Equality in the Colonies: Concepts of Equality in Sicily during the Eighth to Six Centuries BC Author(s): Matthew Fitzjohn Source: World Archaeology, Vol. 39, No. 2, The Archaeology of Equality (Jun., 2007), pp. 215228 Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40026654 . Accessed: 18/09/2011 07:36 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Taylor & Francis, Ltd. is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to World Archaeology. http://www.jstor.org Equality in the colonies: concepts of equality in Sicily duringthe eighth to six centuries bc MatthewFitzjohn Abstract of significant In thelate eighthand earlyseventhcenturiesBC,a seriesof Greeksettlements size and Their on the east coast of were established Sicily. spatial organizationand systemsof organization land tenureappear to have been establishedon theprincipleof equality.This standsin contrastto the widelyheld beliefthat relationsbetweenGreeks and the indigenouspopulationwere based on inequality.The aim of this articleis to re-examinethe materialexpressionof predominantly in settlements and to reflectupon theways in whichour categoriesof colonizer the Greek equality theway thatwe look forand understandthesocial relationsbetween and colonizedhave influenced people. I argue that the evidence of hybridformsof existenceas expressedthroughmaterial formsof equalitythatwereexperiencedacross the island in the Archaic different culturerepresent period. Keywords culturaltranslation;Hellenization. Sicily;hybridity; Introduction and identifying This articleis concernedwithdefining equalityin SicilyduringtheArchaic Period (eighthto sixth centuriesBC). In the late eighthcentury,a series of Greek size and organizationwereestablishedon theeast coast of Sicily of significant settlements theearliestexamplesof thedual aspect new settlements These appear to represent (Fig. 1). a builtcityand a social community.It has been arguedthatthe of thepolis (city-state): spatialorganizationand systemsof land tenureweredesignednot onlyto reflectbut also and to nurtureequalityamong to providethefoundationfornew laws and constitutions theiroccupants(Di Vita 1996: 263-308; Hansen 2000: 147-8; Cahill 2002: 18-22). 13 Routledqe S\ Tayior&Franciscroup WorldArchaeology Vol. 39(2): 215-228 The Archaeologyof Equality 1470-1375 online © 2007 Taylor & Francis ISSN 0043-8243 print/ DOI: 10.1080/00438240701257655 216 MatthewFitzjohn thelocationofsitesmentioned in thetext. Figure1 Map ofSicilyshowing Equalityis a complexand highlycontestedconcept.If we are goingto concernourselves withthe notion of equality,we need to ask ourselves:what do we expectthe ideal of and measureof theideal of equality, equalityto be? What are thematerialrequirements what is the extensionof equality or in other words, equality among whom? These to definelet alone answer,especiallyif we focus only on urban questionsare difficult in any context,no singlenotion of planningand the divisionof space. Furthermore, can be all 1981: equality encompassing(Rae 132),so, in thecontextof ArchaicSicily,one notionof equalitycannotnecessarilybe applied to all sitesand social situations.Rather thanassumethatall Greeksettlement was thesame,I proposethattherewas considerable varietyin the typesof communitiesthatexisted.Part of thisdiscussionwillfocuson the and how thematerialexpressionof thishybridity hybridnatureof communities mayhave acted as an expressionof equality. Therehas been a tendencyforancienthistoriansand archaeologiststo writeabout this periodin a waythatpresentsthehistoryof twodistincthomogeneouscultures:theGreeks, a culturallysuperiorgroupwho in the processof settlement attemptedto creategreater in the who were both equality,and, contrast, indigenouspeople sociallyand politicallyless and theirassociatedcharacteristics complex.I wouldarguethatthesebinaryclassifications have influencedtheyway in whichwe have understoodchanges in the archaeological recordas a markerof inequality.We have read theincreasingpresenceof Greekmaterial culturein indigenouscentresas evidencefordominationand civilization.Reconstructions of thenatureof social relationsbetweenindigenouspeoplesand