WEALTH An Anthology of Poetry in English EDITED BY Neil Besner, Deborah Schnitzer, and Alien Turner v: SUB Gdttlngen 206 089 309 97 A 607 Toronto New York Oxford OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS W—' MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS XXXIII INTRODUCTION XXXIX ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 from The Kings and Queens of Scotland Scotland. 1542-1587 England/Ireland. 1552-1599 2 2 from Amoretti Sonnet 1 Sonnet 15 MICHAEL DRAYTON 3 To the Virginian Voyage England. 1564-1616 5 5 Sonnet 18 Sonnet 107 SIR J O H N DAVIES 6 Epigram 36: Of Tobacco EMILIA LANIER England. 1569-1645 7 from Salve Deus Rex Judceorum Eves Apologie MAIRI NIGHEAN ALASDAIR R U A I D H / MARY MACLEOD 9 Luinneag Mhic Leoid/MacLeod's Lilt EDMUND SPENSER England. 1563-1631 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE England. 1569-1626 Scotland, c. 1569-c. 1674 J O H N DONNE 14 England. 1572-1631 15 The Canonization Song ('Go and catch a falling star') THOMAS MORTON 16 The Song England/N. America, c. 1579-c. 1631 17 18 from Quodlibets To the first planters of Newfoundland A Skeltonical continued rhyme in praise of my Newfoundland ROBERT HERRICK 18 To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time 19 19 Of Their Government Of Their Persons and Parts of Body England/America. 1575-1646 ROBERT HAYMAN England. 1591-1674 ROGER WILLIAMS England/America. 1603-1683 TABLE OF CONTENTS 20 Of English Verse JOHN MILTON England. 1608-1674 21 from. Paradise Lost Book 1: The Argument ANNE BRADSTREET 26 27 The Author to Her Book Before the Birth of One of Her Children 28 To His Coy Mistress 29 from The Day of Doom: or, a Description of the Great and Last fudgement 31 Friendship's Mystery, To my dearest Lucasia 32 from The Bay Psalm Book Psalm 23: A Psalm of David 33 To the Most Illustrious Prince Christopher Duke of Albemarle on His Voyage to His Government of Jamaica. A Pindarick. A Song in Dialogue EDMUND WALLER England. 1606-1687 England/America, c. 1612-1672 ANDREW MARVELL England. 1621-1678 MICHAEL WIGGLESWORTH England/America. 1631-1705 KATHERINE FOWLER PHILIPS England. 1632-1664 ANONYMOUS America. 1640 APHRA BEHN England. 1640-1689 36 Edward Taylor 37 America, c. 1644-1729 38 from Preparatory Meditations Prologue from Sacramental Meditations Meditation 38 39 43 D6nall Qg/Donal 6 g Donal 6 g England. 1660-1685 44 45 Penelope to Ulysses To the Queen ANONYMOUS 47 London Mourning in As' 51 51 The Unequal Fetters To the Nightingale ANONYMOUS Ireland, after 1650; c. 1902 MRS A N N E KILLIGREW England. 1661 ANNE FINCH, COUNTESS OF WINCHILSEA England. 1661-1720 TABLE OF CONTENTS Ireland. 1667-1745 53 53 Verses Said to be Written on the Union Verses Made for the Women Who Cry Apples, etc. SARAH EGERTON 55 The Emulation 57 from Henry Kelsey His Book Prologue . 60 The Triumvirate 61 from The New England Primer Alphabet 62 Verses on the Prospect of Planting Arts and Learning in America JONATHAN SWIFT (NEE FYGE, LATER FIELD) England, c. 1669-c 1722 HENRY KELSEY England/N. America, c. 1670-1724 ELIZABETH THOMAS England. 1675-1731 ANONYMOUS America. 1683 GEORGE BERKELEY Ireland. 1685-1753 ALEXANDER POPE England. 1688-1744 63 64 70 from the Seventh Book of Homer's Odysses The Gardens of Akinous from An Essay on Man Epistle I Epistle II, verse 1 71 from Six Town Eclogues: With Some Other Poems Satturday: The Small Pox: Flavia 74 The Woman's Labour: An Epistle to Mr Stephen Duck; In Answer to his Late Poem, Called 'The Threshers Labour' 80 A was an Archer, and shot at a Frog Scotland/England. 1700-1748 81 84 A Hymn [On the Seasons] Ode: Rule, Britannia THOMAS GRAY 85 Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 89 An Essay on Woman LADY MARY WORTLEY MONTAGU England. 1689-1762 MARY COLLIER England, c. 1690-c. 1762 MARY COOPER England, c. 1700-1761 JAMES THOMSON England. 1716-1771 MARYLEAPOR England. 