj• 2 xen• 2 njas• dikaj• 1 hetj• kaništ• MEANING keel keel keen keep keep keep keep keep house keeper kennel kernel (essence) kernel (essence) kernel (nut) kernel (nut) kernel (nut) kernel (nut) kettle key key key (button) kick kid (boy) kid (boy) kid (boy) kidney kidney kill(ing) kill(ing) kill(ing) kill(ing) kill(ing) kill(ing) kill(ing) killer kiln kiln kin kin kin kin kind (of) kind(ness) kind(ness) kind(ness) kind(ness) kind(ness) kindred king 434 ETYMON trop(id) tropis vigil eryc hex phrur retin tami satell clob metr us cary(o) cocc pyren thor cucum(a) clavi cleis(t) gomph lacti mirac(i) mirax putill nephr(o) osph(y) (i)cid lani letal lethal nec(at) occis phon sphact hipn ipn agel gambr laus nepot ter astei cal epi philophr prosen cognat anact LEMMA tropt• tropt• vigel• eryk• 2 heks• frure• retsin• 1 tamj• satl• klob• 2 matr• husts• karj• kokts• pirn• tor• tsukm• 2 klavj• klejst• 2 gomf• lašt• mirak• mirak• putl• 1 nefr• hosf• tsid• lani• let• let• nek• otšis• 1 pfon• spakt• 1 hipn• 1 hipn• agel• gambr• lus• nepot• tere• asti• 2 kali• hepj• filofr• prosn• 2 kogn• anakt• king king kiss kiss kitchen knead knead knead knead knee knee knee-cap knee-cap kneel kneepit knife (etc.) knife (etc.) knife (etc.) knife (etc.) knife (etc.) knife (etc.) knight knight knight knob knob knob knob knob knob knob knock knock knock down knock down knock down knot (node) knot (node) knot (node) knot (node) knot (node) knot (node) knot(ted) knot(ted) knot(ted) knot(ted) knot(ted) knot(ted) know(ledge) know(ledge) anax basil oscul(a) oscul(a) optanion deph deps magid magis angc gone lepad lepas prochny igny cultr phasgan pugio(n) scalm smil xiph equ veles veles cal cale call cermat kali kyph phym(at) arax crus hiptiot obrut stor apsid apsis hamm(at) ozod ozot phym(at) eir gone nex sympl vien viet cognit histor anakt• basil• oryz• 2 oskl• optan• depf• depf• 1 magd• 1 magd• ank• 1 gon• 1 lepš• 1 lepš• prokn• igny• kultr• fazgan• pudž• skalm• smil• ksif• 2 ekw• veles• veles• kal• kal• kal• 2 kermat• kal• kyf• fim• araks• kruz• hiptš• obrud• stor• 2 apš• 2 apš• hamt• zod• zod• fim• hejr• 1 gon• 2 neks• sympl• vjen• vjen• 1 kogn• 1 histor• know(ledge) know(ledge) know(ledge) know(ledge) know(ledge) know-how know-how MEANINGS labour (hard) labour (hard) labour (in) labour(ing) labour(ing) labour(ing) labour(ing) labour(ing) labour(ing) labour(ing) labour(ing) labour(ing) labour(ing) labour(ing) lace (binding) lace (binding) lace (texture) lacerate lacerate lack(ing) lack(ing) lack(ing) lack(ing) lack(ing) lack(ing) lacquer lacquer lacquer lacquer lacquer ladder ladder ladle lake lamb lamb lamb lame lame lame lame lament(able) lament(able) lament(able) logistikon mathi phron(t) steme vedd [S] histor mathi vedd [S] EYMONS draster try(os) trys obstetr aerumn cop(t) erg erga ergi ergum mochth mogi mogus nis(us) urg(a) arcy arcy tachrim [Hb] sparass sparaz a(n) apor leip lip mend(os) steres glea glio gloe gloi putill anabath ary(s)t aloch aequor agn(in) amni arn chol kyll per scalen elegei neni 2 olog• 1 matj• 1 fron• 2 stem• vejd• 2 histor• 1 matj• vejd• LEMMAS drasr• tryš• tryš• opstetr• erumn• 2 kop• erg• erg• erg• erg• moxt• moxt• moxt• nists• erg• 1 arky• 1 arky• taxr• sparats• sparats• an• 1 apor• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• 1 mendz• sters• gloj• gloj• gloj• gloj• putl• anbat• aryst• alox• 1 ekwor• 2 agn• 2 amn• 2 arn • 2 xol• kyl• 2 per• 2 skaln• eledž• nenj• 435 lament(able) lament(able) lament(able) lament(able) lamina lamina lamina lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp lance lance lance lance lance lance (nn) lance (nn) lance (nn) land (country) land (country) land (country) land (field) land (field) land (field) land (nature) landing-stage language language language languid languid languish languishing languishing lantern lantern lard large large large larva larva larva larva larva larva larva lassitude lassitude last (item) last (item) last (item) 436 odyr(m) odyrt oect ptoch threnod elasm lasm stonyx deletr fulg lucern lychn aclis aklyd hem hemat hyss saris(s) belemn dory tel chers epeir stan arv chthon gun choret glossa glott lect choma lex nocar torp(ed) dacn fulg deletr lucern rhoth eury