1 HOUSING BIBLIOGRAPHY 2008–2012 Updating the housing bibliography of the National Department of Human Settlements (DHS) April 2013 Part 2 – bibliography 2 Published by the Department of Human Settlements Postal Address Private bag X644, Pretoria, 0001 Physical address: 240 Walker, Govan Mbeki House, Sunnyside, 0002 Call centre: 0800 146 873 Telephone: 012 444 5089 Fax: 012 444 5001 Email: [email protected] Website: www.dhs.gov.za Fraud and corruption: 0800 701 701 Copyright ©2013 Department of Human Settlements (DHS) The material of this publication may not be copied, stored, or transmitted without the prior permission of the Department. Extracts may be quoted, provided that the source is fully acknowledged. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 3 This report was commissioned by the Strategy Chief Directorate in the Department of Human Settlements. It is a third bibliography to be commissioned and published by the Department. The bibliography is a collation of research pieces developed in areas that support human settlements development; it is a guiding document which informs researchers in different sectors of the knowledge that has been generated and its location. The bibliography is presented in two parts: part 1 gives a brief annotation and part 2 provides the actual bibliography. The Chief Directorate would like to recognise the following people whose efforts drove the project and produced this report: • • • • Firstly, Gemey Abrahams Consultants who carried out the work on behalf of the Department; Secondly, Ms Matodzi Michelle Amisi for managing the project; Thirdly, Ms Thembela Gxavu for the support rendered to the team Lastly, our Provincial and Municipal partners and all stakeholders who submitted their work to be part of the bibliography. We hope that the bibliography would find use and fulfill its purpose of a functional reference point for researchers, particularly those within the human settlements sector. DR ZOLEKA SOKOPO CHIEF DIRECTOR: HUMAN SETTLEMENTS STRATEGY DATE: 29 APRIL 2013 CONTENTS 4 NOTE: This document is interactive. Quick link to a section by clicking on the letter/section you wish to jump to. URLs are also hyperlinked. You can jump directly to the online source by clicking on the URL within this pdf. Click on page number to jump to section SECTION 1. BIBLIOGRAPHY: ALPHABETICAL (BY AUTHOR) SECTION 2. BIBLIOGRAPHY BY THEME 05 52 2.1 Climate Change, Sustainable Human Settlements & Energy Efficient Housing 2.2 Demographics and Migration Trends 2.3 Economics of Housing and the Performance of the Property Market 2.4 Education 2.5 Government Documents: Legislation, Regulation and Guidelines 2.6 Housing and Health 2.7 Housing and Income Generation and Livelihoods 2.8 Housing Information Allocation and Administration 2.9 Housing Rights and Litigation 2.10 Informality, Informal Settlements Recognition and Incremental Housing 2.11 Land Value Capture and Inclusionary Housing 2.12 Private and Public Funding for Human Settlements Development 2.13 Rental Housing: Social, Co-Operative Housing and Private Sector Rental Markets 2.14 Shelter, Communal and Transitional Housing 2.15 Special Needs Housing: Disability, Child-headed Households, Foreigners 2.16 State Capacity to Deliver Sustainable Human Settlements 2.17 Unintended Consequences of Policy 2.18 Urban Governance 2.19 Urban Land and Planning 2.20 Urban Restructuring 53 58 60 64 65 66 68 69 71 74 77 78 81 83 84 85 89 90 94 95 5 Section 1. Bibliography: by Author QUICK LINK (CLICK ON SECTION/LETTER TO JUMP TO PAGE) CONTENTS PAGE A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z QUICK LINK (CLICK ON SECTION/LETTER TO JUMP TO PAGE) CONTENTS PAGE B C D E F G H I J K L M N O A P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 6 Abrahams, Gemey, Smit, Dan, et al., 2010. Development of an Approach for the Recognition of Informal Settlements and Tenure Security in South Africa With Potential for Regional Applicability: Technical Proposal, Tshwane. Available at: http://www.urbanlandmark.org.za/downloads/inc_securing_tenure_tp.pdf. Abrahams, Gemey, Rhizome Management Services, et al., 2010. Land Use Management Bill Regulatory Impact Review Process: Background Technical Assignments – Assignment 2: Development Facilitation Act Review, Tshwane. Available at: http://www.urbanlandmark.org.za/research/x01.php. Adebayo, P.W., 2011. Post-apartheid Housing Policy and a Somewhat Altered State Role: Does Incremental Housing Still Have a Place in South Africa? The Built Human Environment Review, 4(2), pp.3–16. Available at: http://www.tbher.org/index.php/tbher/article/view/56. Adebayo, P.W., 2008. Preconditions for housing consolidation: towards a suitable package of support for incremental housing in South Africa: a case study of eThekweni municipality. University of Kwa-Zulu Natal. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10413/4982. Adiata, R., 2010a. Partnerships For Development: Bakubung-ba-Ratheo and Wesizwe Platinum Case Study, Tshwane. Available at: http://www.urbanlandmark.org.za/downloads/partnerships_for_dev_2011.pdf. Adiata, R., 2010b. Retail Centres & Township Development: A Case Study, Tshwane. Available at: http://www.urbanlandmark.org.za/downloads/retail_centres_township_dev_2011.pdf. Afesis Corplan & Urban LandMark, 2008a. Urban Land Access: Options (Manual C), Available at: http://www.urbanlandmark.org.za/research/x37.php. Afesis Corplan & Urban LandMark, 2008b. Urban Land Access: The Steps (Manual B), Available at: http://www.urbanlandmark.org.za/research/x37.php. Affordable Land & Housing Data Centre, 2010. Understanding the dynamics that shape the affordable land and housing market in South Africa, Available at: http://www.finmark.org.za/pages/Research-and-Publications/Research-Reports. aspx?randomID=1872482a-81cb-4d6b-82ef-98c524fd0400&linkPath=7&lID=7_1. African Development & Economic Consultants, Value Capture from Transit-Oriented Development, Available at: http://www.urbanlandmark.org.za/downloads/value_capture_transit.pdf [Accessed June 12, 2012]. African Development Economic Consultants, 2012. Value capture from Transit-Oriented Development and Other Transit-Oriented Development, Tshwane. Available at: http://www.urbanlandmark.org.za/downloads/value_capture_transit.pdf. Aigbavboa, C.O., 2010. An evaluation of the post occupancy experience of housing subsidy beneficiaries in South Africa: a case study of Gauteng. University of Johannesburg. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10210/4525. Ajayi, J.R., 2012. Strategies for Sustainable Housing Co-Operatives. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. QUICK LINK (CLICK ON SECTION/LETTER TO JUMP TO PAGE) CONTENTS PAGE A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A 7 Amisi, B. et al., 2011. Xenophobia and Civil Society: Durban’s Structured Social Divisions. Politikon, 38(1), pp.59–83. Available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02589346.2011.548671 [Accessed June 20, 2012]. Amoateng, A.Y., Heaton, T.B. and Kalule-Sabiti, I., 2007. Living arrangements in South Africa. In T. B. Amoateng, A.Y. and Heaton, ed. Families and households in post-apartheid South Africa: socio-demographic perspectives. Cape Town: HSRC Press., pp. 43–60. Amollo, R., 2011. Women’s socio-economic rights in the context of HIV and AIDS in South Africa: thematic focus on health, housing, property and freedom from violence. University of the Western Cape. Available at: http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_4390_13257 53859&allowManage=. Ampofo-Anti, N. (CSIR), 2012. Lessons for South Africa from global trends in environmental labelling of buildings and construction products. In CSIR, ed. Green Building Handbook South Africa, Vol 4: The Essential Guide. Alive2green. Wynberg: CSIR, pp. 75–94. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10204/5969. Ampofo-Anti, N. (CSIR), 2007. Material selection and embodied energy. In CSIR, ed. Green Building Handbook South Africa: the essential guide, volume 3. Pretoria: CSIR, p. 10. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10204/5822. Ampofo-anti, N. & (CSIR), 2010. IAQ performance of interior finishing products and the role of LCA. In CSIR, ed. Green Building Handbook Volume 2: A Guide to Building Products and Their Impact on the Environment. CSIR, pp. 358–367. Available at: http://www.greenbuilding.co.za/content/green-building/handbooks/item/6-green-buildinghandbook-vol-2.html. Ampofo-anti, N.A.A.L., 2008. Life Cycle Assessment: Applications and implications for the greening of the South African construction sector. In Science real and relevant: 2nd CSIR Biennial Conference, CSIR International Convention Centre Pretoria, 17&18 November 2008. Pretoria, p. 16. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10204/2535. Anton, D.K. & Shelton, D., 2011. Environmental Protection and Human Rights, Cambridge University Press. Available at: http://books.google.com/books?id=F_dFYq4oFeYC&pgis=1 [Accessed June 15, 2012]. Antony, C.K., 2009. Housing delivery and empowerment in post-apartheid South Africa: the case of Nkonkobe Municipality. University of Fort Hare. Available at: http://opac.seals.ac.za/search~S9?