International Journal of Obesity (1998) 22, 673±677 ß 1998 Stockton Press All rights reserved 0307±0565/98 $12.00 Correction of the self-reported BMI in a teenage population M Giacchi1, R Mattei2 and S Rossi1 1 Dpt. Scienze Medico-Legali e Socio-Sanitarie and 2Cattedra di Fisiologia della Nutrizione, Ist. Scienze Chirurgiche, UniversitaÁ di Siena, Italy OBJECTIVE: To investigate the issue of systematic bias in self-reported weight and height, and produce a simple procedure which can be used to correct reporting bias. DESIGN: Cross-sectional, with self-reported questionnaires. SUBJECTS: A sub-sample (n 143) of secondary school students in Siena, Italy, taken from the Food Behaviour Survey (sample size, n 779). RESULTS: In the teenage sub-sample, both males and females under-reported their weight and over-reported their height, such that underestimation of the overweight prevalence was in the order of about 8% for both genders. For both weight and height, the correlations between self-reported and measured values were over 0.90. Conversion factors were derived to correct the reported body mass index (BMI) distribution by adjusting the percentages of erroneously classi®ed subjects in the four BMI categories. CONCLUSION: High correlation coef®cients (r 0.75), showing a systematic tendency for erroneous self-reporting of a `slim-body shape', justify the use of conversion factors (measured/self-reported) to correct BMI distributions calculated from self-reported values. Keywords: self-reported; BMI; teenagers; conversion factors Introduction Methods The accuracy of self-reported data in describing the overweight prevalence is very important. There is a general feeling that teenage populations under-report their weight and over-report their height; in particular, females are more likely to under-report their weight, compared to males, and males are more likely to overestimate their height.1±3 Recent studies show that self-reported height and weight data from teenage populations, should be used with caution and suggest that further investigations should be conducted on the correction of reporting bias.1,4 Due to important implications of using selfreported data on the determination of body mass index (BMI), we performed the present study. The present study suggests a simple and inexpensive procedure for correcting reporting bias. This method can be especially useful to those groups which operate in the health promotion ®eld, whose objectives include community preventive interventions on speci®c population groups, rather than objectives involving data which can be generalized, such as those regarding prevalence. The data used in this study were taken from the Food Behaviour Survey (University of Siena, 1995 ±1996), which collected information on diet and lifestyle from a sample of teenage students (age: 15±17 y) in Siena. The original study began with a co-operation between the University of Siena and Sienese secondary schools to add food education to existing didactic programmes. The aim of the original study was twofold: cognitive and educational. In the ®rst phase, data relating to students' food habits were collected. The results were subsequently shown and discussed with the students during some food education lessons, carried out by GSAA group experts (a dietitian, a psychologist and an epidemiologist). The study sample consisted of 779 secondary school students (325 female and 454 male). The students were asked to complete a questionnaire, which collected data on a wide number of variables: age, parents' occupational role and educational history, height, weight, dieting habits, food and drink preferences, perception of self body image, alcohol consumption and sport activities, and a weekly dietary diary. The general sample was obtained as follows: Correspondence: Dott. Mariano Giacchi, Dpt. Scienze MedicoLegali e Socio-Sanitarie, Policlinico `Le Scotte', 53100 Siena, Italy. Received 11 September 1997; revised 26 February 1998; accepted 3 March 1998 1) Secondary schools in Siena were divided into two main groups according to different studies (High School and Technical School); both groups were Correction of self-reported BMI M Giacchi et al 674 homogeneous in terms of the students' township and their family's cultural background: most of the high school students were from Siena and their families had a mid±high level of education, whilst the majority of those who attended technical schools were commuters belonging to families with a mid±low level of education. One school was randomly selected from each group. 