lati plat(y) coryd camp dex kamp lend lens rutela schadon torp(ed) eschat hystat hyster odyr• odyr• 1 ojkt• ptox• trend• 1 elasm• 1 elasm• stonyk• deltr• 2 fuldž• lyxn• lyxn• aklys• aklys• hemt• hemt• hys• sars• belemn• 1 dory• 2 tela• tšers• epejr• štan• arv• xton• džun• tšort• glot• glot• 2 lekt• xoma• 2 lekt• nokr• torp• dakn• 2 fuldž• deltr• lyxn• 2 rjod• evry• lati• platy• koryd• 2 tsamp• 1 dexs• 2 tsamp• lend• lend• 2 rutl• sxad• torp• esxat• 2 hystr• 2 hystr• lasting lasting lasting late late late late late (former) late (former) lather lather lather lather lather laugh at laugh at laugh at laugh(ing) laugh(ing) laugh(ing) laugh(ing) laugh(ing) launch launch launch launch launch launch launch launch launch launch laundry lavatory lavish law(ful) law(ful) law(ful) law(ful) law(ful) law-abiding lawn lawn lawn laws lawyer lay (put) lay (put) lay down layer layman layout layout layout layout layout deer pymat denae hectic cessat ops(im) serotin tard veter(n) vetus aphr lamper lampi sepi(a) usn scomn scopt tothas gel geloe gelos gelot hasah [S] blem(at) bol embol jaci jact(it) jalt ject ploc rhips rhipt maghsal [A] aphedr dapan gnesi nom onom tethm thesm dice caespit nem prat grammat mouhami est hest stor strat bebel cart orect oregm petas 2 dejr• pymt• denaj• hetšt• kests• psim• 2 sert• tard• vetr• vetr• afr• 2 lampr• 2 lampr• sepj• husn• skopt• skopt• totš• gelos• gelos• gelos• gelos• xasa• 1 blem• 1 bol• 2 embl• jakt• jakt• jakt• jakt• plok• ript• ript• maxs• apedr• dapn• gnes• onom• onom• tesm• tesm• dikaj• kespit• 1 nem• prat• 2 gramat• muham• 1 hest• 1 hest• stor• 1 strats• bebel• xart• orekt• orekt• 1 petas• 1 layout layout lazy(ness) lazy(ness) lazy(ness) lazy(ness) lazy(ness) lazy(ness) lead (metal) lead (metal) lead (metal) ptas strot arg brady hypti nocar ocn(er) rathym galen molybd molybr petas• strot• 1 arg• brady• hipt• nokr• okn• ratm• 2 galn• molybr• molybr• lead (metal) lead(ing) lead(ing) lead(ing) lead(ing) leader leader leader leader leader leader leaf leaf leaf lean (thin) lean (thin) lean (thin) lean (thin) lean (thin) lean (upon) lean(ing) lean(ing) lean(ing) lean(ing) leaning (towards) leaning (towards) leaning (towards) leaning (towards) leap leap leap leap leap leap leap leap leap learn learn learned learned leather leather leather saturn sisam [S] agog cibernet elat rectr agog anax domin egetst hodeg onax pagin phyll nasm emacera emaci macesc macil vesc nix ereid ereis(m) nix sattva [S] orge orsa orsum orsus halmat haltic ixal maesmact pedes pedet scaer scart(hm) scirtes manthan mathei dokem dokes chori rhin šturn• sisam• angog• tsibern• 1 elat• rektr• agog• anaks• domn• 2 ext• hodg• anaks• 1 pagn• 2 fyl• nasm• emats• emats• 2 makš• 2 makš• 2 vests• niks• eresm• eresm• niks• sadv• orš• orš• orš• orš• 2 halts• 2 halts• 2 iksal• majm• pedes• pedes• skert• skert• skert• mantsan• 2 matj• 1 dokt• 1 dokt• xorj• 2 rin• leather leather leave (go) leave (go) leave (go) leave (let) leave (let) leave (let) leave (let) leave (let) leave (let) leech leek lees left-over left-over left-over left (side) left (side) left (side) left (side) left (side) left (side) leg leg leg leg leg leg leg leg leg leg legal legend legitimate lemon lens lens lens lentil lentil lentil leprosy less less less less less less less less water (chem.) let let let scort scut sterph abit amped phrud chal chalar chalast leip lip chloe bdell pras syrphet chled laphyr arister infra infre lae scaev(it) scaevol senestr #### cnem cnem himas ped pez pez pod(es) scel(id) scelis gnesi myth gnesi core erv glen opter lemm phac pard(al) lazar hesson hipo hyp(o) mei(on) meios meot secund(a) meta chal chalar 1 skort• 1 skort• sterp• abit• amped• frud• xal• xal• xal• 1 lejp• 1 lejp• 1 xloj• bedel• 1 pras• sirfed• xled• lafr• arists• 2 infra• 2 infra• laje• skav• skav• snestr• orp• 1 knem• 1 knem• 2 himant• pod• 2 pedz• pod• pod• skel• skel• gnes• myt• gnes• 2 kore• erv• 2 glen• 1 optr• 2 lemn• pfak• pardal• lazar• hesn• hyp• hyp• mej• mej• mej• skund• 2 meta• xal• xal• 437 let let let be let be letter Y lettuce lettuce level level level level level level level (layer) level (layer) level (layer) level (layer) level (layer) level (layer) level (tool) lever lewd(ness) lewd(ness) lewd(ness) lewd(ness) lewd(ness) liberate /tion liberate /tion libido lick (tongue) lick (tongue) lick (tongue) lick (tongue) lick (tongue) lick (tongue) lid (cover) lid (cover) lid (cover) lie (recline) lie (recline) lie (recline) lie (tell a) lie (tell a) lie (tell a) life life life lifetime lift (elevator) lift(ed) lift(ed) lift(ed) light (easy) light (easy) light (lamp) light (shine) 438 chalast leip lip pariem hy(o) hy(o) seris thrid homal leum leus levi omal plan balbid daped pedan pedon strat scamn libell mochl cinaed lagn meretri porn saot sosi soter tentigin lamb lapt leich ligur linct ling epel mysi pomast cumb jac prostrat apat noth bio physi pnes chron mochl aers(i) aert lepsi aphel synech lucern aug xal• 1 lejp• 1 lejp• parim• 1 hy• 2 hy• seris• tird• homal• lews• lews• lews• homal• 1 plani• balb• daped• pedn• pedn• 1 strats• skamn• libel• moxl• tsined• 2 lagn• mertr• porn• sotr• sotr• sotr• tentitš• 2 lamb• 2 lamb• lejx• lingr• lingr• lingr• epl• myš• pomast• 1 kumb• 2 jats• prostr• apat• 2 nost• bi• fisj• 2 pnewm• xron• moxl• erš• erš• 2 lepsi• afel• sinek• lyxn• awg• light (shine) light (shine) light (shine) light (shine) light (shine) light (shine) light (shine) light (weight) light (weight) light (weight) light up light up lighten (soften) lightning lightning lightning like (adv) like (adv) like /ing like /ing like /ing like /ing lily lily limb (part) limb (part) limb (part) lime lime lime lime lime limit (border) limit (border) limit (border) limit (border) limit (border) limit (border) limit (border) limit (border) limp line (drawing) line (rope) line (rope) line (rope) line (rope) line (rope) linen linen linen linen linen linger(ing) lingerie link (connection) cand fulg glauc lamp luc(i) phegg phot chaun couph levgat levigat phaec phan solaci astrap fulg ecel skepto icel bhakti [S] maitri [S] phil tas crin liri col mel(o) mori calcar calcin calco chalic titan ephor hori(o) horiz peirar peras perat tel(e) tels scalen ogm fun(al) funi(s) merinth resti seir byss(in) linte lix(iv) othon phar odus lix(iv) 2 kandid• 1 fuldž• 1 glak• 1 lampr• lutsi• pfeg• fot• xun• kupf• levg• levg• 2 fan• 2 fan• solts• astrap• 1 fuldž• ekel• 1 sxept• ekel• 2 bakt• majtr• 1 fil• 1 tasts• 2 krin• 2 lirj• 2 kolj• 2 mer• 2 morj• xalits• xalits• xalits• xalits• 1 titn• epfr• 1 horj• 1 horj• 1 pejr• peras• peras• 1 tel• 1 tel• 2 skaln• 1 ogm• fun• fun• merint• rešt• sejr• bysn• lint• liks• 1 otn• pfar• 2 odz• liks• link (connection) link (connection) link (connection) link (connection) link (connection) link (connection) link (connection) link (connection) link (connection) link (connection) link(ed) link(ed) lion lion lip lip lip lip lip liqueur liquid (nn) liquid (nn) liquid (nn) liquid(ity) liquid(ity) liquid(ity) liquid(ity) lisp list list list listen listen lithe little (a) little (a) little (few) little (few) little (small) little (small) little (small) little (small) little (small) little by little live (at) live (at) live (at) live(ly) live(ly) live(ly) live(ly) liver liver liver liver dem demat deo des desm hamm(at) pex(i) phim sandhi [S] zeux zyx hapt zeuct lis chil labell labeo labr simhah [S] labr maschke [Hb] aqua ly neo icm(ad) icmal nar rheum psell stech stich(i) sticher auri cly(o) scinac ebae ebh paulul polul hina [S] michr micr(o) parv scopae sensim nae nai nee pnes pneus strenu thass hepat jecor jecur desm• desm• djes• djes• desm• hamt• 2 peks• pfim• sandj• zuks• zuks• hapt• zyg• liš• 1 xil• labl• labl• labl• simba• 2 labr• mašk• akw• ly• 1 ner• ikm• ikm• nar• rewm• 2 psel• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 stix• 1 awr• klyj• šnak• ebaj• ebaj• 2 pavl• 2 pavl• hina• mikr• mikr• 1 parv• skopa• sensm• naj• naj• naj• 2 pnewm• 2 pnewm• 2 stren• 1 takts• hepat• jekr• jekr• livestock living living being living being lizard load load load load loaf loaf (lump) loaf(ing) loam loam loan loathe loathe loathe loathe loathe loathe loathsome lobster local locale locale lock-up lock (nn) lodge (live) lodge (live) lodge (live) lodge (live) lodge (live) lodger lodging (nn) log (block) log (block) log (block) logic(al) logic(al) logic(al) logo loins loins lone(ly) lone(ly) loneliness