ROBIN MORGAN Curriculum Vitae Full Name: Robin Evonne Morgan Date/Place of Birth: U.S.A. 29 January 1941, Lake Worth, Florida, Marital Status: Divorced; mother of one child, Blake Morgan [Pitchford], b. 1969 Occupation: Author, Lecturer, Journalist, Consultant, Editor, Organizer/Activist Papers: Archived at the Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History and Culture, Perkins Library, Duke University ( Publications (partial list): Poetry: Dark Matter: New Poems. Work in progress. A Hot January:Poems 1996-1999. W.W.Norton,September 1999. Audio version issued by ECR ( Upstairs in the Garden: Selected and New Poems, 1968-1988, W. W. Norton, 1990. Depth Perception:New Poems & A Masque, Doubleday/Anchor Press, 1982 Death Benefits, Copper Canyon Press,1981 Lady of the Beasts, Random House, 1976 Monster: Poems, Random House, 1972 Poems have also appeared in many anthologies and poetry/literary journals, both in the United States and abroad, including: The Poetry (Chicago) Anthology, The Poets’ Grimm, Women on War, No More Masks, Campfires of the Resistance, The New American Writers, Masculine/Feminine, We Become New, The Oppressed Majority, Voices From Women's Liberation, Woman/Poet, For the Record, Take Back The Night, She Rises Like The Sun, The Arc of Love, etc., and such journals as American Poetry Review, The American Voice, Antioch Review, The Atlantic, Calyx, Chuomo Uri, Chrysalis, Fem, Feminist Review, Feminist Studies, Ms.,Massachusetts Review, New England Review, Poder y Libertad, Poetry (Chicago), Poetry International, Poetry Northwest, The Sewanee Review, Shenandoah, The Southern Review, Sunbury, Sojourner, The Saskatchewan Review, Wind, Books, Women’s Voice, The Yale Review, etc. Fiction: Woman's Review of The Burning Time: A Novel.MHP Books,2006 The Mer-Child: A Legend For Other Adults, The Feminist German edition, Donna Vita, edition, Munwon Publishers, Children and Press, 1991 1996; Korean 1999. Dry Your Smile, Doubleday,1987. U.K./Commonwealth edition, The Women's Press,1988. The Handmaiden of the Holy Man, Doubleday 1972 Nonfiction: Fighting Words: A ToolKit for Combating the Religious Right. Compiled and Introduced. Nation Books, September 2006 Sisterhood Is Forever: The Women’s Anthology for A New Millennium. Compiled, Edited, and Introduced. Washington SquarePress/Simon &Schuster, 2003. The Demon Lover: The Roots of Terrorism Reissued with an extensive,updated, post9/11/01 Introduction and new Afterword (including “Letters from Ground Zero”) Washington Square Press and Simonand Schuster,2002; UK/Commonwealth edition, Piatkus Books, 2002. Letters from Ground Zero.ViaInternet 2001 Saturday’s Child:A Memoir.W.W.Norton,2000 A Woman’s Creed, pamphlet (available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Italian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Sanscrit, and Spanish), The Sisterhood Is Global Institute,1995 ( The Word of A Woman: Feminist Dispatches, W.W.Norton,1992; Second (expanded) Ed., paperback (Norton) 1994; UK/Commonwealth Ed., Virago, 1993; Chinese edition, Fine Press,Taipei,1996. Essays. The Demon Lover: On The Sexuality of Terrorism, [first ed.) W. W. Norton, 1989. 2 U.K./Common wealth edition, Methuen, 1989; Japanese edition, Shosheisha, 1991; German edition (extracts only) Emma, 1990; Italian editions Centro di Documentazione e Cultura delle Donne di Bari (extracts), 1993,and La Tartaruga with Baldini & Castoldi,1998; Arabic edition, Dar al Mada Pub.,2004. Sisterhood Is Global: The International Women’s Movement Anthology. Compiled, Edited, and Introduced. Doubleday/Anchor, 1984. Republished with a New Preface by RM, The Feminist Press at The City University of NY,1996 U.K./Commonwealth ed., Penguin Books 1985.Spanish-language ed. (Mujeres del Mundo), Barcelona: The National Women's Institute Press Vindicacion Feminista 1994. The Anatomy of Freedom: Feminism, Physics,and Global Politics. Doubleday Anchor,1982.Second (expanded) edition reissue (paperback): The Anatomy of Freedom: Feminism in Four Dimensions, by W.W. Norton, 1994.U.K./ Commonwealth ed. Blackwell's/Oxford, 1984. German edition Frauen-offensive, 1985. Spanish ed., Feministische Uitgeverij Sara, 1988. Portuguese ed., Editora Siciliano, 1992. Going Too Far: The Personal Chronicle of A Feminist. Random House, 1977; Vintage, 1977. German ed. Roter Stern, 1978. Sisterhood Is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings From The Women's Liberation Movement (U.S.) Compiled, Edited, and Introduced. Random House, 1970; Vintage Paperback, 1970. Swedish edition by Bibliotek Rhodos, 1972. The New Woman: An Anthology. Co-edited. Bobbs Merrill, 1969. Journalism: 1961-the present: Articles, essays, reviews,profiles, have appeared widely in mass-circulation, scholarly,literary, and "alternative" list): Amazon Quarterly,The Atlantic, Broadsheet, Chrysalis, Essence, EqualTimes, Everywoman, Feminist Art Journal,The Guardian, The Hudson Review, The Los Angeles Times, Ms., The New Republic,The New York Times,Off Our Backs,Pacific Ways, The Second 3 Wave, Sojourner, The Village Voice, The Voice of Women, various United Nations' periodicals, etc. [Articles and essays,etc., have also appeared in reprint in the international media, in English across the Commonwealth, and in translation in 13 languages throughout Europe,South America,theMiddle East,Asia. 1983-1988, “World” Columnist, Ms. 1974-1987: Contributing Editor, Ms. Articles,essays,reviews(books, plays, films), profiles, interviews, investigative journalism, poetry. 1989-1993: Editor in Chief, Ms. 18 prizewinning Editorials,special international interviews, feature articles, etc. 1993-present: International Consulting Editor,Ms., articles, correspondent for Beijing coverage of UN Conference. 2003- the present: Columnist: “Keywords.” Ms. “Conversatons with Sec. of State Madeleine Albright, Jane Fonda, etc. Plays: "The Duel." A verse play. Debut perf. "In Another Country." Debut performance, Ascension Drama Series, New York, 1960. Education: Graduated (honors) The Wetter School. Mount Vernon, New York, 1956. Privately tutored (USA and abroad)19561959.Columbia University (nonmatriculating):select master classes in the classics,English literature, and 17thcentury English poetry; poetry workshops with Louise Bogan,Mark Van Doren, and Babette Deutsch. Honorary Degree, Doctor of Humane Letters,University of Connecticut at Storrs, 1992. Scholar in Residencies/Visiting Professorships: Guest Chair, Feminist Studies, New College,Sarasota, Florida, 1973. Visting Professor, Center for Critical 4 Analysis of Contemporary Culture, Rutgers Univsersity, N.J. 1987. Distinguished Visiting Scholar in Residence, Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1989. Block Visiting Professor in Residence, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, 1996. Visiting Professor and Lecturer, University of Bologna (Italy), Center for Documentation on Women, 2000. Professional Appointments/Memberships (partial list): International: Co-founder, Board Member, The Women’s Media Center, New York ( Founder (1984) and Steering Committee Member (1984-89), Sisterhood Is Global Institute, the first international feminist thinktank.Elected Secretary, 1989-93, VicePresident 1993-97, Chair of Advisory Board 1997-2004, President 2004-present. ( Patron,Feminist Dalit (“Untouchables”) Organization, Kathmandu, Nepal. Member, Advisory Board, ISIS International Network. Member, Advisory Council, Global Fund for Women. Member, Advisory Board, Women's Studies International. Member, Advisory Board, Equality Now. Member, Board of Directors, Feminist International Network to Monitor Reproductive and Genetic Technologies Member (Honorary), Pan Arab Feminist Solidarity Association. Member (Honorary) Israeli Feminists Against Occupation. 5 National: Co-founder and Board Member, Feminist Women's Health Network. Co-founder and Board Member, National Battered Women's Refuge Network. Co-founder and Member, Media Women. Co-founder and Board Member, National Network of Rape Crisis Centers. Co-founder and Board Member, Feminist Writers' Guild. Former Board Member, Women's Foreign Policy Council. Former Board Member, The Feminist Press. Advisory Trustee, National Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press. Founding Member, National Museum of Women in the Arts. Member: National Women's Political Caucus; Lesbian Books Association; Women's Action Alliance; Feminists for Animal Rights. Awards/ Honors/ Grants: “Freethinking Heroine” Award from Freedom from Religion Foundation, 2005 “Femmy” Award for service to women’s literature, from The Feminist Press, 2003. Lifetime Achievement in Human Rights, Equality Now, 2002. Lifetime Achievement for the Women’s Movement, Feminist Majority Foundation, 2000. Special Achievement Award, Assoc. for Education in Journalism and Communications(1993) Warrior Woman Award For Promoting Racial Understanding, from Asian American