Review CS243: Discrete Structures I Recursive definitions define functions, sets, sequences, etc. in terms of themselves Structural Induction I Just like inductive proofs, recursive definitions consist of base case and recursive step I Example: Recursive definition of the set of natural numbers N: Işıl Dillig 0∈N If x ∈ N, then x + 1 ∈ N Işıl Dillig, CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction Işıl Dillig, 1/30 Strings and Alphabets Recursive definitions play important role in study of strings I Strings are defined over an alphabet Σ I Example: Σ1 = {a, b} I Example: Σ2 = {0} I Examples of strings over Σ1 : a, b, aa, ab, ba, bb, . . . I Set of all strings formed from Σ forms language called Σ∗ 2/30 I The language Σ∗ has natural recursive definition: I Base case: ∈ Σ∗ (empty string) I Recursive step: If w ∈ Σ∗ and x ∈ Σ, then wx ∈ Σ∗ I Consider the alphabet Σ = {a, b} I How is the string ”abb” formed according to this definition? Σ∗2 = {, 0, 00, 000, . . .} Işıl Dillig, CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction Işıl Dillig, 3/30 Recursive Definitions of String Operations Işıl Dillig, Structural Induction Recursive Definition of Strings I I CS243: Discrete Structures CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction Another Example I Many operations on strings can be defined recursively. I The reverse of a string s is s written backwards. I Consider function l (w ) which yields length of string w I Example: Reverse of ”abc” is ”bca” I Example: Give recursive definition of l (w ) I Give a recursive definition of the reverse(s) operation I Base case: I Base case: I Recursive step: I Recursive step: CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction 4/30 5/30 Işıl Dillig, 1 CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction 6/30 Palindromes Structural Induction Motivation I We’ve illustrated many recursively defined sets and structures I A palindrome is a string that reads the same forwards and backwards I But how do we prove universally quantified properties about these structures? I Examples: ”mom”, ”dad”, ”abba”, ”Madam I’m Adam”, . . . I When we proved properties about recursively defined functions f (n), we performed induction on integer n I Give a recursive definition of the set P of all palindromes over the alphabet Σ = {a, b} I But if we are talking about sets or strings, there is no explicit integer n to perform induction on I Example: I Base cases: I Recursive step: Işıl Dillig, 3∈S If x ∈ S , and y ∈ S , then x + y ∈ S CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction 7/30 Işıl Dillig, Structural Induction to the Rescue CS243: Discrete Structures Stuctural induction is a technique that allows us to apply induction on recursive definitions even if there is no integer I Structural induction is also no more powerful than regular induction, but can make proofs much easier I I CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction 9/30 I a property P we’d like to prove about S Structural induction works as follows: CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction Consider the following recursively defined set S : I Consider the set S defined recursively as follows: I Base case: 3 ∈ S I Recursive step: If x ∈ S and y ∈ S , then x + y ∈ S Prove by structural induction that every element in S contains an equal number of right and left parantheses. I Prove S is set of all positive integers that are multiples of 3 I Base case: a has 0 left and 0 right parantheses I Let A be the set of all positive integers divisble by 3 I Inductive step: By the inductive hypothesis, x has equal number, say n, of right and left parantheses. I We want to show that A = S I To do this, we need to prove S ⊆ A and A ⊆ S I 10/30 Example 2 2. If x ∈ S , then (x ) ∈ S Işıl Dillig, a recursively defined structure S Işıl Dillig, 1. a ∈ S I I 2. Inductive step: Assuming P holds for sub-structures used in the