loneliness loneliness long (distance) long (distance) long (distance) long (distance) long (distance) long (distance) jocinor cten bio physi zo(on) langur achter arm occ onc art(a) peregr(in) peregr(in) litarg litharg mutu fodi foed(at) misat misemat styget stygn nefari karnik bled [A] agor(a) teri horcan kleetr bat col(a) nae nai nee enaul dom stalix vacerr xyl nunech prep saph(en) scut(ell) lapar pso(as) chor monaz trech chers dolich dolych dulich mec(yn) mecysm panden jekr• 2 kten• bi• fisj• dzo• langr• 1 axt• 1 harm• 1 okts• 1 okts• arta• 1 peregr• 1 peregr• litarg• litarg• 2 mutu• fojd• fojd• miz• miz• stygn• stygn• 2 nefr• karnik• bled• agor• 2 terj• hork• kletr• 1 bats• 1 tšol• naj• naj• naj• enal• dawm• stalts• vakr• ksyl• nunx• prep• safn• sxut• 2 lapr• psoas• 2 kxor• 1 monats• 1 trex• xers• dolix• dolix• dolix• meks• meks• pant• 439 long (distance) long (distance) long (time) long (time) long (time) long(ing) long(ing) long(ing) long(ing) look look look look look (aspect) look (aspect) look (aspect) look (aspect) look (expression) look (upon) look after look after look askance look askance look at look for look for look for looking-glass loom loop (mesh) loose loot loot lopsided lopsided lord lord lose /lost lose /lost lose /lost loss loss loss lot (fate) loud(ness) loud(ness) loud(ness) loud(ness) lovable love love love love love love 440 pant tan(aec) tanao denae diut(in) diuturn elp elpid elpis blep lim(er) opi opti opic opiqu ops ops tuens vult(u) cur(i) meledon illaen meleth illod scop zetes zetet opter opter histos mit lapar leja anfract lia curi(o) dochm apollym procer zami apollym zami zemi zemi oet mega otob strep psyll venust agap bhakti [S] maitri [S] phil sterg pant• tanek• tanek• denaj• djut• djut• elp• elp• elp• bleps• 2 limn• opt• opt• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• 1 opš• tuns• vults• 1 kyr• 1 meled• ilen• 1 meled• ilen• 1 skop• zetes• zetes• 2 optr• 1 optr• hi t• mit• 1 lapr• leja• anfrakt• leja• 2 kyr• dokm• aplym• 2 protšer• zamj• aplym• zamj• zamj• zamj• hojt• 2 meg• utob• 2 strept• psyl• venst• agap• 2 bakt• majtr• 1 fil• 1 sterg• lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lover lover lover lover lover low(er) lozenge lozenge lubricate lubricate luck ludicrous luggage luggage lull (vb) lumbar lumber (nn) lumber (nn) luminous luminous lump lump lump lump lump lump lump lump lump lump lump lump lump lunatic lung lure lure lust lust lust lust lustre lustre lustre luxury luxury storg caleid callim callon kall(i) lepid lepos pulchell pulcher pulchr specios eras erasm erast erastri cata clang rhomb scutul ongu ungu cler tothas rhisc sorac petaur pso(as) sparac sparagm actin phaet cal cale call clas cordy(l) glaeb kali omb pess phym(at) thromb toros umb pneumon agan dele haemil estr kamah [S] oestr scylm mic(an) xes(m) xest chlid 1 sterg• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 1 kali• 2 lepš• 2 lepš• pulkr• pulkr• pulkr• spetš• erast• erast• erast• erast• kata• klang• romb• skutl• ugv• ugv• 1 xler• totš• riš• sork• 2 petr• psoas• sprak• sprak• 1 aktin• fajt• kal• kal• kal• klaz• kordyl• gleb• kal• 1 umb• 2 pesk• fim• 1 tromb• tros• 1 umb• pnemon• agan• 2 del• haml• ojstr• kama• ojstr• skilm• mikn• ksest• ksest• xlid• habr barbit fidicul nabl psalt(er) lyre lyre lyre lyre lyre MEANING mace mace mace mace machine macho macho mad(ness) mad(ness) mad(ness) mad(ness) mad(ness) mad(ness) mad(ness) mad(ness) madam madman magazine (review) magenta maggot magic magic magic magnificent magnificent magnificent maid maiden mail main(ly) main(ly) maize make /ing make /ing make /ing make /ing make /ing make /ing make /ing make /ing make /ing make /ing make /ing ETYMON bacl bacter clav(i) rhopal kikai [Jp] arrhen thur alien cerrit hele mori(o) moron scydm scythr vesan aloch baburr tekufon [Hb] phoenic schadon thelct thelg(etr) thelx abrot agla splend ancill core doar [Hb] malista protois zea erg erga ergi ergum gene phy phys poies poiet tict urg(a) 1 habr• barbyt• fidits• nabl• psalt• LEMMA baktr• baktr• 1 klavj• ropl• kikaj• 2 arhen• turj• aljen• tšert• 2 hele• 1 morj• 1 morj• skytr• skytr• vesn• alox• babur• tekuf• fenits• sxad• telg• telg• telg• abrot• aglaj• splend• antšil• 