Women’s National Organization (1992) 6 Honorary Degree, Doctor of Humane Letters,University of Connecticut at Storrs, 1992. Exceptional Merit in Journalism Award, National Women’s Political Caucus (1991) Editorial Excellence, Utne Reader (1991) “Woman of the Year” Award, Foundation (1990) Feminist Majority Kentucky Foundation for Women Literature Grant (1986). Ford Foundation Grants 1982, 1983, 1984. Wonder Woman Award for International Peace and Understanding (1982) Front Page Award for Distinguished Journalism, 1981 (for exclusive cover story, Ms. Magazine, "The First Feminist Exiles from the USSR"). Writing Residency at Yaddo, 1980. National Endowment for the Arts Literature Grant in Poetry, 1979-80. Additional Activities 2002-05: Consultant to Equality Now on convening The International Dialogues, Tarrytown NY University lectures and bookstore signings in promotion of releases of Sisterhood Is Forever: The Women’s Anthology for A New Millennium, and re-release of The Demon Lover:The Roots Keynote speaker, National Philosophers’ Association Conference,Seattle, WA Guest Editor-in-Chief, Ms. Magazine 30th Anniversary Special Summer (Fiction & Poetry)Issue. 2001: North American book tour to promote the publication of Saturday’s Child: A Memoir (W.W.Norton). 7 Online publication, Letters from Ground Zero. Audio version released by Engine Company Record ( 2000: Keynote speaker at Feminist Expo 2000 (Washington DC/Baltimore,Maryland) Distinguished Lecturer, University of Bologna, Italy. Keynote speaker and English-language MC for the International March of Women (Marche des Femmes), New York City. 1999: New Distinguished Lecturer, University of Orleans, New Orleans, LA. Public readings (New York, New Jersey, Boston, Massachusetts) of the poetry from A Hot January: Poems 1996-1999 (Norton). 1998: April: week-long consultancy on strategies for women’s groups, Denver, Colorado. June: Speaker, “Women and Decision-Making in Social Movements,” International Congress sponsored by Emakunde (Basque Women’s Federation), San Sebastion, Euskadi; Poetry Reading, The Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain). September:Invited Expert on Sexism and Racism; Meetings with women in cross section from Parliament to Townships, Rural Areas, and Shantytowns; Public lectures in Cape Town and Durban. Auspices: Comparative Human Rights Initiative, sponsored by The Ford November: Promotion tour, Italian ed. of The Demon Lover (Il Demone Amante: sessualità del terrismo):Rome, Florence, Bari,Milan,Palermo,Bologna.Poetry Reading, Rome, Italy. 1997: 1996-97 Distinguished Guest Professor and Block Scholar,Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver, Colorado. 8 Closing Keynote,Sisterhood Institute Conference on Rights Education, Washington, D.C. Is Global Female Human Keynote Speaker, European Federation for Human Rights “Religion and Women’s Rights” Congress, Toledo, Spain. 1996: “ViolenceAgainstWomen,”International League for Human Rights Conference, New York, Keynote. Presiding Officer, Sisterhood Is Global Institute Conference: Follow-Up to the UN Beijing Conference on Women, Wash. DC. Keynote Speaker, “Women vs. The Religious Right” Conference, Austin, Texas. Spain: Promotion of the Spanish edition of Sisterhood Is Global [Mujeres del Mundo](Vindicacion Feminista ed.), Madrid. 1995: Italy:(Rome,Milan,Florence,Bologna):Promotio of Cassandra non abita più qui: Conversations with Robin Morgan by Maria Nadotti (La Tartaruga edizioni) Speaker, NGO Forum, UN Fourth World Speaker,The Foreign Association ,Hong Kong Keynote, Canadian Conference, Toronto Correspondents Journalists’ Assoc. Keynote, The Anatomy of Freedom Conference (based on RM book of same name), National Assoc.on Research & Gender,Albuquerque, N.M. Keynote, Women’s Ocala,Florida. Health Conference, Speaker, International Feminist Strategy Conference, Bologna, Italy. 1994: Nepal Three-week intensive Consultancy in (Kathmandu and villages) for The Asia Foundation re women’s rights. 1993: Major media promotion Zealand and Australia, for 9 trips to New publication of UK/Commonwealth edition (Virago) of The Word of A Woman International Consulting Editor,Ms. (1993-). 1992: Special Advisor to United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Expert Mission on Economics of Women’s Labor, Jakarta, Indonesia Presenter, Academy of Television Arts and Sciences “Emmy” Awards for Excellence in Broadcast Journalism. 