foreignoccupiersof their land are entwinedwithour assumptionsabout what it was to be a Greek settleror an indigenousperson.The resultis thatwe have universalizedthe experienceforthe both Greek settlersand for the local inhabitants.We have ignored the variabilityof Equalityin thecolonies 217 archaeologicalmaterialand formsof existence,and consequentlyoverlookedsome more visibleformsof equalitybetweenand withingroups. The aim of thispaper is to addressthegap in our preconceivednotionof theoccupants in order to question how people have identifiedsocial situationsin withinsettlements colonies or constructeda unidirectionaldevelopmentof settlement and society.I shall appraise the currentstate of our understandingof this transitionalphase in the of thepolis and theprocessesof culturalinteraction development throughan examination of settlement and the use of domesticspace. of thecreationand modification layout Designingequality factorsmotivatedpeople fromdifferent A complexrangeof interacting partsof Greeceto leave theirhomes and settlein otherparts of the Mediterranean.Wars, loss of land, increasingclass dominationand inequality,povertyor faminemay have been among the reasons, while the possibilityof acquiring wealth and the freedomfrom the social constraintsof theirown domesticsituationmay have also been contributingfactors (Murray1993: 102-23). withthe creationof Althoughthereare no survivingwrittenaccountscontemporary in Sicily,our narrativesof thesocial historyand physicalformationof the thesettlements have been highlyinfluencedby later ancient sources in which the Greek settlements processoffoundinga colonyand thedivisionof space is discussed(Di Vita 1996:263-308; Cahill 2002: 1-22). Of particularrelevanceto thisdiscussionare Plato and Aristotlewho, concerned with civic strifecaused by economic, social and political inequalities, suggested that urban planning could provide a correspondencebetween physical possiblyactingas a mechanismforachievingequality, organizationand social structure, unityand order. The presenceof roads and the apparentdemarcationof space in the earliestlevelsof have led some to argue that,fromthe eighthcenturyon, therewere Greek settlements to each inhabitantand so maintaina attemptsto equalize theamountof land distributed balancebetweenpovertyand wealth.The extremecase of thisargumenthas beenmade by Vallet et al. (1976), Treziny(1999) and Di Vita (1996: 267). They have claimedthat,as originallyplanned,Megara Hyblaea was organizedas a gridsystemof streetsalong two main routes runningeast-westfrom coast to plateau and with a systemof minor Withinthissystemtherewere insulae,areas of demarcated streetsrunningnorth-south. land thatwereessentially identical,insidewhichwereequal plotsthatvariedonlyin small and containedeach settler'shouse witha smallplot of land (Fig. 2). measurements Much emphasishas been placed on how each insula and plot was calculatedfroma to ensurethe creationof physicallyand ideologicallyequal plots standardmeasurement social equality(Valletet al. (Treziny1999: 141) In otherwords,equal plot size represents 1976; Treziny1999: 141-83). What is more, the urban plan was not just a symbol,a materialexpressionof new culturalideas of isonomia,equalitybeforethelaw, but rather the process of demarcation,allocation and habitationin equal lots establishedand nurturedthe notion of equality.While the apparentconnectionbetweendiscussionsin Aristotleand Plato and the archaeologicalevidencefor the process of urbanizationin 2 18 MatthewFitzjohn of insulae Figure2 Plans of area around the Agora in Megara Hyblaea includingrepresentation (afterTreziny1999). in partbecause of itsexplanatorysimplicity, we mustbe carefulnot to Sicilyis attractive, letlaterideals distortan earlierarchaeologicalreality.Despite thesystemof measurement thereare significant differences in thesize of thelots: betweenlots to thewestand lots to the east of the agora the averagedifference is 14m2.Treziny(1999) explainedaway any in thedivisionof land,announcingthemas accidental,an involuntary resultof differences thedifficulties of urban planning. The insulae of sitesmay have been similarin