1722-1746 TABLE OF CONTENTS To a Young Lady A Thought on the Inestimable Blessing of Reason, Occasioned by its Privation to a Friend of Very Superior Talents and Virtues, 1770 MERCY OTIS WARREN 91 USA. 1728-1814 92 OLIVER GOLDSMITH 93 from The Deserted Village 97 The Liberty Song 99 The Lake; or, Modern Improvement in Landscape Ireland/England, c. 1730-1774 J O H N DICKINSON America. 1732-1808 ANNASEWARD Scotland. 1742-1809 ANNA LAETITIA (AIKEN) BARBAULD 102 105 Epistle to William Wilberforce, Esq. on the Rejection of the Bill for Abolishing the Slave Trade, 1791 The Rights of Woman 106 I've Gotten a Rock, I've Gotten a Reel 107 'The Dead Beggar, an Elegy addressed to a Lady, who was affected at seeing the Funeral of a nameless Pauper, buried at the Expence of the Parish, in the Church-Yard at Brighthelmstone, in November 1792' England. 1743-1825 SUSANNA BLAMIRE Scotland. 1747-1794 CHARLOTTE SMITH England. 1749-1806 108 Auld Robin Gray PHILIP FRENEAU 109 USA. 1752-1832 110 The Indian Burying Ground On Mr Paine's Rights of Man LADY A N N E LINDSAY Scotland. 1750-1825 PHILLK WHEATLEY 112 America, c. 1754-1784 112 WILLIAM BLAKE 114 England. 1757-1827 115 ROBERT BURNS 115 Scotland. 1759-1796 117 On Being Brought from Africa to America On Imagination The Little Black Boy The Garden of Love A Poet's Welcome to his love-begotten Daughter; the first instance that entitled him to the venerable appellation of Father— Auld lange syne TABLE OF CONTENTS SARAH WENTWORTH MORTON 118 USA. 1759-1846 118 Memento, for My Infant Who Lived But Eighteen Hours The African Chief CAROLINA OLIPHANT, BARONESS NAIRNE 120 The Regalia England. 1770-1850 122 124 Lucy Gray; or, Solitude My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold SIR WALTER SCOTT 124 Proud Maisie 125 Kubla Khan; or, A Vision in a Dream. Scotland. 1766-1845 WILLIAM WORDSWORTH Scotland. 1771-1832 SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE England. 1772-1834 ANONYMOUS A Fragment. 127 Alphabet America. 1775 ANONYMOUS America/Canada. 1776; 1780 GEORGE GORDON, 128 Burrowing Yankees 129 An Appeal 130 from Childe Harold's Pilgrimage LORD BYRON Scotland/England. 1788-1824 PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY England. 1792-1822 JANET HAMILTON Scotland. 1795-1873 Canto 3, verses 1-8 132 133 The Indian Girl's Song England in 1819 134 A Phase of the War in America, 1864 135 Comparative Slavery England. 1795-1821 137 138 La Belle Dame sans Merci Ode on a Grecian Urn SojouRNER TRUTH 140 Ain't I a Woman? .141 Colonial Nomenclature 142 To My Ever Beloved and Lamented Son William Henry JOHN KEATS USA. c. 1797-1883 J O H N DUNMORE LANG Australia. 1799-1878 BAMEWAWASGEZHIKAQUAY/ JANE SCHOOLCRAFT Chippewa. 1800-1841 VIII TABLE OF CONTENTS USA. 1803-1882 144 144 Concord Hymn The Problem JAMES CLARENCE 146 The Nameless One 148 The Micmac 149 The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point RALPH WALDO EMERSON MANGAN Ireland. 1803-1849 JOSEPH H O W E Canada. 1804-1873 ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING England. 1806-1861 HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW 157 from The Song of Hiawatha XXII: Hiawatha's Departure USA. 1807-1882 163 To the Pupils of the Hindu College EDGAR ALLAN P O E USA. 1809-1849 163 Annabel Lee ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON 165 Ulysses 167 168 My Last Duchess The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed's Church EMILY BRONTE England. 1818-1848 171 The Prisoner: A Fragment FREDERICK DOUGLASS 173 A Parody 175 176 A Utilitarian View of the Monitor's Fight Monody HENRY L. DEROZIO India. 1809-1831 England. 1809-1892 ROBERT BROWNING England. 1812-1889 USA. c. 1818-c. 1895 HERMAN MELVILLE USA. 1819-1891 WALT WHITMAN 177 from Song of Myself USA. 1819-1892 WILLIAM WILSON Ojibway. c. 1820-1839 192 England and British America TABLE OF CONTENTS MATTHEW ARNOLD England. 1822-1888 WILLIAM ALLINGHAM 197 To Marguerite—Continued 198 Ireland. 