Social Dimensions of Food in the Prehistory of the Eastern Balkans and Neighbouring Areas International Academy Conference Heidelberg 30 April –2 May 2015 Venue: Akademie der Wissenschaften Karlstr. 4 69117 Heidelberg Akademie der Wissenschaften Karlstr. 4, 69117 Heidelberg Date: 30 April – 2 May 2015 Beginning: Thursday, 30 April 2014, 9:00 a.m. PROGR AM THURSDAY, 30 APRIL 2015 ver since the definition of the Neolithic Revolution by Vere Gordon Childe, prehistorians have been aware of the crucial importance of food for the understanding of prehistoric developments. Numerous studies have classified and described cooking ware, hearths and ovens, have studied food residues and more recently also stable isotopes in skeletal material. However, we have not yet succeeded in integrating traditional, functional perspectives on nutrition and semiotic approaches (e.g. dietary practices as an identity marker) with current research in the fields of Food Studies and Material Culture Studies. This conference focuses on practices of food production and consumption in its social dimensions from the Mesolithic to the Early Iron Age in the Eastern Balkans and their neighbouring regions. We understand the Eastern Balkans as the region between Anatolia and the Aegean Sea on one side and Central Europe and the Eurasian steppe regions on the other side. The prehistoric inhabitants of the Eastern Balkans were repeatedly confronted with foreign knowledge and practices of food production and consumption which they integrated and thereby transformed into their life. On the basis of a transdisciplinary perspective, we intend to shed new light on the various social dimensions of food in a synchronous as well as diachronic perspective. 9:00 9:45 10:30 14:30 15:00 15:30 11:30 R I C H A R D P. E V E RS H E D Probing Patterns of Diet and Subsistence in the Neolithic Balkan Region using Lipid Residues in Pottery 12:00 16:00 COF F E E BR E A K 16:30 H A S K E L J. G R E E N FI E L D 17:00 17:30 10:00 LU NCH BR E A K 18:00 CA R L O S T O R N E RO | S T E P H A N I E B R E H A R D 14:30 M A RI E BA L AS S E | CA R L O S T O R N E RO A L LOW E N E V I N | A N N E T R ES S E T D E L P H I N E F R É M O N D E AU | J O Ë L U G H E T T O N O R B E R T B E N EC K E T H O M AS CU C C H I | A D RI A N BĂL ĂŞESCU The Place of Domestic Pig in the Romanian Gumelniţa (5th Millennium BC): Insights from the Zooarchaeological Analysis of Borduşani-Popină, Hârşova-Tell and Vităneşti Măgurice 15:00 COF F E E BR E A K 15:30 AGAT H E R E I N G RU B E R Dishes Reheated: Secondary Burnt Pottery Inventories of the 5th Millennium BC from Pietrele, Romania 16:00 K RU M BACVA ROV | J O H N GO RC Z Y K VAS S I L N I KO LOV Soziale Dimensionen des Salzes in der späten Urgeschichte des Ost-Balkans Of Pits and Bones: Social Context of Animals at the Neolithic Site of Sarnevo in Thrace 16:30 LU NCH BR E A K E VA ROS E N S T O C K | RO B E R T M A R T I N M A RCUS G RO ß Body Height, Burial Depths and Grave Goods in Later Southeastern European Prehistory: A Comparison of Proxies for Nutritional, Social and Material Status JAS N A V U KOV I Ć Food Processing in the Neolithic of the Central Balkans: Pottery Evidence 19:30 A D RI A N BĂL ĂŞESCU | M A R I E BA L AS S E Eating Out: Places of Consumption and Food Preparation in Neolithic Settlements Zur Nahrungsversorgung mit Tierprodukten in Siedlungen Thrakiens im Zeitraum Neolithikum bis Eisenzeit 12:30 14:00 KOS TAS KO T SA K I S Ceramics, Carcasses, and Cooking in Neolithic Greece: Towards an Integrated Approach O LGA PE RI Ć Problems with Pigs Animal Palaeoeconomy in the Hamangia Culture VA L AS I A I SA A K I DO U | PAU L H A L S T E A D 12:00 A DI N A BO RO N E A N T‚ | CAT RI O N A PI C K A R D Breath of Change: Food and Pottery in the Course of the Neolithic in Northern Greece 11:00 Food Practices in Early Neolithic Settlement of Drenovac: Archaeobotanical and Archaeozoological Study C LI V E BO N SA L L | L ÁS Z LÓ BA R T OS I EW I C Z VA L E N T I N R A DU COF F E E BR E A K 11:30 13:30 DUS H K A U R EM - KO T SO U 10:30 I VA N A S T OJA N OV I Ć | ÐU R ÐA O B R A DOV I Ć Painted Pottery and Culinary Practices: Use-alteration Analysis of Middle Neolithic Painted Pottery from the Site Starčevo-Grad Salt in European Prehistory: Social and Economic Considerations 13:00 9:30 Chair: Maria Ivanova M A R I A GU