size, but thatdoes not mean eitherthat people had equal access to themor thateach piece of land was of equal value. Even where therewas completeequalityof area, therecould have been considerabledifference in the value of land in different In for of a example, parts city. fourth-century Olynthus, of land transactionsrevealthatcomparabletransactionsforplots of land of inscriptions similarsize show considerablevariationsin value (Cahill 2002: 276-81). At Olynthus,we see that the houses surroundingthe agora were sold much more frequently and were more than those Further from the elsewhere. considerably expensive agora, the away houses wereno smalleror less-wellbuiltthanthemoreexpensivehouses near it but they were worthmuch less. It was proximityto the marketat the agora and the abilityfor householdsto be more closelytied to the marketeconomywhichcaused the increasein house prices(Cahill 2002: 280). Similarlythoseplotsnearertheagora at Megara Hyblaea may well have been morevaluable thanthosefurther away. Moreover,mostlaterfoundationdecrees(forexample,Cyrene)statethat,whena city was founded,some land was usuallyset aside to allocate to latersettlers.But thisland would not be as desirableas thatallottedto theoriginalsettlers:it was likelyto be farther away, of lesserqualityor in smallerplots than the land dividedamong the firstsettlers. Equalityin thecolonies 219 This inequalityappears to have been a cause of stasisin statessuch as Thurii(Diod.Sic. of urbancentreslike Megara Hyblaea and 12.11).We oftenlack data on thecountryside to ascertainwhetherthose who belonged to the agricultural Naxos, so it is difficult communityhad as much equality as those who lived in the city. This is not an point,as a considerableproportionof a centre'spopulationmaywellhave inconsequential ifthe settlement livedin thecountryside, patternwereas dispersedas at Metapontumin southernItaly or Chersonesosin the Ukraine. were foundedupon At the same time as it has been argued that Greek settlements principlesofequality,it is assumedthattheywereestablishedon land thatwas takenfrom theindigenouspeople by force.In otherwords,equalitywas born out of inequalityand In a numberof situationsit is difficult oppression.In reality,thisis an oversimplification. theprocessesthatled to thechangesin archaeologicalrecordand thusto to differentiate comprehendthehistoryof the occupation.In thecolonyof Leontiniand theindigenous site of Monte San Mauro the archaeologicalevidenceprovidesnot only indicationsof equalitywhereonlyinequalityhas been seen before,but a muchmorecomplexpictureof occupationand socio-politicalrelations. Unequalrelations betweentwo distinct Colonial episodes have oftenbeen presentedas confrontations bounded.This perspective entities, originatesfrom internally homogeneousand externally thenormativeconceptof culture,in whichculturehas beenregardedas a clearlydefinable unitthatis represented by particularmaterialforms.Post-colonialtheoristshave argued thatattentionneeds to be directedto the varyinglocal and historicalnatureof specific encountersin which colonized and colonizers interact,rather than making broad generalizationsthat make simple oppositionsand universalizethe experienceof both groups (Stoler 1989: 135-6; Prochaska 1990: 135-79; Loomba 1998). In the case of of the Greek and indigenoussocieties,and ArchaicSicilyit is clear thatthe definitions been too simplistic.Althoughscholarshave often have material theirassociated culture, drawn attentionto hybridburial practicesfromGela, Megara Hyblaea and Syracuse (Shepherd 1993, 1995) and at the site of Morgantina (Lyons 1996: 177-88), the implicationsof thisworkhave not been fullyinvestigated. In colonial situationsboth colonizerand colonized redefinetheirsocial positionsand in responseto others,as a resultofcompetitionor a need forsolidarity expressthemselves (Bhabha 1994). In a discussionof Bhabha's own experienceof migrationand also the of Salmon Rushdie's book The Satanic Verses,he suggestedthat a 'thirdramifications that characterizedthe hybrid cultural practices of displaced was created space' populations. This third-spaceis created when displaced