1824-1889 CHEESQUATALAWNY/ YELLOW BIRD/ JOHN ROLLIN RIDGE Cherokee. 1827-1867 IX from Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland: A Modern Poem in Twelve Chapters Chapter I, Laurence, lines 1-111 201 The Atlantic Cable 203 #632: The Brain—is wider than the Sky— USA. 1830-1886 204 #1082: Revolution is the Pod EMILY DICKINSON CHRISTINA ROSSETTI England. 1830-1894 204 WILLIAM MORRIS England. 1834-1896 205 206 'That where I am, there ye may be also' from The Earthly Paradise An Apology November HENRY KENDALL Australia. 1839-1882 207 The Last of His Tribe THOMAS HARDY England. 1840-1928 208 The Darkling Thrush GERARD MANLEY HOPKINS England. 1844-1889 209 Pied Beauty EMILY LAWLESS Ireland. 1845-1913 210 Clare Coast: Circa 1720 ALICE MEYNELL 213 Renouncement England. 1847-1922 214 A Father of Women ISABELLA VALANCY CRAWFORD Canada. 1850-1887 ROBERT Louis STEVENSON Scotland/England/Samoa. 1850-1894 215 The Dark Stag 216 Said the Canoe 219 Foreign Children x TABLE OF CONTENTS 220 Our Casuarina Tree 221 The Skater 223 Low Tide on Grand Pre 224 The Other Side of a Mirror Canada. 1861-1899 225 227 Heat In November RABINDRANATH TAGORE 228 from The Child TORU D U T T India. 1856-1877 CHARLES G.D. ROBERTS Canada. 1860-1943 BLISS CARMAN Canada. 1861-1929 MARY COLERIDGE England. 1861-1907 ARCHIBALD LAMPMAN India. 1861-1941 TEKAHIONWAKE/ EMILY PAULINE JOHNSON .230 231 As Red Men Die A Cry from an Indian Wife Mohawk. 1861-1913 DUNCAN CAMPBELL SCOTT 233 The Forsaken Canada. 1862-1947 SWAMI VlVEKANANDA India. 1863-1902 236 The Cup ANDREW BARTON ('THE BANJO') PATERSON 237 The Man from Snowy River Australia. 1864-1941 MARYGILMORE 240 Eve-song Australia. 1865-1962 241 Never Admit the Pain WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS Ireland. 1865-1939 241 242 The Magi Easter 1916 HENRY LAWSON 244 The Bastard from the Bush 246 The Song of the Smoke (%') 247 Flesh Australia. 1868-1946 248 Cubes Australia. 1867-1922 W.E.B. Du Bois USA. 1868-1963 MARY FULLERTON TABLE OF CONTENTS 249 London ~ England. 1869-1928 250 251 The Fanner's Bride Monsieur Qui Passe (Quai Voltaire) JAMES W E L D O N JOHNSON 252 O Black and Unknown Bards MANMOHAN GHOSE India. 1869-1924 CHARLOTTE M E W USA. 1871-1938 J.M. SYNGE 254 Ireland. 1871-1909 254 The Curse A Question 255 We Wear the Mask 256 The Orange Tree 257 The Song of Hungarrda 258 Ode to Sequoyah USA. 1874-1963 259 260 260 In White Design Desert Places A M Y LOWELL 261 The Sisters USA. 1874-1925 265 New Heavens for Old GERTRUDE STEIN 266 from Tender Buttons 270 The Gypsy 271 The Newspaper-Seller 273 Arctic Woods 274 275 Awake! Bangle-Sellers PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR USA. 1872-1906 J O H N SHAW NEILSON Australia. 1872-1942 NGUNAITPONI/ DAVID UNAIPON Australia. 1873-1967 ALEXANDER POSEY Creek. 1873-1908 ROBERT FROST USA/France. 1874-1946 EDWARD THOMAS England. 1878-1917 JOSEPH CAMPBELL Ireland. 1879-1944 FREDERICK PHILIP GROVE Prussia/Canada. 1879-1948 SAROJINI NAIDU India. 1879-1949 XII TABLE OF CONTENTS PATRICK (PADRAIC) HENRY PEARSE 276 The Mother 277 277 Of Mere Being The Planet on the Table 278 from Brebeufand His Brethren [The Martyrdom of Brebeuf and Lalemant, 16 March 1649] XII from Towards the Last Spike The Pre-Cambrian Shield (i) and (ii) Dynamite on the North Shore Ireland. 1879-1916 WALLACE STEVENS USA. 1879-1955 E J . PRATT Canada. 1882-1964 282 T.E. HULME England. 1883-1917 284 285 The Blanket-makers Autumn EDITH A N N E ROBERTSON Scotland. 1883-c. 1978 285 286 Pyatie Beauty/Pied Beauty Country boy on a motor cycle WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAMS 286 287 Danse Russe This Is Just to Say England. 1884-1947 288 288 The Fired Pot The Sick Assailant D.H. 289 Figs 292 In a Southern Garden 293 293 A Pact L'art, 1910 294 On Being Eighty H.D. (HILDA DOOLITTLE) USA/England. 1886-1961 295 296 At Baia from Sigil RUPERT BROOKE 300 Dining-Room Tea USA. 1883-1963 A N N A WICKHAM LAWRENCE England. 