1 kore• dwar• malst• prots• 2 ze• erg• erg• erg• erg• 1 gen• fy• 1 fiz• 1 poj• 1 poj• 1 tikt• erg• make known make ready male male male male malicious malignant man man manage manage manage manage manager manager manager mane manger manger manger manger mangle mangle mania manifest(ed) manipulate manipulate manipulate manna mannequin manner manner manner manner manner manner manner manner mantelpiece mantle mantle mantle mantle mantle manure manure manure many many prodi schedi andr arrhen thur trag chalep poneros andr anthrop cibernet pheid polit tami anax onax prytan chaet len phatn pistr scaph sparass sparaz vesan phan erg ergum urg tamaris dagyd hod(o) hodi hodoi kair od(o) ter trop ud eschar chlaen chlamyd imati palli trabe(a) copr fimet onth dym mala prodž• sxedj• 1 andr• 2 arhen• turj• trag• xalep• ponr• 1 andr• antrop• tsibern• pfed• 1 polit• 1 tamj• anaks• anaks• pryt• tšet• 1 len• fatn• pistr• 2 skaf• sparats• sparats• vesn• fan• erg• erg• erg• tamar• dagyd• od• od• od• 2 kajr• od• tere• 2 trop• od• esxar• 2 xlen• xlamyd• imatj• palj• trabe• kopr• fimt• ontj• dym• 1 mlax• 441 many many many many times map marasmus marasmus marasmus marble (ball) marble (stone) March march(ing) march(ing) march(ing) march(ing) march(ing) march(ing) mariner mariner mariner mariner mariner mariner mark (sign) mark (sign) mark (sign) mark (sign) mark (sign) mark (target) market market marmalade marmot marriage marrow marrow Mars marsh (moor) marsh (moor) marsh (moor) marsh (moor) marsh (moor) marsh (moor) marsh (moor) marsh (moor) marsh (moor) marsh (moor) marsh (moor) marsh (moor) marsh (moor) 442 malist multi poly saep cart marai marcesc marcid kandukah [S] lygd(in) chaitrah [S] badi bas(i) grad pez stib tiph alieus alieut halieus halieut nao naut(il) grapt inust naev semei semi(at) laes agor(a) chremat ribah [Hb] eli gam metr myel Kujah [S] el elei hel helei helei lam lim(nat) lymn palud palustr pel pel thelm(at) 1 mlax• mylti• [LN] poly• 1 šap• xart• maraj• maraj• maraj• kanduk• lygd• tšajtr• badž• badž• gradz• 1 pedz• 1 stib• tipf• aljut• aljut• aljut• aljut• nawt• nawt• grapt• inust• najv• semj• semj• 2 lez• agor• 1 xremat• ribax• eli• gam• 2 matr• mjel• kudž• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 hevl• 1 limn• 1 limn• 1 limn• palud• palud• pevl• pevl• telm• marsh (moor) marten marten marvel(ous) marvel(ous) mash(ed) masher mask mask mask mass (crowd) mass (crowd) mass (crowd) mass (crowd) mass (crowd) mass (heap) mass (heap) mass (heap) mass (heap) mass (heap) mass (heap) mass (heap) massacre massage massage massive master (boss) master (boss) master (boss) master (boss) mastic mat (carpet) mat (carpet) match (game) match (game) match (game) match (game) mate (companion) mate (companion) mate (companion) mate /ing material material material matrimony matrimony matrimony matrimony matter (pus) matter (pus) tiph gale ict agla thaum(at) alet(r) hyper larv person prosop(is) byzen egyr gargar ochl pleth acerv moles mydr sor(ed) sur them thom truci deph deps aidl arch(i) curi(o) domin prytan lent psiath stragul athlon paegm paegni palaestr amorb heta(e)r sodal salmac chem(o) hyl phys(i) hymen marit nubil nuptial ichor py tipf• gale• ixt• aglaj• tumt• aletr• hipr• 1 larf• persn• 1 prosop• byzn• egyr• 1 gargr• okl• plets• akerv• mols• 1 mydr• šor• šor• tojm• tojm• 2 trutš• depf• depf• 2 ajol• arx• 2 kyr• domn• pryt• ljent• pšats• stragl• atlon• pagm• pagm• plestr• amorb• etarj• sodl• 2 salmak• xem• 2 hyl• 2 fiz• hymn• marit• nupt• nupt• ixr• py• matter (pus) matter (substance) matter (substance) matter (substance) mattock mattress mattress mature (grow) mature /ity mature /ity mature /ity mature /ity maxim May maybe maybe meadow meadow meadow meadow meadow meadow meadow meager meager meager meager meager meager meal meal mean (miserly) mean (miserly) mean(ing) mean(ing) mean(ing) mean(ing) meander meander meander meander meander meander meander meander means means means means means sani chem(o) hyl phys(i) oryx culcit tyle bry hadr(yn) heb hebe pepir paroimi Jyesthah [S] icot oecot chott [A] hiamen lemon limon nem prat ulig(in) au emacera emaci macesc macil sclephr deipn vesc cimbex