populations are forced to negotiatetheirown traditionsand thosethattheyencounterin orderto make theirhome at theedgesof theseculturaland linguistictraditions.The identitiesthatare createdfrom such experiencesare of neitherone nor the otherculturebut are both and neitherat the same time (Bhabha 1994: 139-70, 212-35). The creation of a third-spaceand the negotiationof traditionsmay lead to the re-workingof materialcultureand cultural practicesbygroupsand individuals.The resultof theseadaptationsmaybe deviationsand 220 MatthewFitzjohn subversionsof the 'dominant'cultureas well as the reproductionof colonial culturein indigenouscontexts(Bhabha 1994: 102-22). The urbanismand architecturein Britishand French eighteenth-and nineteenththatwerecloselyrelatedto centurycolonial settingsoftendevelopedas adaptivestrategies the changingpoliciesof colonial rule,whichincludedthe adoption of elementsfromthe withinthe local architecture(Chatan 2003: 267-92 with references).The architecture colonieswas morethanthesimpletransplantation of European styles;it was transformed to fitthe specificenvironment in whichit was built,oftentryingto evoke a sense of oftencombined withthe local past in theirdesigns.The resultantarchitecture continuity Westernwithnon-Westernelementsresulting in a hybridformthatembodiedthetensions and contradictionssituatedwithinthe colonial experience.It would appear that this thatoccupiesthearea of a former happenedat thesiteof Leontini,a colonial settlement indigenousIron Age site (Rizza 1978: 26, 1980: 115). Traditionally,Leontinihas been regardedas an inlandGreekcolonialsite,theinhabitantsofwhichsharedthesameculture and materialpracticesas thosein Naxos. Contraryto thisview,thenewformsofdomestic and funeraryevidenceappear to indicatethat at the startof the Archaic period the inhabitantsof thisinlandhilltopwerein factestablishing a newway of lifeforthemselves and negotiatingtheirexistencewiththeincomingChalcidians. The firstindicationsoftheearlycolonialsettlement are presentwithinthearea delimited the Archaic fortifications on the eastern of by slopes the Colle San Mauro. The excavationsthatfocusedon San Mauro hillhave also providedevidenceof indigenousIron Age was long houses and ceramics.The archaeologyseems to indicatethat the settlement of continuouslyoccupiedfromtheIron Age throughto theearliestChalcidiansettlement the eighthand seventhcenturiesBC (Rizza 1978: 33). There has been some elementof about the natureof the foundationof the Greek settlement. The different disagreement foundationtraditionsthatwe findin Thucydides(6.3) and Polyaenus(5.5) both involve conflictbetween the Chalcidian settlersand the indigenouspopulation but we lack definitive evidencefor destructionof the site; long houses were replacedbut were not necessarilydestroyedin conflict.Despite thisvaguenessof the archaeologicaldata, the presence of importedpotteryand locally produced imitationsof Greek wares, the creation of fortification walls and the replacementof 'indigenous' material culture have been used to endorse the literarynarrativesof Greek domination of the indigenousgroup (Rizza 1962, 1978). I would like to suggestan alternativeexplanation of the Late Iron Age and Archaic period at Leontini,focusingon the domesticand evidence. funerary The oldestArchaichousesof theeighthand earlyseventhcentury, whichare believedto have been builtby Greeksettlersduringthefirstyearsof the 'colony'werelocatedin the southernarea of the San Mauro hill,withinthe earlywalled city.They continuedto be used duringthe archaic period. One of the structureswas rectangularin formand rooms(A, B, C) (Plate 1). The structure and comprisedthreerectangularinterconnecting its rooms were not built withfoundationsand stone or mud-brickwalls, as at Naxos (Lentini1987:816) or Megara Hyblaea (Valletet al. 1976) nor did theyutilizethemixture of stone,wood, daub and thatchthatwould have characterized theIron Age long houses fromLentini(Rizza 1962: 3-27; Leighton2000: 15^40). These buildingswereactuallydug out of thehillside,producinga structure thatresembledthosefrommedievalSperlingain Equalityin thecolonies 221 Plate 1 Reconstruction