2) At each school, only a few classes were involved; as such, it was impossible to proceed with random sampling. For didactic continuity purposes, we only included the food education programme for those classes (779 students) in which a Science course was scheduled for the current semester. In the questionnaire, the students were asked to indicate their height in cm and their weight in kg to one decimal point. Considering the aims of the study, the teenagers were advised to answer the questions as accurately as possible. It was predictable, at least as far as weight and height were concerned, that the answers would not be totally accurate, since they were in¯uenced by different variables, ®rstly by the type of instrument used. Most of the values re¯ected in the questionnaires were expressed in whole numbers (that is, 50 kg, 71 kg, 187 cm; otherwise 50.5 kg, 71.5 kg, 187.5 cm, etc.). The reported measures were not rounded during data processing. To improve the accuracy of the BMI, calculated from self-reported weight and height, we used data from a simple random sub-sample including 143 students (56 female and 87 male) belonging to the study sample. Subjects from this sub-sample were visited the following week and their weight and height measured. Students were told a few days before that they would undergo a medical check-up. Due to missing weight and/or height data on the questionnaire, 10 subjects (®ve male and ®ve female) were excluded from the study. Weight and height measurements were carried out by the dietitian and assistants. The technique used for the measurements followed ISS criteria.11 Subjects wearing no clothes or shoes were weighed by means of a `platform scale' and their height measured with a `stadiometer' after correct positioning of the body. During measurement, weight values were rounded to the nearest 0.1 kg and height values to the nearest cm. Data for females and males were analysed separately. We ®rst studied the predictive validity of selfreported BMI. Then, we attempted to correct the BMI distributions. According to the Recommended Dietary Allowances (L.A.R.N.-1996)5 indications, the BMI categories were the following: Underweight: BMI < 18.5 Normal weight: BMI 18.5±25.0 Over weight: BMI 25.01±29.99 Obesity: BMI 30 The data analysis consisted of cross-tabulations, paired t-tests and regression analysis, all performed using BMDP software.6 Results On average, both males and females under-reported their weight by about 2.0 kg (ÿ1.8 kg for males and ÿ1.9 kg for females), whilst they over-reported their height by an average of 2.3 cm and 0.8 cm, respectively (Table 1). For males and females, both height and weight differences between self-reported and measured values were statistically signi®cant (paired t-test, P < 0.001). The differences in self-estimation of body size, described above, in¯uenced the mean BMI values calculated from the reported data. The females' mean BMI was underestimated by 1.3 kg/m2 (or ÿ5.8%) and the males' BMI by 0.8 kg/m2 (or ÿ3.5%) (Table 1). If we compare the percentage distribution of self-reported BMI vs measured BMI, we can observe that the size of the overweight group is underestimated by self-reported data. The degree of the overweight prevalence underestimation accounted for nearly 8% (11.8% measured vs 4.0% self-reported) for the females and nearly 7% (17.1% measured vs 9.8% self-reported) for the males (Table 2). With regard to the males' self-reported distribution, the overweight and obesity prevalence values in the Table 1 Measured and self-reported mean values of weightb, heightb, and body mass index (BMI) and mean per cent differences (D%)a in the sub-sample (n 133) Females (n 51) Parameters Weight (kg)* Height (cm)* BMI (kg/m2) Males (n 82) Measured mean s.d. Self-reported mean s.d. D% Measured mean s.d. Self-reported mean s.d. D% 60.3 (8.8) 163.8 (5.8) 22.4 (2.9) 58.4 7.9 166.1 6.1 21.1 2.3 ÿ3.1% 1.4% ÿ5.8% 69.5 12.1 174.8 7.4 22.7 3.8 67.7 12.1 175.6 7.2 21.9 3.5 ÿ2.6% 0.5% ÿ3.5% * Statistically signi®cant differences between measured and self-reported mean values for both sex (paired t-test, P < 0.001). (Self-reported 7 Measured)/Measured 100. b For females, the ranges are: 48±89 (weight measured); 45±85 (weight reported); 148±174 (height measured); 150±174 (height reported). For males, the ranges are: 45±114 (weight measured); 45±115 (weight reported); 158±202 (height measured); 160±201 (weight reported). a Correction of self-reported BMI M Giacchi et al 675 Table 2 Measured and self-reported body mass index (BMI) distributions (percentage values) according to gender in the sub-sample (n 133) Females (n 51) a BMI categories Self-reported Measured Self-reported Measured 7.8% 88.2% 4.0% ± 5.8% 82.4% 11.8% ± 13.4% 74.4% 9.8% 2.4% 6.1% 72.0% 17.1% 4.8% Underweight (BMI < 18.5) Normal weight (BMI 18.5±25.0) Overweight (BMI 25.01±29.99) Obesity (BMI 30.0) a Males (n 82) According to LARN 1996.7 subsample were rather high with respect to those belonging to the study sample. In fact, by the random selection, 2/2 obese cases and 8/20 overweight cases were chosen. Even if the magnitude of the differences between self-reported and measured data is small, the