recursive step of the definition, show that P holds for the recursively constructed structure. Example 1 I Suppose we have: 1. Base case: Prove P about base case in recursive definition Called structural induction because we do induction on the structure of the definition Işıl Dillig, 8/30 Structural Induction Overview I I Structural Induction Thus, (x ) has n + 1 left and n + 1 right parantheses. CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction Işıl Dillig, 11/30 2 CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction 12/30 Proof, Part I Proof, Part II Consider the set S defined recursively as follows: 3 ∈ S and if x ∈ S and y ∈ S , then x + y ∈ S I We showed that all integers in S are multiples of 3, but still need to show S includes all positive multiples of 3 I Therefore, need to prove that 3n ∈ S for all n ≥ 1 I We’ll prove this by strong induction on n: I Let’s first prove S ⊆ A, i.e., any element in S is divisible by 3 I For this, we’ll use structural induction I Base case (n=1): I Base case: I Inductive hypothesis: I Inductive step: I Need to show: Işıl Dillig, CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction Işıl Dillig, 13/30 Proving Correctness of Reverse I I Structural Induction 14/30 Proof of Correctness of Reverse, cont. Earlier, we defined a reverse(w ) function for length of strings: P (y) : ∀x ∈ Σ∗ . reverse(xy) = reverse(y) · reverse(x ) I Base case: reverse() = I Recursive step: reverse(wx ) = x · reverse(w ) where w ∈ Σ∗ and x ∈ Σ I Base case: I Need to show: I What is reverse(x · )? ∀x ∈ Σ∗ . reverse(xy) = reverse(y) · reverse(x ) I What is reverse() · reverse(x )? We’ll prove by structural induction that ∀y ∈ Σ∗ . P (y) holds, which is the desired property I Thus, P (y) holds for base case I Prove ∀x , y ∈ Σ∗ . reverse(xy) = reverse(y) · reverse(x ) I Let P (y) be the property I CS243: Discrete Structures Işıl Dillig, CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction Işıl Dillig, 15/30 Proof of Correctness of Reverse, cont. CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction 16/30 One More Reverse Example P (y) : ∀x ∈ Σ∗ . reverse(xy) = reverse(y) · reverse(x ) Işıl Dillig, I Inductive step: y = za where z ∈ Σ∗ and a ∈ Σ I Want to show: I reverse(xza) = I By the inductive hypothesis, reverse(xz ) = I Thus, a · reverse(xz ) = a · reverse(z ) · reverse(x ) I By definition, a · reverse(z ) = I Hence, reverse(xza) = reverse(za) · reverse(x ) CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction Işıl Dillig, 17/30 3 I Prove that reverse(reverse(s)) = s I We’ll prove this by structural induction I But need previous lemma for the proof to go through! I Base case: I Need to show: I reverse(reverse()) = reverse() = CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction 18/30 One More Reverse Example, cont. I Inductive step: s = wx where w ∈ Σ , x ∈ Σ I Want to show: I Using previously shown lemma, Structural vs. Strong Induction ∗ reverse(reverse(wx )) = reverse(reverse(x ) · reverse(w )) I I Structural induction may look different from other forms of induction, but it is an implicit form of strong induction I Intuition: We can define an integer k that represents how many times we need to use the recursive step in the definition I For base case, k = 0; if we use recursive step once, k = 1 etc. I Viewed this way, structural induction is just strong induction I In inductive step, assume P (i ) for 0 ≤ i ≤ k and prove P (k + 1) I But when using structural induction, you don’t have to make this argument in every proof! Again, using previous lemma, reverse(reverse(x ) · reverse(w )) = I By inductive hypothesis, reverse(reverse(w )) = I Also by IH, reverse(reverse(x )) = I Thus, reverse(reverse(w )) · reverse(reverse(x )) = wx Işıl Dillig, CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction 19/30 Işıl Dillig, Applications of Structural Induction CS243: Discrete Structures Structural induction