C 2006 GIOGAMES Antietam 1862 A13 V13 A12 V12 A11 2 V11 2 V10 2 V9 2 A10 2 A9 2 A8 3 2 V8 A7 V7 A6 V6 A5 V5 A4 V4 A3 V3 A2 V2 C1 A1 B1 E1 D1 G1 F1 I1 H1 L1 K1 N1 M1 P1 O1 R1 Q1 T1 S1 V1 U1 Battlefield: Scenario Lenght: Creek hexside Place terrain hexes as shown on the diagram above. The battle starts at 7.00 am and ends at 8.00 pm. Woods Special Terrains: Activation Dice: Orchard Town Major road Cornfield Sunken road Hill Sunken Road Movement cost on road hexside: 1/2 MP. Crossing Sunken road hex: 1 MP Infantry e Cavalry have -2 dice modifier when attacking not from Sunken Road hexside. Artillery may not firing from a Sunken Road. Line of sight: not blocked. Dunkard Church (P8 Hex ): Units in such hex does not consider the retreat result. Artillery units have -1 die modifier (cavalry and infantry: -2), when are firing at Dunkard Church. Antietam Creek is crossable only on the bridges. Units must stop movement in the bridge hex, in the next activation, crossing the bridge need all movement Points. 1 The CSA player rolls 5 dice; the US player rolls 3 dice. Special Rules: Infantry and Cavalry unit with 1 Combat Factor left (the stand), or after modifiers for terrain, rolls minimun 1 die in combat. Victory Conditions (VC): Some hexes on map have a red circle with a number. That is the number of Victory Points (VPs), that UNION PLAYER gains if he controls these hexes at the end of battle. The confederate player gains a number of VPs equal to the step value of the US units eliminated.The player with the most VPs is the winner. Yankees & Rebels Antietam: September 17th, 1862 h. 07 am UNION UNITS ON MAP: h. 07 am CONFEDERATE UNITS ON MAP: REINFORCEMENTS: Corp Unit type Tra Hex CF Corp Unit type Tra Hex CF I° Infantry Infantry Infantry Artillery Vet Vet Vet Vet V11 V10 V9 V9 4 4 4 2 I° Infantry Infantry Infantry Artillery Vet Vet Vet Vet R2 S3 T3 S3 4 4 4 2 Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Artillery Artillery Vet Vet Elite Elite Elite Elite Elite Vet Vet H11 A13 F6 G5 B4 D5 O11 C6 O10 5 5 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Artillery Vet Vet Vet Vet Vet C1 D1 D2 E1 C1 4 4 4 4 2 Infantry Infantry Cavalry Artillery Vet Vet Vet Vet V4 V3 V3 V4 4 4 2 2 Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Cavalry Cavalry Artillery Artillery Artillery Elite Elite Vet Elite Elite Elite Elite Elite Elite Vet Vet Vet S6 S7 A8 R10 S11 N5 N6 R13 S13 L7 S6 S13 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Hooker II° Sumner IX° Burnside XII° Mansfeld Longstreet II° Jackson h. 1 pm: At start of this turn, place the “Corp Indicator” in the container with the others corp markers. Corp Unit type Tra V° Infantry Infantry Infantry Artillery Vet Vet Vet Vet G1 H1 I1 I1 4 4 4 2 Infantry Infantry Infantry Artillery Vet Vet Vet Vet U1 U2 V1 V1 4 4 4 2 Porter VII° Franklin Hex CF entry TABELS LEGEND: CREDITS: TERRAIN EFFECTS: LoS Line of Sight MPs # of Movements points required to enter # of dice malus attacking this hex Scenario by Giovanni Crippa Special thanks to all friends of the “Wargames Club Lecco” for playtesting and suggestions. SCENARIO Tra training unit Cons Conscripts Vet Veterans Elite Elites Hex Unit starting position CF Unit Combat Factor (stand+chips) GIOGAMES Via Seminario, 16 23900 LECCO ITALY www.giogames.it [email protected] “Histo Command Dice” System Game C 2 2006 GIOGAMES
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