1990: Consultant to UNRWA (UN Relief & Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) on Palestinian women. Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Law and Human Rights, Canberra, Australia. Expert International Advisor, U.S. Women’s Foreign Policy Council. 1989: re- 1989 to late 1993: Editor-in-Chief of launched, ad-free, international Ms.magazine. Featured Speaker, Institute for Contemporary Arts, London. Keynote Speaker, National Conference, National Organization for Women, Cincinnati, Ohio. March-May: first Distinguished International Visiting Scholar in Feminist Studies, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Consultant to Programme--for book impact on women. UNDP--U.N.Development project on HIV-AIDS February: Return investigative visit, under sponsorship of UNRWA (see above), to the Occupied Territories of Gaza and West Bank, to research, update (from earlier 1986 visit),and write about the conditions of Palestinian women in the camps during the [first]Intifada. 1988: 10 Keynote Speaker on “Global Feminisms,” International Women's Conference, Yokahama, Japan. Co-organizer and US representative, Sisterhood Is Global Conference, Coalition of the Philippine Women's Movement. Chair, New York State "Hands Across America” Committee for Justice and Empowerment. 1987: Distinguished Visiting Scholar and Lecturer, Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Culture, Rutgers University. Special Consultant to CEDAW (United Nations Committee on the UN Convention to End All Forms of Discrimination Against Women),São Paulo and Brasilia, Brazil. 1986: Eight-week visit under UNRWA (see above) of women in the Palestinian refugee camps. 1985-86: Special Advisor, U.N. International School's Conference on Gender. 1984: Convener, Sisterhood Is Global Strategy Meeting; Co-Founder [with Simone de Beauvoir], The Sisterhood Is Global Institute. 1973: Visiting Chair and Guest Professor, Women’s Studies, New College, Sarasota, Florida. 1969-1973: Consulting Editor, Grove Press. Founder, first New York Women's Center (1969) Founder and Co-Director, first New York Women's Law Center (1970). Organizer, first feminist anti-pornography demonstration (1970). Founder/Sole Donor, The Sisterhood Fund (first independent US funding source for women,1970). 1961-1969: Free-lance book editor, copy-editor, and proof-reader. 1968: Initiator and Organizer, first feminist protest against the Miss America Pageant. 11 1966: Member,first Women's Caucus, SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee). 1965: Member, first Women's Caucus, CORE (Congress on Racial Equality). Travel/Conferences Attended: 2005: Keynote, U. of Denver Women’s Conference Keynote, Freedom from Religion National Conf. 2003-2005 University lectures (Duke, Univ. of Kansas, U. Colorado/Boulder, etc.) and bookstore signings (Boston, New York, Washington DC, Seattle, Philadelphia, etc.) in tandem with release of Sisterhood Is Forever. Keynote, National Women’s Political Caucus Conference, Washington, D.C. 2002: University lectures and bookstore signings in Denver, Florida, Washington State, California, elsewhere, in promotion of re-release of The Demon Lover: The Roots of Terrorism (Washington Square Press.) 2001: North American book tour to promote the publication of Saturday’s Child: A Memoir (W.W.Norton). 2000: Keynote speaker at Feminist Expo 2000 (Washington DC/Baltimore,Maryland); receipt of Lifetime Achievement Award Distinguished Lecturer, University of Bologna, Italy. Speaker, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA. Public readings (New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts) from A Hot January: Poems 1996-1999 (Norton). 1980-2000 (Partial) Speaker, Basque Women’s Federation Congress, San Sebastion, Euskadi (Basque Country). Poetry Reading, The Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain. 12 Speech and poetry reading, Benefit for The Rape Crisis Centre, Cape Town, South Africa. Keynote Speaker, Women’s Agenda Breakfast, Durban,South Africa. Poetry Reading, International Poetry Festival, Rome, Italy. Lectures at The University of Bari, The University of Milan, The University of Florence, The Center for Documentation on Women, Bologna, and The Women’s Convocation, Palermo, Italy. Keynote, Colorado Women’s Agenda, Denver, CO. Sisterhood Is Global Institute Conference on Female Human Rights Education, Wash. D.C. European Federation for Human Rights “Religion and Women’s Rights Congress,” Toledo, Spain. Keynote