will come up over and over again in CS classes I Algorithms: proving properties about data structures (e.g., trees) I Programming languages: proving properties about type systems I Automata theory: Proving properties about regular and context-free languages Işıl Dillig, CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction So far, saw three types of induction: 1. Mathematical (standard) induction 2. Strong induction 3. Structural induction 21/30 I (1), (2): used to prove properties about Z+ , N I (3): proofs about recursively defined structures I But all of them are special instances of a more general principle of induction Işıl Dillig, Well-Ordered Sets Işıl Dillig, 20/30 Mathematical vs. Strong vs. Structural Induction I I Structural Induction CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction 22/30 Generalized Induction I Inductive proofs can be used for any well-ordered set I More on these later, but intuitively, well-ordered sets: I Can use induction to prove properties of any well-ordered set: 1. have a least element I Base case: Prove property about least element in set 2. total order between elements: either a ≤ b or b ≤ a I Inductive step: To prove P (e), assume P (e 0 ) for all e 0 < e I Example: Z+ is well-ordered set with least element 1 I Example: Even positive integers is well-ordered set with least element 2 CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction I 23/30 Işıl Dillig, 4 Mathematical induction is just a special case of this CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction 24/30 Ordered Pairs of Natural Numbers Generalized Induction Example I I Consider the set N × N, pairs of non-negative integers I Let’s define the following order ≤ on this set: x1 < x2 (x1 , y1 ) ≤ (x2 , y2 ) if or x1 = x2 ∧ y1 ≤ y2 I This is an example of lexicographic order, which is a kind of total order I Therefore, (N × N, ≤) is a well-ordered set I Question: What is the least element of this set? Işıl Dillig, CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction a0,0 am,n 25/30 I I Proof is by induction on (m, n) where (m, n) ∈ (N × N, ≤) I Base case: I By recursive definition, a0,0 = 0 I 0 + 0 · 1/2 = 0; thus, base case holds. CS243: Discrete Structures a0,0 am,n I j (j + 1) 2 Want to show: CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction 27/30 am,n 26/30 Since recursive step of definition has two cases, we need to do proof by cases: I Case 1: k2 = 0, k1 > 0 I Case 2: k2 > 0 CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction 28/30 Example, cont. Show am,n = m + n(n + 1)/2 for: Show am,n = m + n(n + 1)/2 for: a0,0 Structural Induction = 0 am−1,n + 1 if n = 0 and m > 0 = am,n−1 + n if n > 0 Işıl Dillig, Example, cont. a0,0 = 0 am−1,n + 1 if n = 0 and m > 0 = am,n−1 + n if n > 0 I Case 1: k2 = 0, k1 > 0. Then, ak1 ,k2 = ak1 −1,k2 + 1 I Since (k1 − 1, k2 ) < (k1 , k2 ), inductive hypothesis applies. I By the IH, we know: ak1 −1,k2 = k1 − 1 + Işıl Dillig, Show that am,n = m + n(n + 1)/2 Show am,n = m + n(n + 1)/2 for: Inductive hypothesis: For all (0, 0) ≤ (i , j ) < (k1 , k2 ): Işıl Dillig, I I = 0 am−1,n + 1 if n = 0 and m > 0 = am,n−1 + n if n > 0 ai,j = i + I if n = 0 and m > 0 if n > 0 Example, cont. Show am,n = m + n(n + 1)/2 for: am,n = 0 am−1,n + 1 = am,n−1 + n Işıl Dillig, Inductive Step a0,0 Suppose that am,n is defined recursively for (m, n) ∈ N × N: k2 (k2 + 1) 2 But then ak1 ,k2 = ak1 −1,k2 + 1 = k1 + CS243: Discrete Structures am,n k2 (k2 +1) 2 Structural Induction 29/30 Işıl Dillig, 5 = 0 am−1,n + 1 = am,n−1 + n if n = 0 and m > 0 if n > 0 I Case 2: k2 > 0. Then, ak1 ,k2 = ak1 ,k2 −1 + k2 I Since (k1 , k2 − 1) < (k1 , k2 ), inductive hypothesis applies. I By the IH, we know: ak1 ,k2 −1 = I But then ak1 ,k2 = k1 + I ak1 ,k2 = k1 + k22 −k2 +2k2 2 k2 (k2 −1) 2 = k1 + + k2 k2 (k2 +1) 2 CS243: Discrete Structures Structural Induction 30/30
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