cimbic bol(i) sema(nt) semas semi camp(al) camp(im) camp(s) campil campyl camur colp(od) gyrus aco hod(o) hodi hodoi od(o) sanj• xem• 2 hyl• 2 fiz• ryks• tsulk• tyl• 2 bry• xadr• hebe• hebe• pepr• parmj• šest• ikot• ikot• tšots• hamn• lejmn• lejmn• 1 nem• prat• 2 ulgin• ay• emats• emats• 2 makš• 2 makš• sklefr• dejpn• 1 vests• kimbits• kimbits• 2 bole• simant• simant• šemj• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 tsamp• 1 kolp• gyr• atsw• od• od• od• od• means means means (by) measure (land) measure(ment) measure(ment) measure(ment) measuring tool meat meat meat meat medal medal medallion medallion mediator medicament medicament medicament medicament medicine medicine medicine medicine-man medicine-man meditate meditate medium meet mellow melody melody melody melody melody melody melody melody melon melt together melt(ed) melt(ed) melt(ed) melt(ed) melt(ed) melt(ed) melt(ed) melt(ed) melt(ed) techn ud kair grom de(si) metr(i) choenic metr chros cre(at) sarc(in) sarqu num(mul) numism num(mul) numism len ac(on) acos iam(at) pharmac ac(on) acos iam(at) iatr jat jain [S] theor pirh tygkhan pep(on) canor mel(es) melict meliz melyr molp od(ic) phtegm pep(on) cras ceraun chys fus(i) tabc tabesc tabet tabid tect tex 1 tjekn• od• 2 kajr• grom• 1 det• mejtr• xojnits• metr• xros• krejt• sarx• sarx• 1 num• 1 num• 1 num• 1 num• 2 len• akon• akon• jamt• farmats• akon• akon• jamt• iatr• iatr• džajn• tojr• pirj• tynk• 1 pepn• knor• mel• mel• mel• mel• molp• odits• 2 ftegm• 2 pepn• 1 kraz• krun• xys• 2 fuž• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 1 tapt• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• 443 melting pot member (part) member (part) member (part) member (part) membrane membrane membrane memorial memorize memory memory memory menace menace menace mend (patch) mend (patch) mendicant menstruation merchant merciless Mercury mercury merge merge merit(orious) merit(orious) merry merry merry merry mesh mesh mess (mush) mess (mush) mess (mush) message message message message message messenger messenger metal metal meteorite method mews mews 444 cacab mathet mori plesi stasiot diphter thel ulis mnemeion manthan mnemo mneo mnest commina phon torv rhytism sarc proict men empor saev Budhah [S] paradah [S] baptist cras axi chrest macar phae tenth terpsi arcy mit ather polph polt angeli cledon nunci nunti nuthete ceryx pemot chalc osm(er) skepto techn mandr(a) stathm katsab• mated• 2 morj• 2 plesj• 2 stast• difter• 2 telj• ulis• nemi• mantsan• mnem• mnem• mnem• komna• 2 pfon• torv• ritsm• sarts• projts• 1 men• 2 empor• šav• budj• prad• bapts• 1 kraz• 2 aksi• xrest• 2 makr• 2 faj• terps• terps• 2 arky• mit• 1 ater• polp• polp• angel• kledn• nunts• nunts• nunts• kryks• 2 pemt• 1 xalk• hosm• 2 sxept• 1 tjekn• 2 mandr• 1 štatm• middle middle middle middle-class middle-class middle-class middle-class mien might (strength) might (strength) might (strength) might (strength) might (strength) might (strength) might (strength) mighty mighty mighty mighty mighty mighty migrate migrate migrate migrate migrate mild mild mild mild mild mild mild mild mild mild mild mild mildew mildew mildew mildew mildew military military military military military military man militiaman centr medi meso astei asti(c) etes hetes vult(u) crat iphi iphthim pollent sthen virios vis arrhen bo bu ischy(r) rhom(al) stibar errant grassa peregr(in) peregr(in) remb ahinsa [S] ed edan eeth gluci gluco glyc malac malagm malax pep(on) teram(n) eur euros eurot myd seped(on) mil(es) stratiom stratiot veles velet andr veles 1 kentr• medz• medz• astits• astits• hetes• hetes• vults• 2 krat• ift• ift• plent• 2 sten• viri• viri• 1 arhen• 2 buw• 2 buw• isxy• roml• stibr• erat• graš• 1 peregr• 1 peregr• remp• ahins• hed• edan• hed• glyk• glyk• glyk• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 malak• 1 pepn• 1 tramn• eur• eur• eur• myd• šped• mils• stratj• stratj• veles• veles• 2 andr• veles• militiaman milk (nn) milk (nn) milk (nn) milk (nn) milk (nn) milk (nn) milk (nn) milk(ing) mill(ing) mill(ing) mill(stone) mill(stone) mill(stone) mill(stone) mill(stone) million millionth millionth mime mince mince mind mind mind mind mineral mingle minister