1885-1930 DOROTHEA MACKELLAR Australia. 1885-1968 EZRA POUND USA/England. 1885-1972 HELEN B. CRUICKSHANK Scotland. 1886-1975 England. 1887-1915 TABLE OF CONTENTS MARIANNE MOORE USA. 1887-1972 302 Poetry (1921 version) 303 Poetry (1924 version) 303 Poetry (1967 version) EDWIN M U I R Scotland. 1887-1959 304 For Ann Scott-Moncrieff EDITH SITWELL England. 1887-1964 305 Lullaby T.S. ELIOT 307 The Hollow Men USA/England. 1888-1965 310 To Stanislaw Wyspianski Jamaica/USA. 1889-1948 311 312 If We Must Die America IVORGURNEY 312 The Silent One {CATHERINE MANSFIELD New Zealand. 1888-1923 CLAUDE MCKAY England. 1890-1937 ISAAC ROSENBERG 313 Break of Day in the Trenches England. 1890-1918 FRANCIS LEDWIDGE 314 To One Dead 315 from A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle 319 To My Brother 320 Honey for Tea 322 [the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls] [somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond] Ireland. 1891-1917 HUGH MACDJARMID/ CHRISTOPHER MURRAY GRIEVE Scotland. 1892-1978 VERA BRITTAIN England. 1893-1970 SYLVIA TOWNSEND WARNER England. 1893-1978 ce. cutnmings USA. 1894-1962 322 xrn xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS LOUISE BOGAN 323 Women 324 Black Tambourine USA. 1897-1970 HART CRANE USA. 1899-1932 324 from Voyages 325 Shadow on Snow F.R. SCOTT Canada. 1899-1985 326 Laurentian Shield ERNEST G. M O L L Australia. 1900-1979 327 A Gnarled Riverina Gum-tree ROLLA LYNN RIGGS Cherokee. 1899-1954 Six NATIONS COUNCIL, IROQUOIS CONFEDERACY Canada/America. 1900 KENNETH SLESSOR 328 Condolence Ceremony 330 from The Ceremony Called 'At the Wood's Edge' 333 Five Bells 336 Heritage 337 Cultural Notes 338 The Weary Blues 339 The Lonely Land Australia. 1901-1971 GWENDOLYN B. BENNETT USA. 1902-1981 KENNETH FEARING USA. 1902-1961 LANGSTON HUGHES USA. 1902-1967 A.J.M. SMITH Canada. 1902-1980 STEVIE SMITH 340 Not Waving But Drowning England. 1902-1971 341 Emily Writes Such a Good Letter LORINE NlEDECKER USA. 1903-1970 342 [I married] EARLE BIRNEY Canada. 1904-1995 343 Can. Lit. 343 The Bear on the Delhi Road GLADYS MAY 345 Junior Geography Lesson CASELY-HAYFORD ('AQUAH LALUAH') Ghana/Sierra Leone.1904-1950 TABLE OF CONTENTS PATRICK KAVANAGH 346 from The Great Hunger Ireland. 1904-1967 Louis 349 from 'A—11 350 from The Love Poems of Marichiko 352 Something There W.H. AUDEN 353 Letter to a Wound England/USA. 1907-1973 355 Lullaby ZUKOFSKY USA. 1904-1978 KENNETH REXROTH USA. 1905-1982 SAMUEL BECKETT Ireland. 1906-1989 A.D. HOPE 356 Australia, b. 1907 Louis The End of a Journey 357 Reflections DENIS DEVLIN Scotland/Ireland. 1908-1959 358 Liffey Bridge KATHLEEN RAINE 360 Spell to Bring Lost Creatures Home 361 My Papa's Waltz 362 Ambulando MACNEICE Ireland. 1907-1963 England/Scotland, b. 1908 THEODORE ROETHKE USA. 1908-1963 CHARLES BRASCH New Zealand. 1909-1973 JEAN EARLE 363 England/Wales, b. 1909 OLFV'E FRASER 364 Lines Written after a Nervous Breakdown (II) 365 The Wire 370 The Song of India Scotland. 1909-1977 ROBERT GARIOCH Young Girls Running (SUTHERLAND) Scotland. 1909-1987 VINAYAK KRISHNA GOKAK India, b. 1909 xvi TABLE OF CONTENTS RALPH GUSTAFSON 371 In the Yukon Canada. 1909-1995 A M . KLEIN 372 Montreal Canada. 1909-1972 374 Political Meeting DOROTHY LIVESAY Canada, b. 1909 375 380 Day and Night Bartok and the Geranium MARIE MAKINO 381 'Ilda 382 from The Maximus Poems, Book III The Festival Aspect P.S. REGE India. 1910-1978 385 Dream ELIZABETH BISHOP 386 390 The Moose In the Waiting Room 393 395 Landfall in Unknown Seas An Incorrigible Music 396 Ban-Ghaidheal/A Highland Woman England, [b. date unknown] CHARLES OLSON USA. 1910-1970 USA. 1911-1979 ALLEN CURNOW New Zealand, b. 1911 SOMHAIRLE MACGILL-EAIN/ SORLEY MACLEAN Scotland, b. 1911 J O H N CAGE USA. 1912-1992 399 from Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse) 1965-1967 Canada, b. 1912 406 407 From Colony to Nation Keine Lazarovitch 1870-1959 BHARATI SARABHAI 408 from The Well of the People Chorus of Workers 411 from The Lynchings of Jesus Passage to Godhead R.S. THOMAS Wales, b. 1913 412 413 Welsh History Expatriates DOUGLAS LEPAN 414 A Country Without a Mythology IRVING LAYTON India, b. 1912 MURIEL RUKEYSER USA. 1913-1980 Canada, b. 1914 TABLE OF CONTENTS DYLANTHOMAS X 415 Fern Hill Wales. 