of therock-cuthouse in thesouthside of Colle San Mauro at Leontini.The reconstruction was based predominantly upon the data provided frompublishedarticles.The structurewas not completelypreserved and so aspects were based upon the excavator's ofthestructure. The inclusionofartefacts was based solelyupon actualarchaeological interpretation evidence. theEnna provinceof Sicily.Withinthisthree-roomed thefloorwas coveredwith structure, a compact deposit of mixed earth and an abundance of sherdsthat can be securely dated to the eighthand seventhcenturiesBC. These fragmentsincluded a varietyof local ceramictypes,importedProto-Corinthian vessels,fiveThapsos-typeskyphoiand a pithos. Rock-cutstructures have also beenexcavatedon thenortheast of theColle San Mauro, thedimensions,layoutand buildingtechniqueof whichare similarto thosefoundon the southernside and terracesof thehill and used fromtheArchaicto theHellenisticperiod formsof slightly laterArchaichouseswerealso foundon (Rizza 1980: 120, 126). Different thelargeterraceon thenorthof theMetapiccolahill:on thehighestpartof thehill,in the vicinityof Temple B, therewas a 'Greek type' stonewalledconstructiondatable to the Archaicperiodthatoverlaytheremainsof theprotohistoric villageof thetenthand ninth centuries(Rizza 1980: 127). At firstglance,it appears thatthedeclineof prehistoric longhouses,the single-roomed structures and theevidenceforimportedand imitated adoptionand use of multi-roomed Greek ceramicssupporteitherfoundationtraditionof Chalcidianconquestof Leontini. But thereis an alternativeway of viewingthe materialevidence.In some ways Rizza movesclose to accommodatingan alternativeapproachto thedomesticevidencewhenhe discussesthe techniqueof creatingthis rock-cutdomesticarchitecture (1980: 126). The fromtherock originated,he argued,from inspirationforcarvingthedomesticstructures the local skilland knowledgeof cuttinginto the rock to createtombs(Plate 2) and the floorsof theearlierIron Age houses; theGreekstook theidea fromlocal experienceand 222 MatthewFitzjohn Plate2 Examplesofrock-cut tombsfromTroinain Sicily. knowledge(Rizza 1980: 127). AlthoughRizza acknowledgesthatthecolonial population I am may have been influenced by indigenouspractices,I believethatwe may go further. not denyingthatthereis a definitechangein theformand use of materialcultureon the site, but what I am proposing is that it is representativeof somethingfar more complexthan can be accountedforby a simpleexplanationof colonization.We should view the domesticevidenceas indicativeof 'culturaltranslation'(Bhabha 1994) between culturaltraditionsat Leontinithat representsan accommodationof different groupsof people. Excavatingthe structuresfromthe bedrock was a highlyspecificway of dwelling. Clearly,the bedrockwas easilyworkableand could have providedsuitablematerialsto in thesixthand createa stonewalled structure, whichwas carriedout forsome structures fifth centuries.However,therewas in theeighthand seventhcenturiesa decisionto startto create rock-cutdomesticstructures, but by whom? This was a practicethat was not used either the previously by indigenousinhabitantsor by the occupantsof Naxos from contained wherethe Chalcidianpopulationare meantto have originated.The structure the some featuresthat were presentin eitheror both Greek and indigenousstructures: bench, storage and drinkingvessels and a hearth;moreover,it took its formfroma of indigenousburialpractice.But,as a typeof domesticspace, developmentor re-working it was not knownfromeithergroup'smaterialrepertoire. As such,is it possiblethatthese rock-cutstructures representthe activecreationof a hybridthird-space,a neutralnonculturespecificformof residencethatwas based upon a desireby twogroupsof people to accommodateeach other,to expressa senseof a newcommunity comingtogetheror even between the equality groups? If Leontiniwas a Greek site,we mightimaginethat therewould be more typically 'Greek' domesticstructures; likewiseif it was indigenoustheuse of a typeof longhouses mighthave continued.If,on theotherhand,therewas a mixedpopulation,of Greeksand thatcould be read as markers locals,we mightexpectto see