Palm Beach Central High School 2016-2017 Course Selection Sheet Grade 10 11 12 Name____________________________________________Student#______________________Phone#______________________ FAILURE TO RETURN A SIGNED COURSE SELECTION SHEET BY THE DEADLINE WILL RESULT IN COURSES BEING SELECTED FOR YOU WITHOUT THE OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE THEM. We (parent & student) agree that the choices below will be accepted as my schedule for the entire school year. I understand that every effort will be made to honor elective choices, but that if my choices are not available I will be enrolled in available elective. Students scoring low levels in reading must receive support services. Due to class size reduction mandates, academic courses may be offered through Florida Virtual School and other online options. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Student Signature ______________ Parent Signature Counselor Initials Directions for completing course selection sheet •Review course selection with your specific subject area teacher for appropriate leave course placement. •Mark an “X” on the (___) to the left of each course title you would like to take. •Select 6 electives and number 1-6 in order of preference with #1 being the most desired. •Course titles with an * to the right REQUIRE a teacher’s signature. •Course Descriptions can be found on edline and on PBCHS website: Language Arts Science (Continued) ___English 2 1001340 ___English 2 ESE* 1001340E ___English 2 ELL* 1002310P ___English 2 Honors* 1001350 ___English 3 1001370 ___English 3 ESE* 1001370E ___English 3 ELL* 1002320P ___English 3 Honors* 1001380 ___English 4 1001400 ___English 4 ESE* 1001400E ___English 4 ELL* 1002520P ___English 4 Honors* 1001410 ___Classic Literature & Contemp. Literature Hon. 1020830/1020840 ___AICE English Language AS (10th grade)* 1001550A ___AICE English Language AS (11th grade)* 1001550B ___AICE General Papers AS * 1009360 ___AICE English Language AL (pre req. AICE English Lang AS)* 1001551 ___AICE English Lang/Literature* 1001555 ___AICE English Literature 1 AS* 1005370 ___Earth Space Science Honors* ___Genetics Honors* ___Marine Science ___AP Environmental Science (must co-register with Biology Honors)* ___Pre-AICE Chemistry* ___Pre-AICE Marine Science* ___Pre-AICE Physic* ___AICE Biology 2 AL(pre req Biology Honors)* ___AICE Chemistry AS (pre req Pre-AICE Chemistry)* ___AICE Environmental Management AS* ___AICE Marine Science 1 AS(pre req AP Environmental Science)* ___AICE Marine Science A (pre req AICE Marine Science AS)* ___AICE Physics 1 AS (pre req Physics 1 Honors & Algebra)* Intensive Reading (Placement based on test scores) ___Intensive 10 ___Intensive 10 ESE ___Intensive 10 ELL ___Intensive 11 ___Intensive 11 ESE ___Intensive 11 ELL ___Intensive 12 ___Intensive 12 ESE ___Intensive 12 ELL 1000410B 0000405 0000416 1000410C 0000405 0000420 1000410D 0000412 0000420 Mathematics ___Advanced Topics Math (pre req Algebra 2)* ___Algebra 1* ___Algebra 1 ESE* ___Algebra 1 ELL* ___Algebra 2* ___Geometry* ___Geometry ESE* ___Geometry ELL* ___Liberal Arts Math 2* ___Liberal Arts Math 2 ESE* ___Math College Readiness (pre req Geometry)* ___Probability/Stats Honors* ___Pre-Calculus Honors* ___Calculus Honors* ___AP Calculus AB* ___AP Calculus BC* ___AP Stats* ___Pre-AICE Math 2 (Geo Honors equivalent)* ___Pre-AICE Math 3 (Alg 2 Honors equivalent)* ___AICE Math 1 AS (pre req Pre-AICE math 3 or permission)* 1298310 1200310 1200310K 1200310P 1200330 1206310 1206310E 1206310P 1207310 1207310E 1200700 1210300 1202340 1202300 1202310 1202320 1210320 1209820 1209825 1202352 Science ___Anatomy Physiology Honors* ___Biology 1 ___Biology 1 ESE* ___Biology 1 ELL* ___Biology 1 Honors* ___Biotechnology 1* ___Chemistry* ___Earth Space Science ___Earth Space Science ESE* 2000360 2000310 2000310E 2000310P 2000320 3027010 2003340 2001310 2001310E 2001320 2000440 2002500 2001380 2003372 2003432 2000323 2003371 2001381 2002515 2002535 2003431 Social Studies ___World History 2109310 ___World History ESE* 2109310E ___World History ELL* 2109310P ___World History Honors* 2109320 ___US History 2100310 ___US History ESE* 2100310E ___US History ELL* 2100310P ___US History Honors* 2100320 ___Econ/Am Government 0000480 (2102335/2106310) ___Econ/Am Government ESE* 2102335E/2106310E ___Econ/Am Government ELL* 2102335P/2106310P ___Econ Honor/Am Gov. Honors* 0000485(2102345/2106320) ___AP US Gov./Pol and AP Micro Econ* 2106420/2102360 ___AICE International History Studies AS* 2100490 ___AICE US History AS* 2100500 ___AICE Econ 1 AL* 2102322 Electives: Business and Technology ___Digital Information Technology ___Foundations of Web Design 1* 8207310 9001110 (pre req Introduction to Information Tech) ___User Interface Web Design (pre req Foundations of Web Design 1)* 9001120 ___Digital Design (pre req User Interface of Web Design)* 8209510 ___AICE Business Studies AS* 2102324 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___Technical Design 1 ___Technical Design 2* ___Technical Design 3* ___Advance Technology Apps Honors* ___AICE Art & Design/Graphic Design* 8401010 8401020 8401030 8601900 0106320 Fine Arts ___2/D Art 1 (Drawing and Painting) ___2/D Art 2* ___2/D Art 3* ___2/D Design Photo ___Ceramic Pottery 1 ___Ceramic Pottery 2 (pre req Ceramic Pottery 1)* ___Ceramic Pottery 3 Honors* ___AP Studio Art 2/D* ___AP Studio Art 3/D* ___AP Art/Drawing Portrait* ___AICE Art & 2/D Design/Photo AS* ___AICE Art & 2/D Design/Photo A* ___AICE Art & Design/Graphic Design* 0101300 0101310 0101320 0108310 0102300 0102310 0102320 0109350 0109360 0104300 0108360 0101371 0106320 Electives: Social Studies Electives (Yearlong) NOTE: All Band, Choral and Theatre courses will require extra rehearsals and performances beyond the school day. ___African History & African American History 2109330/2100340 ___Latin American History 2100360 ___Research 1 (Holocaust International)*(pre req Holocaust Studies) 1700300 ___Research 2 (Advanced Holocaust international)*(pre req Research 1) 1700310 ___AICE Economics AS* 2102321 ___AICE Economics AL* 2102322 ___AICE Geography AS* 2103410 ___AICE Global Perspectives AS* (required for AICE Diploma) 1700364 Band ___Band 2 (Concert)* ___Band 3 (Wind Ensemble-Audition)* ___Band 5 Honors (Wind Ensemble)* ___Band 6 Honors (Wind Ensemble)* ___Eurhythmics 2 (Color Guard-Audition)* ___Eurhythmics 3 (Color Guard-Audition)* ___Eurhythmics 4 (Color Guard-Audition)* ___Instrumental Ensemble 2* ___Instrumental Ensemble 3 (Jazz-Audition)* ___Instrumental Ensemble 4 Honors (Jazz-Audition)* ___Instrumental Techniques 2* ___Instrumental Techniques 3 (Percussion Ensemble)* ___Instrumental Techniques 4 Honors* ___Jazz Ensemble 2 (Audition)* ___Jazz Ensemble 3 (Audition)* ___Jazz Ensemble 4 Honors (Audition)* 1302310 1302320 1302340 1302350 1305310 1305320 1305330 1302470 1302480 1302490 1302430 1302440 1302450 1302510 1302520 1302530 Chorus ___Chorus H/L 1 (Girls) ___Chorus H/L 2 (Girls-Audition)* ___Chorus H/L 3 (Girls-Audition)* ___Chorus H/L 4 (Girls-Audition)* ___Chorus 1 (Boys) ___Chorus 2 ___Chorus 3 (Audition)* ___Chorus 4 (Advance Girls-Audition)* ___Chorus 5 Honors (Audition)* ___Chorus 6 Honors (Mixed-Audition)* ___Vocal Ensemble 1 (Auditions)* ___Vocal Ensemble 2 (Auditions)* ___Vocal Ensemble 3 (Traditions-Auditions)* ___Music World 1303360 1303370 1303380 1303390 1303300 1303310 1303320 1303330 1303340 1303350 1303440 1303450 1303460 1300340 Theatre ___Acting 2* ___Acting 3* ___Acting 4 Honors* ___Stagecraft 1 ___Stagecraft 2* ___Stagecraft 3* ___Stagecraft 4 Honors* ___Musical Theater 1 ___Musical Theater 2* ___Musical Theater 3* ___Theatre 1 ___Theatre 2* ___Theatre 3 Honors* ___Theatre 4 Honors* 0400380 0400390 0400400 0400410 0400420 0400430 0400440 0400700 0400710 0400720 0400310 0400320 0400330 0400340 1007330 1007340 1007350 1007360 1006300 1006310 1006320 1006330 1006331 1006332 1006333 1007300 Physical Education (Semester) ___Comp Fitness ___Individual Dual Sports 1 ___Individual Dual Sports 2 ___Personal Fitness ___Recreation ___Team Sports 1 ___Team Sports 2 ___Weight Training 1 ___Weight Training 2 (pre req Weight Training 1) ___Weight Training 3 (pre req Weight Training 2) 1501390 1502410 1502420 1501300 1502470 1503350 1503360 1501340 1501350 1501360 Physical Education (yearlong) ___AICE P. E. (pre req Biology Honors, 11 grade only) 3026020 Science Electives ___Exp. Science Honors 1 (Science Fair)* ___Exp. Science Honors 2 (Science Fair)* 2002340 2002350 Social Studies Electives (Semester) ___Career Research (Blended) ___Critical Thinking (Blended) ___Holocaust Studies Honors ___Humanities ___Law Studies ___Psychology ___Sociology 2100490 2107360 2107370 2108320 1700372 2102410 2100500 2100505 World Language – Not required for graduation, but 2 years of the same world language is needed for admission to a four-year University. **Placement test is required. ___French 1 ___French 2* ___French 3 Honors* ___Pre AICE French 2 (pre req Pre AICE French 1)** ___Pre AICE French 3 (pre req Pre AICE French 2)** ___AICE French AS (pre req Pre AICE French 3)* ___AICE French AL* ___Spanish 1 ___Spanish 2* ___Spanish 3 Honors* ___Spanish 4 Honors* ___Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2* ___Spanish for Spanish Speakers 3 Honors* ___Spanish for Spanish Speakers 4 Honors* ___AP Spanish Language* ___Pre AICE Spanish 2 (pre req Pre AICE Spanish 1)* ___Pre AICE Spanish 3 (pre req Pre ACIE Spanish 2)* ___AICE Spanish Language AL (pre req AICE Spanish AS)* ___AICE Spanish Language AS (pre req Pre AICE Spanish 3)* ___AP Spanish Literature 1700380 1700370 2109430 0900300 2106350 2107300 2108300 0701320 0701330 0701340 0701396 0701398 0701393 0701391 0708340 0708350 0708360 0708370 0709310 0709320 0709330 0708400 0708534 0708536 0708530 0708538 0708410 Dual Enrollment – 3.0 GPA and Counselor Approval Required ___5th Period 1st Semester 2nd Semester Year ___6th Period 1st Semester 2nd Semester Year ___7th Period 1st Semester 2nd Semester Year ___Early Admit (Seniors Only, 3.2 GPA-Full Time College) 0000141 0000396 0000397 0000140 Edgenuity/Credit Recovery ___1st Semester ___2nd Semester 2200300 2200310 FLVS ___Full Time FLVS Language Arts Electives ___Debate 1 ___Debate 2* ___Debate 3 Honors (pre req Debate 2)* ___Debate 4 Honors (pre req Debate 3)* ___Journalism 1 ___Journalism 2 (Newspaper)* ___Journalism 3 Honors (Yearbook)* ___Journalism 4 Honors (Newspaper)* ___Journalism 5 Honors (Yearbook)* ___Journalism 6 Honors (Newspaper)* ___Journalism 7 Honors (Yearbook)* ___Speech 1 (pre req Gen Papers and Thinking Skills or Permission) ___AICE International History AS* ___AICE Psychology AS* ___AICE Psychology AL (pre req AICE Psychology AS)* ___AICE Sociology AL* ___AICE Thinking Skills AS* ___AICE Travel and Tourism AS* ___AICE US History AS* ___AICE US History A (pre req AICE US History AS)* 0000811 OJT – (Off Campus) ___Blueprint for Success (Required) ___5th Period ___6th Period ___7th Period 8500375 8300430A 8300430B 8300430C Student Aide – (NO CREDIT CLASS) – 1 PERIOD MAXIMUM -Requirements: 2.75GPA, On Track For Graduation, Passed FSA and EOC’s, NO DISCIPLINE, Counselor Approval. ___1st Semester ___2nd Semester ___Year 6543210 Privilege – (NO CREDIT CLASS) Requirements: 2.5 GPA, On Track For Graduation, passed FSA and EOC’s, NO DISCIPLINE, Counselor Approval. ___1st Period Junior ___7th Period Junior ___1st Period Senior ___2nd Period Senior ___6th Period Senior ___7th Period Senior 1st Sem 2nd Sem 1st Sem 2nd Sem 1st Sem 2nd Sem 1st Sem 2nd Sem 1st Sem 2nd Sem 1st Sem 2nd Sem Year Year Year Year Year Year 0000151 0000157 0000101 0000102 0000106 0000156 Academy Classes- Must submit application to the Districts Choice Program! ___Civil Engineering & Architect* ___Culinary Arts 1* ___Culinary Arts 2* ___Culinary 3 & Directed Studies (2 pds)* ___Culinary 4 & Directed Studies (2 pds)* ___Digital Design* ___Digital Electronics* ___Foundations of Web Design 1* ___Introduction to Engineering Design* ___Digital Information Technology* ___Principles of Engineering* ___User Interface Design* 8600590A 8800510A 8800520A 8800530A/8801000 8800540A/8801000A 8209510A 8600530A 9001110A 8600550A 8207310A 8600520A 9001120A ESE Electives ___Learning Strategies 9-10 ___Learning Strategies 11-12 ___Learning Strategies ASD ___Social Personal Skills ___Social Personal Skills ASD 7963080E 0000451 0000304 7963070J 7963070E
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