Speaker: “US Elections and World Impact Conference,” Denver, Colorado. International Feminist Strategy Conference, Bologna, Italy, and Women’s Dialogue, Venice, Italy. UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, China (accredited journalist and accredited NGO speaker), and NGO Forum, Huairou, China (speaker, panelist, Sisterhood Is Global Institute NGO Representative). Canadian Journalists’ Assoc. Conference, Toronto. International Conference of Women in Development (WEDO), Long Island, New York. Sisterhood Is Global Institute Dialogue on “Women,Culture, and Islam,” Washington, D.C. International Centenary of Women’s Suffrage, New Zealand, Featured Speaker at Women Writers’Festival, venues in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin. Keynote address, National Association for Women in Psychology Conference, Atlanta, Ga. Keynote address, “Women in Action” conference, Vancouver, Washington. Keynote, Nat’l Conf.Osteopaths,Chicago, Ill. 13 Keynote address, National Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Communications, Kansas City, MO. Keynote address, International Conference on Women’s Health, New Zealand. Address, Amnesty International USA Conference, Washington, D.C. Keynote address, First U.S. Conference on the Status of Iranian Women, Washington, D.C. Address, American Arab Anti-Discrimination Conference, Washington, D.C. Keynote address, National Network of Women’s Funds Conference, Chicago, Ill. World Women’s Congress for A Healthy Planet [sponsored by WEDO), Miami, Florida. Panelist, United Nations Panel on Media Stereotypes of Women, United Nations, New York. Address, New York State Library Association Conference, New York City Keynote address, International Law and Human Rights Conference, Canberra, Australia. Address, United Nations International Seminar on Women and the Media, Columbia University, N.Y. Address, National Rally for Women's Lives, Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C. Keynote Speaker, International Women's Conference,Yokahama, Japan. Keynote Address, Special Meeting of U.S. and West German women, Bonn, Germany; meetings with women Bundestag Members from the Green Party and the Social Democratic Party. Keynote Address, “Women’s Cross-Cultural Culture,” Women and Art Conference, New York. Conference, Convener, Sisterhood Is Global Institute New Zealand: Public and private meetings with major national women's groups, including the 14 National Council of Women, the Maori Women's Welfare League, the Women's Electoral Lobby, the National Women's Studies Association, women Members of Parliament, etc. Keynote Address, U.S. National Women's Studies Association National Conference, Moscow, Idaho. Greece: Meetings with the Women's Union of Greece,the Mediterranean Institute for Research on Women,and women's groups in Athens, Delphi, Elefsis, and Crete. England: Address to International Feminist Book Fair, London. Special Meeting with Oxford Feminist Union, Oxford. Keynote Address, national conference of National Women's Historians' Association, Washington, D.C. Keynote Address, National Sociological Association conference on family violence. Keynote Address,National Women in Media Conference,Washington, D.C. Address, Berkshire Conference on Women's History,Massachusetts. Austria: Address, special convening of women artists, Vienna. Austria: Invited Panelist, March 8 International Panel of Experts on Women, sponsored by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) UN International Centre, Vienna. Awardee and speaker, The Wonder Woman Conference,New York City. Mexico: Invited participant, Encuentro Feminista Internationale, Mexico City. Keynote Speaker, Conference on Women in Politics,John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard. Canada: Keynote Address, North American Women United conference, Vancouver. Norway: Invited Participant, "Creative Women in Changing Societies" conference sponsored by UNITAR (UN Institute for Training and Research), Oslo. 15 Denmark: Invited speaker, NGO Forum, UN Mid-Decade World Conference on Women, Copenhagen. Austria: Special journey to Vienna, for exclusive in-depth interviews with the first Soviet feminist dissidents just sent into forced exile (later an award-winning cover story for Ms. Magazine). 