Annals of Botany 88: 637±644, 2001 doi:10.1006/anbo.2001.1514, available online at on Translucent Glands and Secretory Canals in Hypericum perforatum L. (Hypericaceae): Morphological, Anatomical and Histochemical Studies During the Course of Ontogenesis D A N I E L A C I C CA R E L L I , A N D R E A C E S A R E A N D R E U C C I and A N N A M A R I A PA G N I * Department of Botanical Sciences, University of Pisa, Via Luca Ghini 5, 56126 Pisa, Italy Received: 23 April 2001 Returned for revision: 5 June 2001 Accepted: 3 July 2001 Hypericum perforatum L., traditionally used in folk medicine as a therapeutic plant, is today being evaluated for its antidepressant and antiretroviral activities. The species is characterized by the presence of dierent types of secretory structure: translucent glands or cavities, black nodules and secretory canals. The aim of this work was to characterize the translucent glands and secretory canals in both the ¯oral and vegetative parts, from morphological, anatomical and histochemical points of view. Translucent glands consist of a sub-epidermal cavity delimited by two layers of cells. There are three types of secretory canal: type A, with a narrow lumen, and types B and C, both with a wide lumen, but with dierent patterns of development. Histochemical tests showed that all these structures contain alkaloids and lipids but not pectic-like substances and proteins. Tests for resins, essential oils and tannins gave # 2001 Annals of Botany Company dierent responses in dierent parts of the plant. Key words: Hypericum perforatum, St. John's wort, secretory structures, morphology, anatomy, histochemistry. I N T RO D U C T I O N Hypericum L. is characterized by the presence of dierent types of secretory structure including translucent glands, black nodules and secretory canals (Blenk, 1884; Green, 1884; Weill, 1903; Siersch, 1927; Metcalfe and Chalk, 1950; Curtis and Lersten, 1990; Baroni Fornasiero et al., 1998, 2000; Bottega et al., 1999; Ciccarelli et al., 2001). Not all of these structures are present in all species of the genus (Blenk, 1884; Weill, 1903; Pereira Coutinho, 1950), and their presence and/or frequency vary among plant organs (Green, 1884; Weill, 1903; Siersch, 1927; Robson, 1981). The secretory structures, which are sites of synthesis and/or accumulation of biologically active substances, are important for discrimination among taxa (Robson, 1977, 1981; Pignatti, 1982). Hypericum perforatum L. has traditionally been used as an external anti-in¯ammatory and healing remedy for the treatment of swellings, wounds and burns. It is currently of great interest due to new and important therapeutic applications (Bombardelli and Morazzoni, 1995; Nahrstedt and Butterweck, 1997; Erdelmeier, 1998). The histo-anatomical knowledge of this plant is dated and incomplete (Blenk, 1884; Green, 1884; Weill, 1903; Siersch, 1927; Metcalfe and Chalk, 1950). More recently, Curtis and Lersten (1990) provided data on the translucent glands and black nodules of the leaves and petals of some North American samples of H. perforatum, and Baroni Fornasiero et al. (1998) studied black nodules on the leaves of an Italian population. Ciccarelli et al. (2001) characterized the black nodules on both the ¯oral and vegetative parts of Italian populations of H. perforatum from morphological, anatomical and histochemical points of view, but otherwise this ®eld of study has been neglected. * For correspondence. Fax 00 39 (0)50 551345, e-mail pagniam@ 0305-7364/01/100637+08 $35.00/00 The aim of this research was to complete the characterization of all secretory structures present in H. perforatum, considering the translucent glands and secretory canals in both the ¯oral and vegetative parts from morphological, anatomical and histochemical points of view. M AT E R I A L S A N D M E T H O D S Materials Samples of Hypericum perforatum subsp. perforatum were collected in San Rossore Estate, Pisa, Italy, and grown in the ®eld at the Botanical Gardens of the University of Pisa (accession number 384/99). All the samples were diploids (2n 16). The relevant vouchers are lodged in the Pisa herbarium. Light microscopy All organs of the plant were studied: petals, sepals, stamens, pistils, leaves, stems and roots. Sections (25 mm) of fresh material were cut using a Leitz 1720 cryostat at ÿ14/ ÿ16 8C. Other sections (3 mm) were cut using a Leica 2055 microtome after the material had been ®xed in FAA (Sass, 1958) and embedded in LR White acrylic resin (Sigma, Milan, Italy). All material was subjected to the following histochemical tests: Toluidine Blue (O'Brien and McCully, 1981) as a generic dye for DNA, cytoplasm and some components of the cell wall; PAS (O'Brien and McCully, 1981) for non-cellulosic polysaccharides; Alkanna tincture (Faure, 1914) and Nile blue (Cain, 1947) for total lipids; Sudan III with glacial acetic acid as a control (Johansen, 1940) and Nadi reagent (David and Carde, 1964) for essential oils; Nadi reagent (David and Carde, 1964) for resins; Wagner and Dittmar reagents (Furr and Mahlberg, 1981) and iodine iodide solution (Lugol) (Johansen, 1940) # 2001 Annals of Botany Company 638 Ciccarelli et al.ÐTranslucent Glands and Secretory Canals of Hypericum perforatum L. F I G . 