Chapter 7 Sec. 2 Bone Structure

Chapter 7
Sec. 2 Bone Structure
Waleed Othman
Yhesmein Alhassan
Ali Sobh
Bone Structure
Bones in the skeletal system develop similarly, have closely
related functions, and are structured practically the same.
Bone Classification
Bones in our body are classified by shape, their are five types.
Long bones - They have expanded ends and long longitudinal axes.
Ex:Forearm and Thigh bones
Short bones - cube like structure and their lengths and widths are generally
the same or close. Ex: Bones found in your wrists and ankles
Flat bones - Broad platelike surfaces. Ex: the ribs
Irregular bones - Variety of shapes and sizes and are usually connected to
multiple bones. Ex: Vertebrae and many facial bones
Sesamoid bones (round) - Small and inside of tendons adjacent to joints.
Ex:The knee cap
Another example of a long bone is a femur. The femur is located in the thigh and
is the longest bone in the body.
Parts of a long bone
Epiphysis: the epiphysis forms a joint with another bone and is located at the end
of each bone and there are two types.
Proximal: Nearest to the center of the body.
Distew: Farthest from the center of the body.
Parts of a long bone cont.
Articular cartilage: Hyaline cartilage coats the epiphysis.
● Between the epiphysis is the shaft of the bone which in this case is called
Periosteum: A tough vascular fibrous tissue which encloses the bone
completely except for the ends.
● Firmly attached to the bone
● Helps form and repair bone tissue
Parts of a long bone cont.
The walls of the diaphysis are mainly composed of compact bone.
● Tightly packed; No space
The walls of the epiphyses are composed of spongy bone.
● Has thin layers of compact bone
● Both bones are strong and resist bending
Parts of a long bone cont.
Compact bone in the diaphysis of a long bone form a tube which has a hollow
chamber called the medullary cavity. (pg. 132)
● These areas are lined by cells called endosteum
● Filled with bone marrow (soft connective tissue)
Microscopic Structure
Bone Cells called osteocytes have small bony chambers called “lacunae”
Lacunae forms concentric circles around central canals
Osteocytes communicate with nearby cells by a cellular process called
Microscopic Structure Cont.
Extracellular matrix of bone tissue is composed of collagen/inorganic salts.
● Collagen gives bones their strength and resilience
● Inorganic salts harden the bone making it more resistant to being
Each central canal contains blood vessels/nerve fibers that are surrounded by
loose connective tissue
● Blood in the vessels are there for nourishment of the bone cells (that are
associated with central canals)
Microscopic Structure Cont….. Again
Central Canals
● Extend longitudinally through bone tissue
● Transverse perforating canals (Volkmann's canals)
Perforating Canals
● Contains larger blood vessels/nerve fibers in the central canal
● Communicates with the surface of the bone/medullary cavity