Long Division Guided Notes Dividing is the act of separating the whole (dividend) into equal parts (divisor). Simply stated, how many times (quotient) can the parts (_______________) fit into the whole (_______________)? Division is really repeated subtraction! (Just like multiplication is repeated addition!) Example: quotient 24 ÷ 6 = 4 → 24 – 6 = 18 – 6 = 12 – 6 = 6 – 6 = 0 (6 fits into 24, 4 equal times) dividend divisor . Five Steps of Division (Mnemonic Device) 1. Divide (Does) 2. Multiply (McDonald’s) (*Repeat steps until there are no more 3. Subtract (Sell) digits to bring down and then place 4. Check (remainder) (Cheese – remainder with quotient.) 5. Bring Down Next Digit Burgers?) Sample problem: 425 ÷ 25 (note: When re-‐writing a standard division problem as a long division problem remember the following. The 1st number, the dividend, goes in the “house,” the 2nd number, the divisor, goes in front, the work belongs in the “basement,” while the answer, or quotient, is placed on the “roof!”) Divide Multiply Subtract Check Bring Down Divided Multiply Subtract Check Bring Down Divide Multiply Subtract Check Bring Down STEPS 4 ÷ 25 = (____) 0 x divisor (25) = (____) 4 – product (0) = (____) Is the remainder (4) less than the divisor (25)? the next digit (____) (42) ÷ 25 = (____) 1 x divisor (25) = (____) 42 – product (25) = (____) Is the remainder (17) less than the divisor (25)? the next digit (____) (175) ÷ 25 = (____) 7 x divisor (25) = (_____) 175 – product (_____) = 0 Is the remainder (0) less than the divisor (25)? the next digit *THERE ARE NO MORE DIGITS! PROBLEM DONE. 25 425 Long Division Practice Problems Name: ________________________________________________ Exponents and Order of Operations Date: ____________________ Core: _________________ Instructions: Solve each problem and show work. Do the word problems on the back of this handout. 1) 13 3341 3) 55000 ÷ 11 = 2) 27 13959 4) 713 ÷ 23 !"#$ 5) 7) 8) !!"# ! 6) !! Judah was putting together brown bag lunches for the school field trip to the RDU International Airport. Each lunch needed 4 Oreos, and Jonah had a box of 350 Oreos, how many brown bag lunches would have Oreos? How many Oreos are left over? Mr. Lee is in charge of baggage security at RDU and must equally divided 204 people into 12 checkout lines. How many passengers will fit into each line?
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