1965-1980: Comparable travel, participation, and public addresses at academic meetings, scholarly conferences, and political gatherings, both in the United States and internationally, too numerous to list here. Poetry Readings: 1970-the present: Many major U.S. universities, including Harvard/Radcliffe, Yale, Smith, Princeton, Dartmouth; major poetry centers, including the San Francisco Poetry Center, the Manhattan Theatre Club Poets' Series, the St. Mark's Poetry Series, the New York Shakespeare Theater Poets' Evenings; at poetry festivals national and international; on radio and television, and for videotape archives at libraries and universities. Lectures (Academia): National: Numerous universities in North America, including (partial list): Smith College, Vassar, Sarah Lawrence, Brown, Mt. Holyoke, Wellesley, Skidmore, Brandeis, Tufts, Antioch, Wallace, Tulane, Duke, Barnard, New York University and New York University Law School,Yale, McGill, University of Winnipeg (Canada), University of Mexico (Mexico City), American University,Boston College, Boston University,Georgetown,Fordham; universities of California (UCLA, Berkeley, Davis, and San Diego), New York (Brockport, Buffalo, Binghamton), Florida,Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Pennsylvania,Wisconsin, Idaho, Iowa,Indiana, Trinity, Missouri,Kentucky, etc.; Williams College,Florida State University (Tallahassee), University of Alaska (Juneau), University of Alaska (Fairbanks),Distinguished Writers' Series, University of New York (Brockport),Bowdoin College, Amherst College,Hampshire College, Colorado College,University of Maryland (College Park),University of Missouri (Kansas City),Kennedy School of Government, Harvard, Brooklyn College,University of Vancouver, Old Dominion University (Virginia), University of Maine (Portland), University of Mexico 16 (Merida),Queens College (New York), University of Connecticut (Storrs), Connecticut College for Women (Hartford), Oklahoma State University, University of Oregon (Portland), University of Chicago (Illinois), University of Illinois (ChampagneUrbana),Presbyterian College (Clinton, South Carolina), Swarthmore College, University of Kansas (Lawrence), University of Maryland (Baltimore), Bucknell University (Pennsylvania), University of South Florida (St. Petersberg), Dickinson College (Carlysle, Pennsylvania),University of New Hampshire (Durham), University of Connecticut (Storrs),University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), Carnegie Mellon(Pittsburgh), University of Oregon (Eugene), City University of New York, University of Colorado (Boulder),University of Kansas (Lawrence), Bennington College (Vermont), Goddard College (Vermont),Livingston College (New Jersey), Hunter College,Sacramento State College,University of Minnesota (Minneapolis),University of New Mexico(Albuquerque,University of Wisconsin (Madison),University of Rhode Island (Providence),Mills College,Stanford Law School,University of Texas (Austin),University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), Douglass College, Bryn Mawr,Dartmouth College,Princeton University and Princeton Seminary and Theological School,De Pauw (Indiana),University of Utah (Provo),Rusell Sage College (Troy, N.Y.), Goucher College (Towson, Md.)Wells College (Aurora, N.Y.), University of North Florida (Jacksonville, Fl.)Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Culture, Rutgers University, Center for American Women in Politics (CAWP), Rutgers, University of Tennessee (Knoxville), Ramapo College (New Jersey), University of Vermont (Burlington), Georgetown University, Castleton College (Vermont), University of Massachusetts (Boston), University of Washington(Seattle), Union Theological Seminary (New York), Columbia University, NY [School of Journalism],etc. International: Australia: Australian National Univ(Canberra), University of Australia (Sydney) Canada: McGill University,Upper Canada College (Toronto), Polytech, University of Winnipeg, University of Toronto, Concordia Egypt: Cairo University (Cairo) England: St. Hilda's College (Oxford),London School of Economics Greece: University of Athens (Athens) Italy: Universities of Milan, Florence, Bari, Bologna Japan: Women's Studies Meeting (U. of Kyoto) 17 New Zealand: Universities of Waikato (Hamilton),Auckland (Auckland), Canterbury (Christchurch);Victoria University (Wellington); Massey University (Palmerston North) The Philippines: Univ. of Manila (Quezon City) South Africa: Universities of Cape Town, Durban, and Johanesburg West Bank: Bir Zeit University (Jerusalem) 18
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