1914-1953 DOROTHY AUCHTERLONIE (GREEN) 417 Apopemptic Hymn England/Australia. 1915-1991 G.S. FRASER 418 An Elegy for Keith Bullen Scotland. 1915-1980 ALUN LEWIS 419 Goodbye Wales. 1915-1944 ROLAND MATHIAS 420 Laus Deo Wales, b. 1915 SYDNEY GOODSIR SMITH 421 The Grace of God and the Meth-Drinker New Zealand/Scotland. 1915-1975 JUDITH WRIGHT Australia, b. 1915 P.K. PAGE 423 The Hawthorn Hedge 424 At Cooloola 425 The Permanent Tourists Canada, b. 1916 GWENDOLYN BROOKS 426 The Mother USA. b. 1917 ROBERT LOWELL 427 For the Union Dead USA. 1917-1977 JAMES MCAULEY 429 Because Australia. 1917-1976 MIRIAM WADDINGTON 430 Deja Vu Canada, b. 1917 MARGARET AVISON 432 The Swimmer's Moment Canada, b. 1918 W.S. GRAHAM 433 Johann Joachim Quantz's Five Lessons Scotland. 1918-1986 A L PURDY 436 Lament for the Dorsets Canada, b. 1918 438 The Runners xvm TABLE OF CONTENTS Scotland, b. 1918 440 441 Bluebell Among the Sables Created and Abandoned LAWRENCE FERLINGHETTI 441 I Am Waiting 446 Thoughts After Ruskin 447 Under the Baby Blanket Australia, b. 1920 448 449 New Music Suburban Sonnet EDWIN MORGAN 450 Canedolia: an off-concrete scotch fantasia 451 We Are Going ANONYMOUS Nigeria, c. 1921 452 Salute to the Elephant GEORGE MACKAY BROWN 454 King of Kings 457 Clann-Nighean an Sgadain/The Herring Girls MURIEL SPARK - USA. b. 1919 ELMA MITCHELL Scotland/England, b. 1919 MAY SWENSON USA. 1919-1989 GWEN HARWOOD Scotland, b. 1920 OODGEROO (FORMERLY KATH WALKER) Australia. 1920-1993 Scotland, b. 1921 RUARAIDH MACTHdMAIs/ DERICK THOMSON Scotland, b. 1921 459 Nigeria, b. 1921 460 GABRIEL OKARA One Night at Victoria Beach Suddenly the air cracks 462 Pangloss's Song: A Comic-Opera Lyric 463 Faith Healing E L I MANDEL Canada. 1922-1992 464 Houdini KENDRICK SMITHYMAN 465 The Last Morion RICHARD WILBUR USA. b. 1921 PHILIP LARKIN England. 1922-1985 New Zealand, b. 1922 TABLE OF CONTENTS HONE TUWHARE 466 Snowfall New Zealand, b. 1922 467 Epithalamion Wales, b. 1923 468 X-Ray DANNIE ABSE MARI EVANS 469 I Am a Black Woman 470 A Tree Telling of Orpheus 474 Certain Questions for Monsieur Renoir USA. DENISE LEVERTOV England/USA, b. 1923 JOHN ORMOND Wales. 1923-1990 476 India, b. 1924 477 NISSIM EZEKIEL JANET FRAME 478 New Zealand, b. 1924 EFUA SUTHERLAND 479 Ghana, b. 1924 479 Scotland, b. 1925 480 IAN HAMILTON FINLAY CAROLYN KIZER Very Indian Poem in Indian English Enterprise The Clown A Professional Beggar's Lullaby Ballad Little Calendar 480 Exodus USA. b. 1925 A N N E RANASINGHE 482 Auschwitz From Colombo 483 The Ikons Sri Lanka, b. 1925 JAMES K. BAXTER New Zealand. 1926-1972 RAYMOND GARLICK 484 Wales, b. 1926 ALLEN GINSBERG Map Reading 485 A Supermarket in California 486 Why I Am Not a Painter USA. b. 1926 FRANK O'HARA USA. 1926-1966 JOHN ASHBERY 487 USA. b. 1927 The Painter xx TABLE OF CONTENTS 488 Stone Hammer Poem 493 Poetics Against the Angel of Death 494 A Good Woman Feeling Bad 495 The Search 496 Shall Gaelic Die? India, b. 1928 500 500 Hunger The Abandoned British Cemetery at Balasore A N N E SEXTON 502 The Death Baby U. A. FANTHORPE England, b. 1929 506 508 Not My Best Side . Knowing about Sonnets T H O M GUNN England/USA, b. 1929 509 510 On the Move Lament PETER PORTER 513 Phar Lap in the Melbourne Museum 514 Still Another View of Grace 515 517 Diving into the Wreck (The Floating Poem, Unnumbered) 518 Mango Seedling E.K. BRATHWAITE Barbados, b. 1930 519 Calypso T E D HUGHES 521 Dust As We Are ROBERT KROETSCH Canada, b. 1927 PHYLLIS W E B B - Canada, b. 1927 MAYAANGELOU USA. b. 1928 KWESIBREW Ghana, b. 1928 IAIN MACA'GHOBHAINN/ IAIN CRICHTON SMITH Scotland, b. 1928 JAYANTA MAHAPATRA USA.1928-1974 Australia, b. 1929 A.K. RAMANUJAN India/USA. 1929-1993 ADRIENNE RICH USA. b. 1929 CHINUAACHEBE Nigeria, b. 1930 England, b. 1930 TABLE OF CONTENTS 522 Elegy ALDA LARA Angola. 