"Have Fun COlOrine anD learn HOW TO preveNT cnme TOor· "Dlvu!r!ote y aprende tambien a ~ ~ pre~enir cnmenes" Hello there! I'm McGrulf. My job is to teach people about crime prevention. I'm going to show you some easy ways you can help stop crime at home and school - and make this a saler place for all or us to live. Remember - I need your help so that together we can "Take a Bite Qut 01 Crime." Hola. Me llama McGruff. Trabajo ensenando a la gente a prevenir cri menes. a mostrarle como prevenir crimenes cas a y en la escuela - para hacer nuestra ciudad un lugar segura pa ra vivir. Recuerdtl - NecesilO tu ayuda p<lra que que juntos pod amos "'Darle un Mordisco al Crimen". McGruff says, MeG ruff dice, "Always ask for your parents' permission before you go anywhere!' "Siempre pideles permiso a Ius padres antes de ir a cualquier lugar" McGruff says, M c Grulf di ce, " " you see something wrong, remember as much o. you can." McGruff says, MeG ruff dice, "I. alertl Call the police If something Is wrong!' " Po nte ale rIa! Llama a la Po ll c ia , I a lgo esta mal'" McGruff says, "Say No!" MeG ruff dice "Oi que no!" "Say no ... if someone asks you to help find something." "0, que no 31 algwen Ie pide ayuda p,lr<l enconlrar alga' , '\ H , "Say no ... I asks you to go Into their house." qc' no si alguien Ie pide que entres a su casa" McGruff says, McGrurt dic e, • -, l'rl~ .\ ! - ~y. ' !I "Alway. walle and play with a fllencl" "Siemp re camma Y luega c on !,In amig o'· McGruft says, McGrurt d ice, ) , , , . "Never take .hortcuts or plav In lonely place,!' " Nunca Ie s algas d el c amino 0 Juegues en lugares 50 111allos' McGruff says, McGru1f d ice , __ 5(\\ .:.:iL "If someon. bother. you ten CI trusted adult." "5 1 ag luien Ie mole sta, dire a un adu lto de con l.a nza' McGrufl says, McGrutt dice, • J , , , "Never hltchhlkel" " Nunca pidas avonlon" McGruff says, MeGruff dice, ......." ~.~,- - ... ~ ' "Don't give Intormatlon to anyone you don't know over the phone." " No Ie des inform ac ion a c ua 1qu ier des co nocido oor lele/one" McGruff says, ,,-,~_~ d j C . , ~ -- . -~-. - - ~ "Lock up your thing,," " Ponle lIave a loS cosas" McGruff says, M c Grutf d ic e, "Ho" mom or dod mark your thing. with ttl.lr driver's license number," " Olle a mama' 0 papa que marquen {us cosas con $l.oS H'\"mfOr n<;, d e IIce ncia de mal\elO" McGruff says, Mc::Gruff dice, -_. ",. "11 "Learn to use the locks on all doars and windows," "Aprende a usar las cerraduras en loda s las puerlas v venlanas" McGruff says, McGrurt dice, "A.m.rn~, don't ploy wHh makh.'j fir. destroysl" " AecuerCla . No luegues con c e"Uos. ~ I 'uego destruye" McGrutl says, McGJuff dice, ""eallngl. wrong." ~ Roba t es m alo" MeGruff says, M cGruff di c e , ' ~ . . Never damage or d ••troy property?' " N unca da nes 0 de!. tr uya s la prop'eClao" MeGruff says. MeG ruff d ice, , "Always tell your porents wh.,e you will be playing:' hSlempre d ,les a Ius padres don(le vas a lugar' '. McGruff says, "Say No!" McGruff dice "Oi que no!" ----_.j "Say no ... if someone asks you to go with them or take a ride!' McGruff says, McGruff dice, ." ~~ "Congratulations! By learning how to stop crime, you can help McGruff and your Police!" "1~(~IICI"l"I()'"\e~1 dnrpncil('rlCIO come> rll),wr dill) di dyudd( a l,·kGrul' I,',' 1(1 Policia!"' ,"'QI)'1 PU('lW,'
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