multipleformsof architecture Equalityin thecolonies 223 thattook of different groupslivingin thesame site.Instead,we have a seriesof structures and created a from known new form of space building practices completely components to bothgroups.Thesenewhybridformsofarchitecture thatwas equallyunfamiliar should In marker of this the notion of as an index or be seen sense, equality. equalitysignifies people. People do not modifytheir correspondencebetween groupingsof different domesticspace and theirmethodof constructionwithoutreason. The creationof these an intentional structures processthatcreateda newformof dwellingat thesite, represents of culturalspace, whichexpresseda community in creation of a new form the resulting idea. and thecorrespondence betweendifferent The expressionof thisnewcommunity people to burialpracticesduringthecourseof the seventh can also be seen in themodifications century.During the late eighthand seventhcenturiesBC, as in the Iron Age, burial occurredin the rock-cuttombsin the slopes of the Sant'Eligio valleyat Leontini.The majorityof thesetombswerequadrangularrock-cutchambersthatsometimescontained rock-carvedbenches.A few dozen of those recordedhave providedevidenceof burial practice.Typically,betweenone and threebodies wereplaced in thetombs,along witha beads and pottery.The majorityof thepotterywas a fewitems,includingspindle-whorls, thatcombinedtraditionalshapeswithGreekGeometric hybridtypeof local manufacture rite and accompanyinggravegoods, some of whichcould burial The tomb form, designs. be classifiedas hybridforms,appear to reflectlocal traditionsthat had been practised duringthe Iron Age (Leighton 1999: 241). No 'Greek' burial has been found,yet, if at thistime,surelywe would expectto findit?There Leontiniwas a trulyGreeksettlement of the tombsthroughthe archaicperiod,whenwe see be to increasing hybridity appears subtlechanges to tomb formand increasing and of Greek pottery increasingpresence the tombs. of elaboration architectural However,the apparentlack of a whollyGreek of indigenous presencein the burialrecord,combinedwiththe increasinghybridization burial practice,providesmore supportto the idea of culturaltranslationas a resultof betweenpeople who saw themselvesas equal. correspondence ofland,whichmayor At Leontini,we can see equalitynotin termsofequal distribution spaces and materialculturalthatwere maynot be of equal value,but in thearchitectural The houses,whichwereneitherwhollyGreeknor indigenous, createdby thecommunity. the different groupsof people who livedtogether,sharingthe same settlement. represent thatwas based upon inequality,insteadit was occupiedby Leontiniwas not a settlement two groupsof people who had chosento live togetherand affordeach otherequal access to the same settlement. Equalityand Hellenization During the course of the seventhand sixthcenturiesthereappear to have been marked patternof indigenoussites across Sicily.These changeshave changesin the settlement been associated with the aggressiveterritorialexpansion of the Greek centresand indigenouspeople losingaccess to theirland. During the sixthcenturyindigenoussites suchas Ossiniand Monte Casale in thevicinityof Leontini,and Finochitoand Pantalica 224 MatthewFitzjohn in thevicinityof Syracusewereabandoned (Procelli1989: 679-89; Leighton2000: 15-40) and fortification walls were constructedat several other sites (Palike, Mineo, Monte Monte San Mauro, Civita and Medolito) (Procelli 1989: 679-89). It has been Balchino, suggestedthat,by the end of the sixthcenturyBC, 'Greek' Leontiniand Catania had extending gained controlor at the veryleast attainedinfluenceover a large territory westwardsto thevicinityof Enna and borderedto thesouthby theexpansionof Syracuse expansion (Leighton2000: 24). The archaeologicalevidencefor conflictand territorial appears to be supportedby ancient texts,which point to an unequal socio-political situationwithincreasinghegemonyof particularGreekpolities(PuglieseCarratelli1996: 141-76). Alongside this inequity,it has been argued, the indigenouspeople were Hellenized (acculturated)by contact with the superiorGreek culture,adoptingwithout question