1930-1962 523 Testament GARY SNYDER 524 Riprap USA. b. 1930 525 What You Should Know to Be a Poet DEREK WALCOTT 526 from Omeros, Chapter LXIV MAZJSI KUNENE South Africa, b. 1930 - St Lucia b. 1930 JAY MACPHERSON 527 Canada, b. 1931 The Fisherman 528 An Old Woman 529 Elegy for Slit-Drum 532 Isatou Died 533 Daddy 535 'Measure for Measure' 536 A Letter from an English novelist: Paul Maxwell, author of 'A Second Eve', writes to Ruth Arbeiter in Vermont 538 538 Wife to Husband For a Five-Year-Old AMIRI BARAKA 539 An Agony. As Now USA. b. 1934 540 Numbers, Letters LEONARD COHEN 541 I Have Not Lingered in European Monasteries French and English ARUN BALKRISHNA KOLATKAR India, b. 1932 CHRISTOPHER OKIGBO Nigeria. 1932-1967 LENRIE PETERS The Gambia, b. 1932 SYLVIA PLATH USA. 1932-1963 SlPHO SEPAMLA South Africa, b. 1932 A N N E STEVENSON England, b. 1933 FLEURADCOCK New Zealand/England, b. 1934 Canada, b. 1934 542 KAMALADAS 544 The Old Playhouse India, b. 1934 545 An Introduction XXII TABLE OF CONTENTS AUDRE LORDE USA. 1934-1992 DAVID MALOUF 546 Power 548 Off the Map - Australia, b. 1934 N. SCOTT MOMADAY 549 Rainy Mountain Cemetery Kiowa. b. 1934 R. PARTHASARATHY 550 from Ghosts Tamil/USA, b. 1934 I: Luiz Vaz de Camoens, 15247-1580 SONIA SANCHEZ 551 under a soprano sky USA. b. 1934 552 haiku (for the police on osage ave) W O L E SOYINKA Nigeria, b. 1934 CHRIS WALLACE-CRABBE Australia, b. 1934 ARONIAWENRATE/ PETER BLUE CLOUD 552 Telephone Conversation 553 'No!' He Said 555 Love Poem 556 A Wintry Manifesto 557 Rattle Mohawk, b. 1935 KOFI AWOONOR 560 Afro-American Beats Ghana, b. 1935 J O H N PEPPER CLARK BEKEDEREMO 563 A Child Asleep Nigeria, b. 1935 GEORGE BOWERING 564 Grandfather 565 Menika 567 Lletherneuadd Uchaf, 1868 568 Combat 570 'Kitchen-Maid' Canada, b. 1935 YASMINE GOONERATNE Sri Lanka/Australia, b. 1935 SALLY ROBERTS JONES Wales, b. 1935 TITUS CHUKWENEKA Nwosu Nigeria, b. 1935 STEWART CONN Scotland, b. 1936 TABLE OF CONTENTS K.D. KATRAK India, b. 1936 571 574 MARGE PlERCY 575 USA. b. 1936 576 PRAKASH BANDEKAR XXIII Malabar Hill The Kitchen Door The woman in the ordinary Unlearning to not speak 577 Afternoon Massacre 579 On Air India, b. 1937 GILLIAN CLARKE Wales, b. 1937 K.N. DARUWALLA 580 India, b. 1937 The Epileptic 581 In the Dark, Father 582 Bangla (water pipe) Desh India, b. 1938 584 584 Poem in Self-Exile Mumbai: A Song JONATHAN KARIARA 587 A Leopard Lives in a Muu Tree 588 An Absolutely Ordinary Rainbow 589 Samuel Hearne in Wintertime CLAIRE HARRIS Trinidad and Tobago/ Canada, b. 1937 G.S. SHARAT CHANDRA India, b. 1938 DILIP CHITRE Kenya, b. 1938 LES A. MURRAY Australia, b. 1938 J O H N NEWLOVE Canada, b. 1938 PAULA GUNN ALLEN 591 Laguna/Sioux. b. 1939 MARGARET ATWOOD Canada, b. 1939 bid bissett Canada, b. 1939 SEAMUS HEANEY Ireland, b. 1939 Kopis'taya (A Gathering of Spirits) 593 595 Progressive Insanities of a Pioneer Notes Towards a Poem That Can Never Be Written 598 th wundrfulness uv th mountees our secret police 599 Digging 600 from Whatever You Say Say Nothing xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS PATRICK LANE 602 Passing into Storm Canada, b. 1939 DENNIS L E E 603 from Civil Elegies Canada, b. 1939 MUDROOROO/ 606 Crow COLIN JOHNSON Nyoongah/Australia. b. 1939 FRED W A H 607 Canada, b. 1939 EUNICE D E SOUZA Waiting for Saskatchewan 608 Encounter at a London Party India, b. 1940 ADIL JussAWALLA 608 India, b. 1940 JUDITH KAZANTZIS A Bomb-site 609 For my sister pregnant England, b. 1940 GEOFFREY LEHMANN 611 Night Flower Australia, b. 1940 RACHEL MCALPINE 611 Here it is New Zealand, b. 1940 MOLARA 612 song at the african middle class 613 Nargol 615 In My Lifetime OGUNDIPE-LESLIE Nigeria, b. 1940 GiEVE P A T E L India, b. 1940 JAMES WELCH Blackfoot. b. 1940 MICHAEL HARTNETT 616 from A Farewell to English Ireland, b. 1-941 GWENDOLYN MACEWEN 618 Dark Pines Under Water 619 Elavanyo Concerto Canada. 