1. Morphology of translucent glands and secretory canals of Hypericum perforatum: A, cross section of sepal with mature translucent gland (toluidine blue, 450); B, cross section of sepal showing detail of the translucent gland: which is delimited by two layers of cells an internal layer with ¯attened, thin-walled secretory cells and an external layer of thicker-walled parenchyma cells (toluidine blue, 900); C, cross section of root showing type A canals generally delimited by four polygonal cells which are very thin-walled towards the lumen (toluidine blue, 350); D, cross section of pistil showing type A canals with a variable lumen diameter and a variable number of secretory cells (PAS, 450); E, cross section of petal showing a type B canal with the same structure as the translucent glands (toluidine blue, 350); F, cross section of petal; detail of type B canal with an internal layer of ¯attened, thin-walled secretory cells and an external layer of thicker-walled parenchyma cells (toluidine blue, 1400); G, cross section of pistil showing a type C canal consisting of a wide cavity delimited by one or more layers of densely stained and thinwalled secretory cells, and one or two layers of ¯attened parenchyma cells (toluidine blue, 160); H, cross section of petal, type A canal (arrow) associated with veins, especially in the phloem (Ph) (toluidine blue, 900). for alkaloids; potassium bichromate (Faure, 1914) for tannins; Dela®eld hematoxylin (Faure, 1914) and Ruthenium Red (Jensen, 1962) for pectic-like substances; antimony trichloride (Hardman and Sofowora, 1972) for steroids; brilliant blue Coomassie R250 (Fisher, 1968) for proteins; and concentrated sulfuric acid (Geissmann and Grin, 1971) for sesquiterpene lactones. R E S U LT S Morphology of the secretory structures The following structures were identi®ed: (a) Translucent glands. Translucent glands, pale glands or glandular pockets (Robson, 1981) are spherical or oblong glands consisting of a sub-epidermal cavity delimited by two layers of cells. The internal layer consists of very ¯attened, thin-walled secretory cells. The external layer consists of thicker-walled parenchymatous cells (Fig. 1A and B). (b)Three types of secretory canals. Type A: four polygonal cells generally delimit the lumen of the canal, which has a narrow diameter (Fig. 1C). These cells are very thin-walled towards the canal lumen. In the pistil and root, type A canals have a variable lumen diameter and/or a variable number of secretory cells (Fig. 1C and D). Type B canals have a wide lumen. In transverse section they have the same structure as translucent glands; the B-type canals look like elongated, pale glands (Fig. 1E and F). Type C Ciccarelli et al.ÐTranslucent Glands and Secretory Canals of Hypericum perforatum L. 639 T A B L E 1. Localization of secretory structures in the ¯oral and vegetative parts of H. perforatum Secretory structures Sepals Petals Stamens Pistil Leaf Stem Root Translucent glands Type A canals Type B canals Type C canals ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± , Present; ±, absent. canals consist of a wide cavity delimited by one or more layers of densely stained and thin-walled secretory cells. These structures are delimited by one or two layers of ¯attened parenchymatous cells (Fig. 1G). Type C canals dier from type B canals in the pattern of dierentiation during ontogenesis. Localization of the secretory structures The translucent glands or glandular pockets were present within the lamina of the leaf, close to the lower surface. They were distributed in spaces delimited by veins, but not in association with them. In the sepals and petals the translucent glands were oblong and distributed predominantly along the margins. Type A canals were present in all ¯oral (with the exception of stamens) and vegetative parts of the plant. Generally, they were located at the level of the veins (Fig. 1H). In the stem and root, they could also be found in the cortical parenchyma (Fig. 1C). Type B canals were numerous and alternated with the veins in the sepals and petals. They looked like pale laminar streaks. In the stem, these structures could be found in the parenchyma below the epidermis. Type C canals were located in the ovary and style. There were some glandular streaks, called `vittae' by Robson (1981), along the midrib of each carpel, and numerous vesicles in a `herringbone' pattern where the carpels joined each other (Fig. 3E). Although they were frequently visible in the ¯ower, they tended to enlarge and become prominent in the fruit. There were no anatomical dierences between the vittae and the vesicles. Localization of the translucent glands and secretory canals is shown in Table 1. Ontogenesis of the secretory structures Glandular pockets and type B canals showed a typical schizogenous development and had the same ontogenesis. At the earliest stages of ontogenesis, a type B canal appeared as a cluster of cells in contact with the lower (abaxial) epidermis (Fig. 2A). Each of these cells was usually larger than any of its neighbours and all had thin walls. At the next stage, the lumen of the canal became evident and undierentiated secretory cells (Fig. 2B) surrounded it. As the structure grew, these cells proliferated (Fig. 2C) and two layers of cells delimited the internal cavity. The internal layer consisted of secretory cells with a dense cytoplasm and large vacuoles, and the outer layer was made up of ¯attened parenchymatous cells forming a sheath (Fig. 2C). As the cavity expanded, the cells of the internal layer became ¯attened and the cellular lumen was occupied by a large vacuole that pushed the cytoplasm close to the wall. These cells had thin walls, whereas the cells of the sheath had thick walls (Fig. 2D). At maturity, the secretory cells appeared empty, and the sheath was composed of some modi®ed epidermal cells, which had a narrower cellular lumen and a less cutinized external wall than the neighbouring epidermal cells (Figs 1E and F). In the sepal, the mature structure occupied the entire thickness of the mesophyll and came into contact with the two epidermes (abaxial and adaxial) (Fig. 2E). At the earliest stages of ontogenesis, a type C canal appeared as a cluster of dividing cells in contact with the external epidermis of the pistil (Fig. 2F). Each of these cells was usually smaller than any of its neighbours and all had thin walls. As the pistil grew, these cells proliferated (Fig. 2G) and the lumen of the canal became evident, generally in an eccentric position, and surrounded by undierentiated secretory cells. During cavity expansion, there were many irregularly arranged secretory cells with a dense cytoplasm, and a sheath was formed by one or two layers of ¯attened parenchymatous cells (Fig. 2H). The intermediate stages of development showed an irregularlyenlarging cavity containing rows of cells, some undergoing lysis (Fig. 2I). At maturity, the canal consisted of a wide lumen surrounded by one or more irregular layers of secretory cells (Fig. 1G), which became very ¯at and degenerate (Fig. 2L). Residual cells which had lysed during the formation of the lumen were also visible. As in type B canals, the sheath was composed of some modi®ed epidermal cells. A fully dierentiated type C canal occupied almost the entire thickness of the carpel, but most of the secretory cells appeared empty and inactive. As the early stages of ontogenesis of type A canals were very dicult to observe because of the presence of so few cells in these structures, only the mature structure is described here (Fig. 1C). Histochemistry Results of the histochemical analyses are shown in Table 2. The secretory canals and translucent glands stained positively for the presence of alkaloids, lipids, resins and essential oils (Table 2, Fig. 3A±I). However, there were dierences in the composition of the secretion depending on the organ involved. Unlike type B canals, type A canals did not show essential oils (with the exception 640 Ciccarelli et al.ÐTranslucent Glands and Secretory Canals of Hypericum perforatum L. Ciccarelli et al.ÐTranslucent Glands and Secretory Canals of Hypericum perforatum L. 641 T A B L E 2. Histochemistry of secretory structures in the ¯oral and vegetative parts of H. perforatum Petals Alkaloids Pectic-like substances Lipids Resins Essential oils Proteins Tannins Sepals Pistil Leaf Stem Root Type A canals Type B canals* Type A canals Type B canals* Type A canals Type C canals Type A canals Translucent glands Type A canals Type B canals Type A canals ± ± ± ± ± ± + ± ± ± ± ± ± + ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± + , Positive; +, weak positive; ±, negative. * The results of histochemical tests for the translucent glands gave the same response as those for type B canals. of type A canals in the pistil). The translucent glands of the leaf stained negatively for resins, but positively for essential oils. The test for tannins gave a positive response in the type B canals of the sepals and petals (Fig. 3L), and in the type A canals of the root and stem. DISCUSSION H. perforatum is characterized by the presence of dierent types of internal secretory cavity: translucent glands and three dierent types of secretory canals with dierent shapes, ontogenesis and localization. The frequency and diversity of these secretory structures is evidence of the intense secretory activity of the species. Distribution of the translucent glands and secretory canals varied among dierent organs and they were not always present at the same time. Spheroidal translucent glands are typically found in the leaf, making this organ look perforated. In the sepals and petals there are oblong translucent glands, though fewer than in the leaf. Canals of diering length (type B canals) are present in the stem, sepals and petals. They dier from the translucent glands in their length. Both glands and type B canals are located in the parenchyma of dierent organs, far from the veins. According to Curtis and Lersten (1990), translucent glands and type B canals have a schizogenous origin. The canals located in the ovary and subsequently in the fruit (type C) are particularly signi®cant. Robson (1981) showed that the ovary walls of Hypericum include resin-containing canals or glands, which tend to enlarge and become prominent in the fruit. These structures have a characteristic distribution, which varies depending on the species, and they have not been fully characterized from the morphological and anatomical points