effect of these biases in reporting may heavily affect the BMI distribution.7,8 Calculation of the BMI, results both in ampli®cation of biases and misclassi®cation of subjects into incorrect BMI categories. We utilized Kuskowska-Wolk's statistical model,7 in order to show additional empirical evidence for reporting bias in our population. Of interest, is the utility of KuskowskaWolk's model to underline the effect of reporting bias in terms of height. Our aim was, in fact, to point out the importance of not neglecting even small differences between measured and self-reported values. Analysing the BMI data according to the statistical models (separate regression models for males and females) proposed by Kuskowska-Wolk7: Hm2 BMIs aHm2 bHm2 BMIm e where a and b are regression coef®cients, H2m the measured height, BMIm the measured BMI and BMIs the self-reported BMI, we found that the systematic error can result in an underestimation of the true value of up to 1 kg/m2 in most overweight females, which corresponds to about 3 kg for an average female height (164 cm). The underestimation reaches 2 kg/m2 among the underweight females corresponding to 5.5 kg for an average female height. Moreover, among the extremely obese males, the systematic error can correspond to an underestimation of about 2 kg for an average male height (175 cm). These results can be obtained dividing the above regression equation by H2m. Subsequently, the linear relation is: BMIs a bBMIm eHmÿ2 which differs with an ordinary regression model in that the error term depends on the height. Pearson's correlation between BMI calculated from reported and measured weight was 0.96 for males and 0.93 for females (Table 3). For height, the correlation coef®cients for males and females were 0.93 and 0.97, respectively. High correlation coef®cients justify the use of conversion factors (measured/self-reported) to correct Table 3 Pearson correlations between self-reported and measured values Parameters Weight (kg) Height (cm) Females* (n 51) Males** (n 82) 0.96 0.93 0.93 0.97 * For n 51, correlations are statistically signi®cant (P < 0.001). ** For n 82, correlations are statistically signi®cant (P < 0.001). Table 4 Conversion factorsa Parameters Weight (kg) Height (cm) a Females (n 51) Males (n 82) 1.032 0.988 1.026 0.996 Conversion factor Measured/Self-reported. BMI distributions calculated from self-reported values (Table 4). They have been calculated as a ratio between the measured and self-reported mean values and can be used to correct the reported BMI distribution by adjusting the percentages of erroneously classi®ed subjects into the four BMI categories. The number of students who were classi®ed as obese, overweight, normal weight and underweight by selfreported BMI were compared to the number corrected by conversion factors (Table 5). Both overweight males and females were incorrectly classi®ed in about half of all cases, as those subjects actually belonged to the normal weight group. After correction, the percentage of overweight females increased from 1.6% to 3.1% and that of overweight males from 4.4% to 7.9%. Among the obese group, the percentage increased from 0.3% to 0.6% for females and from 0.5% to 0.9% for males. Again, among females the number of underweight girls decreased from 91 to 30 (28% vs 9.2%) and, among males, from 68 to 43 subjects (15% vs 9.5%). Discussion Our data only partly con®rm the results found by other studies, which show that females are more likely to under-report weight compared to males and that males are more likely to overestimate their height. Correction of self-reported BMI M Giacchi et al 676 Table 5 Body mass index (BMI) distributions (not corrected and corrected values) according to gender in the study sample n 779 Females Males Not corrected Corrected Not corrected Corrected BMI categories Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Underweight (BMI < 18.5) Normal weight (BMI 18.5±25.0) Overweight (BMI 25.01±29.99) Obesity (BMI 30.0) Total 91 228 5 1 325 28.0 70.1 1.6 0.3 100.0 30 283 10 2 325 9.2 87.1 3.1 0.6 100.0 68 364 20 2 454 15.0 80.1 4.4 0.5 100.0 43 371 36 4 454 9.5 81.7 7.9 0.9 100.0 The difference regards female students who, in our study, under-reported their weight more often than males, but overestimated their height to a larger extent than males. On average, however, the magnitude of misreporting was rather small. Under-reporting (3.1%) was found in weight measures among women, whilst among men the misreporting accounted for 2.6%. In height measures, positive discrepancies of 1.4% in the females and 0.5% in males were found. A more consistent underestimation of the BMI values (ÿ5.8% in females and ÿ3.5% in males) (Table 1) resulted from the misreporting of both height and weight. Despite the small differences between self-reported and measured data, the consequences of an erroneous BMI