certain Greek forms of material culture and their associated cultural significance. wantto examinehow aspectsof thearchaeologicalrecordthathave Here,I particularly beenused to discusspoliticaland culturalinequalityduringthesixthcenturycould instead be interpreted as indicatorsof economicand social paritybetweenthemainGreekcentres in the interiorof the island. Furtherto this,whileit is on the coast and the settlements undeniablethattherewerechangeswithinthematerialcultureassemblagesacrossSicily,I would arguethattheindigenouscommunities, inland,maintained especiallythosefurther theirtraditionsforlongerthanhas been recognizedand wereselectiveabout thetypesof Greek material that they adopted and how they incorporatedthem into theirlives witha discussionof (Leighton2000: 15^0). This discussioncan perhapsbe bestillustrated Monte San Mauro, a Hellenizedhill-topsitein theHeraean hillsof centralSicily,nearthe outerlimitsof Geloan, Chalcidianand Syracusanterritory. On thehillsof Monte San Mauro, thereare indigenousellipticalbuildingsthatdate to theeighthand seventhcenturiesBC (Valenti 1992) as well as the 'magazzino',a bipartite building with mudbrickwalls and a thatched roof (Spigo 1987: 863-904). In the 'magazzino' therewas a range of local indigenouspotteryas well as large transport amphorae and importedGreek decorated pottery(Spigo 1986: 1-32). Consequently, Monte San Mauro has been regardedas an indigenoussitethatobtainedGreekceramics throughsome formof exchange.During the seventhand sixthcenturiesthe increasing as a markerof presenceof a widerrangeof Greekmaterialculturehas been interpreted forGreek Greek influence over most form of evidence the site. The growing significant and theHellenizationofthesettlement influence is theconstruction of a numberof Greektypebuildingsin thesixthcenturyBC (c. 580-500BC). Theyhad similarformsto thepastas houses in Megara Hyblaea and Naxos, and containeda greaterproportionof Greek potterythanthe otherhouses (Cordsen 1995: 114; Spigo 1980: 151). However,ifwe look a littlemorecloselyat theuse of thesestructures theyappear to be much less Greek and much more hybridthan the termHellenizationor Hellenizedcan express.Despite theirform,the use of roof tiles ratherthan thatchand the increased presenceof Greek artefacts,therewere many elementsof indigenouscontinuityin the settlement and indigenoustransformation of Greek culturalpractices.The layoutof the settlement was not orthogonalas in thecoastal sitesbutwas dictatedby terrain;thefloors of the structureswere not paved; therewere hearthsand layersof clay on stones for cookingand thefunctionoftherooms,includingthepastas corridor,appearsto havebeen Equalityin thecolonies 225 more fluidthan in the Greek world. At the same timeas the pastas house formswere typesof domesticstructurewere also built,includinga rectangular adopted, different stone-walled two-floored buildingwitha courtyard(Orsi 1911: 805), whichwas not only fromthepastas-typehouses but it was unlikeanythingin use eitherduringthe different earlier occupation of Monte San Mauro or what was presentat the coastal sites. Furthermore,the botanical remains at the settlementindicate the continuationof traditionalagriculture includingthecultivationof barley,spelt,vetchesand beans rather than the introductionof olive or grape cultivationwhich is oftenassociated with the arrivalof Greekculture(Spigo 1986: 1-32; Leighton2000: 36). The commonlyheldideas ofpoliticaland economicinequalitiesin ArchaicSicilyand of Hellenizationfailto capturethetruesenseofwhatwas occurringat Monte San Mauro. It are an is undeniablethat the presenceof Greek ceramicsand Greek-stylearchitecture between the sitesof Monte San Mauro indicationof some formof contactor exchange and the Greek centres.However,the increasingwealthof the site,attestedby the range and burials,indicatesthattheinhabitantsof and volumeof objectsin boththestructures thissiteplayed an activerole withinthe regionaleconomy.Contraryto the traditional pictureof Sicily,it appearsthatthelivesoftheindigenousinhabitantswerenotdominated on the coast duringthe sixthcentury.They werenot onlyengagedin by the settlements