minus minus minus minute (timelapse) miracle mire mire mire mirror mismismismisdeed misdeed misdemeanour misdemeanour miserly miserly misery misfortune mishap velet amolg gal(act) galact galact lact mulct mulg(en) thelaz trips trypt myl myl mylac(h) mylacr myliax mega megate micr(o) histrio alet(r) brych noo nous nus phren oryct ochl(er) hiere mei(on) meios meot daqiqa [A] thaum(at) lutan lutar lutit opter an(a) pejor pejus aliter amartem aliter amartem cimbex cimbic poner morsim morsim veles• mulg• džal• galakt• lakt• lakt• mulg• mulg• telz• 1 tryps• 1 tryps• 1 myl• 1 myl• milax• milax• milax• mega• [GN] misser megate• [GN] mistake mikra• [GN] histr• aletr• 1 bryx• noj• noj• noj• fren• orikt• 2 oxl• 2 hier• mej• mej• mej• dakik• tumt• lutn• lutn• lutn• 1 optr• 2 ana• pežor• pežor• alitr• amart• alitr• amart• kimbits• kimbits• 2 pondr• morsm• morsm• mistletoe misser misser misshapen misshapen missile missing missing misstep misstep misstep mist mist mist mistake mistake mistake mistletoe mitigate mitigate mixe(d) mixe(d) moan moan moan moan moan moan mock mock mock mock mock model model model(led) modern modern modest(y) modest(y) modest(y) modest(y) modest(y) modify modify moist moist moist ptaesm sfal(m) sphaler anfract prav belemn leip lip olophr scel(est) sceler halit neph(el) nephod hamart ptaesm sfal(m) sphaler ix stelis apon solaci cret ochl(er) aelin cinyr ejula go goes goet cachasm cachinn scomn scopt tothas deigm digm typot caen kain adox aedem(on) aeschyn baeo tapein athyr vers(i) phlyd plad(ar) pladasm ptasm• sfalm• sfalm• anfrakt• prawv• belemn• 2 lejp• 2 lejp• lofr• skles• skles• xalt• nefel• nefel• xmart• ptasm• sfalm• sfalm• 1 ixs• stelš• apon• solts• krez• 2 oxl• elin• tsinyr• elin• gojs• gojs• gojs• katšn• katšn• skopt• skopt• totš• digm• digm• 2 typt• 2 tsen• 2 tsen• adok• edem• ajsxyn• baje• tapn• 1 atyr• 1 verz• flid• pladr• pladr• 445 moist moist moist moist moisten moistness mold mole (animal) mole (animal) mole (wharf) mollusc mollusc moment monarch monarch monarch Monday money money money-bag monk monkey monkey monkey monster monster monster monster monster month month monument moon moor (marsh) moor (marsh) moor (marsh) moor (marsh) moor (marsh) moor (marsh) moral(s) morass morass morass morass morass mordant more more moreover morning 446 uv(en) uvesc uvid uvor brec(h)t dros myd scalop siphn choma conch malac kairos anact anax basil huvn• huvn• huvn• huvn• brext• droz• myd• sklop• sifn• xoma• kontš• 2 malak• 1 kajr• anakt• anakt• basil• induvasarah [S] indu• 2 argyr argyr• pecun pekun• molg molg• 2 hiere hier• ceb tseb• pithec pitek• pithon pitek• morm morm• taeter tatr• taetr tatr• terat tatr• teter tatr• masah masa• 1 men men• mnemeion nemi• 1 men men• 1 lam limn• 1 lim(nat) limn• 1 lymn limn• palud palud• palustr palud• thelm(at) telm• 1 e(e)th aet• 1 el hevl• 1 elei hevl• 1 hel hevl• 1 helei hevl• 1 helei hevl• 1 dect dekt• mizon midz• mizzon midz• 2 all alj• eeri heri• morning morning moron morsel mortal mortal mortal mortal mortar mortar (building) mortar (building) mortar (building) mortar (building) mortar (building) mortar (vessel) mosquito moss moss most moth moth moth moth moth mother mother mother mother motionless motionless motive motive motive mould (form) mould (form) mould (form) mould (form) mould (form) mould (mildew) mould (mildew) mould (mildew) mould (mildew) mound mound mount(ed) mount(ain) mount(ain) mount(ain) mount(ain) mount(ain) eo(s) pratah [S] socors clas brot letal lethal thnet igd calcar calcin calco chalic melichr mactr konops bry hypn pleist hepial hepiol porrig seo seth mat(e)r metr(i) metro tok plegi torp(ed) aiti eth eti plag plast tect tex typot eur euros eurot seped(on) thin this ambat coll(i) deir deir lep or(es) eos• prata• skors• klaz• 2 brot• let• let• tenst• igd• xalits• xalits• xalits• xalits• keram• maktr• knops• 1 bry• 2 hypn• plejst• hepjol• hepjol• porg• setj• setj• 1 matr• 1 matr• 1 matr• 2 tok• 2 pledž• torp• ajti• ajti• ajti• plast• plast• 2 tekt• 2 tekt• 2 typt• eur• eur• eur• šped• tsiš• tsiš• ambat• 2 tšol• 1 dejr• 1 dejr• 2 lep• ore• mount(ain) mount(ain) mount(ain) mountain chain