distribution can be dangerous. In our study, for example, comparing the self-reported mean values with the measured ones we observed that the overweight percentages rose from 4.0% to 11.8% for the females and from 9.8% to 17.1% for the males (Table 2). This underestimation of the true size of speci®c groups may affect the possibility of their inclusion in intervention activities. Very high correlation coef®cients between reported and measured data (r > 0.90) underlines a homogeneous tendency in height and weight reporting amongst teenagers (Table 3). Having veri®ed that the differences between measured and self-reported data were statistically signi®cant, we considered the high correlation coef®cients between measured and self-reported data (r 0.75)9 as good indicators of a wide tendency to strive for a `slim body shape'. On the basis of these considerations, we calculated the conversion factors. These could have derived from the random sub-sample data as a ratio between the measured and self-reported mean values, and could be used to correct data from the study sample when the differences between measured and self-reported data are statistically signi®cant. Before correction, the number of students who would have been classi®ed as obese or overweight, corresponded to half of the actual number for both genders, while nearly 70% of subjects from the underweight group would have been incorrectly classi®ed in the female group and 37% in the male group (Table 5). In the female group, in particular, it is important to notice the reduction in the number of underweight cases resulting from the re-classi®cation of a considerable percentage of them to the normal weight class. In fact, despite the contemporary overweight growth, the percentage of normal weight students increases from 70.1% to 87.1% after correction. It would be interesting to compare corrected BMI data with measured data from other studies of this age group in Italy. However, to date, similar Italian studies have only been carried out on limited numbers of adolescents. The same growth charts used in Italy, as reference standards, have been obtained from studies monitoring height and weight of children and adolescents (2±18 y) in France, Britain, Switzerland and the USA. A recent article by Zoppi et al10 presented the growth curve for weight and height in Italian children and adolescents (2±18 y); although the authors of this article consider their data to be suf®ciently representative of the Italian population, we found differences between our data and theirs with regard to the mean measured height and weight. In particular, our measured BMI mean values are higher for all ages (15, 16, 17 y) for both males and females by nearly one unit. The proposed procedure is simple and economical. In particular, it can be widely used because it is quick and easy to handle; complicated calculations are not required. Moreover, information on inaccuracy, deriving from a representative sub-sample, makes it possible to avoid substituting self-reporting with more expensive procedures. Obviously, the correct subsample size depends on the population's variability and the survey characteristics (objectives, time and budget). Even if it is dif®cult to de®ne general rules, about 30 cases represent the minimum size for a statistical analysis. Nevertheless, many researchers believe that 100 cases constitute an appropriate sample size.13 Although this methodology is easy to perform, speci®c correction factors need to be calculated, following the above procedure for different populations. In fact, our data and the derived conversion factors are not necessarily descriptive of any single racial, social, economic or nutritional group. Correction of self-reported BMI M Giacchi et al Conclusion The results of this study could be extended to different and/or wider populations. The reliability of height and weight reports should be investigated and, during planning stages, particular attention should be paid to the sampling for a correct selection of the subsample according to different populations and various characteristics of the surveys. Acknowledgement Research developed with the ®nancial support of the University of Siena ± MURST ± 60% ± 1996. References 1 Crawley HF, Portides G. Self-reported versus measured height, weight and body mass index amongst 16±17 year old British teenagers. Int J Obes 1995; 19: 579±584. 2 Fortenberry JD. Reliability of adolescents' reports of height and weight. J Adolesc Health 1992; 13: 114±117. 3 Tienboon P, Wahlquist ML, Rutishauser IHE. Self-reported weight and height in adolescents and their parents. J Adolesc Health 1992; 13: 528±532. 4 Roberts RJ. Can self-reported data accurately describe the prevalence of overweight? Public Health 1995; 109: 275±284. 5 SocietaÁ Italiana di Nutrizione Umana (SINU). 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