1941-1987 ATUKWEI O K A I / J O H N OKAI Ghana, b. 1941 TABLE OF CONTENTS SIMON J. ORTIZ 622 Waiting for You to Come By. Acoma Pueblo, b. 1941 PAULINE STAINER 623 Sighting the Slave Ship England, b. 1941 LAKDASA 624 Don't Talk To Me About Matisse WlKKRAMASINHA Sri Lanka. 1941-1978 ANNHARTE 625 Raced Out to Write This Up Anishinabe. b. 1942 EILEAN Ni CHUILLEANAIN Ireland, b. 1942 GAURI DESHPANDE 626 The Second Voyage 627 Amelia 628 The Female of The Species India, b. 1942 DOUGLAS D U N N 629 Empires Scotland, b. 1942 DAPHNE MARLATT 630 Imperial Cannery, 1913 Australia/Canada, b. 1942 MICERE GlTHAE MuGO 631 Where Are Those Songs? Kenya, b. 1942 MUKHTARR MUSTAPHA 633 Gbassay—blades in regiment Sierra Leone, b. 1942 ANDREW SUKNASKI 634 Overland to the Southern Plain Canada, b. 1942 HUGO WILLIAMS 636 The Couple Upstairs England, b. 1942 GRACE AKELLO 636 Encounter Uganda, b. 1940s AMELIA BLOSSOM HOUSE 638 We Still Dance South Africa, b. 1940s LOUISE GLUCK USA. b. 1943 639 Aubade 639 Dedication to Hunger xxvi TABLE OF CONTENTS PAULETTEJILES 642 USA/Canada, b. 1943 Windigo 643 The City on the Hill Sri Lanka/Canada, b. 1943 644 644 Bearhug The Cinnamon Peeler OLIVE SENIOR 646 Colonial Girls School 647 649 Mise Eire Listen. This is the Noise of Myth DENNIS COOLEY Canada, b. 1944 651 a curse on a critic PAUL DURCAN 652 655 Crinkle, near Birr The Jewish Bride THOMAS KING Cherokee, b. 1943 MICHAEL ONDAATJE Jamaica, b. 1943 EAVAN BOLAND Ireland, b. 1944 Ireland, b. 1944 T O M LEONARD Scotland, b. 1944 656 Jist ti Let Yi No 657 A Priest Came on at Merkland Street bpNichoC 663 Two Words: A Wedding Canada. 1944-1988 SALEEM PEERADINA 664 There Is No God India/USA, b. 1944 CRAIG RAINE 665 England, b. 1944 CAROL RUMENS In the Kalahari Desert 667 Rules for Beginners 668 The Growing 669 I Found South African Breweries Most Hospitable 670 Letter to a Tormented Playwright England, b. 1944 MONGANE (WALLY) SEROTE South Africa, b. 1944 K I T WRIGHT England, b. 1944 SYL CHENEY-COKER Sierra Leone, b. 1945 TABLE OF CONTENTS GILLIAN HANSCOMBE 671 Australia/England, b. 1945 XXVII An Apostrophe to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II SELIMAHILL 672 The Significance of Significance England, b. 1945 673 Eating Chocolates in the Dark JACK MAPANJE 674 At the Metro: Old Irrelevant Images 675 The Woman in This Poem 677 Saving the World 679 These Poems, She Said CHRYSTOS Menominee/USA/Canada. b. 1946 680 Ceremony for Completing a Poetry Reading TONY CURTIS 681 Thoughts from the Holiday Inn 686 talking new york: waiting on love Malawi, b. 1945 BRONWEN WALLACE Canada. 1945-1989 T O M WAYMAN Canada, b. 1945 ROBERT BRINGHURST USA/Canada, b. 1946 Wales, b. 1946 PATRICK FRIESEN Canada, b. 1946 LEONA G O M 687 Canada, b. 1946 University 688 I'm Not in Charge of This Ritual 690 Senior lady sells garden eggs New Zealand, b. 1946 691 692 Wellington Party Going MIGUEL PINERO 692 The Book of Genesis According to Saint Miguelito WAYNE KEON Algonkin-lroquois. b. 1946 KojO LAING Ghana, b. 1946 BILLMANHIRE Puerto Rico/USA, b. 1946 PETER READING England, b. 1946 695 696 696 from Evagatory [Province of hyperborean bleakness] [East End of London . . .] [Forest, Sarawak, limestone outcrop] xxvm TABLE OF CONTENTS Canada, b. 1946 696 697 Loose Woman Poem Po-It-Tree PENNY WINDSOR 698 Advice on Pregnancy SHARON THESEN Wales, b. 1946 Ghana, b. 1947 700 from Soul in Birthwaters (Suite for the Revolution) II. Radio Revolution PETER FINCH 702 Visual Text Makes It As Super Hero 703 Identi-kit KOFI ANYIDOHO Wales, b. 1947 VERONICA FORRESTTHOMSON Scotland. 