of views (but note the data on H. elodes L.; Bottega et al., 1999). The ontogenesis of type C canals described here is similar to that described by Curtis and Lersten (1990) for cavities in the leaves of Hypericum balearicum L., and is a combination of schizogenous and lysigenous development. In the Asteraceae, where secretory reservoirs of dierent shapes and lengths occur, dierent developmental pathways of the lumen have also been reported in various species: schizogeny, as in the spheroidal cavities of Conyza canadiensis (L.) Cronq. (Lersten and Curtis, 1987); and lysigeny, as in the secretory cavities of Porophyllum lanceolatum DC. (Monteiro et al., 1995). In H. perforatum, there seem to be two dierent and simultaneous patterns of development (schizogeny and schizolysigeny). Further studies, especially from an ultrastructural point of view, could provide more information on lumen development and the cytological features of the secretory cells of these canals. Type A canals have not previously been described for H. perforatum, except for some dated and incomplete studies (Green, 1884; Weill, 1903; Metcalfe and Chalk, 1950). They have been studied in H. elodes (Bottega et al., 1999), where they showed the same localization as that observed here in H. perforatum. Type A canals are associated with veins, especially in the phloem, and are also present in other families of angiosperms (Metcalfe and Chalk, 1950). Because of the presence of so many types of secretory tissue, it appears that all of the epigeal and hypogeal organs F I G . 2. Ontogenesis of the secretory canals of Hypericum perforatum: A, cross section of small ¯ower bud with unopened type B canal appearing as a cluster of cells in contact with lower (abaxial) epidermis (toluidine blue, 900); B, cross section of ¯ower bud with the lumen of a type B canal becoming evident (toluidine blue, 730); C, cross section of young petal showing a type B canal with enlarged central space and two layers of cells which delimit the internal cavity: the inner layer consisting of secretory cells with a dense cytoplasm, and the outer layer made up of ¯attened parenchyma cells forming a sheath (toluidine blue, 730); D, cross section of petal with an almost mature type B canal showing the ¯attened cells of the internal layer with thin walls, and the thick-walled cells of the sheath (toluidine blue, 550); E, cross section of sepal, where a mature type B canal occupies the entire thickness of the mesophyll and is in contact with the two epidermes (toluidine blue, 400); F, cross section of small ¯ower bud, where an early type C canal appears as a cluster of dividing cells in contact with the external epidermis of the pistil (toluidine blue, 680); G, cross section of ¯ower bud showing a young type C canal with a narrow lumen (arrow), in an eccentric position (toluidine blue, 500); H, cross section of young pistil, showing an opened type C canal with many irregularly arranged secretory cells with dense cytoplasm, and a sheath (toluidine blue, 500); I, cross section of pistil showing an intermediate stage of opening of a type C canal with an irregularly-enlarging cavity containing rows of cells, some undergoing lysis (arrow) (toluidine blue, 500); L, cross section of mature pistil showing a mature type C canal with irregular layers of secretory cells which are very ¯at and degenerate (arrows) (toluidine blue, 250). 642 Ciccarelli et al.ÐTranslucent Glands and Secretory Canals of Hypericum perforatum L. Ciccarelli et al.ÐTranslucent Glands and Secretory Canals of Hypericum perforatum L. of H. perforatum are involved in the production of secondary metabolites. Histochemical tests revealed localization of alkaloids, lipids, resins, essential oils and tannins; this is in accordance with recent chemical studies (Dionis'ev and Chernomaz, 1938; Zolotnitskaya, 1954; Mathis and Ourisson, 1964a, b, c, d; BerghoÈfer, 1987; Roth, 1990; Brantner et al., 1994; Bombardelli and Morazzoni, 1995; Nahrsted and Butterweck, 1997). These secondary metabolites are important in interactions of the plant with its abiotic and biotic environment (Harborne, 1993). The function of type A canals, which are associated with veins, could be to transport photosynthates and protect the phloem (Williams, 1954). Glandular pockets and type B and C canals produce biologically active metabolites (alkaloids, essential oils, tannins, etc.), which may protect the plant against herbivores and parasites (Harborne, 1993). In particular, the type C canals of the ovary, which enlarge in the fruit, could play a defensive role in seeds. Other chemical studies have identi®ed additional secondary metabolites, such as naphthodianthrones, phloroglucinols and ¯avonoids, which are of interest from a pharmacological point of view (Bombardelli and Morazzoni, 1995; Nahrsted and Butterweck, 1997). The naphthodianthrones hypericin and pseudohypericin are characteristic of the black nodules and they are not present in either glands or canals (Mathis and Ourisson, 1963; Bombardelli and Morazzoni, 1995; Nahrsted and Butterweck, 1997). It has not been possible to locate phloroglucinols as there is currently no reliable histochemical test for these compounds. 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