/Xhousing+&searchscope=9&SORT=DX/Xhousing+&searchscop e=9&SORT=DX&SUBKEY=housing+/1,317,317,B/frameset&FF=Xhousing+&searchscope=9&SORT=DX&15,15,. QUICK LINK (CLICK ON SECTION/LETTER TO JUMP TO PAGE) CONTENTS PAGE A C D E F G H I J K L M N O B P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 8 Baddache, F., 2007. RMB & Nedbank: Developing new financial products for low income housing in South Africa Historical context for South Africa. Exchange Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal. Available at: http://cases.growinginclusivemarkets.org/. Bagaeen, S. & Uduku, O., 2010. Gated Communities: Social Sustainability in Contemporary and Historical Gated Developments (Google eBook), Earthscan. Available at: http://books.google.com/books?id=5IMIV3pONr4C&pgis=1 [Accessed June 15, 2012]. Baloyi, B.V., 2007. Housing delivery in South Africa – a project management case study. University Johannesburg. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10210/4425. Balura, V.M., 2011. Evaluation of the principles of public accountability in housing services in the Eastern Cape Ndlambe local municipality. University of Fort Hare. Available at: http://opac.seals.ac.za/search~S9?/Xhousing+&searchscope=9&SORT=DX/Xhousing+&searchscop e=9&SORT=DX&SUBKEY=housing+/1,317,317,B/frameset&FF=Xhousing+&searchscope=9&SORT=DX&3,3,. Bank, L., 2011. Home Spaces, Street Styles Contesting Power and Identity in a South African City, Johannesburg: Wits University Press with Pluto Press. Bank, L., 2007. The Rhythms of the Yards: Urbanism, Backyards and Housing Policy in South Africa. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 25(2), pp.205–228. Barry, M.B. et al., 2007. Land Conflicts in Informal Settlements: Wallacedene in Cape Town, South Africa. Urban Forum, 18(3), pp.171–189. Available at: http://www.springerlink.com/index/10.1007/s12132-007-9010-9 [Accessed June 18, 2012]. Beauclair, R., 2010. Development and disappointment: an ethnographic study of Kosovo informal settlement’s water and sanitation system upgrade. University of Cape Town. Benson, K., 2009. Crossroads continues: histories of women mobilizing against forced removals and for housing in Cape Town South Africa, 1975-2005. University of Minnesota. Berrisford, S., 2007. Do Informal Land Markets Work for Poor People? An assessment of three metropolitan cities in South Africa - Synthesis Report, Available at: http://www.urbanlandmark.org.za/research/x41.php. Berrisford, S., 2008. In Search of Land and Housing in the New South Africa: The Case of Ethembalethu, World Bank Publications. Available at: http://books.google.com/books?id=oGDTenzRe6MC&pgis=1 [Accessed June 15, 2012]. Bester, H., 2010. Developing a repeat sales property price index for residential properties in South Africa. North-West University. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10394/4565. Bidandi, F., 2007. The effects of poor implementation of housing policy in the Western Cape: a study case of Khayelitsha Site C. University of the Western Cape. Available at: http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_7886_12565 64275&allowManage=. QUICK LINK (CLICK ON SECTION/LETTER TO JUMP TO PAGE) CONTENTS PAGE A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z B 9 Biermann, Sharon (CSIR) and Van Ryneveld, M., 2007. Improving the location of Low Income Housing Delivery in South African urban areas. In Computers in urban planning and urban management, 10th International Conference, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, July 11-13 2007. Iguassu Falls, pp. 1–14. Birkeland, J., 2012. Design for Sustainability: A Sourcebook of Integrated Ecological Solutions, Routledge. Available at: http://books.google.com/books?id=IdbIv_ZNU-0C&pgis=1 [Accessed June 15, 2012]. Bohler-Muller, N., 2012. Access to justice fundamental to social change. HSRC Review., 10(2), pp.20–21. Bontenbal, M., 2009. Cities as Partners: The Challenge to Strengthen Urban Governance Through North-South City Partnerships, Eburon Uitgeverij B.V. 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University of Stellenbosch. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/20298. Brimah, N., 2008. The Future of African Cities. Archnet-IJAR International Journal of Architectural Research, 2(2), pp.209–219. Brown-Luthango, M., 2010. Access to Land for the Urban Poor—Policy Proposals for South African Cities. Urban Forum, 21(2), pp.123–138. Available at: http://www.springerlink.com/index/10.1007/s12132-010-9081-x [Accessed April 14, 2012]. Brown-Luthango, M. & Smit, W., 2007. Voices of the poor: Literature Review, Available at: http://www.urbanlandmark.org.za/research/x40.php. Burgoyne, M., 2008. Factors affecting housing delivery in South Africa: a case study of the Fisantekraal housing development project, Western Cape. University of Stellenbosch. Available at: http://scholar.sun.ac.za/handle/10019.1/2862?show=full. Burzynski, E., 2010. Street trading and the experience of migration: Presentation of the Research, Tshwane. 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