1947-1975 KERI HULME 703 New Zealand, b. 1947 Liz Mushrooms and Other Bounty 704 Six Men Monologues 708 The Sale 710 Somewhere in the Dark Continent 712 Scraps Worthy of Wind CIARAN CARSON 714 Belfast Confetti Ireland b. 1948 714 Narrative in Black and White LOCHHEAD Scotland, b. 1947 ARVIND KRISHNA MEHROTRA India, b. 1947 M. NOURBESE PHILIP Trinidad and Tobago/Canada, b. 1947 ROBERTA HILL WHITEMAN Oneida. b. 1947 LORNA CROZIER 716 Canada, b. 1948 KRISTJANA GUNNARS 718 On the Seventh Day Stefan Eyjolfsson XIV Iceland/Canada, b. 1948 WENDY ROSE 719 Hopi. b. 1948 Story Keeper TABLE OF CONTENTS LESLIE MARMON SILKO 722 Laguna Pueblo, b. 1948 XXIX Lullaby MURRAY EDMOND 722 My Return to Czechoslovakia New Zealand, b. 1949 724 House CILLA M C Q U E E N 725 Matinal New Zealand, b. 1949 726 Weekend Sonnets CAROLYN FORCHE 727 . Kalaloch USA. b. 1950 LENORE KEESHIG-TOBIAS 730 Resistance 731 Venus and the Rain 732 Tropical Death 733 A Handle for the Flutist . 734 Going back to Hlidarendi 735 The World of Dreams' 737 Our Bird Aegis Ojibway. b. 1950 M E D B H MCGUCKIAN Ireland, b. 1950 GRACE NICHOLS Guyana/England, b. 1950 ODIA OFEIMUN Nigeria, b. 1950 SHEENAGH PUGH England/Wales, b. 1950 PHILIP SALOM Australia, b. 1950 RAY A. YOUNG BEAR Meskwaki. b. 1950 CATHERINE OBIANUJU . 738 Nigeria in the year 1999 739 Boating 741 The Dialectic Criminal: Hand in Glove with an Old Hat ACHOLONU Nigeria, b. 1951 MEENA ALEXANDER India/USA, b. 1951 CHRISTOPHER DEWDNEY Canada, b. 1951 JOY HARJO 743 Anchorage Creek, b. 1951 744 I Am a Dangerous Woman xxx TABLE OF CONTENTS 745 from A Bad Day for the Sung Dynasty 749 Why Brownlee Left 750 Burial of the Dog RooBORSON Canada, b. 1952 751 City Lights Dl BRANDT Canada, b. 1952 752 questions i asked my mother HELEN DUNMORE England, b. 1952 754 755 Sisters leaving before the dance Poem for December 28 LINTONKWESI JOHNSON 756 MekkinHistri 757 The Line 759 The know 760 Work and Freedom FRANK KUPPNER Scotland, b. 1951 PAUL MULDOON - Ireland, b. 1951 SUSAN MUSGRAVE USA/Canada, b. 1951 Jamaica/England, b. 1952 DANIEL DAVID MOSES Delaware, b. 1952 CHRISTINE QUNTA South Africa, b. 1952 VIKRAMSETH India, b. 1952 DIONNE BRAND 761 from No Language Is Neutral Trinidad and Tobago/Canada, b. 1953 ABENA P. A. BUSIA 763 Exiles Ghana, b. 1953 763 Liberation MONIZAALVI 764 The Sari 765 Another Woman 767 I'r Hen Iaith Ai Chaneuon/To the Old Pakistan/England, b. 1954 IMITIAZ DHARKER India, b. 1954 IAN DUHIG Ireland/England, b. 1954 Tongue and Its Songs TABLE OF CONTENTS LOUISE ERDRICH Chippewa. b. 1954 768 Dear John Wayne NUALA ARCHER 770 Whale on the Line XXXI -USA/Ireland, b. 1955 DAVID DABYDEEN British Guyana/England b. 1955 CAROL A N N DUFFY Scotland, b. 1955 771 772 The Canecutters' Song The New Poetry 773 Standing Female Nude 774 The Captain of the 1964 Top of the Form Team Ireland, b. 1955 775 Woman's Inhumanity to Woman (Galway Labour Exchange) ERIN MOURE 776 Cherish 777 Five Poems RITA A N N HIGGINS Canada, b. 1955 V£RONIQUE TADJO Ivory Coast, b. 1955 SUJATA BHATT India, b. 1956 JEAN BINTA BREEZE 780 White Asparagus 781 A Different Way to Dance 784 Ordinary Mawning Jamaica/England, b. 1956 New Zealand, b. 1956 786 Collisions 786 In absentia IYAMIDE HAZELEY 787 When You Have Emptied Our Calabashes ANNE FRENCH Sierra Leone, b. 1957 Ll-YOUNG LEE Indonesia/USA, b. 1957 IAN M C M I L L A N 788 This Room and Everything in It 790 Just the Facts, Just the England, b. 1957 ARCHIE WELLER 791 The Legend of Jimmy's Axe Australia, b. 1957 792 Untitled MOYA CANNON 793 'Taom' Ireland, b. 1958 jcxir TABLE OF CONTENTS DERMOT BOLGER 794 Snuff Movies 795 Abortion (Like Motherhood) Changes Ireland, b. 1959 JOANNE ARNOTT Canada, b. 1960 CHERRY SMYTH Nothing 796 Black Leather Jacket 798 Azania 799 The Queen of Sheba 802 from The Adoption Papers Chapter 4: Baby Lazarus 804 The Woman 805 a fine grammar of bones 807 AUTHOR INDEX Ireland/England, b. 1960 MAUDSULTER Scotland, b. 1960 KATHLEEN JAMIE Scotland, b. 1962 JACKIE KAY Scotland, b. 1962 KRISTINA RUNGANO Zimbabwe, b. 1963 MEIRA COOK South Africa/Canada, b. 1964
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