ROVA Prehistoric Agriculture Toolkits in Diachronic Perspective: Case Study from Bulgaria Feasting during the Early Neolithic of the Central Balkans: The Fauna from Blagotin, Serbia L ÁS Z LÓ BA R T OS I EW I C Z A N T H O N Y H A R DI N G M AT E JA H U L I N A | CY N T H I A N N E D E BO N O S PI T E RI Ancient Lipid Residues Provide Evidence for the Use of Dairy Products since Early Neolithic Phases in Croatia “Herd” Mentality 12:30 R A I KO K R AU ß T I H O M I L A T E Ž A K- G R EG L Neolithic Taboos in Anatolia and Southeast Europe COF F E E BR E A K M A R I A I VA N OVA Ernährungsstrategien während des Frühneolithikums im Balkan-Karpatengebiet N E R I S SA RUS S E L L 11:00 9:00 Stories Behind the Stones: Grinding Technology and the Farming Expansion in the Balkans RICHARD WILK Pass the Fish Please: How Taste Mediates Culture, Subsistence, and Trade T SV E TA N A P O P OVA | K R AS S I M I R L ES H TA KOV Early Neolithic House (Family) Farming. Yabalkovo Case Study BO G DA N AT H A N AS SOV Pepper Roaster: Preserving Food for the Winter in Urban Spaces in Late 20th Century AD Bulgaria 10:00 14:00 PH I L I PP W. S T O C K H A M M E R Food for Thought: The Potential of Food Studies for Prehistoric Archaeology Third Session Neolithic and Copper Age Chair: Bogdan Athanassov, Desislava Takorova Second Session Early and Middle Neolithic Chair: Vanya Petrova W E LCOM E & I N T RODUCT ION First Session Theories and Overarching Approaches Chair: Joseph Maran 9:15 FRIDAY, 1 MAY 2015 CON F E R E NCE DI N N E R 19:00 DI N N E R Social Dimensions of Food in the Prehistory of the Eastern Balkans and Neighbouring Areas O R G A N I Z AT I O N : Heidelberg | Maria Ivanova Philipp Stockhammer Sofia | Bogdan Athanassov Vanya Petrova Desislava Takorova PROGR AM SATURDAY, 2 MAY 2015 Fourth Session Bronze Age & Iron Age Chairs: Bogdan Athanassov, Desislava Takorova 9:00 SO U LTA N A M A RI A VA L A M O T I Plant Foods in Daily Meals and Feasting in Prehistoric Northern Greece 9:30 14:00 14:30 11:00 S T E LI OS A N D R EO U The Politics of Food Production and Consumption in the Bronze Age Communities of Northern Greece 11:30 [email protected] Diet and Mobility: Were the LBA Inhabitants in the East Balkans Semi-sedentary? PD Dr. Maria Ivanova & PD Dr. Philipp W. Stockhammer E L E N A M A R I N OVA | H RI S T O P O P OV Institute for Prehistory and Early History and Near Eastern Archaeology Heidelberg University Marstallhof 4 69117 Heidelberg Germany HEIDELBERGER AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN Social Dimensions of Food Karlstr. 4 69117 Heidelberg Telefon 0 62 21 | 54 32 65 | -66 Telefax 0 62 21 | 54 33 55 [email protected] in the Prehistory of the Eastern Balkans and d Neighbouring Areas J O H N GO RC Z Y K | BO G DA N AT H A N AS SOV PH I L I PP S T O C K H A M M E R Food from the Forest: Social Aspects of Hunting at a 12th Century BC Fortified Site in Southwestern Bulgaria Das Vermögen und die Vielfalt der Zutaten. Hinweise auf hierarchische Dimensionen im pfl anzlichen Fundmaterial Südosteuropas COF F E E BR E A K K R AS S I M I R L ES H TA KOV Spätbronzezeitliche und Eisenzeitliche pfl anzliche Nahrung aus der Höhensiedlung Kusch Kaja, Ostrhodopen, Bulgarien H E LM U T K RO L L 10:30 CONTACT: I VA N K A H R I S T OVA R A L F G L ES E R | E L E N A M A R I N OVA Continuity and Innovations of the Plant Based Food during the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age in the Micro-region of Drama, Southeastern Bulgaria 10:00 13:30 Chair: Philipp W. Stockhammer 15:00 COF F E E BR E A K 15:30 F I NA L DISC US SION 19:00 DI N N E R AMY NICODEMUS Food, Status, and Power: Animal Production and Consumption Practices during the Carpathian Basin Bronze Age 12:00 International Academy Conference, Heidelberg 30 April – 2 May 2015 K R AS S I M I R N I KOV | E L E N A M A R I N OVA I VA N K A H R I S T OVA | H RI S T O P O P OV Food Supply and Disposal at Late Bronze and Iron Age Ada Tepe: Archaeobotanical Aspects of Diet, Plant Economy, and Waste Management LU NCH BR E A K Photo: iStock 12:30 Cover picture: Depas vessels from Troy. From: Exhibition catalogue “Troia. Traum und Wirklichkeit”, Stuttgart 2001, fig. 399. HEIDELBERGER AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN Akademie der Wissenschaften des Landes Baden-Württemberg
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