theirown subsistencesystemof agriculturebut theywere activelyengagedin tradeand had access to a similar range of goods that can be seen in the 'dominant' Greek settlements.The inhabitantsof Monte San Mauro and the coastal sites had equal to improvetheirwell-beingand to gain the resourcesthattheyaspiredto. opportunities What is more, at Monte San Mauro theychose which aspects of Greek culturethey ways. adopted and used themin non-traditional Conclusions In insisting on hybridformsofexistenceand materialcultureas an indicatorofequalityin Archaic Sicily,I am seekingto highlightthe existenceof alternativesto the model of At least two modelsof equality urbanequalitythatpervadestheliterature. manufactured thatwerepossiblyformedwithan are available.On theone hand,thereweresettlements inhabitants organizedurban plan that attemptedto apportionland to the settlement's based upon ideologicalprinciples.The inhabitantsmay have been drivenby a desireto ensurethat landholdersreceivedsimilarsized plots on which to live. However,while ideal in laterGreekthoughtand law, equalityofland holdingmayhave beenan important maketheplotsin sitessuchas Megara Hyblaea exactlythesame.Not itdid notnecessarily betweenthesize ofplotsbut some of theseplotswereprobably onlyweretheredifferences fromtheseventh morevaluablethanothers.On theotherhand,otherformsof settlement and sixthcenturiessuggesta secondmodelof equality.The hybridmaterialculturewithin thesesitessuggeststhattheymayhave been inhabitedby different groups,who reconciled the in orderto be able to livetogether, differences through manipulationof existingforms of materialculture. In Archaic Sicily,far frombeing the preserveof the foundationof Greek coastal settlements, equalityappears to be visible in contextsthat previouslyhave only been 226 MatthewFitzjohn consideredin termsof social and politicalinequality.In thisarticlean attempthas been made to explorea fewof the ways in whichequalitymay have been createdby drawing The apparentmergingof cultural upon theconceptsof culturaltranslationand hybridity. and the creation of new forms of structure and modes of livinghave domestic practice characterizedall of thesettlements thatwereanalysed.I have suggestedthatin thesiteof Leontininew house formsnot only representthe creationof a hybrididentitybut may also marka processof conciliation,the resultof whichwas a formof paritywithinthe community.At a site like Monte San Mauro, the hybridityrepresentsnot only the inhabitants'abilityto operatewithina regionaleconomicsystemand access resourcesbut also how theydeterminedtheways thattheyutilizednew formsof materialculture. Such an approach has implicationsfor the ways that Greek colonizationhas been and remainscaught up in discoursesof inequalityand domination.We need to move beyond the limitationsof contemporarydefinitionsof 'Greek' and 'indigenous'and insteadadmitthepossibilityof morecomplexsocial groupsand culturalforms.Unlesswe of our evidencesuchas therock-cuthousesat Leontinior the acknowledgethevariability use of Greek materialcultureat a site like Monte San Mauro, we run the risk of doing nothingmore than scratchingthe surfaceof the richand variedsocial contextsof thepast. Acknowledgements This articleis based on a portionof mydoctoralresearchat theUniversity of Cambridge. The paper was preparedwhileI was on a periodof AHRC-fundedresearchleave. Thanks are due to Gianna Ayala who read earlierversionsof thispaper,and to Robin Osborne and the anonymousreviewerswho providedinvaluablecomment.Responsibility forall errorsrestswiththe author. 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MatthewFitzjohnis Lecturerin the Archaeologyof the Iron Age in the School of of Liverpool.His PhD researchat Archaeology,Classicsand Egyptologyat theUniversity the Universityof Cambridge addressed issues of state formation,urbanizationand in identityin relationto theIron Age of Greece and southernItaly.His currentinterests aspectsof environmental perceptionand sensuousgeographiesformthebasis of his most recentAHRC-fundedresearchon domesticspace and thedevelopmentof theoikos.
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