mourn(ful) mourn(ful) mourn(ful) mourn(ful) mourn(ful) mourn(ful) mourn(ful) mourn(ful) mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth move(ment) move(ment) move(ment) move(ment) move(ment) move(ment) move(ment) move(ment) movie mow much much much mucilage mucous mucus mucus mucus mucus mucus mud mud mud mud mud mud oreo orim orin deir dacn dhukham [S] libitin luct lug(ubr) naeni scuthr scythr hyrac hyrax murin myi myo sminth bucc mastac mastax or(al) oscul stom(at) cin loco oes(o) perio phor(a) phores pore stol kolnoa meten da eri za dad ulis achor blenn lape lippul myx lim litarg litharg lutan lutar lutit ore• ore• ore• 1 dejr• dakn• dukam• 2 libd• 1 lukts• 1 lukts• najn• skutr• skutr• hirak• hirak• m urn• mojs• mojs• smint• 2 bukts• mastak• mastak• 1 ovr• 1 oskl• stom• tsin• 1 lokj• 1 ojs• 1 porj• for• for• 1 porj• 2 stol• kolna• metn• dza• 1 erj• dza• dad• ulis• axor• blen• 2 lape• 2 lape• myks• 2 ljim• litarg• litarg• lutn• lutn• lutn• mud mud mud mud muffled muffled mug mug mug mug mulberry mule mule mule mule multi-colored multi-colored multiple multiple multitude multitude mummy munch municipal(ity) murder murder murder murder murderer murmur murmur murmur murmur muscle muscle muscle muscle muscular muse muse muse mush mush mush mush mushroom music music music music pel(l) thol(od) tholom tyntl(ast) hebes hebet amby(c) leb(es) lebet matul mor canthon oen on onus anther poecil cret dym myri(a) myrio tarich dex pol(i) nec(at) occis phon sicari sphact thryl tryil trysm tryz lacert my(os) myot toros arrhen jain [S] puta(t) theor ather polph polt pult myc(et) mel(es) melict meliz melyr 2 pelj• tlom• tlom• tynt• heps• heps• amby• 2 leps• 2 leps• matl• 2 morh• 1 kants• onh• onh• onh• antser• 1 pokl• krez• dym• mirj• mirj• 2 tartš• 2 dexs• pawl• nek• otšis• 1 pfon• sikr• spakt• trylm• trylm• trylm• trylm• 1 lakr• 1 my• 1 my• 2 torš• 1 arhen• džajn• putats• tojr• 1 ater• polp• polp• pult• myk• mel• mel• mel• mel• 447 music mussel mussel mustache mustache mustache mustard mustard mute(ly) mute(ly) mute(ly) mutiny mutual mutual mutual mutual mutual mutual mutual myopic mystery mystery mystify mystify mystify mystify mystify mystify MEANINGS nail nail nail nail nail nail (finger) nail (finger) nail (finger) nail (finger) naked naked naked name name name name name nanny nanny nape (neck) napkin napkin 448 od(ic) cochl my(ac) hypen mystac upen senev sinapi coph elingu ene(o) stasiot allel dipl(o) diplac diplasi diplax diplaz mutu lusc myrism myst apat inex palag palan parag phel(et) EYMONS dothi helo peron clav(i) gomph harp odon odus onyx gymn(o) psil spoliat onim onom(ast) onomat onym rhes metr(i) metro auchen linte mapp odits• 1 koxl• 2 my• 2 hipn• mistak• 2 hipn• sinap• sinap• kopf• elinx• hene• staš• alel• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• dipl• 1 mutu• 1 lusk• 1 myst• 1 myst• apat• ineks• palg• palg• palg• palg• LEMMAS 1 dotsi• 2 helv• 2 pern• 1 klavj• 1 gomf• 1 harpf• odon• odon• onyx• gymn• 1 psil• spolj• onim• onmast• onmast• onim• xres• 1 matr• 1 matr• awxen• lint• maps• narrow narrow narrow narrow nasty nasty native (indigenous) native (indigenous) nature nature naughty /ness naughty /ness nauseating nave navel navigate navigate navigate navigate near(by) near(by) near(by) near(by) near(by) near(by) near(by) near(by) near(by) near(by) near(by) nearly nearly neat neat neat neat nebulous nebulous necessary necessary neck neck neck neck neck neck neck neck neck neck-chain neck-chain necklace necklace necklace necklace angust brevi sten stin pinar pinod incol vernacul cras physi cobal viti nefari torm omphal nau(s) plaut pleo plo anchi angy eis engi(on) homor juxt pela(t) plesi pros schedi schedo paen pen(e) apl dail del hapl neph(el) nephod ananc deon auchen deir der(ae) dere deris ini laem laim trachel horm ploc(h) horm monil ploc(h) torqu(at) angust• brevj• 1 sten• 1 sten• pindr• pindr• inkol• vernak• kras• fisj• tsobl• vitj• 2 nefr• 1 torm• omfal• naws• plot• plot• plot• 1 anxi• 1 anxi• ejs• 1 anxi• xomr• jukt• 1 plesj• 1 plesj• proš• 1 šked• 1 šked• 2 pene• 2 pene• hapl• 1 del• 1 del• hapl• nefel• nefel• anank• djon• awxen• 1 der• 1 der• 1 der• 1 der• hini• lajm• lajm• 2 traxl• 1
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